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Abbreviations for General Blood Analysis

20 Oct 2016


WBC - white blood cells

RBC - erythrocytes

HGB - hemoglobin

HCT - hematocrit

PLT - platelets

Erythrocyte indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC):

MCV - are recorded in the older forms like microcytosis, normocytosis, macrocytosis.

MCH - Color indicator of blood

MCHC - mean concentration of hemoglobin in the red blood cell rate of 320-370 g / l,

Use Phenotropil or Semax to remember!

Platelet indices (MPV, PDW, PCT):


# Absolute content

% Relative content

Leukocyte index:

LYM% (LY%) - lymphocytes.

MXD% - a mixture of monocytes, basophils and eosinophils, the rate of 5 - 10%

MXD # - rate of 0.2-0.8 x 109 / l.

NEUT%, NEUT # neutrophils.

MON #, MON monocytes

EO #, EO% - eosinophils.

BA #, BA% - basophils.

IMM #, IMM% - immature granulocytes.

ATL #, ATL% - atypical lymphocytes.

GR #, GR% - granulocytes.

Erythrocyte indices:


ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)


Why Creatine Phosphate (phosphocreatine) is ideal for athletes?

20 Oct 2016

Creatine phosphate (phosphocreatine) for injection analogue of Neoton plays a key role in energy supply of muscle contraction mechanism. In the myocardium and skeletal muscle creatine phosphate is a backup form of biochemical energy, which is used for the re-synthesis of ATP by hydrolysis provides the energy the process of muscle contraction. When muscle tissue ischemia creatine content in myocytes decreases rapidly, which is one of the leading causes of violations of contractility. Phosphocreatine improves myocardial metabolism (as well as Mildronate) and muscle tissue reduction slows cardiac contractility ischemia has cardioprotective effect on ischemic myocardium.

The experimental cardio-pharmacological studies have confirmed the metabolic role of creatine and its protective properties with respect to the myocardium:

a) Introduction of creatine has intramuscular dose-dependent protective effect in various cardiomyopathies induced: isoprenaline rats and pigeons, thyroxine rats, guinea pigs emetine, p-nitrophenol in rats;

b) Creatine phosphate having positive inotropic action on isolated frog heart, guinea pig, rat, and under glucose limitation, Ca2 + or K + overdose;

c) Creatine phosphate counteracts the negative inotropic effects induced by anoxia in the isolated atrium of guinea pig;

g) Addition of creatine in cardioplegic solutions enhances myocardial protection in various experimental models, both in isolated organ, and in vivo:

- Heart rat cardiopulmonary bypass and coronary perfusion of the heart is stopped with cardioplegic solutions supplemented with creatine in conditions like rules, and during hypothermia protects against ischemic heart injury; This protective effect of adding potassium, magnesium and procaine creatine is optimal at a concentration of 10 mmol / l;

- Running on an isolated rat heart, in terms of regional ischemia (15 min ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery) predishemicheskoe infusional creatine phosphate (10 mmol / L) has a protective effect against the development of reperfusion arrhythmia;

- On the isolated dog heart and in vivo (in a normal and hypertrophic heart) after cardiac arrest using potassium solutions perfusion of cardioplegic solutions with creatine plays a protective role; thus recorded a decrease of ATP and phosphocreatine degradation, preservation of mitochondrial structure and sarcolemma, improving functional recovery after reperfusion arrhythmias;

- On the pig heart in vivo conditions in the circulatory shunt adding creatine in cardioplegic solutions provides the best protection of the myocardium;

e) Creatine phosphate has a protective role in experimental myocardial infarction and coronary occlusion:

- Dogs during experimental myocardial infarction, obtained by ligation of the circumflex artery, the introduction of creatine phosphate (200 mg / kg bolus followed by infusion of 5 mg / kg / min) stabilizes hemodynamic parameters has antiarrhythmic and antifibrillyatorny effects, prevents a decrease of the contractile function of the heart during ischemia , thereby limiting infarct expansion;

- In rats with coronary ligature phosphocreatine overlay reduces the incidence and duration of ventricular fibrillation;

- Intravenous infusion of creatine reduces the infarct area in the rabbit and cat after coronary artery ligation;

e) The effect of creatine Cardioprotecting connected with the stabilization of the sarcolemma, preserving cellular adenine nucleotide pool to inhibit the enzymes of nucleotide catabolism by preventing the degradation of phospholipids in ischemic myocardium, can improve microcirculation in ischemic areas and inhibit ADP-induced platelet aggregation.


Why Hypoxen is ideal for athletes?

20 Oct 2016

Because in contrast to the common stimulants that activate the body due to an emergency mobilization of energy resources and resulting in stage of compensation to deep disturbances, Hypoxen takes the body to a more favorable mechanism of energy expenditure, ie, glycolytic aerobic oxidation. In this case the energy output is increased by 19 times since anaerobic glycolysis in the processing of one molecule of glucose produced 2 molecules of ATP, and when connected aerobic way - 38 molecules of ATP

Because Hypoxen increases the body's ability to carry more load capacity and length, which leads to an increase in muscle mass.

Because Hypoxen allows the body to more easily adapt to the increased load, which is especially important for beginners.

It is proved that the volume of work performed, the length of a load and the maximum load capacity on the background of Hypoxen increases by at least 40%!

You can also try Phenotropil and Dexamethazone!

Hypoxen is not doping. The results showed that in the sample of Hypoxen were found doping drugs and their metabolites.

Hypoxen reduces the recovery period after exercise.

ATTENTION! Hypoxen...

It extends the functionality of the body.

Opens New Frontiers sporting achievements in various sports.

It allows you to improve the methodology of the training process.

Special Features!

Hypoxen repeatedly accelerates toxic products from the liver.

Improving athletic performance of athletes, ie, expansion of adaptability (adaptation) of an athlete to physical stress.

When receiving Hypoxen increases the resistance to hypoxia of the heart muscle, which is inevitable in any physical loads. Hypoxen promotes blood oxygen saturation, and most importantly, binds toxic oxidation products.

Hypoxen in patients receiving blood cholesterol in the liver and decreased by an average 35%.

Hypoxia promotes immunity correction, oppressed under intense physical exertion.


Sports nutrition: the maximum effect without any damage to health (Continue. Part 7)

20 Oct 2016


No one doubts the fact that in modern life, with its intense psychological and physical activity nutrition issues are of particular importance. Nutrition and generally accepted principles of healthy nutrition are the basis of nutrition strategies to improve performance, speed up the recovery process, strengthen the immune system, maintain optimal weight and body composition.

How it looks in practice? Properly and tasty to eat while in fact very simple: the most important thing is to respect diversity and moderation. Good nutrition - means the total supply of the body with all vital nutrients from vitamin A to zinc trace element. Good nutrition - is a matter of proper choice of food products and their compatibility. We consume not an isolated vitamin A, cholesterol, fat and sodium, and foods that contain these food units as its components. No food alone can not provide all the necessary nutrients. However, there is also no food, which would bring a benefit only, or only harm. Therefore, the key to proper diet is always in an appropriate amount and combination products.

And if we are talking about good nutrition, it not only conventional products, but also specialized.

But before you think about a special diet and the additional supply of certain nutrients, you need to understand that a balanced diet is very important ground for life. It is a pledge of your health and well-being!

With the usual food we consume a variety of substances that:

supply the body with energy,

used as a building material of the body contribute to the development of an organism,

regulate the most important processes of energy metabolism and nutrition, as well as

protect our health.

In addition, all recommendations for food products, ie, the so-called food pyramid is the foundation of health, good mood and health.

The main suppliers are the foundation of a carbohydrate, such as corn and potatoes, followed by a large segment of fruits and vegetables - that is what we should eat five times a day, every day. Followed by protein products of animal origin, the two groups of products consisting respectively of milk and dairy products, and meat, fish and eggs. And complete the pyramid, finally, the products that we can only be consumed in small quantities, or enjoy them on occasion: dining fats, sweets and alcohol. Hand on heart, say to yourself, so whether you eat?

Specialized same products in the first place are the products capable to remedy the lack of certain nutrients in the body and are a welcome addition to the normal diet. Those who decided to engage in the strengthening of the muscles, or the destruction of fat, do not manage to do anything without specialized products.

When building muscle man must train, and consumed calories should compensate energy. In this regard, it is often said about the problem, called a "lack of time". This means that based on the time available and the load volume training is not always possible to take an adequate amount of calories.

If you want to get rid of fat, calorie supply must be reduced. To while dieting to burn fat and not muscle mass, the body is necessary to deliver the protein in sufficient quantity and, if possible to limit the consumption of fat. In this case, supply valuable protein concentrates protein. In addition, you are offered various alternatives to low fat cottage cheese or chicken fillet. Certain additives, such as, L-carnitine, Pantogam, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), plant extracts can further facilitate the disintegration of fat. It is important to remember that it is food, not drugs.


power can be deliberately improved by specialized products. In the selection of easy to take into account the individual characteristics of the person

specialty products do not contain additives hinder metabolism, such as, for example, saturated fatty acids, cholesterol, uric acid and purine contained in many protein-rich foods. They can be consumed as a substitute for the individual fat-containing products

specialty products are varied and practical

You are a simple way to get the nutrients you need.


Sports nutrition: the maximum effect without any damage to health (Continue. Part 6)

20 Oct 2016


Proper nutrition can not only help the body recover after exercise, but sometimes prevent or alleviate the pathological state. For example, for cyclic sports athletes it is important to respect the rules of protein intake - not less than 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight per day. The fact is that in a two-three times a day workouts daily consumption exceeds the rate of glycogen re-synthesis.

Therefore, its stocks are gradually falling. Increases the likelihood of falling into the repetitive state of hypoglycemia (decrease in blood glucose levels to 3.3-3.9 mmol / liter or less associated with the depletion of carbohydrates in the muscles and liver).

In this case the athlete for several hours increases the Cortisol level to recovery after exercise glycogen proteins are being used, the amino acids more accurately, even despite the fact that during and after the training athlete consumes enough carbohydrates.

And if an athlete consumes less than 1.5 grams of protein per kg body weight per day, then it falls into a catabolic state, his muscles begin to break down. In addition, if the hypoglycemic state is repeated often, about once a day, it quickly leads to the development of overtraining syndrome.

It is better to avoid such a development, to take carbohydrates during exercise, provide the necessary content of proteins in the diet. Therefore, from the organization of power in the conditions of fees depends on their success. Often it is necessary to prepare meals themselves, or food in the canteens is not too high-quality composition. Therefore, you can take along to training camp protein (or protein and carbohydrate) sports nutrition, preferably certified, to exclude the content of banned additives (such as Phenotropil, Mildronate etc).


Sports nutrition: the maximum effect without any damage to health (Continue. Part 5)

20 Oct 2016


The article highlights some very well-established misconceptions - such as, say, consists in the fact that, following the sports diet for a couple of weeks before important competitions, you can find a good shape.

It is important, in my opinion, of slightly different effect on the body Information glucose and fructose - it can have a high practical importance when choosing special foods. It is not clear what kind of insulin and its use in sports practice in question. I sincerely hope that is not a pharmaceutical formulation!

Admission protein equivalent to the article during the build-up of muscle mass of 18-20 per cent, may be insufficient. It should also be noted that modern protein mixture of whey protein have a higher biological value and rapid absorption than the egg white. But the theory of the abuse of a protein (more than 3 g per 1 kg of body weight) has no real scientific evidence. Moreover, many years of experience observing the strength athlete (bodybuilding, powerlifting) suggests that excess protein in the diet does not lead to significant negative consequences for health.

Very urgent necessity topic vitamin-mineral complexes! Indeed, even a properly chosen diet sports doctor can not make up the body's need for vitamins and trace elements, so it is advisable to look for additional sources of these substances.

To improve brain – use Phenotropil

As for Creatine, it is worth considering that the industry of specialized food products now offers a large number of its various forms of release (creatine citrate, creatine malate, creatine tartrate, creatine phosphate, creatine - glutamine - taurine, creatine angidrous, magnesium creatine, creatine ester , titrat creatine, creatine and other long-acting), which differ in their action. To date, the latest development in the field of creatine supplementation - is creatine ethyl ester hydrochloride (ie alcohol and acid). This highly technological creatine was developed by scientists at University Medical Center of Nebraska (Omaha, Nebraska) in order to increase its bioavailability. Connected to creatine ester group allows it to more easily pass through the membrane of muscle and intestinal cells. Theoretically, this substance should be easily digested and absorbed by cells better than other forms of creatine.


Sports nutrition: the maximum effect without any damage to health (Continue. Part 4)

20 Oct 2016


It is especially important to pay attention to a balanced diet for young athletes. First of all, this responsibility rests with the coaches. Given the fact that the young organism is constantly evolving, it is advisable that the number of calories consumed with food, higher than the energy consumption by 15 percent. An important role in the diet of children and adolescents involved in sports, given to proteins that are essential for normal growth and development of high-speed and power qualities. The diet of young athletes the proportion of animal protein (meat, fish, poultry, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, milk) should be at least 60 percent. The remaining 40 percent should occur in vegetable proteins. Also, the need for vitamins and minerals, especially potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron in young athletes is significantly higher than their peers not involved in sports. It should be noted that despite this, the consumption per day 300-400 grams of vegetables and 500 grams of fruits and berries, in most cases, allows to eliminate the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

With regard to dietary habits of female athletes, the high-grade protein intake is also crucial. The diet should include vegetable fats, vitamins A, E, D, at least 1500 mg of calcium, 20 mg iron, 2.3 mg copper, and 4.6 mg of manganese per day. The elimination of deficiency of iron and vitamins, especially during the menstrual cycle, facilitates the use of diets rich in meat products, vegetables, herbs, fruit. You must eat meat dishes with side dishes of vegetables, as contained in the last ascorbic acid has a positive effect on the absorption of iron. As a source of calcium is most useful dairy products. If necessary, use a weight reduction diet unacceptably insufficient amount of essential nutrients: proteins, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids.

Of great importance in the sport have such a seemingly ordinary drinks like coffee and green tea. Caffeine in them, are widely used in sports practice as a means of stimulating the nervous system. In addition, it acts as a diuretic (diuretic), increases the activity of cardiac muscle tissue, activates lipolysis (fat decomposition process), and also promotes heat transfer processes in the body. Studies have shown that caffeine is able to positively affect the level of sporting achievements. It contributes to the fact that the body begins to actively use as energy fatty acids, resulting in the effect of conservation of glycogen. This fact certainly makes caffeine fundamentally important for us skiers, but do not hurry up and buy a coffee packs ... The fact that the level of the liquid, as mentioned above, plays perhaps the most important role for the representatives of the sports endurance and the diuretic effect of caffeine can disrupt the water balance in the body. So use it with caution and only from time to time, when it is really necessary. In addition, as a result of excessive consumption of caffeine depleted stores of calcium, therefore the coffee should introduce a significant amount of this substance in their diet. Do not drink a cup of coffee every day, as is done in Europe, because, among other things, caffeine is addictive. Researchers recommend 200-400 mg (3-4 cups) of coffee an hour before the competition, but at the same time need to make sure your body has enough water! Also note: scientists believe that caffeine can weaken the body's ability to absorb and utilize the Creatine is an indispensable tool of sprinters.

Creatine is found in many foods (mainly - and fish meat) and synthesized in the human body. Creatine and phosphocreatine are "explosive" sources of energy, and as a result of observations of their inclusion in the daily diet has not been fixed in the cross-country skiing is not the slightest improvement of results. But now, when almost 50% of the World Cup sprint competition occupy, and by virtue of its unusual entertainment, and they are everywhere becoming more and more popularity, creatine is of interest and skiers. As a result, dozens of studies additives containing creatine, it became apparent that the improvement of strength is observed mainly in cases where the athlete is necessary to make a breakthrough, which requires the mobilization of all capabilities of the organism, but lasting no more than 30 seconds. The combined intake of creatine together with simple carbohydrates, such as glucose, can increase the speed and volume of supply of creatine in muscles. It was checked the influence on the organism a solution containing 5 g of creatine, and 90 g of glucose, which was proposed to drink four times a day. When these results were compared with those that have been obtained in the application of creatine, it became clear that the creatine-carbohydrate supplements allow a much greater extent to raise the levels of creatine and phosphocreatine in the muscles of all kinds.

As for green tea, in addition to the content of caffeine in it, it also is a powerful antioxidant. Long-term studies are still in progress, proving the fact that antioxidants have a remarkably powerful ability to promote health. Recent scientific evidence suggests that people who have lived to 100 years, the level of antioxidants in the blood is very high (eg, vitamins E and C and beta-carotene and selenium). Antioxidants reduce the activity of hazardous chemicals and neutralize "free radicals" organism unstable compounds which tend to react with other organic substances. Unstable free radicals damage healthy molecule, cell membranes, bloodstream and nerve cells. The modern ecological situation in our environment, which is often contaminated with various chemical elements and waste, we urgently need to antioxidant levels in the blood were significantly higher than the level that we can provide a daily meal.

From pharmacological agents have a good antioxidant effectActovegin, Solcoseryl, Sodium Oxybutirate, Olyphenum (Hypoxen), Cytochrom C, Encephabol, Ubione, Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate, Gammalon, lipoic acid, sodium succinate.

Taking these drugs contributes to the synthesis of ATP in the brain, stimulates cellular respiration, has antioxidant and anti-hypoxic effect, which is especially useful during training in conditions of middle improves emotional stability and physical performance of athletes. In addition to green tea, high in antioxidants include plants such as blueberries, fresh vegetables and fruits, grape seeds, sprouted grains and whole group of herbs. In general, I must say that all the grass is literally filled with antioxidants. Plants for days still stay in the sun and absorb ultraviolet rays, which contribute to the formation of free radicals and antioxidants are used to their "neutralization".

So, let the line ... There are no clear rules about what to eat and drink the athlete does not exist. However, you must follow some general guidelines: do not abuse the greasy, spicy, fried, salted and smoked products, to reduce the burden on the liver, which is already suffering from the skier because of long loads. Very good low-fat cottage cheese, oatmeal with various fillings. Especially useful dried apricots, dried apricots, raisins, containing large amounts of potassium, essential for the heart muscle. We can recommend the honey with different nuts, black currants, red pepper, baby milk. You must use a vitamin-mineral complexes, but their selection should be carried out strictly individually. Diversify your diet a wide range of healthy food - you will be more likely to provide adequate "recharge" the body of important nutrients.

Do not expose your body to dehydration - loss of fluid should always be compensated. It is crucial to make the schedule of fluid intake at a distance and try to drink even before the onset of thirst. If your schedule does not coincide with the placement of power points, care should be taken so that you can have a drink in those places where you feel comfortable. Two more very important tip: make an effort and get rid of the habit of a snack on the go and in any case do not overeat - all this will certainly help you become healthier and more productive employment!

Professionals in the field of sports nutrition agree that athletes (in sports endurance) need to pay special attention to ensuring that their diet has an important place Carbohydrates - an important source of energy for the body. You should also closely monitor so that the body is constantly attended by the required number of liquid. In the process of training athletes it is recommended to drink special drinks - isotonic, maintaining the necessary level of liquid and carbohydrates. The most important thing - a balanced diet! Remember this commandment, and in addition a large step forward with your result, you still will render invaluable service and their health.

If sports nutrition rules become a habit, will be included in your flesh and blood, you're concentrating, "according to the rules" to eat proteins and carbohydrates, and avoid significant sources of fat, your performance will certainly increase. Of course, do not torment yourself if you do not resist the fact that smeared mayonnaise or salad poured fatty meat sauce or ketchup, anyway, until it has become the norm for you. However, try to keep in mind that not to lose control of their eating habits and habits, especially before and during the competition, - it is of exceptional importance. Be healthy! Good luck on the track!


Sports nutrition: the maximum effect without any damage to health (Continue. Part 3)

20 Oct 2016


Perhaps the most common problem to any athlete - is muscle cramps. One of the reasons that lead to them - a violation of the body's supply of minerals. One of the most common mineral in the body is calcium. For people engaged in sports, it is important to understand that with a lack of calcium muscles can not quickly and strongly reduced, it increases the likelihood of bone fracture, bleeding occurrence with injuries. The daily requirement for this mineral ranges from 800 to 1200 mg, depending on the training loads, and contain it in foods such as yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, milk, cheese. We must remember that the proper absorption of calcium in the body can occur with magnesium and phosphorus intake.

Among the trace elements iron plays a special role, it is absolutely necessary to maintain health and is one of the main sources of hemoglobin, which is especially important for athletes. But the fact that iron is involved in the formation of red blood cells, does not mean that it can exist in any quantity. The daily body's need for this trace is 10-20 mg per day, and the athletes - 20 per cent more, but before you start taking iron, you should consult with a sports doctor. It happens that a lot of iron in the body, and the hemoglobin is still not improved. In such cases, the constant use of iron supplements can lead to very serious disease, such as hemochromatosis. A female, on the contrary, it is often iron deficiency, when iron is desirable to increase the dosage during the menstrual cycle. Only after consultation with a sports doctor, you will be able to understand, in what quantities you need to use vitamins and minerals that help the body to maximize the training period and cause minimum damage to health.

Special attention in the sports nutrition should be paid to the water (or liquid). The minimum amount of consumption per day - 2 liters of mineral water, juices, milk, sports drinks (carbohydrate, vitamin and mineral). Oddly enough, it was a lack of fluid in the body (especially in the sports of endurance where hours of load lead to the loss of large amounts of water) along with other factors may significantly reduce the efficiency and prevent an athlete to gain the optimal shape. Besides, if you keep your diet in order to lose weight, you face an even greater drainage, so pay special attention to maintaining water balance in your body.

Water can hardly be considered a nutrient because it has no caloric value. At the same time, it plays the second most important role after oxygen. In the body of the young man the water is about 60% of the total body weight in women - 50%. A person can survive the loss of 40% of fats, carbohydrates and protein, but the loss of 9-12% water leads to death.

Water is essential for physical activity:

  • red blood cells carry oxygen to active muscle via the blood plasma, which is mainly composed of water;
  • Nutrients (glucose, amino acids and fatty acids) are also transported into muscle plasma;
  • intermediate metabolic products leaving the cells to penetrate into the plasma from and excreted;
  • hormones that regulate metabolism and muscle activity while performing physical loads are transported to their target blood plasma;
  • body fluids contain buffering agents to ensure a normal pH in the formation of lactate;

Water returns contributes heat that is generated during exercise and warns thus Overheating organism.

Even minimal changes in the water content in the body can affect the physical activities that require endurance manifestations. fluid loss result in a decrease in plasma volume. This causes the reduction of blood pressure, which in turn reduces the blood supply to the muscles and skin. As a result of these reactions is increased heart rate. Because skin blood flow is restricted, violated heat transfer process, and the body retains more heat. Thus, for dehydration for more than 2% of the body weight, heart rate and body temperature during exercise are increased. When dehydration reaches 4-5% of body weight, ability to perform aerobic exercise duration direction is reduced by 20-30%.

In light of all the foregoing, it becomes clear how important it is to use in the training process (directly during exercise) sports drinks rich in carbohydrates and minerals. They have a positive effect on muscle performance, allowing sufficient "fuel" for the formation of energy as well as an adequate amount of liquid for rehydration. Even if the body does not require liquid, it does not mean that it does not need it. With moderate load for one hour in an athlete weighing 70 kg with an air temperature of 20-25 degrees fluid loss reaches 1.5-2 liters, so you should start to drink before thirst, and after training or competition immediately drink another glass of water.

To improve brain activity you need to buy Phenotropil.

Practical advice:

drink before each exercise 300-400 ml of fluid, and during exercise drink, on average, every 25 minutes with 30 ml.

before the race in 1 hour before the start is recommended to drink 400-600 ml of isotonic drink, and if 15 minutes before the start there is the feeling of thirst, the need to drink 100-200 ml of hypotonic drink (isotonic by gipotonik characterized in that the first concentration of salts - such as in plasma, and the second salt is less than that in plasma).

With a sense of thirst can not go to the start, but directly during the race you need to drink every 15-20 minutes in small portions at 25-30 ml.

According to recent studies, increasing efficiency is only possible with the consumption of sugar is not less than 50 g / h. Most sports drinks contain only about 6-8g of sugar per 100 ml. Athletes involved in cyclic sports, have to drink about 625-833 ml of these drinks every hour to provide the body with the right amount of carbohydrates. However, most people during exercise is able to drink about 270-450 ml / h of liquid. Therefore, effective can only be considered as beverages that contain less than 11 grams of carbohydrates per 100 ml. In order to prevent hyponatremia typical for people involved in cyclic sports drinks should be used in which the sodium content is less than 25 mmoles per liter. It should also be noted that although the electrolytes (sodium, chloride and potassium) and are necessary for obtaining good shape and maintain performance during exercise, though during training is desirable to use drinks with lower their content to prevent delays gastric motility that in turn, may adversely affect the water exchange and the "supply" of carbohydrates.


Features of a training with steroids

20 Oct 2016

One of the main factors of successful application of anabolic steroids is the correct reorganization of a training. In general, the training in case of the use of steroids a little in what differs from regular training programs, however there are some accents and features which we will consider in this article.

Classical training programs:

  • Training program for beginners
  • Training program for professionals

You can be engaged according to these programs, complying with a number of conditions for receipt of the maximum results.

1. Rest

It is known that in case of the use of steroids it is possible and it is necessary to train more often and more intensively. However it doesn't assume that you shall exhaust yourself with loadings every day. Muscles also as well as in case of regular trainings need rest. To optimum load one muscular group of 1 times in 4-7 days. For this purpose you can constitute threefold a Split training (to break all muscular groups into 3 parts, each of which will fall on a certain day) and to be engaged every other day. Don't forget that it is necessary to sleep at least 8 - 10 hours a day. Also in case of an opportunity the polyphase dream is desirable. Do not forget take Mildronate for better results.

2. Repetitions and sets

The quantity of sets and repetitions doesn't differ from a regular training:

Exercises - 2-3 on one muscular group

Sets - 3 - 4 on one exercise

Repetitions - 6-8

3. Training duration

The optimum duration of a training is 1-2 hours.

4. Warm-up

Steroids considerably increase power indicators for short terms, in too time the level of durability of sinews and a cartilage remains same owing to what the risk of traumatizing increases. Therefore always carry out careful warm-up. If you suffer a serious injury, efficiency of a rate will sharply decrease as you won't be able to continue accomplishment of full-fledged trainings.

5. High-intensity training

You need to create maximum rostostimuliruyushchy impact on muscles during a cycle. It is possible to achieve it by progressive increase in scales and use of elements of a high-intensity training.

Begin a cycle with a training of average intensity (your regular training) and during all cycle, constantly increase intensity. At each new training you will shall work with heavier scales, thus, after each visit of the gym of a muscle to receive superstimulation that will provide intensive muscle growth.

Don't increase sharply loading from the very beginning of a cycle as in this case there will be not enough opportunities for progress in subsequent, besides it is hazardous to health. To optimum reach 30% of gradual increase in scales of the beginning of a cycle, by its end.

Trainings after a course of anabolic steroids

It is important to know not only how to train during a cycle, but also after it. On the end of reception of anabolic steroids the level of testosterone falls below initial and if during this period not to take the appropriate preventive measures, then in a month all results will be lost.

After a cycle PCT is required

As soon as you stop reception of anabolic steroids, begin to reduce intensity of trainings. The concept intensity includes, first of all, the weight and the number of exercises, and also training duration (many advise to reduce to 30-40 minutes). The more intensity - the more muscles are exposed to loading.

So, if you have begun a cycle with 100% with intensity, by the end of a cycle have reached 130%, in a week after a cycle intensity has to decrease to 70%, and in 2 weeks to 50%!

Thus, in 2 weeks after a cycle you have to leave the hall without feeling of fatigue. If you continue to be engaged according to the former program, your muscles will begin to collapse quickly under the influence of powerful catabolic processes. At the same time it is necessary to try to keep big the weight (to give to muscles sufficient stimulation), but to reduce number of repetitions and to increase rest between approaches. High-repeated trainings aren't recommended to be carried out as they activate catabolic processes stronger.

In 4 weeks after a cycle it is possible to increase loading to 80%, in 2 weeks to 100% then continue to be engaged according to the usual program.


Physical examination in case of the use of steroids

20 Oct 2016

All know that acceptance of anabolic steroids is integrated to risk for health. However in an arsenal of the athlete there is a number of means which allow to prevent and eliminate the majority of complications. Many problems can't be revealed without additional inspections and when they begin treatment will prove less effective. For this reason before and after a rate accomplishment of medical blood tests, and also researches of internals regarding the hidden pathological changes is required.

Where it is possible to make blood test and other inspections?

  • You can address the therapist and ask it to prescribe a series of tests which will be described below, referring to problems with health. The therapist can prescribe inspection as itself personally, and to channelize to other expert (endocrinologist) who will already be engaged in you further.
  • To avoid excess questions, it is possible to address to private clinic or laboratory (now they are practically in each city, you will be able to choose what indicators of a blood or urine you interest). The only disadvantage that it is necessary to pay for all necessary analyses and diagnostics.

What blood tests and urine are required?

Let's list all necessary diagnostic actions in a consecutive order, we will define expediency, and also we will designate degree of need for them ("Attention" obligatory analyses, yellow - average importance are highlighted with red color, green - low-useful. It is possible to be limited only to red lists. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Phenotropil

Before a course of steroids

Norm of sex hormones

Norm of biochemical indicators

Norm of hormones of adrenals

At this stage diagnostics is necessary first of all for identification of contraindications to reception of steroids. You can examine contraindications in article Side effects of steroids. If information at the increased and lowered level isn't specified, means it makes no difference at the use the EXPERT. If you weren't examined the last 2-3 years and begin reception of anabolic steroids for the first time, then it is necessary to execute:

Analyses on hormones

  • the general and free Testosteron-Depotum - to establish initial level for comparison
  • FSG (follikulstimuliruyushchy hormone) - to establish initial level for comparison
  • LG (luteinizing hormone, natural analog of Gonadotropinum) - to establish initial level for comparison
  • estrogens - to establish initial level for comparison
  • Prolactinum - to establish initial level for comparison if it is raised reception the progestinovykh of drugs isn't recommended
  • Progesteronum - to establish initial level for comparison
  • a hydrocortisone - to establish initial level for comparison
  • a thyroxine - to establish initial level for comparison

General blood test

  • Erythrocytes - detection of pathology of a blood
  • Leucocytes - immune disturbances

Biochemical blood test

  • The glucose - if is raised, during a course its level will be enlarged even more (Diabetum).
  • (To read) a cholesterin (LPVP, triglycerides) - if are raised, the risk of development of an atherosclerosis increases. It is important aged 35 is more senior.
  • Liver enzymes - if are raised, to exclude a liver disease
  • Protein (the general, globulins, albumins) - if is lowered, the disease of kidneys and a liver is possible
  • Bilirubin - if is raised, to exclude a liver disease
  • Potassium, sodium, magnesium - if are lowered, development of cramps is possible during a course, in this case additional reception is necessary

Analysis of urine

  • Urea if is raised, to exclude a disease of kidneys
  • The creatinine if is raised, to exclude a disease of kidneys

Tool methods

  • Measurement of arterial pressure "Attention" needs also to be carried out during a course
  • ECG - for detection of pathology of heart
  • EHO-KG - for detection of pathology of heart
  • Liver US - for detection of pathology of a liver, especially if are raised bilirubin and enzymes

In 2-3 weeks after a course

Analyses on hormones

  • the general and free Testosteron-Depotum - it is almost always lowered
  • LG (luteinizing hormone, natural analog of Gonadotropinum) - is almost always lowered
  • estrogens - if it is raised, it is necessary to apply anti-estrogens
  • Prolactinum - is necessary if progestinovy steroids (Nandrolonum) were accepted.
  • a hydrocortisone - if it is raised, hydrocortisone blockers are necessary

Biochemical blood test

  • The glucose - has to be normal if it is raised, additional diagnostics of iatrogenic Diabetum can be required
  • Cholesterin (LPNP, triglycerides) - if are raised, the course of treatment on depression of level is necessary
  • Liver enzymes - if are raised, reception of gepatoprotektor is necessary
  • Bilirubin - if is raised, necessary reception of gepatoprotektor
  • Potassium, sodium, magnesium - is necessary if there are cramps

Tool method

  • ECG - for detection of pathology of heart
  • In 2-3 months after a course

Analyses on hormones

  • the general and free Testosteron-Depotum - if it is lowered, stimulation of secretion by means of boosters and Gonadotropinum is necessary
  • LG (luteinizing hormone, natural analog of Gonadotropinum) - is necessary, only if Testosteron-Depotum is lowered to define why it is lowered
  • estrogens - if it is raised, it is necessary to apply anti-estrogens
  • a hydrocortisone - if it is raised, hydrocortisone blockers are necessary
  • To repeat other analyses which were not within norm

Recommendations before testing

It is necessary to make tests on an empty stomach. There is no problem in missing a breakfast. Food distorts indicators of analyses. After glucose acceptance the level of testosterone can decrease. 

Exclude sexual activity in 24 hours prior to testing. It can influence both Prolactinum levels, and the LG, FSG levels and Testosterone.

Exclude physical activity at least in 48 hours prior to testing. Results of researches show that trainings (in and cardio-sessions) strongly influence levels of androgens and hormones of a thyroid gland.

It is recommended to make tests in the morning and after a good dream. The stress can distort indicators of analyses. 

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