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Afobazol - Calm, just calm

16 Oct 2016

Advantages: It helps with anxiety, improves sleep

Afabozol tablets bought a third time. The first purchase and receive them held two or two and a half years ago, when my daughter was covered in a rash, itch constantly (day and night), and became coughing without cause - asthma. That's when I went the first time to "Afabozol". Before birth I is characterized by increased anxiety, but then took the "Persians" and "Novopasit" and the effect was not on these medications. But from the first time Afobazol taking effect immediately and was quite strong. I calmed down and slowed down. I then cutting two courses with breaks, and then two years did not buy these pills.

I take a pill 2 times. It helps me, I became calmer, sleep improved immediately, I really wake up in the morning still with anxiety, but is not as strong. Although it is written that there is no sedation, but I imagine his notice, especially in the evening really feel sleepy.

I hope to take a course and then a long time to forget about this drug. And so I'm grateful to it.


Afobazol - The effect I was pleasantly surprised!

16 Oct 2016

Advantages: well helps with irritability, nervousness, if you drink a course, valid for a long time

Recently began to notice that I was haunted by anxiety, began to play tricks nerves, insomnia appeared. I had to go to some doctors, do a cardiogram. cardiologist has advised to spend on drink a course "Afobazol". I want to say, the drug "Afobazol" does not act immediately, you feel better, I felt only on the third day. Nervousness fell, and somehow my heart was calmer, appeared the strength and desire to do something, in a word, I felt fit and at the same time calm. But insomnia is not passed, but I read that "Afobazol" not a sleeping pill and sedative, but it's probably everyone individually. The main function Afobazol is the normalization of metabolic processes in the brain, so these pills should be taken only on doctor's prescription and desirable course, instant positive effect you feel it acts only on the fifth day. At the moment, I feel a surge of strength and energy, while cutting is not a course, but the fear of addiction to "Afobazol" now do not take this medication and home medicine cabinet always hold as a result of his actions I was pleasantly surprised. I decided that I would take "Afobazol", on the situation.


Afobazol - It helps to focus in a shock situation

16 Oct 2016

Advantages: It helps to distract, not to focus on the problem, to experience it and keeps a fresh mind and mind.

I always negative attitude to such drugs, the human psyche rather poorly known, many different side effects, and it is better not to take without urgent need.

But, unfortunately, there are situations in which we are unable to influence, and we have no time to recover, to distract or take something else.

I bought Afobazol at the pharmacy at random, asked for something stronger.

The drug helps not to think, do not worry, cope with stress and shock.

I took it for 2-3 days, do not know how the long-term course, try to cope in other ways.

About the same action "Persen" pills - medication too strong and is very good, but in any case I do not recommend taking a simple way, "for a good mood," and for a long time.

It is better to do without these drugs.


Afobazol - An effective and affordable drug for anxiety disorders

16 Oct 2016

Advantages: Affordable nonprescription effective sedative

I am a sensitive person. I did not want to transfer my inner feelings and anxiety in the family and others. Medications help to manage with this. I was advised Afobazol, but warned that the need to take a course of 2-4 and even up to 3 months, as the effectiveness of the drug is not immediate. No prescription required.

At the instructions is written that Afobazol taken with anxiety in adults, including the adaptation of dermatological and somatic diseases (gipretoniya, asthma, coronary heart disease, arrhythmias). And also sleep disorders, and even in the treatment of smoking cessation and alcohol syndrome.

Afobazol contraindicated to 18 years, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and intolerance to the drug components.

The first time I took a week and abandoned, since it is necessary to take these pills three times a day. Now I bought a pack (60 tablets) and take 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

"Afobazol" tablets should be taken after a meal, they are without a shell, a little sour.

Of course, to judge objectively difficult, but I became noticeably calmer react to irritants, control emotions become easier, and fall asleep became easier. I think I can recommend "Afobazol" as an effective sedative.

The drug does not affect the ability to drive transport, does not reduce attention.

I advise you to consult a doctor before taking.


Afobazol - gave up smoking with the help of pills

16 Oct 2016

Advantages: No effect on sleep.

It was a time when I would explode at the slightest pretext. I was advised at the pharmacy the drug Afobazol. While I took this wonderful drug lost all desire to smoke. I calmed my nerves and gave up smoking.


Afobazol - You begin to notice the blue sky, birds and sun

16 Oct 2016

Advantages: It relieves fatigue, stress, anxiety

Disadvantages: Does not cause addictive, drowsiness, there are contraindications, can not be taken by pregnant and lactating women

Recently I was very tired, being on maternity leave, no longer have time to do things and started to become hysterical. I tried to reassure myself, took "valerian", but it did not help me. Anxiety and fatigue remained so even during the night became very restless sleep. In such a soul the bitterness and severity nothing unreasonable.

My sister advised me to buy the drug Afobazol. It is not addictive and well helps restore emotional balance. The pharmacy girl also said that the drug is a good and it also helped her.

The package of 60 pills, you need to take three tablets a day after meals. This is a significant drawback that you need to take the drug three times a day. I forgot to take a dose, take 1-2 tablets a day. The packaging of the preparation we have divided equally with my husband, as he is also nervous and tired lately. After 4 days after starting I became much calmer, and my husband too.

In general, the drug can cause allergic reactions and headaches. I had no such symptoms, perhaps because I have not taken three tablets a day. The drug should not be taken by pregnant women, nursing women and children.


Afobazol - Good sedative

16 Oct 2016

Advantages: reduces anxiety, normalizes sleep, there is no dependence and drowsiness; can be taken for drivers

There has always been a calm, peaceful and appropriate. Skeptical of sedatives, believing that good sleep, rest in excellent health resort of Sochi, fresh air and exercise will calm better than any pills. But this is not true.

Night shift at a rehabilitation center for minors, nervous work, overwork, a great social work did their dirty work. Lately I've become nervous, irritable, loud. On doctor's advice since mid-March began to take three times a day Afobazol. Reviews on the Internet about this drug is mainly positive. 

I took tablets after meals with water. The tablets are small, easy to swallow. The taste is not nasty. You can only accept adults - 18 years old.

The dream returned to me immediately. 3 days I almost did not notice the effect of "Afobazol". The only thing - felt calm, has become less and less irritated shout at relatives. After 2 weeks of taking the medicine has gone anxiety, I began to fall asleep earlier and wake up earlier. In the morning, I do not feel broken, as it was before taking the pills.

Many relatives and friends also periodically take "Afobazol" on the recommendation of a neurologist or therapist. The drug is good. Disadvantages not found.


Afobazol - Calm your nerves

16 Oct 2016

In our way of life, pace and stress such concepts as depression and total emotional exhaustion are not uncommon and are increasingly becoming our companions. Many people are embarrassed to recognize and accept that they need sedatives, and thus brought the situation to the the absurd.

Of course, many disagree with me, and would argue that the best sedative for the nerves is a healthy way of life, fresh air and sport. I agree. But it's all preventive measures. when disorder, anxiety disorders, neurasthenia already on the threshold, it is necessary to support themselves with these drugs, so as not to aggravate the situation. Of course you should consult with a physician.

I began to notice for myself, that from time to time problems beginning to affect the nerves. I become irritable, sometimes wakes unjustified anxiety, general apathy well and probably depression.

"Valerian", " Novopassit" and "Glycine" in my case, virtually no such effect.

I began to take courses, Afobazol with the appearance of negative symptoms.

I can conclude that this drug is more effective from those that I have used.


Afobazol - If the nerves to the limit

16 Oct 2016

Since the new year in my life begins a black stripe failures. My husband and I swore to divorce, the child is naughty and ill. I had gray hair on his head, and I thought it would be good to buy a something sedative, which would not cause addiction and sleepiness. The television was broadcast " tell me what the problem is" and appeared Afobazol advertising I immediately decided to buy it. The next day, I went to the drugstore and bought take effect for a week did not quite feel anxiety and stress, and my life has become better - husband found a job.


Afobazol - Calm as "Morpheus" Recommend!

16 Oct 2016

I Tried this drug. I accept it only at night, which is two hours before bedtime. In fact, gradually falling asleep, sleep phase is advancing quickly, that is, I slowly passed from phase to phase of wakefulness "Morpheus". And in the morning I felt cheerful, it was not the dream state, what happens to many sleeping pills. Just feel relaxed, not like a fuss, I felt as should feel people after a good sleep. I am a very bad fall asleep when I comes a time of rest. I am a businesswoman, have a small shop "second-hand" when comes goods - to spin as " a kebab on a skewer". And then comes the rest, as the store works seller, and you're free. I do not have a constant sleep schedule, and not as it is impossible to normalize sleep. Therefore, Afobazol give me this chance, unlike many sleeping pills do not get used to it and when you feel that it is no longer needed, easy to give it up.

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