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Afobazol - remarkable drugs, completely blocking the anxiety

16 Oct 2016

A few years ago I had a very emotional period for a couple of months I have because of nerves, I lost 15 kilos, at night, I almost did not sleep, in addition hair began to fall - in general, the effects of stress on the body were simply disastrous. For a while, I saw "motherwort", but he quickly stopped to help and the response declined and my work, it was necessary. It took a strong agent with selective action: the cleaning anxiety and endless circling thoughts on the same subject, but at the same time does not cause drowsiness or distraction. And then I saw the advertising of Afobazol. It listed just those properties that I was looking for. I grabbed it like a drowning man at a straw, because the psychosis has hit my limit.

The long wait action of the drug did not have, from the first reception I felt long-forgotten peace of mind. When anxiety receded, I could see my problem calmly, logically, weigh the pros and cons.

In those days I thought a lot about what our emotions often cause serious harm, drowning mind. An amazing sense of calm helped me then to make the right decision, and save a lot of nerve cells, for which many thanks to the developers of this tool. Now I always carry it with me, just in case. Best sedative I just do not know.


Afobazol - The result on the fifth day

16 Oct 2016

At the moment I have problems with my family. I quarrel with my husband constantly, there is a case for divorce. The nerves are already on edge. Began to fall apart on children, work colleagues noticed my nervous state.

I went to the drugstore to buy a sedative. Previously I tried "New ppasit" I was not approached. I chose "Afobazol" Many people its praised.

Afobazol eliminates anxiety, tension, helps with insomnia. Especially recommended for doubtful, uncertain or vulnerable people.

Actions of the drug began to notice on the fifth day of admission. Calmed down, I began to look at their problems differently. Without emotion.

Returned to my former business at work, I cheered, and no longer sit and not stare at one point.

The maximum effect "Afobazol" comes on the fourth week of the reception and stored for another two weeks. Thus one package is enough even for the course. The package of 60 pieces. Take 3 times a day.

Life is a complicated thing, especially as a family. It is different. If anyone need a sedative recommend "Afobazol". Especially since it does not affect driving, like many other similar drugs.


Afobazol - Helps fight depression and stress

16 Oct 2016

I first bought Afobazol in 2008, when took birth control pills "Novinet". I had manifested side effects - depression, anxiety.

Usually people call depression a sense of melancholy, boredom. In fact, it's much worse. Depression develops suddenly, without any reason. It feels like a wave covers you with head, and hard to breathe. It appears panic, anxiety, fear. It's hard to explain in words. You think only about one thing - how to get rid of depression.

I tried to take sedatives - "motherwort", "novopassit". Improvements were not, from these it was even worse in some degree, they are drowned symptoms.

So I bought an antidepressant afobazol, I already knew about it from colleagues and heard good reviews that it is very good for stress.

Generally, this drug should be taken 3-4 weeks to get a good effect. But I felt the action afobazole in 2-3 days. It not only calms. It returns a desire to live and enjoy. It improves sleep, but sleepiness I have not noticed.

In that time I had full course. In subsequent months, the reception was enough to take "Novinet afobazol" for a week when manifested symptoms of depression.

Importantly, it does not appear addictive and dependence on it.

Afobazol - effective preparation and necessary in our troubled times. But there are contraindications.


Sedative pills "Afobazol" - helped overcome developing depression

16 Oct 2016

Attention! Before application of drugs, consult with a specialist!

At the end of 2012, experienced a severe stress because of problems with the health of my daughter. Almost six months lasted its treatment and further complexity to the work. And in July 2013. everything seems was adjusted, I issued a holiday, I thought a month rest. But things turned out not as wanted. When obviously doing something, you do not notice health problems.

I felt that I could not quite breathe. From this immediately came the fear that I'm dying, I'm sick some unknown disease. I was afraid to even leave the house, there was a feeling that I fall somewhere and not return home. Began insomnia, constantly I drank valerian, Corvalol, but nothing helped.

Forced himself to go to the clinic, I had to take paid analyzes on everything that can be not to wait for the queue. After a week of walking it turned out that all analyzes is good, but the fear did not pass, my head is turned, and I went to a neurologist. She prescribed me Afobazol, 3 times a day. Tablets are packed into blisters of twenty units, one tablet - 10 mg.

I have taken the whole tablet is not drinking water in a polyclinic. I sat for a while and felt that it became easier. The world around us is somehow brightened, although prior to use the tablet and then the fear of what will become of it bad.

So I started taking these tablets. Not only three times a day, and two in the morning and evening. It is much better to breathe, inside me there was little sense of confidence that I will not die. The mood got better. But here's the problem, it was very low falling blood pressure. I went to a neurologist again, it is advised to reduce the dose of application (although I already own it reduced the original). I began to take 1 tablet per day, half in the morning and half in the evening. The pressure does not go down more, and feel so much better. I accepted Afobazol for a month.

The state of health was gradually coming back to normal, even in combination with massage of the thoracic spine and coniferous baths. I would like to thank the developers of this wonderful tool, now I always keep it at home, accept as much nervous, but not for a month, and for a week, it helps.

Now, sensibly reflecting on our original state, I understand what happened to me, that, along with other diseases, there is also a nerve disease that needs time to identify and begin to heal. And I have found for myself an effective remedy, which helped me to eliminate all symptoms of this terrible disease.


The rating of the best steroids

15 Oct 2016

The analysis of data shows that modern and safe steroids don't exist. Lately there were no developed new medicines except for the separate class SARMs which effect is only studied. For the rest the variety is caused by the fact that various producers give the trade names therefore it is always necessary to estimate active ingredient. For example, widely known metandrostenolon has about 50 various trade names.

In this article from open sources comparative data on efficiency and safety of anabolic steroids are collected. Application of strong means is possible only to destination and under control of the medical specialist in connection with risk of development of side effects.

The rating of international popularity of anabolic steroids producers

List of main producers:

  • Balkan Pharmaceuticals (Moldova)
  • Pharmacom Labs (Moldova)
  • Vermodje SRL (Moldova)
  • Golden Dragon
  • British Dragon
  • Alpha Pharma (India)
  • Axiolabs
  • Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical (China)
  • SP Laboratories (SP Labs)
  • British Dispensary (Thailand)
  • British Pharmaceuticals
  • Lyka labs (India)
  • Finax Pharmaceuticals
  • Organon (Holland, Pakistan, Egypt)
  • Aburaihan Pharmaceutical (Iran)
  • BM Pharmaceuticals (India)
  • Bayer Schering Pharma (Germany)
  • BHMT
  • Desma Spain
  • Unigen Life Sciences (Thailand)
  • Thaiger Pharma (Thailand)
  • MaxPro Pharma (China)
  • SB Laboratories (Thailand)
  • Gen Shi (Japan)
  • Radjay Healthcare (India)
  • British Dragon Platinum (BD Platinum)
  • Biomedis
  • Body Pharm
  • British Pharma
  • Cloma Pharma
  • Dynamic Development Laboratories (Mauritius)
  • Genetic Labs
  • Geofman Pharmaceuticals
  • Zambon
  • Troy Labs (Australia)
  • Farmak (Ukraine)

Best steroids for a set of muscle bulk

Testosterone (Enantat, Tsipionat)

Testosterone is one of the main anabolic steroids which is included into base practically of all cycles and complexes. Testosterone is applied both at a set of muscle bulk, and during the work on a relief and weight loss though in each case his certain version is preferable. So at a set of muscle bulk it is more preferable to use enanthate and cypionate, and at decrease in fatty weight - propionate. Testosterone is converted into estrogen and can cause violations in an axis a hypothalamus hypophysis testicles therefore it has to be applied with care. Some information about Phenotropil

Metandrostenolon (Dianabol)

Steroid, most popular in the world - Metandrostenolon famous also as Danabol (Dianabol). Today it is possible to find a lot of critical information concerning this medicine, however from the objective point of view of Dianabol remains to the best to this day. Many defects of this medicine can be eliminated completely if it is correct to apply it. Dianabol quickly and effectively increases muscle bulk, however the expressed phenomenon of kickback of results, moderate toxicity and conversion in estrogen takes place.


Medicine for intake, is similar in chemical structure with metandrostenolony, however the added atom of chlorine interferes with aromatization. It means that Turinabol doesn't cause the estrogenovykh of side effects (a liquid delay in an organism, a ginekomastiya, etc.). Turinabol is toxic for a liver in high doses therefore he is more often used in the combined courses. Now many fakes meet.

Nandrolon (Deka-durabolin, Retabolil)

Nandrolone Decanoate better known as Deca Durabolin or Retabolil takes leading positions in bodybuilding in many parameters among anabolic steroids. Now Deca Durabolin is the best anabolic steroid for a set of muscle bulk. It is distinguished by outstanding performance, relative safety, low androgenic activity, an insignificant phenomenon of kickback, lack of aromatization and low toxicity. Deca Durabolin can apply as separate medicine, and to enter combinations. Deca Durabolin quite often causes erectile dysfunction for the period of a cycle that is connected with lowering of the level of dihydrotestosterone on a feedback mechanism.

Oxymetholone (Anadrol, Anapolon)

This anabolic steroid is one of the most potent, on ability of augmentation of muscle bulk and force any drug can't be compared to it. In too time of Anadrol has the expressed side effects: liver lesion, hypertrophy of a cardiac muscle, disturbance of hormonal balance and other. Collateral reactions at excess of the recommended doses or duration of a cycle are especially expressed.

Sustanon 250

Sustanon is a mix of various air of testosterone. Uniqueness of this medicine is that separate air is acquired with various speed. Thus, injections of Sustanona are carried out less often.


Trenbolone is derivative a testostosterona where 3 additional communications which hinder with conversion of medicine in estrogen and dihydrotestosterone are added. Chemically medicine resembles Retabolil, however has bigger androgenic activity. Trenbolone is about 4 times more powerful than Deca Durabolin, in too time has considerably the bigger frequency of ghost effects. Trenbolone has unique ability, it increases the level of an insulinopodobny factor of growth which also has anabolic activity, and also increases sensitivity of receptors to it.

Boldenon (Ekvipoyz)

Powerful anabolic steroid with rather low androgenic activity. Equipoise strengthens synthesis of a protein, causes a notable gain of muscle bulk, stimulates formation of new erythrocytes. Equipoise stimulates appetite much stronger than other anabolic steroids. Medicine was created as an injection form of Metandrostenolon, however has been defined that he acts in a different way. The muscle bulk gained by means of Equipoise remains much better, at the same time there is no considerable delay of water in an organism. Equipoise has the low level of aromatization (50% lower than testosterone).

The best steroids for a relief

Oksandrolon (Anavar)

One of the safest anabolic steroids. Benefits and distinctive features of Anavar consists in soft anabolic action, low toxicity and low an androgen effect. Anavar in recommended doses practically doesn't break work of an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles, doesn't require use of anti-estrogen and PCT.

Stanozolol (Vinstrol)

Popular steroid which is used only during drying. It isn't recommended to apply to a set of weight Winstrol as in spite of the fact that this steroid possesses a capability to accelerate synthesis of a protein, it doesn't exert the expressed impact on muscle bulk. Winstrol can consider cheap replacement of Anavar. Winstrol is toxic for a liver. It is necessary to notice that the tableted form of medicine has smaller efficiency, in too time is more toxic therefore it is better to use an injection form. Winstrol increases power indicators and strengthens a venous prorisovannost.

Testosterone propionate

One of testosterone air, is applied generally to drying. From shortcomings - need for frequent injections, and also their morbidity.


The high affinity to androgenic receptors, and also ability to increase the level of an insulinopodobny factor of growth allows to use Trenbolone not only as the anabolic agent for a set of muscle bulk, but also combustion of fat.

Drostanolon (Masteron)

Anabolic steroid with the expressed androgenic effect therefore quite often causes side effects. It is used for receiving a relief before competitions. Masteron is close on properties to dihydrotestosterone, promotes consolidation of muscles due to diuretichesky effect. Athletes to fans aren't recommended to apply this medicine.

The best steroids for increase in force

For augmentation of force such steroids as Oksandrolon and Stanozolol are recognized the best. These drugs are capable to raise considerably power indicators, at small influence on body weight. If it is necessary to gain in passing muscle bulk, then it is possible to include drugs of Testosteron-Depotum or Trenbolone in a course.


Best steroid courses

15 Oct 2016

How to choose the best steroid?

What steroid will suit specifically you?

What steroids the most powerful and safe?

What steroids are well combined?

Anabolic steroids belong to the strong substances causing a muscles hypertrophy, and now their effects are actively studied both in medicine, and in the field of sport. Directly it is necessary to emphasize that application of steroids shall be performed according to indications and under control of the medical specialist. The use is contraindicated to teenagers as can bear substantial and unjustified risk for health. This article contains reference information and doesn't induce to the use.

Experts of SportWiki analysed a large number of modern literature, researches and scientific articles from which rather reasonable and plausible data are selected. We will try to provide the best steroid rates which differ in maximum efficiency and safety in this article. In the individual clause special attention is paid to the description and minimization of side effects.

General conclusions: choice of an anabolic steroid

  • Medical specialist shall carry out purpose of medicine
  • All anabolic steroids have androgenic activity, however in different degree of expressiveness.
  • The steroid is more powerful and more effective, the it is more than side effects therefore it is necessary to be guided by this indicator carefully.
  • As a rule, injection steroids are safer in comparison with the tableted forms.
  • The more the dose and quantity of steroids, the are more than side effects and vyrazhenny a kickback phenomenon.
  • Don't try to receive bystry results, resorting to mad cycles, already in few months you will be disappointed in this approach. It is more reasonable to make two "weak" rates with a break, than one "powerful".
  • New safe steroids don't exist. Don't trust advertizing - many old steroids much better new. It is simple to explain it - in the 20th century of a research of steroids were financed much better, than now. Now the main part of finance arrives not to receive more powerful and safe anabolic steroid, and on that it couldn't be determined in tests.
  • It is extremely desirable to use inhibitors of an aromataza and anti-estrogen in strictly certain cases. It considerably will secure a cycle and will increase its efficiency. Remember that the ginekomastiya develops not always, but in individual cases it is irreversible therefore it should be prevented

Main conclusion: For achievement of good results, use steroids in moderate doses, in the correct combinations, without exceeding the optimum duration of a cycle. Approximately for one cycle it is possible to gain about 5-7 kg of muscles, having lost a significant amount of fat. At adequate application results will be stable, a kickback phenomenon minimum, and side effects in most cases will be absent in general. Nevertheless, according to literature in 15-20% of cases side effects are shown, at the same time at 3% they have irreversible character.

What is the scheme of steroid courses?

The below-stated rates of steroid medicines are constituted based on experience of the largest resources (Do4a, the Iron world and a forum with world experts of, and also sports medicine and modern scientific data. Many "professionals" are inclined to believe that these rates "too weak and short" therefore results will be bad, however it it is easy to confute on a simple example:

  • 1.Vasily completed a steroid course with medicine X in a dose 100 within a month, and then, 3 more months later repeated it. Total: 1 packaging on everything, + 5 kg of muscles taking into account kickback, total absence of side effects.
  • 2.Pyotr completed a course with medicine X in a dose 200 within 2 months. Total: 4 packagings of medicine, +8 kg of muscles right after a cycle (at first sight the result is better), however a half from this will be lost in a month, that is general result of +4 kg of muscles, besides a ginekomastiya and violations of hormonal exchange.

Any forum will advise you option No. 2 as people can't estimate long-term consequences and are guided by ephemeral results right after a rate

Short courses and muscle memory

The Norwegian scientists from Oslo university report that even short-term introduction of anabolic steroids increases ability of muscles to growth for a long time. According to the made experiments, use of anabolic steroids starts the so-called cellular mechanism of memory. Thus, at renewal of physical activities after the long period of rest, force and volume of muscles will be restored much quicker at those athletes who used anabolic steroids, in comparison with those who at all never applied them. Besides, at accepting more intensive division of cellular kernels will be observed. Results of a research are published in the The Journal of Physiology magazine. You can also like Phenotropil pills

Results of application

The research Bhasin S, Storer TW on 43 healthy men has shown that testosterone enantat in a dose of 600 mg/week for 10 weeks allows to receive high sports results:

  • trainings without introduction of medicine led to increase in weight approximately on 1,8 kg;
  • introduction of medicine without trainings led to a gain of dry muscle bulk on 3 kg;
  • examinees who carried out power trainings 3 times a week and receiving testosterone enantat had an increase of dry weight on 6 kg.

In all groups the reduction of fatty deposits was observed.

The best courses of steroids for a set of muscle bulk

Who suits these steroid courses?

To men of a thin constitution, 25 years for a set of dry muscle bulk, in the absence of contraindications to reception of anabolic steroids are aged more senior.

If you want to receive the maximum result, then each course has to include also:

  • Diet for a set of muscle bulk - keep in mind that for a course you need to gain up to 10 kg of weight (from them 2-3 kg will be then are lost) therefore be surely weighed each three days and control a weight gain by means of a diet. If weight grows insufficiently quickly - means to you it is necessary to increase the food caloric content and vice versa, differently you will in vain spend time. The total of protein has to be equal in a diet at least 2g/kg weight, it is possible to calculate by means of the calculator more precisely.
  • Sports food for a set of weight
  • Specialized training

Medical equipment of performance of an injection

According to the instruction, steroids are entered deeply into a muscle (injections in a gluteus are safest):

  • 1.Wash arms with soap.
  • 2.It is desirable to heat an ampoule with drug to 38C-40C of degrees on a water bath, as a last resort in an axillary hollow.
  • 3.Wipe arms with alcohol
  • 4.Wipe an ampoule with alcohol.
  • 5.Open an ampoule: make nadpit on a neck, break off a nose having wrapped it a gauze. If there is a tag in the form of a point, then nadpit it isn't necessary to do, just break off a nose.
  • 6.Use syringes with a needle of 37 mm - it is 5 and 10 vat syringes.
  • 7.Gather the syringe, remove vials of air. Though when performing intramuscular injections to steam of fine blisters aren't dangerous at all.
  • 8.Process the place of a nyxis alcohol or other antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green, cologne or, as a last resort, vodka).
  • 9.Accept horizontal position, for avoidance of a fiasco of a needle
  • 10.Enter a needle into the top, side square of a breech (see the drawing) at full length at right angle
  • 11.Pull the piston to be convinced that the blood doesn't go to the syringe and you didn't get into a blood vessel. Hit in a blood stream of oil drugs can be deadly.
  • 12.Slowly administer the drug
  • 13.Take out a needle and apply the wad moistened in alcohol (or other antiseptic) to the place of a nyxis
  • 14.Softly mass the place of an injection about 5 minutes.


How to make a course of steroids

15 Oct 2016

First of all, to make an optimum course, it is necessary to decide on concepts:

The flavored steroids - medicines which have an opportunity partially to be converted into estrogen (testosterone, matendrostenolon, methyltestosterone)

Not flavored steroids - steroids which aren't converted into estrogen or are poorly converted (oksandrolon, drostanolon, trenbolone, primobolan, turinabol, boldenon, nandrolon, stanazolol)

Steroids with progestagenny activity (progestins) - have ability to contact progesteronovy receptors (nandrolon, trenbolone, to a lesser extent oksimetolon).

Course without side effects

  • If as a part of a rate there are only not flavored medicines, then no pharmacological addition to a rate is required.
  • If as a part of a rate there are flavored medicines, then for the purpose of prevention of an estrogenzavisimy ginekomastiya and excessive accumulation of water it is recommended to add aromataza inhibitor (anastrozol/arimideks, aromazin), however they can reduce efficiency of a rate because estrogen is necessary for an organism too; during acceptance of news agency and before it it is necessary to make the test on estrodiol.
  • Anastrozol (is in a drugstore, but the road therefore many purchase at dealers at lower price) an initial dosage - 0,5 mg (a tablet floor) every other day. Analogs: Anastrazol = Arimideks = Egistrazol = Anastrover = Pharmazol.
  • Eksemestan (is in a drugstore, but the road) an initial dosage - 12,5 mg (a tablet floor) every other day. Analogs: Eksemestan = Aromazin = Ekzedrol.
  • In case of reception of the aromataza inhibitors (AI) it is necessary to control the level of an estrodiol according to analyses that it didn't fall below supposed. If level falls below a norm, it is necessary or to lower a dosage, or reception frequency. Ideally it is necessary to aim at upper bound of a norm of estrogen (but not to quit for it) as they also take an important part in anabolic processes.
  • If on course there are progestins, then for the purpose of prevention of a prolaktinovy ginekomastiya it is recommended to add Prolactinum blocker (cabergolin or bromokriptin) which is accepted for the night.

Bromokriptin (not the road, but there is a lot of side effects) to accept 2,5 mg a day.

Kabergolin (it is cheap, practically without side effects) to accept 0,25 mg every fourth day. Analogs: Kabergolin = Dostineks = Bergolak = Agalates

In case of reception of a blocker of Prolactinum it is necessary to control Prolactinum level that it didn't fall below supposed. If on analysis results it is visible that level is lower than supposed it is necessary or to lower a dosage or frequency of reception. It is necessary to connect these medicines depending on what air of anabolic steroids goes on course. If short, together with them, if long, after switching on of anabolic steroids in operation.

Read in more detail: Ghost effects of steroids and how to reduce harm

Application of a horionichesky gonadotrophin (HGCh)

  • Application of HGCh is justified only on long courses (more than 8-12 weeks) for prevention of an atrophy of testicles. It should be noted that the volume of testicles not always correlates with atrophy degree.
  • It isn't recommended to apply HGCh during PKT.
  • Usually HGCh put at the end of a course (the last 2 weeks of a course on 250-500ME 3 of once a week depending on atrophy degree) if a course very long (it is more than 20-24 weeks), then introduction of HGCh is expedient also in the middle of a course.

Read in more detail: The Horionichesky gonadotrophin in bodybuilding

Postcourse therapy

It is necessary not only to make competently a course of anabolic steroids, but also to carry out postcourse therapy for restoration of function of an axis a hypothalamus-pituitary bodies-testicles. PKT should be carried out after each course. It isn't important whether there was it oxandrolone solo or a combination Testosteron-Depotum + the Sound board + the Methane. The problem of PKT to force the organism to develop again own Testosteron-Depotum differently after cancellation of AAS occurs a collapse of the gained weight and the lowered libido. The basis of any PKT is an anti-estrogen (Toremifenum, clomifene, Tamoxifenum) therefore on PKT first of all it is necessary to accept anti-estrogen, and Tribulus, Zincum and vitamins in the second.

  • Tamoxifen - strong and cheap, but is extremely toxic, unpleasant side effects are possible.
  • Clomifene (Klostilbegit) - less strong than Tamoxifen, darling, but is much less toxic.
  • Toremifen (Fareston) - medicine of new generation, strong, inexpensive, side effects are minimized.

It is necessary to accept ONLY one of 3, but not all 3 at the same time.

From second week of PKT it is possible to connect pharmaceutical triobestan, 750 mg a day (in terms of furostanolovy saponina), medicines of zinc and vitamins according to the instruction. However there are no mathematical evidences of efficiency of these supportive applications at the moment.

If on a course there were oral steroids or injection stanozol, then bile-expelling agents (Cholosasum, tykveol) according to the instruction are applied. Hepatoprotective Karsila drugs and to it similar aren't recommended as they can cause stagnation of bile. It is also desirable to monitorirovat a condition of a liver on blood tests (at injury of a liver ALT and nuclear Heating Plant enzymes raise). If after a while after cancellation oral and any alfa-17 the alkilirovannykh of drugs the functional condition of a liver wasn't normalized Geptral for intravenous administration is recommended to use. Buy Phenotropil online

The last researches showed that D-aspartic acid is noneffective and raises Prolactinum therefore it isn't recommended to use it on PKT.

If on a course there was Progestinum, but on the course you didn't accept Cabergolinum / Bromocriptinum for prophylaxis, then Cabergolinum / Bromocriptinum needs to be spent on drink on PKT in parallel with anti-estrogen reception.

It is necessary to begin PKT depending on what Aethers of AAS were on a course. If short, every other day after reception of the last, if long, in 1-4 weeks after the last nyxis, depending on a half-life period of the longest AAS.

Important notes

  • If on course there was a progestin, then it isn't recommended to use tamoxifen on PKT since it increases quantity the progesteronovykh of receptors.
  • Proviron sometimes is accepted on PKT as an androgen in case of problems with a potentiality because of shortage of testosterone. However, it is worth to remember that Proviron (Mesterolon) can suppress framing of a gonadoliberin and LG and to complicate process of restoration of secretion of own testosterone.
  • Use of strong medicines is carried out only under monitoring of the doctor! Only the medical expert in case of careful assessment of risks, specific features and parameters of a separate organism can make optimum and safe course.
  • And also it is necessary to include high-androgenic streoida in ALL courses, TESTOSTERONE since it controls many processes in a male body is more preferable: status of a bone tissue, lipidic profile, libido, etc.
  • The course is built generally on injection medicines; on course of long air after canceling of reception propionate for two weeks is recommended to use testosterone
  • On PKT it is necessary to reduce the frequency and an intesivnost of trainings to reduce rollback


Anabolic index

15 Oct 2016

The relation of anabolic activity to androgenic is called an anabolic index. From here it is clear that the most valuable is that medicine which has the greatest anabolic index as an indicator of the greatest prevalence of anabolic activity over androgenic. Indicators of an anabolic index are calculated in experiments on rats therefore extrapolation of the obtained data on the person isn't absolutely right.

Anabolic index = Anabolic activity / Androgenic activity

The anabolic index and anabolic activity are the main indicators of medicines which promote increase in muscle bulk.

Anabolic activity is shown during the physical trainings. Truly picked up program of occupations will promote increase in anabolic activity of medicines. One more important factor is the correct food allowance and a healthy sleep (during which muscles grow). Don't neglect them in parallel with regular trainings. Effect of anabolic steroids on cages of an organism is increase in synthesis of protein that, in turn, has fat-burning effect.

Anabolic index and bodybuilding

It is necessary to give preference in bodybuilding to medicines with a high anabolic index, the he is higher, the, as a rule, less side effects have medicine whereas his ability to cause a hypertrophy of muscles remains high.

As it was already noted, all figures have been received during animal experiments. At the person almost all anabolic steroids have high androgenic activity, and nevertheless, this indicator can be applied to the person, only with a bigger error. Some information about Phenotropil

Especially important knowledge has an androgenic index for women, they have to use medicines only with a low androgenic index as these means to a lesser extent cause a masculinization.


Definition of an anabolic index was carried out in researches on animals whereas at people actually all medicines show high androgenic activity in connection with smaller distinction in a structure of androgenic receptors.

The anabolic index has for the first time begun to be applied in the 1950th years. Researchers compared influence of anabolic medicines on a prostate hypertrophy (androgenic action) and a hypertrophy of a muscle at rats. What was an influence on a hypertrophy of muscles more, especially the anabolic index of medicine was high.


Anabolic steroids

15 Oct 2016

Anabolic steroids are pharmacological medicines which imitate effect of male sex hormone - testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Anabolic steroids accelerate synthesis of protein in cages that leads to the expressed hypertrophy of muscular tissue (in general this process is called as anabolism) therefore they have found broad application in bodybuilding. Action of anabolic steroids is conditionally divided into two directions: anabolic activity and androgenic activity. The word "anabolic steroid" comes from Greek "anabolein" that is translated how "to increase", the word "androgenic" comes from the words "andros" and "genein" that it is translated as "to do by the man" or "look like a man".


  • Anabolic steroids have a large number of synonyms:
  • Anabolic steroids
  • Androgens
  • EXPERT (abbreviation Anabolic Steroids)
  • AAS (abbreviation Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids - the official name in foreign literature)
  • Steroids
  • Vitamins (the slang name in bodybuilding)
  • Chemistry (the slang name in bodybuilding)
  • Pharm (the slang name in bodybuilding)

The history of anabolic steroids

Use of anabolic steroids began even before their identification and allocation. Medical use of extract of testicles of animals began at the end of the 19th century. In 1931 Adolf Butenandt was succeeded to isolate 15 mg of an androstenon from 10 000 liters of urine. This anabolic steroid in a consequence was synthesized by Leopold Ruzicka in 1934.

In the 1930th years it was already known that extract of testicles contains more powerful anabolic steroid, than adrostenone. Three groups of scientists financed by three competitive pharmaceutical companies from the different countries: The Netherlands, Nazi Germany and Switzerland began search of more powerful components.  So, in May, 1935 Karoly Gyula David, E. Dingemanse, J. Freud and Ernst Laqueur was succeeded to emit crystal testosterone. Hormone received such name proceeding from the origin: dough - a small egg, styrene - steroid structure, and the termination - it which says that substance is ketone.

Chemical synthesis of testosterone from cholesterol was made same years later by Butenandt and G. Hanisch. In a week after this event, the third Ruzicka and A. Wettstein group placed the order for patenting of a new method of chemical synthesis of testosterone. Ruzicka and Butenandt got for the inventions a Nobel prize in 1939.

Clinical tests in public, including oral reception of methyltestosteron-Depotum and injection of Testosteroni propionas, began in 1937.

The first mention of an anabolic steroid in the history of strength sports is dated 1938, so far as concerns Testosteron-Depotum propionate in the letter to the editor of the Strength and Health magazine. There are rumors that in fascist Germany anabolic steroids were applied on soldiers, for the purpose of rising of aggression and endurance, however now these facts have no official confirmation. However, Adolf Hitler received injections of anabolic steroids, according to his personal doctor. Anabolic steroids were used by Nazis in experiments on prisoners of concentration camps. In other countries anabolic steroids were applied to treatment and recovery of the exhausted prisoners which were released from camps.

Modern history

Enhancement of anabolic properties of testosterone was carried out in the 1940th years in the Soviet Union and East Blok's countries, such as East Germany where anabolic steroids began to be applied to improvement of indicators of the Olympic weight-lifters. In response to success of the Russian weight-lifters, the doctor of an Olympic team of the USA, Dr. John Ziegler, began work with chemists on development of an anabolic steroid with smaller androgenic activity therefore Metandrostenolon was received. New medicine was approved by FDA in 1958. Most often it was appointed for treatment of heavy burns, and to elderly people, however the most part of Metandrostenolon was consumed in bodybuilding and other strength sports. Dr. John Ziegler appointed only small doses for athletes, but later it noticed that athletes who exceeded a dosage had a hypertrophy of a prostate and an atrophy of testicles.

In 1976 anabolic steroids were forbidden by the International Olympic Committee, on it the history of their legal application in sport comes to an end, and in 10 years special tests were developed after that for determination of anabolic steroids in urine.

Search of new anabolic steroids

Now all variety of anabolic steroids and their modification is under construction on four main ideas:

Alkylation in alfa-17 positions metilny or ethyl group, for prevention of destruction of medicines in a liver that does possible oral administration in the form of tablets.

Esterification in beta-17 situation which does medicine soluble in fats, and allows to create depot in fabrics which resolves a long time, thus, considerably increasing action duration (up to several months) anabolic means.

Change of ring structure of an anabolic steroid belongs to oral medicine, is connected with the aspiration to raise an anabolic index.

Change of structure which interferes with conversion of steroids in estrogen.

Also now active development of a new class of selective modulators of androgenic receptors is conducted.

The mechanism of steroids action

The mechanism of action of anabolic steroids isn't similar to effect of peptide hormones. Getting to blood, molecules of steroids are carried on all body where they react with cells of skeletal muscles, the sebaceous glands, hair sacks determined by sites of a brain and some endocrine glands. Anabolic steroids can be dissolved in fats therefore can get through the membrane of cages consisting of fats; in a cage anabolic steroids interact (contact) androgenic receptors of a kernel and cytoplasm. The activated androgenic receptors transmit a signal in a cellular kernel therefore the expression of genes changes or processes which send signals to other parts of a cage are activated. It is resulted by stimulation of synthesis of all types of nucleonic acids and process of formation of new molecules of protein is started.

The effect of anabolic steroids on growth of muscle bulk is caused by the following mechanisms:

  • acceleration of synthesis of protein
  • decrease in time of restoration
  • reduction of influence of catabolic hormones (cortisol, etc.)
  • shift of a differentiation of cages towards muscular, reducing formation of fatty cages acceleration of metabolic reactions at the expense of what there is a fat disintegration
  • muscle memory

Effects of anabolic steroids

Effects of anabolic steroids are divided into two main categories: anabolic and androgenic.

Anabolic effects:

  • Considerable surplus of muscle bulk (5-10 kg a month)
  • Increase in power indicators
  • Increase in endurance and performance
  • Increase in number of erythrocytes of blood
  • Strengthening of a bone tissue
  • Reduction of fatty inventories

Androgenic effects:

  • Masculinization
  • Virilization
  • Prostate hypertrophy
  • Atrophy of testicles
  • Loss of hair on the head, and activation of growth on the person and a body

From what it is visible that in bodybuilding only anabolic effects are pursued. Now development of steroids which have the expressed anabolic effect and low androgenic is conducted. The indicator which reflects this ratio is called an anabolic index. At the moment practically all anabolic steroids have the expressed androgenic effects.

Additional effects:

  • Appetite strengthening
  • Increase in self-confidence and self-assessment
  • Increase in sexual desire

Side effects of anabolic steroids

Read the main article: Side effects of steroids and how to reduce harm of steroids

Side effects are listed in the list given below according to emergence frequency.

During a course:

  • Irritability or "steroid rage"
  • Rising of arterial pressure
  • Acne (acne eruption)
  • Rising of a libido (in certain cases is considered as useful effect)
  • Differences of mood
  • Liquid delay (at flavored)
  • Rising of level of a cholesterin (as a result - an atherosclerosis)
  • Gynecomastia (cause only those anabolic steroids which are converted into estrogens or those which have progestinovy activity - trenbolone and Nandrolonums)
  • Masculanization at women
  • Liver lesion (it is peculiar to those drugs which have metilny group in alfa-17 positions)
  • Myocardium hypertrophy with development of an ischemia
  • Stunt at young age
  • The hair loss is (very rare)

After the course:

  • Decrease in a libido
  • Impotence
  • Psychological accustoming (desire to repeat a course)
  • Decrease in products of sperm
  • Infertility
  • Atrophy of testicles (in case of overdose and long rates)
  • Depression

The picture of complications is in many respects determined by a pharmacological profile of medicine, one are safer, others less. Risk minimization requires strict observance of the mode of administration and control of the medical specialist.

Exaggeration of danger of steroids in media

Despite variety of side effects of anabolic steroids, it should be noted that now information on them is exaggerated. In a press and on television it is possible to hear often that reception of anabolic steroids carries to inevitable infertility, impotence, damage of a liver and so on though in practice even excessive doses of steroids not always lead to irreversible consequences.

Besides, it is necessary to distinguish the concept "use" and "abuse". So, according to National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reception of anabolic steroids according to the instruction in 80-95% doesn't cause complications and collateral responses, at the same time the most part of ghost effects has completely reversible character. You can also like Phenotropil pills

Abuse assumes reception of steroids in heavy doses or the excessive duration of courses. The risk of ghost effects significantly increases in this situation, the frequency of irreversible complications increases. As a rule, steroids are represented to media against the background of "abuse" therefore the false pattern of extreme danger of use of anabolic steroids is created.

Preventing of side effects

  • Don't exceed the recommended doses
  • Don't combine several anabolic steroids if it isn't provided by course
  • Don't exceed course duration
  • Women generally aren't recommended to accept anabolic steroids, or to make a choice from medicines with a high anabolic index.
  • Don't apply anabolic steroids aged 25 years are more low
  • Surely include in PCT course, it will allow to lower or prevent many ghost effects significantly.

These recommendations allow to reduce the frequency of ghost effects to 1% and below, and also to save the gained muscle bulk and results.

Anabolic steroids in bodybuilding

Anabolic steroids can apply in bodybuilding first of all for the purpose of increase in muscle bulk and power indicators. Besides, steroids help to keep muscle bulk during the drying and work on a relief, promote increase in productivity of training, due to increase in endurance and force. Read in more detail: how to make a course of anabolic steroids.


At a set of muscle bulk reception of anabolic steroids should be combined with systematic power trainings, high-calorific food. From sports food at the same time with steroids it is desirable to use a protein, BCAA as they it is required on creation of own proteins, besides it is possible to accept creatine, a vitamin and mineral complex, and also additives for PCT.



15 Oct 2016

Information on this page is exclusively for healthcare professionals.

Abbreviation Meaning

RA rheumatoid arthritis

RAST radioallergosorbent test

RBC red blood cell

RDA recommended daily allowance

REM rapid eye movement

RF rheumatoid factor

RHC right heart catheterization

RIA radioimmunoassay

RLQ right lower quadrant

RNA ribonucleic acid

ROM rupture of membranes

ROS review of systems

RPR rapid plasma reagin

RR relative risk

RR respiratory rate

RRR relative risk reduction

RSD reflex sympathetic dystrophy

RSV respiratory syncytial virus

RTA renal tubular acidosis

RUA routine urinanalysis

RUQ right upper quadrant

RV residual volume

RV right ventricular

RVH right ventricular hypertrophy

RVSP right ventricular systolic pressure

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SAAG serum-ascites albumin gradient

SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage

SALT skin-associated lymphoid tissue

SAR stucture-activity relationship

SBP spontaneous bacterial peritonitis

SC subcutaneous

SCID severe combined immunodeficiency

SCLC small cell lung cancer

SERM selective estrogen receptor modulator

SES socioeconomic status

SGOT serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase

SGPT serum glutamic pyruvate transaminase

SH sulfhydryl

SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone

SIDS sudden infant death syndrome

SL sublingual

SLE systemic lupus erythematosus

SMA superior mesenteric artery

SNRI selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor

SO2 sulfur dioxide

SOB shortness of breath

SPEP serum protein electrophoresis

SPN solitary pulmonary nodule

SRS-A slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis

SQ subcutaneous

SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

STD sexually transmitted disease

STEMI ST-elevation myocardial infarction

SVT supraventricular tachycardia

T temperature

T3 triiodothyronine

T4 thyroxine

TAH-BSO total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy

TB tuberculosis

TBG thyroxine-binding globulin

TCA tricyclic antidepressant

Td tetanus and diphtheria toxoid adsorbed

TD traveller's diarrhea

TdT tumor doubling time

TEE transesophageal echocardiography

TENS transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

TFT thyroid function test

TGA transposition of the great arteries

TIA transient ischemic attack

TIBC total iron-binding capacity

TID three times daily

TIG tetanus immune globulin

TIPS transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt

TNF tumor necrosis factor

tPa tissue plasminogen activator

TRH thyroid / thyrotropin-releasing hormone

tRNA transfer ribonucleic acid

UGIB upper gastrointestinal blood

USAN Council United States Adopted Names Council

USMLE United States Medical Licensing Examination

UTI urinary tract infection

UVR ultraviolet radiation

Vd volume of distribution

VIP vasoactive intestinal peptid

VLDL very-low-density-lipoprotein

VP vasopressin

VT ventricular tachycardia

WHO World Health Organization

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