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Nootropics, Semax and Piracetam (Part 1)

20 Oct 2016


In the preparation of athletes for competitions body receives a large load, often suffer from many of the functions and organs, including the brain. An athlete in training may be in hypoxia (lack of oxygen), it usually happens during exercise, this condition of the body adversely affects the brain.
Undoubtedly, a great physical activity affects the central nervous system condition and speed of thought processes. And even if an athlete is not necessary to perform certain mental processes (training or reproduction of information), and he purposefully preparing for a competition, it should be understood that the defective operation of thought processes may also affect the competitive sports result. Therefore, during heavy preparations, when the body is already at the peak of fitness, but many functions are overworked, it would be appropriate to use nootropics.

The same people who are not professional athletes, but it is hard to train, should be taken nootropics often because their lives clarity of thinking, receiving and reproduction of information takes a more important stage.


Nootropic drugs is a class of drugs affect brain function. Nootropics not have psychostimulant or sedation, unlike CNS stimulants such as caffeine, namely they affect memory and recall information, improve blood flow and energy processes of the brain. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Phenotropil.

The main action of neuroprotective drugs:

  • Improving the mental processes, significantly affects on improving education - increasing the quality of training.
  • Improves memorization and duration of storage of the information - improves memory.
  • It improves the reproduction of information.
  • It stimulates the metabolic processes in the nervous tissue.
The mechanism of action of neuroprotective drugs:
  • It improves the speed of the active power supply.
  • It accelerates protein synthesis and RNA in the nerve cells.
  • Effect on carbohydrate metabolism in brain tissue.
  • It increases cerebral blood flow.
The main effects of nootropics:
  • Raises vitality level - not so sleepy during waking hours, when the active mental activity.
  • Antidepressant - nootropics are used in the treatment of different types of depression.
  • Adaptogens - increases nonspecific resistance of the organism.
  • It increases the clarity of consciousness - the speed, ease and precision, high-quality thinking.
Side effects of nootropics:
  • Increased excitability.
  • Nervousness or weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Anxiety.
  • Sleep disturbance.
From the author: It is understood that the nootropic drugs do help thinking processes, that even now writing on Piracetam, but they will not make you a genius. If the person is an idiot and stupid thoughts, just these stupid thoughts will be more, any information in itself does not appear. If there is a process of learning and reproduction of information, in this case, nootropic drugs do help. I will tell you from their own experience that writing becomes easier, easier to remember and offer themselves become more whole and complete.


Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacological Sport preparations

20 Oct 2016

Antioxidants and free radicals (Oxidants)

Free radicals are unstable, chemically reactive compounds formed during the combustion of oxygen "fuel" in the cells. Their instability is due to an unbalanced number of electrons relative to the nucleus charge. Such non-equilibrium molecules tend to recover, giving an extra electron or tearing missing from another molecule. In turn, the other molecule is in a nonequilibrium and is committed to a balanced, continuing the reaction.

In small amounts, free radicals play a useful role in maintaining health, taking part in the millions of chemical reactions taking place in cells every second. They help to absorb write and fight disease-causing bacteria, fungi and viruses. However, the effect of intense physical activity, as well as contaminated drinking water, smoking, radiation leads to disruption of natural control mechanisms. Then the activity of free radicals increases dramatically, destroying our body.

Coming out from under the control of the body, free radicals cause noticeable damage. They destroy cells by damaging the cell membrane. Or causing mutations alter the structure of the cell's DNA. Free radicals may also bind the two molecules together, after which the latter may not operate correctly. For example, if the two molecules are bound together dermal collagen, the skin loses its elasticity and smoothness, it becomes inelastic and wrinkled. Often, people whose body is severely damaged by free radicals, develop brown spots on the back of the hand or on the forehead.

Free radicals (oxidants) are a byproduct of metabolism. Five major known oxidants: superoxide radicals, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radicals, fatty peroxy radicals and atomic oxygen.

The researchers believe that free radicals are the cause of manifestation of more than 50 diseases.

In sport, as a result of exorbitant loads and actions of "external" oxidant is initiated free radical processes, which promotes the formation of toxic products that disrupt the function of cellular membranes and bio-energy mechanisms. You can try Meldonium

Substances known as antioxidants, play a crucial role in preventing and controlling damage. These substances act as free radical neutralizers - located them and stop their malicious activities.

Admission of antioxidants gives the body a means to stop these destructive reactions.

Antioxidants are a compound having an excess of "free electrons" that bind readily with free radicals and do not cause a chain reaction. They contribute to neutralize the negative effects of oxidation in the body.

In the practice of sports such antioxidants are used, such as:

  • Vitamins A, C, E, Bc, beta-carotene;
  • Selenium, enzymes, neyrobutal (calcium hydroxybutyrate), sodium hydroxybutyrate, linseed oil,
  • Adaptogens;
  • Coenzyme 0-10, ubiquinone, OPT;
  • Honey, pollen;
  • Tserebrum compositum (homeopath).


Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacological Sport preparations

20 Oct 2016


The overall effect for all adaptbgens is a non-specific increase in functionality, improving adaptability (adaptation) organism in the complicated conditions of existence.

Adaptogens practically do not change the normal functions of the body, but significantly improve physical and mental performance, stress tolerance, resistance to various adverse factors (heat, cold, thirst, hunger, infections, psycho-emotional stress, etc.) and reduce the adaptation time frame for them.

Adaptogens are drugs is usually of natural origin, obtained from natural raw material (parts of medicinal plants or organs of animals), which have a long history of use (some of them are used in oriental medicine for thousands of years). Mechanisms of action of adaptogens are different and largely not been clarified so far.

It is assumed that the basic realization of action by their adaptogens is a tonic effect on the central nervous system and through it on all other systems, organs and tissues. Since different adaptogens have different effects on the body, it is recommended to combine and alternate different adaptogenic drugs, mutually enhancing their effect. Adaptogens allow an increase in the volume and intensity of training loads, improve body tone and performance.

All this without increasing muscle mass directly contributes to the overall stimulation of the body and allows sweat solve the problem. Here are the most common adaptogens available in the pharmacy network. Do not forget take Phenotropil for better results.

Ginseng capsules (available in various combinations of honey, bee milk) Ginsana (100 mg of the active ingredient) taken 1-2-4 pieces. in a day. Ginseng tincture (tincture of ginseng root, 1:10 to 70% alcohol) is available in bottles of 50 ml. Is the inside (to food) on the 15-25 drops 3 times a day.

Saparal tablets containing the sum of glycosides derived from the roots of the Manchurian Aralia. Available in the form of tablets of 0.05 g Take after a meal and 1 table. 2-3 times per day. Course duration of 15-30 days.

Rhaponticum extract liquid (alcohol 70% alcohol (1: 1)) of the rhizomes and roots of Rhaponticum carthamoides (rhaponticumcarthamoides, Maral root, the family Asteraceae), is available in bottles of 40 ml. Is the inside of 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day.

Tincture Schisandra, taken orally 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach or after 4 hours after meals, duration of 3-4 weeks.

Rhodiola extract liquid (golden root), taken orally 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day for 15-30 minutes before eating.

Tincture of wolfberry (Sem. Aralia), appointed inside before eating 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day.

Tincture Aralia, take 30-46 drops 2-3 times a day.

Eleutherococcus (Sem. Aralia), take 20-30 drops 30 minutes before meals for 25-30 days.

Sterculia tincture, taken orally for 10-40 drops 2-3 times daily on an empty stomach.

Pantocrine (Ðantocrinum) is a liquid alcohol extract (50% alcohol) from the non-ossified horns (antlers) deer, red deer and axis deer. Available in bottles of 50 ml or in tablets of 0.075 or 0.15 g; 1 tablet corresponds to the content of the active substance 0.5 ml of tincture; are inside of 25-40 drops (or 1-2 tablets) 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

Synthetic adaptogen Safinor is a broad-spectrum drug having besides anabolic action. Safinor tablet contains 0.2 g Riboxinum, 0.25 g of Potassium Orotate, 0.2 g Sàðàràlum and 0.05 g Floverinum. Floverinum (obtained from the roots of Phlojodicarpus sibiricus K.Pol) has the properties of adaptogens. Admission of Safinor Tablet 1-2. 3 times per day is recommended during periods of intense loads and large volume.

Synthetic adaptogens of a wide spectrum products are: Sodium Hydroxybutyrate, Calcium Hydroxybutyrate.

Recently developed combined tablet form:

Elton is composition of Eleutherococcus root powder, vitamin E, vitamin C, pollen and lactose in a single tablet. Recommended intake of 3-4 tablets per day, 20-30 days. Last receiving the drug should be not later than 18 hours, since it is possible sleep disorders.

Leveton – Rhaponticum (Leuzea) powder (Maral root) + pollen + propolis + vitamins E and C.

Fitoton is powder, that contains Rhodiola rosea (golden root) powder, Chinese magnolia vine, pollen, vitamins C and E.

Adapton - the composition of the powder Chinese magnolia vine, levzei, Rhodiola rosea, pollen, vitamins E and C.

Apivit - consists of pollen (pollen), sugar-coated with vitamin C. Assign inside of 1/2 teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

For athletes is preferable reception of Adaptogens as tablets and capsules than in alcohol solutions.



20 Oct 2016

CJC-1295 - the tetrareplaced peptide hormone which consists of 30 amino acids. In a human body functions as an analog of a somatoliberin (a natural stimulator of secretion of hormone of growth).

One of the main benefits of CJC-1295 DAC in comparison with widely applied GRF(1-29) analog (synonyms: CJC-1295 w/o, without or without DAC) is the long period of semi-destruction (up to two weeks). CJC-1295 DAC contacts proteins of plasma (albumine) that leads to significant increase in duration of action, due to addition of the lysine connected with not peptide molecule DAC (Drug Affinity Complex).


Surely specify "attention" upon purchase whether is available as a part of the molecule CJC-1295 DAC (Drug Affinity Complex), efficiency and the scheme of a rate will depend on it. If in structure there is no Drug Affinity Complex, then you purchase the tetrareplaced or modified GRF(1-29) which sellers often call SJS-1295, this peptide works about 30 minutes.

Storage conditions: 2-8 C degrees (refrigerator). Method of application: Injections hypodermically or intramuscularly.


CJC-1295 DAC was invented in the Canadian company of biotechnologies ConjuChem in 2005, however received popularity in bodybuilding only by 2010-2011 when the production technology the third-party companies, including the Chinese producers seized. Time of action (elimination half-life) constitutes of 6-8 days.

CJC-1295 DAC

The ConjuChem company initiated researches on CJC-1295 DAC in 2005 which purpose was studying of effect of substance on visceral fat at patients of patients with AIDS and obesity. It is known that earlier in similar situations growth hormone for combustion of fat was used. Results were very successful for most of patients, however researches were suspended after submission of legal claims by three patients which transferred a myocardial infarction after a rate of CJC-1295 DAC.

Action mechanism

CJC-1295 affects kernels of a forward share of a hypophysis and stimulates growth hormone secretion, mainly, by means of tsAMF of a dependent way. Substance contacts receptors of GHRH which carrying to the G-protein group of the interfaced receptors.


Researchers have shown that CJC-1295 DAC has effects, similar with growth hormone:

  • increase in force
  • growth of muscles
  • combustion of fat
  • improvement of quality of skin (smoothing of wrinkles)
  • increase in density of bones
  • strengthening of sheaves and joints
  • positive influence on a dream

During a course there are characteristic feelings of swelling of muscles.

Short review of physiology of hormone of growth

Start of release of the growth hormone (GH) a hypophysis depends on three main types of hormones regulators:

Somatostatin who suppresses secretion of GR, he provides a pulsoobrazny curve of secretion (creates the peaks of concentration in certain hours, in particular at night).

Growth hormone a rileasing hormone (GHRH), is the peptide stimulating release. Introduction to an organism causes wavy rise in concentration which will be weak in hours when natural secretion of GR is reduced at the expense of a somatostatin, and high during natural rise in concentration of GR (for example, at night). In other words GHRH strengthens secretion of GR, without breaking a natural curve. Artificial analogs: GRF(1-29), it is Sermorelin and CJC-1295. You can also like Phenotropil.

GHRP - is the secretion modulator, that is regulates balance between peaks and falling of concentration of GR. Artificial analogs are GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Hexarelin and Ipamorelin. Create the peak of concentration of GR right after introduction, regardless of time of day and existence of a somatostatin in blood. Age allows to keep growth hormone secretion, despite escalating influence of a somatostatin.

Course of CJC-1295 DAC in bodybuilding

After a one-fold injection of CJC-1295 DAC, concentration of hormone in blood increases at 2-10 times by 6th day, concentration of IGF-I increases by 1,5-3 times by 10th day. Elimination half-life makes 6-8 days. After several injections the level of an insulinelike growth-1 factor (IFR-1) remains raised for a month. The average dose makes 30-60 micrograms on body weight kg, once a week.

Very often there are disagreements concerning medicine introduction frequency. So in researches the following concentration curves in case of different dosages were received:

Proceeding from these diagrams average concentration on days of the week were calculated, when using standard doses on 1 and 2 mkg:

From calculations it is visible that for maintenance of optimum concentration 2 times a week as by fifth day it is reduced to ineffective are expedient to enter peptide. Also we will provide diagrams of use of different dosages of medicine on which it is visible that optimum concentration of IFR-1 is watched in case of a dose of 60 mkg/kg (about 2000 mkg, twice a week), and in case of increase in a dose up to 125 mkg/kg concentration of IFR-1 practically doesn't increase.

Thus, optimum it is possible to read the following protocol: on 1000-2000 mkg (1 or 1/2 bottles) two times a week. In addition to trainings, don't forget to keep to the correct diet and to accept a sporting supply for achievement of the purpose.

Combined course

It was well proved and precisely established that simultaneous entering of GHRH (for example, CJC-1295) and GHRP (for example, GHRP-6 or GHRP-2) leads to a synergy effect. These peptides possess exponential action at each other. In other words, when entering one CJC-1295 we will gain the stimulating effect in 2 points. When entering only of one GHRP-6 we will gain effect in 4 points. When entering both substances at the same time we will gain effect not in 6 points (additive action 2+4=6) as it was possible to expect, and in 10 points - than the amount of everyone separately is more (exponential action 2+4=10). Thus, we receive not only a bigger anabolic response, but also we can save means.

In spite of the fact that the natural pulsation of GR when entering CJC-1295 remains, it doesn't cause increase in these peaks, increasing only the GR basal level, creating thus a concentration pattern on female type with a smaller anabolic response. Moreover, GHRH are effective only when the level of a somatostatin low. Therefore the combination of CJC-1295 and GHRP-6 or GHRP-2 allows to keep a natural curve and to regulate time and height of peaks of concentration.

Optimal combined course:

  • GHRP-6 or GHRP-2 on 100 mkg three times a day.
  • CJC-1295 on 1000 mkg twice a week.
  • Duration of a rate is 8-12 weeks.

By efficiency it is equated to growth hormone cycle on 15 PIECES/days, at the same time cost is several times lower.

Storage and preparation

It is necessary to cool a bottle to room temperature then to enter the required water volume for injections (which has to flow down on a bottle wall) and to stir the rotating movements (not to shake). The solution received by means of water for injections remains stable for only 8-10 days in the refrigerator. If to use bacteriostatic water, duration of storage increases up to 30 days in the refrigerator. It is better for CJC-1295 DAC to dissolve only by means of bacteriostatic water. The received solution can't be frozen.

CJC-1295 course without DAC

Optimum dose of CJC-1295 without DAC: 1 mkg/kg to three times a day (in case of a subcutaneous injection) (in an ampoule of 2 mg = 2000 mkg). Thus, 90 mkg will be a relevant dosage weighing 90 kg, and one bottle will last for 8-22 days (depending on reception frequency).

It is also desirable to combine this peptide with GHRP-6 or GHRP-2. For example, the standard protocol looks so: one injection contains 100 mkg of GHRP-6 + 100 mkg of the modified GRF(1-29). It is possible to dissolve in one syringe. Solution is found 2-3 times a day, with a difference at least 3 hours. The best time for injections: after the training, in 15 minutes prior to food and before going to bed!


GRF(1-29) - Sermorelin

20 Oct 2016

GRF(1-29), is issued under a trade name Sermorelin - the peptide stimulating growth hormone secretion concerns to the GHRH group. Has a short half-life period in an organism, about several minutes that isn't enough for the maximum rise in concentration of hormone of growth.

For increase in stability and the period of semi-destruction the sequence of GRF(1-29) included in addition 4 amino acids. This structural modification increased action duration up to 30 minutes that is quite enough for achievement of long effect and stimulation of peak secretion of hormone of growth. This form also often is called as the tetrareplaced GRF(1-29) or modified and is very often confused to CJC-1295. If to draw an analogy to anabolic steroids, then tetroreplaced of GRF(1-29) represents a propionate testosterone analog, and CJC-1295 - testosterone of an enantat.

GRF(1-29), Sermorelin


GRF (1-29) or Sermorelin (Tyr-Ala-Asp-Ala-Ile-Phe-Thr-Asn-Ser-Tyr-Arg-Lys-Val-Leu-Gly-Gln-Leu-Ser-Ala-Arg-Lys-Leu-Leu-Gln-Asp-Ile-Met-Ser-Arg-NH2) - biologically active part consisting of 44 GHRH amino acids = elimination half-life less than 5-10 minutes

Mod GRF (1-29) or tetrareplaced 2nd, 8th, 15th and 27th amino acid in the sequence of GRF (1-29): (Tyr-DAla-Asp-Ala-Ile-Phe-Thr-Gln-Ser-Tyr-Arg-Lys-Val-Leu-Ala-Gln-Leu-Ser-Ala-Arg-Lys-Leu-Leu-Gln-Asp-Ile-Leu-Ser-Arg-NH2) = period of semi-destruction of 30 minutes

Upon peptide purchase surely specify "attention", the tetrareplaced (modified) this form or not.

Often tetroreplaced GRF(1-29) is called also by CJC-1295 without DAC (Drug Affinity Complex - a special complex which increases action duration up to several days due to communication with proteins of plasma)

For creation of more convenient last long GHRH form substance under the code of CJC-1295 was created. This peptide is similar in structure to the considered tetrareplaced GRF(1-29), excluding the fact that amino acid a lysine which is connected with a molecule of so-called "Drug Affinity Complex (DAC)" was added to the sequence. This complex allows to contact to peptides albumine of blood and increases the semi-destruction period up to 1-2 weeks. By analogy with testosterone, this form can be compared to testosterone tsipionaty. Some information about Phenotropil.


The modified GRF (1-29) is used most often in a dose of 100-200 mkg, intramuscularly, injections are carried out 1-3 times a day intramuscularly or hypodermically.

For achievement of the maximum synergy effect it is strongly recommended to combine with GHRP (for example, GHRP-6 or GHRP-2):

GRF (1-29) 100-200 of mkg

GHRP-6 or GHRP-2 100 mkg

Peptides are dissolved in 1-2 ml of water for injections (it is possible to use 1 syringe) and 1-3 times a day intramuscularly are entered.

The best time for injections: in 15 minutes prior to food, after the training, before going to bed.

Duration of a course is 6-12 weeks.

Storage and preparation

It is necessary to cool a bottle to room temperature then to enter the required water volume for injections (which has to flow down on a bottle wall) and to stir the rotating movements (not to shake). The solution received by means of water for injections remains stable for only 8-10 days in the refrigerator. If to use bacteriostatic water, duration of storage increases up to 30 days in the refrigerator. It is better for Mod GRF 1-29 to dissolve only by means of bacteriostatic water. The received solution can't be frozen.


GHRP-6 and Hexarelin

20 Oct 2016

GHRP-6 and Hexarelin, (HEX) - growth hormone secretion stimulators, by the nature is peptide. Hexarelin is a structural analog of GHRP-6, has the same effects, is used in the same dosages therefore often they are considered as synonyms. These substances have been developed for treatment of deficiency of hormone of growth.

GHRP-6 is in many respects similar to GHRP-2, the main distinction is that the second approximately in 1,5 more GR powerful booster, but along with it increases concentration of Prolactinum and cortisol. These peptides can be applied in common to achievement of synergy effect. In researches the maximum concentration of hormone of growth in blood were observed at joint introduction of GHRP-6 and GHRP-2.


Influence on appetite.

Lately ambiguous opinions on influence of these agonists of a grelin on appetite

First, this rough delusion as they do not increase development of a grelin, and its mimetikam are. At the same time both peptides cause the expressed rise in appetite that was recorded in various scientific works. Besides at GHRP-2 action of cortisol which also strengthens feeling of hunger is in addition imposed. According to feedbacks of athletes a little greater influence on appetite is exerted by GHRP-6. This effect weakens as a rule on the 2nd week of a course.

Hexarelin and GHRP-6 can be entered into an organism in various ways: hypodermically, inside, under language, transbukkalno, however most often intramuscularly. Molecules of this substance so small that are capable to get through vessels of a mouth and stomach before are destroyed by digestive enzymes. Nevertheless, optimum bioavailability is provided by only injection ways of introduction.


Application in bodybuilding

In spite of the fact that it is new medicine, Hexarelin became the popular choice of athletes already now as means for increase in endurance and increase in relief of muscles. GHRP-6 is available in the form of several trademarks. Practically all products go from China.


The main action of GHRP-6 - body height hormone secretion stimulation therefore the most part of effects is similar to those at body height hormone.

The declared effects of GHRP-6 are listed below:

  • Augmentation of power indicators
  • Body height of muscles
  • Combustion of fat
  • Relief intensifying
  • Rising of appetite
  • The rejuvenating effect (improvement of properties of a skin and hair)
  • Immunity strengthening
  • Strengthening of bones
  • Protects a liver
  • Antiphlogistic action

Research data

In researches at Hexarelin's introduction hypodermically, concentration of hormone of growth considerably increases within thirty minutes after introduction. Within the next four hours after an injection concentration of hormone of growth gradually decreases to initial.

Doses and the mode of acceptance

Testing showed that the optimum one-time dose of GHRP-6 constitutes 1 mkg on 1 kg of body weight. In case of decrease in a dose weaker raising of hormone of growth, however excess of the specified dose is observed doesn't lead to increase in secretion of hormone of growth. For example, in case of increase in a dose from 100 to 200 mkg increase in concentration of hormone of growth will be will cause a stir only for 25% therefore 100 mkg are considered an optimum dose in bodybuilding. Drug is injected three times a day - after the training, in 15 minutes prior to food and before going to bed.

Also it was determined that the organism gradually adapts to action of GHRP-6, efficiency of medicine respectively decreases. At the researched people tolerance (desensetization) arose in 4-16 weeks of acceptance. For this reason if you don't want to spend in vain the financial resources, duration of a rate shan't exceed 4-8 weeks then it is necessary to take a break for 1-2 weeks.

"Attention" also solves a desensetization Problem a combination to CJC-1295, "the combination now this is recognized the gold standard".

Preparation and storage of solution

It is necessary to cool a bottle to room temperature, then to enter the necessary volume of water for injections (which has to flow down on a bottle wall) and to stir the smooth rotating movements (not to shake) or to give to stand in the refrigerator. Solution is quite stable. And, stability in this case doesn't depend on solvent type (bacteriostatic water or water for injections). The period of storage in the refrigerator makes about 30-35 days. Please pay attention to Phenotropil


Efficiency of a rate of GHRP-6 can be increased considerably if to combine it with other stimulators of hormone of growth or anabolic steroids.

  • CJC-1295 or GRF(1-29) - the best choice for a combination. Strengthen action of GHRP-6 several times. This combination is acknowledged as the gold standard in bodybuilding now. The combined rates are described according to the specified references.
  • GHRP-2 - according to some sources a combination allows to increase efficiency of a rate more than twice though practical results remain doubtful.
  • Insulin - will increase efficiency of a rate for 30-40%
  • Arginin - will increase efficiency for 10-20%
  • Glyutamin
  • GABA

Side effects

During the researches of serious side effects GHRP-6 it hasn't been recorded, on the contrary medicine increased protective properties of an organism. GHRP-6 is appointed even at children's age. In higher doses (600 mkg/days and above) increase in concentration of Prolactinum and cortisol, however in much smaller degree, than GHRP-2 can cause. In places of injections there is a burning - which passes in 5-10 minutes.



20 Oct 2016

GHRP-2 (Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide - 2 - the peptide releasing growth hormone) or Pralmorelin - a stimulator of hormone of growth (somatotropin) which showed outstanding performance at people in case of sublingual and transbukkalny acceptance. GHRP-2, perhaps, the unique and most powerful booster (stimulator) of development of a somatotropin from all existing now. GHRP-2 is oligopeptidy which is capable to get through vessels of a mouth and to arrive in a blood-groove passing a liver. In researches it was shown that GHRP-2 stimulates a hypophysis that leads to increase in secretion of a somatotropin at 7-15 times (other stimulators of hormone of growth, on the basis of GABA and amino acids increase level no more than by 2-3 times from initial).

Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide - 2 consists of six consistently connected amino acids. This stimulator of hormone of growth enters into group of peptides which interact with G protein-coupled receptors of a hypophysis and a hypothalamus, also it activates grelinovy receptors that in turn leads to appetite strengthening. These peptides were for the first time received at the end of the last century from a metenkefalin (artificial peptide). In spite of the fact that GHRP-2 has no structural similarities about a somatotropin-rileasing hormone (endogenous biologically active agent which naturally stimulates growth hormone development), in clinical testing this substance showed similar effects on a hypophysis.

GHRP-2, Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide - 2

The stimulator of hormone of growth of GHRP-2 has the small molecular weight therefore easily gets through mucous membrane of a mouth that the parenteral way of introduction allows to avoid. Efficiency and good tolerance of a sublingual, intranazal and transbucal method of entering of medicine is confirmed by medical researches.

The results of clinical testing published in Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism in 1997 showed that Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide - 2 increases products of a somatotropin both at children, and at adults and even at elderly people.

Main effects

  • Body height hormone secretion stimulator
  • Appetite intensifying (due to activation the grelinovykh of receptors) 
  • Depression of fatty weight and augmentation muscular (that is, relief intensifying) 
  • Depression of level of a cholesterin
  • Strengthening of bones
  • Improvement of properties of a skin (effect of a rejuvenascence)
  • Protective effect on a liver
  • Antiinflammatory action

"Attention" of GHRPeptide-2 the most potent and in too time a safe stimulator of secretion of Somatotropinum from all existing in the market of a sports delivery now (on action force it can be compared to body height hormone drugs) that is confirmed by a series of independent researches. Do not forget take Phenotropil for better results.

Doses and regimen of reception

In researches it was defined that the stimulator of hormone of body height of GHRP-2 has dose-dependent effect, that is rising of level of Somatotropinum directly depends on the accepted dose of this substance, and isn't dependent on a sex, age and the number of fatty weight. Later one more research on children was conducted where dependence of concentration of hormone of body height on GHRP-2 dose was accurately defined (see schedules).

"Attention" in bodybuilding, GHRP-2 is applied To obtaining effect in a dose of 1-2 mkg on 1 kg of body weight, 2-3 times a day. That is, the average single dose of drug in bodybuilding varies within 100-200 mkg. 2-3 injections every day (in 15 minutes prior to food, after the training and before going to bed), on 100-200 mkg intramusculary are most often carried out. There are reports on use of substance on 1000 mkg 2-3 times a day, without development of collateral reactions. Nevertheless we don't recommend to raise a dose as rates of intensifying of effect of a peptide considerably decrease at doses higher than 200 mkg, together with it concentration of a hydrocortisone and Prolactinum can increase. For depression of Prolactinum recommends to connect Kabergolin (Dostinex). 

"Attention" Expedient is a combination of this peptide to GRF(1-29) or CJC-1295 for achievement of the maximum (synergetic) effect, economy of agents and a solution of the problem of a desensitization. The combined courses are described in the relevant articles.

"Attention" Presumably, in a blood doesn't happen because of a short half-life period of GHRP-2, essential augmentation of concentration of IFR-1, despite high, but short-term rising of hormone of body height. Therefore it is recommended to combine this drug with other peptides, with a larger half-life period (CJC-1295)

Preparation and storage of solution

It is necessary to cool a bottle to room temperature, then to enter the necessary volume of water for injections (which has to flow down on a bottle wall) and to stir the smooth rotating movements (not to shake) or to give to stand in the refrigerator. Solution is quite stable. And, stability in this case doesn't depend on solvent type (bakteriostatic water or water for injections). The period of storage in the refrigerator makes about 30-35 days.

Sports food

Growth hormone stimulators on the basis of GHRP-2:

  • Hexaghen from MuscleMeds
  • Hemotropin from Nutrabolics
  • Hemogex from VPX
  • Xomatropin from ASN

Until only these brands are presented at the market, at the same time any producer doesn't specify GHRP-2 dose though it is the main component of additives. This circumstance can suggest an idea that in them very low dosages not capable to render due effect are used.

Also there is a medicine Xentropin in which the share of active agent is also not known.


"Attention" Is recommended to combine additives about GHRP-2 and other stimulators of hormone of growth - arginin, GABA and glutamin, it allows to achieve synergy effect and to increase the level of a somatotropin in much bigger degree. The combination of these additives is safe for health.

Side effects

Researches confirmed the high level of safety GHRP-2 and almost total absence of side effects. The stimulator of hormone of body height of GHRP-2 passes clinical tests for 30 years therefore the delayed side effects can be excluded too.

"Attention" When using a dosage higher than 600 mkg a day can increase concentration of Prolactinum and hydrocortisone - two extremely undesirable hormones in bodybuilding. Giperprolaktinemiya is eliminated with Kabergolin.



20 Oct 2016

Peptides (Greek πεπτος — nutritious) — family of substances which molecules are constructed of the remains of α-amino acids, connected in a chain by peptide (amide) communications. These are the natural or synthetic connections containing tens, hundreds or thousands of monomeric links — amino acids. This class is very different and performs the most various regulatory functions in an organism. Within this article we will consider only those peptides which are used in sport for correction of physical indicators.

"Attention" the Turn of peptide means, including growth hormone, in the Russian Federation isn't controlled legislatively. Therefore any person can stamp the bottles, glue stickers and is free sell.


Now in the market peptides which represent stimulators of the growth hormone (GH) in increasing frequency meet. The most popular peptides in bodybuilding:

- From Grelin's (GHRP) group: (create the expressed peak of concentration of GR right after introduction, regardless of time of day and availability of a somatostatin in blood.)

  • GHRP-6 and Geksarelin
  • GHRP-2
  • Ipamorelin

- From the Growth Hormone group rileasing of hormone (GHRH): (introduction in an organism causes wavy rise in concentration which will be weak in hours when natural secretion of GR is reduced at the expense of a somatostatin, and high during natural rise in concentration of GR (for example, at night). In other words GHRH strengthens secretion of GR, without breaking a natural curve.)

  • GRF(1-29) Sermorelin
  • CJC-1295
  • HGH Frag (176-191) - growth hormone fragment


Many have questions why to use new peptide substances if there is an artificial hormone of growth? The answer is simple: peptide stimulators have several weighty advantages:

Peptides are much cheaper than growth hormone. The cost of a similar rate will be several times lower.

Various mechanisms of action and elimination half-life allow to manipulate a concentration curve, trying to obtain an optimum anabolic response.

Various impact on feeling of hunger and metabolism, allows to give preference to these or those substances.

At the moment production and distribution of peptides isn't regulated by the law therefore they bravely can be ordered in network.

Quickly and completely collapse therefore it is possible not to be afraid for drug test.

Peptides as well as it is easy to check classical GR for authenticity. For this purpose it is enough to make tests on the level of a somatotropin in plasma after entering of medicine.

Other peptides

  • Melanotan 2 - suntan preparation and strengthenings of a libido
  • Bremelanotid - strengthens sexual desire and an erection
  • Gonadorelin - stimulates testosterone secretion
  • TB500 - for treatment of injuries and restoration of joints
  • SARMs (selective modulators of androgenic receptors)
  • Growth hormone stimulators
  • Insulinopodobny factor of growth (IGF-1)
  • Mechanical factor of growth (MGF)
  • Erythropoietin
  • Peptide of a delta dream (DSIP)
  • Follistatin
  • ACE-031
  • Irisin
  • The prolonged peptides

Feedbacks of scientists

Researches show that peptides stimulators of secretion of hormones of growth (GHRP), and also other not peptide substances increasing secretion really influence production of hormone of growth.

These observations formed a basis for creation of nutritional supplements – growth hormone stimulators (for example, amino acids, pituitarny peptides, Macuna pruriens, horse beans, it is well-cared alfostserat, etc.). At the moment there are data confirming that peptides stimulators of secretion of hormones of growth and some substances of not peptide nature can increase the level of hormones of growth, and also an insulinopodobny factor of growth (IGF-1) as at rest, and during physical exercises. Nevertheless, influence of these substances on a gain of dry muscle bulk was not noticed (however this research is conducted among men and women 60 years are more senior).  You can try Phenotropil.

How to dissolve peptides and it is correct to store

Recommendations urgent for all peptides:


The solution of peptides received by means of bacteriostatic water (water for injections with addition of benzyl alcohol), remains stable on average for 2-5 days longer, than the solution received by means of regular water for injections. If these days are for you critical, can try to create bacteriostatic water independently. Practically all laboratories use bacteriostatic water as the solvent.


The lyophilized powder is recommended to be stored in the dark dry place at a temperature about 4 °C – if it is about short (1-2 months) a period. At a temperature minus 18-20 °C powder can be stored up to several years.

Hermeticity and light

Light can destroy powder, also as well as oxygen though peptides are subject to influence of the last not to the same extent. Anyway, it isn't necessary to break hermeticity of packaging – the air which got inside will slowly lead to peptide destruction.


Yury Bombela considers that "it is possible to freeze the received solution once (no more), but only in case he ðÍ is exceeded by 8. That is, only that which is prepared by means of physical solution." The mistake of the author is in what physiological solution, also as well as water for injections has ðÍ =7.

Solution storage

It is the best of all to store solution at a temperature about 2-4 °C, we will allow rise to 8 °C.

Preparation of solution

Before solution preparation temperature of a bottle should be brought to room.

It is necessary to avoid direct hit of the solvent in powder – solvent shall flow down on a bottle wall.

It isn't recommended to stir up a bottle for dissolution acceleration. It is possible to shake it slow smooth movements here and there, but it is the best of all to deliver a bottle in the refrigerator – after a while all powder will be dissolved.

Introduction is carried out on the standard equipment of subcutaneous or intramuscular injections.

Option of use

How to use Ghrp + Cjc

Divorce peptides Ghrp + Cjc regular water for injections (2 ml on each bottle)

We receive Ghrp = 5mg = 5000 mkg and cjc = 2mg = 2000 mkg, in bottles

We don't forget solutions: Ghrp, cjc, after cultivation we store in the refrigerator at a temperature from +2 to +8 degrees.

Before the use we disinfect a rubber lid and the place of a prick (alcohol). It is forbidden to mix peptides in bottles.

How it is correct to put Ghrp + Cjc.

Calculation on the approximate weight of 75 - 85 kg (for convenience we use the insulin syringe on 100 divisions)

Approximate rate for 8 weeks. But take at first not complete amount, take 5 bottles of Ghrp, and 10 bottles of Cjc. Then buy in addition. Here we pursue 2 aims, economic feasibility and we will track result (perhaps will be enough and so much since the organism can give the accelerated progress).

In one division the insulin syringe of Ghrp solution there will be 25 mkg, and Cjc in one division will be 10 mkg.

On the weight of 75 - 85 kg we take in Ghrp 300mkg/in days and Cjc — 240mkg/in days.

We divide a dosage into two acceptances (morning and evening) of Ghrp on 150 mkg and Cjc po120 mkg.

We put peptides to the area of a stomach, at an angle 45 degrees. It is possible to gather in one syringe.


IGF-1 Insulinlike growth factor

20 Oct 2016

Insulinlike growth factor- 1 (IFR-1, IGF-1 is also known as somatomedin) - biologically active peptide formed mainly in a liver and muscles, the most important intermediary of effect of hormone of growth. Possesses anabolic action and starts a hyperplasia of muscles.

Main knowledge of IGF-1:

  • All effects of an insulinlike growth factor coincide with those at growth hormone as the last isn't independently active. Secretable hormone of growth interacts with a liver which in turn begins to release IFR-1, it also causes practically all useful effects of hormone of growth: combustion of fat, relief, growth of muscles, etc.
  • The insulinlike growth factor has several versions. One of the most perspective isoforms - a mechanical factor of growth.
  • IGF-1 is entered into an organism only parenterally (by means of the syringe).
  • According to the data provided in scientific literature, 100 mkg of IFR-1 are equivalent 16,25 — 25 ME hormones of growth
  • According to Yu. Bombela the most part of medicines are fakes, or are destroyed because of the wrong storage conditions. Quote: If to speak about morals from the aforesaid in general, then it is as follows: you shouldn't contact IFR-1 (with MFR at the same time too) – hardly you receive what you expect. But even if receive, then hardly you will manage to use it fully.

IGF-1 LR3 and IGF-1 DES

IGF-1 is divided into 2 main types: IGF-1 LR3 and IGF-1 DES. IGF-1 basis (not changed molecule from 70 amino acids) has a short half-life period in an organism (about 10-20 minutes) therefore its action quite in short term. For this reason a molecule of insulinlike growth factor it was modified and such forms as IGF-1 LR3 - with the extended amino-acid sequence (83 amino-acid remaining balance) and IGF-1 DES (1-3) - with the shortened amino-acid sequence (67 amino acids) are received. Both forms render similar pharmacological effects and differ only on force and duration of action. These peptides aren't studied in clinical testing in public and aren't applied in medicine.

IGF-1 LR3 (Long) exceeds IGF-1 basis on activity level approximately twice. The half-life period reaches 20-30 hours. Slows down glucose capture by cages more effectively, thus, forcing an organism to burn fats as energy.

IGF-1 DES (1-3) or IGF-1 (4-70) is deprived of the first 3 amino acids in the sequence at the expense of what doesn't contact proteins of plasma and exceeds on activity level IGF-1 basis approximately by 10 times. Half-life period of 20-30 minutes. It is applied to local injections in target muscles. It is supposed that this form as much as possible starts a hyperplasia unlike LR3. IGF-1 DES is capable to involve considerably the bigger number of receptors at the same time, including partially damaged by lactic acid.

Application in bodybuilding

When we were accepted to medicine researches under the name - "an insulinlike growth factor ", there was among us no person who a priori wouldn't be skeptical about their results. On the one hand, Igtropin of production of the Chinese GenSci, rather long time which was present at our market wasn't remembered by anything, except unreasonably high price. With another as it appeared, the complex experiments concerning IFR-1 were conducted at all by nobody. Of course, it is pleasant - to be pioneers, but practice shows that at those who go ahead destiny not such and enviable. That is, cones it turns out as a result much more, than the standing results. It is interesting what in two months after the beginning of an experiment of skepticism didn't remain at anybody. There was only a passion.

Results which we managed to receive were rather unexpected. In any case, in many respects they contradicted habitual idea of effectiveness of an insulinlike growth factor. Though the experiment still continues and before its termination is still rather far, we didn't keep not to acquaint you with some of its preliminary results. But I want to precede them by one absolutely small phrase: the insulinlike growth factor not just WORKS, IT WORKS PERFECTLY; IT is NOT SIMPLY NECESSARY to BODYBUILDERS – is NECESSARY. Especially it concerns age athletes. Interesting facts about Phenotropil.

IGF-1 LR3. Injections are most often carried out every day in a single dose of 50-150 mkg. Desensitization develops about 3-4 weeks of a rate.

IGF-1 DES. Injections on 50-150 mkg can be entered several times a day, especially before a training and after it. The average duration of a rate is up to 4 weeks. Pricks are carried out in the lagging behind groups of muscles though efficiency of this approach is under doubt.


Absolutely unexpected were two things. First, already now it is possible to claim practically with absolute confidence" that the insulinlike growth factor doesn't influence growth of power indicators in any way. Caught? Absolutely in any way! The main benefit of this factor of growth – stimulation of a hyperplasia of muscle fibers. And he copes with this task with a bang. For age athletes to initiate a hyperplasia of fibers it is represented very difficult (if at all possible for implementation) a task. And here the appeal to the help of IFR-1 are actually unique exit.

Best of all possibilities of an insulinlike growth factor are implemented in a combination to specially picked up training, optimum from our point of view, there will be "pamping" of 10-12 sets on muscular group till 12-20 of repetitions in a set, with the minimum pause between sets). It is interesting that in food in case of such training the emphasis shall be placed on proteinaceous food, and on carbohydrates. Secondly, contrary to beliefs of the vast majority of specialists, IFR-1 possesses the expressed fat-burning capabilities. It is interesting that the insulinlike growth factor forgives mistakes in a diet: insufficient caloric content of a diet, excessive consumption of carbohydrates, including simple, lack of protein. Today it is possible to claim, almost for certain that the insulinlike growth factor exceeds on the fat-burning potential even synthetic ñîìàòîòðîïèí. However, the mechanism of fat dissolve at IFR-1 a bit different (we now just try to understand it) so the combining IFR-1 and growth hormone in "one team", quite perhaps, will make process of combustion of fat more powerful.

At last, there was obscure an influence of IFR-1 on recovery after the training. We didn't notice any motions in recovery under the influence of IFR-1 today. However, for more subject conclusions it is necessary to make with this factor of growth a number of experiments in which he will act as the unique pharmacological means (perhaps, except complexes of vitamins and minerals) applied by the athlete.


The optimum dosage of IFR-1 can be considered 100 mkg a day; really, such dosage will suit practically all (except the absolute light-weights), it is more - already an excess, it is less - obviously insufficiently. Injections of IFR-1 can be both local, and system - one don't exclude others. The first are priority if it is necessary to stimulate the local growth of muscles. The second well influence an organism in general, helping, including, to get rid from hypodermic and fatty adjournment.

However, researches in this direction continue now. In what it is possible to be sure for hundred percent so it that daily injections of IFR-1 not only aren't obligatory, but also are undesirable. 2-4 injections a week in days of trainings will be the optimal solution.

What isn't really good. There is no such barrel of honey in which someone's playful hand took and didn't put at least a small spoon of tar. Here the same. Strangely enough, but negative lines of IFR-1 result from its benefits.

So, stimulation of growth of muscles means also stimulation of different growth of tumors if those are available in an organism. Well, if a tumor good-quality, then it still, all right (though too it isn't very good), and here if malignant...

One more benefit of IFR-1 beneficial influence on cardiovascular system, in particular, recovery of a cardiac muscle. But here everything occurs approximately also, as well as in case of application by nitroglycerine "cores" - this medicine can stop a stenocardia attack, but can lead to sharp increase in need of a myocardium for oxygen and provoke a collapse.

Something similar is observed also in case of IFR-1: in case of its application the need for oxygen of the same myocardium sharply increases. If you, besides, use nitrogen oxide "boosters", then, at least, short wind during the intensive training is almost guaranteed to you.

What's next?

Yes this time answers to the following questions aren't received:

Whether application of IFR-1 "solo" will be justified (i.e. without support from AAS, still we didn't apply it only against the background of injections of testosterone of an enantan – about the reasons see article "IFR-1. The correct use brings result", published in last issue of our magazine) and what results at the same time can be received?

What injections, nevertheless are more priority: local or system? How it is better to combine them?

Whether it is worth accepting IFR-1 with growth hormone if yes, that how exactly?

Influence of an insulinlike growth factor on a female body isn't absolutely clear. However, women didn't take part in our experiment so far. At the same time, for women the insulinlike growth factor is represented very promising medicine, but not in respect of growth of muscles, and in respect of disposal of excess fat under skin. However, researches, I will repeat, have only begun. And though very promising results, to final conclusions still rather far are already received.


The following two of our materials will tell you what is an insulinlike growth factor, and also about special cases of its application. In English it is called "case study" - it is the phrase we and have decided to take out in article heading. And if in the first case medicine was applied according to the scheme which has become already classical, then in the second we have decided to change this scheme a little. Why we have acted this way? What results managed to be achieved in the first and in the second case? At last, in what difference of these schemes and what it is possible to call optimum? Read our articles, and you learn answers to these and many other questions.

Initial positions

The amateur athlete of high level has agreed to act as our experimental. Naturally, acting in bodybuilding. Higher I called the scheme according to which the insulinlike growth factor was applied in our case, classical. Really, this scheme can be considered close to optimum, according to it medicine is applied every other day in a dosage of 100 mkg (one bottle). Characteristic of the case considered by us was that the athlete was on vacation between "courses" of anabolic steroids. That is, it was interesting to look how the insulinlike growth factor in that case when it is applied behaves it is aware "solo". As for a training, the athlete this who was earlier resorting to "pamping" it is very rare, according to our recommendation has leaned on this method, practically without being distracted by anything other. However, the training took place not only in days of injections of IFR-1 that, nevertheless, classics " is withdrawal from ". We have crossed, "have sat down on a path", and the experiment has gone.

The course of an experiment

First everything went just remarkably: for the first week practically all fat burned down, the relief appeared in all beauty - though on a podium tomorrow. At the same time it was noticed that it is possible to push remorselessly into itself simple carbohydrates together with fats (this lovely combination means cakes and cakes), and for it even nothing will be. "In a high" there was also a "pampingovy" training - feelings it and really first brings "unreal".

Problems began on the third week. First, by this time in blood our experimental there is practically no exogenous testosterone left; recovery of production of testosterone own took its course, but meanwhile its level was rather low. Secondly, "pamping" began to tire frankly by this time. Not only that this method of a training and so rather exhausting, it also possesses a rare capability "to squeeze out" muscles to a limit.

By the beginning of the fourth week this limit was reached, muscles were absolutely "empty" - a glycogen the minimum. Generally, there is nothing terrible in it: on completion of "rate" of IFR-1 of a muscle will gradually be filled with a glycogen chock-full (you want to accelerate several this process - use insulin; the truth, at the same time is danger to return "backwards" and the lost fat so it is better "let somehow...") will also find the lost amount (together with a glycogen also water, and, will return to muscles). Weight in our case of application of an insulinlike growth factor returned to a reference value for the tenth day, and its growth began further. Here only if terms draw in..

Preliminary conclusions

Conclusion No. 1, Whatever One May Do, and is better to apply an insulinlike growth factor, nevertheless, together with testosterone or other anabolic steroids. If this factor of growth goes "solo", then it is necessary to provide solid "support" in the form of a clenbuterol, insulin (1-2 times a week on 15-20 ME will be quite enough), perhaps, a tribulusa.

Conclusion No. 2. It is necessary to introduce essential amendments in process of food, having added to a diet without fail creatine (at least in days which do without IFR-1 injections). Most likely, during this period it is worth increasing in a diet amount of carbohydrates, perhaps, even simple.

Conclusion No. 3. Obviously, courses in which the insulinlike growth factor is used even in case of injections every other day have to be shorter. Most likely, no more than two weeks. Running forward, I will tell what quite so we did in our second experiment).

Conclusion No. 4. At last, training. "Pamping" is known for the merciless relation to a glycogen. Perhaps, you should not lean on classical "pamping", having thought up it a certain replacement. And it is possible, reduction of the periods "on IFR" up to two weeks (in weeks without IFR-1 there is a return to an ordinary training) will help here. As it was already told, they are preliminary conclusions. More or less final it will be possible to make after the second stage of an experiment. So, stay with us!


Mechanical factor of growth

20 Oct 2016

Mechanical factor of growth (MGF) - an isoform (version) of an insulinopodobny factor of growth which is formed mainly after performance of physical activity also reception of anabolic steroids, a hyperthermia and oxidation increase his secretion. The mechanical factor of growth causes division of myoblasts (the rostkovykh of muscle cells which are in the sleeping state), and also accelerates muscle growth and restoration. The effect is in many respects similar to growth hormone, however he doesn't strengthen bones and cartilages.

The mechanical factor of growth represents IGF-1 option (the insulinopodobny factor of growth produced in a liver at impact of growth hormone on her) which is formed as a result of a splaysing (consecutive connection of the RNA separate elements of the coding IGF-1) in response to damage of muscular tissue as a result of physical activity.

Mechanical factor of growth, MGF

The mechanical factor of growth represents IGF-1 option (the insulinopodobny factor of growth produced in a liver at impact of growth hormone on her) which is formed as a result of a splaysing (consecutive connection of the RNA separate elements of the coding IGF-1) in response to damage of muscular tissue as a result of physical activity. 

The physiological role of MGF has been well studied on the cellular in vitro model and in experience on mice. In difference from IGF-1, the mechanical factor of growth causes, mainly, division of the sleeping muscle cells, due to activation of various receptors. Decrease in synthesis of MGF is a main reason from which reduction of muscle bulk at dystrophic patients and elderly people results. 

Application in bodybuilding

Application of MGF as medical medicine at the first stages was limited as this substance when entering in an organism collapses within several minutes. In an organism of MGF it is developed constantly therefore concentration remains at the high level a long time. In too time, it is impossible to carry out medicine injections each 30 minutes. Scientists found the simple and brilliant solution - a pegilirovaniye. The molecule of a mechanical factor of growth was combined with a polyethyleneglycol molecule which protects it from destruction, and in too time doesn't reduce biological activity and efficiency. "Attention" Thus, all modern medicines are pegylated Peg-MGF whereas it is senseless to apply net MFR.

The pegylated mechanical factor of growth has considerably big bioavailability, 2-3 times a week are entered into an organism and keeps high concentration for a long time. However pegylated peptides shortly will be determined in case of anti-doping control, and terms of their determination will be very essential. So, for example, the pegylated option of erythropoietin - Mirsera - is determined for months unlike EPO where the account goes literally for days. "Attention" Medicine isn't applied inside as quickly collapses in a digestive tract, as a rule MFR enter hypodermically. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Phenotropil.

Course of MGF

In spite of the fact that MFR still passes clinical tests, a large number of athletes of bodybuilding in the West already widely use this medicine for an acceleration of muscle growth. As a result of the got experience the trial and error method created the optimum diagram of reception now:

The average daily dose of Peg-MGF makes 100-200 mkg, with a frequency of 2-3 times a week. Heavy doses don't lead to the considerable improving of results.


In days of a training drug is injected right after the training as much as possible to imitate physiological secretion as the natural mechanical factor of growth is selected with an organism in response to damages of fabrics.

Way of introduction: hypodermically by means of the insulin syringe. Intramuscular injections in target muscles are sometimes executed though this approach is deprived of a sense. If the mechanical factor of growth worked locally, then asymmetrical muscle growth (externally same, as was watched when using a sintol). There is a row of examples which demonstrate that the regular introduction to one buttock (because in another to put was inconveniently left hand) during several courses didn't lead to the preferential growth of this buttock, in comparison with another.

Duration of course makes 5-6 weeks.

Sometimes recommend to use medicine in mega-doses to 1000 mkg with a frequency of 3-4 times a week, before the training, however according to responses the end results increase slightly therefore larger doses are inexpedient to be applied.

"Attention" Nepegelirovanny forms isn't recommended to be acquired and used in connection with extremely feeble effect (fails within the first minutes B) proteinase.

Storage conditions: in the refrigerator (2-8C) to protect from direct sunshine.

Expiration date: 2 years. Storage life of the prepared solution of 20-30 days in the refrigerator.


In researches on rats, the single intramuscular injection of MFR led to augmentation of cross-sectional area of a muscle at 25% in three weeks. When using the similar scheme of introduction, the insulinoid factor of body height led to augmentation of cross-sectional area of muscles only at 15%.

Also, it was defined that the mechanical factor of body height is more effective for individuals of young age. The age, the less response of muscular tissue to administration of drug is higher. 

Effects in bodybuilding (audit of scientific sources for 2012)

  • Cooperative experience of use of a mechanical factor of body height showed that the 5 weeks rate of drug causes:
  • Muscular body height at the expense of a hyperplasia (cell fission acceleration), a hypertrophy (augmentation of volume of cells) and extension of their life, at any age
  • Depression fat percent in an organism on average for 5-6%
  • Augmentation of endurance 
  • To enlarge relief of a musculation
  • To raise a venous prorisovannost
  • Body height of new vessels in muscles and bones (Deng M, Wang Y is proved. in 2012) 

Additional effects:

  • Rising of immune protection
  • Improvement of properties of a skin
  • Depression of level of a cholesterin
  • Accelerated restoration 
  • Neuroprotective effect (protects a nervous system) 
  • Stimulation of reproduction of cells of marrow 
  • Suppresses a cellular apoptosis and keeps cordial function after a myocardial infarction 
  • Neogenesis of all body tissues

Side effects

The side effects of a mechanical factor of growth (proved in researches):

  • Bleeding from a nose (it is shown not at all)
  • Swelling in case of subcutaneous injections
  • Itch after an injection
  • Pricking of finger-tips that happens quite seldom.
  • Inhibition of a mineralization and differentiation of osteoblasts 
  • Research Armakolas A, Philippou A. for 2010 confirmed participation of a mechanical factor of growth in biology of a prostate cancer at the person. 
  • Increase of pulse. "Now with synthetic injections of MGF you can increase the pulse and so speed up recovery, and increase the muscle tissue cells by stimulating satelite cells into full maturity."

Quality and counterfeits

Since 2005 the pegylated mechanical factor of growth is available in the black market, and is often purchased on the Internet. The cost downward tendency is observed. To Russia it is most often delivered from China.

As of 2012 counterfeits meet in 90% of cases (this opinion Yu. Bombela also supports) as production of pegylated MGF is very difficult and expensive for this reason original medicines of a similar class are made only in large laboratories and are released at high cost. Besides, lack of marking on bottles can prove once again that they were purchased separately, and then are filled with some neutral powder substance, or it is a banal gonadotrophin without label. Lack of effect in most cases is confirmed by numerous feedbacks at forums. In some situations positive results are explained by effect of placebo, or cheap anabolic means in structure.

If you intend to purchase a mechanical factor of growth, then at the moment it is better to do the order on the checked Chinese websites though the question of quality remains open.

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