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Is there a real alternative to Gene Doping?

19 Oct 2016

Recently, the media increasingly began to appear information about Gene Doping.

Special Gene

Gene doping is the manipulation of human genes, modification, rectification of human genes directly into the body to improve athletic performance. it is believed that the person who correctly processed using genetic engineering techniques, becomes invincible. This time is now. Gene therapy techniques are being developed today. They invested a lot of money: create technological products worth hundreds of millions of dollars. And it is justified, because science works primarily on human health. Gene therapy techniques are already a huge number, they act, they heal. And where is the guarantee that they will not be used in sport.

It is noted that all Kenyan champions (on the run) comes from the same tribe, living near Lake Victoria. On this basis he concludes that they have as a result of mutations in a particular gene appeared to help these runners to show outstanding results and achieve victory over other athletes who do not have this gene. However, no specific reference to serious studies on this issue there is none.

In our opinion, this is just an inference, which is easily refuted by other examples. Suffice it to draw attention to the fact that the winners of the last four Olympic Games (including Beijing) in race for 10,000 meters are stayers Ethiopian Gebrselassie and Bekele.

By the way, the same runners for more than ten years and owned the world record in race for 5,000 m and 10,000 m. But the Ethiopian distance runners do not have a similar gene. Hypotheses about the Kenyans superiority over the other runners in the endurance of much, but they are all, in our opinion, far from reality. However, the crux of the matter lies elsewhere.

Mountains effective than doping

Coaches and runners on the medium, long and marathon Ethiopia and Kenya without scientists, doctors and pharmacologists empirically developed an unconventional method of training in the mountains. It allows runners descended on the plain, to show results at the level of world records and higher.

Mentors of these athletes empirically determined how fast the highlands in the midlands and their wards have run training segments, as well as perform other work with a running light of the lack of oxygen. In short, they have a concept of construction of training in mountain conditions. Runners of Kenya and Ethiopia almost not caught on doping, although the corresponding laboratory test them very carefully. However, the approval of many trainers, specialists and doctors that are not limitless possibilities of the human body, and therefore can not do in the sport without doping - caused great doubts.

And so the authors have developed the concept of building a workout in the midlands for endurance runners, constantly living in the plains, which allowed our students to successfully compete with the stayers who used doping in the training process and even beat them. Unfortunately, we can not explain it in this article, since its size does not allow to do it.

As you know, the running speed is a derivative of the length and frequency of steps. The length and frequency of steps are closely interrelated: an increase of one parameter, usually leads to a decrease in another. Some athletes adjust the speed, primarily by increasing the frequency of crossovers with relative preservation of the step length. Less athletes regulate the speed of running, increasing the length of the running step at a relative frequency stabilization. The third category includes athletes, which, depending on the prevailing conditions can regulate the running speed by using both measures.

So - athletes running in the mountains by the stride length is not profitable. For this running style requires supplemental oxygen, and it is known to be in the mountains and so lacking of Oxygen. There is another reason that athletes can not run in the mountains, extending the running step - it is very mountainous terrain relief. Therefore, the runners in the mountains instinctively go into a run in which the desired speed is maintained by frequency crossovers, which is more economical. Athletes are constantly living in the mountains or a long time being in the midlands and highlands, produced adaptations corresponding increase in the frequency of the running step. This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in athletes in the women's endurance after the descent from the mountains to the plains.

Thus, on the basis of the foregoing, it can be concluded that the mountain, as is known, not only improve the functional readiness runners endurance, but also they form an economical running technique.

There is an alternative!

It should be noted that these dopes Blood Transfusion, Erythropoietin, Mildronate, Phenotropil, Dexamethazone etc. are mainly to improve the functionality of the athletes in cyclic sports endurance as it promotes better oxygen delivery to working muscles. But doping, which would at the same time improved the functionality of the athletes and their technique of movement, yet not "invented". By the way on the basis of mathematical calculations claim that progress results from the strongest sprinters in the world currently is not due to the use of banned stimulants, and by improving their technical skills.

So what is the answer to the question posed in the title? There is an alternative! But let's all in order. it is believed that the steroids epoch and other stimulants ends. And now we are approaching a new, more perfect - gene doping. The acquisition and the cost of identifying such doping is disproportionately higher than the existing ones. In other words, again, the emphasis is on the leading role in the training of athletes experts of medical and biological cycle.

But this approach for more than three decades, has not justified itself as a permanent feature in recent years, accompanied by a high-profile doping scandals. Why again step on the same rake? Also in the country there was not a cyclical sport associated with the display of endurance, both in winter and in summer, where domestic competitors would be leaders. Although funds for the purchase of pharmaceuticals spend a huge amount.

At the same time, to improve the training methodology itself in cyclic sports endurance (both in Soviet times and now), spent crumbs.

In these sports disciplines to the present time we have virtually no coaches, athletes are able to train world-class without the use of "Farm." Meanwhile, many foreign coaches (Italy, USA, Norway, ...) achieve high results in their charges by improving training technology. And a clear example: speed skater Ivan Skobrev by going to the group of athletes Italian coach M. Marchetti, won two medals in Vancouver (silver and bronze). The rest of our skaters, using outdated methodology training with its notorious idea of periodization by Matveev LA, were mainly in the second and even the third ten. A similar pattern was observed in skiers, racers, combinators and our other Olympians.

It should be noted that in Rio 2016 (and this is the first time!) Our athletes compete with foreign "clean". The result is known as "clean" Russia has lost its status as a great sports power, being in the team standings in the second ten countries - participants of the Olympic Games.

The real alternative to doping (including gene) in our opinion should be as follows:

Firstly, the money in the first place it is necessary to invest in improving the methods of training, but not in medicine, pharmacology, gene therapy technology.

Secondly, you need to create a few training centers in the mountains for athletes involved in cyclic sports (biking, racing, running, boating, walking trails, and track and field, swimming, skiing, skating, triathlon, biathlon, short - track) for endurance.

Third, you must also seriously address the development of methods of training in the midlands and highlands. This approach has significant advantages over any kind of doping techniques:

  • -safe for the health of athletes;
  • -It will not be associated with doping scandals;
  • -It will allow year-round athletes to compete and show first-class results for the entire year, as demonstrated by runners on average and long distances from Kenya and Ethiopia. Athletes using doping in the training process, can not do so;
  • -cost effective;
  • -Finally, in the Russian sphere of sports medicine according to the Hippocratic oath will their duties and truly lead the fight against illicit stimulants.


Creatine phosphate - a supply of explosive energy

19 Oct 2016

Creatine id a substance of skeletal muscle, myocardium, nervous tissue..

In the form of creatine is creatine "depot" high-energy bonds used for the rapid re-synthesis of ATP during cell operation.

Reactions of Creatine synthesis.

Especially revealing the role of Creatine in muscle tissue. Creatine phosphate provides an urgent re-synthesis of ATP in the first seconds of work (5-10 seconds) when no other sources of energy (anaerobic glycolysis, aerobic oxidation of glucose, β-oxidation of fatty acids) are not yet activated, and blood flow to the muscles is not increased. Mildronate deals well with ATP.

The cells of the nervous tissue phosphocreatine supports cell viability in the absence of oxygen.


Sodium Bicarbonate

19 Oct 2016

As known one of the causes of fatigue could be an increase in the production of lactic acid in the muscles when lactate energy system dominates during high-intensity exercise.

Sodium bicarbonate, better known as soda bicarbonate - a sodium kind used by athletes to delay muscle fatigue. This practice is called drinking soda: it will neutralize the lactic acid level in the blood, lactic acid accumulation in the muscle causes burning and eventually lowers the efficiency. Also we can say some words about Mildronate.

The effects from the use of Sodium bicarbonate:

  • The release of cells (as such) from the accumulated toxins in it, reducing the acidosis;
  • Removing physical fatigue;
  • The maximum concentration of energy substrate.
  • Increase Stamina
  • Acceleration of restoration between sets
  • The removal of various intoxications
  • Prevention against the formation of cancer cells


Antihypoxants: Begin to breathe in deeply

19 Oct 2016

Antihypoxants are called tools to improve the absorption of oxygen by the body and reduce the need for organs and tissues of oxygen, thereby contributing to improve the body's resistance to oxygen deficiency?

Studies strongly suggest that the most promising in the fight against hypoxia in the sport pharmacological agents acting on mitochondrial complexes.

Conventionally antihypoxants may be divided into groups:

  • Drugs directly antihypoxic action;
  • Correcting the metabolism of the cell:
  • Actions of membrane,
  • Energizing direct action (affecting the redox potential of the cell, the Krebs cycle and mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes);
  • Acting on the transport function of blood:
  • Increase blood oxygen capacity,
  • Increase the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen,
  • Vasoactive substances endogenous and exogenous nature.


Hypoxen is enzyme of the respiratory chain synthetic nature. With a high electron-exchange capacity due to the structure of the polyphenol molecules olifen shunting action has the step of lactic acid from pyruvic acid to form acetyl coenzyme A (CoA), which is then drawn into the tricarboxylic acid cycle.


Hypoxen on the molecular level facilitates tissue respiration in hypoxia due to the ability to directly transfer the recovered equivalent to the enzymatic systems. The drug is repeatedly compensates for the lack of ubiquinone in hypoxic conditions as it contains a large number of functional centers.

Thus, varnish offset activity mitochondrial respiratory chain in the presence of lesions on its sites.

The antioxidant effect of drying oil is due to its polyphenol structure, which protects cell membranes and mitochondria from the damaging effects of free radicals produced in the process of lipid peroxidation. This pathological process is run under extreme physical and psycho-emotional effects on the body.

Add some Dexamethazone and Mildronate to your daily training.

Hypoxen improves tolerance of hypoxia by increasing the rate of oxygen consumption by mitochondria and improve contingency oxidative phosphorylation.

As a drug of direct action, can provide oxygen any cell due to small size of its own molecules. In this regard, it may be applied in all types of hypoxia.

Economical use of energy reserves is due to the glycolytic translated from aerobic oxidation of energy substrates, ie. At a favorable exchange mechanism. In this case the energy output is increased by 19 times as anaerobic glycolysis 2 turns one molecule ATP, while the aerobic - 38 ATP molecules.

Indications for use in the sport: increased efficiency in the performance of muscular work in the extreme conditions of the competition; economical oxygen consumption of tissues under hypoxic conditions; prevention and overcoming of the state of chronic fatigue; accelerating the recovery of the body after previous loads; improving peripheral blood flow.

Report from the body after 6-8 hours.

Side effect practically does not occur. In rare cases, possible nausea, dry mouth.

Hypoxen improves the absorption of other substances (drugs, vitamins) 25%


Why do we need vitamins B group?

19 Oct 2016

B group vitamins have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, smooth muscles, improve vision, contribute to the growth of the organism.

Vitamin B3 prevents migraine headache, or reduces it. Vitamin B5 has an impact on growth and hair color, it is vital for the normal function of the adrenal glands. Biotin is needed for healthy skin, prevents hair graying and gives good results in the treatment of bald head. With Inositol Choline prevents the deposition of fat in liver, cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Lack of PABA in the body can lead to graying of hair, eczema and skin disease - vitiligo.

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) is needed for the formation of blood cells, it is an important tool in the treatment of anemia. You can buy vitamin B12. It is used optimally in the body together with vitamin B6.

B vitamins should be taken only in the complex, as the long-term use of certain B vitamins in large quantities can cause a disease caused by a lack of other vitamins. The composition of the B-complex complies with the latest scientific research. Given its ability to reduce the effects of stress, it is useful and necessary to every person, and for athletes - is indispensable. Good complements the treatment of anemia, neurological and psychiatric history.


Choline Alfoscerate

19 Oct 2016

After reading this article, you will open the potential of this drug!

Why is that not many people know about Choline Alfoscerate and few applied it in preparation for the period of increased physical load .... And in vain!

In the body of Choline acetyltransferase enzyme choline is synthesized the most important neurotransmitter nerve impulse transmitter - acetylcholine. Choline is an essential substance for the nervous system and improves memory.

Choline Alfoscerate

Included in the phospholipids (eg, lecithin, sphingomyelin).

In the biosynthesis of Choline, methionine serves as a donor of methyl groups body (consisting of S-adenosyl-methionine)

It affects carbohydrate metabolism, regulating insulin levels in the body.

You can try Dexamethasone.

Choline is a lipotropic and hepato-protector means. In combination with lecithin helps transport and fat metabolism in the liver.

The lack of choline in the diet leads to the deposition of fat in the liver, kidney damage and bleeding.


Training for Stamina Development

19 Oct 2016

Starting work on the development stamina, you must adhere to a specific sequence of building workouts.

At the initial stage it is necessary to focus on the development of aerobic capacity, improving the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthening the locomotor system, ie, development of general endurance.

In the second step should increase loads in the mixed aerobic-anaerobic mode.

The third step to increase loads due to more intense exercise performed by the methods of interval and re-work in a mixed aerobic-anaerobic and anaerobic conditions, and selective effects on the individual components of special endurance.

Endurance development - an important part of their all-round fitness. Children are well adapted to the aerobic nature, with the result that they have increased the possibility of the oxygen transport system, adults should do it more gradually. Childhood and adolescence is the most favorable for the improvement of general endurance. During this period, the foundations are laid for subsequent workouts with a large volume and high intensity.

Do not forget take Mildronate for better results.

Teens 13 -16 years, the level of overall physical performance uneconomical due to the functioning of the cardiovascular system is lower than that of children of 10-12 years, and even 7-9 years. In this connection it is necessary to strictly metered load, aimed at the development of endurance, and prevent the formation of training groups of children with different training experience.

The systematic use of training tasks, a significant challenge to the speed endurance, can be justified only in adults in the presence of a well-developed general endurance. This does not mean that young athletes in training can not be character anaerobic exercise, but the amount of them should not be significant. To increase speed endurance used: cross-sections of 200 to 800 meters, running uphill, relay, overcoming the obstacle course, shuttle run, game exercises.

Exercises should meet the following requirements:

Large (HR 160 -180 beats / min.) and submaximal (heart rate of 180 beats / min.) rate;

Duration of 30 seconds to 2 minutes;

Rest intervals, continuously decreasing, from 3 - 5 minutes to 1 minute between reps and up to 10 minutes between series, leisure - passive;

The number of repetitions in a series of 3 - 5, the number of series - 1 - 3. Exercises for development of endurance it is advisable to plan for the second part of the class.

Effective means of general endurance of children is long-running, cross-country races, games and game tasks. Most commonly used in running a uniform rate to a relatively low speed, the length of which gradually increases from 5 to 30 -8 - 60 min.

In sports activities with children can have the following amounts of the running load: 11 - 12 years - up to 12 km in the same class, for teens 13 -14 years - up to 18 km.

For the development of endurance training are widely used tools that enable significantly improve the functionality of the body without the use of a large volume of work, as close as possible to the nature of competitive activity.

The main methods of endurance training are: a uniform training method, various types of AC, gaming and circular techniques. You should not give preference to any one method of training endurance. They should be optimally combined during the preparation period. In the process of education of general endurance great attention should be paid to the circular method, which allows you to effectively develop and movement quality, and also provides high density and emotional training. The circular method is useful to combine with running in different versions, particularly in the gaming and competitive forms. It also allows you to personalize the amount of load.

When you exercise, aimed at raising the general endurance, should focus on the following five components of the load:

  • Exercise intensity (speed of movement);
  • Duration of the exercise;
  • Duration of rest;
  • Nature of the rest;
  • Number of repetitions distance segments.

As general endurance levels increase more and more attention paid to the development of special endurance - ability to perform a specific load during a time of limited specialization. This is possible thanks to overcome changes in the internal environment of an organism, in accordance with an individual athlete resistance to fatigue. Methods for the development of special endurance is selected according to the athlete's specialization. The main methods are: variable, interval, repeated, competitive.

One of the most important tasks of development of special endurance is to increase the anaerobic capacity of the organism, which is achieved by passing a holistic competitive distance or repeated performance of competitive exercise.


Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacological Sport preparations

19 Oct 2016


All biochemical processes causing the condition of the body, carried out with the participation of enzymes, which act as biological catalysts. As catalysts enzymes reduce the activation energy barriers biochemical processes. Their specificity applies to both the reacting molecules and the chemical reaction itself.

Enzymes used in medical practice in origin divided into plant protease (Papain, Bromelain), and animal nature (Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Pancreatin, amylase, lipase). Each substance is used for its intended action: Amylase - breaks down carbohydrate compounds, the lipase - is involved in lipid metabolism, protease - is involved in protein metabolism.

There are various pharmacological agents, such as - Pancreatin, Festal, Festalum, Digistal, Panzinorm in which a combination of enzymes and their dosage are out that the drug performs the role of substitution in case of insufficiency of the pancreas, stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder; help digest food when it is abundant (for example, when training on muscle volume). Trypsin, Chymotrypsin are widely used in trauma, postoperative, providing faster recovery.

Systemic enzyme therapy is a modern method of treatment, based on a comprehensive action purposefully composed mixture of hydrolytic enzymes in key physiological and pathophysiological processes primarily through non-specific and specific immune mechanisms.

Polyenzyme drugs are effective means of broad spectrum anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, fibrinolytic, immunomodulatory and secondary analgesic effect. Preparations Wobenzym, Phlogenzym, Wobe-mugos are already been successfully used for many years in clinical and sports practice in some countries.

The composition of the preparations:

- Wobenzym - Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Bromelain, Papain, Amylase, Lipase, Pancreatin, Rutin.

- Phlogenzym - Trypsin, Bromelain, Rutin.

-Wobe-mugos E - Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Papain.

The composition is selected in such a way that all the Pathogenetic links enzymatic processes were covered by their action.

You can pay attention to Phenotropil.

All systemic enzyme therapy drugs have the same contraindications. An absolute contraindication is hypersensitivity to the substances contained in the preparations. Because of side effects at higher doses, sometimes it marked flatulence, and very rarely - a feeling of malaise. This can be avoided by dividing the daily dose into more steps.

Typically, dragees taking fasting for at least 30 minutes before eating or 2 hours after a meal. Drops are not chewed and washed down with plenty of water.

The use of enzymes to withstand the load of increased training volume and intensity, increases the adaptive reserves and the development of near-limit of stress, and promotes faster recovery period, which is confirmed by biochemical and psycho-functional tests.

Improves cerebral circulation.

Marked increase in indicators of psychophysical health. Improving efficiency is accompanied by an increase in psychomotor tone, improvement of activity of the central performance, persistence and vigor. There has been a significant decline in mental tension.

Aftereffect of month course (Wobenzym 3-10 pills 3 times a day) persists for 10-14 days.

The use of enzymes in sports endurance during intense workouts, allowing to maintain the level of hemoglobin, to avoid the loss of potassium and calcium ions, to improve efficiency of energy consumption, to normalize the tone of the arterioles and venules (fade signs of venous outflow). The concentration of lactate during exercise on average decreases slightly.

When sports injuries may use enzyme therapy, taking into account the range of pharmacological effects:

anti-inflammatory, anti, analgesic, thrombolytic, immunomodulatory, and pathological changes in injured muscles, joints, bones and for the treatment of disaster recovery of damaged tissues. The drugs in doses of 3x10 and 3x3 pills pills already on the 2nd day of the application of reduced pain, swelling, tension of the damaged segment of a limb; a week later the swelling subsides, there is a slight pain on palpation, muscle tension disappears, range of motion in the injured limb corresponds to the amplitude of the healthy limb.


Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacological Sport preparations

19 Oct 2016


The presence of trace micronutrients is especially important in athletes during heavy training load and competitions, when the metabolism is accelerated sharply. Micronutrients are essential components of the body's tissues. While in low concentrations in the structure of a number of critical enzymes, hormones, vitamins, and other biological organism assets microelements can stimulate or inhibit many biochemical processes.


Most of the Molybdenum is deposited in the liver, and then consumed in iron metabolism. It has various functions and preventing tooth decay and impotence. Molybdenum helps to remove the excess copper from the body. Best sources are: buckwheat, beans, wheat germ, liver, barley, soybeans, rye, eggs, flour products from whole-meal and bread.

The Molybdenum content is reduced because of excessive cleaning products as well as for growing crops on poor soils. Deficiency of Molybdenum is rare. Deficiency symptoms include anxiety and arrhythmic heart rate.

There is no need of official daily doses of Molybdenum, but children in the US are recommended (depending on age) dose of 30 to 300 mg, for adults - from 150 to 500 micrograms.

Molybdenum has low toxicity. High levels (10-15 mg per day) may cause gout and increased excretion of copper, which leads to a lack of its body.

Most produced bioactive additives comprise from 5 to 500 mcg of Molybdenum.


This is a rare and very valuable to the body element. It is vitally necessary as an antioxidant. Selenium is also necessary for the formation of proteins in our body, it supports normal functioning of liver and strengthens the immune system. Selenium is a semen component important to maintain reproductive function. Selenium helps to rid the body of heavy metal ions, including cadmium and arsenic (this is necessary for smokers) ".

Best sources are: yeast, garlic, eggs, liver and fish.

The content of selenium in the organism decreases during smoking. Selenium deficiency causes chest pain, hair loss, increases susceptibility to infection.

Daily requirement: 7-10 years 30 mg, girls 11-14 years 40 mcg daily. 15 years and older 60 mcg, boys 11-14 years 45 mcg, 15 <18 years, 70 mcg, 19 years and older 75 mcg.

The World Health Organization recommends that daily take from 50 to 200 mcg. In high doses it is toxic, but can hardly be poisoned with selenium from food. Daily intake should not exceed 450 mcg for adult men (approximately equivalent to 6 micrograms per kilogram of body weight per day).

Take preferably with selenium yeast or amino acid selenium, selenite than tablets since the first are less toxic.

Most preparations contain from 50 to 250 micrograms of selenium, often in combination with other food compounds - antioxidants (such as vitamins C and E) - to increase the efficiency at its reception.


Silicon is one of the most abundant elements on earth.

The human body it is a small but vital part of all connective tissues, bones, blood vessels and cartilage. Silicon forms a long, complex molecules. It plays an important role in the prevention of osteoporosis (bone brittleness) to facilitate utilization of calcium in the bone. Silicon helps to strengthen skin cells, hair and nails, improves the synthesis of collagen and keratin.

Best sources are: root vegetables and other types of fiber, fruits and vegetables, brown rice, hard drinking water.

The silicon content decreases due to over-processing products and soil fertilizers.

Clinical signs of silicon deficiency are unknown. Low content in the diet can cause the weakening of the skin tissues. With age, the silicon content in skin tissues is reduced.

Official daily doses need not, but may be from 20 to 30 mg.

Silicon has low toxicity. Natural products extracted from bamboo and horsetail. Most contain from 2 to 400 mg of silicon.

Please pay attention to Nootropic drugs Phenotropil.


The trace of mineral supports elasticity and healthy skin. Sulfur is necessary for the formation of keratin - protein found in joints, hair and nails. It plays an important role, being a part of almost all the proteins and enzymes in the body. The hair is quite a lot of sulfur (it is curious that in her curly hair more than in direct). Sulfur atoms included in the molecules vital compounds such as amino acids cysteine and methionine, and includes thiamine and biotin - vitamins of group B.

Best sources are: shellfish, beef, eggs, poultry, pork, dried peaches, beans. Sulfur is found in all foods with a high content of protein.

The sulfur content is reduced due to excessive industrial processing products.

Sulphur deficiency is unlikely in those who consume enough protein.

There is no Official daily dose, so our need for addition of sulfur is unknown.

It has been established that taking 0.7 mg of pure sulfur have a detrimental effect on the intestine daily. However, the use of large quantities of organically bound sulfur, for example as part of the amino acids can lead to intoxication.


Most of the zinc in the body is in the bones, but it is necessary and for more than eighty enzymes of the body, and for the formation of red blood cells.

Zinc acts like controller - regulator on the internal roads, directing and maintaining a flow of the processes and work of, cells in the body. Low number of his children slow down growth and reduce appetite. The skin tissues can be found one-fifteenth part of the reserves of zinc, here he usually participates in tissue regeneration.

Experimentally it is proven that zinc supplementation is effective also in the treatment of acne, as well as antibiotics. A sign of zinc deficiency is loss of taste. It is believed that zinc has antioxidant function and promotes the action of other antioxidant compounds.

Best sources: meat products and other meat purged, mushrooms, oysters, yeast, eggs, mustard. The zinc content decreases because of excessive cleaning, and processing products (brown rice six times more zinc than white rice after polishing). Phytate from cereals, as well as whole grain wheat bran fiber and bind zinc and makes it unavailable for the body.

Low levels of zinc in the body is associated with low sperm defective childbirth and overactive children. The content of zinc in the body is reduced for various reasons, including birth control pills and steroids, smoking and drinking alcohol. The normal diet contained 10 to 15 mg of zinc, of which is absorbed only 20%.

Daily requirement: 7-10 years mg, girls 11-14 years 9 mg, 15 years and over 7 mg, boys 11-14 years 9 mg, 15 years and over 9.5 mg. Vegetarians can take drugs with zinc, since they do not eat ordinary zinc-rich animal products.

The toxicity of zinc is low. Most preparations contain from 10 to 30 mg zinc.

Traditionally, vitamins in sport are paying a lot of attention, and therefore, there is a sufficient amount of literature about their operation and use, where reported, but more about minerals than about vitamins. We wanted a few to fill the existing gap.


Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacological Sport preparations

19 Oct 2016





Soluble salts (sodium and potassium chlorides) are included in all fluids which are in the body, and are involved in the entire spectrum of biochemical reactions.

These elements are lost in athletes sweat in increased amounts, so that it may be required to fill these elements with special preparations.

Ordinary table salt, which is added to most foods during cooking, provides the body with sodium, but it is important not to consume too much salt (sodium chloride), because it creates an extra burden on the kidneys. The chlorides are also found in yeast, bacon and smoked fish.

Potassium is present in yeast, fruit and vegetables. Trace data content in the products is slightly reduced during cooking.

Deficiency is unlikely because these elements are abundant in most foods. Additional quantities may be needed only after intense exercise, when these substances are lost with sweat.

Daily requirement:

- Potassium - 7-10 years, 2.0 mg, 3.7 mg of 11-14 years, 15 years and over 3.5 mg;

- Sodium - 1.2 mg 7-10 years, 11 years and over 1.6 mg;

- Chloride - 1.8 mg 7-10 years, 11 years and over 2.5 mg.

Toxicity: high levels of all three body elements lead to kidney problems. Each element of the three interact with others, so that the addition of only one of them can upset the balance. When potassium receiving in a dose of more than 17 g, there are marked toxic side effects.

The formulations: none, except for potassium. Special sports drinks contain these three components in a proportion to make up for their loss during exercise.

Some information about Phenotropil.


It is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, so sometimes it is called the "anti-stress element." Magnesium can help one to suppress depression and maintain healthy circulatory system, it helps prevent heart disease.

Magnesium ss deposited in the bones and soft tissues. Magnesium works together with calcium, hence these two elements must be in equilibrium. The best sources of magnesium: soy beans, nuts, grains of paddy grains, meat, fish and seafood, dates.

magnesium digestibility decreases when the joint consumption with the phytate present in whole grains, bran and fiber that bind magnesium, making it less available to the body. Its absorption prevent high amounts of phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D, and fat.

Cases of Magnesium Deficiency are rare as magnesium widespread. You lose the element during illnesses that occur with fever, vomiting and intestinal disorders.

Daily requirement:

- Girls 11-14 years 280 mg, 300 mg of 15-18 years, 19 years and over 270 mg,

- Boys 11-14 years 280 mg, from 15 years and above 300 mg.

Magnesium has low toxicity. Signs of overdose (3-5 grams daily for a long time) include reddening of the skin and very thirsty.

Preparations: most preparations contain Magnesium in dosage between 200 and 500 mg.


Calcium in the body pretty much - about 1200 g, and more than 99% in the bones and teeth (98,90% - bone, 0.51% - in the teeth), 0.51% - in the soft tissues and the rest 0 , 08% - it is the calcium in the blood plasma and extracellular fluid, where the rigid maintenance of cell concentration is essential for the body. Calcium is involved in processes such as nerve impulse, maintain muscle tone, blood clotting, and so on. Reduced levels of ionized calcium leads to disturbances of bone mineralization, and reduce the loss of muscle tone, increased excitability of motor neurons and muscle cramps.

Professional sports is one of the risk factors for osteoporosis - bone systemic disease caused by the relative lack of calcium in the body due to its redistribution. Excessive physical activity is the cause of disease ligament-articular apparatus, pathological fractures, as a consequence of extremely large non-specific loads (for example, the development of unprepared "ridge" in the course of skiers, unsystematic bodybuilding).

The best sources of calcium: all dairy products, especially cheese, yogurt and cottage cheese, and green leafy culture, cauliflower, bone fish canned salmon and sardines), peanuts and sunflower seeds. In skimmed milk contains slightly more calcium than milk piecework. It absorbed only 20-30% of the incoming calcium food.

Calcium deficiency often in those who consume a lot of phosphorus. Anyone who adheres to a diet without dairy foods should consider taking calcium supplements.

Toxicity of calcium is low, since it is automatically removed excess body's filtering system. However, high doses of vitamin D can lead to deposition of calcium in the kidneys.

Daily requirement:

- Girls 11-18 years 800 mg, from 19 years and above 700 mg,

- Boys 11-18 years 1,000 mg, from 19 years and above 700 mg.

In children, due to intense bone growth is a great need for calcium. The biggest bone density is reached by 30-35 years. Then it decreases,

and we lose about 0.3% of the calcium in the year.

Recent scientific developments proved that calcium is absorbed only in combination with the active form of vitamin D.


About 80% of the phosphorus in the body is in the bones. The remaining 20% are essential for the conversion of food into energy. Best sources: all dairy products, vegetables, fish, meat, nuts, whole grains. Phosphorus deficiency is rare, since the phosphorus comes into contact with different products and in many commonly used food additives.

Daily requirement:

- Girls 7-9 years 450 mg, 625 mg of 11-18 years, 19 years and over 550 mg,

- Boys 11-18 years 775 mg, from 19 years and above 550 mg.

In high doses it is toxic.

High levels of phosphorus in the body and interfere with the absorption of calcium can lead to bone fragility.

Preparations with phosphorus are not necessary for a healthy person with an ordinary load level, but the athlete when performing high-speed operation is needed diet with a high content of phosphorus and specific drugs.


In medicine, this element has gained popularity as a supplement for strong bones. It is assumed that boron contributes to the prevention of osteoporosis and arthritis.

Best sources: root vegetables grown in soil enriched boron.

The boron content is reduced due to excessive cleaning products. Pronounced cases with symptoms of boron deficiency is not marked.

The daily requirement is not set, but in the normal diet contains about 2 mg of boron.

Symptoms of toxicity appears at doses of about 100 mg.

Dietary supplements typically contain 3.1 mg boron. To improve absorption of boron additives must be balanced with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D.

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