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Beta Ecdysterone

21 Oct 2016

Beta Ecdysterone - (20-Hydroxyecdysone, Ekdisteron or 20E) - natural gormonopodobny substance which is controlled by process of a molt and a metamorphosis at arthropods. Ecdysterone is the most often found hormone of insects, crabs, etc. representatives of a class.

Separately allocate Fito-Ecdysterone which is present at plants: Cyanotis vaga, Levzey saflorovidny, Yuppie, Suma, the Ajuga Turkestan and others, his function according to the assumption of scientists consists in suppression of reproduction of insects of wreckers.

Ekdisteron has biological effect on the person, but still there are many disagreements on this matter. The majority of modern additives is made of a plant of Cyanotis vega and Levzei saflorovidny.


Ecdysterone was for the first time studied by the Soviet scientists Syrov and Kurmukov in 1976, having taped its anabolic activity and intensifyings of synthesis of a protein. Then, the similar research was conducted by Chermynkh in 1988, comparing anabolic activity of the Methandrostenolone and Ecdysterone, results were surprising: Ecdysterone keeps proteins, in comparison with a steroid the Methandrostenolone showed higher activity on synthesis.

Researches on animals (rats and the Japanese quails) showed what ekdisteron shows the expressed anabolic properties.  What the assumption was made of that Ecdysterone can influence in a similar way and on people in 1998 the Russian scientist carried out assessment of efficiency of an Ecdysterone in combination with a protein diet. Results were positive, examinees on average gained 6-7% of dry muscle bulk and reduced fatty deposits by 10%. Researchers also found out what Ecdysterone promotes depression of level of a glucose in a blood, without influencing insulin level. Level of Saccharum decreased when before reception it was normal and is slightly increased (to 16 mmol/l), high level didn't change. Thus, it does possible to apply Ecdysterone to people a sick diabetes mellitus 2 types.

Also researches proved Ecdysterone is an antitumoral agent, an adaptogen and an antioxidant.

Known effects of Ecdysterone:

  • augmentation of synthesis of protein
  • entering of protein and glycogen in muscles amplifies
  • stabilizes Saccharum level in a blood, improving a state at a hypoglycemia at athletes "on drying"
  • prevents process of an adiposity by stabilization of level of Saccharum and insulin in a blood
  • reduces cholesterol level in a blood
  • stabilizes membranes of cells
  • well influences a cordial rhythm
  • antioxidatic effect
  • anticatabolic effect
  • clears a skin
  • enlarges force and endurance
  • enlarges "dry" muscle bulk
  • reduces fatty weight

Manufacturers description

Scientists who researched Ecdysterone came to improbable conclusions: under the influence of an ekdisteron muscular anabolism increases by 190-200% that is comparable with Metandrostenolon's injections. How does Ecdysterone affect muscles? Scientists claim that Ecdysterone stimulates synthesis of a protein in cytoplasm of muscle cells by acceleration of synthesis of protein chains of amino acids. It is supposed Ecdysterone increases concentration of ions of potassium and calcium in a muscle cell, and it in turn causes increase in synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein.

As for side effects, Ecdysterone is not only safe, but also is useful! It doesn't allow cortisol to destroy cages, normalizes creatine synthesis. Raises adaptation capabilities of heart, improves work of a liver and composition of blood! Amazingly, but, being the most powerful anabolic steroid, ekdisteron doesn't suppress secretion by an organism of the testosterone. Most happens also to growth hormones. Those who long time sit on steroids are usually forced to do to themselves and an injection of hormone of growth whereas even long-term acceptance of an Ecdysterone not only doesn't weaken natural development of a somatotropin, but even increases it! Ecdysterone, unlike steroids, sports doctors recommend to accept daily 30-50 mg, however the dose without risk of complications can be brought to 100 mg – everything depends on your financial opportunities. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

In sport Ecdysterone is used since 1985, and, in the former countries of East block studying of effects of an ekdisteron was delivered on a solid scientific basis. Ekdisteron often gave to elite athletes-security officers, trying to obtain powerful" steroid" effect. Then learned about the Ecdysterone also in Europe. Its began to use widely in the heavy athletics national team of the USA. The head coach of the American security officers Dragomir Charoslan speaks:" Our program of trainings is so heavy and serious that in it there can't essentially be a place to useless substances. As for an Ecdysterone, it really increases force, amounts of muscles and accelerates recovery". Today Ecdysterone is one of the most popular sports additives in a diet of elite athletes of all countries." In case of a power training Ecdysterone is simply irreplaceable, - such is opinion of the trainer consultant of athletes Jay Schröder American and widely famous around the world, - it allows athletes to reach such level of training of which we could only dream earlier."

Objective description

Now there is no reliable information about positive effect and efficiency of additives which contain Ecdysterone, except for the information provided by the Russian scientists last century. Unfortunately, all data of researches aren't statistically reliable as experiments don't meet the modern requirements: availability of control group, randomization, a multitsentrovost and so on, their most part was carried out on animals.

In 2006 the independent research under the direction of Colin D Wilborn in which athletes accepted Ecdysterone was conducted and carried out physical activities. Results of a research showed that "Attention" ekdisteron doesn't exert impact on a surplus of muscle bulk, doesn't increase power indicators and endurance in case of daily consumption of protein in quantity to 1.7 g/kg and unstable daily caloric content to 40±12 ¬¬á½./kg. Near "sports specialists" like to refer to the above-stated research "proving" inefficiency of an Ecdysterone. However we weren't too lazy to follow the offered link and to read protocols of researches. The research is conducted methodologically and statistically truly, but... The daily doses of an ekdisteron accepted by athletes were equal "30 mg" (c). It is 14 times less than the doses which showed the expressed anabolic effects at animals (5 mg on body weight kg. The control group of the men participating in a research had "medium weight" of 84 kg and shall accept Ecdysterone in doses, comparable from 400 mg \days). Before us a classical example of manipulation with the facts. Researchers took obviously inefficient doses and proved that they are inefficient. This research is useless and has no scientific value for an objective efficiency evaluation of an Ecdysterone.

In 2008 the Hungarian scientists conducted a new research which showed that Ecdysterone it is capable to exert impact on quantity of cages of satellites of which in subsequent new muscle cells are formed, and also to increase the size of muscles. Also there are data that this medicine can increase the level of free testosterone by replacement it from communication with SHBG.

Summary: 1. Any objective research of inefficiency of an Ecdysterone for the person doesn't exist yet. 2. Several objective researches prove outstanding performance of an ekdisteron in an organism of animals. 3. Efficiency of an Ecdysterone for the person is spoken well by feedbacks and researches which can't be considered objective since don't meet the requirements to a carrying out form.

Dose of Ecdysterone

It is necessary to pay special attention to Ecdysterone is doses! In all researches where positive results were received, Ecdysterone was used in doses of equivalent 500 mg a day for the person. Nevertheless, most of producers and ekdisteron's additives contain in several tens of times smaller doses (ekdisteron B - 2,5 mg, Ecdysterone ACE - 2,5 mg, Ecdysterone MEGA - 2,5, ecdysten from thermoLife - 15mg and others). If you see that the dose is lower than 100 mg, then this additive is absolutely useless. However new additives with adequate doses appeared recently: GeoSteron 20 mg on the capsule, EcdySterone from SciFit - 300 mg, SyntraEC from Syntrax - 275 mg and others.

Most of producers recommends to accept additives after food, or before a training.

Side effects and harm of Ecdysterone

Ecdysterone is natural non-hormonal means which doesn't influence exchange of sex hormones of the person. Ekdisteron doesn't cause steroid side effects as has other mechanism of action. Ecdysterone isn't harmful to an organism even in very high doses, the reaching several grams. Some apply ekdisteron in doses more than 1000 mg a day, without any side effects and notable harm, however physicians don't recommend to exceed a dose of 800 mg a day.


As it was already noted above, Ecdysterone has much more expressed effect when it is applied together with a protein therefore it is recommended to consume at the same time a proteinaceous concentrate of slow or fast action (serumal protein) or geyner also accept a vitamin and mineral complex as anabolic processes require much more vitamins and minerals. For increase in force and growth of muscles you can add to a complex products with creatine and Tribulus terrestris.


Testosteron boosters

21 Oct 2016

Testosteron boosters are a sports food and additives which are applied for the purpose of stimulation of muscle growth, increase in force and a libido, and also prevention of a men's climax and correction of level of sex hormones. The effect the testosteron of boosters is caused by their capability to increase products of natural testosterone. Most often testosteron boosters are issued in the form of sports food or dietary supplements which can be purchased freely without recipe in shops of sports food and drugstores.

Usually are a part of boosters: natural and vegetable components, vitamins and, seldom, synthetic substances which according to the statement of producers possess a capability to increase testosterone level. However, justification and evidential base of many the testosteron of boosters remains under doubt, other boosters (for example widely known ZMA complexes) are already acknowledged absolutely inefficient though they continue to be on sale and used in bodybuilding.

For whom testosterone boosters are intended

Boosters of testosterone are used usually by men who seek to increase dry muscle bulk. These additives aren't recommended to be applied aged 20 years, and according to some information 23 are younger. It is connected with the fact that the young organism has extremely unstable hormonal system, in particular it concerns also sex hormones. Use of boosters at young age, can break this unstable system of hormonal exchange. Besides young people have the natural increased testosterone level and therefore don't need additional stimulation. Besides, reception of similar additives isn't recommended to girls in connection with development of a masculinization.

Boosters find rational application for people also even 40 years when the natural level of testosterone decreases in connection with age, in this case their reception are more senior 30 not only favorably affects muscle growth, but also strengthens a potentiality and a libido.

Besides, testosteron boosters perfectly are suitable for PCT. After a cycle of steroid hormones or pro-hormones it is desirable to spend on drink 4 weeks of the booster on the basis of Tribulus terrestis. The booster allows to level the side effects connected with cancellation of steroid hormones and to support testosterone level, thereby preventing destruction of muscles or a so-called phenomenon of "kickback". Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Remember that boosters affect only time of their reception, and after cancellation all effects disappear. Decrease in muscle bulk, though not such expressed as at the use of steroids is possible.

Famous boosters of testosteron

"Attention" Many anabolic complexes and boosters contain more than ten components, however the majority of components don't exert impact on Testosteron-Depotum level. Their presence can be explained only as the advertizing course. The short description of the most widespread agents is given below:

Aromatase inhibitors

Highly effective and safe class of drugs. According to a research [2] one tablet of Letrozole (2,5 mg) can enlarge within a month Testosteron-Depotum level approximately by 50% if to accept it in parts (on 0,02 mg). Higher dosages lead to appreciable intensifying of effect. Besides, the level of estrogens decreases.


It was proved that Tamoxifenum (Nolvadexum) when using within 10 days on 20 mg a day enlarges concentration of Testosteron-Depotum in Serum by 142% of initial level.

Vitamin D (Holekaltsiferol)

In researches correlation between the level of vitamin D and Testosteron-Depotum was taped.


New synthetic substance which is capable to prevent conversion of testosterone in estrogen, thereby increasing concentration of the first. There are no researches confirming influence 4-androstene-3,6,17-trione on muscle growth.

D-aspartic acid

D-isomer of aspartic amino acid which naturally interacts with certain sites of a hypophysis, increasing testosterone secretion. Efficiency is doubtful.


The substance received from Coleus forskohlii plant very often is included boosters. Has the proved efficiency.


Rather new booster of nitrogen oxide which is in addition capable to stimulate secretion of own gonadotrophin and a gonadoliberin. Agmatin sulfate is agonist the imidazolinovykh of receptors. Possesses nootropic action.

Tribulus terrestris

The most popular component the testosteronovykh of boosters, has the strongest evidential base. Now to purchase it in shops of sports food it is problematic as Tribulus was carried to drugs, and is withdrawn from free sale in shops of sports food (drugs only drugstores can trade), however some shops still continue to sell it.


Quite popular complex, is recognized as completely inefficient. Practically has no side effects.

Fenugreek hay (Trigonella)

Plant extract with active agent trigonelliny. Has antiaromatazny activity, however in researches in public didn't render influence on the level of androgens and sports results. [

Poppy the Peruvian

Extract is applied as aphrodisiac. Doesn't render influences on the level of sex hormones and anabolism.

Pine forest

It is inefficient.


The mode of acceptance depends on the specific producer. However most often boosters are accepted from 1 to 3 times a day right after food. The average duration of a cycle - 4 weeks. It is recommended to combine with physical activity.

Side effects

Abuse by all means which influence the level of testosterone is fraught with dangerous complications. The testosteron boosters leads long use to decline in the ability of an organism to develop enough testosterone independently as he gets used to constant reception of additive. Thus, after the end of reception in an organism enough sex hormones isn't made that leads to considerable losses of muscle bulk, a depression, impotence and other problems.

During reception very seldom there are following side effects: aggression and irritability, acne, fluctuations of arterial pressure. Extremely seldom: loss of hair, ginekomastiya, feminization, decrease in secretion of testosterone, atrophy of testicles.

If to accept additive in the established doses and during the admissible period of time, then side effects practically don't meet, however and the considerable effect concerning increase in muscle bulk isn't observed.

Don't accept testosterone boosters at heart diseases, the increased arterial pressure, a renal failure. At manifestation of some side effects stop additive reception. Practically all side effects are completely reversible after cancellation.

Combination and combination

For good effect testosteron boosters should be combined with the correct high-caloric diet, systematic power trainings and an additional sports delivery. From a sports delivery possess good exponential action and optimum compatibility with testosteron boosters:

Protein - to strengthen muscle growth 2-3 g of protein on kilogram of body weight are necessary.

Creatine - 3-5 g to accept inside once a day. Also excellent option - a creatine with transport system.

The vitamin and mineral complex - for active body height of muscles is required sufficient entering of vitamins and other irreplaceable substances.

It is the minimum list of sports additives which are shown to joint reception with boosters, besides it is possible to use at the same time BCAA, amino-acid complexes, reducers, adaptogens and other additives.

It isn't recommended to use Testosteron-Depotum boosters with pro-hormones, steroid hormones, it is impossible to combine 2 boosters.


Anabolic complexes

21 Oct 2016

Anabolic complexes - collective group of additives and sports food which possess expected and often unproven capability to increase muscle bulk. Anabolic complexes considerably differ on structure, they may contain plant extracts, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, fatty acids, creatine and many other things. Quite often producers of sports food operate the term "anabolic complex" for commercial purposes, ranking as this group of additive which have no relation to it.

"Attention" Should be noticed that in 90% of cases, anabolic complexes represent marketing profanation, without justifying even the tenth share of the declared promises which are made by the producer. Many anabolic complexes don't render any effects at all, and it is proved by independent researches, however they continue to be on sale with success as buyers have no objective information support. Be extremely vigilant in case of the choice of an anabolic complex, carefully study structure, checking information on each component, collect all possible data on additive from independent sources and consult with the expert of sports food.

Even such respectable brands as MHP, MuscleTech, BSN and others issue anabolic complexes which don't influence the muscle bulk and other athletic indicators. The term "anabolic complex" has very indistinct character, and in itself already shall guard the buyer. The matter is that anabolic properties even regular food has. The more we eat, the anabolism therefore it is formally possible to tell that a bread roll it too - an anabolic complex prevails more.

Effective anabolic remedies, as a rule, are subject to strict control and don't extend freely therefore producers should try to discover various plants and food components which according to any data can be useful. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

"Attention" was empirically proved that there is no means which would be highly effective and together with it didn't possess side effects. Therefore think before purchasing "super effective additive" which has no side effect.

Efficiency analysis

Experts emitted the most popular ingredients included in anabolic complexes and analysed their efficiency in sport, relying on independent researches, scientific literature and feedbacks of athletes.

From vegetable components, it is often applied:

  • Eurycoma longifolia - is effective. Increases production of testosterone and raises a libido.
  • Forskolin - is effective, (it is at the same time capable to reduce fatty weight).
  • Ikariin - is effective
  • Arakhidonovy acid - is effective
  • Agmatin - increases secretion of a gonadotrophin, is confirmed only in one research on animals
  • 3,4-Divanillyltetrahydrofuran - the globulin connecting sex hormones, evidential base fragile blocks
  • Tribulus terrestris - strengthens a libido, but doesn't influence testosterone level. Now Tribulus's turnover in Russia is limited.
  • Protodiostsin - active ingredient of a plant Tribulus terrestris. Efficiency at the person isn't proved.
  • Ekdisteron - efficiency under doubt.
  • D-asparaginovaya acid - is perhaps inefficient
  • Metoksiizoflavon - is inefficient
  • Poppy the Peruvian - is inefficient
  • Avena Sativa (Oats) - is inefficient
  • Fitosterona - are inefficient
  • Sitosterol - is inefficient
  • Hop ordinary (Humulus lupulus) - is inefficient
  • Valerian derivatives - are inefficient
  • Macuna Pruriens - is inefficient, however is capable to increase a libido due to impact by dopamine system.
  • Griffonia simplicifolia - is inefficient
  • Fenugreek (Fenugreek) - is effective (in a research dry muscle bulk increased by 3% in 8 weeks ).
  • Kudzu (Pueraria lobota) - is inefficient

Fatty acids:

  • Omega-3 - are effective
  • Arakhidonovy acid - is effective
  • Fosfatidilserin - is effective
  • It is well-cared - is effective


  • 6-OXO - it is effective
  • Degidroepiandrosteron (Dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA) - is inefficient
  • ZMA - is inefficient
  • Besides, often include amino acids and creatine in anabolic complexes - however it is more economic to purchase them separately.

Effective anabolic complexes

The analysis of structure and feedbacks allowed to select the most effective anabolic complexes:

  • T-Bomb II from MHP
  • HyperTEST from Axis Labs
  • T-911 from Legal Gear
  • Stenandiol 3.0 from German American Technologies
  • Animal M-Stak from Universal Nutrition
  • Axis-HT from BSN
  • Vitrix from Nutrex


Medicines for pamping

21 Oct 2016

At the moment, perhaps, the most difficult question in the sphere of sports food and pharmacology is the choice of an effective remedy for a pamping.

The most popular category of additives - donators of nitrogen among whom is in the lead ŕđăčíčí. However recently there were many data which confute efficiency of an arginin and to it similar additives (norvalin) therefore in this article we will in details consider pharmacological means which have sufficient evidential base

Action mechanism

Action of all agents for a pamping is referred on vessels of a sceletal musculation. They extend that in turn leads to acceleration of a blood flow, improvement of transport of nutrients and oxygen to muscles, and also is observed fast augmentation of muscles - "a pharmacological pamping" is noticeable.

Donators of nitrogen

You can find the main information on these additives in articles: arginin and donators of nitrogen. Efficiency low and moderate at complex additives.

In addition it is necessary to mention inorganic nitrates. It was proved that they really increase nitrogen oxide level in blood and cause expansion of vessels. Inorganic nitrates (potassium nitrate) are present at quite large numbers in some vegetables, especially in beet. So, for example NO-Bomb (MHP) additive incorporates extract of beet ordinary. However, based on feedbacks and practice of application it is possible to conclude that efficiency of additive low. Obviously, it can be connected with low content of nitrates.

There are data that some athletes with success apply potassium saltpeter (fertilizer for plants).

One of the most effective donators of nitrogen is the class of pharmacological medicines - nitrates. Means of short action (nitroglycerine) and long action concern to them (nitrosorbid). However their application is complicated by the fact that they affect mainly large veins whereas small vessels extend slightly. It means that in case of a sufficient dose there will be a fall of arterial pressure, working capacity will decrease, there will be a headache and some other side effects.

Viagra in bodybuilding

Viagra (active ingredient - sildenafit) is popular means for improvement of erectile function at men, however recently the this medicine found broader application both in medicine, and in bodybuilding.


Many consider that viagra is the next donator of nitrogen, however it not so. It doesn't influence the NO level, however really expands vessels in muscles. If true donators of nitrogen oxide increase the NO level which increases concentration of cellular tsGMF therefore the cascade of reactions which eventually leads to relaxation of a wall of vessels is started. Viagra blocks enzyme fosfodiesterazu-5 which destroys tsGMF therefore its concentration also begins increases, and the same resulting effect turns out.

There is a number of benefits which do use of viagra in bodybuilding to the most perspective. Medicine slightly reduces the level of arterial pressure, exerts positive impact on heart, effectively improves a blood-groove in muscles and causes a minimum of side effects. In too time, very high cost pushes away, however there are cheaper generics (dynamics).

Some mistakenly believe that acceptance of viagra causes a permanent erection, however it not so. In the absence of sexual excitement (stimulation) the erection as a rule never arises.

Acceptance mode

  • It is necessary to study attentively the instruction to exclude all contraindications
  • In bodybuilding a sufficient dosage 25 mg at one time are considered
  • The best time for acceptance - before a training and after the training. In days of rest medicine can be not accepted, first, from economic purposes (in days of rest advantage noticeably lower), secondly, that to medicine tolerance didn't develop.
  • Duration of a rate is 3-4 weeks in case of daily acceptance, or 4-6 weeks in case of the use only in days of trainings.


International name of medicine, is an analog of a Sildenafil. The acceptance mode actually same, with only that difference that the one-time dose constitutes 5-10 mg, and is accepted it 1 time a day, that is has considerably the bigger period of action - till 36 o'clock whereas Viagra works 4-5 hours. Provided that sialis it is possible to find at the price 80 đ for 1 tablet, the monthly rate will cost about 2 400 rubles. At the moment there was information that the market is entered by Sialis for daily application that will provide to athletes the round-the-clock effect. Let's remind what doesn't lead finding of medicine in an organism to a resistant long erection - an erection appears in response to sexual stimulation and passes after an ejaculation (recovery of natural erectile function).

Pentoxifylline (Pentoxyphyllinum) in bodybuilding

One more medicine which improves blood circulation of peripheral fabrics including muscular, however at the same time slightly influences the level of arterial pressure. Low cost does it to one of the best means in bodybuilding for a pamping. Often Trental, Agapurin meets under trademark.


The mechanism of action is similar to Viagra, that is, Pentoxifylline (Pentoxyphyllinum) causes a vazodilatation at the expense of fosfodiyesteraza inhibition. A difference only that if in the previous case genital vessels took an advantage, then Pentoxifylline works not selectively, however it isn't reflected in a blood-groove of muscles negatively.

Pentoxifylline (Pentoxyphyllinum) has the expressed effect which is felt in 20-40 minutes after acceptance. Nearly 90% of feedbacks report about a powerful pamping which lasts several hours.

Drug sometimes causes the following side effects:

  • From a nervous system: headache, giddiness; uneasiness, sleep disorders; cramps; aseptic meningitis (seldom).
  • From integuments and a hypodermic fatty tissue: a dermahemia of the person, "inflows" of a blood to face skin and the top part of a thorax, edemas, the increased fragility of fingernails.
  • From the alimentary system: dryness in a mouth, a loss of appetite, an intestine atony, nausea, vomiting, a cholecystitis exacerbation, cholestatic hepatitis.
  • From sense organs: vision disorder, scotoma.
  • From warmly vascular system: tachycardia, arrhythmia, cardialgia, advance of stenocardia, lowering of arterial pressure.
  • From organs of a hemopoiesis and system of a hemostasis: thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, pancytopenia, hypofibrinogenemia; bleedings (including from mucosas of a stomach, an intestine.
  • Allergic reactions: dermal itch, dermahemia, urticaria, Quincke's disease, anaphylactic shock.

Acception mode

  • It is necessary to study attentively the instruction for an exception of contraindications
  • In bodybuilding the single dosage of a Pentoxyphyllinum (Pentoxifylline) makes about 300-400 mg (4 tablets on 100 mg).
  • The best time for reception - before a training and after the training. In days of rest it is possible to accept medicine 2 times a day: in the morning and after a lunch.
  • If there are side effects lower a dosage, or stop reception
  • Duration of a course is 3-4 weeks


Ańtovegin became known, mainly, at the expense of Yury Bombela's article of "Pharm before and after a training". The author writes:

"In order that it is better to fill muscles with blood during the training, producers of sports food recommend to accept before a training amino acid arginin (recently NO additive which, in fact, is the same arginin). But it is better to solve a problem of a krovenapolneniye, nevertheless, by pharmacological methods. More precisely – it is more reliable. For the solution of this task it is worth using such means as actovegin or Pentoxifylline (Pentoxyphyllinum). The first – more efficient, the second – cheaper."


In general it is impossible to call article good, at least for recommendations about the use of insulin before a training, or Dexamethasone which destroys muscles. These are very serious mistakes, but we won't distract from a primary subject. Bombela also specifies that Actovegin "more efficient". It is an absolute lie. This medicine didn't pass any authoritative research and in the West isn't recognized at all. Actovegin represents a deproteinizirovanny product of blood of calfs and is offered for treatment of diseases of a brain.

Theoretically medicine can slightly expand vessels, however it is impossible to call it effective. "Attention" However, it is worth paying attention to pharmacological action of an Actovegin. Actovegin activates cellular metabolism (metabolism) by increase in transport and accumulating of glucose and oxygen, strengthening their intracellular utilization. These processes lead to acceleration of metabolism of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid) and increase in energy resources of a cage. Under the conditions limiting normal functions of energy metabolism (fabric hypoxia/scarcity of supplies by oxygen or violation of its assimilation/, a lack of a substratum) and in case of the raised energy consumption (healing, fabric regeneration/recovery/), Actovegin stimulates energy processes of functional metabolism (process of a metabolism in an organism) and anabolism (process of digestion of substances with an organism). Secondary effect is blood supply strengthening.



21 Oct 2016

Follistatin (Follistatin-344) (it is known also as the aktivin-connecting protein) - an autokrinny glycoprotein which is formed practically in all body tissues. Follistatin is coded by FST gene.

For the first time follistatin has been isolated from follicular liquid (from here and the name) then it has been defined that he is capable to oppress a follicle - the stimulating hormone in a hypophysis share lobby. It occurs due to linkng with protein aktiviny which in turn stimulates secretion a follicle - the stimulating hormone.

"Attention" Contrary to the occurring opinion, follistatin doesn't cause a hypertrophy of a myocardium

Value in bodybuilding

Animal experiments showed that entering of a follistatin, leads to increase in muscle bulk and force of muscles at healthy animals, and at dystrophic mice muscular pathology is exposed to the return development, even in a case with elderly individuals. Follistatin acts as a blocker of a miostatin.

Essential lack of use of a follistatin as a blocker of a miostatin is low specificity of its action as it also suppresses function of aktivin which regulate growth and differentiation of almost all types of cages, including cells of gonads, pituitarny gland and skeletal muscles.

For this reason by scientists the inhibitor of a miostatin of FS I-I derivative of a follistatin and specific to a miostatin was developed. Transgene mice, expressiruyushchy this peptide, had the increased mass and force of muscles. These results are specified the therapeutic capacity of FS I-I in case of muscular dystrophies and a sarkopeniye.

The last testing which ended in 2009 on monkeys showed that genetic regulation of level of a follistatin yeilds tangible results in muscle growth and increase in force. These data pushed scientists to clinical testing in public which according to preliminary data shall begin summer of 2010.

In 2013 Follistatin-344 was available for sale on network. The prices from retail distributors constitute about 2-3 thousand rubles for 1000 mkg. You can also like Meldonium.


  • Increase in force
  • Growth of muscles
  • Appetite strengthening, in certain cases suppression
  • Increase in working capacity
  • Fat loss, due to stimulation of metabolism of brown fatty cages


Sellers recommend to accept Follistatin-344 according to the scheme: 100 mkg a day, hypodermically, for 10-20 days. As a rule it is used for a set of dry muscle bulk or on drying (rapid growth to 4kh by kg in 10 days is observed), also this peptide significantly raises power indicators. Follistatin-344 is represented perspective means in powerlifting as doesn't come to light on a drug test. Reddening in the place of a prick is possible.

Side effects

Follistatin exerts direct impact on folliculogenesis therefore theoretically at women complications are possible. According to literary data of the FST plays a role in development of a polikistoz of ovaries.


Miostatin (GDF-8)

21 Oct 2016

Miostatin (it is also known as a factor of differentiation of growth 8 or GDF-8) - the peptide synthesized in an organism which suppresses growth and a differentiation of muscular tissue. Miostatin is formed in muscles and then allocated in blood, having the effect on muscles due to linkng with receptors of ACVR2B (activin type II receptor). At the person miostatin it is coded in MSTN gene.

Researches on animals show that blocking of action of a miostatin leads to significant increase in dry muscle bulk with almost total absence of a fatty layer.

Blockers of Myostatin

Now development of a number of blockers of action of Myostatin is conducted, "Attention" however currently isn't present any drug approved to use in public.

Blocker of Myostatin MYO-029 (Stamulumab)

Wyeth Pharmaceuticals in 2002 began development of the drug MYO-029 (Stamulumab) - recombinant antibodies which are bound to Myostatin and block its effects.

At the beginning of 2005 Wyeth Pharmaceuticals at additional financing of MDA began a phase of 1-2 clinical trials of safety and an acceptability of MYO-029 (Stamulumab) on 116 examinees. Data of clinical tests were published only in January, 2008.

Drug proved to be safe and well transferable in three various dosages what it is reported in the report published by Kathryn Wagner with colleagues from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore in the Annals of Neurology magazine about

However in March, 2008, after the end of clinical tests the company announced the suspension of development of the MYO-029 (Stamulumab) project as anybody from participating in a research had no statistically significant improvement of force or body height of muscles.

Elements of receptors ACVR2B as miostatin blockers

High potential has the new medicine ACVR2B which represents solution of elements of receptors to a miostatin. The molecular ACVR2B elements have the site similar to the active center of a receptor and contact a free miostatin, blocking its capability to activate receptors. This medicine was created in 2005, under the leadership of the same doctor of Se-Jin Lee, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. Se-Jin Lee hopes that ACVR2B can be used in the near future and in public whereas as of 2005 it already proved outstanding performance on laboratory mice. The team of the doctor of Se-Jin Lee approved various doses of ACVR2B on 49 mice and fixed a muscular surplus after four weeks of use of medicine. The maximum indicators of a muscular surplus were reached in case of two injections a week, in a dosage of 50 mkg on kilogram of body weight. The muscle bulk of these mice increased by 61% in comparison with initial.


Clinical testing of ACE-031 for treatment of a miodistrofiya were stopped in May, 2013 in connection with development of side effects (dilatation of vessels of skin, bleeding from a nose and gums). On sale handicraft medicines from the Chinese producer are available.of receptors of ActRIIB connected to Fc an immunoglobulin G fragment. By blocking of a signal through ActRIIB receptor, medicine increases the muscle bulk and force. Preliminary testing of ACE-031 showed outstanding performance on experimental models with animals.

Modified pro-peptides of miostatin

As one more blocker of a miostatin the modified pro-peptides of a miostatin, in particular the mutated pro-peptide of a miostatin D76A are offered. The mechanism of effect of medicines is very interesting. Until unripe miostatin (the predecessor of a miostatin) doesn't undergo modification under the influence of metalproteinase, he won't have the effect. Applying the mutated pro-peptides of a miostatin, the D76A type there is an irreversible or partial and irreversible linkng with metalproteinase then post-transmitting processing of a promiostatin stops, and in other words, isn't formed mature miostatin. One of the Best drug is Meldonium.

Tests were carried out only on animals, and given about use of medicines of this group in public so far isn't present.

Outputs for athletes

"Attention" isn't present a possibility of full use of medicines or components Now operating as antagonists of a miostatin as:

1. Insufficient evidential basis. Many researches give opposite outputs therefore still reliable data in this area aren't enough.

2. Ghost effects. Now still early to judge safety of switching off of action of a miostatin. Perhaps, the myocardium hypertrophy can lead it to the delayed different complications, for example. Also latest works showed that intensive muscle growth leads to increase in frequency of injuries of the copular device which remains at the same level of development and is expected rather smaller loadings.

3. Low selectivity. As it was already noted, miostatin is a part of very extensive metabolic system where many elements have a similar structure and duplicate function of others. Applying the medicines inhibiting action of a miostatin it is possible to receive failure in operation of other elements of metabolic system. In other words, considering quite broad range of competence of this metabolic system, in addition to muscle growth there is a probability of numerous serious ghost effects from all systems of organs and fabrics.

Blockers of a miostatin in sports food

While in the scientific world there are ardent disputes and test works are actively conducted, the world of the sports industry actively makes absolutely safe and "effective" blockers of a miostatin.

Myo-Blast, according to the statement of the producer, contains the highest dose of the most powerful tool of the miostatin-corrective known as — Myozap CSP3.

Excerpt from the description:

Myozap CSP3 - a trade name patent structure for miostatin-protein neutralization. This extract is received from an exotic sea plant (Cystoseira canariensis) and at first was found during the scientific research conducted by researchers of biochemistry in Las Palmas University in Spain. As soon as you begin to neutralize miostanin, growth of new muscle cells begins. By means of this sports food, new cells of a muscle increase in the amount of and form new fibers of muscular tissue. Each new fiber, actually represents the potential for an additional new muscle, over what you already have. And these many new muscle fibers eventually are created in your body, giving you the chance to overcome the genetic threshold set miostatin.

Myostat, Myo-T12 and so forth have the similar description and the same active ingredient - Cystoseira canariensis.

"Attention" Despite these big words, these additives are absolutely inefficient. Now there is no additive which would influence exchange of a miostatin.

1. The researches conducted by Dzhordzhei Niffis, professor from Institute of National Health (the USA, the State of Ohio) have revealed that all qualities attributed to sports food on the basis of Cystoseira canariensis - no more, than the advertizing course. In the course of the experiment it has become clear that even in quantity in 50 times more recommended these additives haven't had any significant effect on growth of muscle bulk.

2. All modern antagonists of a miostatin of the proteinaceous nature, therefore they aren't accepted inside as in this case active agent would be inevitably destroyed by digestive enzymes.

Effective blockers of a miostatin


In 2009 the research conducted by the Iranian scientists was published. They revealed that miostanin substantially is suppressed in case of additional acceptance of creatine.


Hulmi JJ and Tannerstedt J proved that the protein blocks synthesis of a miostatin in case of the systematic use by the training people.

Nicotine - the activator of a miostatin

"Attention" the Research, carried out by scientists of the Nottingham university, is established that activity of synthesis of muscle proteins at smokers was much lower, than at non-smoking. Besides, in an organism of fans of nicotine there is much higher than the level of protein of a miostatin and MAFbx enzyme. The first of them just detains muscle growth, and the second – splits proteins of muscles. 


Insulin in bodybuilding

21 Oct 2016

Insulin (Latin of insula — the island) — hormone of the peptide nature, is formed in beta cells of islets of Langerhans of a pancreas. Exerts many-sided impact on exchange practically in all tissues. The main effect of insulin consists in depression of concentration of a glucose in a blood. In bodybuilding insulin is applied thanks to its expressed anabolic effect. As an alternative serve peroral sugar-lowering agents, such as Diabeton.

Insulin enlarges permeability of plasmatic membranes for a glucose, activates key enzymes of a glycolysis, stimulates education in a liver and muscles from a glycogen glucose, strengthens synthesis of fats and proteins. Besides, insulin suppresses activity of the enzymes splitting a glycogen and fats. That is, besides anabolic action, insulin has as well anticatabolic effect. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Most glucose transport in two types of tissues depends on insulin: muscular tissue and fatty tissue is so-called achrestic tissues.

Effects of insulin

Metabolic effects of insulin

  • absorption intensifying by cells of a glucose and other substances;
  • activation of key enzymes of a glycolysis;
  • the augmentation of intensity of synthesis of a glycogen — insulin forces storage of a glucose cells of a liver and muscles by its polymerization in a glycogen;
  • decrease of intensity of a gluconeogenesis — decreases education in a glucose liver from various substances of not carbohydrate nature (proteins and fats).

Anabolic effect of insulin

  • strengthens absorption by cells of amino acids (especially Leucinum and valine);
  • strengthens transport in a cell of potassium ions, and also a magnesium and Natrii phosphas;
  • strengthens replication of DNA and a biosynthesis of protein;
  • strengthens synthesis of fatty acids and the subsequent their etherification — in fatty tissue and in a liver insulin promotes transformation of a glucose into triglycerides; at a disadvantage of insulin there is the return — mobilization of fats.

Anticatabolic effect of insulin

  • suppresses hydrolysis of proteins — reduces degradation of proteins;
  • reduces a lipolysis — reduces entering of fatty acids in a blood.

Danger of use of insulin - a lethal dose

Perhaps, the main factor in bad reputation of insulin - risk of development of a hypoglycemia. At any forum it is possible to meet reports of the warning character, as if even insignificant excess of a dose of insulin can be lethal. However scientific and practical data speak about another: the doctor of G Kernbach-Wighton and the colleague defined that "Attention" the smallest lethal dose of insulin - 100 PIECES, that is the full insulinic syringe. Many people survive even after doses in 3000 PIECES! Even in case of a serious overdosage time to cause emergency medical service in clear consciousness remains insulin. Before development of a coma there pass several hours therefore even lethal doses of insulin don't cause a lethal outcome if well-timed entering of a glucose in a blood begins.

Which insulin shall be used in bodybuilding

In bodybuilding it is necessary to use insulin of short and ultrashort action:

Insulin of short action

Short insulin begins to work at hypodermic introduction in 30 minutes (therefore enter in 30-40 minutes prior to food), the peak of action comes in 2 hours, disappears from an organism in 5-6 hours.

The best choice:

  • Humulin Regulyar
  • Aktrapid HM

Insulin of ultrashort action

Ultrashort insulin begins to work in 15 minutes, peak in 2 hours, disappear from an organism in 3-4 hours. It more physiologic and it can be entered just before meal (in 5-10 minutes) or right after food.

The best choice:

  • Insulin aspart (Novorapid Penfill, Novorapid Flekspen).
  • Insulin lizpro (Khumalog) — a semi-synthetic analog of human insulin.
  • Insulin glulizin (Khumalog)
  • "Attention" the Average cost of a two-month course - 2000-3000 rubles.

Benefits and shortcomings of insulin


  • Small cost of a rate
  • Availability - medicine can be purchased freely in a drugstore
  • High quality - counterfeits are almost excluded, unlike steroids
  • Lack of toxicity, low frequency of side effects, almost total absence of consequences of a rate
  • Insignificant phenomenon of kickback
  • The expressed anabolic action
  • Possibility of a combination to anabolic steroids and other means
  • Lack of androgenic impact
  • Attention insulin DOESN'T EXERT toxic impact on a liver or kidneys, and also DOESN'T CAUSE violations of sexual function (potentiality).


  • Difficult scheme of acceptance
  • Considerable increase of fat
  • Hypoglycemia

Side effects

Hypoglycemia or depression of concentration of a glucose in a blood that involves all other implications. The hypoglycemia can be prevented easily, read about it in the main article - a hypoglycemia.

Itch in the field of a nyxis

The allergy - meets extremely seldom

Depression of endogenic secretion of insulin - meets only at very long courses use of high doses of insulin


Chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in bodybuilding

21 Oct 2016

Chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) - is hormone which is produced by a placenta during pregnancy, and then in an invariable look is removed with urine from where it is extracted and cleared for receiving medicines. Ńhorionic gonadotropin has the same biological effects as lutenizing hormone (gonadotrophic hormone or a gonadotrophin) which is formed in a hypophysis. It is possible to get easily in drugstores without recipe.

Chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

The last researches have shown full inefficiency of use of this medicine at the use inside as a part of nutritional supplements. From 12/6/2011 drugs and nutritional supplements the containing HCG are in the USA under a ban:

Effects of a gonadotropin

  • Stimulates synthesis of sex hormones in testicles therefore has the same range of effects as testosterone.
  • Stimulates a spermatogenesis.
  • Strengthens development of genitals and secondary sexual characteristics.
  • At women stimulates production of progesterone with a yellow body, provokes an ovulation, keeps development of a placenta.

Physiology of gonadotropin

In an organism regulation of level of a gonadotropin happens on a feedback mechanism in an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles:

  • Gonadoliberin is developed in a hypothalamus and the gonadotropnykh of hormones stimulates emission.
  • Gonadotrophins are developed in a hypophysis and normal stimulate work of testicles, at their shortcoming there is a testicular atrophy.
  • Testosterone and anabolic steroids slow down development of a gonadoliberin and gonadotrophins owing to what there is an atrophy of testicles.

Thus, in bodybuilding, at the long use of anabolic steroids it is necessary to enter in addition gonadotropny hormone (chorionic gonadotropin) for the purpose of prevention of an atrophy of testicles.

Application of HCG in bodybuilding

In bodybuilding only one property of a gonadotropin - increase in secretion of sex hormones (testosterone) is appreciated by testicles, perhaps. Owing to what, the gonadotrophin is applied as anabolic means to a set of muscle bulk as supportive application in case of weight loss and as the constituting PCT.

Use of HCG in the anabolic purposes isn't justified and is hazardous to health. First, because the chorionic gonadotropin is less effective in comparison with anabolic steroids. Secondly, for receipt of good effect there is a need of its application for high doses (more than 4000 ME a week) that can cause irreversible violations in a physiological axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles. With respect thereto a circumstance, many articles negatively speak of HCG, forgetting about its real destination. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Course chorionic gonadotropin and PCT

In bodybuilding use of chorionic gonadotropin is justified and even necessary during a course of anabolic steroids for prophylaxis of an atrophy of testicles. In this case, its use is safe as doses of drug are much lower, besides chorionic gonadotropin allows to eliminate some side effects of anabolic steroids, and also to keep the gained muscle bulk. HCG has special value if the cycle of steroids exceeds 6 weeks or high doses are used. In this situation, chorionic gonadotropin doesn't break work of an axis a hypothalamus-pituitary bodies-testicles, and that the most important, allows to keep function of testicles.

Less often chorionic gonadotropin is used as a part of post course therapy. Many believe that it should be entered before PKT as during post course therapy of HGCh can interfere with restoration.

Gonadotropin for weight loss

Relatively recently the research of the British scientist - the endocrinologist of A.T.W. Simeons in whom it is declared that the chorionic gonadotropin can be used in case of weight loss for the purpose of preserving muscle bulk was published. The scientist considers that the gonadotropin programs a hypothalamus on an expense of fatty inventories, at the same time muscles remain are protected from a catabolism. Simeons recommends using small (and therefore safe) HCG doses - 125 ME daily against the background of a low-calorie diet - less than 1500 kcal a day. This diet is practiced in many specialized centers for weight loss. It is necessary to notice that during such rate it is necessary to consume enough protein and vitamins.

Doses and receipt of chorionic gonadotropin

Now pharmaceutical industry the huge amount of medicines of the containing HCG is issued. After intramuscular introduction medicine is well soaked up. Elimination half-life makes several hours, however the effect of one injection remains within 5-6 days.

The injection chorionic gonadotropin represents the solid concluded in an ampoule (bottle). The ampoule with liquid for medicine dissolution has to be applied to a bottle with HCG. Usually it is sodium chloride solution. Powder is well dissolved in solution. The formed mix needs to be entered intramuscularly or hypodermically. If you used not all liquid, then the remains should be placed in the refrigerator. Dry HGCh should be stored in the dark place at a temperature not above +25 degrees Celsius.

Protocols of application on Michael Scally MD and Eric Potratz:

If duration of course doesn't exceed 5-6 weeks, 1 medicine in small doses is used, then there is no need for a gonadotropin. If course duration more than 6 weeks (8-12 weeks), is uprated a dosage, 2 or more medicines are used: at least, the last 3-5 weeks of course execute 2 pricks of a gonadotropin a week on 250-500 ME for preventing of an atrophy of testicles. Introduction stops after almost complete deduction of anabolic medicine, then post course therapy begins. On months-long courses the gonadotropin is entered permanently, 3-5 weeks in 1-2 weeks (it is necessary to do a break at least for 1-2 weeks for the purpose of preventing of a desensitization). According to the latest scientific data this diagram admits optimum as it allows saving function of testicles and promotes the most complete recovery after course.

If HGCh wasn't applied throughout the long or "heavy" course, then it needs to be included in composition of post course therapy, but then it should be used only at the beginning of PKT. The blust protocol according to the book William Llewellyns (Program for Wellness Restoration) by HGCh reinforced by clinical tests, according to which is most often applied it is recommended to use as a part of post course therapy on 2000 ME, every other day for 20 days for restart of an arc hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles; such diagram extremely isn't recommended in case of absence of complications.

The single authentic index of operation of medicine is the appropriate index v-HGCh for what the appropriate blood test is done.

For weight loss and anabolic effect it isn't recommended.

Size of testicles

Introduction of anabolic medicines leads to suppression of lutenizing hormone which supports (stimulates) normal function of testicles. After 12-16 week cycles AAS the volume of cages of Leydiga decreases by 90%, and secretion of own testosterone for 98%. Cages of Leydiga make only about 5% of the mass of a small egg.

"Attention" the Palpatorny analysis of the size of testicles is not a reliable method of assessment as volume can change very slightly (for only 5%) at almost full suppression of function.

Side effects

In case of reception of HCG there can be same ghost effects, as in case of testosterone reception. Use of a gonadotropin in heavy doses or the long time leads a hormone gonadotropin-rileasing in this connection function of a physiological axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles is broken to secretion suppression. 20 days are longer not recommended to assign heavy doses (2000-5000 ME) though according to the data Michael Scally, M.D. and to the provided row of researches , the desensitization of testicles doesn't come if the dosage doesn't exceed 500 ME or HGCh is entered less often 3kh once a week. This protocol can be considered safe even for 1-2 months.

Information that the gonadotropin can lead to pregnancy symptoms at men it is made it is absurd and isn't true.


Selective modulators of androgenic receptors - SARMs

21 Oct 2016

SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) — selective modulators of androgenic receptors. By the same principle, as SERMs — selective modulators of estrogenic receptors to which well-known clomifene and tamoxifen belong SARMs are capable to join receptors of sex hormones, only not women's, but men's - androgens and to interact with them. But without having the same structure as anabolic steroids, SARMs don't give in to impact of the enzymes transforming testosterone to other connections having effects, undesirable to health.

Creating this class of medicines, scientists expected to lower an adverse effect of testosterone on a prostate. As it is accepted, first of all any substances and connections research on animals; in case of receipt of positive effects and having made sure in safety of their acceptance, conduct clinical trials in public then start in production. Often only one positive results in experiences on rats happen enough that medicine came into the view of "chemical" athletes and those began to be influenced by it independently.


Approximately the same situation has developed also with SARMs — as soon as have begun to write about this child of James Dalton in available literature, having reported that their reception leads to growth of muscle bulk, they right there have appeared in the illegal way in hands of body builders. Andarine better known in the world of sport as ‘S4 ′ was one of the first, despite ambiguous conclusions of researches, in this number. And after him practically at once and Ostarine known as GTX-024. Both medicines already were implemented in online stores before there were official confirmations that Ostarine really promotes a gain of muscle bulk at people and is rather safe in application. However in elite sport and at threat of anti-doping control ostarine is extremely risky and undesirable medicine as his metabolites are defined within three months and more - depending on a dose and specific features of metabolism at the athlete. There are no data on other SARMAM yet.

So, in September, 2011 in the "Cachexia, Sarkopeniya and Muscles" magazine (‘Journal Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle’), p. 153 — 161, there was article with the name speaking for itself "The selective modulator of androgenic receptors GTx-024 improves the muscle bulk and physical functions at healthy elderly men and women in a postmenopause: results of the double blind person, placebo - a controlled research of a phase II". The results of reception of GTx-024 referred by scientists to statistically significant were given in this article: 12 week course of oral reception of 3 mg of drug lead to a gain of dry muscle bulk, peer 1,4 kg and to depression of fatty weight in 300 grams in the absence of any exercise stresses. Lower dosages of substance resulted in less expressed results. Official conclusion of researchers sounded so: GTx-024 showed dozozavisimy improvement of the general muscle bulk of a body and physical functions, is well transferred. GTx-024 can be useful to prophylaxis and/or treatment of a catabolism of the muscle bulk bound to cancer and other chronic diseases". Perhaps, 1.4 kg of muscle bulk in 12 weeks aren't a lot of, but it is officially received and recorded result. Please pay attention to Meldonium

Now the pharmaceutical companies have several types of SARMs concerning which the first stages of clinical trials were in public successfully complete and which can be available for legal sale already soon, and till that time, practice of their application in the sports purposes will already for certain be created, however, at the moment even proceeding from small amount of the above-stated information, it is possible to gain an impression about a dosage, duration of acceptance and side effects.


At the moment any selective modulator of androgenic receptors isn't really selective. They shows only higher anabolic index, at the same time the ratio anabolic to androgenic activity makes from 3:1 to 10:1 (at Testosteron-Depotum the ratio is peer to 1:1)

Practically all selective modulators of androgenic receptors are issued in the form of tablets and don't cause injury of a liver.

It is the optimum choice for women as they exert the minimum impact on a libido, sexual characters, cholesterin level in bloods, a liver, etc.

Legal status of SARM'S

The most part of SARM'S have the legal status. In jurisprudence with high probability of SARM's will be recognized as drugs.

Ostarine and cardarin (by mistake belongs to SARMs) are entered in the list of strong substances for Art. 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The ban is initiated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in August, 2016. Legally ostarine and cardarin have equated to anabolic steroids.

Stages of SARMs testing

Clinical testing:

  • Ostarine (MK-2866, GTx-024) - affects bone and muscular fabrics
  • BMS-564,929 - affects mainly muscular tissue
  • Ligandrol - Ligandrol or Anablicum (the laboratory code of LGD-4033) - is similar to Ostarine

Preclinical testing:

  • AC-262,356
  • JNJ-28330835
  • LGD-2226 - influences bones and muscles, studying is suspended because of high toxicity
  • LGD-3303
  • S-40503 - affects mainly a bone tissue (treatment of osteoarthrosis)
  • S-23 - as a men's contraceptive
  • YK-11 - the Japanese SARM at a development stage which is also inhibitor of a miostatin
  • RAD140 - development of the Radius company, is suitable for intake, in addition to anabolic effect causes increase in endurance and has neuroprotective effect

Are suspended:

  • Andarin - Andarine (the laboratory code of S-4) - development isn't kept any more
  • Kardarin - (Synonyms: Cardarine, Endurobol, Peroximod, Hennos, the laboratory code of GW-501516) - development isn't kept in connection with cancerogenic action any more
  • Other (doesn't treat SARMs):
  • Reversol (Reverol, edrophonium or SR9009) - connection suitable for intake, is developed by Scripps Research Institute. The main effects - increase in endurance (due to formation of new mitochondrions), treatment of obesity, a muscular hypertrophy. The mechanism of action consists in linkng with the molecule Rev-ErbA alpha in an organism which performs various regulatory functions.
  • Ibutamoren - Ibutamoren, Nutrobal (MK-677) - growth hormone secretion stimulator accepted inside.
  • Laksogenin (5a-hydroxy-laxogenin or Anogenin) - vegetable steroid sapogenin, studied by Japanese in 1960. Now began to move ahead actively in sport though any positive effects at the person aren't proved.
  • AICAR - means for increase in endurance



21 Oct 2016

TB-500 (Thymosin Beta 4, Timozin Beta 4) (the laboratory code of RGN-352) – the synthetic version of the natural peptide from 44 amino acids which is contained in all human and animal cells, Timosin a beta 4 (TB4). Use of TB-500 leads to acceleration of an adhesion of wounds, injuries and shows multidirectional protective action. Recent tests showed that TB-500 exerts some impact on sports results. For the first time Thymosin Beta 4 was allocated from thymus extract.

In medicine it is applied to acceleration of an adhesion of the wounds bound to various diseases and also to restoration of a myocardium after an infarct, treatment of ischemic states.

Contrary to popular belief, is defined by method of a liquid chromatography. It began to be used as dope for the horses participating in jumps.


  • Accelerates restoration of muscles (including a cardiac muscle), ligaments, joints and a skin. Has the expressed reparative potential on many tissues.
  • Antiinflammatory action
  • Angiogenesis - body height of new vessels in muscles that improves their delivery.
  • Protects and restores a nervous system.
  • Stimulates secretion of luteinizing hormone, and as a result of Testosteron-Depotum.
  • Increases sensitivity of tissues to anabolic hormone to insulin.
  • Increases mobility of joints and tensile properties of ligaments.
  • Is a cardioprotector and reduces risk of a myocardial infarction restores a myocardium. Has regenerative property even at a myocardium ischemia.

"Attention" TV-500 has no significant effect on body height of muscles and power indicators.


Timozin Beta 4 is entered hypodermically or intramuscularly. It is recommended to use only for treatment of injuries, strengthening of heart.

Loading phase: a dose of 2-6 mg in a week divided into two injections (for example, on 2 mg: Monday, Wednesday). Duration is 1 month.

Support phase: 2-4 mg a WEEK divided into 2 injections. Duration is 1-2 months.

Alternative scheme: the loading dose of 10 mg in the first week (on 1-2 mg a day), then 5 mg a week (to divide optimum into 2 injections) within 5 weeks and the supporting dose of 10 mg a month (on 2 mg in 6 days) is the USA, optimum and productive according to many athletes, using TB500. Total we receive 18 bottles on 2 mg for the first 6 weeks + 5 bottles on 2 mg a month for maintenance of results. You can also like Meldonium

Preparation and storage of solution

It is necessary to cool a bottle to room temperature and to enter necessary amount of water for injections (which shall flow down on a bottle wall), then to stir the rotating movements (not to shake), or to deliver for some time in the refrigerator.

Side effects

Randomized, placebo the controlled research hasn't revealed toxic and serious side effects even in a dose of 1260 mg.

Some mistakenly interpret data of the researches Tang MC, Chan LC, attributing to medicine cancerogenic properties (risk of development of tumoral process). According to conclusions of this and similar works of Thymosin Beta 4 is a marker and the intermediary of carcinogenesis, however isn't his reason.

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