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Afobazol – If herb does not help

25 Oct 2016

Advantages: there is no addiction, relieves stress and irritation

If herb does not help, you can buy Afobazol tablets. Once exhausted arrhythmia, my nerves are shattered. The doctor told me that they had this drug. The drug is well absorbed into the bloodstream, and then exits from the body in urine.

Of course, this drug is not recommended for children and teenagers. In general, no specific contraindications but not individual intolerance.
“Afobazol” assigned not only to those who have problems with neurasthenia, but also for arrhythmia, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma.
The pack is small, but there are three plates of 20 tablets, just in a pack is 60 tablets. effect of the drug begins after two weeks of treatment. But some feel the improvement in much earlier.

On the reverse side there is information about the benefits of the drug:

  • reduces or eliminates anxiety, restlessness and irritability.
  • protects nerve cells from damage.
  • there is no dependence on the drug
  • The same does not cause sleepiness.

My health has improved over the last month receive!

I wish you health, take care of your nerves!



25 Oct 2016

Chitosan - a polysaccharide, derivative chitin, often in goes to composition of dietary supplements and a sports delivery. Chitosan has a large number of positive effects on a human body.


In a digestive tube chitosan breaks up to low-molecular substances and is easily acquired by an organism. The opinion that chitosan includes hyaluronic acid which is responsible for a part of positive effects of drug, is wrong since it is two different substances. After dissolution chitosan turns into gel which has the expressed adsorbing properties, that is is capable to absorb various toxic substances, and also to reduce digestion of fats from a digestive tube. Also it was defined that chitosan has antitumoral effect.


Chitosan is produced by deacetylation (excision of acylic group) of chitin. The last is a structural element of a cover of insects and Crustacea, and also is a part of a cellular wall of mushrooms. As a rule, all commercial products (Chitosan Evalar, tyansha Chitosan, a sports delivery) contain an admixture of chitin and chitosan.

Effects and use of chitosan

Molecules of chitosan are positively charged and well liquefiable in acidic and neutral environments. It gives to drug adhesive properties - linking with negatively charged molecules. Chitosan improves transport of polar medicines through a digestive tract wall. Derivative chitosan - Trimetilkhitosan the donor is used for delivery of DNA in a cell. Trimetilkhitosan is capable to get into cancer cells and to render cytotoxicity.

In agriculture chitosan is used, mainly, as a natural agent for processing of seeds and the accelerator of body height of plants and also as ecologically safe biopesticide which increases protective properties of plants against fungic infections and some other vegetable parasites.

Chitosan is also used as an auxiliary component in the course of a water filtration. It causes binding of fine particles in larger that enlarges efficiency of filters. Chitosan promotes excision of phosphorus, serious metals, fats and other suspended particles from water. So for example, if the ordinary sand filter deletes only 50% of contaminants, then at chitosan addition the percent increases up to 90%.

Recently scientists synthesized special pitch - polyurethane (to which polymeric materials chitosan is added), which is used for a covering of a surface of various objects. Distinctive feature of this covering is that fine scratches disappear in the sun in 1 hour of an exposition. It does possible polyurethane use, for example, for painting of cars which will keep exclusive gloss even after drawing fine scratches. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.


When drawing on a wound, chitosan causes bystry formation of a thrombus and promotes a bleeding stopping therefore it is added to dressing materials and hemostatic agents. The hemostatic drugs based on chitosan are approved by FDA and even in go to the first-aid kit of troops of the USA. It was by practical consideration shown that chitosan can stop even severe arterial bleeding which has dangerous character. Besides chitosan suppresses development of pathogenic bacteria in a wound.


Chitosan is often included into the sports additives intended for weight reduction. It is bound to its ability to be bound to fatty particles in a digestive tube and to reduce absorption. Chitosan can independently be applied as an agent to weight loss, during keeping of a low-calorie diet. In 2007 Cochrane analysed the uses of chitosan given in the relations for weight loss and concluded that chitosan promotes depression of level of a cholesterin and body weight. In comparison with placebo, the weight of control group was lost on on 1.7 kg only at the expense of chitosan that is very high rate. Its effect is dozozavisimy therefore many additives are ineffective in a type of low content of chitosan. Choose additives in which the dosage of chitosan makes not less than 1000 mg.

In experimental model of a stomach and an intestine it was shown that chitosan interacts with fats and suppresses an absorption in a duodenum, and also enlarges an egestion of fats with feces.

The mechanism of effect of drug still remains obscure, scientists agree in opinion that additional researches are required.


In several researches it was proved that chitosan doesn't cause side effects, this substance doesn't represent harm to health even in very large numbers. Some scientists considered that chitosan can reduce digestion of some vitamins and minerals and to respectively cause such side effects as vitaminodefitsit, etc. However the last research [10] showed that chitosan doesn't reduce absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Also the research on mice where ability of chitosan to suppress an absorption of nutrients (copper, Zincum and iron) was investigated was conducted carefully. Scientists didn't tap suppression of absorption of useful substances and side effects.


  • Sports delivery which contains chitosan:
  • Thermoloid from Goliath Labs
  • Chitosan from Nature's Science
  • Super Fat Bloc Chitosan from Ultimate Nutrition
  • Chitosan from Eclipse
  • Cheaters Relief from BSN - is laid off
  • chitosan from weider

Other additives:

  • Chitosan Evalar
  • Tyansha chitosan

The dosage and regimen of reception

The recommended dosage of chitosan of 1-2 g together with food or right after food.


For many years chitosan was advertized as additive for weight reduction, a so-called "trap for fat". It is claimed that chitosan is capable to reduce absorption of fats and level of a cholesterin in a blood. This statement is based on experiments on animals at whom as a result of reception of chitosan depression of level of a cholesterin and absorption of fats was noted. Nevertheless, the researches conducted among people showed not so impressive results. In them it becomes perceptible that chitosan doesn't exert any impact on a specific lot of fatty deposits, on changes in structure of a body] at the people adhering to a normal diet. Only in one of researches it was established that chitosan is capable to reduce the level of lipids in a blood of the person.

Recent experiments showed that influence of chitosan on absorption of fats is very insignificant, and 9,9 kcal/day are equivalent.] In other work researchers found out that the amount of the bound fats is so insignificant that weight reduction on 0,45 kg requires about 7 months at men while at women chitosan is noneffective at all.

Thus, modern researches showed that chitosan certainly is noneffective from the point of view of weight reduction and as "a fat blocker".


Orlistat - Xenical

25 Oct 2016

Orlistat (Xenical) is a medicine, a specific inhibitor of gastrointestinal lipases which carry out digestion of fats. "Xenical", Roche (company) and Orsoten is most known under trade names. It is used, including and as an agent for weight reduction.

Orlistat, Xenical

The mechanism of action

Drug possesses a high lipofilnost and is admixed with fat drops. Orlistat is covalently bound to the active center of pancreatic and gastric lipases, thereby inactivating them. In view of inhibition digestive lipases triglycerides can't get into a blood. At the same time deficiency of energy is framed that leads to mobilization of fat from depot. Under the influence of Xenical the mass of vistsero-abdominal fat decreases generally. Also orlistat promotes depression of a hypercholesterinemia – in view of depression of quantity free fat acids and monoglycerides in an intestine lumen – solubility of a cholesterin decreases that reduces its ability to get into a blood. Owing to normalization of lipide structure of a blood sensitivity of tissues to insulin increases, the hyperinsulinemia decreases that also promotes decrease of mass of vistsero-abdominal fat. Pay attention to Mildronate, active components Meldonium.


According to multicenter the placebo-controlled of researches, in 52 weeks of use of Xenical in standard doses body weight decreased by 6,2% from initial, the level of insulin decreased by 18%.

At 60% of patients with an obesity orlistat lost weight more than for 10%, authentically reduced waist volume. Reliable decrease of body weight was reached as at patients with the normal state of carbohydrate metabolism, and at patients with a diabetes mellitus 2 types. Orlistat confirmed the high efficiency and safety in a large amount of randomized placebos - controlled researches, the most long of which was a research XENDOS (4 years of continuous treatment with Xenical).

When carrying out the 3rd phase of clinical tests of an orlistat it is established that it reduces the level of triglycerides, the general cholesterin, lipoproteins of low density, glycated hemoglobin, reduces arterial pressure.

Use for weight loss

Xenical is prescribed on 120 mg by 3 times a day during food or during 1 h after meal.

Side effect

From digestive tract:

  • defecation acceleration - 20,4%
  • oily allocations from an anus – 17,5%
  • meteorism – 23,9%
  • incontience of a feces of 7,7%

Side effects from a GIT are caused by the high content of fat in a nutrition. On statistical data, from – for this side effects stop administration of drug of 8,8% of patients. For prophylaxis of emergence of these phenomena it is necessary to adhere to the moderate hypohigh-calorie diet containing no more than 30% of fat (from the general daily calorage). At the same time these side effects aren't observed. Also within the first 1-4 weeks of administration of drug side effects from a nervous system are observed:

  • headache – 30%
  • giddiness – 5%
  • sleep disorder - 3,9%
  • alarming state – 4,7%


Fat Blockers

25 Oct 2016

Fat Blockers is a type of sports additives and pharmaceuticals which are applied to depression of body weight. The most frequent component of blockers of fats is Chitosan.

Blockers of fats have the similar mechanism of action with blockers of carbohydrates, namely: it is irreversible are bound to fats, interfering with their digestion, block a lipase - enzyme which splits fats, increase viscosity of gastric contents, complicating evacuation. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Researches confirm that chitosan can block fats in 6-7 times more of a body weight.

Sports delivery

  • Cheaters Relief from BSN
  • Thermoloid from Goliath Labs
  • FBlock from Absolute Nutrition

The pharmacology

The most potent blocker of fat now - medical supply Orlistat (Orsoten or Xenical) who blocks enzyme a lipase.

Side effects

Blockers of fats aren't soaked up in a blood and practically don't cause collateral reactions. The individual intolerance, and also a digestive disturbance as a result of high content of undigested fats in fecal masses is seldom possible. Besides perhaps insufficient entering in an organism of unsaturated fats - the Omega-3 and vitamins, however it is observed only in case of Orlistat's use. Observe instructions and the regimen of dosage specified by the producer.


Metformin hydrochloride

24 Oct 2016

Metformin hydrochloride is the tableted medicine for treatment of diabetes of a class of biguanides which has ability to lose the weight therefore it is often used for weight loss. It is available in the market under trademarks: Metformin, Glucophage, Siofor, Bagomet, Metfogamma, Glikon, Metospanin, Gliformin, Gliminfor, Sofamet, Formetin, Lanzherin, Metadiyen, Formin Pliva, Novoformin, Diaformin. Metformin has practically no side effects at the correct application and isn't hazardous to health, in difference from the majority of other fat burner. Metformin reduces the level of harmful cholesterol and glucose which are often raised at the excess weight.

The New research Cardiff University, UK, 2014 in which 180 000 people participated has shown that Metformin increases life expectancy not only at the patients with diabetes, but also at persons who don't have this disease. Also data on delay of processes of aging against the background of treatment have been obtained.

Metformin hydrochloride

The action mechanism at weight loss

Glucophage it is applied to weight loss in connection with his ability to accelerate oxidation of fatty acids and to slow down synthesis of fats though in various fabrics influences several points of application at once that is expressed in versatile changes of cellular metabolism. It is also proved that digestion of carbohydrates from a digestive tract decreases.

Glucophage activates the AMF-kinase at the expense of what reduces glucose level as a result of suppression of her synthesis in a liver (gluconeogenesis suppression). Also, metformin increases sensitivity of insulin receptors to insulin, improves glucose consumption by muscles. Decrease in insulin at weight loss is necessary because this hormone promotes adjournment of the consumed nutrients in fat, especially if the main problem zone - a stomach. Right after meal glucose level in blood sharply rises what the pancreas reacts to and produces insulin which in turn forces fabrics to consume glucose, postponing it in fats. For this reason, practically in all diets for weight loss it is recommended to consume less products which cause raising of sugar in blood.

And at last, insulin causes feeling of hunger therefore metformin at weight loss helps to quash feeling of hunger.

Efficiency of metformin decreases at increase in acidity of blood therefore some authors recommend to exclude exercises during a course of a glucophage as physical activity leads to formation of lactic acid. However the last researches have shown that exercises don't influence the general acidity of blood therefore during metformin reception you can be engaged without restrictions, thereby only increasing efficiency of a course. Add some Dexamethazone and Meldonium to your daily training.

Application in bodybuilding

In the mechanism of effect of metformin it is installed: oppression of a mitochondrial respiratory chain, activation AMF- depended protein kinase, suppression a glucagon - the induced formation of cAMF, activation of a protein kinase And, and suppression of the key anabolic mTOR mechanism through protein RPS6.

The anabolic mTOR mechanism is very important for growth of muscles, and it can be started by growth hormone, insulin, glucose, fatty acids, amino acids, etc. As a result in muscles protein is synthesized and cages begin to share.

Thus, metformin and its analogs (glukophage) cause in a condition organism close to hunger or the exhausting training, at the same time the hypertrophy of muscles is almost impossible. Therefore these medicines can be applied only to weight loss when muscular volume is of secondary importance. Besides, trainings take place much heavier and slightly affect results therefore quite often these means are accepted without background physical activities.


Glucophage (metformin) is safe medicine, and it is approved by official medicine to application by healthy people for weight loss.

  • Keep to a diet for weight loss
  • Exclude bystry carbohydrates
  • Metformin for weight loss is accepted to food or during food at once, the dose is selected individually. Most often appoint on 500-850 mg, 2-3 times a day (the maximum dose no more than 3000 mg/days).
  • If you had had a diarrhea, means you abuse carbohydrates
  • If you have a nausea after metformin reception - reduce a dose. Slow increase in a dose can improve gastrointestinal shipping.
  • Carry out systematically aerobic trainings for maximum efficiency of a course

If after decrease in a dosage, symptoms of side effects weren't gone, to stop reception of medicine and will urgently see a doctor as the risk of development of a lactacidosis is possible that it is fraught with a lethal outcome!!! In case of signs of a lactacidosissick it is urgent to hospitalize and, having defined concentration of a lactate, to confirm the diagnosis. The most effective action but to removal from an organism of a lactate and metformin is the hemodialysis. Carry out also symptomatic treatment.

Duration of use of medicine shouldn't exceed 18-22 days then the break for 1-2 months is required. Shorter break leads to adaptation of an organism, and metformin is not capable to show properties of a fat burner fully. The course has to be coordinated with the medical expert.


Don't accept glucophage for weight loss if is available for you:

  • The diseases of kidneys which are followed by insufficiency
  • Heart failure
  • Other disease at which acidity of blood is increased
  • Don't accept glucophage with other antihyperglycemic means and other medicines, without consultation of the doctor

Possible side effects of a glucophage (meet seldom):

  • Diarrhea (it is necessary to reduce amount of the consumed carbohydrates)
  • Headache (usually quickly passes)
  • Spasms in a stomach
  • Nausea (it is necessary to lower a metformin dose)
  • The increased gas generation (it is necessary to reduce amount of the consumed carbohydrates)
  • Lactoacidosis (in the presence of the contributing diseases), (not to combine with alcohol!!! danger of development of a lactacidosis)

Usually side effects of metformin arise at the beginning of a course, and then quickly pass


Carb Blockers

24 Oct 2016

Carb Blockers is a type of sports food and pharmaceuticals which is used for decrease in body weight. The mechanism of action consists in blocking of enzymes which split carbohydrates or irreversible linking with food components, in the investigation of what carbohydrates eliminirutsya undigested, and less calories from the eaten food come to an organism.

Carb blockers are well combined with thermogenic, L-carnitine, blockers of fats and other types of fat burner. Pay attention to Mildronate, active components Meldonium.

Sports food

  • Cheaters Relief from BSN is laid off
  • Thermoloid from Goliath Labs
  • Carb Block from Ultimate Nutrition

The pharmacology

It possesses the most expressed action of blocking of carbohydrates the medicine Acarbose and Metformin

Similar action (however to weaker) widely advertized medicine Phase-2 possesses

Side effects

Blockers of carbohydrates have practically no collateral reactions. The individual intolerance, a meteorizm and disorder of digestion as a result of high content of carbohydrates in the fecal masses is seldom possible. Observe recommendations and the mode of dispensing specified by the producer.


Clenbuterol – for drying and weight loss

24 Oct 2016

Clenbuterol (Klenbuterol, "clen") - drug which is used in medicine for treatment of bronchial asthma. In recent years klenbuterol found broad application in bodybuilding and fitness in connection with its ability to burn fat therefore it is often used by athletes for weight loss and drying. Courses of a Clenbuterol often include a thyroxine and ketotifenum for weight loss process acceleration. Clenbuterol has no relation to anabolic steroids and belongs to group of adrenomimetik which have the physiological effect due to exaltation beta 2 - adrenoreceptors owing to what the sympathetic nervous system is activated and the lipolysis is started. Acquisition of drug requires the prescription.

Several scientific articles report about frequent unauthorized including of a Clenbuterol in composition of sports additives for combustion of fat.

Clenbuterol, Klenbuterol, clen

Action mechanism

Being beta-2 agonist, Clenbuterol works as a fat burner, contacting beta receptors 2 types in fatty and muscular tissue of a human body. After Clenbuterol connects to a receptor, the cascade of biochemical reactions which lead to increase in synthesis of ñAMF (cyclic adenosinemonophosphate) is started. ñAMF, in turn, activates enzymes which mobilize fatty acids from adipocytes (a cell of fatty tissue).

In case of action of a Clenbuterol on beta 2 - adrenoceptors of a presynaptic membrane allocation of noradrenaline and adrenaline which have powerful fat-burning effect amplifies. Clenbuterol increases the level of the main exchange for 20-30% of initial level.

Clenbuterol suppresses activity of a lipoproteinovy lipase therefore adjournment of fat in fatty tissue becomes impossible. Working on beta 2 - adrenoceptors of the central nervous system, this medicine strengthens secretion of hormones of a thyroid gland - natural fat burner of an organism.

Unique feature of a Clenbuterol is that it not only a powerful fat burner, but also possesses the expressed anticatabolic action, protecting muscles from destruction that is very urgent during weight loss and drying in bodybuilding. In researches it was established that anticatabolic effect of medicine is caused by blocking of Ca2 + a dependent and ubikvitin-proteasomny proteoliz.

The research of 2012 (Francesca Wannenes, Loretta Magni) confirms ability of a Clenbuterol to block mechanisms of an atrophy of muscles. The new research of 2014 has shown that β-agonists (catecholamines) released during intensive physical exercises cause the CREB mediated transcription by means of activation of his obligate coactivator of CRTC2 and Crtc3.

Unlike the catabolic activity which is usually connected with function of sympathetic nervous system, activation of proteins of Crtc/Creb in skeletal muscles of transgene mice leads to strengthening of anabolic processes and increase in synthesis of protein. Thus, at animals with an excess expression of CRTC2 cross-sectional area miofibril increases, the content of intramuscular triglycerides and the maintenance of a glycogen increases. Besides, essential increase in power indicators is noted.

At the expense of the above-named mechanisms medicine possesses moderate anabolic action that is proved in experiences in public and practical application in bodybuilding.

Considering the fact that medicine practically doesn't interact with beta 1 - adrenoceptors, there is an expansion of bronchial tubes and simplification of breath, and also much smaller frequency of side effects from cardiovascular system in comparison with not selective agonists, such as ephedrine. You can try meldonium.

Researches in public

Research Lee P. 2015 became the first reliable proof of efficiency of beta agonists in public. The analog on the action mechanism formoterol (β2 selective agonist) stimulated anabolism in a dose of 160 mkg/day, increased protein synthesis, without causing side effects from cardiovascular system, at the same time these effects are more expressed at girls.

Besides, in work of Morten Hostrup (2015) it is established that beta 2 – adrenomimetic terbutalin (10-15 mg/day) statistically significant gain of dry muscle bulk causes, increases force and endurance at the maximum load on the exercise bike.

Effects of a clenbuterol

  • Combustion of fat and drying of muscles
  • Increase in force and endurance
  • Temperature increase
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mental activation
  • Anticatabolic action
  • Anabolic action

Low frequency of side effects (practice shows that irreversible side effects almost completely are absent) and a wide number of positive effects do clenbuterol to one of the best fat burner in bodybuilding.


Men have a recommended dose of a clenbuterol for drying and weight loss makes 120 - 140 mkg a day. Women have an average dose of a clenbuterol for drying and weight loss makes 80-100 mkg a day. The course of a klenbuterol has the thin features which need to be observed strictly in order to avoid side effects.

Duration of a course of a clenbuterol makes usually 2 weeks, then accustoming (tolerance of receptors) is developed and efficiency decreases. Then it is necessary to take 2 week break with use of a ketotifen, without him the break is useless, and then to repeat a course; without ketotifen the break has to be much more. Need for a break is evidence-based in 1990: the desensitization of beta adrenoceptors develops due to phosphorylation of receptors and by other biochemical modifications at the level of secondary messengers (a kinase, a G-squirrel, etc.). On updating of these structures several days are required.

Duration and efficiency of a course of a clenbuterol, as well as it has been told, it can be increased due to inclusion of a ketotifen. Sometimes for prevention of adaptation of receptors pulse course - 2 days of reception, 2 days of rest is recommended, however this scheme is less effective.

Don't forget to accept enough a protein, BCAA and other blockers of cortisol during a cycle, it considerably will improve result. Keep to the corresponding diet for weight loss or drying.

In 2010 the research which has revealed synergy effect at a combination to anabolic steroids that confirms expediency of inclusion of medicine in the end of course EXPERT is conducted. Many experts don't recommend to combine medicine with anabolic steroids as the risk of a hypertrophy of heart increases.

Course of clenbuterol without ketotifen

  • day 1: 20 mkg (0,02mg)
  • day 2: 40 mkg (0,04mg)
  • day 3: 60 mkg (0,06mg)
  • day 4: 80 mkg (0,08mg)
  • day 5: 100 mkg (0,10 mg)
  • day 6-12: 120 mkg (0,12 mg)
  • day 13: 80 mkg (0,08 mg)
  • day 14: 40 mkg (0,04mg)
  • break

The dose of a klenbuterol has to increase progressively within the first week. Optimum time of reception of a clenbuterol - in the morning (not to provoke sleeplessness, besides in the morning efficiency of medicine is higher). At increase in a dosage begin to accept it in 2 receptions: in the morning and after a lunch.

Course clenbuterol + ketotifen

Ketotifen - antiallergic means, with unique ability to restore sensitivity beta 2 - adrenoceptors to a clenbuterol. This property has been repeatedly proved in researches. By means of a ketotifen it is possible to accelerate process of weight loss or drying for 10-20 percent and to prolong a course up to 8 weeks. To all other, ketotifen will help to eliminate mental excitement, a tremor of extremities, sleeplessness and tachycardia.

  • day 1: 20 mkg clenbuterol
  • day 2: 40 mkg clenbuterol
  • day 3: 60 mkg klenbuterol
  • day 4: 80 mkg clenbuterol
  • day 5: 100 mkg clenbuterol + 1 mg of a ketotifen
  • day 6-27: 120 mkg clenbuterol + 2 mg of a ketotifen
  • day 28: 80 mkg clenbuterol + 2 mg of a ketotifen
  • day 29: 50 mkg clenbuterol + 1-2 mg of a ketotifen
  • day 30: 33-35 mkg klenbuterol + 1 mg of a ketotifen
  • not less than two weeks of a break

Ketotifen is accepted for the night, clenbuterol - in the morning. Distribution of doses same as well as in the previous example.

Combination: For the maximum increase in efficiency of a course clenbuterol combined with tiroksiny. However in this case the risk of side effects increases.

Course klenbuterol + yohimbin


Side effects of clenbuterol are listed on emergence frequency:

  • Heartbeat (60%) - is eliminated beta 1 - adrenergic blocking agent. Accept 5 mg of Bisoprolol, or 50 mg of Metoprolol in the morning.
  • The shiver (20%) - is especially expressed in the first day of reception, then gradually dies away. Eliminated by ketotifen.
  • Perspiration (10%)
  • Sleeplessness (7%) - Eliminated by ketotifen
  • The concern (6%) - Eliminated by ketotifen
  • Increase in arterial pressure (6%) - is eliminated beta 1 - adrenergic blocking agent. Accept 5 mg of Bisoprolol, or 50 mg of Metoprolol in the morning.
  • Violation of a chair - diarrhea (5%) - as a rule, is observed only in the first days of reception of medicine
  • Nausea (3%)
  • Spasms (at overdose or at an initial stage of reception of medicine)
  • In individual cases the headache, most likely, connected with increase in arterial pressure is possible.

Apparently, many side effects of a clenbuterol can be prevented by means of a ketotifen and a bisoprolol (metoprolol). Also, it is necessary to notice that the majority of side effects are especially expressed only at the initial stages of a course, and in several days they abate or completely disappear.

In Ostapenko's book "Anabolic means" there is information on what due to accumulation of polyamines in cages, clenbuterol can cause malignant process and lead to increase in internals (in particular myocardium hypertrophies), than it is possible to explain the expressed protrusion of a forward belly wall at many modern athletes. However these statements don't have scientific and practical confirmation therefore they can only be regarded as the author's guesses. Besides, it has been defined that increase in an abdominal cavity at professional athletes is connected first of all with use of high doses of hormone of growth.

Information in some instructions on a bronchospasm after cancellation is urgent only for people of patients with asthma at whom reaction of a bronchial tree is increased.

Coffein, yohimbin, tyroksin and other stimulators significantly increase the frequency of side effects.

Clenbuterol and alcohol

It isn't recommended to combine klenbuterol and alcohol as it can strengthen nausea and heartbeat. Clenbuterol and alcohol strengthen load of cardiovascular system. Besides alcohol interferes with weight loss and drying. Alcohol destroys muscles. Read the main article: alcohol and muscles.


Growth hormone

24 Oct 2016

Growth hormone (GR, somatotropny hormone, STG, HGH, somatotropin, somatropin) — peptide hormone of a forward share of a hypophysis which is applied in sport to formation of a muscular relief. Hormone of growth or somatotropin (from. Latin catfish - a body) has received the name for the fact that he causes the expressed acceleration in young people linear (in length) growth, generally due to growth of long tubular bones of extremities.

Basic concentration (norm) of hormone of growth in blood makes 1-5 ng/ml, during peaks also even 45 ng/ml can increase till 10-20.

Pharmacological properties

  • Anabolic action - causes growth of muscles
  • Anticatabolic action - slows down destruction of muscles
  • Reduces a fatty layer
  • Regulates energy use
  • Accelerates healing of wounds
  • Has effect of rejuvenation
  • Stimulates the repeated growth of internals (atrophied with age)
  • Causes growth of bones and increases growth at young people up to 26 years (before closing of zones of growth), strengthens bones
  • Increases glucose level in blood
  • Strengthens immunity

Medicine causes some effects directly itself, but a considerable part of its effects is mediated by an insulin like factor of growth of IGF-1 (before him called somatomediny C) which is developed under the influence of a somatotropin in a liver and stimulates growth of the majority of internals. Practically all effects of hormone of growth in sport are connected with action of IGF-1.

Age changes of secretion

Secretion lowering with age

Growth hormone secretion steadily is reduced with age. It is minimum at elderly at which both the basic level, and frequency and amplitude of peaks of secretion decreases. The basic level of a somatotropin is maximum in the early childhood, amplitude of peaks of secretion is maximum at teenagers during intensive linear growth and puberty.

Read separate article: Age and hormone of growth

Daily rhythms of secretion

Secretion of a somatotropin, as well as many other hormones, happens periodically and has several peaks within a day (usually the peak of secretion comes every 3-5 hours). The highest peak is watched at night, approximately in an hour after falling asleep.

Growth hormone in bodybuilding

Initially medicines of hormone of growth have begun to be applied with the medical purpose, however practically at the same time this hormone was widely adopted in sport that is connected with his ability to increase muscle bulk and to reduce a fatty layer. The first medicines of hormone of growth represented an extract of a hypophysis of corpses and only in 1981 recombinant medicine of a somatotropin has been made.

In 1989 somatotropin has been forbidden by the Olympic committee. In spite of the fact that use of a somatotropin in the athletic purposes is forbidden, in the last decade of sale of medicine have increased several times. Mainly, hormone of growth is applied in sport, especially in bodybuilding where it is combined with other anabolic medicines. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Surplus of dry muscle bulk and combustion of fat

The main reason of high popularity of hormone of growth in sport - a capability to reduce amount of subcutaneous fat. Besides, in researches it was shown that acceptance of a somatotropin leads to growth of dry muscle bulk, connecting fabrics and increase in amount of muscle cells for the accumulation account of liquid.

One more useful effect of a somatotropin - decrease in frequency of injuries. It is connected with its capability to strengthen bone and connecting (sinews, a cartilage) fabrics. Hormone of growth accelerates healing and recovery of fabrics after injuries.

It is necessary to notice that use of hormone of growth in powerlifting is senseless as in an experiment it was established that it doesn't lead to increase in power indicators. Somatotropin also doesn't increase endurance and performance, and even reduction of the threshold of exhaustion and delay of recovery therefore somatotropin it is useless for athletes of such sports where these indicators are important is on the contrary observed.

"Attention" General conclusion: Hormone of growth can be applied in sport for the purpose of receipt of a relief. Benefits: outstanding performance, low frequency of side effects, medicine doesn't influence function of a penis and a potentiality, doesn't cause androgenic effects and doesn't require PCT, after a monthly rate lump increases slightly (3-4 kg), and in certain cases doesn't change at all - it is connected with severe losses of fat. Shortcomings: the high cost of medicines - about 1 thousand dollars for a rate. Medicines expensive are also actively counterfeited therefore there is a significant risk to come across a counterfeit.

Side effects of growth hormone

  • Tunnel syndrome
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Suppression of function of a thyroid gland
  • Liquid accumulation
  • Increase in arterial pressure

Read the main article: Side effects of hormone of growth

Stimulators of growth hormone of

The main regulators of secretion of hormone of growth — peptide hormones of a hypothalamus (somatotropin and somatropin) which are emitted with cells of a hypothalamus in portal veins of a hypophysis and affect directly somatotropa. However the balance of these hormones and secretion of a somatotropin is influenced by a set of physiological factors. By scientists it is proved that the level of secretion of hormone of growth can be increased by 3-5 times, without application of hormonal means.

"Attention" secretion Stimulators:

Peptides - the most powerful stimulators of hormone of growth, increase concentration at 7-15 times, at the same time the cost of an equivalent course is several times lower:

  • GHRP-2
  • GHRP-6
  • GRF(1-29)
  • CJC-1295
  • Ipamorelin
  • HGH Frag (176-191) - a fragment
  • Clonidine and moksonidin (hypotensive means) - the most powerful inductors of secretion from available pharmacological means. [5] Bamberger CM, Mönig H, Mill G and coauthors experimentally showed in experimental work in public that clonidine (a dose of 0,3 mg) increases the GR level from 0.2 to 5.4 ng/ml), moksonidin (a dose of 0,3 mg) increases level from 0.1 to 4.8 ng/ml. For comparison, the standard dose of GHRH increased level to 14.8 ng/ml. In addition, moksonidin stimulates release of insulin and possesses anticatabolic action that does it by perspective medicine in bodybuilding (especially if therapy is required).
  • Baklofen - one more stimulator with the proved effect. This medicine is GABA analog, but unlike it differs in a good capability to get into a brain. [6] In addition possesses sedative and euphoric action.

And also:

  • Sufficient dream
  • Physical exercises (influence of aerobic trainings almost twice expression, than power trainings)
  • GABA
  • Consumption of a protein
  • Amino acid arginine
  • Amino acid glutamin
  • Hunger - improper option in bodybuilding
  • Creatine - recently it was proved that creatine can increase IGF-1 products

Sports food

Special sports additives can increase products of a somatotropin by 2-4 times:

  • Fountain Of Youth HGH Complete
  • Applied Nutriceuticals HGH Up
  • Universal GH Max
  • Additives with argininy and glyutaminy

Use in bodybuilding

Prime manufacturer of hormone of growth at the moment is China. Medicines of the Chinese origin differ in the average level of quality and that is very important, in low prices. If you want to save, then it is better to order on the Chinese websites. There is no special difference in efficiency as all medicines of hormone of growth have one operating beginning. Purchase products only on the large and checked websites to avoid a fraud.



24 Oct 2016

Thyroxin (Levotiroksin, L-tiroksin, Tetrayodtironin, T4) — the main hormone of a thyroid gland. Tiroksin has low level of biological activity by means of special enzyme turns in an organism into more active form — triyodtironin. Thyroxin is applied in medicine for treatment of hypothyroidism, thyroxin is also widely used in bodybuilding to weight loss.

Tiroksin’s analogs

Cytover (T3) from Vermodje (a tablet on 50 mkg of N100)

Triyodtironin (T3) or liotironin is often applied to weight loss instead of a thyroxin, on the action mechanism they are almost identical. Triyodtironin is issued under trade names Tsitomel, Triakana and others. In the sports environment the brand Tsitover from Vermodje enjoys popularity. In drugstores of Russia to T3 it is unavailable.


What is the difference between T3 and T4

The thyroid gland excretes in the main T4 (thyroxine) - this hormone in itself has weak biological activity, however in tissues it is converted into more active T3 form (triyodtironin or a cytobank) by means of enzyme a selenium - a dependent monodeiodinase. The t3 in turn has the main biological effect. Thus, it is possible to consider T4 pro-hormone which in tissues turns into the main T3 hormone. Detailed description here.


On many resources, triyodtironin it is considered the best choice, however scientific data indicate the opposite. The quote from clinical pharmacology of Gudman, the last 12th edition of 2010 - the most authoritative book on pharmacology in the world:

Liothyronine is less desirable for chronic replacement therapy due to the requirement for more frequent dosing (plasma t1/2 = 0.75 days), higher cost, and transient elevations of serum T3 concentrations above the normal range. In addition, organs that express the type 2 deiodinase use the locally generated T3 in addition to plasma T3, and hence there is theoretical concern that these organs won't maintain physiological intracellular T3 levels in the absence of plasma T4.

Total we receive:

  • 1.T3 it is notable more expensively
  • 2.The t3 creates undesirable fluctuations of concentration
  • 3.Fabrics from deyodinazy use 2 types in addition triyodtironin which is formed of T4 in a cage. It means that the intratsellyulyarny T3 level in these fabrics will be lower even if concentration of a thyroxin will remain invariable (and in case of acceptance of medicine for combustion of fat it will become below a regulation). From any source it is possible to learn that in fatty tissue the deyodinaza 2 types is synthesized.
  • 4.According to messages of athletes, T4 has the smaller destroying effect on muscles.
  • 5.25-100 mkg/days of T3 are equivalent to ≈300 mkg/days of T4

Above From above the given arguments follows that thyroxin is more preferable to combustion of fat, at least by three criteria. In rare instances T4 shows low efficiency as against the background of a low-carbohydrate diet the level of its conversion of T3 decreases.


Thyroxin effects

  • Metabolism acceleration
  • Heat production strengthening
  • Combustion of fat
  • The stimulating effect on TsNS
  • Appetite suppression
  • Decrease in need for a dream
  • Increase in physical working capacity
  • By efficiency thyroxin exceeds the majority of the existing fat loss including pharmacological. Read in more detail: physiological action.

Side effects of thyroxin

  • Tachycardia (heartbeat), rising of arterial pressure - is eliminated with beta adrenoblockers
  • Osteoporosis
  • The diarrhea - is eliminated with a lope amide
  • Excitement
  • Sleeplessness
  • Muscular shiver
  • Dryness in a mouth
  • Sweating
  • Feeling of fever
  • Depression of function of a thyroid gland (arises at long courses and very high doses of a thyroxin, at the use of the recommended doses, function is restored in 3-4 weeks)
  • Allergic eruption
  • The detailed description of side effects can be found in the instruction. Consultation of the expert is also necessary for identification of contraindications.

Thyroxin for weight loss

Many women and bodybuilders resort to thyroxin use as means for weight loss. Thyroxin has powerful fat-burning effect, increases an expense of calories and accelerates metabolism. Its popularity decreased in connection with a negative impact on heart recently, thyroxin has adrenalin like effect, forcing heart to fight more often, and together with it causes feeling of nervousness and concern which aren't really well transferred.

However many side effects can be eliminated if to combine thyroxin and beta-blockers. Beta-blockers inhibit receptors by means of which thyroxin influences heart, thus, they prevent a negative impact of a thyroxin on heart, normalize a rhythm and reduce manifestation of some other side effects of thyroxin.

Many consider thyroxin can be irreversible to suppress function of an own thyroid gland, however in researches was shown that even high doses of medicine in 3 weeks of acceptance reduce secretion of own hormones only by 20%, at the same time in 4 weeks secretion returned to a regulation.

Benefits of thyroxin: high availability and efficiency. Shortcomings of thyroxin: rather large number of side effects, however it is possible to prevent many of them. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

How to accept thyroxin: course for weight loss

  • Begin reception of thyroxin with 50 mkg a day, 2 times a day (on 25 mkg) in the first half of day. Accept 25 mg of a metoprolol (a beta-blocker which removes an overload of heart and heartbeat) in the morning if pulse rate after a lunch is higher 70 per minute at rest, accept 25 more mg of a metoprolol.
  • Gradually increase a dose to 150-300 mkg a day, 3 times a day till 18:00. Increase a daily dose of Metoprolol to 100 mg (2 times a day on 50 mg). The dosage of a metoprolol is selected individually, so that pulse rate at rest was 60-70 per minute.
  • Lower a dose of a thyroxin if there were expressed ghost effects.
  • You track pulse rate if at rest the frequency of heartbeat is higher 80 - increase a dose of a metoprolol by 25 mg if pulse at rest is lower than 60 beats per minute, lower a dose of a metoprolol by 25 mg.
  • You track arterial pressure, it shan't be higher than 140/90 mm of mercury. Metoprolol allows to reduce arterial pressure.
  • Duration of course is 4-7 weeks.
  • Don't stop reception of thyroxin sharply: begin to reduce a dose in 2 weeks until the end of a cycle, continue step-by-step lowering before complete canceling.
  • If you had a diarrhea - include in course loperamide on 1-2 capsule a day.
  • The minimum break after the termination of course 3-4 weeks.
  • In case of origin of gravity in heart Asparkam in addition is better to add to Metoprolol. 4-6 tablets a day, partitioned into 2-3 receptions, after food. Also absolutely not superfluous will be to improve operation of heart the medicine Inosine. 2-4 tablets for once, 2-3 times a day. Inosine will improve a myocardium energy balance, and Asparkam will become a source of Potassium and Magnesium, necessary for maintenance of a normal warm rhythm.

Course clenbuterol + thyroxin + yokhimbin

This combination is used for weight loss of CYX3 from AxioLabs, and is one of the most powerful. It is possible to save significantly if to accept active agents separately. Outstanding performance of a complex is caused by what thyroxin (or òðèéîäòèðîíèí) is capable not only to accelerate independently metabolism and to start combustion of fat, but also to increase sensitivity of adrenoceptors through which work clenbuterol and yokhimbin.

The following combination of initial substances is accepted to one unit (unit):

Clenbuterol - 40 mkg

Thyroxin - 25 mkg

Yokhimbin - 5 mg (it is available in shops of sports food)

The dosage is multiple to the issued tableted forms of the mentioned medicines. It is possible to exclude from a complex yokhimbin if you have no opportunity to purchase it, at the same time dosages and the mode of acceptance of the medicines which remained 2kh will be former.

Recommended course rate:

day 1-3: 1 pieces.

day 4-6: 1,5 pieces.

day 7-9: 1 units in the morning, 1 unit after a lunch

day 10-12: 1,5 pieces.

day 13-15: 1 pieces.

day 16-19: 0,5 pieces.

day 20-21: 0, 25 pieces.

In the next three weeks it is recommended to give to an organism rest then the rate can be repeated. All substances are recommended to be accepted in 30 minutes prior to a breakfast, washing down with regular water.

"Attention" in case of a feverish condition is recommended acceptance of 1-2 mg of a ketotifen in the second half of day. It is necessary to apply beta-blockers to protection of heart and decrease in heart rate (metoprolol in a dose of 50 mg 2 times a day).


Meldonium: how this drug works and for what it is needed? Instructions for use, side effects

23 Oct 2016

In any drugstore number of products on offer in the thousands, but to find among them is really helping, inexpensive and harmless drug is sometimes too difficult for the body. To understand what Meldoium is, from what Meldonium helps and when the drug is given - is enough to read the instructions.

Action of Meldonium on the body

At the core of the chemical action of Mildronate is synthesized in the Soviet Union substance - Meldonium. It is better not to even try to understand how it works on the ionic level. To do this, one must possess extensive knowledge in biochemistry, and not the fact that the first time will understand without assistance.

Enough to know that:

  • Buy Meldonium promotes transference normal loads weakened body.
  • Meldonium for sale can help to cope with the increased loads from a healthy person.
  • Meldonium has a positive effect on all cells of the body, by maintaining a sufficient amount of fatty acids and economical oxygen consumption.
  • Meldonium is best to positive effect is visible on an example of the work of the myocardium.

These or other structures can relax by the periodic "off", even parts of the brain during sleep in turn reduce their activity. But the heart muscles are forced to cut every second, shaking the entire volume of blood through the body and ensuring the delivery of oxygen to tissues.

We can not allow it to "rest", even for a moment. "Holidays" for a few minutes will lead to a clinical trial, and then to the biological death. But to protect the heart, using the same drugs that we can.

The positive effect of Meldonium on the muscles

The heart is an organ composed of muscle tissue. And the basis of any muscle contraction is:

  • Changing the length or muscle tension.
  • Cleavage of ATP and energy consumption.
  • Isolation of lactic acid products, and other exchanges.
  • Holding arm for an electric charge to the nervous tissue.
  • oxygen cost of performing useful work.

If we for a long time to bear a burden, it, in extreme cases, can be put on the ground and allow the muscles of the arms and the back rest a little, not straining. Its cargo heart bears every second and about any vacation out of the question.

But we remember the basics of physical culture - the body gradually gets used to any loads, adapting to changes in the environment:

  • Increased efficiency of muscle work.
  • In muscle contraction expended less energy.
  • Economical consumption of oxygen in the body.
  • It reduces the need for cell itself in the energy and oxygen supply.
  • Yesterday's load perceived today and carried out much easier.

Meldonium - doping for athletes

  • The World Anti-Doping Organization has banned Meldonium use for top-level athletes in 2016
  • Changing the metabolic process allows many athletes and biathletes endure severe stress and endurance to train faster.
  • Tennis players provide better response, by strengthening the nervous system and reduce the time of the pulse from the brain to the muscle tissue.
  • Sprinters and skaters use less energy and oxygen to overcome the small distances.
  • Even champions of figure skating did not disdain cheap and affordable Meldonium for sale apparently he helped to experience everyday workout.

But "Finita la Comedia" and now the use of buy Meldonium is not for medicinal purposes could result in disqualification of the athlete. Up to lifelong exclusion from professional sports.

Meldonium in bodybuilding

In addition to the heart patients and bodybuilders took Meldonium:

1.The Meldonium effect on muscle tissue

  • Meldonium for sale improves muscle power and increase their growth rates.
  • From high stress muscles are not killed, but on the contrary - are increasing.
  • Buy Meldonium maintains sufficient amounts of fatty acids, for tissue growth.

2.Meldonium for sale overall impact on the body

  • Meldonium buy reduces the load on the heart, which reduces the risk of complications.
  • Meldonium hardens all cells of the body including the nervous tissue.
  • There is a reorganization in terms of metabolism.

After the 2-month course any athlete will notice a positive effect. It does not help to take some fundamentally new heights, a bonus in the form of additional 100 kg in bench press performance no one will get.

But fatigue is not to attack an hour later, after the start of training, and a half later. The extra half hour to spend on training on simulators is a significant bonus, which will slightly improve performance and train endurance. Yes, and the appearance of it will affect the best way to appear muscles faster relief.

But this does not mean that you can do nothing and everything will happen by itself. On the contrary, you should regularly and diligently watching and tablets only allow normally carry such exhausting training in the gym.

Meldonium: analogues of the drug

But if for some reason it is impossible to take Mildronate, it is better to use tablets, which have the same effect:

  • Medatern.
  • Tiogamme.
  • Cardionate.
  • Melfor.
  • Meldonium.
  • Magnerot.

At the heart of all means is the same active ingredient. The main difference - the name of the manufacturer, the quality of advertising, and country of origin. The effect should be the same, if the product quality meets the standards.

But not necessarily to use the drug with the same substance. There is a whole category of pharmacological agents - cardioprotectors. All of them are intended to protect the heart muscle from excessive loads. The final effect is the same, but achieved in various ways.

Revitalizing action of Meldonium:

Your doctor may prescribe a course of application of buy Meldonium if the patient:

  • Serious problems with the heart - heart attack, angina, coronary heart disease.
  • It was an acute circulatory disorders - stroke.
  • Detected atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases.
  • Regular exercise and serious physical activity.
  • Formed clots in small veins.
  • Expressed problems with the retina.
  • Withdrawal due to prolonged use of alcohol.

Meldonium helps the body adapt to stress. Elevated - after the start of classes in some kind of sport, a healthy person. Normal load - after the disease in a patient. Most often these pills are prescribed cardiology and neurology to strengthen the heart muscle, the normalization of the power of the nervous tissue and to improve the general condition. Drink rate, from a few weeks to six months.

If the cardiologist appointed buy Meldoniumt, from which the drug helps to get to know right away. The drug has virtually no side effects, so you can safely go to the drugstore and buy. Within a few months the improvements will be visible to the naked eye.

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