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FAQ: Nature of Sleep

22 Oct 2016

7 facts about one of the most important processes in human life to 60th anniversary of the discovery quickly, or REM sleep, the period in which we have dreams.

  • 1.Opening of REM sleep

With the discovery of REM sleep, which occurred in 1953, and began the scientific study of sleep and dreams. Prior to this, all attempts were largely pre-scientific character, because there was no objective method of recording the state of sleep and distinguish it from other states: wakefulness, abnormal sleep, narcotic sleep, coma and so on. Over the past 60 years has accumulated a huge material and each year bring research in this area of stunning new discoveries and completely overturn all our ideas about what is a dream and waking, and what they need.

October 18, 2013 in the journal "Science" published another sensational article, which is now translated worldwide. This article is about the fact that a group of scientists working in the United States, found quite unusual phenomenon associated with sleep and with previously unknown drainage system of the brain, which, as it turns out, is opened during a long sleep and helps wash away harmful products accumulate until we cheerful .

With the discovery of REM sleep, all the idea of sleep and wakefulness are overturned, it became clear that the dream of man - it is not monotonic condition was thought to this, and a very complex process, in which a strict cyclical and each cycle has a phase - this phase REM sleep and slow, and slow wave sleep stage and there are stages. All of these concepts (cycles, phases and stages) - the three pillars on which the building is constructed somnology.

  • 2.The structure of night sleep

In humans, cycles last one and a half hours, that is, when we fall asleep at night, we are immersed in a particular world that exists within us, and is dictated by our genes. We can not do anything to change it, we have arranged, and this dictates a certain state - specific, very strict sequence of events. This sequence is the same for all people in the world regardless of age, sex, nationality, race and individual characteristics.

Night sleep is very rigidly structured. When we fall asleep, we are immersed in the hour and a half cycles. Most people are less than five cycles, it is 7.5 hours, the proverbial 8-hour sleep. However, not all alike. Some people need a sixth cycle, and 8.5 hours of sleep to them a little, and there are even those that fit into a smaller number of hours and time to three or four cycles to pass the necessary processes. But most people need five cycles, this is due to genetic structure, and not a habit or laziness, as previously thought.

  • 3.Why do we need sleep

Sleep is essential for normal operation in the waking state. If you think you can save time and day longer to work - it is an illusion, because if you save a part of the dream, you can only dig or spud beds because such work can be done in half asleep, not having slept, but no intellectual the work you perform can not. You are just going to sleep with my eyes open, thinking that you are cheerful, and no problem is resolved.

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As we have seen in recent decades, very dangerous situation when the people sitting behind the monitor and perform a very important job, do not get enough sleep or work the night shift. All men are divided by their genetic characteristics of those who can easily stand vigil, and those who are hard to tolerate them. People of the second type in any case can not be brought to a night job as transportation management, they should not work operators of airports, nuclear power plants and so on. It is difficult to carry, and night appear spontaneous periods of sleep, and often it happens unconsciously. It seems that people vigorous, but in fact he falls asleep, and his attention is turned off. A related set of industrial and transportation accidents that have taken place in recent years in particular, the infamous Chernobyl accident. All these disasters have occurred at a time when the operator was the maximum drowsiness, - about an hour of the night, one of the peaks of sleepiness, drowsiness second peak occurs about five o'clock in the morning.

  • 4.Sleep deprivation as a way to treat

Modern Somnology turned the presentation, which was a zealous supporter of Pavlov, that dream in all cases is healing, healing factor. As it turned out, in many cases, healing abnormalities may be just the sleep deprivation. Who is such a widespread phenomenon as depression, which affects a large percentage of the urban population, especially female, is very clearly associated with sleep disorders and sleep deprivation in this case is a tool for non-medicamental treatment: as long as a person does not sleep, he does not feel depressed. But enough for even a short period of sleep, as the depressed mood returns.

During REM sleep the brain is working as intensively as in the wake of the most active when we are sharp and strong emotions. And in this state, we saturated dream dreams, and there are strong disruption of the heart and respiration, which can be dangerous for the elderly and patients with lung and cardiovascular diseases. No wonder one of the morning peak of mortality from strokes and heart attacks close to the early pre-dawn hours, when the maximum is presented REM sleep.

  • 5.The role of sleep in the evolution

It makes a complete overhaul of sleep mechanisms and the need for it. And if in respect of a slow, normal sleep, dreamless sleep some ideas looming, they are all connected with the rest of the brain. But the rest of the nervous system is not like the rest of the musculoskeletal system. When we relax the muscles, we can just lie down, and when our brain is resting, we must completely shut down our sensory system, disconnect from the outside world, to withdraw into himself, does not accept, go to the state, which is dangerous for life in the wild . If this state is maintained evolution in all mammals and birds, which means that it provided an advantage for survival.

What is this advantage, it is not clear, but in relation to conventional or orthodox, non-REM sleep has a number of synonyms in the Russian language, which explains the term. They are all related in some degree with relaxation, with utilization of degradation products in the brain, with their excretion. In addition, there is an interesting hypothesis of Pigar¸v Ivan, who showed experimentally that in this state, the switches of the brain with the perception of the external information on the perception of the interior. Inside information, information of our internal organs, begins to arrive in those parts of the brain that, when we are cheerful, associated with the perception of visual stimuli, auditory, and so on.
Now the idea of this completely different in connection with the discovery of the drainage system of the brain, which opens when we fall asleep, and closes when we are cheerful.

  • 6.The processes occurring in the body during sleep

There are other hypotheses. Ivan Pigar¸v believes that during REM sleep the nerve cells of sensory systems in the cerebral cortex like "turning into the organism" and begin not to analyze the information that comes from the senses, as in the waking state, and the one that comes from the internal organs (from the intestine, heart), their work is reduced. With this, he believes, it is linked a number of disorders that arise when a person is deprived of sleep, crossing time zones and changing the rhythm of life. In particular, disorders of the gastrointestinal system, which is very characteristic for such situations may be related to the fact that the brain is disrupted control all peripheral organs and systems.

Regarding REM sleep there is only a hypothesis, and despite the huge amount of work in relation to this point, yet the real facts on which to base the theory on functions of this state.

  • 7.Activation of the brain during sleep

In humans, sleep is organized so that the first half of the night we sleep mostly slow sleep, and the other half - fast. This purely human phenomenon associated with certain social, civilizational factors. Therefore, the two halves of the night is very important and, saving the expense of the morning hours, getting up early in the morning, we deprive ourselves of sleep is very important periods.
What exactly is this need, we do not fully understand. But it is known that at this time there is an exceptionally high brain activation. This discovery, which happened six decades ago, it was striking precisely because no one imagined that during sleep we regularly, every half hour, firstly, have dreams, and secondly, these dreams are associated with extremely high activation of the brain . At the same time the muscular system is completely switched off, ie the person is paralyzed, he was sprawled on the bed, and the brain at the same time extremely rapidly running, the subject is experiencing something, and these experiences are reflected in the dreams that we see.

This condition is likely, it is vital because of sleep deprivation experimental efforts suggest that the animals do not survive this experiment; sleep deprivation affects the behavior breaks during waking hours and in the end leads to death of the animals.

What is the need for this condition remains unknown. But it has been preserved in mammals and birds, although, as is known, they have evolved in different ways and received thermoregulation independently. Nevertheless, the emergence of thermoregulation in these evolutionary branches was accompanied by the appearance of two phases of sleep. In cold-blooded animals sleep is monotonic, the person has a certain analogy with the cold-blooded against the slow sleep stage, but that is due to the rapid evolution, it remains unclear phase.


5 books about sleep studies

22 Oct 2016

What to read about the latest achievements in Somnology recommends Dr. Doping.

A sleep and sleep medicine, along with chronobiology and chronomedicine - one of the most rapidly developing areas of the whole complex of neuroscience and related medical topics. Chronic lack of sleep caused by them and excessive daytime sleepiness - scourges of modern civilization. The special public commission of the USA "Son, disasters and social policy" in 1988 came to the conclusion that the life and character of the industrial activity in the scientific and technological revolution (control of the car, "talk" to a computer, etc.) dictate the need to maintain vigor and a high level of alertness (readiness for action) most of the time of day. A prerequisite for this is strict adherence to rigid sleep hygiene. At the same time, the way of life of modern man is hardly consistent with these requirements (flooded with electric light night city - the so-called "Edison effect", constant noise, late transmission on television, etc.). As a result, realized is currently the world's medical and scientific community, there are drowsiness and fatigue caused by, including small and chronic lack of sleep, so characteristic of the modern urbanized humanity. It is fraught with very serious consequences in the sphere of production, transportation, and may even be one of the main reasons (hidden behind the vague term "human factor") of a number of incidents and accidents, including western sources name such as in nuclear power plants accident Three Mile Island in the United States and Chernobyl, the death of the "Challenger" and others. These are the social consequences of lack of sleep - at night and excessive sleepiness - day.

Medically same chronobiological parties shown that chronically poor quality or insufficient sleep increases the daytime sleepiness and gradually leads to a wide range of changes of neural and neuroendocrine functions, including increased levels of stress hormones, cognitive and metabolic disorders, reduced immunity, increased risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases . And the most common causes of sleep disorders and circadian rhythms and their further destabilization - is excessive light stimulation and behavioral activity at night. Thus there is a malfunction of the "biological clock" of the body: the uncoupling or communication between the local oscillators in different tissues or between the central oscillator - suprahiazmalic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus - and the rest of the body. These violations are the basis of further destruction of neuroendocrine and behavioral rhythms that occur in healthy people, but are particularly common in patients with psychiatric and neurological diseases.

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  • 1.Kovalzon VM Basics somnology. Physiology and neurochemistry wake-sleep cycle.

The first monograph in Russian, which based on the latest published data covers the following issues related to the regulation of the wake-sleep cycle: phenomenology and definitions; anatomy, physiology and neurochemistry of the relevant brain systems; organization of diurnal "biological clock" of the body; interaction of circadian and homeostatic mechanisms; molecular genetic mechanisms; Sleep evolution; sleep deprivation; sleep and memory; sleep and hormones; DSIP peptide role in sleep regulation. Each chapter is a brief introduction to the problem, provided with a list of recommended English language overview and theoretical work. As an application are 6 short essays on the history somnology. The book is intended for researchers and university teachers, and can also be used as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students specializing in the field of neuroscience, psychology, and physiological psychoneurology. The book contains about 100 black-and-white drawings, of which 40 are duplicated color inserts.

  • 2.Spork P. Son. Why do we sleep and how we manage it best.

German neuroscientist and popularizer of science Peter Spork discuss issues of relevance to many groups. The life of modern man is very stressful, which is why quite often there are sleep disorders. Almost all patients of psychiatrists and many people suffering from physical disorders, have trouble sleeping. The author in an accessible and clear form tells about the physiological mechanisms of sleep, various manifestations of sleep disorders, sleep in animals, learning in a dream and offers a number of tests to detect and correct some of the abuses this feature. The book contains the most recent scientific data, it is equipped with a bibliography. Would be interested in a sleep researchers and practitioners, as well as everyone interested in this topic.

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  • 3.Jouvet M. Thief of Dreams

Author Professor Michel Jouvet - the great French neuroscientist, one of the founders of the modern theory of dreams (somnology). The novel, written in the first person, allows us to understand the personality of the author, despite the "camouflage", created a detective story. This is the first novel in world literature in the genre of "neurophysiological thriller." The novel "The Thief of Dreams" - a story about the author's release from constraining framework own concept of genetic programming in a fast dream - the original concept and has caused widespread concern. The author closely within the conventions of the scientific community, and he sees how his concept, even opening up new horizons, still the world's poor live his soul, the world, which it is supposed to explain.

  • 4.Jouvet M. Castle of Dreams

The novel of the famous French scientist Michel Jouvet "Castle of Dreams" - a fantastic, historical, philosophical, adventure and popular science. It has all the - "sharp Gallic sense", and subtle humor. This is a unique phenomenon in world literature - "a novel about sleep and dreams" - received a decent response from the reading public: in 1992 the entire first edition was sold out in France for a few days, after which the book was released the second edition. The total circulation reached 80,000 copies - an unprecedented for books of this genre in the French language. The book was one of the highest national literary awards - the award named after Blaise Pascal, awarded for works in the field of "philosophy of science". The book was translated into two dozen languages.

  • 5.Borbely A. Sleep Mystery

Author of the book - one of the largest European Somnology, professor at the University of Zurich (Switzerland). The first popular science book in Russian, describing the achievements of modern somnology. The book is somewhat outdated, but still of great interest to the general public, since it the first time in an accessible form set out in detail the famous "two-component model," the regulation of sleep, developed by the author in the early 80-ies of XX century and played (and still plays) an outstanding role in understanding the mechanisms of sleep and intradaily rhythm. In addition, the book explores issues such as sleep and sleep, sleep and the brain, sleep in animals, sleeping, as a biological rhythm and, finally, the author tries to answer the fateful question - so why the need to sleep? The book was translated into many foreign languages and enjoyed great success with the public.


Uncontrolled stress

22 Oct 2016

5 facts about the causes and consequences of stress reaction

We often claim that stress need to learn to cope. Stress - a reaction aimed at the adaptation of the body to some changes in the environment. It occurs when these changes are unusual for us, when our body is not the final program of action, when we are faced with something completely new. In those moments when we are some kind of physical or psychological factors, first appearing in our lives, there is a stress reaction.

  • 1.Uncontrolled stress exposure

Very often, stress is accompanied by a lot of positive emotions. For this we go to the theater, so we ride a roller coaster. Stress adds to our lives euphoria. However, it has a devastating impact on our body when it gets out of control. And it does not become uncontrollable stress as a response, and stress exposure. We can not avoid it to get rid of it, to adapt to it, such as pain. But most importantly, we can not predict the occurrence of a stimulus that causes stress. In these cases, when such a situation is repeated regularly, the stress and leads to the destruction of our health, sometimes tragic changes in our behavior.

  • 2.The disappearance of conditioned reflexes during stress

The discoverer of this phenomenon was our compatriot Natalya Shenger-Krestovnikov, who worked in the laboratory of Pavlov. In 1924 she published a paper in which she described an experiment in which a dog was proposed to solve the problem in a simple differentiation of conditioned reflexes. When there is a circle, not a dog anything had to be done, and when it appeared oval, it was necessary to press the foot pedal. And then the dog got a piece of meat.

And all was well when elongated oval was enough, that is, the ratio of the axes was 1: 2. But when scientists began to gradually approach the oval in shape to a circle, to bring together the ratio of the axes so that the major and minor axis of the ellipse ratio reached 8: 9, the dog no longer distinguish between a circle and an oval. Two weeks later, the dog was trying to what we can do some vulgarise called a nervous breakdown. The dog began to worry constantly break out of the machine. Moreover, it has already gone to develop the skills of distinguishing elongated ellipse and circle.

She has gone all the conditioned reflexes, which she had learned earlier. During the experiment, the dog did not feel any physical pain: the dog did not act nor pain, nor hunger, because it has always fed in the evening in a vivarium, no matter how well it worked in the experiment. On the dog acted only psychological factor of unpredictability: she could not grasp the connection between their own behavior and the events of the outside world.

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  • 3.Learned helplessness

Such uncontrolled stress intensively investigated at present, because when scientists come out of the walls of their laboratories (here the primacy of the American Professor Seligman), they found that people are constantly exposed to uncontrollable stress themselves, and subjected it to others. And this is happening at all levels in the school, when the teacher is very often causes the pupil to whom he does not like, ask him a question, to which he is clearly not ready, and then puts the "deuce" - it creates an unpredictable situation uncontrollable. At the same time the child produces a state similar to depression. In animals, it is called "learned helplessness." Learned helplessness generates a teacher asking a question to which the student is clearly not ready to suppress the motor activity of the student. Most importantly, in a state of "learned helplessness" as a result of uncontrolled stress suppressed impulses of man, and it becomes much more manageable.

Unfortunately, very often uncontrolled situation creates the parents to their children. Hypercontrol situations when a parent tries to do everything for the child. When, for example, a mother constantly cleans the room with your child, it reduces the ability to control the situation a teenager, and here derive many maladaptive behaviors of children. What child does inappropriate actions? To sudject control of the situation. A child could be, and he would be happy to be friends with the good boys and girls, do not drink, do not smoke, exercise, a good student, but he does not do it, because it will be the parents' decision, that is, it will control the situation from their side . And to object the control of the situation, he does all sorts of outrages.

4. Physiological changes with uncontrolled stress

Since uncontrolled stress has a huge practical importance, this phenomenon has been intensively studied in the laboratory. Who carried out the following experiments: one rat sits in a cage, which is placed in regular drinker, drinkers attached to the pedal. When you press the pedal of the rat starts to flow the water drinkers. This is connected with the Drinker drinkers the same in the neighboring cell, where the pedal is false. That is, no matter how much the second rat presses on it, the water does not appear. Water begins to flow only when the presses on the pedal the first rat in the next cell.

Thus, a rat in a cage with a fake pedal turns into an uncontrollable situation: she has no idea when she will be water. And after only a week after such a procedure takes place in the rat "learned helplessness", which is characterized, first, behavioral deficits: the animal does not learn anything, it is a memory disorder, it becomes apathetic, less mobile. In addition, a variety of animal occur physiological changes, which generally correspond to the pattern of human depression: an animal develops, such as scurvy, teeth fall out. There is a misconception that in order to prevent the disease sufficiently equipped Vitamin C in abundance. However, scurvy is caused not so much by a deficiency of vitamin C, as a violation of its metabolism in the body. This exchange and disturbed by "learned helplessness." In these rats in the experiment begins scurvy: they increased mucosal ulceration of the gastrointestinal tract, there is plenty of changes in cardiac activity.

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  • 5.The hormone Progesterone

Research is being conducted, on the one hand, to clarify the mechanisms of what is broken in the central nervous system that is responsible for these changes. On the other hand, researchers wondered how these changes can be prevented. Here, the greatest interest is to elucidate the role of progesterone, its stress-protective may effect because this hormone has long been well known. From its name implies its function: it protects the pregnancy. But this hormone produced in large quantities and in the body of males also. And its physiological role in males of all kinds, including in laboratory animals, deserves close attention. In all likelihood, it plays a significant role in the mechanisms that protect our central nervous system from the harmful effects of uncontrolled stress.



22 Oct 2016

Somnology Dr. Doping says sleep disorders, sleepwalking and night eating syndrome.

Experts rarely affect parasomnias problem, and the term itself sounds a bit strange. Doctors, when they hear the word "parasomnia" not scared, but fear that we are talking about some very difficult conditions, which is not easy to understand.
Parasomnias - a group of specific sleep disorders, which are characterized by unusual behavior, feelings, or other events. These phenomena occur due to the different sleep states: Greek para - «something that is near," in Latin somnus - «dream». That is all the unusual events, which are grouped around sleep, either at bedtime or during sleep or after. Parasomnias - a pool of different states, they may have a totally different clinics and different perceived.

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Currently in clinical practice we use the classification, which was proposed in 2014. According to this classification, there are three different groups of parasomnias by the way in which they occur during sleep. There parasomnias group, which arise in connection with the phase of a slow (long-wave) sleep. Another group only occurs in REM sleep state, or sleep with rapid eye movements. There is another group of "other parasomnias," the nature of which is unclear, is still unclear, they need to be associated with any disease. Now scientists are looking to define these groups of sleep disorders.

In real life, the most common form of parasomnias, which is associated with slow sleep. It sleepwalking, confusion awakening and night terrors. They are called waking disorders. The occurrence of such conditions associated with the fact that the brain does not have time time to switch from the phase of deep, slow-wave sleep in active wakefulness. There are unusual phenomena that are often not understood by the man himself, because at this time he continued to sleep. A large part of his brain is in a state of sleep, while a smaller part wakes up and issues an unusual phenomenon.

For example, there is a circulation disorder in his sleep. Speaking figuratively, wake up legs, lead somewhere, but the man continues to sleep and in the morning, waking up completely, does not remember what happened to him at night, because all this time, he slept.

Another variation of this form of parasomnias called night terrors - a situation that often happens at children: the middle of the night a piercing cry, the parents run into the child's bedroom, they saw that the child is sitting on the bed, all the shaking, eyes open as if in terror, parents try to hug him, to soothe the child sees and shouts something unintelligible. It is also a form of arousal disorders related, if figuratively say, that awake feelings affect appears shouting, autonomic manifestations of excitement. But at this time the child is in a state of sleep, he does not give a report on its activities in the morning and does not remember anything about it.
The third form of parasomnias in the group called confusion awakening or a sleepy drunk syndrome. It is a condition that occurs during the transition from the phase of deep sleep to wakefulness and is accompanied by difficulty concentrating, perception of the environment. It is after some time passes, and the man finally wakes up and begins to perceive all adequately. Why is this happening? Again, those structures of the brain that are responsible for processing information for the focus of attention, with the postponement of the information in the memory, not yet awake. Behaviorally people already awake: he got up, went somewhere, maybe even eat. But this it is likely then not remember, because his mind is not yet fully switched from a sleep state to a state of wakefulness.

Another more unusual form of this group of parasomnias - syndrome disorders night behavior or night eating syndrome, when a man finds himself in the morning smeared chocolate or in the morning goes to the refrigerator, looking - and refrigerator empty. Where all go? Man ate all night. In fact, this form of sleepwalking with simultaneous absorption of food. In the morning the man does not remember that night he got up, automatically I went to the refrigerator, ate, came back. In the brain, there is the same situation: some brain structures continue to sleep, but rather a large part of the brain, providing coordinated behavior: getting up, going through ten rooms to the kitchen, opening the fridge, smearing butter on bread - all this is done, but it is not stored, because what happens in the dream state.
With these four forms of parasomnias, which are associated with a phase of slow wave sleep, especially dealing children's doctors: pediatricians, pediatric neurologists, because most cases of sleepwalking occurs just at children. The nervous system of the child mature enough to make the whole brain had time to completely switch from a sleep state to a state of wakefulness. There are deferred such events, the occurrence of a phenomenon later than the other. What is the reason? It is believed that the role played by genetic factors, because it is seen that in some families, and parents, and the children repeated parasomnias in this group, and parents as a child may experience sleepwalking, their son - night terrors, his sister - confusion awakening. It is believed that the legacy of the difficulty of switching from a deep, slow-wave sleep to wakefulness, but manifest violation of switching can in different ways.

The form of sleepwalking, which is called the syndrome of eating disorders, occurs more often in adults. With this disorder deal adult neurologists and psychiatrists, and this state is regarded as mental, because man does not realize that he was doing. The reason for this disorder is still unclear.

How often sleepwalking occurs in the pediatric population? It is believed that somewhere in 8-10% of children (children's age, according to some sources, up to 15 years, on the other - to 18 years, but we are talking about children under 15 years) have a disorder associated with a slow dream: sleepwalking, night terrors and confusion awakening.

Among adults, sleepwalking is very rare, less than 1%. With maturation, the strengthening of the nervous system, these unusual phenomena of sleep come to naught. This ends up to fourteen years, that is, to the time of puberty - slightly earlier in girls, boys later. When the brain is approaching adulthood, these types of parasomnias are terminated.

What should be done if a person is suspected in the most famous form of parasomnias, such as sleepwalking? Doctors often prescribe EEG, because the main thing in this case - to exclude more serious neurological disorder called epilepsy. It is manifested by various torments: it not only fits, when a person is and his batters, as it may be psychomotor seizures - also called ambulatory paroxysms. The man begins an attack, he can get up, walk away and do not remember it, or give a very strong affect: scream, excitement, similar to the condition of a strong fright.
Epilepsy - is a serious disease that should be treated in many cases for life. First of all we must eliminate this cause. To do this, conducted the EEG recorded the electrical activity of the scalp, which can show whether there is any area in the brain that produces the wrong wave, and may from time to time to include the entire brain, producing such an altered state of consciousness or not. If necessary, the EEG is carried out in a state of sleep, as sometimes during the day, this abnormal activity is not visible, as in a dream manifested in all its glory.

If the pathology is not possible, then they are doing in this case? Usually they do not do anything. Doctors recommend to provide a safe environment, so that the child did not run off somewhere, do not hit and did not fall, to wait, when it's puberty and everything goes. Doctors rarely prescribe very serious some drugs only if fits very intense or very frequent. Then it is necessary to suppress them artificially.

At night eating syndrome, adult disorder, the treatment has not yet been developed, and often antidepressants are appointed. Doctors suggest that the syndrome - the solution of internal problems through the adoption of food, it is one of the most ancient mechanisms available to man. There is a saying - "seize stress". Man at night often spontaneously goes and eats. Indeed, later identified some problems in relationships with others, self problems lead to an incorrect assessment of their place in this world. In humans, increased stress levels, their constant gnawing anxiety in the dream they may inadvertently reduce the level of anxiety, stress seizing.

There is a second group of parasomnias, which are associated with a rapid sleep. In this phase, people often see dreams. Some forms of parasomnias reflect this process of seeing dreams. For example, among older people, there is a common sleep disorder - a disorder of behavior in a fast sleep. Violated switch from REM sleep in the waking state: the person has a dream, but a vision leads to the fact that if he was dreaming some deep sleep, his physical activity disinhibited. In the dream, the man gives the content of his dream if he dreams that he is running, start the characteristic movements of the feet; if he dreams that he is fighting with someone, you might well call his neighbor on the bed. And often do patients come to the doctor complaining and beaten wife lead them, to help them.

This disorder is due to the fact that some people have disrupted normal muscle tone. Normally, each of us sees the dream, but do not realize the surrounding of it, because when we dream, our muscle activity is completely switched off. Under certain conditions the elderly muscle activity during the dream is broken, and the man gives a partial picture of his dream. Very characteristic is that then he can tell you why he did it, what a dream saw that he dreamed a dream. These disorders are very well remembered.

In studies experts showed that the presence of improper transfer of dreaming in the wake is a predictor that is a factor that increases alertness, - subsequently, a person may develop a certain neurological disease such as Parkinson's disease - is one of the most common neurological diseases occurring in the elderly. It was shown that Parkinson's disease may begin with such unusual behavior during sleep.

Thus, parasomnias - this group is very diverse in its phenomenology states, united only by their relation to the sleep state. There are other forms of parasomnias, such as the exploding head syndrome who do not understand what you need to communicate with some form of disease, whether from sleep to wakefulness switch violation or vice versa. Such forms are combined into a group of other parasomnias. Experts still accumulate enough data to form a new category of parasomnias, when it becomes clear why these conditions occur.



22 Oct 2016

Man refers to the biological species, so it is subject to the same laws as the other members of the animal kingdom. This is true not only of the processes occurring in our cells, tissues and organs, but also our behavior - both individual and social. Dr. Doping examines such issues at the interface of biology, endocrinology, and psychology, and shows examples of confirming their medicine, history, literature and painting.

"Everything that does not kill me makes me stronger" - F. Nietzsche said. He was wrong: such an impact, as uncontrolled stress situation does not kill immediately, but makes a person weak and sick, in other words, depressed.

Depression is the most common of the so-called big psychosis (the other two - schizophrenia and epilepsy). Accordingly, the most common psychiatric condition worsening human adaptation, reducing its efficiency and subjectively experiencing the most difficult, it is a depression.

The idea of depression as a separate illness brought great German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin. Kraepelin described the triad of symptoms of a depressive state, which maintains a diagnostic value to our time:

  • dreary, depressed mood;
  • mentally-verbal inhibition;
  • motor retardation.

In other words, depression is characterized by inhibition of affective, cognitive and motor functions of the individual. For mania for the state, the opposite of depression, said triad is inverted. Mania is characterized by a cheerful mood, and mental-verbal and motor excitation. Note that activation of the cognitive functions in manic state is not fruitful. At the same time one thought "in a hurry to change the other," leaving speech half an hour and a half second. Moreover, the idea is not only not follow the reasoning, but appear and disappear rapidly, without logical connection.

In contrast to the mania, euphoria characterized by elevated affect, so without cause good mood, as well as a decrease in motor and cognitive functions.
Here we note that the term "mania" is often used to refer to unprofessional nonsense such as "megalomania", "persecution mania". The use of this term in this case is inappropriate, such as the use of, for example, a term such as "sex maniac". The patients in the manic phase of hypersexuality, but not because of painfully high sexual motivation, and the second - because of the increased self-esteem. A depressive episode during human self correspondingly reduced.

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Kraepelin emphasized the major role of hereditary factors in the development of depressive psychosis. Have the sick person among relatives increases the risk that the conditions are frequent subdepressive summer lightning psychosis, t. E. Eventually go into a severe illness. Meanwhile, as well as any sign of depression arises under the influence of a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The main environmental factor that affects the formation of depressions, - uncontrolled stress.
The depression, the symptoms of which were first described in the "Code of Hippocrates", and still is a major psychiatric problem. Depression affects 10 to 20% of all countries and cultures, and in severe requiring hospitalization, - 3 to 9%. Moreover, about a third of patients are not sensitive to any form of treatment, including psychotherapy, drug and electro-convulsive therapy, sleep deprivation, light therapy and no longer apply lobotomy (a surgical operation on the brain).

Depressions are a heterogeneous group of disorders. But for all of them characterized by three symptoms: depressed mood, cognitive and motor retardation. In addition, usually there are additional symptoms: agedoniya (loss of interest in all or almost all usual activities or lack of pleasure from them); decreased libido; eating disorders (increased or decreased); psychomotor agitation or inhibition; sleep disorders; asthenia; ideas of self with feelings of worthlessness of existence; suicidal thoughts.

The relevance of the problem of anxiety is the fact that world consumption of anti-anxiety drugs (Valium, seduksen, tazepam, Phenazepamum and so on. P.) In 1980-2000. Twentieth century. second only to aspirin. It should be emphasized that both depressive and anxious syndromes often occur in the structure of various mental disorders. For example, anxious depression exists as an independent disease, but depression and anxiety often accompany physical illnesses. Moreover, affective disorders, the degree of which does not reach the level of psychosis, occasionally develop in the majority of the population due to the "stress of life."

Phenotropil also can help to avoid such feelings.

Classification of depression

The terms "depression" and "anxiety" is often used as synonyms for stress. It is not right. There are significant differences between these concepts.
Anxiety - an affect that occurs in anticipation of uncertain danger or adverse events.

Depression - a syndrome, which is characterized by a combination of three symptoms: depressed mood, lethargy intellectual and motor activity, ie, a reduced level of affective, cognitive and motor functions of the individual...

When depression resulting from past events, people immersed in the bleak present, whereas with high anxiety his attention absorbed unpleasant or hazardous events that may occur in the future. Anxiety arises with stress and accompanies him, and depression - is a consequence of chronic stress. Thus, at certain stages of disease increased anxiety is often combined with a depressive syndrome.

Depression is a very common mental disorder that can take many forms. In the structure of this disease may be present, and anxiety, and other passions. There is, for instance, "anger depression." There is even an agitated depression, in which the patient, despite the depressed mood is in the motor and mental excitement. So the leading symptom of depression is a disorder of affect - depressed mood. Attention is drawn to the abundance of synonyms doldrums: depression, sadness, melancholy, sadness, grief, Sukhothai, sorrow, Tuga, hypochondria, melancholy and spleen. Such lexical richness indicates the prevalence of this condition and its importance in the life of Russian people. It is noteworthy that the most common word - discouraged - has Indo-European root nau, which is found in the Old Russian word Nav - "dead man." Thus, it is clear that in the minds of the ancient depression are closely related to the death. This is confirmed by modern statistics of suicide. The vast number of successful suicide attempts are committed by people who are in the doldrums.
For a better understanding of the nature of depression consider the classification of depressive states.

Depression is shared by different criteria. Thus, the isolated reactive depression if obvious reason for its occurrence. If the mental disorder preceded the turmoil in his personal life, natural disasters, serious accidents, etc. -.... Most likely cause of the disease in this event, ie, the disease is a reaction (sometimes delayed) on strong sudden impact. Much more often depressive episode develops without apparent cause or reason to it, which indicate the patients themselves, is quite insignificant event. Since the external cause of the disease can not be established, then this is called endogenous depression, t. E. Having some internal cause.
In fact, endogenous depression also have external causes. Their development is connected with the constant current human chronic stressors.
He may not be aware of what is in a state of uncontrolled stress. Many domestic drama that sometimes end with murder "on the basis of personal hostile relations", represent the situation uncontrollable one or all parties. In addition, numerous small stressful events do not pass without a trace. Their effect accumulates and results in clinically apparent picture. This "stressoplankton1 - ... a microcosm of tiny, but numerous monsters, where the weak, but the poisonous bites quietly eroding the tree of life"

One of the arguments against what is learned helplessness caused by uncontrolled stress is an adequate model of endogenous depression, is used by the short duration of stress exposure. If the stressor is applied painful stimulus electrocution - the simplest and most common because stimulation, while the impact is less than one hour. It is possible that in this case is really more appropriate to treat the resulting changes in the behavior and physiology of animals as a model of reactive depression, t. E. This form of the disorder, which develops as a result of short-term, but strong impact. To avoid this a fair objection, experts in modeling of mental disorders in animals have developed a model of depression as a result of chronic mild stress (chronic mild stress).
Under such stress, the rat or mouse daily for four weeks undergo one of the following actions:

  • lack of food;
  • lack of water;
  • the slope of the cells;
  • wet litter;
  • clustering (number of animals per cage twice
  • normal);
  • social isolation (one animal in a cage);
  • Inversion of the light cycle (lights on at night and off in the morning).
Each week, changed the procedure for applying effects.

If each of these stressors applied in isolation, t. E. To work on only a single animal deprivation of water for a day or a cell slope, it is, of course, will cause stress reactions. But the behavioral and physiological characteristics of the animals will return to normal after two or three days. However, chronic use of effects, and in an unpredictable manner, the animals develop a condition of learned helplessness, which can last several months.
Endogenous depression is called primary because there is no obvious cause of the disease, rather, it can not detect. Secondary depression is called having an obvious cause. It can be a traumatic event or disease. Whenever you feel unwell, mood falls; if it is reduced very much, we speak of depression secondary to physical illness.

Do not fall into depression – buy Afobazol.

Distinguish primary and secondary depression can be difficult, especially if you can not find some strong shocks preceding the disease as primary depression is often accompanied by pain in different parts of the body. Consequently, talking about different somatic masked depression - cardiovascular dermatological up. It may be complaints of pain and discomfort in the absence of organic changes: psychogenic dyspnea; psychogenic headache; psychogenic dizziness, movement disorders, have a psychogenic origin; psychogenic pseudo-rheumatism (complaints of musculoskeletal pain); a variety of complaints about the unpleasant and painful sensations in different parts of the areas

belly; psychogenic disorders in the kidneys, as well as a variety of sexual disorders.

The term "hypochondria", which now means a focus on issues of health, comes from the Greek hypochondrion - hypochondria. Chondrite old anatomists called thoraco-abdominal partition, setting it consists of cartilage. We conclude that the ancient hypochondriacs complained mostly on vague pain in the upper abdomen. Note that the Russian "blues" - derived from "hypochondria".

The high frequency of such localization of the pain associated with depression is reflected in the emergence of such a synonym for it, as "spleen". This is the English name of the spleen, which is located in the left upper quadrant. In 1606, an Englishman, published a book describing his depression, which used the verb to spleen.
Since the spleen is connected and a common term, as melancholia, which means "black bile spill." Opposite the spleen, in the right upper quadrant, is the liver, the body brown, secretes bile, feces imparting a characteristic color. The spleen has a dark brown color, and by analogy with the liver called its secret "black bile". Bouts of depression associated with the spreading of black bile. Note that this mythical liquid: the spleen does not release any liquids in the body form blood cells.
It is interesting that such a scourge travelers era of great geographical discoveries, as scurvy, too, is one of the somatic (bodily) manifestations of depression. In school we are taught that a lack of vitamin C in the diet leads to scurvy - a severe illness in which the teeth fall out. In particular, scurvy is very common among the members of the expedition. it became apparent, especially when in the XV century. began long voyages Europeans to other continents. Fresh fruits and vegetables - rich in vitamin C products - quickly ended, and scurvy played out among the crews during the many months of staying in the open ocean without fresh supplies. One of the forerunners of preventive fortification is considered to Captain James Cook, who in 1768 took the circumnavigation sauerkraut, which is believed to prevent the emergence of scurvy among the crew members.

In this story, almost everything right. Indeed, Vitamin C is needed, since it is not synthesized in the human body and must be supplied with food, ie. E. Dietiecheskim is a vital factor. And we even without reminders of doctors willing to eat sauerkraut, lemons and oranges, green onions and black currants. However, scurvy is not the mere absence of vitamin C, and a violation of its metabolism in the body, which reduces the synthesis of collagen - a protein of connective tissue and leads to tooth loss. If the exchange processes are violated, even if the abundance of vitamin C in the diet, scurvy still develop. And this metabolic disturbance often occurs with depression.

As for Captain Cook, then of course we will not deny his contributions to geographical science, sailing, navigation and the British crown. But let us note that in the XVIII century. world travels were no longer expeditions into the unknown. Everyone already knew how to sail from Europe to America, from Europe to the Cape of Good Hope, the Cape of Good Hope to the Malabar, etc. Boat trips are no longer uncontrollable situation, as they were for the first travelers -.. Vasco da Gama, Columbus , Magellan. Since uncontrolled situation has considerably decreased, it has dropped substantially and the likelihood of developing depression. In favor of the treatment of scurvy as the first biological marker of depression, not a lack of vitamin C indicates, in particular, the high frequency of the disease (in spite of a sufficient amount of vitamin C in the diet) among people experiencing prolonged uncontrolled stress, for example, among the prisoners, or the participants polar expeditions.
Note that in the experiments collagen synthesis violation used as a biological marker of depression, are much more reliable than the results of psychological tests.

The frequency of specific somatic manifestations of depression varies in different social groups and changes over time. This is due to the fact that psychosomatic symptoms, as well as many mental disorders are epidemic spread, caused by unconscious imitation.
Somatic disorders in depression are so varied that there was a aphorism: "Who knows the clinic of depression, he knows medicine," like the doctor's aphorism XIX century .: "Who knows clinic syphilis, he knows medicine." Somatic mask depression not only diverse but also very widespread. According to various researchers, a third to a half of patients, the first time to see a doctor in need of correction of emotional state, not in the treatment of heart, liver, kidneys and so on. Etc. .. In other words, pain in different parts of the body to which they complain are not the result of disease bodies located there, and the reflection of the primary depressive state.

As in old times there were not lots of drugs, such as Phenotropil, Afobazol and Phenibut.

Meanwhile, from the practical side it is essential to determine what caused the depression of the patient - a consequence of the disease or manifestation of the primary symptoms of endogenous depression. In the first case is assigned to a specific treatment of somatic disorders, and in the second - antidepressant therapy. various hormonal tests is effectively used for the differential diagnosis of primary depression.

According severity of the disorder, ie. E. In the severity of clinical symptoms, depression can be both psychotic and remain at a neurotic disorder. Without going into the intricacies of the various definitions of neurosis and psychosis, say only that the border between the two forms of the disease passes through the patient's level of socialization. In neurosis, it can perform many functions of a member of society, to communicate with others and work even though it is given to him with difficulty and complexity of delivering others. In psychosis, the patient is excluded from the social life and the need for hospitalization. When a psychotic depression patient lies in bed and almost does not respond to external stimuli and internal needs.

Accordingly, the severity of the disorder talk about mood disorders if they are expressed, and dysthymic if unobtrusive mood disorder or transient. For example, in the premenstrual syndrome most often occur dysthymic disorders.

The severity of the disease, as a rule, corresponds to the type of flow. In the most severe form of depression during downturns in the affective, cognitive and motor areas (depressive episodes) are replaced by manic phases. At this time in patients with a shift in the opposite direction: marked rise unmotivated mood, mental and motor agitation. This does not mean that this period is favorable for mental activity. For manic patients is characterized by verbal stimulation, in other words, talkativeness. Mental arousal means that patients can not concentrate on one subject or lesson. Their thoughts are jumping; having arisen, he did not have time to take shape, and the logical end as they were replaced by new ones. Maniacal excitement of the patient is very painful for others.

Unipolar depression, in which only light intervals depressive episodes alternate, generally milder bipolar, in which alternate light intervals and depressive and manic phases.
Depressive episodes are repeated at varying intervals. If they occur exclusively during the autumn-winter period, the prognosis is favorable. Autumn depression quite easily adjusted and, as a rule, does not go beyond lung neurosis. If depressive episodes occur is due to change in natural light, the prognosis is less favorable.

As for anxiety, then it is easier classification. There are a primary concern, the so-called post-traumatic syndrome, in which the leading symptom is a feeling of anxiety. The secondary alarm is accompanied by many situational disorders, which is natural, since a healthy person and a certain anxiety is necessary for formation of motivation. Recall that under stress anxiety causes the person or animal to adapt its behavior to changing conditions.

Because depression is often accompanied by increased anxiety, it is essential to correctly diagnose anxiety as a primary or as a secondary, t. E. Which is composed of a depressive syndrome. To do this, apply the so-called Diazepam test. Diazepam is an antianxiety drug which has anti-depressant activity. If after receiving the patient decrease any symptoms or complaints, so they were due to anxiety.


Mechanism of memory, memories editing

22 Oct 2016

About the mechanism of Memory

We learn something, remember not only for weeks, but for years and decades. We remember that it was 10-20 years ago. With using what? Must be some kind of material carrier, and the carrier material in the brain - a protein. A protein molecule is formed, but after two or three days, it is metabolized, is replaced by a similar but new. And communication line up again on some pattern that is encoded in our genetic apparatus. It turns out that the memory can not be kept, because all the molecules are destroyed, if some new emerged, they too will be destroyed. So must be the maintenance of the mechanism of formation of the same molecules in the same places, ie, must be binding to a place in the nervous system. Normally, this contact between the nerve cells. And these trillions of contacts. We have billions of nerve cells, and each of these tens of thousands of links. It is necessary to support a locally-selective, and the brain is able to do so.

In recent years, it seems to have discovered a molecular cascade that is self-sustaining. That is, yes, a protein molecule in two or three days is replaced with a new, but they are altered as a result of the amount of training in the exact locations remain unchanged. That is our memory. It seems to have found a molecule that is associated with memory. Experiments were very simple: when exactly this molecule selectively reduced in numbers, the behavior is absolutely nothing has changed: wonderful fed animal, jump, run - anything, except for one - she faded memory of certain events. So far, this "removable" memory associated with the hazardous events - negative memory, shock hit the animal - that this memory can be, it appears, to erase selectively by introducing blockers for this protein is in this area. There's a problem in the selective delivery.

To improve memory functions we often use Phenotropil and Neiromidine (Ipidacrine).

About Editing Memories

Now there is a shaft of the work in this area. Well, we are also involved in this. And the problem is that the memory has been very dynamic process - it can, in fact, be changed, it can disappear and re-recorded. And it seems that it is possible to understand how it's done. Several hypotheses exist that can be selectively very locally erase the memory or vice versa it there somehow put. It will be extremely interesting, it will be a big jump in general throughout physiology. U we have trillions of connections, and you want to change only a few hundred of them, selectively, the rest do not touch. Nature knows how to do it, we do not yet know how.

There may be a technological breakthrough. Now there are some very interesting studies nano-platforms with nano-delivery. If we can solve the problem with the delivery of the election, then perhaps it will be possible as well, do not form a memory, as an old erase memory. This can be done if the technology delivery problem will be solved.

a memory study

Subject memory historically Ivan Pavlov in Russia was very fashionable, popular and taught very well so far. In this area, I taught a course, I know very well that the Russian preparations in this area - it is one of the best in the world, because we have a very big tradition, and all the literature - in Russian. In English it is very small, oddly enough. There are individuals engaged in such research, and of whole courses, such information which is in Russian - probably in America can be found, while in other countries it is already problematic. And so in this regard the opinion of Russian scientists is very appreciated, because everyone understands that a great story, school research behind it.

And then, in the memory is still no technological breakthrough, by which Western scientists could skaknut forward. there was a hypothesis about a particular molecular cascade in the past few years. But it is possible to investigate, and not using technology very seriously. We at the institute are working on the level of Western scholars unpublished data, we closely communicate with them, and while they have not yet published the publication, we have similar work is going.

the difference between the physicians and biologists

Do physicians and biologists have a serious difference: the physician should be that all was normal, but the biologist norm just is not needed. The biologist must unbalance, out of the norm, and then he will see what's inside the body.
The purpose of the biologist - to understand how the body, what are the mechanisms. The goal of physicians - to maintain normal. And the difference in order to effect a little. But, nevertheless, biologists, and physicians perceive a man and any animal as a single creature. And the environment, and everything around us, all the incentives, all the animal state, are able to evaluate it as a whole.

the search for ideas and neurocomputers

I have seen, unfortunately, it is the opinion of physicists, that the idea can be explored. The proposals were such grants were such. But it is impossible to explore the idea, because the thought does not exist in our bodies, in our brains, it is not. It is our metaphorical understanding of what is happening there. You see, awarding processes in the brain in such an epithet and then trying to explore the epithet - all this is doomed to failure automatically. Because it is necessary to explore what exists is material, in full conjunction with all others.
Yes, the neurons are activated upon receipt of information, but the very concept of the idea - it is a purely abstract concept. She's not there, so look for it there is meaningless and posed as a problem especially. Sometimes it is very difficult, because in biology, especially in neuro-science, and people come from the physical and mathematical background. And there is a problem, there is a difference in views. Those neurocomputers - it is quite fashionable. But neurocomputers generally unrelated to the brain do not have. This is purely a fashionable term, they tried, to simulate the brain, but then came up with a completely new principles, which are not in our brain. These studies resulted in a slightly different principles of conventional computer equipment.

recognition of odors

Research physicists, mathematicians, based more on their perceptions of the brain, rather than on real biological data. A classic example - it is arranged as a recognition of odors. It was believed that the recognition of smells exactly the same answer millions of neurons in the primary receptor areas, and only about a thousand centers, where information converges. Scientists have tried to make and model of the device for detecting very weak odors (eg, explosive molecules in the air and so on) based on the structure of the system. Very large sums of money have been released for it in America.
The device did not work, and in 1998 published data, in fact everything is arranged. It turns out that all of these millions of neurons are divided into thousands of types, and each type are uniformly distributed, they all send processes at one point, thousands of these dots. The fact that the millions of neurons in the receptor epithelium updated every 30-35 days, constantly emerging new processes and sends information to processing centers. It is genetically encoded, and each new neuron independently finds its way to your process. This principle is no one even suggested, it was seen purely morphologically. And then we understand how the coding of odors. Really simple, effective way of coding, which was not predicted by anyone. Nature, she's always one step ahead.

human and animal memory

Apparently, the main mechanisms of memory are absolutely the same. Moreover, to everyone's surprise, it turned out that the basic molecules that are involved in the most critical moment of the memory lock, were super conservative. Do snails and humans the same basic molecule by 98%. Apparently, evolution has occurred in the selection of the most effective mechanisms, and so they survived. Differences are already in the system as it is connected. If the same snail is the simplest version of the 3-4 elements, then it is 3-4 million a person, and a lot more options. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms have been super conservative.

In some animals, such as insects appeared in special molecular evolution. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms, like, like, too. For example, the same neurotransmitters, i.e. substances released by neurons to communicate with each other. Classic only about 40, and they are the same in structure in all animals. They have the most lower organized animals and we have added only protein influence. Proteins much greater variability. And it acquired the qualities that a person has, in contrast to other animals. Already by combinatorics, of the same elements, you can create a completely different system.


Sleep and Memory

22 Oct 2016

Neuroscientist Dr. Doping speaks of the dream, improve memory and brain neurons

Why adage "sleep on it" is true from the point of view of science? What happens to our brain while you sleep? What is declarative and motor types of memory? Why do so many solutions come to us during sleep?

People long ago discovered that the dream has some meaning for the memory, and expressed his idea quite succinctly in the adage "sleep on it". But, as usual, the scientists after a while was able to prove that this phenomenon can be studied and can be collected evidence showing that our memory during sleep certain events occur.

What is the basis to improve memory? In order to understand what lies behind this phenomenon, it is necessary to tell what is happening to our neurons or our brain at a time when we are asleep. It was found that neurons that have some sort of behavioral specialization, that is, show increasing its activation at a time when there is the implementation of a behavior or action, or practicing the skill, repeating their activation, that is activated again it is during sleep.

We often suggest to buy Phenibut to improve sleep, and for memory buy Phenotropil.

Can one understand the patterns of what happens with neural groups during sleep, alone artificial neural combine these groups? If we know what to improve memory will activate certain cells, can we artificially their activating, to create a group of neurons that no longer would be able to break up, where these cells are always activated together would, and it would lead to the existence of a -That memory that any purchase other memory could not be erased or anything else? 


Nature of sleep

22 Oct 2016

The biologist says REM sleep, the intensive work of the brain during dreaming and sleep deprivation. What are the different phases of sleep? How does our brain and internal organs during sleep? Why man needs sleep?

With the discovery of REM sleep, all the idea of sleep and wakefulness overturned. It became obvious that a person does not sleep at all monotonous condition was thought long and very complicated process, in which there are strict cyclicity. Each cycle has a slow phase and REM sleep and REM sleep there is the phase step. These concepts - cycles, phases and stages - the three pillars on which the edifice built somnology.

Night sleep is very rigidly structured. When we fall asleep, we are immersed in the hour and a half cycles. Most people are less than five cycles - 7.5 hours (the proverbial 8-hour sleep). But some people need a sixth cycle, and 8.5 hours, it is not enough. There are people who fit into fewer hours and have time to go through all the necessary processes for three or four cycles. However, the dream of five cycles - feature of most people associated with the genetic structure, and not to our habits or laziness as we previously thought.

We suggest to use Phenibut, Afobazol to avoid insomnia.

Phenibut against insomnia

No one imagined that during sleep we regularly, every half hour, firstly, have dreams, and secondly, these dreams are associated with extremely high activation of the brain, and the muscular system is completely switched off, ie the person is paralyzed, and the brain while only roughly works, something is going through, and these experiences are reflected in the dream that we dream. This condition, too, apparently, is vital, because the pilot attempted deprivation show that animals can not stand such experiments, it starts to affect their behavior, to break while you are awake and in the end leads to death of the animals.


Mexidol: how this drug works and for what it is needed? Instructions for use, side effects

22 Oct 2016

The home medicine cabinet is sometimes not possible to find the most popular medications. Without instructions do not understand whether or not to apply in your state. If tablets or ointment found in personal holdings of a loved one, the situation becomes even more interesting. Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Aspirin - these names are familiar to everyone. But Mexidol from what helps and for how long is appointed?

Myths about the nervous system

Why most do not know the names of some drugs? Because these funds are not of general validity, they have a narrow profile. For example, act on the nervous system. Not as a stimulus, no. at least a few "truths" Regarding nerves everyone knows, only they are not always true.

Some statements:

  • Nerve cells do not regenerate. The most frequent application. It is true only in part. Data that nerve cells can recover completely - no. But it is quite certain structures can be regenerated.
  • We are always nervous problems with nerves. Increased excitability may cause fatigue or mental disorders. Not necessarily must be based on damage to the nervous tissue.
  • Any paralysis can be overcome if there is will power. Too loud statement will not restore the nerve no persistence is no substitute.
  • Patient Neurology "not friendly" with his head. In most cases, consciousness and thinking are completely preserved, no problems with the perception of reality in patients not.

Mexidol - means for struggle against alcoholism

A certain bias towards patients such structure causes people to hide their last violation. That is why most of the references to the period of exacerbation, rather than during the observation of the first symptoms. Differs and treatment, doctors are forced to expose the patient's body more stress.

Among other things, persons suffering from chronic alcoholism, understand this and seek help immediately, as soon as will feel the first signs of the impending withdrawal. And their treatment is used, in particular, and Mexidol.

The drug should not discourage alcoholics craving for alcohol, but it helps to cope with the consequences.

Mexidol in chronic alcoholism:

  • Emoxypine normalizes blood flow in the brain.
  • Mexidol acts as an antioxidant.
  • Emoxypine protects pancreas from necrotic changes.
  • Mexidol promotes rapid recovery of the liver.

After a full course of Mexidol treatment the patient can ever fully recover and start a normal life, or start drinking again. This is his choice and defect-narcologist.

Mexidol - mechanism of action

Most often this drug prescribed to patients after stroke. The pathogenesis of this condition is stroke, the same one that Mexidol helps restore. The dosage and treatment depend on the overall severity of the condition, but usually take medication for one week. We introduce it intravenously, under the supervision of nurses.

The Mexidol medicinal effect is connected:

  • Since the influence on the cell membrane.
  • There phospholipids recovery of which is the outer membrane cells.
  • Due to this relationship between the normalized internal and external environment, recovering substances flow into the cell and back.
  • This has an effect on the process of lipid peroxidation.

All written, too technical and confusing, it can be explained much easier. The structure of our cells, including nerve and include fats. In various forms and shapes, in different proportions, and it is not so important. By optimizing the exchange of these same fats outer membrane cells start to function normally.

As a bonus, there is activation of the mitochondria, this microstructure is responsible, including for energy synthesis.

Mexidol - impact on the body

All the effect of the Mexidol drug can be divided into two major groups:

1.Effects on nerve tissue

  • Mexidol restores the power of the brain tissue.
  • Mexidol relieves the symptoms of withdrawal.
  • Mexidol has impact on the main neurotransmitter of the central nervous system - GABA.
  • Emoxypine slows down the aging process.
  • Emoxypine influences on cognitive function, improves memory.

2.Impact on all other organs:

  • Emoxypine actively uses for patients with diabetes, especially in insulin resistance.
  • Mexidant restores epithelium hepatocytes.
  • Mexifin protects against the toxic effects of the pancreas.
  • Mexidol slows down the formation of blood clots.
  • Emoxypine accelerates the synthesis of energy within cells.

So do not be surprised if you find a drug in a sheet in a human appointment, which does not suffer from disorders associated with the nervous system. If alcoholism is very important to the rapid recovery of the liver and pancreas, as the two bodies are damaged in the first place. It is difficult to underestimate their importance:

  • The pancreas regulates the synthesis of numerous enzymes.
  • The enzymes are involved in the digestion of food, accelerates the biochemical processes in the body.
  • The liver is a kind of barrier to toxic substances.
  • Hepatocytes filter the blood, trying to neutralize all harmful to the body connection.

Why is it important to help the patient in time?

Constantly talking about alcoholism, you can lose sight of the far more serious disorder. At the stroke forms a portion that lacked in blood supply. Usually, this thing ends with the formation of the zone of softening and the loss of the tissue.

At the time appointed therapy will enhance brain blood vessels and normalize the blood flow to the damaged them departments. If hypoxia is not too long, perhaps a partial recovery.

As we know, the brain controls all the functions of our body. Any defeat can lead to disability or partial loss of socially important skills.

When Mexidol is used?

Summing up we can say that Mexidol appoint:

  • To treat the effects of stroke.
  • Emoxypine -when withdrawal syndrome in alcoholics.
  • In the event of damage to the liver or pancreas.
  • Patients with diabetes, when insulin resistance.
  • After identifying pathologies of the psyche.
  • To relieve stress.

The active drug substance provides easy toning and firming effect overall. Mexidol is not used as a single drug, but in the complex therapy. Changes of vascular tone and restore energy metabolism is not always enough for a complete cure of the patient, this is usually only enough to remove the part of the symptoms.

Some drugs are best taken under the supervision of medical staff. These include the Mexidol from what makes this drug, you know.


Meldonium: how this drug works and for what it is needed? Meldonium in medicine and sports

22 Oct 2016

A number of high-profile sports scandals forced the inhabitants to pay attention to meldonium how this drug works, very few people know, but experts from international organizations agreed on the fact that the substance is able to artificially increase the results of athletes. That this was the reason for the inclusion in the list of Meldonium doping substances banned for the use of athletes.

History of Meldonium invention

Generally speaking, Meldonium is pure chemistry.

  • The substance was synthesized in the second half of the century.
  • Homeland of Meldonium is the Soviet Union, and more specifically - the Republic of Latvia.
  • Initial investigations generally concerned matters of disposal of rocket fuel.
  • After a while it was found that the resulting substance (Meldonium) has a positive effect on the growth of animals and plants.
  • Only in the mid-80s Meldonium began to be used in medicine, after registration of the patent for the drug in the United States.

The scientist who led the process of synthesis of drugs, is alive to this day. On the topic of the recent ban, he has made a few remarks and expressed his bewilderment. According Latvians Meldonium makes no substantial bonuses to athletes, especially when it comes to the big sports and world-class achievements. However, the Commission's decision on this opinion had no effect.

Meldonium for athletes how acts?

Since Meldonium is recognized as doping substance, it is necessary at least to understand what effect it has on the body:

  • Meldonium is positioned as cardioprotector.
  • Meldonium for sale protects the heart muscle from excessive exercise and overstimulation.
  • The action achieved by the chemical structure of the drug complex.
  • Meldonium is included in the basic human metabolism, adjusting it.
  • Meldonium buy decreases the value of the fatty acids in the exchange.
  • The number of used carbohydrates, which are broken down to release energy.

For the cleavage of 1 gram of fat and fatty acids, the body expends much more energy than for the development of a gram of carbohydrates.

  • Times more energy is necessary, and therefore need more oxygen.
  • The more oxygen is spent on the course of biochemical reactions within the body, the more intense the external breathing.
  • The more frequent and deeper breathing person, the faster his heart is reduced.
  • The higher pressure and pulse, the faster the player gets tired.
  • The sooner come fatigue, the faster disturbed coordination of movements and muscular activity.

Meldonium: doping, drug action

  • Man can withstand heavy loads, theoretically.
  • Moment of tiredness will come later than the one who does not take Meldonium tablets.
  • All subsequent load will be better understood by the body.
  • With each subsequent workout reserves of the body begin to grow somewhat faster.
  • The body is retained sufficient fatty acids to maintain vital muscle and nerve cells.
  • Under the same load, but without Meldonium cells have died from fatty acid deficiency. As a result of training and performance would give the opposite result and reduced performance.
  • By improving the conduction of nervous tissue can be obtained in the form of a bonus a few hundredths of a second. It seems a trifle, but the reaction rate in some sports the most important thing.

Some such considerations guided doping organization that has contributed Meldonium to the list of prohibited drugs. It's no secret that many athletes have used this medication for years or even decades. So, purely subjective, some positive effects of his actions, and they observed the prohibition is not so unreasonable.

Application of Meldonium in sports

To date, the number of athletes who are "caught" on the use of buy Meldonium does not exceed a hundred people. But given how rapidly developing story, by the end of 2016 their number may reach hundreds. Among those, who are accused of doping, and enough of Russian sportsmen.

Among the accused are at the forefront of the representatives of these sports:

  • Athletics.
  • Tennis.
  • Biathlon.
  • Skiing.
  • Figure skating.
  • Skating.
  • Cycling
  • Racing

It is easy to notice, most of them athletes endure long load and trained their endurance. In such circumstances, cardioprotector providing energy conservation and reducing the use of oxygen, could become a truly indispensable thing.

Not quite "fit" in the general list of tennis, but the sport is also important endurance and speed of reaction, which is easier and faster to train using buy Meldonium. But always and moral side of the question, because any sport is a competition between the ordinary people. To go out on the course or get in front of the opponent's knowing that you have an advantage over them is not due to their abilities, and only thanks to the "chemistry" - is not so easy. For this we need to have a very flexible ideas about conscience and morality.

The impact of Meldonium on the body

Meldonium has the effect of:

  • On the metabolism within the body.
  • Meldonium reduces the consumption of fatty acids, so necessary cells.
  • Meldonium increases the digestibility of carbohydrates.
  • Meldonium buy promotes a more economical energy allocation.
  • Meldonium for sale reduces the amount of oxygen consumed by counteracting hypoxia.

  • Meldonium protects the very heart of the loads acting on the cell membrane.

Every year the sport is becoming more complex and demanding for the athletes. Back in times no one cared buy Meldonium how the drug only narrow specialists know.

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