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Meldonium buy to support the work of the heart

21 Oct 2016

Advantages: Efficiency Availability Price

Mildonium (international name - Meldonium) - is primarily a drug refers to a metabolic means. Due to the recent anti-doping scandals and a reasonable price almost disappeared from pharmacies, it is very hard nowadays to buy Meldonium. The drug is not a means of emergency medical care, but nevertheless very necessary for people suffering from heart failure, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, cerebrovascular desease.

The athletes have used Mildonium before, with regular physical exercise to maintain heart muscle, but now use it all and sundry, and from everything.

I was prescribed to Meldonium buy by therapist, after watching my cardiogram, although I have not complained on the heart, and came on another occasion. I accept it and 1 tablet of 250 mg twice a day for a month. The course should be repeated twice a year - spring and fall.

I felt much better on the second or third day of taking Mildonium. Weakness and constant fatigue has gone, lethargy and apathy. In the morning full of vigor and energy, it is much easier to cope with exercise in the gym. Finally, fitness has become to bring joy and pleasure. I used to afford it could not, very tired even after a little practice, several times throwing sessions, but health did not improve. Now everything is different. I still have time in the evening and I fall not with the weariness of legs. Quality of life improved significantly.

One is bad - it became impossible to Meldonium buy in pharmacies, I have to search for it. But You can always order Meldonium for sale at


Not so bad Meldonium for sale as it is painted

21 Oct 2016

After the scandals associated with Meldonium, it seemed that MIldonium has been forgotten.

But to buy Meldonium was not as easy as before. And before that it did not cause such a stir at anybody, and quietly let go on sale. But to find it is still possible.

In fact, it is assigned is not only the athletes with their unrealistic loads, but mere mortals who do not load sometimes smaller and their hearts need support.

Before use, you need to consult with your doctor and read the instructions of Meldonium, and adhere strictly their dose to avoid side effects.

By the way, you can Meldonium buy without a prescription, although it says the opposite.

Take possible for those who have a very stressful job, a lot of physical and other loads.

The package of 40 capsules of Mildronate, tablets are swallowed easily, active components Meldonium.

You should begin with a minimal dose of 1 tablet of Mildonium per day, then increase to 2 tablets.

Meldonium for sale course is for 28 days, but of course everything is individual and should be agreed with the doctor, ideally.

After receiving Meldonium for sale the heart works much better, Mildonium increases endurance and coordination is not lost, it is easier to carry the load brain.


Meldonium for Sale

21 Oct 2016

I have been prescribed Mildonium at the hospital under the diagnosis – osteochondrosis and chronic fatigue.

I did not want to buy Meldonium, because I did not want to drink it, because I was afraid of side effects and articles about Mildonium as doping.

I struggled with different efficiency for several years with my problems. And now I decided to buy Meldonium and drink 0.5 g of Mildronate in the morning and at lunch.

First, there was no effect, but in the second week, as the burst - like 20 years ago returned. My sleep has become smaller and better.

After Mildonium, hand tremor has gone and halve squeak in the left ear, which took out three years already, and I think that this is nothing to fix.

I now only in silence starting to hear well, when "silence presses on the ears." I did not expect such an effect! I regret that I did not Meldonium buy five years ago.

Mildonium is recommended as a stimulant moderate action.


Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacological Sport preparations

21 Oct 2016

Psycho-energizers (Nootropics)

In the period of intensive training loads or competitive activity of the body is in such a voltage that a violation of brain blood supply can be observed, ie, violation of its power, oxygen supply and normal functioning.

Nootropics increase the level of energy metabolism of the brain cells, and develop potential neurophysiological features and, as a result, lead to the removal of fatigue, increased levels of memory, learning information, memory, concentration, but do not possess any sedative effect or stimulative effect; very low toxic.

In sports pharmacology used drugs such as Aminalon (Gammalon - GABA - gamma-aminobutyric acid), Piracetam (Nootropil), Phenylpiracetam, Pyriditolum, Encephabol (Pyritinol), Neurobutal (Gamma-oxibutyric acid, Calcium Salt), Sodium Oxybutirate, Vinpocetine, Cavinton- 1 table. 3 times a day, the course of 10-20 days.

Instenon is the only combined neuroprotective drugs in our country. The three components (Hexobendinå, Etamivan, Etofylline) comprising the drug work together, simultaneously, unidirectionally to the various units of the nervous system. Instenon efficiency is determined by a wide range of sanogenetic impact and cumulative effect of the impact of all its components. Instenon can be used as a tool that enhances physical and mental performance, attention, memory, normalizes sleep and mood, reduce fatigue and other symptoms of autonomic instability. Assign 1 ampoule (2 ml) / m / v - 1 per day (rate of 5-7 days) or 1 tablet 2 times a day for 2 weeks. Sometimes Instenon for better can be combined with Pantogam.

Piriditol, Encephabol (Pyritinol) shows elements of psychotropic activity.

Neurobutal (Gamma-oxibutyric acid)- a natural mediator and a structural analogue of GABA (a derivative of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid). It has anti-hypoxic, anti-amnesic, sedative, tranquilizing effect.

Available in the form of tablets of 0.25 g

Phenibut has tranquilizing activity reduces tension, anxiety, fear, improves sleep, strengthens and extends the effects of sleeping pills. Assign the neuroses and psychopathic conditions. At the first receptions may experience drowsiness. Receiving from one (0.25 g) to 3 tablets of Phenibut per day. Course of Phenibut lasts for 2-4 weeks. You can buy Phenibut

Acephen (Analux, Centrophenoxine, Cerutil, Claretil,Clofenoxine, Lucidril) - has a mild stimulating effect on the central nervous system, it activates the metabolism, improves the transmission of impulses in the brain. You can receive at the neurotic state. The course of Acephen is for 3-4 weeks and 1 table. (0.1 g) 3 times a day.

Nootropil (Piracetam) - when administered to penetrate into various organs and tissues, including brain tissue. Practically Piracetam is not metabolized. Nootropil is excreted by the kidneys. It has a positive effect on the metabolism and blood circulation of the brain. It stimulates the redox processes, enhances glucose utilization, Nootropil improves regional blood flow in ischemic areas of the brain. The drug increases the body's energy potential by accelerating the turnover of ATP. Improving energy processes under the influence of Piracetam increases the stability of brain tissue during hypoxia and toxic effects of metabolites in the training process. The drug improves the integrative activity of the brain contributes to memory consolidation, facilitates the learning process. It is also used in violation of emotional and volitional, asthenic-adynamic states. In a clinical study established the ability of the drug to restore and stabilize the impaired brain function (attention, memory, language, and so on. D.). It goes well with cardiovascular drugs. Take 1 capsule of Nootropil 3 times a day (usually 2 capsules. 2 times a day). The dose can be increased to 2.4 g (6 capsules. Per day). Course admission -2-3 weeks (with no extended up to 6 weeks of course pronounced effect). Repeat the course of Piracetam one can in 6-8 weeks.

Gliatilin (Choline alfoscerate) - improves concentration, memory and recall information. It improves mood, helps to eliminate the emotional instability, irritability and apathy. Gliatilin activates mental activity. Gliatilin can be used in the process of settling in new elements, "technical" methods in hard-focal species. Gliatilin can be used in traumatic sports (boxing, hockey, football - Headers, etc...) In the acute period of craniocerebral trauma. Assign 1 g / in, in / m per day, in other cases, 1 capsule. (0.4 g), 2-3 times a day before meals.


Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacological Sport preparations

21 Oct 2016

Anabolic Drugs

This group of drugs include pharmacological agents of different structure and origin which by acting on different mechanisms enhance protein biosynthesis in the body (have anabolic effect) and thereby accelerate the muscle growth.

The key position in the group of pharmaceuticals, which are not doping and can be recommended to build muscle and increase strength, take steroid drugs of plant origin.

Here are some anabolic agents (anabolitics) and given their characteristics. Promising in terms of anabolic actions are preparations obtained from extracts of stems and roots of Rhaponticum carthamoides growing in Central Asia, Kazakhstan and the Far East.

Ecdysten (Ecdysterone, Ectysterone) - (containing 0,005 g of Leuzea active substance) has a tonic and anabolic effect. Although steroid structure Ecdysten devoides of harmful side effects of testosterone preparations and anabolic steroids. Long-term use of Ecdysten even at high doses (6-9 tablets daily for 3-4 weeks) does not cause disturbances in the content of the main hormones (cortisol, somatotropin, testosterone, insulin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and others.) In the blood, it does not cause harmful effect on the liver. Ecdysten is not doping and can be used without any restrictions in terms of doping control.

Potassium Orotate (potassium salt of orotic acid) is an orotic acid, which is formed in the body, is a precursor of pyrimidine amino acids, of which built nucleic acids. It has an anabolic effect and stimulates the formation of blood. To enhance the impact on the myocardium are used in conjunction with Riboxinum. It helps reduce the time and the medium-climatic adaptation. Available in tablets of 0.25 g Assign 1 hour before meals or after 4 hours after eating at a dose 0.25-0.1 g 2-3 times a day for 15-20 days.

Methyluracilum is pyrimidine derivative, similar in structure and action to Potassium Orotate. The drug promotes the synthesis of proteins and stimulates blood formation process. Methyluracilum is used to improve endurance and performance during training loads large volume as anabolic agents as well as "overvoltage" therapy. Methyluracilum is available in tablets of 0.5, the recommended intake of 2-3 tablets 3 times a day during or after a meal.

L-carnitine is a natural substance, related B vitamins, found in the heart and skeletal muscles. Involved in the metabolism of fatty acids as a carrier through the mitochondrial membrane - beta-oxidation section, where they are burned to generate a large amount of energy; promotes fat metabolism, immune system stabilizes.

L-Carnitine determines the total amount of energy produced in the body, improves performance during training moderate, high and submaximal power. Before the drug more intensively used aerobic energy sources while encouraging the body's anaerobic capacity, which contributes to more economical use of glycogen and glucose during prolonged intense exercise. Increased general and special performance, resistance, endurance, reduces fatigue, increases muscle mass.

In sports with primary display of endurance to accelerate recovery processes. The speed and power sports, has a stimulating effect on muscle growth when receiving 2 g per 70 kg of body weight (2 teaspoons of 20% solution) 2 times a day morning and afternoon for 30 minutes before meals, diluting liquid.

Mildronate is the drug, which is a structural analogue of the precursor of Carnitine - beta-butyrobetaine, active component Meldonium. Anabolic properties of Mildronate are more pronounced than that of Carnitine. For this purpose, it is recommended reception of Mildronate during intensive exercise 1-2 capsules at 30 minutes after eating 2-3 times a day for 10-14 days.


Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacological Sport preparations

21 Oct 2016


The problem of hypoxia in the sphere of sports is quite acute.

Clinical data and theoretical studies strongly suggest that the most promising in the fight against hypoxia is the use of pharmacological agents that enhance the body disposal circulating therein oxygen, reducing the oxygen demand of organs and tissues and thereby facilitate and reduce hypoxia resilience organism to oxygen deficiency. These tools are called antihypoxants.

Antihypoxants conditionally can be divided into two groups:

1) acting on the transport function of blood;

2) correcting the metabolism of cells.

The first group includes compounds that increase blood oxygen affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen, as well as endogenous vasoactive substances and exo-gene nature. The second group includes compounds of membrane action, energizing the direct action (ie, influence the redox potential of the cell, the Krebs cycle and respiratory chain of mitochondria) and drugs directly antihypoxic action.

Aktovegin is a drug which is produced on the basis of an extract of calf blood serum and contains only physiological components having high biological activity - low molecular weight organic compounds: amino acids, oligo-peptides, nucleosides, and glycolipids, some important electrolytes and trace elements.

Actovegin significantly increases the energy reserve cells and their resistance to hypoxia by optimizing the consumption of oxygen and glucose. When using Actovegin increases the synthesis of ATP in 18 times - the main energy substrate. In this way it maximizes the critical power decreases tension metabolic changes (pH, lactate).

The intracellular oxygen deficiency conditions, the cell maintains its own energy needs at the expense of activation of anaerobic glycolysis. The result is the depletion of domestic energy reserves, destruction of cell membranes and cell destruction. The predominance of anaerobic energy pathways of reproduction is the leading mechanism of hypoxic and ischemic damage of organs and tissues.

Actovegin has a systemic effect on the body and converts glucose oxidation processes in an aerobic way. The active fraction of the drug enhances glucose transport in a dose dependent manner, up to fivefold increase. A secondary effect is to improve the blood supply.

Under conditions of tissue hypoxia caused by the violation of microcirculation, Acktovegin contributes to the formation of capillary network due to start-vessels. By improving the delivery of oxygen and reducing the severity of ischemic tissue damage Actovegin also indirectly promotes cell protein-synthesizing function and exerts immunomodulatory effects. It has effect in metabolic and circulatory disorders of the central nervous system that have arisen during the preparation in the midlands. Application - 80 mg / m in / day for about 2 weeks, or 1-2 tablets of 200 mg three times a day for 2 to 6 weeks.

Olyphenum (Hypoxen) is antihypoxant improving hypoxia tolerance by increasing the rate of oxygen consumption by mitochondria and improve contingency oxidative phosphorylation. Olyphen helps raise the body to a certain base level. Olyphen (Hypoxen) is being direct acting drug, can provide oxygen for any cell to small molecular size. In this regard, it may be applied in all types of hypoxia. This is the most powerful antihypoxant used in sports.

Perhaps application of Hypoxen for the liquidation of emergency oxygen debt after the finish in the shortest distance, ie, after working in the glycolytic mode. Also, when a longer work to increase resistance to oxygen deficiency. It is used in the form of tablets of 0.5 g (recommended rate - 10-50 tablets), as well as beverages with Olyphen (Hypoxen).

Cytochrome C is an enzyme preparation derived from bovine tissue heart. Hemoprotein that participates in the processes of tissue respiration, cell respiration is a catalyst. Iron contained in the Cytochrome c, reversibly changes from the oxidized form to the reduced, and therefore the use of the drug accelerates the oxidation processes. Since this animal substance consisting of large molecules, it is deprived of the possibility to penetrate into every cell. In applying the drug may allergic manifestations in predisposed to them.

Sodium Oxybutirate is an antihypoxic properties are associated with the ability to activate the oxygen-free oxidation of energy substrates and reduce the body's need for oxygen. Sodium Oxybutirate itself able to split with the formation of the energy stored in the form of ATP. Furthermore, when administered continuously increases blood growth hormone, and cortisol, significantly reduced the content of lactic acid. Under the action of Sodium Oxybutirate mitochondria occurs hypertrophy of muscle fibers and increases the amount of glycogen in the muscles and liver. It has adaptogenic action and light anabolic. It has also antishock effect.

In connection with the sedative effects of the drug should not be used during the day for those who need fast psychophysical response. Used as a 5% syrup for oral solution or 20% for introduction into the vein or muscle. Do not use during shooting competition.


Pharmacy Pharmacology for amateurs: a review of drugs. Part 2

20 Oct 2016

3. Antioxidants

Antioxidants such as:

  • Riboxinum (applied on 2 tab. 3 r / d.)
  • Succinic acid (daily dose 2-4 gr.)
  • Vitamin E,
restore muscle after heavy physical exertion, improving the redox processes and eliminating accumulated in the course of the radicals that damage cells.

4. Preparations of energy action

Of the funds, increasing the energy potential of the cells was the most popular is Mildronate. It was Meldonium that made so much noise in the modern wars of doping. Mildronate increases the energy potential of the cells due to the stimulation of oxygen transport into mitochondria.

Should take Mildronate 15 - 20 mg per 1 kg of body weight once a day, preferably 30 minutes before training. Recommended application rates - is from 6 weeks to 3 months. Then you must be sure to take a break in the reception, in order to the drug has not developed a resistance.

Trimetazidine in its properties very similar to the popular drug Mildronate. It helps to increase oxygen capacity of the cells, improves intracellular energy, and prevents the action of free radicals and increases resistance to physical stress. Sodium adenosine triphosphate. Applied by intramuscular injection, also increases the energy potential of the cell.

5. Psycho-stimulants

Of the drugs that stimulate the central nervous system is best known Phenotropil and Nootropil (Piracetam). It improves nervous transmission between brain cells, enhancing their potential neurophysiological features. The drug has a tonic effect, and improves performance. It affects the metabolism of certain amino acids (alanine, aspartic acid, leucine, proline), macro-energy phosphates.

6. Vitamin and mineral complexes

Do not forget about vitamins. Increased physical activity required to increase their content in the daily diet. Although they do not affect directly on muscle growth, but vitamins are co-enzymes, ie substances that are absolutely involved in all processes of the body. With regard to dosage - is also fairly debatable and controversial issue. Personally, I recommend to my clients to use vitamin complexes for athletes. Dosages of active substances there is significantly more than in pharmaceutical equivalents.

That's basically all the things I want to talk in this review. But the market for pharmaceutical products is constantly expanding, so it is possible to be a continuation of this article. So good luck to you in sports and new achievements.


Pharmacy Pharmacology for amateurs: a review of drugs. Part 1

20 Oct 2016

To date, the fitness industry and the cult of beautiful bodies are becoming increasingly popular around the world. People are looking for any methods to build an ideal figure. Often, many of them at risk, using illegal drugs. In this publication, we will hold a brief digression on the drug, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, and which are relatively safe to use, even for novice athletes.

Conventionally, they can be distinguished into the following groups:

  • Herbal adaptogens
  • Anabolizators (Anabolic Drugs)
  • Antioxidants
  • Preparations energy action
  • stimulants
  • Vitamin and mineral supplements

  • 1.Herbal adaptogens

The most common adaptogens used in sports:

  • Ginseng tincture
  • Eleutherococcus
  • Rhodiola extract
  • Extract Leuzea
By participating in metabolic processes, they increase the efficiency of the organism, making it more resistant to long-term physical and psycho-emotional stress. It is true effect is realized at dosages much more recommended. Because ginseng root drink 25-30 drops 3 r / day, after meals, tincture Eleutherococcus - 1 tsp 2 p / day. In addition, they improve liver function and myocardial increase body protein synthesis to stimulate repair and regeneration processes, as well as increase the oxygen potential of the erythrocytes.

It should be noticed that anabolic action of Herbal adaptogens realize only against the background of the effect the training, so they should be used when appropriate of Physical loads. These drugs have mild psychoactive effect. Therefore, they should not be used for people suffering from sleep disorders, high blood pressure and tachycardia.

  • 2.Anabolizators (Anabolic drugs)

Anabolic drugs or anabolizators increase the rate of metabolic processes in the body by stimulating protein synthesis by cells.

Glutamic acid is involved in the processes of nitrogen metabolism and neutralization of ammonia addition, it has a positive effect on the central nervous system function (take 2 tablets. 2 r / d after a meal).
Methionine, an essential amino acid being, stimulates the action of sex hormones, vitamins B12, C, folic acid (2 tab. 2 r / d.).

Orotic acid or potassium orotate is a stimulator of protein synthesis in cells.

Safinor - combined preparation containing Riboxinum, potassium orotate, Saparal, floverin. It stimulates protein and energy exchanges, has the properties of the body to adapt to high physical loads on 2 tab. 2 r / d).

Carnitine (carnitine hydrochloride). Better known in sports circles as a fat burner. But in addition, he is involved in anabolic processes by increasing fat metabolism and increase energy production cells. In the body it is synthesized by the liver from methionine and lysine in the presence of vitamins C, B6 and PP, as well as iron. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Ecdysterone. The structure is a steroid drug of vegetable origin. This is one of the most effective means permitted for use. It derived from herbs and roots of the plants.

Ecdysterone has a strong, tonic and mild anabolic effect. According to molecular mechanisms of action similar to ecdysterone anabolic steroids (associated with the recipes on the membranes of the muscle cells is transferred cytoplasmic receptors in the cell nucleus where it regulates the synthesis of nucleic acids, in turn, control the biosynthesis of protein), although much inferior to them in efficient to.


Igtropin: efficacy, dosage, side effects

20 Oct 2016

Igtropin is a modified insulin-like factor, which is also referred to as Long R3 IGF-1. This tool is very popular among athletes of heavy sports, because it has a high fat-combustion effect and helps to increase quality muscle mass.

Igtropin significantly improves power performance has been confirmed in clinical trials. Upon receiving this drug significantly increases physical performance, so it is necessary to draw up a training regimen, not to injure your muscles too much load and avoid sprains. Efficiency of Igtropin can be compared with the efficiency of natural growth hormone. Also an advantage is that the drug has beneficial effects on the immune system, helps to strengthen the body during exercise, and speeds up the recovery process after heavy loads.


Many athletes used Igtropin aware solos to increase muscle. Currently much more popular method of applying Igtropin combined in various courses (with Meldonium or Actovegin), since this technique greatly increases the muscles, improves power performance and immunity.

Igtropin and its interaction with Growth Hormone (GH)

Natural growth hormone has a short period of activity, and the activity of Igtropin greatly exceeds this figure. But as he still is not great, many recommend to carry out its welcome in combination with insulin. However, this may not be the best solution, as the duration of exposure at such a reception is less than when using with steroidal agents. Frequent injections will not increase the duration of activity of the drug, since it was found that 4 doses of 25 mg did not enhance the desired result, but rather reduce the activity of Igtropin.

However, this problem has been solved by growth hormone. With a combined use of GR and Igtropin can increase the activity of the drug, making it more efficient. But the dosage of these two funds should be strictly defined. The optimal dose is a combination 50mkg of Igtropin and 5 ME of Growth Hormone. When data exceeding the dosage means may have adverse side effects. Those who want to increase the impact of the combination of these hormones can be recommended to take Igtropin 4 times a day, and the last injection has to be combined with growth hormone.

There are those who are skeptical and believe that the use of Igtropin in combination with Growth Hormone meaningless. Growth hormone when independent use in small doses will not help increase the muscles, and it works quite slowly, so the effect is visible, you can see only in 2-3 months. And when combined hormone effect is obvious after a few weeks.

How to take Igtropin

In many publications on medicine, wrote that growth hormone dosage of 17 to 25 ME of performance is 100 micrograms of Igtropin. Given this information, you can try yourself to calculate the daily dosage of the individual, but in reality the use of Igtropin more complicated process.

Igtropin minimum dosage that can positively impact on the body, is equal to 20 micrograms per day. The indicated dosage is unlikely to cause significant set of muscles, but other properties of the drug will be shown in full. The average dosage varies from 40 to 60 micrograms per day Igtropin. With this amount of dosage of its effectiveness and impact on the muscle mass will be more tangible. The use of such dose will help increase muscle mass, strength and performance will not lead to the emergence of negative manifestations. Just show itself and the drug as an effective fat burner. The maximum dosage should not exceed 120 micrograms per day.

The duration of Igtropin averages from 30 to 40 days, after which a pause is required, the duration of a month. A more long-term use and excess of allowable dosages side effects may occur that adversely affect health.

Another important issue is application Igtropin method of breeding. For the solution can be used germicidal water, since it is the most profitable option. You can use the water for injections and physical. solution. All of this can be found at your local pharmacy.

Possible side effects

The main problem when using Igtropin phenomenon is that increases the speed of the body's cells, including cancer. That is, if we use this tool for a very long time, it will increase not only muscle mass, but any tumor. Therefore, the use of this drug is not recommended to persons with oncological nature of the problem. Igtropin may contribute to the progression of diabetes, but only among those who are predisposed to it at the genetic level.

Minor side effects of the drug are not a big problem. Igtropin can cause nausea, fatigue and weakness.


Turinabol - Frequently Asked Questions 3

20 Oct 2016

Q. Please tell me there are Sustanon and Stanozolol tablets. How best to use these drugs?

A. You can take them together. Sustanon – 500mg in a week, Stanozol – 50 mg per day.

Q. I want to use Turinabol (solo) for the first year just do not know what dosage and what to pip?, some say that it is not necessary at all because the testosterone itself will be back to normal. About Myself: 2 years experience of 18 years, height 186, weight 70kg.

A. For me Turinabol should not be used till 25. I would advise you add some Meldonium to heart support and Penotropil for brain activity.

Q. I decided to "clean up" the liver using Essentiale forte N, whether it is compatible with Turinabol ?

A. Yes, it makes sense to take Essentiale, than Turinabol.

Q. I'm interested in food when taking Turinabol and whether to use sports nutrition or not?

A. food as usual, nothing special. sports nutrition to your liking.

Q. Tell me how to make Turinabol, before or after meals? I understand, because of its toxicity - better after eating? On one site even claimed that half an hour after eating.

A. Do not worry about the toxicity, I drank Turinabol, and before and after, and on an empty stomach, and not notice any difference.

Q. I decided to make a course of anabolic steroids for the first time. Familiar lifter brought me Turinabol 100 tablets of 10, and a pharmacy Testosterone Propionate 10 vials. The question is not whether these doses are too small? Net weight 101 kg. Height 186

A. You need more Testosterone Propionate, but Turinabol would be enough

Q. And does it make sense to drink Turinabol to 30 mg per day? Or is it too little dosage

A. There is no sense in 30mg Turinabol. You need to add some injections of Testosterone.

Someone from the Hong Kong - just purchased the goods:
Suprefort intensive course 180 capsules