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Afobazol – Did not expect of such effect!

26 Oct 2016

Attention! Before application of drugs, consult with a specialist!

Advantages: No addiction

From 15 years I suffer from high blood pressure, tachycardia, and panic attacks ... passed many inspections, taking a lot of drugs ... I am now 29 years old, constantly panic attacks, breathlessness and dizziness ...

Advised to drink Afabazol and Piracetam. Several days later, the state has improved many times.

I became less nervous and almost no attacks.

The only notice that the pressure greatly reduced ... right up to 90/50 or 80/45 at the moment ... probably to take one of the drugs. I would consult with a doctor ...

Thank you for your attention, do not be ill.


Afobazol – good drug

26 Oct 2016

Advantages: Effective

We live in a world full of stress and anxiety. Anxiety and feelings accompany us through life. The drug is not a sedative, its action is aimed at preventing stress, reduce or eliminate anxiety, restlessness and irritability. Also Afobazol protects nerve cells from damage. It does not cause sleepiness and negative effect on driving is very convenient.

The maximal effect of the drug can only be achieved for the fifth-seventh day of treatment. It is also very important that the drug does not cause addiction.

I took a course of four weeks, I began to sleep much better, and worry about the family is much smaller.

Contraindications are carefully read the instructions for use and do not forget to consult your doctor.

Drug is good, I recommend.

Take care of your nerves.


Afobazol – It helps to relax and calm down

26 Oct 2016

Advantages: It relaxes and soothes, available without prescription

Disadvantages: Individual intolerance of the drug

After a long break returned to work. At work, the problem began to get nervous. I decided to try Afobazol. 60 tablets in a package of small size, so that they are easy to take. They need to drink on 1 tablet 3 times a day, is available without a prescription. The taste is not very pleasant, but not really nasty. After taking this drug on the second day began to feel more relaxed and confident, for nothing is not annoying. At night I began to sleep well, without the need to not wake up.


Afobazol – Helps with nervousness, depression and irritability

26 Oct 2016

Advantages: it helped get rid of nervousness, anxiety, not addictive

Life can not be without the stress and nerves. Especially if the person is emotional. I am married, have a child 1.5 years. My husband is constantly on business trips. I am alone with no family and few friends who could help, I live alone with a child. This is a great stress, to feel a responsibility for the child. It is necessary to keep up with everything and watch out for my daughter and myself and have time to go out and do all the household chores. A child at this age, he always wants to climb, throw something, take, put in your mouth. I have a constant feeling of fear for the child. I started to take it out on a shout. I was advised to drug Afobazol.

It is used to treat

  • anxiety;
  • Fear;
  • Irritability;
  • nervous irritability;
  • Sleep disturbances.

I almost stopped feeling irritation. There is not a sleepy, that's all right with the coordination of movements, the head does not hurt. Sleep would not say that became better, but on sleep, and I did not complain.

If I start to get irritated again, then I forgot to take a pill in the morning. This drug helped me, and if someone has a similar problem, you can use it.

Attention! Before application of drugs, consult with a specialist!


Local irritative effects

26 Oct 2016

Warm paste is medicines for external application most of which often use for anesthesia. They increase a blood-groove in fabrics, eliminate hypostasis and reduce pain. For this reason these means are effective in case of various inflammatory diseases to which miozita, radiculitises, neuritis, problems with sheaves, sinews and joints belong.

The warming ointments are used also in case of injuries. However there is one nuance. The matter is that at once after damage of fabric it is necessary to cool. It becomes by means of cold compresses or ordinary water. Then the zone of possible damage decreases. And only in several days after an injury it is possible to apply the warming funds on a sore point. Read in more detail: treatment of sports injuries.

Many apply the warming ointments to treatment of cellulitis and weight loss, however efficiency of this approach doesn't find confirmation in researches and medical literature.


The warming ointments aren't recommended to be rubbed because it can lead to additional damage. Just it is necessary to put an agent for a skin and to wait until it is absorbed. Only in this case ointment will accelerate convalescence. If to use similar drugs right after a trauma, then they won't bring any benefit. It is more than that – various complications are probable.

On the contrary, for prophylaxis of injuries before a training ointment needs to be rubbed. It best of all helps at an appreciable exercise stress when continuous and complex duty is necessary to a musculoskeletal system. For example, competitions or just occupations in the gym. Many athletes perfectly know how muscles after the training strongly hurt. To prevent it, it is necessary not only to warm up well, but also to rub the warming ointments in muscles. Considering subtleties of use of these agents, before their use it is necessary to study the summary. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.


Earlier as the warming agents Sinapismuses and turpentine widely were used. Turpentine still is a part of some ointments. But recently Linimentums on the basis of a capsaicine began to be applied widely. This burning substance which is a part of siliculose pepper. Also quite often the structure contains beekeeping products, anti-inflammatory drugs, menthol, formic alcohol, etc.


Analgos is the warming ointment for external application. Has anesthetic effect. Active agent - propilnikotinat.


Apizartron - ointment with the characteristic memorable smell. Contains bee sting. Under the influence of drug the metabolism is activated, an elastance of a connecting tissue and muscles increases, the tonus of muscles goes down, the local blood stream improves and pain decreases. The effect develops in a few minutes after drawing.


Drug is shown at a bursitis, a miositis, a radiculitis, bruises, neuralgia, etc. To apply on a healthy place and 2-3 g of ointment are rubbed. Then massage which it is necessary to repeat 1-3 times a day becomes. For check of sensitivity to drug begin with 1 g. If you well transfer this dose, then can enlarge it to 2-3 g.

Ben-gay is applied as anesthetic at muscular pains, and also to removal of fatigue after the sports training.


Bystrumgel is effective at an inflammation or traumatic lesions of joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles (arthritis, a periarthritis, a bursitis, bruises, damages of ligaments, dislocations, injuries of a meniscus of a knee, a lumbago).


Venoruton-gel is appointed at sharp injuries, bruises, thrombophlebitis, hypostases. Has the anesthetizing effect, removes stress in muscles, cools.


Gel 2 times a day (as a rule, inflict on area defeats in the morning and in the evening), softly rubbing before full absorption. In need of Venoruton gel can be applied under bandage or elastic stockings. The supporting dose - 1 time a day for the night. It isn't necessary to carry out thermal procedures!

Voltarenum Emulgel with diclofenac active ingredient is shown at arthroses, lesions the sinovialnykh of covers and tendons, illnesses of the soft tissues bound to a load, an overload and pressure. It is applied at a rheumatic disease, dislocations, stretching and damage of device of joints.

Voltarenum Emulgel

Diclofenac (analogs — Ortofen, Diklak, Voltaren) is produced in the form of ointment and 1% of gel. It is used at a lumbago, inflammatory diseases of joints, has febrifugal effect.


Kapsikam is the popular warming and antiinflammatory ointment which antiagregantny agent, camphor, turpentine, and a dimethylsulfoxide (Dimexidum). Differs in long local irritative action till 12 o'clock.


Menovazin represents liquid for grinding. Contains menthol, novocaine, benzocaine and ethyl alcohol. These components reduce pain.


Nicoflex — sports cream which contains such active agents as etilgenlikol-salycylate, lavender oil. It is applied at bruises, muscle pains, spasms, etc. He can be used at massage. White color and specific (insignificant) smell.


Comfrey (Okopnik) - gel with extract of a plant of a comfrey renders the anesthetizing and distracting effects. Active components of drug softly stimulate the nervous terminations, improve a circulation. The warming effect provides decrease of a pain syndrome in the affected joints and muscles, improves restoration and promotes relaxation of a musculation.

It is quickly absorbed, without leaving fat marks. Is suitable for any type of a skin. Also the Comfrey is issued in the form of cream.

Comfrey (Okopnik)

Structure. The allantoin – has antiinflammatory effect, softens a pain syndrome, stimulates neogenesis. Tannina, being a part of drug, accelerate processes of an adhesion of ulcerative and wound lesions. A tocopherol the acetate (vitamin E) is characterized by antioxidatic property. Olerezin has the warming effect.

Troxevasinum gel includes active agents, possesses the antiinflammatory and anesthetizing action. It is applied at the edemas, pains caused by a venous failure, a posttraumatic syndrome. It is effective at treatment of stretchings and bruises.

Troxevasinum gel

Fastum gel is applied at morbid, inflammatory or traumatic lesions of joints, tendons, ligaments or muscles, and also at inflammations of tendons, a bursitis, bruises, injuries of joints with stretching or a rupture of ligaments, dislocations.

Fastum gel

Finalgon contains nivinamed and nikoboksit which have the vasodilating properties supplementing each other, cause a dermahemia, enlarge rate of enzymatic reactions, activate a metabolism.


Nonivamid is a synthetic analog of a capsaicine and has analgeziruyushchy properties which are shown as a result of gradual penetration of active agent into peripheric notsitseptivny C-fibers and the A-delta nervous fibers at repeated putting drug on a skin. Nonivamid has vasodilating effect which is followed by an intensive, long caumesthesia, due to stimulation of the afferent nervous terminations in a skin.

Nikoboksil is derivative the nicotinic acid having vasodilating properties with the participation of Prostaglandinums of I2 and E2. The hyperemic effect of a nikoboksil (a butoksietilovy Aether of nicotinic acid) develops quicker and has larger intensity, than hyperemic effect of a nonivamid.

Espol possesses the expressed anesthetizing action. Renders the distracting effect: after putting gel skin is warmed, there is a feeling of heat and heat that automatically distracts from pain. Espol it is possible to use in case of treatment of bruises and dislocations, consequences of changes and even gaps of muscles. This warming ointment is issued by several producers and has different registrations of packagings.


Efkamon includes camphor, oil clove and eucalyptus, menthol, methyl salicylate and other components. Ointment has analgesic effect. It is applied in case of a miozita, radiculitis, bruises, λώμαΰγξ, etc. It is used together with massage.


Emspoma is applied as anesthetic at muscular pains, and also to putting off of fatigue after the sports training. It is used for preparation of muscles before an exercise stress, for prophylaxis of injuries, and also during the rehabilitational period.


Further we will pass to such agents of restoration as massage, self-massage, a sauna. They not only help to recover from injuries, but also maintain the general working capacity, strengthen immunity.


Isotonic drinks

25 Oct 2016

It is considered that isotonic drinks promote maintenance of optimum balance of liquid in an organism and in the best way compensate losses of electrolytes.

Concept about isotonic liquid

In medicine isotonic, or isosmotic, call the liquid having osmotic pressure same as at blood plasma. The phenomenon of an osmosis consists in the following: if to separate a permeable membrane two water solutions with different composition, i.e. to create a substance concentration gradient on a diaphragm, water will pass from one camera into another at the expense of a difference of osmotic pressure. The similar phenomenon takes place in an organism where the role of baffles is executed by cellular diaphragms. Liquids, plasma, don't change osmotic pressure of blood — therefore, don't cause change of concentration of electrolytes. This their property is used in case of manufacture of different medical supplies. For example, in case of intravenous administration apply isotonic solution of chloride sodium (0,92%) to diluting of drugs. Glucose solution with concentration of 4,5% also plasma.

What relation it has to sport? The matter is that in case of the raised loading the organism loses the significant amount of liquid. Urine and sweat, i.e. osmotic pressure of these liquids are less, than plasmas. And still with them, in addition to water, a quantity of salts leaves. As a result of insufficient water inflow concentration of the substances dissolved in plasma increases that negatively influences the course of the processes connected to blood. Increase in viscosity of blood overloads cardiovascular system. Gas exchange in capillaries worsens. Outflow of water from cells begins that hinders course in them different biochemical responses. Loss already leads 2 — 3% of water in comparison with a norm to sharp lowering of working capacity. Intensive sweating, besides, breaks balance of electrolytes.

In principle consumption of isotonic liquid has to be more useful, than pure drink, for several reasons. First of all the isotonic liquid coming to an organism theoretically supports constant composition of blood and at the same time makes up for losses of electrolytes with then and urine (if she contains salts of sodium and potassium). In addition, she to a lesser extent makes active the diuresis mechanism, i.e. doesn't speed up an urination. However it only in the theory...

Walls of cages — not just a membrane. In them active processes of transfer of various substances, including against a gradient proceed (from area with smaller concentration of molecules of substance to the area with their bigger concentration). Transfer of ions of sodium, potassium and calcium by means of the so-called ionic pump is most studied. Kidneys detain a part of the substances dissolved in plasma and send them back to blood. Absorption of liquids in intestines also doesn't submit to simple regularities of osmosis.

Besides the izotonichnost can achieve in the different ways. Osmotic pressure depends both on concentration, and on the molecular mass of the dissolved substance. 0,92% solutions of chloride sodium and 4,5% solution of glucose mentioned above are suitable for intravenous administration of drugs because in this case we deal with local change of volume of blood which will be liquidated (due to absorption) through a short period. However so far as concerns long regulation of liquid exchange within all organism, and volumes of the entered and removed liquid make up to several liters a day, it is necessary to consider also balance of salts. The solution containing only maltodextrin can be izotonichny, but he won't provide completion of losses of electrolytes and won't absolutely correctly affect a diuresis while water with salts will slow down washing away of electrolytes from an organism a little. Therefore, careful selection of structure is necessary that (you learn about it further) is carried out not always. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

It is necessary to consider that optimum absorption of water is characteristic of hypotonic liquids, and isotonics are soaked up rather slowly. Therefore, not "fast completion of losses" as authors of advertizing brochures declare, and slow and constant takes place.

Structure of isotonic drinks

The isotonic drinks existing now contain a quantity of salts (sodium, potassium, magnesium), glucose polymers (dextrins, maltodextrins). As a rule, concentration of carbohydrates in them is close to 4,5%. Besides, in commercial drinks there are salts of magnesium, potassium and other minerals, vitamins; sometimes at them there are various dietary supplements, and also fragrances and flavoring substances.

Despite statements of producers for "balance of structure", these drinks not always really meet requirements of an organism. The greatest complaints are caused by availability in some of them of such sweeteners as to atsesulfa and saccharin. These substances are similar on the chemical composition, have identical unpleasant smack and are suspected of carcinogenicity. Nevertheless they continue to be used — because of low cost.

Any drink with atsesulfamy or saccharin can't be recommended for the fixed use!

Presence of glucose can be useful if drink is used for cost recovery of a glycogen; however in this case the amount of sugars containing in it aren't enough. Besides glucose has a high glycemic index and consequently, causes sharp "peak" of insulin. Drinks with dextrins, however are more suitable for this purpose and they can't provide enough carbohydrates, i.e. lose in comparison with hyper osmotic carbohydrate drinks. Often as sweetener fructose which is more sweet than regular sugar is used and has a smaller glycemic index, but some people, alas, don't transfer it.

Also side effects — for example, gastrointestinal frustration are possible. A lot of things depend on careful matching of structure of drink, and individual reaction of an organism. For example, caffeine-diuretic (and consequently, even isotonic kofeinsoderzhashchy drink) strengthens a diuresis; besides this substance irritates stomach walls. The intolerance of some dextrins accompanied with a diarrhea is observed. Too sour drink will cause violations of work of a stomach in people with the increased acidity (lemon acid is a part of many sports drinks).

The main objective of isotonics — to provide uniform supply of an organism with liquid. Against the background of acceptance of vitamin and mineral complexes they have no advantages as sources of vitamins and minerals. However they can become an additional source of carbohydrates, without replacing more traditional — firm food and proteinaceous and carbohydrate cocktails.

Unfortunately, not all producers completely open structure of a product, however in drinks of different firms many components are identical.

Multipower (Germany)

Fit Aktiv. The isotonic refreshing drink. Contains glucose, maltodextrin, vitamins.

Release forms:

dry concentrate in cans on 400 g (on 10 l);

liquid concentrate in bottles of 500 ml (on 10 l).

Taste: a tropic, grapefruit, a peach with passion fruit, a lemon, cherry, red orange, apple, cold tea, mint.

Ready drink is produced in bottles on 0,5 and 1,5 l on which for convenience there are batchers.

Taste: grapefruit, cherry, tropical fruit.

It can be used as nutritious drink. It should be used after the training though it is possible also prior to it. (Data on influence of simple sugars on working capacity are contradictory. If they help you, you shouldn't refuse them).

Shortcoming: lack of mineral salts.

Fit Aktiv +L-carnitine

Concentrate for preparation of isotonic drink with lipotropny effect. Contains a carnitine, mineral substances, vitamins (groups B, C, E, PP, folic acid) and a dextrose.

Release forms:

powder in banks and packets on 500 g (on 10 l of drink); in one bank — 20 g of a carnitine; pineapple aroma;

liquid extract in bottles on 500 ml (on 10 l of drink); in one bottle — 20 g of a carnitine.

It is suitable for acceleration of combustion of fat in the period of a strict diet. The use should be limited not to exceed a recommended daily dose of a carnitine.

Shortcomings, lack of a product, ready to use; need of dilution — besides that packaging of a concentrate is expected large volume.


Isotonic. Contains monohydrate of creatine, glucose, fructose, maltodextrin, magnesium and B1 vitamin.

Release form:

powder in banks on 500 g (on 10 l); in one bank — 50 g of creatine; lemon aroma.

It can be used during intense trainings for strengthening of "volyumization" of muscle cells; i.e. inflow of liquid to them. The creatine combination to the carbohydrates having various glycemic indexes does this drink by good means of completion of losses of carbohydrates after the long training on endurance. You shouldn't use a day more than 1 l of drink (5 g of creatine are equivalent) because of possible problems with kidneys. For additional "loading" use creatine in capsules — it will cost a little cheaper.

Advantages: availability of creatine and number of mineral substances.

Preparation Nedostatki:trudnost; creatine in solution can collapse in case of storage.

Red Kick

The stimulating drink. Contains guarana extract, caffeine; minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium); vitamins (groups B, C, E, PP, folic acid, beta carotene); maltodextrin and dextrose.

Release forms:

liquid concentrate in bottles on 330 ml;

powder in banks and packets on 500 g (on 10 l of drink).

Taste: wild strawberry, red orange.

It is recommended for removal of exhaustion, increase in working capacity.

Be careful: the combination of net pharmaceutical caffeine with "natural" (from a guarana) is very effective, and in case of overdose there can be problems connected with excitement.

Advantages availability of the stimulating effect; presence I am glad vitamins and minerals.

Shortcomings: lack of drink in finished form.

Inkospor (Germany)

Kingstar Grapefruit-Lemon

Isotonic drink with fruit juice (not less than 6%). In 100 ml contains: 18 kcal; protein (less than 0,1 g); carbohydrates (4,2 g); fats (less than 0,1 g); vitamin C (9 mg); RR vitamin (2,7 mg); vitamin E (1,5 mg); pantothenic acid (0,9 mg); B6 vitamin (0,3 mg); B2 vitamin (0,24 mg); Bj vitamin (0,21 mg); M (30 mkg); N (0,023 mg); B12 vitamin (0,15 mkg).

Packings on 330 ml.

Sweeteners: atsesulfa. Contains fructose, citric acid, potassium citrate, magnesium carbonate, natural fragrances.

Because of the maintenance of an atsesulfam and a tsiklamat you shouldn't recommend this drink for the daily use. For the rest structure quite average.

Optimum Nutrition Thermo Xelerator (USA)

On structure the hypertensive person though in case of dilution by water (in the ratio), almost isotonic drink turns out 1:2.

Packaging form: bottles on 454 ml. Contains: 160 kcal, carbohydrates (40 g), guarana extract (1000 mg), ginger extract (100 mg), carnitine (100 mg), pepper (extract?) (50 g), pikolinat it is lame (200 mkg); and also fructose, sorbate of potassium and benzoate of sodium.

Aroma: strawberry and punch. Fragrances — natural and artificial.

Energy drink. It can be used for increase in a tone before a training. Due to content of biologically active agents from ginger and pepper, and also caffeine (guaran) possesses strong thermogene action. Need of dilution is caused by high concentration of active components.

Advantages: availability of thermogene substances and caffeine, vitamins.

Shortcoming: purely too concentrated.

Isotonic drink of own production

Using the concentrates for preparation of drinks containing carbohydrates and mineral salts you can make isotonic drinks independently. Main requirement: concentration of carbohydrates shall be within 4,4 — 4,6%.

It is also possible to receive isotonic from regular food raw materials. For example, compotes on structure can be izotonichna (you will find exact calculation in recipe-books).

Thus, isotonic drinks aren't "means for all occasions" and shall be used with particular purposes (it is impossible to drink them as water!), taking into account content in them various components. The basic need in liquid needs to be satisfied at the expense of mineral water, liquid dairy products and juice.

Natural isotonics

Natural isotonics, the best of which coconut water is considered, are especially distinguished from isotonic drinks. In fact, it is natural juice of young coconut. The value of coconut water as isotonic is caused by its electrolytic balance, close on structure to blood plasma. It is necessary to mention that some time ago coconut water was used for completion of amount of blood to seriously injured fighters during wars.

Thanks to it and other properties coconut water became widespread isotonic and fitness drink in the USA and Europe.

Except isotonic properties coconut water possesses still a number of useful characteristics: low caloric content, 0% of fat and cholesterol, without sugar addition, the high content of potassium, contributes to normalization of weight and weight loss (thanks to content of laurinovy acid).



25 Oct 2016

The first well studied aktoprotektor — bemitil (2 ethylthiobenzimidazoles hydrobromide) — derivative benzimidazole. It is widespread in Ukraine under trademark of Antikhot from Power MAX. Antikhot active ingredient was result of the scientific research conducted in Army medical college (Leningrad) on search of the connections increasing intellectual and physical working capacity.


In recent years tens of aktoprotektor were synthesized. All of them can be divided into two big groups: benzimidazole derivatives (bemitil) and derivatives of an adamantan (bromantane). From these medicines in Ukraine it is registered only bemitit, and generally entered clinical practice so far only bemitit also bromantane (the last was forbidden as doping medicine recently). Within this chapter we will consider only benzimidazole derivatives on the example of a bemitil.

Bemitil is issued in tablets on 100 mg and is appointed from 2 to 4 tablets a day. Anti-jotas contains 200 mg of active agent and 200 mg of fructose in each tablet. As medicine possesses a capability to accumulate in an organism, it is possible to accept it no more than 6 days in a row then do a three-day break. In case of repeated acceptances positive action of a bemitil amplifies within several days, and then the surplus of working capacity is steadily supported at the reached level all term of use of medicine. Bemitil (anti-jotas) significantly increases general endurance and body weight. Its action of subjects is stronger, than physical activity is higher. Increase in working capacity under the influence of a bemitil can reach 200%, especially in the conditions of a lack of oxygen. Medicine increases resistance to high temperatures what received the trade name Anti from - against, Hot - a heat.

The mechanism of action of a bemitil activation of synthesis of protein, to be exact is the cornerstone of RNA that reminds basic mechanisms of action of anabolic means (therefore aktoprotektor and are considered among the permitted anabolic medicines). RNA synthesis strengthening bemitil results probably from interaction of medicine with a genome thanks to a certain structural similarity of derivatives of benzimidazole to the purin bases of nucleinic acids — adenine and a guanine. Bemitil isn't, obviously, primary activator of specific genes, and only nonspecific by means of the unknown so far of the mechanism strengthens the reactions of synthesis of RNA which are naturally proceeding at present in various fabrics. It is confirmed by strengthening of processes of synthesis of protein only in those bodies which actively function during presence of medicine at an organism and in which such processes happen intensively. Among the proteins which are actively formed under the influence of bemitil the greatest value has a number of short-lived proteins, in particular gluconeogenesis enzymes. On modern representations, such proteins can play a key role in adaptation processes — disadaptations: their first fast synthesis causes development of initial signs of adaptation, and the earliest decrease in content serves as a starting link in fabrics the shifts.

Bemitil, being benzimidazole derivatives, has structural similarity to the purinovy bases that allows it to make active a cage genome, to strengthen synthesis of RNA and proteins-enzymes (in particular, enzymes of gluconeogenesis and mitochondrial oxidation) therefore in a cage power products, utilization of exchange "slags" and antioxidant protection raise (formation of hydroperoxides of lipids, the diyenovykh of conjugates, etc. decreases).

Glyukoneogenez passing in the basic in a liver and bark of kidneys represents resynthesis of carbohydrates from products of their disintegration (a lactate and a piruvat), and also from some amino acids (first of all, an alanin and a glutamine) and a glitserola. In case of physical activity the role of gluconeogenesis consists also in utilization of the produced lactic acid — one of the main factors reducing working capacity. This process is integrated also to a glyukozolaktatny cycle (Cory's cycle) and to a glyukozoalaninovy cycle. The last promotes neutralization and removal not only a lactate, but also nitrogenous products of disintegration (ammonia, etc.). Glyukoneogenez, thus, brings big, and often decisive contribution to maintenance of physical working capacity: during gluconeogenesis the metabolites which are formed in case of physical activities and negatively influencing working capacity (lactate) are utilized; very restricted stocks of carbohydrates in an organism which are obligatory are at the same time recovered, and in case of intensive muscular loadings — the main source of energy. Glyukoneogenez in close interface to a glyukozoalaninovy cycle and reactions of exchange of a glutamine performs also other functions important for working capacity maintenance (reduction of formation of a lactate and ammonia in muscles, utilization and removal from an organism of nitrogenous products of disintegration, removal of hydrogen ions). Gluconeogenesis activation bemitily is observed both during physical activities, and in renewal period. It also constitutes, according to numerous experimental data, the main link in the increase mechanism working capacity medicine.

Mechanism of a positive impact of a bemitil on intellectual and operator activities is studied less. Here too can have some value activation of synthesis of protein, but already in structures of nervous system. It is also revealed that Antikhot makes favorable impact on brain vessels. At last, increase in working capacity in case of the specified types of activity can be partly secondary, for example, after physical activities when it in a certain measure is a consequence of improvement of a functional condition of an organism in case of loadings and after them under the influence of bemitil.

To important components of the mechanism of action bemitit decrease in need of an organism for oxygen and heat production reduction belong. Thin mechanisms of these effects aren't opened yet. There are data on suppression by medicine of some ways of free nefosforiliruyushchy oxidation, and also about maintenance of mitochondrions in more integrated condition, especially in case of the impacts on an organism (in particular, heavy physical activities) leading to dissociation of oxidation and phosphorylation. Such effect is connected probably with protective influence of a bemitil on structure of mitochondrions which, in turn, can partially be a consequence of strengthening of synthesis of components of mitochondrial membranes. Protective effect of medicine on membranes is shown sometimes and suppression of processes the FLOOR, i.e. a certain antioxidant effect. All listed links of the mechanism of action causing oxygen consumption reduction by an organism and formations of warmth explain outstanding performance of a bemitil as means of increase in working capacity in the conditions of a hypoxia and high temperature of the environment.

Direct anabolic action of a bemitil on muscular tissue is expressed poorly, however medicine possesses the strong mediated action as allows to increase sharply loadings which give such effect. Under the influence of a bemitil content of a glycogen in muscles, a liver and heart increases. Efficiency of tissue respiration increases.

Bemitil, thus, is anabolic steroid of indirect action.

Besides, reducing Saccharum level in a blood a little, bemitit somewhat promotes rising of secretion of Somatotropinum. Aktoprotektora in general also bemitit in particular are bonds of ekonomiziruyushy action, promoting performance of a certain amount of works with the minimum expenses. They reduce rate of working disintegration of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time in a liver rate of synthesis of the short-lived proteins responsible for urgent adaptation of an organism is enlarged.

In medicine bemitil it is applied at a chronic hypoxia of a different parentage (especially by sports preparation, during high exercise stresses and other extreme influences, and also after them to acceleration of recovery processes), at a mental asthenia of any genesis, to aftertreatment of the patients who transferred an acute hepatitis (the mass of a liver is quicker restored, expression and duration of disturbances of its functions) or a radial illness, for treatment of neuromuscular diseases decreases (the progressing myodystrophy, secondary myopathies and so forth), vestibular disorders, an epilepsy (prescribe only in a complex with antiepileptic agents), a recurrent erysipilatous inflammation.

Thus, rather physiologic influence of a bemitil on an organism allows to use with success it in clinical practice for maintenance recovering, treatments of asthenias of various nature. At the same time thanks to activation of synthesis of protein drug can strengthen reparative processes in various organs that also accelerates maintenance. Such double medical effect is especially brightly shown at liver pathology (for example, during aftertreatment after a viral hepatitis) as this organ is characterized by the high potential of neogenesis, and reparative processes include restoration of one of key mechanisms of maintenance of working capacity here — normalization of system of a gluconeogenesis. Bemitil doesn't cause dangerous side effects, sometimes at reception irritant action on mucous digestive tract is on an empty stomach observed.

Results of testing demonstrate that bemitil is an effective remedy of increase in physical working capacity both in regular, and in extreme conditions. Effect of medicine is shown already in 1 — 1,5 h after single acceptance. By efficiency in usual conditions bemitil it is quite comparable to a psychomotor stimulator sidnokarby, at the same time its action is more physiologic; the negative effects peculiar to a sidnokarb — excitement with elements of euphoria, decrease in mental stability, excessive stimulation of functions of cardiovascular system aren't observed. In the complicated conditions (a hypoxemic hypoxia, threat of an overheat) bemitit exceeds not only on physiology of action, but also by efficiency: the positive impact of a sidnokarb in such conditions decreases by working capacity or is even transformed in negative, and the positive effect of a bemitil becomes more noticeable.

Bemitil, as it was already mentioned, can increase working capacity in case of intellectual and operator activities. These effects in general are less expressed in comparison with influence on physical working capacity, but too are shown more brightly in the complicated conditions.


Bemitil (anti-jotas) — original domestic medicine; has the psychostimulating effect, has anti-hypoxemic activity, increases resistance of an organism to a hypoxia and increases working capacity in case of physical activities. It is slowly soaked up in case of intake. Bemitil strengthens synthesis of antioxidant enzymes (a catalase, SOD). It possesses also immunostimulating and anti-mutagen action.

Anti-jotas appoint the adult in case of asthenic conditions, neurosises, after the postponed injuries and in case of other conditions in case of which stimulation of mental and physical functions is shown. There are data on the immunostimulating action of bemitil and, with respect thereto, its efficiency in complex therapy of some infectious diseases.

Indications to use

Shablon: spravochnik Povysheniye and maintenance, including in extreme conditions (serious loads, a hypoxia, an overheating, etc.); acceleration and consolidation of adaptation to influence of various extreme factors; asthenia (various nature): somatopathies, infections and intoxications, before - and the postoperative period; ChMT consequences, memory depression.

As an immunomodulator Bemitil it is possible to use at the secondary immunodeficiency accompanying acute and chronic bacterial and viral infections.


Hypersensitivity, hypoglycemia, the expressed abnormal liver functions, pregnancy, the lactemia period, epilepsy, arterial hypertension, glaucoma, ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias.

Side effects

Unpleasant feelings in a stomach and a liver, it is rare - nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions (a dermahemia of the person, a rhinitis, a headache). In these cases it is necessary to reduce a dose or to stop reception.


Symptoms is a hyperexcitability, disturbance of a night dream. Treatment: a gastric lavage, reception of absorbent carbon, if necessary - symptomatic therapy, it is necessary to reduce a dose or to stop administration of drug.

Course and doses

Inside, after food, on 0,25 g 2 times a day. If necessary the daily dose is enlarged to 0,75 g (0,5 g in the morning and 0,25 g after a lunch), to persons with the big body weight (over 80 kg) - to 1 g (on 0,5 g 2 times a day). A course of treatment - 5 days, a break between courses 2 days (in order to avoid a drug cumulation). The quantity of courses depends on medical effect and averages 2-3 (more rare than 1 or 4-6) a course. For rising of working capacity in extreme conditions accept in 40-60 min. prior to the forthcoming load in a dose 0,5-0,75 g. At further work - repeated reception in 6-8 hours in a dose of 0,25 g. The maximum daily dose shouldn't exceed 1,5 g, in the next days - 1 g. For maintenance of high level of working capacity for a long time (several weeks) and for activation of adaptic processes prescribe according to the scheme: 5-day courses of reception with 2-day breaks, in a dose of 0,25 g 2 times a day. At the expressed abnormal liver function (an acute viral hepatitis, a cirrhosis, toxic lesions of a liver) the dose is reduced.

Special indicatings

Don't accept in the evening (possibly backfilling disturbance). During treatment the diet rich with carbohydrates is recommended.

Medicinal interaction

Strengthens effects of HP of metabolic type of action - nootrop (Pyracetamum, etc.), antioxidants (an alpha tocopherol, etc.), antigipoksant (ςπθμεςΰηθδθν), nonsteroid anabolic HP (Riboxinum), an asparkam, glutaminic acid, vitamins, and also anti-anginal HP (Sodium nitritums, beta adrenoblockers). At use together with the HP reducing activity the mikrosomalnykh of enzymes of a liver (for example, Cimetidinum), rising of concentration of etiltio-benzimidazole in a blood is possible.



25 Oct 2016

Phenotropil (chemical - to 4-fenilpiratseta) - drug with nootropic action, in addition has psychogogic, anticonvulsant, anti-hypoxemic and anti-hypertensive properties. Possesses adaptogenny action at various models of a stress. Phenotropil warns an overload of higher nervous activity at information overloads in an experiment at the highest animals, normalizes a daily biorhythm of indicators of sympathoadrenal system. Represents chemically advanced formula of Pyracetamum.

Phenotropil in sport

Medicine possesses the obvious activating action owing to what it was entered in the list of the forbidden substances by the World anti-doping agency. So in 2006 the Russian biathlonist Olga Pyleva was disqualified for 2 years. In August, 2008 one more Russian athlete (obstacle race) Roman Usov is disqualified.

By experience of application in sport it is possible to tell with confidence that it is one of the few medicines which effect is really felt. For 2-3 day of acceptance there occurs noticeable increase in endurance, physical activity and power indicators. It is recommended to accept in 3-7 days prior to competitions, in a dose of 200-500 mg a day. In case of a set of muscle bulk it is undesirable as phenotropil moderately reduces appetite and promotes weight loss.

It is worth noticing that phenotropil it is extremely effective for increase in intellectual activity during preparation for examinations or other heavy cogitative activities. Considerably the need for a dream decreases, assimilation and information processing improves. For these purposes is accepted according to the instruction.


Pharmacological action

Nootropic medicine, possesses the expressed antiamnestichesky action, exerts the direct activating impact on integrative activities of a brain, promotes memory consolidation, improves concentration of attention and cerebration, facilitates training activity, increases information transmission rate between cerebral hemispheres, increases resistance of tissues of brain to a hypoxia and toxic influences. Possesses also anticonvulsive and anxiolytic action, regulates activation processes and braking of TsNS, improves mood. Exerts the positive impact on exchange processes and blood circulation of a brain, improves a regionarny blood-groove in ischemic sections of a brain, stimulates oxidation-reduction processes, increases energy potential of an organism due to the best utilization of glucose. Increases concentration of noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin in a brain, doesn't influence the maintenance of GAMK, doesn't communicate neither with GAMKA, nor with GAMKB receptors, doesn't exert noticeable impact on spontaneous bioelectric activity of a brain. Doesn't influence respiratory and cardiovascular systems, shows not expressed diuretichesky effect, has anoreksigenny activity in case of course application. Stimulating action of medicine is shown in ability to render the expressed effect concerning motive responses, in increase in physical working capacity, in the expressed antagonism to cataleptic action of neuroleptics, and also in loosening of expressiveness of somnolent effect of ethanol and a geksenal. Psychostimulating action prevails in the ideatorny sphere. Renders some analgeziruyushchy effect, raising a threshold of painful sensitivity. Adaptogenny action is shown in increase in resistance of an organism to a stress in the conditions of excessive mental and physical activities, in case of exhaustion, a gipokineziya and immobilization, at low temperatures. Against the background of reception of medicine it is marked increase in visual acuity, brightness and fields of vision. Improves blood supply of the lower extremities. Stimulates framing of antibodies in response to introduction of an anti-gene, in too time doesn't promote development of hypersensitivity of immediate type and doesn't change the allergic response of skin caused by introduction of alien protein. In case of course application medicinal dependence, tolerance, a syndrome of "canceling" doesn't develop. Action is shown already in case of reception of a one-fold dose. Doesn't possess teratogenny, mutagen, cancerogenic and embriotoksichesky action. Toxicity of medicine a low, lethal dose - 800 mg/kg.


The CNS diseases bound to vascular diseases and disturbances of metabolic processes in a brain, intoxication (including posttraumatic states, a chronic cerebrovascular failure), which are followed by deterioration the intellectual functions, depression of a physical activity. The neurotic states which are shown the flaccidity increased by an emaciation, depression of psychomotor activity, disturbance of attention, memory impairment. Training process disturbance. Depression mild and moderate severity. The psychoorganic syndromes which are shown intellectual disturbances and the apatiko-bulimic phenomena; states at schizophrenia. Convulsive syndrome. Obesity (nutritional and constitutional genesis). Prophylaxis of a hypoxia, rising of fastness to a stress, correction of a functional condition of an organism in extreme conditions of professional activity for the purpose of prophylaxis of development of a fatigue and rising of mental and physical working capacity, correction of a daily biorhythm, inversion of the cycle "dream wakefulness". An alcoholism (for the purpose of decrease of the phenomena of an asthenia, a depression, intellectual disturbances).


Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactemia period, children's care. A serious organic illness of a liver and kidneys, the serious course of arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, the panic attacks in the anamnesis, the acute psychotic states proceeding with psychomotor exaltation (risk of an exacerbation of alarm, panic, hallucinations and a delirium), allergic reactions to HP from group of a pirrolidon.

Side effects

Sleeplessness (in case of administration of drug 15 h are later). In the first 1-3 days: psychomotor exaltation, hyperemia of integuments, caumesthesia, Ad.Peredozirovk's rising. Treatment - symptomatic.

Route of administration and doses

Inside, right after food. An average single dose - 150 mg (100-250 mg), an average daily dose - 250 mg (200-300 mg), the maximum daily dose - 750 mg. The daily dose is divided into 2 receptions. Treatment duration - of 2 weeks up to 3 months. The average duration of treatment - 30 days. If necessary the repeated course in 1 month is possible. For working capacity rising - 100-200 mg once in the morning during 2 weeks (for athletes - 3 days). Nutritional and constitutional obesity: 100-200 mg once a day in the morning within 30-60 days.

Special indicatings

It isn't recommended to accept drug after 15 h. At excessive psychoemotional attrition against the background of a chronic stress and a fatigue, chronic sleeplessness, the single dose of drug in the first days can cause the sharp need for a dream therefore the patients who are on out-patient treatment are recommended to begin treatment in the days off.


Strengthens action of the HP stimulating a CNS, nootropic drugs and antidepressants.


Mildronate in sport

25 Oct 2016

Mildronate (meldonium) — the drug improving a metabolism and power supply of tissues is released according to the prescription. Drug was framed in the seventies the 20th century at Institute of organic synthesis of the Latvian SSR, professor Ivar Kalvinsh was engaged in development. Initially bond was patented as an agent for control of body height of plants and stimulation of body height of animals and poultry.

WADA considers mildronate as the metabolism modulator similar to insulin. The research published in December, 2015 in the Drug Testing and Analysis magazine claims that meldonium increases results of athletes, endurance, improves restoration after the performance, protects from a stress and increases functional activity of the central nervous system. At the same time the listed effects were confirmed, mainly, only by the Latvian scientists.

Since January 1, 2016 meldonium is added to the class S4 (Hormones and modulators of a metabolism) of the Forbidden list and forbidden to use during the competitive and out of competition period.

Mildronate, meldonium, mildronats, midlronat

Scandal will lock mildronate and dope

Mildronate was one of the main components of pharmacological support of domestic athletes. According to the French specialists mildronat has property to accumulate and remain in an organism up to 120 days.

In October, 2015 at the international level it was accepted the anti-doping commission it is decided to include medicine mildronate-meldonium in the list of monitoring. The decision on a prohibition came into force on January 1, 2016 whereas doping scandal ran high in March. 

In news information extends that mildronate got under a prohibition at the initiative of the Anti-doping agency of the USA (USADA). According to a source, the Anti-doping agency of the USA the beginning of a research of meldonium in 2014. And in the fall of the same year data on doping tests of athletes from the former USSR in which meldonium was found were at the disposal of USADA. From 8300 researched samples 182 contained traces of use of medicine. As a result, based on these researches, medicine officially was included in the list prohibited since January 1, 2016.

"Doping scandal" with mildronat caused sharp increase in interest in it from buyers: in the last three days meldonium medicines Mildronate and Kardionat - leaders of information demand among drugs. So, for example, according to service of the order of the drugs, medicine sales Mildronate for March 7-8 grew approximately at 15-20 times. At the same time no special advertizing actions concerning this product were taken. You can try Meldonium.

Positive test dope at athletes

For application of a mildronate from competitions detached already several Russian athletes. Positive doping tests on mildronate were handed over by the leader of Russian men's national team in short track, the Olympic champion of 2014 in relay, the world champion of 2015 at a distance of 1500 m and the all-around champion of Europe of 2016 Semyon Elistratov, the Olympic champion of 2014 in figure skating Ekaterina Bobrova, the winner of five tournaments of the Grand Slam, the prize-winner of the Olympic Games-2012 on tennis Maria Sharapova, the five-time world champion in speed skating Pavel Kulizhnikov and the volleyball player of Moscow "Dynamo" and Russian national team Alexander Markin.

In April there was a statement that the decision on temporary disqualification of the athletes convicted of meldonium use remains behind federation if concentration of substance in dope to the sample taken till March 1, 2016 makes from 1 to 15 mkg or if in the doping test taken after March 1, its concentration makes less than 1 mkg. Thus, actually all Russian athletes in whose organism meldonium was found will be acquitted.

Indications to use

  • Indications to meldonium use:
  • the lowered working capacity;
  • physical overstrain, including at athletes;
  • coronary heart disease (stenocardia, a myocardial infarction, a chronic heart failure and a cardialgia against the background of a disgormrnalny dystrophia of a myocardium);
  • infectious and allergic bronchial asthma and chronic not obstructive bronchitis (as an immunomodulator in a combination therapy);
  • abstinence syndrome at an alcoholism (in a combination with specific therapy of an alcoholism);
  • acute disorders of a circulation in a retina; acute and chronic disorders of blood supply of a brain (cerebral strokes and chronic failure of a cerebral circulation).

Contraindications to use:

  • With care to use drug to people with chronic diseases of a liver and kidneys for a long time.

Effects of a mildronat in bodybuilding

  • Interferes with accumulating in cages of the activated forms of unoxidized fatty acids.
  • In the conditions of ischemia recovers balance of processes of delivery of oxygen and its consumption in cages, prevents violation of transport of ATP.
  • Activates glycolysis which proceeds without additional consumption of oxygen.
  • Improves food of muscles.
  • Increases efficiency of trainings.
  • Reduces exhaustion.
  • Protects heart and raises a myocardium sokratimost.

Route of administration and doses

"Attention" Mental and physical overworks, including in bodybuilding and powerlifting.

The adult from 15 to 20 mg on weight kg once a day, are desirable in 30 minutes prior to a training. The recommended courses of use are from 6 weeks to 3 months. Then it is desirable to take a break for a month that efficiency of impact of a mildronat on an organism didn't decrease.

Heart diseases

Stable angina of exertion. On 0,25 g in three times a day within 3-4 days, further two times a week on 0,25 g in three times a day. A course of treatment — 1-1,5 months. At prolonged treatment drug is combined with Sodium nitritums of long action.

Unstable stenocardia and myocardial infarction. For 0,5 - 1,0 intravenously struyno once a day then to the patient prescribe drug inside on 0,25 g twice a day in the first 3-4 days, further — two times a week on 0,25 g three times a day.

At an acute failure of a coronary circulation in the necrotic period of a myocardial infarction inside on 0,25 g twice a day in the first 3-4 days. In addition prescribe the patient with an acute heart failure high-speed cardiac glycosides (a strophanthin, Korglykonum, Celanidum) and diuretic agents.

Cardialgia against the background of a dishormonal dystrophia of a myocardium. On 0,25 g in twice a day morning and in the evening. A course of treatment — 12 days.

Infectious and allergic bronchial asthma.

Inside on 0,25 g every day within 3 weeks. Treatment is combined with broncholitic drugs.


Inside on 0,5 g four times a day; intravenously and intramusculary on 0,5 g twice a day. A course of treatment — 7-10 days. Vascular pathology of an eyeground and dystrophia of a retina. Retrobulbarno and subkonjyunktivalno on 0,5 ml of 10% solution of a mildronate within 10 days. At an eye inflammation treatment is combined with parenteral or local administration of corticosteroids, at vascular and dystrophic diseases — with the drugs improving microcirculation.

Disturbance of a circulation of a brain

Acute phase of cerebrovascular pathology. On 5 ml of 10% solution once a day intravenously within 10 days then drug is prescribed to the patient inside on 0,5 g a day. A course of treatment — 2-3 weeks.

Chronic disturbances of blood supply of a brain. Enter 5 ml of 10% solution intramusculary once a day or on 0,25 g in 1-3 times a day, it is preferable in the first half of day. A course of treatment — 2-3 weeks.


  • Organic injury of the central nervous system.
  • Diseases of a liver and kidneys.

Precautionary measures

As drug can cause moderate tachycardia and a lowering of arterial pressure, it is necessary to be careful at a combination of a mildronate with Nitroglycerinum, nifedipine, alpha adrenoblockers, antihypertensives and peripheric vazodilatator.

Side effects

In rare instances dermal itch, dyspeptic phenomena, tachycardia, exaltation, different changes of arterial pressure.


Ampoules and capsules — in the dry place at a temperature not above 25 °C. Not to freeze an ampoule.

Additional information

Mildronat (mildronate) renders cardioprotective, anti-anginal, anti-hypoxemic, angioprotektivny action. Is a structural synthetic analog at - a butyrobetaine — the precursor of a carnitine. Enzyme inhibits an at-butyrobetaine-hydroxylase, the dlinnotsepochechnykh of fatty acids through cellular membranes reduces synthesis of a carnitine and transport, interferes with accumulation in cells of the activated forms of unoxidized fatty acids (including the acylcarnitine blocking delivery of ATP to cell organellas). Improves metabolic processes. At an ischemia prevents disturbance of transport of ATP and activates a glycolysis. As a result of depression of synthesis of a carnitine in a cell contents at - the butyrobetaine having effect increases. Against the background of a heart failure improves contractility of a myocardium, enlarges tolerance to an exercise stress. Increases cellular and humoral immunity. Increases working capacity, reduces symptoms of a mental and physical overstrain, promotes endurance rising. At intake it is well soaked up from digestive tract. Bioavailability — about 78%. The maximum concentration in a blood plasma is reached in 1-2 h. An elimination half-life — 3-6 h. Side effects — a dyspepsia, exaltation, tachycardia, hypotension, a dermal itch. Average doses for adults at intake — 250 mg 2-4 times a day.



25 Oct 2016

Phenibut is a fenilny derivative GAMK, and also derivative a feniletilamina. Phenibut possesses elements of nootropic activity, has tranquilizing effect, reduces tension, alarm, improves a dream; extends and strengthens action of hypnagogues. Apply Phenibutum to correction asthenic and alarming and neurotic states, alarm, pavor, sleeplessness and to motion desease prophylaxis. Also phenibut found the application in sport.

Drug was developed in the USSR in the 60th years what hundreds of researches were devoted to. Phenibut entered the standard first-aid kit of astronauts. Has characteristic acidic and salty taste.

Dosage. The recommended daily dose makes 250-1500 mg a day, in 2-3 receptions. Detailed indicatings on use are described in the instruction.

Side effects

According to responses of the people having experience of reception most often in practice such side effects as nervousness, a shiver, nervousness, an internal strain, irritability, fatigue, a loss of appetite, a heartbeat acceleration, nausea, sleeplessness develop. At an overdosage a sleepiness and oppression of consciousness develops.

Collateral reactions to phenibut have reversible character and are shown less often than in 10% of cases. Reception is allowed even to children 8 years are more senior. Thus, in general this agent can be classified as safe.

Use of phenibut in sport

  • Phenibut is used already many years by athletes for achievement of the following purposes:
  • Improvement of neuromuscular interface
  • Activation of psychoaction (though in certain cases uses the sedation develops) and improvement of ideational function
  • Rising of physical endurance
  • Improvement of a blood flow in a brain and muscles, including due to depression of viscosity of a blood
  • Adaptogenny and anti-asthenic action
  • Restoration of a sleep pattern

Phenibut's application for improvement intellectual functions

Phenibut (Phenibutum)

phenibut phenibutum

Chemical name: gamma amino - beta phenyl-oleic acid a hydrochloride.

Structural formula: White crystal powder. It is very easily soluble in water, we will dissolve in alcohol, pH of water solution (2,5%) 2,3 — 2,7.

On chemical structure phenibut it is possible to consider as fenilny derivative GAMK and also as derivative a feniletilamina.

Phenibut it is synthesized in 1963 in laboratory of professor V. V. Perekalin at department of organic chemistry of the Leningrad teacher training college of A. I. Herzen.

Phenibut is the first domestic tranquilizer with an original range of psychotropic action. However more than twenty years' studying of pharmacology of a phenibut doesn't allow to carry it with complete confidence now to a class of tranquilizers as its properties considerably differ from properties the benzodiazepe and other tranquilizers.

Pilot studies showed that tranquilizing activity of a phenibut is absent or is poorly expressed in the test of a conflict situation (R. A. Haunina, I. P. Lapin, 1976; I. S. Morozov and ρξΰβς., 1979; R. A. Haunina, M. M. Zobachev, 1981; L. X. It is scarlet also to Meta and coauthors, 1981). It is assumed that the tranquilizing effect in these experiences can be weakened by some miorelaksant-sedative effect inherent in a phenibut (A. M. Zhar-kovsky, 1981). However also other, mutually exclusive assumption of an origin of weak tranquilizing action of a phenibut in a conflict situation — availability of analgetic effect which is capable to simulate efficiency of a fenibut in these experiences (A. M. Zharkovsky and coauthors expresses., 1984).

In the psychotropic characteristic of a phenibut a number of the effects causing its sedative action is revealed: oppression of approximate and physical activity, coordination of movements, decrease in a muscular tone, hypothermal effect, potentiation of narcotic action of a geksenal, hloralgidrat, air, oppression of the emotional reactions caused by electropainful irritation (I. P. Lapin, R. A. Haunina, 1964; R. A. Haunina, 1968, 1971, 1978; L. B. Nurmand and coauthors, 1980). Unlike tranquilizers of a benzodiazepe row phenibut has no anticonvulsive effect in experiences with use of models of the spasms caused korazol, strychnine and electric current (R. A. Haunina, 1968, 1976). Phenibut weakens audiogene spasms and convulsive effect of thioseven-carboazid some, and also slightly strengthens action of anticonvulsive means (phenobarbital, a difenin, a trimetin). It is supposed; that anticonvulsive action of a phenibut is mediated by its expressed anti-hypoxemic influence (R. A. Haunina and coauthors, 1968). At the same time, as it was established recently, phenibut the kinureninovykh of the spasms corresponding to "grand mal" an epilepsy form has the anticonvulsive effect which was more expressed than diazepam on models (I. P. Lapin and coauthors., 1983).

Neurochemical basis of tranquilizing action of a phenibut as believe, his influence on GAMK-ergichesky system is, apparently: binding of a phenibut with GAMK (kal-tsiyzavisimy and bikukullinnechuvstvitelny) receptors, strengthening of release of GAMK, suppression of activity of GAMK-transaminaza who is carrying out metabolic degradation of GAMK (K. S. Rayevsky, 1981; L. K. Ryago and coauthors, 1982; G. I. Kovalyov and coauthors, 1982). Confirm the GAMK-ergichesky component of the mechanism of action of a phenibut also this experiences with introduction of medicine to s. nigra and the counterlateral turns caused by him (L. X. Allikmets , 1981). Phenibut, besides, causes accumulation of dopamine and its metabolites in a brain of animals and activates serotoninergichesky system (R. A. Haunina, 1970; L. X. Allikmets and coauthors, 1979; L. B. Nurmand and coauthors, 1980).

The depriving of bonuses effects of a phenibut in an experiment are shown in the range of doses over 30 mg/kg, in smaller doses the activating, behavior of animals influence of a phenibut is found (N. A. Patkina, E. E. Zvartau, 1979). Data on nootropic action of a phenibut in experiments on animals are contradictory. It is established that phenibut has the expressed anti-hypoxemic effect in the conditions of a giperkapnichesky hypoxia and prevents the amnesia caused by an electroshock (R. U. Ostrovskaya and coauthors, 1984). In experiences with use of elaboration of conditional reactions of passive and active avoiding, and also training models in a difficult labyrinth with a food reinforcement and a water labyrinth (Yu. G. Kovalyov, 1979; E. L. Kovalyov, 1984) isn't received the results demonstrating improvement of processes of memory and training at experimental animals. Nevertheless there is a number of features of action of a phenibut which pull together him with neurometabolic stimulators like piracetam. Phenibut normalizes metabolism of a brain, restoring processes of oxidizing phosphorylation and tissue respiration (V. I. Kresyun, 1983); reduces a ratio "a lactate / piruvat", prevents development of experimental hypostasis of a brain (V. E. Novikov and coauthors, 1984).

Studying of influence of a phenibut for memory of the healthy person showed that in a dose of 0,8 g medicine has the easy stimulating effect, improving random access memory (T. G. Agan, 1980; L. S. Mekhilane, 1981). At patients with chronic alcoholism phenibut had various effect on function of memory depending on its initial condition: at patients with undisturbed function of storing phenibut caused decrease in an index of memory, and patients with the lowered function have an increase in an index of memory (X. L. Vyare and coauthors, 1983). At the same time it is noted that under the influence of a course of treatment phenibut within 10 days on 0,75 g a day irritability reduction, weakening of symptoms of an abstinence syndrome and improvement of a dream at patients with alcoholism developed.

The clinical analysis of action of a phenibut showed that use of medicine as a tranquilizer is most effective in case of treatment of patients with an asthenic syndrome. Phenibut has advantages before benzodiazepinovy tranquilizers which consist that it doesn't cause violations of attention, coordination and accuracy of the movements and other violations accompanying treatment by tranquilizers (L. S. Mekhilane and coauthors, 1983).

Small toxicity, softness of action, lack of side effects prove use of a phenibut in children's and geriatric psychoneurology. Medicine is appointed for calm of excessively excitable children and children - neurotics, and also to elderly people in case of disturbing fussiness and night concern, frustration of a dream. Phenibut removes fear, alarm, tension, has the comforting effect. And though tranquilizing action of a fenibut is expressed poorly and, perhaps, isn't its main action (JI. S. Mekhilane and coauthors, 1983), availability of the activating component in a range of its psychotropic action allowed to recommend it as a "day" tranquilizer for optimization of operator activities and increase in efficiency of pilots and astronauts (I. P. Neumyvakin, 1978; N. E. Panferova, 1981; Yu. G. Bobkov and coauthors, 1984; G. D. Glod, P. V. Vasilyev, 1986). Feninut has no specific effect on adreno-and holinergichesky systems (R. A. Haunina, 1964; R. A. Haunina, M. M. Zobachev, 1981). Phenibut exerts the normalizing impact on functions of cardiovascular system, without reducing at the same time intellectual and physical efficiency and orthostatic stability of operators (N. E. Panferova and coauthors, 1981; G. V. Kovalyov, I. N. Tyurenkov, 1981).

Indications to use of Phenibutum are neurosises and psychopathies. Phenibut is also prescribed as a calmative before surgical interventions or other difficult morbid diagnostic procedures. Studying of clinical effects of Phenibut on the basis of a series of the leading clinics of the USSR (Psychoneurological institute of V. M. Bekhterev, Psychiatric clinic of S. S. Korsakov, the Moscow institute of psychiatry and some other) allowed to recommend Phenibut at logoneuroses; habit spasms of a functional and organic parentage at children; spastichnost of muscles after cerebral strokes and injuries; sleep disorders (at neurosises, vascular and senile psychoses, and also at almost healthy people); hypomaniacal states at a cyclotomy; for a softening of electroconvulsive attacks and reduction of their duration; at emotional pressure at the operators working in difficult conditions (T. Ya. Hvilivitsky, 1981). As an antihypertensive Phenibutum is recommended for therapy of hypertensias at vegeto-vascular dystonia at children and teenagers (E. I. Volchansky, 1981).

Phenibut is released in powders and tablets on 0,1 and 0,25 g (packing on 50 tablets). Prescribe drug inside (to food) 3 times a day on 0,25 g, a course of treatment — 4 — 6 weeks; intramusculary on 3 — 10 ml of 2,5% solution in 3 — 5 ml of 0,25% solution of Novocainum 2 — 3 times a day; intravenously on 3 — 10 ml of 2,5% of solution from 3 — 5 ml of isotonic solution of sodium of Sodium chloridum 2 — 3 times a day; a course of treatment — 8 — 12 days.

The maximum single dose inside adult — 0,75 g; to persons 60 years — 0,3 g are more senior; to children up to 8 years — 0,15 g; from 8 to 14 years — 0,4 g.

It is established that Phenibut is found practically in all organs and tissues in 15 min. after introduction, it is removed completely in a day with urine (M. N. Maslova, R. A. Haunin, 1981). Phenibutum gets into a brain in insignificant, however quantities, sufficient for change of functioning of the central nervous system.

Treatment phenibut can be combined with purpose of other psychotropic drugs.

At the first receptions of phenibut or at overdose drowsiness can be observed.

Contraindications aren't established

Use of phenibut in psychiatry and narcology

From the moment of emergence of the first publications about use of Phenibut passed nearly a quarter of the century in psychiatric practice. However so far there is no consensus about Phenibut belonging to one of the famous groups of psychotropic medicines (A. M. Zharkovsky and coworkers., 1984), as well as the final, unambiguously understood idea of features of a range of its psychotropic action.

In the existing publications Phenibutum is carried either to tranquilizers, or to nootropic medicines. A series of clinicians and psychopharmacologists allocates Phenibut as a tranquilizer with a component unlike benzodiazepine and other tranquilizers with a sedative component. Besides, in a number of references there is an eclectic conclusion about existence in a range of psychotropic activity of Phenibut of tranquilizing and nootropic properties, and according to this point of view drug is considered as a tranquilizer with a peculiar nootropic action or as a nootropic agent with tranquilizing properties.

Majority of clinical data, and also results of experimental studying (L. K. Ryago, 1983; 3. S. Nikitina and coworkers., 1983; V. I. Kresyun, 1983; A. M. Zharkovsky and coworkers., 1984; R. U. Ostrovskaya and coworkers., 1984; etc.) allow to estimate Phenibut as drug with the expressed nootropic (neurometabolic) action.

Efficiency of phenibut in case of frustration of a neurotic circle is studied most in detail.

L. S. Mekhilane and coauthors. (1984) carried out studying of therapeutic activity of a phenibut in comparison with diazepam, piracetam and placebo at 125 patients with neurosises and 96 patients with somatogenic conditions. Studying of efficiency of phenibut was carried out at 100 patients in the conditions of double "blind" experience and at 121 patients in case of a "direct" research.

In case of overall assessment of effect of medicines at all contingent of the researched patients it was established that reliable improvement in their condition occurred for the 3rd day of treatment in case of application of phenibut and diazepam and only after 14 days — in case of treatment by piracetam.

Data on influence of a phenibut on dynamics of separate psychopathological frustration in comparison with piracetam and diazepam are of special interest. The Estonian psychiatrists found out it with success.

Phenibut on action on symptomatology of a disturbing row considerably yielded to diazepam. The Trakviliziruyushchy effect of diazepam was shown practically in all cases of alarm and fear irrespective of their nosological accessory and was followed by a sedative component (emergence of sluggishness, fatigue, drowsiness etc.), especially at patients with somatic nervous like conditions.

At use of Phenibutum tranquilizing action became perceptible at patients with a neurosis-like state in whose clinical picture along with internal tension observed emotional lability, faintheartedness, tearfulness and other implications of a mental and physical asthenia. On the basis of these data authors come to conclusion that not the tranquilizing, but activating component is conducting in a range of action of Phenibutum. Considering improvement of concentration of attention, intellectual mnestetic abilities, disappearance of a flaccidity and fatigue, normalization of a dream at the patients receiving Phenibutum, L. S. Mekhilane et al. draw a valid conclusion that in psychotropic effect of this drug its nootropic effect is primary.

Authors explain with a similar combination of nootropic and tranquilizing action feature of the psychotropic activity of Phenibut other than Pyracetamum what bind a possibility of its use as choice agents in the conditions demanding optimum emotional and intellectual mnestetic a state and the high level of working capacity to.

V. E. Vasar (1987) studied a range of psychotropic activity and action on cortical functions of Phenibut in comparison with Aminalon, Pyracetam and Diazepam at patients with neurosises and somatogenic neurosis-like states.

In total drugs received 196 patients on an extent from 2 weeks to 2 months. The effect of drugs was estimated by means of the unified scales. For assessment of their action on cortical functions used a series of psychological tests.

According to the author, the most appreciable dynamics of the mental status of patients was noted in the first two weeks of therapy by the used drugs. Phenibut as V. E. Vasar considers, on a profile of clinical action has strong likeness with nootropic agents and combines moderately tranquilizing and expressed psychoenergizing properties in a range of psychotropic activity.

Analyzing own results and comparing them with literary data, V. E. Vasar does the conclusion about existence at Phenibut of also unstable sedative action which is shown in the doses exceeding by 10 — 20 times of a dose of Diazepam.

In daily doses of 1,0 — 1,5 g sedative effect of drug is a little expressed, is defined not at all patients and quickly disappears.

Hypnotic action of Phenibut in comparison with Diazepam is expressed slightly, unstably and depends on syndromal structure of a state. Noticeable improvement of a dream under the influence of Phenibut is noted at patients with an asthenic syndrome. At a hypochiondrial syndrome of a sleep disorder quite often amplify.

In the publication it is specified that the tranquilizing action of Phenibut estimated on a reduction of alarm, a pavor, the increased emotional excitability and phobic disturbances was observed only at patients with an asthenic syndrome. At patients with hypochiondrial and depressive syndromes tranquilizing action of Phenibut either is absent, or is poorly expressed and quickly disappears.

At Phenibut unlike Diazepam the expressed psychoenergizing properties which are shown in weakening of actually asthenic symptoms, rising of the general activity and initiative are taped.

Except clinical similarity of a phenibut to nootropic medicines it was established that this medicine as well as piracetam, influences kortikalny functions at patients with neurosises — strengthens exciting process during treatment and improves its stability.

According to the author, on action on asthenic symptomatology, improvement of mood and easing persuasive (fobicheskikh) and the ipokhondricheskikh of frustration at patients with neurosis with fobicheski-asthenic, depressive and asthenic, ipokhondricheski-asthenic syndromes the nootropic medicines studied by it can arrange in process of decrease of their efficiency in the following order: phenibut, piracetam, aminalon.

It is necessary to emphasize that the brought V. E. Vasa rum (1987) the gradation of expressiveness of psychoenergizing properties of nootropic medicines correlates, judging by anti-hypoxemic effect, with their neurometabolic activity in an experiment (R. U. Ostrovskaya, 1983; JI. K. Ryago, 1983; R. U. Ostrovskaya and coauthors, 1984).

At patients with somatogenic conditions the researched medicines were located on expressiveness of therapeutic action as follows (in decreasing order): phenibut, diazepam, piracetam, aminalon, and on the speed of manifestation of therapeutic effect — diazepam, phenibut, piracetam, aminalon.

As well as at patients with neurosises, phenibut, and also piracetam and aminalon were the most effective in the presence of asthenic symptomatology.

Based on the researches which specified a range of psychotropic activity and kortikalny effects of a fenibut, the author considers that this medicine belongs to nootropic means.

L. S. Mekhilane's assumption and (1984) about an opportunity to use phenibut in the conditions of the increased psychopharmacological tension it was completely confirmed to K. B. Magnitskaya (1985) when studying efficiency of a phenibut in the conditions of the autonomous swimming on yachts representing one of activities options in extreme conditions. The psycho-physiological condition of team when swimming in the high sea can have crucial importance for survival what the medicines raising psychophysical opportunities of the person can give essential help in.

The research of antistressorny action of a phenibut was conducted on 27 participants of a long sea campaign in whom tendency to seasickness was found earlier. The dose of a phenibut equaled 0,25 g. In the absence of effect repeated acceptance of medicine was permitted. Action of the studied means was estimated according to the subjective report and by means of a number of psychological tests (assessment of level of jet and personal uneasiness on Spilbergera, conflictness degrees by Rosenzweig's technique, the prozhektivny color test of Lyusher).

The antirocking to sleep action of a phenibut 21 persons (77,7% of cases) was estimated as considerable, 4 (14,8% of cases) — as moderate and 2 (7,5% of cases) — as insignificant.

In operation the phenibut of 25 people was noted by 2 periods: the first — activating with the antirocking to sleep effect, the second — tranquilizing.

The activating period began in 15 — 20 min. after acceptance of a phenibut and proceeded for 2 — 4 hours. At the same time physical activity improved, the work requiring physical mobilization and decision making process were facilitated, the vegetative symptomatology peculiar to seasickness disappeared. The most effective emotionally labile persons had use of a phenibut with satisfactory adaptive opportunities and at emotionally balanced persons. Less favorable results were received at persons emotionally labile with unsatisfactory adaptive opportunities. Irrespective of personal features of athletes they distinctly showed the tranquilizing period which is expressed in approach of feeling of calm and the subsequent deep sleep without dreams.

According to S. S. Losev and ρξΰβς. (1983), carrying-out double "blind" studying of a fenibut in comparison with piracetam, diazepam and placebo on model of an examination stress at 40 people, studied medicines on force a stress - protective action it is possible to arrange in the following order: piracetam, diazepam, phenibut, placebo.

The beneficial effect of a phenibut on structure of a night dream was revealed N. A. Vlasov (1979). Medicine in a dose of 10 mg before going to bed was applied at 8 healthy faces and 20 patients with a sleep disorder of neurotic genesis. Electroprinting researches performed against the background of adaptation night and after week acceptance of a phenibut.

By results of electroprinting researches it was established that under the influence of medicine the tendency to increase in general duration of a night dream at the expense of a surplus of a delta dream and a REM sleep in case of decrease in a superficial dream is observed. At the same time complications and by-effects, and also a negative impact of a phenibut on day working capacity weren't noted.

Under the influence of one-time acceptance of a phenibut duration of a night dream increased for 27,5 min., and after a week course of treatment — for 39,8 min.

Comparative studying of influence on a dream of the person of a phenibut, oxibutirat of sodium and this cash and sodium with use of a multi-profile scale of poll and special questionnaires is carried out. The studied medicines applied in doses 1,0; 2,0 and 0,1 mg respectively.

As a result of a research it was established that by efficiency of action on dynamics of the indicators characterizing somnolent effect of medicines (the expressed desire to sleep after their acceptance, the necessary depth of a dream, sufficiency of a dream, bystry and habitual awakening, positive assessment of health after awakening), them it is possible to arrange in the following order (on efficiency decrease): phenibut, sodium, sodium cash.

The effect of a phenibut, according to researchers, is caused by its tranquilizing properties. The received results as researchers consider, allow recommend use of a phenibut for the purpose of correction of frustration of a dream at patients with neurosises, and also at healthy faces in especially extreme conditions.

Publications about influence of a phenibut on dynamics of mental disturbances in case of various nosological forms of vascular pathology of a brain are of special interest.

Apparently from table 33, the reduction of a psychopathologic symptomatology is steadier in group of the patients with emotional lability receiving Phenibutum and at the patients with mainly asthenic disorders accepting Pyracetam. Respectively successful use of these drugs at the vascular diseases of a brain which are exhausted the neurotic level of disorders has to be based on identification of a concrete psychopathologic syndrome.

Data about reliable (0,05) depression of systemic arterial pressure at all patients are provided in the publication. Fastness of a lowering of arterial pressure of a psychopathologic and psychoorganic symptomatology is most distinctly taped in 3 control months in group of the patients with emotional lability receiving Phenibut, and at the patient" with an asthenic symptomatology, accepting Pyracetam.

The received results have special value as well-timed diagnostics and treatment of initial implications of cerebral vascular pathology are extremely important for prophylaxis of further development of a disease.

In a difficult complex of recovery treatment of patients with a myocardial infarction the important place belongs to mental aftertreatment as the alienations arising in the course of a disease adversely influence clinical disease, have an adverse effect on results of aftertreatment in general (V.P. Zaytsev, 1976, 1981; Yu. V. Zimin, 1979).

D. I. Doroshenko (1985) under the direction of and with the assistance of one of us studied in comparative aspect influence of a phenibut and mebikar on kardio-both haemo dynamics and the mental status of patients with a myocardial infarction in the early recovery period. To 98 men with a transmuralny and krupnoochagovy myocardial infarction at the second stage of rehabilitation appointed against the background of traditionally carried out therapy phenibut (1,5 g a day) and mekibar (2,25 g a day). Efficiency of therapy was estimated in 10 — 15 days.

Violations of mentality at patients didn't reach degree of psychosis and were shown in most cases (82,6%) in the form of a cardiophobia, increased feeling of alarm, morbid depression and an adynamy. Against the background of treatment the specified psychotropic drugs noted improvement of a mental condition almost at all patients that was shown by reduction of somatic claims, decrease in ipokhondrichesky fixing on a condition of the health, improvement of mood, a dream.

The author showed need of the differentiated purpose of a phenibut and a mebikar depending on type of cardiovascular frustration, and also a possibility of wider use of a phenibut in comparison with mebikary because of the best tolerance of this medicine.

In case of a therapy efficiency evaluation phenibut in comparison with piracetam at patients with schizophrenia and maniac-depressive psychosis — 23 and 7 people respectively, with psychotic frustration of an affective circle (various long depressive frustration in the phenomenological relation, lasting more than 1 year) M. K. Tsaune and coauthors. (1983) established that application of a phenibut in general makes less favorable impact on a condition of these patients. At the same time phenibut, used in daily doses from 0,5 to 1,25 g, positively influences regulation of a rhythm of a dream and wakefulness at patients with a depression, in particular, in case of the expressed shifts of a night dream by morning o'clock preventing patients to adapt to a normal day rhythm.

A number of publications contains data on successful application of a phenibut in children's psychiatric practice.

As tranquilizers of a benzodiazepine series because of the expressed sedative myorelaxation and possible hypoxemic action cause in children essential oppression of behavioural activity and intellectual functions, the essential part is assigned to search of drugs which therapeutic effect is followed by the minimum number of side effects.

For this purpose Yu. A. Liyvasyagi and coworkers. (1983) carried out studying of Phenibutum at 74 children aged from 2 up to 6 years: having neurosis — 26 patients, neurotic disorders at somatopathies — 25 patients, psychogenic patokharakterologichesky development of the person — 17 patients, somatogenic development of the person — 16 patients. Drug was studied in out-patient conditions. The dose of Phenibut was determined by a formula G. Lenarat (1959). The clinical condition was estimated recording dynamics of psychopathologic symptoms in specially developed unified cards.

The best results of treatment are received by Phenibut at children at the neurosis and neurotic disorders caused by somatopathies. At psychogenic and somatogenic patokharakterologichesky development of the person results of treatment by Phenibut were insignificant.

Authors allocate 4 components in a range of psychotropic activity of the studied funds: tranquilizing, activating, eugipnotichesky and sedative.

The sequence of the return dynamics of separate psychopathologic disorders is also given in the publication. In the first days of treatment disappearance of alarm, an internal strain, a pavor, decrease of irritability, gloom, a dysphoria becomes perceptible. Resuscitation of interests, rising of activity, desire and motivation to game activity and study, decrease of a mental and somatic asthenia is at the same time observed.

The tranquilizing and activating components in operation of Phenibut observed at 82% of patients.

Authors pay special attention to the fact that the activating effect of Phenibut unlike Pyracetam is observed in the first days of its use and sometimes is followed by intensifying of irritability, alarm and concern. The maximum of activating action of Phenibut comes to the extremity of the 2nd week of treatmen.

Eugipnotichesc action of Phenibut was observed at 45% of patients, and sedation — at 11 of 74 children, as a rule, in a dose is higher than 1,0 g in days.

Considering told above, it makes sense to agree with the conclusion of these authors considering that Phenibut which isn't preventing children to carry out their daily normal duties is a choice agent at treatment of neurotic disorders in children's practice.

Now there are reports on use of Phenibut for patients with an alcoholism, in particular, for stopping of an alcoholic abstinence syndrome (I. G. Urakov and coworkers., 1971; A. M. Aadamsoo and coworkers., 1983; R. A. Andrezinya and coworkers., 1984; etc.).

I. G. Urakov and coworkers. (1971) studied action of Phenibut at 50 patients suffering from an alcoholism with prescription of a disease from 3 to 20 years. Drug prescribed in the period of an acute alcoholic abstinence from the first day in doses from 0,6 to 1,2 g a day.

Practically at all patients liver depression of function (rising of a bilirubin in blood serum to 1,0 mg of %, direct reaction), changes was noted from vessels and heart (from vegetovascular shifts to a ciliary arrhythmia and disturbance of blood supply of a myocardium).

Depending on the received dose of drug and ways of its use authors allocate 3 groups of patients.

In the 1st group of the patients (24 persons) receiving 0,6 g of Phenibut a day (on 0,2 g 3 times a day), influence of this drug on the affective sphere, duration of an alcoholic abstinence and disorder of a dream wasn't noted. Only at a combination of the studied agent with not barbituric hypnotic drugs (Noxyron) expression decrease the agripnicheskikh of disorders — more bystry backfilling and augmentation of duration of a dream was observed.

In the 2nd group (12 patients), accepting the studied drug in a daily dose of 1,0 g (0,4 g in the afternoon and 0,6 g for the night), decrease of alarming concern, feeling of an internal strain, the nevrastenopodobnykh of implications, improvement of a dream, depression of a tremor of arms, a hyperhidrosis and other vegetative disturbances is noted. Action of Phenibut was rather short-term — 2 — 3 hours. The described improvement of a state in full became perceptible not at all patients, and normalization of a dream required additional purpose of hypnagogues which doses at the same time were considerably lowered.

The greatest therapeutic effect was reached at the patients of the 3rd group (14 people) applying Phenibut in a daily dose of 1,2 g (on 0,2; 0,4 and 0,6 g). The reduction of affective disorders differed in appreciable expression, and the dream was restored within 3 — 5 days without additional purpose of hypnotic drugs. Duration of an alcoholic abstinence was reduced on 1 — 2 day — the vegetative complex of an abstinence disappeared quicker.

Dynamic biochemical and electrocardiographic inspections of patients showed a tendency to restoration of functions of a liver and cordial activity.

The insignificant by-effects (dryness in a throat, a short-term dyspnea, giddiness) noted at 4 patients passed spontaneously without decrease of a dose of drug.

Authors, analyzing the received results, consider that Phenibut is the soft tranquilizer which almost doesn't have contraindications to appointment and which doesn't have side effects. The conclusion about need to prescribe drug in a dose not less than 1,0 g a day for stopping of affective disorders and a sleep disorder in the period of an acute alcoholic abstinence is at the same time made.

Unfortunately, in this research assessment of influence of Phenibut on dynamics of an inclination to alcohol — one of rod symptoms of an alcoholic abstinence syndrome wasn't carried out.

K. S. Ratner (1971) also specifies efficiency of use of a phenibut in case of chronic alcoholism, especially in combination with psychotherapeutic impact.

According to R. A. Andrezinya and ρξΰβς. (1984), alcoholic the deliriya forms the basis for inclusion of a phenibut in a complex of drug treatment presence at it of tranquilizing, anti-hypoxemic and nootropic action. Experience of authors in application of a phenibut covers 35 patients with alcoholic deliriy different weight. In case of treatment phenibut an exit from a deliriozny condition was gradual. At most of patients the raised, complacent mood was noted.

Authors consider that rather soft effect of the studied medicine on dynamics of mental and somato-vegetative disturbances is determined by its benefits in comparison with neuroleptics and oksibutiraty sodium. Phenibut doesn't cause the deep narcotic sleep, a miorelaksation promoting origin and increase of developments of stagnation in lungs, urinary tract and to origin in them inflammatory processes, complicating and making heavier a current alcoholic a deliriya.

Easy tranquilizing and anti-hypoxemic effect of medicine against the background of intensive therapy (dezintoksikatsionny, dehydrational, symptomatic) cause a favorable exit even in case of treatment of severe forms alcoholic a deliriya.

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