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Coronary Angiogra of Heart

26 Oct 2016

Unfortunately, over the last decade throughout the world has increased dramatically the percentage of people suffering from cardiovascular disease, and these statistics are growing inexorably. Today we will try to understand how to make coronary heart what it is and how it is conducted by highly qualified specialists. To avoid most problems one can help with buy Meldonium.

What is coronary angiography?

Radiopaque way of carrying out the survey, which in the present day is the surest method of diagnosing coronary heart disease, permitting in particular to ascertain the nature, level and point of the coronary artery. This method is the "platinum standard" in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease and allows you to solve the problem with the volume, and the preference of the later of these healing procedures like stent, PTCA and CABG.

Indications for coronary angiography

Coronary heart applies only after a full examination of the patient and the person after the detection of the following illnesses:

  • In acute mulligrubs in the chest and dyspnea, often indicating a strong vasodilatation;
  • When healing using medicinal products does not give the desired effect, and the signs of the disease much worse;
  • If a doctor has a highly serious suspicion of congenital heart defects;
  • When serious illness of heart vessels;
  • If the planned complex cardiac surgery;
  • When DOS (acute heart failure);
  • In severe trauma of the sternum;
  • Before surgery, directly associated with a high probability of serious heart problems.

Preparation for the complex procedure

The complex process of preparation of a sick person to coronary angiography includes a set of surveys. The patient man is given a direction on the clinical and biochemical blood tests and urinalysis. An experienced technician identifies Rh factor and blood group of the sick person. In some cases, the patient's blood is examined for the presence of hepatitis and human immunodeficiency virus.

Before performing coronary angiography is necessary to visit the following offices:

  • Electrocardiogram;
  • Ultrasound examination using a special scanning;
  • Radiography of the internal organs of the sternum;

Prior to the angiography the patient must follow a number of strict rules:

  • I do not eat, and drink a few hours before coronary angiography;
  • You must take with you to a medical facility all medications that you drink continually;
  • Early in the morning on the day of the procedure before taking medications need to consult with an experienced doctor;
  • If you have an allergic reaction, be sure to tell your doctor;
  • Before the procedure, you need to go to the bathroom on the small;
  • It is necessary to take off jewelry and glasses;
  • If you do not wear glasses, lenses and they also need to be removed.

Before you undergo this procedure must be seriously prepared under the supervision of highly qualified professionals. Then we'll show you how to make coronary heart what it is and how to move it favorably.

How do coronary angiography of the heart?

This procedure resulted not only in high-end centers, but also in ordinary hospitals.

Here's how this procedure takes place:

  • Carefully puncture femoral artery in the groin area;
  • Through it, the human heart is implemented extremely thin plastic catheter;
  • The thin tube is introduced slowly special substance - contrast iodine-based liquid;
  • This material allows the doctor with the help of a special device that transmits a clear display on the screen, to see what happens in the arteries and veins of the sick person.

The study physician assesses the state of the arteries and accurately determines the point of vasoconstriction. Coronary angiography provides an excellent opportunity to meticulously inspect any portion of the blood vessels and be able to draw the necessary conclusions. And this, above all, depends on the skill of the medical personnel. In the end, on how the right specialist to conduct this procedure depends on a positive outcome.

Prospective patients should be a responsible approach to the choice of the medical institution in which they will do this procedure.

Possible complications after the procedure

It should be understood that as well as a variety of other procedures, resulting in the arteries and the heart, the coronagraph in rare cases, it may have negative consequences for the sick person. However, serious cases are relatively rare.

Serious complications after coronary angiography can manifest itself in the form of:

  • Heart Attack;
  • Break heart;
  • Margin of blood clots, leading to bleeding in the brain;
  • Various arterial injury;
  • Change of heart rate;
  • Severe allergic reactions to the procedure used in pharmaceuticals;
  • Various infections;
  • Kidney damage;
  • Strong X-ray irradiation;
  • Excessive bleeding.

Contraindications to the procedure

Absolute contraindications for this procedure by experienced physicians have been identified. However, there are some limitations to the coronary angiography.

Coronary angiography cardiac vessels are prohibited from making people with these diseases:

  • For serious illnesses of the circulatory system;
  • When diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Patients with heavy bleeding;
  • Patients with high fever;
  • When serious lung diseases;
  • People with high blood sugar levels;
  • Examination of elderly patients assigned exclusively experienced expert.

In the twenty-first century medicine stepped far forward just a couple of years ago, science was unknown, such studies, but today, thanks to such methods were saved thousands of lives. In this article we describe the procedure in detail as much as possible, under the name of "coronary heart," what it is and how it is carried out by doctors in clinics and hospitals.


Piracetam - for what is prescribed this drug?

26 Oct 2016

Students are always trying to find some loopholes, not to teach and pass the session properly. It does not happen, some may argue. In fact, detours can also lead to the problem. Do not shun students and pharmacological agents. Almost everyone knows what Piracetam is, which prescribe this drug and when it is necessary to begin to use it.

Nutrition or structure - which is more important?

What is most important for the student or any student? Of course the brain activity, because of its good performance, you can:

  • Remember everything right the first time and for a long time.
  • Faster read and absorb the information.
  • To increase the reaction rate, the decision-making.
  • Get rid of the problems with insomnia and headache.

For the proper functioning requires a combination of two factors - the normal structure and nutrition of the system.

Pathology of structure:

  • Traumatic injuries can lead to the formation of hematomas - the long-term absorbable blood concentrations in the tissues.
  • At the site of injuries some time later formed sections of connective tissue. brain substance is replaced by ordinary scar.
  • Congenital anomalies and pathology can not be excluded, the percentage has increased significantly in recent years.

Eating disorders.

  • Complete cessation of oxygen to the brain leads to the death, after only 10 minutes, the process becomes irreversible.
  • Vascular pathology leads to ischemia - a certain part of the brain is no longer supplied with blood. The effects depend on the scale.
  • Errors in nutrition and heavy general condition can lead to a lack of glucose to the brain power.

The first signs of the pathology.

It is due to glucose the brain receives the main supply of energy to control the whole body. Little sleep? Is engaged in intense intellectual work? Lost, the last time I normally eat? Do not be surprised if soon notice the first problems with the central nervous system. Forgetfulness, irritability, insomnia may be associated with chronic fatigue.

In order not to take difficult or uninteresting subject, the student is willing to spend much more time to study the features of the human brain and memory.

The network is a set of techniques that promise to teach to read a page per minute, to remember hundreds of digits for a few seconds, and stuff like that. It is difficult to judge the real effectiveness of all these benefits, in addition to they always need a lot of thinking and a waste of his time. And if we have to put effort, the option seems quite uninteresting.

How can Piracetam help?

The solution was found long ago, but has become popular in the last decade. It is named - nootropics:

  • The substances directly affect the central nervous system. No middlemen, passing through the barrier, they directly affect our brains.
  • GABA comprise - one of the key mediators, which transmits pulses in the brain tissue. The more of a mediator, the more often and more quickly pass pulses. That thought quickly formed, the information is secured.
  • Due to the effect at the cellular level, drugs increase the level of absorption of nutrients.
  • Increase endurance and reduce the need for sleep. Under the new conditions no longer rest as needed at higher doses may be felt vigor even for days.
  • Increasing the volume of long-term memory, remembering becomes easier to do. But it should be read, only intake of medications to get rid not work.

"Piracetam" refers to a group of Nootropics, due to the low price and leave it without a prescription, it became one of the most popular drugs among the student fraternity. Also there is Phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil).

The correct approach to the "Piracetam" treatment

But our doctors did not refuse from the use of piracetam. Love to appoint his psychiatrists and drug treatment for the following diseases:

  • Schizophrenia.
  • Addiction.
  • Alcoholism.

All these diseases lead to serious problems with the functional activity of the brain, can sometimes occur and organic damage. Prescribers in "shock" doses, depending on the sex, age and body of the patient. Of great importance is the degree of progression of the disease.

Not only visitors of clinics and psychiatric hospitals receive these drugs treatment.

In neurology, especially children's, a popular prophylactic. To enhance the normalization and general condition, given in conjunction with other drugs. Assays allergy is not carried out, but the condition of the kidney and liver followed. It is through these organs are output from the body of Piracetam.

Carefully it is prescribed for depression, with some of its types of drug generally contraindicated.

If your desktop lie "Piracetam" pills, which administered this drug, you need to know. Take it easy, just remember that they could become more frequent urination. Reminds Me removal using kidneys.


What does mean "an Intrabuccally"?

26 Oct 2016

Many heart patients can not understand, and an intrabuccally - it's like. In many developed just for these products was not this kind of application, but not many have been taught Latin and detail in anything not described in the instructions. Well, you can always seek help from others and get the necessary information.

Buccal administration of glycine?

With the use of buccal problems often faced by those who use Glycine cupping. The substance is effective and acts on the body very quickly, but the manual is the same strange type of use. That all became clear, it is necessary to explain the meaning of the concept.

Trans - across, buccal - cheek. Putting these two words and get the simplest explanation, the drug should be placed in the mouth, just behind the cheek. It does not really matter how exactly you take the medicine:

Just to keep the mouth to complete resorption.

Put between the upper lip and upper jaw.

Holding the tongue near the cheeks, on the inside.

All variants will give about the same effectiveness in drug delivery into the body and its therapeutic effect. After absorption occurs with the entire surface of the oral mucosa, the active help in this has and saliva.

The sublingual or an intrabuccally: what it means?

In some formulations it is written that it should be used or buccal or sublingual. Most people think that between these two options there is any significant difference. As if one is better than another, and you need to find out exactly what kind of a way to effectively make use of it for later use drugs.

In fact it is not, sublingual method is to place the tablet under the tongue.

The principle is almost the same absorption from the mucous, but there is one small nuance in the form of sublingual artery. This important vessel supplies blood to the language, it is the largest vessel of the oral cavity. And due to anatomical features, namely in the mouth it is best absorbed by any substances, including drugs. But we have already talked about the saliva, which helps the absorption of substances, thanks to her tablet does not dissolve entirely in a place of contact with the mucous membranes.

It spreads over the entire surface of the mouth and enters into a variety of vessels. Other arteries can not boast of such blood volume and velocity of its flow, but on the other hand penetration occurs once in several vessels.

Limiter action of infections and toxins.

Our body is full of protective systems which are ready to fight with all the alien that enters from the outside. The most common location of such intrusion is the gastrointestinal tract and the respiratory tract. After all the food and drink we breathe regularly. Our body has developed options to fight infections and foreign organisms that seek to colonize the mucous membranes.

If we consider the digestive tract, the first answer given in the oral cavity by means of saliva - it contains specific substances and enzymes that break down and disinfected part of the substances. But the animal is a function expressed much stronger, our saliva is against this background can hardly be called a particularly effective.

The next step is the acidity of our stomach. Produced by glands hydrochloric acid provides the destruction of microorganisms and promotes the conversion of many of the toxic and hazardous substances only.

But as the final chord acts liver, everyone knows exactly what it provides binding and excretion of alcohol and toxic substances. Even such a system does not guarantee 100% efficiency, we all occasionally get sick.

Protection is not always played to our advantage.

And there she had a downside, most of the drugs are regarded as the same toxic substances. It just so happened that almost every drug has a therapeutic dose, in which it is not dangerous for the organism. When the limits are exceeded, certain tissues and organs may be caused substantial damage.

Those who say that any drug is a poison, not too far from the truth.

Cure helps us precisely the correct dosage and adherence to doctor's appointments, and not some mythical usefulness of the active ingredient. Coming to grips with the drug, the liver or the links it with the help of proteins or accumulates in your body. In the first case, we simply get low efficiency, and the risk of developing a stronger effect with repeated use.

Phenotropil was created to go straight to the brain.

But do not deceive ourselves, the effects can be disastrous for the body.

The second option is even worse - the liver cells for a long time such a load will not stand, the situation is like alcohol. As a result, designed to improve the state of our system brings real harm.

The main advantages of the method of buccal administration.

But what do I had to describe it? You've probably already realized that most of the drugs we use per os - through the mouth. And they all pass through the gastrointestinal tract, and most of them are exposed to such changes here.

But sublingual and other arteries of the mouth with the vessels of the liver were not disclosed. As a result, sucking in the mouth, the drug is exposed to only minimal effects of saliva and enter the bloodstream directly, bypassing the hydrochloric acid of the stomach.

Bridging structure provides a second barrier of the body itself, almost 99% of the active substances have a therapeutic effect. Again, a few important point:

  • The area of the mouth is very small, the absorption of large doses is not so effective.
  • They can be used drugs, which require immediate onset of effect.
  • The active drug substance must have persistent and severe action to achieve the effect.

Most often, it is necessary for acute attacks, such as angina pectoris. Exceptions are substances that are almost completely destroyed by the liver. There already are irrelevant The given points, just another version of the delivery into the body does not exist. Of course, you can remember the intravenous administration, but there are always side effects.

Buccal - it is somehow strange and unusual sounds. But the experience of many years has shown that it is this way of application may, if not save, or at least calm the man and save him from a panic attack in a painful period.


Per Os (orally) – how it's like? Oral administration method

26 Oct 2016

Modern medicine dates back to ancient times, which is why there are so many Latin and Greek words, as a tribute. For example, most of the medicines prescribed orally: it's like? This question can be answered, even those who are far from the Latin - too often the term is used in everyday life.

Two major mode of administration.

And what in general there are ways of administering drugs to the patient? All the options are reduced to two - enteral and paraenteral.

The first way include:

  • Oral.
  • Sublingual.
  • Buccal.
  • Translingual
  • Vaginal
  • Rectal.

In the second category are:

  • Inhalation. This also can include the intranasal route of administration.
  • Injecting. All intramuscular, intravenous and subcutaneous injection.
  • Introduction to the cavity. In such cases, drugs directed into the peritoneal cavity or joint cavity.

The effectiveness of injections and inhalations

Described in the second column of the methods allow agents how to get to places faster impact and can affect the outcome. At the same stuffy nose spray is easier to use than doing intramuscular injections. Since we remembered about the injections.

What does all depend, will do them in a vein, muscle, or skin? From a drug that will be administered.

Some substances, when administered intramuscularly, can cause severe pain and even death of rapidly growing tissues. The second important factor is the time of drug action. The most rapid change in the state give intravenous injections, just a few seconds. But from the muscle tissue the drug must be absorbed into the bloodstream and then he will be able to act on the body.

Skin is the case in much the same. Cavernous application is rather an exception to the rule. It is used during surgery and after, in the case of serious damage to the joints.

What is by mouth (per os)?

And what enteral methods? All of them are connected with the veins of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often prescribed drugs orally, i.e. - Through the mouth. Ordinary tablets, capsules, powders, tinctures, solutions. It is enough to swallow, drink, chew and after 15-20 minutes you will feel the first changes. The sequence of the penetration of the drug is quite simple:

  • The drug enters the stomach, where the processes of digestion begins.
  • Suction can begin in the stomach or intestine, in the artery.
  • The active molecules are carried by the blood throughout the body.
  • Pass through the liver where they lose some of their activity.
  • Output by the kidney or liver.

Negative aspects of oral administration

The method seems very simple, but at the same time it will not work for seriously ill patients. Babies are also very difficult to get to chew or swallow the tablet, especially if it is eerily bitter. In this case it is necessary to look for alternative ways of delivery.

Another significant drawback is the passage through the liver. As you know, this organ - our main defender of any toxic substances. At the heart of the action of the drug may well lie with what is apprehended as a poison. And then the liver will help us "bearish" service, reducing the effectiveness of the drug. The drug may be inactive, as it will connect the liver proteins.

In this state the substance does not act on the body, but can be in fairly high concentrations. Adverse conditions will contribute to the output of the drug from the bound state.

The reason for the success and the attitude to the recommendations.

But why to dramatize? Oral administration of drugs method was one of the first medicine. And in the history it has shown its effectiveness and simplicity. After all, a person does not need outside help for taking drugs. Even exhausted people quite easily will transfer technique, if he is still conscious. It does not generate any negative emotions and associations. You're sure to remember children in the study, to prick. If all the agents were administered by injection, the child would be impossible to drag to the hospital. In addition, the best option is to influence the esophagus, stomach and intestines.

And do not forget to read carefully the recommendations before use. Many people decide that it is not necessary to wash down pills with plenty of water. And some of the drugs in this respect carelessly, can lead to the development of gastric ulcers.Do not forget take Mildronate for better results.

Eating before or after meals is also an important point. Features of metabolism and blood circulation no one has canceled. On this depends the optimal effectiveness of the drug, which has been proven in numerous clinical studies.

Knowing how it is orally, you can always consult your grandmother or any other relative. But do not overdo it with the drugs, the use of more than 5 medications at the same time increases the risk of side effects by 50%.


How fast a stroke occurs? Types of hemorrhage.

26 Oct 2016

Most people have misconceptions about how the rapidly evolving stroke. Many people think that this is an acute condition occurs almost like a heart attack - the symptoms are already noticeable from the first seconds, and the consequences can occur within a few minutes, and to deprive the patient's life. But things are a bit different.

Types and causes of the disease.

The very essence of a heart attack is that the brain stops getting enough blood:

  • Ischemia, or narrowing of the blood vessels - the most popular reason.
  • Hemorrhage or intracerebral hemorrhage. Skins brain begin to soak with blood.
  • Bleeding into the brain cavity.

The reasons for the stroke set, but most often it occurs in those who suffer from high blood pressure. Hypertension provides regular vasoconstriction, which is what often leads to disastrous consequences. In addition, the vascular wall of problems may be caused a variety of other diseases. Anything that affects the metabolism, exerts its effect on the strength of the vessel:

  • Diabetes.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Obesity.

It is necessary to remember that the development of these diseases cause not only problems with food. Often, all laid at the genetic level, diabetes can be hereditary, obesity often cause defects in the enzyme system and metabolism in general. To avoid this desease you can use Meldonium or Semax.

Even in the development of atherosclerosis, nutrition has been given much less attention.

Recent studies have shown that exogenous fats have little effect on the progression of the disease. You can translate a scientific language - how much fatty food is not eaten a healthy person, he does not get sick. But if there is a defect in the genes, even diet can not be saved from this disorder.

Bleeding in the brain.

The very tone of the violation will only lead to ischemic infarction, and what about the rest? For their development should compromise the integrity or the permeability of the wall. If blood or its components will be impregnated into the cavity through the whole vessels, this can lead to hemorrhagic stroke.

If there will be a break of the vessel, it already goes to hemorrhage. Frankly, many of the classification is not considered a state of a stroke, but the symptoms and effects are almost the same, so that we take into account, and this pathology.

In addition to violations of the circulatory system, we get a solid accumulation of blood in the brain. The same hematoma, but in the skull and there they do not dissolve within a few days. Even the mere presence of excess volume will lead to the development of many neurological symptoms. (To reduce the damage from hemorrhagic stroke one can with the help of Semax).

If we consider that blood is biologically active substances, in front of us it is not just a sad situation, but tragic.

4 symptoms of stroke.

But you can save the patient, even in the presence of the first clinical symptoms, for that matter, as soon as possible, seek emergency medical help. Our body is able to compensate for almost any condition, to some time. So even with an impressive amount of blood in the skull, the patient is alert and trying to pretend that it is actually okay and nothing to worry about.

Do not take our word, check the presence of characteristic symptoms, ask for that person enough:

  • Smile. When you stroke a full smile will not leave one corner of the lips to be mowed down. Or, both directly and, depending on the severity of the condition.
  • Raise both hands up. Even this simple request would cause difficulties in connection with damage to the nerve fibers.
  • Show language. No fooling around, we are again on the neurological symptoms. The victim will not keep him in the middle of the mouth, the tongue will be allotted to one side.
  • To touch your chin to your chest. This symptom indicates a lesion of the brain membranes, and manifests itself in meningitis.

These four symptoms will be enough to smell a rat and seek professional help. There are still dozens of symptoms, but they are not specific and may occur when hundreds of other disorders. Main is:

  • Headache;
  • Vomiting;
  • Weakness;
  • Confusion.

Often overlooked point out the fact that he did not suspect a stroke may develop as long.

How long strokes are flowing?

Even in the case of rapid flow, the patient has in reserve for several hours. But at the very lucky patients this condition can occur within a month. Really hard to say which option is better.

In the first case, the patient may not have time to take to the hospital or to give him a full range of medical activities to the development of paralysis or death.

In the second, a stroke victim can not pay on their state no attention and continue to live a relatively normal life. But the hematoma has formed from the third day will start strongly affect the brain, the effects of such exposure to eliminate in the future will be very difficult.

To avoid confusion in the matter, guided by 5 hours.

It was during this time – 5 hours, after the onset of symptoms, the patient should be helped to its maximum effect in the body.

What is fraught with a stroke for the body?

The consequences of a stroke every heard. All these stories - is not an attempt to intimidate and force to lead a healthy lifestyle and a harsh reality. All functions of our body are regulated by the brain, destroying its tissues due to soaking with blood or oxygen starvation will lead to massive cell death.

According to studies, every minute during a stroke kills up to 2 million cells. The death of neurons will cause the patient to lose sensitivity in a separate area of the body or over the entire surface. Problems arise with the motion, up to paralysis. Normal speech and facial expressions rarely characteristic of those who suffered a stroke.

Knowing how fast a stroke, you can just ask for help in a medical institution. This knowledge will help to distinguish a stroke from any other disorders with similar symptoms, but more rapid current.


Vishnevsky ointment, liniment Balsamic: for what helps this drug. The use and contraindications. Tips for using.

26 Oct 2016

Many people have heard, but few know what ointment Vishnevsky is, from what helps and for what to use.

History of discovery Vishnevsky Balsamic liniment

Vishnevsky ointment is named in honor of the Soviet surgeon Alexander V. Vishnevsky. He invented this ointment in 1927. The composition in the form of an ointment was developed from a mixture of birch tar, xeroform and castor oil.

The Balsamic liniment Vishnevsky was developed for the treatment of open wounds, burns, frostbite, and so on.

Vishnevsky ointment buy has the necessary properties. Linement Balsamic Vishnevsky has an antiseptic effect, promotes blood flow to the tissues and softening.

The author called the resulting product "liniment". Then, due to its balsamic properties, called "balsamic liniment for Wisniewski." After the recognition of the general public and the immense popularity began to be used a simplified unofficial "Vishnevsky ointment."

Action of components

Liniment Vishnevsky consists of three main components. The action of the complex due to the properties of each of the components.

  • Xeroform Powder - Bismutum tribromphenylicum. Yellow powder of fine fraction. Xeroform Powder (Bismutum tribromphenylicum. ) has a characteristic odor not soluble in chloroform, alcohols, water. It has antiseptic, dries and astringent action. It refers to antiseptics and disinfectants.
  • Birch tar – pitch (tar). It is extracted from the bark by dry pyrolysis technology. It looks like a thick, oily liquid black. In terms of composition is very close to creosote. Widely used in household, manufacturing and medicine. Veterinary medicine uses it to treat herpes. It contributes to a significant increase in blood flow in the tissues. It accelerates the local metabolism.
  • Castor oil - oil kleveschinic. The liquid which does not dry out. Transparent color, sometimes slightly tinted. It softens tissues and promotes the absorption of other components of the composition. Widely used in household and industry. Indispensable for the care of leather goods.

Composition of Vishnevsky liniment shows that it is good and very effective.

Human skin treatment by ointments

The development of medicine and pharmacology is making a large range of the market creams and gels. Application of creams and pastes are very broad. The most common methods of application are:

  • Anesthesia. Special ointments designed to reduce the pain of damaged skin.
  • Stretching. There are drugs for external use and sprains. They relax the muscles, increase blood flow and warm.
  • For joints. In case of damage of the joints are treated to reduce swelling, warming and relaxing.
  • Regeneration. Apply injuries, burns, frostbite.
  • Skin care. The multitude of creams, balms and other cosmetics can be attributed to ointments. Used to saturate skin nutrients, maintain muscle tone, wrinkles and so on.

Some medications relieve irritation and inflammation. Others have a healing effect. There are also united by the compositions, such as "3 in 1", and the like.

It should be borne in mind that some drugs are used only after consulting with a doctor.

Research in the field of cosmetology

Currently Estheticians baffled the development of new formulations that have a minimum of side effects and maximum benefits. By that attracted many scholars from the field of atomic physics. There are developments of new formulations of active substances.

Prospective studies require substantial financial investments, so many of them are financed by products sold today. This means that the cost of drugs artificially inflated.

New studies offer opportunities for combining existing knowledge. This allows the use of new technology that improves the quality of products and reduce costs. New ointments and gels have a high efficiency.

The combination of properties allows to develop various substances odorless or those which are more easily applied without further rubbing, which can cause discomfort in some cases.

Application of Vishnevsky ointments

The drug is used in skin lesions. Keep in mind that it is not at all possible defeats its use, as there are contraindications.

Applying balm Vishnevsky recommended in the following cases:

  • Burns. Antiseptic and regenerative effect is very necessary in the processing of thermal injuries. Even severe burns to the third degree can be treated with this agent.
  • Frostbite. Much the same as burns, since it is associated with destruction of the upper layer of skin and tissue necrosis, plus infection.
  • Open lacerated wounds. It is particularly important to consider the nature of the wound. The substance should be applied across the damaged surface and a little bit around.
  • Ulcers, bedsores. Metabolism acceleration effect and softening of fabrics is particularly important when the character defeats such as ulcers and bedsores.
  • Wet callus (blisters). Facilitates decontamination of affected areas. Furthermore, after application, they are softened.
  • Furuncle, carbuncle. As with other septic processes, the drug is contraindicated. Acceleration of the local metabolism caused by a substance that increases the amount of discharge of pus, so aggravated by the disease. Increased pain and increases healing time. At the same time, the application facilitates the rapid maturation and shorter cleaning wounds.

You should know how Vishnevsky ointment, from what helps and when it can hurt. It does not apply to first aid, and this means that the original wound should be handled by other compositions, and liniment applied after the start of the regeneration process.


Afobazol pills

26 Oct 2016

Attention! Before application of drugs, consult with a specialist!

Advantages: sometimes anxiety retreats.

I changed the job, constant stress for a long time. Sometimes I wake up at night and disturbing thoughts do not go away. I had problems in private life.

I think the separation from loved has provoked a state in which I find myself.

I take Afobazol. The state in which am not passed, probably have to take longer. But sometimes it departs, sometimes retreating waves of depression. When take a pill just want to sleep, to eat do not want to.


Afobazol – helps

26 Oct 2016

Attention! Before application of drugs, consult with a specialist!

Advantages: It does not cause drowsiness.

In my life, the last time there was so sad events, I was beginning to understand how to go crazy. I lost my appetite and zest for life. I fall asleep in sadness and grief, and woke up with the same feelings. And so every day. I completely stopped smiling. In the evenings watching a comedy that would somehow raise themselves up.

Just one moment of the body at all out of order, so much so that hysterics at work. Before my colleagues felt ashamed that I could not bear to behave. Me helped afobazol. The attention became more concentrated, there was internal freedom, no longer get stuck on a problem. When the next stressful situation can easily evaluate their actions, logical approach to solving the problem. I do not turn in on themselves, as before.


Afobazol – Excellent drug

26 Oct 2016

Attention! Before application of drugs, consult with a specialist!

Advantages: reasonable price, effective

Psychotherapist wrote me these pills after I had a nervous breakdown and depressive syndrome. Was apathy to everything, tearfulness strong, irritability is not big, and insomnia. I bought a pack of 50 pills in Table, the price is not expensive. Took 1 tablet Afobazol 3 times in day.

The effect was immediate on the second day I was already more relaxed, began to recover gradually.

Now often take only these sedatives. It helps very well. And there is no getting used to them as far as I know.


Afobazol – Anxiety is gone

26 Oct 2016

Advantages: Price, availability, no side effects

I accept Afobazol periodically for about 4 years.

Very good drug: no addiction or side effects. If I feel that I begin to overcome unfounded anxiety, fear - take Afobazol. Once returned to normal, I stop the reception.

Afobazol relieves symptoms of anxiety, and allows you to soberly assess the situation.

If the state of heavy (depression, panic attacks), refer to the therapist and follow his instructions.

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