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Use of the drug Mildronate for elderly patients with cognitive impairment with The Background OF ENCEPHALOPATHY atherosclerotic

10 Oct 2016

Cognitive impairment is one of the most prevalent and socially important disorders of the nervous system. Cerebrovascular disease is one of the most common causes of cognitive deficit. This paper evaluated the efficacy of the drug Mildronate on elderly patients with mild to moderate cognitive impairment on the background of vascular encephalopathy.

The drug Mildronate injection was administered at a dose of 5 mL intravenously daily for 10 days. Received after the end of treatment data show an improvement of the general condition of patients, their cognitive functions and the positive dynamics of indicators of brain activity.

In modern neuroscience is extremely topical and socially important problems are vascular diseases of the brain, which occupy one of the first places among the neurological pathology.

Encephalopathy is a syndrome of multifocal or diffuse brain damage caused by chronic cerebral vascular insufficiency associated with atherosclerosis, hypertension and other diseases that result in suffering vascular system.

In the pathogenesis of diffuse brain damage at encephalopathy are processes due to the deterioration of cerebral hemodynamics, and the subsequent development of ischemia, hypoxia, energy deficit, increase lipid peroxidation, dysfunction of neuronal membranes and the emergence of neurotransmitter imbalance. In addition, there may also be triggering of a cascade of neurodegenerative processes, characterized by that particularly for the elderly.

The clinical picture of encephalopathy consists of cognitive, emotional, motor and other neurological disorders. The disease is progressive for staging. The disorder of cognitive functions largely determines the clinical picture of encephalopathy.

Blur cognitive impairment has already found 90% of patients with an initial encephalopathy and may be followed by a gradual or step-like progression, up to the degree of dementia. In connection with this great interest of researchers attracted to the problem of early diagnosis of cognitive disorders emerging in individuals with chronic disorders of cerebral circulation. The basis of cognitive dysfunction in cerebrovascular pathology is not the primary lesion of certain cortical areas or systems, and violation of the links between different cortical areas and subcortical structures, followed by the emergence of symptoms of secondary frontal dysfunction, which causes disturbances in the cognitive and emotional sphere at encephalopathy. Pathomorphological basis for these changes is the defeat of deep departments of white matter of the brain, which is accompanied by the phenomenon of leukoaraiosis, as well as the possible development of cortical atrophy and expansion of the ventricles.

The most characteristic symptoms of cognitive dysfunction in cerebrovascular disease are to reduce the rate of mental processes, infringement of planning and organization, ability to concentrate, memory, fatigue under mental stress.

Cognitive impairment in cerebral vascular pathology combined, usually with emotional and personality disorders: irritability, anxiety, depression and emotional instability, as in the past based on a secondary dysfunction of the frontal lobes of the brain.

Patients with chronic cerebral ischemia in the early stages of forming a syndrome of mild cognitive disorders, which the progression of the underlying disease can be transformed into a more severe cognitive impairment up to the development of dementia.

Recently neuro-gerontologists pay great attention to the problem of the syndrome of mild cognitive impairment.

MCI syndrome is quite heterogeneous condition characterized by symptoms of memory loss and / or general cognitive decline with no dementia syndrome, Characterized by the deterioration of cognitive activity for MCI syndrome, which causes some difficulty in performing complex types of professional and social activity.

However, patients are aware of their cognitive decline compared with baseline, and it is for them a cause for concern. The risk of progression of mild cognitive disorders and transforming them into mild and severe in these patients are generally above average.

Obviously, the earlier detection of cognitive disorders, in stage before dementia (mild to moderate), cognitive impairment is very important in terms of effective therapy. Currently in elderly patients as a therapy of MCI, developing on the background of cerebrovascular disease, it is appropriate to use drugs that affect metabolic processes in the central nervous system.

It was found that with age in the vascular wall decreases activity of many metabolic processes: reduced consumption of oxygen and the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), decreases the synthesis of proteins and mucopolysaccharides. Violation of cerebral blood supply further enhances metabolic changes - is a violation of the energy potential of neurons decreases the biosynthesis of high-energy compounds (ATP, adenosine diphosphate), there are changes in the structural and functional state of the neuronal membranes, develops oxidative stress and as a result - dystrophy and degeneration of neurons, neurotransmitter disorders. Therefore, the treatment of chronic cerebrovascular pathology is important to optimize and improve micro-circulation metabolism in brain tissue.

One of the modern drugs with integrated anti-ischemic, anti-hypoxic, antioxidant, vasotropic and cytoprotective action is Mildronate (Meldonium). The active ingredient of the drug is Meldonium dihydrate, a structural analogue of the gamma-butyrobetaine (a precursor of carnitine). Meldonium reduces acylcarnitine and activated forms acylcoenzime In cells thus preventing their toxic effects. The drug inhibits the formation of carnitine from gamma-butyrobetaine, reduces the level of plasma carnitine. In addition, exposure of gamma-butyrobetaine causes the induction of nitric oxide - endothelial vasodilation factor having a plurality of physiological effects which are manifested in normalization of blood vessel tone, reducing platelet aggregation, increase erythrocyte flexibility. As a result, normalizes blood microcirculation and its redistribution to the ischemic areas of the nervous tissue, improves metabolic processes in cells is regulated by glycolysis and oxygen transport.

Thus, under the influence of treatment with LCN Mildronate in the group on the background of I DE Art. It noted improvement in general condition of patients, reducing the severity of the complaints, which was accompanied by a significant increase of parameters characterizing the short-term verbal (semantic, associative), and visual shaped memory. Also in this group of patients was significantly increased test parameters, indicating enhanced level of attention, hand-eye coordination, dynamic and constructive praxis, learning ability and perception of new information and improve patient activity.

It should also be noted that it was not detected under the influence of a course of drug therapy Mildronate in the surveyed groups of patients no significant changes in the emotional-volitional sphere.

The findings indicate positive changes in the bioelectric activity of the brain, apparently by improving cerebral hemodynamics and neyrometabolizma.

Consequently, the results of our studies show the positive influence of the drug Mildronate on clinical symptoms, neuropsychological and neurophysiological parameters in patients with circulatory encephalopathy. After completing the course of Mildronate treatment significantly improved overall in both groups of patients - with pulmonary syndrome and mild cognitive impairment, as well as set the positive dynamics of cognitive status. The findings suggest that the positive effects of the drug Mildronate on short-term (visual image, verbal semantic and associative) and long term (verbal semantic) memory, as well as hand-eye coordination, concentration levels, expense, fluency, opto-spatial and constructive praxis, the ability to learn. Patients with MCI syndrome is also significantly improved long-term visual (associative and visual-spatial) memory. Improvement of cognitive functions in patients with MCI syndrome accompanied by positive changes in brain activity that indicates an improvement in the functional state of the brain. Adverse reactions in patients treated with the drug were noted.

The results showed a positive effect of the drug Mildronate on cerebral hemodynamics and were the basis for repeated courses of therapy.

Thus, the positive dynamics of the functional state of the brain in elderly patients with ED, and cognitive impairment under the influence of Mildronate treatment, apparently associated with improved hemodynamics and neyrometabolizma during treatment with the drug. Mildronate should be used in the treatment of ED and correction of cognitive impairment in elderly patients with mild to moderate vascular cognitive impairment.


Nootropics Phenotropil: a two-week experiment

10 Oct 2016

Nootropics are drugs, that intended to improve the functioning of the brain, namely the stimulation of mental activity, increased concentration, improved memory, increased learning ability, endurance, mood enhancement. Wow! I just need it all! Generally, the range of use of neuroprotective drugs is much broader and includes areas such as central nervous system diseases, disorders of the brain, depression treatment, the treatment of neurological conditions, etc. But in the context of this article we shall consider only the issues of improving brain function.

Neuroprotective drugs, there are many, the most famous of which is Glycine. Most nootropics give a noticeable effect only after prolonged use often is no effect and does not see. Which of nootropics act most quickly and clearly? - I asked a friend who was interested in pumping brain with nootropics and practically became a specialist in this matter. He said that Phenotropil.


Phenotropil is domestic Russian development for astronauts. I am a cosmonaut too. If you read the instructions for use, the impression that it is a remedy for everything and for everything. Often people compare Phenotropil with a magic tablet from the movie "Limitless." The network password on Phenotoropil you can easily find more information and opinions. Phenotropil is now very popular. Reviews Phenylpiracetam are very inconsistent. From the most enthusiastic to these, they say, they say, from it only problems and irritability, or that he does not act.

Instructions and description of advertising - is one thing. Reviews is another. But neither the one nor the other can not be trusted in our modern world. Therefore, I decided to try for yourself. Is Phenotropil and general nootropic drugs may help pump the brain and body, improve your concentration, endurance, memory and other indicators, and even improve your mood?

I decided to take a course of Phenotropil.

The purity of the experiment

There is no purity of the experiment, unfortunately, I can not provide. (If it happens at all?) So many factors beyond the control of me, behind which is difficult to follow. So, guided only by their subjective feelings and blog entries that I conducted before and after Phenotropil.

In addition to receiving Phenylpiracetam during the experiment I did run 5-7 times a week + day doing physical exercise. I do not eat meat. Sitting meditation every day. In addition it should be noted that I live in a resort town on the coast. We have clean air and generally favorable environment.

Of course, on how Phenotropil showed itselfinfluenced my character and temperament. This means that your own experience is likely to be much different. Nevertheless, it seems to me, there are some effects common to many people.

Day 1

On the first day of the experiment, I was a little cold and was taking medication the night before. For a while I doubted whether or not to start my two-week experiment in this state, and yet decided.

For a long time I could not determine the dosage. Phenotropil discharged patients CNS diseases and many other serious reasons. I decided to use it to improve performance, learning, concentration. Simply put, to pump the brain. In such cases it is recommended to consume 100-200 mg once daily in the morning. Since tablets I 30, then a mode I chose: 200 mg (two tablets) once daily after breakfast.

On the first day after breakfast took 2 tablets with a glass of green tea. And almost immediately (within 5 minutes), I felt the effect. I can not believe that the drug may act so quickly. I quickened heartbeat, there was some mild agitation, abnormal sensations in the head and in the respiratory process. In general, my general background of bodily sensations changed. Or is self-hypnosis?

I immediately went to work. Yes, Phenotropil adds energy. But I can not say that everything with him is so smooth. All my usual negative manifestations such as laziness, stayed with me. It is the same with a weak concentration. If prior to the adoption of Phenotropil in my mind stormed Symphony rambling thoughts, after the adoption of this symphony Phenotropil repeatedly increased and took almost maniacal character. And I thought that the ability to calm the mind and concentration, to turn out, for example, meditation, handy to host Phenotropil to pump the brain. Only with skills elaborated in meditation (or even both), can be converted into useful energy Phhenotropil track. And scattering converted into concentration. In other beneficial effects Phenylpiracetam will wear more casual character. That is, if you do not have the discipline and concentration in daily life, and Phenylpiracetam will not help you. And it can help, how do I know. But with the already developed the discipline and ability to concentrate, of course, better.

By the way, I am not the first time I've noticed that when taking Phenotropil increased irritability. And with the first dose as soon as there was something not to my liking, I instantly fell in irritability. Of course, it plays a role here and that I am the person itself irritable.

I did not notice any impact on the jogging. It is also proposed to participate in the experiment Said my friend, with whom we run. Tomorrow he will start.

In the evening a long time stuck in viewing blogs and videos on topics of interest. I do not know whether or not Phenotropil action. This could be without him. Then meditation. Also explicit action Phenotropil noticed. Although he stayed longer than planned and longer than usual to get along with pain in the legs. Closer to the night the mood fell. All day I lost in playing chess.

Day 2

I ate two tablets pf Phenylpiracetam. To do nothing would be desirable. Already I felt Phenotropil so clearly as yesterday. But it turned out to perform one long tedious work with texts.

Come run with friend. There was a hurricane. People are not at all empty. The sea rages. But we still went for a run. It's very inspiring. And the mood was delicious! I would even say euphorically-delicious! Clearly seen strengthening Phenotropil’s emotions. Later, I had to visit my parents. They behaved as usual - haunted me any garbage. Well, as parents. It brought me out of myself, that I could not calm down. Clearly seen strengthening Phenotropil emotions. Phenotropil amplifies both positive and negative aspects of emotion.

Night long, enthusiasm and focus, wrote an article. Sitting deep meditation on sensations. In the evening again a little mood fell. Maybe it Phenotropil?

Day 3

Today, I feel pretty good with Phenotropil. Phenylpiracetam even helps me get over yourself and get down to business. I did a lot of work, a good workout. The mood is normal.

A separate theme - Saeed. He felt insomnia from Phenotropil. He had not slept all night and early in the morning went to work. But I do not complain about the lack of forces. In the afternoon some sleep (half an hour) and quickly restore power. According to the voice in the phone, I noticed that he had some sort of excited, positive, talkative. He did not calm down. Mad Saeed. He said that he suddenly felt like reading.

In the evening I was attacked not so much a bad mood. I do not want to do. Easily discouraged.

And then insomnia, depressed mood, irritability. The head persistently climbed bad thoughts. I knew it was Phenotropil, but could do nothing. His condition was similar to something like hang-over from drug. For the third consecutive day, the mood of the evening was falling. Maybe it Phenotropil draining my day?

Day 4

I woke up broken, and later with a bad mood. I do not want to do. Everything turned out very badly. Sport was given hard. In short, not a day, and a complete failure.

In the evening, breaking himself sat down to work, and gradually all cleared up, the mood has improved, the inspiration came.

An important conclusion of the day. Yes, Phenotropil may make the brain, or cause to fall into despair and apathy. If the head of the chaos, the Phenylpiracetam only strengthen it. In such cases, you need a little effort of will to put things in order. Therefore, care should be taken behind the head. By itself Phenotropil makes life better, your participation is required.

Day 5-6

In general, the mood was normal. But head periodically torn apart: one thing on your mind, then the second. That one rushed to the head, then in another. That panic, and after 5 minutes like already all do normal life. Every thought and emotion captured me completely. I do not understand how it is possible to prescribe Phenotropil to people, which suffer from depression. After all, he is unpredictable and uncontrollable. So you can bring people to suicide.

Days 7-9

Nothing much of these days I can not identify. Neither good nor bad. Just life. Phenotropil was felt, but not naughty.

Days 10-11, euphoric

These days, the mood was high because ofPhenotropil, sometimes to mild euphoria. Everything turned out well. Attention, sports achievements, work.

Days 12-15

Phenotropil gave good tangible effect. Also, nothing much can not be said about these days. It may have become accustomed to Phenotropil. One day, we ran a distance of 18 km without any problems. Sometimes the mood was upbeat, sometimes do not want to do. As usual.

On the twelfth day he said to himself that if not immediately bring himself to take up the case, the whole burst of energy from Phenylpiracetam goes nowhere: on that nonsense, which is engaged. It is again a question of self-discipline.

He said already on day 4-5 Phhenotropil ceased to feel the action. Maybe the fact that he was not one of those sensitive people, attentive to the emotions and feelings (like me). So any interesting information about the work of preparation I did not get from him.


Phenotropil really works. It comes into effect very quickly and clearly discernible effects in the body and mind.

For junkies (and I know that many fans are interested to get high with Phenotropil). Yes, really a bit Phenotropil rushing. But, as always, it has a downside.

Sometimes Phenylpiracetam intensifies emotions to mild euphoria, but in contrast to often manifests irritability.

Phenotropil amplifies both positive and negative emotions.

Phenylpiracetam adds energy. But where he is to take power, but in the organism itself. Therefore, after this, you can feel the fatigue.

Phenotropil itself does not make life better, will require participation. What is important is the level of self-discipline. If you channel the energy of the drug in the right direction, it can be very useful. If, however, succumb to their destructive tendencies, and it will strengthen by Phenotropil.

During my experiment alternated good and bad emotions, mood, tone and condition the body. Ups and downs. Just like in the daily life, except that the amplitude of these movements was somewhat wider. Sometimes a good mood overflowed into bliss and bad - in the obsessive thoughts and panic. Yes, it acts. Sometimes nice, sometimes not. But you can do without it.

It can be useful in work and study. The main thing to be able to control themselves and organize. Cosmonauts, which was developed and Phenotropil, people of the highest discipline, organization and training. Develop self-discipline, and based on that take Phenotropil. Although if you have a good discipline, no Phenotropil you will not need.

Prior to this experiment, I was planning to explore a variety of nootropics. But after my experience with Phenylpiracetam I changed my intention. Seeing action Phenotropil, I realized that I no longer want to work with Nootropics. I will move soon to the exclusion of everything superfluous, to simplify. It is far better to develop themselves without relying on any funds, especially pharmacological.


Phenotropil reviews of doctors: It acts quickly and effectively

10 Oct 2016

The drug is called Phenotropil is indicated for use to people in a coma (sometimes - precoma), with the weakening of memory disorders (both chronic and acute), cerebral circulation. It helps in the treatment of depression and alimentary obesity, facilitating exit from the crisis and the alcohol in the treatment of chronic alcoholism. In all these cases it can help qualitative and effective drug Phenotropil reviews (positive) of which were obtained from the doctors and their patients.

Quick help by Phenotropil is guaranteed and people completely healthy who need a point in life or in an emergency to mobilize all their physical and mental resources. The only exception applies to all such drug Phenotropil analogues, is the ban on its use during a sporting event, since drugs of this group are prohibited Anti-Doping Committee. In all other cases - during student session or prior to the conference, for better concentration and memory activation - drug can be used in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of doctors.

Action of Phenotropil is based on the increase in the tissues of the brain levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the synthesis of ribonucleic acid (RNA). Moreover, the drug has an effect on glycolytic processes stimulates glucose uptake and cleavage, avoiding its conversion into fats. As a result, as shown by the drug Phenotropil received feedback from physicians and specialists studying it, this pharmacological agent has antiamnesic effect, allowing the brain to "focus" and quickly consolidate memory, integrating pieces of information in a timely manner. The drug improves concentration, stimulates mental activity, and greatly facilitates the processes of adaptation and learning.

The main advantage of the drug is not only in its efficiency and functionality, but in the fact that it has virtually no effect on the cardiovascular and urinary system or the respiratory system. Many doctors, from whom comes to drug Phenotropil reviews, note its positive effect on patients suffering from anxiety disorders and mood swings problems. Among other things, this medicine may be used to treat central nervous system disorders, metabolic disturbances in the brain and reduce physical activity.

Appointed and accepted pharmacological agent Phenotropil reviews of people who are interested can get in any pharmacy should be appointed necessarily specialists and carefully monitored by them. The fact that the drug has some contraindications, in its application may have a problem with individual intolerance, so it can be administered with caution to patients with severe renal impairment and liver, arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis. Under the supervision of doctors should be treated with the drug people agitated, with a heightened sense of anxiety, delirium, panic attacks and hallucinations. In no case can not use the drug to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as young children, because the clinical studies in this area have not yet been carried out.

The drug must be taken in accordance with the purpose of the doctor - to an average of 250 mg per day, immediately after a meal. The course of treatment is 30 days, but may be repeated in the same period.


Some words about Phenotropil. Presonal Opinion

10 Oct 2016

Personally at me Phenotropil has a stimulating effect is stronger than Wellbutrin and Auroriks! It is stimulating! Not to be confused with antidepressant.

To maximize the psychostimulant effects (both during exercise and for the activation of mental activity with fatigue) it is possible to use promoters that are taken 30 minutes before a workout or during heavy mental work. The best choice of caffeine sodium benzoate (recommended dose 100-200 mg) and Geranamin (75 mg). The synergistic effect achieved by the combination of caffeine sodium benzoate (100 mg) and Geranamin (50 mg) - this combination of pre-training set made Jack3d (USP Labs) the most popular in the United States.

For quick recovery, accelerating the processes of thinking and improve cognitive functions have been successfully used nootropics, one of the best is Phenotropil (refers to doping agents). From Actoprotectors group is widely known for the preparation of Bemithylum. You can apply psycho-energizer, but not proven the effectiveness of most of them. It is also necessary to mention adaptogens.


Some words about Drugs. Presonal Opinion

10 Oct 2016

Well, how would you say ...

Actovegin. Yes, like some say ineffective. In my experience over the last 7 years all options of Actovegin reception gave 100% result. Can you just pick up a situation where it is relevant?

Cerebrolysin - I can not say anything, I rely on the opinion of colleagues and the majority of them believe that it does have much effectiveness.

Arbidol- I do not really like.

Ingaverin, Kagocel, Oscillococcinum - also no normal results. Who went on to overcome the flu for conventional interferon inhumanly cruel scheme, and not according to what is written in the instructions, but went out again in 100% of cases, which I observed.

Tamiflu - is ambiguous, but I have not personally worked with it.

"Amiksin, timalin, Timogen, viferon, ANAFERON, ALFARON, INGARON (bioparoks, polyoxidonium, tsikloferon, ersefuril, IMUNOMAKS, Likopid, izoprinozin, PRIMADOFILYUS, Engystol, Imudon et al.)" - Start with the fact that bioparoks - an antibiotic, at rather than effective, it is not very clear with what frightened him stuffed in a row with immunomodulators. Themselves listed immunomudulators operate erratically - someone lucky, some do not. I'm in my practice, I try not to use because of the unpredictability of the effect.

ESSENTIALE, Kars - it is currently working hepatoprotector. Work, if not booze up and not to be on the needle. And if you booze and are on the needle, then, naturally, no liver, even with the help of tablets could do nothing.

Bifidobakterin, BIFIDUMBACTERIN, bifiform, Linex, Hilak forte, Primadofilus - bifidum - works, if properly stored and correctly used, Hilak - works, but in combination with lineksom or bifidum - it just creates adequate for bacteria environment itself with bacteria does not contain . Linex - one of the best products of this series. All of these drugs require proper storage and use, then they will work fine.

Mezim FORTE -I'll eat a bowl of pork fat and torment. Devour a bowl of pork fat and seize his mezim. After that doubts about the effectiveness will be lost.

Corvalolum, Valocordin - yes, dope for grandmothers, but sometimes it's exactly what you need.

Piracetam - operates mainly in young. Older drugs need stronger. Now there are different nootropics, much more effective, but also the performance of piracetam can not be denied. Again - it is necessary to assign the right. it will not help in stroke. And when small problems with memory and concentration - perfect escape.

Cocarboxylase, Riboxin - can not say anything, because they do not work and do not keep track of them.

About futility chondroprotector say those who took them wrong. Yes, chondroprotectors are different, with different efficiency, the efficiency of conventional sports meds, but they work, and the result is felt by patients and can be seen in the pictures.

Vinpocetine and Cavintonum - grandmother must somehow entertain themselves))

Trombovazim - an aid in the treatment of. Not in mono !!!!

Statins - well, you want to die slowly and painfully - do not drink statins. Want to live a long, moderately happy and not worry about your cholesterol - drink. Analyses showed a significant decrease in blood cholesterol. Why are you more?

Vitamins and trace elements - are selected individually, after a blood test at the micro and macro. They work mostly small complexes, where the vitamins do not overlap each other. 2-3-phase complexes preferable. Of trace elements and magnesium - ask those who shot them cramps caused due to violation of the ratio of the micro and macro. Everything works with proper selection and appointment of adequately.

Homeopathy - the correct selection of addresses. Yes, a lot of charlatans, but that does not mean that the drugs do not work. This means that they have picked the wrong and they are not included in this particular case.

Validol - well, yum and yum, yes, nitroglycerin better.

Mildronate, Mexidol, Phenotropil. Just these preparations intended for relatively healthy people. None at all should not expect miracles from any drugs in cases of severe brain injuries.

Cytochrome c, adenosine nicotinamide (Oftan Katahrom) AZAPENTATSEN (kvinaks), taurine (taufon) - normal working drugs. But requires long and systematic application. When used properly and feel better, and when viewed from there is noticeable improvement.

NOVO-Pass - a weak sedative. In severe cases, of course, does not have much effect, it needs aggressive chemicals.


Phenotropil and Phenibut

10 Oct 2016

Personally I almost feel no effect from Phenibutum on me, though I took the right one - Lithuanian, plus it, unlike Phenotropil pretty hard to get without a prescription. Phenotropil helps not sticky at one point, when you have a bot and reduces stress during the session. But this is for me.

In general, I believe that all these nootropics - pampering for hipsters, have revised “Limitless” and seeking the magical drug that will do everything for them. Although, as a replacement pair of cups Phenotropil works.

I had insomnia from Phenotropil. It is necessary to drink before lunch.

Phenotropil acts on every one in each different wa. Someone Phenotropil did not help. In my case - the first burst of energy, I want to always something to do, like an awl in one place, and then, when the action comes to an end - I want terribly to sleep, you can sleep through the night and did not sleep. By the way, some one uses Phenibutum also neuroprotective drugs, cheaper and milder effect. If by Phenotropil become aggressive, then Phenibutum gives a burst of energy and a feeling of infinite happiness. But it is also individually)


How to pump the BRAIN?

10 Oct 2016

Watch the film "Limitless". Phenotropil is as close as possible to the drug, which is described in the film.

This review has long been asked to write some of my students, who are eager to learn the secrets of my efficiency ...

The article is about the great and terrible Nootropics!

I must say the important thing is: do not take medicine at random ... first go to the doctor (in this case - to the neurologist), and ask him a simple question: "Here is a list of drugs that I want to drink, take a look, and tell me if I can be this drink." - That's what I did.

Once again, just for you, dear reader, do not take medicine without a doctor's examination. Especially the "medicine for the brain" ...

Because in this regard a lot of information, I will post it in parts.

The second important point: I am not a doctor, I'm only going to talk about their own observation of oneself and about the observation of my friends.

Phenotropil (Phenylpiracetam)


1) The most powerful and fastest on the effect of nootropics stimulant of all that I have tried (and I tried about 10). It feels acts as a very strong organic coffee, but the effect lasts for 30 minutes and 5-7 hours!

2) If you need to perform a lot of hard work yesterday (as they say) - it's your best choice.

3) Most interestingly, Phenotropil not only stimulates the nervous system, namely, increases the craving for knowledge and work ... When you drink it - you practically physically difficult to engage in garbage and do nothing ...)) I want to plow like a horse!

4) From Phenotropil also increases self-confidence and self-esteem. Bad mood changed to excellent as if by magic.

5) And yet ... it only in my experience salvation from common diagnosis VSD, which in our country for medical stupidity put every second (and myself included).

6) Increased performance. You are more attentive to detail, and can at the debt on something to focus.

7) If you are experiencing fear - it is also one of the best choices! Are you afraid to hold a webinar? - Drink Phenotropil and everything will be easy, fun, and having fun! )

8) The drug is completely safe from the point of view of medicine (but this does not mean that it is not necessary to read the instructions and go to the doctor!)

9) The preparation is really good for your brain! It is in fact - Vita for the gray matter in your skull. It increases oxygen supply, blood circulation and so much more. Read the study: preparation, even the mice increased the skills and abilities. :)


1) I do not know why (do not find the information in the study), but some people do not act perfectly. One clever doctor conjectured that Phenotropil "cure" sick brains, and if you are quite healthy - you will not notice anything.

2) Increased irritability. If you are unwell control - be careful, because You can pounce on anyone, not even noticing what is happening.

3) On the day after the reception – side effect ... it's the saddest minus. The day after receiving Phenotropil you feel weak and sleepy, can be a little cheer head. You can say that it is necessary to drink courses and then everything will be ok ... but what follows from the following disadvantage:

4) The course is the drug does not work ... I have personally. After 2 weeks of use, I feel strong fatigue and the drug is no longer valid. The reason again is nowhere found. If you give a couple of weeks of vacation preparation - all over again excellent.

5) Phenotropil - it is not a drug, and it does not work if your brain is not loaded to the limit. Well, that is you will not notice any effect, if you watch TV at phenotropil. This is not a bad thing, even, but simply an important addition.

6) There are rumors that it is often counterfeited. Why some and criticized him for inaction. So buy it only proven and large pharmacies.

7) Increased sensitivity in the bright sun ... very sore eyes! So drink it in a dark room (as I do)

8) Do not you dare drink it in the afternoon! Sleep does not work ...))

The final conclusion: I do not advise to sit down on it (as some do), and drink it all the time. I advise you to keep it in your medicine cabinet "just force majeure, when the lights are all deadlines!".

Preparation of all research is absolutely safe from the point of view of medicine, but from the point of view of psychology - be careful with him, please.

How do I drink it?

That is, as written above:

When the lights are deadlines and need to do a lot of hard work for a short time. I drink it at 200 mg per day. To receive not break.

P.S. I know that meditation can replace pills ... do not write about it! :) I'll practice a variety of psychological and energy practices, but this is sometimes not enough.


Some Facts About Mildronate 22

08 Oct 2016

My weight is 105 kg, engaged in weightlifting, in what dose, duration, and then how much rest in the reception of Mildronate?

Of course you should. For best result take Mildronate 1500 mg per day. The course is about 6-7 weeks.

Every day I go to the gym almost every day I want to start taking Meldonium, before or after train and dose?

Buy Mildronate 500 mg, and take it in the morning and in the afternoon.

Can I take Mildronate, I am a teenager? If so, how and how much? Daily training (martial arts)

Take Meldonium 500mg twice a day for 6 weeks!

Would you advice, I have a week of competition the race up the springboard of 400 meters in all. The question is the following: 1) What are best taken Mildronate to best effect? 2) Potassium Oratat whether it can be combined with Meldronium? 3) At the time, how many it will take effect? and the duration of how much it enough? or a cumulative effect?

They have accumulative action. You had to start another 5-6 weeks then back. Mildronate take 1000-1500 mg per day. Potassium Oratat take 2 tablets 3 times a day. You can combine them.

Is it possible to co-administration of Mildronate and Clenbuterole? After all, the latter also causes heart palpitations??

Yes. You can take Meldonium and Clenbuterol together!


Some Facts About Mildronate 21

08 Oct 2016

I am 39 years old, 179/89. I drink Meldonium. Should I take it in days off?

Of course you should. For best result take Mildronate 500 mg in the morning and in the afternoon.

Playing football, not professional, but intense workouts per week and games. Height 185 weight 85, decided to drink the course of Mildronats, really did not understand instructions. Tell me when and in what doses should I take it? Thank you in advance .

Buy Mildronate 500 mg, and take it in the morning and in the afternoon.

I am 47 years old, 188 cm tall, 88 kg weight, I go running(race), in the middle of June to be an endurance contest. When should I start taking the drug and what dose?

Take Meldonium 500mg twice a day for 6 weeks!

Please tell me whether it is possible to use Mildronate 500 mg pills with Dren by MHP.

It’s possible.

Is Mildronate tablets harmful for stomach and digestion in general?

All tablets anyway are harmful to our stomach!


Some Facts About Mildronate 20

08 Oct 2016

I drink on an empty stomach Nitrogen BSN Nitrix and Carnitine. After 40 minutes of breakfast, vitamins plus go on train. Training is 10-20 intense repetitions. Fuels fat, endurance is not enough. During train I take BCAA, after banana and protein. I 2 more times during the day Nitrogen. I want to add some Mildronate. Where it stick in my "scheme"?

Of course you can. Drink Mildronate 500 mg in the morning and in the afternoon, you can even take along with your supplementation.

I started taking Meldonium in tablets (500 mg) 2 times a day for one! For the fourth day! Not that I do not feel! This is normal? Thank you!

But how you would not feel anything special, it's just Mildronate.

Can I take Mildronate with Actovegin to increase the endurance of the body? In general, is there any sense in taking Actovegin? Expected marathon races for 4 consecutive days.

Actovegin is a good drug, it makes sense to drink them together.

I want to start taking Mildronate in pills. Train: morning cross 30 minutes and in the evening the wrestling much will last and how many pills many times as necessary ...

The course of 6-7 weeks, taking Meldonium 500 mg twice a day.

I started running three times a week, with a gradual increase in load. In total, about 4.5 km zatrenirovku. Never before running Mildronate 500mg. Should I increase the dose of Mildronate or need to drink something else. Height 182 weight 170

Yes, everything is properly understood! You can take up to 1500mg of Meldonium

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