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What will happen if one takes Phenotropil with alcohol?

28 Sep 2016

Phenotropil (phenylpiracetam) - neurometabolic stimulant nootropic action, is the closest relative of piracetam. Has impact on brain activity, improves many processes, including learning, memory, concentration, visual acuity. Invigorates the body for twelve hours, and improves mood. Data on the clinical trials of the drug are virtually absent, but according to popular opinion, Phenotropil and alcohol use, while well tolerated. Should we believe it?

Why Phenotropil is so popular?

In some countries, Phenotropil is not considered a drug because of scientific data proving the effectiveness of the drug is not available or is insufficient. Phenylpiracetam substance is developed in Russia, originally as a psychostimulant for use in outer space, in particular, to increase the endurance of astronauts in orbit and the ability to quickly and accurately cope with the tasks. One of the first drug tried preparing Russian athletes before the competition and speaking on subjects. What Phenotropil included in the list of doping substances banned for use during the Olympic Games, behind the scenes proves its effectiveness.

Features of Phenotropil

Phenotropil stimulates motor skills and reaction movements, increases the interest and ability of the organism to perform it, and also has other effects on the body:

  • Positive effect on human mental activity, the processes of learning and memory that helps increase in the ability to learn.
  • Train your brain to be more resilient during oxygen deficiency in the body, for large and long loads.
  • It eases anxiety, a feeling of fear is removed.
  • It gives a feeling of vitality and freshness of the body, relieves fatigue, adds a self-person, the fallen spirit, restores lost performance and endurance.
  • Effective with muscle cramps.
  • It improves communication between neurons, neurons and other cells, due to the properties of neuromodulatory action.

Unlike Piracetam, Phenotropil molecule is added a phenyl group. It is assumed that this isomer causes a change in the properties of the drug, however, are still not fully understood in this matter. There is evidence that the phenyl in connection with Piracetam, Phenotropil improve the diffusion of the blood-brain barrier, that is a physiological barrier between the blood supply to the body's system and the central nervous system.

How Phenotropil works?

This investigators do not know with 100% certainty, and only express assumptions. There is evidence that Phenotropil stimulates the production of hormones dopamine and serotonin, as well as the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Take the drug is preferably in the morning after a meal, as at late already received will have problems falling asleep, insomnia may occur. The tablet is absorbed from the stomach and the substance is distributed throughout the body. An hour later Phenotropil dose completely concentrated in the blood. In the early times of reception can be observed hypersomnia, so better to start a course at the weekend. This feature will be described below.

This rapid action makes the drug once indispensable if necessary increase the tone of the body and get a burst of energy and concentration, such as during exam or presentation with great presentation, where it is important to keep in mind a lot of things and do not forget anything. Just Phenotropil fit with rubble on the job when you need to submit reports or working on the substitution of the two. The tool is good at removing the symptoms of fatigue and bad mood, but it is worth remembering that this is only an additional stimulation of the body's internal resources. The drug does not replace enough sleep and rest from physical and emotional stress.

When Fenotropil alcohol intersect ...

The question of compatibility of drugs with alcohol is often tormented by almost all the people of our mentality. For us, treatment and drink - not the obvious mutually exclusive. Of course, you want to know how the body works Phenotropil with alcohol when you can sip in a pleasant company, but the desire to remain on his feet (for the sake of what, in fact, and taking medication) prevails. In psychiatric practice Phenotropil used as a tool for comprehensive treatment of chronic alcoholism, which helps smoothing fatigue symptoms, depressed mood, restores alertness.

In small doses (100-150 g of vodka) and the gap between taking Phenotropil and alcohol a few hours, a healthy body does not feel. Hardly unconditionally it means that he will not be harmed. Drinking alcohol during treatment with drugs, always remember about ones liver and kidneys. Even the majority of drugs for diseases of these bodies appoint a dose adjustment or monitoring the performance of their proper functioning. Phenotropil is not metabolized by the liver and excreted from the body unchanged, however, still with the blood passes through it. At this stage of the study drug, to provide guarantees no one shall be taken, although it is believed that Phenylpiracetam low toxicity.

Alcohol + Phenotropil

Since the action of the Phenotropil on the body is not enough studied, the combination with alcohol is also at the stage of establishing empirically. Among the specific instructions in this regard is the following. If the body is exhausted both physically and emotionally, people are often exposed to stressful situations, and recently constantly irritated, everything else have problems with sleep, then at first Phenotropil overthrow man in bed for a rest. And only then begin to act encouragingly. Similarly with alcohol intoxication. Drunk people do not feel the instantaneous tidal forces and not sober, but only feel obsessive desire to lie down to sleep.

Phenotropil + alcohol

Among the sensations that describe people who take Phenotropil before alcohol eve party:

  • drunkenness comes later and on a much larger amount of alcohol;
  • nervousness and irascibility;
  • short-term memory works, "swing", is replaced by the sharp concentration lapses;
  • tics and spasms slack;
  • olfactory hallucinations of smell of fresh fish, the smell of bleach;
  • visual hallucinations in the form of iridescent divorces and deliquescent pictures.

Hangover and Phenotropil

But those who took Phenotropil the morning after partying, if necessary, to go to work, there is a weakening of alcohol actions and improvement of health throughout the 10-12 hours after ingestion. Perhaps these people just a healthy and strong body. As it has already been noted that when initially depressed the central nervous system Phenotropil will have no stimulating effect, and "dump" the person lie down. Everything else, fonturatcetam is frequent combination with alcohol is dangerous intensification of the phenomenon of apoptosis - the process of programmed cell death, in this case neurons. Therefore, as a remedy for hangover Phenotropil is not suitable.


Some words about Phenotropil

28 Sep 2016

Phenotropil for its action is even close to similar to ephedrine, being a classical nootropic, ie improving substance primarily brain activity: concentration, learning and memory processes. Psychomotor agitation that can occur in patients receiving Phenotropil is nothing more than a side effect, appearing only rarely, at the time, like ephedrine is the main action.

Full name of Phenotropilis phenilpiratcetam. These is a good old piracetam in another form of release, in what lies the fundamental difference, both in price and in action. Fifteen times tried to apply piracetam, after reading articles about its beneficial properties for the brain, how to improve athletic performance and mental activity for the afterburner, when we had a lot of "work his head." With an average recommended dose of 2.4-3.2 grams per day, taking it up to 18 grams per day !!! In particular, I am trying to put and intravenously. Alas ... no expected effects are not felt ... except change the smell of urine that is definitely great, but the list of the desired effects are not included :)

Just a week ago, on the recommendation of a friend pharmacist I tried Phenotropil: a lot of stress on the brain in a short time, he decided to help the body. The effect is clearly and definitely is! Let it sounds primitive, but I it was shown in the "hunger" on the mental work: ie the more information you get, and you analyze, the more you want! We had the ears to drag myself from reading. And there on the first day of admission to the dosage is 300 mg (three tabs.). As is clear from the instruction, the main difference from Pyracetam a momentary action, without accumulating effect, and 100% bioavailability. I think, at the peak of the intellectual or power loads, to prevent exhaustion TSNS- most it!


Phenotropil my helper

28 Sep 2016

I am the head of a major international company. I have started to use Phenotropil after the case of very serious mental load. There was a sluggishness in decision-making, and when need instant response to any kind of change, in my case unacceptable delay. Therefore I started to look for drugs that can improve my brain. I found a few options, but Phenotropil arranged in all respects.

After eating it I became calm, decision-making no longer causes any problems during storage of information dropped by almost half, while brainstorming solutions come to mind themselves. There were no side effects, just got a little less sleep, but I do not think this is a side effect, the brain simply is no need for so long rest. I dream about 6 hours. Burnt virtually none during the day, I fall asleep quickly, wake up refreshed.


Nootropics – Phenotropil

27 Sep 2016

Phenotropil refers to a group of neuroprotective drugs with a pronounced tonic effect. Available in tablets. The active drug substance is N-carbamoylmethyl-4-phenyl-2-pyrrolidone, which is a biochemically phenyl derivative of piracetam. The dose of substance in one tablet is 100 mg.

By its pharmacological action has the ability to provide antiamnesic action enhances the integrative functions of the brain, improves memory, concentration and mental activity in general, it contributes to learning processes, speeding the transfer of information between the brain hemispheres. Also on the action of Phenotropil able to increase the resistance of the nervous system tissues to toxic effects, lack of oxygen, has anticonvulsant effect, it possesses anxiolytic (tonic) activity, raises mood, normalizes the ratio of activation and inhibition in the brain.

In addition, Phenotropil has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and the microcirculation of the brain, stimulating biochemical redox reaction, increases the potential energy accelerating processes using glucose utilization and improves blood flow to the brain areas experiencing acute or chronic ischemia. When using Phenotropil also increases the content of certain neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine. Thus the drug does not affect the GABA system, and does not affect the spontaneous electrical activity of the brain.

Plus of Phenotropil is the lack of effect on the respiratory and cardiac activity of the person. This drug has anoreksigennoy activity in exchange application and a weak diuretic effect.

Phenotropil has an activating effect on the motor response can be a stimulant, increasing efficiency. Also, the drug is able to act as an antagonist neuroleptics, ethanol and hexenal. Also, the drug can be used as an adaptogen, increasing the body's resistance to the stress influences, especially in the psycho-emotional and physical stress, in a forced sedentary lifestyle, at low temperatures.

Phenotropil can be used as a psychostimulant ideatornoy sphere. This activates psychostimulant effects together with the anxiolytic effect. The result achieved by improving mood, can turn out to analgesic effect, it increases the pain threshold.

In some cases, the intake of the drug noted improvement in visual acuity, increased perception of the visual fields, as well as brightness.

It is well established positive impact of Phenotropil against blood supply to the lower limbs. Also, the drug has immunostimulating effect, stimulating the production of antibodies to the antigenic substance administration, but no increase in hypersensitivity reactions or allergic skin reaction changes the introduction of the foreign protein.

There was no drug, depending on the drug, Phenotropil has no withdrawal. The drug is already apparent in the first reception, which allows high-quality use it in extreme situations.

Pharmacokinetic drug is rapidly absorbed, easily it penetrates through the blood-brain barrier. Maximum plasma concentration is achieved within the first hour. The active substance is excreted unchanged in approximately 40% is excreted in urine and 60% in the bile. A certain amount of the drug is excreted in the sweat. The half-life is approximately four hours.


Reviews of Phenotropile – brain accelerator

27 Sep 2016

Phenotropil is a nootropic drug from the group racetam. It has an overall stimulating effect and improves resistance to colds and stress. Phenotropil was developed at the Institute of Biomedical Problems, as a means of enhancing physical and mental performance of astronauts. Phenotropil is included the World Anti-Doping Agency in the list of prohibited drugs.

I tried this drug. I feel the effect of phenotropil. The effect is immediate (one hour after administration). Take 1 tablet per day. Phenotropil does not cause any addiction, but i felt tired and a little depressed to stop taking the drug. Reviews of phenotropile are different: someone stomps, someone does not notice anything at all.

Phenotropil - it is rather a catalyst in the working process, something like doping, which has borne fruit.


What Phenotropil applies for?

27 Sep 2016

would like a simpler buzzwords.dependence causes?

Phentotropil used for the treatment of depression, alcohol abuse, obesity and helps at high physical and mental stress, facilitates the learning process, appointed in stressful situations. Reduces cravings for alcohol, with exchange application has an anorectic effect.

In short, simple words --- Phenotropil improves brain function, improves blood supply (power) of the brain, improves memory and restores the body after stress, operations, nervous shock, stroke, etc. .... The effect of phenotropil is not achieved "first dose" for this welcome must be at least 2 weeks. There are many drugs of this group, but it is better to choose a doctor, because there are individual nuances. : Certain diseases and contraindications.


Caffeine is doping for chess players?

09 Sep 2016

The completed chess candidates tournament in Moscow, which brought victory to the Russian GM Sergey Karjakin and secured his participation in the match for the world title, has caused almost forgotten love and interest in the great chess in Russia. Moreover, the organization of the tournament also demonstrated a new look and attitude for holding such tournaments - concise, functional, using modern technical capabilities to provide operational information. They were taken into account and the new realities of modern life - safety issues. And not only anti-terrorism, but also against the chess fraud. Nevertheless, it was only non-intrusive background. The organizers had defined the main criterion for determining the success of the event - a commercial success.

However, from the point of view of the observer, again in the spirit of current events, there was a question about doping. It is no secret that athletes, chess players are experiencing severe physical and nervous stress, which are beyond the possibilities of the common man. Moreover, many older GMs came out of the struggle for the chess crown only because of its exhausting nature. Clearly, in this situation, stress, when the athletes that are approximately equal to the category will search for any additional opportunity to obtain the advantages. Some are engaged in hypnotizing the enemy, the other manifestation of sheer indifference and even contempt for the enemy, etc.. But it's all from the field of psychology, morals, education.

But there is a more effective way to artificially increase their physical and mental abilities. Moreover, taking into account interest rates, it is likely that someone dares to use it to the detriment of their health. It is a pharmaceutical that allows you to artificially enhance physical activity and endurance at a sporting event. The fact that such a method is used on a massive scale, confirms the ongoing series in the autumn of last year, corruption scandals involving athletes using banned substances to achieve outstanding sports results.

Today, a huge number of drugs are prohibited for the status of athletes during competition. The modern concept in the fight against doping in elite sport, see the Anti-Doping Code of WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency, founded on the initiative of the International Olympic Committee - IOC). WADA annually publishes a list of banned drugs to athletes and new versions of the so-called standards: International Standard for Laboratories, International Standard for Testing and International Standard for the design of therapeutic exceptions.

One group of doping agents are stimulants or stimulators which act on the central and peripheral nervous system. These include Amphetamine, Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, Caffeine, Strychnine, Phenotropil, Mesocarb (Sidnokarb).

In sports, this is reflected in the fact that the content in the body of caffeine is strictly regulated - International Olympic Association recognizes the caffeine in its pure form as a drug, and set standards of its content in the urine (12 ug / ml), and blood, and these rates exclude the possibility of athletes drinking coffee, tea, cocoa, cola, Pepsi and similar drinks, eat chocolate before the competition even in reasonable quantities. However, in everyday life, when there is no strict control and use of these drinks is not serious disqualification, athletes can safely drink coffee and eat chocolate. But in the case of coming to the doping control should refrain from making coffee, beverages and foods containing caffeine for 48-72 hours prior to testing.


Ezio Gamba I am pleased with the performance team at the Olympics, two gold is a great result!

25 Aug 2016

The general manager of the Russian national Judo team Ezio Gamba summed up the team performance at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Russians in Brazil have won two gold medals and one bronze medal. Olympic champions were Beslan Mudranov (weight category up to 60 kg) and Hasan Khalmurzaev (81 kg) and the bronze medal - Natalia Kuzyutina (up to 52 kg).

Champions created a spiritual atmosphere

- Ezio, the Russian wrestlers won two gold and one bronze. How do you assess the result of performances of the team?

- I think this is a good result. I am very pleased with the performance of athletes and how they manifested themselves in the Olympic Games.

- The level of judo in the world is aligned, in the men's tournament, medals were won by representatives of 16 countries, in the women - 20. As in this context can be estimated indicators the Russian team?

- Two gold medals at the Olympics – it is super good result. I think the result of an amazing team of Russia. We should not forget that any slightest detail could affect the outcome of the Olympic Games. So I think this result is stunning, especially when you look at it, where we started - given the situation with Meldonium (Mildronate) that there are yet four months ago. And I am glad that all the athletes were able to react to this situation and to express themselves in Rio de Janeiro. It is necessary to take into consideration the situation of children and women in the Olympic rankings, because it affects the results of the draw and, consequently, can not affect the results of the performances. Due to the situation with Meldonium (Mildronate) our athletes could not take part in some big tournaments, and had to be replaced by other athletes.

But in general, I would emphasize, I am very pleased with the results shown the Russian team at the Olympics. At the same time, I want to thank all the guys, the Olympic champion Tagir Haybulaev London, Mansur Isaev and Arsen Galstyan, bronze medalist of the 2012 Games Ivan Nifontov, as well as participants of the Olympics Kirill Denisov and Musa Mogushkov - would not want anyone to forget. They have created a wonderful atmosphere in the team is very friendly and open, and it helped the other boys to perform well at the Olympics. And it is pleasant to note that we have in Rio de Janeiro won the first in a long time, for 12 years, a medal in the women's judo. I think this is a good result.

But in general, I would emphasize, I am very pleased with the results shown the Russian team at the Olympics. At the same time, I want to thank all the guys, the Olympic champion Tagir Haybulaeva London, Mansur Isaev and Arsen Galstyan, bronze medalist of the 2012 Games Ivan Nifontova, as well as participants of the Olympics Kirill Denisov and Musa Mogushkov - would not want anyone to forget. They have created a wonderful atmosphere in the team is very friendly and open, and it helped the other boys to perform well at the Olympics. And it is pleasant to note that we have in Rio de Janeiro won the first in a long time, for 12 years, a medal in the women's judo. I think this is a good result.

The Judo team of Brazil, which stands at home with the support of the fans crazy, too, was able to win only one gold and two bronze medals. And if you compare the performance of all the teams, our results amazing. At the Olympic Games are the athletes from 136 countries, and many of them show the highest level. For example, in the weight category up to 66 kilograms of Italian Fabio Basile, located at 26 th place in the world rankings, won the Olympics! For him, no one set, but he possessed the required tremendous energy and he had nothing to lose. This is the Olympic Games!

Gold Medals of Mudranov and Khalmurzaev are not surprise!

- What can you say about the tournament debutants Beslan Mudranov and Hassan Khalmurzaev, who won the gold medal?

- For me it was not a surprise. Beslan is a three-time European champion and World Championship silver medalist. All those who achieve such a result at the Olympic Games are over their shoulders a huge amount of work previously done training.

And Khalmurzaev is European champion this year, and he won in Kazan Georgian Avtandil Chrikishvili that before the Olympics was at the first position in the world ranking. And his victory - this is not a surprise for us, because he was well prepared for the tournament, and in his weight class, as in the other, a very high level of competition for a place in the lineup. In this title we have Ivan Nifontov and Sirazhudin Magomedov, and Alan Hubetsov. Five of our competitors in this category have won the right to play in the Olympics, can you imagine?

And all the participants of the Games are already very tough selection to win a place in the Olympic team. I believe that, and Ivan, had fought in Rio de Janeiro, could win a medal, and Sirazhudin, and Alan. Hassan every day in sparring meetings converges with judokas, who are in the top 16 in the world and have a very high skill level. And in the category up to 73 kg, for example, we have both the Musa Mogushkov, who at the last competition lost only Koreans, the world champion.

- How would you rate the performance of Natalia Kuzina, which has long been was selected to world leaders?

- Bronze medal - this is a very good result. Natasha is a real workaholic, and she believed he could win the Olympics. I believe that it all could happen. But because of the (uncertain) situation with Meldonium (mildronate) Natasha could not take part in the final competitions before the Olympics. And yet, she had a chance to go (in the quarterfinals) Japanese girl Misato Nakamura, and then play in the finals.

- How can we explain the failure experienced athletes: repeated medalist Kirill Denisov of the world (up to 90 kg) and Olympic champion Tagir Haybulaeva 2012 (up to 100 kg) lost in the first bouts of the tournament?

- I believe that this is not a matter of luck. All the guys were very well prepared. But we must take into account and such time as the psychological pressure. Kirill really wanted to win at the Olympics, but when you want to achieve a lot, you also spent a lot of energy in anticipation of match. And, perhaps, Kirill still burned out by this situation.

And Tagir really is a bit unlucky, because he could not before the Olympics to participate in a number of major competitions, and this affected his position in the Olympic rankings. And so as a result of the draw he had already met in the first round with a world ranking leader (Azerbaijani Elmar Gasimov, who won silver in the end). In addition, shortly before the Olympic Games Tagir injured shoulder. We must express our gratitude and to say thanks to the guys, because they practiced every day, they took medals in major competitions throughout the Olympic cycle.

At the Olympics wrestlers were the best

- In what weight categories we were close to the podium, but it was not possible to achieve this?

- I believe that we have significant progress in the heavyweight division. Renat Saidov (over 100 kg) of today could qualify for a medal, but in the second meeting, he conceded to the representative of Brazil. It should be noted that the opponent - a very noble and strong athlete, and moreover, he has struggled at home. Renat and in recent months, he could not speak at major competitions because of the situation with Mildronate. And it is also affected. At the same time we should not forget about the psychological pressure which was before the Olympics. But, despite all the negative atmosphere around the whole of the Russian national team, all the guys came to the Olympics well prepared psychologically.

Xenia Chibisova (78) also made great progress, it has grown significantly and today, for example, won a German woman, who ranked fourth. And here we must remember how it started. She left the judo classes and resumed only four years ago. And during that time virtually zero, it made its way to the Olympic Games and defeated a strong opponent. But then she met a Cuban Olympic champion Idalis Ortiz. And in order to win the champion, because it is necessary to be able to psychologically overcome yourself.

- Denis Yartsev (up to 73 kg) for 40 seconds before the end of the tournament consolation bout was leading. What he did not have to bring the fight to win?

- I believe that Denis in the last battle in the quarterfinals, actually held a reception, leading to a clear victory - "ippon". But influenced by the human factor, the referee assessed the reception in another, lower estimate ("Vasari"). Judges may also be wrong (the Russians eventually defeated). Do not forget that it is very much at the Olympics solves the draw, while the Russians because of the passage of a number of major tournaments could not improve their position in the ranking. And Dennis took off his glasses for a performance at the tournament in Paris, so that he was on a different, lower, place in the ranking. And Michael Pulyaev (66 kg), imagine taking a doping test at a tournament in Bratislava, 20 days before the show in Rio de Janeiro, here two days before the start took the blood sample, and in the morning on the day of the tournament was given a piece of paper, it is necessary to take a drug again. How is this possible when the athlete need to act and to tune in to the fight? It must be fully focused and he take doping tests.

- Ezio performances of individual athletes at the Olympics can be seen as successful and as not very successful. In the case of the categories in which we have failed to win a medal, you do not have some inner feeling that you have not guessed with the choice?

- I do not think we made a mistake in the selection. We have selected the best athletes, who were on higher ground in the ranking - based on their level of preparedness, physical and psychological. And there is no regret - all boys and girls have earned the right to participate in the Olympic Games. And we must take into account the fact that even five days before the start of the competition the athletes did not know whether the act in Rio de Janeiro, allow the Russian national team to participate or not. And in such a situation it is very difficult to continue to train and prepare for the Olympics, where the possible suspension constantly talk on television, radio, newspapers. When decision time all pulled and pulled ...

Once again I want to emphasize that I am pleased with how the team of Russian athletes were at the Olympic Games.


BELARUS taekwondo sportsman suspended from the 2016 Olympics due to Meldonium in doping tests

25 Aug 2016

Belarusian team denies the usage of Meldonium (Mildronate)

Belarusian taekwondo Arman-Marshall Silla suspended from competition, which practically excludes its participation in the Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, according to the Belarusian Federation of Taekwondo. The athlete was suspended the decision of the National Anti-Doping Committee of the Republic of Belarus (RB NADA). The doping athlete's sample was found banned drug Meldonium.

According to the Belarusian Federation of Taekwondo, the athlete is completely innocent, because he was not seen for the use of substances, even at a time when Meldonium (Mildronate) was not included in the list of prohibited, as evidenced by the analysis of an athlete, handed in January, February and April this year.

The doctor of the national team Olga Zarko, Arman-Marshall Silla and his personal trainer Julia Suhovitskaya completely deny the use of this drug and agreed to pass a polygraph test and use, which will be held tomorrow, 14 August.


How an alcoholic became the hero

25 Aug 2016

Why does Michael Phelps was worth to keep silent and not to criticize the Yulia Efimova

American swimmer Michael Phelps maintained his teammate Lily King, which, in turn, sharply responded about our swimmer Yulia Efimova. Like, Efimova, has won two silver medals at the Olympics in general is not the place, as it was previously caught for doping. The second time - on the very meldonium, whose inclusion in the list of banned drugs - a separate and highly controversial and questionable history (in terms of consumption of Meldonium (Mildronate) Efimova fully rehabilitated, and past her suspension was over a long time). And now, "fit" for the King, Phelps said: "We are faced with a very sad situation today in sports, and not only at sea, where people who used to be caught in the positive samples, are now permitted again before the competition. I believe that it undermines the very essence of the sport, and it tears my heart. " Here Phelps do not called directly Efimova (although it is a couple of years ago, she left for the disqualification for doping, but was made of the International Swimming Federation of the Games).

I must say, Yulia, King responding to her allegations, commemorated in vain, and Phelps, who several years ago was caught on that he used marijuana. But that's not all. In 2014, he was convicted of "drunk driving". Phelps was stopped by police when drove at a speed of 84 miles per hour (about 135 km / h) in the city of Baltimore, in a restricted 45 miles. The level of alcohol in the blood exceeds the permissible norm of Maryland laws more than twice (the rate is 0.08% blood alcohol content). Phelps was arrested and then sentenced to year. Since this was the second offense within 10 years from the category of DUI (driving under influence, literally "driving under the influence" means - illicit drugs), it is first sentenced to year. In America, with repeat offenders do not stand on ceremony. But then commuted to a suspended and another was sentenced to eighteen months of probation, forced to undergo compulsory treatment for alcohol dependence. Phelps visited the club of Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. He also went 45-course "anger management" in an institution in the Arizona desert.

As recently as the spring of 2016 a happy Phelps, whose wife was expecting a baby then, reported on how it is now a good life, without taking into the mouth a drop of alcohol. Just in March and ended 6-month disqualification Phelps swimming the American Association. He decided to admit to the Olympics - in the hope that it will bring America new medals. The calculations were justified.

His return to the Olympics was a triumph, he won several awards, installing, say, almost two thousand years the record for the number of them won by one athlete.

And this story is not so much about that, they say, Michael Phelps would be worth to keep silent and to refrain from reading Yulia Efimova morality or even to someone who once stumbled. This story is also that person - including in sports of high achievements - always have to give a second chance, not to poison his past mistakes. And, of course, very strange looks at the background of these stories the principle of "collective responsibility" of athletes. In particular, our country. Celebrations ineradicable double standards - one reformed, hurt yourself again and became "beloved hero" and the other should be infinitely peck and push around. Despite the fact that drinking and driving, and even at 130 km / h - it's practically "attempted murder" and use of Meldonium (Mildronate) a year ago, even not considered to be doping.

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