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Mexidol: Risk of stroke was averted

29 Jun 2016

Though doctors urged all not to worry about nothing, but people are not robots.

On the eve of my grandmother I walked out of the store, and the attacker was trying to snatch the bag from her hand, but the people intervened, and the incident was safely settled. Still grandmother probably greatly alarmed.

And when the next day she was walking in the yard with his granddaughter, then her eyes rolled, hand bag fell from, she began to lean back. Fortunately, a number of walking moms with kids, and gently laid her grandmother on the grass, and quickly called an ambulance.

Ambulance arrived quickly and gave a shot of Mexidol injection to grandmother. Grandma felt better, and it does not even have to be hospitalized, and will soon come to her local doctor prescribed her the same Mexidol injecions course.

It turns out that my grandmother had a hypertensive crisis, which, thanks to this drug, not resulted in a stroke.


Mexidol Buy: The vessels of the brain need to be saved

29 Jun 2016

Twice I tried Mexidol - after a stroke and when the memory is greatly deteriorated. Both times, the drug helped me a lot. Details will talk about below.

Contraindications are acute renal failure, pregnancy, infancy, breast-feeding.

Side effects are dry mouth, nausea. Personally, I was not sick, but is constantly thirsty.

It is possible that blood pressure rise - then it is necessary to reconsider the dosage. It is necessary to talk with your doctor, and do not let things take their course.

Mexidol is an antioxidant neuroprotective drugs. It helps the brain vessels to receive oxygen, increases metabolism in the brain and improves its activity. And, therefore, Mexidol improves the memory and returns the clarity of mind.

Experts say that this drug equal - there is simply no, it's a great invention and unique medication. Twice I has experienced its effect and can subscribe according to doctors.

Injections Mexidol are not too painful, but quite unpleasant.


Buy Mexidol: Qualitative and necessary preparation

29 Jun 2016

Perhaps many of us are faced with the problems of vascular dystonia. Although some doctors argue that such a diagnosis do not exist, but we definitely felt by all its symptoms: dizziness, nausea, pressure surges, there is still a lot of things.

Personally, I was diagnosed with VSD hurts constantly. And especially this happens in the off-season.

Spring was very bad and the doctor advised me to buy "Mexidol". At the time, the drug was unfamiliar to me.

In general, appointed me drip "Cavinton" and "Mexidol" intramuscularly. Before you trust a new drug, rummaged all Internet, esteemed posts.

I found only very good reviews about Mexidol. So, "Mexidol" is shown in violation of cerebral circulation and treatment of vascular dystonia, (not to mention other indications).

"Mexidol" performed well in different types of hypoxia, ie, insufficient supply of oxygen different tissues.

Having reached the conclusion that I need it, I decided to take shots of Mexidol.

I bought Mexidol injections and went into the treatment room.

The nurse, who put a drip and injections, said that "Mexidol" can be combined in a single drip with "Cavinton" but I somehow did not dare. She did separately.

But in the fifth drip nurse convinced me that by "Mexidol" will benefit more intravenously, in a sense, drip.

So the remaining five droppers I combined "Mexidol" with "Cavinton". In my opinion, a risky undertaking. I felt unwell, heavy, dizzy.

The main thing that was a much better feel.

And then the autumn came. Again I "gone crazy". I felt clearly evident of vascular spasms and all the symptoms of vegetative dystonia.

The doctor has appointed "Mexidol" intramuscularly.

Because tired to run around the treatment room, learned to put myself injections myself. To date, it reported a 5 injections.

The course was appointed fifteen.

It has become much easier.

What I have discovered that "Mexidol" sold in pharmacies in larger boxes for hospitals.

Not to say that I have it any side effects. Like, everything is fine. Now I feel no longer dizzy, not seeing double, it became easier to breathe.

In addition, as I often receive antidepressants and antipsychotics, "Mexidol" I particularly shown for me, as it helps cleanse the body of toxins formed by the reception of psychotropic drugs.

So I cannot say nothing wrong about this medicine, but good. But as any serious medication "Mexidol" must appoint a physician.

I wish you all good health!


Buy Mexidol: It Helps Epileptics!

29 Jun 2016

For a long time I did not come to an appointment with a neurologist, for which he paid. The EEG showed seizure activity (which means that the brain is ready to attack) on the previous EEG it was not. In addition, as I often receive antidepressants and antipsychotics, "Mexidol" I particularly shown for me, as it helps cleanse the body of toxins formed by the reception of psychotropic drugs.

Neuroscientist designated Mexidol by Scheme 4 ml per 200 ml of sodium chloride droppers 10, then 2 ml injections 10 days. After treatment the neurologist appointed again to pass the EEG and to come to the reception, the study should have been done with the aim to track the dynamics of negative, positive, or all remained at the level.

I bought the drug Mexidol injection on-line and looked at evidence for me was a mystery why the neurologist appointed this medication, because there is no evidence of epilepsy, and my kind of VSD, too. Everything fell into place when I looked into the pharmacological properties of Mexidol, it has anticonvulsant effect, reduces seizure activity that just need to epileptics.

The 10th injections of Mexidol I bought and shot by myself, as we have in the hospital, only 9 droppers. Encouraged all to put a full course of 10 days, it is no wonder the course worked out 10 days instead of 5.8, 9.

Then shot Mexidol injections, injections are in some kind painful.

After treatment, I passed EEG again. And then I cheered by neurologist, she checked EEG conclusion, there were epileptic activity, but it became a lot less flash, there is a positive trend!

Mexidol comes in the form of tablets and injections!

Mexidol produced in injection 5 ml vials at 5, and 2 ml of 10 vials.

I wan to mention Epi-activity is a very poorly known, and it does not always show in the EEG, and sometimes in different ways.

Good luck to you!


Buy Mexidol: The drug, which is prescribed a doctor

29 Jun 2016

For several years I suffer from VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia). The first months of autumn and spring for me is a real nightmare. Pressure drops to critical level, my head hurts terribly, state of "sleepy flies." In these bad times I go to the doctor. Usually I escaped by pills, but this time in addition to tablets, the doctor prescribed to buy intramuscular injection of Mexidol.

They are sold in such square package, there are different formats 5ml ampoules, I was prescribed 2ml. In this format, and I bought the medicine 10 ampoules of 2 ml.

The composition of the solution for injection is written right on the package.

By the drug as it should be attached instruction manual.

Ampoules are boxed in plastic boxes. Two vials of five cells.

The very small vial on top of the coated strips to make it easy to open the ampoule.

According to prescription injections I did every day. Today, finally, it was the last. Improvements I felt only after 5th injection. My head began to ache less, the pressure is more or less become less fall.

As with all medications drug has side effects such as nausea, dry mouth, drowsiness. From all the above I have only touched drowsiness, dryness of the mouth did not, but for some reason the first 5 days at night very thirsty.


Buy Mexidol, I Got a Bonus For The Trust

29 Jun 2016

The course of treatment drug "Mexidol" I passed for the first time. It appointed to me by neurologist to improve cerebral circulation.

On the ampoule must be three stripes of different colors (yellow, white and red). And breaking point white or blue. There were white dots On my ampoules. The vial is not necessary to cut under light pressure, there is a fault on the shoulders of the ampoule. The edges of the fracture is not smooth, careful! You can cut yourself.

"Mexidol" had to improve my memory. But to say with certainty that it acted, it should take some time. At the moment I pierced nine shots (now the tenth - the last one). Before the treatment I have had such moments, I go to another room for anything, come and do not remember what I wanted to take or do. Only "Mexidol" started stabbing, this forgetfulness was gone. I wonder how much this effect will last? So far I am very happy.

But I want to point out another positive effect. All these days I am calm like a boa constrictor. I write and laugh, but it's true. There are problems that need to be addressed, and where to fight. But I do not want to disturb this tranquility. In normal life I am a nervous person. Perhaps I was very tired from the strain, and it is pleased to make a small pause. This drug helped me to make this break. This is a bonus for my credibility. And as I previously did not know about such a wonderful drug. To remove the nervousness of my neurologist prescribed "Phenibut," but he told me not a bit helped.

The side effects I have not noticed. Except that in the first 2-3 days at work made a very serious error to do with the same. This happened to me once during treatment, "Phenotropil". Now I do not know, this is a coincidence or action of "Mexidol".

For me the injections are not painful. Here only to introduce the medicine is not very easy. The manual says that when administered intramuscularly (jet), the input time of 5-7 minutes. I tried to introduce slow, but not more than a minute. Longer is not obtained. While alive))).

I'm not a doctor to someone advise this drug. But if you have registered it, you should not abandon it. I really liked Mexdiol.


I Take Mexidol Three Times a Year

29 Jun 2016

At my age, it is necessary to carefully monitor my health. Although it is desirable to monitor health of starting from an early age. But it so, lyrical digression. And today I want to write about the medicine, which I recommended to pierce or dig two or three times a year. This is a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration "Mexidol".

Yesterday just finished a course of Mexidol

What good is in this drug? It has a lot of indications as specified in the instructions. I want to draw attention to the following: increases resistance to stress and improves brain metabolism and cerebral blood flow, reduces total cholesterol, reduces the toxicity in acute pancreatitis.

In general, I read about Mexidol a lot. But there are contraindications, so, of course, should be taken by a physician.

I think it helps me. And I wish all of you health.


Mexidol helps Good in Complex Therapy

29 Jun 2016

Stress-protective drug Mexidol I once prescribed at VSD, but therapy has been integrated with injections the group of vitamin B.

This medicine is very common and can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription, like tablets and ampoules.

I shot it for 15 days to 5 ml once daily. The drug does not cause pain, when I feel the medicine is not burning and tingling and numbness as well as after many preparations.

Improvements have been, but not immediately. I think this medicine (Mexidol injection) is cumulative action, and only works in combination therapy.

As for side effects, I have not seen them.


Mexidol Good Antioxidant Preparation of Broad Spectrum

29 Jun 2016

I offer you a review about the antioxidant drug "Mexidol".

This drug is used for many years. With periodicity of times in half a year puncture 10 days course in conjunction with other medications. I was appointed to this drug for treating neurologist VSD on the mixed type. And if you buy and take the original, then after treatment felt a significant improvement in health.

After opening the package, we see two contour stripes package, in which there are 2 ml ampoules 10 pieces 5% Mexidol solution. But there are still 5 ml ampoules and 4.10 for the packaging of cellular or 20 packages.

Also inside the package is a great guide with a detailed description regarding this product.

In this photo visible indications and contraindications.


  • Cerebrovascular accident;
  • Traumatic brain injury and the effects of traumatic brain injury;
  • Vegetative dystonia syndrome;
  • Anxiety disorders in neurotic and neurosis-like states;
  • Acute myocardial infarction
  • Inflammation of the abdominal cavity.

But also there are contra-indications: this drug is not recommended for use in acute human liver and kidneys, with increased individual sensitivity to the drug. As well as during pregnancy.

The solution is in ampoules of colorless, transparent color. Each ampoule marking ring has three different color point and the fault. It is very convenient to use, is not required for fracture nail file.

Frankly, I'm after a course of treatment with this drug Mexidol injection a little come to life, become more calm, reduces shakiness, dizziness, irritability and nervousness. I puncture it intramuscularly, but can dig and, depending on the severity of the disease and the doctor's appointment. Taking this medication in treatment with other auxiliary agents.

Personally I'm happy with the action of this drug. I like it fits, and the result after treatment. I will take as needed and on. I recommend to use for those who have symptoms are present in prescription drug indications.

Thank you for attention...

Be healthy...


Icelandic feat: joy to the heart, alert for the mind

28 Jun 2016

Some words about football ended on Euro matches 1/8 finals and upcoming quarterfinals.

Close to midnight Moscow time on social networks flooded with enthusiastic posts about "Icelandic fairy tales." And really - the European Championship coming forth, finally, full, fiery sensation, without which it was so boring and gray - Iceland team sent home the proud pioneers of football. What doping do they use? May be some Mildronate?

If you think that I'm not happy for Strákarnir okkar (so if someone does not know the nickname of the Icelandic team, translation means "our guys"), that much I offend - the last minutes of the game with the British worried about them like this the same as for the Russian national football team in the last minutes of the game against Slovakia (just in case: with Wales after 20 minutes have not experienced).

But if you do think about it, the Iceland passage to the quarterfinals of the Euro - is largely sentence of modern football national teams. The team, which 95 percent of our fans even advanced know only one player, and it is because he is registered in the "Krasnodar", can not stay ahead of the game GMs. Then one of two things - either GMs exaggerated, or the game is that the skill does not mean anything to her. Well, or both in one package.

According to the "grand masters" of the English national team is now taking place can be a feeling, really, with the arrangement, shining with irony and sarcasm. Leave it to numerous wishing themselves only note in the margin that even a single Russian achievement at Euro - draw in the first leg - is now dimmed to almost indistinguishable state.

Much more interesting to think about the football game. And here, alas, we have to admit that the defense it takes precedence over the attack. In any case - at the level of teams. In modern football to create density and overlapping zones have learned almost everything. And if top clubs have the opportunity to gather in an attack several superstars, who due to personal skills are all these many obstacles to overcome, the teams had to be satisfied with what we have. And there are, as a rule, not so much to dominate - even over Northern Ireland and Albania, not to mention now about the great and terrible Iceland.

And if it is multiplied further and overly cautious, if not, the alarm caused by the fact that looking at you your whole country ... Someone like, alas, Russia, it is hopelessly binds and freeze, someone elementary forces act carefully , stepping on the throat of an offensive song. In case of Russia national team, they are for sure forget take some Mildronate before games.

That's what really good Iceland, it's the fact that just plays football - without any ulterior motives, as best he can, even if not at grandmaster level. We will not mention the team of our miserable - take, for example, Slovaks.

I am sure they come out against the Germans play football, though neat, but football would get so much more fun and more effective. Not the fact that you won, but we would not have seen such a hopeless hopelessness. But it is - increased accountability for results, that is, in fact, increased the fear of making a mistake. Which usually leads to errors.

What kind of bad joke this state has played with the Croats! Those Croats themselves that everything is so admired in the group stage. They were completely similar to the Russian national team, with players only higher class - the good, what else, the Portuguese did not show Welsh fervor. But the result, it is still turned out quite logical.

The fear of losing can ruin anyone. Even the greatest Bobby Fischer at the time she pulled out of the chess life - despite all its indisputable superiority over his contemporaries. And what can we talk about football, "grandmaster" ....

To overcome this phobia can be, perhaps, only in two ways - firstly, having worked piercing "winning spirit", as do top teams (many of them do not happen - the Germans, for example, such a spirit is, but in no Englishmen like class). Play real GMs can only equal to itself (without the quotes) (as just happened with the Spanish) or take some forbidden drugs?

The second way is much more difficult to execute - it is just what Icelanders demonstrate. They think about the game, not the result. And try to enjoy it, which is a prerequisite. So, by the way, in one degree or another they were all precast, leaped at the current Euro above the head - Hungarian, Welsh, Northern Irish.

And now, by the way, it is interesting to see how this free-style-play of Icelanders remain in the same Welsh in the quarter - in fact, the higher the stage, the more powerful the pressure of the result. If Wales and Iceland come against Belgium and France, respectively, to play football, the chances they will be. If you get the desired outcome - underdog doomed.

I assure you, they themselves, like a true athlete, it is understood. But understand - not to fulfill. The Russian national team again - the clearest example of this. And another team to me from this point of view is very interesting in the quarterfinals - the team of Poland.

Such a strong and balanced team of Polish I do not remember from the period of 1974-1978 years. But then they were born unique star generation (Lato, Szarmach, Gadoha, Dana, Zhmud, Lyubanski, etc), and now even individual stars and there, but not in the industrial scale. But the alignment of the game, its organization - at the highest level.

I personally was convinced that with the Swiss Poles sorted out quite easily. Initially and occurred. But after scoring a goal, trust Adam Navalki clearly thought about the result of the fact that it is time to protect mined. And all gave the initiative to the opponent. For that and were punished - though not to the end.

If such thoughts visit Lewandowski and the company in a match with ushlymi cunning and Portuguese - the curtain after the Croats can be lowered immediately. But if the Poles will be able to have the proven avoid typical pitfalls, the prospects are very bright - Today, I am convinced they are stronger than the team name Cristiano Ronaldo.

But the most interesting quarterfinals will take place, of course, in Bordeaux. The expression "early final" has long been a stamp, but can not do without it. On Saturday in the capital of Aquitaine certainly converge two strongest teams of the championship.

Now, from the distant Tuesday, it seems to me that the chances of Italians just above - and because they are accustomed to the Germans to pass, because better than anyone else in the tournament know what they want, and what methods will be their volition to implement. Stars like the German attack they have, but there is a great and unsurpassed Buffon played with the world's first line of defense.

And most importantly - they have Antonio Conte, who leaps and bounds is the fact that too can become great and unrivaled. Joachim Levu have much to scratch, to stop the Italians along the way.

Summarizing, we can say that we are waiting for a match of giants and three attempts to overcome the Earth's gravity. Naturally, we will support it, that in all three cases, it is possible - the more so because it is a nice Poland, his native Wales and has already fallen in love with himself absolutely all of Iceland.

But heart aching for them, the mind still have to understand: the semi-finals Poland - Wales, and Iceland - one of the monsters will mean exactly one thing: football at the level of teams is close to a state of complete meaninglessness.

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