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USADA: Lobintsov took Meldonium inadvertently

02 Aug 2016

US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) has confirmed the information that the winner of the Olympic Games 2008 and 2012, the Russian swimmer Nikita Lobintsev fully justified in the case of the use of Meldonium (Mildronate), the official website of USADA. Earlier it was reported that Lobintsov suspended from the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro due to the presence of his name in the "list of McLaren."

"The USADA found that Lobintsov who has passed a positive doping test meldonium, took the drug inadvertently", - said in a statement.


Global Turnover of Sports Doping is Comparable to Drug Trafficking Market

01 Aug 2016

Who Invest billions in Unfair Play

Eve XXXI Summer Olympic Games, which starts on August 5, Rio de Janeiro, was marked by a grand doping scandal around the Russian athletes. Doping - absolute evil and a huge sports world problem. Its use skews the results of sports and brings harm to the health of athletes. This dope is a global market, which is estimated at $ 50 billion annually. Let’s study the economic aspects of production, distribution and use of doping.

All for Victory

The modern elite sport it is a lot of money. For these unscrupulous athletes and coaches often go to doping - natural, synthetic, and drugs which are able to improve the performance of an athlete and optimize results. Every year doping caught up to 2% of the athletes who have passed the test.

The main types of doping: stimulants, peptide hormones (growth hormones), anabolic steroids, diuretics (diuretics), analgesics (pain relievers). Their use depends on the tasks related to sports. For example, in cyclic kinds of (running, cycling, skiing) endurance is important - so used doping type erythropoietin, which improves the delivery of oxygen to the muscles. It is in the use of erythropoietin in 2012 was convicted and disqualified for life the legendary American cyclist Lance Armstrong. Anabolic steroids are used to build muscle, and diuretics - to weight loss, as well as for the withdrawal from the body of other proscribed items.

In the list of prohibited substances World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) today there are more than 200 items. Some means athletes taking banned only during competition, but are allowed in the training period.

If the body athlete doping test detects prohibited substances, the perpetrator is disqualified. For the first time disqualification lasts for 2 years, and at repeated violation for 4 years or for good.

Actually most of the substances of doping, are medical, drugs. But going into the plane of the sport, they fall under the ban - officially after a fairly long-term monitoring by the WADA, when it turns out that the drug has on the body is an action that can give an athlete an advantage in the competition.

A striking recent example is the ill-fated Meldonium (Mildronate). The drug, which supports the energy metabolism of the heart, was synthesized in Latvia at the end of the 1970s, in 1984 - is approved for use, in 2012, included in the list of vital and essential medicines. And from January 1, 2016 WADA prohibited as doping. The most famous victim of Meldonium was the Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova. Recognition of Mildronate injection used, in addition to a two-year suspension, cost her $ 140 million - after a break of advertising contracts with major brands. But sales in the pharmacies Meldonium after the scandal grew 20 times.

Doping is a scourge of world sports. The stakes are high, and the ability of the human body are not limitless. And in the fight for a result there are constant attempts to artificial stimulation. Pharmacological Science is the search for more and more new products, trying to play with WADA to advance: the drug is unknown, it can not be denied. Also being developed methods for early elimination of doping from the body before the competition - not to fall for the tests. Correspondence competition of producers and consumers of doping with the anti-doping services comes with no less persistence than the athletes race in the arena.

Background of doping usage

Doping is essentially the same age as sports. It is known that during the time of the ancient Olympics participants racing chariots fed their horses with herbs that have aphrodisiac properties.

The modern history of confirmed cases of the use of doping agents is carried out since 1865, when the British master race walking admitted using opiates. At the Olympic Games 1904 in St. Louis barely saved winner-marathon runner Thomas Hicks, who "refueled" with a mixture of brandy and strychnine and caffeine.

The first official ban on the use of artificial stimulants in sport adopted in 1928 by the International Federation of Athletics. In the "pre-steroid" era dishonest athletes mainly use widely available while cocaine and strychnine. In 1935 it was invented synthetic testosterone by which Nazi Germany brilliantly performed at the home Olympics 1936 in Berlin. During the Second World War in the sport came from the army, development of doctors to improve the endurance of soldiers – stimulants of nervous system - amphetamines.

In 1958 American physician John Ziegler synthesized the first anabolic steroid - Dianabol, which began to apply weightlifters and bodybuilders. In 1960, the first death associated with the doping was detected: Danish cyclist Knut Jensen fell to the 100-kilometer race in Rome, in his blood found traces of amphetamine. And in 1967, it held the most resonant death from doping: British cyclist Tommy Simpson died during the 13th stage of the race "Tour de France". Cause of death: amphetamines and brandy.

After Simpson's death in 1967 when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Commission on the fight against doping was set up, headed by the Belgian Prince Alexandre de Merode. At first, this commission had neither the means nor the equipment nor the disciplinary rules and dealt with only the monitoring of cases of doping. Reasons were many: American, Soviet and German (GDR) specialists developed new race promoters. Getting Started Commission was marked by a remarkable story: Americans gave her equipment, which could be determined in blood samples and urine doping popular then - Metandrostenol. Goodwill experts from the United States due to the fact that they have developed for their new athletes anabolic - Stanozolol, and their main competitors practicing on Metandrostenole.

At the Olympic Games 1968 in Mexico were first introduced test for doping, and there was a first suspension (the Swedish national team in pentathlon lost bronze medals). In 1972 he began extensive testing Olympic athletes for drugs and stimulants. In 1975, the IOC banned anabolic steroids.

At the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, there was the loudest doping scandal at the time: the Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson was stripped of his gold medal in the women's 10 meters for the use of Stanozolol.

In total, since 1968, Olympic medals because of doping were deprived of 63 sportsmen. Among them there are also Ukrainians: Athens-2004 Yuriy Bilonog (shot put, gold) and women's quadruple rowing; Beijing 2008 - Lyudmila Blonska (athletics heptathlon silver).

Because of the system of doping scandals and the subsequent concept of "Bulgarian weightlifters" and "athletes of the GDR" in due time became common. But on the eve of the games in Rio in 2016 all the previous scandals blocked its scale exposure of massive fraud doping tests Russian athletes at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. And the main crime was involved in the scam of state structures of the Russian Federation - Ministry of Sports and the FSB (KGB).

Caught – thief

In 1999, the Agency was established by WADA, which was the main international body for anti-doping system. According to the former chairman of the WADA Athletes Committee Vyacheslav Fetisov, the reason for the creation of the agency was that the IOC, as a public organization, was no longer able to fight against doping previous methods. It required the support of state bodies, including - Interpol and other police agencies. Because it is necessary to deal with organized crime, drug trafficking similar.

Today, WADA has about 600 different organizations, including international and national sports federations, as well as government agencies in different countries. Since 2002, WADA's headquarters in Montreal (Canada), President of WADA since 2014 is a Briton Craig Reedy.

In 2004, during the Olympic Games in Athens was adopted by the current World Anti-Doping Code. On this basis, in October 2005, the International Convention against Doping in Sport adopted by the UNESCO General Assembly in Paris, which was signed by representatives of 191 countries of the world.

WADA representatives carry out system testing athletes for doping - like during the competition, as well as in any other period of time. Evading sample entails the most severe consequences - disqualification and fines. The list of prohibited substances is constantly monitored and updated. There are various exceptions and procedures for the use of drugs by athletes in case of medical necessity (eg, asthmatics). In general, all the activities of WADA carefully regulated and painted to the finest detail.

WADA budget, which now stands at about $ 60 million a year, half forms the IOC, and the half - the governments of the participating countries. In particular, the major contributions of the founding countries of the WADA is $ 750 thousand by the IOC and the WADA structure -. The fund anti-doping research (Anti-Doping Research Fund) are also funding the IOC ($ 10 million) and the Government of the member countries ($ 6 million).

IOC President Thomas Bach declared the fight against doping a top priority in their work. Although the IOC accepted a compromise solution on the admission to the Olympics in Rio Russian athletes - at the discretion of the relevant international federations, WADA has extended the mandate of the Independent Commission on the work of Richard McLaren, which investigated the manipulation of doping tests at the Games in Sochi in 2014. The work will be continued as soon as the Commission would find the necessary means to ensure that their activities - $ 1.3 million.

Price issue

If the figures of funding WADA are open and fair, this is impossible to say when it comes to speed doping. Doping - it is an absolute crime, the phenomenon of the same order of magnitude as the drug trade and corruption, with the same degree conspiracy when all amounts are estimates. And, of course, no audit firms conducting an assessment of the global sports market, do not include in it the topic of doping.

The approximate volume of the global retail market of doping, according to the Italian expert Alessandro Donati, is in the neighborhood of $ 50 billion.

For comparison, the retail market of cocaine, according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, is $ 85 billion, and the opiate market -. $ 68 billion That is, the order of numbers is quite comparable.

Due to the large amounts of money and the illegal nature of the production, delivery and distribution, global criminal networks engaged in doping business. A significant part of the raw material (chemical powders), necessary for the production of illicit drugs coming from Asia. The main market is divided between China, India and Thailand - countries where a well-developed pharmaceutical industry in the presence of cheap labor.

According to WADA experts, the raw material for doping are generally not made in industrial and laboratory scale - on the small private factories. Profit of production ten times higher than the cost of the production. The average profit rate of producers of raw materials for doping is estimated at 900%.

Production and packaging of drugs is carried out directly in clandestine laboratories in various countries. production and distribution principle is almost the same as that of drug dealers. However, doping, as opposed to hard drugs can be legally purchased in the online stores - in the case of athletes, amateurs, who do not participate in the competition, and train for themselves, and, accordingly, are not subject to the attention of the WADA. The annual income of an online store, selling doping products may reach $ 40 million. In addition, often distribution points doping advocate fitness centers. That fans, primarily - bodybuilders, constitute the bulk of consumers of doping.

The segment of the market of professional athletes doping Alessandro Donati estimates at $ 15 billion. It is the active role played in the spread of the so-called "black doctors." They represent a kind of market premium segment - a small number of distributors and high prices for wealthy clients. The most famous of these characters have become Victor Conte ("It's the BALCO") and Eufemiano Fuentes ("Operation Puerto").

Victor Conte - founder and owner of the infamous laboratory Bay Area Laboratory Cooperative (BALCO), which on paper was selling food additives, and in fact provided illicit drugs known athletes. sprinter Marion Jones was among the customers Conte, devoid of the Olympic Games in 2000 Sidney three gold and two bronze medals. According to the results of the investigation Conte was sentenced to four months in prison (2007). Today it helps to WADA to detect cases of illicit drugs.

Spanish doctor Eufemiano Fuentes scandal became famous after the "Operation Puerto" - Spanish police investigation against doping in cycling system. In 2006, the laboratory Fuentes police found thousands of doses of anabolic steroids, blood bags with drugs - for subsequent transfusions and apparatus for synthesizing them and transfusion. Fuentes's clients were many of the leading riders in the world. In particular, the Italian cyclist Ivan Basso later admitted that in 2005 paid for doping doctor Fuentes 94 thousand EUR.

The average annual income of the "black doctor" with one experienced athlete Alessandro Donati estimated at $ 30 thousand.


A volleyball player Markin did not hit the bid at the Olympics because of problems with Meldonium

01 Aug 2016

Volleyball. A volleyball player Alexander Markin did not get into the Russian team bid for the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro because of problems with Meldonium (Mildronate injections). This was the TV channel "TV match," said Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko.

"67 people caught for Meldonium. But this is Russia defended, the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) recognized that they hastily entered it (the list of prohibited drugs). Suffered Maria Sharapova and volleyball player Alexander Markin. It is unclear what the investigation international federation held ", - he said.


Picamilon took off severe headache and soothed

27 Jul 2016

I rarely suffer from headaches. But recently in some reason half of the head strongly ached. Mom said this is a migraine.

This time Citramonum did not help. Mom gave me a pill "Picamilon", saying that it always helps with headaches and dizziness.

I obediently drank. And, of happiness, the headache was gone through 20 minutes.

And even it's some sort of peace of mind.

Now I always hold beside myself Picamilon, just in case.

I read, that according to the instructions that Picamilon prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia and for many it is very helpful, because it is nootrop and it dilates blood vessels.

I strongly advise to try medicine Picamilon, especially those who suffer from headaches and migraines.

A preparation Picamilon according to the description is very good, a lot of different indications for use. I drank the course of a headache and dizziness. For the first time it helped well, but in the autumn it was extremely helpful.

I even surprised myself!


Buy Picamilon, If The Nervous System Acts Up

27 Jul 2016

Advantages of Picamilon: It reduces headaches, normalizes sleep, improves memory.

Picamilon is nootropic agent having a plurality of indications.

After reading the instructions you may not find reasons to drink these pills.

But I think anyone at some point may need the help of such nootropics.

The rhythm of life is very fast, there are always problems at home and at work. We sleep a little, but have a lot of experience, a lot of upsets.

From this suffering overall health, well-being deteriorates, dreadful headaches, and there is a good chance to bring yourself to depression.

So I started to drink Picamilon, 1 tablet 2 times a day, and have become calmer on that assistance on the way!

I have a normal sleep, I became less nervous, I suffer from less headaches.

Now the main thing is not to stop there, to improve physical and mental performance.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, chronic renal failure, pregnancy, lactation, and also not recommend for children under 3 years)

I myself sometimes suffer from depression, but if so seriously all the best means of stricter, more powerful, but in principle Picamilon is soothing medicine, it is possible to start with. I had to drink the Valerian or Motherwort at night.

Now my friend starts taking this medication Picamilon, half tablet three times a day for 7 days. Then three times one day, for 1.5 months. The doctor has prescribed it. Why do I need Picamilon: neurosis, panic attacks, depression, different, irritability and, most importantly, for the normalization of blood vessels and pressure. Therefore, without the advice of a doctor is not worth taking it. Maybe someone will be useful information.


Buy Picamilon, real effect after usage!

27 Jul 2016

All the good time of day!

I already wrote that suffer diseases such as migraine.

Of course, I drink tablets at strong and not very severe pain.

I take this caffeine tablets and pills Migrenol. Of course it helps.

Once the doctor advised me to buy a course (one month) Picamilon tablets. These tablets expand brain vessels, contribute to the prevention of migraine and stroke, increase efficiency, reduce headache. This is for me.

I already drank the course a few months ago, in the summer. I liked it very much. My head ached less. Now, too, I began to drink Picamilon tablets packaged in plastic bottle, there are 30 pieces in it.

I drink 3 times a day for one pill, it is necessary 3 packages for the course. It is necessary to repeat the course of Picamilon in a few months. But tablets, however, are helping, and in some way cheap.

I sincerely advise Picamilon for those who suffer from migraines and headaches!

Be healthy!


Buy Picamilon, what the doctor ordered!

27 Jul 2016

Advantages of Picamilon: effective, affordable

Once we have the whole family involved in an accident in 2008 in the Crimea, my husband suffered most. Two days he was lying unconscious in the emergency room, he was between life and death. He had multiple injuries, as well as hemorrhage and brain contusion. He was treated for a long time recovering. It should be still on the account at the neurologist. Sometimes there are periods of exacerbation him and then he goes to the doctor. The doctor prescribes treatment.

Recently, he began to complain of severe dizziness. The doctor has appointed imaging of the brain and drank pills Picamilon. They improve brain blood circulation and dilate blood vessels, reduce the headache, pills Picamilon sold here in this completely in a small plastic bottle. There are only 30 pieces in one package. The doctor has prescribed two packages.

The husband takes Picamilon three times a day after meals. He said that the head was spinning less. As it should be inside there is an instruction on their use.

Tablets are small, white. Assign their children already from three years.

Shelf life - three years

There are a number of contraindications. But I do recommend you these pills Picamilon.

All I wish health.

Thank you for your attention to this review.


Picamilon Saves Me From Migraine

27 Jul 2016

Unfortunately, due to the inherited disorder of cerebral circulation and lifelong mental work, I have to take every offseason various special drugs - as a course of treatment and prevention. Of course, that are prescribed by a doctor.

I already wrote about Piracetam, which is used in the treatment of stroke and hypertension and aminoacetic acid glycine, which can be used and children do with any age. All of these drugs the doctor prescribed me a complex with Picamilon.

Tablets Pikamilon is a nootropic drug (N-nicotinoyl-g-aminobutyric acid sodium salt), which stimulates the reparative processes in the body and increases the consumption of oxygen and glucose human nervous tissue. Also Picamilon has vasodilating properties, which explains its ability to remove the headache prophylaxis.

I want to say that Picamilon works for me better and faster than Piracetam. Despite the fact that the international drug Piracetam is many times more expensive. Picamilon also a Russian (Soviet) development in Bulgaria and it is impossible to buy and is much cheaper. I bought it on-line on web site directly from Russia.

Picamilon is not analgesic and is not intended to take a headache instantly. However, it saves me from migraines after two pills during the day, while Spasmalgon does not help, that simply copes with the usual headache. Apparently, another migraine is causal.

30 tablets of Picamilon 50 mg is enough for 10 days. The course of treatment for 2-3 months, because these pills must be taken three times a day. Of course, it is the individual response of the body. And I felt great after Piracetam, but it did not help me this year, last year and helped Picamilon. Nevertheless, I want to say that the Soviet pharmacology in my experience much more efficient and cheaper to western and American. It is not necessary to discuss the harm and the danger of drugs, because it is akin to the theological dispute. Medications help us live a full life as long as possible.


Picamilon Improves Blood Circulation, Eliminates Migraine, Improves Memory

27 Jul 2016

With pikamilon I became acquainted a few years ago, after my laser correction of restoring sight was made to me, but it was necessary to support it, as well as the cause of its decline has been the deterioration of the cerebral circulation, and my doctor has prescribed Picamilon.

Just specify that in addition to improving brain blood circulation, to me it is still prescribed as a sedative (since I'm due to surgery was not myself).

I applied it according to the instructions for about two months. According to one tablet twice a day (although there are gaps in taking Picamilon).

The result was already evident to me two weeks later: my excitement and anxiety was decreased, the fear is gone, gone the pain in the left eye, the vision has stabilized. Apart from these, I also improved the memory of the desired reactions to me that I did not hurt.

Now periodically without the doctor's appointment, I drink away the course of Picamilon about once a year, although you can do it twice a year.

I take Picamilon somewhere for four years, and is happy with it, there is no impairment. There is no adverse reactions for me, but you know - it's chemistry, and it is for each individual.

I take Picamilon every time I feel that my eyes get tired and sharpness is lost.


Picamilon: Buy Good Drug

27 Jul 2016

Advantages: Picamilon helps with high mental stress

It so happened that at the time of high mental stress, my husband realized that he cannot cope (as all 8-hour working day, and then to night training by studying the codes and comments to them - the literature is boring, sleepy feel from only one type of these books).

The nootropics came to the aid. They were recommended by a therapist. Phenotropil is proved to be too costly, Piracetam seemed insufficiently effective. And on the advice of a friend I bought to my husband Picamilon, that she took it in that time, when she wrote and defended her candidate diploma. My husband liked the drug, it turned out to be very effective at sufficiently low cost to it. In course of reception Picamilon increases physical and mental efficiency, it improves memory, it reduces headaches, Picamilon also improves blood circulation in the blood vessels of the retina and optic nerve. It's not all the evidence, but only those that were important to my husband. These books are now absorbs batches. He says that it has become much easier to express ideas (although, it can on the number of read and assimilated the material), but the clarity of thought - it is a merit of Picamilon. And the list of side effects Picamilon has less than that Phenotropil.

And you know, he also noticed that just stopped experiencing jitters when it calls "on the carpet" bosses. The feeling of fear is Gone, when the voice trembles and gives your nervous tension.

Of course, I do not agitate everyone to take Picamelon, and any nootropics. We must remember that it is drugs, and they need to be taken on doctor's advice. But there are moments in life when they are needed.

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