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Damage to DNA

25 Nov 2016

Biophysicist Dr. Doping tells about mutations in the genome, Queen Victoria and Tay – Sachs desease. What is DNA damage and how it happens? How many mutations appears annually at the man in the genome of the sperm? As Queen Victoria damaged chromosome influenced the Russian history?

The process of doubling or replication, DNA extraordinarily accurate. DNA polymerase - absolutely wonderful enzymes that manage to synthesize new DNA strands on the principle of complementarity with amazing accuracy. Errors occur with quite a negligible probability. But they still occur - in such insanely long molecules that we have in our body, in DNA molecules. Thus, DNA damage occurs, an error occurs and the error is, of course, extremely important to us. The genetics of these errors are called mutations.

Geneticists it is known a very long time. Even before the discovery of DNA structure genetics knew that mutations occur in the genes. But they did not know what exactly these mutations are expressed, what happens specifically in such cases. Now that we have learned to read the DNA sequence, we know all the details of what happens to the DNA molecule in such troubles as mutations. Examples are a great many, but I'll talk about some that I think are the most impressive.

Cyanocobalamin injection (Vitamin B12) - is extremely essential for making DNA synthesis.

Almost all the XIX century in the UK rules of Queen Victoria, this period is even called the Victorian era. Few people know that in addition to longevity and good health Queen Victoria had its genome a replacement unit. One unit of three billion was replaced. This damage inherited from her father, who begot her, when he was 50 years old. It's not a very good idea - to have a child at this age. The fact that men with age occurs the accumulation of DNA damage occurs because spermatogenesis in men throughout life. Now it is investigated thoroughly quantified: we know that on average, each year there are two additional mutations in the genome of the sperm. Therefore, to the 50 years of accumulated, it is easy to calculate a decent amount of mutations. And when you consider that we have a baseline of about 14 mutations on average, it is a great gain - say, 60 additional mutations.

These mutations occur at exactly the transformation of germ cells, because most errors occur during replication during meiosis when gametes are formed. Now we know that Queen Victoria received a mutation from their fathers, this mutation is associated with the X-chromosome. Let me remind you that we have normal chromosomes called autosomes and the sex chromosomes - men is the X- and Y-chromosomes in females is two X-chromosomes. So Queen Victoria received from mum and dad on the X-chromosome, and from the pope, she received X-chromosome damage. Why moms age does not matter? First, mothers are usually younger, but not the main thing. The main thing is that girls, women all germ cells, all of the egg formed very early and once and for all, on the rest of his life.

For the entire period of reproduction women have eggs that are formed even in the embryonic stage.

So they always have about 14 violations. And men it increases with age. Therefore, we believe that it is the pope gave Queen Victoria the damaged X-chromosome.

Damage was that it was flawed gene responsible for blood clotting protein, but if there are two X-chromosomes, it does not manifest itself. At most of Victoria and all the women who received from her damaged X-chromosome, it did not show. But as soon as the boy with this X-chromosome, has a different chromosome Y, then, it means that it generally does not produce clotting factor. And it turns out the disease, which is called hemophilia. This gene Queen Victoria gave her granddaughter, who became Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna - the wife of Nicholas II, the, and she gave birth to the heir Alexei, who was a hemophiliac. Because of this, to the court was brought by a charlatan Rasputin names because this has occurred, in particular, the Russian revolution. This caused great indignation among the various segments of the population - that this quack was brought to the court. Of course, the Russian Revolution are many reasons, but one of them is genetic.

Another example of genetic diseases - so-called Tay - Sachs disease, which occurs mainly in Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenazi Jews - a European Jews, who said at one time in Yiddish, that is a dialect of the German language, and they come from Germany. All Eastern European Jews are descendants of Ashkenazi Jews. They increased for accidental reasons presence damaged gene that causes Tay - Sachs. This is a terrible hereditary disease - a child dying by about 4 years. This is a very unpleasant thing. And the probability of occurrence of the disease among Ashkenazi Jews is 100 times higher than among the general population. It belongs to the category of the so-called Jewish diseases.

It was a terrible scourge for Ashkenazi Jews, and advances in the science of DNA have allowed to develop completely reliable methods of diagnosis of these genes, and genetic counseling has become to allow couples who are going to start a family, to decide whether they want to do it or not, because the genetic analysis says they both say, are carriers of the gene. If both are carriers of the gene, then this is an autosomal disease, autosomal mutation not sex chromosomes. Therefore, in order to make it apparent you need to both chromosomes, and that came from his mother, and from the pope, carried the bad gene. This faulty gene must come from both parents. It is easy to calculate that if both parents are carriers of the gene, then with probability ¼ child is sick, he has in both chromosomes is damaged gene. It is a high probability, and therefore often the bride and groom refused to marry, if such a situation is provided so as not to face such problem. Particularly acute, this problem in the religious Jews, because they have banned abortion, they usually have many children for the same reasons, are prohibited not only abortion, but also contraception. Therefore, they have a very high probability of at least one child that they are going to start to be sick, and it is a tragedy for the family.

As a result, even the rabbis refuse to enter into marriage until the bride and groom did not bring a certificate that they have passed a genetic consultation. They decide they will marry or not, but they should know what to expect. This led to what is now a disease Tay - Sachs disease among Jews is less common than among the general population. It is understood that the disease gene is present in Jews at the same concentration, but meeting these two genes arose to disease is now almost eliminated. This achievement is the science of DNA and developed as a result of the methods of science of genetic analysis.



25 Nov 2016

B-Ecdysterone form Empyreal Dragon is a dietary supplement promising rising of development of Testosteron-Depotum at men. The main active ingredient - Beta Ekdisteron received from Levzei Saflorovidna, being an adaptogen.

B-Ecdysterone form Empyreal Dragon

Declared effects

  • Augmentation of synthesis of protein,
  • Improvement of penetration of proteins and glycogen in muscular tissue;
  • Controls insulin level;
  • Energy source,
  • Prevention of adjournment of fats,
  • Helps lose fat;
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes,
  • Depression of level of cholesterin in a blood,
  • Well influences cardiovascular system;
  • Helps augmentation of force and endurance of an organism;
  • Improves quality of the built-up muscle bulk;
  • Accelerates process of extension of muscles;
  • Antioxidant.



The recommended dose ¼ tablets a day. It is necessary to accept drug during food in the first half of day. The recommended course makes 2-3 weeks. After that it is necessary to take a break for 1 month. Then it is possible to continue reception, without changing a dosage and term.



25 Nov 2016

AntiestrOX from Empyreal Dragon - the dietary supplement having antioxidate effect. Suppressing activity of free radicals and ketone bodies, preventing oxidation processes, thereby slowing down offensive of aging and increasing fastness of cells to stresses and loads. Please pay attention to Bonothyrk.

AntiestrOX from Empyreal Dragon

Declared effects

  • Acceleration of processes of neogenesis in an organism.
  • Fast recovering from stresses and loads.
  • Immunity strengthening.
  • Antiinflammatory effect.
  • Antitumoral effect.
  • Improvement of the general state.
  • Anti-aging of all organism.


On 2 tablets (1500 mg):

  • Polygonum aviculare of 400 mg, the mountaineer bird's, having fortifying properties and improving chemical indicators of a blood.
  • Rubus idaeus L of 300 mg, leaves and fetuses of raspberry promoting strengthening of protective properties of an organism.
  • Brassica oleracea of 200 mg, are rich with vitamin C.
  • Yucca of 300 mg, etc.
  • To accept 2-4 capsules after the training


Animal Test from Universal Nutrition

25 Nov 2016

Animal Test — the ineffective booster of testosterone from the company from Universal Nutrition (USA). Has with pro-androgens nothing in common. Read the section of feedbacks in more detail.

Animal Test from Universal Nutrition

Āescription of the producer

Animal Test is the best of legal testosteron additives for growth of muscles. The unique development of Animal Test including the most effective natural components from Universal Nutrition allows moving to a new level to the athletes who are going in for bodybuilding. The product is released without recipe.

Part of androgens consists of highly active plant extracts which help to release free testosterone, and to it anti-estrogenic action also increases. What does it mean? Increase in force and size of muscles. This complex includes a powerful component 3,4-divanilliltetragidrofuran with the anabolic ketosterona received from extract of the Cissus quadrangular – one more surprising ingredient developed especially for bodybuilding. Extract to yokhimba helps to receive a beautiful constitution and to support a healthy libido that is only one of aspects of a powerful formula Animal Test.

To gain the maximum effect of the released testosterone, Animal Test is completely equipped with a combination of ultramodern anti-estrogen, including Trans-3,5,4 '-Trihydroxystilbene antioxidant (resveratrol) and polysaccharides of Champignon two-sporous. These elements block hit of estrogen to receptors and prevent inevitable increase in level of estrogen owing to excessive development of testosterone. Thus, it both directly, and indirectly provides higher level of circulation of free testosterone. Both components of an androgenic complex as a part of Animal Test guarantee the expressed action thanks to additional components: 6,7-digidroksibergamottin and to the patented Bioperin – the best absorbent. You can try Bonothyrk.

The last and, perhaps, the strongest element of a new formula Animal Test – widely famous, checked and already patented anabolic agent – arachidonic acid. The checked in scientific experiments and gained the world recognition, arachidonic acid conquered the world of bodybuilding seriously and for a long time. Arachidonic acid has a set of benefits to athletes. The most important of them is a capability to increase sensitivity of androgenic receptors and to strengthen tension of muscular tissue during the training and, thus, to accelerate their growth.

Structure of Animal Test

Contents of bags

Amount of nutrients in one portion (1 bag) of a product:

Pro-androgenic complex of 2500 mg:

  • 3.4-Divanillyltetrahydrofuran - increases concentration of untied testosterone
  • Cissus Quadrangularis Extract (Ketosterona) - are inefficient
  • Trans-3,5,4 '-Trihydroxystilbene (Resveratrol) - anabolic action doesn't possess
  • Agaricus Bisporus (Polysaccharides) (Champignon polysaccharides) - is only preliminary experimental data about influence on the level of sex hormones.
  • 3', 5,7-Trihydroxy-4 '-Methoxyflavone - are inefficient
  • Yokhimbin (bark extract) - anabolic action is absent

Hypertrophic complex of 1500 mg:

Arakhidonovy acid (40% company mix) - the positive effect is proved

6, 7-Dihydroxybergamottin (Grapefruit) - is included unsubstantially

Biofeather-beds - improves digestion of some substances

Other ingredients: nettle root extract, mountaineer peaked (Japanese), champignon field, grapefruit extract, palmitic acid, sterichesky acid, linoleic acid, γ-linoleic acid, äč-õīģī-γ-ėčķīėåāą’ acid, muscat acid, peanut acid, gelatin, glycerin, water, color of caramel, carob tree, dioxide of the titanium, stearin acid, stearate of magnesium, fd&c, blue No. 1, fd&c, red No. 40.

Recommendations for use

Accept on one bag a day during two rates for 21 days everyone. In days of trainings accept in 30 minutes prior to a training. In days of rest accept next the heart between meals. After two rates (42 days), for achievement of the best results and more accurate preserving muscle bulk, it is recommended to use Animal M-Stak (Universal Nutrition).

Feedbacks of the expert

Despite the declared advertizing, studying of structure, and also blood tests made on a voluntary initiative by athletes before use of medicine show that Animal Test from Universal was low effective after application of one cycle (21 days): neither force surplus, nor a surplus of weight were noted, the level of testosterone grew by only 11.2% though by private results it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion.

Perhaps positive influence on a libido, due to presence of the known aphrodisiac of yokhimbin. It is possible to rank quite big cost of additive as shortcomings (highest in PAK line) - a ratio price/quality/effect - below an average.


Androbol 300

25 Nov 2016

Androbol 300 represents the composite medicine containing various air of testosterone. Analog of a sustanon and omnadren.


Concentration of active ingredients: 300 mg/ml.

Producer: LYKA LABS LTD (India).

Active ingredients:

  • testosterone mg acetate 50
  • testosterone mg propionate 50
  • testosterone fenilporopionat 50 mg
  • testosterone tsipionat 50 mg
  • testosterone dekanoat 100 mg.


Androbol 300 is an injection anabolic steroid medicine, active ingredient – testosterone of dekanoat of 100 mg, mg propionate 50 testosterone, testosterone of tsipionat of 50 mg, testosterone of fenilpropionat of 50 mg, testosterone acetthis 50 mg, concentration of active ingredient of 300 mg/ml. Medicine is characterized by very high anabolic activity in case of the action expressed by an androgen. One of the Best drug is Bonothyrk.

Androbol intensifies protein synthesis therefore there is an intensive growth of muscle bulk. Medicine promotes blood saturation by oxygen due to blood formation stimulation (increase in quantity of erythrocytes). Testosterone air in such combination mutually supplements and strengthens the action.

Androbol combines the best effects of various derivatives of testosterone. Medicine begins to work very quickly, within the first hours after an injection, and its action continues up to three weeks.

Androbol 300 provides the balanced action of the most effective derivatives of testosterone, and uniform distribution of level of their concentration during medicine validity period. Efficiency of each of air is known to athletes long ago if to accept them separately. Collected in balanced "cocktail" as a part of Androbol they make the maximum anabolic impact, it promotes rapid growth of popularity of medicine among bodybuilders and power lifters.

Positive reviews about Adrobole confirm what this medicine to already many athletes helped to make powerful races in improvement of sports indicators. Medicine promotes increase in production of erythrocytes which transport oxygen. Blood saturation by oxygen also raises power indicators and endurance of muscles.

High degree of aromatasia of active ingredient in steroid Androbol leads to increase in concentration of estrogen. Therefore one of the main side effects ginekomastia for which prevention on a rate use aromatasia inhibitors. Besides, Androbol 300 suppresses development of own testosterone therefore increase in a dosage and duration of a rate over the recommended level leads not to growth of sporting achievements, and to problems with health. In the recommended quantities medicine isn't toxic for a liver, but in case of long acceptance can cause dysfunctions of a liver and kidneys.

Application, rates

Androbol 300 it is necessary to accept not more often than 1 time a week lasting rate of 6 weeks, the maximum duration of a rate of 10 weeks. The dosage can be established within 300-750 mg. The beginning athletes aren't recommended to exceed a dose of 500 mg.

Upon completion of Androbol's rate the surplus of muscle bulk quite often reaches 10 kg. If dynamics of growth is lower, you shouldn't increase a dosage. In that case it is necessary to pay attention to other factors. Most likely, it isn't low to a dose, and in unbalanced or insufficient food, the wrong schedule of trainings, non-compliance with the sports mode and rest.

For increase in a surplus of muscle bulk it is possible to purchase Androbol 300 and to add to a combination Danabol and Strombafort. Combinations with medicines on the basis of nandrolon of a dekanoat will be effective. Androbol's combinations 300 with Vinstrol and Parabolan give a smaller surplus, but better muscles. On a rate apply aromatasia inhibitors to liquidation of side effects. After a rate PKT is carried out.


Those who accept Androbol 300 sometimes note consequences in the form of an acne, and skin rashes have considerable manifestations. But in such cases, as a rule, use a high dosage or combinations with badly combined steroids.

In case of the termination of acceptance of Androbol side effects, as a rule disappear in 2-3 weeks. In general, feedbacks to Androbole testify, to his outstanding performance for a set of muscle bulk.


Anabolizer from Empyreal Dragon

25 Nov 2016

Anabolizer from Empyreal Dragon the dietary supplement referred on risings of anabolic processes.

Anabolizer from Empyreal Dragon

Declared effects

  • Rising of level of Testosteron-Depotum in a blood,
  • Stimulation of an erythropoiesis,
  • Augmentation of mental concentration,
  • Working capacity rising,
  • Fast adhesion of wounds,
  • Immunity rising.


  • On 1 tablet (750mg)
  • Ashwagandha of 300 mg,
  • Panax trifolius of 200 mg,
  • Aralia mandshurica of 200 mg, etc.


On one capsule before food. At sports activities to carry out administration of drug before a training in 30-60 minutes. The recommended course makes 20-25 days. On the termination it is necessary to take a break for 1.5-2 weeks then to continue reception. Please pay attention to Gotratix.

Side effects and contraindications

Have no side effects of a tablet for development of Testosteron-Depotum of Anabolizer. At an over dosage perhaps mild giddiness, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, the increased nervous excitability.



25 Nov 2016

AICAR (5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide) - an analog of AMF which stimulates AMF-zavisimuyu a protein a kinase (AMPK) therefore products of ATP and adenosine increase as a result raises endurance of an organism, blood supply of fabrics improves and accelerates lipolyse. Has other mechanism of action in comparison with the GW 1516 connection with which it is often compared and doesn't possess cancerogenic action. AICAR is for the first time used in the 1980th years during transactions for preserving a blood-groove in a cardiac muscle. Has no relation to SARMs.

Doping tests

In 2009 the French anti-doping agency suspected application of AICAR of the race Tour de France, for the purpose of decrease in fatty weight, increase in endurance and improvement of transport of oxygen. Since 2011 medicine was included into the list of the forbidden means of WADA.

Scientists from the Center for a research of dope (Das Kolner Zentrum fur Praventive Dopingforschung) from the city of Cologne (Germany) developed the method determining availability of AICAR banned drug.

Use in sport

In 2008 researchers of Institute of Solk under the leadership of J. Kim found out that AICAR, depending on intensity of loading, when using it within four weeks at experimental mice considerably increases their working capacity on tredmil, apparently, due to transformation of fast-twitch muscle fibers to more energy efficient, lipidgenerated, slow twitch muscle fibers. You can also like Gotratix.

After ergogen AICAR properties were revealed, medicine received a big popularity in sport, and mass media called them "charging tablets".

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of effect of drug is bound to impact on energy development processes. It increases education and the subsequent oxidation of the fats serving as one of important energy sources at an exercise stress and enlarge rate of a blood flow that provides stable transport of lipids to places of their metabolism. Besides, AICAR is bound to processes of a metabolism of carbohydrates — the main power substance at a long exercise stress therefore this agent is studied for treatment of a diabetes mellitus now.



25 Nov 2016

ACE-031 is the perspective peptide medicine belonging to the class of inhibitors of a miostatin. In its basis there is solution extracellular elements of ActRIIB receptors which are connected to Fc an immunoglobulin G fragment. Effect of medicine is based on blocking of a miostatin (there is a full blocking of a signal through a receptor of ActRIIB ) therefore acceleration of growth of muscle bulk and power indicators is observed.

This peptide has the high potential for application in bodybuilding for the purpose of ensuring the best muscle growth and combustion of fat.

Use in bodybuilding

It is possible to catch results of the researches concerning peptides. In this case it is about one peptide, more precisely, pro-peptide – ACE-031 which is inhibitor of miostatin.

It is necessary to tell that the company which synthesized ACE-031 – Acceleron Pharma – researches in its relation stopped. For a long time or not, it is unknown so far. But pro-peptide is still synthesized by third-party laboratories and comes to the market. Therefore, it is worth talking about it especially as inhibitors of miostatin – rather extensive and interesting subject. In this case, it will be a question of quite official research which results were published in the March issue of the scientific magazine Muscle & Nerve.

48 people participated in research, All of them were women at the age of 45-75 years (women for such experiments get out, as a rule, to minimize influence of third-party factors, in particular, of testosterone). It made only one injection of ACE-031, but different amount: 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 1 and 3 mg on kilogram of dead load. In this case there was quite enough one injection as the period of semi-life of medicine constitutes about 20 days. Concentration in plasma of blood increases quickly enough, reaching a maximum approximately within 3-4 days. After 8-10 days concentration begins to decline gradually.

It is necessary to tell that satisfactory results were received only in case of very considerable amount of injections – 1 and 3 mg on a kilogram of dead load. Other dosages didn't give particular advantage in comparison with injections of placebo. However the "three-milligram" group got an essential rise in volume of muscles – 5 percent. Dry muscle bulk grew by 3%, at the same time a fat quantity left. I will emphasize: three percent for the hundred-kilogram athlete are 3 kg of muscles which "grow" in only two-three weeks.

But it is about MILLIGRAMS on kilogram of weight. And ACE-031 in the vials containing only 1 mg (1000 mkg) is on sale usually. You can imagine how many it is required such vials only for one injection. At last, It is necessary to tell also about why Acceleron Pharma stopped researches concerning the inhibitor of Myostatinum so far. Add some Dexamethazone and Gotratix to your daily training.

The matter is that in earlier experiment on children in some cases at examinees spontaneous bleeding from a nose and gums, and also stretching of blood vessels was revealed. In the experiment described above on women practically at all examinees the FSG level sharply decreased. Perhaps, in these "pobochkakh" is also not present anything dangerous, but experts from Acceleron Pharma decided to understand thoroughly everything – out of harm's way. The same who continues to buy ASE-031 do it to an injection at own risk.

Other peptides

  • GHRP-2
  • GHRP-6 (Geksarelin)
  • GRF(1-29)
  • CJC-1295
  • Ipamorelin
  • HGH Frag (176-191)
  • Melanotan 2
  • TB500

Clinical tests of ACE-031

On May 2, 2013, the press release, Acceleron Pharma and Shire PLC declared that they came to conclusion about the collaboration in ACE-031 and the molecules bound to it and that they won't start restart of this program. John Knopf, the CEO of Acceleron told: "In spite of the fact that we show discontent with results of the ACE-031 program, in too time, thanks to carrying out a research, we received valuable data which can be used in the course of carrying out Acceleron of developments of new bonds, also they will be able to bring in the future benefit to our patients".

Other event dated on May 2, 2013: at communication with Jane Larkindeyl, the vice-president of AMD for researches, Kenneth Atti presenting to Acceleron, and Lawrence Charles from Shire reported that clinical trials of ACE-031 were suspended since February, 2011. "Since that moment", - they continued, - "we presented a series of additional preclinical and toxicological trials, but, unfortunately, results of these researches don't provide their further development". They expressed gratitude of AMD for its participation in the ACE-031 program and noticed that: "Each company is still committed to development of new therapeutic methods of treatment of AMD and other infrequent diseases".

The original story about search is given below - "ACE-031 clinical trials of a muscular dystrophy of Dyushen stop at the moment", - published on May 3, 2011.

On April 21, 2011 the biopharmaceutical companies Acceleron Pharma and Shire declared that the clinical trials of ACE-031 supported by AMD on the muscular dystrophy of Dyushen (MDD) were suspended.

Work on a phase 2 on a research within escalation of a dose of ACE-031 at boys with MDM was stopped, and prolongation of clinical trial for boys which was complete within the initial research, was suspended, based on the preliminary data connected with safety.

Both researches were conducted in Canada, and the plan was in sometime in the future to open the research centers in the USA.

The negative phenomena which participants of testing – insignificant bleedings from a nose and gums faced and blood vessels of skin – as in general, and in itself, weren't recognized as dangerous. Nevertheless, the involved companies and regulating boards say that they need complete understanding of these events before clinical testing of ACE-031 are continued.

Development of ACE-031 was completely discussed in April release of 2011 in the magazine AMD "Quest" devoted to health and quarterly researches. Discussion was published under the heading "Distracting and Unwanted Protein". The companies hope for renewals of testing of ACE-031 after safety issues are completely studied.

Acceleron and Shire complete the researches ACE-031 on rats and monkeys. Researchers will analyze data of people and animals to gain an impression about the received, adverse phenomena. The companies declare that they hope for renewal of testing of ACE-031 in public after results of these analyses are received and considered by Administration of the USA on foodstuff and medicinal substances (FDA), and also the Ministry of Health of Canada.

Acceleron and Shire made on April 21 the following statement:

  • "For the purpose of conservation of a situation at which the Association of a muscular dystrophia of Dyushen will be constantly informed Acceleron and Shire are going to provide the updated data on a condition of the clinical program for ACE-031".
  • "During clinical tests on healthy adults and boys with MDD, at some participants insignificant nasal bleeding, staxis of gums and/or small expansion of blood vessels in a skin was observed. These phenomena were completely eliminated after the treatment termination".
  • "Insignificant bleedings in itself and expansion of blood vessels weren't considered as a serious problem of safety in the context of this research".
  • "Nevertheless, on the basis of the analysis of these data on safety which is carried out together with FDA and the Ministry of Health of Canada, Acceleron stopped A031-03 a research on MDD and suspended carrying out set and dosage within the subsequent expanded research A031-06".
  • "Acceleron and Shire still remain bound to the international clinical program for MDD, and also to the project on development of ACE-031. Pursuing these aims, we express intention to begin carrying out the new researches ACE-031 within work with MDD, the corresponding monitoring on questions, and also the subsequent discussions with regulators will be carried out at the same time".
  • "In the next months we will provide the new information for MDD association as it and is necessary".

Value for the families bound to a muscular dystrophy of Dyushen.

Emergence of the experiences concerning safety bound to an experimental medicinal preparation never is good news to the families hoping for new methods of therapeutic treatment. Nevertheless, clinical trials of an experimental medicinal preparation by the nature is risky. And its advantage for patients who can potentially have serious by-effects has to be considered from the point of view of by-effects which have to be found out before they pose a threat to health or life.

"Though we are disappointed with such turn of events in development of ACE-031, it emphasizes importance of carrying out researches developed and controlled properly" - Sanjay Bidichandani, the vice-president of MDA for researches says".

Also you can study the list of researches.



24 Nov 2016

7-ketodehydroepiandrosteron (synonyms: 7-Keto, 7-Keto-DHEA, 7-Keto-degidroepiandrosterone, 7-keto dehydroepiandrosteron) - DHEA precursor, is actively advertized as more effective form of dehydroepiandrosteron which has lipolityc properties.

Kalman and coauthors [348] provide data that acceptance 7-keto dehydroepiandrosteron (in a dosage of 200 mg/day) for 8 weeks during trainings promoted bigger (in comparison with control group) to reduction of fatty deposits. Besides, researchers noted the increased level of hormone of a triodtironin (T3) while levels of tireotropny hormone and T4 hormone remained invariable.

Recent researches showed that acceptance 7-keto dehydroepiandrosteron accelerates metabolism processes at rest. Besides, there are data that acceptance 7-keto dehydroepiandrosteron for 8 weeks during a limited diet helped to avoid considerable reduction in the rate of metabolism [350]. Do not forget take Gotratix for better results.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that in the second research participants accepted not separate additive 7-keto of dehydroepiandrosteron, but complex additive (which except DHEA included caffeine, extract of green tea, the medicine citrus aurantium, etc.). Thus, results of this research can confirm advantage of acceptance 7-keto to DHEA only indirectly.

So, further researches of properties 7-keto DHEA as nutritional supplement for weight reduction at the moment are required.


5-HTP (5 hydroxytryptophan)

24 Nov 2016

5-HTP5 hydroxytryptophan (it is also known as ocsitriptan) are the amino acid which is found in the nature, in particular in Griffonia simplicifolia seeds. Is a precursor of neurotransmitter of serotonin. Is also intermediate substance in a metabolism of a tryptophan, one of the major amino acids.

5-HTP (5 hydroxytryptophan)

5 hydroxytryptophan not only the precursor of a serotonin, are also formed of it melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone regulating the cycle "dream wakefulness". It provides a natural backfilling. Therefore 5 hydroxytryptophan, being a precursor of melatonin, can normalize a dream.

Drug is used at big depressive disorder in many European countries; Indications to use — the low level of a serotonin and a depression.

The day norm of consumption 5-HTP isn't established, usually is issued tablets on 50 mg.

5-HTP it is synthesized in a human body from a tryptophan in an intestine. The tryptophan, in turn, is irreplaceable amino acid, i.e., the organism has no opportunity independently it to synthesize and receives with an albuminous nutrition: mushrooms, oats, bananas, dried dates, peanut, sesame, pine nut, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese). It causes the increased appetite of the person at a serotonin disadvantage - the organism seeks to fill shortage of its precursors.

5-HTP it is generally extracted from seeds of the African tree of Griffonia simplicifolia. Also it can be synthesized in laboratory - the final product is identical to a 5-gidrokistriptofan of the person made in a body. Seeds of Griffonia simplicifolia contain small percent (3% - 7%) 5-HTP therefore the use of seeds is noneffective.


Raising of mood, nervousness depression, aggression depression, loss of appetite, augmentation of emission of beta endorphines, augmentation of a pain threshold, softening of symptoms of illness of Parkinson, softening of symptoms of migraine and headaches.

Influence on a dream: 5-HTP exerts positive impact on length of a dream and quality. Improvement of quality of a dream is bound to REM suppression (a bystry phase of a dream), to the subsequent kickback, and it leads to dream brightness augmentation in the morning. 5-HTP enlarges serotonin level that causes more deep and quiet sleep. For a qualitative dream it is enough to accept 100-150 mg.

Concentration 5-HTP in plasma

Councils for reception, dosage

The best time for reception 5-HTP is selected individually. If 5-HTP is accepted as sleeping pill, it has to be accepted in the evening, shortly before a dream. In case of its use as an antidepressant reception can be carried out at any time. If 5-HTP is accepted for weight reduction - in this case it has to be accepted with food. An average therapeutic daily dose for the adult - 50 mg (the dosage is higher than 50 mg it is considered a high dose). The drugs containing 5-HTP in dosages of 50 and 100 mg are most spread in sale. It is also required to avoid a nutrition with the high content of proteins before reception 5-HTP. In case of day use 5-HTP more than 25 mg since higher doses are capable to cause sleepiness are the best of all not to accept doses. 5-HTP it is better acquired by an organism on an empty stomach.

Joint reception with B6 vitamin

The advantage of combination of reception 5-HTP and B6 vitamin (Vitamin B6 pyridoxine injection) consists that B6 vitamin promotes transformation 5-HTP to a serotonin (the majority of drugs and dietary supplement on the basis of 5-HTP and a tryptophan already contain in the structure B6 vitamin).

Precautions at reception

It is impossible to use 5-HTP together with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO) and drugs of group of inhibitors of the return serotonin reuptake and with care with agonists of production of serotonin in order to avoid seroton syndrome at all. Excessive concentration of a serotonin in a brain is capable to cause unpleasant changes of a perception. However, these effects are corrected by reception of B3 and B6 vitamins. At animal experiments, high doses of a tryptophan at pregnant women led to decrease of the size of a fetus and augmentation of percent of mortinatus. Over high doses (higher than 6 grams) can do strong harm to a liver. Until results of researches of a clinical use become known, it is worth abstaining from reception of high doses 5-HTP and to avoid prolonged use.

Side effects

At short-term reception of high doses 5-HTP side effects are shown in a look: nausea, vomiting, gastric spastic strictures, dropping of a libido (since. A serotonin has the braking effect in sex behavior), an uneasy dream, and extension of time of sexual intercourse at the expense of an ejaculation delay is also possible. It is also worth noticing that at the people accepting 5-HTP long time tolerance to this drug can develop. At long reception side effects are up to the end not investigated. According to the confirmed information about 5-HTP, correct won't accept drug throughout all duration of gestation and several months prior to it. Also you shouldn't use drug at schizophrenia.

Advantages of drugs on the basis of 5-HTP

Many from using drugs on the basis of 5-HTP, noted improvement of mood, depression or total absence of concern, improvement of a dream, and also appetite decrease (that leads, eventually, to loss of excess weight). But not everyone pays attention to a loss of appetite as effect of reception 5-HTP since main objectives of reception are profilaktiya of various type of depressions. Also 5-HTP can help some people having headaches and migraine.

Compatibility with other drugs

Use 5-HTP together with SIOZS group antidepressants (selective inhibitors of the return neyronal serotonin reuptake), such as Prozac (fluoxetine), Paxil (paroksetin), Zoloft (sertralin) and others isn't investigated properly. There are unconfirmed data on combination of small doses 5-HTP - 50 mg or less, with small doses of the specified drugs (under sensitive observation of medics). It is supposed that joint reception of 5-HTP and selective blockers of a serotonin - for example, fluoxetine, can lead to development of serotonin syndrome.

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