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Picamilon - Noticeable results

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: Noticeable results already after the first week

Disadvantages: there are contraindications

Many parents know the situation when their child behaves a wind-up toy. Doctors specialists call it hyperactivity. So I have a boy of the same. It certainly is not very bad, because every child is different, but a little bit to bring it back to normal nervous system necessary. Since this depends directly on how he would go to school in the future, therefore we turned to a specialist and have appointed us to take a course Picamilon.

We were advised to take two tablets three times a day, within a month. The tablets are very small and quite tasteless, my child accepts them no problem even without drinking water.

Accept them for the second week and the result is swept up significantly, in kindergarten even praised that became more attentive and diligent, noticeably improved speech, began to show talent in drawing and sculpting.

Usage time: two weeks


Picamilon - Good assistant for increased intracranial pressure

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: Inexpensive, normalizes sleep, improves the psycho-emotional state

I start taking "Picamilon" when I was about 18. I was constantly plagued by severe headaches.

I have greatly increased intracranial pressure, with a strong pressure on the eyes. In addition to all sorts of tablets that remove cerebrospinal fluid from the brain, eye drops, I was appointed "Picamilon" 3 times a day. Picamilon - a nootropic which improves brain function!

The effect is not long in coming! Headaches become less! I became much calmer. Even improved memory! sleep normalized, before that I was suffering from insomnia!

In general - it helped me, and very cool! Now I'm 24 and I still take its course!


Picamilon - Excellent head assistant

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: effective, cheap drug

Disadvantages: hard to get on the territory of Ukraine

The drug takes mom since the 90s, when she was appointed "Picamilon" for the treatment of some disorders of the head.

Have experienced after suffering meningitis when there were terrible headaches to changes in the weather, after a long work on the computer, night journeys at the wheel of the car, in short, any stress factor caused great pain.

Mother advised to take Picamilon. Buy had in Belgorod, because in Ukraine for some reason the drug is in short supply, since the 90's.

Month reception at a dose of 25 mg headaches began to appear much less frequently, and 4 Months 3 courses with an interval is generally eliminated. The last 5 years I accept it monthly course 1 time a year, and my husband also forced to take for prevention.

Time of use: 20 years


Picamilon - Necessary drug

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: The effect, availability, security, ease of administration, quality, low price.

Disadvantages: Side effects and contraindications.

I was recently at a reception at the neurologist, with the child.

Complain long falling asleep, anxiety, and irritability.

And we appointed a neurologist drug Picamilon.

The drug increases cerebral vessels. Able to increase the work capacity,

normalize sleep can improve memory and get rid of headaches, fear and anxiety.

We have to take 1 tablet, 2 times a day.

Tablets not bitter and nasty, the child receives no problems.

Drug should take prescribed by a doctor, following dosage.

The drug is prescribed to people with depressive disorders, with open-angle glaucoma, migraine, fatigue, mental and nervous disorders.

Of course the necessary preparation, I recommend!


Picamilon - from cerebral ischemia in newborns

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: helped

I was not an easy pregnancy and childbirth in general were so terrible (the process was long and painful). As a result of all this, my daughter was born with a slight hypoxia.

However, when the baby turned a month, we had planned to go ultrasound brain. - Deprivation of the brain, a small cyst. Neurologist advised to take "Picamilon" 1/4 tablets 2 times a day for a month.

Gave daughter Picamilon strictly on prescription. Nothing bad has not seen with a daughter for all the time, so normally carry drugs. By completing the course completed the study, and all was well. my child was healthy!

Usage time: month


Picamilon - Wonderful drug

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: Nootropic, anxiolytic, antiplatelet agent.

I have chronic brain hypoxia and reduction of visual acuity, the doctor advised "Picamilon". Very afraid of drug interactions with other medications. But fears were unnecessary! No side effects.

More over Picamilon has antiplatelet (thinning) effect, which is a plus for me. Also have "Picamilon" anxiolytic (calming) effect, and of the most important expanding brain vessels (nootropic), increases blood flow to the brain. It improves mental and physical performance, improves sleep, reduces anxiety and fear. It is used in eye diseases.

I accept it 3 times a day 1 tablet. The duration of 1 month. I advise it!

Usage time: 1 month


Picamilon - It helps you wake up and be in good shape

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: The presence of tonic, detoxification effect, low price.

"Picamilon" Indications: stroke, vascular dystonia, fatigue, depression, psychosis, alcoholism during abstinence, acute alcohol intoxication, migraine, traumatic brain injury, neural infections, primary open-angle glaucoma.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug, renal insufficiency.

Side effects: nausea, dizziness, irritability, agitation, allergic reaction, feelings of anxiety.

The drug improves cerebral blood circulation, tranquilizing, nootropic, antioxidant, antiagregatine action.

This drug I took for 2.5 months, one tablet in the morning and afternoon. There was a noticeable inducing effect (not sleepy). If it was necessary for a long time to be cheerful, I saw four pills in two, helped me: the head remained clear until late at night, even after processing large amounts of information, but the effect on intellectual abilities I have not noticed. I suffer from frequent headaches due to the presence of my vegetative-vascular dystonia. During the reception "Picamilon" head does not hurt never!

This is very pleasing. As the drug increases efficiency, I not only wanted to sleep, but there was a desire to perform some work. Note that compared with psychomotor stimulants, nootropic drugs act on accumulation system (accumulation) in the body. Therefore, do not cause depletion of nerve cells, the effect of "Picamilon" does not occur immediately, but after a course of tablets (1-1.5 months).

Picamilon: eliminate toxins, particularly alcohol, does not give much to get drunk quickly comes sobriety, so it is used in alcoholic poisoning. Also pikamilon has anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects, so it can be used in combination therapy for the treatment of alcoholism when abstinent sidrome (withdrawal syndrome).


Picamilon - good effect

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: It enhances brain vessels, improves blood circulation

Disadvantages: possible allergic reactions

Tablets "Picamilon" I ordered a neurologist at the time when I started to have regular, almost daily, attacks of migraine and headache.

"Picamilon" relates to nootropic agents, this medicine enhances brain vessels.

Take a course in a month on one tablet three times a day. That's when Picamilon course intake can improve mental and physical performance, negates headache, improve memory, sleep is normalized, such as a sense of anxiety and fear are gradually disappearing.

In addition, "Picamilon" improves blood circulation in tiny vials of the retina and optic nerve. After all, if there is the slightest violation of the circulation in these vessels, happens to us headache.

Great proven drug in the treatment of migraines and headaches!


Picamilon - good nootropic agent of Russian production

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: migraine attacks after ingestion have become less severe and rare, inexpensive

Disadvantages: may be side

After 30 years, I began to torment severe headaches, which I could not cope for very long. When last year found genyantritis I decided that the reason lies precisely in it that after treatment all will pass and I finally sigh quietly. But it was not so. Sinusitis cured for a month, but remained head pain, with attacks becoming more frequent and pronounced.

The doctor said that the problems of the vascular nature - the reason was received in a youth in training, treatment after which I do not consider it necessary.

Initially, I had written data Picamilon tablets. pills to take strict course, because if to skip - and the effect of aid will not. I can definitely say - help ... After receiving a 2-week began to feel much better. A month later, the pain went head completely.

Now I accept them 3-4 times a year courses, the doctor recommended if headaches appear.

As far as I know at the drug is still quite a lot of evidence, and the state after the shock and depressive disorders in the elderly, cerebrovascular insufficiency, and asthenia.

I helped a tablet, take will continue if the doctor will prescribe.

They cost quite cheap compared to other offerings.

Accepted course strictly on prescription.

Usage time: 2 years


Picamilon - good drug

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: mild action, low price

The drug Picamilon we appointed a neurologist, for the second course. The child has a small problem in neurology, mild dysarthria. periodically we prescribe a course of treatment with Pantokaltsinom, for the second time, after a certain time after the course with Pantokaltsinom, appointed course with pikamilon. The doctor said that the action "Picamilon" similar to Pantokaltsinom, but milder.

The drug belongs to the nootropics, it expands the vessels of the brain and improves its efficiency. The package contains 30 tablets, we take two tablets a day, together with glycine, the way they are identical in size, very small tablets that are easy to swallow. During the reception "Picamilon" child behaves calmly, sleeps well, there is an improvement in behavior.

Even after several courses of drug treatment, I see a positive trend, if earlier he was a bit behind the majority of peers, now at the same level. Price of the drug is quite reasonable, compared to other nootropics. Picamilon good and operates smoothly with a minimum of side.

Usage time: 2 months

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