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Simpatoterm Luxot Empyreal Dragon

28 Nov 2016

Simpatoterm Luxot Empyreal Dragon is a dietary supplement created for fight against excess weight.

Simpatoterm Luxot Empyreal Dragon

Declared effects

Acceleration of exchange processes thanks to content in medicine of extract of a nettle two-submultiple.

Braking fat and reduction of appetite due to content of extract of gamboge Cambodian.

Guarana extract as a part of medicine promotes a conclusion of toxin and excess liquid from an organism and normalizes cholesterol level in blood.

Extract of bitter orange also improves exchange processes and comforts nervous system.


1 capsule (750 mg) contains:

  • Dendrobium aphyllum of 150 mg,
  • Urtica dioica of 150 mg,
  • Garcinia cambogia of 100 mg,
  • Paullinia cupana of 100 mg,
  • Citrus bzgaradia of 100 mg, etc.


Simpatoterm Lux is recommended to accept on 1-2 capsules in the morning or in 1-1,5 hours prior to sports activities. After acceptance dietary supplement begins to work in 40-70 minutes. Components of medicine are late in an organism for 9-10 hours then they leave together with metabolism products. You can try Pankramin.

It is necessary to accept dietary supplement for Simpatoterm Lux weight loss rates. Each can is expected 1 rate. Between stages it is necessary to do a break of 7-10 days to avoid adaptation of an organism to medicine components. Then it is possible to continue medicine acceptance as before, without exceeding a regulation.

Medicine has no contraindications, except for idiosyncrasy of its components.


5 books about the structure of DNA

28 Nov 2016

What to read about the molecules that store information about the properties of all living organisms.

DNA structure, Vitamin B12, Cyanocobalamin buy injection

The special role of DNA molecules is derived from the fact that is it holds complete information on the structure and properties of any living organism, and in all detail. That is why the knowledge of all the features of the structure of DNA is crucial. With the discovery by Watson and Crick in 1953, the structure of the most important structure of DNA, the famous double helix, or as it is called experts, «B-form DNA," a new era in the history of human civilization - the era of molecular biology and genetics, biotechnology, and based on molecular genetics medicine. Over the past since the discovery of the double helix years, the value of the science of DNA has grown. Nowadays in civilized countries almost no child is born without a diagnosis of his DNA, while he is still in the womb, no trial takes place without the analysis of the DNA of the accused of a felony. In addition, DNA analysis to diagnose set of hereditary diseases. In addition, the entire industry has a huge development of new medicines, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases is based on the science of DNA. Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin injection) - is extremely essential for DNA synthesis making.

  • 1.J. Watson "Double Helix."

It has long become a classic exposition of the history of the discovery by Watson of the double helix. The book is written so vividly that the reader feels like a participant in the events. In reading, however, should not be overlooked that this is a very subjective look at the history of one of the greatest discoveries in the history of science. It is known that Crick book is not much liked. Some of those who witnessed the events, criticized Watson for caricature Rosalind Franklin, whose data is actually stolen from it, played a key role in the discovery, made by Watson and Crick. Eventually, after the publication of the book of Watson, the role of this extraordinary woman was appreciated, and now it is considered the most significant women scientists in the twentieth century. And the Watson Crick after death is undoubtedly the most outstanding scientists of living.

  • 2.Frank-Kamenetskiy "Queen of the living cell."

Non-fiction books of the author of these lines, dedicated to the science of DNA. It gives an accessible form and in historical retrospect detailed presentation of the subject. Particular attention is paid to those aspects of the science of DNA, the study of which play an important role physics and mathematics, for example, DNA topology. In fact, it is the 4th substantially revised edition of a book originally published in light back in 1983 under the title "The most important molecule." Since then, she has been published in many languages, including withstood two editions in English. It should be noted that in the current edition of the fault of the publisher admitted serious errors in the illustrations.

  • 3.C.R. Calladine et al. «Understanding DNA»

Non-fiction books of renowned specialists in the field of DNA structure. In the book in more detail than in the "Queen", describes the fine details of the atomic structure of DNA, which play an important role in the functioning of the molecule. It is enough to analyze in detail such issues not covered in the "Queen" as the bending of the double helix, its winding in the nucleosome particle, the basic elements of chromosomes. The structure of the nucleosome, chemical modifications thereof are extremely important for the understanding of the most pressing questions of biology of higher organisms (eukaryotes). These issues include: regulation of gene expression by altering nucleosome positions along the DNA and epigenetics, transmitted to daughter cells at division chemical modifications that affect the expression of genes, but not recorded in the genome. Of course, there are also substantial thematic overlap between this book and "The Queen", such as the topology of DNA and supercoiling.

  • 4.A.D. Bates, A. Maxwell «DNA Topology».

The perfect guide for those who want to get to know in depth the most interesting topic of DNA topology. Rather, it is a textbook than a popular science book. In the book, the reader will find everything on the subject: available and set out mathematical problems, and the results of computer simulation nodes in the DNA, and the DNA supercoiling. the most important issues of topoisomerase enzymes and molecular machines, changing the topology of the DNA is also covered in detail. The authors examine the details of how the transition induces negative supercoiling of DNA with specific sequences of B-canonical forms unusual structure such as Z-shape, cruciform structures and three-chain H-form.

  • 5.R. Dawkins' The Selfish Gene. ‘

Perhaps this book in popularity among a wide range of readers are not inferior to "double helix" Watson. Dawkins - a recognized master of science popularization. In the book, Darwin developed the idea of evolution and natural selection, but not at the level of organisms, and at the DNA level. That is actually the organisms are seen as the repository of DNA, which has as its sole purpose to multiply uncontrollably. Because the needs in the cell unit, it is placed inside the cell nucleus and from there directs all cellular DNA farming for their reproduction. Since natural selection laws are ruthless, DNA evolves so that it carries the body defeated in this ruthless struggle for survival and expansion habitat selfish DNA. whether a person will be able, first of beings realized the deceit and cruelty of selfish DNA, put an end to this senseless fight? This is the question that puts Dawkins at the end of his book.



28 Nov 2016

Qsymia is a new drug representing a combination of phentermine and topiramat. In clinical trials showed small, but statistically significant effect of weight reduction in comparison with group of placebo. Loss of weight was also bound to improvement of indicators of level of a glucose of a blood, arterial pressure, cholesterin level.


Qsymia was developed by the pharmaceutical company Vivus. Phentermine represents sympathetic amine, a stimulator which has anorexigenic effect, topiramat is anticonvulsant drug as often cramps are side effect at weight loss. Nevertheless the exact mechanism of effect of drugs remains obscure.

In 2012 drug FDA for treatment of obesity at people with a body weight index from 27 kg/m ² - 30 kg/m ² above, and also at least with one of associated diseases - a diabetes mellitus 2 types, hypertonia, a dislipidemiya was approved. Do not forget take Bronhalamin for better results.

Drug is available in any certified retail drugstore of the USA, and also the registered mail in network of drugstores.

On October 18, 2012 the Committee on medicinal preparations for the person (CHMP) refused carrying out the marketing company of drug against an obesity as considers that Qsymia represents potential threat for cardiovascular system (it is known that phentermine enlarges heart rate, but its effects in long-term researches are unknown), a nervous system (negative cognitive and psychological effects were taped), presumably has teratogen effect. 


Propionate 200

28 Nov 2016

Propionate 200 (Testosterona P) developed by the MaxPro Pharma company has concentration of substance 200mg \ml. Please pay attention to Testalamin.

Propionate 200

Recommended dosage: 0.5ml /day, or 1ml /every other day.


Primoject 100

28 Nov 2016

Primoject 100 treats group of easy steroids, its anabolic index is optimum for a safe set of body weight. Androgenic activity of medicine is minimum, and anabolic action of Primoject is similar to action of a nandrolon, but is a little weaker. Active ingredient of medicine is methenobosoms enantat, derivative the digidrotestrosteron. The injection form of a steroid possesses long action, unlike its oral modification that allows to do injections of medicine of times a week.

Description of Primoject 100

Medicine accept a long time as it conducts to a slow, but high-quality surplus of muscle bulk which remains also in case of the acceptance termination. The indisputable benefit – methenolone enantat isn't flavored and doesn't turn into estrogen, respectively, its acceptance is safest.

Side effects of Primoject are noted extremely seldom therefore it will be the optimum choice for beginners, and also for the people predisposed to emergence of side effects. In general estrogenic properties of medicine are lower, than at Nandrolon. The radio chain of enantat has good stability and high biological activity for account 17 - alpha alkylated forms.

Characteristic of Primoject 100

Methenolol enantat, as well as oxandrolon, one of the safest anabolic steroids that does it widely used in different types of sport and among women. Though methenolol enantat is also synthesized from dihydrotestosterone, Primoject properties in injections strongly differ from it. Molecules of a methenolol can interact with aromatic enzyme, but estrogen as a result doesn't appear. Also the steroid doesn't show progestagen activity, unlike a nandrolon.

Thanks to high impact on an androgenic receptor of a cage of Primoject in bodybuilding it is applied during preparation for competitions and in the period of an exit from a cycle. Medicine causes weak accumulating of water in an organism and deposits of fat during a rate. Important high-quality feature is also that under the influence of 5 - alpha reductases liquid Primoject 100 won't be transformed to less active agent so medicine impact force always remains high.

The steroid very poorly oppresses development of own testosterone at the athlete therefore it can be used during an exit from a cycle and in the period of a steroid pause in reduced dosages. You can try Testalamin.

Active ingredient of medicine of Primoject in injections is a child of the German firm. It was for the first time synthesized in the early sixties in Berlin, and it turned out so effective and safe that almost instantly deserved magnificent reputation among anabolic steroids. Application, both among experienced athletes, and among beginners is also still found for it. According to some information, methenolol enantat used by preparation for competitions Arnold Schwarzenegger that already serves as an appreciation to medicine.

How to accept Primoject 100

The dosage recommended for acceptance constitutes 100-300 mg weekly, the injection is entered once a week in view of the long period of action of metelonon enantat.

Primoject 100 rate usually proceeds 7-8 weeks, during this time the athlete gains on average 7-9 kg of the high-quality muscle bulk remaining after the termination of a rate. For women this medicine is almost ideal steroid, not defiant masculinization and virilization even in case of quite considerable dosages. But nevertheless female athletes are recommended to limit weekly doses to 100-200 mg and not to carry out Primoject 100 application longer than three-four weeks. For women it is necessary to observe an interval between injections at least in 4 days not to allow accumulating of undesirable androgens in an organism. More experienced athletes, aware how to accept Primoject 100, can increase a dose to one gram a week. Metenolol enantat is a good basic steroid which is combined practically with all medicines owing to the balance. If you doubt how to accept Primoject 100 and what to combine it with, then the best combination acceptance with injection Vinstrol is considered. For a set of tough muscles it is recommended to combine with such medicines as Sustanon, Nandrolon, Metandrostenolon and others. In this case the method of application of Primozhekt 100 changes according to an individual rate. Also among athletes the good combination of Primoject 100 (200 mg) with nandrolon (200-400 mg) in a week is popular that allows to gain weight in the most short time.

Primoject 100: side effects

Medicine isn't flavored, has low androgenic activity and won't be transformed in an organism to estrogen, so – is safe in case of reasonable application. In case of excess of a recommended dosage the increased load of a liver is occasionally possible. Side effects of Primoject 100 begin is shown in case of the use more than 1 gram a week. Development of own testosterone is suppressed, there are acnes, the timbre of a voice decreases and growth of hair amplifies. Influence medicine usually doesn't render on arterial pressure, the level of cholesterol and other important indicators remain normal. Feedbacks about Primoject 100 by right characterize it as almost harmless anabolic steroid medicine which is ideal for beginners. As much as possible to smooth side effects of Primoject 100, after a rate it is necessary to use Tamoxifen or other medicines of post course therapy. The most effective results are so achieved, and the catabolic phase of recovery of an organism is successfully overcome.


Primobolan 100

28 Nov 2016

Primobolan 100 - Metenolon enantat is an anabolic steroid, derivative dihydrotestosterone with weak androgenic activity and moderate anabolic action. The ml is issued by the MaxPro Pharma company in a dosage 100mg/ml. One of the Best drug is Cerebramin. Recome

Primobolan 100 MaxPro Pharma

  • Recommended dosage: 2-3ml / week.


Potencer (Empyreal Dragon)

28 Nov 2016

Potencer from Empyreal Dragon is the dietary supplement raising a potentiality and a sexual passion struggles with erectile dysfunction.

Potencer from Empyreal Dragon


1 capsule (750 mg) contains:

  • Hedysarum neglectum Ledeb (red root) of 200 mg, strengthens vessels, clears an organism of slags and toxins, recovers immunity.
  • Panax ginseng (ginseng root) of 300 mg.
  • Araliae tinctura of 200 mg, etc. Recovers immune system of the person, improves blood circulation and creates powerful protection against harmful external factors.


Medicine should be accepted on 1 capsule a day to or after food. He begins to act in 1-1,5 hours. 1 bank of medicine it is calculated for 40 days. The recommended course of treatment constitutes 2-3 months. On the termination it is necessary to take a break for 1 month then to continue treatment. The second stage can be finishing if the achieved result arranges. You can also like Cerebramin.

The complex only is contraindicated to people with idiosyncrasy to components. Excess of a regulation can lead to emergence of diarrhea, sleeplessness, hypererethism, increase in arterial pressure, a sleep disorder.



28 Nov 2016

Pheravol-V is a design steroid from Chaparral Labs, it is Dezoxymetiltestosteron, it is Madol, has a large number of clones:

  • PheraFLEX from IForce
  • D-Stianozol from Nutracoastal
  • Pheradrol from PH Design
  • P-Max from Growth Labs
  • Phera-MAX from Generic LabsP-Plex from Competitive Edge Labs (CEL)
  • Straight Phlexed from Black China Labs
  • Desoxydrol from LNR Labs P-Plex (one of the cheapest analogs) and other.
  • Phera-Plex from Anabolic Xtreme
  • Nasty Mass from Purus Labs
  • Phera-VOL from Engineered Sports Technology (EST)
  • Phera-BOL from Juggernaut Nutrition
  • Phera-Mass from Kilo Sports
  • Pheravol-V from Chaparral Labs

Androgenic index: 187

Anabolic index: 1200

Chemical. Name: 17a-methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol, 17a-methyl-5a-androst-2-ene-17b-ol

Estrogenic activity: doesn't possess


Description of the producer

Pheravol-V is a unique additive which strengthens the muscle bulk, force and a libido. Pheravol-V active ingredient - 17a-Methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol quickly became popular among adherents of bodybuilding as it is a natural pheromone which has comparative side effect, doesn't cause hypostases, isn't converted into estrogen and doesn't reduce a libido. Chaparral Labs as always guarantees high quality and reasonable prices of the products.

Pheravol-V from Chaparral Labs

Declared effects of Pheravol-V

  • Force augmentation
  • Augmentation of muscle bulk
  • Augmentation of a libido and potency
  • Pamping
  • Endurance augmentation

Regimen of dosage and cycling

Pheravol-V is issued in capsules on 10 mg 17a-Methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol in everyone. The average duration of a cycle makes 4-6 weeks. A day dose of Pheravol-V from 10 to 30 mg (1 - 3 capsules), people weighing more than 90 kg can enlarge a dose to 40 mg a day. Distribute receptions of each capsule through approximately peer intervals within a day. For the purpose of prophylaxis of a hormonal imbalance enlarge a dose gradually within the first week, since 10 mg, finish also gradually reducing a dose to 10 mg. Don't exceed the recommended dose, otherwise the risk of collateral reactions is enlarged. After a cycle it is desirable to carry out by PCT (see below) and take a break not less 3kh months. You can try - Cerebramin.

Objective assessment of Pheravol-V

Pheravol-V is a typical steroid which has all side effects inherent in steroids. Pheravol-V isn't a pheromone. Initially this drug was developed for athletes, for the purpose of evasion from doping tests, and so far standard tests don't find Pheravol-V. By efficiency of Pheravol-V it is comparable with Dianabolum (methandrostenolone), that is, drug possesses very potent anabolic action, however to a lesser extent causes accumulation of water in tissues, practically doesn't influence a libido, for the rest side effects are also similar to Dianabolum. Reviews of Pheravol-V almost always positive, negative reviews are generally bound to side effects. Now Pheravol-V is under a ban, and it is legally impossible to acquire it.

Side effects and special indicatings

Pheravol-V has a number of side effects, bound to steroid structure 17a-Methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol. Most often arise: fluctuations of arterial pressure, irritability, an acne, hepatoxicity (is explained by presence of metilny group), gynecomastia, a prostate hypertrophy (difficulty of emiction), an atrophy of testicles, a baldness, a heart hypertrophy.

Drug isn't recommended to be accepted to people 21 years, in connection with instability of a hormonal background, to women are younger. Don't accept Pheravol-V if you participate in competitions.

Prophylaxis of side effects

1. For prophylaxis of a lesion of a liver accept gepatoprotektor (Essentsiale, Geptral and äð)

2. For prophylaxis of gynecomastia and accumulation of liquid accept anti-estrogens (Tamoxifenum).

3. For restoration of a hormonal background you carry out by PCT (T-911).

4. At excessive irritability or rises in pressure accept sedatives (Motherwort).

5. At emergence of any side effects, treatment begins with a dose decline or full cancellation of Pheravol-V.


The central dogma of molecular biology

28 Nov 2016

Biophysicist Dr. Doping tells about transcription of the nucleotides in the amino acid retroviruses and Kuru disease. How is the transfer of information in a cell from nucleic acids to proteins? Are there contradictions of the central dogma of molecular biology, formulated by Francis Crick? Why prions are able to without the participation of DNA and RNA to cause disease?

In the first years after the discovery of the double helix, when there is a new science - molecular biology, the study of the molecular nature of life - a recognized leader among molecular biologists Francis Crick was that along with James Watson discovered the double helix in 1953. In the late 50s, he formulated the rules of how the molecular machine life, which are called (he gave it the name) of the central dogma of molecular biology.

By that time, something that has been known, but still very little detail, except the double helix. And the double helix at the time was still a hypothesis, it has not yet been generally recognized, and the Nobel prize has not yet been issued - it was received by Watson and Crick in 1962. And we are talking about the end of the 50s, more precisely - about the year 1958, when Crick formulated the central dogma.

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin injection) - is extremely essential for DNA synthesis.

It consists in that the cage has a directional flow of information from DNA, which is a genetic source text composed of the four characters: A, T, G and C. This text is written as a sequence of letters, which are called nucleotides in double helix DNA in one of two circuits. This text is transcribed. The process is called transcription. RNA is synthesized, which is identical to the text, with the difference that in RNA instead of T is the U, but they are very similar, and RNA text is a replica of the corresponding DNA text.

This RNA, which is called a messenger RNA or mRNA is translated using the genetic code to a sequence of amino acid residues in proteins - translation of the nucleic acids DNA and RNA from the four-letter text 20 alpha-amino acids text. Canonical amino acids, or natural amino acids, - 20, and the letters in the text of nucleic acids - 4, so that it is converted from four-letter alphabet of 20-alpha using the genetic code, wherein each triplet of nucleotides responsible any amino acid. Total can be made from a combination of 64 letters 4 by 3 letters, and 20 amino acids, so the code had to be degenerate, and while it was not yet known, it has not even begun to decipher when Crick formulated the central dogma. But confidence that there should be a code has already been, and had already been shown to be a triplet that is three letters in the nucleic acids responsible one amino acid. These three letters correspond to the amino acid are called codons. These codons 64 and 20 amino acids they encode. Thus, each amino acid - almost everyone - is responsible for several codons. Any amino acids which correspond to the codon is only one, but usually more than one.

Thus, the central dogma - it is postulated that in a living cell there is a directed flow of information: DNA - RNA - protein. Creek emphasized that its central dogma - is not positive and one negative statement, and the main content of the central dogma is that there is no reverse flow of information, the protein can not change the genetic information.

This is the basic meaning of the central dogma: the protein is not able to change the information in RNA or DNA, the flow is in one direction.

Many years later, after it was formulated, - more than 10 years - it opened a new enzyme that was not known at the time of formulation of the central dogma - the so-called reverse transcriptase. Hence, the process of transcription - a synthesis of RNA to DNA, has been included in the central dogma. And the translation process - the synthesis of protein by RNA instructions. And the replication process: DNA can be synthesized on a DNA, RNA can be synthesized on the DNA and protein is synthesized RNA according to the instructions.

However, the enzyme that synthesizes the RNA to DNA was opened. It was discovered in those viruses in which the RNA is the genetic information, the genetic information encoded in these viruses not in DNA and RNA. Such viruses are called retroviruses, and, by the way, is now one of the most famous viruses - the human immunodeficiency virus, HIV, responsible for AIDS, for AIDS, - belongs to the category of retroviruses. It genetic information is recorded in the form of RNA molecules, rather than DNA.

This virus, like all retroviruses, carries in its viral capsule, where it is hidden genetic RNA special enzyme called reverse transcriptase, which is the first that does when that RNA enters the cell, - synthesizes DNA of viral RNA which then serves as usually DNA, genetic material for further development of the virus within the cell.

This discovery caused a great shock among molecular biologists, because until then it was believed that, according to the central dogma, this can not be. But Crick said (he wrote a special article in 1970) that he never said that this can not be. It is only said that can never be the flow of information from the protein nucleic acids and nucleic acids in all processes possible: synthesis of DNA may be DNA, RNA-DNA, DNA-RNA and RNA-RNA. So that the central dogma passed that test - Crick explained the situation - and has remained the cornerstone of molecular biology.

But there is one phenomenon in biology and medicine, which is a very long time, actually still causes great confusion in the minds of molecular biologists. This phenomenon is called prions. There are diseases, very rare, are not caused by viruses (of the bacteria of the question), in which, as we know, the genetic information incorporated in the form of RNA or DNA, in the form of nucleic acids. These diseases belong to a mysterious disease Kuru, which suffer from the Papuans of New Guinea. As stated, this is due to cannibalism and ritual, when they eat the brains of their dead relatives. As it turned out, in this process there is a transfer of an infectious origin. And as it turned out, this is the beginning of an infectious protein, there is no nucleic acid.

This does not contradict the central dogma, but it is a significant problem for the central dogma. Because how is it that the protein is able to do the job without a nucleic acid? It has been found that in fact, the nucleic acid is present in the sense that it is required that a gene within the genome was that produces the normal protein. But when it comes into contact with the patient the protein properly folded in the spatial structure, then the properly folded protein induces abnormal normal protein composition that is produced in the body and thus induces a chain of misfolded proteins.

This is a very special situation. The protein of any nucleic acid which does not transfer its information. But it induces protein misfolding process which leads to the brain disease causing people to die. This is extremely interesting, very long time to make discoveries, for which the two men received the Nobel Prize: Gaydushek received the Nobel Prize, when he showed that the disease does spread by cannibalism, and Stanley B. Prusiner won the Nobel Prize, when he showed that it is indeed a protein that this disease is caused by prions. This is a special thing that, in general, does not contradict the central dogma, but it is extremely interesting as a very unusual way of spreading the disease.


NeoTropin instruction

28 Nov 2016


Lyophilized powder in bottles on 10 PIECES. Other ingredients: 18 mg of Mannitol, 3 mg of phosphate of sodium (0,36 mg of monobasic phosphate of sodium and 2.64 sg of bibasic phosphate of sodium).


Lyophilized powder in bottles for preparation of injection solution on 10 PIECES. It is packed into a cardboard box on 10 or 25 bottles.


NeoTropin stimulates linear growth and increases growth that was tested on children who lacked for endogenous hormone of growth, NeoTropin reduces a fatty layer, increases muscle bulk and improves energy use, gives to vitality and improves a general condition.


NeoTropin is made using methods of genetic engineering. Medicine contains the high cleaning hormone of growth consisting of 191 amino acids. The amino-acid structure of NeoTropin is equivalent to composition of human hormone of growth, released hypophysis of a person. NeoTropin is the powder which is aseptic packed and dried up by freezing.


Growth delay connected with violations of secretion of hormone of growth or work-related and development of gonads or with the Syndrome of Turner which arises in case of a deviation in chromosomes; for acceleration of growth at children with open epifasarn zones of growth. The delays of growth at children connected with a renal failure. As replacement therapy at full age with the expressed deficit of growth hormone.

Drug accelerates an adhesion of wounds, slows down catabolic processes at serious combustions, a sepsis, multiple injuries, after operations, at severe forms of pancreatitis and at digestive tract fistulas. Drug is used for an adhesion at severe wounds or at chronic ulcers, at combustions, at ulcers at diabetics, at chronic venous ulcers. You can try Pielotax.

Effect of rejuvenascence. Reduction of quantity of the available folds and prophylaxis of future folds together with other positive effects of influence of drug on a skin.

Reduction of excessive amount of fat in a body, especially abdominal fat. Its property to suppress activity of insulin in transportation of a glucose through a cellular membrane is used. The last property forces cells to switch to an alternative energy source - fat.

Augmentation of muscle bulk (and physical force in case of use of moderate number of physical exercises). Repeated body height of internals which atrophied with age. Augmentation of density of bones of a skeleton.


Human hormone of body height NeoTropin can't be used at any kinds of tumors or at predisposition to their education, or at obvious signs of their possible education. It is impossible to apply at intracranial damages. Antitumoral therapy has to be finished before therapy by the drug NeoTropin.


At cases with diseases of a diabetes mellitus, the dose of insulin has to be modified by your doctor before therapy by the drug NeoTropin. At a renal failure inspection of functionality of kidneys before therapy has to be made. Therapy has to be stopped after renal transplantation. If you became pregnant, and at this time underwent therapy by the drug NeoTropin, then you are recommended to stop therapy and to consult to your doctor. It isn't recommended to accept the drug NeoTropin during feeding by a breast as somatropin easily gets into milk.


NeoTropin doesn't exert impact on ability to drive the car and machines (mechanisms).


The drug is administered subcutaneously the insulin syringe. And also for administration of drug it is possible to use bezygoln injector. It is necessary to dissolve powder water for injections, slowly shaking a vial. Don't shake strongly, in order to avoid denaturation of active components of drug. Choose the place of an injection and grease it with alcohol. Enter a needle at an angle of 45-90 degrees. Slowly administer the drug. The drug NeoTropin needs to be administered right after delution with water for injections. Divorced drug is stored in a refrigeration cabinet within 72 hours. Not to freeze. If you didn't use NeoTropin after delution within 72 hours, then destroy it. The place of an injection it is necessary to change every time to avoid effect of burned fat (lipotrophy). If you missed day of an injection, then it isn't necessary to put a double dose next day, and to continue a course according to the plan.


Cases of over dosage or poisoning of NeoTropin aren't known. If you entered too much hormone of body height, consult to your doctor.


Side effects usually soft also happen temporary at the beginning of NeoTropin administration of drug: a headache, a rigidity of joints, delicacy, high Saccharum in a blood (hyperglycemia), Saccharum in urine (glucosuria), the swelling of brushes and feet bound to a delay in them of liquid, reddening and a tumescence in the place of an injection.

If you test these syndromes, then consult to your doctor - perhaps, it is necessary to change a drug dose. In rare instances your organism can develop antibodies on hormone of body height or you can suffer from the increased intracranial pressure. If you had headaches, problems with eyes, there is nausea or desires to vomiting, then be immediately bound to your doctor.

Notes: seldom or never children can feel pains in hip and knee joints or limp at therapy by body height hormone. These symptoms can be caused by friction of a femoral epiphysis (i.e. the extremities of a bone covered with a cartilage). Scoliosis can develop at children who grow too quickly. Development of scoliosis in patients has to be monitored. Periodically function of a thyroid gland has to be tested. The previous tumors at the patients who are treated body height hormone can recur in a look: leukemia at children, a repeated tumor of a brain at children and adults. Nevertheless there is no proof that somatropin it is capable to provoke these diseases. Talk to your doctor if you suspect that you have such predisposition.


Compatibility of NeoTropin with other medicines isn't found out.


Before drug is divorced with water, you can store NeoTropin at the room temperature (77 degrees Fahrenheit) up to 3 months. You store drug in a cardboard box, in the place protected from light.


Drug NeoTropin period of validity 2 years at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius.

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