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Transcriptomic Studies of Cancer

01 Dec 2016

The biologist Dr. Doping tells about microchips, active genes and molecular target.

Are there universal approaches to cancer treatment? How to choose a method of treatment of an individual? Why DNA diagnosis is not effective when selecting the drug?

Now there are a number of cancers, or the so-called Diseases for which existing therapies are generally not valid. This, for example, pancreatic cancer and glioblastoma. There is such an interesting thing: if we take any particular new generation drug that belongs to a group of targeted (it's drugs, which are known molecular target to which they are), and intractable form of cancer, then there will always be a few percent of the patients to whom it is a -That helped prolong their life, and the vast majority of those who did not help.

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Counting the number of RNAs, it is possible to say whether this gene is active. Methodological basis for this is very well developed, it is the sequencing of a new generation, profiling microarray that allows even a relatively small amount of money, compared to what it was at the beginning or in the middle of the two thousandth, explore the individual patient and see what he comes specifically those genes that are targets for therapy.

This is not only theorizing, it is work in practice. In particular, we have developed a system, called OncoFinder, it is now commercialize as part of the company. This system allows, based primarily on transcriptomic data of the individual patient, to choose the kind of treatment he targeted agents, which is exactly right for him. We have launched several clinical trials nosology, and several patients have already helped our method; at least, that the preliminary results show.


Neutron Capture Therapy in Oncology

01 Dec 2016

Biophysicist Dr. Doping tells about boric therapy treatments in oncology and radio-surgery.

The idea of neutron capture therapy is to selectively radiation striking only cancer cells, only cancer tissue and healthy not touch. In the case of conventional radiotherapy is done by complicated methods focus beam collimation complex beam accelerator complex movement of the head (a so-called beam intensity modulation). But there is another method. It is connected in order to add to the tumor is a substance that would be the most intensely absorbs radiation that would lead to the release of energy in the required volume of the tumor.

Boric therapy

The idea was expressed even before the war in various countries, including the Soviet Union. But the real practical embodiment it has received after the war, starting with Japan. This method is expensive because it requires, as a rule, use of the nuclear reactor. The method is cumbersome, but for things such as treatment of some brain tumors, it is very promising and is still used.

The most common is the so-called neutron capture therapy boric. It lies in the fact that the isotope boron-10 neutron increased absorbency. He is very good at absorbing neutrons. It has been known nuclear physicists and engineers for the design of nuclear reactors: boron is used in the reactors as an absorber of thermal neutrons, delayed pre-moderated (usually water). And scientists have decided to enter into a tumor drug containing boron. Bohr then absorbs thermal neutrons and splits into the nucleus of lithium-7 and an alpha particle. Both of these particles are charged with a very short run. In this way, a very large amount of energy absorbed in a small volume. This is the idea of such a targeted delivery of energy to the tumor.

Since the neutron capture therapy is expensive, there is usually a limited quantity centers. The discovery of neutron capture therapy centers advisable where there are nuclear reactors and staff able to exploit them. Accommodation reactors for medical needs associated with both the technical and legal challenges. For general purpose reactors - research, energy and so on - are not medical devices. Therefore, for neutron capture therapy is preferred construction of specialized reactors for medical purposes.

Description of the method

The tumor is injected preparation containing boron. This may be a mercapto dodecaborate, it may be some other drugs. But, more importantly, they contain the isotope boron-10, which absorbs thermal neutrons. How to keep the boron-10 in the tumor - is a big problem. To do this, use different methods. The simplest, most straightforward is simply Injecting the drug into the artery that feeds the tumor. You can even inject the drug intratumoral, and then for a while it will be mainly selectively in tumors.

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If we want to achieve selective tumor tropism preparation, it is possible to use, for example, complexes that have increased affinity for growth factors that are in the membranes of tumor cells in abundance. Under this approach, the boron-containing composition is placed in the drug complex having an antibody, for example, to some povyshenno protein is expressed in the tumor, for example one of the growth factors. Growth factors of increase expressed in the tumor in the membranes of tumor cells. And then substitute the patient under the beam of thermal neutrons, which goes usually from the reactor and irradiated. Since this method is a spatial standpoint of precision, it is suitable, for example, tumors that in brain, head and neck.

To prevent cancer – use PrednisoloneBonomarlot, Ovagen peptides.

The effectiveness of the neutron capture therapy

Treatment efficacy is strongly dependent on the type of tumor. Radiation therapy is not indicated for all tumors. This question is more biological than physical and technical. Sometimes even clinicians do not know what the patient, for example, will help radiation therapy, one or another of its kind. There are, of course, the recommendation that radiation therapy is recommended when one or another nosology form of cancer, there is a recommendation that the other nosological form, it is not recommended.

Cases where it is not recommended, we immediately screened out. In cases where it is recommended, it can help a particular patient, and can not help. Our laboratory has developed a program "Oncofinder" which method machine exposure picks up the method of treating cancer, which would be based on the transcriptome (genetic expression) portrait of the tumor, as well as pictures of changes in signaling pathways, it would have been the most effective for a given patient.

Our program "Oncofinder" is commercialized only for chemotherapy, as well as targeted agents. But this same machine learning on signaling pathways and gene expression can be used to distinguish responders and non-responders, and any other method of treating cancer, including radiation therapy on. This means that the method of "Oncofinder" associated with the analysis of signaling pathways and their activation can be applied to analyze and identify responders and nonresponders to radiotherapy. With radiation therapy, the situation is facilitated by the fact that radiotherapy techniques exist although many, but certainly not as much as methods of medical treatment of cancer.

Other methods

There are isotopes which absorb thermal neutrons even better than boron, such as gadolinium-157. But gadolinium - a heavy metal, it is toxic. Gadolinium is difficult to keep in the tumor. If even for boron drugs selective tumor tropism still leaves much to be desired, the gadolinium is satisfactory for the drug to humans has been found. Finding the right treatment for the pharmaceutical form of gadolinium-157 are among the metal nanometer fractions. Such nanoparticles may be able to deliver targeted to the tumor. While such experiments are conducted only in animals and humans using gadolinium neutron capture therapy has not yet been treated.

A cheaper option is to capture radiation therapy photon-capture therapy. When a photon - capture therapy low-energy photon, as a rule, X-ray radiation directed at the tumor, which previously introduced some heavy and so intensely absorbed photon emission element.

What are the advantages of this method? X-ray tube is much cheaper than the reactor and even medical accelerator. Furthermore, for the photon-absorbing products easier to achieve targeted delivery to the tumor. Therefore, the photon-capture therapy as a method of mass much more promising neutron. It is very cheaper than modern accelerators to irradiate cancer tumors photons modulated intensity, with precise focusing of the beam with precision collimation, with a constant dynamic radiation irradiating head during rotation of the accelerator. Besides X-ray tube is much smaller as compared with the accelerator. It may be portable, it can be installed in some distant village, the camp of small nations, in remote areas, and so on - where the situation does not allow even the use of such a massive apparatus as accelerator.

The neutron and photon-capture therapy for this is not the only method. There are, for example, stereotactic radio-surgery for the irradiation of brain tumors, head and neck. In stereotactic radio-surgery patient is irradiated thin beams of photon radiation. This can be a cobalt gamma radiation, as in a gamma knife installation in which hundreds of thin collimated beams. This accelerator may be portable, that is on the robot carrier, and can irradiate the tumor with virtually any position. This ensures precise focusing of energy in a tumor.

Here, in principle, competitors boron neutron capture therapy method. They also use the energy and precision may be less than the reactor. In connection with the development of techniques such as radio-surgery, the role of the reactor boron neutron capture therapy, of course, would be very modest, that is, not by mass, but for certain types of tumors, it is possible and requires development.

This can be, on the other hand, proton therapy, and therapy with heavy ions. There is also the focus of energy, but at the expense of the so-called Bragg peak. The fact that heavy charged particles, what, for example, protons, the lion's share of energy takes place on the last millimeter of the track. Because of this, there is a possibility in the management of energy heavy charged particles emerging from the accelerator (hundreds of MeV, as a rule), change of the depth of penetration of the beam, and hence the depth of energy. The particle goes to the last millimeter with little or no interaction without affecting the surrounding tissue.

In general, almost all methods of radiation therapy, which are developed in the last few decades (20-30 years), aimed at focusing energy within the tumor. Practices, as we see, a lot. From the point of view of physics, and engineering, and biology are completely different methods, and the general aim to increase the precision of the energy within the boundaries of the tumor they have in common.

What would be better is hard to say. For each of the methods has its own niche. But there is one that is most suitable for mass treatment - this is definitely a rotary irradiation intensity modulation at high-energy accelerators with conventional precision dynamic collimators. For head and neck for neuro-oncology promising as neutron capture therapy and radio-surgery; in rare cases even more than neutron capture therapy, may be useful for treatment of heavy charged particles. And for some portable hospitals, we will have a photon capture therapy. Thus, the universal methods (Panacea) have in radiotherapy.


Elementary chromatin fibril

01 Dec 2016

The biologist Dr. Doping tells about fixing components of living cells, molecules, and the art of freezing the nucleosome fibril.

We live in a post-genomic time. Everyone can go, sequenced its genome and obtain full information about the genes that are found in his cell. One cell contained 46 human chromosomes, and the total length of the DNA molecules (each chromosome contains a DNA molecule) of about two meters. In fact, it is a very long, thin molecule. Two meters of DNA in each cell nucleus packaged in tiny. The size of the nucleus of about 10 microns. It is believed that the compaction of DNA in a cell - is about 10 000 times, that is quite a fantastic way molecule compactisized. The paradox is that if you read the genome is not particularly difficult, we still do not understand how this gene compactisized in the cell. This problem, which has been studied for more than a century for sure, it is very far from being solved. Periodically stories happen when you have to radically change our understanding of how the process of DNA compaction in the composition of the cell nucleus or in mitotic chromosomes.

The basic principle of the compaction of DNA molecules, presumably associated with the formation of consistent increasingly thick fibrils. Molecule compactisized first into fine fibrils, and then this thin fibril compactisized more thick, that even thicker, and at some point it turns mitotic chromosome. Until recently, it seemed that these levels are described more or less. The first level of compaction of the DNA molecule is related to its interaction with so-called histone proteins. There are two main groups of histone proteins. Core histones - this histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4, two molecules of each of these histones form a protein structure which is shaped like a hockey puck. And the hockey puck wound DNA molecule. The DNA molecule, the thin-thin,2-nanometers makes 1,7 turnover around this washer goes on the linker site is then the next washer and so on. This structure can be seen in an electron microscope, it was called "beads on a string", and a thickness of about 10 nanometers fibrils. It was believed for a very long time, the first level of compaction of the DNA molecule.

Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin injection - is essential for DNA synthesis.

Interestingly, in the beginning of the study, when there was electron microscopy (and without it is impossible to study the DNA compaction), it was assumed that this is the main, the main and the only fibril, from which then somehow formed chromosome. It was connected with the method of study. The electron microscope is not possible to watch living cells. Electrons can not fly through thick objects, because the object has to be very thin. Therefore, you can watch only dead specimens. How to make a sample of the dead, it depends on the state of the experimental technique. Naturally, it is necessary that all the ingredients were in place and the structure of the most retained the features peculiar to it in a living cell. For this purpose, a variety of liquids which are poured on the cage, they kill the cell and, ideally, all components are fixed state where it was in the living cell - this fixation procedure.

One of the first good clamps that have been used in electron microscopy, was osmium tetroxide. It is well captures lipids and binds very poorly nucleic acids, proteins, so it is seen in the cells 10-nanometer fibril. Then came the more successful aldehyde clamps, which are able to interact with proteins already. They actually sutured all internal cell space in such a network, linking the proteins, which are next to each other. And these locks more than successful. And when the clips were used aldehyde, it turned out that no 10-nanometer fibrils can not be found in the nucleus of chromosomes, and found a thicker fibrils, which called chromatin elementary fibrils. Its thickness is about 25-30 nanometers. And for decades it was believed that this is the fibril is the basic building block of DNA compaction.

When using aldehydes or something else to fix, it is chemical fixation, the cell - all understand it - can be a variety of changes, and the amount of incorrect information is sufficiently large. It so happens that at the time of fixation of some proteins change their location or even extracted, leaving the cells. Now there is a technique of intravital observations, and can be compared to that in the living cell, and that after fixation. Fixation leads to numerous artifacts. Therefore, always want to find a way to explore more natively chromatin structure, including in electron microscopy. But electron microscopy to be?

See the whole cell can not be accurately vivo. The cage should be cut very, very thin slices - 30, 50, 70, 100 nanometers, but thicker, or electrons are not strikes. However, the technology that has allowed more or less natively viewed in an electron microscope at a cell has been developed. And it is already linked with no chemical fixatives and physical fixation, namely freezing. In theory, the cell - is a water bubble, in which different molecules are floating, and if you freeze it, it will probably be all right. The problem is well known: during the freezing, ice crystals are formed, which are destroyed (biomolecules in general are very tender) in the extreme. But we can not just freeze and transfer the water in vitrified state. If freezing at very high speed, ice crystals do not have time to form, liquid water is actually just stabilized. The molecules diffuse stop with great speed, the whole structure is stabilized, and it is actually hard, but the water there is no crystal. The problem was it to move water in such a state.

The easiest way to translate in such a state - to take a very, very small droplets and rapidly cool them. And if this is done, it is that maintains its native structure in the droplet. If you look at a sample of a vitrified state, it is hoped that we will see how to actually look certain organelles, structure of the DNA molecule compactisized - anything. Make it quite difficult, the technology has evolved a very long time. The easiest way, which is used now very actively to explore the different protein molecules, complexes, viruses, ribosomes, due to the fact that the sample solution, which contains the macromolecular complexes, with incredible speed is lowered into the liquid tan. The temperature is low, and very quickly is frozen.

But in the case of cells, at least with animal cells, this method works is much worse. Still, they are great for such an approach. But the technology developed, and methods have been proposed, which has allowed to freeze large cells, for example human cells. One approach is as follows: the sample is cooled at the same time very fast and gets into the high pressure zone. High pressure during freezing (as is known, when freezing water expands slightly, and ice density less than the density of water) does not increase the volume, and as a result, the water does not crystallize, and is stored in a vitrified state. In words, it's very simple, but in fact and complex instrument, and to work on it hard and get good results on it - it's an art still art.

If that's so frozen, the sample becomes vitrified state, that is, there was a physical lock. Large samples are frozen as possible, but microscopic bits of tissue, even tissue, not to mention the individual cells possible. Then the ice can be, because it frozen, finely-chopped finely. Naturally, it is also special devices, which are able to produce cutting frozen. Further frozen sections can be transferred to electron microscope (model must be constantly cooled by liquid nitrogen) and then it can be viewed with an electron microscope virtually in their native state. About how natively this state are, of course, discussions. In theory, if we were so frozen cells, and then thawed it very well without the formation of ice crystals, then perhaps it would be even revived and continued to live, to synthesize different substances, and so on. But, unfortunately, it does not work, however it is hoped that it is a native state. And when such cuts looked and studied interphase nuclei, where the chromatin compactisized variously compactisized chromatin strongly compactisized, and have diffuse chromatin, which is the active RNA synthesis, and in it the level of compaction below - and also looked on mitotic chromosomes where the entire chromatin compactisized, the surprising thing was that neither in those of any other samples elementary chromatin fibril is not found. It was not simple. Nucleosomes are clearly visible, and the 30-nanometer elemental chromatin fibrils not.

The situation has turned out exactly the opposite compared to what it was in the early stages of studying chromosome compaction. Then the first thought that there nucleosome 10-nanometer fibril, nothing else. Then it turned out that this is not the case, people have argued, discussed, written articles. They came to the conclusion that, most likely, just nucleosome fibrils, but there is basic chromatin fibrils. And here it turns out that it is necessary to go back to that basic chromatin fibrils - an artifact, they are not, and there is a fine fibril nucleosome.

It's quite frustrating for those people who believed all my life that there are two levels of compaction, and it turned out that one of them is not. Moreover, it turned out that now it is possible for the individual to monitor in vivo nucleosome. It was found that nucleosomes within the unstable nucleus, they diffuse a little move. Then there was an idea, why do not we see this elementary chromatin fibrils. Elementary chromatin fibrils if they were located close to each other. Nucleosomes are moving, and how they would be able to penetrate into each other. And the absence of chromatin elementary fibrils, albeit indirectly suggests that the interaction of histone proteins occurs not only in nucleosomes, but also, for example, between the individual fibrils. It is, in principle, a well-known fact, this is the case. And, moreover, it is very actively developing direction when trying to simulate computer chromatin compaction. This is a fairly complex process requires the use of a supercomputer. Still unable to calculate in the computer, as it should compactisized DNA molecule.

On the one hand, yes, a rejection of the old, the other - new opportunities. This is a dynamic structure in which fibrils individual molecules may actually penetrate each other. It is therefore, due to the fact that they penetrate into each other and lie at a distance from each other, we can not see them. If this distance was, we would have seen them. They lie side by side, able to penetrate the individual nucleosomes fibrils from one another, and the individual fibrils are not formed, and a common molten solution nucleosome fibrils. Where did come from elementary chromatin fibrils, they've seen for many decades? Here, everything was very simple: if you hold a normal aldehyde fixation, and then learn it in a frozen state, then the 30-nanometer elemental chromatin fibril is visible. This is an artifact of fixation. Due to the fact that when clamped fibril fixing it visible. And if it is not curled, then we would have seen a single field of molten molecules compactisized using DNA histone proteins.


Extracellular Vesicles

01 Dec 2016

Biologist Dr. Doping tells about the impact of the vesicles in the metastases, methods of determining the origin of extracellular vesicles and modern diagnostic methods in cardiology.

Extracellular vesicles recently were cell debris. Anyone who has seen a microscopic image of the cell, know that there are many different floating debris.

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It has been known since the 1960s, even before, and suddenly it turned out that it is not junk, nature above us laugh, because there is no waste in nature. It was found that the bubbles is that set almost all cells. These bubbles are completely new, third system of intercellular interaction. A intercellular interaction determines everything in our body, in our diseases, our normal state.


Prostate hypertrophy in bodybuilding

01 Dec 2016

Good-quality hypertrophy of a prostate (Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)) is also known as a good-quality giperplazia of a prostate. First name more widespread, though actually less correct. This disease which is followed by increase in a prostate gland owing to growth of her fabrics.

The reasons of increase in prostate

The hypertrophy of a prostate is one of frequent age diseases, however in bodybuilding it meets considerably more often and at younger age. The use of anabolic steroids is the main reason of increase in a prostate in bodybuilding.

"Attention" Most often a hypertrophy is caused by steroids which have high androgenic activity (usually she is specified in a profile). Therefore at the choice of an anabolic steroid, it is necessary to give preference to those medicines which have a high anabolic index. You can try Testalamin.

The typical androgen is testosterone and its derivatives which in an organism turns into dihydrotestosterone. The last in turn contacts androgenic receptors of a prostate gland that causes growth of her fabric.

Symptoms of hypertrophy of prostate

  • Difficulty of an emiction (urine follows a flaccid trickle)
  • Emiction time is enlarged
  • Acceleration of an emiction
  • Night need for an emiction
  • After an emiction there is a feeling of fullness of a bladder
  • Intensifying of symptoms of a psychological dyscomfort during an emiction in full view of other people (if that is available in your anamnesis)

These are the most frequent symptoms, it is necessary to remember them first of all. Nevertheless symptoms of a hypertrophy of a prostate aren't limited to this list.

Treatment of hypertrophy of prostate

Treatment is carried out by means of drugs which only temporarily eliminate prostate hypertrophy symptoms. Also expeditious excision of the enlarged tissue is carried out. Perhaps endoscopic performance of operation (through urethra).



01 Dec 2016

Getropin is the biosynthetic human DNA-recombinant hormone of growth representing polypeptide hormone of the Chinese production (Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co.). "Attention" Getropin was removed productions and at the moment the Hygene Biopharm company issues only highgetropin.


Trade name: Getropin® (it isn't registered to the Russian Federation as medicine and is absent in drugstores)

International unlicensed name: Somatropin

Dosage form: Lyophilisate for preparation of solution for hypodermic introduction

Release form: 4ME, 10ME, 20ME

Poizvoditel: Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co. (China)

Getropin contains 191 amino-acid remaining balance and has molecular weight about 22 125 Yes. The amino-acid sequence of medicine is identical to the amino-acid sequence of human hormone of growth developed by hypophysis. Getropin is synthesized by a strain of Escherichia coli which was modified by addition of a gene of human hormone of growth.

Production and characteristics

Getropin of the beginnings is made since 2006 by the Chinese company Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co. (China) as it is export the oriented medicine. In the Russian market medicine proved as high-quality hormone which effect is according to reviews similar to Dzhintropin's action, i.e. by-effects, quite soft (without pressure jumps and strong water accumulating) the beginning of a rate are rather rare, but in case of this highly effective impact and very good and fast results. You can also like Hondramin.

Innovative technologies and the most thorough quality control, in a production process, are done by Getropin to one of the most high cleaning and effective medicines of hormone of human height in the pharmaceutical market. All production cycle of production of genetically engineered medicine Getropin consisting of five functionally various stages namely, fermentations, primary purification of protein, hromatografichesky cleaning, production of a dosage form, the analysis of quality of substance and a dosage form of somatropin, passes on the newest equipment of the leading global manufacturers. Important feature of engineering procedure is providing apirogennost when carrying out hromatografichesky purification of protein.

Since August, 2013 production of the medicine which was under the American coaching which main objective was Getropin's export to the USA and Western Europe stopped.

At the end of 2013 difficulties arose at many producers of hormone of growth in China in connection with scandal at the Olympic Games. The Chinese government toughened the requirements which are shown to pharmaceutical productions and many factories it was necessary to remake technology under new standards and bureaucratic obstacles.

Original Getropin had anti-counterfeit codes which allowed to distinguish the original from a counterfeit by input of a code on the website of the producer. The code was on an oval emblem on the face of cardboard packaging of Getropin under a layer of silvery paint. The cover of a bottle of original Getropin had the squeezed-out Getropin™ text. The label on a bottle paper.


  • Jintropin (Dzhintropin) from Gensi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Ansomone (Ansomon) from Anhui Anke Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Neotropin (Neotropin) from Neo Laboratories Ltd. (China)
  • Kigtropin (Kigtropin) from Kigtropin Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Dynatrope (Dinatrop) from Dynamic Development Laboratories Co., Ltd. (Mauritius)
  • Genotropin (Genotropin) from Pharmacia & Upjohn AB (Sweden)
  • Saizen (Sayzen) from Serono (Switzerland, Belgium)
  • Humatrope (Humatrop) from Eli Lilly and Lilly France (France)
  • Norditropin (Norditropin) from Novo Nordisk (Denmark)
  • To Blue Tops (Bl Tops) from Shanghai KeFei United BioTech Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Hygetropin from Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co (China)



01 Dec 2016

Pharmacological effect: The mechanism of action of Gerovital (complex polyvitaminic drug with plant extracts and trace substances) is caused by the ingredients included in its structure. Vitamins - compound components of important enzymes which regulate protein, lipide and carbohydrate metabolism of substances. Also take participation in exchange of minerals. The disadvantage of vitamins B a diet causes disturbance of a metabolism of cells, depression of trophicity of tissues, deterioration in neogenesis and body height of cells and depression of immunologic protection of an organism.

Gerovital with plant extracts and minerals leads reception of a polyvitaminic complex to stabilization of a cellular metabolism, improvement of a trophicity of tissues, normalization of transformation of energy in cells, to ensuring correct work of immune system and the correct functioning of all organs and systems. Gerovital's list included iron – the trace substance necessary for an erythrogenesis. Iron is a part of a hemoglobin and some important fabric enzymes. Plant extracts have biological activity concerning functions of nervous and cardiovascular systems. Extract of a hawthorn stabilizes cordial functions, reduces the increased arterial pressure, increases fastness of a cardiac muscle to hypoxemic conditions. Extract of a motherwort possesses soft sedation, reduces sensation of fear and concerns, reduces irritability and excitability. As Gerovital contains several active components, pharmacokinetic parameters weren't studied.

Indications to use: It is used for patients of adult age (mainly – elderly people with cardiovascular diseases): • Prophylaxis and treatment of avitaminoses; • serious or long nervous and physical overstrain; • a convalescence after operative measures and a serious illness; • prophylaxis of iron deficiency anemias and hypovitaminoses.

Route of administration: Gerovital to accept in time or before meal. A usual dosage – on 5 ml 2 times a day (1 tablespoon contains 5 ml of drug, or 14,96 g). The minimum term of therapy – 1 month. The course of treatment is established in each case by the attending physician.

Side effects: Are usually bound to reactions of a hypersensitivity to any component of Gerovital.

Contraindications: • Various disturbances of an absorption of iron; • allergic reactions to any of Gerovital's components; • hyper siderosis; • hypervitaminosis.

Pregnancy: It isn't intended for reception by pregnant women and the feeding women. Toxicological researches on pregnant women and feeding weren't conducted.

Interaction with other medicines: Against the background of Gerovital's reception efficiency of Levodopum decreases (due to including in structure of polyvitaminic complex of B6 vitamin). Vitamin A reduces a therapeutic effectiveness of betamethasone. Depression of effect of B6 vitamin can be observed at parallel reception by the patient of such drugs as Penicillaminum, Cycloserinum. Ascorbic acid exponentiates effects of Salicylas. Ascorbic acid reduces expression of effect of anticoagulants, the tritsiklicheskikh of antidepressants, izoprenalina, Fluphenazin and nitrofurantoin. The absorption of folic acid from Gerovital decreases at a combination with Trimethoprimum, Sulfasalazinum, Triamterenum, Methotrexatum, Pyrimethaminum and agents for treatment of an epilepsy. You can also like Hepatamin.

The agents which are used for treatment of an epilepsy strengthen metabolic transformations and elimination with bile of kolekaltsiferol. Absorption of cyancobalamine decreases at parallel reception of biguanides. The combination of Colestyraminum and purgative drugs on the basis of mineral oils causes decrease of comprehensibility of vitamins D, A and E. Efficiency of a pyridoxine also decreases against the background of reception of Isoniazidum. Due to intensifying of elimination of Zincum depression of its contents in a blood in case of a combination to Phenytoinum, diuretics, Disulfiramum, Penicillaminum, glucocorticosteroids, Cimetidinum, Tetracyclinum, Captoprilum, Ethambutolum, valproic acid, Isoniazidum and Mercaptopurinum can be observed. The estrogens which are contained in hormonal contraceptives can enlarge contents in a blood of ascorbic acid and vitamin A and to reduce – the maintenance of folates. Vinblastine, Cisplatinum, ftoruratsit and Bleomycinum worsen comprehensibility of vitamins of group B (1 and 6), and also vitamin A. The absorption of iron decreases at reception of not systemic antacids and Tetracyclinums. Under the influence of Isoniazidum and Penicillaminum the strengthened removal of B1 vitamins from an organism is observed that can reduce efficiency of B1 vitamin in Gerovitale.

Overdose: At the moment it wasn't reported about cases of excess of a dose of Gerovital. In case of overdose signs of gipervitaminoz are possible. Excess of a dosage of vitamin A can cause head pains, diarrhea, bone pains, belly-ache, gepatosplenomegaliya, an alopetion, subperiostalny hemorrhages, a faint, nausea and vomiting. Niacinamide overdose – breath difficulty, skin rash, heartbeat increase, and a sudden massive potovydeleniye. Treatment – symptomatic. Excess of a dose of other components of Gerovital is impracticable. In case of possible overdose of iron with need of detoxication.

Release form: Solution for internal application in bottles 200; 500 ml. Solution transparent, with taste of orange, orange-yellow color. The bottle is packed into a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions: In the place inaccessible for children. Temperature at storage is about 25 degrees Celsius. Not to use after a period of validity. The period of validity at the intact cap of a vial is 3 years. If the vial is opened, then its contents have to be used for designated purpose within 3 months. At storage emergence of an insignificant turbidity of solution or emergence of a deposit is possible. It doesn't influence a therapeutic effectiveness of Gerovital in any way.

Structure: Active agents: extract of fetuses of a prickly hawthorn - 80 mg, motherwort grass extract - 50 mg, extract of a grass of a dog neetle – 50 mg, extract of flowers and leaves of a prickly hawthorn - 20 mg, ferrous lactate (divalent) – 25 mg, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 450 mg, vitamin E (a tocopherol acetate) - 60 mg, B12 vitamin (cyancobalamine) - 5 mkg, vitamin A (Retinolum acetate) - 1450 ME, B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum) - 9 mg, B6 vitamin (a pyridoxine hydrochloride) - 9 mg, B1 vitamin (Thiaminum hydrochloride) - 6 mg, Nicotinamidum - 75 mg, D3 vitamin (hole-Calciferolum) - 12,5 mkg, a dekspantenola - 40 mg. Excipients: spirituous aqueous solution to 100 g (70%), citric acid, fragrance orange, a kremofor, propylene glycol, stain E160e, butylhydroxyanisole, potassium sorbate, Glycerinum, sodium Saccharinum, an Aether of paragidroksibengzoynomatilovy acid, the purified water.

In addition: In pediatrics it isn't used. Gerovital together with ferriferous medicines, minerals and vitamins isn't recommended to accept. The end product contains ethyl alcohol (15%). Contains in 1 tablespoon of Gerovital 2,25 g of alcohol. With care to apply to the patients having epilepsy, alcoholism, diseases of a brain or liver.

Attention! The description of the medicine "Gerovital" on this page is the simplified and added version of the official application instruction. Before acquisition or use of medicine you shall consult with the doctor and study the summary approved by producer. Information on medicine is provided only with the fact-finding purpose and shan't be used as a management to self-treatment. Only the doctor can make the decision on purpose of medicine, and also determine doses and methods of its application.


Gepatoprotektors in bodybuilding

01 Dec 2016

Gepatoprotektors are a group of various medicines to which protective influence on a liver is attributed. In bodybuilding gepatoprotektors found the application, in connection with hepatoxicity of many anabolic steroids. Hepatoxicity of steroids is caused by metilny or ethyl group in alfa-17 line items.

It is proved that not all gepatoprotektors have protective influence in case of the use of steroids. The choice is limited to the following list (as decrease in efficiency):

  • Ademetionin (Heptral) - besides high recovery activity, has anti-depressive effect that does it by the preferable choice for post course therapy.
  • Medicines on the basis of a thistle - substance is active: silimatrin (Karsil, Legalon)
  • Phospholipids (Essentsiale) (there is information that in connection with viscosity of bile on a course, it is categorically contraindicated to inclusion in course time)
  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • Arginine
  • Ornithine

The most effective combinations of gepatoprotektors:

  • Karsil + Essentsiale + Alpha lipoic acid
  • Essentsiale + Alpha lipoic acid + arginine
  • Alpha lipoic acid + Geptral + arginine

Regime of acceptance and dose

Begin acceptance on the 2nd week of a steroid cycle and continue to accept 3 more weeks after the termination of a cycle, it is desirable to accept a complex of gepatoprotektor (see above).

Recommended doses

  • Karsil - on 0:07 g 2 - 3 times a day
  • Essentsiale - on 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day during food, with a small amount of water.
  • Alpha lipoic acid of 100 - 200 mg a day
  • Arginin - 1 g, 2 times a day
  • Ademetionin - 800-1600 mg/days between meals to swallow, without chewing, it is desirable in the first half of day

Efficiency of gepatoprotektors

It is necessary to emphasize that any of gepatoprotektors aren’t provided in Pharmacopoeias of the countries of North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand and isn't included in Clinical Recommendations. On the English-speaking Internet information on gepatoprotektors very poor as in the West they aren't widespread. It is connected with the fact that gepatoprotektors have very weak evidential base, and in case of serious poisonings efficiency not really high. However during acceptance of steroids the complex of gepatoprotektors can reduce considerably risk of damage of a liver therefore doesn’t neglect this opportunity at all, and surely include them in PCT.



01 Dec 2016

Genotropin contains synthesized by means of recombinant technologies somatropin, identical to human hormone of growth.

Genotropin 1.3mg

Owner of the registration certificate: PFIZER MFG. BELGIUM, N.V. (Belgium)

It is made: Vetter Pharma-Fertigung, GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)

Representation: Pfayzer (USA)

Issue conditions from drugstores: Medicine is released according to the recipe.

Do not forget take Pinealon for better results.


  • Jintropin (Dzhintropin) from Gensi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Ansomone (Ansomon) from Anhui Anke Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Neotropin (Neotropin) from Neo Laboratories Ltd. (China)
  • Getropin (Getropin) from Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co. (China)
  • Kigtropin (Kigtropin) from Kigtropin Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Dynatrope (Dinatrop) from Dynamic Development Laboratories Co., Ltd. (Mauritius)
  • Áëþòîïñ
  • Saizen (Sayzen) from Serono (Switzerland, Belgium)
  • Humatrope (Humatrop) from Eli Lilly and Lilly France (France)
  • Norditropin (Norditropin) from Novo Nordisk (Denmark)
  • Hygetropin from Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co (China)



01 Dec 2016

Ganoderma (Latin Ganoderma) — a sort of the mushrooms tinder funguses from Ganodermataceae family growing on trees. Ganoderma became popular as a new marketing divorce of 2015.


The mushroom was used in the Chinese medicine, being along with a ginseng, one of the most popular means from "all diseases", however in one research its medicinal properties and influence on weight "Attention" weren't proved

Today the ganoderma is issued and sell many pharmaceutical companies in the form of dietary supplement. Ganoderma is issued in different dosage forms (teas, capsules, powders) and is applied to the most various purposes.

Each additive containing a ganoderma in the structure has a set of unreasonable indications. Any of these additives isn't registered as medical supply. The doses allowing to achieve positive result are unknown. You can try Kartalaks.

Applying a ganoderma to strengthening of health, you can rely only at own risk as now properties of this mushroom aren't studied. Perhaps, it is really useful to health, but it shouldn't be considered all diseases medicine.

Ganoderma for weight loss

According to statements of distributors of a ganoderm has the following effects:

  • appetite oppresses;
  • splits cellular fat (according to sellers of additive, this special kind of subcutaneous fat can't be destroyed by means of physical exercises);
  • loads with energy; (perhaps you will be interested in one more divorce - an energy bracelet)
  • treats all diseases;
  • improves a skin condition;
  • returns youth.

Descriptions can vary depending on the imagination of distributors. According to sellers of a product, such effect is provided: cellulose; proteins; calcium; magnesium; potassium; iron. To put it mildly, similar statements of producers raise great doubts.

Proteins contain in eggs and meat much, but people who would lose 20 kg in a month, using these products, you will hardly manage to find.

Cellulose is a component of one and all vegetable products. Unfortunately, from buckwheat cereal or vegetable salad too so quickly don't grow thin.

Minerals can be purchased in tablets in any drugstore. We didn't happen to meet people who would lose 20 kg a month by means of vitamin and mineral complexes yet.

The price of ganoderma

  • The price of ganoderma differs, depending on the producer, a dosage form, and also indications to purpose of additive. The more promises the seller makes, the he wishes to earn more money on implementation of these mushrooms.
  • Extract of a mushroom of the Reishi. One of the most expensive additives. The crushed ganoderma is packed into a sachet on 2 grams. In total them in a box of 15 pieces. There is an additive 1600 rubles. It is enough for only 4-15 days as it is necessary to accept a ganoderma in days on 1-4 bags.
  • Ganoderma by weight. One of the most available improvement options at the price by means of this mushroom. Ganoderma is packed into transparent plastic bags on 25 g. The price – 200 rubles. Further in house conditions do tea or spirit tincture of it. Unfortunately, in drugstores the ganoderma can extremely seldom be found in such type.
  • Lingzhi's capsules. The main active ingredient – ganoderma extract. The product is intended for weight loss. The price – 1200 rubles for 90 capsules. It is necessary to accept 2 capsules a day, in the morning and during the lunchtime therefore there will last packaging for one and a half months. The structure contains not only a ganoderma, but also goji berries, Senna and a kokosovidny portion.
  • Reishi plus. Capsules from the Green World company are intended for prevention of cancer. They contain extracts of a ganoderma and a ginseng. The price – 1800 rubles. In packaging of only 60 capsules which will last for 20 days. The producer recommends to accept additive on 3 capsules a day (two times on 1-2 capsules).
  • Lingzhi plus coorditcseps. Unique means for cancer therapy, diabetes, heart troubles, a liver, lungs, prevention of an old age. The price – 80 dollars for 120 capsules. A daily dose – 4-6 capsules. Therefore, there will last packaging for 20-30 days.
  • Fungo-Shi's reishi. The price – 750 rubles. It is necessary to accept capsules on 6 pieces a day. In packaging of their 60 pieces. And, they contain only 75 mg of extract of a ganoderma that it is much less, than in similar additives. Fungo-Shi's reishi allegedly treats epilepsy, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and any diseases of lungs. A course of treatment – month. It is easy to consider that the price of a rate will constitute 2250 rubles. * Linchzhi Phoenix. This means with ganodermy is recommended to be used for improvement of memory, intelligence, attention and other brain functions. Quite often the product is called "brain capsules of Linchzhi Phoenix". The price – 20 euros, packaging will last for a month. Additive allegedly treats Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson, atherosclerosis of brain vessels and mental diseases.
  • Candles of the Reishi. It is necessary to pay 1410 rubles for 10 pieces. It is necessary to push them you know where, on 1 in day. Means is intended for treatment of neurologic and allergic diseases, and also can be used during rehabilitation after the postponed infections.
  • The Lingzhi's Mushroom capsules of production Health Food – 200 pieces on 500 mg. The price – 800 rubles.
  • Ganoderma's (Harbin Yeekong Herb Inc) extract – 10 bottles on 10 ml. The price – 1250 rubles. Each bottle contains 200 mg of a ganoderma and 200 mg of a ginseng. It is necessary to drink for prevention on 1 bottle a day in 2 acceptances. For treatment of any diseases – on 2-4 bottles a day. For treatment of serious illnesses – on 4-6 bottles a day in two steps.
  • Ganoderma is on sale on many websites in the natural form. This mushroom costs very much. On average for 100 g of a ganoderma ask 2000 rubles. Possibly, all the mushroom from the Horst company costs cheaper. The ganoderma price from this producer constitutes only 800 rubles for 100 g.


Any of medicines of ganoderma isn't registered as medical supply. The mushroom has no the proved efficiency. It is unlikely it is more useful than those all-strengthening grass tinctures that you can purchase in any drugstore. The price of "an immortality mushroom" very much bites, but you for certain don't gain all those therapeutic effects that to you is promised by sellers.


Small-scale and extremely doubtful research was conducted at the Italian university Pavia. As participants of an experiment 7 cyclists of fans aged from 30 up to 40 years acted. The research took place everyone in two stages lasting 3 months.

At the beginning athletes accepted placebo, and then additives in the form of Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum. At the end of each stage cyclists participated in a race 85 kilometers long. Cordyceps sinensis was accepted on three capsules daily, each capsule contained 445 mg of active ingredient, and also one third of polysaccharides and a small amount of adenosine. Also the adenosine analog was added to capsules. In 3 days prior to a race the dosage raised to 6 capsules daily.

The previous researches with participation of cyclists showed that Cordyceps sinensis acceptance doesn't influence consumption of oxygen or endurance of regular athletes in any way. However, this additive was effective for increase in endurance of men 50 years are more senior. Along with Cordyceps sinensis rate athletes accepted 2 capsules of Ganoderma lucidum extract. Each capsule contained 390 mg of active ingredient. Also added one third of polysaccharides and a small amount of triterpen to the capsule.

During the research it became clear that participants of an experiment differ in the level of physical training. Two athletes were more hardy, than other five. During a placebo rate the analysis of saliva before and after a race of more hardy athletes didn't reveal changes in testosterone level, and cortisol level after the race at them went down that became the certificate of good physical shape. Acceptance of Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum dietary supplements led to increase in level of testosterone at the trained athletes.

Other five showed lowering of the level of testosterone and increase in level of cortisol after the race during a placebo rate that became the certificate of their proximity to an overtraining condition. The rate of Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum increased at them testosterone level to a race in the values exceeding a statistical error and also acted as cortisol level inhibitor after the race, that is didn't allow it to raise.

Results of an experiment show that acceptance of Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum can be justified for increase in endurance in cyclic sports. However, the Italian scientists emphasize that deeper conclusions can be drawn only after a large-scale research with participation of athletes from different types of sport. Also scientists emphasized particular interest in a possible research of influence Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum on inflammatory processes in fabrics as all mushrooms in general are known for the positive effect on immunity of the person.

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