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Picamilon – excellent drug

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: forging sleep, relieves headache, if the problem is in the blood vessels, increases efficiency, improves memory, low price

Disadvantages: there are contraindications

Start taking “Picamilon” in period prolonged stress, at first I did dropper Picamilon that I pulled from a serious neurosis, but of course in combination with other drugs, and then I took him for separately.

No side effects have been, it really helps. I suffer from panic attacks, dizziness, headaches, weakness. Within 3 months, it helped me to calm down, pass the session.

I time to time accept it in stressful situations, that there is no development. After Picamilon effect is not long in coming. Certainly before use is necessary consult with your doctor, he can help you to choose the correct dose and dosage regimen.


Picamilon – good nootropic

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: without prescription, restores sleep really helps, it helps with depressive states, help with vertigo, a surge of strength and energy, improves quality of life

Disadvantages: possible allergic reactions, contraindications, only on prescription

Neurologist prescribed me “Picamilon” after the accident. My diagnosis was Brain injury. I had constant headaches, dizziness accompanied me for many months.

Picamilon facilitated depressive state, but did not remove it completely. With this coping only antidepressants. But with headaches and dizziness coped with a bang. Just a few days. Life began to rejoice over, there was unusual for me at the time the activity and vitality.

But allergy sufferers and diabetics need to be very careful. Some components may cause allergy. Also in the available sucrose.


Picamilon - happy with the result

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: without prescription, restores sleep really helps establishes a dream, stop frequent urination, a surge of strength and energy, relieves headaches, increases efficiency, improves memory, low price

Disadvantages: possible allergic reactions, there are contraindications, only on prescription

I have problems with the retina, wearing contact lenses, have a history of high myopia, astigmatism. To support the vision optometrist appointed "Picamilon".

Results of "Picamilon" appeared on the third day. My eyes stopped hurting, I could work for a long time at the computer without pain and feeling of sand in the eyes.

Picamilon is nootropic drugs and expands vessels of the brain, I began to sleep well, enough sleep during the night. I have not side effects.

the drug is prescribed, even small children with enuresis. Students drink "Picamilon" tablets during heavy training loads to increase efficiency. Adults take "Picamilon" in glaucoma, migraine, traumatic brain injuries.

I happy with the result. I treated the eye, and has established a dream. Soft, smooth, without side effects.


Picamilon - helped with frequent urination

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: stop frequent urination, low price

My daughter often slowly start to urinate, as it happened after the illness.

Neurologist appointed "Picamilon".

Picamilon helped, frequent urination unknown causes were eliminated. Take 2 tablets a day - one in the morning, the second night for a month, the effect is manifested on the fourth day. The drug is inexpensive, but very good.


Picamilon - helps to restore vision

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: helps to restore vision, low price

"Picamilon" was appointed to the use an ophthalmologist Regional Medical Center.

Picamilon easy to use. Firstly, the type of issue - these are ordinary compressed white tablets, which can break and crumble into powder.

A course of rehabilitation therapy against myopia using "Picamilon" was more effective than with more expensive counterparts.

I am satisfied with this low nootropic drug.

I recommend it.


Picamilon - helped, establishes sleep

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: establishes sleep, relieves headache, removes or reduces headaches, increases efficiency, improves memory, low price

Disadvantages: only on prescription

The child went to first grade. the end of September, I began to notice a child exacerbation of tics and the emergence of involuntary jerks on hyperkinetic type. I did not hesitate and asked the neurologist, who appointed us Picamilon.

After 2 weeks reception were held tics and the child became more focused and execute lessons process went even faster. Missing headaches - which were connected with the problems of circulatory disorders of the central nervous system.

We have helped, before taking "Picamilon" visit the neurologist.


Picamilon - helps with stress

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: it relieves stress and depression, establishes a dream, relieves headaches, improves memory, low price

I'm impressionable girl, recently faced with stress, tearfulness, and the inability to fall asleep at night. Graduation class, work, preparation for exams, with people close to the problem. From emotions had a headache, increases blood pressure. the doctor prescribed me Picamilon.

Indications for use:

Violations of cerebral blood flow (ischemic acute, sub-acute and recovery period of ischemic stroke, chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency), dystonia, asthenia, depression, senile psychosis; Alcoholism (withdrawal period), acute alcohol intoxication, migraine, traumatic brain injury, neural infections, primary open-angle glaucoma (for the stabilization of visual function).

Effect I have noticed in just a day or two. I became calm, ceased severe headaches, sleep normalized, crying gone, improved memory, and it became easier to concentrate on their studies and keep up with everything.

I recommend! Before application consult with a doctor.


Picamilon - improves cerebral blood circulation

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: without prescription, restores sleep really helps relieves stress and depression, improves quality of life, improves memory, low price

Disadvantages: possible allergic reactions

Ophthalmologist prescribed me Picamilon. Take 1 tablet 2 times a day during 3 weeks.

I notice the following changes: improved sleep (fall asleep easier and safer), decreased anxiety, improved memory.

The doctor warned me that there may be an allergic response. But I was lucky, there were no side effects.

Since I have a vegetative dystonia, this drug has become a great assistant. Therefore, I advise it.


Picamilon - good effect, improves memory

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: establishes sleep, removes or reduces headaches, increases efficiency, improves memory, low price

Disadvantages: there are contraindications

I have long enough I take pills "Picamilon".

I use it because I have vascular dystonia, cerebral blood flow, and as a consequence of a violation of the blood supply to the retina.

Picamilon for the very first time I ordered the doctor, already after two weeks of taking this drug, I felt a bit better: less eyes ached from the strain, no longer dizzy, migraine attacks decreased, improved memory.

I took them a month 1 tablet twice a day. I spend courses "Picamilon" 1-2 times a year. I am taking pills when I feel a little worse.


Picamilon - helps, forging sleep

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: without prescription, forging sleep, helps with depressive states, a surge of strength and energy, increases efficiency, improves quality of life, improves memory, low price

From the adolescent I have vegeto-vascular dystonia, which subsequently passed into asthenic-neurotic syndrome. Plus, scoliosis, and protrusion of the cervical spine. From here frequent headaches (migraine), which lasts for two days, with nausea, loss of appetite, weakness. Painkillers are of little help.

Neurologist appointed me Picamilon in combination with other drugs.

The effect of the reception pikamilon noticeable in the first days of reception. First - a burst of energy, and secondly the pace accelerated mental processes, I became more attentive, improved memory. And even noticed that when I read something to delve into every word and understand the text immediately. Since you probably happened is, for example, when prepared to exam, read the book and do not understand, does not comprehend the text. And then I had to read again and again. And now, all cut in, did not even interest me text remains in my memory.

Third sleep improved, but at the same time began to dream dreams unreal bright. And what is most interesting, I began to remember them. And not just to remember the feeling that I experience all of reality.

Fourth - it reduces the symptoms of asthenic-neurotic syndrome - removes excessive anxiety, suspiciousness.

In general, I can say that the product is excellent, even though the fact that it does not affect any headaches. For that I am now feeling fine, I'm full of strength and energy. The side effects described in the instructions I had not. Now I regularly every six months to take "Picamilon".

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