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Vitamins and vitamin like bonds

01 Dec 2016

Vitamins are necessary for the normal course of many metabolic processes (including, for digestion of feedstuffs), and also for body height and restoration of cells and body tissues. Coming to an organism in small amounts, they participate in a metabolism and regulate many physiological and biochemical reactions. The vast majority of vitamins aren't synthesized in an organism and arrive with products of plant and animal origin.

At a disadvantage of vitamins the condition of hypovitaminosis which is characterized by the following general symptoms develops: deterioration in health, fast fatigability, depression of working capacity and protective reactions of an organism. Are the causes of hypovitaminosis the increased need for vitamins (caused by high training and competitive loads, features of climatic conditions and a condition of an organism); their insufficient contents in food during the winter and spring period; inadequate selection of products in a diet; wrong culinary processing of a nutrition; disturbance of vitamin exchange in an organism, etc.

At excess entering of vitamins B an organism the condition of a hypervitaminosis at which, along with a number of the general symptoms, the level of physical working capacity decreases develops. It occurs generally at the excessive use of synthetic vitamin drugs (especially And yes E).

The problem of so-called hypovitaminic states, i.e. the hidden disturbances which reasons are various is urgent now. Emergence of hypovitaminoses can have endo - and an exogenous parentage.

Endogenic reasons: insufficient entering of vitamins C a nutrition — owing to the wrong choice of products, a monotonous delivery, the wrong cooking, long storage of products.

Exogenous reasons: a) the increased need for vitamins B result of certain physiological states (pregnancy, breastfeeding of the child, hard physical work, high or low ambient temperature, infectious diseases, a chemical harmfulness in conditions of production, etc.); b) disturbance of an absorption of vitamins B digestive tract.

Vitamins are divided into two groups: water-soluble and liposoluble; allocate also group the vitamin like bonds.

Water-soluble vitamins — ascorbic acid, Rutin, Thiamin, Riboflavin, a pyridoxine, Niacin, nicotinic acid, cyancobalamin, Folacinum, folic acid, pantothenic acid, a biotin.

Liposoluble vitamins — And, D, E and To.

Vitaminopodobny bonds — a choline, an inosite, lipoic acid, orotovy acid, οΰνγΰμΰς a calcium, a carnitine.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

Performs diverse functions in an organism: participates in oxidation-reduction processes; provides formation of a collagen; increases durability of walls of blood vessels (that is very important for prophylaxis of an atherosclerosis); influences functions of nervous and endocrine systems, a liver; regulates cholesterin exchange; promotes assimilation by an organism of proteins, iron and a series of vitamins; increases fastness of an organism to external influences and infections; stimulates neogenesis and healing of tissues.

Vitamin C is immediately bound to protein metabolism — with collagenic structures of an organism; stimulates formation of a procollagen from fibroblasts and its transition to a collagen; plays an important role in maintenance of the normal state of walls of capillaries and conservation of their elastance. At its disadvantage the increased fragility of capillaries and predilection to hemorrhages is observed.

Sufficient level of ascorbic acid in an organism promotes the fullest creation the glikogenovykh of stocks of a liver and increases its antitoxic function.

High content of ascorbic acid and the high need for it are characteristic of endocrine system (a pituitary body, a hypothalamus, adrenals).

Vitamin C has significant effect on a reactivity of an organism and its protective mechanisms, increases the resilience to adverse factors of the external environment, has property to increase phagocytal activity of leucocytes — therefore at various diseases enlarge its consumption.

Vitamin C isn't synthesized in a human body and has to arrive with nutrition daily.

The need for ascorbic acid is enlarged in the course of the trainings and competitions, at neuroemotional pressure, and also in the conditions of frigid and hot climate.

The daily need for ascorbic acid of the ordinary person — 70 mg.

Daily need of the athlete makes: during ordinary trainings — 150 — 200 mg; during competitions and in the next 2 — 3 days — 200 — 300 mg.

The main sources of vitamin C are greens, vegetables and fruit.

Content of vitamin C in various vegetables and fruit (in mg on 100 g of a product): a dogrose dried — 1200, blackcurrant — 200, a cauliflower — 70, spinach — 55, a white cabbage — 50, a sorrel — 43, lemons — 40, green onions, tangerines — on 30, a garden radish — 25.

The factors blasting vitamin C:

1) high temperature (inactivates ascorbic acid);

2) oxidation by its oxygen (at the wrong storage and cooking);

3) influence of alkalis;

4) its oxidation at contact to the ware made of iron or copper (aluminum doesn't oxidize vitamin C because has oxide Membranula);

5) enzyme of an askorbinaz, contained in all products of plant origin (except a lemon, swede, a turnip).

The best conservation of vitamin C is promoted by acidic reaction of a product, Saccharum, Amylum.

As additional sources of vitamin C it is recommended to apply fruit and vegetable juice, and also the special infusions and broths prepared from the richest with this vitamin of natural products.

Content of vitamin C in fruit and berry and vegetable juice (in mg on 100 g of a product): in blackcurrant juice-86, grapefruit and orange — 40, strawberry — 34, tangerine — 25, tomato — 10, apple — 2. Carrot and apricot juice is rich with Carotinum.

Broth from dogrose. 15 g of dried fruits of dogrose (a daily dose on one person), wash out in cold water, knead, fill in with 1 glass of boiled water and boil in the enameled or aluminum ware within 10 min. at the closed cover. Then broth draw 3 — 4 h (it is possible to leave to infuse on all night long) in well closed ware then filter through the gauze put in several layers and drink on 1 glass a day.

Content of vitamin C in 1 glass of broth — about 100 mg. For taste it is possible to add Saccharum or cranberry juice. It is necessary to store infusion no more than 2 days. At the use of a peel of dogrose the daily dose decreases twice.

Needles infusion. 30 g of the coniferous needles which are just separated from branches (a daily dose on one person), wash out in cold water, crush a knife or a sechka and fill in with the cooled boiled water in the ratio 1:3 in wooden, glass, clay or aluminum ware and insist during 2 — 3 h. After that infusion is filtered through a gauze or cotton and defended during 6 — 7 h. Then liquid is carefully merged, exempting it from the deposit containing tarry substances. Drink on 1 glass a day.

Content of vitamin C in 1 glass of infusion — 40 — 50 mg. For improvement of tastes it is possible to add to it cranberry drink or other drinks. It is possible to store infusion in the darkened cool place no more days. For the best conservation it is recommended to add to it citric, hydrochloric or acetic acid (at the rate of 5 — 6 g on 1 l).

For preparation of infusion it is possible to prepare needles branches for emergency — on condition of their storage under snow no more than 2 months.

Vitamin P (Rutinum and other bioflavonoids)

Mainly provides the normal state of walls of capillaries. Together with vitamin C participates in oxidation-reduction processes; contains in the same products. Daily requirement about 50% of need for vitamin C.

Content of vitamin P in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): a mountain ash black-fruited — 2000, blackcurrant — 1000, dogrose — 680, oranges and lemons — 500, cowberry-320 — 600, a cranberry — 240 — 330, cherry — 280, Fragaria — 150 — 172, plum-110 — 300, grapes — 290 — 430, carrots — 50 — 100, apples-10-70

B1 vitamin (Thiaminum)

Is of great importance for the correct functioning of the central and peripheric nervous systems. At its disadvantage carbohydrates not completely burn down that leads to accumulation in an organism of pyrogrape and milk acids. Thiaminum participates in albuminous, fatty and mineral exchanges; plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism.

At hypovitaminosis irritability, pains in heart, bystry fatigability, deterioration in attention, muscular delicacy, a loss of appetite, constipations are observed. In these cases in urine pyruvic acid appears.

The increased need for vitamin B, becomes perceptible at intensive trainings, by preparation for competitions in the conditions of high or low temperatures, and also at an excessive psychological strain.

B1 vitamin, stimulates working capacity. Its additional reception allows to transfer appreciable training loads easier. A daily dose of B1 vitamin for athletes — 0,7 mg on 1000 kcal of a ration. The stimulating effect of B1 vitamin isn't shown at a single dose — only at systematic and prolonged use.

The main sources of B1 vitamin — vegetable products. Especially there is a lot of it in a cover of grains of various cereals therefore athletes are recommended to use bread from coarse flour. A significant amount of vitamin B contains also in nuts, haricot, peas, oat and buckwheat grain, in pork, a liver, kidneys; but most of all - in beer yeast.

Content of B1 vitamin in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): yeast dry — 5,0, yeast beer — 2,0, peas-0,81, nuts a peanut — 0,74, haricot — 0,50, grits — 0,39, buckwheat — 0,43, kidneys beef — 0,39, kidneys pork-0,29, walnuts — 0,38, a liver — 0,30, white bread-0,21, meat (beef) - 0,06.

B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum)

Plays an important role in processes of biological oxidation and formation of energy, hemopoiesis processes; participates in formation of visual purple, protecting a retina from excess impact of ultra-violet radiation.

The daily need for Riboflavinum makes 0,8 mg on 1000 kcal.

The maintenance of Riboflavinum in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): milk and dairy products — 0,19 — 0,55, meat-0,15 — 0,25, fish — 0,1, eggs — 0,8, a liver — 3,96 — 4,66, buckwheat and oat grain — 0,14 — 0,24, bread — 0,12 — 0,3.

B6 vitamin (pyridoxine)

Plays an important role in processes of intermediate exchange of amino acids: transamination, decarboxylation, peresulfirovaniye. It is necessary for transformation of linolic acid in arachidonic, for formation of RR vitamin from a tryptophan. Participates in formation of a hemoglobin, splitting of a glycogen, synthesis of biogenic amines (a serotonin, Histaminum) and other biologically active agents.

The daily need for B6 vitamin makes 5 — 10 mg. At protein content augmentation the need for a pyridoxine increases in a ration.

The maintenance of a pyridoxine in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): yeast dry pothouses - 4,0 — 5,7, meat - 0,22 — 0,35, fish - 0,35, eggs-0,12, bean-0,15-0,44, bananas - 0,4, potatoes — 0,15, milk and bread — is lower than 0,4 mg of %:

RR vitamin (Niacinum)

Provides power education processes, participating in the major oxidation-reduction reactions. Also takes part in functioning of the central nervous system, hemopoiesis processes; has effect on cardiovascular system (in particular, vasodilating).

RR vitamin is partially formed in an organism of a tryptophan (the niatsinovy equivalent makes 60 mg of amino acid on the I mg of vitamin). This source of Niacinum has to be considered at assessment of foodstuff. Contains in products of both an animal, and plant origin. In grain crops Niacinum, also as well as Thiaminum, mainly contains in external covers of grains. So, the maintenance of Niacinum from wallpaper wheat flour is peer bread to 3,5 mg of %, from wheat flour of the first grade — 0,7 mg of %.

Daily need of athletes for Niacinum — 28 — 42 mg. The need for Niacinum is enlarged at a low-albuminous delivery, intensive exercise stresses.

The maintenance of Niacinum in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): fowl — 6 — 8, mutton — 5,8, beef — 4, a liver — 15 — 16, fish — 3, dry beer yeast — 40, mushrooms dried — to 60, croups — 1,5 — 4,0.

B12 vitamin

Major importance of vitamin B12 consists in its antianemic action. He participates in reactions of transmethylation and is necessary for synthesis and disintegration of a number of amino acids, formation of purin, pyrimidines and nucleinic acids, synthesis of white, oxidation of fatty acids with odd number of atoms; has lipotropny properties. Contains mainly in animal products. You can buy - Vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin injection.

Daily need of athletes for vitamin B12 makes 0.004 — 0.01 mg.

Content of B12 vitamin in food (in mkg on 100 g of a product): beef liver — 50 — 130, cod liver — 40, a cod - 10, beef - 2-8, pork - 0,1 — 5, cheese — 1,4-3,6.

B9 vitamin (folic acid)

Physiological value of folic acid consists in its participation in the blood formation process which is carried out in interaction with B12 vitamin. Folatsin participates in synthesis the purinovykh and the pirimidin of the bases, nucleinic acids and white; in education it is well-cared, adrenaline, creatine; in exchange of a number of amino acids; in utilization of many vitamins.

Daily need of athletes for the folatsena is equal to 0.6 — 0.4 mg.

The main sources of folic acid are fresh vegetables and greens; from animal products — a liver and kidneys, an egg yolk, cheese.

The maintenance of folatsin in food (in mkg on 100 g of a product): an asparagus — 83 — 142, spinach — 48 — 115, parsley-38, cabbage — 15 — 30, potatoes — 8 — 20, carrots — 7 — 15, blackcurrant — 6 — 18, grapes — 4, beef liver — 290, cheese — 8 — 19, egg — 4 — 8.

B5 vitamin (pantothenic acid)

Participates in implementation of such biochemical processes as: oxidation and biosynthesis of fatty acids; oxidizing dekarboksit an iro-vaniye of ketoacids; synthesis of lemon acid; biosynthesis of steroids; neutral fats, porphyrines; synthesis of acetylcholine and other biologically active agents. This vitamin is found practically in all products of an animal and a phytogenesis.

Daily need of athletes for pantothenic acid makes 15 — 20 mg.

Content of pantothenic acid in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): a liver - 4,0 — 9,0, kidneys — 2,5-4,0, an egg yolk — 2,7 — 7,0, meat — 0,5 — 1,5, potatoes — 0,32-0,65, tomatoes - 0,10-0,37, cabbage - 0,18-0,80, a buckwheat-2,6, oats - 2,5.

Vitamin N (biotin)

Participates in reactions of carboxylation and transcarboxylation; in synthesis of substrates of a cycle of Krebs; in an ureapoiesis; in synthesis of fatty acids and protein; in utilization of a glucose. Also stimulates processes of methylation and strengthens action of Folacinum.

Daily need of athletes for a biotin makes about 0.3 — 0.4 mg.

Content of biotin in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): a liver — 0,08 — 0,10, kidneys — 0,09 — 0,14, an egg yolk - 0,056, soy, beans — 0,06, green peas — 0,05, rye — 0,046, peanuts — 0,04, cabbage, potatoes — 0,001.

In a delivery of athletes from among liposoluble vitamins vitamins A, E and are most important.

Vitamin A (Retinolum, Retinolum, retinoyevy acid, their Aethers)

Possesses a broad spectrum of activity: participates in photoreception processes (ensuring twilight, light and color vision); it is necessary for formation and body height of bones of a skeleton, procreation of posterity, a differentiation of an epithelial tissue, maintenance of the immunologic status; influences many parties of a metabolism (inhibition of an albuminolysis, stimulation of oxidation of pyruvic acid and unsaturated fatty acids, ensuring synthesis of fat, etc.).

Vitamin A comes to an organism only with animal products. Cod-liver oil, a liver, eggs, milk, butter are especially rich with it. In an organism vitamin A can be synthesized from provitamins — β-Carotinum, contained in large numbers in the vegetables and fruit having yellow-red color and three other carotenoids: α-Carotinum, γ-Carotinum and β-cryptoxanthine.......... At the same time 1 mg of vitamin A is equivalent to 2 mg of β-Carotinum ((((((((((dissolved in fat or in the form of pharmaceutical drug), 12 mg of "alimentary" β-Carotinum and 24 mg of other three carotenoids.

The daily need for vitamin A makes 2.5 — 4.0 mg.

Content of vitamin A in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): cod-liver oil — 19,0, beef liver — 3,6, cow's milk — 0,02, sour cream of 20% fat content — 0,15, egg — 0.35.

Vitamin E (tokoferola)

Interferes with perekisny oxidation of nonsaturated lipids, providing thereby integrity of cellular membranes; influences function of sexual and other endocrine glands, exchange of nucleinic acids and proteins; stimulates activities of muscles; increases resistance of an organism to a hypoxia; stimulates phosphorylation of creatine and accumulating of a glycogen; makes active some enzymes; promotes digestion of fats, vitamins A and.

Daily need of athletes for vitamin E makes 40 mg.

Content of tocopherol in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): sunflower oil — 50 — 75; bean — 2,6 — 17,0, wheat flour — 2,6 mg, grits — 3,4, meat — 0,15, a liver - 1,28, butter — 2,9, an egg yolk — 2.

Vitamin D

Regulates exchange of calcium and phosphorus in an organism, promoting absorption and their adjournment in bones. Arrives in an organism with animal products and it is partially formed by endogenous synthesis in skin under the influence of ultra-violet radiation.

The regulation of consumption of vitamin D for athletes is definitely not established. It is considered to be that in the conditions of regular insolation and the balanced food the need of an organism of adult athletes for it is satisfied. At the same time in cases of use of the high-carbohydrate food allowances disbalanced on a ratio in them of calcium and phosphorus in case of insufficient content in a diet of animal products, and also in need of ensuring training process in the conditions of Far North, the additional amount of vitamin D — 400 — 1000 ME in days is required. Young athletes also need additional consumption of vitamin D — 100-500 ME daily.

Content of vitamin D in food (in ME on 1 g of a product): fat of a liver of a tuna — 10 000 — 50 000, fat of a liver of the Baltic herring — 250, eggs — 2 — 4, a liver (pork or beef) — 0,2 — 2,0, milk — 0,01 — 0,20, butter — 0,2 — 0,8.

Treats vitaminopodobny connections it is well-cared which performs three main functions in an organism: lipotropny factor, an initial product for formation of acetylcholine and the donator the metalnykh of groups. Holin is formed in an organism of methionine. In case of its shortcoming synthesis of phospholipids is broken and there is a fatty infiltration of a liver.

Daily need of athletes for the holena makes 1000-2000 mg; it increases in the conditions of the increased temperature of the external environment.


Possesses lipotropny action, normalizing function of the central nervous system, stimulates blood formation and growth of an organism. Recommended daily consumption of an inositol — 0,75 — 1,5 g.

Content of an inositol in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): bran wheat — 100, germs of grains 0 700-900, oranges — 250, heart — 60 — 200, brains — 200.

Lipoic acid. Intensifies consumption of glucose and a piruvat fabrics, stimulates synthesis of a glycogen and protein. Contains in many vegetable products; its greatest numbers are found in cage chlorolayers.

Daily need of athletes for lipoic acid of 1-2 mg.

Orotovy acid

Intensifying synthesis of nucleinic acids and protein, has distinct anabolitichesky effect; stimulates growth of an organism; raises a sokratitelny capability of a myocardium; stimulates blood formation; promotes growth and development of muscle bulk of an organism. Anabolic effect of orotovy acid amplifies B12 vitamin, folic acid, an inositol.

Recommended daily consumption of orotovy acid of 0,5 — 1,0 g.

Pangamat of calcium (B15 vitamin)

Improves digestion of oxygen fabrics, increases resistance of an organism to a hypoxia, stimulates synthesis of a glycogen and kreatinfosfat in skeletal muscles and a myocardium. The metilnykh of groups is a source labile, participates in processes of transmethylation and has lipotropny properties. In large numbers contains in seeds of plants, yeast, a liver.

Standard daily rate of consumption of a pangamat of calcium — 150 — 200 mg.

Content it is well-cared in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): eggs - 565, a liver — 632, cottage cheese — 73, cheese — 48, cabbage and potatoes — 28,

Carnitine (vitamin B)

In an organism its most probable source is glyutaminovy acid. The carnitine participates in processes of a transmethylation, is capable to stimulate oxidation of fatty acids at intensive exercise stresses.

The satisfaction of need of athletes for vitamins has to be carried out first of all at the expense of natural food.

In natural food vitamins contain in a type of complexes with various substances and are better acquired by an organism. Some vitamins are easily blasted at culinary processing and in the course of storage. Vitamin C which is considerably blasted during the cooking and suppression of a nutrition is especially unstable. Vitamin A and carotene, on the contrary, are a little blasted when cooking, but lose the activity in acidic environment. Group B vitamins more resistant, than vitamin C. For the best conservation of vitamin C when cooking a nutrition it is recommended to clean and cut vegetables and greens just before preparation of dishes. It is necessary to add Acetum or a brine of sauerkraut to salads and vinaigrettes (for creation of the acidic environment promoting vitamin C conservation).

At the end of winter and in the spring the amount of vitamins B the remained fruit and vegetables considerably decreases. That is why at this time it is especially necessary to care for the sufficient content of vitamins B a delivery: to include sauerkraut, vegetable and fruit juice, broth of a dogrose and various vitamin concentrates in a ration.

At impossibility to provide necessary entering of vitamins B an organism at the expense of natural products.

delivery and concentrates it is expedient to apply vitamin concentrates (dogrose infusion, yeast, etc.), and also vitamin complexes in which vitamins contain in the most optimum ratios, at obligatory medical control.

For vitaminization of diets in special conditions use synthetic vitamin drugs (ascorbic acid, Thiaminum, etc.) which administer in the required dose in a ready nutrition (first courses, tea, kissel, milk, etc.) just before its distribution.

At the beginning of educational and training process it is necessary to provide a certain saturation of an organism with vitamins. For this purpose athletes are recommended to accept within 5 days on 2 — 3 dragees polyvitaminic and the vitaminnomineralnykh of drugs ("Undevitum", "Dekamevit", "Glutamevit", "Aerovit", Supradin, "Oligovit" and δπ).

It is necessary to emphasize once again that the uncontrolled independent use of synthetic vitamin drugs not only doesn't promote working capacity rising, but also is very hazardous to health. Some vitamins (for example, And, E) can collect in an organism and at an overdosage to cause serious complications.

When determining daily need for the main vitamins it is necessary to be guided by energy expenditure of athletes. Calculation is recommended to be made on each 1000 kcal: vitamin C — 35 mg, B1 — 0,7 mg, B2 — 0,8 mg, mg PP1, vitamin E — 5 mg, vitamin A — 2 mg on 3000 kcal, with the subsequent addition on 0,5 mg on each 1000 kcal (the maximum dose — no more than 4 mg a day).

Where all vitamins ran away?

Hardness No. 2 source

All know, the healthy nutrition, and not only is how important for formation of a good figure, but also in general for health of the person. But whether you thought of that, products which we use are how useful? The doctor of medical sciences, the member of advisory council of Healthcare Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the president of NPP B AD Tatyana Pilat will help to find out the truth to us: "At the moment we have ubiquitous disturbance of a delivery of Russians. We speak about low life expectancy, about a bad bionomics, a high mortality, etc. One of major factors, according to WHO data, is the healthy and improper feeding".

Reasons of hypovitaminosis

  • 1.Refusal of fruit and vegetables
  • 2.Frequent use of fast food
  • 3.Monotonous ration, inability and unwillingness to cook a house food
  • 4.The use of the tinned, sublimated, frozen nutrition which is grown poor on many biologically active components
  • 5.Lack of a diet. Usually we eat not when we want it and when an opportunity appears.

Certainly, most of body builders will consider that these points don't concern to them, accurately specialized menu and the regulated diet is a conduct of life of the modern bodybuilder. However usefulness of products which we daily use raises great doubts.

Useful substances in products becomes less Analytical methods researches every year allowed to conduct comparative tests for content in vegetable food micro and macrocells. The results depressing. For example, the amount of iron in spinach of 100 years - made 157 mg back, and by 2003 more than by 70 times decreased (to 3 mg)! By data and United States Departments of Agriculture (in Russia similar researches weren't conducted) - content of iron in apples decreased by 40%, vitamin C - for 42%. To fill standard daily rate of iron in an organism in the 50th years of the 19th century was to eat one apple of a grade "Antonovka" enough. Today the same concentration of useful substances can be received only from 3 apples.

Low content of iron in a human body is shown in fatigue and muscular weakness. Shortage of this element - the frequent phenomenon among athletes, especially vegetarians. Nutritionists advise for its reasonable control to use meat, citrus bread, apples and spinach. As we see from the provided examples, not all these products really will help to be stocked by iron.

Cabbage lost 84% of calcium, 81% of iron, 84% of phosphorus. What in it remained? Only food fibers and vitamin C! In meat content of amino acids decreased (for example, in beef by 68%). Content of vitamin A in chicken meat - for 70%.

Besides we got used that carrots are rich with carotene, meat - macrocells, and cabbage - in general, a well of vitamins. It appears, it not absolutely so. Tables which all explain are given below.

Decrease of content of useful substances in products for the last 30-40 years:

In beef the content of Vitamin A decreased by 99%.

In fowl of Vitamin A decreased by 70%.

In sheet cabbage the content of Calcium decreased by 85%.

In parsley and fennel the content of Magnesium decreased by 30%.

In apples Iron for 40%.

In a citrus Vitamin C for 42%.

Deficiency of useful substances at the population of the Russian Federation:

Vitamin deficiency population Percent

Vitamin C of 70%

Vitamin A of 40%

Vitamin B of 35%

Selenium of 95%


Today practically all products before getting to us on a table, are exposed to technological processing. It leads to loss of biological nutrition value. For a simple example we will give digits on carrot juice. One average carrots contain 1 mg of nicotinic acid. But if we make of it carrot freshly squeezed juice, this indicator will decrease to 0,12mg, That is the simple juice extractor reduces amount of useful substances by 10 times! What then to tell about technological processing of products at factories and the enterprises?

But the main problem is buried even more deeply, literally in the earth. For only some 20 years from the soil and owing to what and from plants, necessary minerals, such as zinc, selenium, magnesium disappeared. Often happens that vegetables and fruit collect immature, green and absolutely unsuitable for the use. They ripen when transporting, and then already get on the shelves of supermarkets. Though in due form ripening of vegetables and fruit shall take place in the last week before harvesting.

With meat the situation is even more sad. Animals grow in hypodynamia conditions, stuff them with antibiotics and hormone of growth that can lead to irreparable consequences. Ask the grandfathers with what size of a leg tempted the girl's gentlemen in the middle of the last century? 37-38. And now? The most popular size of women's shoes - 40-42! How you think why? Result of effect of hormone of growth containing in meat which we use. Specialists of NPP BAD under the leadership of Tatyana Pilat hold such opinion.


"We will be enough to frighten, we already know what to live harmfully!" — you will tell. But nobody was going to frighten you. Our main task - to inform broad masses of the fact that the theory of healthy nutrition can come to naught because of products, poor on useful substances. With respect thereto dietary supplements and the enriched products can become main "saviors" of the person (read - the body builder) in this difficult situation. Some doctors oppose dietary supplements, call them "chemistry" and fraud, however even they will hardly challenge the fact that the modern person has not so many alternatives to dietary supplements.

Russia - the leader in quantity of the enriched products. All of us know, for example, about special programs of the Government "Iodinated salt", on enrichment of juice vitamins, etc. In our country were invented and already medicines which eliminate shortage in a human body of such important elements as Selenium, Calcium, Potassium and others spread through drugstores.

At the same time, it is worth warning our readers against rash actions. Not all expensive dietary supplements are really effective. Don't follow the tastes of swindlers. On forming of a diet you approach the solution of any task in a complex and having consulted with specialists. Good luck!


Vitamin and mineral complex (multivitamins)

01 Dec 2016

Vitamin and mineral complex (multivitamins) - additives which are intended for supply of an organism with vitamins, minerals and other nutritious elements. Such additives are available in the form of tablets, capsules, a fruit candy, powder, liquid and injection solutions. Modern vitamin and mineral complexes are framed taking into account features of age, sex and activity of the person, so, for example, distinguish: multivitamins for pregnant women, children, elderly, for athletes, for men and women. Vitamin and mineral complexes don't contain hormonal and harmful substances, they aren't hazardous to health and vice versa they are referred on its strengthening, and also on activation of metabolic processes.

Assessment of quality of a complex

Now vitamin and mineral complexes have the wide range of the prices: from 100 rubles to several thousand, though structure at all almost identical. It is explained by difficult interaction of separate components of a complex. Often in inexpensive vitamin and mineral complexes there is a suppression of an absorption of some vitamins and minerals, it in turn leads to disturbance of balance of the arriving micronutrients that considerably reduces efficiency of a vitamin and mineral complex. In qualitative additives special technologies (gradual release, a microgranulation, layer-by-layer dissolution) which allow to eliminate negative interactions due to separate entering of micronutrients whereas vitamins and minerals synergists are on the contrary released at the same time are used.

Vitamins and minerals in bodybuilding

Practice shows that in bodybuilding, fitness, powerlifting or other sports it is impossible to achieve good results if not to use in addition vitamin and mineral complexes. Athletes often face a problem of the training plateau (both at a set of muscle bulk, and at depression fatty), even on condition of healthy nutrition and systematic trainings, and as the reason for that the vitamin deficiency and minerals can serve.

The problem is that requirements of an organism aren't always satisfied completely from alimentary sources, especially it is urgent in bodybuilding where a large number of a high-caloric nutrition which often contains few vitamins and minerals is required. Bodybuilders are simply not able to include enough fruit and other sources of vitamins as it will lead to a digestive disturbance in a diet. At the same time, the needs of an organism for vitamins and minerals at athletes are much higher, than at ordinary people. It dictates need of reception of vitamin complexes.

Knowing it, the beginning bodybuilders face the following problem - the choice of an optimum complex. Hundreds of multivitamins which according to the description of the producer are the best are presented at the market, however actually there isn't a lot of good complexes. As it was already told above, quality of a vitamin and mineral complex is defined by its matrixes which allow to release substances with a certain rate and in certain combinations, giving the best effect of assimilation. Besides, at sports activities (in particular bodybuilding) requirements of an organism change: one vitamins it is required 20% more, others for 100%. For this reason, athletes are recommended to get specialized vitamin and mineral complexes which are developed taking into account specific requirements of an organism in the conditions of a training. In completion of everything, sports vitamin and mineral complexes are divided by sexual appointment: on men's and women's where physiological features of both floors are considered. Add some Glandokort to your daily life.

"Attention" It is necessary to pay attention that vitamin and mineral complexes need to be accepted as at a set of muscle bulk and augmentation of power indicators, and during the work on a relief, and at weight loss.

The rating of vitamin and mineral complexes

Comparative table of structures of vitamin and mineral complexes

In this rating the best vitamin and mineral complexes which well approach as beginning, and to professional athletes are presented.

  • Daily Formula from Universal Nutrition - a good complex at reasonable price
  • Animal Pak from Universal Nutrition - vitamins, minerals and a complex of reducers
  • Opti-Men from Optimum Nutrition - a complex for men
  • Opti-Women Optimum Nutrition - a complex for women
  • Activite Sport from MHP
  • Super Multi (Dymatize)
  • Daily One Caps (Twinlab)
  • Multi Pro from AST
  • MUSCLETECH Vitakic Hardcore

Rating according to

  • Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men
  • MuscleTech Platinum Multivitamin
  • JYM Vita JYM
  • Universal Nutrition Animal Pak
  • Optimum Nutrition Opti-Women
  • Controlled Labs Orange Triad
  • RSP Nutrition BioVite Multivitamin
  • MusclePharm Armor-V
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Pack
  • Labrada Jamie Eason Signature Series Multi-Vitamin

Regimen of reception

Observe the recommendations made by the producer. Accept a complex within 1-2 months, then do a break within 1 month. Constant reception isn't recommended because the organism loses ability to acquire remote vitamins from a nutrition, and also synthesis of vitamins in an organism decreases. The periodization allows to support an organism healthy, and prevents tolerance development.

Modern classification of vitamins (Gromova O. Ampere-second of coworkers., 2003)


B1 vitamin / Thiaminum / Antinevritichesky vitamin, Aneurinum, beriberi vitamin, anti-beriberi vitamin

B2 vitamin / Riboflavinum / Growth factor, body height vitamin, vitamin G, Lactoflavinum

RR vitamin / Nicotinic acid, Nicotinamidum / Niacinum, antipellagrichesky vitamin, B3 vitamin, Niacinum Amidum PP, Amidum PP of nicotinic acid

B5 vitamin / Pantothenic acid / Antidermatitny, a factor against a dermatitis of chickens, a filtratny factor, Pantotenum

B6 vitamin / Pyridoxine / Adermin, Y factor

B12 vitamin / Cyancobalamine / Antianemic vitamin

Su vitamin / Folic acid / Folacinum, pteroylglutamic acid, antianemic vitamin; a factor of body height of chickens (the index "C" is made from English chicken - a chicken)

Vitamin C / Ascorbic acid / Antiscorbutic vitamin, antiscorbutic vitamin

Vitamin P (routines) / Bioflavonoids / Flavonoids, permeability vitamin, kapillyaroukreplyayushchy vitamin

Vitamin N / Biotin


Vitamin A / Retinolum / Akseroftol, antikseroftalmichesky vitamin, anti-infectious vitamin

D2 vitamin / Ergocalciferol / Antirachitic vitamin

D3 vitamin / Holekaltsiferol / Antirachitic vitamin

Vitamin E / Tocopherol / Anti-sterile vitamin, reproduction vitamin

Vitamin K / Naphthoquinones / Antihemorrhagic vitamin

Kt vitamin / Fillokhinon / Antihemorrhagic vitamin

K2 vitamin / Menakhinon / Antihemorrhagic vitamin, farnokhinon


B4 vitamin /Choline

B8 vitamin / Inosite

B13 vitamin / Orotovy acid, uracilcarboxylic acid

B15 vitamin / Pangamovy acid, οΰνγΰμΰς calcium

Vitamin of W / Carnitine

Vitamin U /

Vitamin F / Acidum lipoicum

Ubikhinon / Q10 coenzyme

From the pharmacological drugs which are most widely used in practice of sports medicine, the group of vitamins wins first place. It includes actually vitamins and their analogs, polyvitaminic drugs, complex drugs of vitamins C: macro - and trace substances (kvadevit, glyutamevit, komplivit, ρσοπΰδθν, loprevit, oligovit, ώνθκΰο, etc.); antianemic factors (Vitohepatum, Sireparum, etc.); phospholipids and unsaturated fatty acids (Essentiale, lipostabit, etc.), and also kofermentny drugs (phosphothiaminum, Benphothiaminum, a cocarboxylase, Flavinatum, Pyridoxalphosphatum, Cobamamidum, etc.).

Diverse mechanisms of action of each of vitamins, and seriously reasoned data on the increased need of an organism of athletes for them are in detail covered in the numerous guides to physiology and biochemistry of sport. At the same time purely applied aspects of additional vitaminization in the conditions of sports activity, those "nuances" on which considerably degree of efficiency of use of vitamins also depends are reflected in literature much less and need, in our opinion, returning to them once again.

In practice of sports medicine three technologies of vitamin and mineral correction can be marked out: medical, preventive and immediately referred on rising of level of physical efficiency of athletes. The choice of strategy is based on expression of a clinical manifestation of the vitamin deficiency which is defined by degree of the available deficiency.

The replaceable, or medical technology is applied in the presence of clinical signs hypo - and avitaminoses, and also at treatment of the diagnosed dismikroelementoz.

The correct tactics of replacement therapy has to consider preliminary quantitative estimate of concentration of vitamins and minerals in various biosubstrates of the person. The medical technology of vitamin correction assumes use of higher medical doses of vitamins, carrying out more intensive, and in some cases - longer courses of correction at strictly proved deficiency and under constant medical control. Here use of special drugs with high doses of vitamins is expedient. At treatment vitamin monodrugs are often used (vitamins K, E, A, B1, B2, Su, B5, B6, B12, C, D2, D3, N). A medical vitamin therapy strictly regulates also treatment duration. The course of treatment hypo-and an avitaminosis is defined by the doctor individually for each patient. However at purpose of vitamins-kumulyantov (vitamins A, E, D, K, B12) the course of treatment is always limited (no more than 30 days). More prolonged use of these drugs is possible only at constant medical control.

At the prophylaxis and technology which is immediately referred on rising of level of physical working capacity, vitamin complexes have to contain the doses of vitamins which are brought closer to daily requirement. They really solve problems of the prevention of developing of various diseases, risings of working capacity and adaptation to exercise and mental stresses, optimization of processes of restoration after exercise and mental stresses, the postponed diseases. Mass prophylaxis of hypovitaminoses is around the world carried out by vitamins B the doses which aren't exceeding daily requirement.

Day norms of consumption

At purpose of vitamins specialists dietarians constantly refer to the so-called recommended day norms of consumption (RDA). These digits determined by Department of products and deliveries at National council of the USA by researches represent doses of the main vitamins which should be accepted daily for maintenance of health. RDA depend on gender and age (for example, they are various for women is more senior than fifty five and more young than twenty four years).

As for RDA digits, it is necessary to consider several important points:

the amounts of vitamins and other nutrients regulated by RDA are designed to save from extremely ill health; they don't meet higher requirements;

RDA reflect needs of wide groups of the population, but aren't applicable to separately taken persons as each person can need larger or smaller amount of this or that nutrient reflected in RDA;

RDA don't provide the special cases demanding reception of the raised doses of any vitamin.

At the choice of agents for carrying out preventive vitaminization it is necessary to consider existence between vitamins one-and bilateral antagonism: at purpose of high doses of one of vitamins exchange of others is broken. In particular, high doses of B1 vitamin cause disturbances of exchange of B2, B6, C, PP vitamins; the overdosage of B12 vitamin breaks exchange of B1, V2 vitamins, folic acid; at excess of vitamin A exchange of vitamins C, E, K, etc. suffers.

In this regard when carrying out preventive vitaminization preference certainly has to be given not to separate vitamins, but Polyvitaminums and complex drugs of vitamins C macro - and trace substances as under the influence of larger exercise stresses (especially in the summer) the egestion of iron, copper, manganese progressively increases and it results in negative balance of these elements [3]. However at the same time it is necessary to be sure that they won't be blasted by pathogenic intestinal microflora.

It is necessary to estimate also at the choice of polyvitaminic drug its structure, balance and compliance of maintenance of components to the recommended standard daily rate. The surplus of this or that component can bring to opposite in relation to the expected results.

Many vitamin and mineral complexes at the same time contain vitamin C and copper in the structure. However it is important to know that copper negatively influences safety and activity of vitamin C. It is proved that at simultaneous entering in an organism of vitamin C and copper, especially in high doses, ascorbic acid is blasted.

Speaking about physiological interrelation between various vitamins, it is necessary to remind: at the combined use, activly participating in biochemical processes, they can have stronger and versatile biological effect. So, interaction between vitamins C, B1 and V2 is established. The augmentation of a dose of the entered vitamin C increases the need of an organism for B2 vitamin. At a disadvantage of a nutrition of B2 vitamin the level of vitamins C and B1 in tissues decreases. At the same time antagonism between the B1 and V6 vitamins passing into an active form by phosphorylation is found. Besides, the interrelation of exchange of B6, B12 vitamins and ascorbic acid is taped. Numerous researches prove a distinct synergy at a combination of vitamins C and River.

As for dosages of vitamin drugs, proceeding from the references of the Austrian institute of sports medicine (tab. 8) recognized as most of experts, the need of an organism of athletes for the majority of vitamins quite can be covered when using preventive doses of such complexes as glyutamevit, komplivit, selmevit, etc.

Table 8 the Average doses of vitamins recommended at consecutive stages of preparation at various orientation of training process, mg (the Pro-cop L., 1979)

Vitamins / Not athletes / Athletes / High-speed and power work / Work on endurance / Training period / Competitive period / Training period / Competitive period

A / 1.5 / 2 / 2-3 / 3 / 3-6

B1 / 1.5 / 2-4 / 2-4 / 3-5 / 4-8

B2 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3-4 / 4-8

PP / 20 / 30 / 30-40 / 30-40 / 40

C / 70 / 100-140 / 140-200 / 140-200 / 200-400

Ε / 7-10 / 14-20 / 24-30 / 20-30 / 30-50

Average doses of vitamins (mg) recommended at separate stages of training of athletes at various orientation of training process are given in tab. 9.

Table 9 of the Dosage of the main vital vitamins, recommended for use for athletes (Gromova O. Ampere-second of coworkers., 2003)

Vitamins / Units of measure / Healthy / Sports / High-speed and power / Endurance / Training period / Competitive period / Training period / Competitive period

A / ME / 3500 / 4000 / 4500 / 4500 / 5000 ME

B1 / mg / 1.3-2.6 / 2-4 / 2-4 / 3-5 / 4-8

B2 / mg / 1.5-3.0 / 2 / 3 / 3-4 / 4-8

PP / mg / 15-20 / 30 / 30-40 / 30-40 / 40-45

C / mg / 75-100 / 100-140 / 140-200 / 140-200 / 200-400

Ε / mg / 7-10 / 14-20 / 24-30 / 20-30 / 30-50

B6 / mg / 1.5-3.0 / 3.0-4.0 / 4.0-5.0 / 4.0-5.0 / 6.0-9.0

B12 / mkg / 2-3 / 3 / 4 / 5-6 / 6-9

B5 / mg / 7-10 / 12-15 / 14-18 / 15 / 15-20

Probably it is expedient to use higher doses of vitamins only in the conditions of average and highlands, high and low temperatures, at appreciable ultra-violet radiation, weight loss, and also against the background of reception of the certain drugs and xenobiotics influencing assimilation and a metabolism of vitamins.

Penicillinum, Streptomycinum, Biomycinum, Levomycetinum limiting participation in a metabolism of an active form of B2 vitamin, and also Tubazidum, Ftivazidum and Cycloserinum blocking PP and B6 vitamins in the corresponding links of a metabolism at the tuberculosis originator belong to similar agents except Sulfanilamidums; many drugs used for treatment of malignant tumors; the diseases caused by protozoa, etc. (Raskin I. M., 1972).

According to V. B. Spirichev (1987), even single use of Neomycinum considerably reduces a vitamin A absorption, tranquilizers of a trioksazin series suppress B2 vitamin utilization, and acetylsalicylic acid breaks exchange of folic acid. The last circumstance should be considered very essential as an appreciable part of the population (including the advanced countries) has the insufficient level of security of an organism with folic acid. For athletes important value has the fact that depression of content of folic acid can arise under the influence of a stress.

Systematic unreasonable use of vitamins B the quantities significantly exceeding the actual requirement of an organism can lead to their strengthened removal during reception and to the increased disintegration after its termination, i.e. to cause further states hypo - and an avitaminosis.

Influence of separate vitamins on immunity also has strict doze dependance character.

According to N. G. Bogdanov et al. (1986), one of the reasons aggravating development of a vitamin deficiency in an organism is insufficient entering with a daily ration of the proteins influencing intensity of assimilation, a retention and deposition of vitamins, their transformation into kofermentny forms, a proteinization of the last. According to authors, at representatives power and high-speed strength sports the increased need for B2, B6, C vitamins is most often observed; at representatives of sports with primary development of endurance - Bj and C vitamins; at female sportswomen - B6 and PP vitamins.

We in the work for additional vitaminization of athletes use domestic polyvitaminic complexes and in addition once a month we resort to parenteral administration of separate vitamins, in particular, of B1, V2, V6, V12 vitamins in the following doses - 4 ml of 5% of solution, 4 ml of 1% of solution, 4 ml of 1% of solution, 500 Y 5% of solution respectively. The similar option of elimination of a vitamin deficiency at patients with pathology of digestive tract is given in P. Ya. Grigoriev and A. V. Yakovenko's work . In our practice it very well proved.

As for separate vitamins, here we adhere to the following tactics: additional reception of vitamin C in a dose to 500 mg a day throughout all year training cycle and additional reception of folic acid in a dose of 15 mg a day during performance of loads of power and high-speed and power character.

It would be desirable to note: according to results of our long-term observations, peroral and the more so parenteral administration of vitamins (except vitamin C), in particular Sh and V6, it is expedient to stop not later than 7-10 days before responsible starts, otherwise athletes complain of some flaccidity, a sleepiness, apathy. By the way, this observation is confirmed also by results of researches of P. V. Vasilyev et al. (1971), established that B2 and PP vitamins not only don't exert antihypoxemic impact, but even lead at tests in the conditions of a hypoxia to deterioration in indicators of conditioned-reflex activity.

And there is a question: and whether vitamins can be used in general (and if yes, that what) for rising of physical efficiency of athletes?

According to N. N. Yakovlev, the majority of vitamins, and first of all those which are sources for formation of coenzymes can exert positive impact on physical working capacity only in that case when the need for them is satisfied not completely. In the absence of similar deficiency the raised doses of vitamin drugs don't lead to working capacity augmentation. The exception, according to the author, is made only by the vitamins which are immediately participating in reactions of a metabolism, in particular B15 vitamin (pangamovy acid). The last improves lipide exchange, increases digestion of oxygen tissues, enlarges the maintenance of a creatine phosphate in muscles and a glycogen in muscles and a liver, has detoksikatsionny effect, favorably influences metabolic processes in a cardiac muscle, reducing possibility of a myocardial dystrophy owing to a chronic physical overstrain, especially in the conditions of middle mountains (the truth, it is necessary to notice that we in the observations didn't find significant influence enough high doses of B15 vitamin on indicators of physical efficiency of athletes).

Most often allergic reactions (asthmatic character, aknepodobny, vegetative, toksikodermichesky, etc.) cause water-soluble vitamins (B1, V2, RR, Wb, B12, C), especially Bt, B12 and folic acid. At the same time the combined use of B1 and V12 vitamins causes allergic reactions considerably more often than their separate appointment (Maksimovich of YA.B., 1971). Development of allergic reactions to vitamin B, is promoted by stresses, a series of infectious diseases, preliminary treatment by antibiotics and vitamins (Kononyachspko V. A., 1970). At reception of high doses of nicotinic acid the eruption, an itch, a furunculosis, brown coloring of a skin, a papillary dystrophia, abdominal crises, a diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, an anorexia, an exacerbation of a peptic ulcer, an amblyopia, an icterus, depression of tolerance to a glucose, Diabetum, a hyperuricemia, a mydriasis, a papilledema, atrial fibrillation, disturbance of sokratitelny function of a myocardium, a black acanthosis and a fish-skin disease are possible (Demurov E. A. et al., 1975).

Also ascorbic acid, so widely and quite often uncontrolledly applied by athletes isn't deprived of side effects. In a number of works it is shown that the overdosage of vitamin C can lead to sharp depression of permeability of capillaries the gistogematicheskikh of barriers and, therefore, to deterioration in a delivery of tissues and organs, rising of the main exchange, change of hematological indicators (to depression of number of erythrocytes and an appreciable neutrophylic leukocytosis with a sharp lymphopenia), to disturbance of a trophicity of a myocardium (the inverted and ostrovershinny teeth of T), deterioration in neuromuscular transmission. At prolonged use of high doses of vitamin C exaltation of the central nervous system (concern, feeling of fever, sleeplessness) is possible. Long reception of ascorbic acid promotes education calcium and the uratnykh of stones in kidneys, to development of pentosurias, an exacerbation of hyperacid gastritises and a peptic ulcer. Under the influence of vitamin C megadoses perhaps also oppression insulin - the producing function of a pancreas, emergence of Saccharum in urine, rising of coagulability of a blood. Besides, the return correlation between intensity of an absorption and a dose of exogenous vitamin C is known.

Vitamin C hyper doses also lead to augmentation of losses from an organism of B12, B6 and B2 vitamins. In very high doses vitamin C exponentiates a mutagenesis. It is established that ascorbic acid in the course of oxidation leads to formation of two toxiferous metabolites - degidroaskorbinovy and diketogulonic acids. The high dose of the consumed vitamin C, the is higher contents in an organism of its oxidized forms. Also one more very important observation is made: after long consumption even of slightly enlarged amounts of ascorbic acid the human body becomes extremely sensitive to its most insignificant shortage causing symptoms of an acute S-avitaminosis. In this regard athletes, trainers and sports doctors probably need to reconsider the relation even to incidental use of shock doses of this vitamin.

At use of the raised doses of vitamin A which is recommended by a series of authors as the drug possessing a certain anabolic action (Vorobyov A. I., 1990), it must be kept in mind a possibility of chronic poisoning.

At children it is shown by irritability, appetite loss, a hair loss, gait disturbance, a tumescence, morbidity of the lower extremities, a productive periostitis, seborrheal rashes, a staxis of a mucosa of labiums, and at adults can be followed by headaches, a sleepiness, a vision disorder, a paresis of eye muscles, a nystagmus, long diarrheas, appetite loss, the liver augmentation, an ekzoftalmiya, hyperesthesias, paresthesias, hemorrhages which is slowed down by an adhesion of wounds. Carotinum, judging by data of literature, doesn't possess similar side effects (YA.B., Gaydenko A. I. Maksimovich., 1980).

And here we can't but give results of foreign randomized placebo - controlled test (S.N.'s Hennekens et al., 1996) in which 18 314 patients with high risk of development of lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases took part. It showed distinct negative consequences of the combined use (3 Carotinum and vitamin A. In particular, the observations lasting on average 4 years showed: the relative risk of development of lung cancer increased in group of such combination therapy and made 1,17 at a dicrotic index from 1,03 to 1,33 years. I.e., when it is about use of the vitamins including relating to group of antioxidants (And, E and C), it is necessary to adhere to tactics of moderate doses as effects of high and ultrahigh dosages aren't always predictable.

So, the Swedish scientists found communication between reception of polyvitaminic complexes and risk of development of oncologic diseases. Results of 20-year researches with participation of group of female examinees were given in one of numbers of the specialized edition "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition". Scientists surveyed the state of health of 35 thousand women aged from 49 up to 83 years. Other factors leading to cancer diseases were considered: way of life, excess weight, smoking and heredity. Examination was conducted by two stages within 20 years. In 2007 as a result of a mammography research it became clear that in 10 years 974 women developed a breast cancer. Having compared data from the questionnaires completed with participants of an experiment scientists with surprise learned: about a third of all which developed a breast cancer regularly accepted multivitamins B to hope to protect the organism from a senilism and illnesses. 9 thousand participants of an experiment supplemented with in total vitamin complexes the ration.

The Danish, American and Serbian doctors investigated influence of vitamin complexes on the frequency of diseases of the digestive system. According to results of this work, reception of these vytamin is a little, but unambiguously increases risk of tumors of digestive tract, and the combination of vitamin A and beta Carotinum is especially dangerous. It increases risk of development of cancer of an intestine for 30%.

In 1998 WHO warned: "Yet there is no additional information on how beta Carotinum and other carotenoids influence the processes leading to cancer, any of these substances shouldn't extend among the population as the agent preventing development of tumors. Prevention of cancer fresh fetuses and vegetables remains to more effective, than reception of one or several similar substances in the form of nutritional supplements".

In 2003 researches of the cardiologist Mark Penna who summed up the results of experiments with vitamin E ι beta Carotinum lasting from 1,5 up to 12 years were published in the Lancet magazine. In 82% of cases at participants of experiences additional doses of vitamin E didn't reduce probability of an atherosclerosis, infarct or stroke and didn't enlarge life expectancy. Beta Carotinum from which in an organism the vitamin A applied on 140 thousand healthy people even slightly turns out enlarged their mortality.

"The antioxidatic system rather well works for us, and reception of high doses of antioxidants will do only harm. Therefore the healthy person needs to be limited to standard Polyvitaminums, - the biophysicist, the expert of Institute of biology of aging Igor Artyukhov considers. - Additional reception of antioxidants is recommended if the protective system doesn't cope: periodically at larger loads or at the infrequent genetic diseases causing the accelerated aging" (> node/Polemika_o_porze_i_vrede_ vitaminov) (2010).

Scientists from University of Copenhagen declared that the addicting for synthetic vitamins can enlarge risk of early death by 16%. At the same time it is emphasized: this side effect can be carried only to synthetic complexes, but not to the vitamins consumed in a natural look together with vegetables and fruit.

In 2000 at an annual conference of the American cardiologic association the group of scientists made the statement according to which high doses of vitamin C cause bystry development of an atherosclerosis. Participated in a research the 570th persons. Comprehensive inspection of volunteers (middle age - about 54 years) showed: vessels investigated normal. In one and a half years inspection was repeated: an atherosclerosis of the carotids supplying with a blood a brain is 2,5 times more often noted at those who excessively were fond of ascorbic acid (people accepted in day 500 mg of vitamin C just for prophylaxis of an atherosclerosis).

Pediatricians note body height of allergies at children to whom activly prescribed the raised vitamin C doses in the preventive purposes. At some children splitting of vitamin C to its final products because of a disadvantage of the enzymes regulating exchange can be broken. At usual doses of vitamin these disturbances would be compensated, but at larger there comes the decompensation (Sedova M., 2010).

Mineral substances and minerals

Modern classification of minerals (Gromova O. Ampere-second., 2003)


Essentsialny (necessary) / Fe, I, Cu, Zn, With, Cr, Mo, Se, Mn

Conditional / As, In, Vg, F, Li, Ni, V, Si

Toxic / Al, Cd, Pb, Hg, Be, Wa, Vi, T1

Potentially toxic / Ge, Au, In, Rb, Ag, Ti, Those, U, W, Sn, Zr, etc.


Essentsialnye for immune system / Fe, I, Cu, Zn, Co, Cr, Mo, Se, Mn, Li

Immunotoxic / Al, As, B, Ni, Cd, Pb, Hg, Be, Vi, Tl, Ge, Au, Sn, etc.

Note. F, Li, Ni, V, Si carry to conditional essentsialnym to minerals; As, In, Ge can show immuno-toxic effects at excess receipt. Unfortunately, all these elements are included in many vitamin and mineral complexes. However it is necessary to remember that purpose of such medicines has to be strictly proved by existence of laboratory proved deficiency or accommodation in the elementodefitsitny geographical region.



01 Dec 2016

Vinpocetine is the vasodilating means improving mainly brain blood circulation. Causes a small lowering of arterial pressure, expansion of vessels of a brain, strengthening of blood supply and improvement of supply of a brain with oxygen and nutrients. Increases resistance of cells of a brain to a hypoxia, facilitating transport of oxygen and substrata of energy providing to fabrics (owing to reduction of affinity to it of erythrocytes, strengthening of absorption and metabolism of glucose, its switching to energetically more profitable aerobic direction).

Vinpotsetine promotes accumulating in tsAMF and ATP fabrics (braking of fosfodiyesteraza and stimulation of an adenilattsiklaza), to increase in content of catecholamines in brain tissues. Vasodilating action is connected with the direct relaxing impact on smooth muscles of vessels mainly of a brain. Vinpotsetine doesn't cause a phenomenon of "burglarizing", first of all strengthens blood supply of ischemic area of a brain, without changing at the same time blood supply of intact areas. Improves microcirculation in a brain due to reduction of aggregation of platelets, decrease in viscosity of blood, increase in flexibility of walls of erythrocytes. Do not forget take Libidon for better results. 

The evidential base

In 2003 only three controlled clinical tests of Vinpocetinum where its effect on memory at elderly people was investigated were carried out. The received results were promising, however same year Cochrane review established that results can't be regarded as reliable.

Vinpocetinum in a sports delivery

Vinpocetinum is quite often added to a sports delivery, especially to pretraining complexes as a component the improving blood stream and a delivery of sceletal muscles. Nevertheless efficiency of Vinpocetinum has under itself no evidential base. Action of Vinpocetinum on young people was investigated only once in 1985, however short terms and insufficient quantity investigated (12 people) do results unconvincing.

"Attention" isn't obtained any data on advantage of Vinpocetinum in bodybuilding and other sports Now. Theoretically, Vinpotsetin can be useful in the complexes including coffeine and other stimulators as it is capable to reduce arterial pressure.


Drug interactions

01 Dec 2016

The combined effect of medicines can be shown in the form of the phenomenon of a synergy or antagonism.

Synergy (Greek syn — together; erg — work) — the unidirectional interaction of two or more medicines. Can be kinds of a synergy summation (additive effect) when at simultaneous use of drugs their effect is peer to the sum of effects of components of a combination (for example, introduction of non-narcotic analgetik), or potentiation when the effect of a combination exceeds the sum of effects of separate drugs (for example, aminazine exponentiates effect of drugs for a narcosis that allows to lower their doses). Besides, distinguish a straight line synergy when drugs affect the same substrate (hypoglycemic effect of insulin synthetic hypoglycemic agents, derivative sulfanylurea strengthen). An indirect or indirect synergy is shown when drugs have a different point of application (bronchial spasmolytics from group of β-2-adrenomimetik and M-holinoblokatorov). Full synergy defines a summation of all effects in a combination (inhalation and not inhalation anesthetics), an incomplete synergy represents a summation of one effect (for example, in case of use of aminazine and hypnagogues only the somnolent effect amplifies).

Antagonism (Greek anti — against; agon — fight) — decrease or full elimination of effect of one medicine by another at their combined use. Distinguish antagonism physical (the adsorptive activity of sorbents in relation to toxins), chemical (interaction of acids and alkalis), functional (interaction of holimomimetik and holinoblokator).

Functional antagonism can be parted also on:

  • straight line (pilocarpine gilrokhlorit — the M-cholinomimetic, Atropini sulfas — M-holinoblokator) when medicinal preparations influence the same structures and have multidirectional effect;
  • indirect or indirect (pilocarpine a hydrochloride — the M-cholinomimetic and Adrenalinum hydrochloricum — adrenomimetics) when drugs influence various structures and have multidirectional effect;
  • bilateral (a neodicoumarin — a coagulum and fillohione — anticoagulants of indirect action) when medicinal preparations depending on a dose reduce action at each other;
  • unilateral antagonism (pilocarpine a hydrochloride — the M-cholinomimetic and Atropini sulfas — M-holinoblokator) when Atropinum eliminates all effects of pilocarpine, and pilocarpine not all effects of atropine.

In sports medicine in the recovery and preparatory periods administration of several medicines is possible. The sports doctor at the same time is obliged to know possible aspects of pharmacokinetic and pharmakodinamic interaction of medicines.

Change of the concentration of drug necessary for specific action on receptors in sensitive organs and tissues is result of pharmacokinetic interaction. So, need of reception of antihistaminic drugs together with anti-virus drug ribaviriny can lead to rising in a blood of concentration of antihistaminic agents (except an astemizol and terfenadin).

At combined use of medicinal preparations their mutual influence on an absorption in the digestive channel can be observed. It is established that the absorption of hydrophylic medicines occurs quicker if to wash down not 1/4 — 1/2 glasses, and one-two glasses of water. Please pay attention to Visoluten.

Important practical value has change of processes of an absorption of one medicinal preparations under the influence of others. So, antacids and a sorbent worsen absorption of many drugs.

Is important πΝ mediums that influences extent of ionization of medicines. It is known that in a stomach at acidic environment weak acids, and in alkaline medium of an intestine — the weak bases are better soaked up.

Drugs with properties of antacids which athletes can accept at the developed heartburn (Natrii hydrocarbonas, a magnesium oxide, Almagelum, maalocs, renin) can reduce rate of passing of the ionized medicines through biological membranes. If at the same time the athlete for decrease of a headache accepts acetylsalicylic acid and at the same time at the beginning angina — Sulfanilamidums, joint pains — sodium diclofenac, a diarrhea — Furazolidonum or nifurocsasid, a heart failure — digoxin, their absorption can be slowed down considerably.

Antiacid medicines can reduce an absorption of semi-synthetic antibiotics of group of Penicillinum, drugs of group of Tetracyclinum. Reception of oral contraceptives by women of childbearing age reduces an absorption of drugs of B12 vitamin, increases concentration of Nitrazepamum. Drugs of salts of serious metals, it first of all belongs to iron preparations, reduce an absorption of Tetracyclinum, a doksitsiyugin, Metacyclinum; drugs of Zincum reduce absorption only of Tetracyclinum. It is impossible to wash down medicinal preparations of antibiotics with the liquids containing iron such as Baikal, in connection with a possibility of a complex formation and decrease of absorption.

Some medicines can damage an intestine mucosa and by that to slow down an absorption. Jonah Shchelochnozemelnykh of metals — a calcium Sodium lactatum, gluconat, Glycerophosphatum, a magnesium sulfate, orotat can slow down an absorption, forming complexes with acetylsalicylic acid, Sulfanilamidums.

Other medicines can provide more fast entering of other medicines in a blood. Rising in a blood of concentration of the last can increase risk of implications of toxic effects. Reception of Nifedipinum with Chinidinum considerably increases concentration it in a blood, the risk of pro-arhythmic effect of Chinidinum increases.

Retardation of a motility of a stomach and intestine spasmolysants, M-holinoblokatorami promotes fuller absorption of Tetracyclinum and Digitoxinum.

Replacement of drug from places of linkng with proteins of plasma can increase concentration of its free fraction and pharmacological activity. At the same time untied drug quickly comes out plasma, comes to organs and tissues, is exposed to a biotransformation and the subsequent removal. Concentration of free fraction of the forced-out drug quickly comes back to a reference value. Clinically important this effect can be in case medicine possesses communication with protein for 80 — 90% and its clearance depends on communication with protein. Anticoagulants at introduction with Sulfanilamidums (both groups of medicines enter interaction with proteins of plasma), being bound to proteins, strengthen their action. Sometimes interaction with proteins turns on the cascade of biochemical and physiological reactions. The heparin activates lipoproteinlipase which in turn enlarges education from triglycerides of free fatty acids which can force out from communication with protein Propranololum, Lidocainum, Verapamilum, Digitoxinum, Phenytoinum.

Consider to increase effects of interaction of medicines, realization of several mechanisms is necessary.

Sodium Valproatum increases activity and toxicity of dipheninum as forces out it from places of linkng with an albumin of plasma and inhibits a metabolism.

Therefore, on a possibility of their inefficiency, or on the contrary, on rising of toxicity can affect concentration of medicines hypo - or an overhydratation. At the polyuria caused by lithium drugs, diuretic agents can render paradoxical effect. Reception of diuretic of Spironolactonum with asparkamy, Pananginum, ritmokor and other drugs increases risk of development of hyperpotassemia and danger of disturbances of a cordial rhythm.

Pharmacokinetic interaction between drugs can happen on a metabolic rate.

Induction of enzymes of a liver drugs accelerates a metabolism, reduces therapeutic effect. Peroral contraceptive steroids in the presence of the inductor of enzymes, in particular dipheninum that can lead to unplanned pregnancy. Continuous consumption of alcohol can reduce tolerance to medicines thanks to induction of enzymes. Inhibitors the mikrosomalnykh of enzymes strengthen action of a series of drugs and promote emergence of side effects. Erythromycin suppresses activity of R-450 cytochrome, braking a metabolism of Theophyllinum, warfarin, Karbamazepinum, Methylprednisolonum.

Simultaneous parenteral administration of Thiaminum and pyridoxine isn't recommended and not only in one syringe as the pyridoxine slows down transformation Thiamini chloridum in fosforilirovanny biologically active form, allergenic effect of thiamine in parallel amplifies.

The size of a renal clearance of medicines can change in the course of their interaction in kidneys. At alkaline reaction of urine the clearance of acetylsalicylic acid, Sulfanilamidums is enlarged. Ftorkhinolon can lower the general clearance of H2-antihistamine drugs.

There are data that medicines with various mechanism of action can have identical character of pharmakodinamic and different pharmacokinetic interaction.

Combined interaction

At the same time often interaction of medicines meets various mechanism of action. The positive effect (summation) is reached in case of rational application of medicines (the α-2-adrenostimulyator the clonidine oppressing activity of neurons of the center and an efferent impulsation on sympathetic nervous system to heart and vessels can be combined with the hydrolysine showing miotropny action and also with diuretic means with gidrokhlortiazid).

Benefits of the combined application of medicines:

1. Essential decrease in risk of emergence of the collateral reactions having nature; now low-dose therapy is proved.

2. Summation and synergysm of antigipertenzivny effect that allows to apply medicines in smaller effective doses.

3. An opportunity to exert corrective impact on various pathogenetic links of forming and progressing of arterial hypertension, potentiation of protection of target organs for elimination of their structural and functional violations taking place in case of arterial hypertension.

Let's give an example of the most rational combinations:

  • tiazidny diuretic — APF inhibitor;
  • tiazidny diuretic + β-adrenoblokator;
  • tiazidny diuretic + antagonist of receptors of angiotensin II;
  • tiazidny diuretic + antagonist of calcium;
  • antagonist of calcium of a dihydropyridinic row + β-adrenoblokator;
  • antagonist of calcium + APF inhibitor;
  • antagonist of calcium + antagonist of receptors of angiotensin II (2);
  • β-adrenoblokator + α-adrenoblokator, etc.

In case of inefficiency of two-three medicines appointment is carried out by the rule ABCD (And — APF inhibitor; In — a β-adrenoblokator; With — the antagonist of calcium; D — diuretic).

For tranquilizers, including day (to gidazepa, etc.), increase in the depriving of bonuses influence on TsNS in case of alcohol intake, hypnotic drugs, neuroleptics, narcotic analgetik is characteristic.

Efficiency of immunomodulators (γπξοπθνΰηθν, etc.) is reduced by immunodepressants.

Thus, combined use of medicines in sports medicine should be considered from the point of view of possible pharmaceutical and pharmacological interaction.

Interaction of drugs

In case of simultaneous entering of drugs perhaps both the favorable, and their adverse interaction having the pharmacokinetic and/or pharmakodinamic nature.

Simultaneous application in case of Parkinson's disease gives positive effect of interaction

Karbidopa inhibits transformation of levodopa into dopamine, however only in peripheral fabrics since the karbidopa doesn't get through hematoencephalic barrier. As a result the levodopa after oral administration turns into dopamine only after receipt in a brain — the place of desirable pharmacological effect. In this example of karbidop eliminates or sharply reduces side system effects which would arise owing to formation of dopamine from levodopa on the periphery.

Hypotension at the patients receiving diuretics as remedy for hypertensia can be limited to simultaneous entering of NPVS

Function of kidneys at some patients receiving diuretics for treatment of hypertensia can be broken as a result of simultaneous entering of the nonsteroid resolvents (NPVS) blocking activity of kidneys. Thereby synthesis of prostaglandins in kidneys decreases. As prostaglandins promote maintenance of a kidney blood-groove, suppression of their products often leads to decrease in elimination of products of metabolism, sodium and water kidneys. Increase in amount of the circulating blood and increase in load of heart, i.e. emergence of the effects counteracting effect of diuretics is a consequence of this interaction.

NPVS break process of fibrillation at the patients receiving the oral anticurtailing medicines

The effect of interaction of anticoagulants and NPVS determine two mechanisms:

  • suppression of function of a tsiklooksigenaza under the influence of NPVS;
  • the competitive replacement of oral anticoagulants from their communication with proteins of plasma performed by NPVS.

As a result the anticurtailing effect mediated by antagonism in relation to vitamin K amplifies owing to an ingibition of activity of platelets and suppression of their aggregation as folding mechanism component. With respect thereto it is reasonable to the patients accepting oral anticoagulants to use acetaminophen instead of NPVS.

Interaction of drugs with food can affect their efficiency

The iron which is present at some medicines is capable to create complexes with various chemicals. So, the iron-levodopa in case of drives formation of a complex to decrease in absorption of levodopa and reduction of receipt of medicine in a brain. This interaction reduces efficiency of a levodopa in treatment of a disease of Parkinson. Other classical example of interaction of medicine with food is a formation of a complex of tetratsiklin with Sa2+ containing in milk. Absorption of antibiotic decreases, its antimicrobic activity respectively falls. Unlike these two examples intake of blockers of calcic channels with the high level of presystem elimination together with juice of grapefruit increases the fraction of the accepted dose arriving in a peripheral blood-groove. It strengthens pharmacological effect. The mechanism consists in an ingibition juice of grapefruit of the CYP3A4 isoform of R-450 cytochrome metabolizing the medicine taken inside that can cause hypotension and other undesirable effects owing to high concentration of blockers of calcic channels in plasma.


Complex formation of medicinal substances with receptors

30 Nov 2016

It is known that secondary pharmacological reaction develops owing to interaction of medicinal substance with a receptor. As the receptor represents a certain molecular structure, therefore, and interaction shall be determined by molecular essence of medicinal substance and a receptor. If physical and chemical properties of medicinal substances are in most cases well studied, then it still can't be told about receptors.

In works of P. Ehrlich, K. Bernard, N. P. Kravkov and other authors original hypotheses of pharmacological reception are for the first time formulated. In particular, P. Ehrlich specified certain groups of macromolecules with which chemicals can interact. In subsequent some scientists studied the mechanism of action of acetylcholine, adrenaline and noradrenaline, histamine, M - and N-holinomimetikov, M - and N-holinolitikov on the isolated bodies, muscular tissue, synoptic plates and other objects (Clark, Ariyens, Stefenson, Peyton, Ing, Mac Kay, etc.).

The community of these theories is that the attempt to analyse the mechanism of effect of pharmacological medicines, proceeding from the concept that the pharmacological answer develops after its adsorption on a receptor was made. Consider that pharmacological of active agents physical process of adsorption with all that it implies is the cornerstone of effect. The analysis of isotherms of adsorption of Lengmyur and application of the main equations by means of which the isotherm is described allowed to receive quantity characteristics of adsorption.

The appendix of the law of the operating masses to difficult equilibrium system can be provided as follows:

It should be noted, however, that the called regularities to a certain extent become complicated because of metabolism of medicinal substances, additional redistribution and other reasons. Let's try to review briefly the main hypotheses of the mechanism of effect of medicinal substances.

1. The simple occupational theory has been offered by Clark. In his opinion, the effect caused by any medicinal substance is proportional to the size of a surface of the receptors occupied with this substance. The maximum effect is reached when all receptors are occupied with medicinal substance.

2. The difficult occupational theory was developed by Ariyens. Trying to fill discrepancies of the theory of Clark, Ariyens has put forward the provision that medicinal substance has to possess two independent characteristics, namely, affinity to a receptor and internal or own activity. For some pharmacological medicines it is enough only affinity to a receptor while it is necessary for others that they had internal activity. Internal activity, on Ariyens's terminology, is a measure of ability of such complex to cause positive biological reaction.

3. Further development of the called provisions took place in Stefanson's works. He claimed that in some cases activity of pharmacological medicines is disproportionate to number of busy receptors. Medicinal substances which cause the biological reaction, maximum for this body, at very small number of receptors are considered as highly effective.

4. Peyton's concept which main thesis is the speed of formation of a complex medicinal substance — a receptor is submitted original. Extent of saturation of a receptor medicinal substances at the same time has no essential value. On the basis of the researches Peyton considers that if medicinal substance long doesn't linger on a receptor, then it is a stimulator of functions and if pharmacological medicine slowly dissociates from a complex with a receptor, then he is an antagonist.

5. In the subsequent works of Ing suggested that the complex medicinal substance — a receptor can be in the activated transition state which determines pharmacological action. Such activated complexes which are formed in various reactions are characterized by the high level of energy and, therefore, are short-lived. They or quickly dissociate, or energies, (steady) with a small inventory, which inhibit receptors turn into complexes.

6. Observation about activation of transport of Sa2 + is of great interest in case of interaction of agonists with receptors (Hurwitz et al., 1972). Authors consider that one of reactions in case of interaction of agonists with receptors is activation of transport system of calcium depending on number of busy receptors.

Application of a mathematical apparatus for the purpose of the analysis of results of experiments allowed to conclude that interaction of acetylcholine or noradrenaline with adreno-or holinoretseptor leads to activation of transport of Sa2 + according to number of busy receptors. Believe that the complex a receptor — a mediator or creates a time for Sa2+, or is a carrier of Sa2 + through a biological membrane.

As calcium takes part in muscular contraction, and also is responsible for structural integrity of biological membranes, these data are very important for the analysis of function well-cared and adrenoceptors. You can also like Chitomur.

These concepts, certainly, during a certain period of development of pharmacological science were useful and gave a lot of valuable information, concerning organ relations in case of impact with medicinal substances. Regularities of communication of chemical structure with biological effect among ho-linomimetik, holinolitik and other medicines were revealed.

Allocation of a receptor in pure form, determination of its chemical structure and functional groups is a foremost task in a research of complementary relations with pharmacological medicines. "Dismantling" and subsequent "assembly" of a receptor with recovery of its functions — one of important points in a chain of proofs of pharmacological reception. In these conditions it is possible to find out a role of this or that component (if a receptor not monomolecular) in interaction with the pharmacological partner and to create model of primary pharmacological reaction which can be subjected to strict quantitative control with attraction of a mathematical apparatus.

One of necessary conditions of interaction of medicinal substance with a receptor is the optimum distance between molecules when intermolecular forces can work. These forces act on rather short distance and their action disappears in case of excess of distance 12 A, i.e. it is possible to consider that intermolecular forces act on the distance equal to diameter of 1 — 2 molecules. For a research of transport of substances in a radius of their collision determine the speed of the limited reactions. Decrease in this size indicates sterichesky and power difficulties in a complex formation. The mathematical theory of the diffusive limited reactions has been developed by Smolukhovsky who studied kinetics of coagulation of colloids electrolytes. The author calculated the speed of diffusion of molecules in a sphere cavity by means of the following formula:

In case the complex medicinal substance — a receptor occupies large volume, then it is possible to consider that g0 = RD as spatial compliance of pharmacological medicine to the complementary site on a receptor molecule takes place. For rather big molecules, such as, polypeptides, it not always so as only a part of a molecule takes part in a complex formation. For this case of kt = 2,5*109 l are mol - 1s-1 at a temperature of 37 °C.

Universal dependence of a constant of speed on viscosity is of a certain interest.

This dependence needs to be considered in the analysis the reactions of association. As viscosity of the diluted solutions goes down for 20% at decrease in temperature by each 10 °C, speed constant size, respectively, will increase by 25 — 30% at adequate rise in temperature. In chemical kinetics change of speed from temperature is usually expressed Arrhenius's equation:

This energy reflects effect of the closed space as each molecule of the dissolved substance is densely surrounded with solvent molecules. Kinetic energy which represents that minimum of energy of activation which is necessary for release and a complex formation is necessary for release of a molecule of the dissolved substance.

Calculation of energy of activation and her dependence on viscosity — an important and necessary element of assessment of the diffusive limited reactions. Viscosity of solutions, as we know, considerably increases at introduction of high-polymeric connections, such as proteins, nucleinic acids, a dextrin, kollidon. However it is represented improbable that they influenced the speed of the diffusive limited reactions.

Formation of a complex of pharmacological medicine with a receptor depends from both partners, caused by intermolecular forces. Everything together they create big force field on the surface of receptors which attracts molecule of medicinal substance. Force of the receptor field determines the different speed of "bombing" of a receptor pharmacological medicine and in case the receptor has affinity to medicine, the speed of his interaction with medicine will increase. In the presence of pushing away forces the speed of formation of a complex will decrease. This effect can be cooperative and pays off on Fick's equation: Formala8.jpg

The solution of this equation allows to connect k speed constant brought out of Smolukhovsky's equation with a factor of f which is calculated on the following equation:

For many medicines will sell to change as molecules thanks to rotation of deputies around valent communications can have various conformations. From these conformations can only one have the maximum number of communications with a receptor surface therefore for assessment of a complex formation of pharmacological medicine with a receptor it is very important to know conformational effects of molecules of drugs.

According to the theory of antagonism of medicines if the receptor is occupied, then it can't attach a molecule of other substance. This rule not without exception. However if certain sites in a molecule of medicinal substance or a receptor have affinity for widespread low-molecular components of biological solution (with inorganic ions or molecules of water), then molecules of pharmacological medicine and a receptor won't be able to interact on these busy sites. If medicine represents cations, and the anion site is provided on a receptor, then in case of occupation of the anion site ions of alkaline metal, for example Na+, access to a receptor will be sterically complicated as presence of ions of Na + will cause electrostatic pushing away of medicine — a cation. This classical provision of the theory of elekrolit, in particular theories of forming of ionic couples. Small monovalent ions with a radius about 2 And in case of concentration of 0,15 M have degree of association, equal 10%. Possibly, this provision can be extended also to molecules of drugs with a clause that rather big molecules of the last will lower degree of association in ionic vapors. It isn't possible to interpret, however, this rule on a receptor.

The probability of finding of pharmacological medicine within force field of a receptor can be calculated under Boltzmann's law. If to assume that the molecule of medicine moves unambiguously either to a receptor, or from it, then it will move until its own kinetic energy is balanced with a potential energy of new localization. Pharmacological medicine has an opportunity to go beyond force field of a receptor only if its kinetic energy will be more potential energy of the field. Frequency of motion of the molecules can be calculated on a kinetic energy from Boltzmann's equation.

Having provided value u = — 10 kcal of mol-1, we have the molecule getting out opportunity of force field equal 10-7 in relation to probability of its return to force field.

These relations determine power of a complex medicine — a receptor and speed of its dissociation. Absolute speed of dissociation is equal to the speed of the free diffusion increased by probability coefficient. The relative duration of existence of molecules of drugs in force field of a receptor specifies formation of effective complexes. Calculation of time of implementation of all the konformatsioinykh of reorganizations in a complex medicine — a receptor barks result of 4 — 10-9 pages. Time of formation of additional communications constitutes 10-9 — 10-11 pages. If a free energy in case of equilibrium conditions of a complex and the correct conformation we accept for — 10 kcal - mol - 1, and decrease it in case of the distorted conformation for — 2 kcal/mol, then life expectancy of a complex will make 10-8s (provided that the speed of association will determine a possibility of the maximum diffusion). Actually the speed of association is less, and life expectancy of a complex longer. The exception is constituted by cases when the receptor is deeply disguised in crevices of a receptor surface or when pharmacological medicine is strongly asymmetric molecule. In this case affinity between partners of reaction is broken.

The attempt to compare results of theoretical calculations with experimental data was made (Burgen, 1966). It was succeeded to calculate that a half of time of diffusion of atropine from a receptor, equal to the sizes of radius of one its molecule, constitutes 3*10-10 pages. At the same time the constant of speed of dissociation equals 2,3-109s-1. The real constant can be received by multiplication of this size by a constant of probability of Boltzmann, i.e. will be equal to 1,02-10-9. Value k2 will be equal 2,3 with-1. This value much more exceeds experimental result. Low speed of association of connections in a complex or conditionality of decrease in efficiency of collision in view of hydration and ionic occupation of receptor sites, and also the geometrical features of a molecule limiting diffusion can be the cause of such discrepancy. In the first case the free energy of a complex formation increases as it will correspond to effective concentration of substance in the diluted solution, but not to the actual concentration. Energy of activation at the same time will be equivalent to increase in a free energy of activation — 4,5 kcal - mol - 1. Boltzmann's factor will be equal 7,2*10-3, size to, = 1,65*10-3 with that is very close to experimental values. Comparison of results of observations leads to a conclusion that diffusion limits both association, and dissociation of complexes.

Geometrical difficulties (hindrances), judging by results of experiments, are expressed poorly. Certainly, difficulties interfere with diffusion of drugs towards a receptor and from a receptor. The coefficient pays off as follows:


Having increased the received results by the size k2 we will receive true values k2 for this complex.

Thus, rate of association of pharmacological drugs with receptors is peer to 2,5*109 l - mol - 1*s-1. At the same time the general energy of activation makes 3 — 4 kcal - mol - 1. Rate of association significantly doesn't change at attraction augmentation between molecules of pharmacological drugs and receptors and goes down in the presence of pushing away forces between them. Rate tends to depression in the presence of the water bound to a receptor or the ions due to ascending of energy of activation demanded for combinational reorganizations and access of drug to a receptor. Remission of drugs comes from a complex in case of acquisition of the kinetic energy surpassing potential energy of force field in size by them. Rate of dissociation of a complex is peer in size of rate of fading of the free diffusion increased by Boltzmann's factor. Life expectancy of a complex pharmacological drug — a receptor is sufficient for different adverse collisions of a complex with other bonds and conformation reorganizations.

Substratny receptors are of special interest for pharmacological drugs. Development of these questions is also "key" for a comprehension of a metabolism of medicines.


Bromokriptin (Parlodel)

30 Nov 2016

Parlodel (Bromokriptin) is applied in bodybuilding to Prolactinum secretion suppression, and also as fat loss. Suppresses appetite, raises sexual desire.


Kabergolin (Dostinecs) is safer and highly effective analog of bromokriptin.



Bromokriptin it is impossible to consider a classical fat loss though in sports practice he is most often used for this purpose. In medical practice bromokriptin appoint, as a rule, to women at various problems with a lactation in particular and mammary glands in general, however quite often appoint medicine also to men for the treatment of an oligospermia lowered by a libido, and even impotences.

Interest in parlodel has increased in bodybuilding thanks to his ability to oppress Prolactinum secretion. Also medicine increases secretion of leptin - so-called hormone of satiety, and at the same time and significantly raises a libido. Both the first, and last features are inherent in medicine because it is specific agonist of dopamine receptors (mainly the D2 type). Besides, parlodet renders fat-burning effect. You can try Bonomarlot.

Medicine allows to fight against development of the ginekomastia which has arisen in the course of use of medicines with the expressed progestagen activity (nandrolon, noretandrolon, anapolon to some extent — trenbolone).

Essential shortcoming is ability to suppress growth hormone secretion.

After reception of a single dose decrease in level of Prolactinum in blood the maximum effect - in 8 h occurs in 2 h; effect develops in 30-90 min., the maximum effect - in 2 h; decrease in the STG level happens in 1-2 h, the maximum effect - in 4-8 weeks of therapy.

Application and dosages

Application of bromokriptin is expedient during the period between cycles of anabolic steroids — medicine helps to overcome a depression, frequent during "transition period", and also to raise a libido. During preparation for competitions bromokriptin will help to struggle with feeling of hunger, will render assistance in disposal of excess subcutaneous fat. Medicine allows to get rid of fat not only in abdominal area, but also on all body. Result - more rigid muscles.

Biological half-life makes 12 hours. Proceeding from it, it is possible to recommend to accept on one 2,5-milligramovy tablet of medicine in the morning and in the evening. For strengthening of effect of medicine for the first two weeks it is possible to add also day reception also of one tablet

Dosage: the first 2 days on 1,25 mg 3 times a day during food. Further the dose gradually increases to 7,5-10 mg a day.

Side effects

In the first days of reception of medicine perhaps emergence of slight nausea (and sometimes and not such easy) slightly less often observes dizziness, weakness, a headache, some lowering of arterial pressure that results in constant drowsiness. All these phenomena are rather unpleasant, but are completely reversible after cancellation, besides, as a rule, after the second or third reception of medicine they completely disappear.



30 Nov 2016

Bodybuilding — process of modification of body, mainly at the expense of hypertrophy of muscles and reduction of hypodermic fatty tissue, by raising of weights or power training, high-calorific food, sports dietary additives, steroid hormones and other anabolic means. Integral part of bodybuilding is relief formation, for this purpose in the training program join aerobic training, fat loss, diuretics, antikatabolik, and also are applied special creams, oils and lotions. The integral characteristics of modern bodybuilding are also esthetics, harmony and strength of mind.

The person who is going in for bodybuilding is called the bodybuilder or the body builder.

Evgeny Sandov is considered the ancestor of bodybuilding. In 1901 he has organized the first beauty contest of athletic addition. Many athletes were engaged on the system of exercises which is specially developed by it. Sandov was considered one of the strongest people of the world — so, his breast maintained the weight of three horses, and one hand it lifted bar on which ends about one adult sat.

Competitive bodybuilding — sport where judges on the basis of esthetics, volume and quality of physical development of the body builders showing them by posing define the best body builder.

Man's classical bodybuilding competitions include three rounds. In the first qualifying round it is necessary to show obligatory poses. It is double biceps in front, the broadest muscles of back in front, breast — biceps sideways, double biceps behind, the broadest muscles of back behind, triceps sideways and press hip. In the second round athletes show free skating. The final includes both obligatory, and free posing.

Types of bodybuilding

  • Natural bodybuilding
  • Female bodybuilding
  • Categories in bodybuilding
  • Classical bodybuilding
  • Bodifitnes
  • Fitness bikini
  • Men’s physicist
  • Fitness
  • Types of bodybuilders

Bodybuilding the industry

If earlier the main source of information on bodybuilding and fitness were books and magazines, then with development of digital technologies there was a set of sports network resources. As all strength sport keeps on advertizing, quite often beginning athletes become the victims of unfair marketing, earnings on fraudulent techniques and useless additives.

The bodybuilding and fitness are a difficult business system which includes several components:

  • Federations of bodybuilding and fitness responsible for the organization of competitions
  • Information resources: magazines, literature and websites
  • Athletes among whom many are trainers and bloggers
  • Sellers: shops of sports food, stock, equipment, etc.

Video bloggers

At the moment there is a huge number fitness and bodybuilding bloggers which take up questions of a supply, a training and restoration. At the same time all most popular bloggers use anabolic medicines. It is explained by psychology of the person: if the author has no developed muscles and a relief, the trust to its information considerably means decreases.

It is necessary to mark that most the useful and adequate information on bodybuilding proceeds from beginners (but qualified) bloggers who do translations of original articles compile and structure scientific data, and also advance constructive criticism. After this popularity comes, knowledge of the author is exhausted and there comes time for business. At this stage the active advertizing of intricate techniques, shops, partner programs, components, etc. begins. Thus, the great popularity is received by the author, the information under the influence of commercialization is more distorted. Besides, actually all famous bloggers are well familiar with each other and carry quite often out mutually advertizing.

Basic principles of bodybuilding

The basic principles of a power training include manipulations with quantity of sets (approaches) and repetitions of exercises, speed (performance speed), the choice of exercises for the purpose of receiving desirable changes in force, endurance or the size of the overloaded group of muscles. Concrete combinations of repetitions, sets of exercises, the size and force depends on quantity of separate of exercise: to receive the size and force — it is necessary to execute several sets (4 +) with the smaller number of repetitions that demands use of bigger force. The choice of exercises has to be limited to general fundamental exercises with a bar, such as: squat, a press lying, draft, a press over the head and a press in an inclination. Do not forget take Ventramin for better results.

All muscles have to be trained is balanced with surrounding muscles, that is a breast shoulders (deltas) - a triceps, etc. and for the maximum effect of trainings also several sets with quite long (2-5 min. depending on intensity) the rest period between approaches have to be executed with heavy (70-85% of 1PM, better known as "1 limit maximum") scales. The training in not best physical shape in heavy sets can lead to a trauma or inability to satisfy the purposes of trainings — with the necessary group of muscles, the threshold of an overload of muscles isn't reached and muscles don't gain strength. The chiting when it is necessary to involve auxiliary muscles is sometimes allowed.

Advantages of a power training include: increase in muscles, durabilities of sinews and sheaves, density of bones, flexibility, tone, metabolic rate and posturalny support.


Joe Uayder and Marcel Rue's table

Power trainings have a set of the specialized terms used for the description of parameters of power trainings.

Exercise — different ways of performance of exercise on the set group of muscles differently influence muscles, forcing them to develop continuously.

The form (equipment) — each exercise has the specific amplitude and a trajectory of the movement ensuring the maximum safety and growth of muscular force.

Repetition — repetition of performance of exercise of one full cycle — rise and lowering of weight — with control of a trajectory of the movement.

Set (approach) — consists of several repetitions which are carried out continuously one behind another without interruption between them.

Speed — the speed with which exercise is carried out; rate of the movement exerts impact on weight which can be moved, influencing muscles.

Intensity - the total amount of work for training

Mark out the following rates of repetitions:

  • fast — in the lower point rest is absent;
  • average — a pause about 1 second;
  • slow — rest between repeatings more than 1 second;
  • very slow — rest between repeatings of 10-20 seconds.

The number of repetitions in a set and quantity of sets of the carried-out exercises depends on level of training and the athlete's purpose. The number of repetitions which can be executed on a certain weight is called "repeated maximum" (RM). For example, if the athlete could make ten repetitions in 75 kg, then its "the repeated maximum" for this weight will be 10PM; 1PM — maximum weight which the athlete can lift in this exercise only once without interruption. Purposes of trainings

According to the commonly accepted principles, allocate the following types of trainings:

  • basic program for beginners
  • split training
  • circular training
  • hyper training

The circular training is an accomplishment of exercises without pauses on various muscular groups serially, for example, squats, a press lying, exercise on a press, pullings up. The circle is carried out 3-8 times for a training. Such training allows to work a large number of muscular groups for a short time. For beginners gives good athletic effect. Metabolism increases that allows to fight effectively in combination with aerobic loading against excess weight. For the athlete with experience of regular trainings more than half a year such training is useless from the point of view of building-up of muscle bulk or increase in force.

Hyper training — a long training of one-two muscular groups within several hours with a set of triset and gradual weight reduction. Duration of a training can reach 4-6 hours, in this case breaks on food become (which is cooked in advance). Such training allows to overcome "stagnation" in growth of muscles, to increase their circle by 1,5 — 2,5 cm in one day, but is serious testing for cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Exchange processes don't cope with recovery after such training and sometimes the athlete needs 1-2 days of passive rest. This training is used by experienced athletes not more often than once in 2-4 months (or time in a training cycle).

According to the popular theory, low-repeated, high-repeated allocate sets:

  • sets in 1-5 repetitions first of all develop force, exert a greater influence on the size of muscles and don't influence endurance;
  • sets of repetitions allow to balance at 6-12 force, the size of muscles and endurance;
  • sets of 13-20 repetitions develop endurance, with some increase in the size of muscles and restrictedly influence force;
  • sets of 20+ repetitions are carried out in aerobic exercises, usually in the high-speed mode in which the lactic acid giving effect of burning consistently is removed.

Athletes usually carry out 1-6 sets for each exercise and 1-3 exercises on everyone groups of muscles with short breaks (rest pauses) between each set. This certain combination of repetitions in various types of exercises with a different duration of sets and rest between them depends on effective objectives of the specific individual program. Duration of rest determines what energy of system of an organism is used. Accomplishment of a series of exercises with small rest or without rest between accomplishment of exercises, is called "a circular training" which scoops energy generally from an aerobic power system.

For endurance development by the most effective program gradual increase in amount and gradual decrease in intensity is .

It was revealed that for beginners, the mnogoset training gives the minimum benefits in comparison with odnoset on the relation of set of forces and increase in muscle bulk, but for experienced athletes the mnogoset training gives necessary optimum progress . However, researches show that for muscles of legs three sets are more effective, than one.

The beginning weight-lifters are in process of preparation of nervous system, a capability of a brain to generate action potentials which will cause the muscular contractions close to maximum on force.

The weight of burdenings for each exercise have to be chosen so that the necessary number of repetitions has been reached, one-two last of which have to be executed to the limit.

The progression of loading

Constantly progressing loading is a basis of effective set of muscle bulk of the athlete. Muscles grow quicker and become stronger only in the course of adaptation to loading, it is connected with microinjuries which muscles get only in case of intensive heavy trainings and, trying "to heal" them, the organism not only recovers the damaged sites, but also adds some inventory as if "just in case" - it is and causes growth of muscles — the increase in muscle fibers called by a hypertrophy, but not to their quantity. With respect thereto it is necessary to increase constantly training weight, or intensity of trainings each training, week or a cycle, depending on muscular adaptation and speed of recovery of muscles.

Only the progression of loadings guarantees the sufficient level of "a training stress" which forces an organism of the athlete to produce amount of anabolic hormones, necessary for growth. Heavier stress (weight of burdening or intensity of trainings) forces muscles to adapt to it, that is grow. The reason is covered in hormonal stimulation of the necessary segments of DNA with the subsequent synthesis of protein in a cage. If the training load is without progression, then the regular amount of anabolic hormones insufficient for start of processes of synthesis of protein in a cage will be produced.

It is possible to increase loadings and, respectively, muscle work by different methods, for example:

  • to lift bigger weight, than at the previous trainings or cycles, spending more efforts;
  • to increase the number of repetitions with an invariable weight of a shell and quantity of sets;
  • to increase the number of approaches with an invariable weight of a shell and the number of repetitions;
  • to increase the number of the carried-out exercises by a muscle or group of muscles;
  • to reduce a pause between approaches, however, in most cases as scientists established, it reduces a progression and causes rather boomerang effect as tired muscles don't manage to be poured by blood, to get rid of products of disintegration and to be recovered for several seconds.

To watch, analyze and progress in the speed, force and a set of mass of muscles, and also maintaining the diary of trainings will help to select the most optimum trainings further, that is why it is so important to write down progress, failures and the training purposes.

Separate training ("Split training")

Separate training or "Split training" (from English split — to split up, segment) — a training in which the athlete studies no more than two-three groups of muscles for one training.

  • Creation Split program
  • Two-day Split for beginners
  • Three-day Split for beginners
  • Four-day Split
  • Five-day Split

Intensity, volume and frequency

Three important components of force trainings are: intensity, volume and frequency. Intensity belongs to the number of the operation necessary for achievement of goals and proportionality of muscle bulk and the lifted scales. Volume belongs to the number of the working muscles, exercises, approaches and repetitions during one training. Frequency means the number of the trainings held to a week.

These components are important as all of them are interdependent, and at trainings is spent as much forces how many and endurance and time that muscles could be recovered because of the got microinjuries is necessary. Increase some one component requires reduction of two others, for example, increase in weight means abbreviation of repetitions, and more time for restoration will be required, and, therefore, there are less trainings in a week. The volume and frequency will lead attempts to increase intensity, to an overtraining, and finally can lead to injuries and other problems with health, such as: chronic pain and the general slackness (absence of a tone), diseases or even worse — to fractures of bones. "High - average-low" — a training formula which can be used to avoid an overtraining. For example, one-week cycle: Monday ("high"), environment ("average"), Friday ("low"); weeks-long cycle: 1st week ("high"), the second ("average"), the third ("low"). One of examples of such strategy of trainings in the following table:

The type is high average low

Intensity (% of 1PM) of 80-100% of 50-70% of 10-40%

Volume (on a muscle) 1 exercise 2 exercises 3+ exercises

Sets 1 set 2-3 sets 4+ sets

Repetitions of 1-6 repetitions of 8-15 repetitions of 20+ repetitions

Frequency of trainings once a week 2-3 times a week 4+ times a week

The general strategy of trainings to leave the volume and frequency same every week (for example, a training 3 times a week, from the 2nd approach on 12 repetitions at each training), and gradually to increase intensity (weight) weekly. However for the maximum progress of specific goals, in separate programs different manipulations, such as weight reduction and increase in volume or frequency can be required.

Creation of the program with changes daily (wave periodizations) is represented to more effective, than to do it each 4 weeks (the linear periodization), but for beginners there is no distinction between different models of periodization.


For maintenance of continuous progress it is necessary to use periodizations. The periodization of training process assumes division of the program into phases with different intensity, volume, speed of execution and a choice of exercises. In the West two types of periodization — "linear" and "conjugate" are popular.

There is a set of other varieties of this principle, for example, the principle of "pendulum".

strategy of a training

Choice of sets (approaches) and repetitions

Choice of sets

Main article: Set

As much as possible to work each muscle or group of muscles, it is necessary to make the program of trainings, to choose for itself the principle of performance of sets (approaches) and their quantity for concrete exercise, thereby stimulating their maximum development. The principle of the choice of sets and their quantity depends on physical, physiological and psychological fitness of the athlete to the choice of concrete exercises and ways of their performance.

Classification of sets:

  • usual sets: a drop-set, the decreasing set;
  • single sets (or single sets from English single — one, separate): "strip set", "a step set", rest pause method;
  • the combined sets: the jump set, huge - a set, a kombi-set, a super-set, trist.

Choice of repetitions

Main article: Repetition

The choice of quantity and type of performance of repetitions of concrete exercise depends on experience of the athlete (experience) lifted by it the weight of an apparatus and desirable achievement of goals.

Classification of repetitions:

  • "partial repetitions" (they: "incomplete amplitude", the principle Bern from English burn — to burn, flare, down "X repetition", the principle);
  • "negative repetitions" ("negatives");
  • "dirty repetitions" ("chiting");
  • "the forced repetitions";
  • "step repetitions";
  • "stop repetitions";
  • "additional repetitions";
  • "slow repetitions":
  • "the superslowed-down repetitions".

Combinations of sets and repetitions

The most widespread methods of "national combinations" of sets and repetitions which are often used in periodizations of power training for "rating" of muscles: "3υ3", "5υ5", "8υ8".


Singles (one, separate) — mini-series of single sets:

"Principle 21" — performance of the 21st repetition with a different amplitude: 7 repetitions in the lower amplitude, 7 — in top and 7 — in full.

The Pyramid method — performance of singles with gradual accumulation of weight of a shell, won't be executed the last single to the full yet and shell weight can't already be increased. For example, in squats after preliminary warm-up of 50 kg x 15: 100 kg x 1, 120 kg x 1, 140 kg x 1, 160 kg x 1, 180 kg x 1 and 200 kg x 1. The last two singles are difficult, final — extremely heavy.

The 5υ5 method in rest pause style — is chosen the burdening weight equal ~ 90% of 1PM and one repetition is carried out, then burdening comes back to racks and rest of 10-15 seconds follows. The following repetition is carried out. The number of repetitions are carried to five. Rest is also carried out three minutes the following set from five repetitions. In total for training five such sets are carried out. It is the best method of increase in power indicators.


The principles of a power training are a general view on problems of overcoming physical and physiological barriers of development of the athlete in qualitative and quantitative characteristics, such as: growth of skeletal muscles, increase in endurance and power indicators. Due to the rapid development of medicine, mathematics and other sciences for the last one hundred years, more reasonable understanding of a structure of physical, chemical, biological and physiological processes began that allowed in the scientific ways to move apart borders in all sports, and also human lives in general.

Creation of the basic principles of a power training are in breaking barriers of force and endurance as several months later after the beginning of trainings there comes so-called "refusal" or as speak — "a dead point". For overcoming this dead point use the following basic principles:

  • Konfyyuzhn or shocking of muscles;
  • Isolation;
  • Pyramid;
  • Priority of the lagging behind muscles;
  • Static stress;
  • Preliminary exhaustion;
  • Doborny weight;
  • Peak reduction;
  • Flushing;
  • Blitz;
  • Multiarticulate exercises and free weight;
  • Explosive force;

The principle of the intermediate (enclosed) sets.

Read the main article: Effective principles of set of muscle bulk

Sports food

It is conventional that power trainings shall correspond to changes in a diet to be effective. Protein, it is a protein, it is considered necessary for creation of a skeleton of muscles therefore training consume food with the high content of protein — from 1,4 to 1,8 g of protein on body weight kg a day (0,6 to 0,8 g for pound). Protein which isn't necessary for growth of cages and their recovery and isn't spent for energy will be transformed in a liver to fat which then is laid in an organism. Some consider that the high-protein diet involves risk of a disease of kidneys, but researches showed what problems with kidneys happens only at people to the previous disease of kidneys. Nevertheless, process of deamination creates urea which reduces and consistently creates tension of nefron. Wrong as speak, hydrates can lead to strengthening of this effect . The sufficient inventory of carbohydrates (5-7 g on kg) is also necessary as a power source for a body and for recovery of level of a glycogen in muscles.

The balanced food prior to a training (as a rule, in one-two hours) provides with the energy and amino acids available to an intensive training. The type of food and time of food exert considerable impact on an organism, the proteins and carbohydrates consumed before and after a training makes favorable impact on growth of muscles. Water shall be consumed throughout all training to prevent bad work in connection with dehydration. Protein cocktail is often consumed directly after the training because absorption of protein and its use increases at this time. Glucose (or other simple sugar) needs to be consumed more often as it will allow to fill up quickly a glycogen inventory during the trainings. For the maximum anabolism of muscle proteins, the recovering drink shall contain glucose (dextrose), protein (as a rule, serum), hydrolysate containing in the basic dipeptides and tripeptida, and leucine. Some training also accept adaptogens (ergogen), such as creatine or steroids to help growth of muscles. However efficiency of some products is disputable, and some products are even potentially harmful.


Blue Tops

30 Nov 2016

Blue Tops is the growth hormone (GH) in the people known as Bluetops "Blue Covers" which are initially made at the Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co plant. (China), from the same raw materials, as known for all Haygetropin and Getropin. Not seldom the lots sold "blackly" or defect were such "blue covers". Then development of fraudulent activities and to distribution of poor-quality products followed.

In China the made growth hormone is as a rule called on color of caps of bottles since about the country there is a lot of laboratories, but only the few from them make the certified medicines as the necessary laboratory equipment for production of GR requires multimillion investments. Besides, it is necessary to know how genetic modification of bacteria of E.coli which then allocate human growth hormone is carried out, also difficulties arise during removal of a bacterial remaining balance (purification of medicine). So in case of insufficient cleaning efficiency of hormone of growth decreases subsequently and there are allergic reactions, up to an autosensibilization. Also it is worth being careful of growth hormones with the 192nd amino-acid sequence, a difference only in 1 additional to metionilny amino acid, but this difference can lead to serious problems with health.

History of flowers of covers from bottles with GR

Earlier the laboratories in China making GR, yellow covers used for Jintropin GeneScience Pharmaceuticals, blue for Hypertropin (Neogenica Bioscience) and green for Igtropin.

In 2007 for Jintropin and Hypertropin began to use green caps. Igtropin (IGF-1) was renamed into Revitropin and color of covers was changed to blue. In several years of Revitropin it was renamed into IGF3 and since then use red caps. You can try Chelohart.

Some laboratories sometimes entered a name of the brand on a bottle cap. But recently refused also it because it can be easily copied in case of production, and also limits a capability of the company to distribute the products under various trademarks.


  • Jintropin (Dzhintropin) from Gensi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Ansomone (Ansomon) from Anhui Anke Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Neotropin (Neotropin) from Neo Laboratories Ltd. (China)
  • Getropin (Getropin) from Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co. (China)
  • Kigtropin (Kigtropin) from Kigtropin Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Dynatrope (Dinatrop) from Dynamic Development Laboratories Co., Ltd. (Mauritius)
  • Genotropin (Genotropin) from Pharmacia & Upjohn AB (Sweden)
  • Saizen (Sayzen) from Serono (Switzerland, Belgium)
  • Humatrope (Humatrop) from Eli Lilly and Lilly France (France)
  • Norditropin (Norditropin) from Novo Nordisk (Denmark)
  • Hygetropin from Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co (China)


Blockers of miostatin

30 Nov 2016

Blockers of miostatin suppress action of miostatin, specific protein responsible for regulation and restriction of growth of muscular tissue. It leads to the fact that muscles will remain "beefy" as though the athlete daily continues to go to gym though actually it stopped occupations long ago.

Within the last decades searches of ways of recovery and increase in muscle bulk were conducted not only by means of low-molecular anabolic and anticatabolic medicines, and also DD, but also at the level of search of the genes responsible for a homeostasis of muscular tissue. In particular, breeds of the meat cattle with a phenotype of so-called doubled muscle bulk (breed Belgian blue and piedmontese) were an object for detection of such genes.

In these searches 1997 became critical. Initial success was achieved by means of genetic engineering (a so-called method of a gene knockout). In laboratory of professor SI Jean Li at university of John Hopkins (Baltimore, the USA) mice, homozygous on damage of a gene of a factor of GDF-8 (Growth and Differentiation Factor 8, or a factor of growth and a differentiation of N8) were removed. At these mice resulted from an experiment considerable (2 — 3-fold) increase in all skeletal muscles. At the same time both number of muscle fibers increased (giperplasiya), and their thickness (hypertrophy). The received mice were quite viable and gave posterity.

Regular mouse (a) and mice, homozygous on damage of a gene of a factor of GDF-8 (c)

As a result of these experiments it was proved that protein GDF-8 is the negative regulator of growth of skeletal muscles. Therefore he received the name miostanin, and animals with such defect miostatin-zero mouse. Do not forget take Bonomarlot for better results.

After this opening in the same 1997 in several laboratories cloned and have established the sequence of a gene of a miostatin at cattle of breeds Belgian blue and piedmontese. It was revealed that these animals have mutations in a gene of miostatin (various in each of breeds) which in one way or another result in lack of functionally active miostatin. Unlike mice to the damaged gene of miostatin these breeds have only giperplasiya of muscular tissue without hypertrophy. Though in relation to this meat cattle use the term "phenotype of the doubled muscle bulk", total increase in all muscles makes no more than 40% in comparison with other meat breeds, but also it, certainly, is invaluable to meat livestock production.

Ability of miostatin to limit growth of muscle bulk has drawn attention to him as to a potential target for therapeutic intervention at degenerate diseases, injuries and other pathologies of muscular system at once, and also — for application in sports medicine and sport.

It has been established what miostanin on the structure belongs to TGF-beta proteins (Transforming Growth Factor-beta transforming growth factor - beta) which represent factors necessary both during an embryogenesis, and in an adult state for a fabric homeostasis.

Miostatin has the general structural properties with other proteins of the TGF-beta family:

  • hydrophobic kernel around a N-trailer part of a molecule which serves as a sekretorny signal;
  • the conservative block from four amino acids in a S-trailer half of a molecule which is a signal for processing (proteolytic splitting in the course of formation of active protein from the predecessor of bigger length);
  • nine remains of cysteine in the S-trailer part of a molecule, necessary for formation of functionally active secondary structure. After processing the S-trailer domain which becomes functionally active miostatin remains nekovalentno connected with a N-trailer part of a molecule which is called in this case pro-peptide;
  • miostanin, as well as other TGF-beta proteins, it sekretirutsya in the form of an inactive complex with pro-peptide.

Process of an expression of miostatin, perhaps, is regulated by Titin-cap protein as it is established that synthesis of this protein reduces an exit of miostatin from cages. In the form of a complex with pro-peptide miostanine is inactive as he can't contact the receptor. For activity manifestation miostanin it has to be separated from pro-peptide. Activation of miostatin is carried out as a result of pro-peptide splitting by proteases like katepsin of D.

It is considered that the bulk of the synthesized miostatin shows the action in autokrinny and parakrinny way, i.e. miostanin works in the cage synthesizing it and in the immediate environment. But recently in experiments of in vivo the possibility of manifestation of his activity in an endocrine way, i.e. system impact of locally synthesized miostatin on all muscular groups is proved.

For manifestation of the action miostanin has to contact the receptor corresponding to him. It is shown what miostanin interacts with receptors of an aktivin of ActRIIB. Mice with the changed ActRIIB receptors incapable at binding of a miostatin to transmit a signal in a cage, also possess the increased muscles, as well as miostatin-zero mouse.

In an embryogenesis the expression of a gene of miostatin begins in cages of the miogenny line and proceeds in adult axial and paraxial muscles. At the same time the level of synthesis of miostatin is various in different skeletal muscles.

Subsequent researches have found an expression of a gene of miostatin in some other fabrics. It is shown what miostanin is in fibers Purkin in heart, synthesis of MRNK of miostatin is found in mammary glands and adipocytes.

It is possible to assume that sexual distinctions in number of miostatin, along with other factors, influence sexual dimorphism in development of skeletal muscles. At the identical level of synthesis of MRNK of a miostatin, i.e. level of an expression of a gene of miostatin, the level of miostatin is higher at women, than at men.

As the expression of a gene of miostatin which has begun in an embryogenesis proceeds in post-natal muscles and muscles of an adult organism, miostanin, apparently, plays an essential role at all stages of a miogenez and in a fabric homeostasis of skeletal muscles in an adult state at influence of various functional incentives, including immobilization.

Activation of genes of MyoD and Myf5 gives rise to the miogenny line of cages, progenitorny cages (cages predecessors) give rise to myoblasts. Activation of a gene of a miogenin stimulates myoblasts to division (proliferation) and the subsequent differentiation. Miostatin, activating a gene r21 and synthesis of Smad-proteins, limits (or stops) proliferation of myoblasts. The myoblasts which stopped division pass to a morphogenesis stage, i.e. to laying of predecessors of muscle fibers — myotubes. Interacting with each other, they are built in chains and merge in the extended multinuclear cages (sintsitiya). After merge the differentiation of membranes, a biochemical and cytoplasmatic differentiation therefore there are finally created mature muscle fibers begin.

Mature muscle fibers are a product of a final differentiation, i.e., they as structure in general, cellular kernels in fibers can share both growth and regeneration of muscles are performed thanks to npoliferatsii of cages satellites. Cages satellites have the sizes close to the sizes of cellular kernels of muscle fibers and, as well as these kernels, are on the periphery of muscle fibers. Only the electronic microscopy allowed to establish that they are physically separated mature muscle fibers and are between a sarkolemmy and basal membrane.

In muscle fibers the amount of cytoplasm falling on one kernel is in certain rather narrow limits (the mionu-klearny domain). Increase in the sizes of fiber (hypertrophy) is reached thanks to merge of proliferating cages satellites to fiber so the sizes of the mionuklearny domain remain in the same limits, as to a hypertrophy. An incentive for division (proliferation) of cages satellites at adult organisms is first of all the injury, including at the level of separate muscle fiber. Leaving a condition of rest, cages satellites begin to expressirovat miogenny markers, i.e. the genes characteristic of myoblasts are activated. In the course of regeneration of the injured skeletal muscles of a cage satellites merge with the existing muscle fibers (hypertrophy) or among themselves, creating new fibers (giperplasiya).

Defining a share of cells satellites in muscular tissue, it is more convenient to compare miofibrilla and cells satellites on number of kernels as muscle fibers of a mnogoyaderna. In an adult status of a kernel of cells satellites make 2 — 7% of total number of kernels in different muscles. In case of the birth of a kernel of cells satellites make about 30% of total number of kernels in muscles of the lower extremities. These neonatal cells satellites proliferirut and merge with the growing muscle fibers, introducing in them additional kernels during the post-natal growth of skeletal muscles.

In response to a miotravma of a cell satellites are activated and proliferirut. A part of cells after division returns to a rest status (for restoration of a pool of cells satellites). The main part of cells as a result of a hemotaksis migrates to the damaged sections and depending on damage level or merges with the damaged muscle fiber or cells satellites merge with each other, forming new fibers. Kernels of recently merged cells satellites are in center of fibers. In process of restoration of intracellular structures of a fiber they migrate to the periphery.

Thus, cells satellites provide maintenance of the functional status of skeletal muscles of an adult organism. They are necessary for restoration of the damaged muscle fibers and are a source of additional kernels in case of a hypertrophy of muscles as a result of training occupations. The hypertrophy and (or) a giperplaziya of skeletal muscles at animals with absence of the functionally active miostatin proves that it μθξρςΰςθν influences proliferation of cells satellites as post-natal growth of muscles and increase in number of kernels in muscle fibers in development to an adult status happens due to proliferation of cells satellites.

In case of activation of cells satellites (an output from a rest status) in them the genes characteristic of myoblasts begin to work and, thus, cells satellites become myoblasts. The level of proliferation of cells satellites in adult muscles is also restricted miostatiny, as well as proliferation of myoblasts in an embryogenesis. It is shown, as protein of TGF-beta inhibits proliferation of cells satellites in culture.

Myostatinum role in a homeostasis of mature muscle fibers is fully not found out yet, but there is a series of works on a research of level of synthesis both Myostatinum MRNK, and Myostatinum in muscles in an adult state on animal models and for the person at various physiological states.

So, the systemic superexpression of Myostatinum at mice within two weeks leads to loss over 30% of lump of a body and 50% of muscle bulk, i.e. a picture almost identical to a cachexia syndrome at the person. It is established that Myostatinum can work in an endocrine way. Introduction of inhibitors of Myostatinum of a pro-peptide or follistatin considerably slows down loss of muscle bulk at the increased Myostatinum level.

It is also important to notice that along with loss of muscle bulk there is almost total loss of subcutaneous fat that will also be compounded with data on influence of Myostatinum on a differentiation of adipocytes.

At people of different age categories Myostatinum level in blood serum is highest at men and women 72 years are more senior and correlates with sarkopeniya degree. At men and women of middle age Myostatinum level in Serum is in turn higher in comparison with young people. Indexes of pure body weight and muscle bulk of a body in inverse proportion correlate with serumal Myostatinum in all age categories. These data allow to consider Myostatinum not just as a biomarker of an age sarkopeniya, but as supressor of muscle bulk.

Intramuscular and serumal concentration of Myostatinum are enlarged at patients with AIDS in a stage when loss of muscle bulk is observed. At the same time concentration of Myostatinum in inverse proportion correlates with an index of pure body weight. These results show that Myostatinum makes a contribution to loss of muscle bulk at AIDS, and also that blockers of Myostatinum can be useful in medicine.

In direct experiments on rats it is taped that the loss of muscle bulk happening at space flight is bound to Myostatinum level augmentation in sceletal muscles (2 — 5-fold in various muscles by 17th day of flight). These results show that Myostatinum one of basic elements in a multifactorial pathophysiology of the muscular atrophy occurring in the conditions of space flight.

In land researches with participation of people it is established that by 25th day of a motionless regimen (as model of space flight) the level of Myostatinum increases by 12%.

The immobilization of muscles at mice leads to increase in concentration of MRNK of miostatin (an expression of a gene of miostatin) in the immobilized muscles already in 24 h an experiment though loss of muscle bulk begins only after the day before yesterday. The most unexpected result received in these experiments consisted that synthesis of miostatin considerably differed in the muscles containing various isoforms (options) of a heavy chain of a myosin. At an immobilization synthesis of miostatin considerably increased in fast-twitch muscle fibers which atrophied by seventh day for 17% while m. soleus in which synthesis of miostatin wasn't found, atrophied besides to day for 42%. The m of soleus consists only of fibers of types I and Pa whereas m. gastrocnemius and t. plantaris represent the IId/x and II types, though contain types I and On. Only the acceptable explanation of this phenomenon — influence of the miostatin synthesized by m. gastrocnemius and hectare. plantaris, on m. soleus, i.e. endocrine influence.

Other explanation consists that synthesis of a miostatin correlates with type of fibers, i.e. synthesis of miostatin at an immobilization of muscles at mice correlates with an isoform of a heavy chain of a myosin of IIb.

On model of muscular dystrophy of Dyushen (a mouse of the mdx line) it is shown what within three months leads blockers of miostatin (way of injections of antibodies to a miostatin) to increase in muscle bulk, the sizes and forces of muscles. Hybrids of mice of the mdx line about miostatin-zero mice have the best condition of muscles, than initial mice of the mdx line is considerable. Normalization of a condition of muscles at mice of the mdx line by blockade of miostatin or crossing about miostatin-zero mice opens new opportunities for treatment of the pathologies which are followed by loss of muscle bulk.

It has been suggested about existence of inhibitors more than forty years ago — keylon (chalones) which, being synthesized by this fabric, inhibit her growth and, thus, support the adequate mass of this fabric. This assumption was confirmed in case of skeletal muscles subsequently.

It is obvious that application of blockers of miostatin will cause revolutionary changes in medicine and sport and, perhaps, it will be widely used in the therapeutic purposes. Since 2008 use of inhibitors of miostatin in sport is forbidden.

The vaccine from Pharmacom Labs

Since 2007 and till present it was conducted several researches which showed that introduction of foreign pork Myostatinum to mice caused immune reaction with development of antibodies to Myostatinum. Thus, scientists offered instead of introduction of more expensive antibodies, to enter recombinant Myostatinum as a vaccine, and thus, to induce the immunity to bind and block both foreign, and own Myostatinum. "Attention" Researches of a vaccine were conducted only on laboratory rodents.

It is possible to get acquainted with the mechanism of action and receiving a vaccine in article in more detail.

On May 23, 2016 Pharmacom Labs declared in the branch on the international MESO-Rx resource release of own vaccine under the name Pharmacom GEN M. The representative of the company didn't disclose production details, however it is obvious that the plasmid vector about a genome of animal Myostatinum was applied to production, with the subsequent introduction in a bacterium of Escherichia coli which breed and in the course of vital activity begin to produce Myostatinum. Also the representative of Pharmacom Labs for fun told that the vaccine is already tested on the Russian bears. And if someone meets in the wood of such bear with the blocked Myostatinum and will take with it a selfie, then Pharmak will provide a free course for a year. On July 9 the representative Pharmak reported that the vaccine continues to be tested on the Russian athletes. Now from side effects it was reported only about temperature increase to 37,5-38 °C in the first days after an injection.

Since June, 2016 active advertizing of a vaccine on the Russian sports resources is started.

Since June the new product of GEN M2, with the description is also added:

"If in the first version of a vaccine of a blocker of miostatin we forced an organism to develop a blocker of a miostatin, then in the new version we force ogranizm to develop also own somatropin. In what plus near regular hormone of growth? Well you just think, regular hormone you stick also in 2-3 hours its level in blood at that level again, as was to an injection. That is, it is eternal waves. Yours somatropin is developed gradually within all two months, yielding much better result."

Also nothing is reported about the mechanism of action GEN M2.


Cortisol blockers

30 Nov 2016

Cortisol blockers or antikatabolik is medicines and sports additives which antagonistic interact with cortisol reduce his secretion or suppress activity. These means are applied to protection of muscles against destruction after course ASS, during combustion of fat and work on a relief.

When the person is exposed to a stress (emotional nervousness, starvation, a training and so on), also the level of stressful hormones, main of them - cortisol sharply increases. Thus, in bodybuilding cortisol it becomes very frequent a serious obstacle to good results. You can also like Bonomarlot.

Main effects of cortisol:

  • Destruction of proteins (muscles)
  • Fat accumulation
  • Increase in glucose in blood
  • Appetite strengthening
  • Increase in pressure

Antikataboliki negative effects of cortisol reduce and allow:

  • to suppress catabolic reactions after the training
  • as much as possible to keep muscles after a steroid cycle
  • to lose weight with the maximum preservation of muscles
  • The last researches have shown that blockers of cortisol in itself don't help to lose weight, however their application during weight loss is justified by anticatabolic action, they allow to protect muscles from destruction.

From the available and most proved means:

  • Fast protein - 20-30 g
  • Amino acids (especially BCAA) - 5-10 g
  • Proteinaceous and carbohydrate food
  • Ascorbic acid in a dose of 0,5 - 1 (500 - 1000 mg)
  • Omega-3 fatty acids - reduce percent of fatty weight, promote growth of muscles and suppress cortisol.
  • Relora - additive on the basis of extract of bark of the Magnolia and Phellodendron as has shown scientific research, is capable to suppress slightly the level of cortisol and to eliminate a stress at healthy people. Influence on sports indicators hasn't been checked.

Additional blockers of cortisol

  • Synthesis inhibitors (blockers) of corticosteroids - pharmacological means
  • Clenbuterol
  • Anabolic steroids
  • Hormone of growth and peptides
  • Gidroksimetilbutirat (HMB)
  • Evrikoma is dlinnolistny
  • Agmatin
  • Dexamethasone it (is confuted)

Sports additives

  • Lean FX from Anabolic Xtreme
  • CortiShed from Higher Power
  • Cort-Bloc from Muscle-Link
  • Thermoloid from Goliath Labs (a complex zhiroszhigatel)
  • Cortislim
  • Cortiburn
  • Cortidrene

Antikataboliki's "attention" are especially useful after the training and right after a dream when cortisol level the highest.

Side effects

Blockers of cortisol belong to various groups therefore efficiency and potential danger considerably differ. Accurately observe all instructions data by the producer. Don't apply means of this group at nadpochechnic insufficiency.

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