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Ladasten – improves memory, physical

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: restores the activity and endurance; improves physical and mental performance;

Disadvantages: effect while taking

Neurologist prescribed me Ladasten at a dose of 1 tablet twice a day for 4 weeks. Its use is just coincided with the fact that I changed jobs and to learn a new profession. This drug improved memory, all memory just to cheer. There was weakness, but rather was an active, increased efficiency, both mental and physical. I generally quickly accustomed to my new profession, I did not feel any fatigue. But after a month of receipt of the drug are returned again and fatigue and lethargy, memory has deteriorated again. And I realized that his action gives only a temporary effect.

Ladasten is an antiasthenic drug. It is used in asthenic and physical conditions of different genesis, after infectious diseases and neurasthenia. Ladasten promotes restoration of activity, increases stamina, improves physical and mental performance. It can not be taken by pregnant women, during lactation, children under 18 years of age and are hypersensitive to the drug. When side effects may sleep disorder, symptoms of excessive activation, but it does not require withdrawal of the drug, it is necessary to reduce the dosage. Allergic reactions are possible. I had no side effects.


Ladasten – quickly helped remove asthenic symptom

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: fast action, no significant side effects

I was tired after a big order for the programming. Everything seems good, but fell upon the strong asthenia, some self-pity.

I've got a character trait: work as well without much interruption. I put different reminders, alarms, but they help only a few days.

When the project (2.5 months) came to an end, I came over to the reluctance to do something in conjunction with anhedonia. The world became gray, punching the grass is not happy, tired of everything.

Probably several factors came together:

  • Fatigue.
  • Loss in the virtual world.
  • Age.

The doctor recommended Ladasten. The result appeared on the 3rd day. Increased first physical and then mental performance.

Usage time: 7 days


Picamilon - really helps, improves memory

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: restores sleep really helps relieves stress and depression, helps with depressive states, a surge of strength and energy, relieves headaches, increases efficiency, improves quality of life, improves memory, low price

Once relaxing at the cottage I have ringing in my ears, though, is not that rang, I was just beginning to hear the silence. I had to see a doctor, I came to the clinic, and almost at the door I began to measure pressure. I am a person who constantly and consistently low blood pressure, your doctor will measure and said that my blood pressure 160/80, I'm 20 years old. I ran at once to the store for tablets from high blood pressure, which I wrote the doctor, immediately took them. At night, I felt very bad, I decided to take another, and only became worse, I think something's wrong here. In the morning, took the device to measure the pressure of her neighbor, my blood pressure 117/80, think well, all pills helped. On the next day, my blood pressure was 140/80 again.

Doctor prescribed me Picamilon that calmed my nerves, it made sense to enjoy life, tinnitus has decreased, it became easier. The drug really helps, though not expensive!


Picamilon - good nootropic, helped me

03 Dec 2016

I am at work I have to remember a lot of diverse information to be focused and attentive. In all this I am very effectively helps inexpensive Picamilon. I take one or two tablets in the morning. Just 10-30 minutes the brain starts strengthened to "wake up", there is a vivacity, the mood rises. During the day, it helps to cope with stress, anxiety and emotions. I think that the preparation is useful to all who are hard at work days, during a session, or just need to remember a lot of information.

For almost a month of daily use of special side effects - I have not noticed. Is that was a little more difficult to fall asleep.

Of course, I'm not a doctor to recommend drugs, but "Picamilon" helped me.


Picamilon - helps to improve sleep

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: improves sleep and memory

“Picamilon” relates to nootropic drugs. If you have a bad dream, then the course intake it will help you normalize sleep. It is used for worsening cerebral circulation, if there is a feeling of anxiety.

At the pharmacy you can buy it without a prescription, it is inexpensive.

If you regularly suffers from headaches. Picamilon help remove them at course intake . But of course, in the appointment of the doctor. It was said that “Picamilon”, helps to improve the condition after drinking alcohol. That is, when the hangover. Also better ask a doctor. I noticed only improve health.


Picamilon - helps with headaches

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: really helps, improves sleep, helps with depressive states, relieves headaches, low price

Not so long ago I was faced with the problem of severe headaches, painkillers did not help. The neurologist has diagnosed - vascular dystonia, and recommended Picamilon. For preparation I reacted first with disbelief, but a miracle happened - on the second day there was an improvement, and on the third day of the reception of pain gone!

I took 3 times a day for 1.5 months. Pleasantly surprised that during the course significantly reduced anxiety and irritability, improved mood, went to trouble falling asleep, sleep has become a strong and deep. No side effects were observed. The price is low and the drug is sold in every pharmacy. In general, I can say that helps “Picamilon” even better than sedatives and tranquilizers.


Picamilon- good nootropic drugs

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: restores sleep, relieves stress and depression, improves memory, low price

Neurologist diagnosed me vegeto-vascular dystonia according to the type of panic attacks.

Panic attacks, and in consequence, and agoraphobia, I was plagued for many years. I tried a variety of drugs that improve cerebral circulation.

The doctor has appointed me to take “Picamilon” for 2 months.

drug proved very effective. Picamilon expands vessels of the brain, has a tranquilizing and anti-oxidant effect.

After the first week of application “Picamilon” my anxiety became less. I began to sleep better. Less weight and began to disturb the head restraint.

I believe that “Picamilon” drug effective drug and helps to cope with the problems of the nervous system.

Now I accept “Picamilon” 3 times a year courses for 2 months, and quite happy with the result.

Side effects I myself had not noticed.

Should the drug within reasonable limits and it can be bought at any pharmacy.


Picamilon – effective drug, relieves headache

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: it relieves stress and depression, establishes sleep, relieves headache, removes or reduces headaches, increases efficiency, low price

I had frequent headaches, pressure surges, darkened in the eyes.

I was prescribed tablets Picamilon, and I think already on the day 2-3y felt improvement.

The headaches are gone, but just in case, always dragging around these tablets with you. they help with dizziness and reduced pressure.

Their price is available and sold without a doctor's prescription

And by the way, after the course of the application I have great improvement.


Picamilon – helps with migraine

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: removes or reduces headache

Agitated restriction of sales of painkillers, I began to look for others. I have a migraine.

Picamilon helped me with a headache.

Also “Picamilon” used in vegetative-vascular dystonia and for migraine prophylaxis. Also applies “Picamilon” one-time only during an episode of pain.

It helps with migraine.


Picamilon - morning stimulation

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: increases efficiency, low price

Disadvantages: allergy to components

Once I went to a friend who worked in a pharmacy, a visit and saw the jar table. I decided to ask, what kind of medication, and what it's for. She said she takes it in the morning to wake up and feel better vigor throughout the following day. I also decided to try.

After reading about Picamilon. I realized that I have indications for its use, in particular, vascular dystonia. But in its composition has vitamin B5, and I'm allergic to vitamins Group B. I decided to take a risk, but to no avail. Allergies appeared on the second day of taking this drug, and I refused it. So it is worth to be careful, if you have allergy to its components. I do not feel the effect of success, as it took only 2 days. But my friend said that it is very effective, if you suffer from difficulties during the ascent in the morning.

Someone from the Ireland - just purchased the goods:
Complex of cytamins for the respiratory system