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02 Dec 2016

Homeopathy is the alternative medical technique based only on effect of placebo. The homeopathy was developed by Samuel Hahnemann in 1800. He assumed that medicine which in normal (therapeutic, heteropathic) a dose causes a certain set of symptoms can render in very low dose medical effect on the patient with a similar profile of symptoms (the law of similarity). The organism can find internal reserves and independently recover, and this ability is activated by low doses of drug. The homeopath doesn't diagnose a disease, and looks for the medicine capable to cause a set of symptoms, similar to a disease symptomatology. The patient's poll with detection of complaints is especially important. Medicine is applied in a dose which is 10-100 times lower than heteropathic. Do not forget take Oftalamin for better results.

Homeopathic remedies don't make direct impact on functions of an organism. Treatment is based on suggestive ability of the homeopath and readiness of the patient for treatment.

If the disease is psychosomatic and for its treatment there are no active agents, then use of suggestive methods is quite shown. The homeopathy in that case is one of possible methods of treatment.


The list of homeopathic medicines (drugs - 1980; trade names - 559) it is presented on the website the Encyclopedia of drugs and goods of the pharmaceutical range.

It is interesting

In Russia since 1995 the method of homeopathy is officially resolved in practical health care (the order of Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Russia No. 335 of November 29, 1995). The person using a homeopathic method in Russia is obliged to have the higher medical education, to own theoretical and practical knowledge of the main specialty and in the field of homeopathy. Unlike some foreign countries, for example, Western Europe and the USA where, according to their laws, homeopathist can not have the medical diploma.

In Great Britain the state health insurance doesn't cover treatment with homeopathic remedies, having explained it so:

"Systematic assessment and meta-analysis finally show that homeopathic products work not better than placebo"

The committee on science and technology of the British Parliament specified to Agency on control of drugs and health care that you shouldn't license homeopathic medicines as it creates illusion as if offer it really urgent medicines at public. Among conclusions of the document also estimates of the basic principles of homeopathy contain. According to these conclusions, the principle of "treatment of similar to similar" has no theoretical reasons and isn't capable to provide the reasonable mode of therapeutic application of homeopathic products, and the idea that in case of superstrong cultivation traces of dissolved substances remain, from the scientific point of view is insolvent.



02 Dec 2016

Goldlayn is a drug for weight loss of the Indian production which promises loss of weight at the expense of a loss of appetite. Sibutramin is pro-medicine and shows the action of in vivo at the expense of metabolites (primary and secondary amines) inhibiting the return capture of monoamines (mainly a serotonin and Noradrenalinum). The contents augmentation in synapses of neurotransmitters increases activity central serotonin 5HT-receptors and adrenoreceptors that promotes augmentation of feeling of saturation and depression of need for a nutrition, and also thermoproduction augmentation. Indirectly activating β3-adrenoreceptors, sibutramin influences brown fatty tissue.


Depression of body weight is followed by concentration augmentation in LPVP blood serum and reduction in the amount of triglycerides, the general cholesterin, LPNP and uric acid.

This medicine is prescribed to the people having a body weight index not less than 30. The index of body weight pays off by division of body height in centimeters on a weight square in kilograms. In exceptional cases with other risk factors of a tablet Goldlayn prescribe the patient with an index of the body weight 27 as rising of body weight for such patients causes the additional risks bound to their diseases. Despite high effect of drug, its effect, on average, it is limited to insignificant decrease of weight, judging by responses growing thin from open sources in the Internet. It is bound to features of group of patients which prescribes this drug. To the people having obesity will very difficult cope with hyperalimentation, also as a rule, at such patients the metabolism is broken and the possibility of exercise stresses is lowered. However when keeping all references (a diet, sport) of complex therapy clinically significant effect is reached. According to some researches when keeping a diet and augmentation in 6 months of 93% investigated lost> 5% of initial body weight. I.e. for example the patient weighing 90 kg for half a year of a diet, sport and the use of sibutramin lost at least 4.5 kg. Please pay attention to Pankramin.

Contraindications and side effects

Tablets for weight loss Goldlayn cause a series of side effects on an organism in general:

  • asthenia (delicacy, increased fatigue)
  • headache
  • abdominal pain (abdominal pain)
  • dorsodynia
  • grippopodobny syndrome
  • allergic reactions

From cardiovascular system:

  • tachycardia
  • vazodilatation
  • migraine
  • rising of the ABP

From GIT organs:

  • constipation
  • appetite rising
  • nausea
  • gastritis
  • vomiting
  • hemorrhoids exacerbation

From a nervous system:

  • sleeplessness
  • giddiness
  • nervousness
  • alarm
  • depression
  • dryness in a mouth
  • emotional lability

From respiratory system:

  • rhinitis
  • pharyngitis
  • sinusitis

As a rule, these symptoms decrease after the first course of administration of drug.

Contraindications for administration of drug are:

  • endocrine diseases,
  • illnesses of nervous and cordial system,
  • alienations,
  • pregnancy and period of lactemia,
  • and also the individual indicators taped by the attending physician.

The long list of side effects and contraindications is an evident indicator of an insecurity of this drug, treatment by which it has to be made only under observation of the doctor.

Feedbacks of nutritionists

Practicing nutritionist Zueva Elena

Tablets for weight loss Goldlayn have different feedbacks, but also very bad meet. First of all because of a great lot of unpleasant and even heavy side effects which causes sibutramin of which Goldlayn and Reduksin consists. Let's remind that substance sibutramin is forbidden in all civilized countries (the USA, Europe), in our country enters the list of strong substances for article 234 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illicit trafficking in strong or toxic agents).

Tablets Goldlayn are effective only in complex therapy with a low-calorie diet and intensive physical activities. Feedbacks growing thin about Goldlayn at forums and the websites are quite unfavourable – considerable % of patients didn't achieve result, and here side effects felt very many.



02 Dec 2016

Pasta Godjidoktor contains in the structure extract of goji berries is fetuses which known to each admirer of a healthy delivery. They are positioned by producers as an agent from any diseases.

Pasta Godjidoktor

Pasta Godjidoktor if to trust advertizing, has the following range of therapeutic effects:

  • strengthens immunity;
  • destroys microbes and it can be used as an alternative to antibiotics;
  • the prostatitis and prostate cancer treats;
  • improves memory;
  • normalizes a dream;
  • causes loss of body weight;
  • tones up an organism;
  • destroys worms;
  • treats illnesses of cardiovascular system;
  • allows to get rid of an impotency;
  • abirritates a nervous system;
  • sterility both at men, and at women treats.

Godjidoktor treats all illnesses, restores function of any organ and in general allows to live forever, without drugs and doctors. It seems that Pasta Godjidoktor considerably surpasses usual goji berries in efficiency. You can try Pankramin

Producers so diligent made the list of effects of Pasta, positive for health, that didn't even notice how they included in it absolutely opposite actions. For example, Godjidoktor at the same time tones up and abirritates a nervous system. Possibly, as it was conceived by sellers, this agent, getting into a human body, independently defines what changes in its work need to be carried out.

It is clear, that Pasta Godjidoktor is the most ordinary divorce. Agents from all illnesses don't exist.

On the Internet it is possible to get Godjidoktor with various additives. For example, with a hawthorn, ginger, a turmeric or other herbs. Why they are added to composition of Pasta Godjidoktor? If to trust advertizing, it already copes with all diseases, due to availability only of one extract of goji berries.

How to take Godjhidoktor?

Godjidoktor is recommended to accept on one teaspoon, three times a day, for half an hour to food. Paste needs to be washed down with a large amount of water or tea. The course of treatment constitutes at least one month. Considering that the hundred-gram jar for a long time won't last, prepare a thick purse if you wish to be treated up to the end. One packaging of Godjidoktor will be enough for you everything for 7-10 days. That is, you need 3-4 jars of this product. It will cost you approximately 2 thousand rubles. Godjidoktor is recommended to use for treatment of obesity at children. For this purpose it is necessary to accept paste a fifteen-day rate, but repeating its time in two months until body weight reaches desirable values. Considering that Godjidoktor in any way not can work on the child's weight probably to it it is necessary to be treated by this paste for life. Godjidoktor to children according to the following scheme is recommended to accept: take one teaspoon of paste and dissolve it in 100 ml of water; give to the child two tablespoons of solution, 3 times a day, for half an hour to food; per day the child shall drink thus all solution which you prepared.

Godjidoktor isn't on sale in drugstores because is rather an a foodstuff, than medicine. Efficiency at it corresponding – as at raspberry jam. 


Glycosamine sulfate

02 Dec 2016

Glycosamine is aminosaccharide which is a part of such polysaccharides as chitosan and chitin, are one of the most widespread monosaccharides. In the nature the glycosamine contains in sinks of mollusks, and also bones of animals or marrow, some types of mushrooms. In case of production of additives it is received by means of hydrolysis of exoskeletons of Crustacea, is more rare by a sbrazhivaniye of wheat or corn grain. In the United States of America glycosamine sulfate is one of the most widespread nutritional supplements.

In the market two forms of glycosamine are had: hydrochloride and sulfate. The hydrochloride meets quite seldom, this salt doesn't differ by efficiency from sulfate.

Function in organism

As collagen and khondroitin sulfate, glycosamine can be made in a human body naturally. This substance is one of the main construction elements of connecting fabrics - a cartilage and the copular device. The glycosamine is a part of cellular membranes and proteins which are their part. The glycosamine connects cages among themselves, doing fabrics stronger and steadier against stretching.

Directly or indifferently glycosamine participates in forming or strengthening of the following fabrics:

  • Cartilages (covers articulate surfaces)
  • Sinews
  • Sheaves
  • Sinovialny liquid (performs food of a cartilage and greases articulate surfaces)
  • Muscles
  • Skin
  • Bones
  • Nails and hair
  • Heart valves
  • Blood vessels

Besides, the glycosamine is actively used for immune protection of an organism (interferon and immunoglobulins), is necessary for synthesis of hormones (gonadotrophin), enzymes and other important elements.

Use in sport

It is known that in bodybuilding, powerlifting and other heavy sports of a training are carried out with big scales which cause an overload of joints and sheaves and sinews. Researchers showed that the injured sheaves and articulate surfaces require considerably large numbers a sulfate glycosamine for preserving normal properties.

In addition to the testing of medicine connected with treatment of diseases of joints the research during which scientists revealed positive effects when using at athletes with knee joint pains was conducted. From here it is possible to draw a conclusion that additive will be useful also to other joints.

The first signs of dysfunction of a joint in case of sports activities: crunch, krepitation, pains, rigidity. In these cases it is necessary to begin acceptance of glycosamine and hondroitin. The same additives can be used for prevention of injuries, strengthenings of sheaves, and also acceleration of recovery after traumatized.

Efficiency of glycosamine is confirmed by independent researches:

  • Herrero-Beaumont G, Ivorra JA, Del Carmen Trabado M, et al. (February 2007). "Glucosamine sulfate in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis symptoms: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study using acetaminophen as a side comparator". Arthritis Rheum. 56 (2): 555–67.
  • Clegg DO, Reda DJ, Harris CL, et al. (February 2006). "Glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and the two in combination for painful knee osteoarthritis". N. Engl. J. Med. 354 (8): 795–808.
  • Dahmer S, Schiller RM (August 2008). "Glucosamine". Am Fam Physician 78 (4): 471–6.
  • Besides, glycosamine is included into the list of dietary supplements with the established action according to the Russian Academy of Medical Science. (MP Glycosamine sulfate), but it doesn't have official confirmation.

Medicines and additives

This monosaccharide is used for treatment of osteoarthritis. On sale glycosamine sulfate, and also a hydrochloride most often meets. In efficiency of distinction are absent as sulfate turns in digestive tract into a hydrochloride. One of the Best drug is Hondramin.

It is possible to meet as medicines with this substance (the European producers), and dietary supplements and sports food (are most often made in the USA). Distinction is that for production of medicines and dietary supplement various quality standards are used. Dietary supplements are made under less strict control, and most often have lower quality level. However medicines have the much bigger cost therefore their acquisition isn't profitable. Most often the glycosamine is a part of complex additives and medicines which also contain khondroitin sulfate and metilsulfonilmetan.

And qualities possess an optimum price relation sports additives:

  • Bone Boost from SAN:
  • Animal Flex from Universal Nutrition
  • Glucosamine + CSA Super Strength from Optimum Nutrition
  • Glucosamine Sulfate from Twinlab
  • Ultimate Nutrition Glucosamine Chondroitin & MSM

Let's consider pharmaceutical options of additives with glycosamine, having stopped on "net" options (glycosamine + khondroitin):

  • Komplivit Hondro from Pharmstandard
  • Glycosamine – Hondroitin Plus from Solgar
  • Artro - the Complex from AdMedicine
  • Glycosamine Plas from Nutricare
  • Glyukozamin-hondroitinovy a complex from Pharmakor Production
  • Ellastenga® Active Glyukozamin, from Promo-Med
  • Hitozanovy Argovasna gel from Vektorpro (Novosibirsk) content of net glycosamine of 70% in the form of nanostructured biogel with a size of particles of 20-60 nanometers.

Conclusion: both in complex and in "net" additives glycosamine has low cost if to choose the correct trademarks. It is difficult to allocate the undisputed leader.

Side effects

According to clinical trials, the glucosamine is safe, any contraindications it was revealed not. However excess of a daily dose can lead more than 3000 mg to depression of efficiency of drug, the risk of development of a diabetes mellitus as in larger concentration it has toxic effect on pancreas cells is enlarged. Also, there can sometimes be such side effects as a gastric disturbance, constipation and a diarrhea, a headache and an allergic eruption.

Instruction and doses

Commercial information of producers:

The daily norm of a glucosamine makes 1500 mg (2 times a day on 750 mg or 3 times a day on 500 mg after food or together with food). Duration of a preventive course makes 1 month. Frequency of courses is 2-3 times a year. Additive can be used also for complex treatment of degenerative and inflammatory diseases of joints, in combination with other medicines (antiinflammatory drugs, steroids, etc.).

Official information of Rospotrebnadzor:

(source: "STANDARDS of physiological needs for energy and feedstuffs for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation of MP", Onishchenko, Scientific center of the Russian Academy of Medical Science)

The recommended consumption level for adult is 700 mg/day.


Gliclazide (Diabeton MV)

02 Dec 2016

Gliclazide (the trade name Diabeton MV) is an antidiabetic agent from a class of derivatives of sulfnilmochevina which stimulates secretion of own insulin. When using in bodybuilding for a set of muscle bulk is the safest choice among similar drugs. It is available without prescription.

Gliclazide (Diabeton MV)

Disadvantage of diabeton is the long period of action and possible attrition of function of a pancreas, however it is observed when using high dosages (100-120 mg a day) at people of patients with Diabetum with already available disturbances of an organ. Statements for risk of development of the acquired diabetes mellitus are groundless.


The applied doses in bodybuilding make 30 mg (one tablet), it is desirable to begin reception with 10-15 mg. Remaining recommendations are similar to insulin course, to that difference that carbohydrates need to be accepted within the subsequent 10 hours (such period of effect of medicine). Course duration is no more than 1 month, with the subsequent break at least 12-13 months. The long period of use of medicine can lead to a pancreas disorder. You can also like Epifamin.

Side effects marked during clinical trials

The most frequent problem is the hypoglycemia which gives in to complete control in case of healthy nutrition (constant arrival of carbohydrates). In the research ADVANCE the insignificant difference of frequency of different serious unwanted phenomena between the groups of patients accepting diabeton and placebo was marked. With the detailed description of the ghost effects characteristic of sulphonylurea derivatives, it is possible to examine in the instruction to medicine. In practice, in case of course reception, collateral responses practically don't meet.



02 Dec 2016

Histamine in an organism is formed of initial amino acid of Histidinum under the influence of a histidinedecarboxylase. There are no clinically significant drugs influencing synthesis of Histaminum, however certain drugs, for example Morphinum, cause allocation of Histaminum from mast cells as side effect. Results of such release of Histamine are its certain pharmacological effects. There are no available drugs in clinic which considerably influence a metabolism or egestion of Histaminum.

Histamine has many properties, besides a role as the neurotransmitter in a CNS; these properties are shown after activation of histaminic H1-H4-receptors.

Histamine-releasing drugs and drugs directly causing degranulate of mast cells

  • Basic drugs, for example Morphinum, tubocurarine
  • Complex 48/80
  • Radiopaque agents
  • Daunorubitsin
  • Rubidazon
  • Pentamidine
  • Stilbadamin
  • Polymyxin
  • Deferoxaminum
  • Tenipozid

Many properties of Histaminum are caused by activation of H1 receptors

Histamine works as an agonist histaminic H1 receptors which are found in a nervous system, blood vessels and unstriated muscles. The local injection of Histamine causes pain and an itch in people, and after its introduction to a systemic blood stream the expressed vasodilating effect which is responsible also for emergence of reddening (erythema) after a vnutridermalny injection, a lowering of arterial pressure (collapse) and erubescence at systemic administration of the drugs releasing Histamine is observed. Histamin also influences integrity of post-capillary venules, causes augmentation of vascular permeability, exerting impact on H1 receptors on endothelial cells. It leads to a local edema of tissues and systemic implications. Histamine released locally from mast cells participates in emergence of symptoms of allergic dermal diseases (eczema, urticaria) and allergic rhinites, and systemic release of Histamin is bound to development of an anaphylaxis. You can try Hepatamin.

Also narrowing of a lumen of respiratory tracts and reduction of unstriated muscles of digestive tract belong to the effects bound to H1 receptors. Thus, Histaminum is bound to developing of allergic asthma and food allergy. All these effects can be prevented by means of antagonists N1retseptorov.

The main effect of H2 receptors agonists is secretion of acid in stomach

It is less effects of a histamine caused by H2 receptors, than caused by H1 receptors. The main quantity of H2 receptors is located in a stomach where their activation is a part of the final effect leading to secretion of H+. Antagonists of H2 receptors can prevent completely secretion of acid in a stomach. Such medicines successfully use for this purpose in clinical practice (see chapter 16). H2 receptors are also in heart where their activation by increase in tsAMF can increase a myocardium sokratimost, heart rate and conductivity in node.

Influence of histamine on other N-receptors requires further research

The role of N3-and H4 receptors research now. It is considered that H3 receptors, located in TsNS, are involved in functions connected with regulation of a dream and wakefulness. Recently participation of H4 receptors in regulation of inflammatory reaction was revealed.

Functions of Histamine

In a CNS Histamine works as the neurotransmitter; it is necessary for maintenance of a condition of wakefulness. In a stomach mucosa Histaminum works as a mediator. It is allocated from the cells and stimulates the cells which are nearby producing the hydrochloric acid. In mast cells of a blood and organs Histamine plays a role of a mediator of IGE-dependent allergic reactions. Histamine raises a tonus of unstriated muscles of bronchi, the asthmatic dyspnea can be a consequence of what. Histaminum strengthens an intestine peristalsis that in case of food allergy leads to a diarrhea. Permeability of blood vessels increases, between endothelial cells of venules intervals through which plasma follows (for example are formed, at urticaria). Blood vessels extend as Histaminum promotes release of nitrogen oxide through a vascular endothelium. The boring Histamine of the sensitive nervous terminations of a skin is resulted by a dermal itch.

Receptors. Histaminic receptors work through G-proteins. Histaminic receptors and H2 type are a target of antagonists. H3-Retseptory are located on nervous cells and influence release of various mediators, including block emission of Histamine.

Metabolism. In the cells containing Histaminum, amine is formed by Histidinum amino acid decarboxylation. Free Histaminum is blasted; the return neyronalny capture of Noradrenalinum, Dopaminum and a serotonin doesn't happen.

Antagonists. Hi and H2-Retseptory can be blocked by means of selective antagonists.

H1-Antigistaminnye drugs. The first antihistaminics ("an agent of the first generation") are nonspecific and block other receptors, for example M-holinoretseptory. These drugs were used antiallergic (for example, bamipin, Clemastinum, dimetinden, mebgidrolin, fenira-mines), antiemetic (meklozin, dimenhydrinatum), nonspecific sedative and hypnagogues. The promethazine is used as an intermediate agent before transition to psychopharmacological drugs from set of fenotiasin neuroleptics. Side effects of such drugs are a sleepiness (drivers of motor transport can't accept) and the effects reminding effect of atropine (for example, dryness in a mouth, constipations). New agents ("drugs of the second generation") don't get into a CNS and therefore don't possess sedative action. It is possible that in GEB endothelium they are transported back in a blood and have no atropine like effect. Treat this group tsetirizin (racemate) and its active enantiomer levotsetirizin, and also loratadin and his main operating metabolite desloratadin. Feksofenadin is an active metabolite of terfenadin which because of very slow biotransformation (by means of SURZA4) reaches high level in blood and can provoke cordial arrhythmias (decrease of the period of QT). Treat this type of drugs also evastin and mizolastin.

H2-Antigistaminnye drugs block secretion of a gastric juice and are applied as antiulcerous agents. The first representative of this group Cimetidinum can change action of other drugs as inhibits liver cytochromoxidases. Newer drug ranitidine doesn't exert such impact.

Stabilizers of mast cells. Kromoglikat also nedokromit block emission of Histaminum and other mediators of mast cells at allergic reactions. These drugs are used locally.


Hypoglycemia in bodybuilding, methods of fight against it

02 Dec 2016

Hypoglycemia is the pathological state which is characterized by depression of level of a glucose of a peripheric blood is lower than norm (3.3 mmol/l). In bodybuilding most often develops in a consequence of unreasonable use of insulin.

Hypoglycemia signs

  • Exaltation, concern, alarm, pavor
  • Excess sweating
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Muscular shiver
  • Paleness of integuments
  • Giddiness, syncopal state
  • Feeling of hunger

At the expressed over dosage insulin can arise:

  • Focal neurologic disorders
  • Epileptiform attacks
  • Loss of consciousness, coma. At healthy people it is improbable (read the clinical section).
  • Death. "Attention" the Lethal dose of insulin - more than 100 Units

How to prevent hypoglycemia

If the dose of insulin doesn't exceed 50 PIECES, then the hypoglycemia can be prevented in house conditions:

  • Dissolve in a glass with warm water 3-4 spoons of Saccharum, drink it
  • In 10 minutes eat a flour product (white loaf, a roll), white rice or other carbohydrate product.
  • In a few minutes symptoms have to disappear if it didn't occur - means it is necessary to repeat the procedure once again.
  • Glucagon and drug diazotize is applied to fast stopping.

Clinical pharmacology

The most widespread side effect of insulin is a hypoglycemia. It can develop owing to over dosage of hormone, discrepancy on time of peak of concentration of insulin in bloods with meal, actions of additional factors which enlarge sensitivity to insulin (an adrenal failure, hypopituitarism) or strengthen capture of a glucose tissues (exercise stress). The more intensively an insulin therapy, the more often it is complicated by a hypoglycemia. In the research DCCT at the patients receiving an intensive insulin therapy, serious episodes of a hypoglycemia became perceptible by 3 times more often than at the patients receiving a usual insulin therapy (DCCT Research Group, 1993). Mild and medium-weight episodes of a hypoglycemia were observed much more often serious, and their risk was higher among receiving an intensive insulin therapy too. Risk of a hypoglycemia is the major factor which needs to be considered when determining indications to an intensive insulin therapy.

The physiological answer to a hypoglycemia develops in a certain order. At first insulin secretion decreases. Then, when the level of a glucose of plasma reaches 70 mg of % (3.9 mmol/l), secretion hormones — an adrenaline, a glucagon, hormone of body height, a hydrocortisone and catecholamine begins. Do not forget take Hepatamin for better results.

The first symptoms of a hypoglycemia appear at glucose level in plasma of 60-80 mg of % (3,3 — 3,9 mmol/l). It is the sweat, feeling of hunger, parenthesis, heartbeat, a tremor, alarm substantially bound to activation of a sympathetic nervous system (an adrenergic symptomatology). At lower level of a glucose in plasma the neurologic (neyroglyukopenic) symptomatology is disturbance of concentration of attention, oglushennost, delicacy, drowsiness, feeling of fever, giddiness, an illegibility of vision and a loss of consciousness appears. At the healthy person glucose level is in a blood under rigid control, and the hypoglycemia therefore develops extremely seldom.

Glucagon is the main hormone at healthy people and at patients with recently diagnosed acrostic diabetes mellitus. At a lingering hypoglycemia to the forefront there are catecholamine, a hydrocortisone and STG. At long ago ill an achrestic diabetes mellitus the secretory answer of a glucagon to a hypoglycemia it is exhausted, but functions of a glucagon are undertaken by an adrenaline. As ability of such patient to resist to a hypoglycemia entirely depends on the secretory answer of an adrenaline, disturbance of this mechanism conducts to augmentation of risk of serious episodes of a hypoglycemia. It also happens at patients to an old achrestic diabetes mellitus and vegetative neuropathy. The incompetence of both a glucagon, and an adrenaline leads to a lingering hypoglycemia. Especially often it happens at night: at some patients very low levels of glucose in plasma for several hours become perceptible. The serious episode of a hypoglycemia conducts to cramps and a coma.

After there were glucose meters, a hypoglycemia began to confirm almost at each patient with suspicious symptoms. It is more difficult to confirm a night hypoglycemia; it should be suspected at complaints to a headache since morning, a night sweating, a hypothermia. Believe that at achrestic diabetes mellitus the night hypoglycemia serves as the hyperglycemia reason in the mornings. This phenomenon is known as Somodzhi's syndrome: in the general opinion, hormones in response to a night hypoglycemia leads emission to development of a reactive hyperglycemia. Existence of a syndrome of Somodzhi was recently called into question as several groups of researchers couldn't reproduce it experimentally. Besides, it is well known that at an old achrestic diabetes mellitus and an intensive insulin therapy emission of hormones in response to a hypoglycemia considerably decreases. It is improbable that at such patients night secretion of hormones could lead to a hyperglycemia next morning. Therefore the reference the patient in the mornings suffering from a hyperglycemia to reduce an evening dose of insulin now it is considered wrong. As the hyperglycemia reason in the mornings, most likely, serves the insufficient effect of an evening dose of insulin of average duration of action together with a dawn hyperglycemia. The patient recommend to enlarge an evening dose of insulin of average duration of action and to enter it before going to bed, and that who uses a wearable batcher of insulin — to enlarge rate of infusion between 3:00 and 7:00.

Each patient receiving an insulin therapy has to be familiar with hypoglycemia symptoms, always have at himself something sweet and wear an identification bracelet or a card in a wallet where data on its illness would contain. At suspicion on the coming hypoglycemia it is necessary to measure whenever possible at itself glucose level. Mild and medium-weight episodes of a hypoglycemia are stopped by reception of glucose. In hard cases introduction of glucose and an injection of a glucagon are necessary i.v.


Mathematics of Aging

02 Dec 2016

Biophysicist Dr. Doping tells about the crisis of drugs, age-related diseases, and the physics of life. Why there was a crisis of targeted therapies? Is it possible to treat non-communicable diseases? What is aging and can it slow?

Paradigm, which promised to rid us from every conceivable disease, the prospect of which was drawn by biologists after decoding the human genome and, after people learned to associate genes with diseases if not collapsed, it is experiencing at the present day, big problems. New drugs are not registered, they are not safe, drug development takes 10 years, hundreds of billions of dollars spent on neurodegeneration and cancer, and in the best case we see drugs that million dollar prolong the life of a cancer patient at 7 months. To improve quality of life – buy ActoveginVitamin B12 cyanocobalamin injection, Meldonium and Piracetam.

The rate of aging is associated with stress resistance. Why do some animals live longer than others? Fabrics some animals survive, relatively speaking, a single dose of radiation, a single dose of damaging chemicals or heavy metals, and other animal tissues - different. There is a correlation between stress resistance and lifespan. The greater the stress resistance, the more usual lifespan.

Genetic Network is a mathematical object in which genes produce proteins, proteins interact with each other and with the outside world, passed in a sense, analyze excitement that goes into all sorts of chemical, radiological, thermal and other stresses of the outside world as -So change shape, interact with one another and back is adjusted gene.


FAQ: Gastritis as infectious disease

02 Dec 2016

5 facts about the causes of gastritis and ulcers and modern methods of treatment

stomach, Gastritis, Stamakort Pyridoxine buy

The food in the human or animal body passes through the esophagus to the stomach from the stomach into the intestine, and the remnants are ejected. This system is known and is characterized by the fact that the route of food occurs a change in pH or acidity. This achieves deep digestion.

  • 1.The mechanism of the stomach

In the stomach, as everyone knows, a lot of acid in the form of hydrochloric acid. Further food enters the intestine, where the acid is neutralized in the intestine have already slightly alkaline content, and thus, digestion and assimilation occurs on other mechanisms in the intestine than in the stomach. Of course, driving as much hydrochloric acid in the stomach, it is easy to assume that the stomach is not good from this will. Imagine that you are on the language itself will drop a drop of hydrochloric acid - you will be very, very painful. Therefore, in the stomach have special mechanisms which protect itself and its stomach wall from the excess acid. The task of the stomach wall - throw acid and protect those cells at the same time, that acid discarded from the destruction of the most acid. The main barrier is the "guardian" of the gastric wall is a layer of mucus, which has a small amount of alkali, which actually protects the gastric surface of the rest of the muscle wall of the stomach from the acid and neutralize it.

  • 2.The consequences of failure to protect the stomach

What happens if suddenly, for whatever reason, this protection is broken? And the reasons for the fact can be quite a lot and variety. As a rule, there is an inflammatory reaction in the stomach, which resulted in part the barrier begins to break down. If he just breaks down and there comes some kind of undesirable local inflammatory response, we call it a gastritis. The symptoms of gastritis know everything: burning sensation in the stomach pain. If this process goes on, in the place where we had originally inflammatory reaction is more severe destruction of the gastric wall, to the extent that can be formed "dents and hollows" - a condition we call ulcer. Ulcer - is, roughly speaking, the prolonged gastritis, which leads to the fact that we have in the site of the lesion formed mechanical defects of the stomach wall.

Further development of the ulcer can lead to bleeding, in extreme cases - to perforation, that is, frankly, this dent is converted into a hole that must be patched by surgery. There may be other consequences: on the site of the ulcer may form a cancerous tumor, and thus will continue to be a malignant process - what we call cancer of the stomach. To protect stomach - buy Peptides (Cytomax) Stamakort, Peptide complex for restore digestion, Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) injection.

  • 3.Methods of treatment in the past

All of these diseases of the stomach are well known. Most of the people or their ill or hurt - this is a very common disease. Unfortunately, until recently, was not sufficiently clear and effective ways to treat gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, not to mention stomach cancer.

What was used? We used the correction of the diet. Primarily we exclude those components somehow irritate the stomach wall, and increase the secretion of acid. It is also used in a variety of mineral waters, say "Borjomi" - weakly alkaline water. Later, people come up with a more effective means of neutralizing the acid that the stomach. All of this was used to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach and thereby alleviate symptoms of gastritis.

In the 80s there were more effective medications that are based on our knowledge of how there is increasing concentration of acid in the stomach. There are cells that emit this acid, in which there are special molecules which are proton transporter. Due to these cells are, in fact, the release of protons, i.e. the acid components in the stomach contents. And these cells are regulated by various factors, including, for example, histamine secretion and therefore blockers of histamine, histamine receptor blockers, or reduce the amount of acid in the stomach.

Thus, the treatment that has been used previously was intended to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach and thereby achieve a certain therapeutic effect - in fact, the temporary relief of symptoms. With long-term reduction of acidity happening - or not happening - partial healing. That is, in principle, and the gastritis and ulcers doctors once treated, but was treated successfully enough, and often have recurrences of the disease.

  • 4.Antibiotics as a treatment for gastritis

In 1982, there was a real revolution in this field. Australian scientists have discovered the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is present in the stomach, and hypothesized that the presence of this bacterium determines gastritis and ulcer disease. Although this bacterium has already been isolated and characterized in 1982, nevertheless, for about ten years, the scientific community did not believe this discovery. And, unfortunately, it is a long time delayed the successful use of drugs that kill the bacteria, for the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Fortunately, the proof of the validity of this hypothesis directly by experimentation was obtained. If there are bacteria, they can kill, and to date for this purpose developed sufficiently effective means - antibiotics. Conducted a simple study: patients with gastritis or ulcer treated with antibiotics or mixtures of antibiotics. And it turned out that such treatment is really effective. Moreover, the optimal solutions were developed, which was based on the fact that antibiotic, or rather the mixture of antibiotics is used simultaneously with one of those drugs which inhibit acid secretion. Thus, the decreased amount of acid in the stomach during the treatment, and simultaneously kill germs, bacteria, called "Helicobacter pylori." After such a course of simultaneous antacid and antimicrobials recovery occurred more frequently than in 90% of cases.

  • 5.Value of opening bacteria

The fact that Helicobacter simply can not live in the stomach and good feel in a strong acid, it simultaneously allocates toxin destroying those immune cells that are responsible for the integrity and for gastric inflammatory reactions.

Thus, these bacteria reduce the immune properties of the stomach, and it becomes susceptible to attack foreign organisms. And today, this hypothesis is considered to be absolutely proven and evidence was award - the Nobel Prize in 2005 for the two scientists who discovered this phenomenon.

Why is it, in my view, a very unusual and very important discovery? On the one hand, it is unusual because it did not infectious diseases. And no one has ever directly no idea that one person can infect another gastritis. Studies that have been carried out, based on a completely different approach: people first discovered the bacterium, and then showed a correlation with the presence of this bacteria disease. And second, most importantly, on what used to spent a lot of money: the treatment of gastritis, ulcers requiring surgical intervention and prevention of gastric cancer is now cheap enough rate reached a mixture of antibiotics in combination with antacid drugs. This, in my view, one of the most important advances in medicine the end of the last century.


FAQ: Genetic ensembles in oncology

02 Dec 2016

7 facts about the genes in cancer and the use of targeted therapies

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The process of neoplastic transformation of cells, ie the transformation of cells from normal to cancerous, accompanied by a very large-scale restructuring of the work cell genes, the so-called transcriptome. This changes the work of thousands of genes. If a person has only about 25,000 protein-coding genes, the changes in cancer usually work at least every tenth gene.

  • 1.Changes in gene at cancer

Among them are genes whose function is to contain the tumor growth suppression that is no controlled division, and there are genes whose function, on the contrary, is associated with the division. In a normal cell to maintain a balance between cell death and division. Cancer cells are characterized by imbalances of these basic principles, that is, the division begins to clearly prevail over cell differentiation and cell death. Is broken system of checks and balances that exist in normal cells. This is due to the fact that the genes that help cells to divide, work more actively than they worked in a normal cell, and on the contrary, inhibited the activity of genes that control them and are not allowed to work harder than it should be OK.

  • 2.Intracellular signaling pathways

The primary reason for this are the genomic changes, mutations, or the so-called epigenetic changes. Thus there is a massive reorganization of the work of the genome. If we imagine a pile of three thousand genes that work differently, this in itself does not say anything. However, the work of all the genes may be classified so that the genes can not be considered in itself, but in the context of biological processes for which they are responsible, because genes can be divided into bands - intracellular signaling pathways. You can try Tiramin.

  • 3.Analysis of the gene ensembles

Each signal path has a certain input signal and an action that it runs at the output. For example, the inlet may be binding to cell growth factor or a hormone, and the output variation occurs, for example, in a large number of genes. Genes can be decomposed into the signal path, analyzing the work which can be much more accurately represent what is happening in the cell than in the analysis of specific, individual, single genes.

Imagine a signaling pathway, which has about a hundred members. Each of these members can be altered in cancer, the variability is very high, but the output we will obtain the same effect. That is a change of each of the hundreds of participants can lead to the same investigation. Thus, to analyze the work of gene ensembles seems much more appropriate approach than analyze each gene individually.

  • 4.New methods for analyzing large amounts of data

Science Bioinformatics, which blooms in recent years and is formed at the interface of biology, physics, mathematics and computer science, solves a number of problems faced by researchers, classical biology, namely how to analyze massive amounts of data? For example, the work of three thousand three hundred genes in tissue samples. Conventional methods of biology with this, of course, will not be able to cope.

Bioinformatics allows you to create algorithms for the analysis of such a large ensemble of genes, so that the output gain valuable information about what happened to the cell and, most importantly, what processes can be suppressed to a cancer cell no longer feel comfortable. That is, knowing what kind of regulatory pathways are activated more strongly than in normal cells, it is possible to pick up these medications that will selectively block this signaling pathway, which greatly complicate the life of a cancer cell and help therapy.

  • 5.Treatment of cancer

Each patient set of signaling pathways that are activated precisely in its cells, individual, and when it is a question of personalized medicine, it is understood that each patient should choose a course of therapy which will kill it its cancerous cells and not some secondary cells patient, the diameter of one meter and a mass of one kilogram, that is non-existent in nature. Thus, it is obvious that it is in-depth analysis of gene expression, coupled with bioinformatics methods can provide a real breakthrough in the health of the XXI century that inspires and encouraging researchers in the field of molecular oncology.

  • 6.The effectiveness of targeted therapies

It is noteworthy that in recent years there are more and more so-called targeted therapies, that is, drugs designed to suppress any specific gene products, but it does not affect anything else. Targeted drugs can, for example, to block passage of the signal by intracellular signaling pathways in cancer cells. Such formulations may select for each of specific signaling pathways, namely to block it when necessary. Recently there has been a boom of such drugs as among those that are in clinical trials, as well as among those who are entering the market. Now, for example, entered the market nearly a hundred targeted drugs to treat cancer, but clinical trials are already several thousands of products. Of course, a number of them, these clinical trials are not successful, but that the number of targeted therapies for the treatment of cancer will continue to grow exponentially, apparently.

  • 7.Side effects of targeted therapies

At the same time there is a very great difficulty. It lies in the fact that most of these drugs have their own side effects, and the patient's life is often too short to try it on many different options. That is why it is important to immediately assign the patient to these drugs, which help to him. That is, from the variety of drugs that are already there and will soon appear on the market, it is necessary to choose suitable for a particular patient. The most rational, it seems to me, it can be done using methods of molecular medicine system, generously using methods of bioinformatics, a kind of molecular oncology future.

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