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Human Genes: accept can not be changed

05 Dec 2016

The biologist Dr. Doping tells about Project for reading the human genome, the gene "optimism" and mice want to have fun. Do emotions affect the operation of the genes? How do mutations change the "occupation" of the gene? The similar changes in the genetic and linguistic texts?

Gene therapy is replacing "damaged" good genes. Already there are early successes treatment of diseases caused by the fact that the disrupted gene. However, we can not say that these achievements have reached the mass of clinical applications. Some, though not isolated cases, when they could help people. With the complete replacement of the bone marrow could cure a man of AIDS. But it was a very difficult operation. The patient's bone marrow transplant, which was taken from a donor genetically protected from AIDS (there is a mutation that makes people less susceptible to AIDS).

To cope with stress – Phenibut, Selank would Help.

The first settlers of the Scandinavian countries on the island were not very successful, in particular because in the Far North was not enough sun for them. When scientists dug up in some areas of the cemetery and found the burial Viking times hikes, there were many skeletons of young women, within which was a little skeletons, that is, these women died in childbirth. Rickets causes a disturbance of the form of the pelvis and difficult childbirth. This natural selection occurred.

Ventral cord tire area, or so-called "zone of paradise" arose to people or other animals behaved correctly. Signals go there after a biologically useful behavior: diet, exercise stress, social approval or breeding. Multiply useful for species: make sex - held signal in this zone. And there are chemical compounds that bind directly to the neurons 'Paradise Zone' in the brain. And it's drugs. They deceive the body. The drug comes in the zone and give him the signal that everything is in order.


What is AIDS?

05 Dec 2016

The biologist Dr. Doping tells about first of AIDS research, the nature of the virus and the prevalence of the disease.

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AIDS - is an infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Chromosomes are composed of viral RNA and fall into a host chromosome using the enzyme reverse transcriptase - a phenomenon of reverse transcriptase, which is a process of DNA synthesis on an RNA template. When this process occurs in the infected cells, synthesized viral DNA integrated into the DNA of the host cell and becomes incurable by modern methods. I need to mention that Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) injection is essential for DNA synthesis.

As a result of long-term persistence of the virus in the host undergoing great changes in the immune system that lead to the destruction of cellular immunity. The development of the disease takes a few years, after which a person becomes susceptible to various diseases. Most people with HIV eventually die from tuberculosis and other diseases. Modern science believes that the virus occurred naturally and evolved from monkeys, which was harmless. However, HIV is a fatal human disease. To date, Russia is home to about one million HIV-infected people in the world - from 30 to 40 million.

The first studies of AIDS belong to James Kuran known epidemiologist and former head of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control of America). Kuran first drew attention to the epidemiology of the disease manifestations. Kuran noticed that a certain group of people in the United States suddenly quickened very rare disease - Kaposi's sarcoma. Previously, this disease occurs in older people in the Mediterranean region, and Kuran watched her young homosexuals in New York and San Francisco. Then it turned out that this immune deficiency. Blood cells associated with the immune defense was less than normal. Thus, a new disease has been described.

Later, the French virologist Luc Montagnier discovered traces of the virus, and the American scientist Robert Gallo accumulated virus in preparative amounts, created a test system for antibodies to HIV and the first to show the prevalence of the disease. It turned out that the disease is associated with certain social groups and is spreading rapidly among homosexuals and drug addicts - sexually and through needle.

Since 1987, Russia made a number of discoveries in the field of AIDS. In 1987 he opened the first cases of HIV infection in Saint Petersburg. the first death from AIDS in the Soviet Union was described in 1988, which largely determined the subsequent course of events in the fight against AIDS in our country. This was followed by the selection of the first domestic isolates of human immunodeficiency virus, its genome and cloning of the first domestic program on the development of an HIV vaccine.


Therapy of Pain

05 Dec 2016

Neurologist Dr. Doping tells about the fear of pain, the use of antidepressants and pharmacological treatments. What influences the perception of pain? In some cases, for the treatment of pain requires the use of anti-depressants? It consists of what stages therapy of chronic pain conditions?

Pain - a question that requires a separate study. There are no universal tablets, generic drugs or universal groups, which can cure the pain. Pain may vary in type, and this is very much dependent on the choice of a particular drug. In the current realities of the spread of amateur among patients and a certain percentage of the uncontrolled promotion of certain drugs in the media often leads to unnecessary use of inappropriate groups of drugs and, consequently, to a change in the expectations of patients to communicate with doctors, reduce confidence in the doctors, confidence in the drugs and so further.

What do affects our perception of you? The simplest method of treating pain with which we are faced in life - when a child fell into a deep, began to cry, you approached Mom patted on the head, and you stopped crying. What then was: how pain impulses that you feel pain or as an offense that you fell? The same thing happened later when you fell from the bike or accidentally fell, touching something, someone or someone's car, but you do not cry, you feel the pain, but quickly the lam from the crash site or the crime scene, so as not to be caught and punished. Again the pain is - no response to pain. The reaction to the pain, the individual expectations of pain - this is what dictates the purpose of treatment and treatments that should be applied to the patient.

Base, naturally, is to determine the source of the pain and the type of pain, based on the pathophysiology, - nociceptive, neuropathic, or predominantly psychogenic pain. In accordance with this choice of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, simple analgesics, muscle relaxants, if we are talking about musculoskeletal pain, or so-called vertebral pain, articular pathology, or whether it is predominantly neuropathic pain with a selection of products from the group of antidepressants, anticonvulsants. When we talk about the use of drugs for chronic pain patients for all groups and for all types of pain, that is, unfortunately, the use of antidepressants. With multiple positions is the destruction of persistent mood phobic patients, including patients kinesis phobic mood - fear of movement, fear of the pain itself. The simplest example is the fear of pain that we are checking iron, hot or unheated it, touch it again ten short movements, even if objectively see that it is off the network. We are afraid of the temperature, we are afraid to experience pain - a protective kinesis phobia. There pathological kinesis phobia, which must destroy with the help of antidepressants (PhenibutPhenazepam, Afobazol, Selank). Moreover, chronic pain causes a decrease of the pain threshold, which increases the perceived level of pain and then there need antidepressants. Not every antidepressant assigned indicates that the patient is depressed or crazy - afraid that our patients, probably due to some peculiarities of the environment or the cultural perception.

If the patient is dominant in the structure of psychogenic pain or pain with a huge psychogenic or psycho-emotional accompaniment, of course, here the emphasis is on anti-depressants for antipsychotics and is likely to psychotherapy, which should carry out an expert who understands the structure of pain and is where the pain taken.

Unfortunately, the treatment of pain in Russia appoints a large number of specialists.

In the West, there is a notion manage pain, or is a specialty algology, which is responsible for the treatment of pain, combining neurology, orthopedics, traumatology and can be, an anesthetist. This wide profile specialists who understand the structure of deep pain, in accordance with the prescribed treatment. If we look at our reality, unfortunately, not even all of the neurologists are the origin of the pain, which is often very much stopping them, they do not imagine the basics Spine and Orthopedics, not all orthopedic-trauma understand the pathophysiology of pain, and the more so not all psychiatrists and psychotherapists understand where the pain is taken as the source, speaking on neuropathic, nociceptive pain, and so on. Not all anesthetists well understand it, although able to turn off the pain. We have links for the pain, turn off the pain and the different stages of formation of strongly divided pain is individual specialists who can be understood in different ways, but all the same, unfortunately, unit.

What is included in the pain therapy, if we talk about chronic pain condition? This selection of the primary anesthetic drug, selection of products that clean the environment of pain - this muscle relaxants during reflex muscle spasm, it's antidepressants, it is the appointment of additional non-pharmacological therapies. What could it be? This number of rehabilitation actions, this physiotherapy is cognitive-behavioral therapy, this explanation to the patient source of his pain and ways to overcome it, is to activate the patient. Unfortunately, the fact that our patients like, which often emerges in the first place mention pain in general when referring to any disease, - physiotherapy. As convincing evidence of physical therapy techniques in the treatment of pain level is very low.

Another favorite pastime of our patients in the great shaman tambourine treatment of pain is a massage again, apart from some of the complex, apart from physical therapy, apart from manual therapy. The technique is very nice, but inefficient. The same can be said about the total assignment of manual therapy, osteopathy and passion for all methods of manual actions that apply to our patients. It's nice, maybe, but the effectiveness of their not very significant, but the placebo effect they have is huge. Because it's always nice when a man who knows the problem of knowing your body features, especially seeing the body, and will work with you will speak.

Actually, the pain therapy in all its phases, always rests in the treatment of chronic, persistent and difficult-to-treat pain. Apart from long-term use of drugs aimed directly at relief of pain, need psychological assistance and psychological adaptation of both the patient and his entourage, which is actively used around the world and is rarely used in us: that with this patient, you can do what you can talk about what we can not speak, you can activate it, you can not activate it, he needs help, he, on the contrary, do not need help. Activation of some internal human resources, activation of his spirit, the struggle with his concomitant depressive changes (chronic pain is always accompanied by some degree of depression), the purpose in the end of hard drugs from the group of opioid analgesics, holding account of these drugs. This is a separate topic of conversation, unfortunately, requires very great caution, because the use of potent drugs without prescription will lead to a large number of adverse reactions and misuse of this theme.

On the other hand, non-pharmacological treatment is the development direction of rehabilitation medicine and rehabilitation medicine in the direction of pain. It's a long way to go in thinking and doctors and patients from the tactics of "take one pill and be cured" until, unfortunately, a long road to recovery can be long, even without taking the pills. This approach to the motor, behavioral, social, cognitive, psychological rehabilitation, including by means of pharmacological agents, but with the assistance and the environment, and the work of specialists.

Unfortunately, now is the direction we have, but it is a very commercialized, either as such direction, we can say almost none.

In Russia, there are units of rehabilitation centers that can observe the patient for a long time with a particular pathology.

In Moscow, there are patients and units that are ready psychologically, even if absolutely correctly and adequately long period of time to recover. Given that the treatment of any chronic disease - it is, in fact, the patient's trust in the doctor and the doctor to the patient, often this is a game of giveaway and check who wins. Naturally, in this conversation to talk about the successful tactics of treatment of chronic pain, we can not. Development trends and changes in the understanding and the doctors and patients with regard to treatment and generally chronic conditions, such as chronic pain - this is probably the area in future years, if not decades.

Thus, a symbiosis of knowledgeable doctors who can treat and diagnose and patients understand what to expect from a particular product from a particular doctor's action will help in the end we find a relative harmony in matters of treatment of chronic pain, namely: to achieve if not heal the pain, its compensation and peaceful life of the patient, who can manage their pain.


What distinguishes the spasm from cramp?

05 Dec 2016

Neurologist Dr. Doping tells about the differences between the two types of muscle contraction, and their causes.

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Spasms and cramps are a concept that describes the process of muscle contraction. The medicine made conditional division of the terms under which a spasm - it is a one-time reduction of muscles of different duration. Spasms may occur as a result of hypothermia, muscle overload, injury, inflammation in the surrounding tissues, intoxication. When muscle spasm occurs in humans sudden pain.

Convulsions is a set of spasms that occur within any disease. For example, an epileptic syndrome sometimes appears so-called tonic-clonic seizures, is a set of stereotypical muscle contractions. Convulsions can also occur due to electrolyte disorders which lead to the possibility of muscle contraction. For example, this situation may occur when the muscle overload.

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The mechanism of occurrence of spasms and cramps associated with the mechanism of functioning of the muscle tissue itself. Muscle tissue is composed of a set of threads - actin and myosin filaments, which are interconnected by so-called bridges. Muscles spasms when actin and myosin filaments differ among themselves in an extended position. The shortened version includes these yarns into one another, having stable connection between them. To break these bonds requires significant amounts of energy, in which the length of the muscle is reduced. Separation of actin and myosin muscle - a process that takes more energy than their connection. To muscles relax, you need energy-intensive biochemical process. When muscle spasm is in the state if not physiological, biochemical and energetic but calm. This state requires less energy than the state of relaxation, or vice versa, the state of contraction.

When we talk about the seizures, we often use set phrases. For example, There is a phrase "leg cramp" when it comes to the calf muscle. But in fact, such a state of muscle contraction - is the same muscle spasm. The mechanism of muscle contraction is always the same. But the mechanisms that cause this muscle contraction, different. If we are talking about a convulsive disorder, it can be held with the participation of the central nervous system.

Muscle contraction - is the final process, which we call a cramp or spasm. This process may result from different states, the main ones are the primary muscle processes associated with trauma to, hypothermia, muscle overload, which may end in a spasm. Electrolyte disturbances can also lead to cramps. Central nervous system disorders within epi-syndrome may also exhibit seizures, ie a set of spasms.


Epilepsy: Causes and Symptoms

05 Dec 2016

Neurologist Dr. Doping tells about epilepsy, the development of the disease in childhood, and modern approaches to treatment of disease.

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Epilepsy - is a chronic disease of the brain that is characterized by recurrent attacks of unprovoked with different clinical manifestations. During an epileptic seizure may experience a variety of disorders of motor, sensory, mental, cognitive and autonomic functions. These disorders are caused by excessive neuronal discharges in the gray matter of the cerebral cortex.

Conventionally, all forms of epilepsy can be divided into two major groups: epilepsy with hereditary genetic predisposition and acquired epilepsy. The development of a single attack is not proof of the presence of epilepsy. Available statistics indicate that about 10% of the population at least once in their lives suffered a seizure. For the diagnosis of epilepsy are key two points: the development of repeated attacks and the development of spontaneous seizures unprovoked. The exception is a reflex epilepsy. Classic examples of reflex seizures characteristic of photosensitive epilepsy, when the light stimulus can trigger an epileptic seizure.

Epilepsy and epileptic syndrome

It is necessary to distinguish between epilepsy as a disease and as a syndrome. Epilepsy - is a chronic neurological disease independent. Epilepsy - is a manifestation of various diseases accompanied by convulsive tonic-clonic seizures, loss of consciousness and other symptoms that can be triggered by external factors, such as high temperature.

Epilepsy often begins in childhood. One of the main causes of the disease - a violation of the activity of genes responsible for the work of the sodium, potassium, hydrogen and chloride channels in the nerve cell. As a result of these deviations violated the polarization of the membrane of the nerve cell, changing the activity of glial cells. As a result of neuronal cells dramatically increase their activity. Thus, epilepsy is caused by genetic changes that result in increased activity of nerve cells and surrounding cells - glial cells. But there are also other types of epilepsy, which are associated with specific genes and are monogenic inheritance. The specific gene and a specific problem associated with impaired activity of the gene, leading to the disease. But in most of these cases, epilepsy is a polygenic, that is, for its development requires a combination of changes in gene activity that leads to the phenomenon of hyperexcitability of the cerebral cortex and the development of epileptic seizures.

The development of the disease falling sickness

In 60-70% of cases, epilepsy develops in childhood. By age groups the disease is divided into several groups: epilepsy of infancy occurs in the first year of life; Childhood epilepsy develops up to 6 years; epilepsy adolescence appears between the ages of 12-14 years. The disease begins its development, depending on when the group changes the activity of certain genes. In Russia, it suffers from epilepsy 0.5-1% of the total child population. Various forms of epilepsy proceed differently. Some children form proceed with a flagrant violation of the child's development. The earlier developed epilepsy and the later it is diagnosed, the worse the prognosis for the child's development.

Each epileptic syndrome is unique, but it has its own characteristic clinical features. Based on the clinical manifestations of seizures was built one of the classifications of epilepsy. Epilepsy is associated with the problem of "paroxysmal brain." The brain in epilepsy works differently: it periodically without any provocateurs can generate the strongest level of activity, which manifested as seizures. A person may be born with predisposition, ie with a predisposition to the disease. In the future, the effect of different factors can implement this predisposition. One example, is detected when a predisposition to epilepsy - febrile convulsions, i.e. convulsions in children occurring at high temperature. The presence of such seizures does not mean that the child is bound to be epilepsy. But found that some children with febrile convulsions, altered activity of the hippocampus - part of the brain, which can take a significant part in the development of the pulse of paroxysmal activity. And this group of children the risk of developing epilepsy syndrome is higher than that of children who have never had a seizure at high temperatures.

Youth forms of epilepsy there are "benign". These forms can not influence the development and effective antiepileptic drugs be verifiable. In general, modern therapies can effectively help patients in 60-70% of cases. The allegation that epilepsy is incurable - a myth. Combination drug therapy with surgery and neuro-modulation in most cases, allows to help even in difficult situations.

Attacks of epilepsy

Epilepsy can be extremely varied - from convulsive tonic-clonic seizures to seizures change of consciousness and visual hallucinations. If the excitation of brain activity discharge occurs in the occipital cortex, which is responsible for the vision, the seizures can occur and visual impairment, and headache. In generalized seizures, patients lose consciousness. There are rare form of attacks, when the patient changed consciousness, but it can perform a variety of actions: to walk, to talk, to make some kind of stereotyped movements.

Another common manifestation of epilepsy - tonic-clonic seizures ( "tonic" - this tension, "clonic" - a twitching). Tonic-clonic seizures are generalized as tense muscles, and partial, when there is tension or twitching in separate parts of the body, such as the right hand or the left leg. Seizures can also be clonic only when there is no voltage, or tonic, when there is no jerks.

Epilepsy rarely fatal. But there is the concept of status epilepticus - a condition in which seizures are repeated one after the other. At the time of status epilepticus may develop severe complications.

Adverse outcome may also cause improper care of a patient during an attack. The attack comes on suddenly, and the fall of the patient can lead to ceasing language and asphyxia - respiratory arrest. There is a myth that the severe attacks need to stick something in the man's mouth, but it can lead to injury of the teeth, tongue, and to be an additional cause asphyxia. To help a person during an attack, you just need to turn it on its side and remove the surrounding objects, which can cause injury.

Treatment of disease epilepsy

There are several approaches to the treatment of epilepsy: the medicinal and surgical techniques and the use of neuromodulation. Often, these methods are combined with each other. In some forms of epilepsy using special ketogenic diet. The mechanism of this diet is not fully understood, but it is understood that the ketone bodies can trigger a series of biochemical processes, resulting in suppressed epileptic discharges. The ketogenic diet dramatically reduces the amount of carbohydrates by increasing the fat content. One need to add the use of CNS stimulants (Neuro-metabolites) such as Piracetam, SemaxCogitum, Cerebrocurin, Ceraxon, Cerebrolysin or Cortexin.

When drug therapy group used antiepileptic drugs - anticonvulsants. Neurosurgery is used for forms that are resistant to drug therapy, the formation of a sustainable focus of epileptic activity in the brain.

In recent years, actively developing neurostimulation. Used methods such as vagal nerve stimulation, transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Research of epilepsy

For the first time epilepsy has been described before our era. Many famous historical figures have suffered from this disease, such as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar. However, to study epilepsy as a disease largely began in the XIX century. In 1888, John Jackson gave one of the first definitions of epilepsy. A significant contribution to the understanding of the causes and clinical manifestations of epilepsy have domestic Dr. Alexey Kozhevnikov and Vladimir Bekhterev. They describe the clinical manifestations of seizures and epilepsy identified as an independent disease. The big breakthrough in the study of epilepsy occurred in the XX century, when there was an electroencephalography - method for studying the bioelectric activity of the brain. Electroencephalography shows the total electrical activity of the brain, the cortex and the work of deep brain structures. With this method, the scientists recorded the epileptic electrical discharges, which coincided with epileptic seizures. After this rapid development Epileptology as a separate direction in neuroscience. The method electroencephalography able to differentiate different types of epilepsy. In recent years, a significant breakthrough in the study of the disease associated with the development of methods of functional neuroimaging and genetics.


The role of pathological anatomy in medicine

05 Dec 2016

Pathologist Dr. Doping tells about the results of the autopsy, the divergence of diagnoses and oncology practice.

Pathological anatomy among medical specialties stands somewhat apart. Firstly, this specialty is narrow, and the number of specialists compared to other professions is insignificant. Pathologists in our country there, although exact figures are not published, about two thousand people. Other specialties include tens of thousands or even more. Secondly, this specialty is in contrast to other, it stands on two points of support. All medical specialties are divided into basic and clinical. For example, surgery - a clinical specialty, and some kind of biochemistry - is a fundamental discipline. Pathological anatomy combines fundamental part, as the theoretical basis of medicine, and at the same time is our clinical discipline, because it solves the everyday practical problems in clinical practice. In this respect, a great interest in this specialty.

Another feature is that the pathology is multi-disciplinary in nature. It covers all disciplines. Without knowledge of pathological anatomy can not be a real doctor, pathologists deal with all the specialties: and cardiology and pulmonology and surgery, and all other disciplines. Therefore, this profession is very extensive. The applied value it solves important problems of the diagnostic plan, and in this respect it is very popular. Speciality of Pathological Anatomy difficult enough, but people are studying it, those who want to, in the words of the poet, to get to the bottom. Prior to this the very essence and dig pathologists studying the results of the autopsy of the dead, and now it is not the main part of the work. The other part - a lifetime morphological studies based on biopsy material. To improve and protect heart – I recommend use MeldoniumCogitum is for brains.

The peculiarity lies in the fact that these studies are multiplying exponentially. The total number of biopsy studies in Moscow, more than three million per year, whereas in the old days numbered in the thousands or even less. In the 1950s there were several tens of thousands. Sharply increased workload on pathologists. The second feature of this research - the fact that they require equipment. Without this replenishment without devices and equipment can not perform adequately its functions, so our specialty, like the others, it becomes expensive. But always pathological anatomy was funded by a residual principle. Any head of the X-ray machine is easier to buy than dissecting table, first of all we are talking about the living. Nevertheless, without our specialty can not operate any other institution, in any hospital department has mortem. Although there are our specialists without exception, so-pathologists experts - this piece goods. The work is difficult, and there are only enthusiasts who love their profession.

With regard to the autopsy, it is necessary for the diagnosis and assessment of the quality of medical diagnostic work. Quite often there are discrepancies in vivo and postmortem diagnoses. For example, if we take Moscow, the average percentage divergence of diagnoses was 15% in 2015. I must say that this is quite a high rate: 15 out of 100 people had a different diagnosis, not the one from which they died. This suggests that the need for verification is important. Clinicians come to a showdown with the knowledge needed to get to the truth. True diagnosis is necessary to assess the quality of clinical work. One of the main objectives of these autopsies - Identification of medical care defects. Now a lot of attention is paid to these defects, and sometimes the media, in my opinion, too far, are already writing about werewolves in white coats, which are harmful. Pathologists task - detect defects care. In this construct further steps the leaders of the health authorities and medical institutions, because all they are interested in improving the diagnostic and treatment work.

As in other professions, at present there is differentiation, when some experts are paying more attention autopsies (autopsy), and others - intravital morphological studies, the study of biopsy material. The second activity will take approximately 80% of pathology services, it is now very much in demand. Without a lifetime of research can not do none of oncology practice. Now no one will undertake an oncologist for treatment without verification and to identify morphologic diagnosis. Tumors are so many approaches to it are quite different, depending on the diagnosis of our use of modern methods of treatment. Now replace chemotherapy and radiation therapy - methods difficult, destructive effect on the patient, - come methods of targeted therapy, the impact of using drugs that target specific tumor. It demanded our morphological diagnosis. Now these methods are very costly. But life is always more expensive, and the effect is very effective. For example, in women it is the most common tumor - breast cancer, and a third of cases in the cancer cells have special receptors, against whom there is a special medical preparation which sits on these receptors, and then the tumor is exposed to a startling medical action. Even with the presence of metastases obtained prolong life for decades, and even heal them completely. But without morphological diagnosis is impossible to determine the correct treatment.

Pathologic service is at the forefront of diagnostic work. The theoretical part is important for the education of physicians, because there is no proper knowledge of anatomy is impossible to become a true clinician. At autopsy come doctors and students, because it is important to determine the knowledge of the true causes of disease. The percentage differences, unfortunately, is still high, there are rare diseases, which doctors could face only a few times in my life. You have to constantly learn and Pathology role in training doctors is extremely high.


Diagnosis of diseases by smell

05 Dec 2016

Biologist Dr. Doping tells about smells of various diseases, the ability of dogs to distinguish patients from healthy people and new methods of cancer diagnosis.

Hippocrates wrote that certain diseases peculiar smell. And many doctors have used this property of the body, in order to make a diagnosis. I think they unconsciously and now take advantage of this, as, indeed, any characteristic odors accompany many diseases.

For some time it has been forgotten, it did not pay attention to the phenomenon of scientific studies have not sought, and partly because it is very difficult to analyze odors. Now with the development of analytical methods, very precise, such as, for example, gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, it is possible to analyze the volatiles present in a certain space. And now starting to develop the science of how smells disease. Indeed, the metabolism is disturbed during the flow of some diseases, and changing spectrum of substances released by the body on Wednesday. Among these substances are many volatile components which are analyzed olfactory system or a gas chromatograph.

There are diseases, which smells quite easy to identify. For example, if a large breaking occurred, does not work any enzyme, the pathways that the enzyme maintained, violated. Therefore, there are substances that are not typical for a healthy body. For example, in phenylketonuria or any other diseases of amino acids stand out, which are not destroyed, as is usually the case with the metabolism. They report a certain smell of human excretion, and it is easy to determine.

Just as in the genetic damage, or any external system, for example enzymatic violate our metabolism microorganisms. Infectious diseases also have a certain smell: it is known that the allocation of cholera have sweet smell, from scarlet fever have a certain smell. However, it turns out that highlight the matter that these diseases are marked, much more difficult than with phenylketonuria, for example, because the metabolic breakdown more and they are not as significant. Therefore, although changing the spectrum allocated substances but to find these major, marker substances in this range is difficult. Although the gas chromatograph shows us how changed substance which appeared, which had disappeared completely unclear whether this ratio is directly to the disease which occurs in this case. It turns out that the biggest problem with the analysis.

I must say that there are only candidates for marker substances that are associated with infectious diseases such as cholera and scarlet fever, that is, the marker substance is very difficult to distinguish. However, this trend is booming, because the analysis of the most volatile compounds in the secretions of sick people enables early diagnosis.

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Now a very big interest in the analysis of volatile compounds in oncology. It started a long time ago, about twenty years, perhaps earlier. I do not remember the exact date when the first article - the article was controversial. It was told that the dog owner said that dog sniffs his birthmark, one of many that are present on the body, and it turned out that this malignancy, melanoma. Then first we thought that probably at least melanoma allocates any substance for which a dog may determine that a malignant disease. This interested, and now we know a dozen, probably works in which it is shown that, in fact, dogs and mice can differentiate healthy people from the patient who develops certain malignant growth. Moreover, depending on the work of the research that the likelihood of a healthy distinction from the patient ranges from 70 to 100%, while according to standard markers, which are now known, oncomarkers, as a rule, determine the probability of disease is not more than 50%. If it is possible to distinguish a patient from a healthy person with a probability of 70 and 100%, which means that we can safely allocate already some very large group. As we know, for cancer early diagnosis is very important, and the animals seem to like this experience shows, can distinguish them well enough.

All the complexity, as in the case of infectious diseases, is not to detect the difference in the spectrum of the volatiles emitted by the patient and a healthy person, and to allocate valuable substances. Therefore, we have taken these studies that try to identify the valuable substances, it is associated with malignant growth, rather than with concomitant malignant growth phenomenon - the activation of the immune system, inflammation and lots of other related processes that are associated with tumor growth. To do this, the majority of people, including those abroad, works in humans, but to identify and compare the spectra emitted by the patient and a healthy person, incredibly difficult, because of the many differences between people: they eat different things, they differ by sex, age , all of which it has influence on the odor, and is still not clear in fact, any material, for example, mark a person's gender. Therefore, allocate significant components is very difficult.

We do such a thing: create a model of cancer in mice, they instill cancer cells, and then gives urine a sick animal dogs or mice and see if they differ from a healthy patient. After that, we enable chemists to analyze these substances and to compare them with each other. Since the mouse similar to each other: they are one line, same sex, same age, they eat the same thing, that is, the background spectrum we tried to make as much as possible like to highlight precisely those substances that are linked with the development of the disease. Then we compare, for example, a sick mouse, which oncologic process, with a mouse, in which the inflammation caused by some other agent. Thus, as a flashlight, we try to highlight some important related disease components, and the dogs help us determine if there really is a difference, or is insignificant. Or, say, the smells are so similar that the dogs begin their sometimes confused. This makes it possible to tell analytical chemists, that's the smell of these two are very similar, that is, indeed, the smell, which marks the disease is present in both samples, and some samples are far from each other. By comparing these spectra, highlighting any features, we hope to be able to find these important components that mark the disease, and thus facilitate the diagnosis of cancer growth.


FAQ: Negligible Senescence

05 Dec 2016

7 about animals, who do not know the facts of old age

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Negligible aging - it is a property of the animal, if there is no appearance of any reproductive function, neither the level of gene expression do not depend heavily on age. In humans, for example, age, mortality is growing very quickly. As a child, it is high because of problems with immunity, but the man is almost no danger of ten years. With the probability of death, which is inherent in the ten-year child, a person could live a thousand years, but from now on every year the death rate is only growing, and people are losing by the 60-70 age almost everyone they know. Up to 90-100 years live unit, and only now, when the world population grown to several billion, began to appear hundreds of long-lived, which can be studied.

  • 1.Old age seems to have a familiar phenomenon, which has long been investigating, and victory over it - an ancient human dream. Despite this, we almost do not know how to grow old animals that surround us. there was the first work of American biogerontology, found that the so-called Somali cat (or naked mole rat) is not like in this respect to the people In 2005, the year. The naked mole rat - a funny animal blind, mole that lives under the ground in Africa. It also has a high infant mortality rate, but around the age of two his mortality is completely stabilized, and the animal the size of a mouse living in captivity up to 40 years and possibly longer can live without showing any change in this function, characteristic of aging. According to the man pretty well seen how old he is, but looking at the naked mole rat, is extremely difficult to determine how much he spent.

    This is not all naked mole rats, but only one female. She surrounds herself with males who hunt and hauling food for her and several females, she terrorized to the extent that they can not give birth. Thus, the animal is completely protected from any environmental factors not interact with predators, does not extend to the surface. Apparently, this is the reason that genetic selection has started to increase life expectancy.
  • 2.Scientists have for a long time could not believe what we are really talking about is negligible aging animals. Surprising and size: the larger the body usually in nature, so long as he lives, and not much more digger mouse. there are new tools of analysis from 2005, the year: we can now examine the so-called transcriptome animals (a collection postgenetic information, "cast" expressed and not expressed genes). In naked mole rats with age does not change not only the look and reproductive function, but also the level of expression of various genes. Moreover, the few genes that alter the expression level of these animals are the same genes whose expression is rapidly changing with the age of the person, but - in the opposite direction. Vitamin B12 is essential for DNA synthesis.
  • 3.It would be surprising if it were only one animal. Since the year 2005, according to Wikipedia, the fact negligible aging in relation to suspected for about fifteen species. Among them, a naked mole rat - mammal, ocean turtle - reptile, mussels - clams, huge bowhead whale. birds live a very long time: the past 30 years, there is a program circle giant albatross, and we see that in the world there are hundreds of individuals with a life expectancy greater than this time. This means that the life expectancy of these animals can be 70 years, and perhaps more. But the most important thing is that with this size and with this level of so-called oxidative stress - one of the factors limiting the lifespan of many animals - no one could have expected it at this level.

    The life expectancy of people is increasing, too, about 3 years every 10 years, and this appears to be due to the fact that we have protection from infectious diseases and predators and larger offspring give those who live longer. Mortality of people who are over 90 years, ceases to grow to about 100, maybe 115 years and remains at one and the same - however, a very high - level.
  • 4.Fabrics mole rat is extremely sensitive to any kind of chemical or radiological stress in these animals is almost no cancer (the word "almost" I drink, taking into account that a small sample that was investigated in captivity). This shows that the study will allow diggers figure out how to get rid of cancer, diabetes and possibly other age-related diseases. It should be noted that the negligible aging does not mean immortality. Animals with this property aging, dying from their age-dependent diseases as well as humans. However, they do not have this monstrous exponential increase of mortality with age. Achieving negligible aging - this is one of the well-posed and solved the problems associated with the duration of human life. The main task - to reach the plateau does not deaths to 90 and 100 years, when everything is already pretty sad, and as close as possible to ten years of age. Then expectancy human life was not 120, not 150, and a few hundred years. For improve function use – Cogitum, PhenotropilSemax.
  • 5.But if negligible aging observed in the naked mole rat, why we think that this could be the people? This is supported by two things. First, apparently (we can not say for sure, because the statistics is not large enough), there is a plateau in the curve of mortality in people at very high ages. This suggests that the mere appearance negligible in aging may extend to us. The second observation: this type of aging arose more than once in the nature. Maybe in 10 years we will see that a significant number of species on our planet aging mode is more similar to that of the naked mole rat, but not in humans. Perhaps people too recently appeared and have gone through a catastrophic event in their history, that we are genetically selected on the basis that it allowed us to survive, and not on the grounds, which are needed for long duration of life. Prevalence negligible aging, we are seeing more and more naturally, allows you to believe that it will be achieved not only in the 90-year-olds, and at an earlier age.
  • 6.There is the problem of finding the aging regime of animals. To learn negligible or otherwise getting older every small animal, it is necessary to bring in the laboratory, to provide it with the standard conditions and wait for 40 years or more. Unfortunately, science can not, just looking at the animals, learn its aging mode. However, there are observations which suggest it is more likely for some animals than for others.
  • 7.Now it is clear that aging is associated with negligible stress tolerance of the animal. Apparently, the animals that are either living in extreme conditions, or are able to transfer them (and life under the ground of lack of oxygen, and in the darkness may treat them), generates such genotypes that can be negligibly age. That resistance to stress - this is what man needs for active longevity. These issues are studied at the same time, and the decision of each of them can help solve another.


When we become immortal?

05 Dec 2016

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The right question, perhaps, is the question of when we get the first opportunity to radically increase the life expectancy, and then learn how to basically sustain life indefinitely. The life of man throughout history is increasing for several reasons. Hygiene, antibiotics, increasing the yield and reducing the level of violence has led to the fact that the average life expectancy has increased by 2-3 times in the last century.

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There is evidence that increasing and maximum lifespan. Unfortunately, in the developed world, most people do not die from infectious diseases, and wars, and from diseases associated with aging. Deaths from these diseases increases with age in a geometrical progression, ie, exponentially. Therefore, the task of maintaining the life of modern man is exponentially difficult: at the end of life should be more and more (in fact exponentially more) efforts to diagnose and treat. The problem does not simplify even the appearance of even more advanced diagnosis and treatment means as long as we can not stop aging itself.

Interestingly, in nature there are many animals, including mammals in which this problem is not exponential. The study of these animals, most likely in the lifetime of the readers will lead to therapies directed against aging itself. This should pave the way for radical life extension, we can think about the average life span of hundreds of years. However, this problem more dimensions than the purely "technical" or "medical" issues. For example, a man of the near future may have to live in conditions of increasing competition with the "intelligent" machines, which may eventually threaten not just the long life of each individual, but man as a species. For true immortality of man and mankind will have to learn to deal with questions of survival in a world of global threats, fierce competition and extremely rapid evolution. How will these problems be solved collectively and whether there place for human immortality - this is the future, and not this too distant.


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