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Ibutamoren, Nutrobal (MK-677)

09 Dec 2016

Ibutamoren (Nutrobal, the laboratory code of MK-677, MK-0677 or L-163,191) - growth hormone secretion stimulator accepted inside. Ibutamoren is not peptide is long the operating agonist the receptors.

In a research on healthy young people it has been established that the MK-677 connection strengthens release and supports the high level of concentration in plasma of several hormones, including growth hormone, an insulin like factor of growth-1, at the same time without influencing cortisol level.

Also researches have in public confirmed ability of an ibutamoren to increase the volume of dry muscle bulk and mineral density of bones. Besides, medicine accelerates metabolism, starts lypolisys and can be applied to treatment of obesity. Please pay attention to Epifamin.


Results of researches showed that doses from 20-30 mg a day show sufficient effect, comparable with injection hormone of growth. After oral application of a dose of 25 mg, Ibutamoren induces the average peak concentration of GR equal of 22.1 mkg/l, and in case of higher dosages higher levels of peak concentration. At the same time, growth hormone stimulation duration after single acceptance constitutes 8 and more hours. The similar duration of development of hormone of growth is very effective for stimulation of development of insulin like factor of growth-1, but negatively affects receptors: there is a down-regulation insulin, receptors and receptors of hormone of growth which is caused by development of resistance and tolerance to this substance. Owing to this fact, in case of everyday acceptance of MK-677 reaction of stimulation of GR weakens for the 4th day. In a week development of GR in response to acceptance of MK-677 almost completely stops and it can be considered as the main minus of this medicine.

Side effects

Some of regular side effects which are connected with the increased growth hormone levels - for example, a sleep of hands, sluggishness, and also increase in appetite.



09 Dec 2016

Zonulin is the protein of group of gaptoglobin produced in a liver and tissues of an internal epithelium – is the main modulator of close albuminous bonds in intercellular space.

The increased concentration of zonulin in a blood plasma corresponds to hyperpermeability of digestive tract. Leakage on transport way allows antigens to get from internal medium that provokes immune reaction and the subsequent oxidative stress and an inflammation.


Probiotics bacteria is live microorganisms which presence positively influences microbiota and the general health of an organism owner.

In recent years therapy by a probiotics becomes especially popular. As a rule, main aims which are pursued by athletes at reception of similar additives – improvement of work of digestive tract and the general rising of immunity.

Probiotics: influence on health of the athlete

There are data confirming ability of probiotics to reduce the frequency and gravity of a course of respiratory diseases, and also to promote treatment of disorders of digestive tract at the trained athletes. Besides it became perceptible that reception of probiotics within 11 weeks promoted depression of level of antiinflammatory cytokines, and also rising of level of antioxidants in a blood plasma after 4 weeks of reception of pro-biotic additives.

Among the professional athletes doing sports on endurance (such as runners or triathletes), these or those disorders of ZhKT often meet. It is reported that these problems are bound to redistribution of a blood flow – from internals to sceletal musculation and heart. Exercises on endurance cause some reduction of a blood flow in internals, besides, during exercises mucosas of internals experience the raised thermal strain that often provokes the inflammatory answer.

The symptomatology of inflammatory process is expressed in nausea, vomiting, a diarrhea, cramps of a stomach and internals. Rising of permeability of walls of an intestine leads to an endotoxemia and the raised infectious and autoimmune diseases which arises against the background of absorption of pathogens and toxins in tissues and a blood stream. Thus, reception of probiotics is the good decision for depression of permeability of walls of an intestine at athletes during training process. Do not forget take Epifamin for better results.

Strong albuminous bonds are the main barrier on the paratsellyulyarny transport way. They shroud paratsellyulyarny space between cells of an epithelium and regulate the movement of liquids, macromolecules and leucocytes between a blood channel and a lumen between internals. These complex structures consist from more than 50 different types of proteins, and are the key factor defining degree of permeability of digestive tract .

Sinantropny and pro-biotic strains influence formation of close proteinaceous ties and can prevent or reduce negative impact of pathogens. There are data confirming positive influence of some pro-biotic strains, such as Lactobacillus plantarum , Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron ATCC29184, Escherichia coli Nissle 191, Bifidobacterium longum SP 07/3 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG on permeability of an internal intercellular barrier. Besides, it is noted that reception of such additives as polyphenols, proteins and amino acids, well affects permeability of an internal epithelium, influencing an expression and localization of close proteinaceous connections in space.

Results of research

The quantity of zonulin has decreased from level above normal to normal indicators (<30 ng/ml) and after 14 weeks of reception of probiotics and was significant below than at group of placebo (ð =0.019). At the same time any influence on level alpha 1 - anti-trypsin wasn't observed (ð> 0,1). In general, after performance of exercises, increase in level of the proteins modified by carbonyl connections in group of placebo both at the beginning of the experiment, and after 14 weeks, and also in the main group at the beginning of the experiment is noted (ð =0,006). After 14 weeks of therapy a probiotics, at participants of the main group has noted decrease in level of the modified proteins (ð =0,061). The general oxidative status has been a little raised in both groups, both to, and after therapy. Thus, reception of probiotics hasn't had significant effect on the oxidative status. At the beginning of the experiment in both groups the increased maintenance of a factor of a necrosis of a tumor alpha (TNF) has been noted. After 14 weeks of therapy the number of TNF in blood of participants of the main group has decreased (ð =0,054). Level interleykina-6 significantly increased at participants of both groups during performance of exercises (ð =0,001). At the same time reception of probiotics hasn't exerted any impact on the level of this Interlaken. Level of a malondialdegid in blood of examinees didn't change after performance of exercises, also on him hasn't accorded impacts and welcome of probiotics.


It should be noted that influence of probiotics on integrity of an intercellular barrier, inflammatory processes and an oxidative stress still wasn't considered in the context of sports exercises. Thus, a main goal of this work was studying of influence of various probiotics on permeability of walls of a GIT at the trained people. The secondary purpose was studying of influence of pro-biotic additives on the level of markers of oxidizing and inflammatory processes in blood plasma before intensive exercises.

After the carried-out therapy probiotics has noted decrease in level of zonulin (a marker of permeability of walls of intestines) in Calais examinees. Besides, reception of probiotics has reduced the oksidation of proteins caused by exercises and also has favorably affected level of a factor of a necrosis of a tumor alpha. Thus, results of a research have confirmed positive influence of probiotics on an organism of the trained athletes.


Gold ball

09 Dec 2016

Gold ball for weight loss is the next Chinese wonderful means which will help to find symmetry, according to the promise to the producer, without cares and efforts, practically without rising from a sofa. Means is positioned as safe as it is made only of vegetable raw materials. Despite it, in the USA the product was already "rejected" and prohibited to sale. In our country of the capsule also didn't undergo certification as dietary supplement therefore it is possible to buy them only privately or through Online stores.


Tablets the Gold ball represent a mix from different plants and herbs. In particular natural extracts of green tea and green coffee, a lemon, pectin, pumpkin exotic, a quince, spirulina and Nonie contain here.

Spirulina is the alga growing in lakes. This component can often be met as a part of many products for weight loss. It is considered that extract of this plant not only positively influences weight reduction, but also reduces content in blood of "bad" cholesterol. However efficiency of spirulina raises big doubts – the people accepting it complained that they on the contrary gathered superfluous. You can also like Tiramin.

Nonie – fruits of the plant of the same name growing to Tahiti. The local population is called by its "aushika" that "longevity" means. Suppliers of means in which Nonie is used as one of components, claim that advantage of fruit that it is a source of prokseronin. However the official science knows nothing of this substance.

Feedbacks about additive gold ball

The gold ball is made in two countries: China (original means, red packaging, Yansang, Guangzhou) and Ukraine (generic, violet packaging, OOO "Nutrimed", Kiev). On structure they are identical, and, as expected, action at them shall be analogous too. Nevertheless, from the moment of the beginning of sales of the Ukrainian additive disputes that it is better – red or violet "ball" don't die away. Someone claims that only "this" Chinese medicine works, someone, on the contrary, with foam at a mouth praises the Ukrainian dietary supplement and holds up to shame original means. To resolve these disputes quite difficult, first of all, because means affects different people differently. Besides, there are data as if in the market of dietary supplements for weight loss there were counterfeits which are imitating packaging of this means, but not containing nothing useful. In principle, it is possible, considering popularity of the Gold ball and its not smallest price.

Feedbacks about it the most different: if to look for them on the Internet, they so differ that it causes suspicion. It isn't excluded that enthusiastic responses are a part of advertizing; at the same time, and sharply negative comments can be an anti-publicity move for benefit of some other additive. It is possible also that some people deal with "this" dietary supplement, and some face counterfeits. Among those who truly accepted additive, the attitude towards her very ambiguous too. In most cases the Gold ball allows to achieve small or moderate effect if it is accepted against the background of a diet and exercises. At the same time, it doesn't act on some at all, besides, quite often causes emergence of side effects.

Response of the nutritionist

The practicing nutritionist Zueva Elena

The fact that for weight loss the gold ball contains in capsules a harmful component is visible on side effects. I advise usually gold ball to drink a course the whole month on one capsule a day. The expressed effect of weight loss appears only if you limit yourself in food. That is or the gold ball acts on you, and you cease to eat. Or doesn't influence at all, and you continue to enjoy the lethal number of calories.

But side effects in the form of sleeplessness, a headache, terrible irritability and nervousness, dehydration pursue practically all who accept this medicine. He is especially dangerous to the people having diseases of cardiovascular system. At problems in pressure it is necessary to forget about a gold ball. However, it is better to make it even if you have a 100 percent health that not to ruin it.



09 Dec 2016

Stellaria average (Latin Stellária média) is a species of plants of a family of Stellaria of the Caryophyllaceae family. It is known also under names wood louse, canary grass, mokrichnik, gryzhnik, cordial grass, wood lice, sandwort (Chickweed). Grows near housing, on kitchen gardens, weed places, sometimes on crude forest roads and glades.

The used part: elevated part of a plant. It contains saponina, flavonoids, tannins, lipids, ascorbic acid (to 114 mg of %), Carotinum (to 24 mg of %), tocopherol, mineral (especially there is a lot of potassium) and other substances. You can try Ventramin.

Pharmacological researches showed that water extract and fraction of water-soluble polysaccharides (VRPS) of of average have the expressed and antioxidatic activity. The phytochemical researches conducted by us indicate high content in an elevated part of plants of polysaccharides which show antiinflammatory, immunomodulatory and antioxidatic activity

Table – Chemical composition of plants of the sort Stellaria

Note: the sign "-" has noted absence of group of substances; "+" – detection of group of substances; sl – trace amounts of substances; quantitative contents is provided in terms of absolutely dry raw materials.

The element structure of an elevated part of the studied types according to qualitative characteristics significantly doesn't differ and is presented by 41 chemical elements. Such bio-elements as potassium (from 21,75 to 49,00 mg/g), calcium (from 5,20 to 13,00), magnesium (from 1,96 to 4,20), sodium (from 0,21 to 5,20), iron (0,29 to 0,90), zinc (from 0,02 to 0,06) and silicon (from 0,09 to 0,55 mg/g) differ in high content.

During the research published in 2012 the data allowing to assume use of zvezdchatka as additive for weight reduction have been obtained. Action of zvezdchatka on weight reduction is connected with the maintenance in her of flavonoids and saponin which suppress suppress appetite and have thermogene effect, or about the content of sitosterol.


Transformation of childhood

09 Dec 2016

How a modern humanitarian science considers the concept of childhood? Why do researchers say about the disappearance of childhood? How new media influence on the transformation of the "adult" image in the culture?

The childhood disappears because today's children are no longer different from adults. Childhood is deprived of some of the main barriers that separate it from the world of adults. This is due to the change of information channels, with a change in the media environment of modern society. Postman's thesis is as follows: childhood exists insofar as there are secrets. To develop mental abilities – use Piracetam, Picamilon, Noopept, Cogitum, Cortexin.

Today, the line between adults and children disappear: children no longer grow, and from modern culture is washed out of the adult position. This is due primarily to the fact that we are in the framework of the knowledge society, where people must constantly learn, because it is constantly changing technological basis of its existence.

It is important to understand that childhood today and that is associated with that image in modern European culture, it is clearly in crisis. It requires at least awareness, but by and large - the revision of some of our basic institutions, and policies related to childhood and education.


Problems of modern parenthood

09 Dec 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping tells about traditional forms of education, the first parent education programs and the reasons for the crisis of the bourgeois family model in the second half of the XX century.

Today in the scientific literature, there are two words, they are a parenting and parenthood. Parenting is the fact that due to the upbringing of a child is a parent in the role of caregiver. And when we speak of parenthood, we refer to the social role of parenting, experience as a parent of an adult his new parental role, the challenges it faces is a person who has a child in the broad society. Parenting limited child and parenthood - it is a society in which the adult lives.

This division is largely due to the fact that by the end of the XX century began to disappear in the traditional scheme of raising children. If we go back even a century ago - we assume the end of the XIX century, Russian or western village - it is usually in the ceiling was screwed a hook on which hung the cradle as soon as a new member of the family, and all that was done by people, living in the house, around the child - it was not so much the "head" knowledge (they did not act because they knew that so it is necessary to act) as corporal, effective knowledge. The baby cries - give it the breast or horn, as it was called. The child does not cry - and thank God, it can not ignore. He began to crawl - excellent, it crawled out of the house - do not worry. It is customary, traditional knowledge was due to the fact that most people grew up on a large family, that is, the family had a lot of uneven members and a young woman who appeared the first-born, already had experience raising their more younger siblings, nieces and so further.

This stable, traditional culture, which is transmitted even from generation to generation, and from the older to the younger, began to break up, when the intensive migration to the cities (in large quantities is, of course, the end of XIX - early XX century), and the general family narrowed actually to the nuclear family, mother and child. This mother with a child, lost contact with his wider family, do not get to experience the so-called children-education (education of the younger, but not their children) are likely to become to make a lot of mistakes. And at the turn of XIX-XX centuries there are the first parent education programs that focus on the message of basic skills first nursing, and later education of children: it is necessary sometimes to wash your hands, you have to keep the child clean, that is, it is basically, of course, were the details and skills that are needed for parents to reduce child mortality. Home life of these people migrated from the countryside to the city, was actually very bad arranged, so this knowledge, of course, required.

By mid-century, according to the program that offers training for parents, they began to need some more information about how to raise children. At that time, it was the science pedagogy, and there was the so-called periodization of mental development, and parents are about to provide that a child should be able to do in a year, which is three years than he would do well to deal with, for example, in pre-school, as we now say , age, ie before entering school, and so on. The value of this new time pedological, and now psychological knowledge was a bit exaggerated (this is my personal opinion), and parents are to a certain extent even some hostages to this knowledge, because God forbid your child does not do what his peers and is written in books. God forbid you think your child's play does not match the descriptions that you too have found from experts. knowledge of pressure - it's kind of a topic transition to an information society.

The Second World War and after the restoration - it's a baby boom in the West, the unconditional value of the family and the child's absolute value. Very well-known American psychologist David Elkind writes that the family was child-centric: the parents were willing, for example, does not dissolve the marriage for the sake of the child, the parents were willing to give up a career, women are generally quite often refused to career for the sake of the child. I enjoy following the mind of the Elkind: he says that does not matter, as in reality looked like the family, the family were very different, but the most important thing is that, for example, a divorced mother who is raising a daughter, wanted to complete the bourgeois type of family for her, it is desirable two children of different sexes, and such a touching picture of the evening family meal. This is child-centric family.

In the second half of the XX century - the crisis of the bourgeois model and family, and society. Then the year 1968 - it is the student riots, and begins the era of postmodern era of the collapse, the era of eclecticism, the era of the plurality of models, the era of individualization. Personalisation means that I'm not willing to sacrifice their career, success, a view, joy, momentary pleasure for the sake of something else, for the sake of the values of society, society requests. And, according to Elkind, a period when the family became adult-centric: parents are willing to move and to move their children to another city, even though the children is uncomfortable, parents easily get divorced, because both are already economically to raise children, they are very time consuming devote his career and, Elkind, if a beautiful picture of the first half of the XX century was a joint family meal, it is now a way of childhood and family has become an endless journey of one parent with the child for life. If you remember the American film "Curly Sue", then there is just the story of the Pope with the girl, who travel. And it is very characteristic that they are homeless because homelessness is becoming more paint to the description of such a family.

Today, the value of knowledge, the value of family, which is a bit contrary to adulr-centric topic shifted to a large extent, I would say, intelligent solutions, intelligent choices. On the one hand, parents who are easily parted, and the child is left with one of them or moves from family to family; On the other hand, parents are very carefully chosen model of education: they read different books, they know what Alpha-parenthood, they know what attachment theory, they know that Freud wrote about a childhood trauma. And a new problem arises in connection with which, apparently, came the word of parenthood. There is a new problem to the amount of information loss. In so many diverse offerings, probably partly to blame for the market, because it is also a commercial component. The modern parent is faced with a difficult choice: he must decide what kind of diapers to buy a child, because that is offered very much, he must decide what to feed the child, but, most importantly, it should - and society imposes on him that ought - to decide how it will bring up your child, in which model it will be to educate him. Today these models appeared a lot, and they somehow relate to the classical theory, attachment theory basically, but the classical theory of child development is translated into system requirements as to what to do with him.

Then there is this curious thing: if we talk in general, statistically, it's probably not a lot of parents affected by such an abundance of knowledge (much wisdom - much grief), but an educated, relatively well-secured, interested in the future of their children parenthood appeared before these endless choice of topics, and most importantly, no matter what they choose, they do not know whether they are right or not. And here is the incredibly complex problem, which we must also keep in mind: "Today I feed him the right food for over 20 years, he did not have, for example, obesity." No scientific data on this issue, unfortunately, no. We have nothing in this regard can not say firmly, but seems to be an expert of the position of the mouth of smart people and clever theories have to do so. However, we have about it is no exact data. And so the parent is faced with the unbearable choice: he does not know if he was doing the right thing, because the new theory appear every day, and he is in a situation of severe psychological stress. To cope with stress – buy AfobazolPhenibut, Selank and Phenazepam.

For me, as a psychologist the most unpleasant in this situation, that wonderful young mothers simply lose common sense: they did not begin to talk about their own child and not about their own experiences and about how "necessary". And this is a very strange situation, because it seems to be the end of the XX century - it is freedom, individuality, value itself; On the other hand, the advanced part of the youth is under serious oppression. And so there was a theme of self-efficacy, and even special training in self-efficacy. Self-efficacy - a person's ability to trust himself in his actions. The most valuable part of my life associated with the child, the most difficult to be self-efficacy, it most difficult to believe in their own strength. The outbreak of a wave in the West (I am glad that it is now came up to us) - is a topic of discussion with the parents the opportunity to act at their own risk, to take responsibility, not afraid to try, because many do not you advise what to feed child, must still look like it useful or do not like broccoli. Once your child is an indication, I would say - in fact, this is the slogan of the training and assistance programs for parents who today are beginning to be offered on the market.


Emotions and Glottogonic

09 Dec 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping tells about coding emotions, their origin and means of commenting.

The question of the origin of human language, or Glottogonic, very interesting. On the basis of their previous studies, namely on the basis of numerous experiments, the four-dimensional spherical model of emotions has been developed, which is a good description of how a person experiencing emotions and perceptions of other people's emotions, and in different modalities - and the visual, and auditory. On the other hand, we develop methods for formal analysis of the audio signal that has been proposed and tested on human emotions - this is the principle of relative cross-frequency amplitude-variable coding of speech or audio signal. And the parameters of which have been isolated from the viewpoint of spectral characteristics were similar to human speech, emotional expressions of human speech and, for example, animal cries, monkeys and cats even. It turns out that emotions are innate to humans, common to distant our ancestors. Those lemurs and cats - it is very far evolutionarily. Even gibbons - 40 million years ago, our line broke, and with such animals as a cat home, even further.

This gives us grounds to speak about the species common base for human beings and animals for the manifestation of emotions. However, the question arises: how can articulate human speech originated, how it relates to emotions? In modern language, such as Russian, we have included the emotions - this prosodic characteristics of speech. That is, it is clear that we have words that mean certain things, have an objective value, but on the other hand, they have the pronunciation can be painted different emotions. This is what we saw in the case of short words "yes" and "no": they have a different meaning, and emotional expression may be the same, and vice versa.

To improve language, cognitive ability – use Cogitum, Piracetam, Picamilon and Noopept.

And in this connection there was a question of research is articulate speech sounds that are available in the Russian language, but who are not emotionally colored. That is the idea to try to analyze the emotions of the same procedures, to conduct a formal analysis of sounds and subjective analysis, that is to build a space of subjective perception of speech sounds, and even those that do not seem to have to contain emotions. Then it will become clear whether there are any additional features in the speech, which appeared in the course of evolution, or it works somehow differently. And this was, in fact, an experiment, where was used a large set of audio samples, such as sounds, - 46 samples, including 6 vowels ( "a", "o", and so forth), 36 consonants ( "b", " n "and so on), and 4 diphthong. In this experiment, 17 test subjects participated. The essence of the experiment was that the pair were presented all sorts of combinations of these stimuli (of 1035 was such pairs) and people evaluated the degree of difference between these objects. And then using the method of multidimensional scaling was evaluated subjective dimension of space, we interpret the axes.

Speaking about the structure of the Russian language sounds can recall the various theories that suggest that there are a different number of distinctive features. We relied on the theory of Wolf Jakovljevic Plotkin, which allocated 11 Kinnock. It neomotoric theory, in which the Russian language is characterized by 11 kinokemami, kinokemnymi oppositions. In other languages, there may be a different number. As a result, we can report the following results: an objective analysis of speech sounds was conducted and it was discovered that there are only four factors stand out. Their spectral response was surprisingly exactly the same as we previously allocated for the emotional parameters. That is, the words "yes" and "no", for example, with different emotions are exactly the same composition as the sound of "a", "b", "c", which were uttered neutral, without any expression of emotion. And there are no other significant factors Neshumova was not there in the sounds of speech. Nevertheless, the data of subjective analysis allowed us to estimate the dimension of this space in 15 axes.

And interestingly it turned out that there is a system of four like primary parameters and conditionally suspended eleven secondary parameters. And then it would be possible to interpret the first four parameters. It turns out that a very high correlation between the subjective values of these four axes and objective parameters. And the remaining 11 parameters correspond to the 11 most kinokemam that were theoretically predicted. It turns out that, formally, in the sound of only four parameters, but on the subjective perception of them even eleven and four. How to obtain the other eleven? There are certain patterns change. For each of the 11 Kinnock were allocated their patterns of change, and it is, in fact, is the material basis of the fact that the human ear can distinguish between 11 different types of sounds which are typical for the Russian language.

It can be concluded that, firstly, the subjective space built, held a formal analysis of sounds. As a result, we can assume that the system of speech sounds of the modern Russian language contains emotional parameters detected in human speech, and that of modern apes, and based on them. It turns out that the human tongue can occur as a complication of emotional communication that corresponds to the old theory of interjections even Rousseau and his followers. Accordingly, it is in good agreement with observations of children, for example, that, in fact, a child aged 3 to 7 years, mastering speech, in fact, possessed and emotions. That is, he learns to artificially express their emotions, they become aware, and this little man starts them as if artificially manipulated, strum.

If this hypothesis is true, then we can conclude that, in fact, articulate speech is a curtailment of certain patterns of emotional expression. And thus it is clear that in other languages can be the same. And in the modern Russian language, we can see the preservation of this common emotional basis. That is, four parameters are sufficient, and they are the same, that when expressing human emotions, and the same as that of monkeys. Therefore, we can assume that our ancestor in the transition from ape to man patterns were. And then they have formed different languages on different principles. Perhaps it was necessary as a means of commenting. And then you can understand why there was a language and on what basis it developed.

What distinguishes human language from animal signals? For example, the intention. For what purpose does it exist? I agree with the opinion, that it's actually for commenting the situation. And what can we comment? First of all emotions. For example, we have experienced some emotion, some situation, we come to another place, when it is a different situation. And as we have other members of our community, or monkey or human herd has primitive society characterize the situation? We can lose these emotions. There can be a lot to speculate further and say that there is a pointing gesture, which we try to convey the emotion in the object begins to emerge designation items, some shortcuts. And then you can already mark the whole situation. That is, emotion - it is such a convenient item on the basis of which can be described as anything but more is needed conventionality agreement. In some cultures, taken here as denoted in the other - in a different way. So we get different languages. And Comparative says, when possible, by comparing the currently existing languages.


Peptide Protein Neurotoxins

09 Dec 2016

Chemist Dr. Doping tells about poison benefits cones shellfish neurotoxins act on the receptors and computer modeling of drugs. How the black mamba venom may help in the creation of analgesics? The more dangerous seashells cones? What are the possibilities for making medicines through open screening in silico?

Separation of neurotoxins on peptide and protein is very conditional. When we are on the border, it is called a polypeptide, and not always easy to say, it is a toxin or protein. For instance, sometimes a small protein called insulin protein, sometimes called a polypeptide. Protein neurotoxins from snake venoms - these are small proteins of 60-75 amino acid residues. What are they interested? This is a very durable molecule. How is this achieved? Each toxin contains at least four disulfide bonds, ie, to alter the molecule between cystine residues, and in some cases, and a fifth disulfide bond. This is what is achieved by the high rigidity of toxins.

Generally speaking, currently available crystal structures of toxins, nuclear magnetic resonance structures. They are called three-looped toxins because, looking at the three-dimensional structure can be seen as if the three loops or three fingers (the exact English term - three-finger), ie three-finger toxins. Moreover, this installation is typical for proteins that perform a variety of functions. In those same poisons of snakes, cobras for example, contains the structure, you look at them - as if one and the same protein as the target action or completely different, and some of them act on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, called alpha-neurotoxins, and they played a crucial role for more than forty years ago - helped to highlight the first nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the individual form. The proteins of the same structure, three-finger toxins inhibit acetylcholine immediately. Proteins having the same four disulfide bonds are reacted with so-called muscarinic receptors and so on and so forth.

These toxins were not interested or past material. Article for the year 2012, the French group Lazdunskogo professor from the venom of the black mamba allocates a three-hinge neurotoxin, it is called mambalgin. It has amazing accuracy blocks one of our receptors - an acid ion channel (English acronym - ASIC). Why is it important? Because it is one of the most important of nociceptive receptors, it carries the pain. That is, this mambalgin sets the theme for the creation of a new analgesic, and the French do it quite actively. I was there recently, attracted even powerful Singaporean firm, to develop such a drug. It is three-looped protein toxins.

There is another class of very interesting toxins can be safely called a peptide neurotoxins present in toxic seashells cones. Very beautiful seashells, I remember even had a picture of one such shell - drawing Rembrandt. What are they interested in? Now they say that in the poisons of snakes and poisons these marine mollusks cones contain - I use the term - combinatorial peptide libraries. Why and how is the name? For example, these mollusks cones about a thousand species, the venom is not each investigated, but for many of these studies, these have already been held, and it is shown that can be distinguished from each venom order at least 50-100 neurotoxic peptides.

If you will spend multiplication, we get a huge collection of compounds. And it is not just collected from around the world for many years, organic compounds, and they have these shellfish are always one and the same goal - they need to immobilize their prey. That is, these small peptides act on the nervous system, immobilizing, causing pain and sometimes even causing pleasurable feelings of the victim, any other toxins relieve pain effect - is a combination of toxins that immobilize and relieve painful effects. That is, you know perfectly well that it is tremendous opportunity for designing drugs. The same variety of shellfish live in different regions have different, let's say, "dietary" preferences: some eat small fish, other - worms and so on and so forth. Accordingly, each mollusk, each species its own set of toxins, that is exactly it is provided and diversity.

Cyanocobalamin injection - is essential for DNA synthesis.

What's more interesting, there are different classes of receptors, for example receptors, which are ion channels, the so-called ligand-controlled ion channels as nicotinic receptor, nicotine or acetylcholine, came to the receptor molecule, opened the channel, went ionic currents gone functioning and so on . There are so-called voltage-gated channels - do not have any chemical signal: changes membrane potential, and the channel starts. And a huge class of receptors that are on their channels are not currently representative of receptor - rhodopsin is in our eyes is the adrenergic receptor, and so on and so forth.

In various poisons shellfish cones have toxins that selectively find and block, and in some cases action activate certain receptor.

And by the way, conotoxins are very striking example: it is not only the tools, some of them are already drugs. The most amazing thing conotoxin itself from one of the molluscs acting calcium channel already around 2004 (it was the decision of the US administration on the use of drugs) is the strongest in the clinic as an analgesic. This, of course, is not tablet that will come and buy at the pharmacy, because it is used in severe cases of cancer patients, and putting it directly into the spinal cord. But it all worked out in the clinic, and he has a huge advantage - it does not cause a morphine addiction he calls as the morphine. And so many conotoxins are being developed as potential analgesic agents, many are in the first stage of clinical trials, some for the second. Moreover, the different target action. For example, one of conotoxins is being tested as a possible anti-epileptic drug. (Cogitum, Piracetam and Noopept are good for Brains).

I about this area is easy and pleasant to talk, because our lab is one of the leading in the world. And the first crystal structure of conotoxin in a complex with a potential target, with acetylcholine binding protein was made by us in cooperation with the Dutch crystallography. So the work continues, in our laboratory is the design of new conotoxins in which we try to increase its potential analgesic activity. So these studies are continuing. And this is the most striking example, when a certain class of toxins can lead to quite realistic real drugs.

Here in creating medicines, starting with neurotoxic peptides, there is a very fertile ground. There are crystal structures of acetylcholine binding protein, I have already mentioned, not only with conotoxins and can be associated with traditional compounds, nicotine, activating receptors with tubocurarine, which receptors are blocked, ie there is a whole panel of potential compounds that increase or decrease efficiency receptors. Moreover, it is important to both. In Alzheimer's disease is important to increase a specific activity of nicotinic receptor - receptor alpha-7 - in the brain and in cancer it is necessary to block the same receptor subtype, located in the immune system. Therefore justified such bidirectional design and agonist compounds, so-called positive modulators that enhance receptor make it more active, and more importantly, which plays the role of a soft brake. This is all very important.

And here again, very good use of modern computer simulation methods, ie methods in silico, as there is a rich base of crystallographic data. This allows, for example, to hold the first test screening in silico, prikinuv on the computer, whether it is a connection to interact with the receptor or not, selected the most potential, they are synthesized, it is possible to check the real interaction. And then there is the following entry, already accounted for the first phase of error, and so on. This is one of the clearest examples of a combination of crystallographic data, often resulting in the model compounds - not at full receptor and its fragment, his domain - and the use of computer simulation to transfer this data to understand how precisely arranged topography, binding region of the true specific receptor subtype, and medications should be made precisely under this subtype.


Mechanisms of Sexual Selection

09 Dec 2016

Biologist Dr. Doping tells about the hypotheses to explain the choice of a sexual partner, the difference natural and sexual selection, and the reasons for the attractiveness of some males.

The sexual selection is different from the natural? What are the hypotheses to explain the choice of female sexual partner? And how sensory preferences affect the mechanism of sexual selection?

The term "sexual selection" was proposed by Darwin. He contrasted in a sense, natural selection sexual selection because, as he said, sexual selection occurs not as a result of the struggle for existence, as in the case of natural selection and the struggle for the possession of individuals of the same sex. And, as a rule, the struggle between the males for possession of the females. Since then, continuing fierce debate about this phenomenon - sexual selection, and still many researchers, for example, believe that sexual selection does not need to be isolated and does not need to be separated from the natural selection, it's just part of the process.

The biggest problems arise in cases when discussing specific examples of sexual selection on males extravagant features, such as long tails, very, very bright colors, very loud song. And at the same time the male has nothing to offer female, but their genes. That is, suppose we can observe some extravagant courtship dances, while the female chooses one or the other sign of the male, and the male no contribution to the cultivation of future offspring does not make. And indeed sometimes difficult to explain why the female chooses a male with such features that it can mean for her if she takes all the burden of rearing. There are today several models, several hypotheses that explain these processes. But the hypothesis can be, and wonderful, but the empirical evidence is not so much.

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There is a hypothesis that has a different name - the hypothesis of "handicap" or "good genes". According to this hypothesis, females prefer some extravagant, eye-catching signs, because they are an indicator of male quality, its strength, or health, or any other, so to speak, of useful properties. Only in this case the offspring, sons and daughters, to be more adaptable. What is fitness? It can take many forms: it is either increased viability or increased fertility or resistance to infection, and high immunity so on.


Why do people laugh?

09 Dec 2016

The biologist Dr. Doping speaks about the nature of laughter, humor and the origin of brain imaging.

Laughter is a type of expression of emotions and transfer them to others through facial expressions and characteristic rhythmic sounds. In laughter, in addition to the facial muscles, respiratory muscles are involved and vocal cords. Facial expressions - is evolutionarily earlier mode of communication in comparison with speech. It is and animals. The founder of evolutionary theory Charles Darwin especially interested in this question, dedicating him one of his works. Laughter has a special, elite place in the emotional experiences of the person. Laugh - it is not just an emotion, but also the result of intelligence, awareness of some unusual, paradoxical situation. It is believed that laughter originated from human ancestors about 7 million years ago. In addition to the human, only chimpanzees and rats can laugh. By the way, a man can not hear the rat laughter, because these sounds are ultrasonic field.

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The child begins to laugh a few months old, but he can cry at birth, and begins to speak, when he was somewhere around the year. This is due to the fact that laughter is a more complex experience than crying, but it's easier than it. The child begins to laugh when he realizes that, for example, "a terrible grimace," his mother just only a game, and in fact there is nothing wrong really.

Scientists distinguish between laughter and humor. Humor - it is much more recent acquisition of a man than a laugh, and it is based on a more subtle game of the mind, unexpected associations and connect seemingly incompatible,. So constructed, for example, the pun - verbal joke, when mixed similar in sound but different in meaning of the word (example from DD Minaev: "Girls who are below them, of course, not the bride"). The analysis of literature shows that humor came about three centuries ago. The classic German literature, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe humor attributed to "the highest manifestation of the human spirit."

What emotions transmits laughter as a means of communication? Of course, this is a manifestation of joy. Man tells people that it is good that he has found a solution to some difficult issues, and invites others to share his good mood. Laughter is very important to establish contact with the person or group of persons, sometimes with the audience. After all, if we laugh together, it means that we think the same way, we have common interests and share the same moral values. Laughter can acquire the character of malice when we laugh together a common enemy. Combining intelligence and emotions, laughter can be a powerful weapon, a demonstration of their courage and ability to resist evil.

It is recognized that laughing is good for health. Researchers from Oxford and Birmingham have found that laughter promotes fertility. After the procedure, in vitro fertilization a group of women entertained the clown, and the second to go home immediately. It was found that the percentage of those who have become mothers was significantly higher in women receiving "treatment laughter" (36% vs. 20% in controls).

Modern methods of live images of the brain (brain imaging), such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, and others, make it possible to determine the areas of the cerebral cortex, which are responsible for a laugh. Mostly they are located in the right hemisphere. Recall that the speech areas in the left hemisphere. Therefore, here it adds laughter. An important role is also played by the frontal cortex, responsible for abstraction, and limbic structures associated with emotion.

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