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Dibenkozid (Kobamamid)

11 Dec 2016

Kobamamid (synonyms: Dibenkozid, Adenozilkobalamin) is one of B12 vitamin forms, often joins in sports food and is on sale as separate additive. Is present at many vitamin and mineral complexes.

Dibenkozid is less stable form of vitamin therefore producers often recommend a sublingual way of introduction (under language). In medicine of B12 it is more often used in the form of cyanocobalamine.

The structure and form of release

Tablets for children, in packaging 50 pieces in a dose of 0.0005 g or 0.001 g. The tablets covered with a cover in packaging 100 pieces in a dose of 0.0001 g; 0.0005 g; 0.001 g. The lyophilized powder in ampoules for injections complete with solvent (1:1), in packaging 5 pieces on 0.0001 g, 0.0005 g or 0.001 g.

Effects and application

Kobamamid is applied in sport as participates in protein exchange and cell fission. In case of a lack of B12 vitamin anemia develops that extremely negatively is reflected in a physical condition. It is recommended for application during a set of muscle bulk and power trainings. It is reported about improvement of mental concentration, mood and a mental condition in general. However there are not enough scientific data which could confirm the declared effects and benefits of kobamamid before cyanocobalamine. You can buy online - Vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin injection

Administration course and doses

Inside or parenterally (intramusculary, subcutaneously or intravenously). Doses, the introduction frequency, duration are established individually.


Thromboembolism, erythremia, erythrocytes, hypersensibility to drug.

Side effects

As well as other water-soluble vitamins, dibencozide it is rather harmless. Side effects, except for an individual intolerance, no therefore it is ranked as the category of nutritional supplements (isn't medicine).

Special indicatings

At pains in heart drug should be used with care. During treatment it is regularly necessary to control a pattern of a blood and its coagulability.


Spray IRS 19 - complex preparation for the treatment and prevention of respiratory infections

11 Dec 2016

Advantages: effective in rhinitis and for the prevention of colds during the season

Disadvantages: very expensive

The child is constantly ill, the doctor prescribed IRS 19.

The drug is expensive, but as a result I have not regretted my purchase, the spray was effective at a cold, help the child.

Sale medicine in a small bottle with a very convenient packing. The nozzle need not be inserted into the nose, it can be used when in a nasal passage. The drug is well irrigates the mucosa, sufficient single click.

We liked the drug in its effect, as it can be used for prevention, before going to kindergarten.


Spray IRS 19 - cured sinusitis

11 Dec 2016

Advantages: Bottle, convenient to use. It suffices to use 2 times a day.

Disadvantages: expensive

My runny nose grew into sinusitis. Severe headaches, the temperature was 37.3 for 2 weeks. And that after a course of antibiotics. I decided to try the IRS-19.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: immunostimulatory preparation based on bacterial lysates. I squirted into the nose in the morning and evening. The first two days there was no change. On the third day, it becomes easier. The temperature was gone. Squirting two weeks. Fully recovered. My joy knew no bounds. It seemed a miracle. Then treated “IRS-19” lingering runny to my daughter . “IRS-19” did not disappoint. I recommend!


Spray IRS 19 - very effective for nasal congestion

11 Dec 2016

Advantages: effective

At a cold, we always use the “IRS-19”. Spray is very effective for nasal congestion.

The main active substance, by which IRS-19 is effective so - bacterial lysates. Experts have proven that lysates stimulate your own body's reaction to exposure to the antigen, ie, improve immunity.

Is almost no contraindications.

I will say a little about the convenience of the vial. Nozzle easy to attach to the bottle, and its shape follows the curve of the nose, and so the injection, the medication goes directly into the nasopharynx and does not flow out of the nose, as happens with conventional Each refill lasts up to the nose. The main condition is to perform a direct one - do not throw back his head and does not lie, it is necessary to carry out the injection of medication in an upright position.

Although the “IRS-19” and expensive pharmaceutical agent, but it works and the nose we always breathe freely!

Usage time: 6 months


Spray IRS 19 - helps to clean the nose

11 Dec 2016

Advantages: taste, helps to clean the nose

Disadvantages: does not help with nasal congestion

It is a comprehensive product for the treatment and prevention of respiratory infections. Therapist written out IRS-19 my child in 10 months. Use can be and adults, but not always helps. The first time was runny and me and the baby, sprinkled a couple of days and everything went. And this time the snot running river and it did not help. To treat a few days Traditional recipes with onions, thickened and snot nose “IRS-19” super cleaned a couple of days and have recovered. The feature in the application is that it first squirted into the nose, then splash, everything just comes out of the nose and then again splash.

Usage time: 2 months


Spray IRS 19 – excellent for prevention

11 Dec 2016

Advantages: It is effective for the prevention, does not irritate, sweet taste

Disadvantages: Expensive, not always effective in treating

I bought IRS 19 in the fall, so as not to get sick a cold, so I have a poor immune system. It was used regularly, it was very effective. The taste - sweet, and injects it into the nose and throat, glad that no burning, itching, or something like that from him. Packing tip and are very comfortable in use are examined. Drug for last long using, but it costs very expensive. but for me it is easier to pay for prevention than to splurge on a treatment.


Spray IRS 19 – reliable protection

11 Dec 2016

Advantages: really treats

Disadvantages: pricey

I have a small child so the choice of medications I take very carefully. In general, we no longer try to heal our son folk remedies, but they do not always help.

When the pain and throat replenishment helps us - IRS 19 complex nasal spray.

It has a pleasant taste, convenient spray bottle, and quality packaging.

The most important thing that it really helps! Very convenient and easy to use and can be used in the treatment of little children! we are treated to them as a family and we recommend to all friends and acquaintances.

this is a very high-quality and effective medicine.

The only drawback of this medication it an expensive price. But the health of my child is much more expensive.


Respiratory Spray IRS 19 – effective immunostimulant

11 Dec 2016

Advantages: effective immunostimulant

Disadvantages: expensive

Recently a child was ill with bronchitis, the doctor advised to take the IRS 19 for the treatment of bronchitis and to raise immunity. It should be quite expensive. We first week of his sprayed five times a day, and the following week, two times a day. I think it is likely the drug helped us, because we are first cured bronchitis without antibiotics.


Spray IRS 19 – excellent drug for preventing colds in children

11 Dec 2016

Advantages: taste good, effective action, an excellent prevention acute respiratory viral infection

Disadvantages: small vial, expensive

For several seasons of use nasal spray “IRS-19”. Once the appropriate season of colds, start splashing baby 2 times a day for two weeks.

The result satisfied. It is clear that it is not necessary to hope only on the “IRS-19”. It is necessary, and dress for the weather, and balanced feed, but protects against viruses quite well.

The drug is quite expensive. The child likes sweet taste.

Buy only the IRS 19 complex nasal spray.         


Spray IRS 19 – Good stimulates local immunity and helps in adenoids

11 Dec 2016

Advantages: Helps

Disadvantages: Expensive, side effects

Pediatrician recommended IRS 19 for prevention of bacterial complications of viral infections. I bought it came home and began to read the reviews. I was shocked by the complications that cause the drug, but still try. After the first use of the nose of the child laid, and after the second low temperature has risen. But the next day, neither of which it was not, and after 2 weeks of treatment and snoring in a child is almost over, so he helped us and the adenoids.

Usage time: half year

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