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13 Dec 2016

Megaslim are capsules for weight reduction, acceleration of processes of conversion of fatty deposits in energy. They are widespread in sale as natural means for acceleration of metabolism and decrease in the increased appetite. Megaslim makes LLC Leovit-Nutrio widely known in the market of dietary supplements for the complexes "We Grow Thin in a Week", and also kissels, teas and compotes for weight loss. Megaslim is resolved to sale through pharmacy chain as dietary supplement for weight loss, and enters the register of dietary supplement of the Russian Federation. Medicine was developed with the assistance of the Swiss company Loukas International.


Structure and action Megaslim

The most part of components of means are vitamins and mineral substances. Among them there are B1, B2, B3, B5, B9 vitamins, Su, B12, C, E, N, selenium, zinc and magnesium in the form of sulfate. Other components are provided pikolinat is lame, cinnamon extract, a L-carnitine, bromelayny, guarany and extract corn rylets. Looking at all this list, it is simple to understand that for creators of dietary supplement in a priority there is not only a successful weight loss, but also health of those who aim to stabilize the weight.

Set of vitamins and minerals helps to increase adaptic abilities of an organism that growing thin felt less subjective discomfort, bound to restrictions in a nutrition and unusually active lifestyle. Besides, Megaslim fills shortage of useful substances which can in smaller, than it is necessary, quantities to come to an organism at restriction of caloric content and variety of a delivery. If there are not enough listed bonds, the person will begin to feel fatigue, depression, it will reduce an acceptability of loads; besides, also purely physical disturbances, such as deterioration in digestion, disorders of a menstrual cycle at women or a hormonal imbalance are possible. At last, the complex of nutrients supports metabolic processes, accelerating their current and by that promoting simplification of fight against excess weight. Other part of set of components influences weight already not indirectly, and directly. You can also like Testalamin.

Pikolinat chromes and extract of cinnamon reduce appetite and oppresses thirst for sweet, a L-carnitine and possess fat-burning action, the guarana tones up, extract of corn snouts promotes more active biliation that improves digestion. Magnesium sulfate which is known as laxative contains in additive in a small dose therefore acts as macro cell source, but not as an agent of activation of work of an intestine.

Isn't Megaslim's part any forbidden component therefore it is allowed for free sale. The agent is well ubiquitous, it can be got in any drugstore.

Contraindications and side effects

In spite of the fact that usually the agent is transferred well, in certain cases at reception of dietary supplement there can be by-effects caused by presence in it of bromelayn, guarana and other components influencing weight. Changes of behavior (exaltation, nervousness), sleeplessness (for this reason to accept an agent for the second time it is necessary for 6 — 8 h to a dream), rising of arterial pressure are sometimes possible. Less often other disturbances meet; at emergence of any side effects it is necessary to suspend reception of capsules.

Megaslim also has a series of contraindications: neurosises, sleep disorders, hypertonia, serious heart diseases, liver and kidneys, migraine, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Thus, without watching that the main action of an agent consists in maintenance of good shape of health at weight loss, it shouldn't relax and force to trifle you of additive also, as of a jar with vitamins. Components which under certain conditions can carry some danger also are Megaslim's part.

Reviews of additive Megaslim

Producers don't mislead buyers and at once tell them that Megaslim is intended not for active loss of kilograms, and is necessary to facilitate process of weight loss and not to allow his possible negative impact on health. For this reason in advertizing brochures it is impossible to meet tempting promises about loss of a certain number of kilograms of weight and centimeters of volume. The most part from that size that you will dump, accepting Megaslim, will consist of the weight which has left thanks to your own works.

As for concrete responses, the majority accepting additive first of all is reported that against the background of her reception of sports and a diet they work well better, than before. Especially often similar statements are left by the people who were already repeatedly trying to grow thin as independently and with other Dietary supplements. Means increases mood, reduces feeling of hunger, helps to increase steadily indicators during sports trainings.

Influence on body weight is available for Megaslim too: provided that the person observes the corresponding way of life and keeps account of the received and spent calories, additive promotes disposal of excess weight and allows achieving in total results to minus 5-6 kg a month, depending on rigidity of a diet and intensity of occupations.

Response of the nutritionist

The practicing nutritionist

Capsules Megaslim Hudeem in a week don't render though how many and that serious impact on weight loss. However, components in their structure help to sustain a diet, to feel rather comfortably and more actively to play sports. However, similar reaction can achieve, having bought in a drugstore a good complex of vitamins and minerals at much more favorable cost.



13 Dec 2016

Masculinization is a result of the use of steroids: an atrophy of mammary glands, a clitoris hypertrophy, the expressed development of muscles, male features

Masculinization (Latin masculinus - men's) is process of accumulation of male secondary sexual characteristics at an individual of a female. Emergence on a body and a woman's face of excess number of hair, coarsening of a voice and increase in muscle bulk (development of secondary male sexual characters), changes in elasticity of skin, acne rash, violations of a menstrual cycle, strengthening of sexual desire, a hair loss on the head, growth of hair on a body, a face, a pubis and increase in a clitoris. In certain cases female genitals can change and become similar to a male penis very much. Manifestation, strengthening of male lines in an organism happens under the influence of androgens. You can also like Testalamin.

Masculinization results from any hormonal violation or owing to hormonal therapy. In bodybuilding it is, first of all, reception of anabolic steroids as these steroids are synthetic men's hormones can lead to masculinization.

Thus, women have to treat reception of steroids because process of masculanization and at the use anabolic steroids with the smallest androgenic activity have to be applied very carefully.

Primoboloan, Oksandrolon, Nandrolonum, according to some athletes, are the safest for women as their androgenic activity is minimum. But even in this case the mentioned "soft" anabolic steroids can lead to any complications at women. It is necessary to limit their dosage and duration of a cycle.

Lately among female athletes drugs without androgenic activity enjoy popularity: body height hormone, peptides, insulin, clenbuterol, thyroxine.



13 Dec 2016

Mazindol (trademarks: Mazanor, Sanorex) is a medicine overwhelming appetite with the stimulating action, belongs to tetracyclic to a class of chemicals.

Mazindol is applied to treatment of obesity, due to appetite oppression.

Mazindol is simpatometic which is similar to amphetamine, in structure and the stimulating influence on the central nervous system. With respect thereto Mazindol isn't recommended to accept for a long time, accustoming is possible. You can also like Suprenamin.

Medicine inhibits the return capture of exciting mediators: noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin, besides, major factors in a capability of anoreksigen action of mazindol are excitement of the center of saturation in a hypothalamus and decrease in incentives to the need for food that is connected with influence of medicine on adrenergetic systems of a brain. Also moderate anti-depressive action is inherent in Mazindol.

Doses and direction of use

Inside during food in the beginning on 1/2 tablets (0,5 mg) a day (in the first 4 - 5 days), then on 1 tablet 1 or 2 of time a day (during a breakfast and a lunch). Maximum daily dose is 3 tablets. The course of treatment proceeds usually from 4 to 12 weeks.

Side effects

At administration of drug nausea, a headache, disorders of a dream, emiction delay, a sweating, an allergic dermal eruption, rising of arterial pressure are possible dryness in a mouth. The drug dose in these cases is reduced or stop its reception. In the course of treatment (on 8 - the 10th week) can develop some accustoming to drug and depression of its anorexigenic effect. Drug is contraindicative at glaucoma, a renal, liver and heart failure, an arrhythmia of heart, hyperexcitability. It isn't necessary to prescribe Mazindolum along with MAO inhibitors.



13 Dec 2016

Magnesium is a mineral macro cell which participates in formation of bones, a regulation of work of nervous tissue, exchange of carbohydrates and energy balance. Magnesium improves blood supply of a cardiac muscle therefore it is necessary for aged people. In some important processes magnesium acts as the antagonist of calcium, excess of magnesium reduces comprehensibility of calcium. The optimum ratio of calcium and magnesium makes 10:7, this ratio is supported by a usual set of foodstuff. At a disadvantage of magnesium irritability increases.

Reception of additive with magnesium (300 mg/day) lowers arterial pressure on average upon 12 mm of mercury.

Main functions of a magnesium (Vertkin A. H.p. of coworkers., 1997)

  • Rising of energy potential of a cell
  • Intensifying of metabolic processes
  • Antagonism with calcium
  • Formation of complexes with molecules ATP and activation more than 300 enzymes, including all ATP-ases (Mg-dependence)
  • Participation in synthesis of proteins
  • Ensuring relaxation of muscle fiber
  • Counteraction to dissociation of oxidation with phosphorylation
  • Participation in synthesis of fatty acids and lipids
  • Inhibition of release of Acetylcholine from the presynaptic termination
  • Regulation of glycolysis
  • Participation in synthesis and disintegration of nucleic acids
  • Binding of Noradrenalin in granules (an inactivation and reservation)
  • Energy balance
  • Plastic metabolism
  • Electrolytic exchange
  • Depression of the Na level + and Sa2 + in a cell Rising of the K+ level in a cell → Polarization of a cellular membrane

Magnesium in bodybuilding

Magnesium takes the important place in bodybuilding not only because it is confirmed theoretical by data, but also recent researches showed that in case of additional acceptance of magnesium can improve performance of trainings. The magnesium role in bodybuilding is that he takes part in products of energy and synthesis of a protein. Besides big losses of magnesium happen together with then. With respect thereto athletes often can't satisfy completely the need of an organism for magnesium at the expense of food sources. Please pay attention to Suprenamin.

Brilla and Haley from Western Washington University in Bellingham published a research where athletes accepted additives with magnesium during the occupations bodybuilding. Conclusions showed that athletes could increase results in power indicators and an increase of body weight. Though the essential effect on power indicators is well proved, influence of magnesium on growth of muscles and increase in testosterone remains doubtful (in the absence of its deficit in food).

Considering the above-mentioned facts, magnesium often joins in sports food, including in ZMA.

Recommended doses in bodybuilding

The recommended daily dose of magnesium for men at the age of 19 — 30 years constitutes 200-400 mg, and for men 30 years — 420 mg a day are more senior. The recommended dose for women at the age of 19 — 30 years — 310 mg, and for women is more senior than 30 years — 320 mg.

Loading and reception mode for increase in force

In spite of the fact that earlier in several researches the positive influence of the use of magnesium in sport for increase in force indices was set, the optimum mode of reception remained undecided. In the research Lindsy S Kass examinees accepted magnesium according to two protocols:

1 group accepted magnesium citrate inside in a dose of 300 mg/days for 1 week in 3 hours before a training, or in any other time in netrenerov days.

2 group accepted magnesium citrate in the same quantities, but for 4 weeks.

1 and 4 weeks later respectively held testing of examinees which consisted in a bicycle race (40 km) and in 30 minutes execution of a press lying to the full (80% of 1RM). The same tests repeated next day.

Outputs: Magnesium raised for 17% force indices in day of testing at the group accepting it 1 week. For the second day of testing force indices also remained raised. The group which accepted magnesium 4 weeks didn't show statistically significant changes of force indices. Thus, authors believe that reception of magnesium gives the maximum effect in force gain only in the first few days reception, then this effect disappears.

Magnesium in sport

Magnesium, the mineral which is responsible for more than 400 metabolic reactions in an organism is advertized as the best assistant in your occupations. In one research connect consumption of magnesium with muscular force. The experimental group of men was daily given 500 mg of magnesium — more than the recommended daily dose equal of 400 mg. The control group accepted 250 mg a day — significantly less daily dose. Within eight weeks both groups were engaged with burdenings, and then at all measured force of legs. The men accepting additive became stronger while at control group parameters remained the same. But most of researchers nevertheless aren't sure that magnesium promotes increase in force. They emphasize that magnesium level in an organism of athletes prior to the research wasn't determined. It is an important point as additives with any nutrient in which your organism has deficiency most often positively influence health and sports results. In general it is possible to tell that now specialists came to a conclusion that additive with magnesium doesn't influence aerobic or muscular force.


Magnesium in additives is often combined calcium for improvement of functioning of nervous system and muscles, including also regulation of a warm rhythm.

Magnesium in food

Nearly a half of standard daily rate of magnesium is provided with cereal products. There is a lot of magnesium in bean, in nuts, sheet vegetables, blackberry, raspberry, strawberry.

Content of magnesium in some foodstuff

Product / Content of magnesium, mg / 100 of a product

Haricot 167

Grits 133

Buckwheat 113

Peas 107

Millet 87

Rye bread 73

Rice 37

Bread from wheat flour 31

Beet 22

Potatoes 17

Carrots 17

Beef 16

Mutton 15

Whole milk 14

Egg (yolk) 12

Egg (white) 12

Onions 12

Cabbage 12

Ratio of calcium and magnesium in some foodstuff

Product / Ca:Mg ratio

Haricot / 1:1

Grits / 1:1.8

Buckwheat / 1:2

Peas / 1:1.7

Millet / 1:2.6

Rye bread / 1:2.5

Rice / 1:1.3

Bread from wheat flour / 1:1.6

Beet / 1:1

Potatoes / 1:2

Carrots / 1:0.5

Beef / 1:5

Mutton / 1:2

Whole milk / 1:0.1

Egg (yolk) / 1:0.1

Egg (white) / 1:2

Onions / 1:0.4

Cabbage / 1:0.4



13 Dec 2016

Luteolin is the flavonoid found in rosemary, thyme, parsley and a citrus is effective anti-estrogen about what witness the researches on animals published by researchers from "Peking University Health Science Center" in the Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics magazine. Unlike pharmacological anti-estrogen, luteolin also promotes improvement of balance of cholesterol.

The Chinese pharmacologists from Istitut Biologiya of the city of Chengdu researched more than 100 substances which have anti-estrogenic properties, and luteolin was the most interesting of them.


The experiment was made on females of mice which removed in the surgical way ovaries. Daily did to a number of animals injections of androstendion who by means of aromatasia enzyme easily turns into an estradiol.

Some animals orally received luteolin. The equivalent of dosages for a human body varies within 45-450 mg a day. Some mice received also injections of letrozole, powerful pharmacological inhibitor of an aromatasia.


Upon termination of a 12 weeks experiment researchers measured concentration of Oestradiolum in a blood of mice. The anti-estrogenic effect of luteolin was same, as well as effect of letrozole.

Researchers used in an experiment also mice about Oestradiolum sensory cancer cells of mammary glands. As it appeared, and letrozole, and luteolin are inhibitors of body height of tumors, but letrozole copes with this task a little better. Do not forget take Ovariamin for better results.

Long-term use of pharmacological inhibitors of an aromatase results in side effects, one of which is deterioration in cholesteric balance. With augmentation of concentration of lipoproteins of low density (LPNP) concentration of lipoproteins of high density (LPVN) decreases. Luteolin though is aromatasia inhibitor, but renders opposite effect on balance of cholesterin. Luteolin reduces concentration of a "bad" cholesterin and increases the level of "good". Besides, luteolin doesn't exert any impact on the level of triglycerides.


"Though luteolin is widespread in products of plant origin, the dosages used in this research were above the normal level which the person consumes from vegetable products", - researchers write. "Nevertheless, this research can provide a scientific basis for use of this flavan in pharmacological branch".

"Long-term reception of inhibitors of aromatasia is, as a rule, bound to disturbance of cholesteric balance. Reception of luteolin can be the potential mechanism of normalization of balance of cholesterin without prejudice to aromatasia level", - researchers consider.


The best medicines growth hormone

13 Dec 2016

Popularity of the GR trademarks by results of the statistical analysis

There is no such concept as "the best HGH", medicine or is growth hormone (somatotropin), or it is a counterfeit.

Criteria of high-quality brands of hormone of growth and how to distinguish a counterfeit:

High-quality brand of hormone growth / Counterfeit

The 191-amino-acid sequence (somatotropin identical to natural) / 192-amino-acid sequence which contains additional amino acid methionine

high price / cheaper, but contains a bacterial deposit, remained from production process

it is more often purchased according to the recipe / in the black market

it is made in the USA or the European Union countries / it is made in Asia (China, Korea, India, etc.)

  • liquid form (very fragile, is sensitive to temperature and stirring) or the lyophilized powder (is suitable for a shipping worldwide). Never you should buy medicine in a liquid form in the black market because there is no method to learn how it was made, stored and transpotrirovat
  • various brands make growth hormone in differently the dosed bottles.

For identification of a counterfeit it is possible to make the laboratory analysis of level of hormone of growth in plasma, or it is possible to use an indirect indicator - glucose level. After an injection of GR there is a hyperglycemia: level of glucose increases by 1-2 mmol/l. For these purposes the standard glucose meter can be used, the control test before entering of GR and in 30-60 min. is carried out after. You can try Ovariamin.

High-quality brands

  • Genotropin (191 amino acids, high purity, Pfizer, Inc, USA is made)
  • Humatrope (191 amino acids, high purity, Eli Lilly and Company, USA is made)
  • Hygetropin (191 amino acids, high purity, it is made the Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co Plant. (China) in 2001 the company obtained the license for production of high-quality hormone of growth.
  • Hypertropin (191 amino acids, high purity, Neogenica Bioscience Ltd, China is made)
  • Jintropin (191 amino acids, high purity, GeneScience Pharmaceuticals Co is made., Ltd, China)
  • Ansomone (earlier 192, but now 191 amino acids, high purity, Anhui Anke Biotechnology Co is made., Ltd, China)
  • Norditropin (191 amino acids, high purity, Novo Nordisk Inc, USA is made)
  • Nutropin (191 amino acids, high purity, Genentech USA, Inc, USA is made)
  • Saizen (191 amino acids, high purity, EMD Serono, Inc, USA is made)
  • Serostim (191 amino acids, high purity, EMD Serono, Inc, USA is made)
  • Zorbtive (191 amino acids, high purity, EMD Serono, Inc, USA is made)
  • Omnitrop/Omnitrop (191 amino acids, high purity, Sandoz, Switzerland is made)

Brands of average quality:

  • Rastan
  • Neotropin
  • Dinatrop
  • Tev-Tropin (191 amino acids, average purity, Teva Pharmaceuticals, USA is made)
  • Zomacton (191 amino acids, average purity, Ferring Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd, Australia is made)

Brands of poor or doubtful quality:

  • Fitropin (Shenzhen Kexing Biotech Co was made., Ltd, China)
  • Getropin (generics of an unknown origin)
  • Glotropin (generics of an unknown origin)
  • Kefei (191 amino acids, low purity, Shanghai United Kefei Biotechnology Co is made., Ltd, China)
  • Kigtropin (generics of an unknown origin, cause the immune answer, different responses from party to party)
  • Riptropin (generics of an unknown origin, generally there are at the black market of Great Britain, different responses from party to party)
  • Taitropin (generics of an unknown origin, it is similar to Kigtropin)


The best rates of steroids

12 Dec 2016

Anabolic steroids belong to the strong substances causing a muscles hypertrophy, and now their effects are actively studied both in medicine, and in the field of sport. Directly it is necessary to emphasize that application of steroids shall be performed according to indications and under control of the medical specialist. The use is contraindicated to teenagers as can bear substantial and unjustified risk for health. This article contains reference information and doesn't induce to the use.

Experts of SportWiki analyzed a large number of modern literature, researches and scientific articles from which rather reasonable and plausible data are selected. We will try to provide the best steroid rates which differ in maximum efficiency and safety in this article. In the individual clause special attention is paid to the description and minimization of side effects.

General conclusions: the choice of anabolic steroid

  • The medical specialist shall carry out purpose of medicine
  • All anabolic steroids have androgenic activity, however in different degree of expressiveness.
  • The steroid is more powerful and more effective, it is more than side effects therefore it is necessary to be guided by this indicator carefully.
  • As a rule, injection steroids are safer in comparison with the tableted forms.
  • The more the dose and quantity of steroids, they are more than side effects and kickback phenomenon.
  • Don't try to receive fast results, resorting to mad cycles, already in few months you will be disappointed in this approach. It is more reasonable to make two "weak" rates with a break, than one "powerful".
  • New safe steroids don't exist. Don't trust advertizing - many old steroids much better new. It is simple to explain it - in the 20th century of a research of steroids were financed much better, than now. Now the main part of finance arrives not to receive more powerful and safe anabolic steroid, and on that it couldn't be determined in tests.
  • It is extremely desirable to use inhibitors of aromatasia and anti-estrogen in strictly certain cases. It considerably will secure a cycle and will increase its efficiency. Remember that ginekomastia develops not always, but in individual cases it is irreversible therefore it should be prevented.

Main conclusion: For achievement of good results, use steroids in moderate doses, in the correct combinations, without exceeding the optimum duration of a cycle. Approximate for one cycle it is possible to gain about 5-7 kg of muscles, having lost a significant amount of fat. In case of adequate application results will be stable, kickback phenomenon minimum, and side effects in most cases will be absent in general. Nevertheless, according to literature in 15-20% of cases side effects are shown, at the same time at 3% they have irreversible character.

Which steroid rates are under construction?

The below-stated rates of steroid medicines are constituted based on experience of the largest resources, and also sports medicine and modern scientific data. Many "professionals" are inclined to believe that these rates "too weak and short" therefore results will be bad, however it it is easy to confute on a simple example:

Vasily completed a steroid course with medicine X in a dose 100 within a month, and then, 3 more months later repeated it. Total: 1 packaging on everything, + 5 kg of muscles taking into account kickback, total absence of side effects. You can also like Hepatamin.

Pyotr completed a course with medicine X in a dose 200 within 2 months. Total: 4 packaging of medicine, +8 kg of muscles right after a cycle (at first sight the result is better), however a half from this will be lost in a month, that is general result of +4 kg of muscles, besides ginekomastia and violations of hormonal exchange.

At any forum will advise you option No. 2 as people can't estimate long-term consequences and are guided by ephemeral results right after a rate.

Short rates and muscle memory

The Norwegian scientists from Oslo University report that even short-term entering of anabolic steroids raises a capability of muscles to growth for a long time. According to the made experiments, use of anabolic steroids starts the so-called cellular mechanism of memory. Thus, in case of renewal of physical activities after the long period of rest, force and amount of muscles will be recovered much quicker at those athletes who used anabolic steroids, in comparison with those who at all never applied them. Besides, at accepting more intensive division of cellular kernels will be observed. Results of a research are published in the The Journal of Physiology magazine.

Results of application

The research Bhasin S, Storer TW on 43 healthy men has shown that testosterone enantat in a dose of 600 mg/week for 10 weeks allows to receive high sports results:

  • trainings without introduction of medicine led to increase in weight approximately on 1,8 kg;
  • introduction of medicine without trainings led to a gain of dry muscle bulk on 3 kg;
  • examinees who carried out power trainings 3 times a week and receiving testosterone enantat had an increase of dry weight on 6 kg.

In all groups the reduction of fatty deposits was observed.

The best courses of steroids for set of muscle bulk

Who suits these steroid courses?

Men with a thin constitution, 25 years for a set of dry muscle bulk, in the absence of contraindications to reception of anabolic steroids are aged more senior.

If you want to receive the maximum result, then each course has to include also:

Diet for a set of muscle bulk - keep in mind that for a course you need to gain up to 10 kg of weight (from them 2-3 kg will be then are lost) therefore be surely weighed each three days and control a weight gain by means of a diet. If weight grows insufficiently quickly - means to you it is necessary to increase the food caloric content and vice versa, differently you will in vain spend time. The total of protein has to be equal in a diet at least 2g/kg weight, it is possible to calculate by means of the calculator more precisely.

Sports food for a set of weight

Specialized training

Medical equipment of performance of injection

According to the instruction, steroids are entered deeply into a muscle (injections in a gluteus are safest):

  • 1.Wash arms with soap.
  • 2.It is desirable to heat an ampoule with drug to 38C-40C of degrees on a water bath, as a last resort in an axillary hollow.
  • 3.Wipe arms with alcohol
  • 4.Wipe an ampoule with alcohol.
  • 5.Open an ampoule: make nadpit on a neck, break off a nose having wrapped it gauze. If there is a tag in the form of a point, then nadpit it isn't necessary to do, just break off a nose.
  • 6.Use syringes with a needle of 37 mm - it is 5 and 10 vat syringes.
  • 7.Gather the syringe, remove vials of air. Though when performing intramuscular injections to steam of fine blisters aren't dangerous at all.
  • 8.Process the place of a nyxis alcohol or other antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green, cologne or, as a last resort, vodka).
  • 9.Accept horizontal position, for avoidance of a fiasco of a needle
  • 10.Enter a needle into the top, side square of a breech (see the drawing) at full length at right angle
  • 11.Pull the piston to be convinced that the blood doesn't go to the syringe and you didn't get into a blood vessel. Hit in a blood stream of oil drugs can be deadly.
  • 12.Slowly administer the drug
  • 13.Take out a needle and apply the wad moistened in alcohol (or other antiseptic) to the place of a nyxis
  • 14.Softly mass the place of an injection about 5 minutes.


Best fat burners - rating of additives

12 Dec 2016

Experts analysed the main medicines and sports additives, tried to constitute objective rating having chosen the best fat burners who have strong evidential base and outstanding performance.

The evaluation criteria used for creation of this rating:

  • Efficiency
  • Quality
  • Price
  • Availability
  • Safety
  • Feedbacks on independent resources

The rating of fat burners isn't connected with advertizing of products in any way. "Attention" we Warn you that many people absolutely differently react to sports food therefore there is a probability that "the best fat burners" specifically for you in this list will be absent. This rating is reflection of an overall picture, in other words, it is the best fat burners from the point of view of statistics for most of people. If you doubt accuracy of the data, then we recommend to get acquainted with feedbacks on other resources, and also to independently study components of products.

Fat burners in sports food

Lipo-6x from Nutrex is the best fat burners according to the producer. In the description of additive you can learn about its benefits and shortcomings in detail.

Stimulant X (Anabolic Xtreme) is the termogenic, with the expressed stimulating effect, lightens the mood, and has long effect (till 8 o'clock stimulation and suppression of appetite).

Tight Hardcore from SAN is one more top termogenic differing in the high quality level and efficiency. You can also like Hepatamin.

Cheaters Relief ‎‎‎‎ from BSN - the best blocker of carbohydrates and a blocker of fats

L-carnitine is efficiency isn't as high as at termogenic, but it is essential. Many consider a carnitine useless, however independent researches proved that this amino acid provides to combustion of fat on average 10-15% more in comparison with group of placebo. The wrong opinion is connected with the fact that effect it impracticably it is possible to feel, estimate only results. The carnitine gets to rating the best fat burner, mainly, because it is absolutely safe and is even useful to health, contraindications to acceptance are absent. (Scientifically it isn't proved)

For the maximum affect it is possible to combine termogenic + blocker of calories + carnitine. It is also necessary to keep to a diet for weight loss and to carry out trainings for weight loss.

Separate components

  • Caffeine is a stimulator of the central nervous system
  • Metilgeksanamin (geranamin) is more powerful analog of caffeine
  • Sinefrin is a stimulator with lipolitic properties
  • Yokhimbin is lipolitic
  • Chitosan is a fat blocker
  • Forskolin is a lipolitic with anabolic properties
  • Evodiamin is a lipolitic

These components have the proved efficiency, and as a rule the best zhiroszhigatel enter everything. Pay attention to dosages.


The best pharmacological fat burners:

  • EKA (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin) - mix of stimulators which remains to one of the most effective remedies for fat elimination so far
  • Ńlenbuterol is beta agonist, this medicine possesses a unique property of suppression of a catabolism and preserving muscles.
  • Tiroksin is hormone of a thyroid gland, the most powerful activator of metabolism.
  • Sibutramin (Meridia) is an appetite suppressor
  • Orlistat is a blocker of fats (reduces digestion of fat from a digestive tract due to blocking of digestive enzymes)
  • Acarbose is a blocker of carbohydrates (has the same mechanism of action as the previous medicine, blocks digestive enzymes which digest carbohydrates).

These pharmacological fat burners are the most powerful tools in fight against fat, the sports additives considerably exceeding on effect.


The animal in man, the human in animals

12 Dec 2016

Biologist Dr. Doping tells about the origins of the human psyche, the principles of ethology and "floors" of perception. What makes us human? What is the "human recipe," from the point of view of the ethologist? Do chimpanzees theory thinking Possess?

When we look at human behavior, we usually see it as a whole, while passing on the different floors of behavioral forms and perception. The more fundamental basic properties involved in some form of behavior or a business, the easier it is to predict and guide this activity using the general laws of ethology, that is, the easier it control us, if we know these laws and can isolate some basic properties the behavior of those who they are, for example, our target group.

Phenotropil. CogitumCortexin, Semax, Picamilon is used for brain improvement.

Motivation - is the desire to achieve, the willingness to expend effort on something to achieve some goal. Motivation can be either low or high. We can not say that the low characteristic only of animals, and the high - only people. When we are dealing with motivation, you need to pay attention to the fact that the persistence in achieving goals can be measured. Motivation, as well as many properties and behaviors, amenable to experimental study.

Cognitive ethology and human ethology - is experimental science, in which some of the terminology familiar to the human sciences, acquire their quite clear language, and we do not operate outside these formulations, we operate is that we have to invest.


What is laziness?

12 Dec 2016

Some words about saving energy, the adaptive values and features of food production animals.

Laziness is "turning away from labor, from case studies; inclination to idleness and parasitism." Quite rightly, it is considered as a drawback, vice or even a mortal sin. Psychology distinguishes several types of laziness (from a lack of motivation from the weakness of the will, and so on. D.). In terms of biology, laziness - it's over-implementation of the principle of energy conservation. All living organisms seek to optimize the ratio of vital resources received and expended for this energy that is trying to get more by spending less. This law is not just a speculative conclusion, and the conclusion drawn on the basis of measurements.

Calculation of energy consumption have been actively used in the study of animal behavior from around the 1970s. to determine the adaptive value of a particular form of behavior. Definition of adaptive values or, in other words, the adaptive value of a particular form of behavior is one of the four objectives in the study of behavior, formulated the famous ethologist Nicholas Tinbergen. The most obvious principle of minimization of energy expenditure as a result of the analysis of food-procuring behavior. But it is observed in the complex animal behavior: foraging runs the risk of predator attack, direct competition from other individuals of the same species, the risk of parasite attacks, reproductive behavior.

Of course, the ratio of compensation and the effort is not always possible to accurately calculate and make an unambiguous conclusion about the adaptive value of a particular form of behavior. For example, some of the rats (usually a beta-individual, that is ranked second, but not the last step in the hierarchy) for a long time exploring the new object placed in the cage. Alpha individuals, making sure that the unknown object is not dangerous and has no nutritional value, ignore it. A similar difference in the research activity of alpha and beta species has recently been shown for the birds - finches Gould. This rule does not deny the principle of energy conservation. Individuals researchers, spending energy on useless study of the subject, engaged in long-term investment, because the living conditions are subject to change, and useless thing can now buy biological significance. Therefore, the community is helpful to have in their composition such "wasteful" individuals.

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Thus, to save power (ie the energy expended to meet certain requirements) biologically justified, as well as biologically necessary to produce energy (ie eat). To live, to eat. But if the man lives to eat, it's bad, maladaptive. As is the case with waste of energy obtained. Energy saving is necessary, but when such savings becomes the dominant motivation, then it is laziness, lack of.

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