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Treatment of sleeplessness

12 Dec 2016

Sleeplessness is one of the most frequent claims on acceptance at the general practitioner. Success of treatment of sleeplessness depends on the correct diagnosis. There is a set of somnolent medicines. Ideal sleeplessness medicine shall cause a dream with the normal, but not artificially changed structure, not to render an after-effect in the form of ricochet uneasiness or residual drowsiness, not to interact with other medicines, not to cause dependence and a syndrome of cancellation in case of long acceptance. Regular moderate physical activity has these properties, but often it it appears insufficiently; besides, it is impossible in case of heart troubles and lungs. However, quite often even small loading helps to cause a dream. Though value of a dream is up to the end not known, it promotes normal day activity, and it is necessary to apply hypnotic drugs so that not to break it.

Two main matters of argument in treatment of sleeplessness is indications to drug treatment and the choice of medicine of short or long action. In the 1990th to appoint benzodiazepines became rarer. The English doctors resort to them with care, both in case of uneasiness, and in case of sleeplessness (Livingston, 1994). However, this tendency can reflect rather messages of mass media on their side effects, than scientific data, and as a result some patients needing hypnotic drugs don't receive them (Walsh and Engelhardt, 1992). The work which showed that doctors consider necessary to appoint benzodiazepines much more less than do it in practice (Yeo et al is in this respect interesting., 1994). Side effects of hypnotic drugs should be correlated to consequences of chronic sleeplessness, including quadruple increase in number of accidents (Balter, 1992).

Traditionally not enough attention is paid to search of the reasons of sleeplessness and its non-drug treatment. Meanwhile along with assignment of hypnotic drugs it is necessary to pay attention to the removable reasons of the sleeplessness ought to hygiene of a dream to remove fear of sleeplessness in case of an otkhozhdeniye for sleeping, to teach the patient to set up so internal clocks that in due time there was a drowsiness, and to dissuade him from alcohol intake and OTC sleeping medicines (Nino-Murcia, 1992).


Select 3 types of sleeplessness (National Institute of Mental Health Consensus Development Conference, 1984).

Passing sleeplessness lasts to 3 days and is usually connected to a short-time stressful situation. There is enough respect for hygiene of a dream; if hypnotic drugs, then in the minimum dose and are assigned only to 2 — 3 nights. However assignment of benzodiazepines before important events (for example, examinations) can reduce working capacity (James and Savage, 1984).

Short-time sleeplessness lasts of 3 days to 3 weeks and is caused by such stresses as a disease, family or official troubles. Treatment also should be begun with hygiene of a dream. It is possible to assign sleeping pill to 7 — 10 days (better discontinuous course, with passes for 1 night after 1 — 2 nights with a good dream).

Chronic sleeplessness lasts more than 3 weeks and can be not connected to a stress. More profound survey is shown to such patients, but the somnografia usually isn't required.

Sleeplessness in case of mental disorders often passes against the background of treatment of the main disease. So, in case of depressive attacks with sleeplessness even inhibitors of the reverse capture of serotonin usually improve a dream in spite of the fact that sleeplessness belongs to their ghost effects. If these medicines reduced a depression, but caused persistent sleeplessness (as side effect), adding of small doses of trazodon for the night is capable to improve a dream, and also to strengthen the main effect (Nierenberg et al., 1994). However at such patients the priapizm, orthostatic hypotonia and arrhythmias are possible.

Successful treatment of disturbing frustration often eliminates the accompanying sleeplessness. Such patient appoint more and more seldom tranquilizers as data on efficiency of other medicines, for example beta accumulate in case of uneasiness before public statements and inhibitors of the return capture of serotonin in case of neurosis of persuasive conditions and, perhaps, alarm neurosis. The expressed sleeplessness in case of sharp psychoses (schizophrenia and a mania) is usually eliminated by neuroleptics. In these cases often add benzodiazepines to reduce excitement; besides, they improve a dream.

Sleeplessness in case of other chronic diseases (heart failure, bronchial asthma, HOZL) also often decreases against the background of treatment of the main disease.

Adequate anesthesia in case of chronic pain, including at oncological patients, eliminates both pain, and sleeplessness, doing purpose of hypnotic drugs excessive. You can also like Cerebramin.

Many patients just don't observe hygiene of a dream, and they are often helped by restriction of acceptance of coffee, refusal of alcohol, physical activity and regular alternation of a dream and wakefulness. Reflex sleeplessness should be suspected in the absence of mental and other diseases and in case of inefficiency of actions for hygiene of a dream. At such patients the bedroom is associated with day activity, but not with a dream; to them recommend to use a bedroom only for sexual connections and a dream, spending the rest of the time (including leisure — even to read and watch TV) out of a bedroom.

Wrong perception of a dream

Some patients complain of a bad dream, but the somnografia doesn't reveal at them symptoms of sleeplessness; to treat them it is difficult.

To some people of rather short dream instead of ordinary 7 — 8 h. If they aren't disturbed drowsiness, the bad mood and decrease in working capacity, treatment isn't required.

Sometimes patients with apnoe in a dream which don't feel like holidaymakers in the mornings address for hypnotic drugs. However hypnotic drugs are usually contraindicated to them, the somnografia is necessary for specification of the diagnosis and development of medical tactics. Chronic sleeplessness. Non-drug treatment, including training in hygiene of a dream, physical activity (whenever possible), methods of a relaxation and behavioral psychotherapy is restriction of a dream and is important for all such patients. Restriction of a dream includes maintaining the diary where the patient notes time spent in a bed then reduces it by 30 — 60 min. It creates small deficiency of a dream and facilitates falling asleep. In case of the patient recommend to go to bed only at feeling of drowsiness and to use a bedroom only for the sexual intercourses and a dream; if the dream hasn't come in 15 — 20 min., to rise and leave a bedroom, coming back only at emergence of drowsiness; to rise at the same time irrespective of whether it was succeeded to get enough sleep, and not to sleep in the afternoon. These measures best of all help to accelerate falling asleep and to reduce number of awakenings (Morin et al., 1994).

Use of hypnotic drugs is limited by their side effects. Drug treatment of chronic sleeplessness is complicated for a number of reasons. Long acceptance of hypnotic drugs reduces their efficiency and causes ricochet effect in case of cancellation. Almost all medicines change structure of a dream. Barbiturates shorten a REM sleep, benzodiazepines — a deep slow sleep and, to a lesser extent, a REM sleep. Value of these shifts isn't clear yet, but there is an impression that the deep slow sleep is especially important for recovery of an organism. The REM sleep can promote fixing of information. Shortening of a deep slow sleep under the influence of benzodiazepines easing of their effect in case of long acceptance, and also elimination of the nightmares arising when awakening during this period of a dream can speak.

Benzodiazepines cause cognitive violations. Medicines of long action cause next day (that increases risk of falls), medicines of short action — ricochet uneasiness. At the same time the feeling of a quiet dream is caused by their effect. There are data that to triazoles causes cognitive changes, smoothing subjective distinctions between a dream and wakefulness (Mendelson, 1993). Apparently, it leads to anterograd amnesia more often. The day dream improves the working capacity broken by alcohol or difengidraminy, but not triazolamy (Roehrs et al., 1993).

Benzodiazepines aggravate àïíîý in out of. In general opinion, in case of àïíîý in a dream, especially obstructive, hypnotic drugs are contraindicated as they reduce a tone of muscles of the upper airways, at the same time suppressing ventilatory reaction to a hypoxia (Robinson and Zwillich, 1989).

It is important to remember that in case of a gipersomnia even the long dream sometimes doesn't bring refreshing, and such patients sometimes resort to hypnotic drugs.

Sleeplessness at elderly

Elderly, as well as children, unlike people of young and middle age, except night sleep one more or several times in the afternoon. It is more difficult to define necessary time of a dream at the same time. At the people who are regularly sleeping in the afternoon time of a night dream is shortened irrespective of age, but they don't feel day drowsiness. Such mode reminds a siesta (midday rest at the southern people) and, apparently, is important for adaptation.

At elderly due to reduction of content of water, increase in content of fat and decrease in function of kidneys T1/2 of benzodiazepines increases. Doses, during 1 - é the weeks giving a good dream without after-effect by 3rd week can cause amnesia and day drowsiness due to accumulation of medicines, especially with high T1/2. For example, his metabolites are removed by kidneys; due to accumulation of fat and decrease in SKF of his T |/2 at persons of 80 years can be 4 times more, than persons have 20 years.

The elderly people conducting full-fledged life and almost not feeling day drowsiness, can complain of sleeplessness as sleep less, than in youth. Unjustified purpose of hypnotic drugs in such cases is fraught with cognitive violations and decline in quality of life.

Cancellation of benzodiazepines at the elderly patient, long time receiving them concerning uneasiness or sleeplessness is long and difficult process. It is sometimes better to continue medicine reception, watching closely his after-effect.

Cancellation of hypnotic drugs

Big difficulties are represented by maintaining the patients receiving somnolent many months and years (Fleming, 1993). After regular acceptance of benzodiazepines for more than 2 weeks they can be cancelled only gradually. Sometimes in case of treatment it is more convenient to pass with medicines of short action to medicine of long action in the beginning, and then to reduce its dose. In one research of 9 patients received benzodiazepines, further replaced them on zopiklon and after 1 month of treatment directly cancelled it; against the background of zopiklon improvement of a dream was noted, and its cancellation wasn't followed by an abstinence syndrome (Shapiro et al., 1993).

When using medicines of long action the syndrome of cancellation happens delayed, and the patient should be warned about his manifestations.

Recommendations to destination hypnotic drugs. Stimulators the benzodiazepinovykh of receptors — benzodiazepines and their new analogs zolpidy, zopiklon and zaleplon have clear advantages before barbiturates: at them the therapeutic range is wider, the risk of abuse is lower, they are less dangerous in case of overdose and influence structure of a dream less. Medicines of short action are preferable at the working people in case of the broken falling asleep for lack of the expressed uneasiness during the day. Such medicines approach also elderly as on their background the risk of falls and oppression of breath is small. However the doctor and the patient shall understand that these medicines, especially in high doses, can cause early awakening and strengthening of uneasiness during the day, also amnesia episodes are possible.

Benzodiazepines of long action it is more preferable in case of the expressed uneasiness when the after-effect in the form of drowsiness is admissible, but uneasiness strengthening during the day would worsen a condition. These medicines suit also patients with a depression as benzodiazepines of short action can increase tendency to extreme awakening. In too time medicines of long action are capable to cause cognitive frustration — in the form of an after-effect or delayed (for the accumulation account of medicine after 2 — 4 weeks of treatment).

Barbiturates, glutetimid, meprobamat and other medicines it isn't necessary to appoint in case of sleeplessness. They often cause dependence and are very dangerous in case of overdose.

Sleeping medicines

The dream represents a condition of rest with repeatedly repeating phases of activity of a brain which can be registered on the electroencephalogram (EEG). Stages of a dream repeat cycles on 4-5 times in a night, and cycles are interrupted by a REM sleep phase (FBS or REM, from English Rapid Eye Movement) (And). EEG FBS is similar to wakefulness EEG. FBS is characterized by fast movements of eyeballs, existence of dreams and twitching of some muscles while other muscles atonich-on. Normal FBS precedes a phase of a slow dream (FMS or NREM, from English No Rapid Eye Movement). At frequent interruption of a dream FBS time (normal it makes about 25% of all time of a dream) is shortened that leads to a condition of concern and irritability in the afternoon. Deficiency of FBS is eliminated in the next nights due to lengthening of this phase (B).

Hypnotic drugs can reduce FBS (B). At sleeping pill reception several days in a row ratio of stages of a dream is normalized. Right after cancellation of medicine FBS it is extended and restored in many days (B). FBS is followed by dreams, and at the person an impression about a defective dream is made. Therefore people continue to accept hypnotic drugs that results in dependence.

As sleeping medicines benzodiazepines are applied. Earlier applied barbiturates have gone out of use (the overdose caused breath paralysis). As well as barbiturates, benzodiazepines work on GAMKD-retseptor, however points of application of activity of benzodiazepines and barbiturates are various. In high doses barbiturates distinctly work also as GAMK-agonists.

Depending on concentration in a blood benzodiazepines and burbiturata have abirritating and sedative effect, at reception in higher doses cause a sleepiness and promote a backfilling (In). In low concentration benzodiazepines reduce sensation of fear.

Unlike barbiturates, benzodiazepine derivatives at oral administration have no narcotic effect, don't lower the general activity of a nervous system (there are no data on cases of respiratory standstill or suicidal bents), and also don't influence the ABP, the heart rate and body temperature. Therapeutic range of benzodiazepines is much wider, than at barbiturates.

Hypnagogues zolpidy (imidazopyridine), zaleplon (pyrazolopyrimidine) and zopiklon (tsiclopirrolon) on the chemical structure aren't similar to benzodiazepines, but despite it benzodiazepines join to GAMKD-retseptoram in the same sites, as. Nevertheless their action isn't completely identical to effect of benzodiazepines. Zolpidem influences dream phases more weakly, than benzodiazepines, danger of development of dependence it is less also sedation, apparently, less noticeable. Differences can be in operation bound to heterogeneity of the GAMK-receptors consisting of five subjedinitsa who in turn belong to different types.

Antihistamine drugs belong to the hypnotic drugs which are released without prescription. In this case their sedation is used as the main. Besides, they have weak hypnotic effect. It is necessary to consider side effects, for example atropine like and also contraindications to use of these drugs.


Mechanisms of activation and blocking of neurones are necessary for functioning of a CNS. Processes of inhibition of neurones of a head and spinal cord are bound mainly to effect of substance carrier — at - aminobutyric acid (GAMK) which through GAMK-receptors causes decrease of excitability of nervous cells. The mechanism is started when binding GAMK thanks to what open C1 ~ - channels that leads to a hyperpolarization of a cellular membrane and, therefore, depression of excitability of a neurone. The receptor constructed of five subjedinitsa shows high specificity to benzodiazepines which binding happens, close to that where GAMK is bound. As a result of allosteric effect of benzodiazepines binding and action of GAMK amplifies. From benzodiazepines Diazepamum is most often prescribed. Barbiturates are also capable to be bound on proteins of Ch-channels therefore the channels which opened under the influence of GAMK longer time are in such state.

Benzodiazepines have a wide range of activity: they have the restful, lulling, anticonvulsant effect, reduce a pavor, lower a tonus of sceletal muscles and can be used at a narcosis. It is especially important that at use of therapeutic doses of benzodiazepines the vegetative centers (the respiratory center and the center of a regulation of blood pressure) aren't affected. Therefore benzodiazepines have wide therapeutic range, they can't almost be used at suicidal bents (contrary to barbiturates). In low doses benzodiazepines reduce exaltation and work anxiolytic, without causing any complications! Benzodiazepines find broad application as hypnagogues. For this purpose it is more preferable to use bonds which during the night (so far the person sleeps) can be brought completely out of an organism (tetracyclic drugs, such as to triazoles, brotiozolam, to alprazola). Drugs with longer period of removal for which constant concentration in an organism is guaranteed are necessary for long sedative therapy (for example, Diazepamum).

At reception of benzodiazepines psycho-vegetative communications (mental derangements) caused by various diseases can be eliminated. At serious illnesses during the acute period, for example at a myocardial infarction or serious strokes, to therapy benzodiazepines assign a larger part. Indications for parenteral administration is the epileptic status; at some forms of an epilepsy benzodiazepines can be applied long time, including in a combination with other drugs. The benzodiazepines which are quickly brought out of an organism are used for an injection narcosis.

At reception of benzodiazepines appreciable personal changes appear. There is delection of reactions, perhaps inadequate perception of the events. All activity demanding fast and purposeful actions (and not just driving of the car), has to be suspended.

Antagonists of benzodiazepines

Flumazenil has high affinity to benzodiazepine receptors, but has no activity; it is bound to a receptor and forces out diazepine. Flumazenil is a specific antidote and is applied at poisonings with benzodiazepines or to the termination of their action. At the patients suffering from benzodiazepine dependence flumazenit eliminates cancellation symptoms.

Flumazenil is brought quickly an elimination half-life about 1 h. Therefore at poisonings with benzodiazepines of the prolonged action it is necessary to enter repeatedly doses of 0.2-1.0 mg of a flumazenil intravenously.

Pharmacocinetic behavior of benzodiazepines

The typical way of disintegration of benzodiazepines (A) is presented on the example of diazepam. At first the metilny group at nitrogen in situation 1 is chipped off; then (or at the same time) there is a hydroxylation on carbon in situation 3; as a result oxazepam is mainly formed. This metabolite is biologically active and is inactivated only after accession on IT - group in the provision 3 of acid; air as hydrophilic connection is easily removed by kidneys. Metabolites disintegration of dezmetildiazepam (nordiazepam) much longer. In this process there are some more benzodiazepines which can be considered as the first metabolites at decomposition of a dezmetildiazepam, for example, to prazepa and chlordiazepoxide (the first of benzodiazepines was called Librium®). Mechanisms of metabolism of benzodiazepines containing in a benzene ring instead of NCVrpynny chlorine and instead of fenilny group at C5 — fluorine atom, for example flunitrazepam metabolism, in general are similar. All these substances work a long time, except for oxazepam which represents derivative benzodiazepine as some other similar connections, it is inactivated for one metabolic stage with a half-life period 8 ± 2 h. Only "completion" to a molecule of nitrogen-containing rings with metilny group (A) which at a metabolism can quickly be hydroxylated, leads to formation of connections with shorter half-life period. Midazolam, brotiozolam and to triazoles belong to such tetracyclic benzodiazepines. Two last medicines are used as hypnotic means, midazolam intravenously at introduction to an anesthesia.

For receiving drugs with a half-life period of average duration it is necessary to subject structure of Diazepamum to further changes: instead of chlorine it is necessary to place NCV group (which in an organism is quickly restored to an amino group with simultaneous acetylation) or Bromum (then in an organism benzene ring has to reveal). The bioinactivation of these bonds occurs in one stage.

Narcotic potential. At regular reception of benzodiazepines dependence in rare instances can develop. It isn't so obvious as for drugs of other groups with a narcotic potential as symptoms are delayed and are shown only at cancellation of medicine after prolonged use. There is a concern, irritability, pavors, nervousness and sometimes, after very high doses, a cramp. These symptoms often don't differ from those which served as indications to use. Introduction of antagonists of benzodiazepine can provoke sudden emergence of these symptoms. Patients most often abuse drugs of average duration of action and therefore dependence meets at administration of drugs of this group more often.


  • Tranquilizers and sedatives
  • Zopiclon (Imovan)
  • Donormil
  • Melatonin
  • GABA
  • Xenon (inhalations)


The understanding of molecular structure of subtypes of the exciting glutamate receptors and brake GAMK-receptors consisting of various subjedinitsa will allow to expressirovat genes of the corresponding subjedinitsa in cellular cultures and on action on them to select selective ligands with desirable action and the minimum side effects. But progress in treatment of sleeplessness will be based as on search of new medicines with the improved pharmacokinetics and pharm dynamics, and on the thought-over use of non-drug methods, including behavioral psychotherapy, hygiene of a dream and physical activity.


Legal anabolic steroids and pharmacology in bodybuilding

12 Dec 2016

Real bodybuilders and those who decided to give up steroids I want to offer methodical development on acceptance of the permitted pharmacological medicines. This technique is intended for building-up of muscle bulk, maintenance and increase in endurance of athletes in bodybuilding and other strength sports. Of course, in comparison with modern "chemistry" results will be not those, however and risk for health any. And in combination with sufficient nutrition and sports additives your progress anyway will be more essential than if you trained without these medicines. From own practice I can add that in 3-4 months of trainings and following to this technique, the athletes trained by me it was possible to gain 12-15 kg of muscle bulk! And it was not water, muscles which at once fell down after completion of a rate of "chemistry". The result was fixed steadily and for a long time. And that the most interesting, such results were achieved not only without steroids, but also without modern products of sports food, and with products sport pita it is possible to expect also more significant progress.

For those athletes who have no special problems with a set of muscle bulk, and also for pronounced endomorphs, i.e. those who are inclined to excess weight and who has a problem rather with an excess fat, than with muscles, in this chapter there will also be recommendations how to solve this problem - and to get rid of fat, and to give to muscles better visual shape.

What progress shall be expected?

Almost all described medicines is a domestic origin that assumes their availability and rather acceptable cost. These medicines rather highly are quoted on quality and efficiency in a medical industry and in sports medicine. By the way, it isn't necessary to think that domestic medicines it is worse foreign. Analogs of these medicines are issued abroad one to one. The difference is only in the price.

It is known that combinations of pharmacological medicines or strengthen action of each other, or suppress. Combinations of medicines are rather effective on the impact on growth of muscles. It is sure that having completed several courses on these medicines, many who sat on "chemistry", will refuse it. To what to ruin health and to lose muscles after rates of "chemistry" when there is an alternative "to throw" on 5 kg and more net muscles everyone - let not 3-4 months, how with my wards, - and even year? Besides you will have not "chemical", water muscles for which it will be necessary to shiver, as if they didn't descend, and the healthy working weight which will always be in case of you. Of course, on steroid rates you will gain much more weight, but also the risk of side effects is very high.

These combinations and schemes of acceptance of these medicines were constituted by the Russian specialists of sports medicine and approved on athletes of various degree of readiness. It became clear that in case of a competent training and application of these schemes of medical medicines according to good nutrition it is possible to increase 5 and more than kilograms each 3-6 months of an athletic training. How many you will be able to gather specifically, it will be dictated by a framework of your genetics, care of observance of a day regimen, food and training, and also control from the highly qualified specialist. Under its competent management progress shall be essential, than in case of independent occupations.

My trainer's experience confirms it for all 100%! If someone from my wards didn't achieve such results, the problem was only in them - because of the pass of trainings and non-compliance with a day regimen and a supply by them. It was easily traced according to diaries which I obliged them to carry.

For adaptation and rest of an organism from very powerful force stress and rapid growth of muscle bulk it is desirable to conduct no more than 3 courses of weight in a year (for 2-3 months everyone). It is also desirable to be during these courses under observation of the doctor (better than sporting) and the competent personal trainer.

For that engaged who on the type of addition is an endomorph or whom the general muscle bulk quite suits, but quality of muscles, width of a waist and own press doesn't arrange (to be exact its absence), it will be necessary to use recommendations about reception of these medicines from the relief periods.

Than selection of pharmacological medicines in sport is dictated Directly I want to make a reservation that these diagrams of administration of drugs are intended for natural bodybuilders who train essentially without steroids or for those who were through with them. "Chemists" have absolutely other medicines, diagrams of their reception and courses.

For convenience of presentation of this material I will use traditional approach of preparation for competitions of the athlete bodybuilder in a year cycle. The modern training of athletes in bodybuilding is accompanied by the long execution of the heavy physical activities of a force directivity placing exclusively great demands on all organisms in general and first of all to its cardio respiratory and muscular systems and also to a mental status.

The power exercise stresses used in bodybuilding quite often demand use of pharmacological agents for maintenance of efficiency of athletes and acceleration of recovery processes of an organism. Use of pharmacological agents for rising of efficiency of athletes is based on the accounting of a functional condition of the main systems of an organism and stages of preparation in a year training cycle. In individual selection of drugs participation of the doctor (better sports) and the qualified trainer is obligatory.

Selection of an individual complex of pharmacological agents for each athlete in general has to be caused:

  • Data of the current and dynamic medical and biochemical observations.
  • Existence of the taped "limiting" link (the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, etc.)
  • Features of adaptation, resistance and hyperactivity to the same drugs.
  • Need of prophylaxis and treatment of chronic diseases at this athlete.
  • The psychological status and behavioral reactions in the competitive period.

The main stages of training process

In bodybuilding and fitness, as well as in other sports, 3 main stages of training process are allocated: preparatory, competitive and transitional.

According to specific tasks of every period of year-round preparation in our recommendations the corresponding schemes of pharmacological recovery means are picked up.

Preparatory stage is work on weight. The training macro cycle, or a stage of comprehensive preparation, proceeds generally 14-16 weeks and repeats twice in a year training cycle with the assistance of the athlete in two responsible competitions (spring, fall).

The internal structure of a preparatory stage is constituted:

  • The volume and power period is 3 weeks.
  • The period of special volume training specifically on weight is 7 weeks.
  • The volume creating period where work goes for "pulling up" of the lagging behind muscular groups is 5 weeks.

One of the main objectives of the preparatory period is the emphasis on increase in muscle bulk and power opportunities of the athlete (i.e. quantitative changes). A competitive stage - work on a relief, so-called "drying". The training macro cycle is directed to high-quality changes of muscular groups at preserving quantitative changes. High-quality changes of muscular structure result from increase in intensity of a training and its amounts in case of simultaneous aspiration to forming of muscular groups, elimination of a fatty layer and the maximum relief, separation of muscles.

The competitive stage of a training macro cycle, or stage of competitive preparation, proceeds generally 12-16 weeks.

The internal structure of a competitive stage is constituted:

  • Forming relief period where there is a work with the lagging behind groups and dietary and training changes for a set of a relief of muscles - are made 4-6 weeks.
  • The relief period is 4-6 weeks.
  • The final period in which the peak of a relief of muscles is reached 2-4 weeks.

The final stage in a year cycle of training of the athlete - transitional which can also repeat twice a year with the assistance of the athlete in 2 responsible competitions (spring, fall). Usually transitional stage falls on the next months: December - January, June-July.

The internal structure of a transitional stage is constituted:

  • Light volume training is 3-4 weeks.
  • Active recreation is 1-2 weeks.

Recovery actions of all functional systems of an organism after a competitive (competitive) stage of a training macro cycle enter tasks of a transitional stage.

Pharmacological drugs

Vitamins and vitamin like substances

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Any poly vitamin complexes, for example, of "Aerovit" or "Kvadevit" can be used.

Vitamin Aerovit complex. Contains a complex of vitamins: And, With (ascorbic acid), E (a tocopherol an acetate), P (folic acid), RR (Nicotinamidum), the B-B1, V2 group (Riboflavinum), B5 (a calcium a pantothenate), B6, B12 (cyancobalamine).

Route of administration: 1 dragees 2 times a day after food; course of 20-25 days.

Vitamin Kvadevit complex. Contains a complex of vitamins: And, E, S, V1, V2, VZ, V6, folic acid, P, PP, B12, Phytinum, a methionine, glutaminic acid and trace substances - sulfate copper, a chloride potassium. "Kvadevit" contributes to normalization of the changed biochemical processes and favorably influences a metabolism (vitamin, carbohydrate, zhirolipidny, water and electrolytic), weakens side effects of medicinal preparations.

Route of administration: 1 tablet three times a day after food; course of 21-28 days.

Vitamins of group B

B1 vitamin (Thiaminum). Is a part of a series of enzymes, participates in carbohydrate, fatty, albuminous exchanges. Positively influences cardiovascular system, digestive organs, endocrine and nervous systems. The strengthened consumption of carbohydrates increases the need for B1 vitamin.

Route of administration: 1 ml of 2% of solution of tiaminokhlorid once a day. Course of 15-18 days.

B6 vitamin (pyridoxine). It is necessary for normal functioning of the central and peripheric nervous system. Activly participates in exchange of irreplaceable amino acids: tryptophan, methionine, Cysteinum. Improves fatty exchange. Generally the need for B6 vitamin is satisfied with food.

Route of administration: 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day or 1 ml of 5% of solution intra muscular 2 times a day. Course of 15-20 days.

B12 vitamin (cyancobalamine). Is a body height factor, it is necessary for a normal hemopoiesis and maturing of erythrocytes, participates in synthesis of amino acids, well influences functions of a liver and a nervous system. You can buy online - Vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin injection.

B12 vitamin is soaked up at intake. The absorption improves at appointment together with folic acid a little. At use of B12 constant control of a condition of an organism on blood test is necessary. Joint introduction in one syringe B12 isn't recommended. B1. B6.

Route of administration: 1 ml of 0.01% of solution intra muscular once a day. Course of 10-15 days.

Cobamamidum. Has properties of B12 vitamin.

Route of administration: 1 dragees 3-4 times a day. Joint reception with carnitine is recommended.

B15 vitamin (pangamat calcium). Improves lipide (fatty) exchange. Increases digestion of oxygen tissues, and also the maintenance of a glycogen in muscles and a liver. Eliminates a hypoxia (an oxygen failure), accelerates recovery processes.

Route of administration: 1 tablet 3 times a day. The beginning of reception in 7-8 days prior to the outlined augmentation of volume of training loads and within 8-10 days after their termination. Course of 15-20 days.

Folic acid (B9 vitamin, folanin). Is a component of a complex of vitamins B. Together with B12 vitamin stimulates hemopoiesis, participates in synthesis of amino acids (methionine, a serine), nucleic acids, favorably influences function of an intestine.

Route of administration: 1 powder (0,001 g) of 3-5 times a day. Combined use with vitamin C on 1 tablet (0.1 g With and 0,005 g of B6) 2 times a day is recommended. Course is 15-20 days.

Cocarboxylase. A thiamine coenzyme is B1 vitamin. Approaches on the biological effect vitamins and enzymes. Is the ready form of coenzymes which is formed of B1 vitamin in the course of its transformation in an organism. Participates in processes of carbohydrate metabolism.

Route of administration: 0.05 g (50 mg) once a day intra muscular. Course is 15-20 days.

Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate). Has anti-oxidizing properties, blocks free oxidation of fats, participates in difficult reactions of transformation of carbohydrates into lipids (fats). It is applied as the agent improving power supply, contractility of a myocardium (cardiac muscle). Slows down exchange of proteins, nucleic acids, steroids.

Route of administration: 1 capsule 2-3 times a day, or 1 ml of 20% of solution intra muscular once a day, or on 1 h l. 2 times a day. Course is 20-25 days.

At over dosage working capacity depression is possible.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Participates in a regulation of oxidation-reduction processes, carbohydrate metabolism, a blood coagulation, normal permeability of capillaries, formations of steroid hormones, etc. Increases fastness of an organism to infections.

Route of administration: 1 dragees (0,05 g) 3 times a day. Course of 10-15 days. At over dosage oppression of the insularly device of a pancreas, oppression of synthesis of a glycogen is possible.

RR vitamin - nicotinic acid (VZ vitamin). Participates in oxidation-reduction processes, improves carbohydrate metabolism and functions of digestive tract, has vasodilating effect, reduces the content of cholesterol in a blood. On a structure it is close to Nicotinamidum.

Route of administration: 1 tablet of nicotinic acid (0,5 g) 3-4 times a day. Nicotinamidum: (0,005 g) 3 times a day. Course is 10-15 days.

By-effects: face reddening and the top part of a trunk with feeling of a pricking and burning sensation, giddiness. At prolonged use of high doses the liver infiltration is possible.

Acidum lipoicum. Plays an important role in the course of formation of energy in an organism. On the nature of action approaches group B vitamins. Participates in adjustment of lipide and carbohydrate metabolism, renders lipotropic effect, and improves function of a liver.

Route of administration: 1 tablet (0,025 g) 3 times a day or 2-4 ml of 0.5% of solution (0,01-0,02) a day. Course is 20-30 days.

Lipomidum - Acidum lipoicum Amidum PP. Indications to use same. as well as for Acidum lipoicum.

Route of administration: 1-2 tablets (0,025-0,05 g) 2-3 times a day. Course is 20-30 days.

Anabolizatora are substances which significantly strengthen anabolic processes in an organism.

Glutaminic acid. Participates in the course of nitric exchange in an organism and promotes ammonia decontamination. Stimulates oxidizing processes of a brain and positively influences activity of the central nervous system.

Route of administration: 2 tablets (1 tab. – 0.25 g coated) 2 times a day after food. Course is 15-20 days.

Methionine. Irreplaceable amino acid (contains in cottage cheese). Has ability to delete excess of fat from a liver, it is necessary for body height and nitric equilibrium of an organism. Activates effect of hormones, vitamins (In 12, S and folic acid), enzymes.

Route of administration: 2 tablets (1tabp. – 0.5g) 2 times a day during food or later. Course is 15-20 days.

Alvezin. The combined drug. the containing complex of irreplaceable amino acids: alamin, arginine, aspartic acid, glutaminic acid; Histidinum, isoleucinum, Leucinum, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan. valine. and also potassium, sodium, magnesium. Activly influences and stimulates protein metabolism.

Method of application: 400 ml intravenously, by drop infusion 1 time in 3 days (2 times a week), in the conditions of medical institution. It is necessary to establish individual shipping to medicine and to follow all rules of carrying out internal injections. Alvezin is recommended to apply during the periods of the highest physical activities on volume and not to abuse its inclusion in avoidance of side effects. Course is 14-21 days.

Orotat of potassium. Orotovy acid is an initial product for white biosynthesis. Orotovy acid and its salts are considered as substance of anabolic action and is applied as stimulators proteinaceous and other types of exchanges.

Method of application: 1 tablet (0.5 g) 3-4 times a day in 1 hour prior to food. Course 21-24 days.

Safinor. The combined medicine containing inosine, orotat potassium saparat, floverin. Stimulates proteinaceous and power exchanges, has properties to adapt an organism to big physical activities.

Method of application: 2 tablets 2 times a day. Course is 20-25 days. It is contraindicated with the increased arterial pressure.

Carnitine (carnitine hydrochloride). Has ability to improve appetite, to accelerate growth and to increase body weight. In an organism B6 and PP, also gland is synthesized by a liver from methionine and a lysine in the presence of vitamins C.

Method of application: 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for half an hour to food, previously having diluted with water, tea, juice, etc. Course is 21-28 days. A release form - bottles of 20% of solution on 100 or 25 ml.

Liv-52. Drug of a plant origin. Possesses potent anabolic action, enlarging body weight. Favorably influences function of a liver, pancreas, reduces side effects of other medicinal preparations.

Route of administration: 2 tablets 3 times a day after food. Course is 24-30 days.

Ekdisteron. Is the most perspective in respect of anabolitic action. The purpose from family turns out from a grass and roots of a plant of bolshegolovik saflorovidny (a synonym levzea saflorovidny).

Ekdisteron renders expressed, toning and that is essential action. In molecular mechanisms of action ecdisteron it is similar to anabolic steroids (it is bound to prescriptions on membranes of muscle cells, it is transferred by cytoplasmatic receptors to a cell core where regulates synthesis of the nucleic acids in turn controlling a protein biosynthesis).

However, as showed numerous researches, despite steroid structure, ecdisteron is deprived of harmful side effects of drugs of exogenous Testosteron-Depotum and anabolic steroids. Long reception of an ecdisteron even in high doses (till 8-10 tablets in day within 1-2 months) doesn't cause disturbances in the content of the main hormones of an organism (a hydrocortisone, Somatotropinum, Testosteron-Depotum, insulin) in a blood and doesn't exert any collateral impact on a liver. Ekdisteron isn't dope and can be applied without any restrictions from the point of view of anti-doping control. At the same time use of an ecdisteron (2-4 òàá.) along with reception of additional protein promotes the expressed anabolic action (on force there correspond 40% of effect of an equivalent dose of methandrostenolone).

Course of administration: For body builders reception of ecdisteron is recommended (on 1-3 òàá. 2-3 times a day after food) during the periods of hard work with larger balances on force, and also during the periods of sharp augmentation of volume of the carried-out exercises. Duration of reception is from 10 to 20 days. Then, for the supporting loads, it is necessary to do a break in administration of drug for 10-15 days. It is expedient to combine reception of ecdisteron with consumption of albuminous and carbohydrate additives and Bl vitamins, B6, B12, C.

Stark protein (pr-in Sweden) or any other amino-acid complex. Is among the most effective drugs containing a complex from 18 alpha amino acids, the hydrolyzed protein and B6 vitamin.

Route of administration: 2 capsules 3 times a day. If necessary the dose can be enlarged. Course is 30-40 days. It is applied generally during the accented development of power qualities and to an active set of muscle bulk.

At purpose of amino-acid drugs it must be kept in mind that at their inclusion in bloods and urine the content of urea and other final products of protein metabolism on which it is possible to judge organism fatigue degree after training loads is enlarged.


Festalum. Improves functions of digestive tract, restores the damaged cells of a liver and a pancreas, possesses moderate anabolic action.

Route of administration: 2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Course is 15-20 days.

Cytochrome With (Tsitomak). The ferment drug participating in processes of tissue respiration improves the course of oxidizing processes. In sports medicine it is more often applied by preparation in the sports developing mainly quality of endurance.

Route of administration: 2 tablets 4 times a day (80 mg). Course is 50 days.

In bodybuilding use of cytochrome C in the last week before competitions is expedient.

Karsil (Legalonum). Has gepatos properties, leading to restoration of the damaged cells of a liver and its preservation from adverse effects of other drugs. Leads to appetite improvement, body weight augmentation, promotes digestion improvement.

Route of administration: 1 dragees 2 times a day, a course of 20-25 days.

Medicines of power action

Inosine (inoziya F). Ferment energetic medicine, actively participates in proteinaceous exchange, sugar exchange, positively influences activity of cardiovascular system and a liver. Promotes high physical performance of an organism due to power accumulation and release of energy.

Method of application: 2 tablets (0,4 g) 3 times a day to food. Course is 30-40 days. A possible daily dose within 1.2 – 2.4 (6-12 tablets).

Inosine. Fermental medicine, improves oxidation-reduction processes in an organism, possesses proteinaceous and power action. Effect of medicine is similar to inosine, but is less active.

Method of application: 2 tablets (0,4 g) 3 times a day to food. Course is 30-40 days. A possible daily dose to 2.4 g (12 tab.). At emergence of side effects (an itch, rashes on skin) to lower a dose or to stop medicine reception.

Fosfaden. Enters into group of the medicines improving metabolism processes, the same inosine and inosine and has the same effect of impact on an organism.

Method of application: 2 tablets 3-4 times a day. Course of 30-40 days. Application in a complex with orotaty potassium is recommended.

Phosphene. The power medicine containing lecithin, iron lactic, calcium farfornokisly and other components.

Method of application: 2 tablets 3 times a day. Course is 10-15 days.

Calcium glycerophosphate. All-strengthening and tonic. Action is connected with the influence on a metabolism leading to strengthening of anabolic processes.

Method of application: 0.2-0.5 mg on reception 2-3 times a day. Course is 10-15 days.

Essentiale fort. Contains essential phospholipids which effect is strengthened by existence in structure of a complex of B1, B2, B6 vitamins. B12, niacinamide and vitamin E. Improves function of a liver, promotes neogenesis of the damaged mitochondrions, activates the broken enzymatic systems. Effect of drug amplifies at combined use with a carnitine.

Course of administration: 1-2 capsules 3 times a day during food. Course is 7-20 days.

Succinic acid (ammonium succinate). One of activly oxidizing components of a cycle of Krebs, contributes to normalization and stimulation of power processes in mitochondrions. Stimulates efficiency of the athlete.

Route of administration: a daily dose-1,8 of within a week prior to competitions and during competitions.

Acidum lipoicum (Lipomidum). Plays an important role in the course of formation of energy in an organism.

Mildronat. Switching of power supply of a myocardium from aerobic oxidation of fatty acids on aerobic oxidation of glucose (an aerobic glycolysis) and restriction of an acidosis.

Route of administration: 1-2 capsules (0.5-1.0 g) 2 times a day after food. Course is 14-18 days.

Adaptogens and agents increasing immunologic abilities of organism

Are applied as tonics at fatigue, an overtraining. Increase working capacity, adapt an organism to larger exercise stresses. Improve anabolic processes in an organism.

Ginseng root. 3 times a day to food or 10-15 fine granules pass 30 drops.

Eleuterococcus. 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before food.

Saparalum. 1 tablet (0,05 g) 3 times a day after food.

Pantocrinum. 30 drops 3 times a day for half an hour to food, or 1 ml subcutaneously once a day.

Course of use of adaptogens 14-21 days.

Politabs-Sport (pr-in Sweden). Contains a concentrate of the tsermitin increasing vitality. (Tser-nitin — extract of pollen of plants). Stimulates physical working capacity, possesses potent tonic action. It can be used all the year round.

Route of administration: 2-4 tablets a day.

Naprosinum. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It is applied at injuries, ruptures of muscles, stretchings and to their prophylaxis when performing potent power loads. Possesses the expressed action referred on rising of physical working capacity.

Route of administration: 2 tablets 2 times a day. Course of 10 days, break of 7 days, then again reception of 10 days.

Drugs influencing the central nervous system

Nootropilum (Pyracetamum). Increases energy balance of cells of a brain, developing their potential neurophysiological opportunities. Takes off negative emotions, fatigue. Influences a metabolism of some amino acids (alanine, asparaninovy acid, Leucinum, proline), macropower Natrii phosphases.

Route of administration: 2 capsules 3 times a day. Course is 20-25 days.

Aminalonum (Gammalonum). Contributes to normalization of dynamics of nervous processes in a brain, increases efficiency of thinking, improves memory, has psychology effect.

Route of administration: inside on 0.25-0,5 g 2-4 times a day. Course is 14-28 days.

Rudotelum (Mezapan). It is applied at psychological instability just before competitions, takes out negative emotions, promotes conservation of weight.

Route of administration: 1 tablet of 0.01 g 2-3 times a day. Course of 10-12 days

The drugs influencing rheological properties of a blood and blood flow

The great value in the main period of a training cycle has to be given to a condition of microblood circulation. It is known that with body height of fitness and starting readiness at the athlete viscosity of a blood increases, the number of formulated elements, quantity of erythrocytes is enlarged, the hematocrit raises. For correction of rheological properties of a blood and acceleration of a blood flow the drugs influencing a peripheric circulation can be used.

Trentalum (Pentoksifillin). Strengthens a blood stream, affecting vascular system, reduces viscosity of a blood, oppresses aggregation of thrombocytes.

Route of administration: in 100-200 mg a day. Course is 10-15 days.

Komplamin (Komplamin-retard). Improves a capillary circulation and a delivery of tissues, lowers the level of a fibrinogen and viscosity of a blood.

Route of administration: 1 tablet (150 mg) 3 times a day. Course of 10-20 days. (Komplamin-retard: 1 tablet (500 mg) 1-2 times a day).

Off-season - work on force and weight

Approximate schemes of use of the resolved pharmacological recovery agents during various training periods of a preparatory stage

The volume and power period

Work on force and weight

Duration is 3-4 weeks. It is characterized by system of the preparation (a training, a delivery and so forth) referred on rising of the general muscle bulk, respectively - augmentations of volumes of all muscular groups and power indicators (quantitative changes).

Scheme 1

  • Aerovit
  • Orotat potassium
  • Riboxinum
  • Methionine
  • LIV-52
  • Pantocrinum
  • Stark protein

Scheme 2

  • Kvadevit
  • Riboxinum
  • Methionine
  • Ekdisteron (or LIV-52)
  • Glutaminic acid
  • Naprosinum
  • Folic acid

Scheme 3

  • Kvadevit
  • Riboxinum
  • Alvezin
  • Carnitine
  • Cobamamidum
  • Festalum
  • Vitamin E

Scheme 4

  • Kvadevit
  • Orotat potassium
  • Carnitine
  • Riboxinum
  • Politabs-Sport
  • Cobamamidum

The period of special volume training

Work on weight

Duration is 6-7 weeks. Is in close connection and follows from the volume and power period. It is characterized by further rising of body weight and volume of muscles, however already with emphasis on the muscular groups (quantitative and high-quality functional changes) which are lagging behind in development.

Pharmacological agents need to be applied after a preliminary break in 2-3 weeks upon termination of the volume and power period. Schemes of recovery drugs can be, as in the volume and power period. At the same time the following combinations of drugs are possible:

Scheme 5

  • B1, V6, V12 vitamins
  • Methionine
  • LIV-52 (or Ekdisteron)
  • Trentalum
  • Safinor
  • Ginseng root
  • Stark protein

Scheme 6

  • B1, V6 vitamins
  • Glutaminic acid
  • Fosfaden
  • Safinor
  • Eleuterococcus
  • Nicotinic acid
  • Vitamin E

Scheme 7

  • Kvadevit
  • Orotat of a potassium
  • Riboxinum
  • Alvezin
  • Naprosinum
  • Fosfaden
  • Vitamin E

Volume forming period

Work on the lagging behind muscles

Duration is 4-5 weeks. It is characterized by the training referred on augmentation of volumes of the muscles which are lagging behind in proportional development and emphasis on their formation. Is a transition period to a competitive stage.

As well as in the previous periods, use of the schemes of drugs stated above is possible, but it is possible to use also the following schemes:

Scheme 8

  • B6, B12 vitamin
  • Inosinum (or Riboksin)
  • Aminalonum
  • Alvezin
  • Naprosinum
  • Eleuterococcus
  • Cocarboxylase

Scheme 9

  • B12 vitamin (or Cobamamidum)
  • Lipomidum
  • Aminalonum
  • Fosfaden (or Riboksin)
  • Carnitine
  • Eleuterococcus (to alternate to Pantocrinum)
  • Cocarboxylase

Work on relief "drying"

Forming relief period

Duration is 4-6 weeks. It is characterized by some augmentation of intensity of the training referred on deduction of the reached muscular volumes and partial weight reduction of a body at the expense of fat and water.

Scheme 10

  • Acidum lipoicum (or Lipomidum)
  • Safinor
  • Vitamin C
  • Festalum
  • Essentiale fort
  • Nootropilum
  • Folic acid

Scheme 11

  • RR vitamin
  • Acidum lipoicum
  • Fosfaden
  • Alvezin
  • Politabs-Sport
  • Naprosinum
  • Folic acid

Scheme 12

  • B6 vitamin
  • Glutaminic acid
  • Carnitine
  • Cobamamidum
  • Riboxinum
  • Alvezin

Relief period

Duration is 4-6 weeks. During this period partial weight reduction of a body at the expense of fat and water continues; separation (separation) of muscles and rising of their density.

Scheme 13

  • B15 vitamin
  • Vitamin C
  • Lipomidum (Acidum lipoicum)
  • Phosphene (or Essentiale fort)
  • Mildronat
  • Riboxinum
  • Nootropilum

Scheme 14

  • Acidum lipoicum
  • Alvezin
  • B15 vitamin
  • Essentiale fort
  • Fosfaden
  • Carnitine
  • Trentalum

Scheme 15

  • Cocarboxylase
  • Fosfaden
  • Naprosinum
  • Mildronat
  • Komplamin
  • Safinor
  • Vitamin C

Scheme 16

  • Politabs-Sport (or ginseng)
  • Riboxinum
  • Vitamin B 15
  • Calcium Glycerophosphatum
  • Carnitine
  • Gimmalon (or Aminalonum)

The final period

Duration is 2-4 weeks. It is characterized by the increased intensity of trainings. At this time two times trainings in day can be used.

Scheme 17

  • Vitamin C
  • Lipomidum
  • Mildronat
  • Cytochrome C
  • Fosfaden (or Riboksin)
  • Nootropilum

Scheme 18

  • Inosinum (or fosfaden, Riboksin)
  • Mildronat
  • Succinic acid
  • Pantocrinum
  • Rudotal
  • Trentalum

Scheme 19

  • Cocarboxylase
  • Succinic acid
  • Riboxinum
  • Mildronat
  • Eleuterococcus
  • Nootropilum (Rudotal)

Scheme 20

  • Calcium Glycerophosphatum
  • Cytochrome With (Tsitomak)
  • Politabs-Sport
  • Naprosinum
  • Ginseng
  • Aminalonum

Approximate schemes of use of drugs for transitional stage

The period of a light volume training

Duration is 2-3 weeks. 3 times a week are characterized by depression of intensity of a training with frequency. After a competitive stage it is referred on maintenance of the athlete and conservation of muscle bulk.

Scheme 21

  • Karsil (Legalonum)
  • B1, V6, V12 vitamin
  • Safinor
  • Trentalum

Scheme 22

  • Karsil (Legalonum)
  • Vitamin C
  • Folic acid
  • Calcium Glycerophosphatum
  • Kamplamin

Scheme 23

  • Safinor
  • Cobamamidum
  • Folic acid
  • Ginseng
  • Karsil

Period of active recreation

Duration is 2-3 weeks. It is characterized by sharp depression of all types of a power load, up to their complete elimination. It is useful to switch during this period to other sports and outdoor games of an aerobic orientation (swimming, the bicycle, skis, run, etc., and also volleyball, soccer, basketball and so forth). During the specified period it is necessary to exclude completely drugs to give to an organism the chance to be restored and have a rest from a pharmacological load.

Amino acids of free forms - schemes of reception the special place among recovery pharmacological agents occupy Now amino acids of free forms: Arginine, Histidinum, Lysine, Cysteinum, Triptofen, Leytsin, Izoleytsin, Valin, Glitsin, Ornitin, etc. It is bound to the fact that a series of amino acids of free forms has property to stimulate release of hormones, in particular body height hormone (somatotropic hormone) and other hormones. Stimulation of own hormones leads to potent intensifying of anabolic processes and, as a result, to ascending of muscle bulk and force of muscles. They can be accepted together with the above-stated drugs or independently during various periods of training of the athlete.

Schemes of use (combination) of amino acids of free forms:

SCHEME 1. 1,2 g of a lysine, 1,2 g of an arginine, 0,9 g of an ornithine. To accept next the heart at once after the training or before going to bed.

SCHEME 2. 1-4 g of Leucinum, 1-4 g of isoleucinum, 1-4 g of valine, 100 mg of B6 vitamin. To apply in 30 minutes prior to a training, and also in 30-60 minutes after it.

SCHEME 3. 1 g of an arginine, 1 g of an ornithine, 4 g of glycine. Reception for the night, before going to bed.

SCHEME 4. 1,5 g of an ornithine, 3 g of glycine, 0,5 g of a tryptophan, 100 mg of B6 vitamin, 250 mg of RR vitamin. To accept before going to bed, on an empty stomach.

SCHEME 5. 2,2 g of an arginine, 1 g of an ornithine, 1 g of a tryptophan, 1 ãð. glycine, 250 mg of B6 vitamin, 250 mg of RR vitamin. To accept before going to bed, on an empty stomach.

SCHEME of 6.1,5 g of an ornithine, 2 g of Thyrosinum, 1 g of an arginine, 1 g of vitamin C, 200 mg of B6 vitamin. To accept in the morning, on an empty stomach.

ATTENTION: selection of pharmacological drugs has to be strictly individual for each athlete and be defined by the doctor. Randomness of reception by the athlete of drugs has to be excluded.

References are intended to generally rather well trained athletes (fitness, bodybuilding) with an experience of occupations not less than 1-2 years.


Lacsogenin (5a-hydroxy-laxogenin)

12 Dec 2016

Lacsogenin (5a-hydroxy-laxogenin or Anogenin) is a vegetable steroid sapogenin, studied by Japanese in 1960. Now began to move ahead actively in sport though any positive effects at the person aren't proved. Medicine has no relation to SARMs. Pay attention to Vazalamin.

Lacsogenin is the natural vegetable component for the first time isolated from Smilax Sieboldii rhizome. Connection is included into group of brassin steroid which are applied in the agrarian industry as growth factors of plants, but didn't find recognition in medicine in a type of lack of physiological activity in a human body. Statements concerning increase in synthesis of protein by 200%, decrease in level of cortisol and increase in power indicators aren't confirmed with clinical trials.

Artificially lacsogenin can be synthesized from diosgenin.


Steroids for sprinters, swimmers, boxers, runners

12 Dec 2016

Steroids for sprinters and swimmers on short distances

  • Vinstrol (stanozolol) is the most popular medicine for increase in high-speed and power indicators, without significant effect on body weight.
  • Boldenon (ecvipoiz) is a medicine, the second for prevalence
  • Anavar is an alternative for vinstrola
  • It is seldom reported about application of a primobolan and testosterone

Usually professional athletes conduct solo courses in low dosages.

Steroids for boxers (and other fighting disciplines)

  • According to media boxers most often apply:
  • Stanozolol (vinstrol) is solo rates for 4-6 weeks, in a dose of 10-25 mg daily.
  • Boldenon (ecvipoiz) is in a dose of 200-400 mg, lasting 6-10 weeks
  • Halotestin is highly effective, but has the expressed toxicity

Trenabolon is highly effective, but has a number of possible side effects. on 25-50 mg on a daily base or on 50-100 mg every other day of Oxandrolon safe option also has average efficiency. On 30-60 mg daily Do not forget take Testalamin for better results.

  • Reduce acceptation of nandrolon, masteron

For swimmers and long-distance runners, cyclists

Anabolic steroids slightly increase aerobic endurance therefore marathoners very seldom resort to their application. Indirectly useful can be an ability of steroids to increase quantity of erythrocytes, and also combustion of fat with preservation of muscle bulk.

Most often in these sports erythropoietin and its analogs is used.


Courses of steroids for relief

12 Dec 2016

The concept "rate on drying" is very conditional as fundamental differences are covered not so much in creation of the rate, how many in a diet and trainings. Almost all rates are urgent for drying, taking into account several amendments. In this article the safest approaches in process of growth of complexity and efficiency will be considered. On application of these schemes the extensive experience at many western and domestic forums is accumulated.

Choice of medicine

It is known that anabolic steroids differ from each other not only on anabolic and androgenic properties, but also capabilities to start fat disintegration. As classical medicines for a relief (strengthening of a venous portrayal, increase in density and elasticity of muscles) are considered vinstrol and anavar. They practically don't influence amount of muscle bulk, but are capable to burn quickly fat in case of complete preserving muscles. Application of these steroids assumes presence of sufficient muscle bulk.

As safe option serves medicine with the difficult mechanism of action - Proviron. Actually it is the safest choice, however effectiveness is rather low.

Besides, are often used testosterone, primobolan, ecvipoiz (boldenon), trenbolone and masteron which in addition allow to increase amount of muscles. A new tendency is growth hormone and peptides.

Aromatasia inhibitors also promote relief due to suppression of level of estrogen.

Who suits this course?

To men 25 years for receipt of relief muscles are aged more senior. If a fatty fold on a stomach (2 cm are more left than a navel) or a hip (a forward surface, the middle) - more than 3.5 cm, then for a start you need to lose weight.

Read also:

Category: pharmacology has undressed fat loss

Diet for weight loss

Sports food for weight loss

Additional recommendations

If you want to receive the maximum result, then this course has to include also:

  • Diet during the drying and work on a relief
  • Trainings for a relief
  • Complex of sports food for a relief

The rate of hormone of growth or peptides - can add a steroid cycle, or serve the main of post course restoration. It will provide the maximum preservation of muscle bulk and relief.

Courses for drying

Week Oxandrolon Tamoxifen

1 50 mg/day -

2 50 mg/day -

3 50 mg/day -

4 50 mg/day -

5 50 mg/day -

6 50 mg/day -

7 50 mg/day -

8 - 20

9 – 10

Anavar (Anavar). Synonyms: Oxandrolone, Oxandrin, Anatrofill, Lipideks, Lonavar, to Vasoroma. Accept Anavar 3 times a day: on 20 mg: in the morning, 20 mg during the lunchtime and 10 mg in the evening (till 18:00). Don't use steroid medicines during 3kh months after a course. For additional fat-burning effect of Yu. Bombel Klenbuterol or other fat loss recommends including in a course.

Tamoxifen - in spite of the fact that àíàâàð slightly suppresses own hormonal background, it is desirable to carry out post course restoration. Reception of tamoxifen begins in 2 days after the termination of a course.

Week Vinstrol (tablets) Tamoxifenum

1 30 mg/day -

2 30 mg/day -

3 30 mg/day -

4 30 mg/day -

5 30 mg/day -

6 30 mg/day -

7 30 mg/day -

8 - 20

9 - 10

Winstrol (stanozolol). Differs in larger availability, and appreciable in smaller cost from the previous drug. The course is under construction similarly. For depression of toxicity for a liver it is possible to use an injection form (on 50 mg/days) as at oral reception all drug passes through it whereas suspension only partially (from a systemic blood flow). Though, on the other hand, the specified oral dosage isn't hazardous to health whereas injections are very morbid and rather often abscesses develop. Do not forget take Renisamin for better results.

Tableted vinstrol is possible to use in 2-3 receptions (the most part in the first half of day) on a hungry stomach. Optionally, after a cycle it is possible to spend on drink gepatoprotektor for restoration of a liver.

Combined courses

Vinstrol + testosterone

Perhaps, the most popular and effective combination for drying which allows to increase amount of dry muscle bulk also. The balance between growth of muscles and combustion of fat will depend completely on nature of food and a training.

Week Vinstrol (tablets) Testosterone propionate Anastrozol Tamoksifen

1 30 mg 100 mg every other day - -

2 30 mg 100 mg every other day 0.5 mg every other day -

3 30 mg 100 mg every other day 0.5 mg every other day -

4 30 mg 100 mg every other day 0.5 mg every other day -

5 30 mg 100 mg every other day 0.5 mg every other day -

6 30 mg 100 mg every other day 0.5 mg every other day -

7 - - - -

8 - - - 20

9 - - - 20

10 - - - 10

Testosterone propionate is short air allows to start quickly anabolism, at the same time terms of a rate are considerably reduced. In case of side effects there is an opportunity to quickly cancel medicine. Decrease in a dosage to 50 mg every other day is quite often allowed.

Aromatasia inhibitors are required even in case of low dosages of testosterone as the level of aromatization of testosterone is high therefore there is a need for prevention of estrogen side effects (liquid accumulation, ginekomastia, suppression of axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles). The low dosages of anastrozol allowing to keep the level of estrogen necessary for an organism at the same time in addition are applied to increase relief and to accelerate recovery. As confirmation serve numerous feedbacks of the western athletes and qualified specialists. Ideally acceptance of news agency is carried out under control of analyses (are appointed if the level of an estradiol is increased), however it is necessary to remember that the ginekomastia often happens irreversible. An indirect sign of excessive suppression of estrogen is decrease in a libido and violation of an erection, in this case it is necessary to lower a dosage of news agency.

Tamoxifen is a basis of post course therapy which begins in 3-5 days after a final injection of propionate. Tamoxifen can be replaced with less toxic clomifene or toremifen.

Gepatoprotektor for recovery of a liver

Week / Vinstrol (tablets) / Testosterone enantat (tsipionat) / Anastrozol / Gonadotropin / Tamoxifen

1 - 500 mg/week - - -

2 - 500 mg/week - - -

3 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day - -

4 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day - -

5 30 mg 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250ME twice a week -

6 30 mg 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250ME twice a week -

7 30 mg 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250ME twice a week -

8 30 mg 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250ME twice a week -

9 30 mg – 0.5 mg every other day 250ME twice a week -

10 30 mg - - - -

11 - - - - 20

12 - - - - 20

13 - - - - 10

Propionate is much more often applied in rates on drying, however efficiency and action actually correspond to enantat. Distinctions of this air consist only in duration of semi-life and convenience of introduction. Propionate is more expensive, has the inconvenient scheme of introduction, causes painful injections and even post-injection abscesses therefore there are all bases for its replacement by testosterone enantat or tsipionat with small modification of a course. Sustanon's use is admissible.

Increase in duration of a cycle dictates need for application of gonadotrophin. Post course therapy by tamoxifen (or its analog) begins in 1-2 days after the end of acceptance of vinstrol. By this moment the most part of testosterone will be removed from an organism. It is also possible to spend on drink gepatoprotektor for recovery of a liver.

Primobolan or Boldenon + testosterone

This combination can be used both for a set of weight, and for highly effective drying.

Week Boldenon or Primobolan / Testosteron enantat / Anastrozol / Gonadotropin / Tamoxifen

1 400 mg/week 250 mg/week - - -

2 400 mg/week 250 mg/week - - -

3 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days - -

4 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days - -

5 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days - -

6 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days - -

7 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days 250 ME, twice a week -

8 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days 250 ME, twice a week -

9 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days 250 ME, twice a week -

10 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days 250 ME, twice a week -

11 - - 0.5 mg in 3 days 250 ME, twice a week -

12 - - - - -

13 - - - - -

14 - - - - 40

15 - - - - 20

16 - - - - 10

Primobolan is rather safe medicine, with a high anabolic index. Many report about ability to strengthen a venous prorisovannost.

Boldenon (Ekvipoyz) can be applied instead of primobolan, however it is necessary to consider that he considerably increases appetite.

Testosterone enantat can be replaced on tsipionat or Sustanon or Omnadren.

Aromatasia inhibitors in this case can be not accepted as the dosage of testosterone is low. However they need to be had near at hand and to begin reception at the first signs of ginekomastia (an itch and swelling of nipples).


Course of insulin

12 Dec 2016

This course is suitable for a set of 3-10 kg of muscle bulk within 1-2 months then it is necessary to take a break not less than two months for restoration of own secretion.

Study the mechanism of effect of insulin, and also a measure of fight against a hypoglycemia.

Begin a course with a dose of 2 PIECES subcutaneously, gradually enlarging a dosage by 2 PIECES.

Attentively monitor reaction of an organism to dose augmentation!

In the subsequent you can enlarge a dose to 15-20 PIECES, high doses aren't recommended.

Pay attention that insulinic syringes have various scales. The syringes U-40 are used to injections of insulin which contains 40 units in 1 ml. The syringes U-100 are externally very similar to U-40, but they are used for drugs with the maintenance of 100 units of insulin in 1 ml.

Frequency of injections can vary, the most sparing reception regimen - every other day. It is the best of all to carry out injections right after the training as after it plentiful meal has to follow what will provide supply of carbohydrates to a blood. Read - a delivery after the training. Besides, insulin suppresses catabolic processes which cause a physical stress during the training. Course duration at such regimen 2-2,5 months.

It is possible to carry out injections every day and even 2 times a day, however in this case duration of a course shouldn't exceed 1.5 months.

If you use insulin of ultra short action, then the injection needs to be done right after the plentiful meal rich with carbohydrates.

If you use insulin of short action, carry out an injection in 30 minutes prior to the plentiful meal rich with carbohydrates.

On 1 PIECE of insulin, it is necessary to accept 10 g of carbohydrates.

Carry out injections to different places, for prevention of lip dystrophy (roughness in a hypodermic fatty tissue).

It is necessary for obtaining good results:

  • To keep to a high-caloric diet
  • Power trainings
  • Sports delivery for a set of weight

"Attention" of the Mistake and precautionary measure:

  • Begin a course with a small dose - 2-4 PIECES to check reaction of an organism.
  • Carry out only subcutaneous injections
  • Don't do an injection before training
  • Don't do an injection before going to bed
  • After an injection it is necessary to provide an organism with carbohydrates

Delivery after nyxis

At the healthy person Saccharum in a blood on an empty stomach fluctuates from 3 to 5,5 mmol/l. Each unit of insulin lowers blood Saccharum by 2,2 mmol/l. If you prick 20 units of insulin of ultrashort action, then as a result can receive a hypoglycemia. Please pay attention to Renisamin.

In endocrinology (where insulin belongs) there is such concept as "grain unit". Irrespective of a look and quantity of a product, whether it be bread or apple, one grain unit contains 12-15 grams of the acquired carbohydrates. She increases the level of content of Saccharum in a blood at the same size - 2,8 mmol/l - and demands for assimilation by an organism on average 1,5-2 units of insulin. In more detail about this measure of calculation it is possible to read in any search engine.

Now small calculation. On 20 units of insulin it is necessary to use 10-15 grain units that is peer to 120-150 g of pure carbohydrates. If to follow an example, then it will be 300-450 grams of white loaf.

How to do injections of insulin

  • Wash arms with soap;
  • Gather drug in the insulinic syringe
  • Collect by the left arm a skin pleated on a stomach, as shown in the drawing.
  • Enter a needle at an angle 45 * to a cord
  • Administer the drug and take out a needle
  • Don't do an injection in one and too the place
  • Don't knead the place of a nyxis

The Place of a nyxis when using insulinic syringes it is optional to process "attention" - references of doctors are that. A puncture not too big in order that the infection could get.

Combination: insulin and steroids

Insulin well exponentiates anabolic effect of steroids therefore the combination is very widespread in bodybuilding. The combination of insulin and anabolic steroids is justified from the physiological point of view because these agents have the different mechanism of action, have opposing influence on glucose level that allows receiving good results at the minimum load on an organism.

Insulin can be applied throughout all courses of steroids, and also 2-3 weeks after it, to decrease of a phenomenon of kickback and the maximum conservation of results. "Attention" the course Combined with steroids doesn't differ from described above "solo", doses of drugs is left without change.

Hypoglycemic agents

There is a series of drugs which are capable to stimulate a pancreas and by that to increase secretion of endogenic insulin. A disadvantage of these drugs is the long period of action and possible attrition of function of a pancreas. In bodybuilding Diabeton (Gliclazide) is better to use drug - it possesses soft action and is safest. The recommended doses in bodybuilding - 30 mg (one tablet), it is necessary to begin reception with 10-15 mg. Other references are similar to insulinic course, to that difference that carbohydrates need to be accepted within the next 10 hours (such period of effect of drug).


Course of growth hormone

12 Dec 2016

This course of growth hormone is made for the aid to the beginning athletes for receiving a relief figure. Dosages and combinations are taken from scientific literature, they are systematically used by athletes of different types of sport in practice and are recognized the most effective and rational.

Who suits these courses of growth hormone?

Course of growth hormone can be applied both men, and women 20 years (at more young people asymmetrical development of bones can be observed) for intensifying of relief of musculation are aged more senior. Lump is enlarged slightly; it results from severe losses of fat.

Side effects in the course and after a course are practically not observed, all of them as a rule have reversible character.

Read the main article: Side effects of hormone of body height

The course, to people, a sick diabetes mellitus - has to be carried out in strict administration of level of Saccharum to bloods since GR is an antagonist Insulina, in this regard there is a dissonance in the absence of production of own insulin and habitual "feed" exogenous Insulin from the outside. In other words - it is necessary to modify use of insulin during course GR. Will draw correct the first two-three weeks most likely close attention to analyses of Saccharum in a blood by means of the glucose meter (diabetics perfectly know what is it). As a rule at reception of GR in usual doses to 10 ME in days, correction of use of Insulin can make + 1-3 units of drug (insulin) before (in 20-30 min.) each meal... It for the diabetic won't make special work. Earlier in this article information on a total ban of use of GR for diabetics was offered. But it in a root isn't right, especially considering how many positive factors use of GR for the patients suffering from SD what serious help in fight against illness can render use of GR as the factor influencing rejuvenation and neogenesis of functions of internals and systems of a metabolism of tissues carries in itself. Hormone of body height enlarges quantity of a glucose in a blood therefore, with care it is necessary to apply at arterial hypertension (hormone of body height can raise it). Often decrease of the use of salt (sodium chloride) can be an exit from a similar unpleasant situation. Before use of drug it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

Growth hormone medicines certified in the Russian Federation: (as decrease in popularity)

  • Jintropin
  • Rastan
  • Norditropin
  • Dynatrope
  • Humatrop
  • Omnitrop
  • Sayzen
  • Biosom

Other medicines of hormone of growth:

  • Ansomone
  • Hygetropin
  • Kigtropin
  • Getropin
  • Neotropin
  • Somatropin 191a (Somatropin 191aa)
  • Blue Tops
  • Kokhokh of a pharm (KOHOH-PHARMA)
  • ZPtropin

Course No. 1: Growth hormone

Purpose: Achievement of a relief, in the presence of sufficient muscle bulk. Effect of a rejuvenation, rising of elasticity of muscles, improvement of properties of a skin.

It is recommended to make before a course tests on onkomarker.

The course begins with 5 PIECES every day (to put enough once a day, larger frequency has no advantages), injections subcutaneously.

On the second or third week, in the absence of side effects it is possible to enlarge a dosage to 10 PIECES a day divided into two nyxes. High doses aren't recommended. Introduction time: best of all on a hungry stomach (approximately in 0,5-1 hour prior to food when the level of a glucose is minimum) in the first half of day. As a rule the first injection is carried out right after a dream. Time after the training is also optimum. You can try Pankramin.

The optimum duration of a rate of hormone of body height - 3-6 months. At shorter course results not always impressive, the larger duration of a course isn't recommended in connection with tolerance emergence (antibodies which bind body height hormone are developed), there can be signs of an acromegalia and some other side effects.

Drug can suppress function of a thyroid gland, it can reduce results therefore it is recommended to include in the course Thyroxine in a dose 25 mkg a day, throughout all cycle. It will enlarge safety and efficiency of a course (the thyroxine has potent fat-burning effect).

It is worth noticing that GR enlarges Saccharum level in a blood. GR can cause a diabetes mellitus. In this regard, depending on dosages and duration of course GR, add insulin for maintenance of level of Saccharum normal, otherwise there is a strong load on a pancreas. But insulin should be accepted with extra care because reception of insulin is more than necessary, can lead to a hypoglycemic coma.

Accept a complex of a sports delivery for a relief, carry out 2-3 power trainings and 2-3 aerobic trainings a week.

Course: Growth hormone + Steroids

Purpose: Achievement of a relief and set of muscle bulk. Effect of rejuvenation, increase in elasticity of muscles, improvement of properties of skin.

Take a course No. 1 as a basis

Include in him anabolic steroids. Best of all hormone of growth is combined with such steroids as Testosterone enantat in a dose of 250-500 mg a week or Sustanon 250 in the same dose or Boldenon in a dose of 400 mg a week. Anabolic steroids are entered usually for 8 weeks. Give the best courses of steroids in more detail. These medicines will allow increasing your weight due to the expressed growth of muscles and simultaneous combustion of fat. Some athletes agree in opinion that this course is one of the most powerful due to synergy effect, in too time the combination of steroids and hormone of growth is quite safe for health as these groups of medicines have different mechanisms of action that allows to use them in moderate doses, without causing violations in hormonal exchange. After the end of reception of anabolic steroids carrying out PCT is necessary.

If the relief has for you paramount value, use Anavar (30-50 mg a day, every day) or Vinstrol (30 mg a day, every day), instead of the steroids listed in the previous point. These medicines have smaller ability to stimulate muscle growth, however are suitable for combustion of excess fat and receiving dense relief muscles much better.

Keep to a diet - the Diet for a set of muscle bulk and train according to the special program - Features of training with steroids

The alternative decision is use of hormone of growth right after a course of anabolic steroids (as on weight, that and on drying). It allows keeping as much as possible muscle bulk and in addition to increase relief.

Course: Growth hormone + weight loss

Effect: Combustion of fat, with receipt of a relief figure. Effect of rejuvenation, increase in elasticity of muscles, improvement of properties of skin.

Take a rate No. 1 as a basis

Include in Tiroksin in a dose 100 - 200 mkg a day, having divided into 3 acceptances: in the morning, during the lunchtime and in the evening till 18:00. In this quantity tiroksin has the expressed fat-burning effect, high doses aren't recommended as at the same time the risk of side effects is high, and also destruction of muscles begins to prevail. The dose of tiroksin shall titrovatsya: begin acceptance with 50 mkg a day, then increase a dose by 25 mkg every other day until you reach a recommended dose. If there are side effects, lower a dose of tiroksin. Accept tiroksin no more than 1 month, then gradually lower a dose by 25 mkg every other day before complete cancellation.

Clenbuterol and Efedrin can serve as alternative components of a complex. These medicines considerably accelerate process of combustion of fat, however together with it increase risk of side effects.

To make a course the most effective, it is necessary for you:

Keep a diet. Diet caloric content - average (in case of which in a regular condition you don't gain weight and you don't grow thin). Reduce consumption of fast carbohydrates and fats. Accept at least 250 g of a protein a day. Drink more liquid.

Carry out 1-2 power trainings a week on Split to the program, and also 2-4 aerobic trainings lasting not less than 1 hour.

How to dissolve growth hormone

Growth hormone can be only in the form of sublimated powder. The amount of powder shall be specified on an ampoule. The quantity can be specified either in terms of (unit) or in milligrams (mg). If the quantity is specified in milligrams, then it can be transferred to units on a mg formula 1 = ~ 3 units (more precisely 1 mg =2.7ed.). We in our descriptions will use a mg formula 1 = 3 units because this formula is used by most of producers of medicine.


Take a wadded ball, wet it in alcohol and wipe with it ampoule traffic jams with Hormone of growth and an ampoule with liquid with which you will dissolve powder (bactericidal water, sterile water or B12 vitamin).

Take the syringe 3 cubes with a needle with a diameter of 1" or 1,5", put on a needle the syringe and gain necessary amount of liquid for powder dilution. The quantity actually doesn't play an essential role, be just convinced that you precisely remembered what amount of liquid you used. The main thing governed – to use such amount of liquid which will allow doing measurements of ready solution easily. For example: if you take 1 ml (cube) of liquid on 10 units of powder of hormone of growth, every 10th mark of a scale in the U100 syringe 1 units of hormone of growth will equal. If you take 2 ml of liquid on 10 units of powder of hormone of growth, every 20th marks of a scale in the U100 syringe will equal 1 units of hormone of growth. If you take 3 ml of liquid on 10 units of powder of hormone of growth, every 30th marks of a scale in the U100 syringe will equal 1 units of hormone of growth.

Take the syringe in which you gathered liquid for dilution and inject it into sublimated powder under such corner that the needle concerned an ampoule wall, and liquid followed from a needle not on powder, and flew down on an ampoule wall. You don't hurry, inject liquid slowly, gradually.

When all liquid for dilution is added to growth Hormone powder, smoothly twist an ampoule (don't shake an ampoule with a force) until sublimated powder completely isn't dissolved. In an ampoule after cultivation transparent liquid shall turn out. Hormone of growth can be used. After cultivation it is necessary to store growth Hormone in the refrigerator. If you used bactericidal water to dissolve growth hormone, then medicine can be used within three weeks. If you used sterile water, then medicine can be used within 5 days (many producers declare 72 hours).

How to do injections of growth hormone

  • Wash hands with soap;
  • Gather medicine in the insulin syringe
  • Collect by the left hand skin pleated on a stomach
  • Enter a needle at an angle 45º to a fold
  • Inject drug and take out a needle
  • Don't do an injection in one and too the place

The Place of a prick it isn't obligatory to process

When using insulin syringes, recommendations of doctors are that. A puncture not too big in order that the infection could get.


Language in terms of its origin

12 Dec 2016

Biologist Dr. Doping tells about the unique properties of language, speech recognition, and actual division. Why babies can breathe and eat at the same time? Can a monkey to make sounds on purpose? How many sounds in the second analyzes the person?

It is believed that the language - a tool for thinking, and he was not formed for someone to say something, and to how to think. In principle, the language is really very good at helping us to do that. We can think of some things without looking at them, not hearing, not feeling the nose, but just with words causing the desired images in his brain and connecting one image with another. This allows us to not reach immediately to where we involve the emotions, and the first thought - and eventually give a more informed decision.

Human language is one of the main components of the adaptation of the order of primates - to adapt to the "cognitive niche" that is, to ensure that to know the world, to understand the relationship existing in it, and on this basis to develop the best program behavior. To improve language ability – buy Cogitum, Piracetam, Semax, Picamilon and Cortexin.

Language has the property that I call adjustability: knowing some of its elements and their combination rules, a person can build a new language of expression. For example, even if the first time you hear a particular word, it's not difficult to form from it the form of a instrumental case. You can say this form, not because they had heard it once before, but because you have an idea on how this form should be generated - and you never for a moment difficult, finish building it.



12 Dec 2016

Xenoandrogenes represent group of synthetic created substances which have properties similar to human hormones of a steroid origin, such as testosterone and its derivatives. Now it is known that xenoandrogenes are the nontoxical chemical compound containing the tokoferola and tokotriyenola changed by means of nikotinamid, tributiltin (tributyltin (TBT), nontoxical trifeniltin (triphenyltin (TPT) and methyltestosterone (methyltestosterone (MT).

Opening of nontoxical xenoandrogenes

In the past all mentions and references concerning ksenoandrogen carried only a negative shade. Such relation has been based on violations of endocrine system at the marine organisms having contact with xenoandrogenes. For the first time the nontoxical nature of ksenoandrogen has been described in 2008 by professor of the Kyoto university I. I. Morishita and his team. In the scientific work professor I. I. Morishita and his team have described influence of AR of receptors modified all-rac-α-òîêîôåðîëà acetate on stimulation at some species of mammals. The example of professor I. I. Morishita was followed by several other scientific research groups thanks to what other pharmacokinetic properties of these substances have been revealed.

Biological properties of xenoandrogenes

It is considered that the changed tocopherols have androgenic and anabolic properties. They are also used in the medical purposes for prophylaxis of deficiency of Testosteron.

Professor William Steiger and his group published the scientific article with a research which taped that the main mechanism at the expense of which tocopherols and tokotriyenola, it actions of active anti-glucocorticoids which are caused by stratification of receptors of glucocorticoids that in turn causes activity of phosphokinase in sceletal muscles work. The similar augmentation occurs at augmentation of a factor of body height of IGF-1 insulin, in the same way there is an adjustment of IGF-1 of receptors. As it became clear, these mechanisms can play more important role in development of anabolic and ant catabolic effect of xenoandrogenes, than was considered earlier.

Scientific bases of action of the changed tocopherols

That fact that main substances of xenoandrogenes: tocopherols, tokotriyenola and Nicotinamidum, are made generally for commercial purposes and can exist in various forms, usually isn't advertized. In view of possible legal consequences, this substance more often call tokotriyenoly and sell as alimentary dietary supplements. In this case some substances can have some specific properties.

In 1989 the group of scientists of the London University published article about tocopherols with such properties. This article is published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences magazine in which the following conclusions of scientific research were described:

Biological activity of tokoferol considerably changes and this activity is only partially connected with antioxidant activity of tokoferol, on condition of the fact that it was studied in lipid liquid. Many characteristic properties of activity of a molecule of tocopherol correspond to activity of molecules of synthetic all-rac-α-tocoferol and natural (RRR)-α-tocoferolà. Treat characteristic properties which can cause increase in biological activity: (1) existence the metil groups at the heart of hromanol ring in situation 5, 7 and 8; (2) a large amount of atoms of carbon which facilitate penetration through biological membranes; (3) stereospecificity of the 2nd, 4th and 8th atoms of a hydrocarbon chain; (4) formation of a side chain; (5) a ratio of hromanol and furanol in hromanol ring; (6) the place of an attachment of a side chain to hromanol ring.

The probes described in this article are systematic, and reveal quality of increase and synthesis of E2 prostaglandin on the basis of other modified joints. You can also like Hepatamin.

Version of nikotinamid

Nikotinamida which are one more component of xenoandrogenes can also be polymorphic depending on various conditions. For the first time polymorphism of niacinamide was described by Tomoaki Hino, James L. Ford (James L. Ford) and Mark U. Powell (Mark W. Powell) in the book "Assessment of Polymorphism of Niacinamide by means of the Differential Scanning Calorimetry" (the Liverpool University of John Moore (John Moores), 2000.


Tokoferola, tokotriyenola and the modified nikotinamida can be distinguished by special alphanumeric codes, for example, #3668fh. Now we know more than 254 various modifications which were set by a computer algorithm. About 19% from them were tested on mammals in laboratories, and today 12 xenoandrogenes are made by the European companies as additives for performance improvement. The complete list was published in the European magazine on endocrinology (European Journal of Endocrinology), in February, 2012.

Toxic xenoandrogenes


The last world researches proved that some xenoandrogenes can exert a negative impact not only on animals, but also on people. Researchers showed that violations in stimulation of AR of receptors in adverse conditions of the resistant organic pollutants operating as xenoandrogenes can cause problems with reproductive system in men. Scientists proved that xenoandrogenes make different impact on representatives of different national groups. The research group of Tanja Krüger and her colleagues made an experiment with representatives of two national groups: European and Inuitov, offering them various coefficient of xenoandrogenes, revealing at the same time the speed of chemical reactions. It was found out that influence of chemicals, genetic features and a conduct of life can lead to various complications connected with the level of hormones. In the conducted research it was revealed that among representatives of the European group the risk of a disease is higher as activity of receptors under the influence of xenoandrogenes positively correlates from the damaged DNA that was proved through deterioration in DNA of sperm . Damage of DNA is closely connected with many diseases, including oncological.


As some populations of fishes live in water which can be polluted by products of xenoandrogenes more often than other liquids, at them more expressed deterioration in a condition of DNA can be observed. Chronic impact of the low TBT, TPT levels, an etinilestradiola (ethinylestradiol (EE2) and their binary mixes TBT + EE2 and TPT + EE2 is genotocsichny for Danio-rerio's small fishes [12]. Side effects were observed also among invertebrates: mollusks, Crustacea, erinaceouses. TPT and TBT — the cages participating in metabolic processes, such as sulphation and an eterifikation of testosterone and activity 5 - alpha reductase. These metabolic processes have various sensitivity to androgenic connections, and also according to various strains distinctions in metabolism of androgens are observed. Researches of mollusks showed what in case of the increased metabolism of androgens in TBT and MT provokes development of an imposeks (development of male sexual characters in women). Impact of TBT on an organism of female individuals within 100 days was led to decrease in availability of testosterone at them for 65-80% and the level of an estradiol for 16-53%, this process doesn't exert any impact on an organism of male individuals. Processes of MT don't exert any impact in the speed of development of esterified steroids neither on women's nor on a male body, however female individuals developed imposeks within 150 days after contact.

Use as medicines for performance improvement

After investors acquired the commercial rights practically were almost not changed to all xenoandrogenes, the modified tokoferola and tokotriyenola in production. Investors placed them in the market under the guise of anabolic androgenic steroids. Though they also as well as anabolic steroids are available from the second half of 2011, some athletes use them since 2010. In official mass media (Associated Press Agency) the statement that in the world water sports championship in Shanghai the Russian athletes used ksenogormona appeared. Recently it becomes known that more and more athletes consider that tokoferola and tokotriyenola are a legal alternative to anabolic steroids. Because of similarity to real anabolic steroids various protest actions against use of xenoandrogenes, including a protest action from the WADA agency were carried out (World Anti-Doping Agency).


Cortisol and sport

12 Dec 2016

Cortisol is the main catabolic hormone which destroys proteins, promotes fat accumulation, and also increases glucose level in blood.

Cortisol is developed in response to a stress, exhaustion, physical activity, starvation, fear and other emergency situations. Cortisol is also called stress hormone, it is intended to mobilize nutrients: proteins of an organism (including muscular) collapse to amino acids, and a glycogen to glucose. Level of glucose and amino acids increases in blood in order that in emergency situation the organism had construction material for restoration.

In bodybuilding cortisol plays mainly negative role: causes collapse of muscles, adjournment of fat, an extension on a body, an acne, osteoporosis. Therefore many sports additives and medicines are intended to reduce influence of cortisol and to start anabolism.

According to results of the Swedish probe, impact of automobile, railway and aviation noise can be a physiological stressor which increases development of cortisol, promoting increase in fatty deposits.

Regulation of development of hydrocortisone in cortex of adrenals

Final target organ gypotalamo is pituitary and adrenal system of cortex of adrenals cosecretes a hydrocortisone, and this process in normal conditions is characterized by circadian fluctuations with the maximum level of secretion in the morning and the subsequent its depression during the day to the minimum value about midnight (Krieger et al., 1971). The hydrocortisone possesses a series of physiological functions. Here maintenance of water-sodium balance and control of arterial pressure, maintenance of a homeostasis of glucose, lipogenesis, suppression of function of osteoblasts and anti-inflammatory action, including suppression of an immune response belong (Stewart, 2003). The hydrocortisone is under the influence of adrenocorticotropic hormone (AKTG) which secretion happens in a forward share of a pituitary body (adenohypophysis) (Stewart, 2003). Interaction of AKTG with Adrenocorticotrophinum receptors in a cortex of adrenals leads to stimulation of development and secretion of a hydrocortisone (Catalano et al., 1986). The hydrocortisone inhibits secretion of stimulators of the secretion by means of a chain of the return negative communication which provides suppression of secretion of AKTG in a pituitary body, and also regulates the maintenance of kortikoliberin and arginineantidiuretic hormone (AVP) at the level of a hypothalamus (Keller-Wood, Dallman, 1984; Stewart, 2003). This chain of feedback doesn't allow excessively long and inappropriate periods of the increased secretion of a hydrocortisone. Kortikoliberin and argininevasopressin are formed in melkokletochny area of core of a hypothalamus (Pelletier et al., 1983) are also the main regulators of secretion of AKTG (Orth, 1992; Kjaer A., 1993). Kortikoliberin represents the peptide consisting of 42 amino-acid remains which was for the first time allocated from a sheep in 1981 (Vale et al., 1981). It possesses the potent stimulating impact on development and secretion of AKTG (Orth, 1992), interacts with highly specific receptors of corticotropic cells (Chen et al., 1993).Intracellular signal transmission is carried out with the participation of system of secondary messengers of a protein kinase And / tsAMF (Aguilera et al., 1983). It is supposed that the augmentation of secretion of kortikoliberin plays the leading role in rising of the AKTG level and a hydrocortisone at the most various forms of acute stress (Chrousos, 1992; Orth, 1992). Argininevasopressin is the peptide consisting of 9 amino-acid remains interacts with specific receptors of corticotropic cells which are known as At, - (sometimes they are designated still by U1) - receptors (Sugimoto et al., 1994). Such interaction leads to activation of system of secondary messengers of a protein kinase With and stimulations of secretion of AKTG (Liu et al., 1990). Kortikoliberin and argininevasopressin are developed in cells of a median eminence of a hypothalamus (Whitnali et al., 1987). Argininevasopressin works sinergichno with kortikoliberiny, strengthening secretion of AKTG during a stress (Gillies et al., 1982; Rivier, Vale, 1983). Besides, an argininevasopressin is one of key regulators of sodium and water balance, and also has potent vasoconstrictive effect (Jard, 1988).

Are suggested about existence of the additional stimulating and inhibiting factors which can influence secretion of AKTG (Grossman, Tsagarakis, 1989; Alexander et al., 1996). Some other hormones, cytokines and neurotransmitters exert impact on ãèïîòàëàìî - pituitary and adrenal system mainly by means of influence on êîðòèêîëèáåðèí and, to a lesser extent, on argininevasopressin. There are proofs that the factor of inhibition of a leukemia (LIF) stimulates pituitary secretion of AKTG (Auemhammer, Melmed, 2000), however physiological value of other factors exerting impact is immediate at the level of a pituitary body or adrenals, remains obscure.

Regulation of level of cortisol at impact of physical activity

Like other strong stressful influences intensive physical activity is the powerful activator hypophysial systems (Luger et al., 1987). Increase in level of cortisol in plasma comes despite increase in intensity of his removal from blood system (Few, 1974). The start fever can even lead to increase in level of cortisol (Suay et al., 1999), and psychological tension before occupation physical exercises can promote increase in level of secretion in response to physical activity (Kaciuba-Uscilko et al., 1994). You can try Tiramin.

Researches with participation of the person and experiments on the highest mammals testify to an important role of arginineantidiuretic hormone in the stimulation of secretion of AKTG induced by physical exercises. Even taking into account restrictions of determination of level of the peripheral blood circulatory system in some researches (Elias et al., 1991; Harte et al., 1995; Inder et al., 1998a), however not in all (Luger et al., 1987; Wittert et al., 1991), increase in maintenance of plasma after classes physical exercises (fig. 17.2) was revealed. Occupation duration physical exercises can be an important factor which along with variations in sensitivity of methods of assessment of allows to explain distinctions in experimental data. In case of performance of physical exercises on condition of constant introduction of quantity providing full saturation of receptors of cages kortikoliberiny researchers noted substantial increase of the AKTG level and a cortisone in comparison with initial level (Smoak et al., 1991). It indicates existence of additional factors which together with kortikoliberiny have significant effect on the secretion of AKTG induced by physical exercises. In venous outflow of hypophysis of the horse who is exposed to physical activity noticeable increase in level of arginineantidiuretic hormone in plasma is observed (Alexander et al., 1991). At the person as short-term high-intensity physical exercises (Wittert et al., 1991), and long physical activity with the submaximum load (Inder et al., 1998) are followed by increase in level of arginineantidiuretic hormone in plasma, happening to increase in the AKTG level and cortisol. Extent of increase in level of arginineantidiuretic hormone can influence inhibition level exogenous glucocorticoids of the activation induced by physical exercises hypophysial systems (Petrides et al., 1994).In group of 11 men who were carrying out physical exercises after introduction of 4 mg of dexamethasone authentically higher gain of the AKTG level and cortisol after classes by physical exercises has been found in four. At these persons arginineantidiuretic hormone level in plasma was six times higher in comparison with other participants of a research at whom use of dexamethasone suppressed increase in the AKTG level and cortisol (Petrides et al., 1997). The subsequent researches in which conducted studying of persons at whom the overwhelming effect of dexamethasone wasn't observed higher total secretion of cortisol in response to a psychological stress has been found (Singh et al., 1999). Similar researches allow allocating a group of persons, characterized by more expressed response hypophysial systems on various stressful influences which is mediated by arginineantidiuretic hormone. Changes of level of arginineantidiuretic hormone in plasma also correlate with changes of osmotic pressure of plasma, however increase in content of arginineantidiuretic hormone during the intensive occupations physical exercises is higher, than it could be expected only owing to change of osmotic pressure (Wade, Claybaugh, 1980). In particular, increase in level of arginineantidiuretic hormone in plasma correlates with changes of osmotic pressure during long physical exercises with the submaximum load, however such interrelation vanishes when performing exercises with stupenchatovozrastayushchy loading before exhaustion (Inder et al., 1998a). Reduction of volume of plasma can be one more cause of increase in secretion of arginineantidiuretic hormone (Robertson, Ahtar, 1976).

Opioidiy peptide — β-endorphin, is formed of a proopiomelanokortin (POMK) (Morley, 1981). Earlier was considered that in ekvimolyarny ratio with AKTG. It has been conducted several researches directed to studying of changes of secretion of β-endorphin, caused by occupations physical exercises (Carr et al., 1981; Rahkila et al., 1987; Petraglia et al., 1988; Schwarz, Kindermann, 1989). The main problem for the majority of these researches is that in most cases when using the radio immunoanalysis β-lipotropin and β-endorphin 100% possess. Thus, the most part of the immunoreactive material revealed at a β-endorphin research, cannot show opioid activity. Use of more specific methods of the immunoradiometric analysis has shown that normal in the absence of a stress p-endorphin at most of people doesn't come to light (Gibson et al., 1993).

The real β-endorphin during the occupations physical exercises is found in the peripheral blood circulatory system only in 50% of persons and represents only a small part of β-eidorfin-immunoreaktivny material (Harbach et al., 2000). At the same time it seems that physical activity increases the level of endogenous opioid peptides (Thoren et al., 1990). The injection of nalokson the antagonist of opioid receptors — leads to increase in subjectively tested effort during performance of physical exercises (Grossman et al., Sgherza et al., 2002). The data confirming the increased level of the opioids possessing the central action in an organism of well trained athletes are obtained that can be caused by regular physical trainings (Inder et al., 1995). Basal level of β-endorphin in plasma correlates with the changes of the AKTG level caused by application of a nalokson which is an indicator of level of the opioids possessing the central action (Inder et al., 1998b). Activation of endogenous opioid peptides has a direct bearing on improvement of mood which is observed after classes by physical exercises. Besides, it is supposed that they can play a part in the gipotalamichssky amenorea induced by physical exercises (Laatikainen, 1991).

Physical exercises: influence of intensity and duration of occupations

Short occupations physical exercises with intensity more than 60% of V02max cause secretion of AKTG and cortisol which level is proportional to intensity of exercises (Davies, Few, 1973; Howlctt, 1987; Luger et al., 1987; Kjaer M., et al., 1988; Deuster et al., 1989; Wittert et al., 1991). Even exercises lasting only 1 min. with high intensity stimulate secretion of AKTG and cortisol (Buono et al., 1986). Short physical activity with the submaximum load doesn't cause activation hypophysial systems even in the conditions of extremely high temperatures (Kcncfick et al., 1998). Performance of physical exercises within 20 min. with intensity of 50% of V02max doesn't cause increase in level of cortisol whereas the same occupation with intensity of exercises of 70% of V02max stimulates increase in the AKTG level and cortisol (Luger et al., 1987). In case participants of researches carried out exercises with intensity where loading increased each 10 min., since 40% of V02max, observed increase in the AKTG level only after achievement of intensity of loading of 80% of V02max (de Vries et al., 2000). After 1 h occupations on the stationary bicycle with intensity of 70% of V02max observed increase in level of cortisol in comparison with a condition of rest, however further reliable increase in arginineantidiuretic hormone, a kortikoliberin, AKTG and cortisol it was observed only after progressive increase in Loading each 10 min. before exhaustion (Inder et al., 1998a). When determining level of a cortisone in saliva, but not in blood plasma, his increase after the occupation was observed by physical exercises lasting 1 h only at intensity of 76% of V02peak, and it wasn't found at intensity of exercises of 45 and 62% of V02peak, and increase in content lasting occupation of 40 min. in cortisol in saliva hasn't been revealed at one of levels of intensity of exercises (Jacks et al., 2002).

These observations best of all explain data of researches where exercises carried out with the intensity corresponding to a threshold of anaerobic exchange or exceeding him. In particular, it has been shown that occupations physical exercises with intensity level below individual PANO aren't followed by activation hypophysial systems (Kindcrmann et al., 1982; Gabriel et al., 1992). At step increase in intensity of physical exercises increase in the AKTG level and β-endorphin in plasma is observed only after excess of an individual anaerobic threshold (Schwarz, Kindermann, 1990).

In spite of the fact that in a number of researches it wasn't succeeded to show increases in level of cortisol in response to long occupations physical exercises with low intensity (Hoffman et al., 1994), run on superlong distances is followed by the same increase in maintenance of cortisol, as well as in case of the short repeating intervals of physical activity with higher intensity (Nagel et al., 1992). After end of a 100-km supermarathon the maintenance of cortisol significantly exceeds his level at rest (Pestcli et al., 1989). The pas race cross-country skis on 75 km also leads to substantial increase of level of cortisol in plasma (Vasankari et al., 1993). Assume that activation hypophysial systems during long physical activity with low intensity depends on development of a condition of a hypoglycemia (Tabata et al., 1991). At 6 persons which were carrying out physical exercises with intensity of 50% of V02max for 14 h no changes of level of cortisol, AKTG and kortikoliberin in case of maintenance of concentration of glucose in blood at the initial level were observed. Authors of a research have assumed that there is a threshold concentration of glucose in plasma which makes <3,3 mmol (Tabata et al., 1991). In earlier works of the same group of researchers stimulation of growth of the AKTG level and cortisol at occupations on the stationary bicycle with intensity of 50% of V02max on an extent to 3 h or to exhaustion was observed only at late stages of occupation when there was a decrease in level of glucose in blood (Tabata et al., 1990).

Time of training

Reaction hypophysial systems on some incentives can depend on the initial level of cortisol. For example, increase in maintenance of cortisol can be lower in the morning when his basal level higher (DeChemey et al., 1985). It is supposed that it is caused by existence of a chain of the return negative communication. In one of works it has been shown that in spite of the fact that the greatest value of initial maintenance of cortisol in plasma and its maximum value after classes is observed by physical exercises at 07:00 o'clock, the cortisol level gain in comparison with control days was the greatest when classes physical exercises were given at 24:00 o'clock (Kanaley et al., 2001). On the other hand, when comparing the area under a curve and circadian fluctuations at rest at the women who were engaged in physical exercises at different times days weren't revealed any distinctions in change of level of secretion of cortisol (Thuma et al., 1995). In case during the day gave two identical classes physical exercises caused by the second occupation of change of secretion of AKTG and cortisol there were more expressed, than changes of level of these hormones after the first occupation or after the only classes given in other day (Ronsen et al., 2001a).

Type of physical exercises

Unlike occupations on the exercise bike with intensity below an anaerobic threshold, squat and an interval training on the exercise bike with high intensity cause change of maintenance of cortisol (Vanhelder et al., 1985). Assessment of changes of his level at rowing has led to obtaining contradictory data. Despite reliable increase in level of cortisol in plasma after classes rowing with maximum (7 min.) and submaximal (40 min.) loading on the rowing exercise machine and after overcoming 8 x 2000 m on water, shown in one of researches (Snegovskaya, Viru, 1993), in the subsequent works didn't manage to show increase in maintenance of cortisol in plasma in response to occupations on a rowing ergometr with the maximum intensity to exhaustion (Jurimac, Jurimae, 2001). Similar results have been received when at rowing with smaller intensity for 2 h no fluctuations of level of cortisol in plasma were revealed (Jurimae et al., 2001). After the races on kayaks at a distance of 19 and 42 km increase in level of cortisol was observed, at the same time it was stronger after the race on longer distance (Lutoslawska et al., 1991). Occupations swimming lasting 30 min. cause increase in maintenance of cortisol in plasma at the increased water temperature, but at a temperature of 20 "With (Deligiannis et al., 1993). Activation – hypophysial systems can be caused by both power exercises, and exercises on endurance. When comparing occupations power exercises with high (100% of an individual maximum) and average (70% of an individual maximum) intensity stronger increase in level of cortisol is observed at bigger intensity of exercises (Raastad et al., 2000). Performance of three approaches of power exercises leads to bigger increase in level of cortisol, than performance of one approach (Gotshalk et al., 1997).


At men of middle age after the force training consisting of approaches of exercises "a press in a prone position on a spin", "squat" and "the press legs", is watched increase in concentration of cortisol in blood plasma (Hakkinen, Pakarinen, 1995). At the same time similar response isn't watched at women or elderly men. When comparing men of a different age at the senior citizens leading an inactive life lowering of basal level of cortisol is revealed, however at any age at persons with the high level of physical fitness it was the raised contents (Silverman, Mazzeo, 1996). Irrespective of the level of physical fitness age lowering of value of changes of level of cortisol in response to physical activity is watched. In case of a research of changes of its level in response to an occupation physical exercises with a submaximum load lasting 45 min. at men of any age differences it was revealed not (Silverman, Mazzeo, 1996).


At women and men with the identical body weight index (BWI) and level of physical fitness distinctions in value of changes of level of cortisol after classes on the stationary bicycle with intensity of 80% of an anaerobic threshold (about 50% of VO, max) lasting 90 min. aren't revealed (Davis et al., 2000). Similar results were received when using as physical activity of occupations by run on the tredmil lasting 30 min. (Kraemer R.R. et al., 1989). It wasn't succeeded to find sexual distinctions also in the analysis of changes of level of cortisol and AKTG after classes run with loading to exhaustion, after the anaerobic training on the tredmil. Thus, at both floors similar response to execution of aerobic exercises to endurance is watched. At the same time after introduction of dexamethasone of change of level of cortisol and arginineantidiuretic hormone in plasma in response to physical exercises with high intensity (90 — 100% u02takh) at women turned out more expressed that can confirm the bigger amplitude of changes of arginineantidiuretic hormone or the reduced sensitivity of system of negative feedback to glucocorticoids (Dcuster et al., 1998). At women of negroid race higher level of secretion of AKTG in response to physical exercises, than at women of white race is watched, at the same time value of changes of maintenance of a cortisone in plasma at them doesn't differ (Yanovski et al., 2000).

Height above sea level

When carrying out comparative researches of influence of occupations physical exercises at different height above sea level rising of maintenance of a hydrocortisone in plasma was observed both on small, and at average heights, however ascending of level of secretion of AKTG happened only at small heights (el-Migdadi et al., 1996). When comparing reaction of an organism of the athletes who were engaged in an interval training at sea level and at the height of 1800 m, reliable differences in the size of change of level of a hydrocortisone aren't revealed. At the same time at the height of 1800 m they observed more intensive reaction of a sympathetic nervous system (Niess et al., 2003). Runners marathoners during acclimatization before participation in competitions at big height had a rising of basal level of a hydrocortisone which increased even stronger after the end of a running (Marinelli et al., 1994). Similar changes observed in group of the healthy volunteers participating in a mountain expedition in the Himalayas at which rising of level of a hydrocortisone in 2 weeks became perceptible (Martignoni et al., 1997). Despite the conservation of circadian fluctuations at 30% of participants inhibiting influence of Dexamethazonum it wasn't observed (Martignoni et al., 1997). In general an impression is made that at acclimatization to highlands conditions the level of a hydrocortisone increases at rest in comparison with indicators at sea level, at the same time the augmentation of its secretion in response to an exercise stress remains.


A number of researches on studying of influence on cortisol level in plasma of character of food and use of nutritional supplements to, is conducted to time and after classes by physical exercises. Consumption of carbohydrates during long (2,5 h) occupations run or driving of news agency the bicycle with intensity about 70% of V02max leads to reduction of reciprocal secretion of cortisol, and also decrease in level of the experienced strain (Utter et al., 1999). Similar results have been received by other researchers who have shown that reception of 7% - ãî solution of polymer of glucose, fructose and mineral salts with a speed of 200 ml during the occupations run with intensity of 60 — 65% of V02max lasting 2 h completely eliminates each 30 min. increase in level of cortisol which is observed in the control group accepting clear water in equal volume (Dcuster et al., 1992). At consumption of solution of carbohydrates in comparison with water placebo along with decrease in reciprocal secretion of AKTG and cortisol improvement of indicators in the high-speed test for 4,8 km after the two-hour occupations by driving the bicycle with intensity of 65 — 75% of V02max is revealed (Murray et al., 1991).

At the equal power cost after three days of a ketogene diet higher level of a cortisone before and after occupations by physical exercises in comparison with the control group eating on the mixed diet is observed (Langfort et al., 1996). Glycerin which has been offered as supportive application for maintenance of the water mode during performance of physical exercises doesn't render any effect on changes of level of cortisol in blood plasma after classes on the stationary bicycle with intensity of 70% of V02max lasting 1 h with the subsequent step increase in loading before exhaustion (Inder et al., 1998s).

Creatine is popular nutritional supplement among athletes. Short-term use of creatine for 5 days doesn't exert impact on increase in level of cortisol in response to intensive occupation a power training lasting 1 h though after reception of creatine the tendency to increase in level of cortisol can be observed (Op’t Eijnde, Hespel, 2001). Good nutrition, reception of drinks with nutritional supplements or with carbohydrates or placebo don't exert any impact on the cortisol level measured for 24 h after classes by physical exercises (Bloomer et al., 2000).

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