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Actovegin injection - Helped me with fetal hypoxia and oligohydramnios

10 Dec 2016

Advantages: effective drug during hypoxia in the fetus, with concussion

Disadvantages: injections are very painful, not cheap

I was pregnant. Ultrasound showed that the fetus has a small underweight (dystrophy), oligohydramnios and hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

The doctor prescribed Actovegin injection. after a course of injections, almost all was in order. Doctors have moderate oligohydramnios and hypoxia removed. They said that during those 10 days, the child has grown up well. "Actovegin" as soon as possible to fix it. More problems I was not. Daughter was born in 38 weeks, with normal weight and parameters.

Usage time: 10 days


Actovegin injection - effective drug

10 Dec 2016

Advantages: It helps even seriously ill people

My mother, now 82 year. From a young age she suffers from hypertension. The most serious problems began when she 60 years: suffered two heart attacks and a stroke.

And after suffering a stroke in her left hand badly owns. The local therapist ordered her intramuscular - Actovegin injections.

She has a full course of injections, and the hand began to function better.

In general, my mother happy with the results of treatment with the drug. I recommend injections "Actovegin" who have problems after a stroke.

Usage time: 1 cycle


Actovegin injection - It helps many health problems

10 Dec 2016

Advantages: wide range of indications; safe drug; various forms of release

Actovegin injection - drug. Get it on deproteinized calf blood extract. The preparation with practically no side effects. Indications for use:

  • any cerebrovascular disorders
  • After traumatic brain injury
  • after stroke
  •  With arterial disorders
  •  Thrombophlebitis and ulcers of the lower extremities (as a consequence of varicose veins)
  • For serious skin ulcers, wounds, bedsores
  • When not enough blood supply - ischemia, as well as when there is insufficient oxygen supply of various tissues and organs.
  • "Actovegin" - is not only a solution for injection. It is also a gel, cream or ointment, tablet. But the most effective, of course, the injection. They are carried out intravenously necessarily with saline.
  • "Actovegin" can not be used for the treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease, pulmonary edema, and in some other cases. Made in Austria.

In one package - 5 ampoules. "Actovegin" very often prescribed to kids to normalize sleep or intracranial pressure. It helps also pregnant with strong toxicosis. In general, broad-acting drug. The main thing is that he is safest and effective.

After injection "Actovegin" I feel a surge of strength. But for me the main thing that fell dizzy. Gone also headaches which were caused by osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

So I recommend "Actovegin". I think almost everyone can find in the list of indications that something that he|she has.


Psychology of Corporeality

09 Dec 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping tells about sources of interest to somatics experiences, division into "Me" and "not-myself" and experiments showing the ratio of women to the body. How is born a sense of "I" from the flow of sensory information? What is the "mirror stage" in the development of the individual? And watching psychosomatic medicine helps to prevent deviant behavior?

Psychology of corporeality is an old subject of study of ancient science, but we can say that as a psychological discipline, it is relatively independent and young. Of course, interest in the body as "catfish" has been known for a long time, in the practices of shamanism, medicine first. In part, we can say that the psychology of corporeality come through this area of knowledge as psychosomatic, because psychosomatic known psychosomatic disorders of the body. For example, in the case of BDD it is known that man himself appreciates not like he really feels, and the way it looks from the outside. And here we see the physicality intersection, namely the psychology of corporeality, and his own body experiences.

To improve cognitive function – use Cortexin, Semax, Piracetam and Noopept.

If we talk in terms of ontogeny, we can say that the first division of the "I" and "not-self" occurs on the mirror stage, when the child begins to separate himself from his image in the mirror, the child understands that this map, and it is - it himself. That is, a first division "I, my, myself" or "I'm passive, I am active" and "I'm different." And then there is decentration, and happens physically. The baby, the child begins to understand where it ends its area of activity and physical grasping ( "grasping" of course, metaphorically) and wherein the outer world acts on his body. We can say that bodily experience as the first experience of our decentered very important to cognitive development. We know from Piaget's phenomena that only at the stage of formal logical operations - in general, this is a very late development - we can see the world, being able to change one component to another component. This is a very advanced stage of our cognitive development.

The body we have the border, this border is represented by the skin. We carried out a fictional experiment, when it was necessary to select some cream. And different categories, creams descriptors were chosen - cream has something, and then the action. It turned out that it is possible to allocate the protection, improving appearance, cleansing can be identified, treatment parameters of these different creams. This, of course, associated with self-esteem, with personal characteristics, some cream chooses what kind of woman. But we spent the same technique with the girls who have committed grievous crimes (murders), in prison, it's juvenile criminals. And it turns out that they chose only those descriptors, only those descriptions of creams that offer protection. And maybe - this is our working hypothesis is now that we adhere to - that's the corporal offenses, tattoos and piercings are an attempt to probe his physicality, to touch his physicality, to understand who I am.


Gamers about Gamers Psychology

09 Dec 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping tells about the positive effects of gaming activities, latent gamers the choice and people the attitude towards them. What cognitive abilities must have a gamer? What are the negative effects of lead's activity? What are the prospects of research in this area?

At the end of the XX century there was a strange situation when a large number of people appeared who are old enough and often in adulthood, continue to play in those games that they played as children and adolescents. It is a strange situation, and apparently has few analogues to what was in the previous period. Gamers cause severe confusion among those who are not playing - their parents, teachers, employers, wives or husbands. Gamers blame, put forward as objections to their hobbies economic, legal, and always psychological reasons.

Cogitum, Picamilon, Piracetam are used for cognitive improvement.

Gamers are aware that there is a negative psychological and medical consequences of their activities, but at the same time they know that there is a positive side - self-confidence, critical thinking, the ability to control the situation. Is that so bad? These to some extent make the choice. And those for whom there is only a factor of the negative effects may have long departed from the active gaming.

Gamers have something to counter the words of those who object to their hobbies. Field of knowledge about what gamers think about the psychological side of their activities is not exhausted. It can and should continue, because every 3-4 years dramatically changed the structure of game activity - there are new games, new hobbies, and it should continue. Wonder what a gamer ignores warnings older or younger can not be the same. One might think that they have made some implicit choice in favor of gaming.


New about parallel humanity

09 Dec 2016

About Sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans. Could Neanderthals speak? Did they have a symbolic behavior? What hunting methods used by Cro-Magnons?

Evolutionary anthropology and anthropogenesis - an area of the physical or biological anthropology, which is devoted to the study of the actual origin of man and determine its place in the system of the animal world. It would seem that for the past half century, with the formalization of biological anthropology as a science, much of the area settled. And to nothing foreshadowed recently some radical changes. To improve brain – use CogitumSemax, Piracetam, Picamilon and Phenotropil.

Rapid progress in the field of anthropology in recent years contribute to three main points. Firstly, it is the discovery of new fossil finds. Secondly, the complicated methods of working with fossil paleoanthropological material. And here we must note the achievements of genetics that have developed and are developing methods for studying paleogenoma. And finally - it is a merit of our colleagues from the fields of geology, physics - the design and development of new methods of radiocarbon dating, a method that is associated with the extraction of collagen from the bone.

The man occurred as a result of a long evolutionary process and keeps the connection with the animal world. All modern humans belong to the same species Homo sapiens, this type is a set of populations, by mixing with fertile offspring that are at the same high level of its biological organization and exhibiting considerable variability of morpho-functional status.


Who owns our emotional feelings?

09 Dec 2016

Dr. Doping tells about spontaneity of emotion, rethinking history and universal feelings. Where are the samples of our inner experiences? How our inner life is due to the culture to which we are living? What is the place of the individual in our experience?

We are constantly confronted with the fact that emotions are, in particular, is very strong, it is not difficult to predict. Moreover, on the basis of this predictability, we live. If we would have assumed that we can not predict the emotion of another person, we would be in complete impasse; we would not know what to do, how to talk to him. We know about: he will be pleased or upset if we tell him this or that, and how he would react that answer as bounce as we look at how it turns red, turns white - everything that happens to them, some predictable. To cope with anxiety and stress – buy Phenibut, Piracetam, Afobazol, Selank and Phenazepam.

Question nature versus nurture largely contrived. We do not know what will happen to mankind further, but today we can say absolutely firm and definite one, it is a medical fact: we are bio-evolutionary triumph. We are seven billion, we completely took control of this Earth. Why did this happen? The all kinds of more tailored, the greater the chance of survival, the more diversified within itself. It seems to me that the various concepts and cultures of different emotions.

By tradition, originally created by Whorf and Sapir, the public and the most active representative of which is Anna Wierzbicka, who says that we can classify emotions in comparison with languages that languages not only describe the emotions, but also form them, that person receives all the matrix language and so on - I'm rather skeptical. Language - is an important factor; Naturally, the language in which we say - the formation of their own emotional field. But above all, he was not in charge. I was engaged in a noble Russian culture - a huge amount of emotional matrices were taken from other cultures, taking place on foreign languages.



09 Dec 2016

Kigtropin is recombinant hormone of human height Somatropin (HGH) consisting of 191 amino acids, made in China since 2006 by the Kigtropin Biotechnology Co company., Ltd. After the Olympic Games and scandal because of use of hormone of growth by the Chinese athletes many producers were closed, including Kigtropin Biotechnology. At the moment in connection with mass distribution of counterfeits kigtropin has very low DSR and a set of negative feedbacks.


Kigtropin isn't registered in Russia as medicine and is absent in drugstores.

Sale form: 10 IU (1 bottle of 10 units)

The operating chemical substance: Recombinant Human Growth Hormone (Recombinant hormone of human height)

Producer: Kigtropin Biotechnology Co., Shanghai

Check of authenticity isn't supported by the producer.

Do not forget take Tiramin for better results.


  • Jintropin (Dzhintropin) from Gensi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Ansomone (Ansomon) from Anhui Anke Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Neotropin (Neotropin) from Neo Laboratories Ltd. (China)
  • Getropin (Getropin) from Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co. (China)
  • Dynatrope (Dinatrop) from Dynamic Development Laboratories Co., Ltd. (Mauritius)
  • Genotropin (Genotropin) from Pharmacia & Upjohn AB (Sweden)
  • Saizen (Sayzen) from Serono (Switzerland, Belgium)
  • Humatrope (Humatrop) from Eli Lilly and Lilly France (France)
  • Norditropin (Norditropin) from Novo Nordisk (Denmark)
  • To Blue Tops (Bl Tops) from Shanghai KeFei United BioTech Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Hygetropin from Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co (China)



09 Dec 2016

Ketosterons are vegetable sterola or substances similar in structure to steroids. Despite similarity, ketosterola don't render steroid effects on a human body though many firms of sports food declare that these substances possess the expressed anabolic action.

Ketosterons receive first of all from such plant as Cissus (Cissus), and in the summary it can be designated as 5% Cissus extract. Ketosteron is a part of sports Incarnate additive the made Palo Alto Labs company. The company declares that this component improves function of joints, suppresses inflammatory processes, eliminates a crunch, however these statements don't have scientific confirmation. Please pay attention to Renisamin.

Besides, Cissus extract is included in structure of Bone Boost from SAN.

Ketosterons also contain in Rhodiola, however on chemical structure they differ from those that contain in Cissus. It is possible to believe, as biological activity at them considerably differs.

Modern data allow to declare that ketosterons don't cause serious side effects, in time they have also no essential positive effects in bodybuilding. There is information that ketosteron positively influences heart and lipidic profile of blood.



09 Dec 2016

Quercetin is the natural flavonoid found in large numbers in red wine, onions, green tea, fruit and vegetables. Kvertsetin has powerful antioxidant effect, as well as all bioflavonoid, and also stabilizes cellular membranes, protects walls of vessels, normalizes balance of a histamine and modulates immune function. To all other, clinical tests established what quercetin favorably influences a condition of a prostate gland. You can try Renisamin.

Quercetin is often used in bodybuilding and joins in sports food. The recent research showed what quercetin can increase power consumption at mice and increase tolerance to loadings. It can say that it can be used in fat-burning complexes, and also for increase in productivity.

Quercetin is recommended to combine with vitamin C, these substances exponentiate useful effects of each other, and also with bromelaniy which increases absorption of kvertsetin.

Side effects at qertsetin aren't revealed.

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