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Obscene Language

08 Dec 2016

Philologist Dr. Doping tells about the introduction of censorship, low culture and language proficiency. How social is held distinction between censorship and obscene? What is the impact on the formation of obscene language high culture? And what place is obscene vocabulary in literary works?

There is some instance which determines what is decent and what is indecent that censorship, and that foul language. So there is a kind of a censor in the community of native speakers. Someone who determines that it's impossible to say. And that someone could be the state, but we know that obscene language existed long before the appearance of the state.

To improve cognitive, mental and language ability – buy Picamilon, Cogitum, Semax, Piracetam, Phenotropil.

We live in a world that gives us plenty of reasons for statements, and among them there are some that we try not to say, because it is too high. We are afraid of, as they say, it would be too pathetic, we do not like it when someone says something too sublime, too beautiful, because it is somehow improper. It's just unseemly, how to speak the language of the low-lying. But there are moments of crisis or celebration of some ideology, when suddenly everything's starting to use these wonderful words.

Obscene speech describes reality as presented in the form of hard, sometimes violent sexual intercourse. This lexicon concerns a very important part of human existence, it is human. It may not sound very well, but it describes the human life.



08 Dec 2016

In the domestic market under the Zhuydemen brand two products – tea and capsules for weight loss are on sale. And, perhaps, there is no other dietary supplement with the same contradictory reputation as Zhuydemen. At one time wrote that it contains huge doses of a sibutramin – psychotropic drug for appetite suppression and therefore it is extremely unhealthy also mentalities of the person. This information was confirmed officially in 2007, 3 years later after the beginning of sales Zhuydemen in Russia. After the analysis which is carried out by Rospotrebnadzor, large consignments of dietary supplement of Zhuydemen were withdrawn from drugstores across all Russia, but then dietary supplement after all underwent certification. A few years ago in batches of the Ruidemeng capsules arsenic was found, especially big batch of the Ruidemeng capsules with arsenic was realized in the city of Chelyabinsk. It was confirmed officially that arsenic and sibutramin in its structure are absent, thus, its use quite safely for the healthy person.


Producer of this dietary supplement the Chinese holding "Shen Cha Wonderful Tea". Information that production of capsules goes in factory conditions isn't found. That is, in what conditions capsules are made and packed and Ruidemeng teas aren't known. The official site of the Ruidemeng capsules, after a number of bad stories with them, was gone, its name was offered for an auction. Better use - Complex of cytamins for the cardiovascular system.


  • Leaves of a perilla are a natural analgetic and anti-inflammatory drug.
  • Green tea removes toxins.
  • Senna replaces laxative.
  • Elshotion ciliary – only diuretic.
  • Flowers of a chrysanthemum reduce high temperature. What they do in dietary supplement for weight loss, it is difficult to understand.
  • Fetuses of a hawthorn abirritate a nervous system and strengthen vessels and a cardiac muscle.
  • At this structure there are laxatives and diuretics – the dietary supplements frequent components for weight loss. They provide the accelerated loss of liquid and trace substances with an organism and for a long time aren't considered sharply necessary for weight reduction.

Minuses of the Ruidemeng capsules:

  • Unstable and not up to the end famous structure;
  • Uncertainty in quality of original drug and impossibility to be protected from a fake;
  • There are no objective clinical trials which could confirm efficiency and safety of this of dietary supplement;
  • Because of impossibility of rigid control of structure of all dietary supplements parties, there is not only a risk of disturbance of the state of health some components, but also risk of poisoning with toxiferous substances (for example, arsenic).

Response of the nutritionist

Tablet Ruidemeng for weight loss good never collected responses. Enjoys popularity of dietary supplement only because of rather low cost. Information on medicine isn't enough so growing thin buy "pig in a poke", having counted upon the next miracle – weight loss without efforts. There are data that Ruidemeng contains narcotic substance sibutramin which is forbidden worldwide, except the CIS.

Ruidemeng for weight loss – the dangerous additive capable only to spoil your health, but not to help to put a body in order. Among other things, zhuydemen can call the milkwoman, dryness in a mouth, dehydration, locks, neurosises.


Female bodybuilding and steroids

08 Dec 2016

Here is how the famous journalist John Romano describes a problem of steroids in female bodybuilding. And this problem concerned it directly. Though this article was written in the second half of the 1990th, it for 100% is urgent to this day.

D. Romano: "The destructive role of the pharmacology perverting an essence of bodybuilding and turning it into a public scarecrow is especially visible on the example of female bodybuilding. This sport degraded, having hardly managed to be born.

Provide, even in the USA in the early eighties a few women went in for body building. Commercial halls of that time reminded torture chambers of inquisition and weren't intended for women at all. And those who came there did it at own risk. In "Gold Jima" there was no door in a shower even. From a locker room it was possible to get to the hall only through the shower room, and it was considered in the nature of things.

Then Rachael McLeish won first Olympia. Her body made a splash and generated fashion for muscles at women. In sweaty rocking chairs there were more and more charming figures and where women, inevitably triumph beauty and an order. Without exaggeration, the bodybuilding is obliged to women by emergence of the light sparkling temples - modern fitness clubs which tongue won't turn to call rocking chairs.

However, all this lyrics, and the truth of female bodybuilding is today that female-kulturistki "sit on a needle" as well as men. Without it too nothing shines them on professional tournaments. However they, unlike men, unlike have more problems. Hormones cause in their bodies and douches irreversible, I repeat, irreversible symptom. I mean those champions who force to suspect of themselves transvestites.

It is sure, muscles in itself don't take away from the woman of feminity yet. Feminity is taken away by steroids. Really with the shaken venous muscles, a pimply skin, the expanded nose, wide jaws and the voice going from where from a stomach, to desire exclusively difficult, and is, in my opinion, the main criterion for evaluation of feminity what there was told.

In process of penetration into female body building of steroids public interest in it fell. Meanwhile very first women's Olympia was accepted very well. Participants looked tightened, strong and, certainly, womanly. Today to a podium there are beings which sex to determine difficult, if at all perhaps. Except for the Tape Murray and Sue Price who managed to escape somehow in this fight for courage, ranks of "Ms. of Olympia-96" directed horror. I just couldn't look at some without shudder. And I am not lonely. The female bodybuilding and competitions lost so many admirers and popular sportswomen that actually are on the last legs.

Especially well it is visible on prize-winning money.

So it turned out that the subject of steroids in female bodybuilding isn't for me net theoretical. I know a problem that is called from within thanks to history which befell me two and a half years ago.

I for the first time felt this shock, having seen such woman just at the most inappropriate moment - when carried out a press lying. At first to my eyes the most gorgeous of buttocks seen by me fitted by black jersey appeared. I put a bar and sat down more attentively to consider the new phenomenon. The upper part was fitted by the spandex which is provocatively exposing outside curves. The person - directly from a journal cover: naturally nice, without make-up, framed with the long blond hair which is going down to a belt.

She turned and, having noticed my interest, presented me a little confused smile. I found forces to start a conversation and in the end got a desired phone number.

Having risen next day, I didn't suspect that I take the first step to long and deep acquaintance to the woman accepting steroids. Steroids changed my friend externally and internally, at first having made our relations it is more interesting, but then having led to a global hemorrhoids.

Like men, the woman who decided to use anabolic agents faces the same medical and legal problems, but in addition is under much bigger public pressure. The reason - the irreversible symptoms of a masculanization accompanying reception of steroids. I speak not about brawny maidens now, and about the real pros competing at the high level. Their photos fill magazines, and any who spends condanguinity for tickets of some " show Ms. Olympia wishes to see such bodies". You can try - Complex of cytamins for the women's health.

Being going to change the body and mind, entering itself hormone of an opposite sex, the person will inevitably face appreciable contradictions.

How men's hormones suppress feminity and cause a masculanization? In what case these effects are unacceptable? I think, practically always. However at first we will define what is "feminity".

May you, comparing, for example, Kim Chizhevski and Marlu Duncan in a form, regular at competitions, to solve which of them looks is more womanly? I personally give preference to the Gauze, but others think differently. Feminists, of course, will declare that both of them look is womanly just because they are women and that feminity follows from the most female nature. However in case of kulturistka traditional attributes of feminity — the big breast, a slender waist, the convex back, the nice person have no value.

Alas, for the description of this concept I don't have enough words. Carol Ann Ueber, the journalist specializing in female sport can supply with the much bigger information on it: "Feminity is determined by women, but not men. This concept is determined proceeding from female essence, from her feeling. The woman is capable to enhance constantly the body, to build muscles and to participate in body building competitions, without losing feminity at all. Men invented opinion that the brawny woman is allegedly not womanly".

I agree, but I will add: until it didn't begin to accept steroids. The same who uses these medicines inevitably lose feminity and turn into freaks.

All respondents me 50 men and women agreed with this statement. Any didn't declare that the woman who is going in for natural body building stops being herself. However healthy, sinewy women with the sticking-out veins, the sticking-out jaw and the voice reminding a roar of the drunk loader of anybody don't attract interest. Alas, the jury of competitions isn't inclined to listen to opinion of public. Only the small small group of maniacs supports now the idea of competitions at which the unique criterion for receipt of a prize is availability of muscles. As a result interest falls, and a great number of the pro are left without work, other sources of the income forced to look for.

As steroids got into female body building, interest of people in this sport directly proportionally decreased. When George Snider organized the first competitions "Ms. Olympia", he has found broad support among different layers of fans of sport. Women on the stage looked healthy, sports and very womanly.

Their look could rouse other women to play sports to become same. However with growth of this movement steroids came to the forefront. The attempt of the International federation of body building in 1990 to enter testing at competitions was vain.

Present participants of competitions can be surely carried to "neutral gender". With rare exception, most of participants "Ms. Olympia" represent very unattractive show. I can't see some of them - and not only I. This show has so strongly lost former popularity, has lost participants that can't exist in itself. On the last competitions "Ms. Olympia" less than 2000 tickets have been sold, and it was necessary to connect them with "Mr. Olympia" not to burn through.

I spoke with several women using steroids, trying to understand why they have preferred to subject the organism to influence of the means which are so considerably changing him? The female point of view was a little excellent from men's. First, almost all women claimed that they don't use these means. Only from some it was succeeded to gain recognition, and how about affairs last. All others denied though I have depicted him absolutely right picture of the changes which have happened in their organisms over the past few years. If they worked in the hall at least and a half that energy which was spent, trying to explain deceitfully to me why their voice became lower or why at them hair on all body grow, they wouldn't need steroids!

Really they didn't think that they break laws? Didn't govern Federations and not the penal legislation, but the laws established by the Higher Authority. If women copy men in style of trainings and competitions moreover accept men's hormones, they turn into men!

Whether women know that the means accepted by them gradually reconstruct their organism as men's? Yes, know. It becomes noticeable too quickly. One case - to say about side effects, and absolutely another is living with them.

But I will return to the history. In half a year after our meeting my acquaintance began the first cycle of acceptance of steroids. She wanted to win at national competitions, and didn't see other way to come to this level. I said what won't allow it to win against her geneticist, and "chemistry" will just destroy her body. Earlier the body of my friend could force the priest to dump a dignity moderately brawny, symmetric, sexual, with smooth skin. It could reach much, but to come to the national level - never. And it isn't important, with steroids or without - genetics not that!

However she didn't listen to my words and decided to become addicted nevertheless to achieve the objective.

I after all appeared the rights. She couldn't achieve a victory, but destroyed the organism, having lost feminity. Results it is available: the dry dirty skin, hair on the head, a deep voice which is sticking out a jaw, the termination of periods. Any traces of a former charm. Almost all side effects of acceptance of steroids and other medicines, both psychological, and physical, I for the first time observed on it.

Sad transformation besides became the reason of our parting. What I saw is typical for ALL women accepting steroids. ANY of them won't avoid side effects to a greater or lesser extent. The effects described by me in the majority are irreversible, mostly unacceptable and only some of them can be tolerant.

The most noticeable effects of a masculinization are widely known and are discussed in masses though sports officials, seemingly, don't wish to notice obvious violation by participants of rules of competitions. I want to talk about more intimate things which carefully disappear. The physiology and psychology of the sexual relations with an opposite sex extremely becomes complicated for women who have a masculinization.

If the woman turns into the man, sex with her purchases obvious smack of homosexuality for the partner that doesn't promote in any way the stable and healthy relations which shall be between the man and the woman.

At first I will tell you about aggression. For the body builder aggression is very desirable since it increases efficiency of trainings (to some limit). But if this condition is caused in the woman by presence of artificially entered testosterone, the result turns out not palatable. The brain comes to confusion from flow of excess of hormone, and aggression goes obviously not to the necessary course. Such woman becomes irritable and at the slightest pretext starts scandal.

I remember an improbable situation with my former friend - the first case of "steroid rage" seen by me. We went to Los Angeles where she was invited with a guest posing. At the airport near the luggage compartment we had to wait, and she has begun to be nervous.

My friend looked is very sports and fixed eyes of men. Some guy has dared even to be late row. And suddenly she has shouted by voice of the healthy man: "What x... you have hatched? Has gone on from here - horse-radish, and eyes that!" I hardly managed to extinguish scandal under amazed looks of passersby.

And how about sexual aggression? Excess testosterone literally does the woman by the sexual maniac. And very violent. Before pouring Dianabol to porridge to the girlfriend, imagine: the woman weighs 80 kilograms, squeezes out lying 150 kg and wants you - immediately! Any candles and gentle music - a mad bang several times a day!

If to you it on temper, after all carefully close a door in a bedroom. During an orgasm such women begin to shout quite male voice, and neighbors will think that you strike with the man. The neighbor from below long considered me the gay person — yet hasn't met my friend on a ladder. After that he has decided that I have started.

All this, of course, not palatably. And as you like the woman with the hairy back and... small penis? Lengthening of a clitoris - one more frequent irreversible effect of reception of androgens at women. I saw several copies of the size of my thumb - you will like it? Some women consider it guarantee of more frequent achievement of an orgasm, but sometimes the size of a clitoris prevents to wear pants that in itself is unpleasant. And what the partner will think?

Girsutizm, or the uncontrolled growth of hair, is irreversible too. Hair appear on a breast, on a bum (especially around an anus), on a chin. It is necessary to shave not only the person, but also all other, sometimes for hours to hunt for rigid curly hairs on all body, and wearing a bathing suit becomes difficult. And such joy expects them on for the rest of the life. By the way, not too long...

Further there is an increase in a stomach. Some steroids cause swelling of the lower part of a peritoneum that leads to chronic locks, a delay of water and frequent gas generation. These are not really pleasant phenomena for people around too.

The fetid expirations from a vagina. Sexually sounds, isn't that so? The women accepting androgens often begin "to drip". The expirations aren't painful, but are unpleasant and fetid, besides are more or less continuous, unlike monthly. The effect is this, unlike previous, we will turn and disappears at cancellation of medicines, but in itself is capable to frighten off the sexual partner especially inclined to oral sex.

The pungent smell of a body is connected not only with "dropping". All other allocations - especially sweat - under the influence of steroids begin to smell stronger, than at men. The matter is that glands under the influence of testosterone bulk up and intensify the functions.

All these things can complicate life very strongly. The smelly woman usually loses partners and falls. Unfortunately, cancellation of drugs not only doesn't stop the majority of by-effects, but also leads to development of "withdrawal", or "withdrawal pains" — just as at narcomaniacs. The depression is partially caused by reorganization of an organism, and partially - catastrophic weakening of a musculation. In addition because of a constant imbalance of hormonal system apathy and a pavor for the life develops. Loss of feminity and sex disorders finally finish the victim of steroids and can lead to full degradation.

Whether the victory at competitions costs the ruined life? Whether it is possible several years to be at the zenith of fame, after this time to dare to turn into the smelly wreck reminding the old spent on drink bum? Unfortunately, quite so finishes considerable quantity of the leading sportswoman who once became addicted. Persons of less high rank, maybe, also don't experience so high falling, but also for them the described lifelong hemorrhoids - the phenomenon constant.

Very often women make a dangerous mistake, and under the influence of the husband or the friend — "to win against the muscleman who is able to do nothing, but inspires in the partner aspiration at any cost". Or the person who got on quite high place by means of steroids pulls along also the woman. Anyway, these men are absolutely ignorant and are pricked, without being able to organize normally the training process and a delivery. Besides they don't consider that chemistry of a female body absolutely another, than men's. If any woman climbs steps of competitions, at the same time becoming more and more ugly, - for certain behind her back there is a bastard with larger gushing forth the syringe.

Some women using small quantities of steroids with poorly expressed androgenic action test, respectively, a small part of the side effects mentioned here and are a little subject to changes of an organism. Fortunately, they usually compete long and achieve the best results.

A smaller number of women don't use steroids at all. My wife, Shelley Beatty, never used this rubbish during the professional career.

Though for a victory in the National championship which was this it a card of the pro it accepted steroids on the advice of the brainless physician. But it reached much bigger, having got rid of them, and at the same time - and of that idiot. The third place on "Ms. Olympia" - quite reasonable reason for pride. In 1992 Shelley became clubman "Gladiators of America" in whom steroids are strictly forbidden, and not passed very strict test (unlike some other federations) takes off. It passed all tests.

Unfortunately, one of figures of the International federation of bodybuilding declared to it: "If you want to achieve bigger, accept something". The next year Shelley and without it became even more. However, unlike other colleagues, the federation didn't give it the course, and it became at competitions of the seventh. And Shelley, to chagrin of the admirers, nevermore stepped on the stage: she learned the received lesson.

My wife is the talented and experienced sportswoman capable to make much in bodybuilding. She received several hundreds of thousands of dollars for the seminars and photoshoots and has magnificent financial opportunities. Most of the former champions aren't so successful.

Only the few sportswomen of a high rank are invited for a posing, someone conducts seminars or advertizes sportswear. Some work as trainers. And the majority roll down before prostitution, telephone sex, porn show or even dirtier affairs which and there is no wish to mention.

Salvation can be only one: to stop to use steroids! You REMEMBER: steroids steal her essence from the woman! Result - irreversible and unacceptable loss of feminity. This defect led to fall of prestige of female body building. Competitions in a bodifitnes - on a common development - are much more popular because women, but not sinewy mannish aunts participate in them. Here to you the most obvious alarm signal.

So it isn't necessary to rob himself! If you decided to win at any cost, you render for it excessive tribute. If steroids are and further are popular in body building, this sport will die, having carried away a set of destinies. Why to kill what is this the nature? For the sake of trophies which won't be soon because nobody will want to look at freaks?

Come round and return to a natural method of improvement of the body.


Female bodybuilding

08 Dec 2016

Classical female bodybuilding (Women Bodybuilding) - the nomination according to IFBB (now it is renamed into Women Physique), FBBR and other federations. Participants of a division of female classical bodybuilding have huge volumes of muscles and the expressed relief. As a result of use of high doses of anabolic steroids as a rule all participants show the expressed masculanization symptoms, including a rasping voice, an atrophy of mammary glands (almost at all implants), a clitoris hypertrophy, male features, etc. At most of athletes head hair thin and even the baldness on men's type is observed.

Women Physique

Because most of athletes bodybuilding of the IFBB division had extremely repellent appearance and reminded men, instead of Women Bodybuilding in 2013 Women’s Physique was created. Began to give preference in competitions to more attractive girls, without obvious male features. Volumes of muscles became less, great demands on relief are placed and high doses of androgenic and other anabolic agents therefore most of athletes a rasping voice, has thoracal implants (in a type of an atrophy of own) are still used, persons begin to gain male lines.

The history of female bodybuilding

The female bodybuilding as independent discipline began to develop at the beginning of the XX century. In 1965 the first competition "Miss Universe" is held, however it there were hardly full-fledged bodybuilding competitions. "Ms. Teloslozheniye" stood in the same row with "Ms. of America" and was more connected with external appeal of women, and less with muscles.

The first tender which judged women according to standards of bodybuilding took place in 1978. 1980 was marked by opening of the first national competitions by National committee on physical development (NPC), the first female nomination in the most important tender among bodybuilders "Mr. Olympia" was the same year carried out. Since then many girls and women with passion work for achievement of this title of world value - "Ms. Olympia". Please pay attention to Prostalamin.

In the mid-eighties the sport receives great popularity thanks to advertizing and, strangely enough, the Playboy magazine. One contestant was even disqualified for 1 year for a posing for this magazine, but the naked photoshoot brought invaluable benefit for this sport, having shown tremendous results of bodybuilding.

In 2007 women learned to combine a graceful constitution with the optimum number of muscles. Contestants in the nomination "Female Bodybuilding" in case of all to the commitment and force remain all the same women therefore the attention to their muscle bulk is less noticeable, than in men's competitions.

The first record by the number of victories in the tender "Ms. Olympia" was set up by the 6-fold owner of a figurine Kori Everson. Only Lenda Murray who 8 times rose by top of "Olympus" could overtake it (in 2003 last time).

Tendencies of 21 centuries note decrease in interest in female bodybuilding therefore also cash support of sponsors moves down. In recent years promptly popularity of competitions in fitness increases. These changes even pushed quadruple "Ms. Olympia" Kim Chizhevski to dump muscle bulk and to switch to fitness competitions.

Muscular potential

Testosterone level in a female and male body differs, approximately by 15 times testosterone level at women is lower than level at men. However it doesn't mean that as a result of trainings of the woman less muscles gather. Actually, sometimes women gather even more muscles and forces. And though initially at started trainings of men more muscle bulk and power, relative surpluses of result don't depend on a floor.

Researches concerning metabolism of protein show that women create as much muscle protein after the trainings in case of adequate food, as well as men. Actually, one research showed that in case of the same muscle bulk at women more muscle protein, than at men is formed.

According to researches the muscle bulk of female athletes constitutes 85% from men's (weightlifting and powerlifting). These 15% of distinction are explained by the following factors:

Genetically higher level of fat. The woman needs 12% of fat for regulation of hormones, and the man only of 3%.

The underestimated expectations. In the well-known research people to whom said that they on steroids, received excellent progress in power indicators.

Women in sport much less than men. Lower the competition, is less scope of potential sportswomen.

Testosterone differently affects men and women. Experiments on animals showed why high testosterone isn't obligatory for development of muscles in women. Factors of growth of the IGF-1 type and hormone of growth take its place. The IGF-1 level is identical, and here growth hormone at women is produced about 3 times more. That it is even more everything to confuse sex hormones and factors of growth interact and these hormones also interact with genes.

Thus, to say that women can't gain muscle bulk because of rather lower level of testosterone, definitely incorrectly.

Many underestimate an estrogen role in sport though hormone positively influences abdominal inventories of fat, and also has some more useful properties:

Estrogen helps with recovery of muscles.

Estrogen has anticatabolic activity and helps to avoid loss of muscles.

Estrogen protects sheaves, bones and sinews from injuries.

As women produce much more estrogen, than men, it gives them certain benefits. Women not so quickly are tired and are quicker recovered.

Distinctions of trainings in female and men's bodybuilding

Distinctions between regular men's and women's bodybuilding trainings generally consist in emphases on the studied muscles, frequency and intensity of accomplishment of exercises. For the rest men's and female organisms equally react to trainings, and muscles are created with use of identical methods.

Distinctions between regular trainings for those girls who just wants to remain in shape, and professional women's bodybuilding trainings are also insignificant.

The program of trainings for women who just wants "to tighten" muscles and to remain in a general good form, and for bodybilders will be similar. Process of forming of a beautiful body, reduction of buttocks, a press and hips during a beach season and process of bodybuilding are identical. The bodybuilding is and there is a process of creation of an ideal figure, just professional bodybuilders are engaged in it longer and stronger.


Iron (micronutrient)

08 Dec 2016

Iron is an important trace substance which takes part in many biochemical reactions. The organism of the adult contains about 3,5 grams of iron from which 75% are the main operating blood hemoglobin element (iron gives to a blood red color), the rest is a part of enzymes of other cells, catalyzing processes of respiration in cells. At a disadvantage of iron there is anemia.

Biological role of iron

The important role of iron for a human body is established in the 18th century. Iron is irreplaceable in processes of a hemopoiesis and intracellular exchange. The human body contains 3-5g a gland. Nearly 70% of all iron which is in a human body are a part of the respiratory pigment of a blood which received the name a hemoglobin. Iron causes ability of this pigment to bind the oxygen which came to lungs and to transfer it to all cells of a body. The fact that as a part of a hemoglobin iron is bound to oxygen 100 times more active, than as a part of any other biologically active compound is interesting. Even only one this function is enough to estimate all importance of iron for maintenance of processes of a metabolism and energy.

Deficiency as well as excess of iron, negatively influence health of the person. The disadvantage of iron causes development of an iron deficiency anemia which cornerstone the reason bound to shortage of ions of iron for hemoglobin synthesis is.

One more important biologically active connection which includes iron atoms is called myoglobin respiratory protein of cardiac and skeletal muscles. This connection actively participates in providing with oxygen intensively working muscles. Iron as a part of myoglobin helps to maintain operability of muscle fibers during long physical activities when the oxygen arriving from blood is spent very in high gear.

Iron plays an important role in energy allocation processes, in enzymatic reactions, in ensuring immune functions, in cholesterol metabolism.

Inorganic compounds of iron meets in some bacteria, it is sometimes used by them for air nitrogen binding.

Iron in food

In an organism of animals and the person iron arrives with food, the liver, meat, eggs, bean, bread, grain are richest with it. Apples, beet and other vegetable food are rich with iron, but from them iron is practically not acquired.

Read in more detail: Content of iron in products

The need for iron

As a rule, the iron arriving with food is, quite enough, but in case of occupations bodybuilding and other sports, it is desirable to spend on drink incidentally vitamin and mineral complexes with iron.

The excessive dose of iron (200 mg and above) can have toxic effect. The overdose of iron oppresses antioxidant system of an organism therefore healthy people aren't recommended to use iron medicines

Taking into account 10% of assimilation standard daily rates of consumption of iron make 10 mg at men, women have 18 mg (pregnant women have 20 mg, at nursing - 25 mg). At the same time it must be kept in mind that extent of digestion of iron from different foodstuff different. It is big of the diets rich with animal products (meat, fish, etc.), and smaller - from the diets consisting generally of vegetable products. The need for iron increases in case of a hard physical work, at athletes, during the work connected with the substances exerting toxic impact on blood formation (aniline, benzene, etc.), in the conditions of deficit of oxygen (climbers, etc.), in case of blood losses, diseases of guts, helminthic invasions. Iron in additives very often causes a lock.

Iron and sport

The main function of iron is connect proteins for production of hemoglobin, a special protein which gives to red blood cages their color. Hemoglobin transfers oxygen through blood from lungs to body tissues. Iron is also necessary for forming of the myoglobin containing only in muscular tissue. The myoglobin delivers oxygen to muscle cells for ensuring the chemical reactions promoting reducing muscles.

Being a strength athlete or the body builder, you constantly tear and anew recover the damaged muscular tissue. This process can demand additional amount of iron, mineral which is significantly necessary for health of the person. Moreover, it is noticed that in case of accomplishment of aerobic exercises or participation in that sport which assumes load of legs as, for example, run, the dancing aerobics and a step aerobics, is observed increase in loss of iron. Also in risk group there are those women who are engaged more than three hours a week who bore the child within the last two years or consumed less than 2200 calories a day. You can also like Koramine.

Low content in an organism of iron can reduce muscular activity. Shortage of iron is capable to lead to iron deficiency anemia, the last stage of the loss of iron which is characterized by the lowered hemoglobin level in blood. Power occupations really reduce iron inventories for a number of reasons, including the physical tension and damage of muscular tissue. Other reason of the lowered amount of iron and iron deficiency anemia is its inadequate receipt with food. Studying of diets of female athletes which needed additional amount of iron in days (18 mg) to offset the losses caused by loadings, showed that daily consumption of iron constituted about 12 mg. The losses happening in digestive tract, leaving of iron with then and during periods can be other possible reasons of low level of iron in an organism.

Some people can have a deficit of iron without anemia. Such condition is characterized by the normal level of hemoglobin, but the reduced share of ferritin, a special form of the iron which is stored in an organism. When there is a shortage of iron, tissues of a body begin to experience oxygen starvation. It can be shown in increased fatigue and the slowed-down process of recovery of forces. Several researches conducted in Cornell University showed that when the unexercised, having deficiency of iron women accepted during the occupations additive with iron, they observed increase in level of oxygen in blood and increase in endurance. It shows us once again how availability of iron in an organism influences quality of work in the hall. However acceptance of additives with iron won't improve your sports indicators if you have a normal level of hemoglobin.

The best sources of dietary iron are the liver and other meat offal, fast meat and oysters. Iron also contains in green sheet vegetables though iron from products of plant origin is acquired worse, than iron from animal products.

The strength athletes and other people leading active lifestyle are usually inclined to avoid some meat rich with iron because of the increased content of fat in it. But you can increase an iron share in the diet, consuming moderate amount of beef or an animal oil. If you don't eat some meat at all, you shall watch receiving necessary amount of iron especially. There are several recommendations.

  • Eat fruit, vegetables and the grain rich with iron. You, of course, don't receive the same amount of iron as in case of consumption of animal products, but vegetable products contain a fat minimum. Green sheet vegetables, as, for example, garden and sheet cabbage, dried fruit — raisin and dried apricots — and the bread enriched with iron and grain dishes — all this good vegetable sources of iron.
  • Try to obtain the best digestion of iron, combining in the diet products rich with iron with the products which are a good source of vitamin C which improves iron absorption. So, for example, for breakfast you can drink orange juice and eat the grain flakes enriched with iron with raisin. Or to sprinkle cabbage lemon juice.
  • Try not to mix products with the high content of cellulose with the products rich with iron, in one meal. Cellulose interferes with digestion of iron and many other minerals. Have no tea and don't accept antatsida along with the products enriched with iron; they also prevent iron absorption.
  • Whenever possible include a meat quantity in the diet. Fast red meat and dark meat of chicken and a turkey contain a large amount of iron. Eating 85 — 113 g of meat three times a week, you considerably will increase iron level in an organism. And if you combine meat with vegetable sources of iron, then will even more increase iron inventories.
  • Perhaps, you need iron in the form of additive. 8 mg for men and 18 mg for women at the age of 19 — 50 years a day will be as it is impossible by the way. But don't take in head to accept the raised iron doses. The you will accept its bigger quantity for once, the less will be able to absorb its your organism. Besides, excess of iron can lead to hemochromatosis, a disease as a result of which iron accumulates in the main body organs, and work of a liver is broken subsequently.

As women are more inclined to iron loss, the American Olympic committee (USOC) recommends to female sportswomen to make periodically blood test for check of level of hemoglobin. If you suspect that you can have a deficit of iron, talk to the attending physician or the skilled nutritionist specializing in sports medicine. Self-treatment by means of high doses can cause big problems and it is potentially dangerous.


Doppelherz Beauty Slim

08 Dec 2016

Doppelherz Beauty Slim is the Complex for weight reduction. A complex of biologically active agents helping to keep the optimum weight, good health and vital energy.

Doppelherz Beauty Slim


The conjugated linolic acid is 750 mg. This substance has the proved efficiency. During clinical trials it was established that the conjugated linolic acid really causes depression of fatty body weight. Thanks to it the person can monthly lose 350 g of weight. But at the same time the minimum daily dose has to make 3.2g.

Doppelherz of a slim-complex is accepted on one capsule 3 times a day. Then what in days of people receives 2.25 g of linolic acid. The dose falls short even of minimum.

  • L-carnitine – 150 mg. It is one more component with clinically proved efficiency. With its help it is possible to grow thin on the whole 200 g a month. A daily dose is 2g.

We consider: Doppelgerts of slim-complex contains in three capsules 450 mg of a L-carnitine. This dose is four times less than that which is necessary for depression of body weight. Moreover, it only on a half provides normal daily need of the person for L-carnitine.

  • Extract of green tea – 100 mg. The next substance with the proved efficiency, but in an insufficient dose. The body weight of the person decreases at the expense of the catechins containing in green tea. The daily dose of extract for receipt of result shall constitute at least 2 g a day.

Doppelherz of a byyuta a slim-complex contains in three capsules only 0,3 g. Naturally, it isn't necessary to wait for effect of 15% of the minimum daily dose.

  • Caffeine – 12 mg. This component can even be not discussed. It is enough to look at its quantity. Only 36 mg. in days – a ridiculous dose. Even in 100 ml. instant coffee more caffeine, than contains in three capsules of medicine Doppelherz of a Beauty a slim-complex. Whether it is worth saying that in any drugstore it is possible to purchase caffeine sodium benzoate in tablets on 100 mg. for only 12 rubles.
  • Chrome – 30 mg. This microcell causes loss of body weight only in diabetics. For healthy people it is useless.

The majority of components of means for weight loss Doppelherz of a Beauty a slim-complex really have clinically proved effect. But at the same time a dose of each of them so scanty that it isn't necessary to expect result. Moreover, if you begin to accept these capsules handfuls to finish a dose to minimum effective, you will grow thin no more than on 2 kilograms a month.

Medicine costs more than 400 rubles. Accepting Doppelherz Beauty a slim-complex in the regular mode, you will lack it even for a month. And to receive all components of medicine in adequate doses, you should accept at least 15 capsules a day. Do not forget take Hepatamin for better results.

Then one packaging will last for you for four days. Generally, to hang up on medicine Doppelherz byyut a slim-complex a label "useless" we not in the right. It is really possible to lose weight about its help. Just the effect will be weak, and in a month you should drink 8 packagings of this means. Considering product cost, loss of two kilograms will cost you 3200 rubles. It is obvious that for this money you can purchase much more effective remedy for weight loss.


Qualitative analysis when carrying out a drug test

08 Dec 2016

For the majority of the forbidden substances in professional sport for positive test result it is rather simple to receive confirmation of their presence at an urine sample. As many methods of screening and obtaining proofs are based on application of a chromatography in combination with mass spectroscopy, recommendations for identification of chemical compounds by means of systems of GH-MS and ZhH-MS have been developed (/MS). Presence of substance is considered confirmed if on relative representation of a certain quantity of characteristic ions (depending on the applied kind of mass spectrometry) the sample is comparable, taking into account tolerances, with the corresponding sample of the standard subjected to the similar analysis. Besides, time of deduction of substance shouldn't differ (within an admissible interval of a deviation) in the hromatografic analysis of a sample of urine of the athlete and a control sample of the urine containing required substance. Therefore for the characteristic and identification of substances in samples, so difficult for the analysis, as urine tests, the defining value information about the hromatografic and, especially, mass and spectrometer parameters of the studied chemical compounds has. Numerous researches of mass and spectrometer characteristics of the stimulating or masking medicines are so far conducted, and also methods of their detection for the purpose of carrying out a drug test are developed (Masse et al., 1989; de Boer et al., 1991; Donike et al., 1995; Ayotte et al., 1996; Shackleton et al., 1997; Bowers, 1998; Aguilera et al., 1999; Thevis et al., 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003a).

Further we will consider the general principles of carrying out the analysis of some of these substances.

Anabolic steroids

Considering statistical data concerning results of the carried-out doping tests and classes of the revealed forbidden substances, it is possible to notice that most often as dope in sport anabolic steroids apply. For example, more than 40% of the forbidden substances found by the laboratories accredited by the IOC in 2001 were anabolic steroids. One of representatives of this group is methyltestosterone derivative testosterone, received by replacement with metal group of a remaining balance of hydrogen at S-17. Anabolic steroids in the majority are actively involved in metabolic processes, forming as a result a series of metabolites, for example recovery of ketogroups, oxidation of hydroxyl groups, a hydroxylation, and also oxidation/recovery of communications carbon — carbon in a steroid molecule kernel (Schanzer, 1996). After this phase I of metabolism and before allocation as a part of urine there is a metabolism phase II, namely conjugation of products of a phase I to glyukuropida or sulfates.

The commonly accepted strategy of identification of metabolites of anabolic steroids are based on enzymatic hydrolysis of metabolites of a phase II during which phase I metabolites, their cleaning, concentration, derivatization and the subsequent analysis of GH-MS are formed. The majority of metabolites of anabolic steroids, except for nandrolon of whom it will be a question below aren't capable to be formed in a human body in the natural way therefore in case of detection of these connections in urine of the athlete subjected to a drug test the message on positive test result will be made.

Designed steroids

The problem of use of the so-called designed steroids (designer steroid) in sport and in the scientific world accrues like an avalanche after in October, 2003 (Knight, 2003) the laboratory of a drug test of University of California in Los Angeles found the substance derivative of gestrinon the medicinal preparation used for treatment of an endometriosis. Ethynesilt rest located at the 17th Carboneum of this bond leads to formation of steroid hormone of tetragidrogestrinon (THG) which can be considered as an analog of a highly effective anabolic steroid of trenbolone, however clinical trials of physiological influence and side effects of THG were never carried out. The standard strategy of a drug test in research laboratories which were still referred on detection of the pharmaceutical drugs which passed clinical tests appear to win obviously insufficiently for overcoming aspiration of some athletes a victory fell rivals fraudulently, putting at the same time at risk own health. Considering the fact that many procedures of screening are based on comparison of standard samples with assays of urine with use of such techniques of a mass spectrometry as monitoring of the set ions (selected ion monitoring, SIM) or monitoring of multiple reactions (multiple reaction monitoring, MRM), unknown derivatives or medicinal preparations, such as THG, are "invisible * for standard procedures of control. It causes need of development of more flexible techniques of control which would allow detecting both the known, and unknown substances possessing similar structure, for example the general steroid core that in principle is possible, in particular, with use of the GH-MS/MS modern systems. You can also like Testalamin.

Endogenous steroids

If in case of application of anabolic steroids in urine there are metabolites which aren't observed normal, use of testosterone as dope to find much more difficult as this hormone is produced in a human body. Various approaches, the most widespread of which are determination of a ratio the testosterone / epitestosteron (T/E) and so-called mass and spectrometer measurement of a ratio of stable isotopes of carbon (IRMS), were developed for this purpose. The profile of endogenous steroids can vary in various situations (Geyer et al., 1996), however it was shown that ratio Ò/Ý is a reliable indicator of use of testosterone as dope as products of an epitestosterop occur irrespective of testosterone. As threshold the value of ratio Ò/Ý equal 6 is accepted, however in case of excess of a threshold the positive test result is registered not directly, the athlete shall pass the further research directed to control of the natural raised testosterone level.

Increase in availability of the isotope analysis by method of mass spectrometry (IRMS) promoted carrying out a number of the researches which showed a possibility of detection of distinctions between endogenous and synthetic testosterone by means of this approach. In particular, it was established that natural testosterone differs from the analogs synthesized in the chemical way which are used as medical supplies based on the ratio of carbon isotopes, 3C/,2C. Application of GH with the subsequent combustion of the analyzed substance and the analysis of the carbon dioxide formed at the same time allows to obtain information on testosterone origin based on the isotopes this about a ratio |3C and, JC (Homing et al., 1998; Aguilera et al., 1999).

Diuretics and beta2-agonists

Also diuretics and β2-àãîíèñòû belong to substances which analysis is usually made by means of GH-MS (/MS). In particular, the group of diuretics is characterized by a chemical variety of the medicines appointed for the similar or identical purposes. Apply to representatives of this group of substances mainly negative ionization (Thieme et al., 2001; Thevis et al., 2002, 2003a) that is caused by their acid properties, however for some diuretics, in particular triamteren, is required positive ionization. For β2-àãîíèñòîâ the main approach is analyzed substance with the subsequent detection of positively loaded molecule. As it is described in "Analysis methods", the sources of ions integrating GH to MS usually allow generating the protonated or deprotoniron molecules without their noticeable fragmentation. Thus, structural information on the analyzed substances, specificity and selectivity of mass analyzers are provided with application of the dissociation (CAD) of the ionized medicines induced by collisions and the subsequent analysis of derivative fragments. For this purpose it is necessary to have data about affinity to protons and behavior of products of dissociation after effective activation of the analyzed molecules by means of CAD which significantly differs on mechanisms of fragmentation of molecules from electronic blow (EI). For diuretics, and also for bulk β2-àãîíèñòîâ, except for salbutamol carrying out the high-quality analysis is enough. Usually hromatogramma of the extracted ions do possible rather sensitive detection of these substances in biological tests, and the positive conclusion about their availability is drawn by a pas the basis of essential numerical prevalence of their resultant ions. In 2001 about 17,5% of cases of positive results carried out in 25 laboratories of a drug test accredited by the IOC belonged to application β2-agonist, diuretics were found in 5% of cases.

Drug test: quantitative analysis

For some substances, including stimulators, such as ephedrine, metabolites of anabolic steroids, such, as nandrolon and β2-agonists, such as salbutamol, threshold level is established, based on comparison with which the conclusion about positive or negative test results is drawn. Various reasons became the basis for such decision. Ephedrines are a part of many anti-cold medicines therefore by anti-doping rules their application is legal if content of derivatives of norefedrin, ephedrine and pseudoephedrine in urine doesn't exceed 5, 10 or 25 mg-ml' 1 respectively. Salbutamol treats group of simpatomimetik, is one of 4 permitted for use β2-àãîíèñòîâ (along with salmeteroly, terbutaliny and formoteroly) on condition of their application in the form of inhalation. As to determine how medicine was applied (oralno in the form of tablets or in the form of an aerosol) and in what dosage, rather difficult, during the competitions report about presence of salbutamol at tests in the relevant federation; if content of substance exceeds 100 ng-ml '1. During the period between competitions the threshold level of 1 mg-ml "1 as when using some simpatomimetik in the doses significantly exceeding therapeutic anabolic effects are observed is established. Presence of a metabolite of nandrolon 5a-estrai-Za-ol-17-odin (norandrosterona) in urine of professional athletes can be to some extent caused by endogenous products therefore for this substance threshold content 2 ig-ml*1 for men and 5 ng-ml' 1 for women is established. For reasons for the received values numerous researches were conducted, various factors which can influence the level of endogenous formation of this metabolite, for example a considerable physiological stress or pregnancy which lead to essential increase in content of this substance in urine were also considered. Quantitative determination of these connections is performed with use of calibrating curves which build based on results of determination by standard methods of the corresponding internal standards having similar or identical physical and chemical properties (Schanzer, Donike, 1995).


When carrying out a drug test the analysis of low-molecular connections is based mainly on application of hromatografic and mass and spectrometer methods which do possible detection and identification of banned drugs and their metabolites in tests of biological liquids, such as blood and urine. While in former years the analysis was carried out mainly by a gas chromatography with detection of the divided products various analyzers, for example ardent and ionization and nitrogen-phosphorus detectors, and also mass and spectrometer analyzers. In the latest works generally liquid chromatography which separation products after ionization with an atmospheric pressure are exposed mass spectrometer to the analysis as this approach allows to reduce significantly time of preparation of samples is applied and doesn't require a derivatization of the analyzed substances. Besides, thanks to application threefold of analyzers and ionic traps implementation of more flexible mass and spectrometer experiments directed to determination and the characteristic of the known medicines, and also the unknown designed substances became possible that also promotes strengthening of fight against dope and illegal use of banned drugs. From the moment of creation of the list of the forbidden substances and methods of stimulation the range of substances to which the attention when carrying out a drug test is paid ceases to change and laboratories within this dynamic process should expand and modify constantly analysis methods, increasing their sensitivity, specificity and adaptability to the solution of new tasks to limit abuses of medicines in sport, and also to save athletes from false suspicions. And here new developments in the field of a high-speed and highly effective chromatography, mass and spectrometer, having high resolution and sensitivity, and also modern acceptances of ionization provide to analytical laboratories valuable tools which allow to obtain even more detailed information about the applied substances, for example about their structure and metabolism and to expand time frames of identification of abuses of the stimulating medicines. As many medicines, such as anabolic steroids, are applied during the period between competitions, but at the same time keep the stimulating effect for several weeks, the full-fledged drug test requires carrying out analyses both during the competitions, and in the out of competition period. Besides, the maximum specificity and sensitivity of analytical procedures is required.


Organic Sodium nitritums

08 Dec 2016

The main donators of nitrogen oxide in bodybuilding are: arginine, agmatin, extract of beet and various pretraining complexes. In medicine nitric acid ethers (HNO3) and polybasic alcohols, for example Nitroglycerinum and Isosorbidum dinitrate which relax walls of vessels due to formation of vasodilating bond of nitrogen oxide (NO) are widely applied. This effect is more expressed in a venous bed.

Such vasodilating action exerting impact on the general hemodynamics finds application first of all for treatment of heart troubles. Depression before and afterloads unloads heart. At the same time the oxygen balance in a cardiac muscle improves, the frequency of emergence of spastic strictures of coronary arteries (coronary spasms) decreases.

Indications: generally prescribe at stenocardia, is more rare at a severe form of an acute or chronic heart failure. At long reception of Sodium nitritums with constant concentration of drug in a blood there is a tolerance of an organism. Tolerance to Sodium nitritums can be prevented, choosing a reception regimen with "free" from Sodium nitritums, for example, night intervals.

Side effects are observed in an initiation of treatment; usually it is the headaches bound to brain vasodilatation. Tolerance development, even is possible when keeping daily "nitrate pauses". At the raised dosage falling of arterial pressure, reflex tachycardia (stenocardia symptom), a collapse can be observe.

Action mechanism. Depression of a tonus of unstriated muscles of vessels is based on activation of a guanilattsiklasa under the influence of monoxide of nitrogen and rising of the tsAMF level. In physiological conditions of NO it is developed by an endothelium of vessels and comes to the subject smooth muscle cells (the endothelial relaxing factor). Thus, organic Sodium nitritums work on "the laid way" that explains their high activity. Enzymatic formation of NO in unstriated muscles requires existence of sulfhydryl (SH) groups.

Tolerance to Sodium nitritums can be caused by a disadvantage of donors of SH-group of cell.

Nitroglycerinum (NG) is characterized by good ability to get through membranes, but low stability. It is used for stopping of attacks of stenocardia. Nitroglycerinum is soaked up through mucous oral cavities (capsules, spray) and has effect in 1-2 min. Oral administration is ineffective because of full removal. Transdermalny use (nitrate Emplastrum) allows avoiding removal in a liver.

Isosorbidum dinitrate (ISDN) also well gets through membranes, but is stabler, than Nitroglycerinum; it breaks up with formation of an active metabolite of Isosorbidum 5 monosodium nitritums (ISMN). ISDN can be also applied sublingual to stopping of attacks of stenocardia, however, generally is prescribed orally for achievement of longer effect.

Molsidominum in itself has no effect. At oral administration it will be transformed to active agent linsidomin. Efficiency is approximately identical both in venous, and in an arterial bed. Drug causes tolerance to Sodium nitritums less often. Difference in its action in comparison with Sodium nitritums is caused probably by different mechanisms of release N0.

Sodium nitroprussidum contains NO group, however it is not an Aether. To the same extent dilates veins and arteries. It is entered infusionally for a lowering of arterial pressure. For an inactivation of Cyanidum which is formed of Sodium nitroprussidum sodium thiosulphate is prescribed.

Vegetables as a source of nitrogen oxide

At least three large researches showed that vegetables are the main source of natural nitrogen oxide which promotes combustion of fat (by activation of metabolism of brown fat), improves food of muscles, reduces risk of development of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (due to lowering of arterial pressure and improvement of transport of oxygen and nutrients). The largest content of nitrates is observed in green vegetables: spinach, salad, celery, broccoli, siliculose haricot, etc. Also beet and especially beet juice is rich with nitrates. Please pay attention to Testalamin.

Nitrates (for example, sodium nitrate - food E251 preservative) can increase physical working capacity and endurance due to decrease in viscosity of blood, increase in production of erythropoietin and improvement of transport of oxygen.

Donators of nitrogen in bodybuilding

Several years we use this piece designated as NO (nitrogen oxide) or "donators of nitrogen". Without applying for scientific character, I will try to light slightly the market of nitrogen oxides in Russia and their merits and demerits. I swear to use only public determinations and simple Russian.

For a start is the theory (brevity, in this case, not the sister of talent, and only introduction in a conceptual framework of the potential consumer).

ARGININ amino acid is a source for development by NO organism, practically all donators of nitrogen contain arginin. The oxide of nitrogen in itself is synthesized by the most different cells of a human body and is the regulator of activity and one of elements of immune system. The main destination is saturation by blood of all bodies and fabrics. The main action is relaxation and expansion of walls of blood vessels. Arginin contains in many natural products. I will list only those which are available to all of us: walnut, peanut, meat of a shrimp and chicken meat, liver, pork, cod, tuna, cottage cheese.

"Attention" Note of the expert: feasibility of application of arginin and other donators of nitrogen in bodybuilding lately is exposed to big criticism, in a type of emergence of a number of the researches confuting its efficiency. Moreover, scientific work was performed (K Del Punta, EH Charreau and OP Pignataro. Nitric oxide inhibits Leydig cell steroidogenesis. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.) which showed that nitrogen oxide suppresses synthesis of own steroid hormones (testosterone) in testicles.

Donators of nitrogen: practice of application

I am a practician, and I am proud of it. What it is only not tried by me for years of own trainings with burdenings and what only "it isn't prescribed" to my wards! And it in spite of the fact that my friend Alexey Kireev (he is Doctor Lyuber) insists. "Porridge, a protein, geyner and creatine is here that is called nutritional supplements. All the rest from the evil and unscrupulous depriving of money by pushers from the fitness industry". Romanticism shall remain, but at the same time the truth shall win against bucks.

I agreed to write about donators of nitrogen only because today I consider that THIS PIECE WORKS AND HELPS. Nobody ever will convince me that the L-carnitine isn't a complete baby's dummy, and here that donators of nitrogen a feature very much even is convinced. It is PASSED through itself and the personal feelings not always matching what is declared in summaries of these wonderful products. Here they, these feelings:

  • Donators of nitrogen increase force, and here increase in weight isn't noticed.
  • Certainly improves metabolism of muscles and fair it is possible to consider participation of N0 in the course of fat loss.
  • Promotes improvement of mood, does the person more active, initiative and hardy.
  • Stimulates immune system.
  • Has some kind of nootropic effect - stimulates activity of a brain, excludes a negative from nervous stresses, differences of atmospheric pressure, helps receipt of a fighting spirit not only in the course of the training — wholeheartedly you work in any direction, but at the same time takes place and some negative.
  • If your trainings take place in the evening, you will face a problem of excessive excitability. Though as you will understand further, it isn't always bad
  • Donators of nitrogen promote increase in force and duration of genitals both at men, and at women.
  • The balanced food often to us just not in power neither on time, nor on availability of natural products, and sometimes and beyond the means. Completely balanced it is simply unreal for the normal person. And then the nitrogen oxide from beautiful jars comes to the rescue.

And here what I definitely didn't feel:

  • There was no clarification of muscles from slags which all producers declare. Point which has net advertizing character. It is impossible to feel and feel it. And in general the word "slags" from spells of charlatans since in medicine there is no such term.
  • There was no increase in speed of overgrowing of the damaged fabrics, stretchings of sinews, fractures of bones, and also prevention of arthritises and diseases of connecting fabrics. It is even more doubtful, declarative and empty slogan of manufacturers, though beautiful.
  • Wouldn't begin to apply N0 as additive to children and to their growth even if on bank this recommendation is written.
  • Subject to insistently I warn: be careful with this additive! The effect of normalization of blood pressure is not the effect reached by means of donators of nitrogen.

There is a list of additives based on which acceptance I also drew the conclusions.

  • 1.Here you will find NOShotgun from VPX also creatine, and arginin, and caffeine, both BCAA esters, and glutamin, and amino acids with a branched chain. As a result "the universal soldier", that is a product turns out. Practically the first the "magic powder" which was at my disposal. Suits ALL, works for all too! Pushes to work at full stretch. Doesn't require connection in "batch" something auxiliary. Such legal dope for a circulation in a training and recovery. Mechanism of work such: an intensive training — damages (anguishes) to the trained muscles — increase of internal pressure (rating) — still a big rating — still big damages to muscular tissue — building-up of muscles.
  • 2."Similar medicine never before was in the history of bodybuilding" — personally I don't react to such slogans. However subjected to the intensive attack from all directions I gave up. In July, 2007 read on the Internet about an innovation from Nano Vapor from MuscleTech. Having got access, and simply, having purchased a jar of the advertized product, I began its application. And what? Hardly finished the first training after absorption of wonderful substitute of banned drugs! But not because was tired, and, on the contrary, literally this word, forced out itself from the hall! Felt everything two hours real surge in energy and activity. For the fifth or sixth day of use ripened: NanoVapor is that WORKS, really works and will be used by me! Means which you will spend for it will be repaid completely. General feelings in case of acceptance of "nano-couple" — inflow of heat in an organism to all extremities and at the same time both hypersensibility and reactivity of brain activities. In about 15-20 minutes of a training the feeling of real "pamping" comes. Fullness of muscles just enormous! For those who looks for in that or other measure of a thing which are able to replace the forbidden additives: replacement won't turn out, but you receive the help.
  • 3."Achievement of the maximum result" from the S.A.N company. You pay enough money and receive RECOVERY (VI2 HP 844), ENERGY (Fierce), and also FORCE and Vault. Huge "shortcoming" — to feel all these wonderful effects, it is necessary to absorb all three additives. Such "batch" is inconvenient on time and is burdensome on transfer. How many cans you with yourself will carry away? One description how to accept how many to accept and in what sequence already pushes away a little. If you not the top professional athlete with availability of enough a money and the mode "ate — it was trained — ate — has a sleep — ate — it was trained — and again ate", then this combination doesn't suit you. Though it has more strengths, than it seems. I won't dissemble: I personally was enough only for two weeks. Loss from the mode was just inevitable. Though if that gave weight in addition to a rating and strength, so is this sheaf.
  • 4.V-12 Turbo and V-12 Magnum from S.A.N. — analogs of NOShotgun but with more with advanced structure. Though in this place specialists can me slightly and correct: "Here smells slightly of more creatine, than argininy". Good amendment. Who against an increase in muscle bulk? Definitely not I.
  • 5.SuperPump 250. The donator of nitrogen from Gaspari. Accepting it in combination with a kaptirovanny oxide of nitrogen, medicine HT containing a creatine gluconate, and also in piece under the name Mouyeyoekh, we receive something bigger, than from a combination from SAN (see point B). And in a cash equivalent too. Recommendation not of the stranger in this subject: use SuperPump250 without any combinations, feel all delights of a nitric rating.
  • 6.So far the best that is passed through itself, is Xstreme Napalm from the Polish producer. It is noticed that all producers in samplers of any NO put more than declared. It belongs for all 100% and to this product. Isn't on sale yet, just about it is expected. The American "uncle", producer of ingredients indirectly connected with Gaspari Nutrition possibly is only my conjectures), delivered a product of excellent action. Perhaps, there efedra? It isn't there, precisely I know. To accept it is shown - it is ordered ALL! But I will only praise really when renting from a jar, but not from a bag.

Instead of the conclusion of the recommendation about application of all donators of nitrogen:

  • Accept NO not in 15-20 minutes prior to a training, and for 40-50.
  • For those who have a body weight more than 100 kilograms, recommend to begin with the doubled dosage at once.
  • In 10-14 days it is possible to increase a dose by one and half times.
  • It is the best of all to accept NO next the heart.
  • The general time of administration of drugs, I think, it is necessary to limit for 30 days.

Here, perhaps, and all on a subject. I will finish the narration with the simple phrase from Anatoly Pchelkin: "The muscleman, think! It is necessary!"


Doctor Shprits: error of steroid therapy

08 Dec 2016

The people like to listen to the guru, from it won't get to anywhere. Doctor Lyuber didn't indulge us the opuses long ago, and we have remembered works of one of pioneers of a steroid subject in the Russian media. Perhaps, athletes with an experience remember articles signed "Doctor Shprits". They were published in the late nineties when in wide use there were Leonid Ostapenko and Yury Bulanov's brochures, well and a translated book of Bill Phillips. There was no place to scoop more information on androgens and steroids simply. Even the Internet as it stands wasn't yet – so, sprouts of future life. Doctor Shprits the first has begun to cover in the kachkovskikh magazines the steroid topic, long before emergence of articles of Doctor Lyuber or Yura Bombela. Yes, today his articles will seem to someone not especially deep and in something naive, however in due time it hasn't prevented the same Lyuber in a dedicatory inscription on the book about steroids to call Doctor Shprits the teacher. Therefore we have decided that this article will be for you interesting.

The one who does nothing isn't mistaken is popular wisdom says. This statement approaches "chemical" bodybuilding for all hundred percent. Yes, the body builders using steroids often make the mass of mistakes which, there are they are armed with elementary knowledge, it would be possible to avoid. But where they can get this knowledge? Is it a district doctor? No way. Is it a sports clinic? Too it is unlikely. Everything that it is necessary to do to poor body builders is to try to discover answers to the questions at same "experts" as they and in rare journal publications. In this article I would like to share the reflections about the mistakes made by "chemical" bodybuilders.

Don't contact steroids.

I believe that the first is made when the athlete makes the decision to resort to steroids. In my opinion, steroids need or be not to used at all, or to use them regularly and systematically. The steroid cycles which are carried out occasionally with long breaks between them will hardly give something to you in respect of a set of "global" "weight". The kilograms which are usually gained during a cycle right there begin to disappear somewhere after its termination. The most part gathered, and sometimes and all leaves. The same can be told and about power indicators — a bar which you effortlessly squeezed out only a two-three of weeks back, it becomes suddenly unreal heavy. At the same time it is necessary to remember that if you begin to shake, then you won't be able to grow without their help any more.

Interesting the fact that no tricks to which body builders in attempt to keep the gained weight and strength try to resort help. It is possible to refer slow and smooth decrease in a dosage of steroids at the end of a cycle (it, allegedly, helps to recover production of own testosterone), acceptance in a final stage of a rate of HGG (gonadotrophin), anti-estrogen (nolvadeks, proviron) and antikatabolik (like klenbuterol) to them, massive loading by amino acids, etc. It is possible that all these measures to some extent and slow down that collapse of force and "weight" which expects most of athletes at the end of a rate (though, for certain, also exceptions to the rules meet). But the longer you abstain from steroids, the stronger you "pour". As a result in two-four months of abstention from steroids it is possible to lose all that increase which was reached during 6-12 weeks steroid "cycle".From there is a conclusion: breaks between cycles have to be minimum, only in this case perhaps steady progress forward. The ambitious athletes understanding all this and arrive. At the same time, as to me sees, short 4-6 weeks cycles with the subsequent 2 - 4 weeks breaks between them are optimum. Why I consider quite so — a subject of separate article, I will note here that the short periods of rest don't give "will fall off" to muscles, but at the same time allow to be refreshed to the receptors of muscle cells reacting to steroids. Not to "ambitious" athletes who don't dream "hyper weight" and monasteries of champions, steroids to anything. To sit on "chemistry" at least for eight months in a year – occupation very tiresome as a hobby both bodies, and not cheap. Besides the organism of the user has to initially is in perfect tune to mill enormous physical activities, to digest tons of high-protein food and thousands of milligrams of these or those medicines. Therefore if you go in for bodybuilding for strengthening of the health, for maintenance of muscles in a tone — don't contact "chemistry".

Excessive dosages.

One of serious mistakes of "chemical" body builders is use of excessive dosages. Many bodybuilders are, in essence, extremists and argue approximately so: if from 200 or 300 mg a week I grow well, then from 600 I will grow even better. Actually it not so. I can't explain it from the scientific point of view, but different dosages of steroids are required for different users to increase "weight". Let's tell, 200 mg a sound board-durabolina in a week together with 4 tablets of "methane" a day quite are enough for one, and it is necessary for another twice, and even it is three times more. At the same time athletes can be approximately at one level of development, have comparable body weight, etc. In what the reason of similar distinctions? Obviously, that receptors of muscle cells of each person in a special way perceive these or those medicines. It is no secret that some individuals don't react to steroids at all, and some "grow" from the minimum dosages.To what tactics it makes sense to adhere to separately taken user? I believe that it is necessary to begin a cycle with small doses and smoothly to raise them. Till what time? So far you don't define through what period there will be "clogging" of receptors of muscle cells. In specialized literature it is said that, as a rule, it occurs 3-6 weeks later after the beginning of a steroid cycle, but it is obvious that in your case it can be some more concrete figure. I assume (notice — I don't claim) that after receptors of muscle cells cease to react to this or that medicine, further increase in a dosage won't give positive effect. And here side effects, especially from use of androgens like an omnadren or a testenat, can be shown far more brightly. It can be both spots, and ginekomastia, and the strengthened fat accumulation, and an excessive delay of water. What should be undertaken in case your receptors don't react to this or that medicine (a combination of medicines) anymore? Option two: or on the maximum dose to tear off a cycle and to make a pause for about two weeks, using anti-estrogen and HGG, and then to continue a cycle already with other medicines, or, very smoothly reducing a dosage to keep as much as possible gathered forces and "masses", to leave a cycle. You can also like Ventramin.

Too long courses.

In my opinion, the problem of too long courses is closely bound to this problem that also I consider a mistake. I will notice, however, that in a stage of "drying" long use of steroids is justified, at least, by what allows to keep muscle bulk. And in general it is quite curious: after the receptors of muscle cells reacting to steroids "are clogged", the user ceases to progress in force and "weight", but and isn't rolled away on initial positions. For this reason as it seems to me, some athletes don't "get down" from a course in large quantities months — they simply are afraid "to lose weight"! Reaches that reception of small doses of such drugs as methandrostenolone, Testosteroni propionas or a sound board Durabolinum, isn't even considered course per se - it is only peculiar "providing a hormonal background". From such dosages the user, matter of course, doesn't grow, but at the same time and especially doesn't decrease in sizes. Some use insulin with the same purposes.

Wrong choice of medicines.

"Chemical" body builders often make mistakes in case of the choice of medicines which they are going to use on "rate". You for certain heard that, as a rule, the steroid cycle represents a combination of several (two, three and more) components. In such scheme there is the sense as different steroids in case of simultaneous use have synergy properties, that is work far stronger in a sheaf, than separately. Mathematically such formula can be expressed so: 1+1=3. The similar scheme allows to apply, in addition, lower dosages that is urgent in case of acceptance of the steroids which are considered "dirty" (a sustanona, "methane", an omnadren, etc.). One more plus of this scheme: if any medicine is a counterfeit, then the others in that case will work.

However it is extremely important to select steroid sheaves correctly. For example, simultaneous acceptance of the same methane, a sustanon and testosterone depot will it is unlikely be justified — too this combination looks toxic. It isn't excluded that as a result you turn into water "bubble" and from legs to the head you will become covered by spots, and the so-called gained "weight" after the termination of a cycle will disappear in record time. On the other hand, it is at least important to lash the selected medicines to those purposes which you before yourself set. If once again to mention the stated above scheme, it will be very difficult to gather on it a decent relief and if you work for "quality", it is better for you to give preference to such medicines as vinstrol (oral or injection), primobolan (also oral or injection), ocsandrolon, trenbolone. At the worst, in case of shortage of means silabolin, testosterone propionate or a sound board. As it is already understood, financial side moves here to the forefront.

Wrong trainings.

Traditional mistake which is usually made by beginners are the wrong trainings during a steroid cycle. The matter is that steroids in itself don't raise a muscle (unlike the same hormone of growth which, according to some information, is capable to increase muscle bulk even at rest), and substantially accelerate process of restoration of an organism after the heavy shock trainings. And if beginning "chemist" plainly hasn't learned to train yet, isn't able to squeeze out of himself everything that is possible in gym, then the effect of a steroid course will be minimum.

Wrong rest between courses.

Hardly no more widespread mistake which is made by "chemical" body builders consists, oddly enough sounds, in how these athletes behave during the rest periods from steroids. Most of the authors writing on this subject for some reason avoid this problem, and such star in the field of sports pharmacology as Bill Phillips claims that the athlete who isn't using steroids has to train also intensively, as well as extremely "loaded" body builder. I can't agree with this statement. The matter is that after the termination of a steroid cycle the organism of the user gets to a condition of so-called negative nitrogenous balance when disintegration of protein in an organism happens more actively, than synthesis. In addition recovery abilities of an organism sharply go down. Trying to keep the gained "weight" by means of reception of shock doses of protein, klenbuterol, gonadotrophin, such body builders all the same sustain losses.Trying to turn somehow a situation back, they lean on trainings, get to a condition of the general overtraining and begin "to pour" even quicker. It is possible that the insulin which is nearly the main thing antikataboliky however not in this situation can great help everyone is able to use competently it, and careless reception of this hormone can lead to serious problems, besides, insulin promotes augmentation of a fatty layer. Therefore if the "chemical" body builder doesn't use insulin, then it is in that case better to reduce considerably intensity of a training (workers of weight, number of the carried-out exercises) and to go to the hall not more often than 1 — 2 time a week. Earlier I couldn't understand in any way why many of elite pros after end of a competitive season in general stop training. Now it is clear to me — thus they tried to keep more muscles!

Improper feeding.

In order that muscles grew it is necessary to have, at least, from what they grow, namely — necessary nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Usually data of the following order are provided in literature: for extension of muscles it is necessary to consume not less than 2 grams of protein on kilogram of body weight, and also at least 4-5 grams of carbohydrates. The calories received from fat have to make about 15 — 20% of the general caloric content of your ration. At the same time consider that if you don't gather additionally with carbohydrates, then the organism which got to a condition of an energy crisis will scoop energy from protein which won't go in this case for construction of muscular tissue. On the other hand, the hyperalimentation of the same carbohydrates, especially not dietary sense will give to your musculation the swelled bloated look, and it is quite possible, you in general will resemble more the fighter of sumo than the body builder. Certainly, even the most balanced diet needs additional feed by vitamins, minerals and trace substances — only in this case optimum body height of "weight" will be provided. Besides, it will allow to minimize negative effect from reception of steroids.

Neglect "cleaning".

If you, using steroids, are anxious with a condition of the health then to you it is regularly necessary to purge after the termination of steroid cycles an organism. "Intoxicated" kidneys and a liver (especially a liver which is a peculiar filter of a human body on which settle toxiferous substances), first, don't allow to function fully to an organism, and secondly, weaken effect of influence of steroids. Those who aren't cleaned", as a rule, make one more mistake, namely — don't do blood tests which could indicate to you in what state there is your health.

Wrong injections.

Many musclemen don't heat Solutio oleosa of steroids before the use. As a result - "cone" in an injection site. As a result the steroid will slowly come to a blood stream that will reduce effect of its use. And also complications in the form of abscesses are possible. Disposable syringes are obligatory, and if you gather a steroid not from an ampoule, and from the vial corked with a rubber lid, then it is necessary to gather drug one needle, and an injection to do another. At the same time the rubber lid needs to be wiped with spirituous solution in addition. Area number one is the external top square of breeches. Also for this purpose side sites of a quadriceps approach. Some athletes do local injections in deltoid muscles, arms and even a back, believing that the nyxis immediately in a muscle accelerates its body height. Perhaps, in it there is a sense, but it is necessary to do all this very carefully and competently. As well as in general everything if business concerns steroids and androgens. To get into such thin piece as endocrine system of the person without knowing, without thinking and without wishing the nobility, to think – the last business.


Doctor Lyuber: drying course

07 Dec 2016

During the work on "weight" it is possible to achieve certain results and without pharm help. In case of a set of a relief - No. And it not groundless praise of steroids, but harsh realities of life. It is time for that who flies in clouds to take off pink glasses and to face the truth: yes, you can lose weight without "vitamins", dump 15-20 and more kilograms considerably and even to see contours of desired cubes on a stomach, but to make this relief, such which a trump, elite body builders on podiums — unambiguously aren't present. You don't trust? Ask doctor Lyuber. He just kindly agreed to light this with that.

Hercules: Hello, doctor! Last time we fruitfully communicated on the subject "rate on weight". Now it would be desirable to talk more about the creating training and "drying". Whether there is, by the way, some communication between these cycles?

Doctor Lyuber: Let's deliver everything on the places. There are athletes competing at competitions who need "peak" to a certain date of a tournament, and those who want to be in good shape all the year round. The competing athlete can do everything that considers it necessary, proceeding from the previous experience, and here nobody to it not the decree. It is better for regular "advanced fan" to bring nevertheless at first himself in rather "shaped up", and only then began, the weights set. The phase in addition to a specific training assumes also plentiful food with emphasis on carbohydrates. To do "cycle" against the background of a fair inventory of fat — madness because in case of the diet sounded above fat will grow in the same proportion in what it already is! In other words, already available fat will provoke set new fat. And against the background of same "sound board" all this will awfully look. And if the competing athlete for the sake of the purposes quietly transfers also not such reflection in a mirror, then not competing fan from such pictures can break net psychologically …

H: That is you advise the "regular" athlete at first to get rid of fat and only then to begin a rate? And there is no risk together with fat to lose also muscles?

DL: When the person long didn't "contrive" D. L., it lost as it is all muscles which could be lost therefore it will be difficult "to be scattered" — there is nothing to scatter! Before the first course (the first course, but also the first course after a long break means not necessarily in general), the hormonal system works already "at the", and on a body there were only those muscles which it is only possible "to kill" absolutely somehow having perverted in trainings.

H: Proceeding from the aforesaid it is obvious that without fat you don't trust in a set of qualitative "weight"?

D. L.: Possessing "average" genetics, "user" the EXPERT has to be defined accurately for himself that specifically he wants? To prepare for competitions and to gain "superweight" (the term is used without any substake, is super for this concrete individual) in off-season with subsequent "drying", or all the year round to be rather "dry" And to gather absolutely gradually, but is "qualitative". A set of "qualitative meat" — piece, of course, attractive, but if the nature didn't release tendency to "dryness", then this process becomes very heavy and labor-consuming. Besides bigger on volume (than at "just set") a training, it both a constant diet, and regular aerobic loadings. By itself, as purely visually results of these titanic efforts won't be especially noticeable. But here everyone for himself solves.

If the athlete participates in competitions of times a year, he reaches "quality", God grant, if for a month. "in quality" it will be constant — won't progress in volumes - it is an axiom. If you a fitnessist who is fixated on a form, then my council: yes you don't pursue a set of "meat"! Easier the relief will hold. Everything is simple. A relief at 95 kg and at 80 are two big differences. If you want to be constantly in "quality" and to have volumes as at "pro" is, to put it is not fair. The Lord released such gift to one on one million and even those, whom we see on the stage of Olympia, can't brag of year-round "quality". You can try Hepatamin.

Coming back to a subject: you are engaged "for yourself" and you want to make a massonaborny cycle — at first get rid of fat. When big-bellied uncles begin the weights set, I feel sincerely sorry for them, Let they instead of 100 kg will weigh 120, the paunch will remain just the same. The ideas of body building consists in constructing a beautiful body, but not just to gather "meat". And such problem isn't solved in one stage. And the sequence of these stages can be absolutely different depending on that initial form in which there is training.

H: Let's say what after all is in the beginning certain fatty and surplus and is necessary "to be dried". What then?

D. L.: Then the first rate of such athlete is ocsandrolon + EKA (a combination ephedrine — caffeine — aspirin), and all. Oksandrolon will softly stimulate and support muscular amounts, and EKA will burn fatty deposits. By the way, it is already a few years as a ban on EKA withdrawn in many states of the USA. As our legislative system likes to copy approach of this country, it is interesting whether negative approach to it in principle to absolutely harmless and unique really effective will change in the Russian Federation? In what benefits of such approach? First, such "drying" will take place much more effectively and more without serious consequences, than "natural". At the same time the user those "will practically not concern the EXPERT" by which it is accepted to frighten inhabitants. Small departure: besides that in practice practically all these are net decided, ocsandrolon is one of the most harmless the EXPERT developed for acceptance by women and children. Secondly, after "drying" the athlete will understand absolutely accurately that at him on a body not so. Before gathering, itself should understand, as where to gather. When the person is covered with a layer something low-presentable, he doesn't see the strong and weak points. It is possible to gather, of course, "on perimeter": everywhere more as it is done by many. But such way isn't represented to me rational — disproportions will remain, and instead of the little freak we will receive it only inflated extensively (laughs).

G: Speaking about "drying", you didn't mention not the word about stanozolol.

D. L.: Is possible is used, and it if you aren't afraid for sheaves. The relation to this medicine became very specific recently. Advanced "users" understand that it isn't useful to sheaves and try to apply it on a minimum. At most — weeks eight. If it is possible to do without it, to do in general without it better. It is better to leave this medicine to the competing athletes not to provoke a problem.

G: That is you claim that stanozolol is harmful to sheaves?

H: I don't approve D. L., and simply saw ligaments torn owing to acceptance of this medicine at elevator operators. When they didn't apply it, sheaves were whole.

H: So, we have found out that even if your purpose the weights set, then it is all the same necessary to begin with "drying" if you have surplus of fat. What then when you already podnabrat "meat"? Sharp change of the mode and dumping of weight? Or some more sparing options?

D. L.: Intermediate consolidation of muscles, certainly, has to be present. It is possible to call this phase forming. "Meat" has to become "qualitative", "be developed". Earlier it was always practiced at athletes. And now everything has come down to two stages: has gathered — "has dried". As a result at such approach a considerable part of gathered is lost. And if there was an intermediate phase aimed at consolidation of muscles, "meat" would remain more.

H: What medicines are applied in this stage?

D. L.: Certainly, is about medicines, the detaining not a lot of water. You gather on "water-pressure" medicines, and they, obviously, "indicate radioactivity" still some time after cancellation. And on their background the medicines with a high androgenic index but keeping water in much smaller degree are connected. There is as if "a change of composition of a body", that is the weight of the athlete remains without special change, but the specific share of muscles increases due to reduction of an amount of water and somewhat — fat as actively aerobic loadings and restrictions in a diet already begin to be connected. Earlier in this phase the combination from testosterone of propionate, an injection primobolan and an oral stanozolol was popular, but present criteria of "weight" demand combinations more powerfully. The main medicine in this phase trenbolone in the form of acetate or a tritren + by itself testosterone (long or short is individually for each athlete) + perhaps stanozolol or drostanolon (masteron). The average duration of "the forming phase" — 6-8 weeks. I will add also that I consider injection trenbolone the most powerful of the EXPERT. And the most dangerous — as his potential side effects beat first of all the most painful sphere for any man: a permanent state "on the half-sixth" — it is terrible. That it hasn't occurred, it is necessary to apply trenbolone very accurately — first, to limit duration of its application to "cycles" in 6-8 weeks. Secondly, not to apply it it is frequent, at most — 2 times a year. Thirdly, never to tear off a course on trenbolone and, at least, 3-4 more weeks after his cancellation to apply testosterone and stanozolol. Well and, fourthly, parallel to a tren to apply the medicines minimizing it side effects for the sexual sphere: proviron and dostinecs. As for an oral form of trenbolone, its bioavailability is catastrophically low and to apply it therefore it is necessary in very high dosages. Then expectations from its application will be justified and won't be "effect of placebo" …

H: The following phase is directly "drying"?

DL: Here we risk to get entangled with D. L. in terms. If to understand disposal of subcutaneous fat and giving to muscles of "relief" as "drying", then this process very actively goes also on "the creating phase", especially in its second part when effect of "water-pressure" medicines comes to naught practically. It is unconditional that all this occurs against the background of the corresponding training, a diet and aerobic loadings is as if by itself it is meant. I will introduce the seditious idea: that who doesn't aim at participation in competitions that "relief" that will be reached in the "creating" phase, can appear quite enough. For the same who is inclined to masochism and didn't dismiss an idea to step on the stage of competitions in bodybuilding, the last phase — "drying" and "eyeliner". Success basis here — well in any way not medicines, and the diet and the plum mode of water which are correctly picked up under the specific athlete. Here all so individually that you shouldn't sound it unambiguously because, having read similar recommendations in a separation from the specific athlete, the neophyte can foolishly just try to copy read without amendments on individual reaction of the organism and as a result it to appear on a hospital bed. Generally and whole, regarding directly medicines on this phase, unambiguously to refuse better those which "hold water" and medicines absolutely different for each specific individual can appear those. Medicines which not only don't hold water are unambiguously good in this phase, but also promote its removal — for example, stanozolol and "short" masteron (especially option on oleate).

H: And primobolan?

D. L.: Primobolan is a very specific medicine. Its reception seems to me expedient only in two cases: or for beginners and women though I categorically don't approve the use of steroids by ladies. And the second option — together with testosterone and an oxymetabosom for lowering of various ghost effects last. Yes, as I already spoke above, earlier "stack" for "eyeliner" from vinstrol was quite popular (about 10 years ago), very few people use primobolan and oksandrolon, but now "prima" in this phase.

H: It is about the injection or oral form?

D. L.: Tableted primobolan is a thing absolutely useless for men. There was a resistant belief that it helps to retain muscles by operation on a relief and to increase something qualitative. Various experiments showed that any changes of appearance connected to its reception are practically not noticeable and at the same time, considering the cost of prmobolan very painfully hit the pocket

H: And ocsandrolon?

D. L.: Oksandrolon is a remarkable medicine for women, is equal as for the last 2-3 weeks by preparation for competitions in men's BB. It doesn't "hold" water, but allows retaining muscle bulk. But it isn't necessary to speak about accumulation of "weight" in case of reception of oksandrolon. When athletes, fairly methane taste, wait suddenly for some miracle effect of oksandrolon, I want to regret them sincerely. Purely — it makes a sense to men to use my judgement oksandrolon is only for maintenance of muscles in terminal phase of preparation for competitions in BB. Well and on initial stage of acquaintance with the EXPERT.

H: And what else from the EXPERT it is possible to advice for women?

DL: I would advise D. L. NOTHING. The aspiration of women to become similar to men in respect of muscular development and all metamorphoses accompanying it are represented to me absolutely unnatural. And I try to dissuade and stop all familiar girls who else can be braked in this direction. For the same ladies to whom already "late to drink Borjomi" the safest set of medicines is injection primobolan for set and ocsandrolon on "drying". Also before recent time by women it was applied shouted-turinabol because on it it was possible to slip a drug test. Now, first, doping tests were enhanced, and shouted-turinabol find in an organism 50-60 days later after the end of acceptance. And the second moment consists in Russia not to find now that the medicines containing actually shouted-turinabol. That is those who used as they considered, shouted-turinabol, amicably came across then on a drug test which showed presence at an organism of metabolites absolutely of other substances. Therefore when some unknown and the EXPERT only entering the market the producer loudly declares availability in a line of the products shouted-turinabola, it is necessary to approach similar statements extremely skeptically. It is necessary to consider that producers "with a name" and substance years of service for production shouted-turinabola to find not in a condition.

H: Why then some products which allegedly contain shouted-turinabol which isn't, in fact, there, are in great demand at athletes?

DL: And everything just from Turinadrol from "the Face of Labs" prt D. L. stronger, than from methane. Especially in respect of a set of force. It was noticed quickly enough by elevator operators. At the same time doesn't "fill in" you with water. But what lies in these jars — who knows, mix something with something. On a drug test methane, but in some microscopic concentration comes to light. The unique firms from attendees at the market of the former Soviet Union who managed to buy substance shouted-turinabola, were Balkans And "Loudspeaker". But also at them this was present only when offices entered the market and won the place there. From "Loudspeaker" long ago in general nothing is already heard about "turika", and a situation with shouted-turinabolom from Balkan just the same now, as well as at all other producers.

H: There is a statement that in 10 days prior to competitions it is necessary to refuse all medicines. Is it so?

D. L.: Well why it is so rigid? In 2-3 weeks the medicines detaining water, in 5-7 days — growth hormone clean up. But several medicines are applied even in day of a tournament to veins, filling of muscles not to lose muscle bulk.

H: What is applied in day of a tournament?

D. L.: No commets, all too individually. I will notice only that never saw that the expected effect has been gained from the application of an ocsimetolon sounded in one of magazines — just fills in with water and all … Important nuance — the athlete shouldn't stop reception the EXPERT right after the tournament! At an organism owing to manipulations with water and electrolytes there is chaos and a terrible imbalance, cancellation the EXPERT who will even more aggravate … Testosterone propionate on 50-100 mg every other day + HGG on 500-1000 PIECES of times in 3 days + tamoxifen, and all this for 3-4 weeks — the similar stack will help an organism to return to normal quicker. And here you shouldn't train in the hall during this period unambiguously!

H: The doctor thank you for a substantial conversation. Whenever possible get to us on a spark more often!

D. L.: Of course!

Article is published in the GERKULES magazine No. 2, 2011.

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