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09 Dec 2016

Potassium is a mineral substance, metal, is the vital element for the person.

Potassium regulates acid-base equilibrium of a blood. He participates in transfer of nervous impulses, speeds up work of a series of enzymes, speeds up muscular work of heart, well influences work of a skin and kidneys. Potassium possesses protective action against undesirable influence of excess of sodium and normalizes blood pressure. For this reason in certain cases table salt is produced with potassium chloride addition. A potassium is capable to strengthen release of urine that is important at edemas and poisonings for fast removal of toxins from a blood.

Deficiency of potassium

Deficiency of a potassium can arise at plentiful loss of liquid, use according to indications of corticosteroids, diuretics (attention: treat group of dope!), etc. It is necessary to consider also that any stress with excess production of adrenocorticotropic hormone conducts to augmentation of loss of a potassium with urine, and the ability of an organism to potassium deduction taped in the spring sharply decreases in summertime.

Diagnostics of disturbances of potassium exchange is complicated as potassium level in blood serum isn't an indicator of its level in an organism. At appreciable deficiency of a potassium contents it in a blood can be normal or raised. Do not forget take Renisamin for better results.

It is considered to be: potassium level in blood serum ¼Ý¬ó/l has to suggest about 4 an idea of its deficiency, and the contents lower than 3,8 ¼Ý¬ó/l confirms hypopotassemia.

Salts of potassium are a part practically of all sports drinks, including especially rehydration.

Potassium in food

Food rich with potassium: potatoes, nettle, carrots, horse-radish, cabbage, red beet, onions. It is a lot of potassium in dried fruits, fruits, apples, grapes, bean.

Content of potassium in some foodstuff

Product / Content of potassium, mg / 100 of a product

Cocoa powder / 1689

Haricot / 1061

Peas / 873

Raisin / 860

Peanuts (peanut) / 732

Sorrel / 573

Potatoes / 568

Buckwheat / 380

Blackcurrant / 365

Peaches / 363

Grits / 362

Currant red / 350

Veal / 345

Walnuts / 309

Apricots are fresh / 305

Grain millet / 286

Green peas / 285

Red cabbage / 257

Cherry / 256

Grapes / 255

Radish / 250

Cauliflower / 210

Millet / 210

Bananas / 209

Potassium in bodybuilding

Potassium - the major electrolyte which in large numbers is present at muscle cells and works together with sodium. Potassium provides emergence of electric potential in muscle fibers and nervous cages without what reducing muscles isn't possible. Potassium participates in formation of glikogen inventory which is required at trainings.

The lack of potassium is most often shown by spasms and spasms which usually arise in muscles of the lower extremities, force of muscles decreases, there is dehydration.

Potassium for women

The research Arjun Seth and Yasmin Mossavar-Rahmani veiled in 2014 showed that additional reception of a potassium has a positive impact on health. At women the risk of a stroke decreases and life expectancy is enlarged. A potassium is in addition recommended to be accepted with the increased arterial pressure, especially at advanced age.

Recommended doses

Need of the adult for a potassium - 2-5 g/days. The over dosage of a potassium can be unhealthy, especially for work of heart.

U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends to consume to women 4,7 g of a potassium daily (mainly with food).

Drugs of potassium

Potassium drugs (Panangin) rank high in prophylaxis and treatment of a dystrophia of a myocardium owing to a chronic physical overstrain, and also diagnostics of its genesis (a test load potassium chloride).

However it is necessary to consider that drugs of a potassium reduce intra atrial, intra ventricular and HEY - conduction; therefore at retardation of LU of conduction at athletes (PQ> 0,22) and the expressed they need to be used with a certain share of care.

Prescribing potassium salts, it is necessary to take into account and their predilection to accumulation in an organism (especially against the background of a diet with the insufficient content of sodium). In this regard course use of salts of potassium (2-3 weeks at most) is more expedient then the break is necessary.

At urgent need single use of drug under the name a potassium-normin isn't excluded (synonyms: K-light, potassium Sodium chloridum), released in tablets on 1 g and tablets of the prolonged action on 1 g.

At purpose of drugs of a potassium it is necessary to consider: inorganic compounds of a potassium render irritant action on a mucosa of a stomach and an intestine (reception on an empty stomach of potassium chloride can cause even emergence of stomach ulcer and a duodenum; a chloride potassium in tablets especially negatively influences). Panangin (organic compound) is transferred better and is less toxic at long appointment.


Histamine and Anandamide

09 Dec 2016

Physiologist Dr. Doping tells about histamine neurons, cannabinoid receptors and synthesis of anandamide.

Histamine is a substance which is more commonly known as tissue hormone but at the same time it is a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and it is important and interesting. Histamine was once opened in decaying proteins. It is a degradation product (it can be said chemical transformation) of one amino acid from the food. This amino acid is called histidine. From histidine special enzyme cleaves the carbon dioxide, and it turns out histamine. By the way, this way the conversion of amino acids is quite typical. That is, there are a number of mediators that are obtained by splitting off carbon dioxide from amino acids. This is called decarboxylation. For example, serotonin from tryptophan obtained from tyrosine - dopamine and norepinephrine, and from histidine - histamine. This histamine when it comes to its features of tissue hormone is contained in those cells that are responsive to the penetration of foreign molecules. This histamine is responsible for a fast immune response, with the rapid development of inflammation in a situation where the body suddenly climbed microbes, viruses or when you inadvertently poked the needle knife or hurt yourself. At the time when our body began to penetrate any foreign molecules - whether bacteria or allergens - cells containing histamine to react to it and begin to throw the substance into the extracellular medium.

To improve immune system buy Ladasten, Semax, Metaprot, Lucetam and Bonomarlot.

The main group of cells called "mast cells." Accordingly, the total histamine triggers inflammation, vasodilatation, edema - we all know it is primarily for allergic reactions, when something is not inhaled and now flowed from the nose or bronchi zaspazmirovalis or body itches. In order to remove these symptoms at some point they were invented, discovered antihistamines, which, as we now realize, are antagonists of histamine receptors. If we look at our bodies, we distinguish three types of histamine receptors, they are called H1, H2, H3. Histamine - H. During inflammatory reaction responsible histamine receptors of the first type, and also quite a lot in the brain. Histamine receptors of the second type are more related to the gastrointestinal tract: they are responsible for the secretion of gastric juice, and it is a separate function of histamine. Finally, H3-receptors - they are H1, found in the brain. Before the brain, we'll get, but first let us agree about inflammation.

It turns out that if we want to remove the inflammatory effects, we must block the histamine receptors. In the middle of the XX century were invented and discovered drugs such as diphenhydramine, suprastin that are very helpful in allergy and inflammation of any excessive variations. And then suddenly it turned out that these medications serious neurotrophic effects simultaneously with its anti-inflammatory action, they also hamper the work of the brain, so much so that even at that time there were attempts to create on the basis of the same suprastin something like hypnotic substances. Why is the impact on the brain, later became apparent when in different brain structures began to open receptors H1 and the H3, and then found out that the synapses and nerve cells, which have been operating for histamine as a mediator.

It was found that histamine neurons in general rather small. They are located in an area called mamillary body - it is a small area at the bottom of the back of the hypothalamus. Externally, these mamillary body visible as such paired projections, and there are the histamine neurons, and their axons diverge quite widely throughout the brain. In fact, they are one component system sleep and wakefulness. And histamine in the brain works as a mild stimulating neurotransmitter that is one of the components of such a system of maintaining a sufficiently high level of wakefulness. And it turns out that if we use an antagonist of histamine, in order to block the inflammation, we at the same time slow down the brain, and this is not good. Therefore, the further development and evolution of pharmaceutical preparations histamine were changes in the direction of their molecules, they are inferior to pass the blood-brain barrier. And the modern antihistamines, in theory, the brain almost did not have to act - ideally should absolutely not. They must remain after taking the pill on the periphery, to remove swelling somewhere in the nasal cavity or into the bronchi and not get to the brain.

In addition, pharmacists have had such a great idea - to turn to the main side effect. If histamine activates the brain, and its antagonists retarding the nervous system, then let's do such antagonists of histamine receptors, which are very good to pass the blood-brain barrier, almost no effect on peripheral inflammation could, but worked as already some anti-anxiety drugs. And this paradoxical idea was realized. First, any molecules that are used as drugs against motion sickness. Accordingly, if you are somewhere cradles, such as on the bus, and if you sailed on a cruise, the drugs do not interfere. And then on the basis of these drugs were created substances which are already functioning as tranquilizers and positioned, apply now as a soothing connection. In this case, they are sold on prescription, and the doctor should prescribe this drug. Histamine-anxiety drugs are very important addition to the usual soothing therapy, which uses mainly GABA agonists. And the study of the properties of antihistamines, in fact, is just beginning.

Anandamide is a neurotransmitter that has been opened relatively recently, in 1992. This material long sought because its receptors have been discovered a few years earlier, but agonists of these receptors are known to mankind since time immemorial, because it is the toxins that are a part of many plants, particularly cannabis. The effects of cannabis, marijuana go through the so-called cannabinoid receptors, and natural mediator of these cannabinoid receptors is just anandamide. Even the cannabinoids were discovered not so long ago - in the early 1960s as part of marijuana, hashish, although the impact of these compounds on the human brain is very well known and marketed as a sedative, recreational: the removal of the stress, mood elevation, mild euphoria. Of course, those involved in the brain, was interested in what is happening specifically in the synapses under the influence of cannabis and what are the receptors for this. When anandamide was discovered, they were all surprised by what his chemical structure because the majority of our mediators - is either amino acids or amino acid derivatives, rather small molecules.

Anandamide is a fatty acid derivative, and this is its unusual chemical uniqueness. The fatty acid is a component of the membranes of all our cells. It is known that cell membrane - is such a lipid bilayer film, and, accordingly, there are various fatty acids. One is called the arachidonic acid. From it and synthesized anandamide. It can act on specific receptors, and when we start to look for these receptors and see how with respect to these receptors localized anandamide, again we see a very unique situation: in the case of anandamide signaling goes from the axon to the next cell that is not from presynaptic to postsynaptic level, but on the contrary, from the postsynaptic target cell to the axon that releases a key mediator. Indeed, anandamide and the cannabinoid receptor system - it is a unique way to tell which is the target cell axon like it to operate, affect its operations. This important feedback that allows you to configure the synapse to perform a specific task by some optimal way.

Thus, there is anandamide in the postsynaptic cell cytoplasm. Then, due to its fat-like properties, it easily passes through the postsynaptic membrane, enters the synaptic cleft and acts on cannabinoid receptors that are found on the membrane of the axon. And then it turns out that the effects of cannabinoid receptors in the main brake, that is, their activation causes a decrease in calcium intake, increasing potassium entrance and generally retarding the secretion of neurotransmitters. If we begin to look at where these receptors are localized, we find them in the brain and internal organs, especially in the cells associated with the immune system. But it is different receptor types. In the brain, are the first type of cannabinoid receptors - CB1, while the immune system cells - the second type of cannabinoid receptors. But here and there the effect of the brake. If we talk about synapses, this reduction in allocation of different neurotransmitters.

The first type of cannabinoid receptors are spread thinly throughout the brain. They are in the spinal cord, so they are capable of handling different functions. Hence the plural action of cannabinoids. They affect the activities of the different components of our body and psyche. Most axons on cannabinoid receptors that produce GABA. There is a braking control. If we use the agonist anandamide or if a person smokes marijuana, the effects are a lot of disinhibition effects. Boosts brain function. A typical effect is the increase in food motivation. A person who is under the influence of marijuana, eating 3-5 times more than the average person.

Reported a small rise of mood and physical activity becomes less, with the exception of voice. There talkativeness, which is the effect of marijuana consumption. If you enter it long and hard or too often consume cannabis, the effect becomes stronger. According to the synaptic mechanism formed habituation and dependence. One of the unpleasant effects - memory impairment. Formation of drug abuse leads to a drop of vital motivation. The person who receives the positive emotions of the drug ceases to actively interact with the outside world.

Because cannabinoid receptors linked cannabis, these receptors are often perceived as an element of the drug system. But in fact it is the most important unit of the brain, which is able to control many synapses. Therefore, for cannabinoid agonists and antagonists of a great future for both drugs that are able to control your appetite, mood, and overall level of excitation of nerve cells. If use of cannabinoid receptor agonists can inhibit the activity of neurons. These agonists are promising group of anti-epileptic drugs. The same can be said of Alzheimer's disease because of the disease characterized by excessive activity of many cortical cells. If we have cannabinoid receptor agonists that reduce NMDA-receptors to glutamate job, you get an effective medication. But it should be so modified that it does not affect the center of positive emotions, but had no narcotic effect. In addition, there is a development of analgesics based on the activity of cannabinoid receptors, and it's all very promising.


How to keep muscles after a rate of anabolic steroids

09 Dec 2016

Nothing so just in this life happens. This energy conservation law works in all spheres of our life. Including when you climb up from a rate. After huge fat plus in the form of increases of muscle bulk and force there is corresponding minus. And our task to minimize it. This is not about complete elimination. It isn't possible since it should again sits down on a rate. Why does that happen?

During a rate you receive very big bonus in respect of hormonal stimulation in general and in respect of anabolism in particular. It is expressed in faster recovery between trainings, in faster and volume accumulating of the necessary substances in muscles (a glycogen, amino acids), in big loadings which can digest your muscles. However, when you stop we will accept dope, your system reverts to the original state (at best), and your hormonal system becomes more often slightly worse for some time, than was to a rate.

It is connected with the fact that your glands some time were "fallen asleep" didn't work), and those hormones which you received from out of, aren't available now. "Kickback" results. Which main reasons:

  • Decrease in amount of anabolic hormones (testosterone)
  • Increase in catabolic hormones (cortisol) and estrogen

All other reasons, are anyway connected with the specified two. Therefore if to continue to train just as you have got used during a course of use of anabolic steroids, you will lose if not all, the majority of gathered. At a rest stage after a course our task comes down to two things:

As soon as possible to restore the natural hormonal background

To reduce catabolic influence of external factors (trainings) to necessary.

Before I pass to concrete recommendations I want to note that I especially don't believe that it is possible to keep long time result (first of all in a muscular hypertrophy) than that natural maximum which is put in you by the nature. I.e. as if strongly hasn't inflated you on steroids if you take a break rather long (for example 6-12 months), then you "will be blown off" to the natural maximum. Let's tell if you the man of an average constitution and growth (170-180 cm), long enough and consciously engaged with a bar at control of a diet (you not fat), then your weight is stabilized about 90 kg (+ — 10 kg). You can inflate the muscles to 120 kg, for example, but if completely exclude anabolic steroids from the menu, your weight will come down to 90 kg. By the way, in this plan it is remained in force slightly better than muscle bulk since force is only one parameter, and muscle bulk as a rule this development and forces, both power endurance, and power capacities … is shorter, a number of factors which depend on an anabolic profile more, than the maximum force in itself. You can also like Testalamin.

These 90 kg. (average) will move up on condition of a systematic training with age. A training experience, and also slowing down metabolism to that the reason. Let's tell, at the age of 30-40 years you can count on the weight of 90-100 kg. Well, I think you have understood: "kickback" seeks to return you to natural state. What ways to slow down this process exist?

Restoration of a hormonal background after reception of AAS (PKT). We need to restore as soon as possible our natural level of hormones after a course. For this purpose to understand how it is better to make it you have to know as regulation of a hormonal background in your organism is carried out. I will remind you highlights.

When there is a lot of Testosterone in System, the organism reduces his development (on course AAS).

When testosterone in the FEW System, the organism increases his development (to natural).

Regulation carries out the HYPOPHYSIS and GIPOTOLAMUS. They give orders to testicles.

This looks so if testosterone isn't enough, then a hypophysis GRG (Gonadotropin Releasing Gormon) for the Hypophysis increases development. Which in reply increases development of gonadotrophins (Lyuteniziruyushchy and Folikulostimuliruyushchy hormones) which force your testicles to vrabatyvat testosterone.

  • HYPOTHALAMUS – GRG (releasing hormone)
  • HYPOPHYSIS – LG + FSG (gonadotrophins)
  • TESTICLES – Testosterone

Thus it is clear that for the most bystry recovery we shall stimulate all production rates. Testicles shall work well, and gonadotrophins shall be developed naturally. Add to it the fact that the ratio estrogen (women's hormones) and androgens (men's hormones) is often broken after a rate and prevents bystry recovery and the beginning of work of a gipotolamus, and it will become clear to you that it is not really simple task. Most of which often is also the reason of big losses in muscle bulk after a rate.

Recovery of Testicles

Well. Let's solve a problem parts. Also we will begin with testicles. During a rate of acceptance of anabolic steroids they "dry out" in the amount of and often further even if gonadotrophins are developed in enough, limit development of natural testosterone. How to fight against it? For this purpose we have HGCh or artificial gonadotrophins. For you it is important to understand that HGCh (a human horionichesky gonadotrophin) PREVENTS the atrophy of testicles caused by decrease in development of own testosterone from acceptance of steroids. Here everything is very simple.

The less testosterone is produced, the less there are testicles.

The longer you on a rate, the there are less testicles.

The longer a rate, the more it is necessary for time for recovery of testicles.

Any AAS (even lungs) are analogs of hormones and they cause reduction of testicles.

But size in itself, fact not especially important. As one my familiar trainer spoke: "And for what reason to me egg?". But there is also a practical negative moment. The matter is that practically right after a rate catches the low level of testosterone and gives orders will be emitted hormone (LH) for production of Releasing of Hormone who forces with hypophysis and leads to testosterone development, in the theory. And in practice if the person had a long rate (for example 12 weeks), then its small testicles are simply not able to react as it is necessary on stimulation by gonadotrophins. They atrophied not only in the amount of, but also in functionality. And in this case plenty of time for this purpose that testicles dispersed after a long dream is required. All this time the level of the test will be lowered and will lead to considerable losses in the muscle bulk and force.

CONCLUSION: if the course long, then better in advance (when still eggs as it should be) takes care of their restoration and normal work.

PRACTICE: The reasonable decision is use of HGCh (Gonad) during course AAS. It will prevent an atrophy of your globules. Many advise to use the Gonad after a course. I against such scheme because HGCh "deceives" a hypothalamus (the hormone releasing works without order) and by that an axis of G-G-Ya (gipotolamus-pituitary bodies-testicles) am not restored. Acting this way, you thereby postpone the time of a complete recovery after a course. Besides, if you use HGCh, then is useless to apply Tamoxifenum and Clomifene (important prepa to restoration), but about it later.

Most often it makes sense to apply HGCh on 500ME in day for 7-10 days. Why it is necessary to prick not longly (1-2 weeks)? The matter is that testicles can "get used" to HGCh and won't become sensitive to hormone. So less than 3 weeks it is possible (1-2 weeks), and it isn't desirable anymore!

Anti-estrogens for restoration

It will be a question of two most popular anti-estrogens: clomifene Citras (Clamidum) and Tamoxifenum Citras Both of these drugs are important for restoration after course AAS because they help to put a hypothalamus into active operation. NOTE: according to the latest data it (is clinically proved) Tamoxifenum it is recognized as very harmful drug. In many countries it was forbidden long ago. The best alternative is letrozole!

As I already spoke, during a course the quantity not only testosterone, but also estrogen (women's hormones) changes too that strongly slows down restoration after you stop steroid therapy. Why? The matter is that though the hypothalamus almost instantly begins the work (emission a releasing of hormones for a hypophysis) in case of the reduced amount of testosterone (that we observe after a course), however to it very great estrogen which suppresses development of LG interfere with the process. Our task at this stage to reduce activity of estrogen for restoration of all arch.

Well — someone will tell. And if I used not flavored steroids on a course (those which don't turn into women's hormones)? The lake to., friends. In this case you need to use all the same anti-estrogen for this purpose to block aromatization of own testosterone, or that testosterone which was produced in response to stimulation of HGCh.

PRACTICE: It is desirable for you to wait for cancellation of artificial androgens (AAS) before using klomid or tamoks since androgens slow down work of a hypothalamus (development of LG). I.e. if you guzzle klomid with the stimulating purpose for restoration of an arch, then consider time of half-decay of anabolic steroids (wait when they cease to work). However it doesn't belong to that situation when you uses anti-estrogen for fight against the raised background of women's hormones on Crous (has got out gino etc.).

Usually accept "a loading dose" of KLOMIDA of 50 mg x 4 = 200 mg during the day at once. And then pass to "the raised worker" a dose 50 x 2 =100 mg within a week. After that within three weeks eat "the ordinary worker" a dose of 50 mg a day. If you use TAMOXIFEN, then dosages will be 80 mg (the first day), 40 mg "the raised worker" and 20 mg a day "the ordinary worker". Though personally I usually begin at once with 20 mg (one tablet) a day.

What else will help?

There is a wish to note still such sports additive as tribulis which influences a hypothalamus, forcing to be restored by an arch quicker. Superfluous, this additive won't be, anyway, though don't wait for special effect of it.

Often advise to use creatine after a course for conservation of results. EDITING: It is necessary to remember the important fact - the exogenous creatine oppresses own Testosteron-Depotum! And after its course AAS and so it isn't enough. EDITING EXTREMITY. Well also we have still some things which help to keep muscles and force too. It is first of all insulin – transport hormone and hormone of body height. However I against because the first most often without androgens and in the conditions of the lowered training load will turn you into a pig, and very expensive and on the present well work with the second only together with AAS. Generally, if you dry by nature ectomorf, then insulin are your decision or if you Bill Gates then body height hormone is the decision too for you. The rest isn't followed to abuse these things between courses because for depression of level of losses we have more reasonable methods: competent training, in particular. We will also talk about it now.


How to hide reception of steroids and banned drugs

09 Dec 2016

Masking of reception of doping substances has approximately the same story, as well as history of their application and doping examination. In the beginning she was spontaneous when doctors, athletes and trainers expected that they will be able to accelerate by means of diuretic medicines and other procedures removal of the accepted doping substances to avoid possible doping scandal if the athlete actually accepted banned drugs. Now the following methods when the laboratory of doping examination yields positive result about existence in a dope organism before competitions or in the course of their carrying out (especially anabolic steroids) are used.

Read: terms of detection of steroids.

Methods of concealment and acceleration of removal dope of drugs.

  • 1.Most often athletes apply short-range Aethers of anabolic steroids which are removed quickly enough.
  • 2.Reception of anabolic steroids as some doctors and trainers consider, can be leveled at simultaneous use of diuretics. It is supposed that removal of a large amount of liquid from an organism of the athlete will exempt his depot from steroids. Actually if it also occurs, then in insignificant degree. But all diuretics are entered in the list of the forbidden medicinal preparations for this reason as well as because they promote a body weight loss in sports where there are weight categories. If in biological tests of the athlete the diuretic is found, then the athlete is exposed to sanctions in connection with use of dopes.
  • 3.Analytical chemists prompted to trainers and doctors that simultaneous use with dope of polycyclic bonds can distort a picture of a chromatogram and a mass spectrum substantially. Antibiotics of cyclic structure (tetracyclic series and others), and also derivative adamantana bromantane which appears in the List of the forbidden substances as a stimulator belong to such drugs. Therefore its use for the purpose of concealment of reception of dopes is double disturbance of demands of WADA.
  • 4.Drug probenetsid is used as the masking agent who at several o'clock reduces egestion of steroids with urine and allows to pass a doping test (WADA is forbidden).
  • 5.If in biological tests of the athlete not declared medicine is found, then it can be regarded as unknown dope with the following consequences.
  • 6.There is a wrong point of view that acceptance of a large number of lemons will help to be exempted from high concentration of doping substances of steroid structure, first of all, of anabolic steroids. Generally this point of view doesn't maintain any criticism as steroids are hydrophobic connections and accumulate in fatty tissue from where they are released slowly, especially if drug was injected parenterally as it isn't subject to effect of metabolizing enzymes of an endoplasmic retikulum (R-450 cytochrome and others). The same can be told also attempts of "pasture" of steroids by means of acceptance of dry wine.

Certainly, in some cases masking of use of doping substances is effective. The effective ways of masking including the timely termination of acceptance of banned drugs, and also use of the dosage forms which are hardly determined for a drug test are developed, in particular. For example, the basis for accusation of athletes in use of medicines of testosterone is violation of a ratio in content in urine of testosterone and an epitestosteron (Ò/Å). At most of people this ratio constitutes 1: 1, at some — the natural level of testosterone is much higher that led to establishment since 2004 of the most admissible ratio 4: 1 (from 1982 to 2004 it the most admissible ratio was considered by 6: 1). In fig. 3.22 distribution of ratio Ò/Å in population of athletes is shown (selection constitutes 5069 people).

In analysis Ò/Å not only the T and E, but also all steroid profile of the person is looked through. At the same time, consumption of these or those steroids can have significant effect on it. Thus, an indirect way it is possible to register their acceptance. You can try Ovariamin.

Today there is a set of methods to hide acceptance of steroids from the controlling services including concerning use of testosterone. It both schemes of use of medicine, and acceptance of tablets instead of oil injections, and use of the special plasters which are constantly providing the athlete's organism with testosterone through skin, and high doses of an epitestosteron for preserving a necessary ratio between testosterone and epitestosteron. Both fixed testing of the athlete and maintenance of a ratio of testosterone and an epitestosteron at the level of not higher than 4:1 is effective that provides high training effect and guarantees lack of a positive sample on use of testosterone. For obvious reasons technical details of methods of masking of doping substances aren't given in the book.

The pharmaceutical industry works for the sake of high profits and on other projects of creation of the masking agents and new doping substances, but, it should be noted that it is quite laborious and expensive work which won't justify the spent means (especially in the field of synthesis and practical application of peptide analogs of STG, AKTG, GTG hormones and some other). As by-products they can be recommended as the means increasing endogenous concentration of testosterone, adrenaline, noradrenaline and other biogenous amines.

The attempt to hide use of the forbidden substances can be performed also at all stages of transfer of tests by their substitution on others, not containing these substances. For example, to athletes enter into a bladder a catheter with reservoir which contains amount of urine, necessary for the analysis. At the time of an urination the pro-barrel from a catheter is taken out and not own urine, but urine follows from special reservoir in which the forbidden substances or their metabolites aren't found.

To be fair it should be noted that there is a probability of false representation of opposite property. For example, in doping laboratory can use pipettes, ware, etc. on which surface doping substances are intentionally applied. Cases when the athlete was intentionally fed with food which contained the forbidden substances took place (it is known, for example, that if to hens to enter anabolic steroids, then in case of consumption of such chicken meat anabolic steroids are found in urine).

Substitution of urine

The first way to make the test is a small procedure under the name the return catheterization. As well as it is meant by the name, the catheter is entered into an empty bladder. The package for intravenous injection is filled with artificial urine or urine of other person, pressed on a package and pour in urine in a bladder. The return catheterization can lead to a positive doping test at removal of a large number of metabolites: too much time passes between filling and bladder emptying. The athlete needs to consider probability of an infection of urinary tract, a bladder, perforation, emergence of cicatrixes, etc. that at all not a rarity in this abnormal procedure.

Less extreme way provides the small invention under the name "secret girdle". One of demands to the analysis of urine is its temperature. A condition of reception of the analysis is that it has to be approximately peer to body temperature. When filling a bladder urine of other person it is necessary to attend to a question that its temperature was peer to body temperature. The secret girdle just also performs this function by means of placement of a package of urine in a wide girdle which hides it on a loin or below a stomach. Respectively, the body the heat warms urine. The tube from a package can be taken out from pants and to refer to a jar.

But as watch testing, it is possible to use other device under the name "Whizzinator". Manufacturers "Whizzinator" made almost natural type the member in several versions taking into account national and racial peculiarities.

It is necessary to consider that the competent specialist in collection of analyses knows all of these methods. If you get, there will be two violations: one for positive result of control, and the second – for attempt of a counterfeit of results.

Also in more serious federations the biological profile of urine is analyzed (content of salt and DNA with earlier taken samples, in order to avoid substitution is verified). In these cases net samples of athletes take before taking stimulants and store in the refrigerated type.

Filtering urine

There are special nozzles on a penis head with the filter and adsorbents which absorb the forbidden substances when passing urine.

How to accelerate removal of anabolic steroids

Injection medicines form depot in fatty tissue and are released from it in blood gradually. Until this depot exists, until then will find metabolites of the corresponding steroid in urine of the athlete. For this reason terms of removal of such air of anabolic steroids as atantat or deconoat, are very considerable. Total disposal of a fatty layer can help with an organism here, than, as a matter of fact, and body builders in the run-up to the competitions are engaged. Representatives of other sports, however, follow their example not always. And very in vain - periodic campaigns in baths, periodically arranged periods of "unloading" (and even a complete starvation) to some extent will help to reduce terms of stay of "long-playing" medicines in your organism.

Oral medicines of depot don't form, but contact proteins of blood globulin and albumine. Regeneration of albumine and GSPG happens within 30-35 days. That is, after this term traces of acceptance of the majority of oral AAS in an organism can't be found. However, there are two exceptions noretandrolon (now it is practically not applied) and stanozolol which accumulate in an organism for long term.

Methods of acceleration of removal of steroids

Short-term starvation

During starvation there is a disposal of fatty inventories together in "inventories" of injection medicines which are formed in fatty tissue. In addition, short-term (1-3 days) starvation helps to destroy transport proteins quicker. The effect is reached quicker in case of "dry" starvation (without water).

Tireoid hormones

As thyroxine accelerate an albuminolysis. It is clear, that it concerns also transport albumins and GSPG. It is one more argument using these drugs on "drying".


Is on sale as separate drug, in addition is a part of Valocordinum, Corvalolum and Pentalginum. Earlier Fenobarbitalum was used as sleeping pill and demulcent, now it practically went out of use.

For us Fenobarbitalum is remarkable the fact that it significantly activates monooksigenaz system of a liver (drug even use for treatment of an icterus of newborns), that is, there is faster oxidation of all steroid bonds which are in an organism. For this purpose athletes accept Fenobarbitalum on one tablet before going to bed. For intensifying of effect of phenobarbital along with it accept succinic acid (the effect isn't proved). However, fenaborbitat also belongs to forbidden, but by the time of passing of a drug test he will already leave an organism.

Water and diuretics

The general council is on the eve of the competitions to drink as much as possible water. Plus diuretics. However, diuretics, such as Triamterenum, Furosemidum, Hydrochlorthiazidum, Aldactonum in itself are banned drugs (are considered as the masking agents), but it is possible to use also vegetable drugs though their action is incomparable more weakly. However, the distilled water in itself in an organism isn't late.

In this "scheme" there is one "subtle aspect" which should be considered. The matter is that as a result of manipulations with water and diuretics ours urine practically becomes colourless that is a signal for supervisory authorities to pay you special attention. In order that urine found natural color, usually accept group B vitamins (in particular, B2 vitamin). One more indicator that you did something "not that" the low level of creatinine in urine. In order that to increase this level, resort to the help of a creatine which is blasted to creatinine and is removed with urine.

Probenetsid and others

Medicine which is usually registered having gout. Probenetsid strengthens removal of uric acid, he also facilitates allocation of anabolic steroids with urine. Before it very often used also to one "sheaf" with water and diuretics. Now medicine belongs to prohibited whether only will purposefully look for it - a big question. As a last resort it is possible to be stocked by the reference from the doctor that you have gout. In addition to probenetsid such medicines as sulfinpirazon or phenylbutazone can be used.

Dissolution of anabolic steroids in alcohol

During the Olympic doping scandal of 2016, WADA published the report in which described so-called doping Duchess pear cocktail which was allegedly applied by the Russian athletes of many federations. Authors declare that this cocktail was invented by the director of RUSADA Grigory Rodchenkov. For preparation three anabolic steroids were used:

  • Oral-turinabol
  • Oxandrolon
  • Metildrostenolon

These steroids were dissolved in alcohol (the Scottish whisky Chivas for men and Vermouth for women). Drink it was necessary to rinse mouth (without swallowing). Anabolic steroids well of rastvorima in alcohol and in the course of rinsing get through oral cavity vessels into blood-groove, passing liver. At the same time the laboratory methods available at that time, caught the listed forbidden substances of only 3-5 days that it is significantly less in comparison with oral or injection introduction.

After the Olympic Games in London (2012) Turinabolum has been replaced with trenbolone as metabolites of Turinabolum began to be found longer time. The name "Duchess pear" to cocktail was given by Irina Rodionova.



09 Dec 2016

Iodine is an important microcell which controls a metabolism and allows to increase immunity.

In bodybuilding iodine is appreciated its capability to support function of a thyroid gland which hormones (òèðîêñèí, triiodtironin) reduce fat percent in an organism and increase intensity of trainings, however excess of iodine can suppress development of tiroksin. Special significance is attached to iodine in Russia as the most part of the population receives less it with food.

Iodine in food. Content of iodine in regular foodstuff is small - 4-15 mkg of %. However sea fish contains about 70 mkg of %, in cod liver - to 800 mkg of %, in a sea cabbage depending on a type and the term of collection - 50-70000 mkg of %. But it is necessary to consider that in case of long-term storage and thermal treatment of food a considerable part of iodine (20-60%) is lost. Content of iodine in land plants and animal products strongly depends on its quantity in the soil. Therefore for the prevention of disease add a small amount of iodide of potassium to table salt (25 mg on 1 kg of salt). A storage duration of such salt no more than 6 months as in case of storage iodine disappears. You can also like Ovariamin.

Purchase of expensive additives with iodine is considered unjustified because the necessary amount of iodine can be received from regular iodinated salt.

Recommended doses

The need for iodine fluctuates within 50-200 mkg/days.

In case of insufficiency of iodine disease develops. Children of school age are especially sensitive to a lack of iodine. Excess of iodine leads to weakening of synthesis of iodide connections in a thyroid gland and to emergence of a hypothyroidism.

Content in food

Content of iodine in some foodstuff in the USA (1982 — 1989)

Product / Content of iodine, mkg for the portion

Flakes for a breakfast 87

Milk desserts 70

Fish 57

Milk 56

Dairy products 49

Eggs 27

Bread 27

Beans, peas, tuber crops 17

Meat 16

Bird 15


IFR-1, Insulin like growth factor 1

09 Dec 2016

Since the moment of the emergence synthetic IFR-1 caused the mass of a controversy is as among theorists which workers of science and among practicing whose most part is constituted by athletes treat. Actually, the story with growth hormone repeats: bodilider began to apply this hormone as soon as it appeared in the mid-eighties last century, without having understood plainly what benefits are promised by its application and how exactly it should be applied. The fact that application of IFR-1 promises benefits - and considerable - the fact which is difficult for challenging. But these benefits can be taken if to what and - the most important - as this medicine to apply the nobility. Here we will also try to understand it.

About what you didn't read yet

Let’s count in the beginning several facts which you hardly know. Here, for example: IFR-1 well affects growth of muscles - a fact of common knowledge. But heart is too muscle. So, and this factor of growth shall affect work of heart positively? It appears and - IFR-1 really puts "the flame motor" in our order which over the years was fairly worn out. Does it, so to speak, overhaul. By the way, and content in blood of lipoprotein of low density IFR-1 reduces that also well affects work of heart. What else? Well, for example, the fact that our “insulin like” sharply increases comprehensibility an organism of a glucosamine and hondroitin. That is, if you decided to treat joints, then accept dietary supplements with a glucosamine and IFR-1, hondroitiny against the background of injections. So it will be more right. At last, the insulin like growth factor promotes regeneration of nervous tissue that will allow you to be recovered quicker after the postponed loadings, and to muscles - to react more sharply to external impact which the training with burdening is.

What do researches tell?

Practically all researches concerning IFR-1 were conducted on such lovely creatures as laboratory rats. Of course, to transfer their results to people unconditionally it won't turn out, but it is not an occasion that not to give these results. Especially as they aren't simply interesting, and are interesting extraordinary. Please pay attention to Tiramin.

So, during one research it turned out that those rats who received IFR-1 injections, but weren't engaged in physical exercises (naturally, rats don't visit gym, and run in a wheel or drag on themselves small freights), reached a bigger increase in muscle bulk, than those which "trained", but were deprived of injections of insulin like growth factor behind number one. During the same research it became clear that the results received by means of IFR-1 kept several months (if to consider that laboratory rats live no more than three and a half years, then for them it is a lot of) while the rats deprived of "training" lost the achievements very quickly. At last, it turned out that muscles of an old 27-month-old rat who in youth received IFR-1 injections were practically not subject to age changes. That is, insulin like growth factor provides not only momentary effect, but is quite good "investment" on a life remaining balance. Now it was necessary to find out only one: how, after all, to achieve from it the greatest effect not only for rats, but also for us - for people. We now will also be engaged in this closely.

Factors which need to be considered

Regular injections of IFR-1 can suppress secretion by an organism of own hormone of body height. In any case, for suppression of secretion of endogenic Somatotropinum in medicine use this way.


IFR-1 reduces permeability of membranes for glucose. As for receptors, IFR-1 joins two of their types - receptors of IFR-1 (IGF1R) and receptors of insulin (the last it activates 10 times more weakly, than actually insulin). IFR-1 property to cause a hypoglycemia is bound to accession to the last.


It needs use of insulin at systemic injections of IFR-1 is bound to it (see below).

Zincum plays a key role in activation of IFR-1, increases the level of the general and free IFR-1 in a blood plasma.


Regular injections of IFR-1 quickly enough lead to daun regulation of specific receptors of this factor of body height therefore usually in medical practice use the following protocols: injections are made 3-4 times in a week of an injection made for 5-7 days then the same break on duration follows


Ability of IFR-1 to reduce permeability of cellular membranes for glucose doesn't decrease eventually.


At vegetarians the IFR-1 level in an organism is significantly lowered. It, and also to those who needs milk and dairy products in a nutrition "course" IFR-1 will bring the greatest benefit.



The optimum daily dose of IFR-1 makes about 1 mkg on a kilogram of a curb weight of the athlete. Most of the practicians who achieved results with IFR-1 recommend a dosage in 80-120 mkg a day. But it is possible to stop on a dose in 100 mkg/days that is very convenient because contains rolled into one so much. For athletes weighing from 80 to 120 kg it is quite acceptable.

Periodicity of injections

During training. That is, it will just mean 3-4 days a week for the vast majority of visitors of gyms.

The place of implementation of injections

If we set the task to achieve growth of muscles, then IFR-1 injections in the theory shall be carried out only locally and only in a working muscle. In practice it is better to carry out system injections (to a fatty tuck on a stomach) in days of a training of big muscular groups (a leg, a breast / spin), and local - in days of a training small.


System injections break into 3 "stoppings": 40 mkg in the morning, 20 mkg before a training and 40 mkg in an hour after it. System injections are carried out (except last) against the background of insulin injections (see below). Local injections - 100 mkg broken into equal parts in each of working muscles (in case of a training of shoulders - on 50 mkg to each average delta, in case of a training of hands - on 25 mkg in both bicepses and both tricepses). Injections are carried out in an hour after the end of training.

The accompanying drugs

Metforminum and clenbuterol are accepted approximately for an hour prior to the training. Metforminum breaks a glucose absorption in a GIT, reduces gluconeogenesis in a liver (gluconeogenesis takes place during the hunger strike or an intensive training), carries out an regulation of receptors of insulin in cells of muscles. Klenbuterol in a dosage of 160-240 mkg promotes the raised dramatization of muscle fibers that, in this case, very it is useful to us. Insulin - injections of this hormone, small on volume (8-12 ME) are carried out approximately in 20-30 minutes prior to systemic (under a skin) IFR-1 injections. Injections of insulin can be carried out also in days when IFR-1 isn't applied - to the fastest restoration of a glycogen in muscles. From the drugs relating to group of androgens and anabolic steroids it is possible to allocate stanozolol is nearly the only drug which is capable to interact with androgenic receptors at the mikrosomal level, and, of course, Testosteron-Depotum. Those who are especially anxious with body height of power indicators can add to this "porridge" trenbolone and/or fluoxymesterone if the last manages to be got and if it is sustained by your purse. As the option fluoxymesterone can be replaced oralturinabol (besides if this drug manages to be got and if you are sure of its quality). However, it is quite possible to refuse almost all above-mentioned, having left only insulin (it is better with Metforminum) and Testosteron-Depotum. About that why the last is necessary, it was told above. Peerly, as well as about need of reception of the additives containing Zincum.

Diet and trainings

If to speak about food, then in days of injections of IFR-1 it is worth increasing protein content in a diet, and in days without IFR-1 to put the main emphasis on carbohydrates (we will need to recover glycogen inventories in muscles), having a little reduced the protein use. Both in those, and in other days as additive it is desirable to use creatine. Training. On that which is directed to growth of power indicators we won't stop, we will talk about what will be suitable most of all for growth of weight. So far there are all bases to believe that the training type directed to the maximum travmatization of muscle fibers will be the best choice here. From my point of view, justified it is possible to consider application of "pamping" - it will sharply strengthen a blood-groove and intensifies delivery "at the destination" not only most ^ IFR-1, but also such nutrients as amino acids. However, additional researches are still necessary here.

What can be expected in reality?

Contrary to statements of some "specialists" in order that in all completeness to feel action of insulin like growth factor, it isn't obligatory to wait for the whole month, and even two. Already the first injections yield result though in order that it was possible to call this result visible, such injections there shall be at least 4-5. System injections on effectiveness weren't worse local though most of specialists insists on a primacy of local injections. In any case, weight grew - let and slightly, but nevertheless - even against the background of joint use of "maple" with metformin. Local injections of an increase in weight didn't give - nevertheless, they were performed in those groups of muscles which share in general muscle bulk is rather small, but allowed to try to obtain rather notable growth of a target muscle (group of muscles).

What else can be expected? For example, rather fast healing of injuries. It was especially obviously expressed effect for joints against the background of use of the medicine "Terafleks" (glucosamine with hondroitiny). And to athletes aged to whom himself carried also by the author of these lines IFR-1 will allow to train more often due to increase in a capability to recovery, fairly used for long course of life, and also normalizes work of heart and will reduce arterial pressure.


What IFR-1 differs from growth hormone

This cutting is this for those who never in life used IFR-1, but a sign with growth hormone not in words, and in practice. What it is better? You know, this question is similar that which is often set to the child: "Whom do you love more - mother or the father?" Everyone is good in own way, and can be applied absolutely irrespective of another.

Benefit of hormone of growth is that it initiates process of synthesis of IFR-1 an organism - as a rule, the daun regulation of specific receptors of IFR-1 in this case doesn't occur even in case of prolonged use of a synthetic somatotropin. Besides, hormone of growth and in itself activates specific receptors in fatty tissue that promotes combustion of fat; IFR-1 has no properties of fat loss. It is possible to carry to benefits of endogenous IFR-1 that in case of the correct application it in much bigger degree promotes a surplus of Sukhoi of muscle bulk. IFR-1 promotes significant growth in power indicators that growth hormone IFR-1 in itself isn't able to do. It is possible to apply locally, provoking the local growth of muscles. At last, the effect of application of IFR-1 remains much longer after the termination of injections. We tabulated all these distinctions. All this concerns application and hormone of growth, and IFR-1 "solo". What if you take them together? Really, growth hormone quite significantly prolongs IFR-1 semi-life period. But it turns out that increase in the period of semi-life in this case goes not absolutely for the good. In case of combined use of IFR-1 and hormone of growth of a muscle very quickly lose a glycogen which will be possible to recover only on the termination of "rate" "IFR-1 + GR" and that is far not directly. The cause is decrease in permeability of cellular membranes for glucose under the influence of IFR-1 which the extended period of semi-life of the last only aggravates, and also decreases of the activity of insulin under the influence of growth hormone.


However, if you use IFR-1 exclusively locally after the training, then growth hormone injection can consider justified early in the morning and before going to bed.

It turned out that muscles of an old 27-month-old rat who in youth received IFR-1 injections were practically not subject to age changes. That is, insulin like growth factor of provides not only momentary effect, but is quite good "investment" on a life remaining balance

Be familiar: Dinalan

In the countries of the former Soviet Union - and almost around the world - the most widespread medicine containing in quality of IGF-1 Long R3 active ingredient was Igtropin of production of the Chinese GenSci. That which issues hormone of growth of Dzhintropin. But now release of Igtropin is stopped. All this would be very sad, and articles concerning IFR-1 attracted exclusively theoretical interest if Igtropina such medicine as Dynalan didn't succeed now. Dinalan is made by the Dynamic Development Laboratories Co company., Ltd. on capacities of the Iranian company "Darupakhsh" is also issued in bottles, in each of which there are 100 mkg of insulin like growth factor. Packaging, already traditional for the Dynamic company, contains 25 bottles.

Dinalan is the UNIQUE CHECKED MEDICINE containing in quality of IGF-1 Long R3 active ingredient today. All other, periodically appearing in our market, it is possible to characterize in a word - a baby's dummy.

That it is important for athletes





- IFR-1 is DOPE WHICH CAN not be FOUND by means of the PROCEDURE of the DRUG TEST.



09 Dec 2016

In case of use of injection medicines it isn't mandatory to suffer from fear and pain by which injections by means of the syringe usually are followed at all. Today injections can be done with use of injektor (for example, Neojex™) which is intended for introduction of medicines without use of an injection needle. Thanks to the fact that when using an injektor there is no puncture of fabrics there is no risk of transmission of spray infections. Besides drug is injected precisely in hypodermic fabric, practically without injuring skin that is very important for those who are predisposed to formation of hems.

The principle of action of injektor is based on energy of pressure which allows to push a medicine stream through a microscopic hole in skin and to bring him in hypodermic fabric. The hole created by a medicine stream is much thinner, than the hole created by a needle. At the same time by efficiency of penetration of medicine into a blood-groove injektor doesn't concede to a traditional method of introduction of injection medicines at all that was confirmed during the researchers conducted at University of California. You can also like Tiramin.

This injektor is the device reminding the pen in the form to which not only it is pleasant, but also it is very easy to use. Injektor consists of the casing, an ampoule which scale is executed the same as in insulin syringes, and the adapter which approaches the majority of standard ampoules. To make an injection, just insert a standard ampoule into the adapter and collect a necessary dose of medicine in a device ampoule. Connect an ampoule with a medicine dose to injektor and move guard ring. Bring injektor with an ampoule to the place of an injection and put the trigger mechanism in action.


Insulin therapy

09 Dec 2016

Insulin treat almost all patients achrestic and many patients with an insulin diabetes mellitus. If necessary insulin can be entered i.v. and in oil, but for prolonged, lifelong treatment use mainly p / to an injection. P / to an injection of insulin don't recreate completely a picture of physiological secretion of this hormone. First, from a hypodermic fat insulin is soaked up gradually that doesn't reproduce physiological fast increase of concentration of hormone at meal with the subsequent recession of concentration. Secondly, from a hypodermic fat insulin gets not to portal system of a liver, and to a systemic blood stream. Therefore immediately insulin doesn't affect a hepatic metabolism. Nevertheless at accurate keeping of medical prescriptions treatment can be very successful.

Drugs of insulin have the different duration of action (short action, average duration of action and long action) and a different parentage (the human, bull, pork, admixed bull/pork). Now are available and human insulin’s which receive by methods of genetic engineering are widely used. Pork insulin differs from human in one amino acid (alanine instead of treonin in situation 30 V-chains, that is on its S-extremity). Bull differs from pork and human in two more amino acids (an alanine and valine instead of a treonin and isoleucinum in provisions 8 and 10 A-chains). To the middle of the 1970th drugs of insulin contained pro-insulin, glyuca like peptides, a pancreatic polypeptide, somatostatin and the VIP. Then in the market there were high cleaning pork insulin’s which were deprived of these impurity. In the late seventies all efforts concentrated on receiving recombinant human insulin.

In the last decade of the 20th century human insulin became choice drug in treatment of a diabetes mellitus.

Because of differences in the amino-acid sequence human, pork and bull insulin’s aren't identical on the physical and chemical properties. We will dissolve the human insulin received by methods of genetic engineering in water better, than pork as has additional hydroxyl group (as a part of treonin). Almost all drugs of human insulin have neutral pH and therefore are stable: they can be held till some days at the room temperature.


Druggists measure doses and concentration of insulin by units (piece). This tradition went since those times when drugs of hormone were saturated with impurity and they needed to be standardized on biological activity. One unit of insulin are amount of hormone which at a hungry rabbit reduces concentration of a glucose in a blood to 45 mg of % (2.5 mmol/l). Now as the international standard serves the admixed bull/pork insulin with specific activity of 24 pieces/mg. Homogeneous drugs of human insulin have specific activity of 25 — 30 pieces/mg. Almost everything the drugs of insulin produced now represent solutions or suspensions with concentration of 100 pieces/ml (3,6 mg/ml, or 0,6 mmol/l). For patients with insulin resistance more strong solutions (500 pieces/ml) are issued.

Classification of insulin drugs

Insulin of short action are solutions crystalline Zincum-insulin, usually in the buffer with neutral pH. These drugs begin to work quicker than others, but have the smallest duration of action (tab. 61.3). They are usually entered ï / to in 30 — 45 min. prior to food (Dimitriadis and Gerich, 1983). Insulin of short action can also be entered i.v. and in oil. After i.v. jet introduction concentration of a glucose in a blood quickly falls, the maximum effect develops in 20 — 30 min. Drug quickly is removed from a blood, and hormones (a glucagon, catecholamins, a hydrocortisone and STG) in 2 — 3 h restore glucose level to initial. At secretion disturbances of hormones (for example, at the patients with a diabetes mellitus having vegetative neuropathy) concentration of a glucose in plasma remains low within many hours after jet administration of insulin in a dose of 0,15 pieces/kg as effect of insulin on cells continues after its excision from a blood for a long time. At a diabetic ketoacidosis, during resuscitation and an intensive care, and also in those situations when the need for insulin quickly changes (the periope-ratsionny period, labors), infusion of insulin of short action is expedient i.v.

At stable state insulin of short action is usually prescribed in a look ï / to injections in a combination with insulin of average duration of action or long action. Insulin of short action is the only drugs which suit for wearable batchers of insulin. Batchers load with buffering drugs that allows avoiding a crystallization of hormone in a hypodermic catheter during infusion which is carried out with very small rate (Loug-heed et al., 1980).

In the insulin of short action of a molecule of hormone produced nowadays are polymerized and represent hex measures. Hex measures of insulin are soaked up slowly, and that peak of concentration of hormone in a blood what is at the healthy person after food, with the help ï / to an injection it is impossible to frame. To overcome this disadvantage of an insulin therapy, began to develop semi-synthetic analogs of insulin which represent monomers or dimeasures. The set of bonds was experienced (Brange et al., 1990). From them two — lizpro-insulin and aspart-insulin — were clinically effective (Kang et al., 1991). Both drugs are soaked up from a hypodermic fat by 3 times quicker, than human insulin. Respectively, concentration of insulin in plasma is quicker enlarged and quicker sugar-lowering effect of drug begins. The injection of a semi-synthetic analog of insulin in 15 min. prior to food is interconvertible injections of human insulin in 30 min. prior to food. Lizpro-insulin — derivative human insulin, received by shift of the remains of a lysine and proline in provisions 28 and 29 of the V-chain was the first of such drugs (them sometimes call insulin of super short action) (quite so these remains are located in the molecule IFR-1 to which polymerization isn't inherent). Like human insulin, in the produced drugs lizpro-insulin is in a type of geksamer, however almost at once after introduction under a skin it breaks up to monomers. Therefore lizpro-insulin begins to work quicker, than insulin of short action, and works during smaller time. The review of Bolli et al is devoted to results of a clinical use of this drug. (1999). Lizpro-insulin has two advantages before insulin of short action. First, among the patients using lizpro-insulin the risk of a hypoglycemia decreased by 20 — 30%. Secondly, at them it is noticed small (for 0,3 — 0,5%), but statistically significant decrease of level of glikozilirovanny A1s hemoglobin what speaks about the best compensation of a diabetes mellitus. Aspart-insulin it is received by replacement of Pro28 of the V-chain by aspartic acid. Like lizpro-insulin, this drug after introduction under a skin quickly breaks up to monomers. Do not forget take Bronhalamin for better results.

Insulin of average duration of action it is worse than dissolve, are more slowly soaked up from a hypodermic fat and, therefore, insulin of short action have longer effect, than. Most widely use two drugs — NPH insulin and insulin to a tape. NPH insulin represents suspension of crystals Zincum-insulin and a protamine (in metric ratio) in phosphate buffer, insulin to a tape — the admixed suspension crystalline Zincum-insulin (insulin to ultra tape) and amorphous Zincum-insulin (insulin to a seven-tape) in the acetate buffer where solubility of insulin is minimum. The pharmacokinetics of human insulin of average duration of action slightly differs from pharmacokinetics of similar drugs of pork insulin. The difference can speak larger water repellency of human insulin, and also differences in interaction of pork and human insulin with protamine and Zincum. In this regard there is a problem of the choice of optimum time for an evening injection of insulin of average duration of action. The drugs of human insulin administered before a dinner not always provide normoglikemia next morning. Let's notice that differences in operation the combination of NPH insulin or insulin to a tape with insulin of short action in a regimen of double daily injections isn't revealed (Tunbridge et al., 1989). Insulins of average duration of action prescribe or 1 time a day before breakfast or 2 times a day. At patients with insulin diabetes mellitus the single injection of these drugs for the night quite often helps to avoid a hyperglycemia next morning (Riddle, 1985). When insulin to a tape is combined with insulin of short action, a part of the last in several hours can form complex bond with protamine and Zincum, and then the absorption of insulin of short action is slowed down (Colagiuri and Villalobos, 1986). NPH insulin doesn't influence absorption of insulin of short action at combined use; these drugs can be admixed independently or to use the ready combined drugs (see below; Davis et al., 1991a).

Insulin of long action is insulin to ultra tape (suspension crystalline Zincum-insulin) and protamine-Zincum-insulin (insulin suspension with Zincum and a protamine). Their action begins very slowly, but continues longly, without the expressed peak. They are intended for creation of low basal concentration of insulin in a blood for all day. Big T1/2 of insulin to ultra tape complicates definition of an optimum dose of drug: before achievement of steady state there pass several days. As well as in case of insulin of average duration of action, the admixed bull/pork insulin to ultra tape possesses longer action, than human. Insulin of long action prescribe 1 or 2 times a day and correct a dose according to glucose level in plasma on an empty stomach. The protamine-Zincum-insulin is used now seldom as it has very long and unpredictable effect. In the USA this medicine isn't sold any more.

At the vast majority of patients an insulin therapy includes use of insulin of average duration of action. The last 15 years go intensive searches of "ideal" drug. Human pro-insulin looks the promising candidate for this role. Experiments on animals with use of pork pro-insulin showed that this soluble substance works as insulin of average duration of action, more due to suppression of production of glucose a liver, in smaller — due to stimulation of utilization of a glucose periphery tissues. Such profile of activity is favorable for patients with a diabetes mellitus as the leading disturbance serves uncontrolled production of a glucose, and selective effect of drug on a liver leads to decrease of giperinsulinemia and, therefore, to depression of risk of a hypoglycemia. The first tests of human pro-insulin in clinic confirmed relative selectivity of drug concerning a liver and showed that on action duration it is similar to NPH insulin. However, according to preliminary results of clinical tests, human pro-insulin has no advantages before modern drugs of insulin of average duration of action. Moreover, because of high risk of a myocardial infarction at treatment by human pro-insulin its clinical tests were suspended.

Owing to the pharmacokinetics insulin to ultra tape possesses essential disadvantages therefore there is an urgent need in is long the operating analog of insulin which wouldn't have the expressed action peak. Many efforts were spent for creation of such drug. Glargin-insulin became the first such analog resolved for a clinical use in the USA. This drug is received by two modifications of a molecule of human insulin: attach two rests of an arginine to the S-extremity of the V-chain, and Asp21 of an A-chain replace with glycine (Rosskamp and Park, 1999). Glargin-insulin represents transparent solution with pH 4,0. Acidic pH stabilizes hexameasures of insulin and provides a long and predictable absorption of drug from a hypodermic fat. However because of acidic pH glargin-insulin can't be combined with the insulins of short action which are available today (including with lizpro-insulin) which have neutral pH. Clinical tests showed that glargin-insulin causes a hypoglycemia less often, is longly and evenly soaked up and in a regimen of single injections in days is more effective, than insulin to ultra tape.

Also other approaches to augmentation of duration of action of soluble analogs of insulin are used. One of them — accession of saturated fatty acid to a lysine s-amino group in situation 29 V-chains (Kurtzhals et al., 1997) therefore atsilirovanny insulin turns out. Now there are clinical tests of similar drugs.

Significant differences in an insulin pharmacokinetics at different patients and even at the same patient deserve a separate mention. Time of achievement of peak of concentration of insulin in a blood and the maximum sugar-lowering action can differ for 50%. Partly these fluctuations are bound to different rate of an absorption of drug from a hypodermic fat; it is considered that they are more expressed at insulin of average duration of action and insulin of long action. However recently it was shown that the same fluctuations are inherent to insulin of short action (Davis et al., 1991a). If to consider that these fluctuations are imposed on daily differences in a diet and an exercise stress, it is necessary only to be surprised how at such large number of patients it is possible to control successfully glucose level in a blood. It is the indications to an insulin therapy and its tasks. Ï / to an injection of insulin make a basis of treatment of all patients with achrestic diabetes mellitus sick with insulin diabetes mellitus at inefficiency of a dietetics and peroral sugar-lowering agents, and also pregnant women sick with Diabetum and the diabetes mellitus developing after pancreatectomy (American Diabetes Association, 1999). Besides, insulin is irreplaceable at treatment diabetic ketoatsido-for and plays an important role in treatment of a giperosmolyarny coma and maintaining patients both with achrestic, and with insulin diabetes mellitus. In all cases as the purpose of insulin therapy serves not only normalization of level of glucose in a blood, but also (elimination of other metabolic disturbances. It is difficult for last purpose to reach. The optimum result is achieved at an integrated approach to treatment: the diet, exercise stresses and injections of insulin have to be compounded among themselves. Below the principles of an insulin therapy are briefly described (in more detail — see LeRoith et al., 2000).

The daily need for insulin

At the healthy person with a normal weight daily production of insulin makes 18 — 40 pieces, or 0,2 — 0,5 pieces/kg (Polonsky and Rubenstein, 1986). About a half of this quantity is the share of basal secretion, other insulin co secretes in response to meal. Rate of basal secretion of insulin is peer to 0,5 — 1 pieces/h, after reception of a glucose inside it reaches 6 pieces/h (Waldhausl et al., 1979). At corpulent people with insulin resistance, but without diabetes mellitus secretion of insulin after food can be enlarged by 4 times and more. The co secreted insulin gets to portal system of a liver; its about a half is blasted by a liver, without reaching a systemic blood flow.

Patients with achrestic diabetes mellitus represent diverse group therefore the daily need for insulin at them fluctuates from 0,2 to 1 pieces/kg, averaging 0,6 — 0,7 pieces/kg. Corpulent patients because of insulin resistance of peripheric tissues usually need more insulin (about 2 pieces/kg/days). Patients with the daily need for insulin have less than 0,5 pieces/kg or residual secretion of insulin is kept, or they are more sensitive to effect of hormone owing to a good physical shape. As well as at healthy people, the need for insulin shares on basal. Basal requirement makes 40 — 60% of daily; this insulin is necessary for suppression of production of a glucose for cookies. Requirement usually becomes covered by insulin injections before meal; this insulin is necessary for digestion of nutrients. Many patients receive in days a single injection of insulin of average duration of action or the combined drug (insulin of average duration action/insulin of short action). It seldom happens enough for maintenance of normoglikemia. Meanwhile normalization of level of a glucose in a blood has paramount value: let's remember results of the research DCCT which showed that as the main reason for chronic complications serves the hyperglycemia. Apply more difficult schemes of an insulin therapy based on a combination of insulin of average duration or long action to insulin of short action to maintenance of normoglikemia.

The popular schemes of an insulin therapy consisting of two-three injections of different insulin are submitted in fig. 61.5

(LeRoith et al., 2000). Most often use the so-called fractional admixed scheme which comes down to two injections (before a breakfast and before a dinner) admixtures of insulin of average and short action (fig. 61.5, A). If the NPH insulin entered before a dinner or insulin doesn't provide to a tape normoglikemia for night, the evening dose can be shattered: before a dinner to enter insulin of short action and before going to bed — NPH insulin or insulin to a tape (fig. 61.5, B], And at healthy people, and at patients with a diabetes mellitus the need for insulin is especially high early in the morning; this phenomenon is known as a dawn hyperglycemia (Blackard et at, 1989). Therefore time of introduction of an evening dose of insulin and the choice of drug are extremely important for this injection.

Also the so-called regimen of repeated injections of insulin isn't less often used. At the same time the basal need for hormone is provided single (before a breakfast or for the night) or double injections of insulin of average duration or long action, and postprandialny - injections of insulin of short action before each meal (fig. 61.5, V). Approximately the same therapeutic effect is reached by means of a wearable batcher of insulin (fig. 61.5, D). Rate of infusion can be regulated, arranging it under daily needs (Kitabchi et al., 1983).

The dose of insulin is selected individually, being guided by glucose level in a blood. With the advent of glucose meters which patients can independently use and methods of measurement of concentration of A1s hemoglobin it became easier to select a dose of insulin. Special attention should be paid to patients with the accompanying pathology, a hormonal failure (for example, hypopituitarism, an adrenal failure), insulin resistance. 'j the Factors influencing an insulin absorption. Efficiency of an insulin therapy is influenced by factors which the absorption of insulin and its action, a diet, exercise stresses and others, so far unknown change, influences. Rate of an absorption of insulin from a hypodermic fat depends on the place of an injection, a type of drug, blood supply and muscular activity in the place of an injection, volume and concentration of the entered insulin and depth of an injection (at introduction in oil insulin begins to work quicker, than at ï / to introduction).

At ï / to introduction the latent period after which rate of absorption of insulin begins slowly, but steadily to increase is usually observed. In case of low concentration or small volume the preparatala-tentny period can be absent.

As the place ï / to insulin injections usually serve the forward abdominal wall, a breech, the forward surface of a hip or a dorsum of a forearm. Rate of an absorption decreases among a stomach is a forearm — a breech — a femur (Galloway et al., 1981). In order to avoid lipogi-pertrofia and lipoatrophia usually advise to change places ï / to injections. However these complications are improbable when using high cleaning drugs of insulin. If the patient prefers to do injections in a stomach, places of injections can be changed on it, without passing to other parts of a body. It will allow eliminating the major factor changing an insulin absorption. A stomach — the best place for morning injections: insulin is soaked up from here for 20 — 30% quicker, than from a forearm. If the patient refuses to do injections in a stomach, it is necessary to pick up the constant place for each component of an insulin therapy (for example, the morning dose is entered into a femur, evening into forearm).

Other factors are important too. The raised blood stream in a hypodermic fat, for example after massage, a hot bathtub, exercise stress enlarges rate of an absorption of insulin. In a standing position the blood stream in a hypodermic fat of legs considerably decreases whereas in a forward abdominal wall it almost doesn't change. The volume and concentration of the administered drug influence not only rate of an absorption, but also duration of effect of insulin. When mixing insulin of short action with insulin to a tape a part of a high-speed component is lost because of linkng with Zincum (Galloway et al., 1981). This effect is even more expressed when mixing insulin of short action with insulin to ultra tape. Therefore the drugs admixed in one syringe have to be administered at once, immediately. Mixing with NPH insulin almost doesn't influence absorption of insulin of short action. The combined drugs containing NPH insulin and insulin of short action in proportions 50:50,60:40, 70:30 and 80:20 are produced; in the USA from them only medicine with structure 70:30 and 50:50 is sold. Besides, in the USA there are combined drugs of NPH insulin and lizpro-insulin (tab. 61.4). At many patients with a diabetes mellitus won popularity the syringe handle, the filled insulin of short action, liz-pro-insulin, NPH insulin or the combined drugs (insulin of short action / insulin of NPH, the combined NPH lizpro-insulin). At a small number of patients insulin is blasted in a hypodermic fat; they need introduction of high doses of insulin (Schade and Duckworth, 1986).

There are injektor which allow to deliver insulin in a hypodermic fat "without nyxis". Injektor are expensive and bulky, but some patients prefer them. Dispersal of drug on a hypodermic fat theoretically has to accelerate an absorption of insulins of average duration and short action (Malone et al., 1986); however it is observed not always (Galloway et al., 1981).

Such injections lead to development of IgG-antibodies to insulin. This side effect was much stronger expressed at the old, badly purified drugs, than at modern high cleaning drugs of bull and pork insulin or recombinant human insulin. It isn't established whether prolonged treatment is followed by human insulin smaller production of antibodies in comparison with treatment of mono-comas ponent pork insulin. It is clear only that human insulin. However at the vast majority of patients of an antibody to insulin don't change pharmacokinetics of the administered drugs.

At some patients with a high antiserum capacity to insulin the pharmacokinetics of insulin of short action reminds pharmacokinetics of insulin of average duration of action, at the same time the last in itself renders longer effect too. It can lead to intensifying of a hyperglycemia after food (because of the slowed-down effect of insulin of short action) and hypoglycemia at night (because of the effect of insulin of average duration of action stretched in time).

IgG-antibodies to insulin get through a placenta and, obviously, are capable to cause a hyperglycemia in a fetus due to neutralization of the insulin co secreted by it. On the other hand, undesirable and unpredictable dissociation of complexes insulin an antibody can lead to giperinsulinemia and a hypoglycemia at a fetus or at the newborn. It is shown that transition from the admixed bull/pork insulin to monokompo-nent drugs is followed by depression of an antiserum capacity to insulin (Chertow et al., 1988). Therefore during pregnancy it is recommended to use only human insulin. On sale there are many models of a wearable batcher of the insulin intended for a continuous p / to infusion of this hormone (Kitabchi et al., 1983). This type of an insulin therapy suits not all as requires persistent attention, especially in an initiation of treatment. But for adherents of an intensive insulin therapy the wearable batcher serves as an excellent substitute of a regimen of repeated injections. Modern batchers provide infusion of insulin with constant rate which can be switched with day on night, for example to avoid a dawn hyperglycemia. Before food the installed program includes jet administration of insulin according to quantity and structure of a nutrition which should be eaten.

Insulin therapy by means of a wearable batcher of insulin has inherent only to it disadvantages. As in batchers insulin of short action which almost doesn't collect in a hypodermic fat is used only, the sudden termination of an insulin therapy is capable to result quickly in deficiency of insulin and a diabetic ketoacidosis with the hardest hyperpotassemia. Modern batchers are supplied with enunciators which react to change of pressure in infusional system, but nevertheless from a sudden stopping of the pump, shift of a needle, crystallization of insulin or an excess of a catheter nobody is insured. One more complication hypodermic abscesses and phlegmon. Success of treatment in many respects is defined by the correct selection of patients who most of all suit a wearable batcher of insulin. Disadvantages of this type of an insulin therapy are compensated by its one important advantage. During exercise stresses the wearable batcher of insulin is capable to frame the concentration of hormone in a blood coming to physiological (at the healthy person at this time secretion of insulin falls) and not to allow developing hypoglycemia. Injection of insulin can't provide it.

Side effects

Read separate article: Side effects of insulin

New forms of an insulin therapy

Experimental approaches to treatment of a diabetes mellitus include new drugs of insulin, new ways of introduction, batchers for intraperitoneal administration of insulin, the implanted insulin granules, an artificial pancreas, transplantation of insular cells, pancreas and gene therapy.

New ways of insulin delivery

Insulin was tried to be entered inside by inhalations and by means of the granules implanted under skin. Inhalations look the most perspective: for intensifying of an absorption of insulin through mucous respiratory tracts to drug are added by various substances, for example Mannitolum, glycine or sodium citrate (Skyleret al., 2001; Cefalu et al., 2001). The absorption occurs quickly, on pharmacokinetics inhalation drugs of insulin approach the insulin of short action entered ï / to. Now efforts are concentrated on development of convenient inhalers of the small size. The implanted granules are intended for slow release of insulin for days and weeks. The peroral way of administration of insulin, undoubtedly, would be convenient for patients and would provide rather high concentration of hormone in portal system of a liver, however attempts to strengthen an insulin absorption in an intestine weren't crowned with a little appreciable success yet. Methods consisted in the basic in embedding or including of insulin in liposomes. Batchers for intraperitoneal administration of insulin deliver hormone in portal system of a liver. They were approved in public within several months.

Transplantation and gene therapy

These two approaches represent seductive replacement to insulin. Transplantation of a segment of a pancreas with success is carried out already to several hundred patients (Sutherland et al., 1989). However operation is technically difficult and is usually carried out only by that patient who suffers from a diabetes mellitus and its complications long ago. Transplantation of the isolated islands of a pancreas is technically less difficult. She is worked on rodents with an experimental diabetes mellitus and recently approved on small group of patients with achrestic diabetes mellitus along with the new scheme of immune suppressive therapy without glucocorticoids (Shapiro et al., 2000). Introduction of a gene of insulin to fibroblasts or other cells which then return in the owner's organism is one more way of treatment of a diabetes mellitus fulfilled on rodents.


Insulin like growth factor 1

09 Dec 2016

The effect of hormone of growth stimulating growth on target organs is performed indirectly through somatomedina and factors of growth with insulin like activity. Now differentiate two factors of growth depending on growth hormone, and practical value has only one is insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) allocated in pure form and received as medical supply. It represents the polypeptide consisting from 69 (according to some authors — 67) an amino-acid remaining balance. In an organism it is synthesized mainly by a liver under the influence of growth hormone. The entered into an organism in high dosages, insulin like growth factor-1 is capable to suppress endogenous products of STG. The polypeptide structure of this substance allows exclusively parenteral ways of introduction as in case of oral administration the insulin like growth factor-1 collapses digestive enzymes (the same as medicines STG and insulin).

Medicines of insulin like growth factor

Today in the world there are no more than three pharmaceutical companies making pharmacological medicines of insulin like growth factor-1 for people. The cost of three bottles of this means fluctuates within hundreds of US dollars. In the world there are units of the strongest bodybuilders and other athletes having an opportunity to experiment with this medicine. Moreover, even for the medical purposes, namely for treatment of burn patients and recovering after severe injuries and transactions, exact dosages and techniques of its application aren't established yet. Besides, many pharmacologists didn't develop a consensus about to what class of medicines to carry IGF-1. The athletes of the highest level experimenting with insulin like growth factor-1 are recognized that they feel quite uncertainly as they don't know either necessary dosages, or frequency rate of introduction, or application terms.


Insulin like growth factor-1 has the following biological properties:

  • stimulates inclusion of sulfates in a cartilage;
  • has not suppressed insulin like activity;
  • stimulates reproduction of cages;
  • has the expressed anabolic activity;
  • contacts specific transport proteins;
  • possesses the expressed immune stimulating functions.

Influence of IGF-1 on intracellular processes is performed through membrane receptors which are found in a liver, kidneys, lungs, skeletal muscles, adiposities and fibroblastic. Except STG, the IGF-1 level is influenced by age (its secretion increases during the pubertal period), food (secretion goes down in case of deficit of proteins), a functional condition of endocrine bodies (secretion goes down in case of diseases of kidneys, a liver, a hypothyroidism, obesity, insufficiency of vitamin A, nervous depletion). From stated above it becomes clear that pharmacological properties of this substance are of a certain interest in respect of creation of muscular tissue. G. B. Forbes's (USA) researches in 1989 showed that IGF-1 is capable to influence cages satellites, forcing them to share with formation of a new kernel — and it no other than a giperplasia, i.e. that phenomenon about which there is no consensus in circles of sports physiologists yet. Nevertheless if it exists, then this substance is really extremely effective anabolic agent. You can try Bronhalamin.

Medicines of insulin like growth factor-1 of pharmaceutical quality receive by method of genetic engineering therefore they are extremely expensive that does unprofitable their delivery to the market of the CIS countries even "gray" dealers. In the Russian "black market" of sports pharmacology there are various, however, so far not numerous medicines containing according to statements of the producer, "a set of factors of growth". Theoretically they shan't be effective at least because are accepted orally. However many users accepting these medicines note the expressed anabolic effect, especially in a combination with anabolic steroids and medicines STG. In the Ukrainian market they are absent so far (in any case, we have no other information).


A certain communication between endogenous products of insulin like growth factor-1 and nature of food is revealed. So, it is established that reducing consumption of protein and total number of daily calories reduces, and in case of starvation and some diseases stops formation of this substance in an organism at all. It leads to activization of catabolic processes and loss of nitrogen muscular tissue. Considerable decrease in level of endogenous products of insulin like growth factor-1 begins later 24 h after the beginning of restrictions in a diet. If in an organism more calories and proteins arrive, than it is required, endogenous products of this substance increase. But the expressed obesity, in particular excessive fatty deposits in a waist, reduce secretion of IGF-1. Obesity also is a factor of the increased risk of coronary diseases.

Level of insulin like growth factor-1 is especially sensitive to fluctuations of an amino-acid pool (i.e. to availability of free amino acids in blood plasma). In particular, in one of researches it was shown that decrease in an amino-acid pool by 20% leads to decrease in level of this substance by 56%.

The similar effect renders on education IGF-1 and insufficiency of some minerals, in particular, deficit of zinc, magnesium and potassium.

The intensive training with burdening is a physiological stimulator of products of insulin like growth factor-1. However the overtraining condition considerably reduces its biosynthesis in an organism.


Insulin for put on weight and force

09 Dec 2016

One of the most potent and multipurpose hormones in a human body is insulin. It enlarges consumption and use of a glucose cells, including muscle cells, possesses anabolic action (construction of tissues), promoting protein synthesis, and also insulin provides a set of muscle bulk and force. But at the same time it stimulates fat synthesis.

In the medical purposes insulin is applied to treatment of a diabetes mellitus — a difficult disease at which or the pancreas doesn't develop enough insulin (Diabetum of the 1st type), or the organism incorrectly uses it (Diabetum of the 2nd type). Sick Diabetum of the 1st type insulin injections are required, these injections can be also required by some patients with badly controlled Diabetum 2 types. In the USA the diabetes mellitus takes the seventh place among the population mortality reasons, and the number of the diseased totals about 11 million people.

In circles of body builders in the 1980th years insulin attracted fixed interest when the achrestic body builder who had diabetes won several large tournaments and won to itself fame. Absolutely healthy, not having diabetes body builders began to experiment with insulin to check its ability to accelerate a set of weight. Thus he joined ranks of chemical drugs for strength athletes. Please pay attention to Koramine.

Body builders and other "security officers" argued so that if insulin enlarges entering in a glucose organism, then it will probably be able to provide the maximum accumulation of a glycogen in muscles. But they were mistaken: there are no scientific confirmations to this assumption. Besides, it is well known that you can supply an organism with the large volume of a glycogen if you follow a high-carbohydrate diet. To all other, there are no data demonstrating that insulin influences body height of muscles.

Side effects

All these experiments with insulin is quite dangerous invention. Injections of insulin or other synthetic hormone for the purpose of accumulation of muscle bulk are capable to damage seriously your natural hormonal balance and to lead to the whole bunch of diseases. Plus to it exists probability of development of insulinic shock which occurs when too high dose of insulin is entered. It can lead to a loss of consciousness or a stroke, Other possible complication is the hypoglycemia is a state when Saccharum in a blood falls to a dangerous mark. Symptoms of such disturbance include a tremor and sweating, and in extreme cases convulsions and a loss of consciousness.

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