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Andropen 275

29 Nov 2016

Andropen (Andropen 275) is a composite steroid medicine containing 5 air of testosterone, dissolved in oil. Is issued British Dragon Pharmaceuticals (Thailand) in bottles on 10 or 20 ml for intramuscular introduction. Andropen is an analog of sustanon and an omnadren, tactics of creation of a course also coincides. The main consumers are the western athletes bodybuilders and powerlifters. Please pay attention to Koramine.

Content (275 mg/ml):

  • 20 mg of testosterone of acetate
  • 45 mg of testosterone of propionate
  • 45 mg of testosterone of fenilpropionat
  • 75 mg of testosterone of tsipionat
  • 90 mg of testosterone of dekanoat


Androgenic activity

29 Nov 2016

Androgenic activity is an ability of steroid hormones to cause the phenomena of a masculinization and a virilization. Connect many side effects of steroids with androgenic activity, such as: acne seborrhea, growth of hair on a body, loss of hair on the head, prostate hypertrophy, atrophy of testicles, and many others. It is worth noticing that in addition androgens raise a libido, cause mental activation and feeling of domination (steroid rage).

Anabolic activity which characterizes ability of hormones to cause a muscles hypertrophy is opposed to androgenic activity. You can also like Koramine.

In bodybuilding, it is necessary to give preference to medicines which have the smallest androgenic activity and the greatest anabolic. The ratio of anabolic and androgenic activity expresses an anabolic index. The he is more, the medicine will have smaller side effects.

The main medicines increasing androgenic activity:

  • Andriol – has weak effect and poorly affects a liver. For strengthening actions need to be taken with other medicines.
  • Androksol – has strong androgenic activity, doesn't prevent production of the testosterone.
  • Akvesus – a painful injection which works quickly has strong androgenic effect, is toxic for a liver, can cause irreversible reaction.
  • Androstanolon – highly active medicine which is applied before competitions is safe for a liver.
  • Denistrenil – apply to obtaining relief of muscle bulk. It is contraindicated to women.
  • The depot – testosterone gives a big increase to force and weight, but very androgenic.
  • Digidrotestosteron – builds up muscle bulk, but causes baldness.

Women are recommended to accept medicines with a high anabolic index because it causes smaller degree of secondary sexual characteristics.


Recently often articles where division of effects into anabolic and androgenic is denied as all indicators are applicable only to animals on which researches were conducted meet. However, actually the anabolic index is applicable also for the person, only with big errors. Abroad and in Russia continue to use concepts anabolic and androgenic activity, and for this purpose there are good reasons confirmed with researches and practice. For an example, medicines of testosterone cause much more than androgenic side effects, in comparison with Retabolil, such situation can be predicted by means of an anabolic index and in case of use of other medicines.



29 Nov 2016

Andarine (the laboratory code of GTx-007 or S-4) - SARMs or the selective modulator of androgenic receptors developed by the company GTX, Inc for treatment of muscular atrophies, osteoporosis is also good-quality prostate hypertrophies. The company refused further development of andarine, having concentrated on studying of its analog of ostarin.

Andarine is partial agonist androgen receptors and can be accepted inside. In comparison with other SARMs it has weak anabolic and androgenic effects. It was shown what andarine prevents linkng with dihydrotestosterone receptors. You can try Suprenamin.

Elimination half-life of 4-6 hours. The average dose applied in bodybuilding of 30-50 mg/days in 2-3 acceptances.

Side effects

Andarine is quite often causes side effects. In doses more than 50 mg are observed violation of sight which is shown by yellow coloring of all visible and deterioration in adaptation of sight to darkness.

Also the axis supressiya a hypothalamus hypophysis testicles, with decrease in level of secretion of own testosterone is observed.


Anabolic action

29 Nov 2016

Anabolic action is an effect of products, additives or medicines which accelerates synthesis of proteins, that is promotes growth of muscles. Do not forget take Suprenamin for better results.

The most part of sports food and the pharmacological medicines used in bodybuilding possesses anabolic action.



29 Nov 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping tells about congenital and acquired phobias, fear and classification methods to overcome claustrophobia.

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Claustrophobia is a psychopathological syndrome, a mental disorder that is manifested outwardly phenomenologically that the person is afraid of closed spaces: elevators, small rooms, tunnels, basements, cars and so on. This definition is clear enough, but at the same time is not enough accurate, because people fear is not so much a specific closed space as a repetition of their own negative experiences encountered at this location. He is afraid of losing control in a confined space, afraid of suffocating, afraid of what will happen to him at all something abstract, but always "horrible" and that no one in this confined space it has not come to the rescue.

Accordingly, the patient connects to associate their pain to a specific place. And after that he formed avoiding enclosed spaces: elevators, caves, and so on. You can imagine such a huge list of places where, in the opinion of the patient, it can suffocate, or no one will come to the rescue.

Fear is irrational patient. Man realizes that the probability that in a confined space with him happens something bad, is extremely small. Especially in comparison to what can happen in an open space with him: it may be on the street hit by a car, can happen something else ... There is disorder, the opposite of claustrophobia - is agoraphobia, a fear of open spaces. And yet people fear and avoid confined spaces, and this has a significant negative impact on his life.

Degree classification of claustrophobia and fear

A separate classification claustrophobia syndrome is not accepted in medicine. There are a classification of fear. Depending on how the negative impact of fear has on people, judge the degree of severity of claustrophobia. In one case, a person can suffer, take a breath and enter the elevator. Maybe it have some frightening thought, but nevertheless it will reach, will continue to think about the fear of too much will not.
In another case, one simply can not enter in any elevator can not enter into any enclosed space. It actually turns out to be locked up at home, in a safe environment, and it does not have the possibility to go somewhere and do something.

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It should be noted that claustrophobia may be observed as an independent neurotic condition in which there are no other mental disorders. But as can be claustrophobic concomitant symptom or syndrome that occurs, for example, depression or schizophrenia. Claustrophobia is also common and organic brain damage.

If desired, you can be classified claustrophobic in places such as "liftofobiya", but it is not accepted. You can highlight some features of schizophrenic, depressive and neurotic claustrophobia. But such work is very small. And soon, it's not so much a classification, but rather a description of various embodiments of occurrence of claustrophobic mechanisms.

Causes of claustrophobia

Some of the earliest concepts of the emergence is not only of claustrophobia, and other anxiety-phobic disorders - a concept that originated in behavioral psychology and behavioral therapy. Initially, they relied on the classic teachings of Pavlov on conditioned reflexes. The essence of this approach is that there is a formation of pathological reflex. There is an abnormal, pathological learning, that is, some relatively neutral stimulus, once bound man to his own fear, becomes a stimulus, which a person begins to panic fear. In this case, if we talk about claustrophobia, it is a closed space together with the fear that arose at that time. They appear at the same time, the fixation and there is conditional reflex connection: if there is such a place, that is such an emotion.

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Of course, there is an opposite point of view. It is connected with the evolutionary-genetic trend. In evolutionary psychologists believe that such phenomena are not associated with the acquisition of fear, not to learning, and the fact that the phobic reactions from are preset and are rudimentary forms of adaptive reactions, reactions of the organism's adaptation, which are formed in the evolution.

The enclosed space in the evolution is considered to be a signal for the animal, because the risk of suffocation in a cave or burrow much higher than dying from lack of air in the open space. A space is open on predators and so on. These are different kinds of fear, but nevertheless they are genetically preserved. And as soon as the patient develops such symptoms, it can be seen as rolling back to an earlier evolutionary stage. It is believed that the patient activated unconditioned reflexes, there is an instinctive, but exaggerated behavior, inadequate in our contemporary socio-cultural conditions.

These two points of view considered claustrophobic as congenital and acquired as a fear. Maybe some kind of evolutionary predisposition and there - take, for example, the emotional response. Neurobiological evidence suggest that in animals and humans at this point activates the amygdala - structure, which is often activated in response to a situation threatening stimuli. And if it is observed in animals and in humans, then it somehow formed in the course of evolution. And then on this part of the learning is applied. It is obvious that patients who come to psychiatrists with claustrophobia, the disease does not come from nowhere. Some experience of negative emotions in connection with the closed space of these people have.

Accordingly, it can be interpreted differently by psychotherapists. In particular, it is treated in analysis, that is not only the biological predisposition but predisposition at early childhood development. The child may not feel protected by her mother at an early stage of ontogeny, and he unconsciously formed this conflict, which is also an additional factor. And then, when he had grown up, he finds himself in an enclosed space, he has a fear, it is fixed to this fear. And can continue to develop such a vicious circle: it avoids these closed spaces, and as soon as gets there, he immediately updated evolution and early childhood traumatic experiences that translate into fear, and it strengthens the phobia.

Individual fear

If we talk about the relationship of reasons, each individual case is unique. It is necessary to collect the history of the patient, it is necessary to take into account the clinical picture, watching as shown claustrophobia: Is it generalized to all enclosed spaces or she is specific, that is, only people afraid of, for example, lifts or car.

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It is necessary to know when the first time there was this fear, how long it is amplified, then weakened, under the influence of some reasons.
We need to understand whether some negative experiences associated with a particular subject when he was - in childhood or more recently. A person could get stuck in an elevator, and at this point he developed a panic attack. But it is not connected with a lift as such and not with the fear of enclosed spaces - it just happened. For example, people do not get enough sleep, drink lots of coffee, and it so happened that in this place and at this point he had a panic attack, was learning, the formation of a conditioned reflex. Another thing, when it happens to a child, and then the man says: "Since I can remember, I'm afraid of enclosed spaces." In each case it is necessary to understand when, how and what to do with the patient, and psychotherapy, too, depends on it.

Symptoms of claustrophobia

Symptom - is primarily avoiding the frightening space, panic attacks can not be. One simply does not go into the room, which he fears he avoids such places. If it is to go down, the situation may develop in different ways. It may be expressed deployed panic attack with a strong autonomic storm, or maybe it will just shake, and he tries to get out of this situation. Manifestations of claustrophobia may be different, but it is a central manifestation of anxiety. You can reduce anxiety with Phenibut, Selank, Phenazepam and Afobazol.

If claustrophobia is shown as part of an organic mental disorder, some brain damage, epilepsy, the great fear of the patient can be accompanied by simple visual illusions and hallucinations sometimes. However, in the case of an ordinary neurosis, this does not happen and should not happen. If claustrophobia occurs in schizophrenia, it may be auditory hallucinations. But neurotic claustrophobia should not show any hallucinatory phenomena.


Treatment methods of claustrophobia are based on the principle of "lock and key" that is, what mechanisms, such and treatments. If we found out in the course of complex psychological diagnosis that the central mechanism of fear is suddenly arisen training and formed the association, the behavioral therapy will be assigned. We are destroying the old pathological reflex and form a new, healthier way to respond to threatening stimuli. This is called the method of exposure: we build scale through the levels of fear and anxiety of the patient.

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Consider an example with the terror lift. For example, enter the elevator - it's 100% fear. And just look at the picture of the elevator - it's 1% of fear. There are a variety of options: step up to the elevator, the elevator to the touch and so on. The therapist together with the patient doing a every step on this scale, from 1 to 100. They discuss the patient's thoughts that arise at each stage of the ladder, to discuss the irrationality of these thoughts and in opposition to them pick some rational arguments. Together they go to the elevator and at this moment learn to calm down. Once the patient enters the elevator, he already knows the tricks, to reassure themselves, and then quietly lift operates. After some time, he forms the habit to settle down every time when it comes into the elevator. To achieve better results, psychoanalysts analyze the children's trauma and the patient's fears, fantasies and dreams are interpreted, which can suggest a way out. In the process of comprehensive psychotherapeutic treatment your doctor may prescribe tranquilizers to the patient, and in the case of combined disorders - antidepressants and antipsychotics.

Research Perspectives of claustrophobia

As a claustrophobic study of prospects can be called, first, psychopathology (psychiatric clinical) studies. They need to clarify that the clinical picture of claustrophobia, which is now observed in our society. Second, it is necessary to improve methods of diagnosis of the disorder in the population through the development of compact, valid and reliable questionnaire. It will clarify the epidemiological situation. Thirdly, it is important to study the mechanisms of psychological claustrophobia on the basis of the integration of behavioral psychology data, cognitive science and psychoanalysis. Following these investigations, it is necessary to study the effectiveness of integrative psychotherapy these states. Finally, fourthly, neurobiological studies represent a special challenge, since patients with difficulty kept the procedure magnetic resonance imaging, which now defines the trends of brain sciences. These technical problems need to be addressed with a view to building a biopsychosocial model of the nature and treatment of claustrophobia and other phobic disorders.

Now people are working on the improvement of methods of psychological treatment. For example, there are a variety of research applications of modern technologies for the treatment of claustrophobia and other phobias. For example, the technology of virtual reality, in which you can simulate the space: a man puts on a helmet and sees around him a vast space that begins to narrow; at least narrowing the therapist pronounces the patient exercises, he says that include relaxation techniques, when to start to calm down, and so on.


Anabolic steroids: side effects on heart

29 Nov 2016

The purpose of this article is coverage of the topic of direct and indirect impact of the anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) on cardiovascular system, will consider and we will generalize the actual data concerning consequences of reception of AAS on warmly - vascular system and we will sound prophylaxis measures.

Direct influence of AAS on warmly - vascular system.

Infarct. Histological changes.

In a research of 2005 spent to the USA two real cases of the sudden cardiac death at young male athletes bound to abuse of AAS were considered. In both cases people had no the burdening anamnesis concerning cardiovascular system. Opening of hearts of athletes showed focal fibrosing of a myocardium that speaks about preliminary damage of a myocardium. Also the reasons of a sudden cardiac death of the sportswoman who is going in for fitness, using steroids and ephedrine were studied. When opening several small centers of tissue which were treated how the certificate of an early necrosis of a myocardium were revealed. A sudden cordial arrhythmia as a result of inflammatory processes and a fibrosis of a myocardium were a presumable cause of death in all these cases. A large number of researches also reported about the sudden cardiac death bound to reception of steroids where the myocardium fibrosis in the absence of the burdened anamnesis was also found. And still it is worth noticing that probably damage of a tissue of the myocardium received without immediate participation of AAS was the cornerstone of a pathogenesis, but they in turn framed a favorable background for development of cardiac pathology.

Heart hypertrophy

Several researches showed that the athletes using AAS have the reduced diastolic volume, thicker back wall and an interventricular septum, and also larger mass of a left ventricle, unlike the athletes who aren't using AAS. Cordial muscle cells have receptors sensitive to androgens, and AAS are capable to cause their hypertrophy, affecting immediately cells. The problem is that the hypertrophy of a left ventricle can remain after the termination of reception of AAS.

Depression of heart function

Echocardiographic research of 47 persons, 28 of which AAS regularly used, showed lower systolic function in group of users of AAS, than at not using. Besides, showed fraction of emission of 58% against 63% - respectively. Also, by means of dopplerography, signs of decrease of diastolic function were taped (heart was more weak and more rigid).

Disturbance of lipid profile

A large number of researches was shown that AAS can lead to rising of cholesterin and dislipidemia at the expense of augmentation of lipoproteins of low density, more than to 596 mg/dl and depression of lipoproteins of high density to 5 mg/dl. Change of level of lipoproteins happens depending on a dose of steroids during nine week courses. These changes in a long-term outlook can accelerate development of an atherosclerosis of a coronary artery that leads to augmentation of risk of development of coronary heart disease by 3-6 times. Influence of androgens on lipid profile as it was established, is reversible after phase-out.

disturbance of blood pressure

Anabolic steroids are capable to enlarge a reactivity of a vascular wall by Noradrenalinum, to enlarge activity of a renin of plasma, to stimulate production of Aldosteronum and to enlarge a sodium delay kidneys. As a rule, this problem is dozozavisimy (a dose = effect). Influence of steroids on blood pressure can remain for a long time; some researches showed permanent rising from 5 to 12 months after the termination of reception of steroids. Certainly, additional researches are necessary to tap communication between AAS and arterial pressure. Often, a hypertonia problem - administration of drugs with the increased conversion in estrogens or having estrogenic effect.

Cordial arrhythmia

The sudden cordial arrhythmia as a result of inflammatory process and a fibrosis of a myocardium is a presumable cause of death at the athletes using AAS. Prolonged use can be the cause of changes in a myocardium electrophysiology that contributes to the Re-entry mechanism ("a repeated entrance of exaltation").

Also change of an interval of QT at the persons abusing androgens was revealed. Presumably, anomaly of repolarization of ventricles which can enlarge risk of cordial arrhythmias and a sudden cardiac death takes place. The ciliary arrhythmia secondary, in relation to high doses, the steroids presented in two cases where athletes used AAS has no other known reasons of fibrillation of auricles.

Myocardial infarction

The sudden cardiac death is secondary in relation to a myocardial infarction. The cases bound to use of anabolic steroids at earlier healthy athletes were registered, however, it is necessary to notice that it were separate very exceptional clinical cases. And more randomized researches weren't conducted to check results.

Influence of AAS changes body height of endothelial cells with strong anti-proliferative action, induces an apoptosis, and changes levels of an intracellular calcium. These endothelial changes can be considered as factors which contribute to serious damages at the level of cells of vessels. Androgens are capable to worsen the vasculomotor arterial answer, to enlarge the content of collagen and other fibrous proteins in an arterial vascular tissue that worsens a stream - mediated, an endothelium - a dependent vazodilatation. These changes can be normalized after the termination of reception of AAS. Besides, pilot studies showed that androgens strengthen aggregation of thrombocytes in a test tube and under natural conditions. Androgens can exert the impact on thrombocytes by impact on system of Prostaglandinums and lead to augmentation of production of thrombocytes of tromboksan of A2 (the potent aggregator of thrombocytes), reducing production of a prostatsiklin (I2 Prostaglandinum, an inhibitor of aggregation of thrombocytes) and rising of level of a fibrinogen. They also enlarge density ņšīģįīźńąķ A2 of a receptor of thrombocytes and their aggregation.

Above-mentioned physiological changes contribute to higher risk of a myocardial infarction.

Also it was established that the tensile properties of an aorta decrease at athletes who use AAS. The Rigidity of an Aorta (RA) at the expense of load augmentation at ventricles contributes to development of a hypertrophy of a left ventricle, develops dysfunction of a left ventricle, a heart failure, and also breaks balance of the consumed and received oxygen. Also ZhA leads to pressure decrease in an aorta during a diastole that reduces pressure of coronary perfusion and promotes a myocardium ischemia, even for lack of atherosclerotic narrowing of a coronary artery.

Treatment and prevention

Now we know enough about risks which the person can face at reception of anabolic steroids. It is worth noticing that the probability of development of some pathologies is very small. To prevent the listed problems, the most important action is obligatory regular monitoring of health and appropriate well-timed therapy in case of problems. Let's allocate the main disturbances CCC from reception of AAS and a measure of their prophylaxis.



  • Trimetazidin

Normalizes a heart metabolism, improves its delivery at the cellular level and has the expressed protective effect which is proved by numerous researches.

Improves a coronary circulation and metabolic processes in a myocardium. Possesses anti-hypoxemic action.

  • Panangin (asparkam).

Is a source of a potassium and a magnesium. These ions positively influence heart, reduce the frequency of reductions and eliminate cramps.

  • Vegetable adaptogens

Rhodiola pink, levzeya saflorovidny, a hawthorn - also have cardio protective effect.

Dietary supplements (Q coenzyme, omega-3, 6, 9)

The coenzyme of Q (CoQ10) is vitamin like substance which can be found in all cells of an organism. The coenzyme of Q (CoQ10) is an integral part an electron - a transport chain. He acts as a carrier of electrons that is extremely necessary for production of ATP. Researches show that the coenzyme of Q (CoQ10) can work as an antioxidant, promotes purification from free radicals and restores other antioxidants – vitamins E and C.



Acidum lipoicum

Is a coenzyme of oxidizing decarboxylation of pyruvic acid and alpha ketoacids, normalizes power, carbohydrate and lipide exchanges, regulates a cholesterin metabolism. Improves functions of a liver, reduces the damaging influence on it of endogenic and exogenous toxins.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Normalizes structure of LPNP and LPONP, changes liquid properties of membranes of cells and increases functional activity of receptors, promotes improvement of interaction of lipoproteins with enzymes and causes gipolipidemichesky effect. Reduces the content of arachidonic acid and enlarges the level of eykozapentayenovy and dokozageksayenovy acids in membranes of thrombocytes. Besides, slows down synthesis of a tromboksan of A2 and eicosanoids which strengthen a thrombogenesis, also stimulates formation of a tromboksan of A3 and eicosanoids of the E3 line which don't have pro-aggregation effect. Synthesis the vazodilatatornykh of PG, activates release of an adenosine (but not Noradrenalinum) and suppresses transport of an intracellular calcium that activates vasodilating and hypotensive properties.

Statines (atorvastatin, lovastatin, rozuvastatin etc) are applied to treatment of dislipidemia at essential rise in level of cholesterin.



  • control of blood tests (hematocrit)
  • use of antiagregant
  • Pentoksifillin

Inhibits phosphodiesterase, stabilizes tsAMF and reduces concentration of an intracellular calcium. Blocks adenosine receptors. Slows down aggregation of thrombocytes; increases their fastness to deformation, improves rheological properties of a blood, suppresses a thrombogenesis and normalizes microcirculation. The anti-anginal effect (augmentation of delivery of oxygen to a myocardium) is caused by expansion of coronary arteries. Dilatiruyet vessels of lungs also improves an oxygenation of a blood. Raises a tonus of a respiratory musculation (intercostal muscles and a diaphragm).



  • Control of level of hormones (estrogens, glucocorticoids, etc.) and their precursors.
  • Control of reception of salt and carbohydrates with high GI.
  • Liquid reception control.
  • Control of hematocrit
  • Regular monitoring of the ABP
  • And don't forget the most important about aerobic trainings. Thanks to them you will not only get rid of excess fat, but the most important — them you support healthy CCC.

1. It is possible to refer improvement of work of heart to advantages of an aerobic training and lungs, a lowering of arterial pressure, activization of a metabolism, immunity strengthening, rising of a self-rating and level of resistance to stress. This type of physical exercises is one of the most important components of maintenance of health and cheerfulness. The purpose of aerobic trainings is in forcing lungs to enrich a blood with a large amount of oxygen. Further oxygen together with a blood gets into muscles where it is used for obtaining energy. The aerobics increases the content of oxygen in a blood

2. The aerobic training in the first 1-2 weeks leads to dropping of a cordial rhythm at rest on 1 reduction a minute.

3. The heart training the mild restoring loads after the postponed heart disease guarantees fixing of results of treatment at least for 2 years.

4. Aerobic trainings do cordial reductions at rest not only more infrequent, but also more potent. According to scientists, aerobic trainings 3-4 times a week lasting 15-60 minutes have the best result. Level of pulse of-60-90% from maximum (220 minus the age expressed advanced in years).


Anabolic steroids at advanced age

29 Nov 2016

It is established that general testosterone begins to decrease at men from 50─55 years by 0,8─1,6% a year, at the same time bioactive (free) testosterone decreases from 30─35 years with a speed of 23% a year. According to the Mayo Clinic, however, by age 70, man's testosterone level can drop by as much as 50 percent. The problem of decrease in level of testosterone is one of the most urgent in medicine with age, and became a primary subject of the fifth World congress on problems of the aging men in Salzburg. It is at the moment precisely established that the male body enters a condition of an andropauza similar to a female menopause with age.

Hypophyses-hypothalamuses-testicles, and also growth of concentration of the globulin connecting sex hormones refer lowering of function of an axis to the reasons of reducing level of natural testosterone. Please pay attention to Prostalamin.

Earlier believed that the role of Testosteron-Depotum is important only in formation of secondary sexual characteristics, a libido and in production of a semen, now it is proved that this hormone influences practically all vital systems of an organism. According to the famous specialist andrologist, the leading researcher of the Scientific endocrinologic center Russian Academy of Medical Science Svetlana Kalinchenko, Testosteron-Depotum affects genitourinary system, a brain, muscular, osteal, fatty tissues and cells of a skin. Quite recently communication of depression of level of Testosteron-Depotum with risk of development of a diabetes mellitus was taped. A series of researches shows that Testosteron-Depotum īņāåņńņāåķ for blood supply of tissues as its low level can lead to disturbances of a blood flow.

Ńlinical picture of andropauza

Deficiency of Testosteron-Depotum leads to disturbances practically in all systems and tissues. The head of a chair of clinical pharmacology of MGMSU, professor Arkady Vertkin describes a clinical picture of deficiency of Testosteron-Depotum as follows: "are broken memory, concentration of attention decreases, quick-wittedness vanishes. At the patient as though the view goes out, the head and shoulders are lowered, muscles become more flaccid, the stomach is enlarged, the breast becomes more similar on women's. Because of the low level of Testosteron-Depotum there are more fragile bones, the skin becomes thinner and dries. The man is concerned less by pleasures of communication with an opposite sex: the libido disappears, sex opportunities decrease, there are pavors and a depression. It is logical to assume that these signs can appear as a result of other diseases. And then it is necessary to receive confirmation, having measured the level of Testosteron-Depotum and other hormones and proteins participating in its metabolism.

Main signs and symptoms of an andropauza:

Genitourinary disorders:

  • depression of sexual desire and disturbance of an erection
  • decline in the ability to a fertilization
  • the speeded-up emiction

Vegeto-vascular disorders:

  • sudden hyperemia of the person, neck, top part of a trunk
  • feeling of fever ("inflows")
  • fluctuations of level of arterial pressure
  • pains in heart
  • giddiness
  • feeling of shortage of air

Psychoemotional disorders:

  • acrimony
  • bystry fatigability
  • weakenings of memory and attention
  • sleeplessness
  • depressions
  • depression of overall health and working capacity

Somatic disorders:

  • decrease of number of muscle bulk and force
  • fragility of bones
  • gynecomastia
  • obesity
  • decrease of quantity androgenzavisimykh of hair
  • thinning and dystrophia of a skin

Laboratory shifts:

  • depression of level of the general and bioavailable Testosteron-Depotum
  • rising of levels of Oestradiolum and globulin binding sex hormones
  • anemia
  • rising of level of a cholesterin, lipoproteins of low (LPNP) and very low (LPONP) density.

Age of andropauza

The probability of offensive of an andropauza is enlarged with age. There is the following age statistics of men in a phase of the come andropauza:

Andropauz's age

40-49 years of 2-5%

50-59 years of 6-40%

60-69 years of 20-45%

70-79 years of 34-70%

80 90% are more senior

Side effects of anabolic steroids at advanced age


For more elderly athletes risk of developing of a hypertension, atherosclerosis of vessels, ischemia of a myocardium and malignant tumors (a prostate, thoracal glands, an intestine, etc.) are much higher and is enlarged with age. As anabolic steroids increase rate of cell fission, the opinion was popular earlier that these drugs are capable to enlarge the frequency of mutations. If in youth the quantity of mutant cells are lower, and the immune system is more active - the organism copes with this problem. But after 40 years immunity weakens, the number of the mutating cells begins to grow promptly - the tumor naturally is result of this process. However modern experimental data disprove cancerogenic effect of steroids, except for a prostate and a liver (in case of use the gepatotoksichnykh the 17-alkilirovannykh of drugs).

Tumor and hypertrophy of a prostate

Use of inhibitors 5 - alpha reductases highly effectively in case of the good-quality giperplaziya of a prostate gland (GQGPG). With respect thereto, the assumption of possible negative influence of exogenous androgens on a prostate gland was made. Along with it it was noted that the most often specified diseases arise at advanced age, i.e. against the background of decrease in level of androgens.

Numerous molecular researches showed that the major pathogenetic factor of development of DGPZh is intracellular increase in activity 5 - alpha reductases, leading to increase in level 5 - alpha dihydrotestosterone in cells of a prostate gland, but not increased plasma level of testosterone. In case of application of replaceable doses of testosterone deterioration in indicators of an urofluometriya, and also indicators of questionnaires for assessment of symptoms of DGZhP of the American Urological Association wasn't noted.

Thus, it is considered that DGPZh isn't a contraindication to purpose of therapy. In many researches correlation between testosterone level in plasma and the frequency of development of a prostate cancer wasn't noted. Similar data were obtained in other research when the level of a pro-static specific anti-gene (the DOG, a marker of a prostate cancer) wasn't changed in case of therapy at healthy men.

In the presence of prostatitis or a hypertrophy of a prostate in quality hormone replacement therapy is applied testosterone in combination with inhibitors 5 - alpha reductases (Finasterid). These are reduces efficiency of a rate a little, however considerably reduces development of androgenic side effects, including on a prostate gland. Besides, 2 times a year, and also laboratory measurement of a pro-static specific anti-gene are recommended to carry out routine inspection.

Alopetion (baldness)

Loss of hair on the head is also connected with increase in dihydrotestosterone, thus the combined therapy with Finasterid can effectively prevent a hair loss.

Testosterone secretion suppression

It is known that when using androgens oppression of endocrine function of testicles and a spermatogenesis via the mechanism of negative feedback is possible. Especially this effect is noted in case of prolonged use of anabolic steroids in big dosages.

At the same time, acceptance of 240 mg of testosterone of an undekanoat (ANDRIOL) within 6 months wasn't followed by decrease in initial normal level of a spermatogenesis. In other researches essential suppression of normal level of gonadotrophins or endogenous testosterone in case of acceptance of this medicine is also not shown that it is probably connected with a short half-life period of testosterone of an undekanoat.

Thus, adequate post course therapy can eliminate this complication if the andropauza didn't come yet. After approach of an andropauza fixed hormonal therapy is recommended.

Atrophy of testicles

Due to suppression of secretion of gonadotrophins on a feedback mechanism, at prolonged use of anabolic steroids, the atrophy and a desensitization of testicles can develop. In other words, at the termination of introduction of exogenous medicine testicles don't restore ability to sekretirovat own testosterone. This is insignificant after approach of an andropauza. To an andropauza long courses have to be followed by application of a gonadotrophin.


Therapy by testosterone often gives to increase in a gematokrit above of physiological values because of continuous stimulation of an eritropoez (it is connected with the increased production of erythropoietin under the influence of androgens). Most of authors recommends decrease in a dose of medicine at achievement of indicators of a gematokrit higher than 51% and cancellation of medicine at indicators more than 54%. It is noted that elderly people often have a reaction in the form of sharp increase in level of a gematokrit at purpose of rather small doses of testosterone. Especially expressed increase in level of a gematokrit at androgenzamestitelny therapy occurs at patients with chronic pulmonary diseases.

At medicine cancellation the level of a gematokrit usually comes back to normal values.


Controversial issue is influence of exogenous androgens on the level of lipids of a blood. Traditionally it is considered that the increased risk of development of an atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease in men in comparison with women of genesial age is bound to negative influence of androgens on a lipide profile. Nevertheless, in several researches it was shown that purpose of Testosteron-Depotum leads to depression of level of atherogenous LPONP and LPNP at rather invariable level of anti-atherogenous LPVP.

In other population research it was taped that the risk of development of coronary heart disease decreases at increase of plasma level of Testosteron-Depotum. It can be bound to positive influence of Testosteron-Depotum on expression of a visceral obesity.

Other side effects and complications

Infrequent complications when performing androgenzamestitelny therapy is the liquid delay in an organism, physiological rising of appetite, predilection to clottages. Due to the last side effect careful purpose of Testosteron-Depotum is recommended to men with recently undergone operations, injuries. The clump of liquid can be eliminated with aromatase inhibitors.

At the patients receiving replacement therapy by Testosteron-Depotum the augmentation of frequency of development of a syndrome in a dream is noted. Perhaps, this side effect arises generally at persons with obesity or chronic diseases of lungs.

Read also: Side effects of steroids and how to reduce harm

Rates for elderly

The main medicines for performing therapy at men are testosterone medicines. Today medicines for oral, injection and transdermalny application are created. Now C17-alkilirovannye testosterone medicines (methyltestosterone) having the expressed toxic and cancerogenic influence on a liver in case of oral application are almost withdrawn from the use. Hormone of growth which is capable to rejuvenate skin gains popularity, and also to strengthen joints and ligaments.

Medicines of the choice are drugs on the basis of unmodified (natural) testosterone molecules, most often testosterone air.

Testosterone and testosterone are the most widespread medicines of testosterone in the USA. Thus, the adequate mode of dispensing is intramuscular entering of medicine in a dose of 1 ml of 1 times in 3 weeks. Appointment within 3 months of a replaceable dose of medicine with the subsequent cancellation for a period of up to 3 months is often carried out.

According to most of authors, efficiency of therapy shall be estimated first of all on dynamics of clinical manifestations of an andropauza. In most cases efficiency of therapy in clinical practice is estimated by subjective criteria.

Therapy performance indicators testosterone and at the same time the purposes of the carried-out treatment are:

  • increase in a libido, general sexual satisfaction;
  • reduction of expressiveness or disappearance and mental disturbances;
  • in case of long-term treatment - increase in density of bone weight, reduction fatty and increase of muscle bulk;
  • laboratory parameters: increase in level of hemoglobin or quantity of erythrocytes, decrease in level of LPONP and LPNP in case of not changed LPVP level.
  • control of arterial pressure and periodic research of a prostate gland is necessary

Ginekomastiya who developed owing to change of a ratio of level of androgens to the level of estrogen seldom is eliminated by means of conservative methods of treatment (aromataza inhibitors).

For control of the state of health the following laboratory indicators are studied:

  • general blood test (quantity of erythrocytes, level of hemoglobin, gematokrit)
  • lipidic range of blood (level of general cholesterol, triglycerides, LPONP, LPNP, LPVP)
  • level of the pro-static specific anti-gene (PSSAG)
  • densitometry of bones of a forearm, backbone urofluometriya / ultrasound examination of a prostate gland, an aim biopsy (in case of suspicion of pathology).

New medicines

Scientists look for more and more perfect medicines. Now, for example, injection medicine of Nebido which it is necessary to prick only four once a year is brought to the market. Specialists of the Shering company managed to find the successful formula including oil fraction which allows to maintain rather stable concentration of necessary testosterone within three months: it is gradually released from "oil depot". Some earlier medicines weren't so convenient as they could give "splashes" in hormonal level: there is too much it, a little. It is brought to the market and new gel of the Solvey of Pharm company allowing to apply medicine on skin once a day. Rather recently medicine in the form of a tablet under language was created, clinical tests are passed also by such form as plates which fasten on a gum.

Gains popularity such dosage form as testosteron plaster which fastens on skin and provides fixed intake of medicine in blood.

The publication from the Ekspert magazine No. 9 (503)/06 of Mar, 2006 is taken as a basis of this article, besides data of the last researches, and also modern experience of doctors and athletes were entered.


Course of steroids after 40 years

29 Nov 2016

According to William LLewellyn, Dennis Weis and other famous specialists the strategy of creation of an optimum rate of anabolic steroids changes a little with age. It is established that general testosterone begins to decrease at men from 50─55 years by 0,8─1,6% a year, at the same time bioactive (free) testosterone decreases from 30─35 years with a speed of 23% a year. According to the data Mayo Clinic, by 70 years, the level of testosterone falls approximately for 50%. The problem of decrease in level of testosterone is one of the most urgent in medicine with age, and became a primary subject of the fifth World congress on problems of the aging men in Salzburg. It is at the moment precisely established that the male body after 50-60 years enters a condition of similar to a female menopause.

The hypophyses-hypothalamuses-testicles (HHT), and also growth of concentration of the globulin connecting sex hormones refer lowering of function of an arch to the reasons of reducing level of natural testosterone. You can also like Prostalamin.

Approximately after 40 years the following features of male physiology in response to reception of anabolic steroids are observed:

  • bigger suppression of secretion of own testosterone => slow restoration and bigger kickback of the received results
  • more expressed aromatization in estrogen => is higher risk of development of a ginekomastiya, liquid congestion
  • complications from cardiovascular system meet more often (in particular the increased arterial pressure)
  • higher risk of baldness
  • possible increase in level

All this dictates need for more careful choice the anabolic medicines, and also schemes of reception which provide the most complete recovery after a course. It should be noted that incomplete restoration can reduce fertility, it needs to be considered if children in the future are still planned.

Features of creation of a course after 40

  • It is obligatory to make the analysis on the DOG of blood (PSA, a pro-static specific anti-gene) - identification in blood of the man of endogenous substance which is produced by cells of a prostate gland. The DOG is an onkomarker of a prostate cancer. At a positive sample the course is contraindicated.
  • It is desirable to carry out laboratory analyses of hormones and a lipidic profile of blood before and after a course. If there are deviations (level of the general testosterone is especially important), then the expert in an individual order has to define the subsequent tactics.
  • Systematic control of level of arterial pressure is necessary.
  • It is necessary to apply moderate dosages of anabolic medicines
  • Duration of a course has to be short (6-8 weeks)
  • If duration of a course exceeds 6 weeks extremely surely introduction of a gonadotrophin on 500-250ME, twice a week, since 3-4 weeks of a course and prior to post course therapy. The gonadotrophin prevents a desensitization and an atrophy of testicles, and also accelerates the subsequent restoration.
  • Use of inhibitors of an aromatasia is necessary if such medicines as testosterone, metandrostenolon and the other flavored steroids are used. Inhibitors of an aromatasia interfere with development of ginekomastia, increase the muscles density (eliminate a liquid congestion), reduce suppression of an arch of GGYa. Are applied in low dosages.
  • Obligatory performing post course therapy (PKT)
  • For obtaining the maximum effect during post course therapy it is possible to conduct a course of hormone of growth or peptides. It to allow to achieve an additional relief and almost completely to keep muscle bulk, and also to strengthen ligaments and joints, to improve properties of skin.

Medicine choice. Opinions of experts disperse in two main directions. One recommend to build courses on the basis of testosterone (including combined), and others on the basis of softer anabolic means. Summarizing information, it is possible to draw a conclusion that optimum anabolic medicines for men after 40 years will be:

  • Primobolan - PKT in 2-3 weeks after the last injection.
  • Turinabol - PKT in 3 days after the end of reception.
  • Ekvipoyz - PKT in 3-4 weeks.

Testosterone enantat or tsipionat. Propionate causes androgenic side effects more often, is inconvenient in application, often there are complaints to constant pain in places of an injection. In quality it is possible to connect the front-loada on first 2-3 weeks turinabol or metandrostenolon. PKT in 2 weeks.

The listed medicines will be suitable for drying if to keep to the corresponding diet. Relief and density of muscles will provide aromatasia inhibitors. Besides, for drying the preferable choice are vinstrol and anavar.

Proviron is safe medicine with moderate activity, allows to achieve a relief and it is essential to increase sexual activity, at the same time slightly influences an endogenous hormonal background. It is of little use for a set of weight.


Anabolic steroids - the Subclass S 1.1 and S 1.2

29 Nov 2016

Anabolic steroids Subclass S 1.1

In 1895 Saechi has for the first time described communication between the mass of muscles and effect of male sex hormones — androgens. Sex hormones define sexual development of an organism and form primary and secondary sexual characteristics. In a female body female sex hormones — estrogen and progestins, and in men's — androgens prevail though blood of representatives of both floors contains also insignificant amount of the hormones inherent in an opposite sex. In an organism of men from 4 to 10 mg of testosterone, and women — only 0,15 — 0,4 mg are daily developed.

In sport interest in testosterone has appeared when in 1935 Kochacian and Murlin have found out that this male sex hormone stimulates not only development of secondary sexual characteristics, but also accumulation of protein in an organism. Testosterone affects a human body in two directions: promotes synthesis of proteins of skeletal muscles and partially myocardium muscles, reduces the content of fat in a body and changes his distribution. It manifestations of so-called anabolic activity of testosterone. Testosterone also promotes development of male sexual characters as primary — the initial growth of a penis, growth and development of seed bubbles, growth and development of a prostate gland, and secondary — density and placement of hair on a body and a face, a voice posterization, and some other. It manifestations of androgenic activity of testosterone.

Testosteron-Depotum and its derivatives (more than 30 natural and synthetic bonds having anabolic effect) carry the main male sex hormone to anabolic androgenic agents (AAS). On structure Testosteron-Depotum represents derivative tsiklopentanpergidrofenantren.

Testosteron-Depotum and its synthetic derivatives represent substances with the increased anabolic activity and is proportional the reduced androgenic activity. However doesn't exist and there can't be drugs of anabolic steroids with zero androgenic activity. The same can be told about Testosteron-Depotum and its various derivative (Aethers), and also their admixtures. Thus, harmless anabolic steroids don't exist.

The main effects of use of anabolic agents in sport during an initial stage of reception are: fast gain of muscle bulk (on condition of sufficient contents in a nutrition of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace substances) and prevention of its falling in the period of serious training loads. Owing to a gain of muscle bulk the augmentation of transversal section of a muscle is observed and, therefore, physical force, a recovery rate after exercise stresses are in proportion enlarged, the volume of transferable training loads increases.

Anabolic steroids are the most active class of bonds from all known anabolic agents. At the correct use they give an appreciable gain of body weight and augmentation of force of muscles. The gain of body weight is reached not only at the expense of muscular tissue, but also at the expense of augmentation of mass of internal organs — a liver, heart, kidneys etc. which however, is expressed less, than body height of muscle bulk.

Steroids in which androgenic qualities are reduced determine as "anabolic steroids", and in what androgenic qualities "androgenic steroids" prevail. Decrease in androgenic activity of medicine involves decrease in its anabolic qualities therefore anabolic steroid than initial testosterone, but at the same time has also lower anabolic qualities. The so-called mass steroids (which are most often applied by unfair athletes) come only from group of androgenic steroids where along with the increased androgenic qualities very strong anabolic are observed. Androgenic steroids not only are strong concerning their anabolic qualities, but also possess a large number of side effects. Sports doctors should know that the steroid is more effective, androgen and, therefore, is more dangerous to an organism.

In 1935 the Yugoslavian chemist L. Ruzhichka first-ever synthesized testosterone and its 17a-metilirovanny analog methyltestosterone on the basis of which many forms of anabolic steroids for oral application were received. In two years of testosterone propionate became the first industrially made medicine from group of androgenic steroids. In the 1940th years presence at testosterone in addition to androgenic activity properties was established that allowed to use it for treatment of the patients weakened by chronic malnutrition, mainly, the former prisoners of war. In the 1950th years others were for the first time synthesized, except methyltestosterone, derivatives of male sex hormones, and the task was initially set to synthesize medicines at which androgenic action would be the weakest, and anabolic — most expressed. American scientific L. Yoganson and D. O'Sha proved that under the influence of a dianabol in the course of the training there is a surplus of muscle bulk and force much quicker, anabolic steroids began to apply in such sports as weightlifting, track and field athletics throwings, sprinting, fight, swimming, etc. By 1964 many were available for sale anabolic means of the American production known today: sound board-durabolin, khalotestin, anavar, nilevar, stanozolol (vinstrol), primobolan (metanolona acetate), and also all kinds of injection medicines of testosterone. Speaking about separate medicines from this group, it should be noted especially testosterone, nandrolon (retabolit), stanozolol (stromba, vinstrol), metandienon (metandrostenolon, dianabol, nerobol) and tetrahydrogestrinon.

All anabolic steroid medicines are derivatives of testosterone of a synthetic origin. For production of the majority of anabolic means raw materials is the root of the Mexican sarsaparilla (Sarsaparilla, čńļ. zarza — blackberry, a ragga — a grapevine and ilia — is a little). The official name of a plant — Smilax. Belongs to the Smilacaceae family and includes types of officinalis, aristolochiaefolia, glabra, febrifuga, ornata, regelii, japicanga. Around the world there are 350 kinds of Smilax pps. In the wild nature this plant (types of S. officinalis, S. japicanga and S. febriftiga) grows in South America (Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia), in Jamaica and other Caribbean countries, Mexico, Honduras (S. regelii, S. aristolochiaefolia, S. ornata), China (S. glabra). Sarsaparilla is the tropical long-term rod creeping on the ground clinging by means of short moustaches. Ligneous stalks are covered with sharp thorns, leaves arrow-shaped, evergreen. Small greenish-white florets grow from a sheet scape, forming an inflorescence an umbrella. The long klubnepodobny roots having sweetish taste are used. The root of a plant contains starch, pitches, alkaloids, tannin, sulfur, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Sarsaparilla is rich with a valuable construction material for proteins — amino acids cysteine and methionine, and also contains vitamins, in particular In, (thiamine), and also the lecithin necessary for maintenance of integrity of membranes. Besides, roots of different types Smilax contain parigenin and acetyl-parigenin, astilibin and isoastilibin, kaffeol-shikimov acids, dihydrokvertsetin, diosgeninķ, engeletin and isoengeletin, essential oils, eukrefin, ferulovy acid, glyukopiranosida, kamferol, rarillin, pollinastanol, resveratol, to ramnoz, parillin, taksifolin and titogenin, and also saponina of steroid nature (R-sitosterol, e-sitosterol, sarsaponin, smilasaponina A-with, sarsaparil-lozid, smilagenin, sarsasapogenin, A-E smiglazida, stigmasterol). Such versatile structure causes broad application of roots of a plant in traditional medicine. Do not forget take Mildronate for better results.

In medical practice anabolic agents are applied at an asthenia and a cachexia of a different parentage, after severe injuries and operations, combustions, trophic disorders, and also at treatment of chronic coronary heart disease, an atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction, heart failure of the II-III Art., a rheumatic carditis; at a peptic ulcer of a stomach and a duodenum, a myopathy and the progressing muscular dystrophia, an eczema, a psoriasis, a chronic failure of adrenals, a Lorain's disease, a diffuse toxic struma.

Unfortunately, in the 1960th years anabolic steroids Testosteron-Depotum and Dianabolum (methandrostenolone) were the basis though forbidden, training of elite athletes, and their use was enlarged in a geometrical progression. Public statements of two athletes, very unknown were deification before, so far they didn't become in Tokyo in 1964 Olympic champions in track and field athletics, and only thanks to anabolic steroids.

Today such anabolic steroids as Testosteron-Depotum (omadren) and Testosteron-Depotum tsipionat, testerona fenpropionat, Testosteron-Depotum andecanoat, and also other anabolic steroids of various structure are very widespread:

  • anavar (oksandrolon);
  • anadrol (oksimetolon);
  • andraktit (dihydrotestosterone);
  • vinstrol (stanozolol);
  • genabol (norboleton);
  • danocrin (danazol);
  • sound board-durabolin (nandrolon);
  • dinabol (nandrolona tsipionat);
  • durabolin(nandrolonafenilpropionat);
  • metandienon (dianabol, metandrostenolon, nerobol);
  • metandriol (metilandrostendiol);
  • nilevar (noertandrolon);
  • orabolin (etilestrenol), shouted-turinabol (4-hlorodegidrometiltestosteron);
  • oranabol (ocsimesteron);
  • orasteron (normetandrolon);
  • primobolan (metanolona acetate) and primobolan-depot (metanolona enantat);
  • prostanazol (dezmetilstanazolonatetragidropiranit);
  • tetrahydrogestiron;
  • trenbolone and finadhect (trenbolone acetate), trenabol-depot (trenbolone enantat), parabolan (trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate);
  • khalodrol (chlorodehydrometilandrostendiol);
  • khalotestin (fluoksimesteron);
  • ekvipoiz (boldenona undezianat)

The representatives of synthetic anabolic steroids who are often used by unfair athletes are the stated below medicines.

Metandrostenolon (Methandrostenolonum; synonyms: dianabol, nerobol ("Gideon Richter"), BeAnabolex, Anabolin, Anaboral, Bionabol, DanaJ bol, Dehydromethyltestosteron, Dianabol, Distra-norm, Lanabolin, Metanabol, Metandienone, Metandienonum, Metastenol, Methastenon, Nabolin, Nerobol, Novabol, Perabol, Perbolin, Stenolon, Vanabol, etc.); chemical structure 17a - methyl - ąķäšīńņąäčåķ - 1,4 - īė - 17 - beta it. On a chemical structure and biological effect it is close to testosterone and its analogs.

Release form: tablets on 5 mg. It has androgenic activity, however is much less active, than testosterone; at the same time renders the expressed anabolic effect. Androgenic action of metandrostenolon is 100 times less than similar effect of testosterone of propionate in case of approximately identical anabolic activity. Metandrostenolon was developed by John Ziegler to the middle of the 1990th years and since 1958 was made a type of tablets on 5 mg under trademark dianobol. Its production in the USA is stopped in 1972, however the Mexican illegal producers still continue synthesis and sale of this medicine under the same name. One of derivatives of metandrostenolon is oralturinabol, the chlorine atom having in the fourth provision. On the same basis it was synthesized boldenon. Both of them treat "design steroids", i.e. the received way of chemical modifying of a molecule of initial steroid hormone with the purpose to achieve higher anabolic effect.

Metilandrostendiol(Methylandrostendiolum; synonyms: Anadiol, Androdiol, Anormon, Diandrin, Diolostene, Masdiol, Mestendiol, Metandiol, Metandriol, Metasteron, Methandriol, Methandriolum, Methostan, Neosteron, Notandron, Novand-rol, Protandren, Stenediol, Stenosterone, Testodiol, Tonormon, Troformone); chemical structure 17a-metilandrosten-5-diol-Zr-17-ol. Release form: tablets on 10 and 25 mg. On a chemical structure and biological properties it is close to methyltestosterone, however differs in smaller androgenic activity at rather higher anabolic action. In this regard it can be applied at violations of proteinaceous exchange, rendering rather weak androgenic (maskuliniziruyushchy) effect.

Fenobolin (Phenobolinum; synonyms: durabolin, nandrolon-fenilpropionat, nandrolon (GDR), nerobolit, turabolit, ņóščķąįīė, Anaboline, Anabosan, Anticatabolin, Durabol, Durabolin, Hormobolin, Hormonabol, Metabol, Nanbolin, Nandrolin, Nandrolone phenylpropionate, Nandroloni phenylpropionas, Nandrolonum phenylpropionicum, Nerobolil, Norstenol, Superanabolon, Superbolin, Unabol, etc.); chemical structure 17(3 - oxy - 19 - holes - 4 - ąķäšīńņåķ - 3 - he - 17|3-fenilpropionat, or fenilpropionat a 19-nortestosterona.

Release form: and 2.5% solution (10 and 25 mg) in peach (nerobolit) ampoules on 1 ml of 1% or olive (fenobolin) oil. Is active, it is long the operating anabolic steroid. After a single injection the effect remains 7-15 days. It renders weak androgenic effect.

Retabolilum (Retabolil; synonyms: Abolon, Anabosan-Depot, Deca-Durabolin, Decanandroline, Dekanabol, Eubolin, Fortabolin, Hormoretard, Nandrolone decanoate, Nandroloni decanoas, Nortestosterondecanoat, Superbolan, Turinabol-Depo, etc.); chemical structure 19-holes-Testosteron-Depotum-173-dekanoat. The attachment 19-nor-means that in a molecule of Testosteron-Depotum there is no metalny group in the 19th situation. Drug has strong and long anabolic effect.

Release form: ampoules on 1 ml of 5% - ćī solution (50 mg) in peach oil. After an injection the effect occurs in the first three days, reaches a maximum by seventh day and not less than three weeks proceed. In comparison with other synthetic anabolic steroids. In clinical practice it is used for treatment of a dystrophia, when recovering from injuries, operations, infarcts; it is prescribed even at children's age. At women drug increases hemoglobin level in a blood and reduces loss of calcium from a bone tissue. Phenobolinum possesses smaller androgenic (and viriliziruyushchy) action, than. In practice of sport unfair athletes use for rubbing in in a skin 19-holes-steroid drugs of norandrostendiol and norandrostendion in the form of solutions in vials. Terms of removal such forms of drug are rather short, especially against the background of trainings when there is an intensive diaphoresis.

Silabolinum is chemical structure estren 4 - īl - 17|3 - it - 3-trimetilsililovy air. Has the prolonged anabolic effect.

Release form: ampoules on 1 ml of 2,5 or 5% solution in olive oil (25 or 50 mg). After a single injection the effect lasts 10 — 14 days. Medicine has insignificant androgenic activity.

Tetragidrogestrinon (TGG) - Information on this medicine extremely poor. TGG represents modification of trenbolone, an anabolic steroid which is stronger in hundreds than a nandrolon, or perhaps and in thousands of times. The raw materials applied to production of TGG are unknown, however, so far as well as when it was precisely invented. It is possible to assume that formed a basis for creation of TGG gestrinon which is known long ago and is used for treatment of female infertility. As the anabolic steroid is included into the List of the forbidden substances and methods as the structure of its molecule reminds and nandrolon, and trenbolone is the known anabolic medicines. Gestrinon as anabolic steroid is ineffective, however, if to carry out tetrahydrorecovery, then TGG turns out. Any chemical modifying of a molecule with the purpose to achieve strengthening of its any physiological effect is called design. Almost not studied there are side effects from the use of this medicine. However, as it is specified in the press release of WADA, it is possible to assume that application of TGG will lead to alopetion and impotence at men and virilization and to girsutism for women.

Anabolic activity of this or that medicine is defined in relation to anabolic activity of testosterone which is accepted to unit. Androgenic activity in relation to androgenic activity of testosterone is similarly expressed. The relation of anabolic activity to androgenic is called the anabolic index (AI).

From here it is clear that the most valuable is that medicine which has the greatest anabolic index as an indicator of the greatest prevalence of anabolic activity over androgenic. Anabolic and androgenic activity of various medicines according to different authors where as the standard testosterone is used is given.

For understanding of mechanisms of action of anabolic steroids it is necessary to have a clear view of their chemical structure and communication of activity with a structure of a molecule of this or that derivative testosterone

General structure of steroid connections

Tetracyclic hydrocarbon with the metilny radical - CH3 in situation 13, sometimes in provisions 10, 1, 7 is the cornerstone of all anabolic steroids. Very presence of the radical of different length in situation 17 is important. Has the largest duration of action retabolit with the longest radical in situation 17: - 0-C=0 ~ CH-(CH2)8-CH3. The anabolic effect after single introduction of j of retabolil remains within three months. Shorter radical having in situation 17 is in the second place on duration of action fenobolin. Its anabolic effect after single introduction remains up to 14 days.

Direct dependence between length of the radical of and duration of action is explained by the fact that in case of its lengthening solubility in lipids as the radical contacts lipids of an organism increases and forms depot in cellulose.

The explanation and various efficiency of the accepted means follows from structure and the mechanism of action of anabolic steroids. On chemical structure anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone with the reduced androgenic activity and kept (or increased) — anabolic.

Presence of the metalny radical — CH3 in a provision 17 gives to anabolic steroids hepatotoxic properties. Therefore such medicines as, for example, metandrostenolon, having a metal radical in a provision 17, usually apply together with the medicines improving function of a liver.

From 1950 to 1970 in the world hundreds of substances of new anabolic steroids which effect is researched in experiments on animals were synthesized. However only the small number of these medicines underwent clinical approbation and received entry into the pharmaceutical market. Let's sweep aside that a number of perspective developments of Gideon Richter (Hungary) were bought up by Americans on so-called grants of George Soros and formed the basis of developments of the modern medicines used in practice of sports preparation.

Since a certain impact of anabolic funds for muscular structures was revealed, these medicines are in sight of the scientists working in the sphere of sports medicine. In scientific literature there is a great number of references to experiences with anabolic steroids. Most of them is executed in the countries of the West, first of all, in the USA.

Of course, it doesn't mean that in the countries of the former socialist camp such researches weren't conducted. In particular, anabolic steroids were widely used by athletes of the former GDR, and, therefore, in it scientific research in this direction was carried out. However these works had confidential character, their results weren't published openly in the scientific medical and pharmacological periodical press and therefore to us they, unfortunately, behind very rare exceptions, are unavailable. Therefore further we will refer mainly to works of researchers of the USA and Western Europe (to us only the works on some anabolic steroids, in particular, on nerobola which are openly carried out to the USSR to an official prohibition on use of these substances in sport are known). In the late eighties — the beginning of the 1990th years it became clear that anabolic steroids are the effective ergogen remedies significantly increasing power qualities, sports working capacity and endurance.

Action of Testosteron-Depotum and its derivatives on an organism of the athlete is well studied. Testosteron-Depotum gives the expressed anabolic effect, i.e. enlarges muscle bulk and influences a nervous system, taking off effects of fatigue and lifting the general tonus and a spirit, "fighting spirit". It is felt after several injections containing 50 mg of Testosteron-Depotum in the form of an Aether of organic acid, for example, of propionic. There are injection drugs of Testosteron-Depotum with very high single dose — to 250 mg. It is the only anabolic steroid in sports practice used on the eve of start.

What features of pharmacological action of anabolic steroids and their use in practice of sport? First of all, it is the effects promoting rising of sports effectiveness. The phenomena described below became perceptible both athletes, and objective observers, and are generalized in the famous monograph of JI. A. Ostapenko and M. V. Klestov (2002).

Body height of power indicators happens thanks to the fact that anabolic steroids, strengthening a biosynthesis of protein in an organism, enlarge thickness of myofibrillar elements (an actin and a myosin) providing muscular contraction. Certainly, it is reached only at the accompanying serious training and the corresponding albuminous delivery. Some strength gain can be carried out at the expense of augmentation of "fabric levers" as a result of ascending of volume of cellular liquid (sarcoplasm) and the general delay of water. But this, certainly, temporary phenomenon, especially, if, seeking to enter weight category, the athlete to competitions dumps" water.

Unconditional is the fact that anabolic steroids increase synthesis of a fosfokreatan and adenosine triphosphate, and also accelerate resynthesis of ATP, the hard muscular work which is spent in case of accomplishment. Increasing activity of the enzymes responsible for synthesis of a glycogen in muscular tissue, steroids also increase energy potential of muscle cells, positively influence sports working capacity and considerably intensify processes of recovery and superrecovery after the training occupations. Increasing concentration of calcium and phosphates in a muscle cell, anabolic steroids promote more powerful and effective muscular contractions. Some authors specify that steroids are capable to reduce effect of physiological wear of a muscular protein as a result of a heavy training.

The growth in volumes of muscles when using anabolic steroids logically follows from the stated above data. The main factors responsible for it, growth miofibrill, increase in amount of sarkoplazma and a hypertrophy of the mitochondrial device of a cage are. Undoubtedly, such result is possible only in case of the corresponding training and a diet. One more significant factor — effect of increase in amount of the circulating blood.

When using anabolic steroids also reduction of content of fat in an organism is observed. However it isn't absolutely clear yet by means of what mechanisms this effect is reached. Some specialists charge this phenomenon to release of the increased amount of free fatty acids and their use as a power source in case of hard muscular work. Besides, as muscles are metabolic active, constantly updated fabric, increase in percent of muscle bulk in an organism leads to increase in rates of metabolism in general and to the accelerated energy expenditure even at rest. It is clear, that in these conditions fatty acids are also more actively consumed from depot.

Increase in respiratory (respiratory) speed and endurance can also be performed by application of anabolic means. Due to increase in quantity of mitochondrions muscle cells purchase the raised capability to utilize oxygen in case of intense trainings therefore endurance increases. Perhaps, even more significant is increase of level of cortisol, the stressful hormone produced by adrenal glands which influences breath depth. Some authors specify also increase in content of hemoglobin in blood that promotes effective transport of oxygen to the working muscles that too stimulates endurance.

Increase in quantity and general gleam of vessels of muscular tissue (capillarization) can also be a consequence of acceptance of anabolic steroids. As a result of their use arterial pressure can increase a little, and the amount of blood increases for the account of both cellular, and plasma components. It is supposed that it causes effect of expansion of a gleam of blood vessels that improves inflow of blood to the working muscles. Best "filling" of muscles is as a result felt. Such phenomenon is called "a steroid rating" which, except obvious cosmetic effect, increases operability of muscles.

Reducing time of recovery after injuries or intensive loadings is explained by the fact that anabolic steroids promote acceleration of synthesis of proteins and delay of an ekskretion of nitrogen. As a result the recovery period is reduced, and training occupations become more effective.

Emergence of an opportunity to perform the bigger volume of training work with the increased intensity — one more effect of use of anabolic steroids. Most likely, it is result of increase of ability of an organism to resynthesis of a kreatinfosfat (KF) without which enough muscles very quickly get tired. At reception of anabolic steroids the buffer capacity of blood (generally at the expense of proteinaceous and gemoglobin buffers) increases therefore increase in concentration of lactic acid happens more slowly. Besides, tendency to an overtraining which threatens with the increased disintegration (catabolism) of muscle cells of miotsit decreases.

Anabolic steroids also lead to emergence of some specific psychological effects. General psychological "rise", desire to train and succeed, emergence of "combativity" concern to them improvement of mental abilities, ability is better to concentrate, growth of tolerance to pain (pain threshold), the irreconcilable attitude towards weak personal effectiveness, ability to set the purposes and to reach them.

Also others are noted, the phenomena accompanying reception of anabolic steroids. The increased ability to accumulate a muscular glycogen (fuel for power trainings) and to accumulate a food protein, to stimulate eritro-and leykopoez, to improve the immune status of an organism, regeneration processes is noted. Also some hypertrophy of heart, reduction of time of reaction of muscles and improvement of "muscle memory" which allows athletes to return quicker to the reached high level of effectiveness once is observed.

At the use of anabolic steroids force and muscle bulk grow much quicker, than there are corresponding changes in sinews and connecting fabrics that in case of the maximum loads can lead to injuries. Besides, reception of anabolic steroids causes decrease in viscosity of muscular tissue owing to a delay of water and sodium that leads to reduction of elasticity of muscles (subjectively estimated as "delayed onset muscle soreness" or "downtroddenness"), and also complicates ability to develop full-fledged muscular efforts. All this promotes predisposition to injuries of muscles and the copular device during the training occupations and competitions.

Expressiveness of the steroids of anabolic effects expected from reception is connected with three main reasons.

  • Ability of anabolic steroids to activation of synthesis of protein in sceletal muscles and to change of the direction of nitric exchange (with negative on positive) in muscular tissue. Apparently, anabolic steroids show the effects thanks to accession of their molecules to androgen receptors of a plasmatic membrane with the subsequent translocation in a core and interaction with nuclear chromatin. Differences in clinical effects of various anabolic steroids are caused by type and the number of the receptors involved in interaction the androgen, and also the enzymes controlling a metabolism of steroid hormones in muscular tissue (11-, 18-, 19-, 21 hydroxylases, isomerases, a Z-R-oksisteroid-degidrogenaza, 20 desmolase, transmethylases, etc.).
  • Active involvement in process of receptors of glucocorticoid hormones that can cause anticatabolic effects of blocking of glyukokortikoid inhibition of albuminous synthesis in the period of a stress owing to intensive exercise stresses.
  • Emergence in the athlete of signs of euphoria and aggression at simultaneous depression of fatigability that is caused by reception of anabolic steroid hormones (Zalessky, Dynnik, 2007).

The mechanism of action of anabolic steroids at the cellular level is very difficult that is characteristic not only of anabolic steroids, but also of steroid hormones in general. After an injection in a muscle the anabolic steroid gets to blood. At oral administration (for example, in the form of tablets, capsules or powders) the anabolic steroid through digestive tract comes to a liver, and then to the blood course, and with current of blood is carried on all organism, reaching structures targets: cells of skeletal muscles, hair sacks, sebaceous glands, certain sites of a brain and some endocrine glands which contain specific receptors. The receptor connects a steroid molecule; the formed complex is transported in a cellular kernel (we will notice that only free molecules of an anabolic steroid are capable to form such complexes with a receptor; 99% of all quantity of steroids in blood exist in the plasma connected with proteins to a form, and only 1% is in a free form). Then the complex a steroid — a receptor joins nuclear DNA that causes activation of synthesis of information RNA. The RNA formed as a result of this process leaves a kernel, bearing new information, and connects to ribosomalny RNA in cage cytoplasm owing to what on ribosomes protein synthesis begins. Strengthening of proteinaceous synthesis provides increase in number of proteinaceous molecules thanks to what there is a growth of volume and force of skeletal muscles. But muscles don't begin to grow and get stronger in itself, steroid influence only provides the fertile field for such growth. To use the new, increased thanks to an anabolic steroid potential of a skeletal muscle, it needs to be stimulated periodically, i.e. to subject to a constant training. Without training stimulation process of proteinaceous exchange will go in the opposite direction that will lead to an atrophy of skeletal muscles.

In a human body there is a continuous synthesis new and disintegration of old proteinaceous molecules between which quantity there is a certain balance. Exactly thanks to it the metabolism, i.e. replacement of old fabrics with new is also performed. As it is considered to be, anabolic steroids influence this cycle, strengthening potential opportunities of muscular tissue at the expense of again synthesized protein and breaking the developed balance between new cages and dying off century advantage of the first. Use by unfair athletes of anabolic steroids provides them one more important benefit connected with the strengthened education in KF organism. Exactly thanks to the kreatinfosfatny mechanism a considerable part of additional "force" which is provided by steroids is formed. It is considered, for example, that anavar (oksandrolon) considerably strengthens biosynthesis of KF in muscles. Possibly, for this reason many athletes note what anavar increases power indicators without visible increase in body weight. In case of regular hit of anabolic steroids in a muscle cell there is a strengthened digestion of nitrogen, i.e. the positive nitrogenous balance is observed.

Assume also that increase in amount, forces and the mass of muscles can be connected with increase under the influence of anabolic steroids of amount of blood in an organism. For example, in case of acceptance of steroids within two-three weeks the total amount of blood increases by 10 — 20%. It, in turn, leads to strengthening of inflow of blood to the working muscles during the training occupations. Such phenomenon is called "the steroid pump". Except that this "pump" "pumps up" the size of muscles, increasing their amount and relief, perhaps, it also provides also strengthening of operability of muscles. Growth of operability of muscles predetermines, in turn, increase in training loads also becomes an incentive for new growth. Besides, increase in amount of blood in an organism, thanks to availability of a large number of erythrocytes, provides increase in inflow of oxygen to muscles. Increase in amount of blood in an organism under the influence of anabolic steroids especially well affects endurance of athletes. After the termination of steroid therapy the amount of plasma of blood returns to initial level, and the quantity of red blood cells remains at the previous increased level that can be established on increase in gematokrit. Such increase in content of hemoglobin in blood promotes growth of aerobic potential. It is easy to notice that this effect is similar to the effect reached in case of use of blood dope which is illegally used by many athletes of a world class. Use of steroids provides increase in mass of red blood cells by the end of a steroid cycle and provides preserving this effect within a month after the end of application of anabolic steroids. It should be noted that so far there is no unambiguous judgment whether anabolic effects of steroids (increase in amount of muscles and power characteristics) or their action is caused only by specific features of an organism.

It is supposed also that at the athletes accepting these medicines content in a glycogen organism increases. One more link between use of anabolic steroids and growth of muscles is decrease of the activity of catabolic hormone of cortisol. It is known that some anabolic means possess a capability more effectively to influence cortisol, than others. For example, metandienon has the exclusive force of impact on cortisol; perhaps, thanks to this capability it is so effective.

The molecules of steroids containing in blood are caught by receptors of certain target organs what it was told above about. After the molecule transfers the information message, it appears again in a blood-groove from which can get into a target organ again. Such cycle can be repeated several times, up to metabolic transformation and elimination from an organism with urine.

Metabolism of various anabolic steroids in a human body happens differently. Testosterone, for example, having got to an organism, quickly turns into dihydrotestosterone which already possesses other influence as contacts the receptors other than testosterone receptors. Of testosterone it is characteristic as well "aromatization", i.e. transformation into estrogen (female sex hormone). Understand reaction of an organism to excess of testosterone therefore the aromatization mechanism as a way of metabolic biotransformation and a detoxication of testosterone intensively begins to function as this term. Testosterone or androgens at the same time turn into estrogen. It is just that reaction from which users of anabolic steroids take great pain "to be protected". Most often aromatization happens when using steroids to strong androgenic properties and existence of double communications in A. S's ring to it connect a number of side effects which is most often found from which — development of chest glands in men (ginekomastiya). Development of this effect can be reduced, observing optimum, a dosage of medicines, and also limiting application of anabolic steroids with strong androgenic action. Some steroids are easily flavored that causes intensive accumulation of estrogen and manifestation of side effects. Such steroids as dianabol, testosterone, 17a-methyltestosterone are easily flavored.

Molecules of one anabolic steroids keep activity within several weeks, others — are quickly metabolized, turning into weaker, ineffective forms in several days after hit in an organism. Finally, almost all anabolic steroids are removed from an organism with urine in the form of conjugates with glyukuron or sulfuric acids.

Some of anabolic steroids have considerably bigger efficiency. Efficiency of impact also in many respects depends on specific features of an organism of the user. The medicines having the greatest anabolic effect promote growth of fabrics most. Though such medicines as anavar, vinstrol and primobolan, traditionally call medicines with high extent of anabolic impact, at the same time means that their anabolic properties it is expressed prevail over androgenic (a high androgenic index). Actually medicines, a similar anadrola, a dianabola and to testosterone, their listed above analogs have much bigger anabolic effect, than. Some injection anabolic steroids (a sound board-durabolin, metandienon, susta-non-250 and parabolan), being in blood, possess the raised capability to unite with the necessary receptors as they can be in a free form longer. At the same time a lot of things depend on the number of receptors in muscles of the specific athlete. The fact that some athletes, accepting small doses of anabolic steroids, continuously increase result is explained by it, and for others even high doses of strong medicines are ineffective.

Receptors are available for some athletes in atypical zones. So, for example, certain anabolic steroids cause appearance of eels, rashes, and in others in one persons - No, that depends on activity of the receptor device in skin. The fact that at some athletes, even at high doses of testosterone, increase in chest glands isn't observed is also explained by it, and at others the ginekomastiya is noted. It is possible to assume that one individuals in fabrics of chest gland have very large number the estrogen receptors, and for others — insignificant. This factor has to be considered by athletes who, despite the ban and risk to be convicted of taking stimulants, decide to use nevertheless anabolic steroids in practice of preparation.

Besides a genetic factor, an important point also age activity of receptors to the corresponding anabolic steroids is represented. There are data according to which at young people aged up to 20 years activity of receptors the greatest. Anabolic steroids at this age are better acquired and yield the maximum result. Thus, representatives of this age group can accept small doses during longer period of time and try to obtain a bigger gain of effectiveness, than the person of more advanced age.

Results of the last researches demonstrate that the decrease of the activity of receptors leading to reduction of number of the steroid molecules getting to a cage begins on the third week of a cycle of reception of the forbidden anabolic steroids. Also it has become clear that the positive nitrogenous balance — primary sign of anabolic influence of a steroid — won't be observed if constantly not to increase a dosage of medicines that is caused by quite fast and progressing decrease in sensitivity of receptors in relation to exogenous steroids. At the excessive duration of steroid cycles receptors turn out to such an extent restimulated exogenous steroids that they even cease to react to endogenous androgens. Thus, by the principle of feedback reception of anabolic steroids leads to violations of a hormonal homeostasis of an organism of the athlete.

From all list of the known medicines only very limited number of means can be used by female athletes. It is important to note that even at the lowest dosage, any of these steroids can cause emergence of the physiological signs characteristic of men. It occurs because any quantity of the anabolic steroid which has come to female endocrine system causes in it serious changes. Anabolic steroids, are synthetic derivatives of male sex hormones and therefore can cause undesirable reactions in an organism of women.

Unfortunately, in a pursuit of result athletes often don't think of consequences of reception of steroids (not to mention sports not ethics of use of testosterone and its analogs) therefore in the nearest future the problems connected with use of these banned drugs will remain. For this reason we take up this question for obtaining necessary information on negative consequences of reception of doping anabolic steroids.

Anabolic steroids always cause a certain damage to health of the athlete. A number of researches indicates a possibility of emergence of many negative consequences in 15 — 20 years after the end of administration of drugs. The nature of manifestations of side effect of anabolic steroids in essential degree depends on a number of factors among which are the most important: individual reaction to medicine; sexual and age differences; existence of sharp or chronic diseases; dose size; medicine reception duration. Especially quickly develop and are more expressed negative side effects of reception of anabolic steroids at children and teenagers. Their negative impact on a female and youthful body (tab. 3.7) is very high.

Side effects of long use of Testosteron-Depotum are well-known too. On a feedback mechanism it constantly oppresses production of endogenic hormone at men that leads to any pathological states after the termination of a course, for example, gynecomastias. At women the voice considerably grows coarse and there is hypertrichosis on a face, extremities and other places where usually plentiful pilosis doesn't meet.

Side effects of various anabolic steroids can be generalized as follows. Unlike stimulators which allow to use a reserve stock of forces of an organism anabolic steroids enlarge it and allow the athlete to sustain loads several times more than usual. However the intervention in normal hormonal activity causes harmful side effects, first of all, such as body height of tumors, implication of mental syndromes, hepatic and renal dysfunction. Besides, this emergence of acne inherent to all anabolic steroids, a liquid clump in tissues.

Dysfunctions of cardiovascular system, including, changes in lipide exchange, the shown decrease of maintenance of the lipoproteins of high density (LPVP) preventing an atherosclerosis, augmentation of quantity of atherogenous LPNP are very characteristic of reception of these drugs. From cardiovascular system of athletes at reception of anabolic steroids also established augmentation of mass of a cardiac muscle without adequate augmentation of supply with its blood is among disturbances (it observed at University of anatomy in Cologne only at experimental animals).

The liver lesion also belongs to side effects of anabolic steroids. In functional assays the indicators which aren't meeting standard are observed: activity rising an alanine - and aspartate aminotransferases and gamma that indicates disturbance of integrity of hepatocytes. There are indicatings on existence of inflammatory processes and emergence of a hepatocellular carcinoma.

At reception of anabolic steroids mental disturbances are observed: euphoria, aggression augmentation. Emergence of dependence is noted (for example, developing of a depression after the termination of administration of drugs). There occur also changes in the sex sphere (rising or, on the contrary, weakening of a libido).

There is no synthetic anabolic steroid which isn't possessing an androgenic side effect which is especially shown at women now. Usually the following effects of virilescence take place: voice coarsening because of inspissation of tissues of a larynx (is irreversible); the augmentation of a clitoris (is irreversible); emergence of a pilosis on men's type (for example, body height of hair on a chin); changes in fat distribution (for example, decrease of fatty tissue of thoracal glands); changes of a menstrual cycle. Side effects from use of anabolic steroids for men are, except a gynecomastia, decrease of volume of testicles and emergence oligo-and an aspermia that results in sterility at men; change of the drawing of a pilosis; fatty deposits.

As a result of growth stop of cartilages in bones under the influence of anabolic steroids at children and young athletes is observed the premature termination of growth.

Symptoms of a sharp renal failure owing to rabdomioliz are described at the athletes who are going in for bodybuilding against the background of constant reception of considerable doses of anabolic steroids. The combination of steroid medicines with the nutritional supplements containing creatine very often causes development of signs of damage of a kidney parenchyma with formation of a membrane-bound glomerulonefrit.

Even cases of emergence of a tumor of Vilms against the background of the accelerated aging (though in 95% of cases this malignant new growth of kidneys which is shown only at early children's age) at the athletes finishing sports performances are described and it is long using anabolic steroids. It can testify to a possible role of steroids to show properties of pro-motors of tumoral growth or initiators of process of carcinogenesis.

Depression of humoral and cellular links of immunity when any infection becomes very dangerous to the athlete belongs to quickly arising side effects at use of anabolic steroids. After the termination of reception of anabolic steroids there comes the phase of depression of an immunobiological reactivity of an organism which is characterized by the raised susceptibility to illnesses.

Symptoms of psychological dependence on the anabolic steroids (applied in high dosages) often remind drug addiction from opiates. In this regard the developing nervous system at teenagers can be especially vulnerable to collateral reactions of anabolic steroids. The youthful age is also bound to lack of "mature" resistance to reactions, including disorders of mood. Therefore further search of proofs of existence of direct connections between the hormonal level (Gonadotropinums, androgens of adrenals), an emotional disposition and aggressive behavior at athletes is extremely important that it demands their detailed analysis in the future. However already now it is possible to note that the high hormonal background exerts appreciable impact on formation of collateral psychological reactions of anabolic steroids at teenage athletes.

Athletes shall understand the obvious fact that anabolic means are not only prohibited, but also very strong medicines. Therefore, caring not only for achievement of good results, but also for sports longevity and health, it is necessary to refuse their application in general.

We can't but mention some medicines which were created as substitutes of anabolic steroids. It is first of all about pro-hormones and stimulators of development of endogenous testosterone. As L. A. Ostapenko and M. V. Klestov (2002) note, certain medicines of pharmacological quality which will still certify as dietary additives are widely applied now. In spite of the fact that most of them carry to dopes, they freely are on sale practically worldwide (including in Ukraine). It is first of all about pro-hormones of several generation and stimulators of development of endogenous testosterone. The sports public concerns to them ambiguously. One consider these medicines something like placebo, others claim that it is the modified testosterone formulas for oral and transkutan application.

Pro-hormones are the connections close on structure and properties to testosterone and 19-holes-testosterone (nandrolon). For the first time pro-hormones were applied by athletes of high qualification from the former GDR. They entered these means in the form of nasal sprays just before start for the purpose of increase in aggression and sports working capacity. In subsequent the subject seemed perspective to many scientists working in the sphere of sports medicine and dietary additives and received continuation in development of new medicines and forms of their delivery in an organism.

In 1996, in the USA absolutely legally, even without recipe, began to sell degidroepiandro-steron (DHEA). This steroid hormone is naturally produced by an organism, and its additive in a diet (25 — 50 mg a day) lifts vitality, reduces displays of a depression and has small anabolic effect. (Further all names of pro-hormones will be provided only in their diolny form as such form was the most perspective and gave the chance of receipt of effective pro-hormonal medicines on the basis of molecular modifying.) After DHEA in the American market the means steroid additives of the next generation appeared: androstendiona and norandrostendiona which were officially certified as DD. Industrial synthesis of an androstendion and androstendiol in 1997 was adjusted by Patrick Arnold, and in 1998 in industrial synthesis by Derek Cornelius, leading expert of widely well-known company on production of sports food "Syntrax Innovation", received norandrostendion. It was in the late nineties finally proved that products of metabolism of nandrolon, are developed by a human body. The last several years the American market of steroid pro-hormones sharply increased, but on October 22, 2004 all 18 pro-hormones were forbidden by the Congress of the USA. The prohibition came into force since January 15, 2005. However DHEA the prohibition didn't concern — it unique remained allowed for use.

The medical commission of the IOC applied the term "over-the-counter drug" to designation that this or that steroid medicine doesn't demand the recipe, and his sale isn't registered in any way and isn't monitored, i.e., translating literally, he passes the pharmaceutical counter (counter). Now scientists and officials of the IOC have come to a consensus concerning the term "pro-hormones", but sometimes use the term "precursor" if they want to emphasize that this pro-hormone is a predecessor of this steroid hormone. So, for example, 4-androstendiol and 4-androstendion are testosterone precursors, and their 19-holes-analogs are respectively precursors of a nandrolon (a 19-nortestosteron or a retabolil). Researches have shown that terms of removal of pro-hormones it is much less, than usual anabolic steroids, i.e. at the athlete was much less chances to be disqualified owing to application of the forbidden anabolic steroids. Nevertheless reception of pro-hormones put athletes in unequal conditions.

Taking into account stated the Russian permanent committee on control of drugs by the resolution N ° 2/85-2002 of October 28, 2002 in the List of strong substances to which all narcotic substances belong, has included also anabolic steroids and the main pro-hormones: 19-norandrostenediol, 19-norandrostenedion. Testosterone as the main men's hormone isn't included in this list.

Stimulation of anabolic processes in muscle cells and increase in inventories of ATP is necessary for optimum impact on muscle growth and force. It is provided best of all 19-holes-4-androstendion and 19-holes-4-androstendiol, applied in a combination. Increase in level of hormone in a male body as the last promotes biosynthesis of testosterone and transformation of pro-hormones into testosterone is at least important. Due to the prohibition of pro-hormones, researches on search new the ergogennykh of medicines of such action allowed to establish that such effect the extract from a grass of yakor-ets of creeping (Tribulus terrestris) made earlier in the USA, Bulgaria, Russia, and now — under the name "Power Max. Tribulus" (LLC Biotek, Kiev) and in Ukraine has. It should be noted that extract from a grass of Tg. terrestris isn't entered in a list of banned drugs (perhaps only because test systems are still not developed for its determination).

Tr. terrestris concerns to family comes from the Mediterranean, but as the weed (and quite harmful) grows in moderately warm zones of the adjacent countries, generally on the Balkans, the South of Ukraine and Russia. From the chemical point of view biologically Tr active agents. terrestris represent mix of steroid saponin, and also flavonoids and alkaloids. Steroid saponina and flavonoids cause very wide range of biological activity of extracts of this plant. They stimulate biosynthesis of endogenous testosterone. The expected mechanism includes development activation by hypophysis of hormone. Besides, saponina and flavonoids of Tr. terrestris reduce the level of lipids, stimulate cardiovascular and nervous systems. Some of them possess soft diuretic action.

Medicines on the basis of Tg. terrestris within several centuries are used in traditional medicine of Balkan countries and the adjacent territories. For example, they are very popular in Bulgaria as infertility and impotence medicine. Researches of the last years confirmed their efficiency. Significant improvement of mobility of spermatozoa, improvement of an erection under the influence of medicines on the basis of Tribulus is noted. Also the amount of saponin from this plant under the name "tribusponin" enters an official Pharmacopoeia as gipolipidemic means.

Property of medicines on the basis of Tr. terrestris to increase the level of endogenous testosterone initially drew to them attention of the athletes specializing in strength sports. There are data that the Bulgarian weight-lifters in the 1960th years used them in case of building-up of muscle bulk. Subsequently with the same purpose they were widely applied also by body builders. Besides, some authors recommend to use medicines on the basis of Tg. terrestris for increase in chronically reduced level of testosterone (first of all, after acceptance of high doses of anabolic steroids). The result at the same time is shown within the first week of acceptance.

Side effects of medicines on the basis of Tg. terrestris are connected first of all with increase in level of testosterone. At women and children the virilization therefore it isn't recommended to apply medicine women and teenagers up to 18 years can be observed. Idiosyncrasy to some saponina is possible. In that case it is necessary to cancel medicine or to use antiallergic means. In some cases the phenomena of easy gastrointestinal frustration which are also undergoing later medicine cancellations are observed. Properties of the separate widely used medicines on the basis of Tg. terrestris are described in chapter 2.

Thus, medicines on the basis of Tg. terrestris aren't carried to doping, have rather wide scope and good efficiency in case of a minimum of side effects. The best modern medicines for a stmulyation of synthesis of testosterone include a complex of saponin Tr. terrestris as an anti-estrogenic component. Also they often contain extract of a grass Sow Palmetto which is slowing down proliferation and growth of cells of a prostate gland. In addition to increase in physical working capacity when using medicines on the basis of Tg. terrestris, the athletes controlling quantitative and qualitative indexes of the reproductive function note improvement of physiological properties of sperm: increase in density, increase in quantity of spermatozoa and their mobility, growth of level of fructose and ATP.

Existence of a significant amount of synthetic derivatives of testosterone and their use by unfair sport exchanges led to acceptance of adequate measures from WADA. The medical commission of the IOC and the international sports federations emphasize that advantages which are got by the user of actually synthetic anabolic steroids are unfair on. to the attitude towards other athletes. It determines both drastic measures, and a drug test order for using anabolic steroids.

Establishment of the fact of reception of testosterone and its derivatives was and remains to one of the most complex problems in modern anti-doping control in connection with metabolic and pharmacokinetic features of medicine. Natural testosterone circulates in blood, intensively metabolizes, turning into 17-keto-metabolites, first of all androsteron and his derivatives. Doping, i.e. exogenous testosterone, is also involved in intensive metabolism, and through short time as if disappears. Metabolites of natural hormone are removed with urine which is selected for the analysis of doping control samples and in which own content of testosterone is very insignificant. In this regard it is rather difficult to prove the doping fact. In case of registration in test of existence of metabolites of nandrolon or stanozolol doping is taken for granted. It wasn't possible to distinguish endogenous testosterone from exogenous long time — till 1984 therefore testosterone as dope wasn't defined in any way.

Though it was known that after testosterone introduction its concentration increases, then smoothly decreases, however this dynamics is visible only at a laboratory experiment. When carrying out a drug test there is only one test with this concentration. Measurement of this one concentration doesn't give finally the answer to a question of use of exogenous testosterone as natural testosterone is present at urine of men and women in quite wide range of concentration — from 10 to 100 ng-ml "1 and more.

Professor M. Donike, the founder and the director of Institute of biochemistry of sport began to determine by the first testosterone as dope (Anti-doping laboratory in Cologne). It synthesized MSTFA reagent which turned molecules of testosterone, anabolic means and their metabolites into connections, convenient for the analysis. Then it became accepted to measure not concentration of testosterone, but the relation of concentration of testosterone (T) and epitestosteron (E), its natural isomer which role and origin were at that time absolutely unknown. Testosterone introduction sharply changed the T relation to E. Unit has been taken for norm of relation Ņ/Å. Though the dispersion of Ņ/Å values was high too — from 0,1 to 3,5 and even above, nevertheless, at Ņ/Å> 6 it was possible to claim that it is doping test positive. Then was the size of relation Ņ/Å in population of athletes and healthy unexercised people is removed and the procedure of the analysis has been in details fulfilled This procedure of definition of testosterone is entered at the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 1984.

However in connection with the accounting of specific features and technical difficulties of definition there were first false positive results of measurement of level of testosterone that was just unacceptable. In Norway, and then in Australia, individuals at whom relation Ņ/Å steadily kept at the level of 7,0 have been found. Watched them long enough, but the size of relation Ņ/Å remained invariable. The subsequent researches in Sweden have shown that the probability of such phenomenon is rather high and in population occurs at one individual from 2000 — 3000. Thus, the average anti-doping laboratory could yield one or two false positive results a year.

Let's note that in the USSR there were also such athletes with high natural Ņ/Å, one of which — the talented jumper in length showing stable results for 8 m is farther than a level, another — the famous fencer. They have been absolutely unfairly disqualified in the late eighties.

Therefore for full confidence in correctness (and justice!) positive testing for dope the additional method was necessary. The Finnish scientists in the 1970th years, observing the bodybuilders who were constantly using anabolic steroids have noted that they change a steroid profile: concentration of natural androgenic steroids decreases, ratios between androgenic and other steroids are distorted. On a hromatogramma where steroids are presented in the form of the characteristic sequence of peaks of various intensity, this distortion of a profile is evident. Quantitative calculation of ratios is possible, and studying of a steroid profile of athletes is that source of the additional information confirming use of testosterone and other strong anabolic steroids .

It should be noted, however, that such techniques of determination on testosterone are applicable only for men as the dispersion and cyclic fluctuations of ratios of hormones in a steroid profile of women don't allow to set statistically reliable borders between a regulation and a deviation from it.

Difficult and taking into account a steroid profile to otdifferentsirovat 5-a-dihydrotestosterone from testosterone. In Hiroshima in 1994 based on change of ratios of androstandiol in a steroid profile it was shown that all Chinese athletes and swimmers used dihydrotestosterone — the most powerful testosterone metabolite on anabolic action. Therefore methods of a research of presence at athletes of the forbidden steroids more and more become complicated and become eventually more sensitive. Unfortunately, the problem of a total ban of acceptance of androgenic steroids is complicated by the fact that testosterone, unlike the majority of anabolic steroids, avoided inclusion in the List of strong substances constituted by Permanent committee on control of drugs so its storage and transportation don't fall under operation of repressive mechanisms. And, at last, the largest, but at the same time not absolutely legal, producers of testosterone gradually switch to raw materials of a natural origin that significantly complicates application of methods of measurement of an isotope ratio in case of identification of doping violations.

Use by athletes of anabolic steroids as dope is strictly forbidden by the IOC, national and international sports federations. The fact of identification of anabolic steroids and their main metabolites in urine of athletes is considered as severe violation. Therefore responsibility of the analytical laboratory making similar analyses is very high. It means that the analysis shall have absolute reliability, to be the method confirmed and not raising any doubts. The highly sensitive and high-selective method is necessary for reliable identification and achievement of low thresholds of detection of anabolic steroids in so difficult matrixes what physiological liquids are. With respect thereto the medical commission of the IOC obliged the laboratories accredited by it to make the proteomny analysis of doping control samples or chromanti-terrorist operation method - mass spectrometry of high resolution, or with use of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), and also a nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared spectroscopy, the optical fluorescent analysis, radio immunological diagnostics, the immunofermental, radio receptor analysis and other diagnostic methods of molecular biochemistry.


S 1.2 Lists of the forbidden substances and methods (2008) belong to a subclass klenbuterol, selective modulators of androgenic receptors (SARM), tibolon, zeranol, tsilpaterol. At the same time it is noted that the list of substances of this subclass isn't exhaustive.

SARM-X recommend to apply to the athletes specializing in strength sports, in particular, in bodybuilding: in case of body weight to 70 kg it is recommended to take no more than one pill a day, and over 70 kg — on two, one tablet in the morning and one evening. The rate of acceptance shan't exceed 60 days, then it is necessary to take a break in acceptance.

At the same time the scientific data concerning both efficiency, and safety of application of SARM-X in sports preparation in available literature are absent. Obviously, the fact of inclusion of this medicine in the List of the forbidden substances and methods makes impossible carrying out the corresponding scientific research.

Klenbuterol and tsilpaterol (zilpaterol) belong to the class of r2-adrenomimetik therefore their pharmacology is considered in appropriate section.

Zeranol isn't medicine. It is the highly effective synthetic anabolic steroid having estrogenic properties. Owing to the anabolic properties this substance is illegally used in livestock production for] stimulations of growth of muscle bulk and increase in comprehensibility of forages. According to researchers of several countries, after single introduction zeranol provides within 120 days of a surplus of live mass of bull-calves for 10%

Selective modulators of androgenic receptors (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, SARM) — rather new group of physiologically active agents which found the application in practice of sports preparation. The first


Start of anabolic process

29 Nov 2016

The majority of anabolic steroid hormones are men's androgens. Many people suffer because of the low level of androgens and the wrong diet, abuse of drugs, chemical impurity, an overtraining or presenilation.

The understanding of the basic biological processes which involve production of anabolic steroids will help to be protected from decrease in hormonal level and will allow to keep the maximum intensity of anabolic processes.

Testosterone is considered as the very best anabolic men's steroid hormone from capital letter of T. No actually it, alas, isn't. Some researchers believe that testosterone is only pro-hormone because of its rather weak actions in comparison with other androgens, in particular with dihydrotestosterone.

Testosterone bears responsibility for many vital signs, of which determination and development of characteristic men's signs, including sexual maturing and fertility is most important.

However actions of an anabolic steroid of testosterone both related sexual desire and aggression are considerably adjusted by other androgens, many of which are as powerful as testosterone, and even stronger.

Androgens, as a rule, can be transformed from one form to another, from an initial product in hormones. For example, adrenal pro-hormone can be transformed to testosterone or estrogen. Certain enzymes allow other androgens to be transformed to testosterone and further to dihydrotestosterone.

Digidrotestosteron is the most powerful men's steroid hormone. Digidrotestosteron contacts androgenic receptors of fabrics much stronger, than initial connection (testosterone). Its action ten times stronger, than the action caused by testosterone. Digidrotestosteron called "bad testosterone". From testosterone in tissue of a prostate connect a hypertrophy and giperplasia of a prostate, development of adenoma of a prostate with the increased formation of dihydrotestosterone and, perhaps, increase in probability of development of a prostate cancer. The last scientific research showed that dihydrotestosterone isn't this regulator promoting increase in a prostate, and female sex hormone estrogen is the real reason of increase.

When estrogen is present much at a male body, it as it was told above, causes feminization of a body and breaks a metabolism, causing increase in a prostate.

Unfortunately, now doctors often prescribe medicine which literally chemically castrates men. Any treatment, medicine or substance which forbid transformation of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (it the drugs intended for treatment of prostatitis and loss of hair) can also suppress anabolic effect of dihydrotestosterone, exerting a negative impact on a libido and sexual activity. Add some Hondramin to your daily training.

To put it briefly, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone play important roles in formation of a body, a potentiality and accumulation of fatty deposits, but when the question costs about muscular development, dihydrotestosterone remains the main thing.

However fat-free, low-calorie and plentiful diets can reduce the level of steroid hormones. Whereas the high-calorie food with the high content of fats promotes activization of steroid processes.

Anabolic processes

The number of the people (especially men) accepting steroid anabolic steroids increases every year. Neither spots, nor a womanly breast, nor liver pains, nor even impotence stop them from reception of wonderful means for extension of muscles.

According to data of National institute of the USA on a research of medicinal dependence, the number of the people who are regularly accepting steroid anabolic steroids constantly grows. Means for fast accumulation of muscle bulk enjoy wide popularity among children and teenagers. The palm among all list of the medicines used by youth is strongly held by steroids, conceding in popularity only to ecstasy.

Emergence of steroid anabolic steroids in medicine isn't accidental. Doctors know about positive effect of male sex hormones on the organism weakened by an infection, a cancer tumor, an injury or a burn long ago. In addition to the main functions causing growth of hair on the person, a breast and legs, a sexual passion, etc. testosterone promotes synthesis in a protein organism, to increase in muscle bulk, and also holds calcium in bones. In a word, promotes what in medicine it is accepted to call anabolism, that is synthesis and recovery of construction substances of an organism. At the same time the main male sex hormone makes a certain impact on kidneys in case of which they don't pass a set of the substances which are a construction material via the filters.

However because of the main action men can only apply testosterone and that not always. So the synthetic analogs of testosterone possessing anabolic action and deprived of "men's" action were born. They were called steroid anabolic steroids.

Steroid anabolics are so-called anabolic steroids (synthetic gormonalnoaktive medicines).

Athletes, heavyweights, body builders and veterans of martial arts know that the actual growth of muscles and force requires a large number of time and considerable efforts. While combustion of fat can be begun immediately by means of a diet and physical activities, growth of muscles — slower process. The understanding of it is extremely important for effective muscular development.

Anabolic processes have two stages: stimulation of body height and completion of body height. The first stage starts activization of the hormones and substances stimulating body height of muscles (peptide hormones, epinephral hormones, the tsAMF cellular regulator and Prostaglandinums). The second stage reduces the actual gain of muscle bulk, suppresses work of steroids and Somatotropinum which were sped up at the first stage of an anabolic cycle earlier.

Duration sufficient to finish both stages of an anabolic cycle, corresponds to that amount of time which is necessary for effective muscular development.

Body height of muscles happens under the following three conditions:

  • existence of hormonal cocktail which includes steroids, Prostaglandinums, hormones of a thyroid gland and insulin;
  • consumption of a full-fledged nutrition which includes all essential proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants;
  • existence of high energy potential of cells which is required for restoration and building of tissues of muscles.

If one of above-mentioned conditions isn't carried out — irrespective of, the investigation it hormonal deficiency, malnutrition or low energy potential of cells — body height of muscles will be significantly slowed down.

Muscular development is a part of the mechanism of survival which originally helped animals and people to adapt to physical activities and serious conditions of existence.

Each of us has the internal code which controls our responses to ecological changes. The most primitive unicells, amoebas and bacteria, respond to changes in an external environment (for example, change of temperature or absence of nutrients). More advanced multicellular live organisms shall react to similar changes too to survive.

Human survival depends on carefully thought over network of cellular communications. Different signal agents require that different threshold values caused the connected processes. Duration of process depends on from what agent the signal arrives. Some processes, for example with an involvement of prostaglandins, occupy a fraction of a second whereas others, for example with an involvement of steroids, last for hours or even days.

In other words, agents of growth have either direct, or delayed, an impact on an organism. The understanding of it as a result will help to cause growth of muscle bulk.

Short and long anabolic processes

It is possible to call various amount of time required to different hormones for activization of the activities that regulator which causes a method and duration of growth of muscles. Studying of the regulator of activization of anabolic processes will help you to exploit anabolic cycles that it is more effective to develop muscles.

As it was already mentioned, hormones have the short or long periods of impact on an organism. Of course, those hormones which have the short period most often directly influence an organism. And hormones which exert longer anabolic impact work most often indirectly, and action is dragged out in time.

Fast impacts on an organism make peptide hormones (adrenal hormones, insulin and the stimulating hormones) whereas long, delayed impacts make steroid hormones.

Operations of the tsAMF cellular regulator and prostaglandins depend on their activators, adrenal hormones and, respectively, on irreplaceable fatty acids. In this respect impact of tsAMF directly depends on activity of adrenal glands. As activity of adrenal glands mentions the short periods of time, action of tsAMF short-term too.

Nevertheless under certain conditions, such as malnutrition and loadings, activity of adrenal glands and the impact of tsAMF connected with their activities is significantly prolonged.

As for prostaglandins, even while their impact happens for a fraction of a second, the accumulating effect of impact of irreplaceable fatty acids on production of prostaglandin provides process duration.

The hormones of adrenal glands stimulating peptide hormones tsAMF and prostaglandins make direct and short impact which can last from a fraction of a second to several minutes and even hours. Nevertheless this impact can be prolonged under certain conditions, such as hunger, malnutrition and physical activities.

Steroid hormones have a delayed, but deep impact which can last within many hours or even days.

Management of anabolic processes

Direct, but short influences of the stimulating hormones, certainly, indicate that the first stimulating stage of an anabolic cycle quickly, but is short and extremely unstable. On the other hand, delayed, but long influence of steroid hormones indicates that the second stage though is slow, can actually continue during many days.

Nevertheless, as you are convinced soon, long and deep anabolic effects of steroid hormones directly depend on preliminary short, but unstable effect of the stimulating hormones.

Often people aren't able to make active the first stage of an anabolic cycle completely. This preliminary stimulating stage is quite unstable and can be stopped right at the beginning. Physically active people having bad preferences in food and practicing the wrong mode of loadings (a lack of the intensity and complexity) which isn't able to make active completely the first stage of an anabolic cycle. As a result they aren't capable to reach the second final stage of a cycle, to increase muscles and to find force to which so aspire.

Use of anabolic means is an easy method to bypass the first stimulating stage of an anabolic cycle. But at each easy short way the high price. The dark side of anabolic means is known and described in medical literature. Except destruction of production of own hormones anabolic means can make negative impact on arterial pressure, level of cholesterol and a metabolism, to cause increase in level of enzyme of an aromatasia with destructive estrogenic influence on an organism.

Other side effects of anabolic steroids — loss of hair, spots, cancer, growth of internals (a hypertrophy of heart, intestines).

Following to an anabolic cycle — slow process, but more effective and safe for an organism.

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