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28 Nov 2016

Mesomorph is a pretraining complex from APS Nutrition. Effects of additive aren't proved in researches.


Description of the producer

Mesomorph is the most powerful on structure and action pretraining complex as a part of which the geranium (DMAA) contains. The first and unique product in own way using full-fledged working dosages of each of components. Any fillers or ballast substances, any vague dosages, all ingredients in that quantity in which they proved the action during the researches. In addition, geranium oil extract is a part of Mesomorph, than any other product in the market can't brag. Do not forget take Chitomur for better results.


  • Beta alanin. Irreplaceable amino acid, is used by muscle cells for synthesis of carnozin. Which in turn functions as buffer, helping to maintain optimum acidity of muscles. Slows down emergence of muscular fatigue and reduces recovery time.
  • L-Citruline DL-Malat. Tsitrullin can form arginin, it is the main donator of nitrogen which improves a blood-groove in muscles. This additive provides "ïàìï", increases endurance and improves to a traffic of muscles, increases energy potential of an organism.
  • Arginina Alfa-Ketoglutarat. The expected mechanism of action consists in synthesis of nitrogen oxide from intermediate products of disintegration of arginin, that AAKG improves food of muscular tissue and "rating".
  • Dee Creatine malat. Creatine form consisting of a molecule actually of creatine and apple acid. Rather new form. It is declared that creatine malat has the best solubility and as a result it is less possibly capable to cause irritation of a GIT. Besides apple acid can increase endurance as a substratum in a cycle the threecarbon acids (Krebs).
  • L-taurine. Contributes to normalization of function of cellular membranes, optimizes power and metabolic processes. In a brain performs function of a neurotransmitter, and also has anticonvulsant activity.
  • Creatine Sodium nitritum. Theoretically combines properties of creatine and the NO booster.
  • Ascorbic acid. Antioxidant. Regulates transport of ions of Hydrogenium, improves utilization of a glucose, a serotonin hydroxylation. Improves permeability of capillaries.
  • Kreatinol-About - Natrii phosphas. Kreatinol is an intracellular buffer which allows to support a glycolysis in the presence of lactic acid. It is theoretically capable to postpone "refusal".
  • Agmantin sulfate. Increases activity of enzyme which synthesizes nitrogen oxide (sNOS — vascular form). It leads to expansion of a capillary bed and improvement of a delivery of muscular tissue, Pampas. Agmantin is also capable to activate imidazolin receptors. Thereby dilates vessels, the ABP reduces, stimulates a lipolysis, production dairy reduces acids, etc. Also Agmantin, due to release of beta endorphine and rising of sensitivity of opioid receptors possesses the anesthetizing action. Besides, activation the serotonin and alfa2-adrenoreceptors is found.
  • Glucoronolactone. Promotes improvement of attention and power rise. Positively influences a glycogen metabolism. Also is considered as gepatoprotektor.
  • Methylxanthine Anhydrous. Coffeine is an alkaloid, a stimulator of the central nervous system, is used as a power accelerator. Has the expressed stimulating effect, increases intensity a training, stimulates a lipolysis.
  • 3.7-dihydro-3.7-dimethyl-1H-purine-2.6-Dion. It improves rheological properties of blood and normalizes microcirculation. Increases delivery of oxygen to a myocardium (expands coronary arteries). Improves blood oxygenation. Raises a tone of respiratory muscles.
  • Naringenin. Contains in grapefruit that impacts it bitter relish. Influencing fermental system of a liver prolongs and strengthens effect of other pharmacological substances. Is also antioxidant and it is capable to improve cognitive functions.
  • Geranaburn (geranium oil extract). Active ingredient — 1,3 dimethylamylamine, has effect of a simpatomimetik in an organism that leads to stimulation of the central nervous system, increases force, endurance, improves health and concentration.

Declared effects

  • Effective trainings
  • The increased power endurance, now you can train more intensively
  • Contains to 4kh times more active agents, than similar products of other brands
  • More than 4 ãð beta alanin and more than 5g tsitrullina malat in every portion
  • The expressed pamping and portrayal of veins
  • Contains Thiamizine (Thiamine Disulfide Butyrate Ester) - a thiamine form
  • The most effective today creatine — creatine-nitrate
  • It is ideally dissolved in water
  • Is Jack3d analog _ (USP_Labs)

Legality of release of Mesomorph

On February 3, 2009 the Federal court of the USA sentenced owners of Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals JARED ROBERT WHEAT to 4 years and 2 months of prison and imposed a fine of 3 million dollars for production of medicines with illegal components. Eight of his partners received from 24 to 36 months of corrective works, and seized the company Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals for five years. The manufacture workshop was the four-room private house in rural area of the country of Belize. As they say in the report, production went with violations of sanitary standards, hygiene and quality control, without availability of licenses for medicines. Sales went only on the Internet, without recipe.

After this incident the Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals company involved the best lawyers who prepared the claim against FDA (see the reference in sources). The company filed a lawsuit against FDA, claiming that scientific clinical trials, and also millions of sold cans of products, the containing Geranuim didn't reveal availability of side effects with a lethal outcome. And the recent attempt of FDA to withdraw products containing the forbidden geranium ingredient, and also attempt to close production was illegal. Thus Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals the unique company in the World which has legal proceedings with FDA concerning justification of a prohibition of DMAA (Geranium). Until the decision on this case is passed, the Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals company is the unique company in the USA which legally makes and delivers the products containing a geranium.

Legality of geranium in the Russian Federation

The geranium (DMAA, dimethylpentylamine) isn't included into the list of the medicines [4] forbidden in Russia at present that allows the Russian companies to sell legally products with its content in the territory of customs union. (See the letter from FSKN of Russia in sources). Though it became much more difficult to receive the certificate of the state registration for products with content of a geranium.

Recommendations for use

  • Part 1 of Mesomorpha in 200-250 ml. also drink waters in 20-30 minutes prior a training.
  • Don't exceed the specified doses and don't use a product with other stimulators of TsNS (coffee, tea, other pretrack bottoms, etc.)


Tribumax from Maximal Nutrition

28 Nov 2016

Tribumax from Maximal Nutrition

Testosteron booster from Maximal Nutrition

Tribumax is a testosteron booster from the Russian producer Maximal Nutrition. You can try Chitomur.

Tribumax from Maximal Nutrition

Structure for one portion (3 capsules):

  • Tribulus terestris 40% 1050 mg
  • Magnesium of 400 mg
  • Forskolin of 100 mg
  • Zinc of 30 mg
  • Mg B6 2 vitamin
  • Other ingredients: gelatin.


Masteron 100

28 Nov 2016

In Masteron 100 (MaxPro) an active ingredient is drostanolona propionate. Masteron has high androgenic activity and moderate anabolic action. Masteron isn't flavored in an organism (that is doesn't turn into estrogen), on the contrary is aromatasia inhibitor. Drostanolon is similar in biological effect to dihydrotestosterone as he is derivative this hormone (a chemical formula of Masteron - 2a-methyl-dihydro-testosterone propionate). In medicine Masteron is used as means for cancer therapy of a breast at women, however in a type of high probability of virilization now is practically not used. Medicine is almost not available in the black market of Russia. You can also like Chitomur.

Masteron 100 MAXPRO

Recommended dosage: 3-4ml \week (1ml\ch.den)


Lean FX

28 Nov 2016

Lean FX helps to get rid of subcutaneous fat in the course of building-up of muscle bulk!

Lean FX

You "got down from a rate" and your weight "fell down" in the eyes?. Painfully to see - you thaw in the eyes! The arrow of scales creeps in the opposite direction and you in blank despair? Just you knew nothing that there is such magic medicine Lean FX which will keep all your achievements to the following rate, having saved you from a depression. This unique product has no analogs in the market of sports food and was exclusively developed just for these purposes, having evolutionarily replaced with itself legendary RETAIN-2

  • Considerably reduces cortisol level in muscles
  • Keeps growth rates of muscle bulk
  • Eliminates a delay of water and improves a definition
  • Promotes growth of power indicators
  • Helps to get rid of subcutaneous fat in the course of building-up of muscle bulk

You have a simple choice: to purchase Lean FX and to keep everything that you gathered, on the following rate starting already not from straight, as usual, or to keep unfortunate 60 dollars, but to lose almost all muscles in which you ALREADY put so many forces and money. Be not a fool, Amigo! One of the Best drug is Endoluten.

Recommendations for use

To accept 1 capsule 3 times a day. After 12 weeks of use to take a break 4 weeks.


Higenamine (norkoklaurine)

28 Nov 2016

Higenamine (synonyms: Norcoline, norcoclaurine) is a chemical compound found in plants of Nandina domestica (fruits) Aconitum carmichaelii (root), Galium divaricatum (stalks), Annona squamosa and Nelumbo nucifera (seeds). Substance joins in fat loss such as OxyElite Pro (USPLabs).


Higenamine is in plants which were traditionally used in traditional medicine, the substance lately this was isolated and scientifically studied. Higenamine (norcoclaurine) renders a number of various biological effects in experiments on animals, however action in public isn't studied yet. Add some Thyreogen to your daily training.

Results of a research of 2009 showed activity in relation to beta-2 to adrenoceptors. It served development of interest in norcoclaurine as to fat loss. The same mechanism of action has medicine Clenbuterol. Efficiency and size of activity at it are lower, especially considering that the person has a population beta-2 receptors in muscles and fatty tissue small.

Besides the following effects were found:

  • cardiotonic
  • vasodilating
  • improves erectile function (it is connected with expansion of vessels)
  • antiplatelet (reduces viscosity of blood)

Toxicity and harm

Has low toxicity and it is recognized as safe. In additives dosages about 50 mg are usually used.


Hepanorm (Empyreal Dragon)

28 Nov 2016

Hepanorm from Empyreal Dragon is a dietary supplement promoting improvement of work and functions of a liver and gall bladder, especially at diseases of virus and bacterial types. It normalizes the level of a bilirubin and lipoproteins that positively affects the general state of health. You can also like Thyreogen.

Hepanorm (Empyreal Dragon)

Declared effects

  • Purification of cells of a liver,
  • Formation of protection of cells of a liver against an oxidizing stress, infectious and toxic influence,
  • Acceleration of restoration of cells of a liver,
  • Recovery of work of a liver.


2 capsules (1500 mg) contain:

  • Cynara of 300 mg, extract of an artichoke has bile-expelling, diuretic effect and remove cholesterol.
  • Silybum (thistle spotty) 400 mg,
  • Curcuma of 100 mg, promotes removal from an organism of cholesterin and restoration of functions of a liver. Moreover it makes impact and on cancer cells.
  • Arnica Montana (Arnica mountain) 200 mg, etc.


The daily dose makes 1-2 capsules. The recommended course of administration of drug makes 1 month. On the termination it is necessary to take a break for 1-2 weeks then to continue use. It is recommended to carry out diagnostics of a condition of a liver throughout all treatment with frequency 1-1.5 months.


Hemosorb (Empyreal Dragon)

27 Nov 2016

Hemosorb from Empyreal Dragon is the dietary supplement regulating processes of a metabolism in a liver. Do not forget take Chelohart for better results.

Hemosorb (Empyreal Dragon)

Declared effects

  • Fast recovering of organism from stresses and loads.
  • Improvement of digestion and appetite.
  • Acceleration of a metabolism.
  • Improvement of a condition of vessels.
  • Prophylaxis of an atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and obesity.
  • Improvement of a condition of a skin, fingernails and hair.
  • Rejuvenating effect.

Composition of drug

1 capsule (750mg) contains:

  • Smilax officinalis of 300 mg,
  • Leaves of Vaccinium vitis-idaea of 100 mg.
  • Urtica dioica of 200 mg, etc.

Accept 1-2 capsules 2 times a day.


Glucosamine & Chondroitinot Empyreal Dragon

27 Nov 2016

Glucosamine & Chondroitinot Empyreal Dragon is a dietary supplement for maintenance in a tonus and protection of joints and ligaments. You can try Chelohart.

Glucosamine & Chondroitinot Empyreal Dragon

Effects of use

  • Promotes production of natural cartilaginous lubricant;
  • Inflammation of synovial articulation;
  • Promotes body height of chondrocytes;
  • Restores cartilages;
  • Ensuring shock-absorbing function in joints;
  • Rising of durability of elements of joints and ligaments;
  • Depression of development of a peptidase and elastase which promote acceleration of process of destruction of a connecting tissue;
  • Takes off pain in joints and ligaments;
  • Accelerates process of recovering from injuries, stretchings, and also at the raised exercise stress;
  • Provides a joint delivery.
  • Prophylaxis of joint cartilages of athletes;
  • Treatment of osteoarthrosis;


Structure on 3 tablets (3000mg):

  • Glucosamine sulfate (1.500 mg)
  • Chondroitin sulfate (1.200 mg)
  • Vitamin C (300mg)


The daily dosage of drug makes 800-1200 milligrams. It is necessary to accept it twice a day after food within a month. It is necessary to repeat such courses two times a year. At professional athletes and in the presence of a problem with a musculoskeletal system carrying out three courses within a year two months is allowed.

Active components are better acquired at oral administration therefore this complex is more suitable for athletes, in comparison with ointments and creams.


Picamilon - helped

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: helped

Picamilon is as injections and tablets, but in my case it is designated in tablets. In the package there are only 30 pieces, for 1 course of treatment took 3 packages (3 times a day). Pills are small and easy to take.

Certainly the indications for the use of highly complex and mostly relate to people of the older generation, and certainly not the children, but when there is no alternative prescribers and children of primary school age.

Because of the serious irregularities in the child's state of the reception was a must, and there was no other choice.

As regards the effectiveness, I did not see adverse effects on the child. But the state has gone on improving, after about 2 weeks of reception:

  • Gone tics and hyperkinesis - which appeared in a state of rest and calm baby.
  • Reduce the incidence of blood pressure change, it was even during the day
  • Reduce the incidence of headaches.

I can not say for sure - buy this drug, and it will help you so ka really all alone, especially if treatment As for the child, in which case the required consultation of the neurologist.

Usage time: 30 days


Picamilon - It improves attention, memory

26 Nov 2016

Advantages: It improves memory, low price.

Disadvantages: There are contraindications.

"Picamilon" appointed me to the therapist after a long course of treatment with anxiolytics, antipsychotics and anticonvulsants. Memory is so deteriorated, including visual, I forgot not only the numbers, names, faces and names of the streets in the city, but I could get lost in a familiar area. This is so me depressed, which led to the fact that I did not want to leave the house, so once again not to disturb the family.

I started receiving Picamilon on prescription in combination with other drugs. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day. The reception was a long - 3 months.

The effect was a significant clear head, improve attention, memory, thinking. I recommend only with a doctor's prescription, there are contraindications.

Usage time: 3 months

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