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Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical

24 Nov 2016

Professionalism in production of medicines for sport is not gormky names and slogans of marketing, but, first of all, quality in production and availability of strict laboratory control. Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical Co company. Ltd provides quality control of products both at a raw materials procurement cycle, and in case of receipt of finished goods.

Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical Co Ltd

By means of high technologies and high-quality service the Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical Co Ltd company earned the world reputation in pharmaceutical production. From the moment of creation of the company in 1972 the huge number of scientific research and developed more than 100 active ingredients and ready recipes of pharmaceutical medicines was done. "Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical Co Ltd" holds a leading position among producers of steroids in China. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Gliatilin.

On production capacities of the company more than 2000 people are involved. Employees have high qualification and are professionals of the case.

For production only high-quality raw materials are used that allows to make the medicines conforming to modern market requirements. The modern equipment conforms to the GMP standard. Quality control is constantly exercised from FDA, DMF, COS.



23 Nov 2016

AxioLabs – is one of leading companies in the world pharmaceutical market which uses only the most modern ideas and made significant progress in questions of development. All products of the company are carried out only with observance of all rules for production organization, also control of properties of pharmaceutical means that absolutely provides confidence of buyers in products purchased by them. Also, Axiolabs fantastically adjusted development and research works in the field of opening of new pharmaceutical means. Implementation only of high-quality and reliable products which are everywhere used for ensuring all needs of athletes promotes also achievement of the best results. All products of the company are absolutely safe for health of athletes. Do not forget take Gliatilin for better results.


Axio Labs is founded by Brian Weinstein. The brand has rather interesting story. Created on "splinters" of the well-known British Dragon (don't confuse to British Dragon Pharmaceuticals, Co, Ltd), AxioLabs made rather high-quality medicines. However in 2009 Brian Weinstein got under arrest. Just quality degradation of steroids also falls on this period. At the moment Brian Weinstein is arrested for the second time, and he declared that he is ready to cooperate with the investigation. Well, the situation was heated to a limit, and its development can't be predicted. Where the vector of the producer will go, we learn eventually.

Feedbacks about AxioLabs

Opinions on AxioLabs aren't enough, but nevertheless they are. Feedbacks about Axio Labs say that earlier (before Brian Weinstein's arrest) medicines were more better. It is at the moment very difficult to tell something certain, as well as to purchase products (to find the reliable dealer very hard). The carried-out analyses often contradict each other: in one case the corresponding indicators increase, and in another – stand still. It testifies to that, something in the market is Aksio Labs's counterfeits, or the producer consciously exaggerates amount of active ingredient.

There are also positive mentions about AxioLabs: some athletes note worthy quality of AAS of this brand. But nevertheless, considering a present situation, the choice for benefit of products of Aksiolabs is an unjustified risk.


Alpha Pharma

23 Nov 2016

Alpha Pharma is the Indian company making steroids. One of beliefs of the company is that each person, irrespective of location and a financial condition, can expect qualified medical care.

Alpha Pharma


  • Letromina - aromatasia inhibitor
  • Rexobol 10
  • Mastoral
  • Provibol
  • Oxanabol
  • Oxydrolone
  • Alphabol
  • Alphabol CR
  • Turinabol
  • Anazole - aromatasia inhibitor

Feedbacks about Alpha Pharma

Any company representing the pharmacological means for athletes has both the admirers, and haters. Also put even not as the made steroids, and in features of each specific athlete. To determine whether products the Alpha of Pharm suit you it is possible only on a personal experience. Each organism differently reacts to the same substance, and effects can differ considerably. In general, feedbacks about Alpha Pharma say that the company makes quite good steroids at the loyal price. Expressiveness of effects, negative reactions and many other things depend on specific medicine. You can try Cortexin.

Feedbacks about Alf of Pharm as about the company – a rarity. Not so many athletes are concentrated on application of products only of this producer. The majority of opinions concern some specific product of the company. If to try to collect an overall picture, then it is possible to tell that the producer doesn't "push" a frank garbage, but also and superefficient from it it is also not necessary to wait for something superhigh-quality. But once again we will note: how many people, are so much also opinions.


British Dragon

23 Nov 2016

British Dragon Pharmaceutical - the pharmaceutical company located in Thailand. It is often confused to the similar company "British Dragon Pharmaceutical Limited" (Ltd.), located in Hong Kong (China).

British Dragon Pharmaceutical Limited

The history British Dragon began in 1999 in Pattaya (Thailand). As a matter of fact, the companies as such with this name was two: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals arose earlier, and British Dragon Pharmaceuticals, Ltd (the changed logo and five-millilitre bottles was its distinctive feature) a bit later – in 2005.

Edwin Richard Crowley and Ashley Vincent Livingston (known also as Rediket) were founders of British Dragon. In the beginning the countries of Western and Eastern Europe, and also the Middle East were a main objective of deliveries of finished goods (stickers on bottles of the medicines intended for different regions, even differed on color). Then the attention was drawn by the United States whose "anabolic" market can be considered really dimensionless.

The production line of the company was very wide – everything was issued literally! "Production process" first was rather simple: tablets were produced in Thailand by request, and packed up already on the place. On the place spread on bottles and "oil" – it was taken in big plastic bottles. However, all this was only at the initial stage – approximately since 2004 money was invested in establishing normal production.

Affairs of British Dragon went so well that U.S. authorities became interested in the company. Problems began in 2006, and in the 2007th in the USA arrest warrants of Crowley and Livingston were issued. On March 21, 2008 Crowley and Livingston were detained in Thailand. At this particular time actually activities of the old company stopped; everything that was issued under the name of BD after 2008, could be considered counterfeits safely. And on the website of new British Dragon of the 2008th it appears as a year of "rebranding".

Edwin Richard Crowley long fought against the extradition in the USA, but, nevertheless, in March of the 2011th appeared before the American court and was sentenced to 20 years of prison, a fine of one million dollars and five years of a probation. But on July 2, 2011 he was liberated in connection with critical condition of health – three years spent in prison of Thailand affected. Soon after an exit to Crowley's freedom died in a circle of the family. Ashley Vincent Livingston, on the contrary, went directly for cooperation with the investigation, having given evidences against Crowley. On March 5, 2010 he was sentenced in the USA to 24 months of imprisonment, but already on August 5 the same year is released from prison. Do not forget take Cortexin for better results.

Who stands behind the company now, it is still unknown. It is known that it is definitely not Livingston – it managed before arrest to sell the rights to production of British Dragon and nowadays, by hearsay, is engaged in the Balkan Pharmaceuticals company (owners of British Dragon always had a particular interest in Eastern Europe in general and to Moldova and Romania in particular). Assume that behind the company there can be an owner of Asia Pharma Michael Karner. So it or not, isn't known yet, but whoever it was, it approached case thoroughly and even in a big way.

In spite of the fact that owners of present British Dragon emphasize that they have no communication with that company which existed earlier, names of the medicines made by it confirm the return. As a matter of fact, they didn't change at all. And here packaging became much more interesting: oral medicines are packed in plastic jars which, in turn, are put in cardboard boxes. In cardboard boxes there are also bottles with injection medicines.

British Dragon offers the following oral medicines:

  • Halotestex Tablets (active ingredient – fluocsimetron, 10 mg / tab)
  • Methanabol Tablets (active ingredient – metandienon, 10 mg / tab)
  • Oxanabol Tablets (active ingredient – ocsandrolon, 10 mg / tab)
  • Oxydrol Tablets (active ingredient – ocsimetolon, 50 mg / tab)
  • Primobol Tablets (active ingredient – methenobosoms acetate, 50 mg / tab)
  • Stanabol Tablets (active ingredient – stanosolol, 10 mg / tab)
  • Turanabol Tablets (active ingredient – oralturinabol, 10 mg / tab)

From injection medicines are available:

  • Aquabol Suspension (suspension of testosterone, 100 mg/ml)
  • Boldabol Inject (active ingredient – boldenona undetsilenat, 200 mg/ml)
  • Decabol Inject (active ingredient – nandrolona decanoat, 200 mg/ml)
  • Durabol Inject (active ingredient – nandrolona fenilpopionat, 100 mg/ml)
  • Dynabol Inject (active ingredient – nandrolona undeconoat, 200 mg/ml)
  • Mastabol Inject (active ingredient – drostanolona propionate, 100 mg/ml)
  • Primobol Inject (active ingredient – methenobosomsenantat, 100 mg/ml)
  • Stanabol Inject (active ingredient – stanosol, 50 mg/ml)
  • Sustabol Inject (active ingredient – mix of air of testosterone, 250 mg/ml)
  • Testabol Enanthate Inject (active ingredient – testosterone enantat, 250 mg/ml)
  • Testabol Depot Inject (active ingredient – testosterone cipionat, 200 mg/ml)
  • Testabol Propionate Inject (active ingredient – testosterone propionate, 100 mg/ml)
  • Trenabol Inject (active ingredient – trenbolone acetate, 80 mg/ml)

Official or not?

On some websites it is specified that British Dragon is an official producer. Actually it absolutely not so. I will call four reasons for which products of British Dragon can't have licenses for application by people.

Injection medicines are issued in ten-millilitre bottles that isn't allowed (only a reservoirs which content can be used for once – ampoules or two-millilitre bottles are allowed).

Practically all tableted medicines (an exception – Oksidrol) contain active ingredient more, than it is allowed by a pharmacopeia.

Neither a boldenona undetsilinat, nor trenbolone acetate were never issued (I will add: will also be issued never) for application by people.

Concentration of active ingredient in such injection medicines as nandrolona decanoat, nandrolona fenilpropionat, nandrolona undecanoat above that which is allowed by pharmacopeia.

Perhaps, the medicines issued by British Dragon are held for use in veterinary science, but it is obviously not specified anywhere. That is, if to speak directly, British Dragon as was "underground" earlier, so remains to them and now, even despite obviously improved conditions of production (it if to judge by the video mentioned in the beginning of article) and on statements for official deliveries to unnamed countries of Eastern Europe and Latin America. But "underground" to "underground" discord if it is about quality.

Question about quality

Surprisingly but original British Dragon always distinguished rather high quality that was confirmed by numerous analyses. It is interesting that quite often the amount of active ingredient even exceeded declared! Raw materials were delivered from China, but took, thanks to communications in the Chinese market, only the most high-quality – that which didn't contain third-party impurity.

Unfortunately, this most original British Dragon was also counterfeited extremely often, including, and on boundless open spaces of Russia. Protection in the form of the hologram didn't salvage – there is nothing difficult in counterfeiting also it. The producer tried to be protected by means of original lids on bottles, but very few people paid attention to them.

Now at each packaging there is a hologram under which so-called BD-PSS a code disappears. British Dragon warns that only this website is official, and also that unpacked you shouldn't buy products.

Feedbacks about British Dragon

As for fans, they often don't understand brands and don't know what under the name British Dragon is on sale almost anything today. The speech about the counterfeit AAS issued both under the guise of for a long time the rested Thai producer and under the name of current. Feedbacks about British Dragon from fans are various, lack of experience and different expectations considerably affect objectivity of assessment.

Assessment of professionals is more objective. Feedbacks about British Dragon Pharmaceutical call the producer rather economical, but at the same time risk. Despite all brands (and it is really popular in the underground market of AAS), products contain at least 20-25% less active ingredient, than are declared. At the same time nature of impact answers an organism to declared.


Circular DNA

23 Nov 2016

Biophysicist Dr. Doping speaks about genomes of bacteria, replication and advantages of the ring structure of DNA.

As circular DNA was detected? Why linear DNA of higher organisms? And what are the advantages of circular DNA?

When in 1953 was discovered the structure of DNA and the rapid development of molecular biology, understanding the life of the structure of molecules at the atomic level, no one came into his head that the DNA can be closed in a ring. All took it for granted that the DNA molecule is a linear chain - double helix. But they have two ends, as it was known at that time for many, many years - is typical of conventional non-biological polymers. And what a surprise it was when, in the early 60s, 10 years after the discovery of the double helix, studying electron-microscopic photographs of small DNA virus, accidentally discovered that they are closed in the ring.

Why circular DNA in bacteria, and DNA in higher organisms, including humans, linear? I would say that now it is more natural to pose the question: Why are non-annular DNA? As it turned out, the ring structure of DNA is more natural from the point of view of the doubling of DNA, from the point of view of DNA replication. The fact that the DNA must replicate. By itself, the replication process is very simple, because the two DNA strands are antiparallel in fact, they are complementary: A is always against T and vice versa, as against G is always C, and vice versa. To DNA was doubling as imagined Watson and Crick in his classic work, we dissolve the chain and on each build up a on the principle of complementarity by the second string, and then we have two daughter DNA is completely identical to the original. This is the replication of DNA.

Cyanocobalamin injection (Vitamin B12) - is helpful with making DNA.

The only circular DNA, which is a person who is in the cytoplasm, in mitochondria circular DNA. But mitochondria, as we firmly believe - is the result of an ancient symbiosis between the eukaryotic cell, and some of the bacterial cell. Mitochondria - the rest of this bacteria. Once it was a bacterium that has entered into a symbiosis with the eukaryotic cell, then it is almost all their genes to give the kernel, the core genome, and some genes were, they are very few. Mitochondrial DNA contains only about 15 thousands of links. It is very short compared to a DNA genome.


Golden Dragon

23 Nov 2016

Golden Dragon Pharmaceuticals is the Chinese pharmacological company which is located in Hong Kong and engaged in production of steroids.

Golden Dragon Pharmaceuticals

All medicines Golden Dragon HK China differ in east design and on assurances of the company are created especially for the sports purposes. From a promo-roller of the Chinese company it is possible to learn that at its order there is the latest equipment capable to make up to 5500 tablets a minute.

The official English-speaking site Golden Dragon Pharm contains the following information: all products conform to the high quality standards and reliability of GMP (standards of the international agency which is engaged in control and licensing of food, medicinal and pharmacological products). Test samples of the pharmacological means issued by them were tested during preparation for the Olympic Games of the 2012th year.

In the domestic market of a pharm from Golden Dragon appeared relatively recently, namely summer of the 2013th year. According to reviews it is possible to judge high quality of products. The majority of feedbacks about Golden Dragon say that their pharma working.

In the last batches the system of protection of products against counterfeits by check of a verification code on the website of the producer was created. The code is under a protective layer on a sticker.

Main benefits of Golden Dragon Pharmaceuticals

  • Cooperation with the leading sports doctors, studying of influence of medicines on functions and reactions of an organism.
  • Use of the best raw materials and materials for production.
  • Minimum side effects.
  • High-technology purification of raw materials by a silver hydroxylation.
  • Feasibility of use of products not only professional athletes, but also the fans wishing to remain in shape.
  • Fixed enhancement, finding solutions and production of new products.
  • Protection against counterfeits. The last batches of a pharma Golden Dragon have under a covering a unique code thanks to which it is possible to certificate in originality of goods (through the official site of the company).

The purpose of Golden Dragon Pharmaceuticals is providing athletes of different levels with high-quality pharmacological support which would help to achieve good results, at the same time not only without doing harm to health, but also strengthening it. Golden Dragon follows the GMP standards that testifies to safety of his products. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Nootropil.

List of products

  • Boldoged 2500 mg / 10 ml
  • Mastaged 1000 mg / 10 ml
  • Nandroged 2500 mg / 10 ml
  • Nandroged-ph 1000 mg / 10 ml
  • Primoged 1000 mg / 10 ml
  • Strombaged 10 mg (tablets)
  • Trenoged (ΰφεςΰς) 1000 mg / 10 ml
  • Anavarged 10 mg (tablets)
  • Dianoged 10 mg (tablets))
  • Oxiged 50 mg (tablets)
  • Turhoged 10 mg (tablets)
  • Sustaged 2500 mg / 10 ml
  • Testoged-c 2000 mg / 10 ml
  • Testoged-e 2500 mg / 5 ml
  • Testoged-p 1000 mg / 10 ml
  • Trenoged 1500 mg (Enanthate+Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate+Acetate) / 10 ml

Golden Dragon

Feedbacks about Golden Dragon Pharmaceuticals

Clients of the company in most cases are satisfied with a cooperation. Negative feedbacks are usually connected with negative side effects which are inherent in active ingredients, or in connection with low activity. Quite often counterfeit products under the name of Golden Dragon meet. Athletes choose products as a compromise in the ratio price/quality.

Feedbacks about Golden Dragon are still not really numerous as the company began production quite recently – in 2012. But from those clients that AAS of this brand already used, practically all note rather high quality of products.



23 Nov 2016

The plant on production of the pharmaceutical medicines SC "VERMODJE" SRL is located in an environmentally friendly country zone, in 10 kilometers from the capital of the Republic of Moldova, the city of Chisinau. A total quantity of the employees working at the entity - 40 people. The entity exists since 2001 and successfully is engaged in production and implementation of various type in pharmaceutical products, veterinary and human appointment.



In 2013, the new laboratory was constructed according to all requirements and the GMP standards. The pharmaceutical plant has 4 production lines of sterile ampoules, bottles, tablets and capsules. The industrial complex represents the two-storeyed building with a total area of 835.3 sq.m with the adjacent parcel of land with a total area of 0,258 hectares.

On production the equipment of the leading global manufacturers, such as Carvalho, Zanasi, Uhlmann, Appatebau, Kenwood is used. Capacity of an equipment in place allows to make up to 60000 tablets an hour.

The personnel of the pharmaceutical entity are selected taking into account availability of the professional system education (confirmed with the diploma), and also availability of the specific work experience (confirmed with the corresponding recommendations and entries in labor documents). All employees know requirements and rules of production and quality control of medicines, belonging to their work and undergo elementary and repeated training in necessary amount, including by rules of personal hygiene.

The list of the medicines issued by VERMODJE contains tens of various names of optional appointment. It is necessary to distinguish from achievements of Vermodj'a directly several awards from the Ministry of Health of Moldova. Certificates for the highest quality and efficiency noted such medicines of production of Vermodzh as: Androver, Naposim, Stanover, Turinover, etc. In injection air as the solvent ethyloleate (oleate) at the expense of what is used morbidity from oil injections is removed. Do not forget take Nootropil for better results.

There passed only several years as the company appeared in the market of steroids and very actively occupied the niche, in some degree at the expense of a good publicity move and are final at the expense of a combination the price quality. Vermodje SRL positions the steroid medicines as veterinary, but it only for decrease in taxes and simplification of certification of products, and so they differ in nothing from similar medicines of other producers for people.

Criminal Investigation of Customs Service

Criminal Investigation Customs Service considers the criminal case file No. 2014869039, begun 11.03.2014 upon a non declaration when exporting from the Republic of Moldova of medicines.

Representatives of the SC "Vermodje" SRL company deny, in the letter No. 18 of April 13, 2014 sent to the address of Customs Service the fact of implementation of medicines and a non declaration to their customs authorities, in particular: Trenaver of 100 mg/ml x 10 ml, Testaver of P 100 mg/ml x 10 ml, Testaver From 200 mg/ml x 10 ml, Sustaver of 250 mg/ml x 10 ml, Dekaver of 250 mg/ml x 10 ml, Stanover of 50 mg/ml x 10 ml, Mastever of 100 mg/ml x 10 ml.

In officially answer it is said that the above-stated names to Ceese of a time weren't registered in the Sanitary and Veterinary Agency.

We ask you to report to us in the shortest possible time about that if the SC "Vermodje" SRL company imported for the entire period of existence in the territory of the Republic of Moldova the following goods (active agents for the work of drugs): Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enantat, Testosterone Propionat, Testosterone Tsipionat, Testosterone Enantat, Testosterone Isokaproat, Nandrolon Dekanoat, Stanozolol, Metandiyenon, Drostanolon Propionat, Metenolon Enantat, Mesterolon.

On your request we report to you that, according to the database, SRL "Vermodje", Gos-Nomer 1002600034343 imported active agent for the work of medicines of Metandiyenon, according to the customs declaration No. 3003I02204 of 16.04.2010. Also, we report to you that in a heading of 31 customs declarations, other names of the active agents specified in a request weren't found.

The SC "Vermodje" SRL company, responding to your request of March 27, 2014 Nr. 28/06-5217 we bring to your data that our company doesn't sell this medicine.

Considering that your request isn't the first, we suspect that medicines are a low-quality counterfeit for discredit of image of the company.

Also, we tell you that the File of the medicines interesting you were submitted to the Sanitary and veterinary Agency for registration but so far we didn't receive registration.

At the same time, in the course of criminal investigation it was established that on the website, in the heading "pharmaceutical means of veterinary appointment" the above-stated medicines are provided for free sale.

Proceeding from stated, we ask to inform us on that if is the official site of your company. In case of affirmative answer we ask you to provide information on those who have the admission to administration of the website.

Criminal Rasledovaniya's management Customs Service considers the criminal case file No. 2014869039, begun 11.03.2014 upon a non declaration when exporting from the Republic of Moldova of medicines.

In the course of criminal investigation need of transactions on import performed by the SC "Vermodje" SRL company appeared.

Feedbacks about Vermodje

Products from Vermodje producer quickly won attention of the athletes who are interested in sports pharmacology since the price quite decent and quality as it appeared, at the good level too. Feedbacks about Vermodzhe's steroids of some batches often have negative assessment since some medicines allegedly are "non-working", or the amount of active ingredient in them doesn't correspond to declared. However it can quite speak a large number of the counterfeits which captivated the market.

For better representation we suggest to study Vadim 'Do4a' Ivanov's story about history of the company, wars with Pharmacom Labs and products counterfeits. The report on the analysis of medicines on compliance of amount of active ingredient begins from 17th minute (quality of many medicines really appeared not at height so negative feedbacks about Vermodje are quite justified).

However, considering difficult relations, Vermodzhe and Daughters, his opinion can hardly be considered impartial.

On the other hand, it is necessary to consider that radjay by hearsay is the affiliated organization of Vermodje. Experience with turinaboly from radjay showed that there is no active ingredient in a product. Draw conclusions.


PharmaCom Labs

23 Nov 2016

PharmaCom Labs – widely known pharmacological company, was founded in 2006 in Moldova. In 2012 the company made rebranding which includes restyling of all line of medicines, new line items also constantly appear. Production process of the PharmaCom Labs company is focused only on release of sports pharmacological products. The range of the medicines issued by Pharmak Labs is very extensive: injection and oral steroids, growth hormones, pro-hormones, anti-estrogen and many other medicines which can be met in the market of sports pharmacology. Not to confuse to Pharmak (Ukraine).

PharmaCom Labs

In 2014 PharmaCom Labs changed again design of packaging (now the expiration date is in injections not on a box as earlier, and on bank) and entered system of check of products on originality. The verification code is under a protective layer on a special sticker. Stickers in new batches glue on bank or on the blister. We erase a protective layer, we enter it on the website of producer.

If there is no sticker on the blister or on bank, it means earlier batch in which there was no similar protection yet.

Feature of the plant Pharmak Labsa profitable distinguishing it from competitors especially for professionals are high dosages of steroid medicines such as 600 mg on 1 ml testosterone of an enantat, sustanon, nandrolon a dekanoata; 500 mg on 1 ml of a boldenon and others. Also large amount of mixes and mixes. This very successful repozitsionirovaniye of a brand within the carried-out rebranding.

In the market of the CIS meets and the fake under a name Pharmak is a counterfeit of the Ukrainian production.


"Attention" Since 2015 shops and products PharmaCom Labs moves ahead unfair spam methods, including numerous fake comments on social networks that calls into question truthfulness of numerous positive reviews and reputation of the producer in general.

Vaccine for blocking of Myostatin

On May 23, 2016 Pharmacom Labs declared in the branch on the international MESO-Rx resource release of a vaccine (Myostatin blocker) under the name Pharmacom GEN M. The representative of the company didn't disclose production details, however it is obvious that the plasmid vector about a genome of animal Myostatin was applied to production, with the subsequent introduction in a bacterium of Escherichia coli which breed and in the course of vital activity begin to produce Myostatinum. Also the representative of Pharmacom Labs for fun told that the vaccine is already tested on the Russian bears. And if someone meets in the wood of such bear with the blocked Myostatin and will take with it a selfie, then Pharmak will provide a free course for a year.

Since June, 2016 active advertizing of a vaccine on the Russian sports resources is started.

Since June the new product of GEN M2, with the description is also added:

"If in the first version of a vaccine of a blocker of Myostatin we forced an organism to develop Myostatin blocker, then in the new version we force an organism to develop also own somatropin. In what plus near usual hormone of body height? Well you just think, usual hormone you stick also in 2-3 hours its level in bloods at that level again, as was to an injection. That is, it is eternal waves. Yours somatropin is developed gradually within all two months, yielding much better result."


Despite the high potential of a metabolic stimulator of GW1516, studying of medicine it was stopped by the GlaxoSmithKline company developer in connection with the found cancerogenic effects in several experiments. However medicines on the basis of GW1516 among which there is PHARMAHEN 50 from Pharmacom became already available. Is interesting the fact that it on packaging of PHARMAHEN 50 is declared that it "a steroid of new generation". You can also like Nootropil.

Feedbacks about Pharmacom Labs

Products of the company have quite good quality and the producer, conform to international standards. About it witness also mainly positive reviews about Pharmacom Labs steroids. Sometimes negative statements towards this company meet that is quite often connected with counterfeits.

You can also study video about Pharmakom from Vadim 'Do4a' Ivanov. From 12th minute it is told about a personal experience of the use of steroids of this brand, from 16:20 - history of the company, redesigns of products, wars with Vermodje, etc. The report on the analysis of compliance of active ingredient in medicines begins about 22 minutes - practically all steroids appeared worthy quality, only in some names insignificant deviations in the smaller party were revealed.


Balkan Pharmaceuticals

23 Nov 2016

Balkan Pharmaceuticals is the pharmaceutical company founded in 2007. Since January, 2009 she registered and offered the first batches of the Ukrainian drugs, and in October, 2010 Balkan Pharmaceuticals achieved the right to deliver medicines to public medical and sanitary organizations of Moldova. Then, the company began to invest means in development of own industrial complex in of Synzher.

Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Nowadays the company makes 127 types of medicines among which there are 29 line items of antineoplastic medicines, 21 – the hormonal medicines, 15 medicines which are well influencing nervous system, 16 medicines for treatment of diseases of cardiovascular system, 13 – against gastrointestinal diseases, 14 medicines with anti-inflammatory, analgetic effects etc. Add some Gliatilin to your daily training.

Balkan Pharmaceuticals has all required certificates, documents and licenses, according to the legislation of the country and is completely legal pharmaceutical the plant conforming to the GMP standard.

In more detail about the plant it is possible to read on the website of the producer.

Today in the market of pharmacology there are many underground players who counterfeit the famous high-quality producers and BP in it not an exception. Balkan Pharmaceuticals constantly try to counterfeit, but the producer wants that clients were confident in products and therefore now all medicines are issued with verification codes on originality. Now it is possible to check easily a product of the Balkans of Pharma for authenticity, for this purpose use a checking form on the website Checking number should be entered the same as it is specified on ampoules, without forgetting about the register of letters.

Feedbacks about Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Feedbacks about Balkan Pharmaceuticals generally positive. It is possible to find many responses about high quality of products of this producer in comparison with its rather low cost in network. Sometimes, negative comments of people which by the inexperience purchased a counterfeit product meet and sin on the authentic producer. The company understands all responsibility which she bears and therefore conducts tough policy against counterfeits. Not to fall a victim of swindlers you should buy products from the checked sources, in the known online stores, such sellers buy products directly from the Balkan Pharmaceuticals plant. Buying products from the Balkans of Pharm, you with guarantee receive high-quality, effective medicine at the adequate price.

It is necessary to consider that many medicines even of high quality can cause side effects therefore undesirable consequences of acceptance of strong substances, especially in inadequate quantities, can significantly distort impression.

Also you can look at the release from video series about producers of steroids from Vadim 'Do4a' Ivanov devoted the Balkans Pharm. In the beginning it is a little told about its recent problems with health, the relations with FDCS and about the relation to the use of steroids. From 12th minute the story about history of the company begins and that it is today. The report on the analysis of medicines can be looked from 20:40 (the amount of active ingredient in all medicines corresponds declared so positive reviews about the Balkans of Pharm are quite justified).



23 Nov 2016

Mioliberin is a dietary supplement from IQ Sport for a set of muscle bulk and drying which blocks miostanin. Company IQ Sport functions by the principle of network marketing and some of its products even "improve synchronization with magnetic field of the earth".

Mioliberin is a dietary supplement from IQ Sport

Additive mioliberin is developed by the director of NNPTsTO group of companies Pyotr Soldatenkov - the academician of the international academy of cold. Pyotr Anatolyevich Soldatenkov also has degree of the Doctor of Economics, the owner of the prestigious award "Prezidensky Star" and many other regalia is the corresponding member of the International academy of patronage.

"Attention" according to independent specialists Mioliberin is completely useless and potentially unhealthy. Is issued in packagings on 10 candies.

Description of the producer

The tableted Mioliberin candies contain the unique "mioliberinovy complex" intended for release of skeletal muscles from the blocking influence of muscle protein of miostatin. Decrease of the activity of a miostatin facilitates a set of dry muscle bulk and increases effectiveness of trainings. "The Mioliberinovy complex" of the tableted candies consists of antibodies, peptides, plant extracts and creatine. The combined action of all components of a complex allows to escape out of limits of the genetic limits of growth of muscle bulk set by activity of a miostatin. The rapid growth of muscle bulk connected with use of "a mioliberin complex" requires additional strengthening of joints that is reached at the expense of the glycosamine which is also a part of tableted candies.

Mioliberin never contains a unique "mioliberinovy complex" earlier not used in sports practice. The Latin word libero is translated into Russian how "to liberate", and is valid, "the mioliberinovy complex" exempts the growing athlete's muscles from oppressive effect of muscle protein of the miostatin which is actively disturbing a set of muscle bulk. "The Mioliberinovy complex" of the tableted candies consists of plant extracts, biotechnological antibodies, the modified peptides and creatine. Extract of an exotic sea plant of a tsistozeyra contains specific sulfatirovanny polysaccharides which "surround" and "wrap up" miostatinovy protein, interfering with full manifestation it activity, harmful for sport. Effect of natural inhibitor of a miostatin is strengthened by the antimiostatinovy antibodies received in the biotechnological way. Antibodies it is specific connect muscle protein μθξρςΰςθν and attract the immune factors necessary for destruction of "an anti-sports protein". Stimulation of immunity is reached due to synergistic effect of extracts of an ekhinatsea and a red brush. Biologically active agents of an ekhinatsea and red brush increase binding of antibodies with miostatiny and guarantee outstanding performance of "a mioliberinovy complex". The effect the antimiostatinovykh of antibodies is strengthened by the modified peptides which break maturing of a new miostatin in muscle cells. An important role in reduction of miostatinovy activity is played also by the creatine reducing content of lactic acid during the exhausting trainings. Buffer properties of creatine allow to suspend negative effect of lactic acid concerning increase in muscle bulk. Besides, kreatinovy additive provides balance of action of all components of a unique "mioliberinovy complex", so, guarantees a systematic set of muscle bulk without take-off and falls typical for rates of anabolic steroids.

Additive also contains a small amount of glycosamine for strengthening of sheaves and joints.

Feedbacks of the expert

At the moment the antibodies capable to suppress activity of miostatin aren't created though antibodies can be used for transfer of fragments of a receptor and work in this direction proceed and there is already a row enough perspective inhibitors of miostatin. The producer of mioliberin doesn't specify either an origin of antibodies, or their concentration. Anyway bioavailability of any peptide agents in case of the use inside always extremely low. The dietary supplements many producers and homeopathic remedies act this way, however in all developed countries active fight against charlatanism of this sort and a fraud is conducted. Do not forget take Gliatilin for better results.

Compatibility of components of mioliberin wasn't checked in one research. On the website of the producer article with clinical testing is available, however the design of work doesn't conform to modern clinical standards: small selection, lack of placebo of control and blind method. This article is unavailable in one reviewed base, these are only theses of the report at the scientific and practical conference for students and young scientists which was taking place in NSU of physical culture, sport and health of P.F. Lesgaft on December 13-14, 2014 

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