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Cogitum- good result, speech development

20 Nov 2016

Advantages: there is an effect in the development, there is an effect in speech development, improved memory

Disadvantages: expensive

Our neurologist is the second time appoint us Cogitum. Serious problems we have, but to say we started late, after three years, it is still unclear, sometimes overexcited child and can not cope with it, it gives tantrums for no reason.

In ampoule are provided on both sides of spouts, for breaking off. Very comfortable. Ampoule breaks off strictly on the line, no debris and chips.

Neurologist appointed on 5 ml 2 times a day.

Results after the course are obvious - the child becomes calmer, more thoughtful, communicates with pleasure, trying to correctly pronounce the words.

The only disadvantage of the drug - the high price.

In general, a pretty good result


Cogitum - without the side effects

20 Nov 2016

Advantages: banana flavor, without the side effects, there is an effect in the development

Disadvantages: expensive

General tonic Cogitum

The course is 1.5 months. Appointed neurologist after a visit to our complaints and that the daughter in the age of almost 3 years can not jump very bad runs and walks is not quite right.

Diagnosis: hypoxic damage to the central nervous system. pyramidal syndrome of the lower limbs with impaired gait. This means that the daughter of the residual effects of muscle tone.

Now we take the drug for a month. They began to walk much better, not so often falls and stumbles. Runs also more like normal children. No side effects were observed. On the contrary it seems to me has become much calmer and less fearful.

The preparation course is expensive, but if your child needs help, and the doctor said reception "Cogitum" justified, it is necessary to listen to the advice of a specialist.


Cogitum - happy with the result

20 Nov 2016

Advantages: banana flavor, there is an effect in speech development

Disadvantages: it causes irritability, expensive, not convenient ampoule

In 1 year and 8 months my son was diagnosed with minimal brain dysfunction or hyperactivity. Against this background, the speech delay. we were assigned a drug Cogitum specifically for speech development. At the time of initiation of the son was 1 year and 11 months.

I note immediately that I was to find the drug difficult. it was not and would not be ordered in many pharmacies, and if it was several vials. The product we received daily half ampoule.

So the results. My son did not start talking immediately proposals, but did say, mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, a lot of new words. Strengthen its incomprehensible speech. A child comes up to me, and turns on its language is trying to explain to me that the whole story (only I do not understand). I'm happy with the result. Though he is not big but he obviously is! In addition, we recently finished taking the drug, so we are waiting! It should be noted that in the first week notice irritability, which later passed.


Cogitum - good result

20 Nov 2016

My daughter was 2 years 7 months and it is still very badly spoke. Already visited several specialists, the result was not.

The neurologist appointed Cogitum. The first results observed after administration of half ampoules. Almost completely gone babbling, she began to talk more and more clear to say the words. And then somewhere regression began on the 20th day of reception, back talk, it has continued to develop, but the babble of me very worried. But now I could easily stop her, saying: I do not understand you, speak normal words. And she has stopped his nonsense stream and began to speak normal words.

Now has been a week after the full course. It is almost pure, without her babble. She says the proposals long sentences of more than 5 words. In her speech she added a lot of new words, beginning more than me to understand and to comply with requests. She finds and calls by name. Sleep adjusted.

Naturally all of these results and a sharp break was due to receive medication. I recommend this drug. No side effects, we have not identified, although the child is very allergenic.


Cogitum - really helps

20 Nov 2016

Advantages: banana flavor, there is an effect in speech development, added strength and energy

Disadvantages: expensive, not convenient ampoules

My son of a delay of speech development. Cogitum been prescribed by a neurologist.

The effect is. The child began to say many new sounds become smarter and more mobile. Sleep fully normalized, sleeping through the night without any awakenings. No aggression or negative deviations were not in the child's behavior. Gave up in the morning, the evening did not give the order not to disturb the sleep-wake rhythms.

The first course we took in July, is now to secure the effect it is necessary to take the second course. So I buy for the second box.

So do not hesitate and trust your doctor - the drug is really helps!


Cogitum - banana flavor

20 Nov 2016

Advantages: banana flavor, there is an effect in speech development, added strength and energy

Disadvantages: expensive, not convenient ampoules

The drug has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, in particular, it stimulates the speech activity and in general, in general activity.

The effect of "Cogitum" was noticeable almost immediately. The child became more active. My son has become increasingly interested in all, it is increasingly interested in various items at home, there was a research interest.

Now the child one year and eight, in the year we've had in a speech left around eight simple words that he spoke deliberately. But about a year and three child paused, stopped practically to say anything. We have neurological problems.

After receiving about five ampoules (5 days) was the child sharply to talk to "their own language", humming sounds, words reappeared father, mother, woman. So far, three words, but my husband and I are so excited babble has become very much our son "plays" with the sounds, he invents words.

Undoubtedly, it is from Cogitum became progress in cognition and speech activity.

The drug made in France, it is quite new. Many say that it is of unproven efficacy and not worth the money, but personally, we have noted a positive effect on "Cogitum", so I highly recommend at delays in speech development in children and asthenic states.


Cogitum - progress in the development of speech

20 Nov 2016

If in the first days of reception we had some trouble sleeping, by the end of the course and after sleep got up, the child became calmer in his sleep.

We have clearly noted the positive effect of receiving Kogituma, after 6 months of planning to repeat the course.

General tonic "Cogitum"

Dosage Form: Oral solution.

Active agent - Acidum acetylaminosuccinicum

Åhe main purpose of the drug common causes include: motor retardation, psychomotor retardation, delayed speech development, emotional development, the various manifestations of damage to the nervous system and its consequences.

Cogitum may apply even in the absence of severe disease and neurological disorders just to stimulate mental activity and active physical and mental stress.

"Cogitum" does not cause seizure activity.

The dosage is adjusted individually by the attending physician.

"Cogitum" approved for use in children aged 7 years or younger children to a lesser dosage. The drug was very even nasty: yellowish solution with a pleasant aroma of banana and sweet taste.

The movement appeared orientation, improved coordination.

At the moment, after the course a little more than two weeks, the positive trend continues, my son began to build more complex sentences, saying the new sounds and words. His interest in everything that is around me simply delights, he keeps asking "Who's that?", "What is this?".

If in the first days of reception we had some trouble sleeping, by the end of the course and after sleep got up, the child became calmer in his sleep.

We have clearly noted the positive effect of receiving "Cogitum", after 6 months of planning to repeat the course.


Cogitum - effective drug, mental development

20 Nov 2016

Advantages: a noticeable effect in the speech and mental development

Disadvantages: expensive

I read a lot of reviews that "Cogitum" prescribed in order to serve as the impetus for the development of speech. In our case it was prescribed in order to improve it, to improve pronunciation, and improve the overall development. My daughter says I have suggestions, but a word speaks not clearly. fine motor skills of hands slightly behind in development. This is 3 years and 3 months. The recall will talk about what the result of a reception of this preparation.

Ampoule opens easily: to accept it is necessary to open the ampoule with one hand and then uncovered by substituting the end of a glass or cup, break off the opposite end of the ampoule.

Banana Flavor. My daughter liked it.

I did not expect such a push in development. I was just amazed that the drug will give a visible result.

- Already in the first days of receiving the daughter began to pronounce the sound g.

- Began to dress up in my clothes.

- Now even talk anymore.

- It has become much clearer to say the words.

- Offers are more deployed.

- Improve the pronunciation.

- She came up with the proposal. Previously, more than repeat what we said.

- It has become much more adequate child. Previously refuse her anything, immediately begin to hysteria, from the reception "Cogitum" - no. she began to listen to me. But, unfortunately, only at the time of ingestion.

- Honestly, I thought Cogitum will excite. But there was no stimulating effect. Even on the contrary - to promote concentration. Again - at the time of ingestion.

- No allergies

- Only positive effects.

I am very glad that the neurologist prescribed her this drug, I have seen significant progress in the development.

I recommend "Cogitum"!


Noopept - improves learning ability

20 Nov 2016

Advantages: it eliminates the distraction, improves mental performance, helps to concentrate, improves memory, improves the functioning of the brain

You should always keep up with the times: it is a pity that I came to her senses too late. Always it seemed to be obtained at the Institute of knowledge I have enough for a lifetime, but it turned out that today, some of my colleagues are younger, already ashamed to have at least two entities, and someone has even three, not to mention all sorts of certificates of the courses.

Noopept has nootropic and neuroprotective properties. Improves learning ability and memory, acting on all the phases of processing. It helps restore memory and other cognitive functions, disturbed as a result of the damaging effects - brain trauma, local and global ischemia, prenatal damage (alcohol, hypoxia). The therapeutic effect of the drug in patients with organic disorder of the central nervous system is manifested starting with 5-7 days of treatment.

First implemented in the existing spectrum of activity "Noopept" anxiolytic and stimulating light effects, manifested in the reduction or disappearance of anxiety, irritability, affective lability, sleep disorders. After 14-20 days of therapy revealed a positive effect of the drug on cognitive function, attention and memory options. It helps to reduce headaches, orthostatic disorders, tachycardia.

There was no such that all immediately flew out of my head.

It is the way that I began to spend less time memorizing, so they had to combine study with work, and I even managed to sleep in this mode.

In general, I am satisfied this drug!


Noopept - improves overall mood, memory

20 Nov 2016

Advantages: eliminates the distraction, it helps to concentrate, improves memory, improves the functioning of the brain

Since childhood, I was plagued by back problems. I was the tallest girl in the class, and because of the constant name-calling classmates wanted to appear less, which are constantly hunched.

By and large, my back hurt in several cases: from the walk (could not walk more than an hour started to get sick), from sports (engaged and actively engaged in tennis) and from work in the office, it was probably the last straw. I began to notice that every day I work harder, drowsiness, absent-mindedness and apathy has never left me. Particular problem became morning awakening, force yourself to get up in the morning for work was virtually impossible. I started having problems with superiors.

In addition, I taught English, because it was a prerequisite for hiring. and here my progress went on the decline. The disease is just ruined me.

Doctor appointed treatment, which, except for a few items, was familiar to me, exercise therapy, massage, spinal traction. After my complaints of drowsiness or distraction, he prescribed me nootropics "Noopept".

Noopept - a nootropic agent which is prescribed in case of violation of memory, attention, astennicheskih disorders, conditions with signs of infringement of intellectual activity.

After two weeks of Noopept:

- Gone drowsiness or distraction. Brain made it clear in my head like a veil slept. I became more collected, improve concentration, work began to do a lot more things.

- Morning awakening ceased to be for me the flour. Previously, to sleep I had to be at least 10 hours. Now it is enough 7-8 hours to feel at 100%.

- It improves overall mood, memory.

All the changes that happened to me, I attribute Noopept because No more drugs in that period are not taken.

Someone from the France - just purchased the goods:
L-Optic Rompharm eye drops 0.5% 5ml