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The process of DNA duplication can be adjusted and the elongation stage

23 Nov 2016

Dividing each cell is preceded by a doubling of the number of chromosomes. The basis of the chromosome molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which should be doubled (replicated). Timeliness, accuracy and completeness of DNA replication in the cell are under special control.

DNA, Cyanocobalamin, Vitamin B12 buy

Doubling of DNA involved in a specialized multi-protein complex replisome (replisome). The process of DNA replication begins at specific regions of chromosomes - origin of replication (origins of replication). Then on the so-called elongation step from an origin of each moving in opposite directions two replisome. Replisome moving from two neighboring origin towards each other, fully double the corresponding DNA fragment. However, not all replicons (areas between two points of origin of replication) are doubled simultaneously. The difference in replication time due, at least two reasons. Firstly, origins of replication are located in the genome is uneven. As a result, more time is needed to double the longer replicon. Secondly, not all origins of replication start working at the same time. Usually, a DNA sequence is replicated first active genes, and then the remaining sequence. The process beginning at the origin of replication is well understood, and it was assumed that a doubling of the DNA is regulated mainly at this stage.

Typically, the cell cycle is a DNA replication, chromosome segregation and cell division itself. In some tissues, such as liver and chromosome doubling, but due to lack of cell division are formed with an increased number of chromosomes (polyploid cells). Some specialized tissues of Diptera insects disturbed also divergence of duplicated chromosomes apart. Thus, after several cycles of DNA doubling formed giant polytene chromosomes, which due to their large size are very convenient object for different studies, including DNA replication.

Cyanocobalamin injection - is helpful with making DNA.

It has long been known that certain DNA fragments in Drosophila polytene chromosomes are presented much smaller number of copies from the fact that their replication process broken. These so-called "under-replicated" chromosomal areas have increased fragility. At the end of the last century, the staff of our institute to identify the factors responsible for this phenomenon. They found a protein SUUR (Suppressor of UnderReplication). A little later it was shown that under-replicated areas often lack an origin of replication, therefore doubling depends entirely on replisom coming from outside. Exactly how the protein SUUR violates the DNA replication process was unclear. It was assumed that this protein can perform the barrier function in the border areas underreplication greatly slowing or even stopping the promotion replisom.

In this paper, we, together with colleagues from the Erasmus Medical Centre (the Netherlands) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) revealed that protein SUUR affects DNA replication completely unexpected way. Instead localized in certain areas of the chromosomes and block replisom advancement therethrough, the protein moves along with replisome and thus brakes it. We have found that SUUR interacts with one of the proteins involved in DNA double helix unwound - a process that is carried replisome components and immediately precedes the synthesis of child chains. Available data indicate that the inhibitory activity of the protein SUUR modulated characteristic combinations of proteins packaging DNA and gene activity controls.

What is required of such an additional mechanism for the regulation of DNA replication process, it is still unclear. Now, however, it becomes clear how fragile sites appear polytene chromosomes in Drosophila. It should be noted that human chromosomes are also sites that under moderate stress replicative DNA double chains may not completely. As a result, this leads to chromosomal rearrangements and may cause developmental abnormalities, mental retardation and various cancers. It can be assumed that the cause of these fragile sites of chromosomes lies in the violation of the DNA replication process is in the elongation stage.


Inosine (Riboxin) in sport

23 Nov 2016

Inosine (Riboxin) is a metabolic agent, a stimulator of biochemical processes, the precursor of ATP. Increases power balance, improves a coronary circulation and metabolic processes in a myocardium. Possesses anti-hypoxemic action. It is applied at an ischemic heart disease (a myocardial infarction, stenocardia), cardiomyopathy, disturbances of a rhythm of heart, myocarditis, myocardial dystrophy, liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty dystrophy of a liver), a peptic ulcer of a stomach and a duodenum, an open-angle form of glaucoma.

Synonyms: Inosine; Inozine-F; Riboxin; Riboksin-Vero; Riboksin-Darnitsa; Riboksin-Lekt; Riboksin-PNITIA; Riboksin-UVI; Ribonosin.

Inosine (Riboxin) is a metabolic agent

Dosage forms: Tablets and solution for injections.

Effects of Riboxin

  • Inosine - derivative a purina, the precursor of an adenozintrifostfat (ATP) - the major energy source in bodybuilding.
  • Inosine stimulates synthesis of nucleotides, increases activity of some enzymes of a cycle of Krebs.
  • Being a nucleoside, Inosine can get into cells and increase power balance of a myocardium.
  • Improves a coronary circulation and metabolic processes in a myocardium. Possesses anti-hypoxemic action.

Use of Riboxin in sport

Riboxin was widely applied in the 70th years in sport to improvement of productivity and physical indicators. "Attention" Nevertheless later clinical tests showed that use of Riboxin in sport doesn't lead to improvement of indicators and augmentation of muscle bulk.

References to use in sport

  • Prophylaxis of metabolic damages (KMP) of a myocardium at extreme exercise stresses.
  • Myocardium dystrophy against the background of serious exercise stresses.
  • Disturbances of a cordial rhythm.
  • Stressor cardiomyopathies.
  • Medicinal injuries of a liver.
  • Liver diseases, acute and chronic hepatitis’s.
  • Peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum.

Sports delivery

  • Premium Inosine from Ultimate Nutrition
  • Inosine from Mega-Pro
  • Inosine from Life Extension
  • Cell-Tech Hardcore from MuscleTech

Route of administration and doses:

Inosinum is prescribed inside to food. The daily dose at intake in bodybuilding makes 1,5 - 2,5. In the first days of reception the daily dose of Inosine is peer 0,6 - 0,8 - on 0,2 g 3 - 4 times a day. In case of good tolerance of drug this dose is raised to 2,5 g. Course duration - from 4 weeks to 1,5 - 3 months.


Hypersensitivity to Inosine, gout, a serious renal failure.

Side effect:

Inosine is usually well transferred; itch, dermahemia are in some cases possible; in cases of allergic reaction drug is cancelled. In rare instances rising of concentration of uric acid in a blood becomes perceptible. At prolonged use in high doses the gout exacerbation is possible.

Additional information

Is directly involved in exchange of glucose and promotes activization of exchange at a hypoxia and in the absence of ATP. Stimulates oxidation-reduction processes. Inosine intensifies metabolism of pyrogrape acid, normalizes process of tissue respiration, promotes increase activity. Improves coronary blood circulation. Inosine increases force of reductions of heart and promotes fuller relaxation of a myocardium in the diastol (connects the calcium ions which have got to cytoplasm at the time of excitement of a cage) therefore shock volume increases and blood supply of fabrics improves.

Reduces aggregation of platelets, activates regeneration of fabrics (especially mucous membrane of a GIT and a myocardium), prevents consequences of intraoperative ischemia of kidneys.

At intake inosine is well absorbed in a GIT. It is metabolized in a liver with formation of glyukuron acid and the subsequent her oxidation. In insignificant quantity it is removed by kidneys.

It is contraindicated at hypersensitivity to derivatives of purin, giperuricemia, gout.

Inosine is applied inside, 3 — 4 times a day, an initial dose — 0,6 — 0,8 g a day, in case of good tolerance in 2 — 3 days the dose is increased to 1,2 — 1,6 — 2,4 g a day. Duration of course application — 4 — 12 weeks.

Medicine inosine pranobek (inosine pranobex, gropinosin, isoprinosin) — compound of inosine with 1-(dimetilamino)-2 — propanol-4-(atsetilamino) — benzoate (salt) in the ratio 1:3. He, except anabolic, possesses the immune stimulating and antiviral action. Medicine increases total number of T-lymphocytes and development by them interleykina-2, normal cages — killers and T-helperov, improves a ratio a helper/supressor; stimulates activity of monocytes, macrophages (synthesis in them interleykina-1) and cages; strengthens synthesis of RNA and ribosomal protein. At the same time suppresses replication of DNA and RNA of viruses by means of linkng with ribosomes of a cage and change of their stereochemical structure.


ATP - pricks and medicines in bodybuilding

23 Nov 2016

ATP is produced in the form of medical supplies and sports food. In drugstores it is possible to buy freely ATP solution for injections - amp ATP. 1% 1 ml of N10. Tableted forms are also available to intake: ATP forte and ATP Long which have the prolonged action.

Medicines ATP, popular in bodybuilding:

  • ATP
  • Atrifos
  • Sodium adenosine triphosphate
  • Miotrifos
  • Fosfobion
  • Adefos
  • Kortifos
  • Striadin
  • Triadenil
  • Trifosfodin
  • Trifosfaden
  • Trifosadenin

Sports food with ATP

  • Elevate ATP from EPIC Preformance
  • Nitro ATP from Urban Biologics
  • Peak ATP With GlycoCarn from Life Extension
  • Anabolic HALO from MuscleTech
  • ShroomTECH Sport from Onnit Labs

Regimen of dosage of ATP

ATP can be entered in the form of tablets inside, in the form of injections intramuscular and intravenously. "Attention" Depending on it drug doses vary.

Nyxes of ATP

Intramuscular injections are carried out deeply in muscles of breeches or a femur on 10 mg (1 ml of 1% of solution) of 1 times a day, then in the same dose 2 times a day or on 20 mg of 1 times a day. A course of treatment - 30-40 injections, a repeated course - in 1-2 months. Nyxes of ATP differ in special morbidity in the place of an injection therefore it can be admixed with local anesthetics (Lidocainum, Novocainum, etc.)

Intravenous nyxes of ATP in bodybuilding aren't recommended to be carried out as it is absolutely inexpedient and bradycardia (the reflex cardiac standstill for several seconds is in rare instances possible), falling of arterial pressure with the subsequent tachycardia, erubescence threatens with such side effects as. ATP doses at intravenous injections shouldn't exceed 10 mg, in bodybuilding of it it isn't enough therefore avoid this method of introduction. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Sports delivery ATP of tablet

Average dosage of ATP for intake of 50 - 200 mg a day, 2-4 times a day.

Effects of ATP

There is an essential difference between attempt "to stick" or"eat" additional ATP (that is impossible) and to increase ability of an organism to ATP synthesis (the modern dietary supplements aimed at ATP so work). The second way is an effective way of rising of ATP, endurance and oxygen capacity of a blood, but he doesn't assume immediate reception of "ATP", and works due to use of vitamins /adaptogens and dietary additives. Documentary, and in the Olympic practice, positive influence of a mushroom of Korditsps on endurance of athletes is noted.

"Attention" doesn't lead Additional reception of ATP to rise in energy and an essential raising of level of endogenic ATP and doesn't enlarge muscle bulk. Nyxes, the use inside or under tongue - all these ways lead to inevitable destruction of ATP, long before entering in muscles therefore there is no sense to carry out morbid injections.

After ATP comes to an organism (the way of introduction doesn't matter) it doesn't come to cells as has a negative charge. In a cell the medium is negatively charged too therefore ATP simply makes a start from cellular membranes. In an intestine or in a muscle, ATP it begins to be blasted by enzyme EctoATP-difosforilasa to an AMP, on it no more than 2-3 seconds are required. In 3 seconds, the AMP is blasted (it is hydrolyzed by enzyme 5 nucleotidase and an adenosilgomotsistein-hydrolyzing enzyme) to an adenosine. Practically all adenosine is caught by erythrocytes where the adenosine deaminase is quickly converted into Inosinum (Riboxinum) by enzyme.

"Attention" Thus, can't be brought to ATP to muscles, irrespective of doses and a way of introduction. Indications for use of drugs ATP are lately completely revised, now use them only for stopping of cordial arrhythmias and in rare instances for relaxation of a smooth musculation of vessels. Action on other organs is impossible because ATP is blasted to Inosinum long before entering in organs, Inosinum causes all effects of the use of ATP. Therefore, it is more reasonable to accept additives with Inosinum from which ATP in an organism is synthesized.

Solution [to Govern] ATP (ATF)

Structure and form of release

1 ml of 1% of solution (0,01 g) in an ampoule. 10 ampoules in packing.

Indications to use

Muscular dystrophy and atrophy, poliomyelitis, multiple sclerosis, supraventricular Bouveret's disease; a coronary failure, post infarction, acute and chronic cardiovascular failure, obliterating diseases of arteries (the alternating lameness, Raynaud's disease, obliterating thromboangitis), heriditary pigmental degeneration of a retina.

References on use in sport

Maintenance of cordial activity at an appreciable exercise stress.

Restoration after an exercise stress at a training of quality of endurance.

Sports cardiomyopathies.

Route of administration and doses

Intramusculary, intravenously. In the first days of treatment - on 0,01 g (1 ml of 1% of solution) of 1 times/days, then in the same dose of 2 times/days or on 0,02 g 1 times/days. A course of treatment - 30-40 injections, a repeated course - in 1-2 months. For stopping of supraventricular arrhythmias - intravenously 0,01-0,02, during 5-6 with (the effect occurs through 30-40 c). If necessary the repeated injection in 2-3 min. is possible.


Hypersensitivity, acute myocardial infarction, arterial hypotension, inflammatory diseases of lungs.

Side effects

Allergic reactions (itch, dermahemia). At intramuscular introduction - a headache, tachycardia, diuresis augmentation, hyperuricemia; at intravenous - nausea, dermahemia of the person, a headache, delicacy.

Special indicatings

It is impossible to enter in high doses along with cardiac glycosides. Cardiac glycosides increase risk of development of side effects (including aritmogenny action).



22 Nov 2016

Silodrol is a new anabolic additive from producers of Anastan. The producer presents silodrol as a blocker of miostatin, however efficiency completely is absent.

Silodrol is a new anabolic additive

Description of the producer

The last developments of scientists proved what miostanin limits muscle growth. Miostatin was open relatively recently, but thanks to this opening is made what scientific break never before was. And now, using a blocker of a miostatin, it is possible to increase amount of muscle fibers naturally that will provide significant increase in muscle bulk, to reach heights of which couldn't dream.

Silodrol is the medicine of new generation providing the improbable growth of muscle bulk incomparable with effects of acceptance of synthetic and natural anabolic medicines. On extents of several years researches were conducted, also the famous bodybuilders, on the end of experiences were among examinees, it was revealed that the majority of researched had the low level of synthesis of Miostatin. And the gene providing synthesis of miostatin is responsible as well for production of protein which regulates a set of muscle bulk. In other words, having reached a certain muscle bulk, miostatin interferes with its further increase. And no physical exercises what force and intensity they wouldn't be will help you to reach a theoretical maximum until miostatinit is block or at least its level won't be reduced. But thanks to application of our product, you can achieve desirable results. SiloDrol is the most effective blocker of miostatin.

Additive Silodrol represents extract of a sea plant (Cystoseira canariensis) which is one of a kind of yellow seaweed, and found by the Spanish biochemists of Las Palmas university during their scientific researches.

This opening provided revolutionary jump thanks to which, each athlete can achieve desirable results on a set of muscle bulk since the protein interfering its set will be blocked. Principle of work of medicine:

Silodrol blocks action of miostatin because chemically contacts it. After miostatin will be blocked, myoblasts will begin to share actively, thereby increasing the quantity and forming new muscle fibers that will provide significant increase in muscle bulk.

Application instruction:

2 Silodrol capsules in the morning and 2 capsules at noon, washing down with a glass of water or juice. Before acceptance consultation of the attending physician is necessary.

Assessment of the expert

Medicine Silodrol succeeded the well-known Anastan which is perceived for a long time by nobody seriously. It is worth noticing that the product isn't medicine and extends as dietary supplement, provided that confirmation of the fact that it is effective isn't required.

The name is constituted so that to emphasize emphasis on the word "force" and "-drol" - the popular termination associated with anabolic steroids. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Cerebrolysin.

What is characteristic, the producer doesn't wish to reveal himself therefore as on the website of Anastan, and Silodrola firms off takers are specified (LLC Tekhnologii budushchego and ISR pharmaceuticals respectively), however actually issues them LLC Inat Pharm which is mentioned only in documents.

Everything becomes clear at first sight when in structure the main operating component is visible: Cystoseira canariensis, the rest even don't cost mentioning (useless extracts, flower pollen and fillers).

The researches executed by Dzhordzhei Niffis, professor of Institute of National Health (the USA, the State of Ohio) authentically found out that the anabolic properties attributed to sports food on the basis of Cystoseira canariensis - no more, than the advertizing course. In the course of the experiment it became clear that even in quantity in 50 times more recommended these additives had no significant effect on growth of muscle bulk.

One more experimental work was performed by Willoughby DS (Effects of an alleged miostatin -binding supplement and heavy resistance training on serum miostatin, muscle strength and mass, and body composition. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2004 Aug; 14(4):461-72.). In a research within 12 weeks one of two groups of equally training and eating people accepted additive with Cystoseira canariensis. As a result of any distinctions on physical indicators and concentration of miostatin it wasn't revealed. What allowed to draw a conclusion on total absence of effect.

All modern antagonists of miostatin of the proteinaceous nature, therefore they aren't accepted inside as in this case active agent would be inevitably destroyed by digestive enzymes.

If you want to laugh a little, then can come to read feedbacks about Silodrole on the official site - Silodrol (feedbacks). Certainly you won't meet any negative there, but similar is a lot of.



22 Nov 2016

Tribulustan is the dietary supplement which was earlier issued on the basis of Tribulus terrestris. Due to Tribulus's prohibition, obviously, the structure had to be changed and new additive received the name Tribulustan +. The most part of effects won't be approved with independent researches, obvious discrepancies between advertizing of the producer and real action are revealed. Actively moves ahead in sport and bodybuilding, however according to our data has mainly negative feedbacks.


Compositions of Tribulustan additives, Tribulustan + are developed by the LLC Inter-S company under the leadership of the specialist in the field of medical botany A. P. Efremov, the author of several books in botany.

Participate professional athletes among whom in advertizing of medicine:

  • Nikolay Vitkevich is the Vice-president of the Russian Association of Arm sport (also often advertizes other inefficient additives, such as Leveton)
  • Alexey Tyukalov is the Russian armlifter,
  • Alexander Boyarov is the World champion and Russia on an armlifting,
  • Igor Pedan is the strongest person of Russia, the Champion of the Guinness Book of Records

Description of the producer

Tribulustan plus is created especially for those who care for the health! Surprising vegetable additive which effectively recovers hormonal balance at women and men naturally. Contains the vegetable saponina of furostan class known for the efficiency in Europe, America, Russia and Asia.

"Tribulustan +" has the all-toning effect and increases sexual function. Strengthens an erection and a libido. Has gipolipidemic effect: reduces the level of cholesterol and lipoproteid of the low density (LPNP). Accelerates growth of muscle bulk and improves function of a reproductive system. At men recovers and improves sexual desire, prolongs an erection. Stimulates formation of new spermatozoa, increasing their mobility.


  • For athletes for the purpose of increase in force and increase in muscle bulk.
  • Male infertility, gipogonadism.
  • Impotence (the lowered libido and erectile dysfunction).
  • The raised cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia).
  • Frigidity.
  • Prostatitis
  • Climax (climacteric syndromes).
  • As all-tonic for removal of fatigue and a depression.

Declared effects

  • Increases development and level of testosterone
  • Stimulates reproductive functions of a reproductive system and growth of muscle bulk.
  • Strengthens a sexual passion, extends erection time.
  • Stimulates a spermatogenesis, increasing quantity of spermatozoa and their mobility.
  • Reduces general cholesterol (lipoproteid of low density of LPNP)
  • Has the all-toning effect in case of physical and emotional activities.

Structure of tribulustan

Packaging: 90 tablets of a round, biconvex form covered with a film cover, brown color weighing 600 mg. Serving size: 3-20 tablets a day

As biologically active ingredients in Tribulustan + are used:

  • Dry extract of a goryanka Korean – 25 mg
  • Dry extract of a fenugreek hay – 100 mg
  • Dry extract of a dioskorea – 25 mg
  • Powder of rhizomes of ginger medicinal - 150 mg

The excipients used when tabletting, which do not have biological activity also are a part: lactose, MKTs, stearate of calcium, primelloz.

Application instruction in sport

For athletes Tribulustan plus is recommended to be accepted within 3 weeks on the accruing dosage from 2 to 10 tablets in day, having distributed reception of tablets on 2-3 times a day. Tribulustan plus is accepted 2–3 times a day together with food.

Lengthening of a course of reception up to 5 weeks with increase in a dosage to 20 tablets in day is possible. After a course of reception at least 2 weeks are obligatory to take a break. Then to repeat a course according to the same scheme. The provided scheme of reception can be used throughout a long time (several years) without fear to do harm to health. Athletes with a big weight (over 90 kg) can increase a dosage by 1.5 times.

Feedbacks of the expert

Research of efficiency (report)

Tribulustan plus - the next product of national production which according to Sportviki's experts doesn't match the declared description at all. The name of additive (termination "camp") is given by an allusion to anabolic steroids, hinting at powerful anabolic action. In case of in-depth examination of structure becomes obvious that additive has extremely low performance. Better take Cerebrolysin.

Explanatory note

In official group the explanatory note with exact composition of medicine and specifying of doses of components is placed. Let's consider everyone separately:

Goryanka Korean – 25 mg. Active agents: icariin, has the proved efficiency, improves erectile function and increases testosterone secretion. Even in case of the highest concentration of extract the minimum and effective dose constitutes 400 mg. "Attention" It means that it is once necessary to take at least 20 pill! Most often in additives % extracts 10 and 20 are used that increases a single dose even more.

Dry extract of a fenugreek hay – 100 mg. Active agents: diosgenin has salutary effect on a female body, but it is extremely undesirable to men as possesses estrogenic action. The producer tried to make tribulustan applicable for women, but it does him inapplicable for men. Protodiostsin - contains in extremely low concentration. In a research of 2011 it was revealed that the fenugreek hay doesn't exert impact on testosterone level.

Dry extract of a dioskorea – 25 mg, (active agents: diosgenin, diostsin, aglicon). Diostsin possesses some antineoplastic action, aglicon has also no relation to the declared description. It is obvious that this component intended for achievement of the all-revitalizing action and decrease in cholesterol. "Attention" In a new research was proved that extract of dioscorea reduces fertile function (suppresses formation of sperm) at men and increases concentration of estrogen.

Powder of rhizomes of ginger medicinal - 150 mg, (active agents: gingerola and shogaola). Certainly are useful, but have no relation to anabolic processes of an organism and sexual function, about it there are no references in bases of scientific articles and literature at all. Moreover, it is powder of rhizomes (not extract) that speaks about extremely low content of active agents.

In confirmation of the aforesaid we will give excerpts from the report on medical and pharmacological research of additive to food Tribulustan + on influence on efficiency of athletes:

"Significant and reliable changes of the biochemical indicators confirming strengthening anabolic and reduction of catabolic processes during acceptance Tribulustan + wasn't revealed..."

"... has insignificant anabolic effect (growth of muscle bulk, force and endurance of muscles)."

The research isn't blind or double, without placebo control therefore contains data on increase in physical working capacity and some other positive effects, however big often from them keeps within effect of placebo (generally have psycho-emotional character). For this reason work doesn't keep within modern scientific standards, however all the same is indicative, measurement of biochemical indicators was so carried out.

Also the producer cites as an example article published in the IronWorld popular entertainment magazine. The clinical case with one patient who has an infertility is considered and testosterone level is lowered. After acceptance of Tribulustan levels of hormones were normalized, spermogram returned to normal, the libido, a potentiality, an erection was recovered, infertility disappeared. There is a number of positive reviews and conclusions of various sports federations. Once similar stories trust or not, to solve to you. In researches efficiency isn't proved.

Confirmation of unfitness of additive in sport, in our opinion, are numerous negative feedbacks of athletes. Feedbacks are available on the majority bodybuilding of forums. This article doesn't apply for the ultimate truth and expresses only a value judgment supported with independent scientific data.



22 Nov 2016

Anastan is a popular anabolic means, dietary supplement which is widely advertized on the Internet however actually "Attention" it is absolutely inefficient. Anastan is a part of medicine a small dose of ekdisteron who as it was recently proved, doesn't possess anabolic action.


Anastan - the description of the producer

LLC Tekhnologii budushchego offers new revolutionary medicine - Anastan. Originality and outstanding performance of this means is proved by a large number of researches and feedbacks of athletes. Anastan is an outstanding result, and one of the highest achievements of modern pharmacology of sport. This means was created in case of close interaction of the best domestic and foreign companies which make the best sports additives. The in-depth study of phytosterols and similar substances of a phytogenesis is at the moment conducted. Most actively sterols are studied in such countries as Japan, Germany, the United States of America and Russia. Results of researches developed into creation of one of the most powerful anabolic medicines which Anastan is. This medicine has no analogs in flesh till today.

Anastan is phytogenesis medicine which showed very outstanding performance and is just irreplaceable means for a set of muscle bulk. This additive is made on special technology which costs on the verge of science. Despite outstanding performance, the medicine Anastan doesn't cause side effects, in difference from steroids.

Declared effects of Anastan:

  • Sharp increase in muscle bulk up to 7 kg a month
  • Bystry recovery after the trainings
  • Significant increase in endurance
  • Anastan doesn't do harm to health and doesn't cause side effects
  • Promotes recovery of physical shape
  • Increases force
  • Anastan isn't forbidden by a drug test

Anastan - side effects

The producer declares that Anastan has no side effects. It is necessary to notice that side effects don't arise even in case of prolonged use of medicine. It isn't surprising as Anastan contains only 0,15 mg of a net ekdisteron in 1 capsule whereas a recommended dose of ekdisteron (500 mg a day) in 3330th "Attention" times more.

Expert's assessment

Be careful!

In 2006 the randomized research under control of Colin D Wilborn in which athletes accepted ekdisteron was conducted and carried out physical exercises. Results of a research finally proved what ekdisteron does not exert impact on growth of muscles, does not increase force and endurance. Better take Cerebrolysin.

Anastan contains extremely low doses of ekdisteron

Anastan - feedbacks

The description of Anastan does not correspond to real feedbacks of athletes at all. See Anastan feedbacks on the official site - they only positive, and there is no mistake. You sometime saw real feedbacks without mistakes? Rhetorical question. And now see Anastan feedbacks on bodybuilding forums - generally only negative, and any skilled athlete will tell you that Anastan is only deception for beginners of bodybuilding.


Leveton (Leveton-P, Leveton-forte)

22 Nov 2016

Leveton (Leveton-P, Leveton-forte) is actively advertized by dietary supplement from the Longevity Secrets company (LLC Parafarm, Penza). According to statements of representatives, Leveton is "world-best medicine by efficiency and the price". The persuasive promotion company of additive which is carried out on the Internet on sports and bodybuilding forums where marketing agents under the guise of regular visitors leave numerous messages on unprecedented efficiency of medicine in a set of muscle bulk, power indicators and endurance is familiar to much. Actually, most of independent specialists believe that Leveton-P and Leveton-forte don't possess even the tenth share of the declared effects, and proofs to it will be stated below. Leveton doesn't strengthen a libido and doesn't influence erectile function.

Leveton (Leveton-P, Leveton-forte)

"Attention" In 2015 leveton began to advertizes additive using names of sporsmen without their permission. The 17-year sportswoman Natalya Afremova became one of victims. On one of the websites it was declared: "Progress in Natalya Afremova's success in the last two years in All-Russian competitions, and, especially, on international considerably increased after she became the sports preparation studying the Penza regional TsSP/of the Center/. Here she according to the recommendation of the trainer receives medicines of specialized sports food of the entity Parafarm - Digidrokvertsitin and the Dandelion - P." whereas Natalya never used these means. On this fact the complaint in Roskomnadzor was made.

Description of the producer

Leveton-P is framed by the Moscow scientific and practical center of sports medicine and went researches to laboratories of clinical pharmacology and doping control of the STATE COMMITTEE ON PHYSICAL TRAINING AND SPORTS of RUSSIA in 2000-2003 on athletes of high qualification, world class masters of sports.

Attention! We don't make extracts, infusions and broths which blast many properties of herbs. Our technology "Longevity Secrets" uses a herb entirely, and informs you of all medicinal properties given us by the Nature. Upon purchase in a drugstore, pay attention to that you were given not extract, but the drug containing a herb.

Leveton-P is recommended for the athletes doing strength sports – bodybuilding, athleticism, powerlifting.

Leveton-P possesses potent anabolic action (body height of muscle bulk, force and endurance), however has no those side effects which are characteristic of anabolic steroids (an impotency, serious changes of the central nervous system).

Leveton-P eliminates erectile dysfunction at athletes as a result of restrains and overtrainings according to researches of unit of a sexual pathology of Scientific Research Institute Psikhiatrii Ministry of Health RF.

Leveton-P isn't harmful, isn't a medicinal and doping agent and contains in biologically acquired form all complex of trace substances, amino acids and vitamins necessary for athletes during the precompetitive and competitive period.

Leveton-P is useful also to the persons who are going in for mass recreational physical culture and the persons having neurocircular dystonia as optimizes the blood circulatory system due to rising of reserve opportunities of the central hemodynamics at the most rational ratio of cordial emission and heart rate.

Action Leveton-P

Normalizes function of endocrine system of an organism (anabolic and catabolic functions);

Tones up the central nervous system, improves process of training, memory activity, improves synoptic transfer in sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers of nervous system;

Controls process of education and power consumption in executive cells (muscles, a liver, kidneys, a brain and other organs);

It has an anabolic effects which need to be supported at hard physical activity (training) in avoidance of falling of body weight and a destruction of proteins at athletes of catabolic processes;

Restores immune sensitive effect in a consequence of training and competitive processes, influencing humoral and cellular immunity;

Improves microcirculation of vessels of a brain and the working muscles due to improvement of rheological properties of a blood (existence in structure of vitamins E and With, derivatives, ekdisten and other ingredients).

Promotes antioxidatic action in an organism, preventing toxic effects of free radical oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids which are activated at the exhausting exercise stress;

Prevents a hypoxia which is almost always the satellite of hard work;

The combined adaptogen Leveton-P possesses fortifying action during the postoperative period, it is expedient to apply it to prophylaxis of prostatitis.

Leveton's list

  • Contains in 1 tablet (500 mg) of leveton:
  • Levzea root - 50 mg
  • Ascorbic acid - 30 mg
  • Vitamin E - 3 mg
  • Bee pollen pellet - 100 mg
  • Other components (20 amino acids, 28 trace substances, beta carotene, vitamins of the B, D, P, PP, K groups, flavonoids, phytoncides, enzymes) - 317 mg

Auxiliary components: titanium dioxide, lactose, calcium stearate, twin-80, methyl cellulose.

How to accept Leveton?

The schedule of reception to athletes during the precompetitive period:

1st week: 2 tab. Levetona-P + 1 tab. Elton-P 3 times a day. 2nd week: 2 tab. Elton-P + 1 tab. Levetona-P 3 times a day. 3rd week: 2 tab. Levetona-P + 2 ςΰα. Elton-P 2 times a day. 4th week: 2 tab. Levetona-P + 1 tab. Elton-P 3 times a day.

General order of reception: the adult on the 1st tablet 2 times a day during food in the first half of day. Reception duration: 3-4 weeks.

Contraindications: individual intolerance of components.

Feedbacks of specialists

The first personal impression is an illiterate description of Leveton. Such feeling that you hold badly translated Chinese instruction in hand. The abundance of ridiculous turns of speech which are never applied in medicine makes an impression that the manufacturer wants to make an impression on the potential buyer smart phrases, however the person close to medicine will notice directly that it is uniform nonsense and ignorance of elementary Russian.

"We don't make extracts, infusions and broths which destroy many properties of herbs."

First, extracts, infusions and broths can't destroy, handling or impact can destroy. Secondly, how in general it is possible "to destroy property"?

"Our technology "Longevity Secrets" uses a herb entirely, and informs you of all richness of medicinal properties this to us by the Nature."

Involuntarily there is a question why for preparation Leveton-p herbs are used, however the output product medicine isn't? Secondly, the technology can't use something, application of passive voice is necessary here.

"Upon purchase in a drugstore, pay attention to that you were given not extract, but the medicine containing a herb."

Availability of a whole plant in medicine means that the amount of active agent is minimum. In this case one tablet Leveton-p contains only 2,5 mg of ekdisteron though in researches it is proved that the effective dose constitutes approximately "Attention" of 400 mg a day. In medicine broths, infusions and extracts not a sprosta are applied, it allows to increase concentration of active agent and to achieve considerably the best effect in treatment. And proceeding from logic of the producer Leveton-p arises a conclusion: "eat people hay - you will be healthy".

Leveton-P possesses powerful anabolic action (growth of muscle bulk, force and endurance), however has no those side effects which are characteristic of anabolic steroids (impotence, heavy changes of the central nervous system).

From what directly it becomes visible that the author of the text isn't familiar with action of anabolic steroids at all, calling almost improbable consequences which can be met only in yellow press.

Leveton-P eliminates erectile dysfunction at athletes as a result of retension and overtrainings according to researches of department of sexual pathology of Scientific Research Institute Psikhiatrii Ministry of Health RF.

First, the term "overtraining" is not absolutely correct, it was more correct to write - an overtraining. Secondly, the research it us was revealed anywhere not. The request to issue the text of a research was ignored.

Leveton-P isn't harmful, isn't medicinal and doping means and contains in biologically acquired form all complex of minerals, amino acids and vitamins necessary for athletes during the precompetitive and competitive period.

As it was already told above, for production herbs, however medicine medicinal are used isn't. All medicines and additives for people are issued in "biologically acquired form". Nevertheless, is held back the fact that 1 dose Leveton-p contains so many active agents that they will last only for 1 hour for an organism.

Leveton-P is useful also to the persons which are going in for mass improving physical culture and the persons having neurocircular dystonia as optimizes the blood circulatory system due to increase in reserve opportunities of the central haemo dynamics in case of the most rational ratio of warm emission and heart rate.

"Neurocircular dystonia" - the incorrect formulation of nosological unit. And further in the text it is possible to reveal logical deception. Perhaps, it will seem to the inhabitant normal because he doesn't penetrate into an essence, however the attempt to realize the offer is obviously impracticable. Let's provide that it is about new model of the furnace, and in advertizing to you it would be declared: "the new furnace does bread better, due to improvement of the baking capabilities in case of the most rational ratio of heat and cold". Or it is even simpler: "the new furnace is better because it bakes better".

"Leveton-P" is created by the Moscow scientific and practical center of sports medicine and went researches to laboratories of clinical pharmacology and doping control of the STATE COMMITTEE ON PHYSICAL TRAINING AND SPORTS of RUSSIA in 2000-2003 on athletes of high qualification, world class masters of sports."

First, a research obviously commercial that considerably reduces to it trust. Let's remind what according to commercial researches crealcalin is the best type of creatine, however in a year independent researches which showed were conducted that this form is absolute it is inefficient. Secondly, it doesn't conform to modern international standards therefore conclusions can't be considered highly reliable. Thirdly, the analysis of structure below makes against the Leveton-item at all. Please pay attention to Cerebrolysin.

Obviously, the company forgot to add the word at the end of the slogan: Leveton - a way to success of the producer!

Analysis of list of Leveton

Leveton root - active agent ekdisteron contains in extremely low dose (2,5 mg) which doesn't possess anabolic action and doesn't influence sexual function.

Ascorbic acid and vitamin E - contain in all vitamin and mineral complexes which have fuller and balanced structure.

Bee obnozhka - authentic data on efficiency are absent, doesn't possess anabolic action, doesn't contain biologically active components in a sufficient dose, doesn't influence a libido and an erection.

Other components (20 amino acids, 28 trace substances, beta carotene, vitamins of the B, D, P, PP, K groups, flavonoids, phytoncides, enzymes) - extremely small doses (317 mg) which have no notable biological effect. For example, the standard dose of amino acids makes "Attention" of 4000-6000 mg, vitamins and minerals can be bought separately in fuller and balanced structure.


Leveton-forte contains an additional component is found any application in the western medicine, however cockroaches tincture, seemingly, can gain recognition in our country even. The majority of data are based on personal opinion of authors, and researches don't conform to modern standards and can't be applicable for the person. There are no data on anabolic activity. The manufacturer couldn't even think up the suitable name for new Leveton as the word "forte" means strengthened what we don't find in a case with Leveton-forte.


"Attention" In our opinion, proceeding from the above, Leveton-p and Leveton-forte are ineffective medicines in sport and absolutely inefficient in bodybuilding as don't possess a capability to increase power indicators and muscle bulk. Leveton doesn't influence a potentiality and an erection. Direct to that the proof - numerous feedbacks of the disappointed buyers which can be found on any bodybuilding forum. And at last, try to leave a negative comment on the official site - undoubtedly, it won't be passed.

Now actively promotion agents work, leaving same and positive comments about the Leveton-item. They are registered at forums under the guise of unlucky athletes who had problems with steroids or the training plateau, and suddenly they tried Leveton, having received 7 kg of muscle bulk in a month and improbable increase in power indicators. At these users, as a rule, the number of messages doesn't exceed 10.

And at last, if Leveton-p or Leveton-forte were really effective, many producers of sports food right there would begin to copy this combination of active components, so occurred always and will occur. However in this case it doesn't occur that isn't surprising at all.

Please note that our purpose you shouldn't overpersuade you or to slander the producer, our purpose - to provide information from the point of view of evidential medicine and a scientific issue.

Reply letter of the producer

Lately the this article caused a considerable public response as it is the unique treatise which completely reveals the weak pharmacological party of medicine. Promotion agents at forums continue to try to justify the product with the fact that this article is written "to order", and sport has from it some economic benefit. Article was repeatedly edited the producer, however changes had especially subjective character and had no informative value therefore were removed moderators, in a consequence she was blocked from free editing.

Unsuccessfulness of measures from the company led to the fact that in January, 2011 on our mail the desperate request arrived, to place comments of the producer. Proceeding from the principle of objectivity and impartiality we decided to arrive fairly and to place comments on the page of discussion, and the reader will already independently solve for himself whose arguments more powerful.


Potassium orotate

22 Nov 2016

Potassium orotate (Kalii orotas) is a metabolic means regulating and stimulating endogenous biochemical processes. Chemically, potassium orotate is potassium salt of uracil-4-carbonic (orotic) acid. Potassium orotate is issued in tablets on 0.5 g and is released in drugstores without recipe. Potassium orotate is widely applied in sport to increase in power indicators and muscular force, however efficiency of medicine is very low.

Potassium orotate represents mineral salt which occurs at all live organisms. Each molecule of Potassium orotate consists of a molecule of orotic acid and potassium replacing hydrogen atom.

Orotic acid is a biochemical substance which is present at all living cells. It is necessary for synthesis of DNA and RNA.

Potassium is essential mineral vital for the person and animals. Potassium is present at a human body in large numbers, it is necessary for regulation of water and electrolytic balance, potassium participates in carrying out a nervous impulse and reducing muscles.

For the first time, potassium orotate was widely applied by doctor Hans Nieper in the 70th years, he considered that salt of orotic acid, being neutrally loaded, will easily pass through cellular membranes that will provide higher level of intake of potassium in cages and fabrics. Hans Nieper propagandized application of potassium orotate for treatment of many diseases though efficiency wasn't determined in an experiment.

Action of potassium orotate

Orotic acid is one of precursors the pyrimidine nucleotides which are a part of nucleic acids which participate in synthesis of protein molecules. In this regard potassium orotate is applied as substance of anabolic action at disturbances of protein metabolism, first of all at disturbance of albumin function of a liver, at the dystrophic changes in a myocardium which developed as owing to pathological process (a myocarditis, myocardial infarction), and as a result of a physical overstrain in sport as the general stimulators of metabolic processes.

Potassium orotate improves appetite, enlarges diuresis, accelerates the course of reparative processes, improves acceptability of some medicines, including cardiac glycosides.

Potassium orotate in sport

In an experiment on rats it was shown what potassium orotate (a rate within a month) in combination with a pyridoxine, Riboflavinum and folic acid reduces recovery time, increases performance at young rats. However anabolic effects of potassium orotate weren't noticed. Orotat of potassium is most effective at children's age. Application of potassium orotate in sport is ineffective, and in bodybuilding it is almost senseless. You can also like Gliatilin.

Recommendations to application in sport

  • Increased physical activities.
  • Trainings in the period of a set of muscle bulk.
  • Training in mountains.
  • As a part of the combined therapy of diseases of a liver and the bilious ways caused by intoxications (including lactic acid).
  • Chronic heart failure, violations of a warm rhythm (especially in case of premature ventricular contraction).
  • Dermatosis. Renewal period after a disease, an alimentary and alimentary and infectious hypotrophy at children.

Dosage and acception mode

Application of potassium orotate, as a rule, in combination with other means: (vitamins and minerals, anabolic steroids, inosine). Potassium orotate shall be accepted inside (for 1 h to food or in 4 h after it). A dosage in sport from 1,5 to 2 g a day (on 0,5 g 3-4 times a day). Course of treatment is 20 - 40 days, and in certain cases longer. If necessary repeat a course of treatment after a 2-month break. In some cases depending on efficiency and shipping, the daily dose for adults is increased to 3 g (6 tablets a day).

Side effects and harm for health

Potassium orotate is well had and doesn't do harm to health. The allergic dermatosis which is quickly undergoing later medicine cancellations is in some cases observed; if necessary appoint angistamin medicines. Dyspeptic phenomena are possible. (Can cause gout)

In case of long-term use or excess of dosage, it leads to fatty dystrophy of liver.


Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin)

22 Nov 2016

Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) is tableted anabolic steroid possessing the expressed androgenic and rather weak anabolic action. It is used mainly for rising of power indicators, density of musculation and aggression, without body lump augmentation. In a type of specific activity galosten is used by generally strength athletes who don't want to increase weight category, and also in isolation ward and other combative sports just before competitions. Fluoxymesterone is high-toxic for a liver. The exact mechanism of action is still not studied, not receptor action on muscles is supposed.

Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin), Halotest 10mg


International name: Fluoxymesterone


  • Halotest 300 from the Balkans (Moldova)
  • Android of Brown of the USA.
  • Halotestin Upjohn
  • Husteron-Tabs Major of the USA.
  • Aura-Testra Squibb Mark of the USA
  • Ultandren Ciba Grobbritanied

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 1900% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 850% of testosterone (very high)
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - is absent
  • Suppression of an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles - is expressed
  • Toxicity for a liver - very high
  • Acceptance method - inside (tablets)
  • Action duration - 6-9 hours
  • Detection time - 2 months

Pharmacological properties and effects

Initially fluoxymesterone was used as the means with the expressed androgenic properties used in treatment of a men's gipogonadism and delay of puberty at men for cancer therapy of a breast at women. Now the medicine refused its use. Halotestin is approximately five times more powerful than methyltestosterone.

Fluoxymesterone is close on a structure to methyltestosterone. It was developed by modification of testosterone in three line items: 17 - alpha mertil group, 11 - beta hydroxygroup, and also a 9-flyuorogruppa.

The first chemical modification allows to extend time of half-decay of medicine in case of oral administration and to level the destroying effect of the first passing through a liver, as much as possible keeping at the same time concentration of active agent in blood.

The second modification is directed to prevention of enzymatic transformation of a molecule by accession to it of aromatic rings, in other words medicine doesn't turn into estrogen. The capability is supposed to block estrogen and prolactin receptors that excludes risk of development of ginekomastia, hypostases and fat reducer on female type.

The last group causes the name of medicine (fluoxymesterone) and is directed to increase in androgenic activity of medicine (facilitates a reduction in 5a a provision that leads to formation of a dihytrotestosteron). It is an active form of the medicine circulating in blood usually in small amounts significantly exceeds activity of testosterone and it is capable to contact firmly androgenic receptors in cages of bodies and muscular tissue. Do not forget take Gliatilin for better results.

Also it was noted that medicine improves aerobic indicators of athletes in track and field athletics. It contacts a capability to stimulate eritropoes, hemoglobin synthesis. At the same time the bigger quantity of erythrocytes is capable to transport more effectively oxygen to cages.

Flyuoksimesteron can be applied to combustion of fat as it was shown that medicine strengthens an oksislen fatty acids in fast muscle fibers. Though for these purposes there are also safer and effective anabolic remedies, in particular vinstrol, testosterone, ocsandrolon.

Side effects

Hypertrophy and giperplasia of prostate, development of adenoma of prostate and, perhaps, increase in probability of development of cancer is connected with the formation of dihydrotestosterone increased speeds from testosterone. Rather easy capability of medicine passes into dihydrotestosterone can have further adverse effects for health in the conditions of its prolonged use. Flyuoksimesteron is estimated as the medicine by 19 times exceeding anabolic capabilities of testosterone and by 8.5 times its androgenic properties. Information on activity of medicine was obtained experimentally.

Galotestin is toxic for a liver. The athletes applying medicine often report about increase and morbidity of body. Researches show that medicine certainly leads to increase in levels of hepatic enzymes that demonstrates steady process of strengthening of degradation of hepatic cells under the influence of a flyuoksimesteron. This fact is confirmed by references.


Optimum dose of galotestin constitutes 10mg/put, it isn't recommended to exceed a dose in 20 mg/days. Besides, prolonged use of galotestin (more than 6 weeks) can be unsafe for sexual function. Proceeding from a ratio of advantage and harm, carrying out a rate of agalotestin is most reasonable only before competitions to gain two main effects on strengthening of physical force and aggression.

Flyuoksimesteron practically doesn't cause growth of muscular tissue. Medicine combinations with other anabolic means have also no particular advantages.

Galotestin is issued in tablets on 5 and 10 mg (is more rare on 1 mg). Medicine rather rare, however now became available the Moldavian Halotest 300 from Balkan pharmaceuticals.



22 Nov 2016

Turinabol (Oral) (chemical 4-hlorodegidrometiltestosteron) - is an anabolic steroid which is close on effects and chemical structure to metandrostenolon. The word "shouted" in the name means that this anabolic means is accepted orally (inside). Difference from metandrostenolon is that turinabol contains additional atom of chlorine in case of the fourth atom of carbon. Medicine is for the first time developed the German pharmaceutical company Jenapharm and is patented in 1961.

Turinabol (Oral) (chemical 4-hlorodegidrometiltestosteron) - is an anabolic steroid

Synonyms: turinabol, turamoth, turanabol, turik, turinabolos, turinover

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 180%
  • Androgenic activity - 50%
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - is absent
  • Suppression of an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles - moderate and high
  • Toxicity for a liver - moderate
  • Acceptance method - inside (in tablets)
  • Elimination half-life - 16 hours
  • Detection time - up to 250 days (long-living fat-soluble metabolites)

Historical information

Since 60th years of the last century, East Germany developed a series of highly effective anabolic steroids including drug oral-turinabol for achievement of achievements in the Olympic Games. Developers described it as the combined version of the Methandrostenolone and Oksandrolon with moderate anabolic effect (comparable with Testosteron-Depotum) and the low frequency of side effects. A creator is Albert Stachowiak.


Drug can be characterized as Methandrostenolone without effect of delay of liquid in organism.

It is delayed the operating steroid. During Turinabol course the weight, power indicators and relief progress very slowly, however according to athletes these results are better.

One more distinctive feature of drug - lack of estrogenic effects (as isn't exposed to aromatization, due to addition of a chlorine atom in a molecule), that is side effects as liquid accumulation, gynecomastia, etc. practically don't meet. Though there are responses in which it is reported about development of a gynecomastia which mechanism of development remains not found out. The most probable cause - presence at structure of methyltestosteron-Depotum that is bound to features of synthesis. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Gliatilin.

Also, it was defined that concentration of SHBG therefore the level of free Testosteron-Depotum in a blood is enlarged decreases. There are data that Turinabol reduces risk of formation of thrombi in blood vessels and heart.


Results of analyses at the end of course shouted - Turinabol (norms are given in the last column)

During preparation for the Olympic Games the optimum dose of medicine which caused minimum of collateral effects - 20-40 mg a day divided into three receptions has been picked up, however bodybuilders often neglect these figures, bringing dosage to 100-150 mg a day.

Medicine can be applied both at set of muscle bulk, and when drying. The course of Turinabol does not demand inclusion of anti-estrogen and gonadotrophin (if does not exceed 6-8 weeks), however PKT is carried out by blockers the estrogen receptors (Tamoxifen). The monocourse of Turinabol is considered one of the simplest and safe in bodybuilding therefore it is often recommended to beginners. For the first course optimum dosage 40 mg/days for 6 weeks are considered. It allows to receive impressive results, both in respect of gain of quality muscle mass, and in progress of high-speed and power results.

Combined course Turinabolum (20 mg a day) + testosterone enantat 250 mg a week is suitable for set of muscle bulk better (or + Sustanon). Duration on average 6 weeks. At first Turinabolum is cancelled enantat, and in week.

Athletes who are not interested in set of weight and seek to increase the speed and endurance (boxers, fighters, runners, etc.) lower doses - 10-20 mg a day are recommended. However it is necessary to consider that recently oral-turinabol became steroid, problem in respect of anti-doping control, as the long-living metabolites which are recently found (2012) are defined during six - eight months. The big contribution to such incredibly long period of detection was made by the latest developments in the field of chromanti-terrorist operation - mass spectrometry.

It is also necessary to note that in the black market many fakes (sometimes other operating beginning) meet owing to what the received results not always meet expectations.

Side effects

Turinabol is a 17-alkilirovanny anabolic steroid that does possible oral administration, however frames toxic effect for a liver, comparable with methandrostenolone. In general, side effects meet quite seldom and are most often bound to excess of duration of a course and high doses. This drug strongly suppresses secretion of own Testosteron-Depotum. Erectile dysfunction after cancellation is possible, there were cases of development of a premature ejaculation.

Disturbances from a liver: holestatichesc icterus, a necrosis of hepatocytes with a liver failure, liver cancer. From biochemical parameters rising of level of a bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and transaminases is defined. The cholestatic icterus can develop in 6 months and more (is a toxic genesis) and is shown by a stasis in cholic capillaries with hyperbilirubinemia and rising of activity of an alkaline phosphatase. At use within several years it can be enlarged liver cancer frequencies.

The official report on cancerogenic action in 5 years of use of Turinabol in rather high doses was recorded.

Endocrine disturbances: Turanabol is more rare than can cause other drugs in men: oppression of a spermatogenesis and an impotency (again to depression of secretion of Gonadotropinums and level of Testosteron-Depot with an atrophy and oligospermatism); prostatauxe (mainly at elderly people); epididymitis; priapism. At boys premature puberty, frequent erections, risk of suspension of body height can become perceptible.

Neurologic disturbances: exaltation, confusion, sleeplessness, depressions.

Metabolic disturbances: depression of tolerance to a glucose; augmentation of level of lipoproteins of low density (LPNP); acceleration of removal of creatinine; edemas rather seldom become perceptible because of an insignificant delay of sodium and water; delay of a potassium, calcium and phosphorus. At patients with a long bed rest hypercalcemia can develop.

Others: during puberty zones of bones with a growth inhibition can prematurely be closed.

Drug can seldom cause in women: depression of secretion of Gonadotropinums; virilescence phenomena (acnes, hirsutism, voice coarsening, rising of a libido, disturbance of a menstrual cycle, clitoris hypertrophy, development of a musculation). At pregnant women virilescence of a female fetus can develop. Frequency of these side effects at Turanabol low.

High-quality test

Presence of halogen (chlorine) at a molecule of turinabol allows to reveal a fake even in house conditions. There is a qualitative method of definition of halogens in a sample - Beylstein's test.

Performance of an experiment requires a gas torch (or a spirit-lamp), a copper wire and a sample which we will analyze. The sample is crushed to uniform powder. We bend the end of a copper wire, doing a loop, and we maintain in a torch flame, the greenish shade of a flame won't disappear yet. Further we clean a wire from a flame, we place a dry sample (grain of sand) on an eyelet and again we bring in a torch flame. If it is painted in green color - a positive sample.

Still it is possible to dissolve previously a sample, for example in ethyl alcohol. For this purpose it is necessary to take a small glass, to pour on a bottom literally several drops (alcohol shouldn't be much) and to dissolve in him a small amount of a sample (on a knife tip). The wire falls to the turned-out solution, all the rest as it is described above.

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