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Cogitum - Helping to improve memory and thinking of the child

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: The child is alive, it became easier to talk and think. Improved memory and learning ability.

Neurologist Appointed Cogitum to child in 4 years, because of a speech disorder. In the complex treatment of a great help. Girl acquired immediately after taking a lot of useful skills. Very surprised when she tied the laces. Became easier to teach her, improved memory, great poetry began to remember. The kindergarten was given the lead role in the play, none of the children could not remember such a large text.

Read taught before the treatment, but the speed to 5 years was like first-graders. The vocabulary is richer. Talking became much, but speech defects doing enough already with a speech therapist. In the familiar son also took "Cogitum", with developmental delay, also a positive trend. The drug is effective.


Cogitum - Pleasant taste

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: Pleasant taste, convenient ampoule, good dosage

Disadvantages: quite expensive

My eldest daughter, put a lot of diagnoses sensorimotor -motornaya alalia, delayed psycho-speech disorder and hyperactivity. in terms of speech Cogitum us no help, but the problem appeared urinating in her pants and self-holding spoon. Up to 4 years old daughter, in any did not want to eat herself, nor to hold a spoon. After 3 days of "Cogitum" she calmly picked up a spoon and began to eat. I was shocked. We subscribed to this drug, our psychiatrist and now we are 2 times a year is required to accept it, but a speech unfortunately has not appeared. And as well as behavior became quieter and stopped to urinate in her pants all this while taking this drug.


Cogitum - Helped me

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: helped to focus and find more strength in the load period

Disadvantages: expensive, inconvenient to open ampoules

This is one of the few drugs that I decided to take without a prescription. I advised it colleague. I just was a difficult period: intense months on the job, a diploma and exams. Time to rest and sleep is almost no choice. So I decided to take these Cogitum ampoules.

Open ampoules is not very convenient, it is not always able to break off successfully. The taste of sweet liquid. I can not say that it is very nice, but not exactly nasty. I took a full course, all as stated in the instructions. Perhaps, of course, that it was self-hypnosis, but it seemed to me that this drug helped me. It became easier to focus, additional forces.

Duration of use: 1 course


Cogitum - Very fast effect

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: Very fast effect

Daughter to three years of almost no talking. Inspection began with a visit to a neurologist. Having been on the consultation, we predict a delay of speech development, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in the background. Was discharged "Cogitum" as a stimulant for the brain.

After reading the summary, it seemed to me that this is not what we need. But still we decided to try it, because the wait for what the child is self talk was too late.

We started with 0.5 ampoules in the morning (as prescribed neurologist). Exactly 5 days daughter began to repeat simple words for by me. Naturally we do not just take medication and waiting for a miracle, I talked to her a lot, glued appliques, molded, painted, discussing everything we do. So two weeks after daughter started to chatter. She began to speak more and more phrases, sentences, began to ask simple questions and answer my! My happiness knew no bounds. In the kindergarten teachers were surprised to notice that the child has changed, I would have to ask what she wanted to say, and if that bothers. Even a neurologist who prescribed this drug, we noted that she did not expect that my daughter is a quick breakthrough in speech.

We took Cogitum 30 days. When he stopped drinking, I was afraid that this all stops. But fortunately it is not. Now six months have passed, and a daughter learns poems by heart all the songs from favorite cartoons learned.

Before use "Cogitum", it is necessary to consult a doctor. Children are individual, and everyone can go different doses of the drug!

Duration of use: 30 days


Cogitum - Very effective!

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: Helped in the short term, convenient packaging, pleasant taste,

Disadvantages: high price! cause allergies

My son spoke poorly for their two years. a few simple words. The neurologist appointed several drugs. Foremost among them was Cogitum.

volume is 10 ml. Liquid brown, has a sweet taste and odor. It was recommended to take the morning 2.5 ml, diluted with water 1: 1 and 1 ml of meal is also diluted with water. Took during the month.

I did not expect that the result will be noticeable so quickly! Just the second week of the reception I noticed progress in the child's speech. If before I tired of repeating some words to me son repeated. But he looked at me and said nothing. That is now heard a dog barking outside the window and said, 'aw-aw'. And many more sounds and syllables added a couple of weeks of reception.

But there was a problem. The child began rash. First, on the forehead. I thought it was sweat, since the beginning of the reception coincided with the intense heat. But when a rash climbed on his back, arms and legs, I went to our neurologist. She told that the drug is very effective, so rash. The doctor said that the allergy is possible, but extremely rare.

the child does not speak immediately offers. But progress is definitely there. And for the very whiling away the time. The child began to repeat after me, I began to speak words from two different syllables, and indeed somehow began to grow faster. Naturally, we will continue to be seen by a neurologist.


Cogitum - It stimulates the overall development

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: The improvement in the overall development

Disadvantages: On the development of speech really did not affect the high price.

Son was 2 years and 8 months was diagnosed with mental and speech retardation. Was discharged us "Cogitum" course of a month, one ampoule per day.

Son at the time did not speak at all, and with the understanding of speech addressed to him, too, had problems.

It took a month - they do not talk, did not speak. But in the overall development, he became more nimble, attentive, began to control the trips to the potty.

He spoke only son a few months later, in syllables. But this was our first experience with the medicine for the development of speech.

A year later, we again took Cogitum, progress has been better. Son become more diligent in the classroom, increase their vocabulary, became for a time less motor.

But it remained a poor and confused. Now we are taking other medicines, but "Cogitum" soon again have to accept the plan.

In general, summing up, I can say that it is on speech, it seems to me, we "Cogitum" not affected. On overall development has been the impact accurately.

Duration of use: Year


Cogitum - Excellent 100% result

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: 100% result

A child in 6 years did not speak. The pediatrician has written us Cogitum. On the miracle of the child began to say everything. We take a course of 30 days on the floor ampoules a day. I recommend to everyone!


Cogitum - The drug is actually improving, not just speech

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: pleasant taste, effective

Disadvantages: From ampoules may break away a piece of glass

My child speaks very badly. The neurologist appointed us Cogitum.

Active agent is Acidum acetylaminosuccinicum, which is a biologically active compound contained in the central nervous system. The drug helps to normalize the processes of the nervous regulation, has a stimulating effect.

"Cogitum" we took 1/2 ampoule 2 times a day for 5 days, followed by 2 capsules. The ampoules are opened easily. Caution! Small glass may break off in the process of opening.

The drug I liked, the result is. More new words appeared. proposal became longer. It improves memory. He began to focus on the longer session. Faster collect puzzle.


Cogitum - a wonderful drug!

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: noticeable effect

Cogitum is a wonderful drug! Last year, the daughter went to school and started having problems with the assimilation of the material, fatigue and increased complexity of the new team. Our neurologist advised to take "Cogitum". The effect is not long to wait! My daughter has become a much better sleep, less nervous and education became a joy.


Cogitum - To break through the blockade of speech

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: sweet taste, effective

Disadvantages: high price

In 2 years the child predict a delay of speech development. Given that in the rest of the child excelled in their development. She is now 3 years and 4 months, talking like an adult, but there are problems with speech. Perhaps this is the last delivery, and if I did not give "Cogitum" would not have known to say we do or not.

We took Cogitum 12 ampoule twice a day, taking two courses. after the first week, our vocabulary has increased up to 100 words. He began to speak sentences. A second course, I spent 2 years and 7 months, speech has become even better.

In 3 years speech have got a completely different level, in his speech began to appear stunning turns of speech.

Now we have 3 years and 4 months. We read poems, retell stories, describing what he saw, sing songs.

I want to advise this drug to those parents who just like my heart is not in place by the fact that a child's speech is not all right. Besides "Cogitum" itself also strengthens the immune system. In the autumn-winter season, we almost did not hurt.

Duration of use: 1.5 years

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