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How to check the quality of peptides

25 Oct 2017

The quality of peptides is, perhaps, the most important indicator determining the compliance of these preparations with their intended use. To each product issued by the manufacturer of pharmacological products, three basic requirements are set: safety, efficiency and a set of properties that determine the degree of its suitability. Unfortunately, for today the market of sports pharmaceuticals is literally flooded with counterfeit goods. Therefore, in order to be completely confident in the originality and quality of the acquired peptide, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate check.

Methods for testing the quality of peptides

The presence of protective elements on the bottles. Large producers, who are forced to take care of their reputation, independently control the quality of peptides, creating difficult to copy holographic labels or supplying each product with a verification code that can be easily verified on the manufacturer's website.

Personal feelings. It is absolutely free, and perhaps the easiest way to control quality, based on the subjective (internal) perception of a peptide by the body. True, this method has many disadvantages, since not all types of sports nutrition products are tested in this way. With its help, it is possible to determine the quality of GHRP2 and GHRP6 (they improve sleep and stimulate hunger after a short meal), melanotan-2, which causes blush and nausea after injection, Gonadorelin, which significantly enhances libido and PEG-MGF, Significantly improves mood and muscle pumping.

Analysis of the level of STH. With the help of this technique, the quality of peptides stimulating the production of growth hormone is checked. This group includes Ipamorelin, Hexarelin, Somatokrinin, etc. The blood test should be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach, no later than 40-50 minutes after the injection. The downside of this check is the inability to determine the degree of quality of the peptide.

Method of chromatography. To date, this analytical study is considered the most informative. With its help, the degree of purification of any drug is determined, regardless of its group and class. However, this is quite expensive, which not everyone can afford.


Description of the synthesized peptides

25 Oct 2017

Synthesized peptides are absolute analogues of natural bioregulators, normalizing metabolism and stimulating the work of the whole organism. These compounds, obtained by genetic engineering, have found wide application in sports pharmacology. They are used in the framework of complex programs for building muscle mass, increasing the strength and burning of ballast fat.

Synthesized peptides (in translation from Greek "πεπτος" means "nutrient") are amino acid complexes that exert bioinformational influence on cells of certain tissues and organs. The molecules of these compounds obtained by chemical synthesis consist of two or more residues of amino acids linked together by amide bonds. It should be noted that synthetic peptides "work" quite rigidly, in connection with which, they require a dynamic selection of individual dosage.

Synthesized Release of Growth Hormone Peptides

Releasing the peptides of GR, used in sports pharmacology, have the ability to bind to the receptors of the STH, causing its release. This class of biologically active compounds includes the following synthesized peptides:

  • GHRP-2;
  • GHRP-6 (Hexarelin);
  • Ipamorelin.

Those who decided to test the drugs that increase the production of their own growth hormone, when starting to use, should carefully study the description of peptides, the working intervals of dosages, the number of ampoules for a full course, their combination with each other for various properties, and others, No less important nuances.


How much should I run to lose weight?

25 Oct 2017

Running has always remained the most accessible method of losing weight. With its help, you can also improve overall health, normalizing the work of the respiratory system, the heart and bring the entire body into tone. It is important to find out how much time you have to run to lose weight.

Basic Rules of Running

Just note that even periodic jogging will help you significantly improve the work of the whole organism. As a result, the work of the heart is normalized and blood will move faster through the vessels. Due to this, the nutrition of all tissues is normalized. It is especially important that as a result of jogs, metabolism improves and cholesterol is excreted.

In order to achieve maximum effect, several factors need to be taken into account:

You need to train regularly, at least twice a week. With rarer training, the effect will not be practically on weight loss.

Speed. Do not torment your body and run for short distances. So you just get tired, but do not achieve the fat burning effect. It is much better to jog, but for long distances.

The technique of running, namely the correct preparation in the form of a qualitative warm-up. During training, you need to monitor your breathing and heart rate.

Naturally, you need to run in comfortable clothes. If you want to get rid of the maximum amount of adipose tissue, use special linen to increase sweating.

How long does it take to run to lose weight by 1 kg

It is especially important to find out how much time you have to run to lose weight and start the fat burning process. It all depends on the level of your physical fitness. For beginners it will be quite difficult to immediately execute the required plan. If you want to reduce weight by just one kilogram, you will need to run at least 18 hours. Of course, this is not at once, but the total figure should be exactly this.

Divide this time by the number of classes and their duration and you will understand when exactly you are to wait for the result. Of course, you can increase it by proper nutrition or other methods.

In general, it is believed that running up to 15 minutes has a positive effect only on the respiratory and cardiovascular system. But in order to force the fission of fats you need to run at least twenty minutes. And in the morning the effect will be more pronounced. Therefore, it is necessary to begin from this time, gradually increasing it to an hour. Longer runs can cause weight loss, but already due to loss of muscle mass.

At the same time, it is impossible to say definitely how long it takes to run to lose weight. It all depends on the individual characteristics. You can improve the results with the help of fat burners, such as Red Wasp 25, China White 25 Ephedra, Asia Black-25 or Simpatoterm Lux. They will have the following effects:

  • will cause a rush of strength;
  • increase endurance;
  • stimulate the breakdown of fats;
  • will accelerate the exchange processes.

They are completely safe, since they include only natural ingredients. At the same time, all components are selected in such a way that each of them enhances the action of the other and reduces the likelihood of developing negative influences. This makes fat burners as effective and highly demanded.


Green tea for weight loss

25 Oct 2017

Since ancient times, green tea has been attributed to magical properties. He rightfully earned the title of elixir of longevity. This is explained by its pronounced antioxidant property. But it turns out that this drink has a lot of other qualities, due to which it became popular among professional sportsmen.

How Green Tea Promotes Weight Loss

Increasingly, experts recommend the use of green tea in diet pills. This is explained as follows. The extract of dried leaves contains a large number of Kakhetins. They help in a short period of time to get rid of fat stores.

In addition, the extract contains a large amount of vitamin C, iodine, manganese, fluorine and calcium. All this has a positive effect on the human immune system, increasing the body's resistance in both colds and nervous overstresses.

But still the most important property is that the extract of green tea for weight loss contributes to the surge of power. This is the safest energy engineer you can think of. For this reason, it has become widespread in traditional medicine. Unlike other substances, it does not affect the work of the brain. It is not addictive or addictive. Due to the content of tannins, you can use it to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and improve digestion. If you take green tea for weight loss before eating, it will reduce your appetite, which will also have a positive effect on the weight loss process.

Antioxidant properties of the drink and extract are singled out separately. This is especially advantageous in cases where athletes take synthetic drugs. It is also important that green tea promotes weight loss and at the same time normalizes the psychoemotional state. You will not experience hanged excitement or overexertion. You will be easier to bear stress, which means your body will not suffer from them.

Buy drugs with green tea for losing weight

Before you buy green tea for weight loss, it is important to understand that the effect of fat burner will be achieved only if you provide your body with regular loads. In this case, preference is given to cardio training.

Reviews of the extract of green tea for weight loss also confirm the fact that due to its regular use, the strength of tissues rises, traumas and ruptures of tendons occur much less often, bones are strengthened due to the high content of calcium and magnesium.

The price of green tea for weight loss varies widely. The most practical option is to purchase ready-made fat burners, for example Methyldrene-25 or Asia Black-25. They include other components that enhance the effect of fat burning. As a result of the course of these additives, the following result is observed:

  • weight loss of adipose tissue;
  • A burst of strength and vivacity;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • elimination of fatigue;
  • normalization of the brain.

It is important to take into account the fact that after lifting the drug weight does not return and remains at the reached level.


How to increase testosterone in men

25 Oct 2017

Testosterone is an important hormone for men. He is responsible for the formation of sexual characteristics, maintaining sexual and erectile function. In addition, thanks to him manages to build muscle mass in a short period of time. In order to understand how to increase the level of testosterone, it is important to understand why it decreases.

Causes of a decrease in hormone levels

First of all, we note that the decrease in the amount of hormone production is observed with age. In other words, it will be much easier for a young athlete to build muscle mass than for those who are older. Especially pronounced drop in the amount of testosterone after forty years. That's why for professional athletes who have dedicated themselves to the formation of relief, it is important in training to know how to increase the male hormone testosterone.

Also, the level of hormones can be affected by frequent stresses, malnutrition, diseases and bad habits. But if we talk about athletes, then, as a rule, they adhere to a certain diet and, moreover, refuse from smoking and alcohol. Therefore, in the absence of pathologies, age becomes the only cause of a decrease in the amount of testosterone.

Methods for increasing testosterone

To begin with, you need to try to improve the general state of the body, forcing it to independently increase the production of the hormone. For this purpose, vitamins and microelements are used. They are often included in special preparations for athletes, for example, D-Aspartic Acid. Also important for the male body are zinc, magnesium and vitamin D.

It would be superfluous to enumerate and natural ways how to increase the level of testosterone in the body. As a rule, these are herbs that have a stimulating property, for example, ginseng, eleutherococcus and aralia. These components are included in the composition of drugs that have already caught on to professional athletes.

Separately, we need to consider the amount of adipose tissue in the athlete. The fact that she is able to process male hormones in women. In other words, the larger the fat mass, the lower the testosterone level. Therefore, it is important to use drugs that help reduce the amount of fat.

Note that such drugs as Tribulus 90% and B-Ecdysterone not only increase the content of testosterone in the body of a man, but also change the training regime due to increased endurance and strength. Due to this, it is possible to get rid of fat tissue in a short period of time and build muscle mass.

Thus, in order to achieve the traced muscles and thus not get complications, you can use safe and 100% natural preparations. This is a great way to increase testosterone in men and move to a new level of training.


Supplements for the treatment of joints

25 Oct 2017

Sometimes after prolonged debilitating exercise, painful sensations arise in the area of large joints. With a similar situation, sometimes those who are just beginning to engage in sports. This is explained by the fact that the body is simply not ready for such stresses, which leads to injuries to the joints and ligamentous apparatus. If there are any problems in this area, it is important to pay attention to dietary supplements for the treatment of joints.

Features of the treatment of joints

Gaps and injuries of the joints, this is not a disease that can be eliminated during the five-day course of tablets. As a rule, medicines and dietary supplements for the treatment of joints are taken for a long time. This is explained by the fact that it is important to create optimal conditions for the complete restoration of the ligamentous apparatus. Namely:

  • Normalization of nutrition;
  • Elimination of inflammation;
  • Improvement of blood circulation;
  • Elimination of pain;
  • Improvement of elasticity.

With this goal, you can take such an additive as Glucosamine and Chondroitin. He fully performs all of the above actions and helps to shorten the recovery period after injuries and strains.

Application of dietary supplements for the prevention of joint treatment

At the same time, taking into account the duration and the risk of injury to the joints, special attention should be paid to prevention. For this purpose, nutritional supplements for the treatment of joints can also be used. As a result of regular intake, the nutrition of the joint tissues improves, which positively affects their elasticity and resistance to stretching. Thanks to active components, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of damage and to strengthen joints, preparing them for increased stress.

If you regularly use dietary supplements for the treatment of joints, for example, Glucosamine & Chondroitin, you can improve the condition of the joints and prevent future injuries. The drug is synthetic, but it is easily tolerated and does not cause any side effects.


Supplements for men's health

25 Oct 2017

Men's health depends on the hormonal level and the state of the blood vessels. It is the latter that provides full nutrition and, accordingly, the work of all organs and systems. It is especially important to choose the right dietary supplements for the health of men, depending on the cause of the violations.

All existing additions are conventionally divided into two large groups. The first help normalize the hormonal level and increase the amount of testosterone. This hormone is especially important for the health of men. It is he who is responsible for the potency and condition of the spermogram. In addition, the substance is involved in the formation of muscle cells. But with its lack, there is a deposition of adipose tissue by the female type and inhibition of muscle growth.

Features of dietary supplements for men's health

In order to normalize the hormonal level, you can use pharmacy products, but they have a lot of contraindications and side effects. In contrast, dietary supplements for men's health are 100% safe and can be taken by everyone without exception.

An excellent example are additives such as Tribulus, Testoproject, Aspartic Acid, Beta-Ecdysterone, or Anabolizer. These are herbal preparations that stimulate the production of your own hormone. Accordingly, they do not cause addiction, dependence or other side effects. As a result of their application, you can achieve the following results:

  • increased levels of the hormone;
  • strengthening potency;
  • stimulation of sensitivity;
  • Increase in muscle mass.

In addition, the rich composition of such drugs as Ginseng Kianpi Pil and Testoproject positively affects the state of the immune system and the entire body as a whole.

Another popular drug is Potencer. This dietary supplement for men's health is fundamentally different in that it acts on blood vessels, improving nutrition. This eliminates the frequent cause of the violation of potency - stagnation.

Buy dietary supplements for men’s health

An important advantage that has a dietary supplements for men's health is that it can be used without prescribing a doctor. You can independently choose an additive based on the composition and features of the action and take it to the courses until the desired result is achieved. At the same time, in some cases, the need for stimulation of hormone production is required constantly, in particular, after forty years and with increased physical exertion. In this situation, you can use additives for a long time without worrying about the consequences.


Ginseng in bodybuilding

25 Oct 2017

Ginseng can be called the most common adaptogen. It has long been used in sports practice to stimulate an unequal system. These properties arise from the fact that the composition of the substance includes acids, essential oils, resins, vitamins, amino acids and panaxosides. Ginseng in bodybuilding can be used as part of a fat burner or when carrying out PCT.

How to take ginseng in bodybuilding

Tincture of ginseng in bodybuilding is taken quite rarely. With her help it will be difficult to achieve the goal. Significantly higher efficacy in capsulated drugs or dietary supplements. It is recommended that the courses be conducted under stressed stress, with a decline in strength, and also with a decrease in efficiency.

Due to the rich composition of ginseng in capsules in bodybuilding it is possible to achieve the following effect:

  • elimination of fatigue;
  • A rush of strength;
  • Increased endurance;
  • stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • resistance to stress.

But not only for this purpose is used the root of ginseng in bodybuilding. The fact is that it is thanks to him that he can slow down the process of decay of muscle cells, which occurs as a result of increased physical and psychoemotional load. In this case, the drug is not addictive and acts gently.

Ginseng in capsules for bodybuilding

Today, it is not necessary to count the drops and take the tincture. It is much easier to buy ready-made preparations. In addition to these, ginseng is a part of such additives as Ginseng Kianpi Pil, Anabolizer and Potencer. In addition to this component are extracts from other plants, which significantly increases the effectiveness of additives. At the same time, competently selected components exclude side effects.

It is especially important to find out how to take ginseng in bodybuilding. Given its stimulating effect on the nervous system, it is recommended to take the supplement in the morning. Typically, one capsule is drunk in the morning before breakfast, and the second one a few minutes before training. This will help improve the effectiveness of exercise and increase weight. Due to this, you will be able to achieve your goal faster and eliminate excess fat reserves, while increasing muscular relief.


Admission of fat burners during training

25 Oct 2017

To achieve this goal, it is important to know how to properly take fat burners during training. Features of the course depend on the composition of the selected drug, as well as on the goal. Therefore, all types of drugs should be divided into several groups.

Accepting various types of fat burners before training

Isolated lipotropic, thermogenic preparations and fat blockers. Lipotropic fat burners promote the processing of fat cells in energy. Red Wasp 25 and Methyldrene have a similar effect. To achieve the effect, they should be taken twice a day. The first time in the morning, and the second for 20-40 minutes before the start of training. If the athlete is limited in time, a three-time admission is allowed. Then the third dose is taken at 5-6 pm. Such a scheme is permissible, since similar fat burners do not disturb sleep.

Thermogenic fat burners help to accelerate metabolism and increase activity, for example, Black Spider. Due to this, they are not recommended before bedtime. Similar fat burners are used in training according to the following scheme: the first reception on an empty stomach for 20-30 minutes before breakfast, the second - half an hour before training. Thanks to this during training increases endurance and strength, which allows you to quickly achieve your goal.

Thermogenic complexes can not be used in the afternoon, as they are capable of provoking insomnia.

Fat blockers are aimed at binding fat and reducing the time of their delay in the body. Therefore, take such a means you need before eating for 10-15 minutes. Due to the composition, such fat burners can adversely affect the state of the digestive system, so it is recommended to limit oneself to a single intake.

General recommendations for admission

Before you buy a particular drug, you need to consult a trainer. It will help you choose fat burners based on your training and load level. For all types of additives, the following general recommendations can be distinguished:

Before taking the medication, you need to make sure there are no contraindications.

We take fat burners before training and in the morning, as most of them can disturb sleep.

If side effects occur, you should reduce the dosage or discard the selected drug.

Take fat burners is recommended only on days of training.

Be sure to stick to the course and take breaks to prevent the effectiveness of the drug.

To reduce side effects, it is recommended to simultaneously take vitamin complexes and trace elements.

Before use, it is important to read the summary of the drug and strictly follow all the recommendations given in it. Do not exceed the dosage, and also combine two or more fat burners, belonging to different groups.


Growth Hormone - Somatropin

25 Oct 2017

Somatropin, or somatotropic hormone ("soma" in Latin means "body") is a polypeptide bioregulator produced by the anterior pituitary gland. This substance is used in sports (mainly in bodybuilding) to form a perfect muscle relief.

Biosynthetic Growth Hormone Somatropin refers to preparations of a protein nature that have specific specificity. This biologically active product, obtained by genetic engineering, is available in the form of a dry lyophilized powder for injection, to which is attached an ampoule with a solvent. Possessing anabolizing properties, STG stimulates the process of hematopoiesis and enhances the synthesis of proteins. Unlike other modern anabolics used in sports, the action of Somatropin is aimed at increasing the number of muscle cells. As a consequence, after the hormone preparation has been withdrawn, the strength, mass and volume of muscles not only do not decrease, but continue to progress for many more months.

Pharmacological properties

  • Has an anabolic effect (enhances the growth of muscle mass);
  • Protects muscles from destruction (it is anti-catabolic - cortisol blocker);
  • Regulates energy costs, promotes accelerated healing of wounds, strengthens the body's immune forces;
  • Reduces fatty layer, strengthens bone tissue;
  • At a young age stimulates the synthesis of growth factors, creates the optimal level of nutrients;
  • Prevents the absorption of glucose by tissues, increasing its content in the blood;
  • Stimulates the repeated growth of atrophied with age internal organs.

Usage of somatropin in bodybuilding

At the moment, human growth hormone (its recombinant form) has found its wide application both in medical and in sports practice. This drug not only increases the protein mass, but also contributes to the development of a carbohydrate saving mechanism, switching to fat channels.

Anabolic drugs made on the basis of Somatropin do not have androgenic activity, do not have a negative effect on potency, do not disrupt the normal functioning of the hypothalamus-hypophysis-testicle arc, do not require post-course therapy.

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