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Which growth hormone is better

11 Oct 2017

Many beginning bodybuilders who want to rapidly build muscle mass and simultaneously reduce fatty layer, are interested in which Growth Hormone is better, and how to choose the most effective anabolic drug among a wide variety of sports pharmacological products.

List of Hormone Growth Drugs








Geno cabinet;





It should be noted that for many bodybuilders the names of most of the above drugs containing somatropin are almost unknown. This is connected with the fact that today it is quite difficult to buy the Growth Hormone in the pharmacy (there is an original drug appearance).

Which Growth Hormone is considered the most effective?

Unfortunately, at present, about 75% of the drugs that go on sale are counterfeit, sometimes simply non-working, and sometimes very harmful to health. Therefore, those who decided to undergo the course use of GR, should be very careful and cautious. Only the manufacturer that received the state license has the right to officially sell the really effective Growth Hormone in the pharmacy network. At the same time, when you buy a drug from your hands, the chance to run into a fake increases in tens, if not hundreds of times. Of course, this does not mean that all anabolic hormones that are not licensed are fake products, however, only by purchasing a licensed product from a trusted supplier can you be 100% sure of its quality.

If you want to buy the best Growth Hormone in the optimal combination of "price-quality", first of all you should pay attention to such licensed drugs as Ansomon (China production), Hygentropine, Kigtropin and Pharmatropin. According to professionals, these products have a sufficiently high standard of efficiency and safety, which allowed their producers to obtain a license for sale.


Supplements to increase testosterone

11 Oct 2017

In addition to special nutrition, professionals use sports supplements for testosterone. It is thanks to them that it is possible to increase the rate of muscle building by stimulating the production of the hormone, which is responsible for this process. In addition, the active components have a positive effect on potency and endurance.

Ingredients for supplements to increase testosterone

The first and most necessary are vitamins. Without them, it is simply impossible to achieve a pronounced relief. The fact is that thanks to them, blood cells retain the ability to deliver oxygen to organs and tissues. In addition, with hypovitaminosis, all processes, including biological ones, proceed much more slowly. That's why it is important for athletes to choose a vitamin supplement based on the level of exercise.

Vitamins and trace elements are an indispensable component of the biological supplements that increase testosterone. As an example, we can consider D-Aspartic Acid, where the main constituent is d-aspartic acid. Thanks to this simple composition, the drug has no contraindications, but it also improves the level of the hormone.

Necessary for athletes are vitamins of group B. They are necessary for the correct flow of biological processes. Due to this, thiamine is included with the composition of the highly sought-after preparation B-Ecdysterone. It is also used in sports practice to increase muscle mass.

Also, dietary supplements to increase testosterone often include calcium. It is necessary for strengthening the vascular wall and improving the circulation of organs and tissues. In addition, this microelement accelerates healing processes and shortens the recovery period after injuries.

Zinc is an essential component for testosterone to be absorbed by muscle cells. Get it with food is difficult, so it is recommended to use additional drugs to fill the shortage of this element.

Vitamin C is found in a large number of herbs. Thanks to this, additives such as Testoporject, B-Ecdysterone, Anabolizer help to saturate the body with this necessary substance. Especially rich in the composition of Ginseng Kianpi Pil. Thanks to this, when using these capsules, it is possible to fill the lack of vitamins and trace elements and, in addition, to improve the production of testosterone.


Fat Burners Peptides

10 Oct 2017

To actively get rid of the subcutaneous fat layer, while retaining muscular mass, in sports pharmacology, peptide fat burners are used. These amino acid complexes stimulating lipolytic activity and improving the lipid profile are used in bodybuilding and powerlifting for weight gain before the competition, or as an additional source of energy during training.

The effect of the use of peptides-fat burners

Peptides, fat burners included in the complex of sports nutrition, are hormonal active substances that increase the expression of genes related to fragments controlling lipolysis and lipogenesis. With their participation, free fatty acids are mobilized and transported to the liver and muscles where they are used as energy sources.

The fat burners obtained by the synthetic peptide method have the following pharmacological effects:

  • Increase the production of insulin-like growth factor;
  • Increase lipolysis (fat breakdown);
  • Have anti-catabolic effect;
  • Increase the level of physical activity.

To date, one of the most popular amino acid preparations with lipolytic properties is the stabilized analogue of the factor GH - peptide HGH Frag 176-191. This product, which burns fat 12 times more efficiently than growth hormone, is practically devoid of flaws. It significantly accelerates energy metabolism and improves the lipid profile without causing hyperglycemia and cell proliferation.


Dietary supplements in sports nutrition

10 Oct 2017

To achieve these goals, athletes use a variety of drugs. It is especially important that they are correctly selected and do not cause any side effects. As a rule, the action of an additive is determined by its composition. Accordingly, before using these or other dietary supplements for sports nutrition, it is important to familiarize yourself with the components.

Modern dietary supplements for sports nutrition are 100% safe. They can be taken for a long time, do not cause any side effects and the more addictive. The effect of the additive is explained by the constituents.

Components of dietary supplements in sports nutrition

Most of the additives are components such as ginseng extract, guarana, cayenne pepper, yohimbine, eucoma, green tea and coffee and others. Thanks to such components, it is possible to achieve a pronounced fat-burning effect. Complementary ingredients include caffeine, ephedrine and aspirin. This is an excellent neurostimulator, which increases endurance and allows you to transfer your workouts to a new level.

All listed components are included in fat burners. The most common among athletes are dietary supplements such as China White 25 Ephedra, Black Spider 25 Ephedra, Asia Black-25 or Diablos ECA Fire Caps. As a result of their use, the following effect occurs:

  • Increased endurance;
  • A rush of strength;
  • normalization of the psychoemotional state;
  • burning fat with energy;
  • inhibition of fat absorption.

Thanks to this, it is possible not only to reduce weight, but also to achieve a pronounced relief.

In addition to the above, sports medicine uses components such as tribulus, white tea, leuzea, vitamin B1, mint, geranium and so on. They are components of such drugs as Testoproject, D-Aspartic Acid, B-Ecdysterone or Ginseng Kianpi Pil. These dietary supplements in sports nutrition are used to normalize the level of testosterone - the hormone responsible for the sexual organs and the increase in muscle mass. At its or his lack the deposition of fatty tissues and depression of a potency is observed.

There are other dietary supplements for sports nutrition. For example, Hemosorb and Potencer have a positive effect on the blood and vascular wall. This improves the nutrition of the tissues. The organs work better and acquire resistance to negative factors. And a drug such as Hepanorm contains silymarin and curcumin, which improves the functioning of the liver, gall bladder, and muscle cells regenerate faster, which shortens the recovery period after injuries.

Buy dietary supplements for sports nutrition

Today everyone can purchase the necessary dietary supplements for sports nutrition. They are safe and at the same time most effective. You can use them both separately and as a complex. Typically, the duration of the course is 1-2 months, followed by a break. With increased stress or the presence of problems, such trauma, disruption of the liver or genitals, the courses can be repeated.


How to take Somatotropin

10 Oct 2017

This article is intended for those weightlifters who have decided to create the perfect relief, build muscle mass or get rid of excess fat deposits with the help of sports nutrition products. In it we will tell you how to take Somatropin, and what dosage will help achieve the maximum anabolic effect.

The course of somatropin

Recombinant Somatropin, obtained by genetic engineering, is an analogue of the peptide hormone of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. It is used in sports pharmacology as a drug that contributes to the intensive build-up of muscle mass and the increased conversion of fatty deposits into energy.

To achieve maximum effect, take Somatropin followed by courses, for 3-6 months. Further, at the end of the course use, it is recommended to make a long break. For today the greatest popularity among weightlifters is used by 3 courses of HGH:

  • Somatropin solo;
  • Somatropin + androgens;
  • Growth hormone + fat burners.

The somatropin solo course is applied when there is sufficient muscle mass to form an ideal musculature. The initial dosage is 5ED, 1 time per day. After 1-2 weeks, in the absence of negative effects, the daily dose increases to 10ED, divided into 2 doses (immediately after awakening and at the end of the workout). To achieve maximum effect, the drug is recommended to take 3-6 months.

For a pronounced increase in muscle mass, professionals are advised to combine growth hormone with androgens. The ligament Somatropin + AAS at times exceeds the effectiveness of solo application. The daily dosage of STH in this situation is 10-30 units. In parallel, you should take insulin and thyroid hormones. Duration of the course application is 3-4 months.

Growth hormone + fat burners promote the accelerated burning of fat and the obtaining of the relief musculature. In this situation, Somatropin's solo course is taken as the basis, and it includes fat burners (Thyroxine, Clenbuterol or Ephedrine). To achieve maximum effect, you should reduce your intake of fat and fast carbohydrates, take protein preparations, exercise regularly and drink plenty of fluids. In order to avoid the development of negative side effects, it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage specified in the instructions, and also before consulting the course of hormone use, consult a doctor.


Gonadotropin on a course of steroids

10 Oct 2017

This section provides information on what HCG is, for which Gonadotropin is used on a course of steroids, and what dosages are most optimal.

HCG and its effects

HCG, or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin A human is a polypeptide with the properties of a luteotropic and follicle-stimulating hormone. In sports practice, the recombinant form of this biologically active substance is used as a drug that stimulates spermatogenesis and testosterone production.

Gonadotropin on the course of anabolic steroids has the following effect:

  • Mitigates the negative impact of AS on systems and organs that are not specialized for androgens;
  • Contributes to the normalization of the production of their own male sex hormones;
  • Prevents oligospermia;
  • Prevents the development of testicular atrophy.

Gonadotropin during the course is recommended to use in the last 3-5 weeks 2 times a week, at a dosage of 250-500 IU. According to experts, this scheme "makes" the testicles to produce their own testosterone, making the recovery process as effective as possible.

Gonadotropin on an eternal course

The eternal steroid course, used in professional bodybuilding to increase the athlete's genetic potential, provides for the continued use of exogenous testosterone and its derivatives. Of course, such pharmaceutical support is fraught with blocking the development of their own hormones. This condition often leads to a decrease in the size of the testicles, a decrease in the amount of seminal fluid, a weakening of the libido, etc. In this situation, to maintain the physiological level of androgens, experts advise using Ganadotropin on an eternal course.

Injections of hCG are recommended to be placed in parallel with AS once every 5-6 months, 500 IU every other day, totaling 2000 ED. When using high dosages or "heavy" forms of anabolic hormones, gonadotropin is injected at a double dose (1000 IU) in a testosterone course, every other day. The total amount is 5000 IU. More frequent use of HCG drugs is not only impractical, but also dangerous, since it can lead to complete immunity of the testicles to their own follicle and luteotropin.


Best dietary supplements for man potency

10 Oct 2017

Diseases of the genitals are often associated with a violation of blood circulation. This increases the likelihood of developing inflammatory diseases, since local immunity is significantly reduced. In this situation, deviations from other bodies may occur. That's why it's important to choose the right dietary supplements for men for potency and take them regularly.

Action of dietary supplements for potency for men

In most cases, circulatory disturbance is associated with slagging of the body. At the same time, the blood flow slows down and the nutrients necessary for normal functioning do not enter the separated areas. Especially often there are problems with potency. Solve them help additives.

Catalog of dietary supplements for men's potency includes a huge number of drugs that positively affect sexual function. For example, dietary supplements for potency Potencer has the following properties:

  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Removes slags;
  • Clears the walls of blood vessels.
  • This improves the condition of all organs and tissues, increases local immunity

The drug has a plant composition, which means it is completely safe. In this case, you can take it long courses with interruptions. The ingredients are easily tolerated by men and do not cause any side effects.

Other dietary supplements to increase potency in men

In addition to blood circulation, the potency is affected by the hormonal level. This is especially true for men older than 35 years. This is explained by the fact that with the return of hormone production decreases, which negatively affects the condition of the whole body of a man. Therefore, there is a need for an additional supply of this substance.

Today you can buy dietary supplements for men in the potency that will help normalize the hormonal level. As an example, you can consider herbal preparations Ginseng Kianpi Pil, Tribulus and dietary supplements to increase testosterone Testoproject. In this case, the active components are plant extracts. The tribulus, which causes increased production of testosterone, is very popular among them. Also a similar effect is possessed by eurycoma, rhodiola and ortilia.

It is important not to forget about the intake of vitamins. In particular, with violations of potency, it is important to monitor the level of vitamin B 1 or thiamine. Also, reviews of dietary supplement for potency for men often indicate a drug such as D-aspartic acid, stimulating the production of a hormone.


Peg MGF Side Effects

09 Oct 2017

Pharmacological form Peg MGF (pegylated mechanical growth factor) is a product of sports nutrition, stimulating the division of germ-forming myoblasts, enhancing the set of dry muscle mass and providing accelerated recovery after training. This tool, which has found its wide application among athletes engaged in bodybuilding, is highly bioavailable and well tolerated. However, like any other recombinant drug, the modified growth factor can cause the development of adverse side reactions. As for contraindications, they are not known to science.

Side effects of mechanical growth factor

As a rule, side effects from Peg MGF are observed in case of overdose or with individual intolerance. They can manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

Swelling and itching at the injection site;

Tachycardia (increased heart rate);

Tingling sensation in the limbs;

Nasal bleeding;

Infringement of absorption of minerals.

Pegylated mechanical growth factor is a very expensive sport product (the process of attaching polyethylene glycol molecules requires special laboratory conditions). Therefore, the Russian market receives more counterfeit products, which have no effect, and sometimes lead to the development of quite serious complications. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, to get a really high-quality product and to maintain your health, buy sports pharmacology preparations only from trusted suppliers


Benefits and Harms of Growth Hormone

09 Oct 2017

Recombinant somatropin, which is one of the most popular drugs among beginners and professional bodybuilders, as well as other pharmacological agents, can have a dual effect on the functional state of the athlete's body. However, with the right dosage, the benefits and harms of growth hormone are not comparable. In this article we will talk about the positive and negative qualities of this product.

Benefits of Growth Hormone

Recombinant GH, used in sports pharmacology for the growth of muscle mass and the burning of subcutaneous fat deposits, has a fairly short period of action. However, this time is quite enough to reproduce a set of both direct and indirect positive effects. First and foremost, the benefits of growth hormone is to stimulate anabolic and block catabolic processes. In addition, this product of genetic engineering has the following positive pharmacological effects on the body:

  • Enhancing protein synthesis and cellular metabolism;
  • Lowering cholesterol in the blood;
  • Regulation of the CNS;
  • Increase in the number and size of muscle cells;
  • Improvement of skin and hair;
  • Stimulation of collagen synthesis;
  • Regulation of homeostasis;
  • Normalization of the myocardium;
  • Increased gluconeogenesis;
  • Acceleration of wound healing;
  • Strengthening of bone and connective tissue;
  • Increase in the level of insulin-like factors;
  • Stimulation of endorphins production;
  • Improvement of cognitive functions;
  • Updating of tissues of internal organs;
  • Reduction of urea levels and improvement of lipid profile of blood;
  • Increased sexual activity.

The benefits of growth hormone are evident not only in the collection of muscle mass, but also in the treatment of obesity, as well as in reflex therapy that helps slow the aging process. However, if the recommended dosage is not followed, and if there are concomitant risk factors, this drug may harm the human body.

Damage to growth hormone

It should be noted that recombinant somatotropin is pyrogen-free (it does not contain substances that cause undesirable reactions), and therefore, it is absolutely safe. The damage of growth hormone, as a rule, is manifested due to uncontrolled use and application of superphysiological doses of the drug. In childhood it can lead to gigantism, and in the adult it can provoke the development of acromegaly. Also, the negative effects of synthetic STH include diabetes mellitus, increased blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.


Treatment with somatropin

09 Oct 2017

Recombinant somatropin is an analogue of somatotropic pituitary growth hormone, which has found its wide application in medical practice. This drug is used as an effective pathogenetic agent aimed at eliminating or suppressing the development of hormonal pathologies associated with inadequate production of endogenous STH in adults and children.

Indications for use of Somatropin

Treatment with somatropin is prescribed in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • Hypophyseal nanism (a sharp lag in growth and physical development in childhood due to a deficiency of endogenous growth hormone);
  • Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome (chromosomal pathology, accompanied by short stature and anomalies of physical development);
  • Prader-Willi syndrome (hereditary disease, accompanied by insufficient secretion of STH);
  • A pronounced growth hormone deficiency in adults (in this case, the drug is used as a drug of symptomatic therapy).

Pharmacological action of Somatropin

Treatment somatropin, exactly identical to the endogenous human growth hormone stimulates the growth of long bones, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and chondroitin sulfate, accelerates intracellular protein synthesis and increases the number and size of myocytes, hepatocytes, structural units adrenal and gonads, as well as cells of the thyroid and thymus glands. In addition to a significant increase in muscle mass and bone thickening (corollary sodium retention, potassium, phosphorus, and water in the body), this formulation exhibits a pronounced hyperglycemic action (increases in blood glucose level) and provides an anti-catabolic effect (thereby reducing fatty tissue volume).

Somatropin treatment is carried out intermittent, contributing to a more long-term preservation of sensitivity, under strict laboratory control of blood parameters. Dosage is prescribed strictly individually, taking into account the age of the patient and the nature of the disease. The duration of the therapeutic effect of 1 dose of the drug on average is 12-48 hours.

Contraindications to treatment with Somatropin

Just like any other hormonal drug, recombinant somatropin has its contraindications. Treatment with somatropin is not recommended for individual intolerance to the components of the drug, the presence of malignant tumors of any location, with acute respiratory failure, a condition after major surgical interventions on the heart and abdominal cavity, and hypothyroidism. Relative contraindications include diabetes, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

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