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Dosage of Chorionic Gonadotropin

06 Oct 2017

Recombinant hCG, used in sports pharmacology as a means of stimulating the synthesis of its own (endogenous) testosterone and contributing to the restoration of impaired sexual function. The dosage of Gonadotropin in bodybuilding should be set individually, depending on the age, body weight of the athlete, the goals pursued and the functional characteristics of the gonads.

Recommendations for the use of Gonadotropin

To achieve the most optimal result with minimal health loss, first of all, it is necessary to plan the course competently. It should be borne in mind that the overestimated dosage of Chorionic Gonadotropin used to prevent and eliminate testosterone deficiency can lead to the development of such negative reactions as:

  • Downregulation (clogging) of androgen receptors;
  • Testosterone-independent testosterone loss;
  • Gynecomastia (if there is a predisposition);
  • The formation of antibodies and suppression of the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland;

Atrophy of the seminiferous tubules.

In course use of AS specialists recommend starting stimulation of hCG not later than the second half of the steroid cycle (ideally in the fifth week). In this situation, the daily dosage of Gonadotropin should not exceed 500 units, the frequency of injections - once in 2-3 days.

To "spur" the production of their own testosterone on a long cycle (from 13 weeks to a year), the drug is used every 6-8 weeks. In this case, 1500-2500 IU per day is administered (3 injections every 3-4 days).

Dosage of Gonadotropin at PCT

PCT (post-course therapy) is a pharmacological technique aimed at minimizing the side effects and complications that occur after the cycle of anabolic steroids. It has the following objectives:

  • Restores the natural hormonal background;
  • Prevents the rollback phenomenon;
  • Helps maintain the muscular mass gained;
  • Prevents atrophy of testicles and oligospermia.

How are the dosages of Gonadotropin calculated for PCT? The optimal use is 500-1000 IU of the drug for ten days. Some athletes put on 2000-5000 IU with an interval of 4-7 days, however such a dosing regimen can lead to the development of negative side reactions. It should be noted that many professional bodybuilders consider the use of hCG as part of post-course therapy unreasonable, as it really slows down the recovery, not allowing the normalization of the secretion of the luteotropic hormone, and, as a result, the production of endogenous testosterone.


Usage of Growth Hormone

06 Oct 2017

The use of the Growth Hormone in bodybuilding practice is a win-win technique that allows achieving a pronounced anabolic and anti-catabolic effect within a relatively short period of time, strengthening bone tissues, and "filling up" with water to the limit. However, for this purpose, it is necessary to follow clearly the recommendations regarding the method of application and dosage of the preparation.

Recommendations for the use of the Growth Hormone

Course use of the Growth Hormone is recommended for bodybuilders who want to build up lean muscle mass and at the same time reduce the fatty layer. This substance, in comparison with anabolic steroids, has a minimal amount of side effects and does not adversely affect the potency. That is why every year it is gaining increasing popularity among weightlifters. But, since the Growth Hormone follows a fairly long course (3-4 months), it is first necessary to consult a sports doctor and carefully study the instructions attached to the drug.

Useful tips for the course use of growth hormone:

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, injections "put" on an empty stomach, 30-40 minutes before meals;

The most optimal time interval between injections is 4 hours;

The use of the Growth Hormone requires the introduction of a large amount of protein in the daily diet (2-3 g per 1 kg of body weight) with a minimum of carbohydrates;

To stop the process of protein breakdown in muscles, the first injection should be done immediately after awakening, and the second - after training.

Growth Hormone Dosage

Recombinant growth hormone is a genetically modified drug that is released in the form of a lyophilized powder for injections, packaged in vials. They indicate the amount (in mg or ED). For convenience of use, this ratio is calculated by the formula: 1 mg of the substance = 3 ED. To dilute the powder, a special bactericidal or sterile water for injections (1-2 ml) is used as the solvent. It should be administered with a conventional disposable syringe, very slowly, along the wall of the vial, without shaking or stirring.

Daily dosage of Growth Hormone for increasing muscle mass are 5 (first 7-10 days), and then 10 units (this number is divided by 2 applications). To increase the strength and stimulate the fat burning process, 4 ED will suffice, however, at such a dose it will not be possible to gain muscle mass.

The course of Hormone Growth, in order to achieve the maximum anabolic effect, should last at least 3-4 months. Longer use of the drug may provoke addiction and cause the development of negative side effects.


Natural ways to increase testosterone

06 Oct 2017

Often, men are faced with such a problem as a decrease in testosterone levels. But if ordinary people suffer from erectile dysfunction, then athletes with a lack of this hormone will not manage to build up muscle mass. For this reason it is important to know how to increase testosterone in men in natural ways.

Food and weight

If you do not pay attention to the diet, you can forget about the normal level of testosterone. First of all, it is important to exclude:

Fast carbohydrates, namely baked goods, sweets.

Fatty foods that promote the deposition of fat stores.

Carbonated drinks that contain high amounts of sugar.

As for weight, it reflects not only the amount of adipose tissue in the body, but also the level of the hormone. The fact is that testosterone in the blood can transform into other forms, forming estrogens. They then cause the deposition of fat on a female type.

Loads and rest

Trying to increase testosterone naturally, do not forget about physical exertion. They are in direct dependence. If the hormone helps to increase the rate of division of muscle cells, then regular training gives the opportunity to increase the level of this substance. Also, the level of testosterone can be increased by taking dietary supplements with natural ingredients that will not have any harm to health.

But, at the same time, you can not exhaust yourself with training. When there is a lack of sleep, fatty tissue is postponed. Therefore, to provide the body with the required amount of the hormone it is necessary to organize an eight-hour sleep.

Finding out how to naturally increase the level of testosterone, do not forget about bad habits. It is important to give up smoking and alcohol. Although this applies to ordinary people, as it is difficult to meet a professional athlete with a cigarette in his hands.


Properties of peptides

06 Oct 2017

Natural and synthetic peptide compounds are biologically active substrates that, depending on their amino acid sequence, perform various functions. In this article we will look at the chemical properties of peptides and learn about their benefits to the human body.

Biological and chemical properties of peptides

Peptides are chain molecules consisting of 2-100 amino acid residues connected by peptide bonds. These compounds, depending on their structure, are homomeric and heteromeric, linear and cyclic. First of all, the properties of peptides depend on the number of monomer units of proteins, as well as on the structure of the molecule and its configuration in space.

All peptides are divided into 2 main groups:

  • Oligopeptides (low-molecular compounds) containing up to 10 amino acid residues;
  • Polypeptides (containing up to 100 fragments).

Just like amino acids, peptides have acid-base properties, that is, depending on pH, can be in aqueous solutions in the form of anions or in the form of cations, and exhibit either signs of bases or acids.

Many protein substrates are capable of forming complexes of different stability. The complexing properties of peptides are characterized by such membrane-active complexons as valinomycin, nigericin, gramicidin, etc. These antibiotic polypeptide types are able to join with alkaline cations and transfer them through biological membranes.

Useful properties of peptides

Virtually without exception, natural peptide compounds have a pronounced pharmacological effect, and therefore, their synthetic analogs are widely used as medicines. Useful properties of peptides - this is a fairly extensive list, which includes:

  • Strengthening of immunity;
  • Normalization of metabolic processes;
  • Improvement of cognitive functions;
  • Stimulation of your own growth hormone;
  • Slowing down the aging process;
  • Normalization of sleep;
  • Correction of digestive disorders;
  • Regulation of the tone of the cardiovascular system and electrolyte metabolism, etc.

Proceeding from the foregoing, the conclusion suggests that peptides are vitally important substances for the human body, responsible for the constant synthesis of protein and maintenance of its quantity at the required level. However, the effectiveness and application points of the action of these substances are very diverse and depend on their structure, size and saturation level of the receptors.


How to store peptides?

06 Oct 2017

If you decide to improve your athletic performance with peptide complexes, be sure to read the instructions before you buy and use them and find out how to store the peptides so that they do not lose their pharmacological properties.

Where to store the peptides?

All without exception, companies that produce biopharmaceutical products are strongly recommended to store peptides in the refrigerator, at a temperature of 3-8 C. If the drug is stored in a freezer, then it can only be defrosted once. Repeated freezing is not allowed, since such actions can lead to loss of solubility and breakdown of the peptide chain (this should be taken into account in case of defrosting of the refrigeration unit). At room temperature, peptides, depending on the composition, are stored for 10 days, up to a year.

How to store diluted peptides?

Many beginners in the use of protein complexes allow very annoying blunders, since they do not know how to store peptides after breeding. But it is because of these errors that drugs sometimes lose their "workability". Vials with solvent are stored in the refrigerator, in a plastic bag, separately from food, taking into account the following nuances:

  • The dissolved preparation on average is suitable for use 6-10 days (more precise terms are specified in the instructions);
  • If the rules of dilution are not observed, bacteria that penetrate into the solution can penetrate, posing a danger to the pharmacological properties of the peptide and the health of the person using it;
  • Store a mixture of peptides in one syringe is not recommended, because in this state they quickly lose their original properties.

The shelf life of ready-made solutions largely depends on the accuracy of their dilution.

If properly stored, following the recommended temperature and time limits, the diluted peptides are absolutely safe to use. However, we should not discount the possible degradation of the drug, and, as a consequence, not 100% of its effectiveness (in comparison with the new, only printed bottle).


Can I lose weight on cabbage?

06 Oct 2017

To create a menu, which aims to reduce weight, the preference should be given to foods with a minimum amount of calories. It is particularly beneficial when they also help to purify the body of toxins and toxins, improving the functioning of the intestine. For this reason, the choice often falls on cabbage. That raises the question of whether you can lose weight on cabbage and how it should be eaten.

Cabbage is useful for a high content of vitamin C, fiber, phosphorus, and biologically active substances. It is especially important to emphasize the enormous content of proteins necessary for the body. With the regular use of this product, blood circulation, the work of the kidneys, thyroid gland, and stomach improves, and the condition of all tissues is normalized.

Only this vegetable contains vitamin U, which is necessary for people with gastric ulcer. The juice of cabbage contributes to the purification of blood, resulting in increased immunity and tone. It is for this reason that the maximum amount of useful qualities can be obtained with the use of a raw vegetable.

Can I lose weight if there is only cabbage?

First we note that cabbage contains all the substances necessary for the normal operation of organs. Accordingly, it can be used to compose mono-diets. In addition, the active ingredients contribute to weight loss and fat breakdown.

Due to these properties, the vegetable is often used to reduce weight. In other words, if you eat cabbage, you can lose weight, but you need to find out exactly how the product is used, so as not to harm your body.

The calorie content of the vegetable is only 20 kcal per hundred grams of the product. To reduce weight, you can only use cabbage. In such a situation, the diet should last no more than five days. It is quite heavy, but the effect of it is maximum. In addition, you can combine the vegetable with carrots, chicken breasts, kefir and other useful products. The duration of the diet is minimal and it should not be prolonged. It is better to take a break and only then again to unload.

Can I lose weight on fresh, stewed or sauerkraut?

First let's see if you can lose weight on fresh cabbage. The duration of such a diet is not more than a week. In addition to it, you can drink green tea, add carrots, chicken breast, olive oil, apples to dishes. It is allowed whole grain bread and drink kefir, but only fat-free.

You can read reviews, you can lose weight on cabbage. They are easy to find interesting tips on the variety of menus. So, once in three days you can eat boiled fish or one egg.

The next question is whether you can lose weight on sauerkraut. It differs in that it contains a large amount of lactic acid. In addition, it is low-calorie and useful for the whole body. You can consume cabbage for lunch. In the morning you can eat defatted cottage cheese and a slice of bread, and for supper boiled meat and fresh cucumber are allowed. You can replace meat products with fish.

Is it possible to lose weight on stewed cabbage? It turns out, you can! The most effective and safe option will be a diet for three days. In addition to cabbage, you can eat boiled meat. It is important not to add salt during extinguishing. You can use soy sauce or lemon juice.

Can I lose weight on sea kale?

It is especially important to find out whether it is possible to lose weight on sea kale. Laminaria has little similarity with ordinary white cabbage, but, nevertheless, it contains a large number of nutrients and is low in calories. You can consume it three times a day, using for cooking salads, garnish, soups and so on.

If you are already thinking about whether you can lose weight with cabbage, do not forget about the wraps. Laminaria is ideal for this. In combination with the diet, you can achieve excellent results.

How much can you lose weight on cabbage?

So, we found out that if you have cabbage every day, you can lose weight. Strengthen the effect you can with all sorts of additives. Particularly often preference is given to fat burners. For example, dietary supplements like Methyldrene-25, Black Spider 25 Ephedra, Black Mamba Hyperrush, Neurolipo and others contain only natural ingredients, which means they are safe. Thanks to them you will achieve the following results:

  • A surge of strength and endurance;
  • Improvement of metabolism;
  • Normalization of the digestive system;
  • Strengthening immunity;

Cleavage of fat cells.

You can use them simultaneously with a diet to increase its effectiveness. Thus, do not argue how much you can lose weight on cabbage, because it all depends on the individual characteristics. Parallel reception of fat burners, exercise and positive mood will only increase the chances of an excellent result.


TB-500: Course of Peptides for Endurance

05 Oct 2017


The main objectives of the course are displayed in:

1. Fast and noticeable increase in strength and endurance.

2. Weakening muscle spasms, improving muscle tone.

3. Improve the metabolism, ensure the entry of nutrients into the cell.

4. Accelerate the process of tissue repair in the body, enhance immunity.

5. Positive influence on connective tissues, improvement of flexibility, mobility of joints, in reducing their inflammation.

6. Increase the sensitivity of body tissues to the component of IGF-1.

7. Improve blood supply to the muscles and growth of new blood vessels in muscle tissues, increase the number of red blood cells (red blood cells).

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Duration of the course

The optimal period of admission is 3 months (12 weeks). The drug can also be used in the future - to maintain the achieved results.

Course Benefits

Thymosin beta 4 (in other words TB-500) is a unique substance capable of providing instant and prolonged increase in endurance (including power) endurance, due to accelerated recovery of all cells, as well as healing of microtrauma and trauma from training.

This tool has long been used for pre-competitive training of many leading athletes: bodybuilders, powerlifters, MMA fighters and many others. The feedback from those who took the TB-500 course is convincing: the intensity of the training and its effectiveness with its help can be increased, on average, by 10-50%, depending on the training regimen and the training of the athlete.

Some athletes use the TB-500 as doping, which during the competition improves power performance. 100% of the drug is drug-free, which makes it difficult to detect it in the blood (except perhaps liquid chromatography).


The course is recommended to carry out on the principle of reducing dosage in several stages:

1. 1 week - only 10 mg - 5 injections of 2 mg each.

2. 5 weeks - 2 injections of 2.5 mg per week (25 mg for the entire period, only 5 mg per week).

3. 5 weeks - only 1 injection of 2 mg per week (for the entire stage only 10 mg).

Each month for one week, you can put TB-500 at 10 mg to maintain the results. According to the feedback of lifters and bodybuilders from the USA (where the peptide is a long-used component), this is the most effective mode.

For athletes engaged in non-power sports (say, martial arts) in the first week, the total dose can be reduced to 7 mg, and after the injection do already according to the scheme. Dosage is calculated for a user whose weight is 100 kg, this with the expectation that another 5 μg of active substance will remain in the "nozzle" of the syringe.


As a result of numerous research laboratory tests, it was found that this component has no contraindications.

Side effects of the peptide are not detected even in dosages that are many times higher than the recommended dose.


How to drink ginger to lose weight?

05 Oct 2017

Ginger today is not just a root with a sharp taste. In some countries it is a cult spice, used in cooking almost all dishes. In addition, recently it began to be actively used in the preparation of diets for weight loss.

The root of this plant contains a large number of vitamins and microelements, necessary for the body. It can be used for making beverages or used as a spice. You just need to figure out how to drink ginger right to quickly lose weight.

Properties of ginger

The maximum amount of nutrients is contained in the root of the plant. Accordingly, in order to understand whether you can lose weight, if you drink ginger, you need to find out what it is useful.

First of all, we emphasize that the root contains a large number of amino acids, vitamins of all groups, iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium magnesium and so on. In addition, there is a large amount of essential oils. They explain the pleasant aroma from the root. But the acute taste is provided by gingerol.

You can buy it both in raw and in dried form. In addition, today it is easy to find additives that contain a root extract, for example the fat burner Methyldrene Elite 25.

Ginger is similar to garlic in its action. In this case, as a result of using the root, you will not feel an unpleasant odor. In addition, the active components of the root have the following effect:

  • eliminate all inflammatory processes;
  • relieve pain and discomfort;
  • improve the work of the gallbladder;
  • Stimulate the metabolism due to influence on the hormonal system;
  • Toning the tissues;
  • Increase immunity;
  • contribute to the elimination of toxins;

But it is especially important to note that due to the burning taste it strengthens blood circulation and strengthens the condition of the vascular wall. Accordingly, the nutrition of all tissues is improved without exception. At the same time, the amount of cholesterol in the blood decreases. But aphrodisiacs, which are part of the root, have a positive effect on sexual desire.

Thus, you can easily drink tea with ginger to lose weight. But there may be a few nuances. The fact is that ginger has an annoying property. It should be used carefully in cases of stomach diseases and a tendency to bleeding. In addition, it is difficult to calculate the dosage. It is for this reason that many prefer preference preparations, which include ginger extract. These are known fat burners, such as Methyldrene Elite 25 and Methyldrene-25.

How to drink ginger in order to lose weight fast

After identifying with the useful properties of the plant, you can try to figure out how to properly drink ginger to lose weight. The most useful is the raw root. It can be crushed or cut into thin plates. The spine can be used to make drinks or add it to salads and soups. The choice depends on your preferences.

To prepare the drink, you need to clean the root. In doing so, try to cut as thin as possible, since this is where the maximum amount of substances is contained. If the state of the digestive system allows, you can just chew periodically a piece of ginger. In this case, useful substances will be absorbed into the blood vessels, which are in large quantities under the tongue.

If you want to find out how to drink ginger to lose weight, and at the same time get the most pleasure, you can add it to kefir, tea or coffee. An excellent effect has a herbal decoction. Here you can use the root of ginger, as well as cloves, cardamom, mint, lemon balm and so on. To taste, you can add citrus juice.

How much you can lose weight if you drink ginger

Think about how much you can lose weight, if you drink ginger, not worth it. The fact is that it does not cause a sharp decrease in appetite. His job is to stimulate metabolic processes and improve the splitting of fats by increasing body temperature. If you drink one cup of tea a day the effect is unlikely to be.

In order to reduce weight, you should not only regularly drink drinks with ginger, but also observe a simple diet. It consists in limiting baking and fried foods. Try to add physical lead. Given that ginger stimulates the nervous system and increases stamina, it will be much easier for you to transfer workouts.


Use of Gonadotropin

04 Oct 2017

Recombinant gonadotropin is a genetically modified peptide hormone, well known in the sports pharmacology market. It is used in male courses to prevent testicular atrophy after consuming anabolic steroids.

The use of Gonadotropin on the course and on the PCT

The use of gonadotropin in sports is based on its ability to stimulate spermatogenesis. Modern pharmacopoeia offers weightlifters a large number of drugs that contain an analogue of the pituitary hormone, but almost all of them have approximately the same effects:

  • Stimulate the production of testosterone;
  • Prevent gynecomastia (feminization);
  • Increase the size of the testicles;
  • Prevent the development of oligospermia;
  • Increase anabolic reactions;
  • Reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat while maintaining muscle mass.

From the point of view of specialists, the use of Ganadotropin in power sports is most justified in the course of AAS course (androgenic anabolic steroids) or during post-course restorative therapy. Most often this applies to high-level bodybuilders using large doses of steroid drugs on an ongoing basis.

At the same time, the use of Gonadotropin as a means to build muscle mass, according to professionals, is not only not effective, but also dangerous for health. This is explained by the fact that for a noticeable muscle growth it is necessary to use about 4000 IU per week, and this extra-dosage often leads to a disruption of the normal functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal system. As for the use of HCG in lower doses on the AAS course, in this situation, side effects practically do not arise.

Methods of using Gonadotropin

To exit the course of steroids, professionals recommend a special method of using Gonadotropin, which allows to minimize the risk of developing negative reactions. In the event that the athlete used overestimated dosages of injectable androgens for more than four weeks, injections are given daily 500-1000 IU for 7-10 days.

In order to cheer up the sex glands after several full courses on weight and subsequent drying, before the start of PCT, the use of Gonadotropin is recommended once every 4 days, at 500 IU. In total it is necessary to make 4 injections.

At the Eternest course of steroids, this method of using Gonadotropin is used: once every 5-6 months, in parallel with injections of testosterone, 500 IU every other day, totaling 2000 ED.

In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that uncontrolled use of hCG can lead to the development of aromatization (the body's reaction to excess testosterone), which can provoke gynecomastia and increased deposition of subcutaneous fat.


How to lose weight in 15 days

04 Oct 2017

A large number of people are inclined to believe that to reduce weight, you must adhere to a strict diet. Of course, on fasting you can get rid of ten or more kilograms, but as a result, the risk of "earning" a large number of problems increases. For a woman, this is fraught with diseases of the kidneys, heart and even hormonal failures. Accordingly, we can conclude that to reduce weight should be slow.

Realizing this, you can go to the search for an answer to the question: how to lose weight in 15 days. It all depends on how much kilogram you want to build. If it's 2-3, then it's enough to review the food, but to achieve greater results you will have to connect physical exercises.

Is it possible to lose weight in 15 days

In order to lose weight in 15 days by 3-5 kilograms, it is enough to reduce portions of food and exclude sweet and flour. This is the simplest option, but always giving effect. It is recommended to eat food three times, and between meals you can have a snack with fruit. Dinner is 3-4 hours before sleep, while it should be easy.

In the event that you want to lose weight for more kilograms, you can use any diet. It can be oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley and so on. The duration of such mono-diet is not more than a week, since they do not provide the right amount of nutrients.

Such methods of losing weight can be used in extreme cases, when you need to drop a large number of kilograms for a minimum period of time. But you can find a more useful, but difficult way. To do this, it is sufficient to use the first option of proper nutrition, but in parallel to perform physical exercises. The choice depends on your desire:

  • For beginners - cardio training in the form of running and swimming;
  • For physically prepared - strength exercises;
  • The ideal option is the alternation of the first two methods.

So, if you think how to lose weight in 15 days for 10 kg, you need to radically change your lifestyle. Correct the food, take the habit of attending gyms and be sure of the positive result.

How much you can lose weight in 15 days

The next question you need to figure out: how much can you lose weight in 15 days? As in any other case, it all depends on the individual characteristics and your desire. It is important to stick to the selected food for a long time. Even a piece of cake in the evening can reduce all results to zero. Therefore, you will have to forget about desserts and other goodies for a long time.

The same applies to physical activity. There's no point in loading yourself to the maximum in the first days just to get rid of a lot of kilograms. So you will only increase the risk of injury and cause fatigue. You need to start training gradually, and preferably with an individual coach.

In addition to the above, to lose weight in 15 days by 5 kg will help you special supplements or fat burners. It can be Black Spider 25 Ephedra, Asia Black-25, Black Mamba Hyperrush, Methyldrene Elite 25 and many others. They have a positive effect on metabolism and contribute to the breakdown of fats with the release of energy.

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