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Side effects of D-aspartic acid

24 Oct 2017

D-aspartic acid is important for the human body no less than proteins or fats. It is thanks to her that the work of the nervous and hormonal system is proceeding correctly. But it has a particularly pronounced effect on the number of male sex hormones. With their lack, there are all sorts of problems with potency, and also there are difficulties in the formation of a beautiful pumped body. That is why men are often given this substance.

Even if you have all the indications for the use of this substance, you should first of all find out what side effects of D-aspartic acid are. The optimal dosage is 2.66 grams per day. Even if the reception will last more than three months, with this approach, negative phenomena are not observed. This fact is confirmed by a considerable number of laboratory studies. At the same time, the level of electrolytes, liver enzymes, urea and so on is evaluated. None of the indicators did not exceed the allowable values, which indicates the absence of side effects after taking the drug.

At the same time, it is important to note that the most common side effects of D-aspartic acid are associated with an increase in prolactin levels. For this reason, it is not recommended to take the drug concomitantly with agents containing esters of nandrolones.

In rare cases, aggression can also occur. It is usually associated with an increase in androgen levels.

Contraindications for use

In order not to face any of the listed consequences, it is important to determine the contraindications. They are the following states:

  • Age less than 21 years;
  • Increased levels of androgens;
  • Pathology of the endocrine system.

In addition to the above, it is not recommended to use the drug for women. At the same time, in most cases, side effects of D-aspartic acid do not occur and the drug is transferred easily without any consequences. You only need to correctly calculate the dosage, which will help to achieve the goal and will not cause side effects.


Growth hormone rejuvenation

24 Oct 2017

Human growth hormone is called by many a real miracle of anti-aging therapy. It has become increasingly used in alternative clinics and rejuvenating programs. The use of growth hormone for rejuvenation has become quite effective, since it is capable of restoring the hormonal level that is characteristic of an early age.

Somatotropin is a natural substance produced by the pituitary gland. In children, the level of growth hormone is maximal. The higher its value in a person, the more actively produced substances that contribute to the restoration of damaged cells and the formation of new ones. Aging is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of growth hormone production. This leads to a decrease in the body's ability to recover. The cause of aging is precisely the damaged cells. And this component is actively struggling with this. That is why growth hormone for rejuvenation demonstrates its strength and effectiveness. When applied, it is possible to give the body a push to repair damaged cells and tissues. You can list the most prominent signs of aging, which are eliminated with its help:

Skin damage. In this case, the traumatic factors are cigarette smoke, ultraviolet radiation, the sun. Avoid their impact is impossible. With the help of growth hormone it is possible to restore these damaged cells. This leads to an improvement in the appearance of the skin, it aligns, wrinkles are minimized;

Tonus and libido. Growth hormone for rejuvenation helps restore the potency and sexual activity of men. For women, too, the increase in libido is due to him, the growth of sexual desire and pleasure. Observations show that changes in sexuality occur immediately, affecting men and women equally;

Effect on the condition of bones. With age they become weak. Because of the age-related deterioration of the bone, the risk of fractures that are so characteristic of older people increases. With the help of growth hormone it is possible not only to strengthen the bones, but also to repair damaged tissues. This drug is able to help in healing from osteoporosis;

Loss of memory is associated with damage to brain cells. Often it causes Alzheimer's disease. Growth hormone for rejuvenation allows to restore damaged brain cells, due to which memory impairment is prevented.

The ability to set up damaged cells makes somatropin the most effective wrestler with aging. In addition, it provides for the loss of excess weight and build-up of muscle mass.


Growth Hormone Hygetropin

24 Oct 2017

Currently, you can buy Higrothropin in a variety of ordinary sports nutrition stores, and on a huge number of Internet portals. Prices for Hygetropin may vary, therefore, in order to choose the optimal price / quality ratio, you need to read reviews about this drug, which is sold in this or that Internet or offline store.

Beware of fakes! Too low a price could mean that the growth hormone Hygetropin is fake. Think about how much time and effort it takes to, first, to synthesize this hormone, and secondly, to convert it into a convenient form for use - powder. Thus, in order to find a place where you can buy a high-quality Hygetropin, you need to spend a lot of time, because it's not just about the effectiveness of training, but also directly about your health.


Growth Hormone Hygetropin is one of the most popular growth hormones among bodybuilders. Many professional coaches advise using it from the initial stage of training and muscle building, because the latest medical research proves its effectiveness in the difficult matter of bodybuilding. For a start, we'll figure out what a growth hormone is, and why it's called that. This hormone, located in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, in young people causes lengthening of the tubular bones and, as a result, increased growth.

Hygetropin was created specifically for bodybuilders, and therefore has a number of advantages over the others:

  • Rapid build-up of muscle mass.
  • Rejuvenating effect.
  • Reduction of fatty layer.
  • Giving elasticity to the muscles.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Improved energy use.
  • Stimulation of repeated growth in all internal organs, if necessary.
  • Acceleration of wound healing.
  • Formation of a strong bone skeleton.

A tempting list, is not it?

Beware of fakes!

To achieve all of the above results, it is necessary to use only Hygetropin original, because fakes can not only not give the desired effect, but also seriously harm health. If you decided to seriously increase muscle mass, then you can not do without taking the growth hormone, and therefore you will have to purchase the original product so that the efforts in the gym will not be wasted.

To distinguish a fake is quite simple: the anti-counterfeit code on the original Hygetropin package, it must be entered on the official website of the manufacturer, which is also indicated on the package.


Great results can be achieved if, together with Hygetropin, start taking insulin and anabolic steroids. Dosage, which is most often used by bodybuilders, is approximately 10-15 IU.

The diluted drug is administered subcutaneously. Beforehand it is necessary to address to the doctor - the endocrinologist who can correct a course of reception of a preparation, proceeding from features of development particularly your organism.

We hope this information was useful to you. We wish you success, good health and good training!


The course of growth hormone Kigtropin

24 Oct 2017


This course of growth hormone Kigthropin is what you need if you want:

• burn up to 7-8% of fat;

• get complex rejuvenation of the whole organism;

• build up dry muscle mass.

Used drugs

30 flasks Kigtropin, Kigtropin 10 UI (International units).


Growth hormone Kigtropin (Kigtropin) is, truly, a unique drug synthesized by recombinant technologies. In some cases, it is much more effective than other drugs that stimulate GH (eg, peptides). For example, rejuvenation and anabolic effect on the course of GH are more pronounced.

Kigtropin is able to reduce the work of the thyroid gland, so it is recommended to use thyroxine during the course. The optimal dose per day is 25 μg. In addition, thyroxin can increase the fat burning effect even more.

Kigtropin stimulates the metabolism of the human body, skeletal and somatic growth. In bodybuilding, the drug is used to transform the body structure - effective fat burning and the growth of dry muscle mass. In addition, it improves the condition of ligaments and skin, increases the amount of energy and endurance, stimulates the functioning of the hormonal system, raises the mood.

Optimal for taking the course will be a lifestyle: for relief - sports nutrition, as well as 2-3 cardio and 2-3 strength training per week. The use of just one course of Cigtropin can reduce by 5% (or more) the amount of fat, while not only retaining, but also increasing muscle growth.

In addition, it is useful to use insulin for muscle growth - since Kigtropin is its antagonist. Inclusion in the course of injections of insulin increases the anabolic effect by 10-20%.

Duration of the course

The optimal course duration is 12 weeks, in other words - 3 months.


The course includes 2 stages: preparatory and basic:

• 2 weeks - preparatory: Kigtropin 5Ed per day 1 time. For 2 weeks it is necessary to use 8 bottles.

• 10 weeks - the main one: Kigtropin 5Edxv day 2 times. For 10 weeks, 72 bottles should be used.

It is important to start with the preparatory phase. Professional or just experienced athletes can reduce this stage to one week. For an athlete weighing 100 kg, the dosage is calculated so that 5 μg of the active drug remains in the "nozzle" of the syringe.

How to properly grow GR? In a bottle with 10Eg of substance you need to carefully pour in the wall about 1-2ml of water for injections. Afterwards, allow the GR to dissolve on its own, do not agitate or shake the solution - this significantly reduces effectiveness. Depending on the volume of water, the size of one dose can be 0.5-1 ml. (100 or 50 divisions on the "weave" - an insulin syringe).


Growth hormone is absolutely harmless, because it is produced even in the human body. Of course, natural and synthetic hormone - these are different things, but modern drugs are safe, and therefore suitable for almost everyone.

Observe the side effects of GR Kigtropin rarely. They are mainly manifested when the recommended dose is exceeded. Then there may be a tunnel syndrome (involves numbness of the feet and hands), swelling (due to water retention), increased blood pressure, hyperglycemia.

Please note: the use of GR for sports purposes for girls and women is poorly understood. But to rejuvenate it successfully use women in doses, which are two to three times less than those recommended for bodybuilders.

In our online store you can safely and quickly buy at low cost bactericidal water (necessary for dissolving drugs) and certified original Kigtropin (Kigtropin).

For convenience, you can purchase the entire course at once.


How to lose weight in a month and a half

24 Oct 2017

In some cases, there is a need to quickly get rid of several kilograms. Of course, sometimes it's not entirely safe. It is for this reason that it is important to find out how to lose weight in a month and a half by 10 kg or more and do not harm the body.

There are many tips and recipes. Someone prefers increased physical activity, while others completely refuse to eat. But it turns out that to achieve the result it is important to observe several rules at once. Only then will the goal be achieved and the kilograms will not return in more quantity.

How to lose weight in 1.5 months for 10-15 kg

In order to lose weight in a month and a half, it is important to follow certain rules. First of all, revise your regime. It is recommended to get up early in the morning, but in the evening you must go earlier than usual. If you suddenly feel tired after work, you can take a nap in the evening. Immediately after awakening, perform basic exercises to cheer your body and make all organs work.

If you want to lose weight in a month and a half by 15 kg, you will have to connect power exercises. They need to spend at least thirty minutes. Only then will the effect. Immediately after them, aerobic exercises are performed. It can be running and jumping rope.

Do not forget about stretching. Immediately after the end of all exercises, you need to pull the muscles for half an hour and improve their elasticity. Be sure to take a shower after pre-emptions. The alternating effect of cold and hot water has an excellent effect.

In addition, the following rules are recommended:

  • Whenever possible, try to walk more;
  • Pay attention while breathing;
  • Use plenty of water during exercise;
  • Work through all the muscles, but focus on removing problem areas.

Massage will improve the effectiveness of the classes. It can be performed both by a professional and by yourself.

Secrets of diet for weight loss

If you want to lose 10 kg in a month and a half, then you can not do without a diet. Do not be afraid and think that you will have to starve. Given that you use intensive training, it is important to provide the body with all the necessary substances.

Let's start with the fact that you need to eat small portions. To do this, it is enough to replace the plate. Take your food every 3-4 hours. In the diet should be a sufficient amount of protein. You can find it in fish and beans. But fatty meat will have to be abandoned.

Be sure to provide the body with enough liquid. It should be consumed throughout the day, but you should avoid carbonated and sweet drinks.

It is especially important to revise the diet. In this morning, you must take a large part of the daily volume. Lunch is less dense, and dinner should be light, including foods that are quickly digested. In this situation, all calories will be consumed even before sleep, and not be postponed at night with extra kilograms.

In some cases, even with the observance of diets and exercise, the goal can not be achieved. If the pounds go slowly, you can find out how to lose weight in 1.5 months with the help of special additives. They are not dangerous drugs used for weight loss. This is a special complex of plant extracts that helps to speed up metabolic processes and the breakdown of fats.

As an example, you can consider such fat burners as Methyldrene Elite 25, Red Wasp 25, Diablos ECA Fire, Black Mamba Hyperrush, Neurolipo. They are safe, affordable and at the same time completely safe.


Effect of peptides on the body

23 Oct 2017

Peptides are biologically active regulators capable of restoring cellular and tissue metabolism and selectively acting on various cells, increasing their life span by 30-40%.

The importance of peptides for ordinary people

For a long time scientists have been given evidence that 150 years is far from the limit of the human body. However, the average life expectancy at the moment hardly reaches 80. There are many causes and factors that cause rapid aging. Therefore, all the efforts of modern progressive science are now aimed at identifying substances that can prolong the term and improve the quality of life.

Studying the effect of peptides artificially introduced into a living organism, scientists came to the conclusion that these amino acid compounds regulate metabolic processes, regulate hormonal failures, normalize cholesterol level, and stop early aging. At the same time, biostimulants obtained synthetically, in contrast to drugs that combat the symptoms of the disease, provide a full-fledged cellular nutrition and contribute to the restoration of the normal functioning of the cell, returning it to its original state.

In modern clinical practice, peptides are used in the correction of immunological disorders associated with various diseases, are prescribed to patients with problems of digestion of protein foods, with alimentary dystrophy, to improve memory, to restore the reproductive system. The effect of the peptide on the production of growth hormone has also found wide application in medicine in the treatment of endocrine diseases and disorders of neuropsychiatric development in children.

Influence of peptides on the body of athletes

The biological effect of peptides on the bodybuilding organism lies in their ability to stimulate the production of somatotropin, which is responsible for the strength and elasticity of muscle fibers, the growth of dry mass, the acceleration of metabolic processes, the burning of subcutaneous fat and the construction of a harmoniously developed body.

The effect of the peptide on the athlete's body depends on the set of inherent properties of the drug. In the course of using this or that tool, various effects can be observed: stamina is increased, sleep is normalized, stress resistance increases, ligaments and joints are strengthened, athletic form, strength and muscle mass are retained with temporary absence of training, etc.

Due to the fact that the peptides used in bodybuilding are sports nutrition products that can be purchased not only in specialized stores, when buying them, one must be especially careful not to buy counterfeit goods in place of the original. Trust only proven online stores that work directly with manufacturers.


How to prepare MGF for injections

23 Oct 2017

MGF, or Mechanical Growth Factor, is a synthetic drug that is a kind of insulin-like growth factor. This peptide product contributes to the division of myoblasts (germ cells in the dormant state), increasing the cross-sectional area of muscles by 25%. In this article we will tell you how to breed MGF.

Features of MGF dilution and application

Before the combination of the MGF molecule with the polyethylene glycol molecule and the formation of a pegylated mechanical growth factor, characterized by the highest bioavailability, this peptide drug was not used in bodybuilding practice, since when it entered the body within half an hour it completely disintegrated.

At present, the pegylated Mechanical Growth Factor in the classical version is adopted according to the following scheme:

  • 2-4 times a week (ideally, on training days), at a dosage of 100-200 μg per day;
  • Injections are placed immediately after the strength training;
  • The average duration of the course is 5-6 weeks.

The drug is available in 2 mg vials. Answering the question of how to plant MGF, I would like to emphasize that as a solvent, sterile or bactericidal water for injections can be used, containing in its composition 0.9% sodium chloride and 0.9% benzene alcohol, protecting the solution From the penetration and spread of bacteria. To dilute, you need 2 ml of fluid, which is followed by a syringe slowly, along the wall, into the vial. Shake the drug categorically is not recommended (it should dissolve independently). After dilution, the peptide is stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 6-8 ° C.


Functions and action of growth hormone

23 Oct 2017

Growth hormone, or somatotropin is the peptide hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, which plays a major role in metabolic processes, and also contributes to the increase in muscle mass and the reduction of body fat. In sports pharmacology, this substance, obtained by genetic engineering, is used as a tool for the formation of muscle relief. This article describes the direct and additional positive effects of growth hormone on the body.

What does Growth Hormone do?

The production of somatotropin is controlled by the hypothalamus, which is the coordinator of the work of almost the whole organism. Possessing an anabolic action, this biologically active substance enhances the processes of protein synthesis, due to which it got its name.

Functions of the Growth Hormone are closely interrelated with the activity of the corresponding target glands: the thyroid, adrenal and gonads. This biologically active component has 4 main types of action:

  • Metabolic (build-up of protein mass, saving of carbohydrates, stimulation of lipolysis, increased synthesis of collagen and chondroitin-sulfate);
  • Structurally (creating the optimal level of amino acids, fats, carbohydrates and minerals to build a substrate of actively growing tissues);
  • Kinetic (increased synthesis of somatomedin - insulin-like growth factor, stimulating cell proliferation);
  • Corrective (Growth Hormone affects the stagnant brain, fibroblasts, lymphocytes, fat cells and smooth muscle fibers).

Natural somatotropin and its genetically modified variant contribute to changing the membrane potential, stimulate the synthesis of specific proteins and intracellular calcium metabolism, accelerate enzymatic reactions. It is GH that causes an increase in the number and size of muscle and liver cells, has a beneficial effect on the secretory functions of the gonads, increases the level of insulin-like factors (IGF I and IGF II), enhances the breakdown of fats, and also stimulates the replication of DNA and RNA in individual tissues.

However, the most important functions of the Growth Hormone are anabolic (enhancing the processes of protein synthesis), thanks to which this biologically active component has its name.


Can I lose weight with activated charcoal?

23 Oct 2017

Excess weight is often associated with the fact that the intestine simply does not fulfill its entire role. A large number of slags and toxins slows down metabolic processes, which is manifested in the deposition of fat cells. Accordingly, in order to get rid of excess kilograms, it is enough to purify the body of harmful substances. With this task, the activated carbon is coping well.

Today, you can meet a lot of tips on how to reduce weight with this drug. Among them, many are not only useless, but also dangerous. Accordingly, before buying in the pharmacy these tablets, it is important to find out how to lose weight properly with activated charcoal.

Effect from activated charcoal

Let's try to figure out whether you can lose weight with activated charcoal. The main properties of the drug are its ability to suppress appetite. For this reason, it is recommended to eat it before eating. But if you take only him, there will be no effect. Therefore, all the tips include an elementary diet.

But there is one danger. The fact is that coal absorbs not only harmful substances, such as slags and toxins, but are useful. This can cause exhaustion of the body, especially if you are sticking to a very strict diet. Therefore, this method is recommended to use after consulting a doctor. In addition, it is better to take the drug courses and ensure that the body receives all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

Methods of losing weight with charcoal

In order to lose weight with activated charcoal, you need to choose one of the schemes for yourself. The first involves taking the pills for two weeks followed by a break. At the same time, you need to increase the dosage gradually, beginning with three tablets once a day, bringing it to its maximum. It is calculated by the formula: one tablet for every ten kilograms of weight.

Certainly, when choosing this technique, it is important to observe some restrictions. It is recommended to refuse baking, fatty foods and other high-calorie food.

Another option involves taking ten tablets of coal per day. Distribute them between all meals. The duration of the course is up to three weeks, after which there is a break.

This method can be dangerous, as it has a strong effect on the digestive system. To reduce the likelihood of risk, you can reduce the initial dose, increasing it gradually. Naturally, you need to limit the consumption of fatty and fried foods, canned food and baked goods.

Of course, both methods are risky enough. Some people help them to lose weight, but some do not. If you want to get rid of excess pounds, it is better to use special preparations with a thoughtful composition. To this end, you can take fat burners. They help cleanse the body of toxins, and do it gently and without consequences. You can speed up the process of splitting fat cells and reach the treasured figures.

It is also important to note that after lifting the drug weight is not returned. In this case, you will experience a surge of energy and a great mood.


Ginseng for men

20 Oct 2017

The work of all organs directly depends on how well the hormonal system works. With violations in this area, men often have problems with potency. In order to get rid of them, it is not necessary to use hormonal drugs. Excellent effect has ginseng for men.

The effect of taking ginseng in tablets for men

The composition of the root includes a large number of saponins and essential oils. They have unique healing properties. Initially, the root extract was used with reduced efficiency, loss of strength and mood swings. Later, it was found that ginseng has a great effect on potency and sexual attraction.

Ginseng in tablets for men is much more beneficial than drugs for the treatment of potency disorders. First of all, because this is a natural remedy, and therefore does not cause any side effects. In addition, the following advantages are distinguished:

  • High efficiency;
  • A wide range of activities;
  • Rapid manifestation of action;
  • A marked surge of strength;
  • Increased potency.

Everyone uses drugs without exception. They help to cheer up quickly in the morning and not to experience weakness and fatigue. But it is especially advantageous to buy ginseng for men. He is an excellent stimulator of libido. Only one component is enough to act on all organs and systems, increasing not only the potency, but also making the sensitivity brighter.

It is also important to note that ginseng has a positive effect on the spermogram pattern, improves the functioning of the gonads, prolongs the duration of the erection and widens the vessels of the pelvic organs.

Buy Ginseng in capsules for men

In order to feel the effect of the drug does not necessarily count drops of alcohol tincture and take it. Today it is more profitable to buy ginseng in capsules for men. It can be both a mono-preparation, and a complex. The latter include such well-known names as Anabolizer, Potencer and Ginseng Kianpi Pil.

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