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Supplements - Biological active additives

02 Nov 2017

To achieve a certain effect, it is important to correctly draw up a plan for achieving the goal. Practically in any business, nutrition or diet, a regime of physical activity, individual characteristics are important. But it also happens otherwise. At first glance, it seems that the diet is respected, and weight is not reduced or physical activities are excluded, and joints still worry. To correct the situation, dietary supplement supplements will help. They are a huge number and it is important to choose the one that will help you achieve the desired effect. In this regard, all existing additives can be divided into several groups, based on their actions.

Weight Loss Supplements

Especially often there is a need to get rid of a few extra pounds. This can be achieved through diet, increased physical exertion. But if you are limited in time, you can use biological supplements (BAA). Due to their active components, it is possible to reduce the volume of adipose tissue and in parallel to increase muscle mass. As an example, you can consider a drug such as dietary supplements for weight loss Simpatoterm Lux. As a result of its application, the following effect is observed:

  • Acceleration of the metabolic process;
  • Suppression of appetite;
  • Inhibition of fat absorption;
  • Elimination of liquid.

In order for the selected dietary supplements (biologically active additives) to fulfill its purpose, it is important to follow a diet with a minimum content of sugars and fats.

Strengthening ligaments and joints

The next problem of a large number of people is the weakness of the joints. With age, and also as a result of increased physical stress, there are sometimes violations in the form of reduced mobility and severe pain. In this case, special preparations will help, for example, Glucosamine & Chondroitin. Thanks to it, the nutrition of joint tissues improves, pain and swelling are eliminated, regeneration processes are accelerated, which has a positive effect on strength and resistance to stretching. That is why this dietary supplement can be used during prevention or treatment to reduce the recovery period after injuries and strains.

Supplements for men

This category can be broken into two subcategories. To the first we classify biologically active additives (BAA), which help to eliminate problems with erection.

They improve blood circulation in all organs and systems, which positively affects potency. Excellent effect has a dietary supplement for potency Potencer, normalizing the nutrition of tissues. In this case, there is a positive effect not only on sexual function, but also on the work of the whole organism.

Representatives of the second subgroup promote the increase of testosterone. Such nutritional supplements - dietary supplements contribute to the normalization of the hormonal level. In this case, they usually have a plant composition. It can be Ginseng Kianpi Pil or dietary supplements to increase testosterone Anabolizer.


How to make CJC 1295 solution for injection

01 Nov 2017

Many beginning bodybuilders, wishing to increase the synthesis of their own growth hormone, are interested in how to dilute the CJC-1295 and where to store it, so as not to reduce efficiency.

Features of preparing CJC-1295

CJC-1295 is a peptide synthetic hormone that affects the pituitary gland and helps to increase the production of its own somatropin. This drug, which has found its wide application in the practice of bodybuilding, has the following effects:

  • Stimulates the growth of muscle mass;
  • Accelerates the processes of lipolysis;
  • Provides rapid recovery after prolonged physical exertion;
  • Strengthens bone and muscle tissue;
  • Promotes the rejuvenation of the body.

For an athlete with a body weight of 100 kg, a single dose of the drug is 100 μg. In order to dilute CJC-1295, 1-2 cubes of water for injections will be required (the drug is released in vials of 2 mg = 2000 μg). The solvent should be injected slowly, with a syringe, along the walls of the vial, without mixing (the drug must dissolve independently). The optimal dose is 1 μg per 1 kg of body weight, 3 times a day. The diluted peptide is stored in the refrigerator.

The best time for injections: before meals, at bedtime and after workout (the interval between injections should be 3 hours).


Side Effects of CJC-1295 (DAC)

01 Nov 2017

Despite the fact that CJC-1295 (DAC), which affects the somatostatin energy system, is considered one of the most effective and safe means to stimulate the production of its own growth hormone, it should be used very carefully. This precaution is due to the fact that this synthetic peptide is capable of provoking the development of side effects, leading to both positive and negative consequences.

Positive side effects of CJC-1295

Strengthening the body's immune system;

Strengthening of bone tissue, ligaments and joints;

Anti-aging effect;

Anti-inflammatory effect;

Strengthening the relief of muscles and venous tracery;

Improved skin and hair.

Undesirable side effects of CJC-1295 (DAC)

As a rule, the side effects of CJC-1295 DAC occur against the background of an individual intolerance to the peptide hormone. The list of unwanted reactions includes:

  • dizziness;
  • Mild headaches;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness;
  • Small swelling and swelling of the joints.

Side effects of CJC-1295 include increased water retention, irritation at the injection site, fatigue, arthralgia, numbness in the extremities, a significant increase in the production of its own growth hormone, leading to the development of influenza-like symptoms, bloating, gynecomastia, and decreased sensory sensitivity.

In the event of negative effects, it is necessary to consult a trainer or a sports doctor about the advisability of further releasing the growth hormone factor.

Experts argue that all the above-mentioned adverse reactions that occur when taking peptide products that stimulate the production of their own growth hormone are a consequence of exceeding the dosage and the maximum duration of the course application. All of them are reversible and completely eliminated after drug withdrawal.


Best dietary supplements for improving potency

01 Nov 2017

Long physical exertion can negatively affect the potency. Of course, you do not need to panic and drop your hands. It is enough to pick up BAA drugs to improve potency and take them to courses.

When taking supplements that improve the potency

In order to understand when the BADs that improve potency are taken, it is necessary to find out what they are. To begin with, supplements are not medicines. They can be used in parallel with drugs prescribed by doctors for acute illness, that is, during treatment. But most often they are used for the purpose of prevention.

Thus, each man will benefit from dietary supplements to improve potency. You just need to pick them right. The choice is made based on the action. Often, problems with potency are observed in circulatory disorders. In this case, it will be more appropriate such a drug as a dietary supplement for potency Potencer. It has a plant composition and can be taken without the appointment of a doctor, and for a long time, as it is easily tolerated and does not cause any side effects.

Active components are:

  • Red root extract;
  • Ginseng extract;
  • Extract of Manchu aralia.

All of them positively affect the condition of blood vessels, clean their walls, remove slags, which positively affects the nutrition of all organs and tissues.

BAA preparations to improve potency and testosterone production

Also, dietary supplements to improve the potency of men can affect the hormonal level, for example, Tribulus. In its composition, it has only one component, tribulus extract, but despite this, it has a pronounced effect, raising the level of hormones in the male body.

Similarly, Ginseng Kianpi Pil and tablets for increasing testosterone Anabolizer, but unlike Tribulus, includes a large number of plant components, each of which has its effect.


Preparations of recombinant growth hormone

01 Nov 2017

Recombinant Growth Hormone is a pharmacological preparation obtained by genetic engineering, which is absolutely identical in its composition to natural human somatotropin. It has found wide application in the bodybuilding industry, as a means to increase dry muscle mass and fat burning. Currently, the modern market of sports products is almost "piled up" with various drugs of STG, in connection with which a person uninitiated in all subtleties, it is difficult to determine and make the right choice.

Artificial growth hormone

Preparations of the Growth Hormone are quite popular and not cheap products. Original pharmaceuticals that have undergone a complete purification procedure contribute to an increase in muscle mass, stimulate the burning of subcutaneous fat, and, at the same time, do not cause the formation of a large number of antibodies. However, because of the high cost, not everyone can afford them. As a consequence, in recent years, the number of cheaper fakes has significantly increased, on which unscrupulous producers earn very well.

The artificial growth hormone growth hormone, available in the Russian market, is registered under the following trade names:

Genotropin (USA);

Jintropin (China);

Ansomon (China);

Neotropin (China);

Norditropin (Denmark);

Humatrop (USA);

Sizen (Italy);

Biosome (Lithuania).

Preparations of Russian production are not currently produced.

These preparations of growth hormone plays a key role in skeletal muscle hypertrophy, contribute to the stimulation of lipolysis, increase the concentration of insulin-like growth factor and IRFSB-3 (IGF-binding protein), decrease intake fat depot triglycerides, reduced volume of blood plasma and tissue fluid, increase bone metabolism , Increase physical endurance and muscle strength.

To date, among the bodybuilders, the greatest popularity in the ratio of "price-quality" found such preparations of recombinant growth hormone as Ansomon, Higrothropin, Dzhintropin. The main advantages of this product include its pharmacological effectiveness, the absence of androgenic effects, low incidence of adverse reactions. The disadvantage of artificial somatotropin drugs is their high enough cost, and the ability to be addictive.


How to increase testosterone at home

01 Nov 2017

Athletes who want to reach certain heights in sports need not only to train. When you are at home, do not forget about some restrictions and recommendations. For example, there is often a question of how to increase testosterone in a man at home.

At home, it is important, first of all, to adjust the diet. Excess fatty foods and preservatives slow the metabolism process. As a result, the fat tissue begins to break off. It is the "enemy" of testosterone, as it is capable of processing it into female hormones. Thus, compliance with the diet will help get rid of excess fat and increase muscle mass.

Supplements to increase testosterone

In the event that you do not produce the right amount of testosterone, how to improve at home will tell you your body. The lack of vitamins and microelements adversely affects the work of the organs. Therefore, they are necessarily included in the composition of testosterone boosters, such as D-Aspartic Acid, B-Ecdysterone, Ginseng Kianpi Pil and so on. It is also important to introduce into the diet foods rich in vitamins.

Separately, we need to consider the sleep and rest regime. With a lack of sleep, the body begins to make "supplies" in the form of fat deposits. Thus, even intensive training will not help build muscle.

At home, you can take broths of herbs. If you do not know how to raise testosterone levels at home, and do not want to bother with folk recipes, you can use ready-made preparations on a plant basis.


Chorionic gonadotropin and testosterone

01 Nov 2017

Chorionic gonadotropin and testosterone are two absolutely opposite actions of the hormone, which, nevertheless, are closely related. Preparations containing in their composition these glycoproteins have found wide application in medicine, in the treatment of diseases of the male reproductive system, as well as in sports practice where they are used to increase the volume and strength of muscles.

Effect of gonadotropin on testosterone

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a peptide hormone used as an indicator of pregnancy. In clinical practice, it is used as a medicament that promotes the induction of ovulation in the ovaries (in women) and the production of testosterone in the testes (in the treatment of androgen deficiency in men).

How are chorionic gonadotropin and testosterone related? HCG produces a stimulating gonadotropic effect, enhances the production of its own testosterone and improves sperm quality.

Therapy with Gonadotropin preparations is indicated for male patients suffering from such diseases as:

  • Secondary hypogonadism;
  • Idiopathic male infertility;
  • Non-admission testicles in the scrotum (cryptorchidism);
  • Impaired spermatogenesis (oligospermia, asthenospermia, azoospermia);
  • Underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of the testicles;
  • Age-related androgen insufficiency.

There is also a normalizing effect of Gonadotropin on testosterone in the absence of secondary sexual characteristics in men, late puberty, and dysfunction of the sex glands associated with malfunctioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

At the same time, Chorionic Gonadotropin and Testosterone (exogenous forms) are used as preparations of complex therapy to reduce the concentration of steroids in the blood, by stimulating the secretion of their own sex hormones.

Use of hCG in bodybuilding

In sports practice, hCG is used as a means to restore the original mass and function of the testicles after a course of steroids. In this situation, the stimulating effect of Gonadotropin on testosterone of endogenous origin, the normalization of hormonal status, the restoration of libido and spermatogenesis comes to the forefront. Also, many athletes note the positive effects of hCG on the psyche, the preservation of muscle mass during the drying period and the burning of subcutaneous fat.


Results from the use of growth hormone

01 Nov 2017

The growth hormone, which almost instantly won a fairly high reputation in the sports pharmacopeia market, found its wide application in bodybuilding. With regular training and balanced nutrition this polypeptide bioregulator promotes the successful growth and maintenance of muscle mass.

Mechanism of action

Recombinant growth hormone, which is a product of genetic engineering, began to be used from the late 80s of the last century. During this time, he proved himself to be an effective drug with pronounced anabolic and lipolytic (fat-burning) properties.

Somatropin stimulates protein synthesis and enhances the transport of amino acids from the bloodstream to the cells. The effect of Growth Hormone is mediated by an insulin-like factor-1, anabolic-like, formed in the liver. The receptors for the protein-peptide biocatalyst are located on the cells of the muscle, fatty, connective, lymphoid and cartilaginous tissues, which allows it to participate in the regulation of growth and development of the whole organism.

HGH Effects

Conducting numerous clinical studies allowed to fix the following results from Growth Hormone:

Stimulation of the body's growth in length (up to 26 years) and increase in width and thickness of bones;

Growth of muscle and connective tissue mass:

Reduction of fatty layer and lowering of cholesterol level;

Increase the efficiency of assimilation of amino acids and enhance protein synthesis, leading to an increase in body weight;

Opposition to the age-related disintegration of muscles (catabolism);

An increase in the level of glucose in the blood and an obstacle to its absorption by tissues;

Increased peripheral circulation and contractility of the heart muscle.

Consequences of taking GH

Like any other hormonal drug, manufactured by the modern pharmaceutical industry, GH has side effects. However, it should be emphasized that they are observed quite rarely, and only if the dosage and duration of the course intake is exceeded, and also if poor quality, counterfeit products are used.

The consequences of Growth Hormone are reversible, that is, they are quickly eliminated after a dose reduction or course termination. The most common side effects include tunnel syndrome (pain and numbness of limbs due to the compression of the growing muscles of the peripheral nerves), increased blood pressure and blood glucose levels, and daytime sleepiness.

Feeling of weakness and a rise in body temperature is evidence of the use of a fake poor-quality product. Long-term abuse of growth hormone can cause acromegaly, lead to suppression of thyroid function and increase of internal organs. When using the drug in accordance with the instruction, side effects and adverse effects usually do not develop.


Functions and properties of growth hormone

01 Nov 2017

The importance of growth hormone for the human body is difficult to overestimate. This biologically active catalyst, produced by adenohypophysis, is a key polypeptide designed to be responsible for a wide variety of vital functions.

Biochemical properties of the Growth Hormone

Somatropin, containing 191 amino acids in its composition, has many different properties. It is synthesized in the acidophilic cells of the pituitary gland every 20-30 minutes. Almost all structural units of the human body are sensitive to GH, but the "special" targets are muscular, cartilaginous, bone, fatty tissue, and liver, which have an increased affinity for this bioregulator.

  • The main biochemical properties of the Growth Hormone:
  • Increase of amino acid transport and acceleration of protein synthesis on ribosomes;
  • Increased fat metabolism;
  • Acceleration of peripheral circulation;
  • Activation of energy processes, increase of respiratory activity of tissues;
  • Intensification of mineral metabolism and vitamin D production.

The fundamental functions of the Growth Hormone: stimulation of cell size increase and proliferation (augmentation of their number due to mitotic division) with the subsequent differentiation of tissues ensuring continuous updating of the structures of the human body.

The value of GH in medicine and sport

The importance of a hormone that has a powerful anabolic and anti-catabolic effect is so obvious that it can not be denied. However, after 20 years of human life, its production begins to gradually decline, which, in turn, becomes the primary cause of the development of aging processes. That's why GR is rightfully considered the key to longevity.

At the moment, the most popular and popular substitute for Somatropin is the recombinant preparation, obtained from genetically modified bacterial cells. The positive effect of the Growth Hormone obtained by artificial means is no different from the effect of natural STH. With the course application, it helps to increase muscle mass and physical strength, eliminates surplus subcutaneous fat deposits and some consequences of skin aging, renews regeneration of organs atrophied with age, increases the density of cartilage and bone tissue, stimulates the production of bone marrow cells, improves the cholesterol profile, normalizes blood circulation and Cerebral cognitive activity, helps to strengthen immunity.


GHRP-2 \ 6 + CJC-1295 with DAC: The Golden Mean

01 Nov 2017

Aims of Course

This course is for you if you are interested in:

• sharp and persistent increase in strength and endurance;

• Reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat, reducing the volume of visceral fat, is most noticeable in the abdomen, which has a beneficial effect on the health of internal organs;

• constantly progressive growth of muscle tissue - a week to 1 kilogram of pure muscles;

• improving the quality of the skin, the condition of the hair, nails, until the disappearance of fine wrinkles;

• increased bone structure density, joint and ligament strengthening, during intensive training to reduce the risk of their injuries;

• Improvement of emotional state and sleep.

Used drugs:

• 5 vials of GHRP (6 or 2) 5 mg;

• 9 vials of the drug CJC-1295 with DAC 2 mg.


Compared with the usual "Golden Mean", this course uses a modification of CJC-1295 - a peptide with prolonged exposure. It is characterized by high indicators of stability and bioavailability, improves effectively the production of GH, while its half-life continues up to 2 weeks. The effect, which gives only one injection, can be compared with the intake of medium doses of GH - growth hormone for a whole week.

Thus, the course is suitable for those athletes who are trying not only to reduce the time frame for mass recruitment, but also to do less injections than in other similar courses. Feedback from those who have already tried this drug on themselves, indicate that the muscles really grow quickly, and there is no need to constantly keep a few peptides with them.

Also, the course will be interesting for those who want to spend their money reasonably, buying special medications that do not harm health and allow for a beneficial and sustainable result.


• GHRP (2 or 6) - 150 mkg 3 times a day. 5 vials - for a course for 2 months;

• ÑJÑ-1295 with DAÑ - 1000 μgx2 times a week. 9 vials - for a course of 63 days.

The dosage is calculated for an athlete weighing 100 kg with the expectation that 5 μg of the active substance remains in the "nozzle" of the syringe. Dosage should be calculated using the formula: per 1 kg of weight:

• GHRP - 1.5 μg;

• CJC-1295 with DAC - 10 μg.

Experts strongly do not recommend lowering the dosage of the second peptide. Minimal effective for the growth of muscle mass dose of GHRP is - 1 μg of the drug per 1 kg of weight.

Mix the peptides in a syringe just before the injection. In a vial, mixing is unacceptable, as it provokes a loss of effectiveness and the appearance of possible side effects.

Duration of the course

9 weeks - 2 months.


There are no contraindications. Very rarely there was dizziness and pulsation in the region of the temples within half an hour (30 minutes) after injection of CJC-1295 with DAC, redness at the site of injections, a feeling of fatigue in the first days of taking the drug. This is due to the increased activity of growth hormone production centers. The only side effect of GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 is redness and burning at the injection sites, which pass very quickly.

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