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The course of peptide GHRP 6

09 Nov 2017

Hexarelin (GHRP 6) is a relatively new, but already very popular peptide product that enhances the secretion of its own growth hormone. To date, this drug, which has found its wide application in the bodybuilding industry, is one of the most optimal synthetic bioregulators in the "efficiency-safety" ratio.

Application Features

The course of GHRP 6 is a unique opportunity to quickly build up pure muscle mass and dry the body, increase the body's physical strength and increase its endurance. However, the use of oligopeptide before the performances, during the period of intensive training serves as a guarantee of safety and prevention of sports injuries. It is remarkable that it does not have a negative effect on the liver, has anti-inflammatory properties and strengthens the immune system.

The use of GHRP 6, which is the "bearer" of the effects of growth hormone, is carried out not only during the preparation for the competition, but also for the purpose of getting rid of the subcutaneous fat layer and the acquisition of the relief musculature. Possessing a low molecular weight, this product can be absorbed in both parenteral and enteral administration (to achieve the maximum anabolic effect, Hexarelin is recommended in the form of injections).

Since the peptide bioregulator is a dose-dependent drug, the GHRP 6 course is formulated taking into account the allowable daily dosages. Low, as well as overestimated doses, do not lead to a change in the secretion of growth hormone. The daily portion of the product should not exceed 3 μg per 1 kg of body weight. Otherwise, there is an undesirable increase in cortisol and prolactin. The drug is administered subcutaneously, 3 times a day (in the morning, before breakfast, after training and before bedtime). As a solvent, sterile or bacteriostatic water for injection is used.


Can I lose weight by giving up flour and sweet?

09 Nov 2017

In most cases, all diets involve the rejection of certain foods. Someone refuses carbohydrates, others completely eliminate desserts, while others do not eat bread. Especially often there is a question, whether it is possible to grow thin, having refused flour and sweet. To answer it, and at the same time and understand what effect will be on such nutrition, it is necessary to find out exactly how these products affect our body.

How much you can lose weight by giving up the sweet

There is an opinion that if you refuse from flour, you can lose weight by a large number of kilograms and almost instantly. To begin with, buns, cakes, sweets and sweet drinks are carbohydrates, and the lungs. When ingested, they instantly converted into energy and spent on doing the daily work. But this is only if they receive a moderate amount.

If too much carbohydrate comes in too much, some of it is converted into energy, and the rest is stored in fat stores. At the next meal, the situation repeats and already in your body becomes a couple of kilograms more. This is how we gain weight.

If you are interested in the question of whether you can lose weight by giving up flour, try to give up some of the fat and increase your activity a little. For this, you can do morning jogs or regularly swing the press. As a result, less simple carbohydrates will enter the body, and already available reserves will be consumed in the form of energy. This will make it possible to reduce the amount of adipose tissue. It is necessary to replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones. In the first place - it's porridge, fruits and vegetables.

But not only in the form of simple carbohydrates is the danger of sweet and flour foods. In addition to them, during consumption, not the most useful substances come into the body:

  • Preservatives;
  • Flavoring;
  • Emulsifiers.

All this negatively affects not only your figure, but also the state of the whole organism. With long-term use of such substances, the risk of allergies increases, blood circulation and lymph flow are disrupted.

Thus, wondering whether it is possible to lose weight if you give up the sweet, it turns out that such a diet helps not only to reduce weight, but also to improve the work of all organs and strengthen health.

How to strengthen the effect of rejection of flour and sweet

It is especially important to consider the question of how much you can lose weight by giving up the sweet. Here everything is individual. The main thing is that you can avoid the effect when weight loss stops at a certain level. But you can still enhance the effect. To do this, it is sufficient to choose fat burners. It can be Methyldrene-25, China White 25 Ephedra and Black Spider 25 Ephedra. Their main component is the ECA complex, which promotes the breakdown of fats and the acceleration of metabolic processes.

Similar effect is possessed by Simpatoterm Lux with an active component - guarana extract. Excellent ingredients are such components as the extract of Kenyan pepper, rhodiola rosea, ortilia, green tea and yohimbe. Finding out if you can lose weight, giving up sweet, it is superfluous to deal with each fat burner separately and choose the most suitable.


Peptides GHRP 2 and GHRP 6

08 Nov 2017

GHRP 2 and GHRP 6 are synthetic peptide drugs that have found wide application in the bodybuilding industry. Stimulating the production of natural growth hormone, they help increase muscle mass, strengthen bone tissue and strengthen the immune forces of the body.

The difference between GHRP 2 and GHRP 6

HCPD2 and HCHRP6 are oligopeptides that release growth hormone.

Release peptide GHRP 6 (Hexarelin) is a relatively new, potent biological stimulator that affects the increased release of GH by each individual growth cell.

GHRP 2 was obtained from Hexarelin by replacing two of the six available amino acids. Having a low molecular weight, this product is by far the most powerful booster of all the existing ones. It has a less pronounced effect on the secretion of prolactin and cortisol, increases the growth rate of dry muscle mass, reduces the amount of adipose tissue and cholesterol level, strengthens the body's relief, and has a rejuvenation effect.

The peptides GHRP 2 and GHRP 6 belong to the same group, and as a consequence, when releasing the growth hormone, they have the same effect on the pituitary gland. The only difference of the first is its ability to activate specific ghrelin receptors, thereby significantly increasing appetite. Therefore, it is recommended that GHRP 2 be applied to those weightlifters who work for weight gain. As for muscle drying, in this situation, releasing the growth hormone GHRP6 peptide is the more optimal solution.

Feasibility of joint application

Reviews about GHRP 2 and GHRP 6, which have almost the same effect, are mostly positive. These are absolutely legal drugs, which, with the correct dosage, do not cause any side effects. However, professionals do not recommend using them in a complex, as this can lead to the following violations:

Increased secretion of cortisol and prolactin;

Supersaturation of receptors and temporary loss of their sensitivity to the product.

Therefore, it is wiser to choose one of the peptide preparations and apply it in the recommended dosage.


The level of growth hormone and its norm

08 Nov 2017

The level of HGH, which is a fairly popular pharmacological drug among athletes, is an indicator that is not a constant, but depends on the functional state of the endocrine system and the whole organism.

Factors influencing the secretion of GH

The norms of the Growth Hormone in adults and children vary significantly. In childhood and adolescence (from birth to 20 years), reference values are constantly changing, and in the adult remain relatively stable. However, this constancy is relatively, since with every ten years lived, the concentration of Somatropin in the blood serum imperceptibly drops by 10-15%. However, this value can vary under the influence of physiological or pathological factors.

Physiological factors

  • Stressful situations;
  • Daily rhythms of hormonal secretion;
  • Increase or decrease in blood glucose;
  • physical exercise;
  • deep sleep;
  • Effect of ghrelin (the so-called hormone of hunger), somatoliberin, etc.

Pathological factors

  • Genetic defects in the development of the hypothalamic-pituitary system;
  • Tissue resistance to the action of GH receptors;
  • Acquired pathologies of the pituitary gland;
  • infectious diseases;
  • Vascular disorders;
  • Injuries;
  • Tumors of various parts of the brain;
  • Chemotherapy and its consequences;
  • Infiltrative diseases, etc.
  • Growth hormone

Normal HGH:

  • In an adult male - 0-3 ng / ml;
  • The woman has 0-8ng / ml.

The parameters obtained by performing the radioimmunoassay analysis are 46-465 pmol / l.

Interpretation of the results is the prerogative of a specialist. This study should be carried out with extreme caution, since the Somatropin level is constantly variable, and to obtain the most objective results, it may take more than one study, and then the arithmetic mean is determined.

As a rule, a blood test for STG is not prescribed for general diagnostic examination. Indication for its conduct is a suspicion of a pathology of the pituitary gland or a violation of the production of the hormone itself. For bodybuilders, it is recommended to determine the level of GH before and after the combined course for muscle mass.


Best dietary supplements for increase potency

08 Nov 2017

For the proper functioning of any organism, the hormonal level is important. In men, testosterone plays a major role. It is he who is responsible for the formation of the body by the male type, the growth of muscle mass and the inhibition of the deposition of fats. But the most important is that it is from this hormone that the sexual puncture depends. For this reason, sooner or later a man starts to think about what supplements, increasing the potency to choose, to achieve the desired effect.

Choosing a dietary supplement that increases potency in men

In order to never face such a problem as reducing potency, it is important to choose the right supplement. In most cases, they have a plant composition. At the same time, some affect the hormonal level, while others improve blood circulation. Potencer stands out. Due to the presence of plant extracts, the additive has many advantages:

  • Absence of side effects;
  • The maximum result;
  • Absence of contraindications;
  • Normalization of blood circulation in all organs.

But it is noteworthy that due to the normalization of blood circulation this dietary supplement for increasing the potency in men positively affects the overall well-being. It facilitates recovery from injuries and diseases and increases immunity.

Buy BAA for increasing potency

In order to choose the most suitable drug, you can read reviews about dietary supplements to increase potency in men. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the composition. As already mentioned, modern supplements are more often vegetable. An excellent example are dietary supplements to increase testosterone Testoporject and Tribulus. Here, the active components are extracts of plants such as rhodiola, ortilia, tribulus, and so on.

At the same time, you can buy dietary supplements to increase potency with a completely different composition. For example, D-Aspartic Acid includes D-aspartic acid. It stimulates the production of testosterone and positively affects the potency.

When choosing an additive, you should carefully read the advice of doctors about dietary supplements for men for potency. As a rule, contraindications are reduced to intolerance of components. Therefore, the composition should be studied first. In addition, it is important to take into account that funds should be accepted by courses with mandatory breaks.

Seldom there are any side effects during the procedure. Most additives are easily transferred and after a couple of days of application cause the desired effect. Dosage and continue the course of each dietary supplement. In addition, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics and the regime of physical exertion.


Effective dietary supplements to increase potency

07 Nov 2017

The main goal of each athlete is to build muscle. To achieve this with a low level of testosterone is simply impossible. For this reason, professionals often use dietary supplements to increase potency. They, depending on their composition, improve blood circulation or normalize the level of testosterone by stimulating its production.

Choosing a dietary supplement that increases the potency

Before choosing these or other dietary supplements to increase the potency, it is important to find out exactly what the cause of the pathology may be and how it can be eliminated. All supplements used by athletes can be divided into two large groups. To the first we shall refer the preparations improving blood circulation.

The main duty of the supplement is to improve blood circulation. In parallel, there are other effects:

  • Purification of the body of toxins and toxins;
  • Increased immunity;
  • Improved nutrition of tissues and organs.

As a result, recovery from injuries and diseases proceeds much faster. In addition, the work of all organs is normalized. Accordingly, problems with potency are completely eliminated and the resistance of the organism to diseases and negative factors increases.

The second group includes dietary supplements to increase potency, affecting the level of hormones. The safest are those that contain only plant components. They can be taken for a long time without worrying about side effects. This can be Testoproject or Tribulus. At the same time, there are also non-vegetative preparations, for example, d-aspartic acid, which has a stimulating effect on the organs responsible for producing testosterone.

Thus, to choose dietary supplements to increase the potency is necessary only taking into account such criteria as the age of a man, the mode of exercise, the presence or absence of problems with potency, and so on.


Course for chocolate tanning: peptide Melanotan 2

07 Nov 2017

The main objectives of the course

This course helps in achieving:

1. Beautiful and even tan.

2. Safe stay in the sun or in a solarium, without the slightest risk of burning.

3. Increasing libido, both in women and men, in improving sexual life.

4. Decreased appetite, ease in dieting and maintaining a beautiful figure.

5. Effective fat burning and gradual weight loss.

Used drugs

For injections, peptide Melanotan 2 is worth ordering 3 vials of a dosage of 10mg. You can also use it in the form of a spray (20mg), also 3 bottles. The intranasal route of administration of this substance requires a higher dosage, despite the fact that there is more in the spray of the active substance. Consequently, the injection version is more economical, although in use and slightly less convenient.

Course Benefits

At the end of just one month you will get a golden-chocolate, perfect-perfect even tan, as well as those who have the opportunity to take sun baths all year round. The peptide course Melanotan 2 allows you to emphasize the beauty of the sports body, the relief of muscles, and, thanks to the increased sexual drive, will allow you to receive incredible pleasure from intimate life.

Take into account the fact that for the best result during the course, one to three times a week sunbathe in the sun or visit a solarium. In this case, even light-skinned people will not only not burn, but they can also not worry about colliding with any negative impact of ultraviolet radiation.

Initially, Melanotan 2 was designed just to protect against the harmful effects of the sun. Without a stay in a solarium or in the sun you can get only a light tan, however, a bright and deep color is usually unattainable.

The peptide is an ideal addition to the fat burning rate, as it can reduce appetite along with cravings for "forbidden" foods. As a result, in just one month you will get a beautiful even tan, saving time and money on the solarium, and improving the quality of the usual life (including intimate) in general. This is truly a key tool for those who want to look impressive!

Dosage and duration of the course

The duration of the course is 1 month.

• For thirty days daily, 1 mg of melanotan 2 doses of 10mg. The duration of taking the drug may be shorter, for example, with a darker skin tone, as well as a high level of own production of melanin, the desired effect can be obtained early.

• Injections of 1 mg once a week are enough to maintain sunburn. When ordering the spray Melanotan 2 - daily in each nostril for 3-4 injections.

• For those whose weight is 100 kg or more, the minimum effective dosage is 4 injections.

The specified dosage was calculated for a user whose weight is not more than 100 kg, with the expectation that the active substance in the "nozzle" of the syringe will remain 5 μg.


Melanotan for injections has no contraindications and side effects. In Melanotan 2 spray, the only side effect is irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which disappears when the dosage of the peptide is reduced.

In our online store you can quickly and safely order a certified original peptide Melanotan 2 for injection or spray and bactericidal water for dissolving drugs.


How to increase the production of testosterone

07 Nov 2017

For an athlete who wants to increase muscle mass, it is important not only to pick up effective exercises, but also help the body cope with the task. The substance required in this complex process is testosterone. It is he who improves blood circulation in the cells of the muscle tissue and also increases libido. It is especially important to note that preparations for the development of their own testosterone are almost entirely natural and do not cause any complications.

Advantages of preparations for producing testosterone

Bodybuilders use sports nutrition and various biological supplements to form a pronounced relief. Each drug has its own contraindications and can cause some complications. But among them there are means that are absolutely safe. Everything is explained by their composition. As a rule, these are extracts of herbs that have a pronounced stimulating property, which contributes to the production of luteinizing hormone.

At the same time, they can not be called hormonal. They only stimulate the work of organs. In the form of examples, you can consider such well-known dietary supplements, such as Tribulus 90%, Ginseng Kianpi Pil or B-Ecdysterone. In addition, the drug, which increases the production of testosterone, has the following effect:

  • Improvement of blood circulation of muscles;
  • Increased endurance;
  • Possibility of increasing loads;
  • Improvement of potency.

These funds include only natural ingredients. They are safe, act quickly and are also highly effective. In rare cases with prolonged use and excess dosage increases the likelihood that the body will stop producing hormone on its own. Therefore, it will be superfluous to find out from more experienced athletes how to increase the production of testosterone and in what dosage should the drugs be taken. It is also recommended to observe the duration of the course, take a break, and to avoid complications, you can regularly take tests and consult a doctor.


Biologically active additives from impotence

07 Nov 2017

Impotence is the problem of a large number of men. It is not always associated with age-related changes. Often, the violation of potency is observed even in young guys. This may be due to a large number of factors. It is based on them and selected from dietary supplements for impotence in men.

Let's start with the fact that a violation of potency can be associated with problems from the circulatory system. As a rule, with frequent stresses and when taking certain drugs, there is a deterioration in the supply of tissues and organs due to the fact that the blood does not come to them in the right amount. Also, the slowly developing circulatory system, namely the capillaries, is negatively affected.

Application of dietary supplements against impotence

In order to eliminate this problem, it is not necessary to take serious medications. It is sufficient to competently approach the choice of such a wonderful remedy as dietary supplements from impotence. As a rule, dietary supplements have a plant composition. It is through this that it can be used without prescribing a doctor, without worrying about side effects, since they practically never arise. In addition, the rich composition has a positive effect not only on blood circulation, but also on the whole organism.

A similar action has a dietary supplement for potency Potencer from Empyreal Dragon. Its main task:

  • Improvement of blood circulation;
  • Normalization of nutrition of tissues and organs;
  • Improving the performance of organs.

This effect is especially pronounced by the sex organons. Moreover, BAA from impotence perfectly combines high efficiency and safety, as it includes only plant components.

In addition, the cause of problems with sexual function may be a hormonal background. But in this case you will also benefit from dietary supplements for impotence in men. This can be tools such as Ginseng Kianpi Pil, testosterone tablets Anabolizer or Testoproject. They also have a plant compound that stimulates the production of their own testosterone, which has a positive effect not only on potency, but also on overall well-being.


Can I lose weight by riding a bicycle?

06 Nov 2017

Each of us tried to ride a bike in my childhood. Lesson is not only pleasant, but also useful. During such active rest the muscles of the legs, buttocks and abdominals are worked out. This improves the performance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

It is generally believed that only children can ride. But this is not so. If you want to improve your health and at the same time wish to reduce weight, it will be especially useful for you to find out whether you can lose weight while cycling.

Effectiveness of exercise

While riding a bicycle, blood circulation improves, which means that the cells are fed. In addition, the processes of oxidation of fat cells begin, which leads to their splitting. Due to cycling, you can achieve the following effect:

  • weight loss;
  • formation of a figure;
  • elimination of cellulite and skin condition improvement;
  • normalization of the heart and respiratory organs.

It is important to find out not only whether you can lose weight while riding a bicycle, but also how to do it to improve efficiency. If you want to lose weight, you have to skate every day. Duration of lessons not less than an hour. You need to start with short trips, lasting up to twenty minutes. Daily time increases.

It is important to choose for yourself a suitable bike path. Someone prefers quiet skating for an hour. Of course, they will be useful, but you will be very long to achieve weight reduction. Significantly more effective interval training. To do this for a few minutes you eat at the maximum speed, after which you continue to roll, only occasionally scrolling the pedals. So you let the body recover and start the fat burning process.

Try not to eat before departure and within an hour after a walk. Be sure to bring water or compote without adding sugar. To increase the effectiveness of training, limit the intake of calories and exclude harmful foods such as fatty meat, sweets, pastries and so on. You can take vitamins or fat burners in parallel. The latter will help you cope with increased loads and bring your goal closer.

Can I lose weight by cycling every day?

In order to understand whether you can lose weight while riding a bicycle on a daily basis, you need to find out how many calories are consumed during walks. The average figure is 500 calories per hour. It can be either higher or lower. It all depends on your initial weight, the type of bike, the speed of the ride and so on. It is especially important to take into account the characteristics of the area. If you ride on an asphalt track, calories will go slower, compared to walking on rough terrain.

While walking, watch your heartbeat and pulse. If during the interval exercises there was a pain in the joints or muscles, you need to take a break, but do not sit on the bench, but slowly go on. On average, for a month of daily walks you can get rid of 6-8 kilograms, and if there is a diet even more.

Can I lose weight by riding a bike-simulator

If you do not have the opportunity to ride a bicycle or a winter window, you can use an exercise bike. On the effectiveness of fat burning, they are similar. You can also alternate the intensity of the ride to achieve high results. The only difference is that during a walk on a bicycle you can breathe fresh air, which positively affects not only the state of the respiratory and cardiovascular system, but also the mood.

However, an exercise bike can be an excellent substitute for a bicycle. Do it on it you can at any time convenient for you and do the training of the necessary duration. At the same time, it is not enough to find out whether one can lose weight while riding a bicycle. It is important to find the strength in these activities. To help you with this can fat burners, such as Methyldrene Elite 25, Red Wasp 25, Black Spider 25 Ephedra, Diablos ECA Fire Caps or Black Mamba Hyperrush. As a result of their application, you will achieve the following efect:

  • A rush of strength;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • Splitting of fats;
  • Normalization of weight.

These additives are safe due to their natural composition. You can take them long before the goal is set. Active components will help not only eliminate all fat reserves, but also significantly improve the condition of organs and systems.

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