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What is better- peptides or growth hormone?

30 Oct 2017

Which is better: Growth Hormone or peptides? This question is of interest to many bodybuilders who decided to experience the anabolic effect of protein preparations. Let's try to figure out and dot the "I".

What is common between peptides and Growth Hormone?

From the point of view of molecular biology, both natural and artificially synthesized peptides, which are amino acid residues linked by peptide bonds, are precursors of somatotropin. Depending on their structure, they can act as inhibitors or catalysts, boosters or activators of biochemical processes.

Just like Growth Hormone, peptide complexes accelerate the growth of muscle mass and stimulate lipolytic processes. In this connection, the similarities between genetically modified recombinant peptides and STH end.

What is the difference between peptides and GH?

Those who find it difficult to make a choice: growth hormone or peptides - which is better, you should study their differences:

The use of GH, in contrast to peptides, requires strict adherence to dosages, constant monitoring of laboratory parameters, as well as smooth exit from the course;

With the most moderate use of the Growth Hormone weekly, it costs $ 150-300. And this, in terms of the full course, is not one thousand dollars. The cost of peptides is several times lower;

And, finally, peptide complexes, in comparison with the growth hormone, allow more flexible manipulation of the concentration curve, while obtaining the maximum anabolic response.

What do the testimonies show?

As evidenced by the reviews of professionals, the superiority in terms of the increase in net muscle mass is occupied by the Growth Hormone. Used in the practice of iron sport for a sufficiently long period of time, according to standard, well-established schemes, it is considered more effective. As for peptides, experiments with these preparations, which have only taken their place in sports pharmacology, are still going on. And already received information that with a competent combination they are able to act no less effectively than GH.


Nutrition for increasing growth hormone

30 Oct 2017

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of growth hormone for the human body. It rejuvenates, eliminates fat and allows you to build muscle. There is a special food for growth hormone, which will ensure its high-quality production in the body.

The right approach to nutrition

Physical stress must necessarily be supplemented by a balanced diet. In this case, two components are important: quality and quantity. By the quality of nutrition means that a person will change his usual daily diet. Nutrition for growth hormone suggests getting rid of fatty, sweet and flour products with a switch to consumption of protein foods.

You can offer a list of products that are considered the best in solving this problem. They restore strength and significantly increase the level of somatotropin in the body: buckwheat and oat porridge, cottage cheese, poultry meat, cheese; Milk, lean beef, legumes, nuts; Veal, fish, chicken eggs.

Complete elimination of fats is unacceptable, as this causes loss of strength, reduced brain efficiency and general CNS depression, but they must be consumed in very limited quantities.

Supplement to the diet for increasing growth hormone

In response to the appearance of sugar in the blood, insulin is released into it, which causes the growth hormone to be produced less intensively. The best secretion of somatotropin is achievable with the use of slow carbohydrates in the form of cereals and similar dishes, and not fast in the form of chocolate, white bread and others. This will ensure the minimization of insulin bursts. Such food for growth hormone will do good.

A number of foods contain slow carbohydrates: legumes; Porridges; Macaroni; Cherry; Peaches; Coarse bread; Oranges; Pears; Tomatoes; avocado; Apples; Spinach. Food with their content is most appropriate in the first half of the day to ensure their quality assimilation.

How many times do you have?

Food for growth hormone should be fractional, it is better to have 5-6 meals, but the amount of food should be less. Three hours before sleep, the stomach should not be overloaded. It is required to consume up to two liters of plain water a day.

As additional stimulators of the process of producing somatotropin, you can call dietary supplements. In this case, there are leaders in the form of amino acids: citrulline, ornithine and arginine. They should be taken clearly dosed in accordance with the instructions on the package.


Peptides after a course of steroids

30 Oct 2017

Weightlifters who use steroids to achieve higher sports results sooner or later have to take a break. In this period, in 90% of cases, a significant decrease in testosterone levels is observed. This condition is explained by the fact that a synthetic analog, which has a pronounced anabolic and androgenic effect, significantly inhibits the secretion of its own steroid hormone. As a consequence, with the end of the course, a "rollback" begins (loss in strength and muscle mass). Therefore, to preserve the results of professional athletes are advised to conduct post-course therapy, which involves the use of peptides.

How to minimize losses?

The longer the reception of anabolic steroids lasted, the more complex the metabolism is restructured and the collected muscle mass is retained. In this period it is necessary to train under a special program, and also, in order not to fall asleep, immediately start using peptides after the course of steroids. This will help not only to maximize retained muscular mass, but will also help to establish the development of your own testosterone.

As a rule, the cancellation syndrome begins when the level of the synthetic hormone is lowered to a minimum, and own testosterone is not yet produced in normal physiological amounts. To avoid this, many pros are advised to take peptides after the course, or already during it, starting with the 6th week of steroid anabolic use. In this situation, the most optimal solution will be the use of non-mono drugs, and peptide complexes, the components of which have a synergistic effect.

Most bodybuilders prefer a course of GHRP (2,6) + CJC-1295 or Sermoreline + GHRP (2,6). Peptides after a course of steroids help maintain homeostasis and maximum results in the growth of dry muscle mass, and at the same time contribute to complete recovery of the body in a relatively short period of time.


Chorionic gonadotropin on post course therapy

30 Oct 2017

Post-course therapy (PCT) is a pharmacological technique necessary to restore normal functioning of the body after a course of anabolic steroids. It contributes to the restoration of the hormonal background, prevents the development of gynecomastia, oligospermia and testicular atrophy, and also actively struggles with the phenomenon of "recoil". After the cycle, preparations of a different mode of action are used. One of the components, Chorionic Gonadotropin on PCT, is recommended to use to increase the production of own, endogenous testosterone.

Effect of gonadotropin on the bodybuilding organism

HCG is a polypeptide hormone that is an analog of LH, which is characterized by effects similar to testosterone. Stimulating the secretion of its own androgens, it helps to restore the size of the testicles after the course of androgenic anabolic steroids. Gonadotropin on PCT, specifically interacting with the membrane receptors of luteotropin, increases the level of steroid hormone, which ensures the uninterrupted operation of the entire male body.

After injecting the drug for 5-6 days, a sharp increase in the concentration of testosterone in the blood plasma. This state allows you to recover faster after AAS and keep the testicles sensitive to their own gonadotropic hormones. To obtain the optimal effect of Gonadotropin on PCT, it is recommended to use 250 IU twice a week, for 35 days, starting from the sixth week of course use of steroids. With months of courses, the drug is taken continuously. However, in this case, experts advise after 4-5 weeks of use to take a ten-day break (to avoid the development of addiction and the occurrence of side effects).

In addition to recombinant Gonadotrophin, the modern PCT, conducted after a powerful steroid course, includes other drugs that allow the athlete's endocrine system to be restored in the shortest possible time. This pharmacological complex includes aromatase inhibitors, Growth Hormone or peptides, and Tamoxifen, which helps to improve the stiffness index of muscles and increase the level of production of own testosterone.

Overdose of Gonadotropin during post-course therapy can provoke the development of gynecomastia, lead to inflammation of the sebaceous glands, baldness or increased hair growth, and also cause an increase in the size of the prostate.


Course GHRP 2 + CJC 1295

30 Oct 2017

The GHRP 2 + CJC-1295 course is an effective and popular way of inducing protein synthesis and accelerated muscle mass, aimed at stimulating the production of its own growth hormone. This combination has the maximum synergistic effect. The combined use of drugs promotes the increase in the level of GH immediately after administration while simultaneously stimulating a whole range of biologically active compounds controlled by the pituitary gland.

The GHRP 2 + CJC-1295 course not only helps build up lean muscle mass, but also has a significant effect on energy metabolism, speeding up lipolysis and minimizing the increase in adipose tissue. The growing oligopeptide Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide 2 is by far the most powerful of all existing booster systems. Somatocrinine (CJC-1295) is a tetrasubstituted peptide hormone, which also has a significant effect on the production of somatotropin.

The complex use of drugs that have the ability to mutually reinforce each other's action helps to form a perfect muscle relief in the shortest possible time and without negative consequences for the health of the athlete. The effect of mutual reinforcement contributes to a significant saving of money (one synergistic course of GHRP 2 + CJC-1295 has the same pharmacological effect as two separate ones).

Application Features of Course GHRP 2 + CJC 1295

To achieve the maximum anabolic result, a combination of peptides is recommended to be used within two months, to be exact, 9 weeks. For the whole period of time a weightlifter with a body weight of 100 kg will need 5 bottles of GHRP 2 and 15 bottles of CJC-1295 (for 1 kg of weight - 1-1.5 μg of each product). As a solvent, sterile water for injection is used. Drugs can be combined directly in a syringe (ideally - insulin) before injecting. When mixed in a vial, the effectiveness of peptide bioregulators practically reduces to zero. Injections are recommended to be done 3 times a day: in the morning, 20-40 minutes before breakfast, after training and before bedtime.


Amino acids and growth hormone

30 Oct 2017

The intake of substances that are responsible for the release of growth hormone, is focused on stimulating its increased production in the human body. It accumulates in the pituitary gland, and its release is associated with such factors as exercise, sleep, and restriction in eating. There are certain amino acids from which the growth hormone is released much more actively: ornithine, tryptophan, arginine, tyrosine, glycine. With the help of these substances, somatotropin begins to stand out more actively at night. The effect of such additives is synergistic, that is, when used together with niacinamide, calcium, zinc, vitamin B6 and C, potassium, magnesium. 90 minutes after the person fell asleep, there is a peak of secretion.

Beneficial features

Using amino acids to produce growth hormone can achieve a good result. Somatotropin has the following effects:

  • Burns fat, translating it into a state of energy and in the musculature;
  • The body copes better with diseases of all kinds;
  • Wounds heal many times faster;
  • Body tissues are restored sooner;
  • Strengthens connective tissues, due to which ligaments and tendons become more healthy;
  • A protein is synthesized that accelerates muscle growth;
  • The level of urea in the blood drops.

The most important amino acids, the growth hormone from which is released more quickly, can be supplied to the body additionally. Even in 50 years, the level of somatotropin can be increased to what was in his youth, if you select the right drugs to stimulate its production.

Ornithine and arginine

These are two amino acids involved in the process of releasing the growth hormone. These two substances are now the most popular components of additives. Their main properties, so attractive to most people, are to help in losing weight and improving the shape of the body during sleep. This feature is associated with the development of somatotropin in a dream. While some hormonal drugs lead to the accumulation of fat in the body, its effect is completely opposite. He mobilizes fat reserves, providing not only the attractiveness of the external forms of man, but also giving it energy. Ornithine promotes the release of insulin, which often takes on the functions of an anabolic hormone, that is, provides a set of muscle mass. When taking this drug should follow the rule: eat on an empty stomach, washed down with water or juice.


Growth Hormone and Insulin

30 Oct 2017

For somatotropin, there is a clearly defined role in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism: both in its decrease and in the increase there is a change in carbohydrate metabolism in the body. These processes were described back in 1920. It is important to understand how growth hormone and insulin interact to use it for their own purposes.

Disturbance of glucose metabolism and obesity is characteristic for different stages of hypopituitarism. Patients with acromegaly often suffer from diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance. This all confirms the hypothesis about the involvement of the pituitary gland in regulating the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to this substance. In 1949, growth hormone was isolated in pure form, which allowed to prove his involvement in the formation of diabetes. With the introduction of somatotropin in significant doses, the effect of hyperglycemia is achieved. This action is caused by a decrease in the sensitivity of peripheral tissues, which includes muscle and fat, to the action of insulin.

Another effect of growth hormone is to stimulate the release of this substance by beta cells. With an excess of somatotropin, hyperinsulinemia is noted, and secretion of this substance also increases. Growth hormone and insulin are in close interaction. When there is a lack of the first, the process of hypoinsulinemia occurs, which causes the glucose level to increase noticeably. Early studies did not accurately determine the primary or secondary effects on secretion processes, and also determine whether there is a close relationship with peripheral tissues. There is an opinion that the effect of growth hormone is associated with its insulinotropic function.

Effects of somatotropin on different cell groups

Growth hormone affects fat cells not like insulin, but quite the opposite. It reduces insulin-stimulated and basal glucose intake by the cells themselves, and also reduces the degree of glucose oxidation and lidogenesis. The ability of somatotropin to reduce the degree of sensitivity in insulin is realized by increasing the concentration of calcium inside the cells. A similar effect can also have growth hormone on liver cells. In this case, the body experiences a lesser load, which ensures its longer painless functioning.

Growth hormone and insulin on the cellular level act in the opposite direction. The first reduces the sensitivity to the second. The effect of somatotropin on beta cells in the pancreas depends on stimulating the proliferation of these components, as well as the expression of the insulin gene, the synthesis and secretion of the substance.

With the introduction of growth hormone, the effects depend on the body itself. There is a category of people who do not show any sensitivity to him, and others soon have noticeable results in the form of fat burning and muscle building.


Course of peptides for weight gain

30 Oct 2017

Weightlifters who want to gain quality muscle mass with a low percentage of subcutaneous fat, in addition to proper nutrition and strict adherence to a competent training program, professionals recommend a two-month course of peptides, which helps induction of protein synthesis, increase strength and endurance.

Synthetic peptides are biologically active compounds consisting of units of amino acid chains. Their action is aimed at the release of growth hormone (growth hormone), the stimulation of restorative processes and the correction of the activity of certain systems and organs of the human body.

The course of peptides on the mass is the safest way of extreme muscle building. Synthetic amino acid preparations do not cause side anabolic effects, allow themselves to manipulate their own metabolism, provide long-lasting pharmacological action, have a wider range of mechanisms of action, and cost much less than growth hormone. It should be noted that each of the currently used in the bodybuilding industry is able to work independently, however, in order to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to use peptide complexes, since the sports products included in the bunch significantly enhance the effect of each other.

Popular courses of peptides for muscle mass

PEG MGF + GHRP2 + CJC-1295 is an amino acid course that promotes the acceleration of muscle fiber growth and increases in strength. Ideal for athletes engaged in bodybuilding, powerlifting and other power sports. Complex effect on the body, stimulates protein synthesis, has a noticeable anabolic effect, prevents damage to muscle fibers, inhibits unwanted catabolism.

CJC-1295 DAC + Hexarelin + PEG MGF - a course of peptides on a dry basis. It is one of the most effective and optimal in the ratio of components. Promotes the enhancement of anabolic processes, provides a quality set of weight with a minimum amount of fat, improves the relief of skeletal muscles.

GHRP (2,6) + CJC-1295. It favors the qualitative collection of muscle mass by stimulating the development of its own GR, increases strength and endurance, enhances appetite, strengthens bones, ligaments and joints, corrects the level of cholesterol in the blood, reduces the amount of subcutaneous fat, accelerates the healing of microtraumas.

GHRP (2,6) + CJC-1295 DAC. Due to the presence of the peptide of prolonged action, which has a higher bioavailability, it effectively stimulates the secretion of its own somatotropin, provides progressive growth of muscle tissue (up to 1 kg in 7 days), significantly reduces the amount of subcutaneous fat in the abdomen. This course of peptides for mass recruitment professionals advise to use those who wish to improve athletic performance with a minimum number of injections.


Injections of the chorionic gonadotropin

30 Oct 2017

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone secreted by the placenta during pregnancy. This biologically active substance is characterized by the specific features of lutropin, synthesized by the anterior pituitary gland and having a spectrum of testosterone effects. It is this unique property of hCG that has found its application in sports pharmacology. The injections of the Chorionic Gonadotropin, in conjunction with force training, stimulate muscle mass gain, and are also a major component of post-course therapy.

How to shot Gonadotropin

To date, the pharmaceutical industry offers a fairly extensive range of injectable products containing the Chorionic Gonadotropin of Man. They have excellent absorption and provide a high degree of biological efficiency (one injection is effective for 5-6 days).

Recombinant hormone, obtained by genetic engineering, is available as a lyophilized powder, packaged in ampoules or in vials. Complete with the preparation is a solvent (a clear liquid, which is a mixture of sodium dihydrogen phosphate and water for injection, or 0.9% sodium chloride solution). As a rule, hCG is taken at the end of the course of steroids. It does not allow to "shower", softens the negative phenomena that arise after the abolition of AAS, and provides an optimal transition to natural training.

If the duration of the anabolic course exceeded 5-6 weeks, or the dosage was overestimated, it is recommended to inject Gonadotropin injections 2 times a week (250-500 IU each). The drug is canceled after removing excess steroids. In multi-month ("eternal") courses, injections are constantly given, every 5 days, for 4-5 weeks, after which 7-10 days of interruption are required. For the introduction of the drug, an insulin syringe is used per 100 bars (1 ml). At the end of admission, the athlete is recommended to undergo a recovery phase.

As a means of post-course therapy, it is recommended to prick Gonadotropin 2000 IU every other day, for 20 days. To test the effectiveness of the product, an appropriate test for hCG in the blood serum is performed.


How to lose weight in a month by 5 kilograms?

30 Oct 2017

If you dream about a slender body, it is important to understand that the slower you lower the weight, the more chances to keep it in the future and not to harm your own body. Accordingly, it is important to find out how to lose weight in a month by 5 kilograms per month without negative consequences. To do this, you just have to follow the basic rules.

How to lose weight with exercise

The most effective way to lose a few pounds over an extended period of time is to carry out anticipations. At the same time, you do not need to lift heavy rods. Quite enough will be easy jogging. At the same time, you need to run at least twenty minutes a day, preferably in the morning.

How to lose weight in a month by 5 kilograms, if running does not allow the state of the respiratory system or pain in the legs. You can try swimming. This is an excellent option to reduce weight and at the same time significantly improve the condition of muscle tissue and skin. You can swim in an open water body or in a swimming pool. In doing so, you must follow certain rules.

If this option is not suitable, you can use the simplest. Try at home jumping rope. Such an exercise will help improve the functioning of the heart, lungs and at the same time tones the muscles. In addition, you can squat. You can do one approach with the maximum number of sit-ups. Also, you can divide the total volume into several approaches. The choice depends on the level of physical fitness and desires.

In other words, simple cardio exercises will help you burn calories and reduce weight.

Food as the main factor

Another question that you need to understand: how to lose weight in a month by 5 kilograms, using diet? Immediately say that you do not need to give up food in this case, although in any other, too. It is enough to exclude fresh pastries, fried and canned foods. In this case, you should eat small portions. There are several tips that will help you to lose weight without too much effort:

  • Before eating, drink a glass of clean water - it will reduce appetite;
  • start eating with salads.
  • Take a plate of a smaller size, since in a large small serving it looks, at least, sad.
  • give up eating 4-5 hours before bedtime. This will be enough for the calories to be converted into energy.

As you can see, there are no impracticable requirements, but at the same time such power provides an excellent effect.

Separately, you need to consider the drinking regime. Immediately say, if the volume of food decreases, the water increases. Do not lean on coffee or black tea. Give preference to green tea, herbal decoctions and berry fruit drinks. Thanks to this you will not only improve metabolic processes, but also provide your body with useful vitamins.

If you brew grass for you it seems overwhelming work, you can use ready-made extracts. For example, green tea, ginseng and even caffeine is part of the famous fat burners. At the same time they are safe, and the dosage is accurately calculated. To reduce weight and improve metabolism, you can use Methyldrene-25, Black Spider 25 Ephedra, Asia Black-25 or Hellfire. In this case, the dosage is selected individually depending on the characteristics.

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