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Medicines, which raise testosterone

20 Oct 2017

Testosterone is a male hormone necessary for the proper functioning of the body. In addition, he is responsible for the formation of muscle tissue and affects the growth of bones. It is also important to note that the sex drive depends on the level of the hormone. Thus, when there is a shortage of this substance, athletes have a lot of trouble, so it is important to use the drugs that raise testosterone.

The newest means for increasing testosterone

If it was difficult to achieve the increase in testosterone, then today there are many drugs that allow achieving the desired effect. Especially among them Tribulus 90%, D-Aspartic Acid and Ginseng Kianpi Pil are distinguished. They have a natural composition and no side effects.

The drugs that increase testosterone in men are produced in various forms. The most common are:

  • Tableted preparations;
  • Means in capsules;
  • Injection boosters.

The choice depends only on the desire of the athlete, since they all have a pronounced effective effect. But you need to take into account that natural capsules and capsules are manufactured in capsules and tablets, but injection forms are found in synthetic drugs such as Gonadorelin and Gonadotropin.

It is also important that tablets that raise testosterone levels are easier to take. It is enough to drink a capsule or a pill and drink it with plenty of water. If you choose injections, then you either need to master the technique yourself, or find someone who will give you injections. But in this case, drugs quickly fall into the muscle tissue, and therefore have an instant effect. But in any case, after using such drugs you will see a pronounced result.


Peptide PT-141 (Bremelanotide)

20 Oct 2017

Because of intensive training, a course of steroids or because of the disease, you are facing problems in the sexual sphere? Peptide Bremelanotide is a revolution among the means to increase libido and harmonize sexual life for both men and women. A completely new quality of life and ideal relationships are now available, as never before!


Peptide PT-141 (Bremelanotide) is a powerful synthetic aphrodisiac, effective both for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions (problems with potency), and for increasing or normalizing sexual arousal in women.

The drug acts on the nervous system, so it is harmless to the heart and blood vessels, unlike most aphrodisiac medicines. Due to this, the peptide is able not only to strengthen the erection, but also to cause it.

The effect of PT-141 usually manifests itself two hours after the injection, increases for about four hours, then another 2-4 hours gradually goes to a decline. This feature should be considered when choosing the timing of injections. Pleasant bonus - Bremelanotid is an isometric variation of melanotane, therefore it helps to maintain a smooth and beautiful tan (although it does not help to buy it).

Usage and instruction

Subcutaneous injections of PT-141 are done once a day at a convenient time:

1. The minimum, trial dose is 300 μg peptide, the average - 700 μg.

2. Optimal for most athletes is a single dose of 1000 mcg.

3. Strong (in case of immunity to a lower dose) - 1500 μg.

For women it is recommended in any case to start with a minimal dose. For injection, Bremelanotide must be dissolved in sterile or bactericidal water for injection, usually 2 ml of water is used per vial of the peptide - this makes it possible to dose the drug as conveniently as possible. Since one bottle is enough for not less than 6-7 injections, we recommend using bactericidal water, which will ensure the safest storage of the peptide.

The maximum shelf life of a solution of Bremelanotide in bactericidal water under the right conditions is 30 days. The finished solution and the powder are stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 ° C. The shelf life of the peptide in dry form is 2 years.

Experience of usage and feedback

Women note the incredibly strong stimulating effect of Bremelanotide two hours after the injection. Men are talking about "returning youth" and an incredible interest in the opposite sex, an increase in the amount of energy and readiness for sexual feats. Excitement and interest do not disappear even after sexual intercourse!

Contraindications and side effects of peptide

Perhaps a slight reddening of the face, which passes through 20-30 minutes after the injection. There were no other side effects even with prolonged use of the peptide as injections.

It is not recommended to use PT-141 intranasally, since this is associated with the risk of developing hypertension.


Growth hormone Jintropin. Dosage, dilution, injection and storage

20 Oct 2017

Injection, dilution, dosage and storage

After you have studied the effect, side effects and properties of Jintropin GH, you ordered it in our online store and maybe already received a long-awaited product, it's time to carefully study the specifics of its application. This is extremely important in order to achieve excellent results.

Further in the article we will tell how to apply, how much and where to stab, how not to spoil a single microgram of the drug.

What is necessary for injections?

1. Insulin syringes for injection at 100 units (100UI) - do not confuse the units of the drug with the divisions!

2. Bactericidal or sterile water for breeding. The latter can be bought at the pharmacy, but the bactericide - no, in pharmacies it is provided solely by prescription, so it's more convenient and quicker to order it from us.

3. Syringes for breeding (it is better to take with a long needle).

4. Alcohol wipes or wadded disks and alcohol - for processing ampoules and skin.

How should you make it right?

• Use only special water for injection - sterile or bactericidal. In a situation where diluted (GH) growth hormone must be stored for longer than one day, it is worth giving preference to bactericidal water;

• Do not pour water directly onto the powder. It is important to keep the syringe so that water flows down the wall of the ampoule vial;

• Do not shake or shake the dissolved peptide. This can reduce the effectiveness of the drug. To dissolve the drug completely, it is necessary to rotate the ampoule slowly and gently.

We calculate the dosage correctly

1. For an average athlete, the Jintropin dose is effective at 10 UI (international units) once a day. With side effects, 10 U of growth hormone can be used every other day.

2. There is a variant of calculating the dosage, which is repulsed from the weight of the athlete. So, for 1 kg of weight, the recommended dose is 0.6 Unit of substance per week. That is, a week for an athlete weighing 100 kg you need 60 Units Jintropin. The total amount should be divided into several days. If you take it every day, it will be 8.5 U, or 20 U for 3 times a week.

3. The use of Jintropin by a course that lasts less than 6 weeks is not advisable. The course, which will achieve a long and real effect, should last, on average, 2-3 months.

With a shorter duration of the course and a lower dosage, you risk not getting the expected result, but simply throwing money away.

Jintropin Injection: Instruction

• The drug is administered subcutaneously with an insulin syringe tilted at an angle of 45 degrees.

• The best place for injections is the abdominal region - 6-8 centimeters above the navel. In order not to cause local dystrophy of adipose tissue, periodically change the place for an injection.

• To stain the GY Jintropin slowly - about 10 seconds per injection.

• Do the injections best at night or divide by 2-3 hours daily dose. This will maintain a stable level of growth hormone in the blood.


Both in dry and in diluted form, Jintropin must be stored in a refrigerator, the temperature in which should be 2-8 ° C. The door of the refrigerator or the shelf remote from the freezer compartment is suitable.

Jintropin: where to order and buy?

Buy Jintropin exclusively in proven online stores! The high demand for the drug, made it extremely common for its counterfeits. If you want to check the Jintropin for originality, you need to carefully cut the sticker on the edge of the box, then wipe the gray strip on the sticker. Under it is a security code that can be easily checked on the official website of the manufacturer. However, the best guarantee is a proven supplier.


Injections of peptides

20 Oct 2017

For effective results, any drug should be used regularly, which means you will have to put subcutaneous injections on your own. Therefore, most athletes have a completely logical question - how to prick peptides? Most importantly, to overcome the fear of medical instruments, the substance is injected into adipose tissue, which practically does not cause pain, and the thinnest needle leaves no traces. Sometimes small injections or seals may appear on the injection site, which quickly pass after a while.

Instruction for injections of peptides

Before the injection procedure, you should prepare an injectable syringe with the solution poured, a medical tool for diluting the substance with a long needle, bactericidal water, cotton wool and alcohol. How to put peptides? Usually, injections are made in the abdominal area, where it is easy to grab fat tissue, or near the shoulder on the arm. To select a puncture, retreat about 8 cm from the navel, you can also enter the medication into the side crease at the waist, pre-wiping the puncture site with alcohol lotion. Injections of peptides are always performed at an angle of 45 degrees. After the introduction is complete, wait 5-10 seconds to avoid leakage of the drug.


  • The injections of peptides are carried out only with clean hands;
  • It is important to check if there is air in the syringe;
  • Keep the needle sterile;
  • The medical instrument is used only once.

The instruction to peptides indicates that injections are made on an empty stomach, and after the injection it is impossible to eat for 40 minutes. Between each administration of the drug should maintain an interval of at least 4 hours. For convenience, it is recommended to use an insulin syringe for 100 units with an orange lid. In order not to get confused in dosages and preparations, you can create a special diary for entries. At the end of the procedure, the remaining peptide solution is taken to the refrigerator.


Growth Hormone Treatment

20 Oct 2017

Growth hormone is an important participant in many functions of the body. It contains 191 amino acids, and the molecular weight reaches 22,000 Daltons. The effect of growth hormone concerns the life cycle, growth, development of body tissues and their renewal, regulation of protein, fat, mineral and carbohydrate metabolism. Its production is occupied by special cells of the pituitary gland located in the lower part of the skull.

Effects from application of HGH

The effect of growth hormone can be called direct or indirect. With the first option, it is directly linked to the receptors in the target tissues. An example of direct action can be called enhanced release of fatty acids from fat cells. An indirect effect is observed, for example, as a result of the activity of an insulin-like growth factor. In this case, the tissue is exposed to insulin like. It is this factor that has the greatest impact on regeneration and tissue growth. Growth hormone therapy is aimed at changing the characteristics of certain body tissues.

We can name a number of main effects, both direct and indirect:

  • The transfer of amino acids into cells is more intensive, which leads to the construction of new proteins;
  • Fat cells are more intensively isolated fatty acids, due to which increases the production of energy by the body as a whole;
  • The consumption of glucose decreases, which causes a drop in the production of glycogen, and this increases the level of sugar in the blood;
  • Connective tissue is produced more intensively;
  • In cells retained sodium, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and calcium.
  • Growth hormone therapy in sports

Exercise is the most powerful non-drug factor that stimulates the secretion of a given substance. While precise mechanisms of action are unknown, there are a number of assumptions. Among them there is a stimulation of nerves, direct action through specific hormones (dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine, serotonin), changes in the balance of acids and alkalis. Proper training will stimulate its production, as well as increase the quantity. This is necessary not only to regenerate the body and improve physical abilities, but also to maintain muscle and bone mass, improve tissue regeneration in the aging process.

Treatment with growth hormone became possible after 1981, when the first synthetic substance was presented to the world. In 1989, the International Olympic Committee GR was included in the list of banned. However, there are no more or less reliable doping tests to ensure the detection of this substance.

If athletes take growth hormone in injections, this has a positive effect on minimizing fat deposits, increasing the musculature and bone strengthening. The risk of injury is reduced, and physical training becomes better. Athletes have considerable experience using growth hormones in bodybuilding and powerlifting, but each has its own result. It depends on the dosage, the duration of the course, the level of susceptibility and other factors.


Peptides for muscle growth

20 Oct 2017

To achieve a qualitative increase in different muscle groups, in addition to strength training and adherence to a special diet, a competently formulated peptide course that causes a surge of growth hormone is required. Peptides for the collection of muscle mass is a vast group of recombinant amino acid compounds obtained by genetic engineering. The main consumers of these drugs are professional and beginning bodybuilders.

Peptides for dry weight, as well as other products of sports nutrition, are selected depending on the weight and professionalism of the athlete, as well as on his individual sensitivity to a particular drug. To date, there are many variations in the use of synthetic amino acid compounds, and it is very important to distinguish the most suitable of them. Otherwise, the bodybuilder can only expect disappointment and regret for the money spent and time.

Peptides for muscle mass

Hexarelin (GHRP-6) is a stimulant of GH secretion and an insulin-like factor (IGF-1). It acts directly on the pituitary gland, promotes a better quality of dry muscle mass, enhances the burning of subcutaneous fat and improves the relief of the musculature.

Pralmorelin (GHRP-2) is an oligopeptide from a series of the most powerful stimulants of GH. Increases the production of somatotropin by 7-15 times, activates the ghrelin receptors. Hexarelin and Pralmorelin are peptides for weight gain, able to work as synergists. It is believed that their joint reception levels the shortcomings of each other.

Ipamorelin - the last generation of the amino acid drug, stimulating the secretion of somatotropin and simultaneously suppressing the production of somatostatin (STH antagonist). Unlike its predecessors, it does not increase the feeling of hunger and does not increase the secretion of prolactin and cortisol.

Spermorelin (GRF 1-29), as well as the above-mentioned peptides for weight, enhances the production of growth hormone. It is a synergist of Hexarelin, Pralmorelin and Ipamorelin.

Somatocrinine (CJC-1295), growth factor releasing factor, stimulating the production of growth hormone. It is an effective and safe analogue of anabolic steroids, promotes increased strength and growth of muscle mass, strengthens joints and ligaments, increases bone density.

PEG MGF is a pegylated mechanical growth factor. Influencing sensitive receptors, stimulates the processes of dividing the germ cells (myoblasts). As well as other peptides for muscles, it helps to increase muscle musculature. In parallel, it lowers cholesterol and fat percentage in the body, increases stamina, accelerates recovery after physical exertion.


Course of fat burners for drying

20 Oct 2017

How to choose a fat burner for drying and make a correct course? - These questions are asked by almost everyone who is not a professional athlete, but at the same time he wants to lose weight fast.

It is worth starting with the fact that 100% correct course can not be remotely made. Of course, there are general recommendations for the intake of fat burners, which we will consider, but if you want the full benefit of the drug, it is best to consult a specialist beforehand.

Recommendations for the formulation of a fat burner course

The average course lasts about a month. In general, everything depends on the composition of the drug. As a rule, fat-burning stimulants that affect the central nervous system are taken no longer than two weeks. Moreover, on non-training days it is better to refrain from using such fat burners, so as not to burden the central nervous system and give it a rest. If you take, for example, L-carnitine, then there is no significant need for restriction.

Do not use only one fat burner at all times. Periodization is important not only in terms of limiting the duration of the course, but also because of the development of tolerance of the organism to active substances. Probably, over time the effect will decrease, and you still have to try something new.

Reception - from 1 to 3 times a day. Start with minimal dosages - so you can feel the effect of the drug and avoid side effects.

It is not recommended to take fat burners before bed. Most often, there are one or more stimulating components in the composition that will not let you fall asleep. Insomnia is not the best way to fight fat deposits. The optimal time for using fat burners is just before exercise. To increase the impact, you can take drugs on an empty stomach, squeezed with enough water (about 300-500 grams).

It is not necessary to combine 2 fat burners with the same components and the nature of the effect, as this can cause the opposite effect and side reactions.

Balanced the rate of fat burners with protein and vitamin-mineral supplements. During the intake of fat burners, your metabolism will be significantly accelerated, which means that the loss of protein and beneficial microelements will increase. Do not forget about it and offset the costs. Otherwise, it may lead to a deterioration of the state of health right up to the manifestation of "pobochek".

Depending on the particular tool, the recommendations may vary. If you want to get maximum quality at the lowest price - pay attention to ECA, in particular - the production of Cloma Pharma. Any fat burner for drying from this brand is quality, effective and safe when following the instructions.


Growth Hormone in Bodybuilding

20 Oct 2017

To date, recombinant somatropin, obtained by genetic engineering, is one of the most effective sports products used to effectively build muscle. Growth hormone in bodybuilding is called a miracle drug, allowing in the shortest possible time to achieve the maximum anabolic effect.

Growth Hormone Effects

Growth hormone in bodybuilding has found its wide application due to the following effects:

Intensive muscle building.

Increase the size and number of muscle cells.

Strengthening of bone and connective tissue and ligamentous apparatus.

Stimulation of insulin-like growth factor, which accelerates cell proliferation and protein synthesis.

Intensified conversion of fat into energy.

Reducing the frequency of injuries.

An incredible increase in strength.

Features of the use of growth hormone in bodybuilding

The use of Growth Hormone in bodybuilding contributes to the growth of dry muscle mass, and an increase in the volume of extracellular and intracellular fluid, which causes the growth of myocytes. Thus, the main purpose of this powerful anabolic muscle development factor is the formation of an ideal muscular relief. Compared with steroids, this drug does not affect the potency, has the least amount of side effects, is more effective in burning subcutaneous fat.

Athletes who use Growth Hormone in bodybuilding in large doses require periodic monitoring of the thyroid gland and, if necessary, the use of thyroid medications. However, excessive daily loads of sensitive receptors can cause loss of muscle mass, as well as lead to the development of other negative reactions. Therefore, when starting to use this drug, you should consult a sports doctor. Only a specialist, after a preliminary examination, will help to calculate the daily dosage and duration of the course application, not only effective, but also safe for your organism.


Supplements for joints and cartilage

20 Oct 2017

Constant increased loads adversely affect the condition of the bone system and, especially, on the joints and cartilage. Even the regular wearing of heavy bags can lead to serious consequences. In order to prevent injuries, it is sufficient to take measures to prevent them. First of all, it is a dietary supplements for joints and cartilage. To achieve the result, it is sufficient to select the drug and use it correctly.

BADy for joints and cartilages are known for a long time. They are particularly popular among professional athletes and bodybuilders. And this is not accidental. After all, intensive training often leads to injury to the joints, and the approaching competitions require very rapid recovery. Thus, if supplements help them cope with such problems, then people who lead a normal lifestyle, they will be very useful.

Application of BAA for joints and cartilage

Of course, to take dietary supplements for joints and cartilage is only necessary if necessary. For example, people engaged in manual labor, it is important to strengthen joints and prevent injuries and sprains. The same applies to those who have to walk a lot in the service of duty. But nevertheless the most frequently used supplements are for the purpose of treatment.

Excellent result is Glucosamine & Chondroitin from the company Empyreal Dragon. This is a proven drug, which is an artificially obtained substance that causes the following effect:

  • Increased elasticity of ligaments;
  • Withdrawal of pain syndrome;
  • Nutrition of joint tissues;
  • Acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • Increasing the strength of cartilage and ligaments.

Reviews of BAA for joints and cartilage confirm that Glucosamine & Chondroitin is easily tolerated and has a pronounced effect. It can be used both for medical purposes and for prevention. The drug is available in capsules, which greatly facilitates its use.


Supplements with ginseng

20 Oct 2017

Ginseng since ancient times is actively used in medicine. There are more than ten species of this plant. The most useful is the species that grows in Japan. A large number of people use tincture of ginseng daily for cheerfulness during the working day. But it turns out that he has other equally important properties. And the most convenient form of application can be called dietary supplements with ginseng.

Action of dietary supplements with ginseng

The plant has the following properties:

  • Acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • Elimination of the emetic reflex;
  • Increase of tone.

The action of the plant is explained by its essential oils, ascorbic acid, iron, resins and so on. Initially, the extract was used to improve the functioning of the heart and the state of the vessels. Later it was found out that it is thanks to ginseng that you can prolong full life and slow down the aging process.

It is especially recommended to use dietary supplements with ginseng in the presence of such problems as overfatigue, increased physical and mental stress, reduced immunity. But it is especially attractive that the supplement has a positive effect on sexual function in men. This action is provided by such components as the saponin. It is he who stimulates the sexual system and normalizes the potency.

In order to normalize the work of the genitals it is enough to take tincture of ginseng for two months. But you can do much easier. To buy or purchase BUD with ginseng Potencer. A convenient encapsulated form allows you to take it anywhere, regardless of the circumstances.

Buy dietary supplements based on ginseng

For today there is a considerable amount of additives, which include the extract of ginseng. In most cases, they have a stimulating effect, as a result of which there is an increase in the tone of the body. As a rule, after taking such a drug, a person feels a surge of strength and endurance.

But it turns out, ginseng is often included in the composition of drugs that help improve potency. For example, dietary supplements for potency Potencer normalizes blood circulation, which has a positive effect not only on erections, but also on overall well-being. Another example of the drug, which includes ginseng, is Anabolizer. As a result of its application, the following effects are observed:

  • Increase in the level of male hormones;
  • Increasing concentration;
  • Improvement of efficiency;
  • Acceleration of regeneration processes.

Also for those who want to feel the effect of ginseng, you can offer a dietary supplements with ginseng, like Ginseng Kianpi Pil. Its rich composition provides an increase in efficiency, strengthening of immunity, a decrease in appetite, a marked increase in muscle mass, and so on.

All these additives have a pronounced effect, but they do not cause any side effects. Each component has its own specific action and enhances the effect of the other components.

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