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Can I lose weight on fasting days

02 Oct 2017

Weight reduction requires a person not only to ensure physical activity, but also to maintain a certain diet. But if you do not have enough willpower to keep a diet, then fasting days are by everyone's strength. It is with their help that you can restore the digestive system after a lot of feasts and even reduce weight. At the same time, the main question remains: how correctly to perform unloading days in order to lose weight by the maximum number of kilograms.

It is important to understand what it is. Unloading day is a certain diet, which must be observed within 24 hours. In this case, there is no need to completely abandon food and water. You will not be hungry or irritated if you choose the right foods.

Do relief days help you lose weight?

We will understand, whether it is possible to grow thin on days of release. First of all, we emphasize that this is just a one-day strict diet. With it, you will greatly reduce the intake of calories in the body. Accordingly, he will have to spend already available supplies. Of course, in the morning the arrows of the scales can move slightly in the smaller direction. But this is easy to explain.

On such a diet there is a rapid removal of fluid from the body. Together, binders are lost in it. The weight decreases, but it often returns. As for fatty tissues, they actually decrease as a result of such discharge, but in minimal amounts. So, can you lose weight if you are on fasting days?

Theoretically, no. But it is important to understand that often overweight is caused not by overeating, but by a violation of metabolism and the work of internal organs. With the help of unloading, you can normalize the condition of all organs and systems, returning them to normal activity. As a result, the tone will improve, metabolism and metabolism will improve. And this will help you to lose weight.

An important advantage is that unloading helps to activate the brain, shake the body, forcing it to work in extreme conditions. Of course, you will not notice any result at once. But after a few weeks your weight will be less, which is confirmed by the reviews of those who have grown thin about unloading days.

How to organize a fasting day

In order to no longer think about whether helping to loose weight days, you need to try this method for a month. Before moving on to a rigid restriction of products, you need to prepare. One day before the start of discharge, it is recommended to use only light foods, so that their total calorie content does not exceed 1.5 thousand.

Products designed for consumption on a fasting day should be no more than one thousand calories per day. After a couple of such discharges, you can still reduce the number of calories, gradually bringing to 500. Only after 8-10 months you can easily tolerate a one-day diet, including only water or tea.

For the first unloading days, you can use cereals, for example, pearl barley or buckwheat porridge. They not only perfectly suppress appetite, but also clean the intestines, improving its work. An excellent option will be sprouted grains. You need to consume them after 3-4 days soaking in a raw form. The simplest option is kefir days.

During the menu, it is important to exclude sugar, protein, starch, salt and coffee. Ginger, fennel or coriander can be used as spices. To increase efficiency and provide the body with the right amount of moisture, it is important to consume up to two liters of water or tea. An excellent option will be herbal decoctions. If these requirements are met, a fasting day will help to lose weight.

How much you can lose weight on fasting days

The next question concerns how much you can lose weight on days off. It all depends on the individual characteristics. Do not expect the result instantly. Only when carrying out 1-2 unloads per week will the effect be seen. Increase it can be with the help of special additives or fat burners. They will help you:

  • Reduce appetite;
  • Improve overall health;
  • Give strength;
  • Deterioration of mood.

As an example, additives such as Methyldrene-25, Simpatoterm Lux or Diablos Hyperburn V-10 can be considered. They have a plant composition and do not have a negative effect on the body. In addition, they have an excellent effect with China White 25 and Black Spider. They cause a rush of strength and vivacity.

It is also important to understand how many days a week is needed to lose weight. Given that this is a pronounced stress for the body, it is not worth doing them more than twice. This will be enough to improve the work of the digestive system and normalize the metabolism. If you connect fat burners, the effect will be achieved much faster.


Side effects of Gonadotropin

02 Oct 2017

This article describes the side effects of Gonadotropin, directly related to the use of the pharmacological product in medicine and in bodybuilding practice.

Chorionic gonadotropin is a peptide hormone, normally produced by chorion cells (embryonic membranes) after implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. Preparations, which include this glycoprotein, increase the activity of the sex glands, induce and stimulate ovulation in women, increase testosterone production and spermatogenesis, and also promote the development of secondary sexual characteristics in men.

Possible side effects of Gonadotropin

As a rule, side effects of Chorionic Gonadotropin develop with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as with prolonged and uncontrolled use. These include violations such as

  • hives;
  • Itching of the skin;
  • Angioedema;
  • Dizziness, headache,
  • Increased anxiety and irritability;
  • weakness;
  • depression.

Side effects with prolonged use

Side effects of Chorionic Gonadotropin in men, arising from uncontrolled use, include increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, development of gynecomastia (a consequence of increased estrogen production), a reduction in the number of spermatozoa in the semen, accumulation of water and mineral salts in the body, premature bone growth (uncontrolled The use of hCG at a young age can cause stunting). Also, with prolonged use of Gonadotropin in men, signs that are very characteristic of pregnant women (morning sickness, vomiting, weight gain, etc.) may appear, prostate gland proliferation, baldness, or increased hair growth in uncharacteristic areas of the body.

In women with uncontrolled use of the drug, development of hypertrophy of the sexual glands, the formation of ovarian cysts and peripheral edema is possible. Also, a multiple pregnancy or ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome may develop.

It should be emphasized that the side effects of Gonadotropin are not of a mass character and are rare. This drug, intended for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, has a pharmacological effect for 5-6 days. When you start using it after a course of steroids, you should first consult with a specialist and take tests for hormones.


The hormone of hunger – Ghrelin

29 Sep 2017

Ghrelin is a polypeptide hormone secreted by the cells of the mucous membrane of the cardiac part of the stomach. This biologically active substance, consisting of 28 amino acids, along the microcirculatory bed reaches the hypothalamus, and causes a feeling of hunger. Hormone of appetite, which is an indicator of energy deficiency, takes an active part in the secretion of somatotropin. Its ability to create a pronounced peak of GH concentration has found its wide application in sports pharmacology.

Preparations Ghrelin

The hunger hormone Grelin, which has recently entered the accepted nomenclature, as an independent element, has an effect on the secretion of STH by activating specific receptors. Based on it, the following synthetic analogs are used, which are used in bodybuilding practice:

  • Ipamorelin (a peptide hormone that mimics the effect of ghrelin). Strengthens the secretion of GH, without causing a significant change in appetite;
  • GHRP-2 (Pralmorelin). The most powerful of all the existing boosters of STH production, increasing its secretion by 7-15 times, and simultaneously increasing the concentration of cortisol and prolactin;
  • GHRP-6 (Hexarelin). Effective grolinimimetik, used to increase the relief of muscles and increase stamina.

To date, Grelin's preparations that stimulate the hunger center in the hypothalamus are the only pharmaceutical products that can exert an aurexigenic effect in peripheral administration.

Pharmacological effects of Grelin

The hormone of appetite Grelin, regulating food behavior, in addition to activating the secretion of GH, has the following effects:

  • Increases hunger and stimulates food intake;
  • Coordinates the motility of the stomach and 12. n. Intestines;
  • Models the endocrine and exocrine function of the pancreas;
  • Takes an active part in immune responses;
  • Regulates the behavior vectors and the "sleep-wake" cycle;
  • Has cardioprotective action;
  • Stimulates the secretion of prolactin, adrenocorticotropic and antidiuretic hormone.

With the use of Grelin secretagogues, taking direct part in the regulation of metabolic processes, there is a pronounced suppression of catabolic effects, a moderate increase in adrenaline and a decrease in blood pressure without changing the heart rate.

Online store offers to buy Ghrelin in the form of high-quality synthetic peptides. Our company sells only original branded products, supplied by the official way. Therefore, you can not doubt its quality and authenticity.

The price for Ghrelin is very democratic in comparison with the cost of the synthetic growth hormone. It may slightly fluctuate due to changes in the exchange rate, but, under any circumstances, remains perfectly acceptable.


Best dietary supplements for potency

29 Sep 2017

Sooner or later, a large part of men face such a problem as the deterioration of potency. You can fight it in various ways, but most often additives are used. In this case, every man tries to choose the best dietary supplement for potency. To do this, you need to understand what is their action and the different drugs available for sale.

Which dietary supplement for potency is better

First of all, we note that the best dietary supplements for men's potency meet the following requirements:

  • 100% safety;
  • Absence of contraindications and side effects;
  • High efficiency;
  • Simplicity of reception.

Now consider each item separately and find out which supplements for potency are better. Safety is determined by the composition of the additive. Synthetic analogues and drugs are capable of causing a large number of side effects, which means that it is difficult to call them safe. But the plant components have a proounced effect, but they do not cause any negative impact on the body.

Extracts from plants are used in a large number of preparations. For example, dietary supplements for potency Potencer includes in its composition extracts from ginseng, red root and aralia. Each component individually has a positive effect on blood circulation, and in fact it is when eating disorders often there are problems with potency.

In addition, reviews of the best dietary supplements for potency confirm that during the application of this supplement, there is an increase in immunity, both general and local. All toxins are removed from the body, and the walls of the vessels are cleaned. In this case, the additive fully meets the above requirements. It is safe, has no contraindications, but it is highly effective.

As an example, we can note a dietary supplement for increasing testosterone Testoproject, Ginseng Kianpi Pil or Anabolizer. They are also 100% safe due to herbal composition.

Absence of contraindications and side effects is also explained by the composition. When using different extracts, the additives will fully meet this requirement.

But the effectiveness is determined based on the characteristics of the action. Some improve blood circulation, while others normalize the hormonal background. Accordingly, everyone himself must understand which dietary supplement is best for potency exactly in your case.


How are peptides prepared?

29 Sep 2017

To date, the question of how peptides are obtained is quite relevant among people who have firsthand knowledge of these biogenic regulators. In this article, we will talk about genetically engineered methods for producing biologically active peptides.

Methods for producing recombinant peptides

Recombinant peptides, which have found wide application in medicine and sports, are obtained thanks to the introduction of modern achievements in genetic engineering into molecular biotechnology. For these purposes, fast-growing strains of the following microorganisms are used:

  • Escherichia coli;
  • Erwinia spp;
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae;
  • Bacillus spp;
  • Rhizobium spp and others.

The main requirement for bacteria used in the production of recombinant peptides is their absolute non-pathogenicity and non-toxicity. During the process, synthetic peptide genes are expressed in the vector DNA of a genetically engineered bacterial cell, which subsequently starts producing hybrid proteins. After processing the recombinant strains, the desired product is isolated.

Further, preparations obtained by genetic engineering undergo thorough preclinical and clinical trials that allow them to prove their identity to a natural substance. And only after that biologically active regulators are allowed to be realized.

Of course, this is a rather brief description, allowing you to find out how the peptides are obtained. More detailed information you can get from special literature sources, which describe the methods of genetic engineering.


Peptides on strength and endurance

29 Sep 2017

Strength and endurance are two unique indicators, which, according to the empirical experience of athletes, with simultaneous training can lead to the development of mutual interlocking. This so-called "interference phenomenon" is explained as follows: endurance training, carried out together with exercises with weights, can not provide the proper increase in muscle mass or strength. Therefore, at one-stage carrying out of power and aerobic training, for reception of higher results, it is recommended to apply special products of a sports food. In the practice of bodybuilding, they are called peptides for endurance and strength.

Peptide courses on strength

To increase the power indicators, special peptide bonds are created, consisting of a properly selected combination of amino acid products. Peptides on strength are applied by courses. Here are the most popular of them:

Ipamorelin + CJC 1295 DAC + Gonadorelin. Ipamorelin and CJC DAC stimulate the burning of fatty deposits, and Gonadorelin increases the secretion of testosterone. This, in turn, leads to an increase in power indicators, not only when performing basic exercises, but also when changing the category to an easier one.

GHRP + CJC 1295 DAC is by far the most popular course of peptides. This ligament helps to increase strength, increase appetite and stimulate muscle mass gain. Provided the correct organization of the regime of the day, the effect from use is maintained even with heavy basic training.

Peg MGF + CJC 1295 DAC. This combination includes long-acting peptides that work to increase strength. In this case, the Peg MGF comes to the fore, increasing the amount of energy and boosting the mood, thereby contributing to the stimulation of muscle strength.

Peptides for increased endurance

Peptides for endurance are biologically active complexes that help the body resist fatigue arising in the process of training. To date, the most effective drug, according to professionals, is TV-500 (a synthetic analogue of Timosin Beta 4). With proper application, this tool for one course can provide an increase in the training volume by 30-50%. It should also be noted that at the end of the course use its pharmacological effect persists for a sufficiently long period of time.


Growth Hormone and Workout

28 Sep 2017

In bodybuilding practice, growth hormone and exercise are two complementary concepts. This is due to the fact that proper performance of exercises with the use of resistors has the most pronounced anabolic effect on muscles. As a consequence, the production of endogenous somatotropin increases, muscle mass increases, and the metabolism that stimulates fat burning increases.

The influence of strength training on the production of growth hormone

In the course of numerous studies it was established that the growth hormone after exercise is increased 3-4 times. When doing exercises with weights, professionals recommend:

Use the weight with which the athlete will be difficult to do the scheduled number of repetitions;

Give the body a little breather (not more than a minute), and then repeat all over again;

After 2-3 repetitions proceed to the next exercise, which involves another muscle group;

The duration of the training in total should not exceed 45 minutes (after this time begins to develop a stress hormone (cortisol), significantly reducing the effect of training).

It should be noted that growth hormone and training are the main triggers in the development of the relief muscular body. Moreover, the maximum release of endogenous somatotropin is noted when a combination of power and aerobic loads (first exercises with resistance, and then - "oxygen" exercises on the treadmill for burning calories). In this situation, the training regime plays an important role. The most optimal option is 3-4 maximum productive classes per week.

Among other things, a significant increase in growth hormone after exercise will help special protein supplements containing amino acids (arginine, glycine, BCCA, ornithine, etc.). It is recommended to take them at night, and directly during classes. Also, the athlete's body, to achieve the maximum anabolic effect, requires high-quality sleep and interval rest, proper protein nutrition and regular exercise replacement (to avoid the development of addiction to power loads).


How to take Somatropin

28 Sep 2017

From this article you will find out what the recombinant growth hormone is and how to prick Somatropin to achieve significant progress in the system of sports training for bodybuilders.

Recombinant Somatropin is a regulatory protein produced by genetic engineering, which stimulates the stimulation of somatic growth. Being an analogue of human GR, this pharmacological preparation, produced in the form of lyophilized powder for injection, has found its wide application not only in clinical practice, but also in sports, mainly in bodybuilding.

Performing the functions of anabolic, recombinant growth hormone has the following effects:

  • Promotes the build-up of muscle mass due to hypertrophy (increased thickness) muscle fibers;
  • Stimulates the burning of subcutaneous fat;
  • Increases endurance;
  • Provides a quick recovery of muscles after exhausting workouts.

To achieve the maximum anabolic effect, professionals recommend stabbing Somatropin subcutaneously (in the crease of the stomach), 30 minutes before eating.

Recommendations for the course use of somatropin

To increase muscle mass, the dosage is 8-12 units, divided into 2 doses: after waking and after training. In days off, Somatropin injections are put in the morning, half an hour before meals, and before dinner. During the drying period the drug is recommended to be used 3 times a day (in the morning, at lunch and before going to bed). The interval between injections should be at least 4 hours. The duration of the course use is 3-4 months.

Since the stabbing of Somatropin should be strictly dosed, taking into account the individual characteristics of the athlete's body (its weight, age, hormonal background, level of physical fitness, etc.), when starting to use the drug, it is necessary to consult a trainer or a sports doctor.


How to lose weight on a pearl barley

28 Sep 2017

Most often the diet means the use of a certain product. Often, preference is given to cereals. This can be rice, oatmeal, lentils or buckwheat. But it turns out, in addition to them, you can easily lose weight by using a pearl barley. It contains a lot of useful substances and at the same time copes with the task perfectly, namely, the saturation of the body with a small intake of calories.

In order to achieve the maximum result, it is important to follow all the recommendations and keep the diet responsibly. First of all, do not allow dehydration. To do this, use at least two liters of any liquid per day. Preference should be given to decoctions of herbs, green tea and still water.

With the help of a well-designed diet, you can not only reduce weight, but also improve the performance of all organs.

How to lose weight on a pearl barley

Having dealt with whether you can lose weight on the barley, go to the choice of technique. The fastest is a five-day diet. Just note that a long time to use only cereals can not, because any mono-diet can be dangerous due to a lack of supply of certain useful substances.

If there is no way out and you need to urgently reduce weight, this diet will be very helpful. It is incredibly simple: within five days you can only eat pearl porridge, boiled on water without salt and oil. As beverages, use green tea, herbs and mineral water. Be sure to drink more than two liters, as the barley has a dehydrating effect.

In order not to go to bed with an empty stomach, you can drink a glass of skimmed yogurt before going to bed. This technique will help you get rid of four, and maybe five kilograms in just five days.

The next option is a seven-day diet. Before you choose it, you can read reviews: can I lose weight on the barley. They will help to understand whether the result will be from such a food. But we can say with certainty: it is easier to bear, and the effect is not less.

During the day you can eat not only pearl gruel, but also fruits, vegetables, lean beef or chicken. In the evening, you can eat a hundred grams of cottage cheese or drink a glass of kefir.

There is an even easier option. It involves the use of pearl barley in the preparation of almost all dishes. You can add it to salads, stuff vegetables with it, make cutlets from it. The only thing is to exclude buns, sweets, fatty meat and smoked meat.

Of course, to achieve this goal, it is important to reduce the size of the portion and be sure to drink a sufficient amount of liquid. With this option, you will not experience hunger, but the effect will appear a little slower.

Can I lose weight on a pearl barley

Having found out how to lose weight on a pearl barley, it is necessary to understand whether the diet always gives the desired effect. Of course, to keep restrictions on food and at the same time there is one porridge is quite difficult. Especially it concerns the first days.

Starting from the third day, the following changes are noted:

  • improves the complexion;
  • swells go away;
  • there is lightness;
  • Keep the diet easier;
  • Slags and toxins are released.

After enduring a couple of days, you can bring the diet to the end, having achieved the desired result. Increase the effectiveness you can with safe, but especially powerful fat burners. Each of them has a rich composition, which includes only natural, and therefore, safe components. You can use such drugs as Red Wasp 25, Diablos ECA Fire Caps, Neurolipo, Black Mamba Hyperrush and others. The choice depends on your requirements for dietary supplements and a bed rest.


How to make peptides injections

28 Sep 2017

Many beginner bodybuilders who want to experience a particular course of amino acid stimulants have their own specific questions: what are these preparations? How can they help in sports? How to take them and how to dilute peptides with water?

Basic rules for the dilution of peptides

The modern chemical and pharmaceutical industry has a large arsenal of sports nutrition products designed to achieve various purposes: a set of dry muscle mass, burning of subcutaneous fat, strengthening and restoring joints and ligaments, stimulating natural skin tanning, etc. Most peptides are available in the form of powder for injections, Packaged in sterile bottles (2 or 5 mg each). As a solvent, the usual sterile or special bactericidal water is used, which includes 0.9% sodium chloride and 0.9% benzene alcohol, which protect the solution from penetration and spread of bacteria.

In order to dilute the peptides with water, you will need an ordinary syringe "deuce" or "five". Optimum dosage: 1 μg of preparation per 1 kg of body weight of the athlete. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the addition of a certain amount of solvent is displayed not on the quantity, but on the concentration of the dissolved substance. In bodybuilding practice, to stabilize the solution and ease of administration, the following dilutions are usually used:

A vial of 5 mg - 2.5 ml of water. It turns out 200 μg of substance per 0.1 ml of insulin syringe;

A 2 mg vial - 1 ml of water (200 μg per 0.1 ml);

10 ml vial - 2 ml water (500 μg per 0.1 ml);

The solvent from the ampoule is drawn into the syringe and carefully, along the wall is introduced into the vial with the peptide. Stirring is prohibited! After completely dissolving the powder, the injection solution is ready for use.

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