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Using of fat burners and protein

25 Sep 2017

Slaughter of weight with the help of fat burners is extremely popular today. Proper use of drugs can quickly and without consequences get rid of excess fat deposits.

However, not everyone knows about the importance of protein in losing weight. This leads to the fact that ignorant athletes often lose not only weight, but also muscle mass, which is highly undesirable. Within the framework of this article, we will consider the intake of proteins with a fat burner.

Why take proteins with a fat burner?

Lack of protein. Of course, when a person loses weight, he adheres to a diet and eats a lot less than usual. Due to protein deficiency, various skin diseases and psychological problems can develop, not to mention the loss of strength.

Protein is used by the body to produce polypeptides - receptors, enzymes, hemoglobin, biogenic regulators, etc. With insufficient protein intake, the body destroys its own muscle tissue to create vital elements.

Oxidation of fats occurs with the direct participation of protein: throwing weight with protein deficiency is much more difficult.

Assimilation of protein is an energy-intensive process: the utilization of 1 gram per fact gives approximately 3 kcal, and not 4.1, as officially considered. In this case, the body uses additional energy reserves from fat stores. Splitting of fat cells to compensate for their own needs is exactly what the person who wants to lose weight is interested in.

The protein, consisting of amino acids, is not stored in the depot, unlike carbohydrates and fats. The peculiarity of our body is that by default it tries to maintain homeostasis, that is, the constancy of its condition. Partly, that's why it may seem that reducing the caloric content of the diet does not lead to the desired effect.

Protein slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, thus reducing the total glycemic index. Fighting hunger becomes easier.

Proteins with a fat burner are the optimal combination for weight slicing. But, as you know, there are several types of protein: whey, casein, milk, soy, egg. Which of them to choose?

In principle, anyone, because the main task is to maintain a constantly high content of amino acids in the blood. This means that you can take the protein according to the standard rules: "fast" - 15-45 minutes after the workout, "slow" - for and for bedtime. There are no restrictions, only your personal preferences and financial possibilities.

To create the optimal effect, you can take a complex protein with fat burners - it's the easiest, because it provides proluted intake of amino acids into the blood. It is believed that casein better suppresses appetite, and whey protein has a more pronounced thermogenic effect.

The size of a single portion of protein is calculated as 2 g per 1 kg of body weight of the athlete. A competent combination of protein and ECA fat burner will give visible results in a week.


How to choose a fat burner

25 Sep 2017

Each athlete wants to create a pronounced relief with a minimum of fat. For this purpose, various additives are used. Professionals recommend choosing a fat burner, which will meet the requirements of the athlete and help in the shortest time to achieve the goal.

Recommendations for selection

The fat burners are used to reduce the amount of adipose tissue in the body. Similar means are used, both by sportsmen, and by girls, wishing to remain slim and fit. In each individual case, you need to select a specific additive.

When choosing a fat burner, it is important to consider:

The set goal;

Training mode;

Level of training.

Before buying, show your doctor and exclude contraindications. It is not recommended to consult with friends and rely on reviews. To understand how to choose fat burners from sports nutrition will help only a person who knows their characteristics and indications for use.

Choice of fat burner with regard to composition

Before taking the drug, you need to read its annotation. In it there is a reception schedule, and a dosage. But more important information is hidden in the composition. Each component has its own unique property, which must be taken into account when choosing a tool.

If you are interested in the question of which fat burner to choose, you should know which components are more often included in the composition of fat burners.

Caffeine is included in a large number of drugs to reduce adipose tissue, such as Red Wasp 25 and Asia Black-25. It increases activity, performance and endurance. The ingredient is natural and is contained in small amounts.

Synephrine has properties similar to adrenaline. It is part of Methyldrene. It acts excitantly on the nervous system and improves metabolism.

Radiola pink has a pronounced stimulating property and increases endurance during exercise. In the presence of this component in the drug it is important to exclude heart disease and hypertension.

Guarana increases stamina and slows the pulse. It acts excitantly on the body and contains a large amount of caffeine. In addition, memory is improved.

Chitosan helps inhibit the absorption of fat in the digestive tract. Often used for weight loss as an independent supplement, and also enters into a considerable amount of fat burners.

Each of the listed components has pros and cons. Therefore, the athlete must know how to choose fat burners before buying such supplements. First of all, we note that you can not combine two or more drugs belonging to different groups. It is not recommended to use the means of unknown manufacturers.

Before use, be sure to read the composition and indications. Do not choose the weakest drug in the hope that the increase in dosage will achieve the goal. Violation of the rules of reception only contributes to the development of side effects. If the time is felt uncomfortable and the effect is absent, it is better to abandon this remedy and choose another fat burner.


Side effects of growth hormone

25 Sep 2017

Synthetic, recombinant Growth Hormone, obtained by genetic engineering, as well as many other hormonal drugs, has contraindications to use and is capable of causing the development of undesirable reactions. Due to the fact that somatotropin is constantly synthesized by the human body, the side effects of the Growth Hormone are a fairly rare phenomenon that arises from a violation of recommendations for taking the drug.

Possible side effects and their removal

Tunnel syndrome (pain and numbness in the limbs, resulting from the compression of the peripheral nerves increased in the volume of muscles). This condition is eliminated after a reduction in dosage or withdrawal of the drug.

Increase in blood pressure (normalization requires taking antihypertensive drugs or reducing the daily dose).

The accumulation of excess fluid and painful puffiness of the limbs (to prevent similar side effects of the Growth Hormone, it is recommended to abandon alcoholic beverages for the period of the course of the drug and to reduce the consumption of spicy and salty foods twice).

Thyroid dysfunction (oppression of functions). To prevent the development of hypofunction and increase the effectiveness of the hormonal cycle, daily use of thyroxine (25 micrograms) is indicated.

Increase in blood glucose level (as a rule, does not require therapeutic measures, since it is reversible in nature). The medication of insulin and other drugs stimulating the pancreas is eliminated.

Hypertrophy of internal organs. Occurs in the case of prolonged uncontrolled use of GH. With strict adherence to the instructions indicated on the package, this condition does not occur.

Aktromegalia (a disease characterized by a significant increase in the facial part of the skull, feet and hands). It is a consequence of a gross dosing disorder.

Weakness and drowsiness. May occur within a few days after the start of the course. It is a sign of an autoimmune response of the body, indicating a low quality of the drug.

It should be noted that the known side effects of Growth Hormone are reversible. To avoid their occurrence recombinant somatropin should be taken only in the absence of special instructions and under the supervision of a doctor who can promptly recommend the cancellation or replacement of the form of the drug.

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that all the known side effects of Growth Hormone develop very rarely and are reversible. As a rule, the reason for their occurrence is a violation of the rules of use, non-compliance with dosages and frequent use for a long time. At the same time, rational administration of GH helps to achieve high sports results without harm to health.


Peptide IGF-1

25 Sep 2017


IGF-1 - insulin-like growth factor in the human body is a hormone mediator of GH (growth hormone) and its metabolite (i.e., a decay product).

Responsible for the normalization of tissue growth, cell division and development. In its composition - 70 amino acids. IGF-1 receptors are present in almost all human cells. Linking to them, the hormone has a powerful stimulation of rapid growth and cell division. In addition, it increases the lifespan of each individual cell - which allows us to speak of a powerful anabolic effect. In bodybuilding, insulin-like FR-1 successfully replaces GR, since it has the same effect - it stimulates growth:

  • muscles,
  • ligaments,
  • cartilage,
  • Skin,
  • nerves,
  • Bone tissue.

Its relevance is explained by the fact that it is absolutely high-grade and can be used to build muscle mass and power indicators independently without steroids or other means.

Dosage and administration

  • Most effective when injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly.
  • For injection, the drug must be previously diluted in saline, sterile or bactericidal water.
  • Ready-made stable solution can be stored: 24-48 hours (if using sterile water) and 5-7 days (if you take saline solution).
  • Bactericidal water will allow storing the solution for 3-4 days.
  • The optimal is a daily dose of a hormone in 1mkg for 1kg of weight. It is recommended to divide it into 2 doses. So, an athlete weighing 100kg needs to take 2 injections of 50mkg.
  • The first injection should be done in the left, and the second - in the right side of the body or vice versa.
  • A dose of 0.2 μg per 1 kg of weight makes it possible to obtain a minimal effect.
  • Optimum duration of insulin-like growth factor 1 - up to 6-8 weeks. Be sure to pause between the courses - a minimum of 3-6 weeks.
  • IGF-1 should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 ° C for a year.
  • Very rarely, but it can be stored in a dark dry place at room temperature for up to 30 days.

Experience of usage and feedback

The only serious drawback noted by athletes in the reviews of IGF-1 is the relatively low stability of the finished solution, which is why it has a very short shelf life. However, this problem is easily solved by diluting small portions of the drug simultaneously. At the same time, the result achievable with IGF-1 injections is no worse than on the course of growth hormones.


Peptides and workouts

25 Sep 2017

To date, training and peptides are inseparable concepts in the practice of bodybuilding. With the use of peptide drugs that help build muscle mass, strength training (a kind of motor activity with the most pronounced anabolic effect) plays one of the main roles in increasing the level of natural growth hormone.

How to train properly when taking peptides

In the opinion of professional athletes, competently planned trainings for peptides provide about 50% of success. There is irrefutable scientific evidence that the use of amino acid drugs accelerates the recovery processes in the body. However, this does not mean that during the peptide course it is necessary to train daily. In this situation, it is enough to have 3-4 full-time classes per week, lasting not more than an hour, and all the rest of the time should be allocated to the body for rest and restoring the resources spent. With longer training, fatigue develops, and the muscles begin to work for wear (burn).

The basic weight training program includes multi-part exercises, in which several groups of muscles work simultaneously. It includes:



Bench press;

Trainings to build up individual muscle groups (pumping the legs, increasing the volume of the biceps, etc.);

Detailed study of small muscles.

In total it is recommended to do not more than three approaches for each exercise, for 6-12 repetitions, a break between the approaches - 1-4 minutes. Work should be done slowly, in a calm mode, concentrating on the technique. Do not forget that training and peptides will be a qualitative-productive tandem, allowing you to dial for a course of up to 10 kg of muscle mass, only with the proper technical performance of exercises. In this case, each weightlifter during training should independently determine for himself the most optimal amount of intensity and the amount of load.

Regardless of the type of peptides taken, the bodybuilder must strictly observe the regime that provides for precise calculation of the time of ascent and retirement, the selection of optimal split-training, correct and adequate rest and recovery. In the period of muscle mass gathering, all unnecessary should be cut off and concentrate as much as possible on the construction and all-round development of the musculature. Only in this way can you achieve your goal and succeed.


Hexarelin Course

25 Sep 2017

Hexarelin is a peptide-stimulator of the secretion of its own growth hormone, a structural analogue of the well-known sports drug GHRP-6. To date, this product, considered the most powerful among peptides that release GH, is very popular in the world of bodybuilding. However, not all weightlifters know how to make a course of Hexarelin to achieve the greatest possible anabolic effect.

Hexarellin's solo course

The endogenous somatropin booster Hexarelin can work both in conjunction with other peptides and solo. This preparation is available in the form of a lyophilized powder. To dilute it, special bactericidal water or sterile water for injection is used.

Ideally, the Hexarelin solo course should last 1-2 months, after which the body needs a two-week rest (to prevent excessive exhaustion of the pituitary gland). A single dose of peptide is calculated by the formula: 1-3 μg of powder per 1 kg of body weight of the athlete. The optimal amount necessary for one injection is 100-300 μg. Professionals recommend injecting 2-3 times a day (in the morning, after training and before bedtime). Hexarelin is injected subcutaneously, into the abdomen, 30 minutes before meals or not earlier than an hour and a half after eating. The interval between injections should be 4 hours (the time required for the production of growth hormone).

Those who decide to take Hexarelin, you should know that this release peptide of endogenous STH, in contrast to GHRP-6, does not stimulate the production of ghrelin and does not enhance appetite. At the same time, it is able to increase the level of cortisol and prolactin.

Combinations with other peptide preparations

How to take Hexarelin on a course with other peptides? Being a multi-purpose anabolic, endogenous GR booster demonstrates maximum effectiveness in combination with the following drugs:

  • CJC-1295 DAC (potentiates the enhancement of the synergistic effect and prevents a decrease in sensitivity);
  • Insulin;
  • Arginine;
  • GHRP-2 or GHRP-6;
  • Glutamine.

The course of Hexarelin in conjunction with other sports products, as well as solo, should not exceed 4-8 weeks, after which it takes 1-2 weeks of respite. With longer continuous use, the body adapts to the action of the peptide, and as a consequence, its effectiveness decreases.


Supplements for metabolism

25 Sep 2017

In a huge variety of dietary supplements, you can sometimes get confused. Especially this applies to those who are just beginning to use them for one or another purpose. At the same time, if, for example, drugs for weight reduction are not needed by everyone, then dietary supplements for improving metabolism are vital for every person. It is thanks to them that your body can work as a clock.

Appointment of dietary supplements

The metabolism is important for every person. It can be broken for various reasons. This can be bad ecology, eating disorders, sedentary lifestyle, frequent stress and bad sleep. As a result, a lot of problems arise.

Violation of metabolic processes adversely affects the entire body. Supplements for the normalization of metabolism may be required in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • Weight change, both in the direction of increase and decrease;
  • Change of the skin;
  • Problems with gums and teeth;
  • Change in the work of the digestive system;
  • Dry skin and brittle hair;
  • A violation of appetite;
  • Edema.

If you have at least one of these symptoms, it is important to think about which metabolic supplements you can use.

Use of dietary supplements to improve metabolism

Today, there are a large number of drugs that have a positive effect on metabolic processes. Especially popular are dietary supplements, which accelerate metabolism. For example, dietary supplements for the liver Hemosorb helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, improve the blood vessels, normalizes the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood. In addition, it has a positive effect on digestion and increases the body's resistance to stress and increased physical activity.

Supplements for normalization of metabolism Hemosorb acts due to a large number of active components. They are the leaves of Sarsarapel and the one-sided Orthylia. In addition to the above, they also improve the picture of blood, which positively affects the entire body and metabolism in particular.

There are other effective dietary supplements to improve metabolism. So BAD-hepatoprotector Hepanorm, in the first place, has an effect on the liver and gall bladder. Under the action of the active components, namely the extract of artichoke, curcumin and silymarin, restoration of liver cells, normalization of bile excretion, formation of resistance to negative factors are observed.

The additive is used both in the presence of diseases and for the purpose of prevention. Given that it passes through the liver all toxins and dangerous substances, we can conclude that this drug will be useful to everyone without exception. It will help to prevent the development of such dangerous conditions as cirrhosis and dystrophy of tissues.

Excellent effect on metabolic processes and dietary supplements for the acceleration of metabolism, the main purpose of which is weight reduction. First of all, this is Simpatoterm Lux. The additive helps to accelerate metabolism, inhibit the absorption of fat and suppress appetite.

All this is achieved through such components as nettle, nettle extract, guarana extract, bitter orange and Garcinia Cambodian. Each component has its own effect and simultaneously enhances the effect of the remaining components. In addition to weight loss and normalization of metabolic processes, it helps the body to recover from stress and increases activity and endurance.


Why can not I lose weight?

22 Sep 2017

At first glance it seems that to reduce weight, it is enough to reduce food intake and add a little exercise. But it also happens that even with all the requirements, the weight is in place and does not decrease. The reasons can be set and it is necessary to take all of them into account before throwing this venture.

Why can not I lose weight with proper nutrition

For many, a healthy diet consists of making a diet that includes only allowable foods. As a rule, nuts, cereals, dried fruits quickly suppress appetite, and honey is often used as sweets. But this does not mean that if you use only the listed products, you can throw off the extra pounds.

In addition to making a list of acceptable products, it is important to monitor their calorie content, for example, nuts and dried fruits are very caloric. In one handful of almonds there is a third of the calories needed by a person weighing up to 60 kilograms. Accordingly, it is necessary not only to exclude fried dishes and smoked products, but also to reduce the intake of calories of healthy food. This is one of the reasons why you can not lose weight.

The next mistake is too large portions. Even in a plate of fresh salad there will be many calories only due to vegetable oil. For this reason, when preparing dishes, it is important to use measuring spoons and observe the dosage.

There is another reason why one can not lose weight, this is an abuse of dietary nutrition. All sorts of muesli for athletes, ripped yogurt, cubes replacing the broth. All this contains a large number of additives, so they can adversely affect the state of your body. It is better to give preference to special additives with vegetable matter. For weight loss, fat burners are suitable. They have no contraindications and are highly effective.

In order to reduce weight, it is important to understand that eating with the whole family, you will not achieve it. Cook for yourself, observe the meal schedule and cut portions. Then the effect will not keep you waiting.

I'm training, but the weight does not go down

It may also be that you regularly visit the gym, but the weight stands still. In addition to nutrition, the regime of the day can negatively say. Late gatherings do not allow for a good sleep. With a lack of sleep, the body will send signals to replenish energy and this is manifested, as a rule, by an increase in appetite. That's why you can not lose weight, spending most of your time training.

In addition to the above, it is important to understand what exactly you call exercise. Of course, an evening walk in the fresh air will be useful. But it will not give much effect. If the goal is weight loss, you can use the following:

  • Interval training;
  • Cardio;
  • Strength exercises.

It is with their help that you can burn excess fat cells. Simple walking only improves the state of the respiratory system and lifts the mood. As a rule, if all of the above recommendations are followed, weight reduction can be achieved. If this does not happen, you need to help the body.

To normalize the metabolism, you can use fat burners. Thanks to the plant composition they will help you to accelerate metabolism and metabolism, will cause a rush of energy and accelerate the burning of fats. The choice of drugs is very wide. This can be Red Wasp 25, Asia Black-25, Diablos ECA Fire or Hellfire.

An important advantage of dietary supplements is also the fact that the active ingredients have a positive effect on the state of the whole organism. Some drugs improve the potency in men, for example, Simpatoterm Lux, but Neurolipo improves mood and eliminates depression. There are those that enhance libido, improve the condition of the skin and hair and even remove toxins and toxins from the body.


Shelf life of peptides

20 Sep 2017

The shelf life of peptides is the period during which these biosynthetic products, provided that the storage conditions stated in the instruction are met, preserve their pharmacological properties.

The shelf-life of peptides is determined by the date placed on the vial and the outer packaging. It is this number that guarantees the manufacturer that the drug will maintain chemical stability and exert the necessary impact without posing a potential hazard to human health. However, the date indicated on the peptide package may be considered relevant only until the lyophilized powder contained in the vial was mixed with the solvent and did not gain access to air.

The shelf life of peptides in dry form is 1-2 years (depending on the variety of the drug). These substances, which have a very fragile structure, are afraid of high air temperature, direct sunlight, shaking and shaking.

The group of the most "fragile" peptides, rapidly losing their pharmacological properties under various fluctuations, includes:

  • Peg MGF;
  • Gonadorelin;
  • GRF 1-29;
  • IGF-1LR3;
  • MGF;
  • HGH Frag (176-191).

When buying these products, strongly demand that the seller treat your parcel with due attention by placing a cold storage battery inside it, keeping the temperature at the right temperature, carefully packing it, and gluing it with adhesive tape. It is preferable to store "fragile" peptide products in the refrigerator, since at room temperature their lifespan does not exceed 10 days.

To ensure that the shelf life of the peptides corresponds to the declared manufacturer, the preparations should be stored at a temperature of 3-8. If the drugs are stored in the freezer, they should not be re-frozen. Dilute lyophilized powder strictly according to need. In diluted form, it can also be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 6-10 days (the specific storage date should be indicated in the instructions). Mixed ampoules are strictly forbidden to be frozen. Some peptide preparations can be stored at room temperature, unopened for about 2 months, in the printed - no more than 48 hours.


Supplements for burning fat

19 Sep 2017

The first thing that every athlete strives for is a decrease in the volume of adipose tissue. But besides them, those who are far from the sport dream about the ideal figure. In this situation, the use of fat burner is an excellent option. There is a huge number of drugs with this property, you only need to choose the right nutritional supplement for fat burning.

Properties of additives for burning fat

The main goal of the drug for weight loss is to reduce the amount of adipose tissue. They fulfill their purpose in various ways. Some BADs for burning fat accelerate metabolic processes, others increase body temperature, that is, they act as thermogenics. Therefore, the effect of them will be different.

An important difference between drugs is that the maximum effect from them is achieved precisely under the condition of physical activity. This is why it is necessary to carry out cardio training when using drugs. To achieve the goal, you can use tools such as Methyldrene-25, Red Wasp 25 or China White 25 Ephedra.

BADs for burning fat cause the following effect:

  • decreased appetite;
  • increasing the speed of metabolic processes;
  • elimination of fluid from the body;
  • slowing down the absorption of fats;
  • splitting of fat cells with release of energy.

Buy dietary supplements for burning fat

Before you buy dietary supplements to burn fat, you need to determine the composition. Each drug has its own characteristics. So, Red Wasp 25 provides the effect the very next day. You will notice that training is carried over more easily, which means you can increase weights and the number of approaches. And when using China White 25 Ephedra, thanks to a safe formulation, you can increase the dosage to achieve the result.

To exclude any side effects, it is important to correctly understand dietary supplements for fat burning. Given that all of them without exception stimulate the work of the nervous system, it is recommended to use drugs in the daytime. As a rule, the first capsule is drunk in the morning immediately after awakening, and the second one 30 minutes before the beginning of toning. This will help to cheer up and increase the intensity of classes.

It is important to use at least two liters of liquid during the course. Increase the effectiveness of fat burner can be through diet. Avoid fatty, fried foods and sodas. Then the body will have to expend energy, accumulated in the form of fat stores.

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