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Contraindications and side effects of Melanothane

31 Oct 2017

Melanotan is a synthetic analogue of natural melanocortin (a hormone-active polypeptide) stimulating the synthesis and secretion of melanins. By launching the processes of skin pigmentation, it is used to obtain a stable and high quality tan with minimum UV exposure. However, this drug contributes to a decrease in appetite, accelerates the process of splitting fats, increases sexual activity, strengthens the body's immune forces and supports cognitive function. Despite the fact that the product is generally well tolerated, there are certain contraindications to taking Melanotan 2, as well as most pharmacological agents, it has side effects.

Possible adverse reactions

Synthetic analogue of natural melanocortin is available in two dosage forms: as a nasal spray and as a powder for injections. More convenient and safe to use is spray. Due to the presence of a metering valve, an accurate dosage is provided and, at the same time, the possible side effects of melanotane, which are manifested in a more pronounced form with parenteral administration, are reduced. They include:

  • Nausea;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx (when using a spray);
  • Labored breathing;
  • Disturbance of the heart rhythm (arrhythmia);
  • Fever, fever;
  • Hyper- and hypochromia (the appearance on the skin of dark and light limited areas prone to expansion and fusion);
  • Increased libido, prolonged erection;
  • Darkening and increase in the size of birthmarks.

The side effects of melanotan 2 in most cases are reversible, and immediately after a reduction in dosage or drug withdrawal the condition is completely normalized.


How to prepare injections of HGH 176-191

31 Oct 2017

HGH 176 191 is a fat-burning peptide, helping in a short time to achieve impressive results in body modeling. The drug is a synthesized fragment of the growth hormone molecule, which includes 176-191 amino acids, responsible for the process of lipolysis (fission of fats) and replenishment of energy costs. The task of this article is to help you figure out how to grow HGH 176 191, and what kind of syringe is better for injecting.

Recommendations for breeding

The scheme of application of the fat-burning agent depends on the goals. To reduce body weight and give slenderness of the figure, HGH 176 191 is used as a mono drug (solo). For simultaneous weight loss and the formation of muscle relief - in conjunction with Somatocrinine (CJC-1295).

How to grow HGH 176 191 for drying the body and stabilizing muscle mass? Due to the fact that the action of the product is not associated with the production of GH, it practically does not cause side effects. Therefore, some weightlifters, to achieve maximum results, use 2,000 micrograms per day, dividing them into 2-3 receptions. However, the optimal dosage is 1000 ug HGH 176 191 per day (3-4 times a day). Duration of the course is 2 months.

The bottle contains 2 mg of the product. As a solvent, a special bactericidal or usual sterile water for injection, in the amount of 2 ml. The result is 2000 μg. The injections, ideally, should be performed subcutaneously, with an insulin syringe.

Since HGH 176 191 will have to be diluted all at once, the remaining portion of the vial should be stored in the refrigerator, at a temperature of 2 to 8 C, in order to avoid loss of efficiency.


Hexarelin+CJC-1295 DAC+PEG MGF: course POWERFUL MASS

31 Oct 2017


The main task of this course of peptides is the qualitative collection of dry muscle mass, while the growth of subcutaneous fat is not provoked, which is typical of most modern athletes "on the mass."

Peptides can enhance anabolic processes and relieve the negative consequences that arise sometimes. In addition, they improve the general state of the human body.

• Anabolic response, rapid growth of muscle mass, hypertrophy.

• Improvement of the musculature relief by reducing the amount of fat.

• Increased stamina, quick recovery.

• Rejuvenation, enhance immunity, improve the condition of nails, skin and hair.

• Strengthening of bones, joints, ligaments.

• Lowering cholesterol in the blood, protecting the liver.

Used drugs

• Hexarelin (Hexarelin) 2mgx 8 vials.

• CJC-1295 DACx 9 bottles.

• PEG MGF (PEG MGF) x 9 vials.

Duration of the course

9 weeks (63 days).


With the simultaneous administration of Hexarelin peptides and CJC-1295 DAC, it can lead to a long-term and strong synergistic effect, since these drugs differ in potentiating action against each other.

This compound provides a powerful anabolic response. According to the experience and feedback of many bodybuilders, it is this bunch of peptides of the GHRP-group that gives the most powerful effect.

PEG MGF in this course accelerates the division of cells, promoting hypertrophy and rapid growth of muscle volume. An essential bonus is that daily injections of just one peptide - Hexarelin - are necessary. That's why it is suitable for those who do not want or for some reason can not make frequent injections of several drugs at once.

Following the results of a fully conducted course - the result will be visible - powerful and beautiful muscles, traced veins, a huge amount of energy and a luxurious appearance.


The course is designed for 63 days.

So, you need 10 bottles of Hexarelin, use two to three times a day 100mkg.

Peptide CJC-1295 DAC - 1000 mcg twice a week.

Peptide PEG MGF - 1000 mcg twice a week.

The dosage is calculated for a user weighing 80-100 kg given that 5 μg of the active substance remains in the "nozzle" of the syringe.


When using the recommended doses of the drug, no serious side effects have been identified. There may be a slight increase in appetite, a slight increase in the level of hormones cortisol and prolactin in the blood (will not have a significant effect on muscle mass gain).

In our store you can quickly and safely buy peptides for muscle mass collection CJC-1295 DAC, PEG MGF, Hexarelin and bactericidal water for dissolving drugs at a low price. For convenience, you can buy immediately the entire course for a quality muscle mass. At your service fast, convenient delivery and full confidentiality of the order.


Supplements made of plants

31 Oct 2017

When choosing a particular drug, the number of side effects and complications is of particular importance. For this reason, often preference is given to such drugs as dietary supplements from plants. Most often they include several components at once, but they can consist of one substance. In addition, each of the dietary supplements has its own effect. For this reason, they should be chosen no less carefully than medications.

Features of choice of dietary supplements

To selected dietary supplements from plants served its purpose, it is necessary to find out what the effect you want to see from him. In Swazi with this, all drugs are divided according to their properties. Conditionally they can be broken down into the following groups:

  • Additives for weight loss;
  • Drugs for the normalization of potency;
  • Means to improve the performance of certain organs or systems (vessels, kidneys, liver, joints, etc.).

Supplement from plants for weight loss

At first glance it seems that it is difficult to find plant and, accordingly, safe preparations. But with a competent approach, this is possible. Consider the beginning of an additive to reduce weight. As a rule, they are all aimed at accelerating metabolic processes and metabolism. As a result, fatty tissues dissolve and energy is released. The latter becomes the cause of a surge of strength and increased endurance.

Thus, the drug for weight loss helps not only to remove the extra pounds, but also to bring the workout to a new level by increasing weights.

Additives for potency

The next group is additives for the normalization of potency. They can enjoy a variety of activities. For example, Potencer positively affects the condition of the blood vessels, which contributes to the normalization of the work of all organs without exception. In contrast, such dietary supplements from plants, like Tribulus 90% and Testoporject, contain in their composition plant extracts, which stimulate the production of testosterone, a hormone necessary for the normal functioning of the genital organs.

Other dietary supplements

Separately, there is a huge group of additives, the action of which is directed to a certain organ. BAA for joints are in great demand. Thanks to them, the strength of the joint elements is improved. As a result, the process of recovery from injuries proceeds much faster.

The addition of Hepanorm helps restore damaged cells of the liver. This drug can be used as both prevention and treatment of already existing pathologies. Due to its rich composition it helps to eliminate serious diseases and restore the body.

A very popular dietary supplement from plants Hemosorb. It positively affects the blood supply and purification of the body of toxins and toxins. As a result, the condition of the skin and hair improves.

Due to the vegetative composition, the additives act gently, without causing negative consequences. You can take them for a long time and without the appointment of a doctor.


Fat burners for men, reviews, harm and benefit

31 Oct 2017

Men also dream of an ideal body - strong, relief, with traced veins and clear cubes of the press. For this, it is often not enough to assiduously recruit mass, it is regular and hard to train and monitor food. In such a situation, fat burners are irreplaceable. Buy fat burners for men can be in any pharmacy or sports nutrition store. But will they be effective? Let's figure it out.

Fat burners from a pharmacy

Ask an experienced bodybuilder about the most powerful fat burner, and 9 out of 10 will tell about the now banned ephedrine. At one time, preparations with ephedrine provided a powerful and comfortable weight loss, helped to intensively train - but also ruined health. That is why ephedrine was eventually recognized as a narcotic substance and banned. After that, many athletes were disappointed in fat burners for men, because all available pharmacy and shop drugs are either ineffective, or together with fat "burn" and with such difficulty built muscles (this refers to thermogenics, diuretics, energy, appetite suppressants, etc .).

Peptides for weight loss, reviews and benefits

However, to burn fat without losing muscle mass is quite realistic. The easiest and inexpensive way to do this is to use peptides. For example, peptide HGH Frag 176-191 stimulates fat burning in 12-13 stronger than growth hormone growth hormone. At the same time he acts aiming at lipolysis, preventing catabolism of muscle tissue.

Reviews of many bodybuilders claim that this peptide is the best means for pronounced fat burning without losing muscle. At the same time, its effect can be significantly strengthened if included in the combined course (you can find it in the section of courses on our website). Peptides of the GHRP group - growth hormone stimulants - are excellent for fat burning and simultaneous growth of muscle mass. Loss of fat is less significant than when using HGH Frag 176-191 (about 5-6% on average), but your muscles will not only not decrease, but also grow significantly. This is basically impossible under normal conditions. Side effects in peptides for weight loss are practically nonexistent, and existing ones are insignificant (for example, redness at the injection sites) and are rare.

Thus, the best fat burner for men on reviews is HGH Frag 176-191.

Fat burners for weight gain

Sounds strange, huh? We are used to the fact that anabolism and catabolism do not occur simultaneously. But if the task is to increase muscle and strength, do not you want the recruited mass to be as dry as possible? And this is quite possible if you use growth hormone and / or its stimulants for muscle mass. The thing is that growth hormone changes the energy balance, forcing the body to consume more fatty acids. So, this can be used, simultaneously with the growth of the muscles slightly reducing the percentage of fat in the body.

How to use growth hormone for weight loss and what to combine it, you can read in the articles on this site.

We also offer to study ready-made growth hormone courses and courses of peptides for a set of dry muscle mass. After that, you will know exactly which is the most powerful and effective fat burner for men - one that not only burns fat, but also allows muscles to grow! Important! Taking any preparations for fat burning, do not forget to adhere to diet and exercise, pay attention to a sufficient amount of protein in the diet


The course of growth hormone Ansomone

31 Oct 2017


This course is ideal for those who seek:

• improve the cholesterol profile, that is, start an active fat burning;

• accelerate the growth of muscle mass, improve bone density, improve immunity;

• increase the level of libido, mood and energy.

Used drugs

30 bottles - Ansomone (Ansomone) 10UI (International Units)

Advantages of Ansomone

One of the best modifications of the GR - Ansomone - is ideal for drying the body and improving fat metabolism. Why can it and even need to apply for weight loss? With a reduction in weight without special tools, loss of muscle mass is inevitable, while Ansomon (including its analogues) contributes to the increase in muscle volume and the number of muscle cells even when you are on drying!

Under the influence of this hormone, the synthesis of protein in the human body is accelerated so much that the recovery and growth of muscles is carried out as effectively as during the massaging cycle. Known and successful practice of using Ansomone to reduce fatty tissue for medicinal purposes.

Together with fat burning Ansomon, like all GH modifications, promotes the rejuvenation of the whole body - improves skin condition, removes wrinkles, provokes the growth of new healthy hair and nails, strengthens bones, joints and ligaments.

Optimal for taking the course will be a lifestyle: for relief - sports nutrition, as well as 2-3 cardio and 2-3 strength training per week. The use of just one course of Ansomone can reduce by 5% (or more) the amount of fat, while not only retaining, but also increasing muscle growth.

Duration of the course

The course can take from 1 month (4 weeks) to 6 months (24 weeks).


The course includes 2 stages: preparatory and basic:

• 2 weeks - preparatory: Ansomone 5Ed per day 1 time. For 2 weeks it is necessary to use 8 bottles.

• 10 weeks - the main one: Ansomone 5Edhv day 2 times. For 10 weeks, 72 bottles should be used.

For an athlete weighing 100 kg, the dosage is calculated with the account that 5 μg of the active drug remains in the "nozzle" of the syringe.


The drug is not recommended for use with:

• reactive neoplasia;

• acute degree of shock with severe infection;

• lack of activity of the epiphysis (pineal body of the brain);

• Pregnancy, including pregnancy.

Side effects of Ansomon, in the absence of contraindications, are minimal: unpleasant sensations, temporary hyperglycemia (after the absorption of the drug in the blood, the sugar level decreases), tingling, in the area of administration of the drug, a slight swelling (temporary effect occurring at the beginning of the course), when the optimal doses are exceeded, growth Antibodies in the blood.

Experts recommend periodically to check the work of the thyroid gland.

In our online store you can safely and quickly buy growth hormone at a low price - certified and original Ansomone (Ansomone), as well as for dissolving drugs bactericidal water.


Peptide for weight loss HGH 176-191

30 Oct 2017

HGH 176 191 weight loss peptides have become a real sensation in the field of weight loss and the burning of subcutaneous fat deposits. It is a synthetic preparation presented as a stabilized analogue of the growth hormone releasing factor, more precisely, a fragment of the somatotropin molecule, which includes amino acids (from 176 to 191), controlling the fat reduction effect.

Recommendations for use

In the bodybuilding industry, HGH 176 191 for weight loss is used to steadily reduce subcutaneous fat deposits and form the ideal muscle relief. Depending on the goals, the sport product can be used solo, either in combination with Ipamorelin or CJC-1295. The main pharmacological effect of this drug is the stimulation of lipolysis (fat burning) and the slowing down of the conversion of carbohydrates into fatty acids (lipogenesis).

At the moment, HGH 176 191 is considered to be the most effective fat burner, capable in a short period of time to significantly accelerate metabolic processes, increase the production of insulinopod growth factor (IGF-1), reduce weight, improve muscle structure, increase endurance and training concentration.

During the period of drug use, in order to obtain the maximum anti-catabolic effect, it is necessary to observe a low-calorie diet and refuse to eat before and after the injection.

Possible side effects and contraindications

HGH 176-191 for weight loss has a pharmacological effect, not associated with the production of somatotropin. Therefore, the peptide product has virtually no contraindications and does not cause side effects (such as an increase in blood glucose, cell proliferation, and an increase in internal organs). Sometimes at the injection site, there is burning and slight redness. This is a normal reaction of the body, which should not cause fear.


Reviews of doctors about Melanotan 2

30 Oct 2017

Melanotan II is a synthetic analogue of a hormonal-active polypeptide, melanocortin, responsible for the stimulation and secretion of melanins. Currently, this drug is used in the correction of medical and cosmetic problems, as well as used to obtain a quality tan with minimum insolation. However, doctors' opinions about Melanotan 2 are very controversial, and therefore, its use requires caution, and in some cases also the supervision of a specialist.

Melanotan-2 is a drug originally synthesized as a remedy for skin cancer. The mechanism of its action is to stimulate the connective tissue, which includes pigment cells, melanophorocytes. They contain a large amount of melanin, capable of absorbing UV rays and protecting from the harmful effects of solar radiation.

Positive reviews of doctors about Melanotan 2 confirm its ability to protect from burns, increase libido, by reducing appetite to fight excess weight, to help eliminate problems with potency. However, this peptide, which is a real breakthrough in heliotherapy, has not yet received official permission for use. And this also has its own explanation.

In case of an overdose of a synthetic analogue of melanocortin, pain in the whole body may appear. Often, specialists observed in patients using this drug, increased blood pressure and a significant increase in heart rate. Therefore, along with a positive opinion about the drug, there are also negative reviews of doctors about Melanotan 2. At a high dose, spontaneous destruction of muscle fibers, an increase in the percentage of protein in the plasma, and, as a consequence, renal proteinuria. Sometimes after 3-5 injections the entire body blackens, including the lips, a spontaneous erection that occurs without the participation of consciousness.

Thus, the opinions of specialists about the effectiveness and appropriateness of the use of Melanotan 2 are very contradictory, and whether it is necessary to be considered with them or not - to be decided by the consumer.


How to take D-aspartic acid

30 Oct 2017

The effectiveness of any drug depends largely on how well it is taken. The same applies to dietary supplements. Especially often there is a question concerning how to take D-aspartic acid. To answer it, it is important to understand the peculiarity of the substance.

D-aspartic acid is the enantiomer of LAA. It is the latter that is involved in the formation of protein molecules. You can get DAA both from food products and in the form of additional drugs. Acid plays an important role in the work of the nervous system, supports the hormonal level and stimulates the growth of tissues and cells.

Especially Aspartic acid is used in sports because of its ability to increase the amount of testosterone in the blood.

Indications for use and dosage

To begin with, it is important to find out if you need to take D-aspartic acid. Indications for use are:

  • Age over 25 years with a low testosterone level;
  • Need for stimulation of libido;

The difficulty in recovering from debilitating workouts.

To achieve the desired result, it is better to take Aspartic acid as a cyclic regimen. The recommended dosage is three grams per day. They should be taken within three weeks, after which a break is organized for 10-15 days. Then the cycle repeats. In the event that the effect is not observed or weakly expressed, you can increase the dosage to five grams. In this case, you need to divide the daily dose into two doses: morning and evening.

The maximum dosage is twenty grams per day. At the same time, this is a very high concentration and it does not suit everyone. Optimum is 5-10 grams per day. Even with it, there is a pronounced effect.


How to quickly increase testosterone

30 Oct 2017

Prior to important competitions in the course are all possible methods to improve their physical shape. This is especially true for bodybuilders. For them, it is important that the body contained at least the fatty tissue and thus was pronounced muscular relief. This can be achieved only as a result of painstaking work. But do not forget about sports nutrition. In the frequency, you need to figure out how to quickly increase testosterone in men.

Recommendations for a rapid increase in testosterone

Those who want to rapidly increase the level of testosterone, it is important to remember that the speed of its production depends on many factors and achieve the desired result can only be in compliance with all recommendations. In short, they look like this:

  • A sufficient number of vitamins and trace elements;
  • Sleep and rest;
  • Reduced probability of stress;
  • Adherence to the training regime;
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Additives for rapid increase in testosterone

At first glance, everything is simple, but you need to understand more. To build muscle mass all vitamins and trace elements are important. This is especially true of zinc, vitamin C and D. They can be obtained from pharmaceutical products, as well as with special sports supplements such as D-Aspartic Acid. Also, vitamins are found in large quantities in herbs. It is for this reason that such dietary supplements like Ginseng Kianpi Pil Testoporject and contains in its composition a large number of herbs.

To achieve the result, it is important to sleep at least 6-8 hours a day. Otherwise, the body will work on wear and will begin to postpone reserves in the form of adipose tissue. And it is just the "enemy" of testosterone, as it helps to reduce its quantity. Therefore, it is important to be beaten by excess fat tissue.

Rest implies psycho-emotional calm. Less stress and more sexual satisfaction. All this positively affects the production of testosterone.

It is especially important to make a diet. Try to eat less "harmful" food, especially fried and canned. Preference should be given to healthy fats and foods containing vitamins, particularly vegetables and fruits. Naturally, you need to give up alcohol.

Arguing over how to increase fast testosterone, do not forget about the training schedule. Remember that the produced hormone helps to improve the blood circulation of the muscle tissue, which means your task is to take this opportunity. In other words, always combine special preparations with training. Moreover, such means, for example, Tribulus 90% and Anabolizer, increase endurance and strength.

Thus, arguing over whether it is possible to increase testosterone quickly, it is important to comply with all the rules. Violation of the diet will not allow you to get rid of excess fat, and taking special supplements in the absence of physical activity will not give any result.

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