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Noopept, Nasal Spray Semax at Traumatic brain injury

24 Jan 2017

Head injuries that occur after the shocks and falls, accidents, causing massive loss of brain cells - neurons and disrupt communication between them. Such injuries are often complemented by neuronal ischemic blood flow, inflammatory reactions and swelling of the brain tissue. Stop neuronal death and promote the recovery of brain function can be using neuroprotective Noopept Nasal Spray "Semax 0,1%."

Semax - Traumatic brain injury,

Serious consequences

Traumatic brain injury head (CCT) - is the result of damage to the bones of the skull and the brain tissue. This is one of the main causes of disability and mortality in the working age. After a traumatic brain injury is a mass death of neurons, which may be of immediate - and delayed primary - secondary.

Primary neuronal cell damage due to mechanical effects is as follows:
concussion treatment
When injury is damage to the brain tissue and skull bones. Mechanical action causes displacement of the layers of nerve cells and their direct damage to the membranes and processes
There is a disruption of normal connections between nerve cells, and increased intracranial pressure. This may involve a breach of surviving neurons supply
The result is a temporary disruption of nerve cell function or death

However, the injury or concussion treatment is required to take into account another mechanism of damage to the nervous tissue, which is called secondary.

Secondary damage to the brain cells is no less dangerous. It comes from the fact that the head injury death of neurons in the primary injury triggers a complex biochemical process or cascade of reactions that trigger the expansion of the affected area with the capture of healthy cells:

When compression of or injury of the brain around the damaged nerve cells develop an inflammatory response, tissue edema, local disturbance of blood flow and insufficient oxygen supply to the neighboring neurons.
These changes lead to a decrease in functional activity and metabolism in healthy cells and to their progressive destruction. In addition, there is a formation of colonies by defective function of the cells that are prone to follow "programmed" death - apoptosis. Against the background of these changes, there is risk of damage to blood vessels and intracerebral hemorrhage after injury.

When different types of traumatic brain injury treatment should contribute to the prevention and elimination of the risk of such complications.

How to cure a head injury and get rid of the consequences?
Modern science has proven that the nervous tissue can and can recover. Therefore, treatment of traumatic brain injuries must perform the following tasks:

Addressing the causes of neuronal cell death (removal of intracranial hematomas, reducing intracranial pressure, etc.);
Stop the secondary damage to brain tissue;
Creating conditions for active power and oxygen supply to all areas of the brain;
Stimulation of regenerative processes and the formation of new neural connections.

Semax 0,1% - and neyrometabolic neuroprotective properties which allow you to effectively perform several of these tasks. Therefore, it has been used successfully after TBI any species, including concussion of the brain for the treatment and prevention effects. The use of "Semax 0,1%" after TBI reduces mortality among patients, reduces the degree of disability, and significantly reduces the terms of stay in hospital.

The most important effects of Noopept Nasal Spray "Semax 0,1%» are:
Accelerating out of the coma, and the state of amnesia;
Recovery of motor and sensory functions, by improving the creation of new connections between neurons, instead of the lost;
Recovery of cognitive functions Hint, improved attention, mental status;
Improved memory and recovery after traumatic brain injury, due to the influence on all stages of the process (storage, processing and reproduction of information);
The weakening of the post-traumatic depression;
Normalization of vegetative centers;
Prevention encephalopathy and the loss of skills

Due to pronounced neuroprotective activity and ability to stimulate neuronal repair Semaks help effectively treat traumatic brain injury and the consequences thereafter.

What are head injuries?
Separation of traumatic brain injury on the types and helps to choose the right treatment, to warn and to prevent the effects of trauma.

By type of TBI injuries are divided into open and closed. Closing considered TBI without damaging the fascia and the meninges. To open type includes cases with damage to these structures and fractures of the skull base, accompanied by the expiration of the CSF (transparent cerebrospinal fluid) of the nasal passage or ear, possible bleeding.

The degree of severity of the injury is determined by the clinical manifestations of TBI and data diagnostic tests (x-ray tomography of the head or skull). From the gravity of the damage depends on the success of treatment and the risk of irreversible consequences of TBI.

In the easiest form of clinical injury - concussion - reversible symptoms, and their treatment is based on the observation of symptomatic therapy (analgesics, sedatives, and others.) And the prevention of possible complications (neuroprotective). When shaking is possible short-term loss of consciousness, headache, single vomiting and sleep disturbances. These and other symptoms disappear in 2-7 days. When concussion treatment should also include bed rest for several days. The decision to hospitalize accepts doctor after examination and examination of the patient with a suspected head injury.

Bruising of the brain is accompanied by a more significant damage to the nervous tissue and divided by severity. The severity of the injury is determined by the combination of features: the duration of loss of consciousness, the severity of neurological symptoms (speech disorder, mental disorders, paresis, etc.), According to diagnostic tests. When brain injury treatment depends on the symptoms of the disease and the availability of intracerebral hematoma. If there is bleeding in the brain tissue, or brain membranes by surgical treatment is often required. With the death of neurons in the brain injury can occur due to direct destruction of brain tissue at the time of injury, as well as under the influence of intracerebral hemorrhage and increased intracranial pressure (ICP).


Biotredin (Pyridoxine+Threonine) tablets - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

24 Jan 2017

Active substance: Pyridoxine + Threonine.

ATC - A11JC vitamins in combination with other drugs

Pharmacological group - Vitamin means in combination.

Generic Name: pyridoxine (vitamin B6)

Brand Name: Vitamin B6, Vitelle Nestrex, Pyridoxal 5'-Phosphate

What is Pyridoxine?

Pyridoxine is vitamin B6. Vitamins occur naturally in foods such as meat, poultry, nuts, whole grains, bananas, and avocados. Vitamin B6 is important for many processes in the body.

Pyridoxine is used to treat or prevent vitamin B6 deficiency. It is also used to treat a certain type of anemia (lack of red blood cells). Pyridoxine injection is also used to treat some types of seizure in babies.

Pyridoxine taken by mouth (oral) is available without a prescription. Injectable pyridoxine must be given by a healthcare professional.

What is Threonine?

Threonine (abbreviated as Thr or T) encoded by the codons ACU, ACC, ACA, and ACG is an α-amino acid that is used in the biosynthesis of proteins. It contains an α-amino group (which is in the protonated −NH+

3 form under biological conditions), an α-carboxylic acid group (which is in the deprotonated −COO− form under biological conditions), and an alcohol containing side chain, classifying it as a polar, uncharged (at physiological pH) amino acid. It is essential in humans, meaning the body cannot synthesize it, and must be ingested in our diet.

ATC - A11JC vitamins in combination with other drugs

Pharmacological groups - B vitamins + other drugs [Vitamin means in combination].

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F10.1 Harmful use of alcohol;

F10.2 alcohol dependence syndrome;

F10.3 abstinence;

F34.8 Other persistent mood disorders [affective];

F48 Other neurotic disorders;

F60.3 Emotionally unstable personality disorder;

F90.0 disturbance of activity and attention;

R41.8.0 Disorders of intellectual-mental;

R45.4 Irritability and anger.

Composition, structure and packing

Sublingual tablets white or white with a yellowish tint plano-cylindrical shape with beveled.

1 tab.

L-threonine - 100 mg

pyridoxine - 5 mg

Excipients: low molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone (Povidone), citric acid monohydrate, magnesium stearate.

Pharmacological action

Pharmacological action - metabolic, neuroprotective, anti-alcohol, anti-withdrawal symptoms.

Biotredin is a regulator of tissue metabolism, improves mental performance, has a healing effect for alcohol withdrawal state, reduces the craving for alcohol.

L-threonine in the presence of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) decomposes into amino acids glycine and acetaldehyde, which stimulate inhibitory processes and simultaneously the oxidation-reduction reactions and respiratory processes of synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the cells, whereby the drug is able to:

Reduce the emotional stress;

To improve the short-term and long-term memory;

To improve mental performance;

Improve and normalize the levels of endogenous acetaldehyde and thereby reduce the effect of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and alcohol craving.

Action of Biotredin manifested in 10–20 minutes after taking under the tongue.


L-threonine, and pyridoxine completely metabolized to the final products. Their accumulation in the organism occurs.

Biotredin Indications

Prescribed to children, adolescents and adults with a decrease in mental performance and concentration.

The drug is prescribed for persons who abuse alcohol, suffering from chronic alcoholism when updating the craving for alcohol, coupled with affective (irritability, depressed mood, inner discomfort), sensory (feeling of hunger) and ideational (thoughts about alcohol) disorders with alcohol withdrawal syndrome, and to maintain remission.

Biotredin Contraindications

Drunkenness, simultaneous reception of drugs which depress the central nervous system (anxiolytics, antipsychotics (neuroleptics), antidepressants, etc..), Increased sensitivity to vitamin B6.

Pregnancy and lactation

Studies have not been conducted. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Alcohol abuse and alcoholism, the drug may be used during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Biotredin Dosage and administration

The drug is administered in tablet under the tongue or as a powder after crushing tablets; as a means of improving attention, mental performance: children, adolescents and adults: 1 tablet 2–3 times a day for 3–10 days. If necessary, repeat 3–4 times or more per year.

Patients with chronic alcoholism and alcohol misuse prescribed 1–3 tablets to receive 2–3 times a day for 4–5 days. If necessary, repeat 5–10 times a year.

In the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome administered on the first day 1–4 tablets 3–4 times a day (daily dose of 3–16 tablets), on the second day and then at 1–2 to receive 2–3 tablets twice a day (daily dose 3 –6 tablets) for 21–28 days.

Course duration can be shortened to 10–14 days.

Biotredin’s greatest effect is achieved when it is combined with the drug Glycine (100 mg tablet). Glycine to take under the tongue for 10–15 minutes before of Biotredin.

In remission for detecting latent craving for alcohol take 2–3 tablets on an empty stomach of Biotredin. The emergence within 10–20 minutes of light dizziness, calming effect, facial flushing, sweating indicates the presence of “hidden traction.” In these cases it is recommended 5–10 day course of Biotredin 1–2 tablets 2–3 times a day along with 100 mg of Glycine under the tongue for 10–15 minutes before of Biotredin.

Biotredin Side effects

Dizziness, sweating, allergic reactions in case of intolerance vitamin B6.

Biotredin Overdose

Overdose cases have been identified.

Biotredin Interaction with other drugs

Incompatible with antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, anxiolytics, barbiturates. Reduces the effect of antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics), antidepressants, barbiturates and other drugs which depress the central nervous system.

Biotredin Reviews

Acquired Biotredin to improve their psycho-emotional state, mainly brain activity. Now show "Dancing" is a means of vengeance PR, and I thought: why not? I have to say that the manufacturer Biotredina the same as that of glycine. No need to be a rocket scientist to see the original design of their products.

Convenient packaging, white tablets, classic reception for this group of drugs - under the tongue. The flat design makes it easy to take the vehicle to work or on the road. What can I say? "Tablets for memory" actually causes the brain to move quickly begin to "cut one's way" in the work. Given my biorhythmic belonging to the family of "owls", I immediately felt a positive change. However, to get the real effect is necessary, so to speak, to revise their preferences. After studying the instructions and packaging Biotredina, I was very intrigued by the information that means more and is a drug for the treatment of alcoholism. Contra "drunkenness" generated interest, and I was not too lazy to call their hotline. I was told that the agent is generally better not to combine with alcohol, otherwise no effect from it will not. And this applies even to the evening of alcohol that night was to be absorbed and naturally leave the body. For the "alcoholics", I am told, and does Dummy (if you continue to drink alcohol). But it is worth, the assurances of the consultant, the man to miss at least one day without alcohol and try Biotredin as thrust will begin to decline, exerting a beneficial effect on the body. Fortunately, I could not even if you want to test this promise: alcohol dependence do not suffer.

Indications: decreased performance, attention and memory; persons with chronic alcohol dependence, in the period of withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal), in the presence of craving for alcohol, to maintain remission.
Contraindications: Alcohol intoxication, concomitant use with CNS depressants (anxiolytics (anti-anxiety), antidepressants, antipsychotics, and so on.).
The drug contains vitamin B6 and L-threonine. Apply it in order to improve performance, attention and memory. The tablets used for this purpose under the language- one tablet three times a day. The taste is similar to glycine, a little sweet. As this drug is used for the treatment of alcohol dependence and craving for alcohol (in combination therapy). The package contains 30 tablets. Course admission is 10 days. Course may be repeated if necessary up to 5 times a year. Overall, after taking the drug, I have not noticed any changes in memory, thinking, attention. Nootropics are able to help people with diseases of the CNS. Calming effect Biotredin I just had not noticed. This is the weakest of all drug nootropics that I have tried. With it you can check whether you have a craving for alcohol In order to do this on an empty stomach to put 2 tablets under the tongue. If there are unpleasant subjective sensation, this indicates a positive result. The drug reduces the effect of drugs which depress the central nervous system, as well as alcohol. Not recommended for lactating and pregnant women. Before use, you must consult your doctor. In general, I think that the lack of effect on my memory, thinking, attention due to the fact that the drug is intended for people who really have a problem with that. And I wanted to test the effect on my body of this drug. Perhaps this individual response. Be healthy!


Eltacin - To make the heart stronger

22 Jan 2017

Unfortunately, the years are taking their toll; and our hearts, as we ourselves, are also little by little starting to grow old and tire. Constant stress and exhaustion, heat and changeable air-pressure – all this creates a load on the heart. Even young people not always cope with it. And it’s especially difficult for older people and for those who suffer from Ischemic heart disease (IHD). Weakness, labored breathing, racing heart, edema are the first signals that the heart cannot cope with the load. Apparently, you are experiencing age-related changes, and weather conditions just strengthened the body's response to these processes.

Speaking about Eltacin. This drug is produced by the Russian company. Eltacin helps to normalize the heart function and to reduce the tissues’ hypoxia. It contains a mixture of amino acids (glycine, L‑glutamic acid, L‑cystine). As a regulator of metabolism, the drug normalizes the oxidation-reduction processes and the use of oxygen in the tissues. Action of Eltacin is very gentle, because it affects the cells at the molecular level. Due to the formation of the energy necessary for the heart muscle, the medicine can improve the heart functions and increase the myocardial contractility. Please pay attention to Mildronate.

Studies showed that in case of the regular drug intake there was a chance to decrease labored breathing and racing heart; an active physical work, which recently seemed beyond strength, became possible.

Treatment by Eltacin should be started at the early stage of disease. Under these conditions the drug can not only significantly ease the patient's condition, improve the quality of life, but also gradually reduce the dose of the conventional therapy of IHD. Course of Eltacin can be repeated on the recommendation of a doctor (see the patient leaflet).

Eltacin has not only cardio but also meteoprotective effect – it helps to reduce meteosensitivity and, consequently, the risk of cardiovascular complications. To remove the excess stress and improve mental performance, it’s recommended to take Glycine in combine with Eltacin. You should put under the tongue at first the tablet of Eltacin and then, in 10-15 minutes after its dissolution, the tablet of Glycine.

Take care of your heart, and be healthy.


Eltacin an invaluable help in stress

22 Jan 2017

Any psycho-emotional stress leads to the development and progression of cardiovascular diseases. In stress, the heart works at the breaking point for providing the cells with oxygen and nutrients. If this piece of muscle, small as a fist, is not able to properly provide tissues and organs with blood, you’ll meet with a weakness, labored breathing, racing heart, edema and other troubles.

The symptoms of heart failure are unpleasant in themselves. And what if a man has hypertonia, ischemia, or heart disease? The remedy for stress, as you know, is Glycine. The drug is able not only to protect cells from the stress agents, but also neutralize the “aggressors”, which appear in the tissues under the stress.

Invaluable support for Glycine in a stressful situation is a unique new metabolic drug Eltacin. Gently, in physiological laws, without the side effects, it is able to correct the “heart problems” of the organism. You can try Mildronate.

In myocardial cells, Eltacin increases the level of glutathione – a substance which binds free radicals, reduces activity of peroxidation processes, improves the efficiency of the oxygen consumption, stimulates the processes of energy (ATP) synthesis.

A combined intake of Glycine and Eltacin will help both to survive the stress, and to significantly ease the heart “life”. Both of the drugs are recommended to use sublingually as a tablet or tablet powder after grinding; the second tablet should be administered in 10-15 minutes after complete dissolution of the first one.


Eltacin - Strong hearts!

22 Jan 2017

Winter for weather-sensitive people is always a challenge. After quite a hot long summer and exhausting with its instability autumn weather, beginning of icy winds and frost with occasional thaws affect badly on health. It’s not easy even for healthy people. But it is especially difficult for those who suffer from ischemic heart disease (IHD). Weakness, labored breathing, racing heart, edema are typical signs of heart failure which accompany the IHD.

Eltacin can help the organism in such a difficult situation. At the molecular level, gently and physiologically, he is able to correct these unpleasant symptoms. Due to the synthesis of the energy (ATP) which is so necessary for cardiac muscle, the drug can improve the muscle work, increase its contractility, and consequently reduce the labored breathing, normalize the heartbeat, makes possible the physical work. You can also like Mildronate.

At the Russian research and practice conference “Arterial hypertension: yesterday and today” (2010) it was shown that Eltacin has not only cardio but also meteoprotective effect. It decreases weather-sensitivity and, consequently, the risk of cardiovascular complications.

Patients with IHD are recommended to take 1 tablet of Eltacin 3 times a day for three weeks. If necessary, course can be repeated after consultation with a doctor.

Treatment by Eltacin should be started at the early stage of disease. The drug intake in combine with conventional therapy (see the patient leaflet) allows making the heart stronger. Also, there is a chance not only to significantly ease the patient's condition, but also gradually reduce the dose of the conventional therapy of IHD. This is especially important for those who are sensitive to weather changes or stress – both seriously strike at the cardiovascular system (it’s not a secret).

To remove the excess stress and improve mental efficiency is also recommended to take Glycine.


Eltacin. Why the heart is so disturbed?

22 Jan 2017

It’s perfect when such a question arises in anticipation of love – happiness hasn’t yet killed anyone! But if during a physical activity you feel a sudden weakness, shortness of breath, if you get tired quickly, if “motor”, which only a short time ago was so reliable, begin to beat fast as if intending to jump from the chest, all this is an alarm signal.

These symptoms are a serious reason to take thought and take measures without delay. In our life, with its hypodynamia, unhealthy diet, smoking, stresses at work, at home, in transport, the heart is not to be trifled with. You can just not to notice the next sign. Statistics is inexorable. More and more people have diagnosis associated with cardiovascular diseases. Nearly half a million of people die each year from heart diseases. You can also like Ladasten.

Eltacin will help you not to get into the risk group, to prevent heart problems without putting other organs in line of “medicinal fire”, to correct the symptoms of cardiovascular disease. It includes endogenous amino acids – glycine, L-glutamine, L-cystine. Due to the synthesis energy in the form of ATP, which is necessary for the myocardium, the drug gently, on the molecular level, in accordance with the laws of nature, improves the cardiac muscle functioning and its contractility. As a result, the reduction of shortness of breath, normalization of rapid heartbeat and physical work become possible.

Treatment by Eltacin should be started at the early stage of disease, particularly in case of ischemic heart disease (IHD). The drug intake in combine with conventional therapy (see the patient leaflet) allows making the heart stronger. There will be a chance not only to significantly ease the patient's condition, but also gradually reduce the dose of the conventional therapy of IHD.

Eltacin has not only cardiac, but also meteoprotective effect. This is very important in our instable climate, because the decrease of dependence on temperature or air pressure jump can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications. Another important fact is that the drug can help those children over 11 years who bear physical activity badly, and especially those whose life is connected with sport.

Don’t wait till your “motor” fails. Don’t delay; give a hand to your heart!


Eltacinin the fight for quality of life

22 Jan 2017

Hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart defects are dangerous in themselves. If they are complicated by the symptoms of heart failure (weakness, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, edema which are inevitable in case of blood supply violations), than threat to health increases; quality of life sharply reduces.

Eltacin includes endogenous amino acids. They allow him to cope with unpleasant symptoms of heart failure, to correct it gently. As a regulator of metabolism, the drug helps the body to normalize the oxidation-reduction processes, to use the oxygen in tissues more effectively; it also promotes producing of more energy necessary for the heart functioning.

Due to all above mentioned Eltacin is able to significantly increase myocardial contractility (also when smoking), to cope with the “breakdowns” of the heart, to increase organism tolerance to physical activity, to improve the quality of life of patients with heart failure.

The drug is non-toxic and has no contraindications, except of individual hypersensitivity to components of the drug. Sublingual intake of Eltacin (1 tablet 3 times a day) in combine with the conventional therapy is able not only to significantly ease the condition of patients with cardiovascular diseases, but also gradually reduce the dose of cardiac drugs. Discuss it with your doctor. Perhaps Eltacin is exactly the drug that you have been waiting for. You can try Hepatamin.

The drug may also be useful for people not suffering from chronic heart disease. Our life is rich with stress (and there is no escaping it), and it is able to crushingly strike the cardiovascular system.

Psycho-emotional excitement is good only in moderate doses. When the stress runs high, even in healthy people fell their heart “jumps out” of the chest; shortness of breath, weakness, rapid heartbeat appear. By the way, doctors suggest that significant increase of number of patients with symptoms of heart failure in summer is not accidental. Changing of climate, sharp fluctuations in temperature, and especially the heat have a serious effect to the cardiovascular system with all the consequences that entails. Put under the tongue a tablet of Eltacin 3 times a day, and you will support the heart muscle, and help the blood vessels to survive in a difficult situation.


Limontar - healthy baby

22 Jan 2017

You are waiting for the baby and, of course, want it to come to life being healthy and strong, and want the birth to go easily, without complications. What do you need for that? Of course, to take care of yourself and the unborn child in advance: to keep proper diet, spend more time outdoors, not to be nervous. Nature has provided everything to ensure the happiness of mother – a healthy woman is able to bring into the world a healthy child! But how many of these healthy women there are nowadays?

Unfortunately, most of the young women need help. The human body is not able to withstand the stresses or ecological problems. Not only in cities but also in countryside you cannot escape the toxic substances or radiation. They “hide” within the walls of our homes, in water, in food. The gene pool is being sapped. Each next generation is weaker than the previous one, and that is not a secret. Things which were natural for our grandmothers, for example the childbirth, becomes a problem for the younger generations.

To break this vicious circle, it’s necessary to provide a skilled medical support through all periods of child development, starting from the pregnancy. But there is a serious hitch, which was a problem for doctors until recently.

The most difficult stage is actually a pregnancy. The unborn baby is too sensitive to the external influence; any pharmaceutical can do more harm than help. Maybe we should not intervene? You can try Noopept.

Unfortunately, if the mother's body is unable to provide adequate nutrition and breathing for a baby, hypoxia (the oxygen deficit of the fetus) may develop, and it has a serious consequences. Among them is premature birth, a real threat to the life of the newborn. In this case the child is not just weakened, but requires a special attention and care. It is possible that this child in the future will be behind other children of his age in mental and physical development.

That won’t happen, if the expectant mother (strictly on the recommendation of her doctor) uses Limontar – just 10 days in each trimester. It delicately regulates and stimulates the energy supply of tissues at the cellular level. Extensive clinical trials showed that Limontar is able to cope with hypoxia of newborn without any side effects. The baby has all the chances to be born healthy, full-weight, well-developed, and to bring only a joy to parents.


Glycine! Post-traumatic stress disorder

22 Jan 2017

Sometimes, it seems that the world turns upside down – reality is so much like a nightmare or a television thriller. Is it possible for a person to keep the emotions at bay, not to let them slop over? For some time, yes! But stress, when becomes chronic, keep you on your toes, and any insignificant situation can become exceeding for your psyche. Doctors describe such state as a post-traumatic stress disorder. Its classic examples are “Vietnam” syndrome in America, and “Afghan” or “Chechen” syndrome in Russia.

At first, it seems that those who have passed the horrors of war feel normal. They just become stronger! Soon, however, psycho-emotional status begins to change dramatically: a man is haunted by disturbing recurring flashbacks, hallucinations, anxiety; the working efficiency disappears; the quality of life declines; the depression develops; and all of this is a high-road to various diseases.

And for children it’s not easier. Not only global emotional stress can affect their psyche and induce a post-traumatic stress disorder, but either insignificant (for a lot of people) events: savagely broken toy, discord between the parents, family breakdown... As a result, there is a loss of sleep, decreased attention, inability to concentrate, restlessness... Progress in learning begins to decelerate, the conflicts appear in the relationship with teachers and parents...

Such conditions require the correction, and it must be carried out as required by the nature, by means of physiology – by Glycine and Biotredin. Natural amino acids, vitamins and carboxylic acids which are compose these medicines, act smoothly, without adverse effects; meanwhile, their help is prodigious.

It is reported that Glycine has a strong anti-stress effect. In order to defuse the tension, conflicts, aggression and at the same time increase efficiency, improve memory, it is important to take Glycinetogether with all members of the family (because irritation and intolerance are “contagious”!) regularly during the month, the recommended dose is 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Biotredin, by solving the internal biological problems, gives the opportunity to achieve the inner harmony: to weaken the internal contradictions, lighten the mood, and, together, ease the hidden depression (the most dangerous for our health).

It is better to take these metabolic drugs according to the following scheme: put one tablet of Glycine under the tongue (3-4 times a day), and in 10-15 minutes after its dissolution take one tablet of Biotredin, also sublingually (2-3 times a day).


Glycine! The chance to beat alcohol addiction

22 Jan 2017

This, at first sight fantastic, chance is given by the correct usage of Limontar, Glycine, Biotredin. These metabolic drugs help the organism to correct disorders, caused by the consumption of ethanol, according to the laws of nature.

Prevention and treatment of acute alcohol intoxication (Limontar, Glycine) can protect all the organs and tissues from forming and fixing of violations of metabolism, which promotes the development of alcoholism.

In case of formed alcoholism, the intake of Glycine and Biotredin can on the molecular level normalize the violation underlying the craving for alcohol. It’s worth to take the course of these drugs (Glycine + Biotredin) 4-6 times a year (duration of 20-30 days).

The effectiveness of treatment is controlled by a test with Biotredin (see patient leaflet). The test allows to identify the “hidden craving”, which is usually a premonitory symptom of acute condition, regardless the full external well-being.

Unlike other diseases, the alcoholism is needed to be intensively treated during remission when the drinking doesn’t hinder. It’s correct especially for the hypnosis, “dashboard” and other similar treatment. Courses of Glycine together with Biotredin prevent the acute condition (drinking bout) and elongate the remission. Remember that any “contact” with alcohol requires mandatory application and strict compliance with the treatment regimen.

Limontar (tablets) is taken in 20-30 minutes before the drinking alcohol, then per one tablet every 1-1.5 hour (total 1-5 tablets). In the next morning it is necessary to take a tablet of Glycine, another tablet of Glycine in 30 minutes after the first one, and then per a tablet every 1.5-2 hours during the day. The day after, it’s necessary to take a tablet of Glycine and a tablet of Biotredin in 20 min after Glycine) 3 times a day for 3-30 days.

Duration of the course depends on the nature of alcohol consumption: if rarely – the course is shorter, if often – longer.

In cases of reduced appetite, frequent periods of weakness, apathy, it’s makes sense to add Limontar to the course – 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for 1-3 days. In case of combination of alcoholic disease with ischemic heart disease, Eltacin should be added to the course (at any stage) – 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for 20-30 days.

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