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Biotredin Drug to Improve Brain Function

25 Jan 2017

Biotredin - a good memory, clear mind, excellent reaction - the key to your success.

Learn in a driving school and pass on the right without problems

Learning to drive can each: so say the driving instructor. But many who are already confident drivers, say the study was given to them is not easy in a driving school, and he was a real stress test.

What scared novice driver

To get in an accident and damage

Stalling at traffic lights / on the rise in traffic

To park in reverse

At the time not navigate while driving

Do not understand the signal regulator

Not even feeling the size of car, touch a pole or curb, for example when cornering.

This is only part of the fears that interfere with driving school student get behind the wheel. And what to say to keep in mind all the rules and signs! After all, the ability to memorize information at all different, and worsen with age.

The biggest fear at the beginning of driver training - "I did not get." The fact that a lot of people with no outstanding ability to successfully drive a car, at first did not seem convincing. What if you are the rare person who is not given to drive a car?

Helpful Hints students driving schools
As a rule, the passions over most driving schools and driving test is heated by the students themselves. Some emotional stories about the failures will be more convincing than a balanced assessment of their own forces. Therefore it is better not to gather information about how and who gave some cases knows.

Begin to drive the car at the same time with the beginning of the study theory. Practical exercises will inspire the study of traffic rules, you will be more clearly understood rules and constant training will contribute to the speedy consolidation of skill. Fear of driving with this approach you will overcome even before the day of the exam.

If you memorize the bad traffic and signs, can not quickly find their way in solving logical problems, tell your teacher. Traffic rules have some logic, and if you understand it, then remember training manual you will be much easier. Learn the signs can be more difficult as this task is more based on mechanical memory, but the SDA graphic symbols also have their own logic.

Try not to miss the theoretical classes. You can be sure that no problems will find it yourself or ask classmates, but employment value in the class is that all that is not clear, we can immediately discuss, get a comprehensive answer to the question, hear the comments of an experienced driver, which will be useful in difficult situations on road. Many schools offer the opportunity to attend the missed lessons with another group.

Training in driving school will give you easier if you can work as much as possible to strengthen the brain during this period. Try not to take alcohol during the study in a driving school, do not go to bed very late, limit time spent in social networks - it will help save the resources to handle more educational information. In order to improve brain activity and reduce the effects of stress, take medication Biotredin - preparation containing vitamin B6 and the amino acid threonine. Biotredin, activating the natural way of regulation, improve memory and attention, speed of reaction, and reduces emotional stress, allowing you to relax and drive the car without fear.

For best result take Glycine and Biotredin together. Place tablet under tongue Glycine (3-4 times daily), 10-15 minutes after its dissolution - Biotredin tablet (2-3 times daily).


Biotredin Drugs to Improve Memory

25 Jan 2017

Biotredin - a good memory, clear mind, excellent reaction - the key to your success.

Second higher education - it is easy or difficult?

The main reason for stopping already held expert before getting the second education is frustrating. And often these are not empty fears, and the weighted position of a man who until recently was a student, and remembers how much effort was spent on getting the diploma.

The choice for the second specialty education

Students of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education - it is usually people over 25 years. At this age, the activity of short-term memory has been reduced, and for storing the new information requires more time and effort. On the other hand, it is now well operate a formerly acquired knowledge and skills, quickly targeting and make decisions. Therefore, to obtain a second diploma is better to choose another specialty, or the one which you are interested before, and already have in this area a specific knowledge base. You can buy Biotredin.

If you choose the second degree, which will complement your first profession, helping to a better understanding of professional issues, the significant win in the labor market.

Bonuses when you receive a second diploma

Joined the faculty will be easier, especially if you are doing the same university. Usually a course enroll for the interview

The ratio of students to the postgraduate faculty have as equals, that moral facilitates the learning process

If you came to another specialty, the items that you have already passed, you will pass easily. But if for some object you passed the credit, and now according to the plan the exam, then have to re-take

You already have a new learning experience, and you can correct their previous mistakes, and get the diploma

Your classmates are now mostly working in a related field, and you get useful professional contacts

Why study at the FPE can be difficult

Difficulty remembering new material FPO due to the peculiarities of the psyche. In addition to changes in the structure of the memory after 25, the perception of a certain stereotype affects the layout and presentation of information. Do you already have a professional point of view, and new knowledge may not fit into the usual installation.

If you're wrong, or show poor results, then it is much harder to accept now that you're a graduate. But if you are not open to criticism, you can not work on their mistakes.

In the end, you may simply not be enough time for study: you are already working in their specialty, you have a family.

How to activate mental powers

Planning will help distribute the forces throughout the week. The daily is more effective as a paper notepad, and not as an application on your smartphone. Paper diary helps to better structure the tasks and not to postpone their "tomorrow", as you can physically feel the reduced number of pages between now and the scheduled date.

Write an outline, decrypts the recording from the recorder and write down in a notebook: it helps to reconsider the information, and she is best remembered. Draw a scheme based on lecture notes and the material in the textbook: it's easier to understand and remember, and exam preparation for such synopses more effective than endless rereading the textbook.

In order to improve brain function, take Biotredin: a modern, safe preparation containing the amino acid threonine and vitamin B6. It activates the metabolism in neural tissue, leading to an improvement in short and long term memory improves processing speed. Biotredin helps in stressful situations: activates protective inhibition, without causing drowsiness, so it is recommended when preparing for exams.

For best result take Glycine and Biotredin together. Place tablet under tongue Glycine (3-4 times daily), 10-15 minutes after its dissolution - Biotredin tablet (2-3 times daily).


Biotredin Pills to Improve Memory

25 Jan 2017

Biotredin - a good memory, clear mind, excellent reaction - the key to your success.

Biotredin pills to improve memory

Holidays without end: how to make the brain work

Launched a long-awaited holiday time to: Christmas, New Year, smoothly flowing in on February 23 followed by a March 8 ... And in between are plenty of reasons to relax, meet with friends and family. Of course, the rest - it's fine, confused only one thing: how to preserve health and to "collect brains in a pile" in a wayward working rhythm.

Caution! Recreation!
Any holiday in our country decided to celebrate the abundant feast with lots of alcohol. One gets the feeling that the whole year we hoard power for this marathon of table. We think that we have a rest and relax, but the route "fridge-table TV" a detrimental effect on our stomach, liver, and, of course, the brain.

Overeating - the first danger. If the full gastronomic "orgy" begins in everyday work, we somehow restrain themselves, then with the onset of the holidays. The body is absolutely not ready for such a number is not too healthy dishes, and as a result we are faced with the symptoms of overeating, heartburn, intestinal obstruction and has a lot of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true for those who before the holidays dieted.

Risk of second - hangover fog. The abundance of alcoholic beverages is not only a blow to our body, but also has a negative effect on our behavior and actions. Often the relationship with alcohol begin to resemble the booze, although few people recognized. Unfortunately, this is our mentality - we can not drink. But you can drink properly.

· At the table, follow simple rules: do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach; to remain faithful to one drink during the evening; try to compensate for the amount of alcohol in the same amount of mineral water.

· After the feast at night be sure to go to the shower, drink at least a liter of pure water, and take a good sorbent. Thus, you will save the body from dehydration and accelerate the process of withdrawal of alcohol decay products.

· Try to finish the "upheaval" parties as early as possible. The less alcohol your body gets, the faster you return to an active lifestyle.

Danger third - brain on holiday. Most modern people are working very much with constant sleep deprivation and deadlines. By the end of the year it seems that the head is simply refuses to think. We are waiting for the holidays to relax and get away. That's just our vacation, usually a combination of the above two points. And after returning to work, we savvy even worse than before he left on vacation. How to restore brain performance and rejuvenate?

· Try to at least 3 days vacation to devote yourself exclusively. Good enough sleep, but it is put to bed in the allotted time. Relaxing bath and a book from the series "Classics" - what you need before going to bed.

· A light breakfast, shower and walk in the fresh air, a beneficial effect on the body and brain activity. These days you can go to the exhibition, to the theater or just to read a good book. The main thing - no alcohol and no thoughts about the job.

· To restore the activity of the brain can take advantage of the achievements of pharmacology. Modern experts recommend to drink a combination of drugs that enhance neuronal energy supply. For example, Biotredin containing in its composition amino acid L-threonine, and pyridoxine (vitamin B6), quickly return clarity of mind, speed of reaction, as well as increase concentration. In addition, the drug will soften the impact of alcohol on the brain, ease withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings for alcohol.
There are plenty of tips and advice on how to survive the holidays. However, you will agree, is not the best approach - first exhaust yourself, and then have a rest after a rest. It is best to plan your weekend right. It is important to leave room for swashbuckling parties, and for a peaceful dialogue with the family and for yourself.

For best result take Glycine and Biotredin together. Place tablet under tongue Glycine (3-4 times daily), 10-15 minutes after its dissolution - Biotredin tablet (2-3 times daily).


Biotredin Tablets for Memory

24 Jan 2017

Biotredin - a good memory, clear mind, excellent reaction - the key to your success.

How to learn to switch off from work

A recent survey showed that 52% of Russians are ready to engage in while on vacation work chores. Every third inhabitant of our country and at all said that in today's world to work on holiday - is the norm. This means that we are ready to work almost around the clock, forgetting about their own health, peace and happiness of the family. Than it is fraught, and how to fix the situation?

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Health at zero
The dependence of the workaholic to work harder than the dependence on the alcoholic poison potion. Psychiatrists have long workaholism entered in the list of serious mental disorders. After all, over the weekend and during the holidays fanatical workaholic experiencing the real "breaking."

Scientists and doctors have come to the conclusion that workaholism - is a gradual and continuous self-destruction. Physical and intellectual resources of the person begin to dry up. Against this background there is a neurotic disorder. Inveterate workaholics are permanently in a state of stress, suffer from insomnia, headache, increased anxiety, and lack of appetite. Their immunity is reduced three times, and they are all equally susceptible to depression, heart attacks and strokes. Cardiologists are sounding the alarm: a heart attack - it is an occupational disease occupational fanatics.

On the ruins of the hearth

Unfortunately, people who can not get a job out of his head, spoil the life and health of not only themselves, but also relatives. The woman who comes home hard with a "heavy" head, can not maintain comfort in the home, tears evil to her husband and children, she is simply unable to fulfill its primary function - to keep the family hearth.

The man, who is not recovering from the stress produced at work, not relax and rest, cease to pay attention to his wife, and may experience some sexual problems. Dissatisfaction with each other grows. Marital happiness is at stake.

How to help yourself?
Save a fresh mind, peace in the family and thus avoid layoffs as possible! Here are some tested recipes.

1. Every evening, plan the next day, writing case point by point. So, you "lay" in the head all the cases and lay thought "on the shelves."

2. Distribute correct their working time. Highlight each case a specific period of time and try it "fit", do not be distracted while talking on the phone with a neighbor in the office or on social networks is not completed yet conceived.

3. As the performance cross out items from the to-do list. This is not only a kind of self-praise, but also a clear demonstration of the fact that work is becoming less.

4. During the working day every two or three hours pause. Walk into the next room to his colleagues, drink of tea, go outside. This will help to distract from business and increase productivity.

5. Make it a rule not to check work email at home and did not respond to calls from colleagues or superiors, as soon as you crossed the threshold of the office. Explain to your boss "politics", if your boss is adequate head, he will understand. And if you do not understand, think, perhaps, your health, and communication with relatives more than the daily hassle at work?

6. Get rid of anxiety and stress. To help you - modern pharmaceuticals, for example, a combined preparation Biotredin. It consists of the amino acid L-threonine, and pyridoxine (vitamin B6), which are designed to change your status, make constant excitation in the cortical centers of the brain gave way to calm. So, you can quickly switch from one activity to another, and at home or on vacation do not think about work. It is important that the drug improves brain function and psycho-emotional state, but it is not a sedative, that is not depressing the central nervous system, non-addictive, and sleepiness.

7. Find a hobby. It can be anything: modeling, painting watercolor, origami, flower cultivation - anything that will help you escape from work and get positive emotions.

8. Find a time for sports. As long as you move, the happiness hormone is produced in the blood. It can also be obtained by eating chocolate and bananas.
By following these simple rules, you will be able to fully relax and spend time with loved ones, will avoid many health problems that affect workaholics, and increase productivity at work.

For best result take Glycine and Biotredin together. Place tablet under tongue Glycine (3-4 times daily), 10-15 minutes after its dissolution - Biotredin tablet (2-3 times daily).


Biotredin Threonine Supplement

24 Jan 2017

How to pass the exam

Biotredin Threonine Supplement

Test for A
How to prepare for a severe test

Exam - a real test. In a short time a person must demonstrate their knowledge, skills, what he studied for a long time (for a full university course, or for the entire period of study at school or university). Therefore, you need to prepare for exams, not just memorizing formulas and grab scientific literature. For passing the exam, there are a range of measures.

Walking, sleep and sport
Of course, the security of the five on the exam - it is learned material. And, of course, you do not need to prepare for one night before the test, and beforehand. It is necessary to clearly plan out the preparation and loading, leaving everything to the last day.

To good to remember the information, you need to take breaks in cramming, do not forget about fresh air and restful sleep. Fatigue - not the best assistant in exam preparation, especially in the delivery. Besides fatigue only increases the tension of the nervous system, interferes concentrate on exam papers.

By the way, scientists have proven that a good exercise stimulates mental activity, so many eminent thinkers engaged in sports. So that moderate physical activity will only benefit the body before the exam. Moreover, the sport allows you to throw out the accumulated psychological tension after a workout, you will return to the intellectual work refreshed and calm. The main thing - do not overdo it with the sport during the exams. Excessive load harassed your body, and without strain. Everything should be in moderation!

Vitamins and calories
During the examination the young organism needs not only rest, but also to good nutrition. A person should be sure to eat meat, rich in animal protein, cereals that contain fiber, giving energy to our body; fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins. You can also take a multivitamin complexes. Do not forget about the fish - it contains phosphorus, so necessary for our brain. Also needed for glucose mental activity, which contains, for example, chocolate. Therefore, doctors and advised to take the exam a bar of chocolate. And there is no fast food! It's too hard for the body to food, her body splitting spend too much energy, tired, and all of this will impact on your health.

And it is not necessary during the exam to sit on diets. Your body is overloaded and needs a complete make-up of vitamins and calories.

Do not forget to bring a bottle of water on the exams - at nerve strain in humans is broken water balance in the body of this deteriorating health. Doctors also advise during the preparation and exams to drink more water.

Eat to remember
Modern scientists and doctors have found out that there are special products and substances that help to improve memory performance, stimulate brain activity. How important it is during exams! To view the brain need to eat walnuts, rich in B vitamins, they also contain fatty acids, zinc and magnesium, which help to develop thinking. Better information will help remember the milk is rich in vitamin B12. Before an exam can be added to tea and a selection of honey, rich in glucose. It is proved that iodine increases IQ - so scientists are advised to eat sea cabbage.

Improves power marrow red grapes - a natural antioxidant. Vitamin C contained in the lemon, will not let you forget learned.

In addition to the natural vitamins, modern Russian scientists have developed a variety of drugs that help to improve memory and stimulate brain activity. For example, a drug developed in Russia Biotredin, based on - the amino acid L-threonine, allows to improve brain function, memory, speed up the memorization of large volumes of information, and improve mood, relieve stress. It is important that the drug can take adults and children, and adolescents. Doctors recommend it for children to take to improve care, concentration, enhance mental activity, which is especially important during the preparation and delivery of critical examination. In order to achieve greater effect, experts advise Biotredin taken with glycine.

For best result take Glycine and Biotredin drugs together. Place tablet under tongue Glycine (3-4 times daily), 10-15 minutes after its dissolution - Biotredin tablet (2-3 times daily).

Biotredin - a good memory, clear mind, excellent reaction - the key to your success.


Biotredin L tryptophan

24 Jan 2017

Biotredin - a good memory, clear mind, excellent reaction - the key to your success.

How to pass the session without problems

Student years could easily be called the golden age. Serious, "adult" responsibilities has not touched you in full. You can build the most incredible plans, you have plenty of opportunities and prospects. And everything is good, but twice a year in your lexicon appears the word 'session', which darkens life, spoil the mood and makes spending a few weeks in a terrible suspense. Every generation of students have their own recipes to solve this problem.

How students take exams today
At all times, students are written off, and will continue in the same spirit. As soon as cribs do not look! This microscopic leaves an elastic band, the classic "Bomb", the text on the different parts of the body and much more. But progress does not stand still, and the place of paper "spurs" have come all sorts of gadgets. And mobile phones are not used as they use special devices, mobile silencing signal in many universities in the exams. So, modern crib:

Watch crib - A means of storing quite a large amount of textual information, which is displayed in a few clicks. Suffice it to upload the main points, key phrases or dates, and copying will take a few minutes. The main advantage is that when you press a button, the text disappears, transforming the usual hours

Watch cell phone - can also be a great help on the exam, especially if the audience does not stand "jammers". With access to the Internet, you can get the information you need just a few touches. Alternatively, you can simply download them plain text notes.

Wireless earpiece, perhaps, be called the ideal way of cheating. Using Bluetooth it is possible to connect to virtually any device, such as a digital recorder, a very small size. Now I do not even have "recite" the answers - they can be easily found on the Internet. Teacher hardly detects the headset, because its size is only 1 cm, and it is a flesh-colored.

If you are written off, remember that the main thing to look confident and at ease. Each movement should be calm and natural, hassle will attract to you the teacher account that you do not need.

Express training
Undoubtedly, to cover a large amount of information in a short time is very difficult. However, one can argue that this is impossible. It is necessary to properly allocate their time and effort.

· Tune in preparation for the exam. It is desirable to collect their will in a fist and it is time to forget about social networks, meetings with friends, and the like. Old, proven method of "sit down" for textbooks is still working.

· It is important to observe a certain schedule of classes. For example, you can take an hour, and then rest for 20 minutes or split the information into blocks and then study each reward yourself with Something pleasant.

· Learn a course in detail a couple of days with the help of cramming - a waste of time. It is best to tune in to the understanding of the subject and some fundamental principles. Almost on every subject you can find a short course or general information. Often such literature let teachers themselves. If you understand the subject, think through the details will not be difficult.

· During the preparation for the exam should not be abused energy drinks or coffee. There are far more useful ways to encourage your body. For instance tincture lemongrass, not only stimulates cerebral activity, but also improves visual acuity and fatigue. Just 100 grams of fatty fish normalize the blood vessels in the day, which will greatly enhance the response. A cup of cocoa improve blood circulation of the brain and increase memory properties. Blueberries are generally considered to be a full-fledged "food" for the brain, improving cognitive properties

· Exam Preparation at night - it is a harmful error. If you do not get enough sleep at night, the efficiency of your work day will decrease by several times. Suffice it to 7-8 hours of full sleep that the body rested and ready to extreme loads.

· Progress does not stand still. There is another trick to help you remember a lot of information. Many experts to improve brain activity is recommended to take drugs that enhance neuronal energy supply. Especially popular drugs with amino acid composition, as they give the most pronounced effects and is safe for the body. For example, Biotredin preparation containing an amino acid L-threonine and pyridoxine, helps reduce emotional stress, significantly improves both short and long term memory and improves mental performance. And it is very important during examinations.

Exam Preparation - it is certainly a difficult period. However, if the focus, patience and self-confidence, you successfully cope with this problem!

For best result take Glycine and Biotredin drugs together. Place tablet under tongue Glycine (3-4 times daily), 10-15 minutes after its dissolution - Biotredin tablet (2-3 times daily).


Biotredin Threonine Tablets for Memory

24 Jan 2017

How to develop memory in the adult

Workout for the mind
Develop adult memory

Many of us who have a lot of hard work, one day notice - the memory is not ready to quickly find the answer to the questions at the right time or refuses to quickly "remember" the information you need. You will increasingly have to record everything, even the smallest things, and in fact had not used the diary you - all kept in mind. The phrase "I've forgotten (forgotten)" was repeated more often in your speech. What to do in such a situation? Develop memory!

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Use your brains
According to scientists, up to 25 years to actively develop our memory. In adulthood, our ability to remember and recall information at the right time consistently comes to our aid. But after 50 years, we gradually begin to lose memory function. Approximately 20 to 40 percent of its performance losing our memory with age. But salvation from this is - regular exercise "for the head."

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It is proved that a well-preserved in the memory of artists and scientists, because the representatives of these professions actively train your memory - the artists are constantly memorize texts, scientists constantly "working head", with the result that involves all parts of the brain. You can buy Biotredin.

Another proof - the memory can be developed and trained, even in adulthood. But not only our memory depends on regular mental exercises.

Biotredin Threonine Tablets for Memory

Relax and run
Interruptions with memory may be due to fatigue, overexertion, stress, poor diet and lack of vitamins. In this case, one has only to go on vacation, sleep, being in nature, eat well and refreshed memory itself will return to you.

Do not neglect physical exercise - Moderate exercise improves blood circulation, increase the tone of the whole organism, contribute to saturation of the tissues (including the brain) with oxygen. As a result, improves brain activity, and with it the memory. No wonder many famous scientists engaged in sports. In Europe, it is not surprising to meet the ski marathon professor, who, after a grueling competition makes the opening.

Exercises on memorization
If even after the holiday memory you will not be returned, it is necessary to start its training. Here, there are many ways to develop memory in adults.

The poems, crosswords, books
Remember how our memory subjected to loads in the school years and college students. What amount of information our brain is absorbed into the session, and at the right time memory almost never failed. It may come back to this practice? Learn verses, remember phone numbers of friends, but does not save gadgets. Solve puzzles, jigsaw and crossword puzzles, collect puzzles. All this can be done with the child - for example, asked him to learn the letter Tatiana from "Eugene Onegin". Why do not you refresh my memory? Or how cool with the baby at night to collect mosaic. All of this would benefit both the young body, and your memory. Read more books, and then discuss with a child. Classical school curriculum for this is perfect.

It's time to learn!
And maybe remember the youth and go back to school? You can finish the driving school, learn a foreign language or get a second degree. New skills will not be denied, can help not only with everyday life (as an additional opportunity to travel by car and to communicate in a foreign language on a trip), but also his career. And in your mind, this experience will be a great exercise, the effects of which persist for a long time.

Do not be distructed!
Most people can not remember because he was distracted, can not concentrate. Learn to be attentive. If you need to do important work or remember information, do not try to do several things at the same time, apart from the gadget and the computer. Focus on a specific case. Nothing is easier to be careful when you are interested in the subject. Walk to remember better - Engage yourself that you need to learn.

Play Association
For the development of memory and improve the ability to quickly and permanently remember any fact well trained associative thinking. If you link a fact or a situation with any other fact and remember the whole chain, then it will pop up in the memory faster. The main thing - to associations of relatives and friends to use your objects, things, facts. Someone in an association uses the memories of childhood. The method may be a well-remembered individual. Specially positive associations based on pleasant memories.

The agent for the brain
Nourish your brain can not only vitamins and a variety of products, but also a variety of drugs that are now offering medical companies. But it is worth to distinguish drugs that doctors prescribe prescription in case of serious memory disorders, and drugs that can accept all, without exception, to improve brain performance, concentration and faster reaction. These drugs, improving our efficiency refers Biotredin, which is based on amino acids - L- threonine. First, it performs the function of the classical drugs – russian nootropic - improves memory. Secondly, it improves brain function, mental performance, increases the rate of mental reactions. When receiving Biotredin people more concentrated, collected and "think fast". Thirdly, it is important for our memory - it is designed to remove emotional stress, is indispensable in times of stress, insomnia. The effect of his actions increased when co-administered with glycine. It is prescribed to both adults and children.

For best result take Biotredin and Glycine drugs together. Place tablet under tongue Glycine (3-4 times daily), 10-15 minutes after its dissolution - Biotredin tablet (2-3 times daily).

Biotredin - a good memory, clear mind, excellent reaction - the key to your success.


Biotredin L threonine Tablets

24 Jan 2017

How to behave in the exam, if you do not know anything

Students - a bright time in the life of every person. Friends, going to the movies, songs with a guitar, first love and the first serious disappointment. And, of course, the session! All students with horror expect this terrible punishment. And now winter is coming, and not just with her New Year's Eve, but also winter session, which looks menacing because of the Christmas holidays to all students without exception. And, as always, it is the usual scenario: the teacher - the beast threatened with expulsion, knowledge - zero vapor was about four times per semester, and on notebooks with lectures have long been sleeping cats from next door. And like it is time to get used to the standard annual story, but the fear is growing with every second closer phrase: "Pull a ticket!".

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Not all students know that there are some hard and fast rules that will help to successfully pass the exam or offset, keeping in mind a minimum of knowledge on the subject. It is their we consider:

1. Appearance. You should look neat and tidy: ironed clothes clean, pleasant smell from you - it's half the battle, if not, then certainly his third. Do not forget about the rules of etiquette: greeting, smile, benevolence and respect for the teacher to play you in good stead.

2. Correct and correct it. Forget about slang, where you hang out with classmates, today you - the embodiment of literacy, courtesy and intelligence! Swing can be any, the main thing is the right thing to do. Try to speak fluently, but not chattering. Teachers - the same people, are heard and how under hypnosis to miss much of delirium, of which you speak. Knowing anything on the subject and being able to speak beautifully, you can add a bunch of parts to two simple sentences and to receive a full response to the ticket.

3. Possess overall performance and terms. Many teachers - adequate uncle and aunt, who did not expect their students cramming. Some of this does not welcome. It is enough to understand the general topic matter and be able to take a punch. Logic and reasoning - your main weapon, never forget about them. Incidentally, this advice is not only for the session, but also in general for life.

4. Do not argue with the teachers. They do not like that. Anyway, most of them do not welcome the debate. And if the discussion is still opened, in the end agree with the examiner, losing his authority.

5. Psychology teacher. Learn to guess the mood of his interlocutor - and for this you learn in high school. Feel, listen, anticipate. But do not flattery. Teachers - the people intelligent and educated, and feel a sneak since the turnstile at the entrance in the educational building. Demonstrate their interest in the subject, ask counter-questions (but do not ask for you to answer the ticket), lead the dialogue, but show that worried and worried, as the responsible thing for you.

During preparation, write your answer on the card verbatim, to talk without stopping and stupid silence. Use the time allocated for training to the maximum, but do not meet the latest. While some teachers are respected " fast-talking" meeting without preparation, making them significant concessions. Again, see item ¹5.

7. If the preparation for the exam was only one day, then use it for other purposes. learn by rote does not make sense - do not have time, no matter how hard you try. It is better to read the material tickets and abstracts of the passages on the seminars, to understand, to talk about.

8. Of course, a huge amount remember one day information is difficult, but possible. To improve brain activity (especially in the crucial period), many experts recommend taking drugs that increase energy supply to neurons. The maximum effective and safe drugs to the body with the amino acid composition. For example, Biotredin containing the amino acid L-threonine, and pyridoxine, helps relieve nervous tension, improves short and long term memory, improves mental performance and has a general tonic effect, which is so important during the session.

Now you know all the secrets of the exams, so do not tremble like a leaf at the upcoming winter session. Be confident in your success, then the teacher will see that you are prepared.

It is best to take drugs together. Place tablet under tongue Glycine (3-4 times daily), 10-15 minutes after its dissolution - Biotredin tablet (2-3 times daily).

Biotredin - a good memory, clear mind, excellent reaction - the key to your success.


Biotredin Pyridoxine Tablets

24 Jan 2017

Hormones: how to make the senior high school?

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Educational programs in modern schools focused on in-depth study of subjects. Good or bad - hard to say. On the one hand, the purpose of these programs - comprehensive development of the child's personality, erudition and intellect. But, on the other hand, we must not forget that every child - a personality. Someone remembers the material from the first time, while others may take more time to get a good deal in logarithms and trigonometric equations. Unfortunately, modern education program in Russia does not consider these subtleties and does not imply the individual school education programs. It turns out that the child sit on the 6-8 lesson at school, coming home just sits down at the lessons, giving homework 4-5 hours. Plus, tutoring and English courses ... In sum, it would be about 13-14 hours of an active mental work five or six days a week - for such is not the child, not every adult is ready. This is one of the objective reasons why today falls achievement in schools.

What does it lead?

Lack of proper rest, walks, fresh air, sleep will inevitably cause fatigue, tiredness, absent-mindedness. Psychologically, the child does not perceive the school as a place of learning, education and investment in their future. School lessons and appear in his perception as something unpleasant, something to be avoided, and soon forget. From the fall of progress, lack of interest in school work, truancy, quarrels with parents and punishment for bad grades, which further aggravates the already sorry state of the child, causing complexes, shyness and self-doubt. Against the background of psychological problems often develop serious health deviation, for example, vascular dystonia, neuroses, jumps in blood pressure, which in a more adult can lead to strokes.

How to help?

First, properly organize the child mode, so that it is not overtired, but at the same time to the maximum. Student must have a rest and gain strength before the new school day - and it is the task of parents. Second, consult a doctor. Most experts in such cases, prescribe drugs that enhance neuronal energy supply. For example, Biotredin containing in its composition amino acid L-threonine, and pyridoxine, improves mental performance and mood, improves memory - both short and long term, relieves nervous tension. It is important that products with the amino acid composition gives a pronounced effect and maximum safety for the organism.

Proper organization of work and rest together with safe effective drugs - is the key to a good performance of your child and self-confidence.

Biotredin - clear mind, a good memory, excellent reaction - the key to your success.


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24 Jan 2017

Biotredin - clear mind, a good memory, excellent reaction - the key to your success.

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How to cope with excessive load at school

Educational programs in modern schools focused on in-depth study of subjects. Good or bad - hard to say. On the one hand, the purpose of these programs - comprehensive development of the child's personality, erudition and intellect. But, on the other hand, we must not forget that every child - a personality. Someone remembers the material from the first time, while others may take more time to get a good deal in logarithms and trigonometric equations. Unfortunately, modern education program in Russia does not consider these subtleties and does not imply the individual school education programs. It turns out that the child sit on the 6-8 lesson at school, coming home just sits down at the lessons, giving homework 4-5 hours. Plus, tutoring and English courses ... In sum, it would be about 13-14 hours of an active mental work five or six days a week - for such is not the child, not every adult is ready. This is one of the objective reasons why today falls achievement in schools. You can buy Biotredin.

To What does it lead?
Lack of proper rest, walks, fresh air, sleep will inevitably cause fatigue, tiredness, absent-mindedness. Psychologically, the child does not perceive the school as a place of learning, education and investment in their future. School lessons and appear in his perception as something unpleasant, something to be avoided, and soon forget. From the fall of progress, lack of interest in school work, truancy, quarrels with parents and punishment for bad grades, which further aggravates the already sorry state of the child, causing complexes, shyness and self-doubt. Against the background of psychological problems often develop serious health deviation, for example, vascular dystonia, neuroses, jumps in blood pressure, which in a more adult can lead to strokes.

How to help?
First, properly organize the child mode, so that it is not overtired, but at the same time to the maximum. Student must have a rest and gain strength before the new school day - and it is the task of parents. Second, consult a doctor. Most experts in such cases, prescribe drugs that enhance neuronal energy supply. For example, Biotredin containing in its composition amino acid L-threonine, and pyridoxine, improves mental performance and mood, improves memory - both short and long term, relieves nervous tension. It is important that products with the amino acid composition gives a pronounced effect and maximum safety for the organism.
Proper organization of work and rest together with safe effective drugs - is the key to a good performance of your child and self-confidence.

For Best Result Take Biotredin and Glycine.

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